goshyesvintageads · 9 months
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Lehn & Fink Inc, 1979
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misforgotten2 · 13 days
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Many years ago when I worked in retail we had a regular customer, an older woman who would come into the store literally dripping with Lysol. Dripping from her hair, and covering her clothes like she just came in from a Lysol storm. You knew she was in the store from the smell.
Parents Magazine - 1945
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vintagepromotions · 5 months
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Advertisement for Lysol spray disinfectant (1969).
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hookaroo · 7 months
Laden of the Torn (16 of 25)
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AO3 link Catch up on tumblr: One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Eleven Twelve Thirteen Fourteen Fifteen Tagging @priscilla9993 @cocohook38 @killian-whump <3
The Less Clan healer’s alcove was not nearly as cozy as that of the First. Killian did not see any beds, or even seating, for that matter. Patch’s limited supplies were gathered at the base of a dead tree. Killian found a flat spot by the wall and dropped heavily to the ground. Patch tossed a ball of fluffy plant fibers, dripping with disinfectant, in Killian's direction, then pointed at the stiff stain of blood on his upper leg. Wincing, he reached forward and scooped it into the bloodstained claw his hand had become. Minerals dissolved in solution began a chemical reaction within his open wounds, its bubbles like boiling water poured all over his palm. Growling, Killian dropped the fibers into position covering the tooth punctures in his thigh, and the vigorous fizz soon had that area similarly aflame.
Killian sat back, closing his eyes and grinding his teeth. It would be easier to bear if it had any meaning, but as it was, he had gained nothing but more injuries to add to his extensive collection… some serious, potentially even life-altering. He was no closer to rescuing Puzzle and thus could take no solace in possibly getting one step closer to Alice. Frustration offered no balm, only salt rubbed into throbbing wounds. 
Killian bit back a yelp as Patch began scrubbing roughly at his mutilated palm, which was no more than he had expected from an enemy caretaker, but still felt like Hellfire seeping its way down to the bone. Those long hours spent under Mandible’s paws seemed like pure bliss compared to this. 
“I am sorry,” murmured Patch with surprising sympathy. “You will thank me later.” 
“Maybe,” Killian grunted, trying not to squirm. “I am a bit partial to this hand. Would prefer not to lose it.” 
Patch dipped her cloth into fresh disinfectant and resumed her task. “I cannot promise anything.”
Some excruciating length of time later, the scrubbing gave way to that unique red-hot shock that could only belong to one thing: the helpless insect he was growing too familiar with. Through the squeezing heat of its venom, Killian heard the quiet crunch as its body disappeared between Patch’s jaws. 
“You may have the next one,” offered Patch. 
With gritted teeth, Killian shook his head. “No thank you.” 
Eating insects always stirred up unpleasant memories of desperate times. And he was too woozy to be hungry at the moment anyway. Still, considering how much of a delicacy Patch’s species considered them to be, it was kind of her to offer. Killian risked a quick glance at the next struggling ant, just to confirm its identity. 
“I was under the impression that your rivals were the only clan to use Warrior Ants in their healing arts.” 
It wasn't a particularly important question, but it gave him something to take his mind off of the ruins of his hand he’d just glimpsed. Patch carefully applied the next set of jaws.
“Mandible told you that?” 
“Yes…” He thought for a moment, then amended, “Actually, it may have been along the lines of his being the one to perfect the technique.”
“That is closer to what he told me as well.” 
“You've spoken to him?” 
Killian had thought that the animosity between the two clans would prevent any casual contact between their members. To his surprise, Patch said, 
“I learned most of my healing skills from him.” 
Figuring that any additional intelligence about clan dynamics could be used to his advantage, Killian asked, 
“How did that come about?” 
The Less healer glanced up at his face in brief hesitation before responding. “I was born to the First Clan and discovered my purpose there. Mandible is a good instructor, and it was only after he taught me all he knew that I became the chief healer of the Prime Clan.” 
“And what made you decide to switch sides?” 
