#disneyland town square
retropopcult · 1 year
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A great shot of an early 1960s family looking down Main Street USA. But how could it not be? It's at a Picture Spot selected by Kodak!
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laurenovercalifornia · 2 months
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Cute photos of me & my mom from our trip part 1.
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corndogsonmainst · 1 year
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magicaltrash · 2 years
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Disneyland + Christmas + Rain + Trash Cans = Smiles // Disneyland Resort, Disneyland, Main Street U.S.A., Town Square, 1998 [Source: Jason Schultz. Used by permission.]
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whats-her-quirk · 4 months
Secret Oath Chapter 5
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marco bott x fem!reader
18+ mdni
word count: 5k
chapter warnings: mentions of underage drinking, sexual innuendo, brief bi panic, reader sits in a shopping cart and conditions her hair
a/n: made it in just under the 2 year mark with a new update. guys...
♪ farewell andromeda (welcome to my morning) by john denver
When you’re not chasing grade schoolers from place to place, there are only so many things to do at camp. After hiking, swimming, reading, and just generally hanging out around a campfire in your free time, you tend to get a little desperate for a change of pace. With a little planning ahead, Ymir has secured everybody a night off for a Wal-Mart trip, and by the end of a long week, the idea of hitting up the only nearby grocery store is genuinely as exciting as a ticket to Disneyland.
Camp Shiganshina is at least fifteen square miles from anywhere, so walking to town is out of the question. You spend dinnertime trying to figure out the carpool situation, and it turns out not everyone is coming along. Bertholdt twisted his ankle playing basketball, so he’s staying in the cabin for rest, ice, compression, and elevation on Nanaba’s orders. Eren and Mikasa also decline for unknown reasons, but they’re always weird like that, and only Jean seems disappointed. That leaves seven of you, and there’s only one vehicle in the parking lot that can fit that many passengers.
Erwin is surprisingly chill with the idea of letting you borrow the company van. “Why take two cars when you can all fit in there?” he reasoned when you, Reiner, and Hitch went to ask him together. “There’s no sense wasting your gas, and you’ll be safer if you all stick together.”
“Don’t worry, sir. I’ll make sure everybody’s taken care of,” says Reiner, flexing so hard you hear a thread snap in his t-shirt.
Erwin laughs, big and exuberant and sincere. “Of course! You have my trust.”
After running back to the cabin to toss your wallet and other necessities in a bag, you meet in the parking lot outside the mess hall. Erwin and Miche are leaning against the front of the van chatting while everyone loads up. Hitch dances her way over to them, holding out a hand to Erwin. “Keys, please!”
Erwin dangles a keychain as old as the vehicle itself above her palm before quirking a thick brow at her. “You are not to go over 55 miles per hour on the state route. You are not to exceed 35 on the side roads. And everyone wears their seatbelts. Understood?”
Perhaps startled by his serious tone, Hitch dials herself back. “Yes, sir.” He smiles and nods as he drops the keys in her hand, and she scuttles away to the driver’s seat.
Miche nudges you with his elbow. “Will you text me when you get there safe?”
You roll your eyes, hiding how sweet you find it. “Whatever, dad.” He makes a face at you. You stick out your tongue.
“Hey loser, you got bitch seat,” Ymir calls for you out the sliding door of the van.
You whirl around. “Historia is the smallest, why can’t she sit in the back?”
“We drew straws or something, I don’t know. Got a problem with that?” You’re used to the sass, but when she nods her head to the back of the van, it clicks. Marco and Jean sit on opposite ends of the third row bench seat—of course the middle is reserved for you.
You squeeze your way between the two bucket seats in the middle row, making sure to step and lean on Ymir as much as possible as you climb over her, just to be annoying. Tucking your bag between your feet, you manage to wedge yourself between the boys, shoulder to shoulder.
“Cozy,” you chuckle.
Jean reaches for the handle above the side window, making a little more space between you. “It’s not that far, at least.”
You pat behind both hips looking for your seat belt before you realize Marco is sitting on it. You start to reach for it, freezing only inches from his ass. “Uh, Marco. Can you scoot—”
Marco looks down where your leg is pressed against his. “Oh yeah! Uh…”
He twists as far as he can, already buckled, trying to lift his hip out of your way. You reach under him quickly, but your knuckles definitely drag across his back pocket. You click your buckle and then sit stiff as a board, hyper-aware of the fact that you fully touched his butt.
“Jesus Christ,” Jean mutters, sending you and Marco into a fit of laughter as Hitch backs out of the parking spot.
The first several minutes of the drive are spent messing with the music. Ymir shouts for Reiner to switch over to the radio, but every time he tries, it switches itself back to the tape deck after a few seconds. The cassette won’t eject, so your options are a John Denver single or silence.
“Leave it, this is a great song!” Historia begs. Neither Ymir nor Reiner will say no to her, but at least it’s Take Me Home Country Roads.
You’re a little embarrassed at first, but Marco nudges you after the first chorus. “Come on, I know you know the words. Everybody knows this song!”
You can feel your cheeks burning. “You just wanna make me sing.”
“Maybe I do.”
Historia is already singing, and when you start, so does Marco. Jean pipes up, and so does Reiner, and soon, everyone is belting the chorus.
There are only two songs on the cassette, and the B-side must have been less popular, because nobody knows the words to it. The van quiets down, but Marco still hums along. When you give him a surprised look, he blushes.
“My mom loves John Denver. I recognize the melody.”
It’s funny when Take Me Home repeats and prompts a second singalong, but by the fourth time the tape flips over, no one is singing anymore. Hitch turns the volume down to a faint rumble, and before long, you pull into the nearly empty parking lot of the Wal-Mart.
You stumble out of the back seat, thankful to stretch your legs after being crammed in so tight. You shoot off a text to Miche, letting him know you made it to the store with no casualties, to which he replies k thx kid. You could truly gag.
“Do we need a cart?” Reiner asks as you approach the giant sliding doors.
“Better get a couple,” you reply, pulling one from the stack. You know you want to buy snacks, grab a couple packs of Gatorade, and probably beg Ymir to get you some alcohol to smuggle away, and you’re not carrying all that around by yourself.
“Is there, like, no one here?” Jean asks, stepping through the second set of doors. “I swear it feels like it’s closed.”
“Relax, there are other cars outside.” Ymir rides her cart past him like a scooter, pumping her foot for a few paces before jumping on the bottom rail and gliding down the center aisle.
“What do we need to get?” Historia asks, scrambling after her.
“I’m heading for food and drinks,” you announce, pointing your cart toward the grocery section. Marco and Jean drift that way along with you.
“I need another pair of flip flops,” says Hitch. She and Reiner start to head the other way, where you’re sure she’ll find much more than just a pair of flip flops.
“I’m out of shampoo,” says Historia.
“And I want one of those things that you can make a grilled cheese with over the campfire. Everyone get what you want and then meet back at the pharmacy. And…go!” Ymir takes a running start, then rides her shopping cart out of sight as you head for the groceries.
You lose Jean somewhere around the Pop Tarts.
“Where did he go? Wasn’t he just behind us?” Marco asks, pushing the cart beside you in the beverage aisle.
“Either he wandered off or he’s looking for us just as fast as we’re looking for him.” You stop to heave a twelve pack of purple Gatorade on the bottom rack of the cart, making the whole thing rattle. You try to hide how heavy you’re breathing as you reach up toward the top shelf for another multi-pack.
“Want me to get those for you?” Marco asks.
“Sure, grab a pack of blue ones, please.”
Marco loads them under the cart for you, then takes the handle with a smirk. “Woah, this is super bottom-heavy now. Gonna need to counterbalance with something.”
You raise an eyebrow. “Counterbalance?”
Marco chuckles. “Just get in the cart. You know you want to.”
“Ride in the cart? What am I, five?” You scoff, fully pretending that you don’t want to take him up on the offer.
“If we’re going to find Jean before Ymir destroys the pharmacy out of boredom, we gotta pick up the pace.”
You poke him in the chest. “Sir, you are being especially wild tonight.”
“Must be the fluorescents.”
Marco holds the cart steady while you flop inside the main basket. It’s a tight squeeze, but when you dangle your feet out of the front, it’s almost comfortable. Once you’re situated, Marco pushes you down a few more aisles while you point out the snacks you want, and he piles them on top of you. 
Armed with fruit snacks, cheese crackers, and a bottle of pre-made margaritas to make Ymir buy for you, Marco zips down the dessert aisle and grabs three boxes of Little Debbies. ”Guilty pleasure” he says with a bashful shrug. “I swear I’m not going to eat them all in one sitting.”
“I didn’t assume so, but hey, no judgment here.” You shrug, motioning at the mountain of snacks in your lap. You’re not terribly concerned with eating clean and healthy every day this summer, especially not when you’re sweating buckets and trudging up and down the hill all day anyway.
