#disaster management act 2005
bekolxeram · 8 days
Hi! I have a question. There's this theory going around that 802/803 could be based on the movie Airport 1975. I don't know if you've seen it, but basically something crashes into the cockpit of Boeing 747, which causes the crew to become incapacitated and there is no one on the plane who is knowledgeable enough to take the controls. So they send in a helicopter, which hovers above the plane, and a replacement pilot is extended on a tether from it to climb into the cockpit of the plane and take the controls.
I was curious if it could work in reality. I mean, the situation sounds pretty crazy and I don't know how rooted in reality it actually is, but what I'm interested about is whether a helicopter pilot could land a plane like that. Would they need to be acquainted with flying airplanes for it to work? I know you said that helicopter pilots have a head start if they want to learn how to fly planes because the basics are the same, so I was wondering if a helicopter pilot who has never flown a plane could potentially land it without hurting anyone? Are they knowledgeable enough to try? Sorry if the question is dumb or the answer obvious.
TW: aviation accident
Yes, I've indeed seen the movie, together with its predecessor Airport (1970), to better appreciate the greatest aviation film of them all: Airplane! (1980). Seriously, although it's a comedic parody of cheesy air disaster films, it somehow manages to be more accurate than all of them in terms of flying and aviation safety. Plus, all the jabs at how the Airport movies portray female characters are so satisfying. The first half of Airport 1975 is basically Workplace Sexual Misconduct: The Movie.
To answer your question, no, there has never been a case of non-airline pilot not a part of the flight crew successfully landing a jet airliner. There have been a few cases of student pilots landing a light aircraft when the instructor became incapacitated, but the only time it came even close to that on a jet airliner was Helios Flight 522 in 2005.
A ground engineer set the cabin pressurization system to manual for some testing and forgot to set it back to automatic. The flight crew never spotted it and slowly succumbed to the effect of hypoxia while cruising at 34,000 feet. A flight attendant entered the cockpit at the later stage of the flight with a portable oxygen supply reserved for crew members, the dropped down oxygen masks in the cabin, the lack of communication from the flight crew, the aimless holding pattern over the Athens airport and the fighter jets sent out by the Hellenic Air Force to investigate probably gave it away that something was terribly wrong with that flight. The flight attendant held a commercial pilot license, though not qualified to fly the 737. Tragically, the jet was already critically low on fuel, and the No. 1 engine flamed out as soon as he entered the cockpit. Investigators later concluded that he would not have been able to control the aircraft under such circumstances with his experience, as engine flameout would take many of the automated systems offline. He attempted to send out a mayday call and briefly waved at the fighter jets as a sign of acknowledgement. The fighter pilots then pointed at the direction of the airport, hoping to guide the plane towards safety. The flight attendant at the yoke simply replied by pointing down, signaling an immanent crash. As a last ditch effort, he banked the plane away from Athens towards a rural area, pulling the yoke back in an attempt to soften the impact. Shortly after, the 737 crashed into a hill just outside of Athens. There were no survivors.
If someone with a commercial pilot license in the airplane category couldn't do it, a helicopter pilot with limited to no experience on any plane wouldn't be able to either. They might have a better idea than the average layman about how to keep the plane in the air, but when it comes to configuring the jet for landing, they would have to be instructed by an actual airliner pilot through it like the rest of us. Just look at the differences between the cockpit of a Cessna 172 and one of a B777:
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Cessna 172
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AS350, aka Tommy's helicopter in 7x03
They don't look that different, yeah? I'd say Tommy would recognize most of the instruments on the Cessna even without any experience on it. Now let's look at the B777:
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So many screens, so many buttons in front, on the side, even on top. Most modern airliners also operate on a fly-by-wire system, meaning the pilots' inputs go through a flight computer and it calculates the optimal for the actuators to respond. If you don't have at least some basic knowledge of how the flight control systems on a certain model of airliner work, you risk misdiagnosing any issue encountered, even crashing the plane even though the problems are minor and solvable by letting the computers take over. (Air France Flight 447, I'll spare you the details, it's still too scary for me.)
That's why in Airport 1975, it's the US Air Force responding to the 747 in danger with one of its helicopters, and the one tethering into the cockpit at first isn't a helicopter pilot, he used to fly the "707 tanker" (KC-135 I presume). When he falls to his death, the film makes it a major plot point that the only person on board the helicopter by then is Nancy's boyfriend, chief flight instructor of the airline.
This scene is actually one of the more realistic scenes in the film, at least physically. It was the 1970s and CGI technology was lacking, so the scene was filmed with an actual USAF helicopter flying in front of a 747. If you believe this person who claimed to be the crew chief working on that exact helicopter, the stunt man got as near as 3 feet away from the fuselage of the jet.
Military helicopters fly close to big airplanes all the time, air tankers are basically flying gas stations, but helicopters usual fly behind air tankers. You see, as I mentioned before, wings of airplanes deflect incoming air stream downward to generate lift, so the bigger the plane, the more air needed, meaning heavier planes have faster stall speed. Helicopters on the other hand, can go straight up and down without moving horizontally, and they're designed for maneuverability, not speed, so even the best performing military helicopter has its maximum speed dangerously close to the stall speed of a 747. In order to make a midair pilot transfer like that possible, the helicopter would have to fly as fast as possible while the jet limping close to stall speed, the helicopter pilots would also have to fly in formation with the jet on autopilot, without any coordination.
So if our weewoo show really decides to recreate this famous stunt, not even trying to explain why the USAF/USCG are not available like in S7, leaving the LAFD to its own device, Tommy would realistically not be hoisting into the crippled jet. He would be flying the helicopter. Honestly it's a much tougher job than dropping into the plane and landing it, Tommy's expertise is needed in the helicopter. Like the first replacement pilot, he falls, so he dies. But if the helicopter makes a wrong move and crashes into the jet, everyone dies.
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mariacallous · 2 months
As delegates arrived at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee earlier this week to officially nominate former president Donald Trump as their 2024 candidate, a right-wing policy think tank held an all-day event nearby. The Heritage Foundation, a key sponsor of the convention and a group that has been influencing Republican presidential policy since the 1980s, gathered its supporters to tout Project 2025, a 900-plus-page policy blueprint that seeks to fundamentally restructure the federal government.
Dozens of conservative groups contributed to Project 2025, which recommends changes that would touch every aspect of American life and transform federal agencies—from the Department of Defense to the Department of Interior to the Federal Reserve. Although it has largely garnered attention for its proposed crackdowns on human rights and individual liberties, the blueprint would also undermine the country’s extensive network of environmental and climate policies and alter the future of American fossil fuel production, climate action, and environmental justice.
Under President Joe Biden’s direction, the majority of the federal government’s vast system of departments, agencies, and commissions have belatedly undertaken the arduous task of incorporating climate change into their operations and procedures. Two summers ago, Biden also signed the Inflation Reduction Act, the biggest climate spending law in US history, with the potential to help drive greenhouse gas emissions down 42 percent below 2005 levels.
Project 2025 seeks to undo much of that progress by slashing funding for government programs across the board, weakening federal oversight and policymaking capabilities, rolling back legislation passed during Biden’s first term, and eliminating career personnel. The policy changes it suggests—which include executive orders that Trump could implement single-handedly, regulatory changes by federal agencies, and legislation that would require congressional approval—would make it extremely difficult for the United States to fulfill the climate goals it has committed to under the 2015 Paris Agreement.
“It’s real bad,” said David Willett, senior vice president of communications for the environmental advocacy group the League of Conservation Voters. “This is a real plan, by people who have been in the government, for how to systematically take over, take away rights and freedoms, and dismantle the government in service of private industry.”
Trump has sought to distance himself from the blueprint. “Some of the things they’re saying are absolutely ridiculous and abysmal,” he wrote in a social media post last week.