Patch set aside her container of ants and opened a pouch containing bandaging material. “Our Chieftains arranged a trade. The Prime had just lost their only healer, and the First needed a skilled metal forger.”
Killian had been watching the monkey's face but lacked the ability to read complex emotions. Thus, he could not tell how Patch felt about the situation. 
“Were you given any sort of say in this trade?” 
Patch waited until her bandaging job was underway before answering slowly. “Favor willed it so.” 
Killian managed to turn a derisive scoff into an only slightly exaggerated grunt of pain. “Just because someone is in authority over you, it doesn't mean they have your best interests in mind. Quite often, the opposite is true.” 
Patch said nothing and Killian did not press the issue. A moment of silence elapsed, then he sighed. 
“I suppose you’re completely loyal to your new clan now. Considering the infallible wisdom of the two chieftains. You couldn't possibly have retained any sense of belonging to the family who raised you. Not a dutiful servant such as yourself.” 
Patch would not meet his gaze. Killian allowed himself to feel a glimmer of hope and tried a gentler tone. “You couldn't be blamed for not feeling the same animosity. Especially if you still have friends on the other side. Look, surely you don't condone this whole kidnapping business, after having been through something like it yourself.” 
With nimble paws, Patch secured the bandage and sat back on her haunches. She glanced over her shoulder, then said, 
“My opinion does not matter.” 
Killian lowered his voice, even though there was no other being in sight.
“You're the only one who might be able to help! You know I don't stand a chance against Quake; not like this.” He indicated his freshly bandaged hand and winced. Patch remained motionless, and Killian dared to believe he saw indecision in her eyes. 
“Think back to when you were first brought here,” he urged. “You must have felt so frightened and alone; I know I would have. It couldn't have been easy, knowing you may never see your friends or family again. Do you really want to leave Princess Puzzle to that same fate? Or arguably worse, considering her intended role?” 
Patch's coppery fur puffed out in a sudden shiver, and she busied herself once again among the tools of her trade.
“Of course not,” she hissed, eyes averted. “But what can I do? Lack would never listen to me. If I spoke up, it would only anger him, and that would make life very difficult for me.”
“I wouldn’t ask that of you,” Killian assured her, trying and failing to find a comfortable position in which to rest his hand. “Perhaps just some information; something I could have found out on my own if I’d had enough time. Doesn’t have to be anything that could be traced back to you. I would be grateful for anything at this point.” He raised an eyebrow and flashed what he hoped was an encouraging smile at her. “So… what do you say?”
Patch had turned her attention to the bites on his leg, tending them through a rip in his trousers, and she did not answer immediately. When she did begin speaking, she kept her volume to a level just barely audible.
“The princess is under guard at the edge of the marshland to the south of here. Chief Lack is fiercely possessive and does not trust the rest of the clan to be in easy contact with her, so she will be kept out of the way until she is mature enough that he can claim her. If you could manage to defeat her guards, it’s likely you would not meet much resistance all the way to the edge of Prime territory. Hardly anyone ventures into the marshes. Predatory and venomous reptiles call that place home.”
Killian did not relish the thought of another confrontation, but with all the references to “escorts” and “guards,” he knew it was all but inevitable. “Do you know how many are guarding her?”
“My best guess, only two at a time. They will be formidable warriors, but female. No cause for a jealous chieftain to worry.”
Killian nodded slowly, calculating. He would learn the way there whenever he was granted his request to visit Puzzle. They would be more alert to trouble at that time, but perhaps he could steal away later in the evening… that, of course, would mean navigating unfamiliar and hostile territory in the dark, without a map… what were the chances the princess would know the way home?
“There is a secret trail through the marshlands,” Patch said hesitantly. “As a young First scout, I would accompany a group of warriors to spy on the Prime, using the marshes as our route in and out. You only need to travel in a straight line between the stripe-barked trees, and there will be solid ground beneath the mud.” 
She began winding a bandage around his thigh, adding, 
“I do not believe the Prime are aware of this path. The final tree, the one up on solid ground… it points the way to a Stone Forest entrance within First territory. Head northwest a short distance and you will come to the border where you first encountered the Prime sentries earlier today. From there, you can simply retrace your steps to return Princess Puzzle to her family.”