Marco laughs. “Maybe when I was sixteen and super active. But now I think that would end me.”
“Oh?” You can’t help it—you’re insanely curious. “Were you a jock in high school?”
Marco rubs the back of his neck. “I’m not sure I’d say that, but I played hockey for a long time.”
While you’d spent many afternoons daydreaming about him in football pads or tight baseball pants, something about the thought of Marco in a hockey uniform just makes sense. “Oh wow, hockey’s a big deal where you’re from, isn’t it?”
“Yeah, in Minnesota, it’s super popular. A lot of kids start playing pretty young.”
“Do you still play? I’ll admit, I don’t really know anything about hockey but I think it looks pretty cool.”
“I play on the university’s club team during the school year. We travel and play against other schools, but we’re a step below the official team. It’s fun, but none of us are going pro, you know?” Marco’s cheeks turn a strawberry pink, his eyes falling to the shelves of cereal boxes beside him. “Maybe you can come to a game sometime.”
“I absolutely will. I want to see you body check someone.” You’re giddy just thinking about it.
That makes Marco laugh. “Maybe if you’re lucky.”
You round the corner of the next aisle and finally find Jean with a tub of pretzels under one arm and a case of Red Bull under the other. He notices you laughing and riding in the cart, and he gives you a look.
“Um. Where am I supposed to put these?”
“Here, fine, but you have to help me get out.”
“Don’t crush my zebra cakes!” Marco pleads.
Jean puts down his snacks and pulls you up out of the basket while Marco holds onto the cart, making sure you don’t get dumped out on the floor. Once Jean’s stuff takes your place, the three of you head for the pharmacy.
You find Ymir in personal care, waiting with the cart while Historia picks out hair products. Their basket is full of sheet masks, candy, a fleece blanket, and four of those sandwich irons Ymir wanted. When you pull up next to her, she invites herself to poke around in your cart.
“Are you feeding an army?”
“No, just stocking up.” Shooing her hands away, you slide the booze into her cart. “A gift from you to me.”
“Wow, ok. How presumptuous.” She fakes a scoff, but you know she doesn’t mind or care.
“Oh. I thought you wanted me to get that for you,” Marco says. “I guess it doesn’t matter who buys it but—”
You don’t really intend to cut him off, but you’re surprised. “I didn’t think you were 21.”
“I wasn’t… until last week.”
“Marco!” You can’t stop yourself. It just comes out.
“Was it your birthday last week?”
Marco looks nervous. Almost frightened.
You push the cart out of the way to get closer. “Your twenty-first birthday?”
“And you didn’t tell us?” You’re yelling. You’re in the middle of a practically deserted Wal-Mart Superstore at 11 o’clock at night, and you’re yelling.
“Oh my god, yes,” Marco laughs, incredulous. “I didn’t want anybody to make a big deal about it. Now please calm down before you get carded and we all get in trouble.” He’s right, you’re causing a scene, and it makes your own cheeks burn. You don’t intend to forget about this, though.
“Well shit,” Ymir quips. She reaches for the margarita bottle and shoves it into Marco’s hands. “Then you can buy the lady her liquor.”
“Yes ma’am.” Marco puts the bottle back in your cart.
Ymir pretends to gag. “Do not call me that.”
“Hey, kids!” Hitch sails by into the next aisle, waving, Reiner hurriedly following her with their nearly full cart. You all follow, rounding the corner before you realize you’re congregating in front of the contraception. It shouldn’t be a big deal—you’re adults, after all—but it’s not easy to be totally mature looking at a wall of condoms, especially with this group.
Hitch picks out a box of ultra thins, remarking, “For me,” as if you all really needed to know. Then she reaches for a box of magnums. Just as soon as you start to raise an eyebrow, she declares, “And for Bertie.”
“He wanted you to buy him condoms?” Reiner asks, sounding genuinely dumbfounded. Meanwhile, Marco looks pointedly at the tampons on the opposite side of the aisle, and Jean snickers like a complete dork.
“No,” Hitch smirks. “But he told me Annie is visiting next week. Gotta make sure he’s prepared.”
Ymir scoffs. “Fucking gross that they package those in gold like your jumbo dong is some sort of prize.” Then she reaches up to one of the higher shelves, asking nonchalantly, “Hey, baby, do you want warming lube this time? I think we’re almost out.”
It’s the kind of deeply intimate detail she normally has no problem sharing, but almost as soon as she says it, she freezes.
Reiner loudly clears his throat. “Who are you talking to?”
Nobody moves.
“Um.” Ymir rocks on her heels. Her eyes jump from person to person, searching. “Uh, Jean—”
Jean snorts. “Not even—”
“Ew. You’re right, that’s disgusting.”
“She was talking to me, Reiner,” Historia explains calmly. “Ymir is my girlfriend.”
Reiner barks out a laugh, but it fades quickly. He seems to realize she’s not joking just as Hitch and Jean fall apart, giggling. You have half a mind to abandon all your snacks and go hide in the van, you’re so secondhand embarrassed. You should never have gone along with this. 
Ymir crosses her arms proudly and leans against Historia’s side, though you’re not really sure if Ymir is winning or losing her own game anymore.
Hitch, pulling herself together, pats Reiner on the back. “Let’s go check out so we can get out of here.”
Fixing his own face, Reiner stammers, “Yeah. We should… yeah.” Almost tenderly, Hitch puts a hand on the front of their shopping cart, steering Reiner toward the registers as he follows behind.
Historia’s hands drop to her hips, and she gives Ymir a look. “Are you happy now?”
Ymir shrugs. “Pretty much.” Huffing, Historia takes off with their cart.
“Meet you at the front, baby girl,” Ymir calls.
Marco, his face beet red, reaches for your cart, but Ymir blocks one of the front wheels with her foot.
“Hold on, birthday boy.” She grabs a basic box of condoms and pushes it into Marco’s hands. His fingers don’t close around it—he drops it on the floor like it’s on fire.
Ymir snatches the box and shoves it back at him. “You’re gonna need these, trust me,” she snorts, and that familiar, overwhelming urge to smother her washes over you.
Marco, cheeks burning, flaps his lips a few times, but no words come out. Slowly, like he’s thinking hard, he puts the box back on the shelf.
You look away, your stomach dropping. You get that he’s embarrassed—Ymir is crossing a lot of lines—and it’s not like you didn’t pack a box of condoms in your suitcase, so you’ll have some if you need them. But now, you just want to get out of here because if you let yourself think about it for one more second, it’ll hit you all at once that Marco is just a really nice person who was never actually flirting with you and doesn’t like you back. 
You allow yourself one last glance over your shoulder to see if Marco is coming with your cart before you go lay in the road and wait for traffic.
Your breath catches when you see him drop a black and gold box, identical to the one Hitch picked out for Bert, into the cart.
Screaming in your head, you power walk past the checkout. Marco will have to pay for everything because there’s alcohol in the cart, so you wait by the exit like an idiot while trying to act casual, but really, how can you? You’ve only thought about Marco’s dick print a few hundred times, and those condoms practically confirm that he’s really and truly packing. And you want it. You want him so bad—
“Ready?” You blink and Marco is there, everything bagged up and ready to go.
Ymir walks by behind him, silently mouthing, “Jumbo,” and you don’t know whether to thank her or kill her where she stands. You hope neither registers on your face.
In the parking lot, you help Marco load the bags into the van. Now you’re the immature one, wondering which bag the condoms are in, whether they’re touching your Gatorades. You hope to god he bagged them with his damn zebra cakes so you don’t have to negotiate some kind of awkward, presumptuous handoff. He’s definitely smart enough for that. Of course he is.
When you buckle in for the ride home, it’s quiet in the van. Only Hitch talks over her shoulder to Historia about the big game of flashlight tag that Moblit and Hange have organized for tomorrow night. Ymir yawns heavily, and you’re pretty sure Jean already nodded off with his head against the window.
Reiner is silent in the passenger’s seat—if he’s not back to himself by tomorrow, you’re rounding everyone up to apologize. It was mean, what Ymir did to him, and you’re all pretty complicit. But sometimes Reiner bounces back from his moods miraculously, and sometimes he doesn’t. You’ll just have to wait and see what you’re dealing with in the morning.
The John Denver tape plays softly from the speakers. Beside you, Marco hums along, his long legs crammed in behind Ymir’s seat. Just as the silence is about to cross from uncomfortable to unbearable, Marco slowly but deliberately reaches out, lightly covering your hand from where it rests on your knee.
You curl into his side, and he starts to sing a little louder, just enough so that you can hear.
“Welcome to my evening, the closing of the day. I could try a million times, never find a better way.”
Before the drive earlier, you’d never heard this song. Now, upwards of six repeats in, you know at least some of the words—enough to mumble along a little with him. The chorus is familiar by now, an easy refrain of la la las that everyone who’s still awake can jump into.