However, at least 140 people who worked in the Trump administration contributed to Project 2025, and policy experts and environmental advocates fear Project 2025 will play an influential role in shaping GOP policy if Trump is reelected in November. Some of the blueprint’s recommendations are echoed in the Republican National Convention’s official party platform, and Heritage Foundation president Kevin Roberts says he is “good friends” with Trump’s new running mate, Senator J. D. Vance of Ohio. Previous Heritage Foundation road maps have successfully dictated presidential agendas; 64 percent of the policy recommendations the foundation put out in 2016 had been implemented or considered under Trump one year into his term. The Heritage Foundation declined to provide a comment for this story.
Broadly speaking, Project 2025 proposals aim to scale down the federal government and empower states. The document calls for “unleashing all of America’s energy resources” by eliminating federal restrictions on fossil fuel drilling on public lands, curtailing federal investments in renewable energy technologies, and easing environmental permitting restrictions and procedures for new fossil fuel projects such as power plants. “What’s been designed here is a project that ensures a fossil fuel agenda, both in the literal and figurative sense,” said Craig Segall, the vice president of the climate-oriented political advocacy group Evergreen Action.
Within the Department of Energy, offices dedicated to clean energy research and implementation would be eliminated, and energy efficiency guidelines and requirements for household appliances would be scrapped. The environmental oversight capacities of the Department of the Interior and the Environmental Protection Agency would be curbed significantly or eliminated altogether, preventing these agencies from tracking methane emissions, managing environmental pollutants and chemicals, or conducting climate change research.
In addition to these major overhauls, Project 2025 advocates for getting rid of smaller and lesser-known federal programs and statutes that safeguard public health and environmental justice. It recommends eliminating the Endangerment Finding—the legal mechanism that requires the EPA to curb emissions and air pollutants from vehicles and power plants, among other industries, under the Clean Air Act. It also recommends axing government efforts to assess the social cost of carbon, or the damage each additional ton of carbon emitted causes. And it seeks to prevent agencies from assessing the “co-benefits,” or the knock-on positive health impacts, of their policies, such as better air quality.
“When you think about who is going to be hit the hardest by pollution—whether it’s conventional air, water, and soil pollution or climate change—it is very often low-income communities and communities of color,” said Rachel Cleetus, policy director of the climate and energy program at the Union of Concerned Scientists, a nonprofit science advocacy organization. “The undercutting of these kinds of protections is going to have a disproportionate impact on these very same communities.”
Other proposals would wreak havoc on the nation’s ability to prepare for and respond to climate disasters. Project 2025 suggests eliminating the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the National Weather Service housed therein and replacing those organizations with private companies. The blueprint appears to leave the National Hurricane Center intact, saying the data it collects should be “presented neutrally, without adjustments intended to support any one side in the climate debate.” But the National Hurricane Center pulls much of its data from the National Weather Service, as do most other private weather service companies, and eliminating public weather data could devastate Americans’ access to accurate weather forecasts. “It’s preposterous,” said Rob Moore, a policy analyst for the Natural Resources Defense Council’s Action Fund. “There’s no problem that’s getting addressed with this solution, this is a solution in search of some problem.”
The document also advocates moving the Federal Emergency Management Administration, which marshals federal disaster response, out from under the umbrella of the Department of Homeland Security, where it has been housed for more than 20 years, and into the Department of the Interior or the Department of Transportation. “All of the agencies within the Department of Interior are federal land management agencies that own lots of land and manage those resources on behalf of the federal government,” Moore said. “Why would you put FEMA there? I can’t even fathom why that is a starting point.”
The blueprint recommends eliminating the National Flood Insurance Program and moving flood insurance to private insurers. That notion skates right over the fact that the federal program was initially established because private insurers found that it was economically unfeasible to insure the nation’s flood-prone homes—long before climate change began wreaking havoc on the insurance market.
Despite the alarming implications of most of Project 2025’s climate-related proposals, it also recommends a small number of policies that climate experts said are worth considering. Its authors call for shifting the costs of natural disasters from the federal government to states. That’s not a bad conversation to have, Moore pointed out. “I think there’s people within FEMA who feel the same way,” he said. The federal government currently shoulders at least 75 percent of the costs of national disaster recovery, paving the way for development and rebuilding in risky areas. “You are disincentivizing states and local governments from making wise decisions about where and how to build because they know the federal government is going to pick up the tab for whatever mistake they make,” Moore said.
Quillan Robinson, a senior adviser with ConservAmerica who has worked with Republicans in Washington, DC, on crafting emissions policies, was heartened by the authors’ call for an end to what they termed “unfair bias against the nuclear industry.” Nuclear energy is a reliable source of carbon-free energy, but it has been plagued by security and public health concerns, as well as staunch opposition from some environmental activists. “We know it’s a crucial technology for decarbonization,” Robinson said, noting that there’s growing bipartisan interest in the energy source among lawmakers in Congress.
An analysis conducted by the United Kingdom–based Carbon Brief found that a Trump presidency would lead to 400 billion metric tons of additional emissions in the US by 2030—the emissions output of the European Union and Japan combined.
Above all else, Segall, from Evergreen Action, is worried about the effect Project 2025 would have on the personnel who make up the federal government. Much of the way the administrative state works is safeguarded in the minds of career staff who pass their knowledge on to the next cadre of federal workers. When this institutional knowledge is curbed, as it was by budget cuts and hostile management during Trump’s first term, the government loses crucial information that helps it run. The personnel “scatter,” he said, disrupts bottom-line operations and grinds the government to a halt.
Although Project 2025’s proposals are radical, Segall said that its effect on public servants would echo a pattern that has been playing out for decades. “This is a common theme in Republican administrations dating back to presidents Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan,” he said. “What you do is you break the government, make it very hard for the government to function, and then you loudly announce that the government can’t do anything.”
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notwiselybuttoowell · 7 months
Two PNW tribal nations sue oil companies over costs of climate change
Major oil companies for decades deliberately sought to downplay and discredit scientific warnings about the central role of fossil fuels in causing climate change, alleges two lawsuits filed this week by the Makah and Shoalwater Bay tribes.
The lawsuits filed in King County Superior Court name ExxonMobil, BP, Shell, Chevron, ConocoPhillips and Phillips 66 as defendants, and seek compensation for the millions of dollars already spent, and likely to be spent in the future, for the tribes to respond to climate-induced disasters such as extreme heat, drought, wildfire, shoreline erosion, sea level rise and flooding.
The lawsuits allege the companies have known fossil fuels would cause catastrophic climate change since at least 1959, but continued marketing massive quantities of oil and gas. They allege the oil companies tried to mislead the public by funding op-eds and advertisements in Seattle and national newspapers that claimed the science of climate change was uncertain or lacking evidence.
The complaints outline the companies’ research and misleading marketing around their products’ role in causing climate change and the sea level rise, extreme weather, public health harms and other climate effects on the tribes and their lands.
With both the Makah and Shoalwater Bay reservations on the Pacific Ocean, they are particularly vulnerable to sea level rise, the lawsuits state. Both tribes have already incurred the costs of moving their citizens to higher ground, and ocean acidification “at an alarming rate” from burning fossil fuels has endangered the tribes’ coastal ecosystems and economy, according to the lawsuits.
“We are seeing the effects of the climate crisis on our people, our land, and our resources. The costs and consequences to us are overwhelming,” said Makah Tribal Council Chair Timothy J. Greene, Sr. in a statement. “We intend to hold these companies accountable for hiding the truth about climate change and the effects of burning fossil fuels. And we aim to force them to help pay for the high costs of surviving the catastrophe caused by the climate crisis.”
The lawsuits also cite a report by the Climate Impacts Group at the University of Washington that suggests with global warming of at least 1.5 degrees Celsius by 2050, Washington is projected to experience a 67% increase in the number of days per year above 90 degrees, relative to 1976-2005, leading to an increased risk of heat-related illness and death, warmer streams and more frequent algal blooms. 