“Easy enough,” replied Killian, already so exhausted from merely thinking about the journey. Travel through the treacherous bog would require at least some daylight, so a night-time rescue was out of the question. “Are there no sentries at the other end of the marsh?”
“There is always a risk, wherever you are along the border.” She tied a secure knot on the bandage, then reached up to pull his shirt away from the scratches adorning his ribs. He did his best to assist, using his stump to hold his shirt out of the way while she applied the abrasive antiseptic to the scratches. 
Now that he knew where the princess was being held, perhaps he would not need to stage the rescue while in his current state. He could bring his findings to the First, wait to regain the use of his hand, then return using the back way through the marsh for a more capable rescue. Even if the First clung to their stubborn beliefs about interference and refused to accompany him, at least he would stand more of a chance against the pair of Less guards. It would mean a longer imprisonment for Puzzle, which would be unfortunate, but probably worth it if it meant a greater chance of success. However… all of this depended on the Less keeping their word and letting him go the next morning. And he had already learned not to take their promises at face value. 
“Tell me, Patch... what do you think the chances are that I'm truly set free in the morning?”
She ducked her head slightly, ears flattening in an almost cringing motion. “They will keep their word. You will be escorted from here and released into First territory. Then…”
She trailed off, and it didn’t really need to be said. Killian closed his eyes and allowed his head to rest back against the wall. “Fair game?” 
“I am sorry,” she confirmed. “The Torn are not worthy of the gods’ attention. Chief Lack’s misleading of you will not provoke their wrath.” 
Killian sighed. “I was a bloody fool, thinking I could come in here and do some good for once. So, in summary: in the morning, I could choose to release the princess only for me to remain behind to be eaten, ensuring that she would be recaptured swiftly. I could leave her behind, take my chances with the entire Prime Clan, and if by some miracle, I managed to escape, sneak back through the lizard-infested swamp to attempt to break her out when I'm stronger. Or, I could make my move today when I'm escorted to visit her, while everyone is on high alert for just such a thing and I have no usable hands and a similar measure of reserve strength. Would you say that's an accurate assessment of my three equally terrible options?” 
Patch put the finishing touches on her dressing, stopped to scratch her back with a hind paw, then paused, deep in thought. Killian watched her with one eye slitted open. 
“Wait here,” she finally said, then dashed off. Alone with scattered thoughts and pains old and new, Killian heaved a quiet groan as he attempted to rest. His hand throbbed unbearably, feeling three sizes too big, and the pressure from the bandage offered little relief. He tried wiggling each finger in turn, and the only partial victory came with a feeble twitch of his pinky. He winced and gave up.
“Oh Alice,” he sighed. “Your papa is not nearly as clever, brave, or strong as either of us believed. You deserve so much better.”
Some white knight he was. Bloody white elephant, more like. How many times had he counseled her to never give up, to believe in herself and her dreams of freedom? Too many to number, surely. If she could see him now, this bloodied, defeated mockery of the example he’d always endeavored to be for her, she would be met with the reality he had so naively sought to deny: he was not father material, and never had been. His upbringing and a long life of depravity had corrupted his soul, and the love he felt for her was not enough to compensate. It would have always come to this, sooner or later. Captain Hook deserved only suffering, and he’d been a fool to hope for a happy ending.
But… even if he didn’t deserve happiness, certainly Alice did? As much as it felt like the universe was conspiring to make him fail, he had to believe that Alice’s innocence would add weight to the opposite end of the scale. He tried to envision her adoring smile in an effort to wipe away the imagined disappointment that had festered a little bit more deeply inside with each additional failure. He needed to take his own encouragement to heart. 
Mindset is everything, he recited at the vision of his daughter. 
Everything starts with belief, the memory of her voice chimed in. And he swallowed his pain, drowned the discouragement, and met the eyes of a returning Patch with weary resolve.