Even if it’s a little awkward, at least you’re all either singing or snoring.
It wasn’t long ago that Marco told you that he felt safe with you. With your head on his shoulder and your hand wrapped in his, you’re sure you feel the same about him.
Before your first alarm goes off the next morning, you wake to the hushed sounds of Historia chasing Ymir out of bed. You can’t make out any clear words, just whispering and grumbling, but after a minute or two, the bed creaks. You roll over and crack an eye open just in time to see Ymir pull on her shoes and slip out the door.
You try to snooze a few more minutes before your alarm goes off, but it’s fruitless. Everyone is starting to rustle themselves awake, so you figure you might as well just get up and shower. Quietly, you gather your things and head out.
You pass the lodge on the way to the showers, where you spot Ymir on the upper balcony, sharing a porch swing with Reiner. They rock slowly, overlooking the hill that leads down to the lake. Good. As stubborn as Ymir is, you’re almost positive she’s up there apologizing. You hope he’s not taking everything too hard. Sometimes his feelings can be too big for him.
You leave them be and take a slightly longer shower than usual, your mind drifting back to Marco and the way he held your hand. You make sure to really take your time conditioning your hair and scrubbing down with your scented body wash. It’s silly, but you feel like you’re right on the precipice of something with him, and you want to look as nice as possible for it. As if it’ll last in this humidity. 
It’s a quiet morning when you return to the cabin to get dressed. Mikasa is already gone to do the wake-up calls (with Eren, because he can’t be trusted to get up on his own, let alone rouse everyone else). You expect a subdued breakfast. Maybe everyone who was at the store last night does.
Marco meets you at the front of the mess hall holding two styrofoam coffee cups. You’re getting used to the sight, but as you sit down next to him at the table, you see Jean already has his first cup. Marco hands his second cup to you.
“Oh, thank you. Does it–”
“Two sugars,” he says, and your heart squeezes. You try not to take it as a marriage proposal.
Glancing around, you don’t see the one person you were worried about. “Does anyone know where–” you’re about to ask, but you’re interrupted by a shockingly loud voice at the other end of the room.
You’re used to Erwin’s startling morning announcements. What you’re not ready for is Reiner standing at the fireplace next to him, smiling with all his teeth, shouting, “Good morning!” to the campers instead.
The campers look up, and Reiner doesn’t even have to give instructions. He simply points to the left side of the room, takes a big breath, and starts singing the first part of Down by the Bay, off-key but with heaps of enthusiasm. Erwin, pointing to his side of the room, comes in quickly with the echo, and the campers erupt. They’ve been working on the song in Nifa’s music lessons since the first week of camp, and they’re thrilled to sing it as a giant group.
You lean your chair back on two legs to ask Ymir, “What did you say to him?”
She simply shrugs over the bowl of cereal she’s already poured herself. “Don’t look at me. You know what he’s like at the asscrack of dawn. I didn’t say anything.”
“Liar,” you tease. She sticks her tongue out at you.
For all intents and purposes, Reiner does seem fine. But you saw the look on his face the night before. You can’t help but worry he’s just putting on a mask. 
You could send in a professional to get all the details from Reiner. Unfortunately, Hitch is posted up next to Erwin with a thermos of coffee, so she’s not going anywhere for the foreseeable.
Instead, you scurry up to Reiner yourself after breakfast and steer him out into the parking lot. “Hey. Are you ok?”
Reiner chuckles and scratches the back of his head. “What do you mean? I’m great.”
When you give him a look, he sighs. “All right, listen. Yeah, I was kind of messed up last night. But I thought about it, and I talked to Ymir this morning. The whole thing was partially my fault anyway.”
“Deep down, I always knew the two of them had something going on. I didn’t know they were actually dating, but I ignored the obvious signs on purpose. I think I was just trying to distract myself from…” 
He kicks the dirt, eyes cast down. “You know what you said about those snaps Galliard was sending me?”
 “I remember.” You’re careful to answer evenly, as excited as you are about where you think this is leading. You don’t want to freak him out.
“Well, I sent some back. And it turned into a whole thing. Because I think I like it.” Reiner hesitates between every sentence. “But instead of thinking about how that made me feel, I wanted to flirt with someone else. A girl. Because I don’t have to think as much about that.”
You give his shoulder a squeeze. “You didn’t do anything wrong. But you know, if you want to flirt with boys too, you can.”
Reiner clears his throat. “Is that… ok?” He asks so earnestly, it almost breaks your heart. He’s not asking if it bothers you; he’s asking for reassurance. For someone to give him permission.
“Yes. And if you need someone to talk to, you can talk to me. Or Ymir. Or Jean, or anyone. Nobody is going to be mad at you. I’m pretty sure Porco would be thrilled, actually.”
Before you can take another breath, Reiner wraps you in a bear hug. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” you wheeze. “But you’re kind of crushing me.”
Reiner lets go, laughing. You both know you need to get moving to your next activity block. Reiner skips a few paces ahead, turning backwards to face you. “Gotta go. I have a wiffle ball game to win.”
“Go get ‘em!” Yeah. He’s going to be ok.
When the late June sun sets over the hill, you meet Hange and Moblit at the back door of the lodge. After making sure all the campers have a working flashlight (thanks to Hange’s messenger bag full of spare batteries), Moblit lays out the rules, and they’re all off into the dark to chase each other around.
It’s your job to hang around the perimeter of camp and make sure none of the campers go out-of-bounds into the woods or by the lake. With your own flashlight pointed down at the ground, you walk the path just past the tree line. When you hear a rustle in the leaves, you flick your light up, ready to point some little feet back toward the lodge.
Instead, you find a certain tall, broad, and dorky counselor stumbling out of the trees, the leg of his jeans caught in a prickly bush.
“Please help,” Marco chuckles.
While he points his flashlight at his ankle, you crouch down and shake his pant leg free.
“Thank you.” You can just make out his outline in the dark, shaded by the trees, but you can hear in his voice how hard he’s smiling.
“Any time.” You realize how close you’re standing, how much electricity hangs between you as you laugh awkwardly. You’ve never felt this alone with him before. You want something. Anything.
You lean a little closer, and he lingers, not pulling away. A hot wave of breathlessness washes over you, and you rise onto your toes, one hand ghosting over the back of his neck.
“Marco,” you whisper.
His flashlight hits the ground. Both of his big hands rest on the small of your back, and he pulls you in, capturing your bottom lip with his mouth, urgent but soft. You can’t help yourself. You throw both arms over his shoulders and squeeze, pressing your body against his, so close you can feel the pounding in his chest.
He gasps before deepening the kiss, letting your tongue slip past his lips. There’s nothing to say as you hold on a little too desperately, wrapped up in each other in the dark.
When you finally break apart, Marco is trembling. “I really, really like you.”
“I really, really hoped so.” You press one more light kiss against the hint of his collarbone that peeks out over the collar of his t-shirt.
Peals of laughter and flashlight beams from a few meters away startle you, and you hop back as a few campers chase after each other on the other side of the trees.
Marco retrieves his flashlight, and you wish you could see how hard he’s blushing. Instead, you give his hand a little tug. He laces his fingers between yours and gives a reassuring squeeze. “Come on,” you tease. “We should pay attention.” You have the rest of the summer to figure this out. Right now, you have a job to do.
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Redneck Doug watches 'The Bad Batch: A Different Approach'
Believe it or not, this episode started the first real argument between Doug and I!
Hope y'all enjoy it.
CW: Language and Doug is surprisingly critical of fat folks, despite the fact that he's from one of the least healthy states in the USA, has a massive beer gut, and can put away a whole rack of ribs and multiple barbeque fixin's in one sitting. I've seen it in person, folks. We were snipping at each other over fatphobia, glass houses, and the merits of The Treasure State after this.
I might have sacrificed my invitation to his St Patrick's Day party as a result. Oh well.
Episode 4: “Adventures in Space Montana” 
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(image from @ladyzirkonia)
And we’re starting off with Little Orphan Blondie behind the wheel of a stolen vehicle because the girl is every inch her hillbilly brothers family.
Why is the plane on fire? Does this end like Alive? I thought ships couldn’t burn in space, I mean, I studied engineering, worked in oil, girl I remember Event Horizon.
Whelp, they crashed in a cold-ass field with some pointy mountains behind them. Clearly Montana. Maybe there’s a national park nearby and they can go hiking.
Aw, no, Mutant Jimmers is stuck behind Daddy Warcrimes’s seat! Let the ol girl out before she pees all over the spare tire!
Did they bring their guns? Hope they did. This is Montana, the Texas of the north, except you can’t find the bodies anywhere. If I was gonna go and murder someone, I’d pick Montana after Alaska.  
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(Pictured: Omega and Crosshair are somewhere in this picture)
A sketchy cold-ass town where everyone’s gambling, there’s too much military trash wandering around and you see your breath even inside the bar? Yup, definitely Montana. 