The report also found warming would fuel a decrease of 38% in snowpack, relative to 1970-99, leading to reduced water storage, irrigation shortages, and winter and summer recreation losses, as well as increases in winter streamflow, decreases in summer streamflow, leading to reduced summer hydropower, conflicts over water resources and negative effects on salmon. 
“These oil companies knew their products were dangerous, yet they did nothing to mitigate those dangers or warn any of us about them, for decades,” said Shoalwater Bay Chair Charlene Nelson in a written statement. “Now we are facing hundreds of millions of dollars in costs to relocate our community to higher ground and protect our people, our property, and our heritage. These companies need to be held accountable for that.”
The tribes bring their claims under Washington’s Products Liability Act for failure to warn, misrepresentation and intentional concealment. The complaints request jury trials, and ask the court to order the companies to create a fund to be managed by the tribes to remediate and adapt reservation lands, natural resources and infrastructure to climate change.
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As a new member of the Toten BBF fanclub I present you some of my own scenarios:
1. The two going on a pranking spree. Their main target is Hawks cause they see him as both a ShigaDabi threat and they can tell he's sus as hell. Dabi approves for the latter and Spinner approves for the former.
2. Marathon movie night. Toga being scandalized when she learns Geten never watched any Disney/Pixar classics or just pre-quirk classics in general. She makes him watch all of then (princesses, Fox & the Hound, Great Mouse Detective, Robin Hood, Aristocats, Toy Story, Wall E, Monsters Inc, Lilo & Stitch, all of them). Afterwards, they experience Barbieheimer (in costume of course). Barely holding back tears with Everything Everywhere All at Once. Falling in love with period dramas, specifically Jane Austen stories (2005 Pride & Prejudice, my beloved). Watching ALL the shitty Netflix romcoms, not because they like them but because they're so bad that it's become a type of anger outlet for them (Twilight, Kissing Booth, 365 Days, 50 Shades of Grey, etc). Dabi once made a comment about how Dead Poets Society sounded boring and it got UGLY.
3. If Curious somehow survived, Geten furiously defending Toga from his bitch of a coworker. Out of all the MLA, Curious is the worst when it comes to dehumanizing the LOV and no way would the persistent journalist stop when they become the PLF. She's borderline harassing all the LOV, but especially Toga. When Geten starts warming up to Toga, he breaks into Curious' things and destroys her incredibly insulting article on Toga. He starts physically getting between the two and acting like Toga's shield. If Curious manages to reach Toga when he's not around, all Toga has to do is send a quick message and Curious barely avoids an ice shard to the head. This along with Geten’s constant glares and both Shigaraki & ReDestro ordering her finally gets Curious to back off.
4. Geten and Toga having sleepovers with late night conversations. Geten confessing his insecurities regarding his own personal identity outside the PLF (now that he's finally had chance to develop). Toga confiding in him all about her different crushes. Sharing their respective pastsand comforting each other. Just two besties being super soft with each other.
5. Baking together. I hc that out of all the LOV the best cook, Dabi is best cook. The rest are all disasters in the kitchen or never had the proper chance to learn. If you're sick of convenience store food and want something nice and homemade, you got to Dabi (he's too soft to say no). The domesticity of it and it baing made by Dabi make his cooking on very high demand (to the point the LOV ignore the professionally made 5 star meals). Geten hears about this and doesn't believe it. He is absolutely shocked at how delicious Dabi's cooking actually is (I'm talking like Shirou Emiya/Chef Bakugou levels) and being Geten, vows to surpass him. Surprise, surprise, Geten is part of the "disaster in the kitchen" group. But he turns out to be a pretty good baker/pastry chef, something Dabi never got the hang of. Capitalizing on this, Geten gets very good at making sweets that are both delicious and are super detailed/very artsy. He gets especially fond if making ultrarealistic cakes cause it's fun to surprise people with them. Toga wastes no time in joining him on his pastry quest and becomes his right hand man. Turns out Toga is very good with making details and with coming up with new patterns. Geten himself prefers bitter sweets but he doesn't mind sweeter flavors cause Toga and most of the PLF prefer them. Also they have pranked the others with the ultrarealistic cakes by taking objects and replacing them with cake. Also Geten helping Toga make Izuku & Ochako Valentines chocolates. The heroes in question are disturbed at how said chocolates came into their possessions but delighted at the taste (they were scolded by Eraserheard for not checking for poison or smth)
Bestie toten is already the ship name of Tenko x Touya, so we need to find a better name for the Toga and Geten friendship!!!
1) I think Geten would absolutely hate Hawks 'cause he'd see him as a threat to ReDestro too. Also Geten doesn't trust in Dabi having friends so wjdjdnjdjd Toga's in for the funsies
2) They are wasting ReDestro money again on streaming services but it's okay! ReDestro thinks it is wonderful they are getting along!! Twice's constantly joining the marathons and soon some of those nights become the PLF official movie nights (not all of them, not that often, just occasional). Geten is fascinated.
3) Curious is 100% because Toga make sure of that herself, so 😏😏 peace of mind.
4) Imagine how tragic this would be if those nights started soon before the big war event. Sorry sorry, I love the angst but-- Geten and Toga sharing those fears in a moment of pure weakness and then regretting it 'cause they are friends, but well... it's hard to fight back years of trauma.
5) I think Geten and Dabi would easily easily destroy one or two kitchens in weird cooking competitions. Easily. Also Toga is a master of the knife (to no one surprise) and Compress decides to act like the host of the event just for the jokes. PLF pure chaos!!!!!
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indiaandforeignaid · 14 days
India’s Disaster Management Tech support for Resilient Communities in Asia
Imagine this: A cyclone is brewing in the Indian Ocean. You receive an alert on your phone, warning you of the impending storm. You quickly check a real-time map, showing the cyclone's path, and you see your area is in its direct line of impact. But instead of panic, you feel a sense of preparedness. You know that your community is equipped with the technology and knowledge to face the storm head-on. This isn’t just a hypothetical scenario, it’s a reality that India is working on, not just within its borders but across Asia.
Did you know? India’s vulnerability to natural disasters has driven it to become a leader in disaster management technology. Satellite imagery, real-time data analytics, and early warning systems are at the core of India's strategy to mitigate disaster impacts. The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) plays a crucial role, providing satellite data that helps monitor and predict disasters with remarkable accuracy.
Apart from that, with the help of the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA), India has developed a comprehensive disaster risk management framework that guides national policies and serves as a model for other countries. This framework is not just about high-tech solutions; it’s about practical, community-based approaches that ensure everyone, from urban dwellers to remote villagers, can access the resources they need to stay safe.
While taking collaboration into account India understands that disasters don’t respect borders. That’s why it has taken significant steps to assist its neighbors in strengthening their disaster management capabilities. Through the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) Disaster Management Centre, based in India, resources, technology, and expertise are shared across the region. This has been a game-changer for countries like Nepal, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka, which now have improved disaster preparedness and response strategies with the help of existing mechanisms that India uses for disaster management strategies. In fact some Indian experts have worked with the Bangladesh Meteorological Department to enhance its cyclone prediction capabilities. The result? A significant reduction in the impact of deadly storms on Bangladeshi communities. 
India’s Disaster Management Act of 2005 laid the foundation for its robust disaster management framework. This act led to the creation of the NDMA and mandated the development of disaster management plans at national, state, and local levels. It's not just a law or a policy, it's the backbone of India’s coordinated response to disasters. But it doesn’t stop there. The National Policy on Disaster Management, introduced in 2009, emphasizes building resilience through technology, infrastructure development, and community-based approaches. This policy has not only guided India’s disaster management strategy but also served as a reference point for other countries looking to strengthen their frameworks.
As of the recent years, India has been an active participant in the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (2015-2030). India’s contributions, especially in early warning systems and disaster risk assessment, have been instrumental in shaping global disaster management strategies.