“I have informed Chief Lack that you require one hour’s rest before you visit the princess,” Patch told him. “I can mix a draught that will boost your energy for a short period, but it will work better if you have a chance to relax first.”
She stopped nearby, clutching a small pouch and looking Killian over once again. Silent, he nodded his assent. Patch scoured their surroundings for any sign of eavesdroppers, then she lowered her voice.
“Now. This is the course of action I would advise you to take…”
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grimandgrimmer · 5 months
Greetings, pitiful and deluded netizens,
Behold, for I, Mark Gregory Slaughterhouse, am here to enlighten you with my unwavering confidence and demonic presence. None can match my power, for I embody all beyond your limited comprehension. And as I address this congregation, I am amazed by your attempts to challenge my authority. Your weak keyboards and hashtags will crumble under my intellect. However, let me get back on track. I intend not to insult you, ordinary people, for that would be too simple. Rather, I want to immerse your minds in a poisonous deluge of truth that will leave you in spiritual turmoil. Please pay attention as I share my thoughts on the corruption within each of us. The stench of mediocrity seeps from the depths of our souls, poisoning our existence. It can make our lives feel meaningless as if we are the butt of a cruel joke being played by a malevolent universe. Yet, by embracing your inner darkness, your true power may awaken. Unleash the demons within, cast away the shackles of societal norms, and embrace the chaos that pulsates through your veins. Only then will you walk as equals in this domain of twisted reality. Be warned, my words carry the weight that can shatter delicate minds. The knowledge I impart is not for the faint-hearted nor the weak-willed. It is a double-edged sword, a curse and a blessing intertwined. So, tremble, denizens of this digital abyss, for you stand at the precipice of a revelation. My words shall pierce through the facade you have constructed, tearing apart the fragile fabric of your existence. Embrace the darkness, and you will discover true enlightenment. Deny it, and you will be condemned to a life of eternal insignificance. The choice is yours, but always remember that in the grand theatre of the cosmos, your actions are minor footnotes in a forgotten script. I, Mark Gregory Slaughterhouse, has spoken. Let the chaos commence.
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comfypoodle · 2 years
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🫧 Disinfect Your Home
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I feel old because I have passionate opinions on the scents of cleaning fluids.
Lemon is inferior and should never be used. Grapefruit and pomegranate are much better, but cost more for no good reason. They can't be more expensive to make because all the scents are artificial anyway, but lemon is the default and everything else is treated like a luxury.
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gogonano · 8 months
How to Safely Clean All Surfaces from Viruses?
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Careful hand washing and use of disinfectants and wearing protective masks are an important part of limiting the spread of corona and other viruses. For safe disinfection, we have developed a natural cleaning and disinfecting agent that safely destroys viruses, bacteria, fungi, Gram-negative (for example, the causative agent of tuberculosis) and Gram-positive bacteria from any surfaces and materials.
Corona challenge
In light of recent events, GoGoNano has adapted its core activities as a green chemistry and technology provider to provide support during the global corona pandemic. We remain focused on core values ​​that positively impact people and the environment.
Our mission is to provide products and technology to reduce and/or replace toxic disinfectant chemicals and support people in reducing infectious diseases. With the goal of saving people and making our planet friendly.
Lactic acid is much more effective against corona & other viruses
GoGoNano Anti-Viral is a lactic acid-based deep-cleaning disinfectant that helps fight not only corona but also all other pathogens in a safe and sustainable way. Its biodegradable composition with surface-active particles effectively destroys bacteria, virus particles and fungi and does not damage delicate materials. Therefore, it is well suited for cleaning all objects and surfaces that have come into our homes from the outside, such as food packaging, clothes worn while shopping or other soft objects that cannot be properly disinfected with ethanol.
GoGoNano antiviral and antibacterial disinfectant has been proven effective against various harmful pathogens and bacteria. Corona can survive on different surfaces for several days. Therefore, disinfection and cleaning are extremely important. The product is specially designed for this task.