(“Montana is not like that! I’ve been there multiple times! I almost went to grad school at UM and the kayaking, skiing, hiking, and breweries are amazing!” - Me, defending a state I have never lived in
“Yeah, but have you been to Butte? Thought I was gonna go get eaten by the locals there.” - Doug
::proceed to bicker and fight via texts about the many merits and demerits of the Big Sky State::)
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Aw yeah, Daddy Warcrimes and Little Orphan Blondie got new clothes. Smart man, covering his face, Daddy Warcrimes. He totally looks like me when I gotta rake the lawn in November. I like that sweater, think they’ll sell them at Disneyland? 
And they’re back to gambling. See! I told you this was Montana! They even have a gun rack!
Look at Little Orphan Blondie taking down fools with some cards! I bet Ryan-from-Accounting is smiling watching from Heaven or wherever he’s fighting the Space Balrog to come back as Space Gandalf. 
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Oh who is this fat fuck. Lord a mercy, is he the one fat imperial we have ever seen? Man I tell you what I bet he’s too hefty to ride in an AT-AT and that’s why they sent him to Space Montana, thinking the hiking and eating venison and berries will slim that brother up.
Maybe Vader will force him to run while carrying Palpatine like we did to other recruits in the Navy. 
Nope, he’s gambling with a little girl in a bar, because the Empire just can’t follow rules now can it. That don’t make any sense. I’m with you, Daddy Warcrimes, giving that sour puss to everyone. I would too. 
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And now Officer Fat Fuck is gone done taking money from a child who beat him fair and square. Yup, he works for the government, all right. I bet he manages the Empire’s DMV.
Creepy little street boy wants some cash to tell them where they took Mutant Jimmers. I don’t blame the boy, it looks like no one wants to buy his shitty watermelon and he ain’t got a face.
Why in the hell are there so many animals in crates and shit here? They starting a zoo or something? Is it all to feed Officer Fat Fuck? I need info on this. 
Shit yeah, fire them guns, Daddy Warcrimes! It’s your time to shine, big boy!
Oh yeah they freed Mutant Jimmers! And everybody else. Oh man, is that a kraken? Whelp, its dinner tonight is Officer Fat Fuck. Good on ya, kraken, you may be named after the world’s worst hockey team but ain’t bad all the time now. 
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(pictured: they keep losing games but hey they at least eat imperial officers?)
Gotta fry some dumb Imperial while you’re leaving, of course. Why they wearing them goggles when they got helmets on? Shit, real dumb. Don’t like the Inspector Gadget trench coats either, those can get caught real quick in a door and that’s how you get shot and all. 
Ah yeah, they saved their cash, grabbed a ship, and they’re off to the moon! There they go! 
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(image from @dreamswithghosts)
And Mutant Jimmers is with them too. It’s a good day on the moon! 
Tagging Doug's fans of course: @skellymom @cdblake1565 @megmca @sued134 @eyecandyeoz @amalthiaph @yeehawgeek @eelfuneral @thecoffeelorian @lightwise @archivistofnerddom @askyourfox @heavenseed76 @totallyunidentified
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marvistamike2 · 3 months
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Mary and Mike had a low key train ride to Manarola until we arrived in Cinque Terre and then it turned into Disneyland. When we got off the train in Manarola there were so many people that it took 5 minutes for us to exit the platform. We then had to make our way in a queue through a 100 meter tunnel. We emptied out into a tourist trap of a square. We were like “what have we gotten ourselves into?” We slowly made our way up the hill to our apartment and the number of tourists exponentially decreased with distance. We were greeted by our host and told that day time was the worst as cruise ship tours were running through the five towns. Whew!😅
Our place is so cute and we have a great view. Night time is very mellow.
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lisagiaandrews · 1 month
Shanghai Bucket List: 20 Epic Things to Do in Shanghai, China
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Take a night walk along the west bank of the Huangpu River or take a night cruise to admire the stunning city lights of The Bund.
Climb up iconic skyscrapers such as the Shanghai Tower or the Oriental Pearl TV Tower for a panoramic view of the city.
Visit the Shanghai Museum in Huangpu to learn about ancient Chinese art and history. The museum has a large collection of exquisite bronzes, ceramics, paintings and other cultural relics.
Explore the French Concession area to experience local life and uncover hidden historical treasures.
Explore the world of science at the Shanghai Science and Technology Museum, which is especially suitable for learning and entertainment with children.
Visit City God Temple, in addition to Yu Garden, the surrounding City God Temple is also a popular place for tourists, where there are many traditional arts and crafts shops and food stalls.
Experience the nightlife of Xintiandi and enjoy a night out in Shanghai at the bars and clubs in the area.
Experience the alley culture of old Shanghai in Tianzifang. This is an old alley converted into an art and shopping area, full of literary atmosphere.
Visit Disneyland for a family-friendly trip and a day of theme park fun.
Go to the shopping paradise - Nanjing Road, where you can choose from a variety of products.
Taste the authentic Shanghai food, such as Xiaolongbao, Sheng Jian bao, crab bean curd, etc., to feel the food culture of Shanghai.
Walk along the Suzhou River, where the renovation shows the renewal and development of Shanghai. There are art installations and leisure Spaces along the river.
Watch a Peking Opera or Yue Opera performance and feel the charm of Chinese opera in a traditional theater.
Ride the maglev train, the world's fastest commercially operated train, from Pudong Airport to the city in just a few minutes.
Visit the Shanghai Grand Theatre in People's Square, a modern building that is one of Shanghai's iconic cultural facilities and regularly hosts world-class shows and concerts.
Visit Xujiahui, one of Shanghai's commercial centers, which is home not only to modern shopping malls, but also to historic Catholic churches and museums.
Visit the Expo site. Although the Expo has ended, many national pavilions have been converted into museums and exhibition halls and are still worth seeing.
Visit the Shanghai Ocean Aquarium: Located in Lujiazui, it displays Marine life from all over the world and is especially suitable for families.
Take a day trip to Zhujiajiao, a water town near Shanghai, to admire its canals, ancient Bridges and classical architecture.
Ride or walk around Chongming Island to enjoy the natural scenery and get away from the hustle and bustle of the city.
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What would be your ideal 3rd gate for Anaheim Disney, if they somehow found the space?
The Shadow Kingdom, my ideal Disney villains/horror park. Here is the old description I had of such:
What I was imagining would be a park similar in structure to Disneyland, or Universal's Islands of Adventure: separate "ports of call" or areas with a overarching theme, with movie properties sprinkled throughout largely realistic realms and placed aside attractions not based on any established film property.
It was my goal to conceive a park that could mirror the attraction mix of DisneySea: large scale E-tickets, smaller dark rides, a handful of more traditional amusement park type rides that still fit the style of the realms, and walk through exhibits. This would create a variety of experiences matched with exquisitely detailed settings and waterways winding throughout the various realms. My theoretical third-gate, darker themed Disney park would be entitled The Shadow Kingdom, and have eight themed sections within united by the idea of an "alternate universe" version of Disneyland, accessed by walking through a slightly sinister traveling circus (inspired by the Disney live action film "Something Wicked This Way Comes"). This would be an old fashioned style-traveling show, and serve the function of Main Street: nothing too threatening at this juncture, just slightly vintage and offbeat, with shops, entertainment, food, and presenting a vintage archetype guests would be as familiar with as they are an old-fashioned town square. It would serve as a "portal" to wooded paths and waterways leading to the other themed lands.
Once entering the park past main ticket booths (in the form of a semi-circle of aged but clean looking gypsy/circus wagons with themed detailing items attached), guests would pass under a banner for Pandemonium and Darke's Shadow Show. On either side of a "country dirt road" (actually painted and detailed concrete) would be lines of well-kept, black, red and white striped vintage circus tents and temporary wooden structures. One would offer British "hand food" of the period: meat and portable shepherd's pies, a few sandwiches, and desserts like funnel cake along with beverages. Another would sell hand crafted wooden toys and mementoes of the carnival done in period style, a third, park-specific merchandise and Disney brand goods limited to this one location. The usual services and sundries would be offered, but hidden inside a aged wooden building marked "Amenities" on one side, and a large tent on the other: an ATM, phones, wheelchair rentals, restrooms, etc. Along the road, at one point, would be the boarded up, closed "Mirror Maze" from the film of Something Wicked This Way Comes, with a hand painted sign out front explaining the closure due to visitors being "lost" inside. If guests were to stand and watch, they might glimpse spectral forms of period-dressed tourists inside, trapped in the mirrors, but vanishing quickly and appearing only subtly and infrequently. The barker outside would invite guests in to the funhouse that shared the building, for a 3-4 minute walkthrough designed after classic walk-through attractions found in places like Coney Island and San Francisco’s Playland at the Beach.