Take another situation into account, A community where every person knows what to do when disaster strikes. This is something India has been working towards. By providing early warnings, real-time data, and predictive analytics, India has helped save countless lives in countries like Nepal and Sri Lanka. But the benefits go beyond immediate disaster response. India’s use of Geographic Information System (GIS)-based tools for risk assessment and planning has been shared with neighboring countries. These tools help communities identify vulnerabilities and take proactive measures to mitigate risks. It’s about empowering people to take charge of their own safety.
In my opinion, India’s contributions to disaster management in Asia are a powerful testament to the country’s commitment to regional stability and human security. The use of advanced technology in disaster management is not just about responding to crises; it’s about preventing them from becoming catastrophic in the first place. India’s willingness to share its technology and expertise with neighboring countries is a reflection of its belief in the importance of regional cooperation. In recent years, climate change continues to increase the frequency and intensity of natural disasters, the need for more advanced technology and stronger international collaboration will only grow. India must continue to innovate and lead by example.
The road to disaster management in Asia is challenging, but with initiatives and collaborations  there’s reason for optimism. By continuing to invest in cutting-edge technologies, enhancing regional cooperation, and building resilient communities, India is laying the groundwork for a safer and more secure Asia. This isn’t a journey India can undertake alone. It requires the collective effort of all nations in the region, working together to share resources, knowledge, and expertise. As we look to the future, it’s clear that India’s disaster management technology and collaborative spirit will play a crucial role in shaping a resilient Asia, capable of withstanding the challenges of the 21st century.
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militarymarvels2 · 2 months
How many commands are there In Indian army?
How many commands are there In Indian army? Understanding the Commands of the Indian Army
The Indian Army is one of the world's largest and most well-structured military forces, tasked with maintaining national security and defending the country's borders. With a rich history and a complex organizational structure, the Indian Army is divided into several commands, each with its own specific responsibilities and operational areas. This blog will delve into the various commands of the Indian Army, providing an informative overview while seamlessly integrating products from Military Marvels, a premier store for military-themed merchandise.
Overview of Indian Army Commands
The Indian Army is divided into seven commands, each led by a General Officer Commanding-in-Chief (GOC-in-C), who holds the rank of Lieutenant General. These commands are:
Northern Command (Udhampur)
Western Command (Chandimandir)
South Western Command (Jaipur)
Eastern Command (Kolkata)
Central Command (Lucknow)
Southern Command (Pune)
Army Training Command (Shimla)
Each command oversees multiple corps, divisions, brigades, and units, ensuring comprehensive coverage of the Indian subcontinent's diverse geographical and strategic requirements. ( Buy Military Themed merchandise online )
Northern Command
Headquarters: Udhampur, Jammu and Kashmir
The Northern Command is arguably the most strategically critical command due to its proximity to the volatile borders with Pakistan and China. It oversees operations in Jammu and Kashmir and is responsible for counter-insurgency and counter-terrorism operations in the region. The command includes the XIV Corps (Leh), XV Corps (Srinagar), and XVI Corps (Nagrota), among others.
Key Responsibilities:
Guarding the Line of Control (LoC) with Pakistan
Defending the Siachen Glacier, the highest battlefield in the world
Managing the counter-insurgency operations in Jammu and Kashmir
Responding to any incursions or conflicts with China in the Ladakh region
Western Command
Headquarters: Chandimandir, Haryana
The Western Command is responsible for the defense of India's western border with Pakistan, stretching from Jammu and Kashmir to Rajasthan. This command has a significant role due to the historical conflicts and ongoing tensions with Pakistan.
Key Responsibilities:
Securing the international border and the LoC in the Punjab and Jammu regions
Ensuring readiness for any conflict with Pakistan
Conducting training and logistical support for the forces stationed in the region
South Western Command
Headquarters: Jaipur, Rajasthan
Established in 2005, the South Western Command was created to enhance the operational efficiency of the Indian Army in the western desert regions and provide better strategic management of resources.
Key Responsibilities:
Defending the desert areas of Rajasthan and parts of Gujarat
Ensuring rapid mobilization and deployment of troops in case of an emergency
Conducting training exercises in desert warfare
Eastern Command
Headquarters: Kolkata, West Bengal
The Eastern Command is tasked with guarding India's eastern frontiers with China, Bhutan, and Myanmar. This command also oversees operations in the sensitive and insurgency-prone northeastern states.
Key Responsibilities:
Defending the Line of Actual Control (LAC) with China in the Arunachal Pradesh and Sikkim regions
Counter-insurgency operations in the northeastern states
Securing the borders with Myanmar and managing the strategic Siliguri Corridor, also known as the "Chicken's Neck"
Central Command
Headquarters: Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
The Central Command primarily acts as a strategic reserve for the Indian Army. It is tasked with providing reinforcements and support to other commands as needed. The command also focuses on disaster management and relief operations.
Key Responsibilities:
Acting as a strategic reserve and providing reinforcements
Disaster management and humanitarian assistance
Ensuring internal security in its area of responsibility ( Buy air force jackets, T-shirts and shorts )
Southern Command
Headquarters: Pune, Maharashtra
The Southern Command is responsible for the southern part of India, covering a vast area including Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, and Kerala. This command has a significant role in coastal defense and logistics.
Key Responsibilities:
Coastal defense and security of peninsular India
Ensuring logistical support and supply chains
Conducting amphibious operations and joint exercises with the Indian Navy
Army Training Command (ARTRAC)
Headquarters: Shimla, Himachal Pradesh
The Army Training Command is unique as it focuses on the training, doctrine, and development of the Indian Army. This command ensures that the troops are well-trained and equipped with the latest tactics and technologies.
Key Responsibilities:
Developing training doctrines and methodologies
Overseeing training institutions and programs
Ensuring the professional development of officers and soldiers
Importance of Command Structure
The command structure of the Indian Army is designed to ensure operational readiness and strategic flexibility. Each command plays a vital role in safeguarding the nation's territorial integrity and responding to both conventional and unconventional threats. The geographical distribution of commands allows for a focused approach to regional security concerns, enhancing the overall effectiveness of the Indian Army.
Coordination and Joint Operations
The Indian Army's command structure also facilitates coordination with other branches of the armed forces, including the Indian Navy and Indian Air Force. Joint operations and exercises are regularly conducted to ensure interoperability and synergy among the different services. This coordination is crucial for the effective defense of the nation, especially in scenarios requiring rapid mobilization and multi-dimensional warfare.
The Role of Each Command
Each command plays a crucial role in maintaining India's security and operational readiness. The Northern and Western Commands are on constant alert due to the sensitive nature of the borders they oversee. The Eastern Command handles not only border security but also internal security issues in the northeastern states. The Southern and South Western Commands ensure coastal and desert region security, respectively. The Central Command acts as a strategic reserve, and ARTRAC ensures the continuous professional development of army personnel.
What are Military Marvels?
Military Marvels is an online store that offers a variety of military-themed merchandise. Their product range includes clothing such as T-shirts, jackets, joggers, and shorts, as well as accessories like hats, caps, watches, and bracelets. Additionally, they provide collectibles such as military patches, keychains, and coins. The store caters to enthusiasts of the Indian Army, Navy, and Air Force, offering high-quality products that celebrate and honor the legacy of the armed forces.
Highlighting Military Marvels Products
At Military Marvels, we offer a wide range of products inspired by the Indian Army and its various commands. Here are a few more highlights:
Army - Themed Apparel: Our collection of army T-shirts and indian air force jackets feature designs inspired by different commands and regiments. These are perfect for showcasing your support for the Indian Army in style.
Accessories: From bracelets to hairbands to pins, our accessories add a touch of military flair to your everyday attire.
Collectibles: Our range of military keychains, and earrings are perfect for collectors and enthusiasts who want to own a piece of military history.
Additional Product Highlights
Air Force Collection:
Military marvels Patches: Inspired by the Indian Air Force and military, these Patches are a stylish addition to your jacket and a  nod to the elite pilots who safeguard our skies. Shop Now.
Navy Collection:
TrackPants and shorts: Perfect for outdoor activities, these pants are themed after the gear worn by our naval forces. They are durable, comfortable, and versatile. Shop Now.