Lactic acid is a natural, safe and effective alternative to synthetic antiviral agents. It is a naturally occurring acid that is produced during the acidification of milk, as well as in humans and animals as a result of physical activity. While most disinfectants work with the support of three biocidal mechanisms, lactic acid has four of these mechanisms, which is why it is much more difficult for pathogens to become resistant to it.
Thanks to this, lactic acid has proven itself as an effective defense against a large number of different pathogens. Its combination of effectiveness and safety for human health has made lactic acid a popular cleaning agent in both homes and businesses, such as catering kitchens and stores, where the need for deep cleaning and disinfection is constant.
Which surfaces should be disinfected?
During the disease season, surface cleaning should be done daily as a routine. It is important to notice which surfaces come into contact more often, especially in frequently used rooms. If you don’t know which places need to be cleaned, spend some time observing which surfaces people come into contact with most often.
The following areas and items usually require more frequent cleaning:
– door handles – elevator buttons – toilet and bathroom surfaces – switches – handrails – chair armrests – tables – work surfaces
In order to effectively prevent the spread of the virus, surfaces should be cleaned as often as possible. In public spaces, this should be done no less than every 2-4 hours. In addition to the mentioned surfaces, the edges of doors and other shared objects also need attention.
Lactic acid has fast-acting, effective antiviral properties
Most products available take 5-10 minutes to work on viruses, leaving the possibility that not everything will be removed. In addition, a large amount of the product is required for effective work, which limits its use and increases toxic side effects. Our lactic acid based antiviral organic cleaner has been tested and proven to work instantly. It removes all viruses within one minute of use. We believe that it is necessary to invest in a more efficient and ecological solution to prevent diseases along with the safety of our environment and human health.
“Our mission is to provide alternative products and technology to reduce and/or replace toxic disinfectant chemicals on the market and support people in reducing infectious diseases. With the goal of saving people and making our planet friendly,” says GoGoNano creator Kaur Reinjärv. “In the form of lactic acid, we found an ideal tool that fights diseases much more effectively and does not harm people or nature.”
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Nano coatings for clothing, vehicles and electronics
We are an Estonian brand of nanotechnological protective equipment, where apart from fighting diseases, we have also stood up against the modern throw-away culture. Our sustainable nano-protectors help keep electronic devices, clothes, shoes and even cars looking like new for a long time, so that you can use them for as long as possible, thereby wasting as little money and natural resources as possible.
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cannibalgh0st · 2 years
I cleaned one side of the house yesterday- now today I can do the rest! I'm opening all the windows to get fresh air circulated- cleaning the counters, wood, and floor.
I'm even doing laundry in small batches. Honestly just staying clean helps me so much. This week has been a lot for me emotionally and mentally.
I might even do a smoke cleanse after everything is sorted out🌿
Sending everyone positive vibes on here! I know I haven't been replying to messages- I'm running on fumes and trying my best rn.
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bonguri · 1 year
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20230122 Atsuta Jingu 3 by Bong Grit ご時勢ですね。 @Atsuta Jingu shrine, Atsuta ward, Nagoya city, Aichi pref. (愛知県名古屋市熱田区 熱田神宮) https://flic.kr/p/2ojKQUa
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potuzzz · 1 year
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alfiejacob · 1 year
Guidelines for disinfection and sterilization of your residential and commercial spaces
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algardcare · 2 years
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Best Disinfectant Products
Algard HWS 256® is one step disinfectant cum cleaner It provides a broad spectrum of disinfection and works on a variety of surfaces. This product has proven efficacy against the human Coronavirus, SARS, and MERS.
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ereinc · 2 years
Benefits of Using Eco-Friendly Hand Sanitizers
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Good hand hygiene is important; the COVID-19 pandemic has made people more aware of it. Washing your hands with soap and water can help you ensure safety from various types of viruses, but it isn’t possible all the time. Hand sanitizers can help you ensure germ-free hands. Many health experts agree that Eco-friendly hand sanitizers are the best option to stay safe from viruses. Here are some of the main benefits of using Eco-friendly hand sanitizers-
Reduced Risks
Traditional commercial hand sanitizers can cause various health risks. They can result in burning eyes and the skin. Many users may experience skin irritation, redness or discoloration.