The main attraction in this area would be Professor Darke's Odditorium Sideshow. Guests would sit on benches surrounding an indoor stage, and be entertained by a mixture of live performers on the main stage (acrobats, fire eaters, a magician/illusionist, etc) and AA performers on either side, in smaller little circular stages, as used in County Bear Jamboree (Spidora the spider woman, a two-headed jazz-singer/flapper type woman, a pale, thin, skeletal looking fellow who would summon spirits to interact with the stage and theater, etc).
In addition to this main show, there would be a few classic carnival type rides done in a more lush, period style with slightly aged and morbid designs in spots: a Himalaya type spinner ride, a Ferris wheel, surrounded by woods on either side in both cases.
When ready to leave the main entrance, guests would find a single pathway with an old-fashioned parchment map on a signboard at the edge of a dark wood, wooden gates standing open on either side of the lane. The text would read thusly, on a plank affixed to the map: "Beware, traveler, for those who venture beyond these boundaries are no longer under the protection of the management of Pandemonium and Darke's Shadow Show. Strange realms await beyond our encampment, and many wonders as well. But beware, for those who pass this way may experience many dark enchantments merely hinted at by our humble amusements, and few who do are ever truly the same after."
The map would lay out the rest of the park, illustrated in a rough, sketchy style, with stylized representations of each of the realms (starting from nearest the entrance and working counter-clockwise): Hollow Bastion in the center, ringed by The Black Forest, Voodoo Bayou, Dead Man's Cove, The Underworld, Halloweentown, and Vulture Flats.
In the center (as Sleeping Beauty Castle is for Disneyland) would be Hollow Bastion, based on designs from the Kingdom Hearts games. Waterways and moats would surround it, with seemingly decayed bridges over them to enter the fortress. Many of these would connect to the other realms, and dark, swan-shaped boats carrying about twenty guests would depart from a dock outside the walls of Hollow Bastion to take a 10 minute trip to the other dock at Dead Man’s Cove.
Guests would be able to walk through the castle structure and an interior set of paths, seeing scenes featuring the Horned King from the Black Cauldron, aided by the Heartless from Kingdom Hearts. These scenes would feature a story of the King attempting to open portals to other realms in order to gain new power and increase his strength by tapping into evil energies from other planes of existence. These portals would be used to explain the different realms of the park, and how guests crossed into Hollow Bastion from Pandemonium and Darke's. The final scene would feature the Horned King triumphant, standing behind the black cauldron, smoke rising and flashes of light coming from within. Crackling energy would line the walls, and as guests exited to proceed into the rest of the realms, they'd walk out of the castle through a cloud of mist, energy bolts sizzling along the wall, headed outwards, leading them to understand the King had been successful in opening gateways to other dark realms that guests could now visit. Below the castle, a dragon's lair similar to that in Paris would lie, with smoking volcanic vents, a giant slumbering dragon AA, and a series of dungeons with skeletons shackled inside leading to the main cavern.
Behind the castle, in a courtyard, would be a carousel with steeds modeled after famous and infamous supernatural creatures: thestrals, the giant spectral dogs of England, werewolves, griffons, sea monsters, and the like. Beyond the carousel, the main bulk of the park would begin, the realms lining a counter-clockwise circle, each bordered by strange, magically glowing symbols on the ground, like etchings, in red and purple light that would glow and wane eerily. A secret “escape tunnel” would be found through a unmarked crack in the fortress walls, and lead past some scenes of a long abandoned dungeon: open cells, skeletal remains, and the like. Guests taking this tunnel would wind up near the skiff boarding dock outside the walls.
The first realm accessed if exiting to the right would be the Black Forest, heralded by stylized "spooky trees" like in the Snow White animated film, and the sound of wings and ravens cawing deep in the woods. In this area would be a small wooden cart offering "Poison Apples", in reality, apples dipped in caramel or chocolate then with a skull imprinted on front using a stencil which sugar would be sprinkled over, leaving the design. A rough wooden hut would offer the chance for guests to meet and be photographed either with the Wicked Queen or Old Hag from the classic Disney film. The main attraction in the Black Forest, looming behind the wooden cottage, would be Bald Mountain, styled after the classic sequence from Fantasia..
This would be a 10-12 minute flume ride, where guests would board hollowed out, twisted logs in a forest clearing, traveling along a rocky mountain stream. A few minutes would be spent floating in wooded settings, owls and AA wildlife glimpsed, the sounds of nature and slightly ominous, low scale music heard. A small drop down a minor hill would take guests to a densely forested setting, then quickly into the enclosed portion of the ride disguised by trees and rockwork matched with a disguising wall featuring a painting of the forest continuing and a village in the distance. Once inside the mountain's show building, there would be scenes of the village in the shadow of the mountain as dusk set: candles in windows, a lone shutter banging in the breeze. As guests floated past the old cemetery at he base of the mountain, tombstones would be seen to shake, mist rising from the ground, and then the logs would speed up, propelling guests into a close, dark thicket of trees, the strains of "Night on Bald Mountain" and eerie, strange cries echoing in the dark. Spectral forms, using the original ghostly designs from Fantasia, would be glimpsed on either side, the logs catching the bottom of a lift hill and starting upwards in a dark tunnel, shrieking spectres projected all around them on mist screens. Once at the top, the logs would pause, as a giant pair of yellow eyes opened, then a gigantic AA of Chernabog the demon would lean forward, music swelling, hands reaching out for the guests as if to grab the log. As the boat got nearer, hands closing in, it would plunge suddenly downwards, in a dark, enclosed drop tunnel filled with fog, in the pitch black. Once at the bottom, the logs would float slowly past the gates of the town, a rooster crowing in the distance as in the segment of Fantasia, a few whispy spirits visible headed back down to the ground to flee the dawn. Guests would exit near a large, dead tree stump, with glowing owl eyes visible and soft hooting occurring occasionally from within, and walk a path back to exit by the apple cart.
At this point, a covered bridge would lead guests to the second ride in the area: the Legend of Sleepy Hollow dark ride, where small wooden carts would set off on a moonlit eve for the party at the Van Tassel residence. A brief scene with Brom Bones and the party guests would follow, featuring the Headless Horseman song, and then back out into the fields and woods with the moon overhead. The ride of course would climax with being confronted by the Headless Horseman at several points, ending up with a combined projection and AA of the flaming pumpkin shrieking towards them, followed by a small dip underneath the wooden bridge, the carts moving along past the whipporwills and croaking toads to unload at the edge of the woods, in the shadow of an abandoned windmill.
The third attraction would lead away from these areas, via a small path with a sign nailed up at the entrance, painted with the words “Beware the Tulgey Wood”. A twisting series of paths would eventually lead to a maze themed to Alice in Wonderland’s Red Queen from the recent Tim Burton film, with still statuary and some interactive effects and illusions, both indoors and outside. A dark ride located inside the façade of the Queen’s fortress would take guests for a fast-paced adventure through the castle, dodging the presence of the decapitation-obsessed Queen, her animal footservants, and the dreaded Jabberwocky. The path at the exit would once more lead to the central area by the apple cart and Bald Mountain queue.
Guests hungry and thirsty after these adventures could have a sit-down meal at Gaston's, a restaurant styled after the pub in Beauty and the Beast, with deer trophy heads and the like for decor, as well as a oil painting of the namesake of the restaurant over the main fireplace. Seated at wooden tables in one of two dining rooms, guests would enjoy hearty steaks or seafood and pasta dishes, as well as specific European dishes like haggis and roasted pheasants.
The next realm encountered would be Voodoo Bayou, the trees thinning out and becoming more realistic, guests walking on wooden walkways over "swampland" with cypress-like trees growing around the path. Splashing and the noises of reptiles would be heard from the water, a few AA crocodiles occasionally surfacing, eyeing the guests. At night, eerie green lights could be glimpsed far back in the trees, and the lightning bug effect from Pirates could be used as well, with the main lighting provided by antique lanterns hanging from the walkway railings. This area would feature three attractions: a boat ride through the swamp, a sit down show, and a walk through "exhibit".
The show would be entitled "Dr. Facilier's Other-Side Revue", and naturally feature the title character from Princess and The Frog. It would take place in a rustic shack with hand painted sign like in the film, and a live actor would play Facilier: explaining to guests after he got ran out of the city and "perished", his friends from the other side decided to give him one more chance to redeem himself. In order to prove himself, he has to convince one of the guests present to let him take their energy (via a planted actor in the audience, like the Indy stunt show in Florida) to revive his "friends". The chosen actor would come onstage, only to be vanished and reappear as a AA frog, before disappearing once again in a cloud of smoke. At this point, the masks and voodoo dolls around the stage would "come alive" with the gained energy, chanting ominously at first, chairs and items moving on their own, the lights dimming, strange noises occurring around the whole theater and lighting effects. At this point, a few of the shadow creatures from the film would appear onstage, and interact with Facilier: knocking off his hat, tripping him, etc. After the Dr. and his shadow calm the "friends" down, there would be a musical reprise of "Friends on The Other Side", with punctuation provided by the masks chanting along, statuary and artifacts coming to life. As the music reached the finale and crescendo, a bolt of purple light would hit the stage from above, and the live Facilier performer vanish, all the masks and objects go still, and when the lights came back up, all would be normal except for the lingering shadow of Dr. Facilier, which would remove it's hat, bow, and gesture for guests to rise and exit before vanishing itself. This would be a combo between Disneyland's Enchanted Tiki Room and the "Spirit Lodge" attraction at Knott's, which features live performers vanishing and interacting with Pepper's Ghost type illusions.