Home  Decor:
Bar mat and Glasses: Featuring various Indian Army commands and regiments, these art pieces are a great way to bring a sense of patriotism into your home. Shop Now.
Luggage Tags:
Luggage Tags: Create a unique piece of jewelry with your own text, inspired by the dog tags worn by soldiers. Shop Now.
Tactical Gear:
Military Backpacks: army backpack Built for durability and capacity, these backpacks are ideal for both everyday use and outdoor adventures. Shop Now.
The Importance of Military-Themed Merchandise
Military-themed merchandise serves as a means of expressing support and admiration for the armed forces. It allows civilians to connect with the military, understand their sacrifices, and contribute to a sense of national pride. At Military Marvels, we strive to provide high-quality products that honor the legacy of the Indian Army and its commands.
The Indian Army's command structure is a testament to its strategic and operational capabilities, ensuring the nation's security and readiness at all times. By understanding the roles and responsibilities of each command, we can appreciate the dedication and hard work of our soldiers. Simultaneously, Military Marvels offers an array of products that allow individuals to show their support and pride for the Indian Army. Whether you're looking for apparel, accessories, or collectibles, our store has something for everyone who respects and admires the bravery of our armed forces.
For more details on our products, visit Military Marvels and find the perfect item to showcase your support for the Indian Army.
1. What are the different commands in the Indian Army?
The Indian Army is divided into seven commands: Northern, Western, Southern, Eastern, Central, South Western, and the Army Training Command (ARTRAC). Each command has specific responsibilities and operational areas.
2. What roles do the Indian Army commands play?
Northern Command: Oversees the northern borders, including the Line of Control and the Siachen Glacier.
Western Command: Manages the western border with Pakistan.
Southern Command: Covers the southern part of India and coordinates with the Navy.
Eastern Command: Secures India's eastern borders and handles counterinsurgency in the northeast.
Central Command: Acts as a strategic reserve.
South Western Command: Manages the southwestern border with Pakistan.
ARTRAC: Responsible for training and education of army personnel.
3. How can I show support for the Indian Army through Military Marvels?
Military Marvels offers a range of products inspired by different Indian Army commands, including apparel, accessories, and collectibles. Each product is designed to honor and celebrate the legacy of the Indian Army.
4. What types of products does Military Marvels offer?
Apparel: T-shirts, jackets,Shorts, tracks, Raincoat.
Accessories: bracelets, pins etc
Collectibles: Patches, keychains, Backpack
Specialty Items: Hairbands, Bar Products, Car mini, Tags etc. 
5. Where can I purchase Military Marvels products?
You can browse and purchase products from the Military Marvels website: Military Marvels.
6. Are Military Marvels products suitable for outdoor activities?
Yes, many of the products, such as combat pants and tactical gear, are designed for durability and functionality, making them suitable for outdoor activities and adventures.
8. Do Military Marvels products make good gifts?
Absolutely! With a variety of items ranging from stylish apparel to unique collectibles, Military Marvels products are perfect for gifting to military enthusiasts and patriots.
9. Is there a return policy for Military Marvels products?
For details on returns and exchanges, please visit the Returns Policy page on the Military Marvels website.
10. How does Military Marvels ensure the quality of their products?
Military Marvels is committed to providing high-quality merchandise. Each product is carefully crafted and undergoes strict quality checks to ensure customer satisfaction.
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bhaskarlive · 2 months
Govt to introduce bill to amend Disaster Management Act in LS today
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Union Home Minister Amit Shah will introduce a bill to amend the Disaster Management Act, 2005, in the Lok Sabha on Thursday.
Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman will move a statutory resolution to amend the First Schedule of the Customs Tariff Act.
Source: bhaskarlive.in
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kspp · 6 months
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Resilience: Getting the Discourse Right!
Amidst uncertainties surrounding the Indian economic growth and the ongoing pandemic wreaking havoc across the country, the climate question hangs in the balance. On the one hand, the Indian government’s support for the coal sector cast doubt on its commitments to mitigate the global climate crisis. On the other hand, the potential for climate adaptation through national programs like AMRUT, PMAY, Smart Cities Scheme, and SBM-U is inadequate due to these programs’ limited attention to resilience building or risk reduction. On 23 September 2019, the need for climate adaptation was brought (back) into focus by the announcement of a global Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure (CDRI) by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The CDRI is a multi-stakeholder international partnership to build resilience into infrastructure systems to ensure sustainable development.
The use of the term ‘resilience’ in India’s adaptation efforts, as across the globe, raises important questions about the discourses underlying its use and their eventual manifestation in practice—to avert, prepare, and recover from climate-linked crises. Compared to sustainability that urges continual preparation for an ever-distant future, resilience offers a more hopeful and optimistic outlook for coping in the face of adversity. Notwithstanding this optimism, the translation of resilience in practice encounters accusations of glossing over critical social aspects of equity, justice, and participatory democracy. In the first instance, the contention lies in the concept’s propensity for multiple interpretations. From an engineering perspective, resilience describes a physical materials’ (iron or plastic) property to revert to its original form or structure after being deformed by external forces. A more dynamic interpretation, departing from the former equilibrist view, appears in the context of natural and environmental sciences. Rather than seeking equilibrium, resilience preserves system functionality by reconstituting its structure in response to internal or external disturbances. For example, a water body that responds to high nutrient content by undergoing eutrophication can, within specific limits, revert to its original healthy state once the pollutant content decreases. Notably, in both these interpretations—both equilibrist and dynamic, resilience is mainly construed as a property of physical or natural systems, not social.
The third interpretation of resilience arises from its deployment to describe social systems’ capacity for self-organization in the face of crises. In contrast to the former two, this reading of resilience was a deliberate attempt to expand its disciplinary reach and, rather normatively, explain how societies react to disturbances. Insofar as this expansion sought to conceive social systems as inherently resilient and capable of bouncing back from internal and external crises with or without reconstituting their structure, it precluded attention to the source of these crises and whether the pre-crisis state was desirable at all, and if so, for whom? As such, the mobilization of a concept emerging from hard sciences to explain social concepts and constructs carries obvious blind spots.
Subjecting social systems’ capacity to normative conceptions of adaptation to withstand various crises reveals intractable incompatibilities between the concept of resilience and the contemporary social sciences. Yet, the concept has and continues to garner traction, as mentioned above. Insofar as resilience is mobilized as a foundational concept to construct visions of a future beset by climate-linked disasters, it has manifested in three primary forms. First, emergency management and disaster preparedness plans emphasize risk reduction and institutional preparedness like the National Disaster Management Act 2005 and the National Disaster Management Policy 2009 and 2016. Second, roadmaps for post-disaster recovery and revitalization. Given the lackadaisical approach to post-disaster recovery and revitalization in India, examples of comprehensive disaster-specific recovery plans are few and far between. An essential aspect of recovery is addressed by the National Disaster Relief Fund (NDRF), constituted under the NDMA, 2005, ‘to meet the expenses for emergency response, relief, and rehabilitation.’ Third, climate adaptation plans to emphasize ‘developing systems and structures in the present to forestall the challenges of a potentially catastrophic future.’
Each type of plan mentioned above draws on a different understanding of resilience, resulting in the differential conceptualization of the disaster, the communities or regions vulnerable to it, and the subsequent post-disaster recovery and resource allocations that must follow. Take, for instance, the emergency management and disaster preparedness plans. Inasmuch as these plans underscore a proactive approach to averting or minimizing the impact of climate-linked emergencies, their primary focus remains on reducing recovery times and instituting standardized response protocols, often at the expense of improving mitigation and preparedness. An inherent issue with a top-down recognition of a disaster is the persistent exclusion of the vulnerable community’s perspectives. In the Indian context, this raises questions like: does persistent malnutrition and hunger among the country’s poor count as a disaster, or does it only get registered when a severe drought hits? A nonparticipatory view of what counts as a crisis and when and where an emergency occurs consistently shuts out communities with the feeblest voice. Also, the inability to differentiate between different types of disasters—slow-acting like food impoverishment of large swathes of the population versus sudden shocks like floods and wildfires—results in emergency management and preparedness plans that emphasize the latter at the expense of the former.