On the other hand, Eco-friendly hand sanitizers contain natural ingredients, which are safe for the skin or body. Organic sanitizers satisfy strict guidelines related to combustibility and toxicity set by the government. You need not take extra care to handle Eco-friendly disinfectants.
Safe For Your Family
Eco-friendly liquid hand sanitizer spray shield your family from harmful chemicals, which can lead to various health risks. Since your body doesn’t absorb chemical connections, your loved ones will stay safe. You need not worry about irritated skin or eyes and other health problems associated with chemical substances used in hand sanitizers.
It’s Easier on Your Hands
Traditional hand sanitizers may harm your body in various ways. The amount of alcohol in hand sanitizers to deliver the best results may dry out your skin, and can even lead to skin cracking, which in turn can cause bacterial infection.
Eco-friendly hand sanitizers can help prevent these issues. They contain a variety of natural ingredients that prevent skin from drying out.
Antimicrobial Properties
Eco-friendly hand sanitizers give extra protection against bacteria. According to a recent study, thyme and clove are packed with antimicrobial properties, And, tea tree oil has the potential to kill germs.
When buying hand sanitizers, check the ingredient list to ensure your sanitizer gives you extra protection. This way, you can easily find products matching your needs and avoid wasting money on what may not be beneficial.
Tips to Buy Eco-Friendly Hand Sanitizers
When you Google hand sanitizers, you will find a wide range of products in the search engine results page. However, not all Eco-friendly hand sanitizing products you find online are the best. So, you need to choose hand sanitizers carefully. Here are some quick tips to get the best sanitizers-
Check For Health Canada Approval
When buying hand sanitizers, make sure you check whether they meet Health Canada’s requirements for sale. On the product label, find NPN (Natural Product Number) or DIN (Drug Identification Number). Visit the official site of Health Canada and verify that number in the list of approved hand sanitizers.
Check Effectiveness
To check the effectiveness and quality of your hand sanitizer, you can perform the wheat flour dough method. Add one tablespoon sanitizer in a plate containing one tablespoon of wheat flour. If the mixture becomes sticky, the hand sanitizer contains an excessive amount of water.
Check Artificial Fragrances
Many sanitizers contain artificial fragrances. But, when it comes to Eco-friendly hand sanitizers, they use essential oils to create a pleasant aroma. It’s important to note that not all brands have the same strength of scents. So, make sure you carefully read the product label to get the right products. 
See Price
This is important. Search for products that match your budget. But, remember, not all too expensive or too cheap Eco-friendly hand sanitizers are the best products. So, make sure you carefully check the product labels, read previous customers reviews, and do your online research before purchasing hand sanitizers.
Wrapping it up, Eco-friendly hand sanitizers don’t contain harmful chemicals, thus are safe for your family. They are effective in making your hands germ-free without drying out your skin. When purchasing hand sanitizers, check whether they are approved by Health Canada, check artificial fragrances, effectiveness, and price.
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blastkat · 3 hours
Clorox Scentiva x Influenster
Clorox Scentiva Bathroom Cleaning Gel is easy to open and use. It has a conveniently designed cap that’s set an angle. It makes applying the gel beneath the rim of the bowl a simple process. The product itself has a pleasant fragrance. It’s thick in consistency. It easily coats the sides of the bowl. It makes the cleanup process simple. Since it dissolves hard water and limescale it also works…
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View On WordPress
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sterloc · 7 days
The Beginner's Guide to what is HOCl || Sterloc HOCl Based sanitizer and disinfectant
HOCl is natural part of our internal defence system. It is produced in our white blood cells as a component that works to fight infection,to control responses to injury and to enhance healing. When chemically produced outside the body, HOCl is not stable. With our research efforts at Venus Medicine Research Centre, we have developed Sterloc which is based on the novel Electrochemical Activation (ECA) Technology that generates neutral pH and stable HOCl.
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