The second attraction, the walk through, would be a realization of Rolly Crump's Museum of The Weird. This would be housed in a area of small shops and a few casual food places, a slightly more run down sort of community on the edge of the swamps. Inside the Museum would be an eccentric collection of artifacts, many said to be cursed or "haunted", from around the world. These would be explained to have been collected over the lifetime of one Dr. Phineas Crump, a noted collector of the arcane and unusual who traveled the world looking for items for his collection. The items might include "possessed" paintings of medieval people from castles in England, cursed tribal artifacts from Africa, items stolen from the tombs of Egypt, unusual carvings from Asia and India, shrunken heads, artifacts from the witch trials of Salem, a man-eating plant, etc. The exhibit would be housed in a rather decrepit building, outside painted with odd languages and phrases in red and gold paint. Several of the items would appear to move on their own, the eyes of the paintings sometimes follow guests, or odd knocking sounds to echo through the building at times. On hand would be a few Cast Members, well trained in the significance of certain items (or being good enough at improvisation to make up stories behind the artifacts on the spot) to share with guests who had questions, or point out "special" exhibits. This would be on scale, room size wise, with the One Man's Dream exhibit at Disney Studios, guests being allowed to linger with CM's positioned along the way, and take up perhaps 3 rooms total.
The boat ride, Crocodile River Expedition, would have a queue among gnarled cypress trees, through a seeming crocodile trapper’s shack decorated with rusty implements and odd drawings from old books depicting strange voodoo-esque rituals . Once on the dock and loaded onto a boat, guests would take a ten-minute or so Jungle Cruise type tour with a live guide, who would tell rather lightly-handled tales of the swamp and wildlife, and voodoo legends and ghost stories of the area. Sights would include a pit of quicksand with remains of some unlucky local trappers, the burned down remains of a once regal plantation house said to be haunted, a simulated attack by large angry crocodile animatronic, and to escape: a trip through a dark, moss filled cave where eerie lights would appear and prompt the guide to tell tales of the “will-o-whisps” of legend.
Leaving the Voodoo Bayou behind, the swamp would slowly become more rocky ground, with a curving path around a lagoon of black, still water, waves lapping slowly at the shore. This would be the "back" of the park: Dead Man's Cove. Looking under the water as they walked along, guests might spy items such as sunken gold coins and treasure, animatronic crabs and moray eels, human bones, and stray pieces of wrecked ships. The first attraction here would be the Flying Dutchman from the Pirates film series, created full scale and moored along the walkway. Guests could climb the gangplank and walk both above and belowdecks, to view the organ chamber (eerie music playing by itself from Tia Dalma's locket), the brig, the mess hall, and through a cut out window, might glimpse the Kraken swimming by underneath the waves. A few AA crew members would be scattered throughout, those that have become part of the ship and covered in moss and sea life. On the main deck, guests could find either Captain Hector Barbossa or Davy Jones himself to pose for photos. Back on the mainland, a smaller meet and greet space set up to look like a backdrop of stolen treasure and ship parts would house Jack Sparrow and Tia Dalma characters for photos. Nearby, there would be a rough-looking building constructed out of wrecked ship parts (similar to the ‘town’ of Shipwreck in At World’s End) which would house a meal and pirate show featuring stunts, musical performances by the Bootstrappers, and saucy pirate wenches displaying feats of derring-do while guests were served items such as whole roasted chicken, stew, or beef ribs along with large flagons of soda or specially brewed "rum".
From the mainland, guests could either cross a swaying rope bridge or take a underground tunnel to an island set in the waterway towards the center of the park. This “cursed treasure isle” would be analogous to Tom Sawyer’s Island at Disneyland, with forest settings, a ruined church, treasure caves, footpaths to explore, and the like suggesting the world of the live action Pirates films.
The showstopper attraction for Dead Man’s Cove would be a water ride/coaster hybrid taking place inside a large fortress on the side of a mountain. Titled Phantom Fortress, it would feature a trip through a under-siege East India Company headquarters and battalion center. Starting out as a slow moving coaster seating about 8 people in 2 rows, it would journey past scenes of battle between pirates and the military/shipping forces and then speed up into the water-based section. Boats would be “hit” by cannon fire and sink, dropping down into a dark show building with more ghostly and eerie effects of deep-sea inspired monsters, half-human sirens/mermaids and ghostly cursed pirates ‘underneath’ the water via a dry-for-wet effect environment similar to The Little Mermaid upcoming dark ride and Tokyo’s 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea. The boats would gradually rise again and ‘surface’ at an unload station looking like a rocky beach.
The next realm, The Underworld, would be entered through a rocky cave along the water's edge. Down into the darkness guests would walk, the path lit by ornate, Greek-style torch holders on the walls, until they reached a larger cavern. Along the way, small alcove would hold a simple, golden lamp familiar to any who enjoy the Disney animated films. If venturing close enough to touch the lamp, guests would activate either maniacal laughter from within, or Jafar pleading to be let free from his prison.
Further on, at the entrance to a lake framed by jagged rockwork, the queue would form for the area's signature attraction: The River Styx. Guests would queue up and enter a stone chamber, lit by more torches, carvings of events from the film Hercules on the walls: Hades on his throne, the three-headed serpent, various other monstrosities. Once in their boats (PoTC style flat boats), guests would embark past a skeletal boatman in a small skiff, supporting himself on a staff. He would warn them to go no further, the realms of the dead and beyond are no place for the living, especially now that Hades has sworn revenge on the mortal world for harboring his enemy, Hercules. Of course, the boats proceed apace regardless, through a series of scenes including a plunge down a waterfall into a cavern with glowing blue waters, eerie faces swirling and vanishing underneath the surface; the sudden eruption of a giant cartoon-styled sea monster feet away from the boat on one side; Pain and Panic, Hades' henchmen, trying to crush the boat with a swaying support pillar; a scene of Megara imprisoned by the Sirens (haglike monstrous creatures); and finally, a showdown with Hades engulfing the ceiling with fire as he tries to destroy guests, who are saved at the last minute by Hercules holding a falling wall up so the boats can escape back to the load area.
To round out the land would be a indoor Coliseum style theater where a group of live actors would perform musical and improv skits based on classic Greek legends and myths, and a walk-through “Labyrinth” to view both the beastly minotaur in his lair, and a small pool with AA stylized fauns, winged horses, and water sprites inspired by Fantasia in the center.
Next up, the second-to-last realm would be Halloweentown, accessed by leaving the caverns of The Underworld, and arriving on the outskirts of the town. The surfaces and textures would all resemble those in the movie: hatchwork and lines on ‘natural’ features like hills and trees. A main street would lead into the town square, complete with City Hall, the central fountain, and a large graveyard and Jack‘s tower home, all as shown in the Burton/Sellick film Nightmare Before Christmas.
The main attraction here would be a Fantasyland style Nightmare dark ride taking place in a 2-story show building hidden behind Town Hall. Inside, the Mayor would be represented as a human-sized AA, inviting visitors from the "human world" to tour his town, entire head swiveling with worry that Oogie Boogie has been sighted lurking about, then turning back to his "cheery face" to assure guests everything will be fine. Inside would be about 10 separate show scenes, including a mid-point large scene for "This is Halloween" with 15-20 AA's, and a "descent"/falling scene down into Oogie's blacklit lair near the end. After riding, guests could visit Jack and Sally along with other Halloweentown residents (the vampires, the wolfman, the Behemoth) on a rotation in a small gazebo in the cemetery.
A few smaller rides would complete the area, located in patches of woods on the outskirts: a tea-cup spinner themed to Lock, Shock and Barrel with the ride vehicles resembling cauldrons and AA figures of the characters in the center of the platform, bickering and singing snatches of song from the film from inside their over-sized, monster/sentient bathtub. The second attraction would be an indoor, tame, Wild Mouse style coaster themed to the sled ride at the film’s finale with projected clouds and effects inside the building along with a synched up audio track of the chase music used in the section.