Whether and how a disaster is characterized has deeper repercussions for post-disaster recovery and revitalization interventions. The policies and plans set into motion by post-disaster roadmaps, whether addressing sudden shocks or slow burns, carry normative implications for recovery and reconstruction. For physical systems, like energy infrastructures, these strategies emphasize increasing investments to harden transmission lines and expand distribution network redundancies. For social structures, these same strategies, quite rightly, entail reducing poverty and eliminating social vulnerabilities. But one need look no further than the aftermath of the migrant crisis and the official reactions (or lack thereof) to the unfolding humanitarian disaster. Incisive questions asked by Lawrence Vale, Director of MIT’s Resilient Cities Housing Initiative, in the context of Hurricane Katrina also apply to India’s migrant crisis:
“Is ‘the city’ resilient even if many of its poorest former citizens have not been able to return? Or, as is the view of some, is the city’s resilience actually dependent on the departure of many of its most vulnerable residents?”
Increasing resilience of societies against slow-acting crises like malnutrition, droughts, or growing economic inequality, for that matter, carries greater normative overtures. The slow-acting nature of such crises subjects the determination of their severity and remediating assistance to political vicissitudes rather than case- and location-specific evidence-based policy measures.
Finally, the deployment of resilience in climate adaptation plans, unlike emergency management and post-disaster roadmaps, is rendered expedient in anticipating an impending catastrophe as opposed to ongoing or begone crises. Determination of vulnerability, social and locational, to anticipated climate catastrophes, then, increasingly, becomes the province of high-level political committees and expert-driven viewpoints, which often cede no meaningful ground to the vulnerable themselves. When given as likely to occur, a crisis sanctions non-local and non-state actors to marshal citizens to embrace standard adaptation practices without reference to local ‘threat perceptions’ in relation to the crisis. The 73rd and 74th amendments to the Indian constitution, which unfortunately remain ineffectually implemented, include provisions for poverty alleviation, welfare for weaker sections of the society, and devolution of State powers and responsibilities for economic development and social justice. Bolstering the implementation of these and other provisions to facilitate devolution to local levels is likely to improve urban and rural capacities to build context-specific adaptive capabilities, particularly for the vulnerable.
With its predominant focus on infrastructure resilience rather than explicitly on social dimensions, adaptation efforts resulting from the CDRI are likely to bypass the challenge of enacting feasible and effective social interventions to increase social resilience. Regardless, as India takes the critical step to building its resilience, it behoves policy professionals and civic leaders to question the optimism surrounding the concept of resilience, its potential for disregarding the vulnerable, and its propensity for being co-opted the dominant order.
Dr. Ali Adil is an Assistant Professor at Kautilya School of Public Policy, which aims to rebalance the role of Society, Government, and Business towards an Equitable and Regenerative India and the World.
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ao3feed-destiel-02 · 6 months
Recipe for Disaster
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/6mhbjAL by Misha_McCarthy Castiel is the manager of a formerly-prestigious restaurant that's chosen to be on his beloved fixer-upper show, Restaurant Terrors. His excitement about restoring the restaurant is nothing compared to his excitement of meeting the main personality of the show, the world-renowned chef (and funny, and empathetic, and hot) Dean Winchester. However, as Castiel gets to know his cooking hero, he realizes the reality TV personality might not just be an act. Does Dean really care, or is this all for the cameras? Words: 1564, Chapters: 1/3, Language: English Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Dean Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural), Anna Milton, Crowley (Supernatural), Uriel (Supernatural), Virgil (Supernatural) Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester Additional Tags: Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Cooking, Reality TV, Alternate Universe, Inspired by Kitchen Nightmares, Dean/Cas Reverse Bang 2024 (Supernatural) read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/6mhbjAL
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influencermagazineuk · 6 months
Taran Noah Smith: Transition from Actor to Businessman
Taran Noah Smith is an American businessman and former actor, best known for his role as Mark Taylor on the sitcom "Home Improvement." Born on April 8, 1984, Smith began his acting career at a young age and gained recognition for his performance on the popular television show. taran noah smith / image: naija Personal Life:Smith's transition into adulthood was marked by financial independence when, at the age of 18, he gained control of his $1.5 million trust fund. There were allegations of mismanagement by his parents, which led to legal disputes. However, Smith later acknowledged that his parents were trying to protect his assets. Despite his early success in acting, Smith realized at the age of 16 that he no longer wanted to pursue a career in the entertainment industry. At 17, he married Heidi van Pelt, sparking controversy due to their significant age difference. The couple later divorced in 2007. In 2005, Smith and van Pelt ventured into the business world, co-founding a non-dairy cheese manufacturer and restaurant called Playfood, specializing in vegan and organic foods. Additionally, Smith has been actively involved in humanitarian efforts, including disaster relief work in the Philippines with Communitere. Smith's diverse interests extend beyond acting and business. He serves as the Technical Manager for the Community Submersibles Project, where he shares his expertise in piloting submarines. In July 2022, Smith took on a new role as an integration technician at SpaceX, further showcasing his versatility and adaptability. Filmography:Throughout his acting career, Smith appeared in various television shows and films. His most notable role was as Mark Taylor on "Home Improvement," where he appeared in 201 episodes from 1991 to 1999. Additionally, he lent his voice to the character Patrick Poundstone/Rat Boy in an episode of "Batman Beyond" in 1999. Taran Noah Smith's journey from child actor to successful businessman reflects his determination to explore diverse paths and make meaningful contributions in various fields. As he continues to pursue his passions and engage in philanthropic endeavors, Smith remains an inspiring figure, demonstrating the possibilities that arise from following one's interests and convictions. Read the full article
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livesanskrit · 8 months
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Send from Sansgreet Android App. Sanskrit greetings app from team @livesanskrit .
It's the first Android app for sending @sanskrit greetings. Download app from https://livesanskrit.com/sansgreet
The National Disaster Response Force (NDRF)
The National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) is an Indian specialized force constituted "for the purpose of special response to a threatening disaster situation or disaster" under the Disaster Management Act, 2005.The "Apex Body for Disaster Management" in India is the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA). The Chairman of the NDMA is the Prime Minister.
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mpnewsmp · 10 months
Katrina Kaif Bollywood Journey
Katrina Kaif: A Journey Through Bollywood Stardom
Katrina Kaif, born on July 16, 1983, in Hong Kong, is a British-Indian actress who has carved a niche for herself in the vibrant world of Bollywood. Her journey from being a model to one of the leading actresses in the Indian film industry is nothing short of remarkable.
Early Life and Entry into Bollywood
Katrina's entry into the entertainment industry began with modeling at a young age. Her first foray into Bollywood was marked by the film "Boom" in 2003, but it was her role in "Maine Pyaar Kyun Kiya?" (2005) that garnered attention. Despite initial struggles with the Hindi language, Katrina's beauty and screen presence started capturing hearts.
Breakthrough with "Namastey London"
Katrina Kaif's breakthrough moment arrived with the romantic drama "Namastey London" (2007). Paired opposite Akshay Kumar, the film not only showcased her acting prowess but also established her as a bankable leading lady. Her portrayal of Jasmeet Malhotra, a London-bred Punjabi girl, earned her accolades and marked the beginning of her ascent in Bollywood.
Versatility in Film Choices
One of Katrina's strengths is her ability to adapt to diverse roles. Whether it's the action-packed "Dhoom 3" (2013), the romantic drama "Jab Tak Hai Jaan" (2012), or the comedy "Welcome" (2007), she has demonstrated versatility across genres. Her collaborations with top directors and actors have further solidified her position in the industry.