Last of the realms, but not least, is likely my most ambitious idea for the park: Vulture Flats. A decrepit ghost town in the style more of the current section at Knott’s than Frontierland, it would house three main attractions. A saloon/eating establishment would sit along the main road, and a vaudeville style theater delivering Old West melodramas with a slightly morbid/quirky edge. The landscape around the town would be like Arizona, roughly: orange colored buttes and scraggly desert trees, rocky features.
The first attraction in the section would be titled Redemption Armored Wagons, and play out like a hybrid of Indiana Jones, Universal’s Men in Black and the film based Spider-Man at Islands of Adventure. After walking to a more prosperous looking area of town, guests would be drafted by the local sheriff to pursue a gang of bank robbers into the wild, trying to disable the stolen armored stagecoach they are dragging and taking aim at specific targets along the way to slow the robbers up. The ride would feature moving vehicles and 3-D sets combined with film elements for a ride through the wild west featuring a cave full of bats, a steep canyon descent, the desert at night, and a chase across a rickety train trestle. Some elements and scenes would be re-used and updated from Marc Davis’ Western River Expedition along the way.
At the edge of the town atop a rocky butte would sit Ravenswood Manor, a western-inspired (but less romantic/film inspired a la Phantom Manor) variation on the Haunted Mansion archetype. Effects and gags inside would include some Mansion stalwarts (Pepper’s ghost, the ballroom party) along with new technology in portions such as AA figures recognizing and inviting guests to join them, followed by the cars starting to drift off the track and down dark hallways, or a sudden ‘earthquake’ causing vehicles to veer off the established ride path and into a set of scenes only sometimes visited, most guests receiving an alternate set of scenes and continuing through a different experience. The main story, as Disneyland Paris’s version does, would deal with a gold baron who went bankrupt and vanished after a large earthquake along with his wife and the household staff.
The final, and most lengthy and ambitious ride of the section, would be accessed through a "Western History Museum" front alongside a dusty path that dead ends at it, with a few other inaccessible buildings nearby: a horse stables, a hotel, a house of ill repute: all seemingly abandoned. Inside, the museum would have warped wood floors and display cases of items left behind in the ghost town of Vulture Flats, that had been mysteriously abandoned in the 1870's. These items would include old bottles, spoons, cutlery, plates, clothing, dolls, spurs…all things of a domestic nature, and keeping in what you'll find in any number of western history museums across the Western U.S. A town history would be on a wooden plaque on a wall, recalling the boom days of the Gold Rush, the waning of new pioneers, and finally, the day a group of miners arrived to find the town deserted of every living soul: women, children, laborers, cooks, saloon-keepers…all vanished without a trace. After pursuing the exhibits, and a final stop in a darkened room to view strange, glowing rocks mined during the town's heydey under blacklight, guests would exit the back of the building through a supposed "exhibit" faux rock mining tunnel only to find themselves outside, at night, on the abandoned streets of Vulture Flats.
This entire section of the area would be enclosed in a show building, like the entrance to Paris's Hollywood Studios park, entered through the Museum structure without guests knowing or seeing the enclosed building taking over. Projections of a ghostly full moon and clouds would move across the blackened sky/domed roof, and the walls would be obscured by trees or buildings, with matte paintings in places hinting at the desert beyond. Moving past the silent buildings, guests might think they glimpse movements or odd lights behind some windows, or hear whispering in alleyways, only to find nothing when they look back. Signposts would point the way to the Silver Dollar mine, and these would clearly be newer in style. Upon reaching a rock wall with mine tunnel entrances dotting it, most blocked off, guests would queue up in a horse barn, then a series of switchbacks through the mining company's equipment room. Cast Members at the front would explain the owners of the museum have opened the mine again for tours, so guests can see working conditions of the day, and assure guests that everything has been made safe for visitors and that they will be accompanied by a trained guide who knows the caves.
Groups of 16 would board open cars chained together similar to those at the Calico Mine Ride at Knott's, made of hammered steel like they'd been constructed out of old ore carts, with a headlamp on front. Then, the cars would slowly proceed into the mine, the guide telling a brief history of the Silver Dollar and it's owners, and how its' employees had vanished along with everyone else in town during the late 1800‘s, never to be seen again. Once into the mine shaft, the guide would start pointing out the bands of precious metals along and inside the walls, only to be interrupted by a strange, cold wind, and knocking sounds from either side. This would be followed by voices, murmuring and whispering, and faint blasting sounds off in the distance. The guide would express some concern at this, saying he has never experienced anything like this before in the mine, but he would take guests onwards into the original caves below the mine tunnels and that there was nothing to worry about, surely it was just imagination running away with them in the dark.
Inside the caves, weird, strangely glowing rock formations would be seen, and eerily glowing waterfalls here and there, making strange shapes. At one point, underneath the trestle supporting the cars, the guide would point out odd, sightless fish underneath the water (a mixture of AA's and projections) on either side. Entering a darkened cavern beyond the water-filled room, the headlamp would suddenly flicker and go out, the only light an odd blue one reflected by the rock walls. As the guide reassured guests everything was fine, off to the side there would be a sudden noise like rocks falling slowly, a misty shape slowly appearing: what appeared to be the form of a miner, eyes like blank holes, skeletal grin, wavering and flickering in and out slowly and oddly like a lightbulb. This frightful apparition would vanish slowly, into the darkness, and next the moans, low, and eerie, of many voices would be heard: men, women, and children. The cars would speed up, and the headlamp come back on, revealing a large pile of rocks dead ahead, scattered all across the cavern, a few bones poking out here and there. Then a loud rumbling would be heard, the cars shaking slightly, and the guide asking guests to remain calm and stating the exit was nearby, and they'd be out before any potential cave ins.
Quickly, the car would zip through a few nondescript caverns, catching sight of a opening ahead into the night, trees visible and the full moon. As the cart neared it, a apparition would suddenly appear, blocking the entrance: a fully formed, blue, ghostly image of a woman holding her hands above her head, as if in fear, the rumbling getting louder. No time to stop, the vehicles would simply pass through the ghost like mist, a loud roar of rocks falling behind them as the vehicle went back to the unload area. The cave guide, visibly shaken, would say he guessed now they might know what happened to the townsfolk: a serious cave in took the lives of some of the miners and women, and the rest just up and left, not that he could blame them for that. He'd go on to say the restless spirits must be re-living the events of what happened to them, and maybe now they could find peace. Guests would unload and walk back the main street of town, having the opportunity to look around the boarded up buildings or visit a small "Undertaker's Office" selling a limited selection of merchandise of a Western nature. They would exit through another cave to the outskirts of the traveling circus/entry area, or take a one way shortcut back to the rest of the park via a door hidden behind one of the outdoors Western fronts.
This concludes the basic tour of the potential park. Some elements are not included, such as more specific smaller stores, fast food type establishments, and bathrooms in the themed realms. Overall, this is designed to be something Disney does not currently have stateside: an even mix of original properties and movie-based attractions all in service of a larger theme of a “darker”/slightly horror based concept. If done correctly, the balance of menace, thrill, E-ticket and experimental rides and more familiar properties and ride systems for younger guests could truly be something unique. In addition, such a park would allow Disney to expand into the market of after-hours Halloween events for a more adult crowd while not stooping to the level of gore or pure gross-out elements in order to do so. Some might disagree with the suitability of a project so vast and ambitious, yet based on “horrific” elements or darker themes. Nothing truly grotesque, however, would be presented, and no cheap scares or content beyond the level of things which could conceivably be rated PG-13 were this a motion picture.
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karaloza · 1 year
Legend of Zelda Theme Park: Overview and Layout
One of the benefits of the theme park format of location-based entertainment is that the themes provide a guiding logic for grouping and arranging rides and attractions. Unlike a more traditional amusement park, where things get placed wherever there is room for them, a theme park organizes them according to...well, theme. And for The Legend of Zelda, the selection of themes is obvious—since the park represents the kingdom of Hyrule, the themed areas are based on recurring locations and environment types in the game series.
I started with the basics: the Lost Woods, Death Mountain, and Zora’s Domain for the traditional forest/fire/water combo, plus a Castle Town in the middle with Hyrule Castle itself as the backdrop (like I said previously, I learned most of my theme park sensibilities at Disneyland). I also wanted to have a ranch area to bring Epona into the mix (because everyone loves Epona), and I thought there should be a land dedicated to Ganon and the monsters. I sketched out the first iteration of my park map and started developing concepts for attractions, shops, and eateries to go in each area.
But something was missing. The map felt weirdly off-balance to me and I wasn’t sure why. I also felt like there were more themed areas that deserved to be included—the Gerudo Desert and a place for various sky- and flight-related concepts from the LoZ series. I wasn’t able to come up with enough satisfactory attraction ideas for the desert and tabled that idea, but I did pull together material for an area that I decided to call the Skyward Realm and squeezed that into the map. But something was still off…
Finally it hit me: I should be using the Triforce as the basis for my map. No wonder things felt off-balance—I wasn’t using the perfectly symmetrical emblem of the franchise as my design guide! I went back to the drawing board more-or-less literally and came up with what I think is the definitive layout for my park.