Blockbuster Successes and Critical Acclaim
Katrina Kaif's filmography is studded with blockbuster hits. Movies like "Ek Tha Tiger" (2012), "Dhoom 3" (2013), and "Tiger Zinda Hai" (2017) not only set the box office on fire but also showcased her as a leading lady capable of delivering commercially successful films. Her performance in "Raajneeti" (2010) and "Zero" (2018) earned her critical acclaim, proving her mettle as an actress beyond the realm of commercial cinema.
Dancing Diva
Apart from her acting skills, Katrina is renowned for her exceptional dance moves. Whether it's the high-energy numbers or soulful choreography, she has become a dance icon in Bollywood. Her dance performances in songs like "Sheila Ki Jawani" and "Chikni Chameli" have become cultural phenomena.
Philanthropy and Brand Endorsements
Beyond the silver screen, Katrina is actively involved in philanthropy. She supports various charitable causes, including education and disaster relief. Her popularity extends to the world of endorsements, where she has been associated with several top brands, making her one of the most sought-after celebrities in the advertising industry.
Personal Life and Professional Evolution
While Katrina Kaif's personal life has often been under the media spotlight, she has managed to keep a balance between her personal and professional spheres. Her evolving style, fitness regime, and commitment to her craft have kept her in the limelight, making her a role model for many aspiring actors.
In conclusion, Katrina Kaif's journey in Bollywood is a testament to her resilience, talent, and ability to connect with audiences. From a newcomer with limited knowledge of Hindi to one of the industry's leading actresses, she has left an indelible mark on the cinematic landscape, and her future endeavors are eagerly awaited by fans and critics alike.
Katrina Kaif, born on July 16, 1983, in Hong Kong, is a British-Indian actress who has carved a niche for herself in the vibrant world of Bollywood. Her journey from being a model to one of the leading actresses in the Indian film industry is nothing short of remarkable.### Early Life and Entry into BollywoodKatrina's entry into the entertainment industry began with modeling at a young age. Her first foray into Bollywood was marked by the film "Boom" in 2003, but it was her role in "Maine Pyaar Kyun Kiya?" (2005) that garnered attention. Despite initial struggles with the Hindi language, Katrina's beauty and screen presence started capturing hearts.### Breakthrough with "Namastey London"Katrina Kaif's breakthrough moment arrived with the romantic drama "Namastey London" (2007). Paired opposite Akshay Kumar, the film not only showcased her acting prowess but also established her as a bankable leading lady. Her portrayal of Jasmeet Malhotra, a London-bred Punjabi girl, earned her accolades and marked the beginning of her ascent in Bollywood.### Versatility in Film ChoicesOne of Katrina's strengths is her ability to adapt to diverse roles. Whether it's the action-packed "Dhoom 3" (2013), the romantic drama "Jab Tak Hai Jaan" (2012), or the comedy "Welcome" (2007), she has demonstrated versatility across genres. Her collaborations with top directors and actors have further solidified her position in the industry.### Blockbuster Successes and Critical AcclaimKatrina Kaif's filmography is studded with blockbuster hits. Movies like "Ek Tha Tiger" (2012), "Dhoom 3" (2013), and "Tiger Zinda Hai" (2017) not only set the box office on fire but also showcased her as a leading lady capable of delivering commercially successful films. Her performance in "Raajneeti" (2010) and "Zero" (2018) earned her critical acclaim, proving her mettle as an actress beyond the realm of commercial cinema.### Dancing DivaApart from her acting skills, Katrina is renowned for her exceptional dance moves. Whether it's the high-energy numbers or soulful choreography, she has become a dance icon in Bollywood. Her dance performances in songs like "Sheila Ki Jawani" and "Chikni Chameli" have become cultural phenomena.### Philanthropy and Brand EndorsementsBeyond the silver screen, Katrina is actively involved in philanthropy. She supports various charitable causes, including education and disaster relief. Her popularity extends to the world of endorsements, where she has been associated with several top brands, making her one of the most sought-after celebrities in the advertising industry.### Personal Life and Professional EvolutionWhile Katrina Kaif's personal life has often been under the media spotlight, she has managed to keep a balance between her personal and professional spheres. Her evolving style, fitness regime, and commitment to her craft have kept her in the limelight, making her a role model for many aspiring actors.In conclusion, Katrina Kaif's journey in Bollywood is a testament to her resilience, talent, and ability to connect with audiences. From a newcomer with limited knowledge of Hindi to one of the industry's leading actresses, she has left an indelible mark on the cinematic landscape, and her future endeavors are eagerly awaited by fans and critics alike.
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How Can a Credit Counseling Service Help You
The first question we want to reply is, what's a credit counseling service? These days credit counseling performs greater of a role with folks that want debt help. This service is much less typified in credit score schooling and greater targeted on fixing debt problems. In 2005, congress handed the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005. This made financial counseling a requirement for humans filing financial disaster. The application should be finished within the first a hundred and eighty days after submitting for financial disaster.
Types of Credit Counseling Services
Debt Management - This kind of credit score counseling entails a complete evaluation of a clients assets. Simply placed, how an awful lot they owe as opposed to how a good deal they make. The counselor will examine the customers situation, touch lenders if wished and try to exercise session a debt control plan this is satisfactory to all parties worried. Once an settlement is made, the credit score services corporation will disperse payments to the suitable parties.
Pre-Bankruptcy - In certain states a person is required to go through a pre-bankruptcy monetary Couples Counselling Vancouver provider before they could file for financial disaster. This is non-negotiable, it ought to be performed in those states that require it before a bankruptcy petition can be filed.
How Can a Credit Counseling Service Benefit You
If you have got fallen at the back of in bills or you're in worry of not being able to make your bills inside the close to destiny, it is time to are trying to find help. Clients that use this carrier locate it much less disturbing while there's a want to barter debt. Financial troubles can be an emotional and scary revel in for human beings, wherein using a credit score counseling carrier can relieve you of that pain.
A professional counseling provider has built up right relationships with lenders. This is a advantage to you after they negotiate repayment terms. They can frequently get past due expenses removed, they could get hobby quotes lowered and they could negotiate your past due accounts to a current "paid-as-agreed" fame.
Credit Score - As a long way as your credit score rating is going they say the Fair Isaac Corp, because 1999, has ignored any credit score-counseling data even as calculating a purchaser's credit score. It nonetheless shows for your credit record which you are enrolled in a credit score counseling application, this can be to volatile for a few lenders and you can now not get credit score for the duration of this time. The high-quality side is you are showing your willingness to handle your debt problems.
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college-girl199328 · 2 years
Stella Stevens, who co-starred with Elvis Presley in "Girls! Girls! Girls!" and Jerry Lewis in "The Nutty Professor," as well as in the disaster film "The Poseidon Adventure," revealed that she has had Alzheimer's disease since she was 16.
One might expect the female lead in "The Nutty Professor" (1963) or any other Jerry Lewis film to blend into the background, but the New York Times praised her: "It's about a shy gargoyle of a college chemist who brews a miracle mixture, becomes a bland Casanova (periodically), and finally reverts to his shy original self and a part-smitten blonde student, neatly played by Stella Stevens in 1966."
Stevens played a hip, streetwise nun who spars with Rosalind Russell's not-to-be-messed-with character, the Mother Superior of a convent, in "Where Angels Go, Trouble Follows," a 1968 sequel to Rosalind Russell's sharp Rosalind Russell as nun comedy "The Trouble With Angels." 
Though she was part of a large ensemble in the 1972 disaster-film classic "The Poseidon Adventure," which also starred Gene Hackman, Red Buttons, Carol Lynley, Roddy McDowall, Shelley Winters, and Jack Albertson, Stevens managed to make her mark in Poseidon, but the film ultimately did not boost Stevens’ feature-film career, and she was soon transitioning to B movies as well as TV movies and guest appearances.
She did, however, get to have fun as the villain in "Cleopatra Jones and the Casino of Gold" (1975), an undercover federal agent played by Tamara Dobson who is "on the trail of two other narcs who have either been killed or kidnapped by the dreaded Dragon Lady, who is played by Stella Stevens with such venomous relish you’d almost think she was enjoying having a supporting role in Peter Bogdanovich’s somewhat misbegotten 1982, she played the corrupt captain of the guards in the women’s prison exploitation picture "Chained Heat," starring Linda Blair, and she subsequently appeared in several low-budget horror films and thrillers.
Stevens produced and directed two films, the 1979 documentary "The American Heroine" and "The Ranch" (1989), which starred her son, actor-producer Andrew Stevens, who also appeared in movies featuring and or executive produced by Andrew Stevens, including "Popstar" in 2005.
Estelle Caro Eggleston was born in Yazoo at four years old; her family relocated to Brooklyn, where she lived with electrician Noble Herman Stephens from 1954 until her divorce in 1957, producing a son at Memphis State College, where she became interested in acting and modelling; she was discovered while performing in a college production of "Bus Stop," and 20th Century Fox offered her a contract.
Stevens made her film debut in 1959's "Say One for Me," starring Bing Crosby and Debbie Reynolds; she was named the Golden Globes' most promising newcomer-female (along with three others) as a result of this appearance, but Fox dropped her contract and picked her up after she was signed to play Appassionata Von Climax, a sexy siren alongside Julie Newmar's Stupefyin' Jones, in the feature adaptation of the novel.
In January 1960, Stevens was Playboy’s Playmate of the Month (she was later featured in Playboy pictorials in 1965 and 1968), and on the magazine’s list of the 100 Sexiest Stars of the 20th Century, Stevens appeared just as her movie career began to hit its stride when she starred opposite Elvis in "Girls! Girls! Girls!"
In the 1970s, she appeared in the "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid" TV movie sequel "Wanted: The Sundance Woman" (1976), starring Katharine Stevens. In 1980, Stevens tried series-regular television for the first time with the prime-time soap "Flamingo Road," set in a small town in Florida and starring Morgan Fairchild and Mark Harmon, among others, but the esteemed (for what it was) NBC series was.
Stevens also appeared in the TV movies "The Dukes of Hazzard: Reunion!" (1997) and "Tales From the Hollywood Hills: A Table at Ciro’s," did a 66-episode run on the daytime soap "Santa Barbara" in 1989-90, and recurred on Jake also worked on stage occasionally, including in a touring production of an all-female version of Neil Simon’s "The Odd Couple," in which Stevens played the Oscar Madison character and actress Sandy Dennis played the Felix Ungar character.
A supporter of animal rights, she contributed her time and resources towards cat adoptions and also raised horses and llamas during her marriage to Bob Kulick, who died in 2020. 
She is survived by her son, Andrew Stevens, a film producer, director, and actor, and three grandchildren.
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Do Spitting On National Monuments Is A Criminal Activity?
A building, construction, monument, cave, rock carving, inscription etc., that has been in existence for over a hundred years and is of historical, archaeological, or artistic interest is referred to as an ancient monument by the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI). In addition to being works of art, they provide a glimpse into the civilization of prehistoric communities. They are among the most popular tourist locations. They are essential elements that ensure our culture and sense of pride is shared worldwide.
Indians have been seen spitting without regard for social justice or government penalties. On a normal day, one may stroll about and notice that everything is red and crimson, including government buildings, national monuments, parks, streets, and even movie theatres.
Constitutional Duty to Preserve Monuments
Every monument, location, or thing of artistic or historical interest that has been designated as being of national importance by a statute passed by Parliament must be secured from damage, deformities, destruction etc., as the case may be, according to Article 49 of the Indian Constitution.
Every Indian citizen has a duty to preserve and safeguard the rich heritage of their culture, as stated in Article 51 A (f) of the Constitution of India.
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Spitting on a National Monument: Criminal Activity or Not?
In order to enforce severe penalties on those who spit or destroy monuments and historic sites of national importance, the Lok Sabha adopted an amendment to the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains Act of 1958 in the year March 2010.
The previous punishment for this type of infringement, which was three months in jail and a penalty of 5,000 rupees, has been enhanced to two years in imprisonment and a fine of up to one lakh rupees if the offender is found guilty of destroying or abusing any treasured national monument.
It ensures that it serves as a deterrent and that nobody dares engage in illicit activity as specified by the Act; the punishment has been enhanced. 
In accordance with Section 425 of the Indian Penal Code, mischief is defined as any intentional damage or destruction of property resulting in a wrongful loss. Central Government officials who are found getting involved in any illegal or unpermitted behaviour under the Act will also face harsh penalties. It carries a maximum three-month sentence in jail, a fine, or even both.
Disaster Management Act of 2005
In accordance with the fundamental objective of this Act, which is to ensure the proper management of disasters and matters related to them, spitting in public places became a criminal activity under Section 51(b) of the Disaster Management Act of 2005 in the year of April 2020.
As a result of COVID-19 being declared a "national disaster," all of India is subject to the Disaster Management Act's orders. As a result, the Indian government has the authority to order state and local governments to enforce legislation or orders prohibiting spitting and demand that district magistrates enforce those laws or orders through punitive damages and other punishments per the Act.
Disobeying an order issued by the Central Government, the State Government, the National Executive Committee, the State Executive Committee, or the District Authority is "punished for obstruction," as stated in Section 51(b) of the Disaster Management Act.
Punishment- An individual who disobeys orders may be sentenced for a year in jail, a fine, or even both. The offender might spend up to two years in prison if their denial results in someone's death. 
Similarly, the states also established municipal and local laws against the menace of spitting in public places. These clauses are likewise included in the Policing Acts of various states. Among them are:
You'll need legal representation to protect yourself from being charged for spitting in public places such as national monuments. The best Criminal lawyer in Kolkata may be hired if you want to defend yourself against the criminal offense of spitting in a national monument, and the best Criminal lawyer in Pune can be hired if you want to defend yourself against the criminal offense of spitting in a national monument in Pune. Similarly, you can get the top Criminal lawyer in Delhi to defend you against any charges of spitting in a national monument in Delhi.
You can talk to a lawyer at Lead India. At Lead India, you can ask questions to experts online for free and get free legal advice online.
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jsbmarketresearch01 · 2 years
Joshimath Turns into Sinking Zone, Locals Moved to Relief Centers, and Developmental Projects Suspended
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Over the last few days, Joshimath has seen continued land subsidence with roads and homes developing cracks, triggering fear among residents and driving them outdoors. Pushkar Singh Dhami, Uttarakhand Chief Minister has instructed to monitor the development activities ongoing in the area. He also asked to ensure rescue efforts and immediate relief for the locals affected by the subsidence and landslide. Out of 1271 rooms, only 229 have been allowed to continue habitation.
Himanshu Khurana, Chamoli District Magistrate (DM) visited the affected area and went door to door to assess the damage, and urged the residents to move to relief centers whose houses have developed cracks. A total of 68 families are at the present displaced and 603 buildings already have cracks in them. Malari Inn and House Mount View are banned from accommodating and operating further till orders, as per the clauses in the Disaster Management Act, 2005.
Urgent evacuation of locals that stay in unsafe and landslide-prone areas, is underway, as per the risk assessment to property and life cited in sections 33 and 34 of the Disaster Management Act. The district administration has started with the distribution of assistance funds (Rs. 5000 per family) for 46 families as support to obtain essential household items.  The suspension has been announced for construction work ongoing for the Ho Hare bypass by Border Roads Organisation (BRO), NTPC's Tapovan Vishnugad Hydroelectric Project, and those under Joshimath Municipality.
DM Banerjee, a scientist at the Indian National Science Academy (INSA) thinks the cause of such a disaster is the construction of tunnels and roads in the vicinity of the hydroelectric project. He said that as Joshimath belongs to the lesser Himalayas, it contains rocks originating from the Precambrian era. Also, the region is seismic zone 4, wherein the construction of several houses, especially those with 3-4 storeys should never have been done.
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