At least until I come up with something better...or I finally figure out how to include the Gerudo Desert.
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The Welcome Plaza is immediately past the park entrance. Theming here is relatively light so people can orient themselves before getting thrown into the immersive environments. Most of the park’s major amenities are located here—the information counter, storage lockers, stroller and wheelchair rentals, and a first-aid station.
Castle Town is effectively the hub area, with walkways leading to (nearly) all of the adjacent areas. Hyrule Castle itself is the backdrop and contains several points of interest, but the bulk of the land is Market Square, containing numerous shops, food stalls, and carnival games…“minigames,” if you like. The other areas surround it like the petals of a flower:
The Lost Woods is an enchanted fairy forest, well shaded by the sprawling foliage of the Great Deku Tree and inhabited by Koroks, Deku Scrubs, and other woodsy creatures.
Epona Ranch is a cozy country homestead where guests can interact with live animals, including the Best Horse Ever(TM), Epona herself.
Death Mountain is a rugged volcanic area with many gems and crystals, home to the friendly, boisterous Gorons.
The Skyward Realm is built on a significantly higher elevation than the rest of the park to fulfill its theme as a land in the sky, home to the proud Rito.
Zora’s Domain is an area of open waterways and peaceful natural caverns, where aquatic wildlife is plentiful and the graceful Zoras safeguard the pure waters.
Finally, the Dark World wraps across the back of the park, serving as a place where Ganon(dorf) and his monster minions hold sway, along with other famous LoZ villains.
The thinner line enclosing the central areas of the park is the route taken by one of the rides: the Spirit Train, a handy way to travel around (while seeing some unique sights along the way). The thin rectangles along that line are the stations, serving Castle Town, the Lost Woods/Epona Ranch, Dark World, Death Mountain, and Zora’s Domain.
As for all those other unlabeled rectangles and circles and wedges...don’t worry about it. We’ll get to those later. :)
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naberriesamidala · 1 year
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Theocracy Is Not Heaven
Stephen Jay Morris
©Scientific Morality
Like, wow daddy-o, dig this prolegomenon! At least in a Totalitarian leftist regime like North Korea, they will kill you because you violated the peoples' law. In a Theocratic regime like Iran, they will you kill because God told them to! That would hurt my feelings, knowing that God wanted me dead. But, to die because I violated a secular law? I wouldn't take it personally. At any rate: In a politically-challenged nation like the USA, not only do Americans not know what communism means, they irrefutably don't know the definition of Theocracy. Iran is a Theocratic nation. Does lunchbox Joe know that? Fuck, no!
When you hear the phrase, "Christian Nationalism," you must realize that it does not equate to Catholicism or Greek Orthodoxy, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Episcopal, Methodist, or even Jahovah's Witness, or any form of "normal" Christian denomination. What it means is Evangelical fundamentalism. In all honesty, the term should be "Evangelical Nationalism." However, a generalized noun has far more, mass appeal. Some Catholics see themselves as Christians. Dumb asses! The religious Right hates and has hated Catholicism since the days of Reformation, 500 years ago. Some religious Right folks view the Pope as the Anti-Christ!
If you know anything about comtemporary Islam, you know that the religion is more fractionalized than the political Left. Americans can’t nuance anything beyond a generalization. That is why most religions are anti-intellectual. In order to control the masses, they employ obscuratism to keep the masses stupid.
The common American thinks in tribal terms. Like the Vikings, American football, or the or the tribe of Medieval Scandinavia, Americans are conditioned to be part of the "team." On the Left, it's called "Collectivism." On the right, it's called "Communism." But, hail, hail! The gang's all here! When you die for your country, you are sacrificing for the collective. When you die defending yourself, you do it for you alone. Individualism and collectivism is a mixed marriage here in the states. The Right wing is just as dependent upon the chaos theory as is the Left. It doesn’t matter if their base is stupid, as long as the ruling class can manipulate them.
Now, about this thing called “Theocracy.” When you hear the term, “Christian Nationalism,” its followers see it like Disneyland, where there are rosy-cheeked, white people square dancing in the barn, after church services. To them, small government is protecting the oil corporations’ right to drill anywhere. Well, hell no, it aint! A Christian Nation makes the original U.S. Constitution null and void. It establishes State religion. All laws emanate from God and the bible. In Iran, all laws come from Allah and the Koran.
You think that living in a Godless, communist country is bad? Try living under a religious dictatorship. The government will tell you who to marry and what you can and cannot do with your body. It will dictate the music you can and cannot listen to. You have no private life. The government will check to see if you are cleaning your guns. If they are found to be dirty, the government will confiscate them. If you are married and haven’t any children by the second year of your marriage, then you will be taken to a re-education camp. If you have kids and they misbehave, they will taken to the outskirts of town and be stoned to death.
Then, there the issue of war. You will be drafted into the military to fight because your leader heard the voice of God tell him to go to war with Mexico.
I do not want to live like that. I don’t live under religious laws. I live by my own morality and rules. To anybody who tries to take away my freedom, I will say, "Give me liberty or I will give you death!"
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jojo10fan · 2 months
Induct Disney Artist, Don Ducky Williams into Disney's Legend Hall of Fame!
Please sign this petition to induct Disney Artist Don"Ducky"Williams into Disney's Legend Hall of Fame.
Direct Link to the Petition - https://chng.it/vTgxb7WHn9
My Wife and I have been friends of Disney Artist Don "Ducky" Williams for over a decade and during that time, we've always felt that Don deserved to be inducted into the Disney Legends Hall of Fame. I recently decided to work towards achieving that goal by creating a petition and placing it online for his admirers to sign! I posted that petition on the ( change.org ) site last week. The title of the petition is ( Induct Disney Artist Don"Ducky"Williams into the Disney Legends Hall of Fame"). If you are a fan of this legendary Artist or even if you're not, I'm asking everyone to sign my petition so we can eventually submit it to the Disney Organization and get this man the recognition he so deserves. Here is the Direct Link to the Petition - https://chng.it/vTgxb7WHn9
For those of you who are unfamiliar with this talented man, here's a little information on his accomplishments.
Don worked for the Walt Disney Company as their senior Character Artist for 37 ears creating countless works for the Disney Parks, Disney Cruise Line, Disney Vacation Club, and Disney Resorts. For those of you who are not familiar with his name, I assure you that you are definitely familiar with his work! If you've ever driven into Disney World property in Florida, you will pass through arches flanked on both sides by our favorite characters, Mickey and Minnie Mouse. These are Don's creations! So I guess you can say that Don, Mickey and Minnie are the first to greet you as you arrive at the most Magical destination in the world! He is responsible for much of the advertising artwork that you see on magazines, brochures, restaurant menus, billboards, signage, buses, children's books and yes even a corporate plane! He has a presence in almost every Disney Park including, Walt Disney World, Disneyland, Disneyland Paris, Hong Kong Disneyland and Shanghai Disneyland.
If you've ever taken a Disney Cruise, you probably received a complementary lithograph, drawn and painted by Don for your specific cruise. He has been a staple on over 100 Disney Cruises since the Cruise Lines inception back in 1998. While on those sailings, Don gives several presentations telling his inspirational story of how he became a Disney Artist. While telling this fascinating and entertaining tale, he draws many of the Disney Characters, from the fabulous 5 - Mickey, Minnie, Donald (his favorite), Goofy and Pluto to Cinderella, Winnie the Pooh and many others. To the delight of the audience, these drawings are raffled off at the end of his presentations.
As you enter the Magic Kingdom, a "must do" culinary experience is a meal at "Tony's Town Square" restaurant! This Lady and the Tramp themed eatery has exquisite artwork throughout, all created by Don. He quintessentially represents the "Best of Disney " carrying on
Walt's legacy of providing an unforgettable experience for all ages!
In a time when the computer has become the principal vehicle by which Disney characters are created, it's comforting to know that there is still one man who carries on the legacy of drawing these characters by hand! Don's enormous respect for the "old style" of hand drawn animation is evident in all his works. Don has presented new creations each year at the Festival of the Arts at EPCOT and also has numerous showings of his art at Promenade Gallery on Disney's Boardwalk in Walt Disney World.
Ducky is a true "National Treasure" who should become a Disney Legend. I'll be posting detailed pictures of his work for everyone to enjoy.
Please sign my Petition!
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corndogsonmainst · 1 year
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parksaversnews · 5 months
Disneyland Map
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Disneyland, the iconic theme park that sparked the imagination of millions, has undergone numerous transformations since its inception in 1955. At the heart of this ever-evolving wonderland lies the Disneyland map, a crucial tool for navigating the park's enchanting lands and attractions. This comprehensive guide delves into the rich history, intricate layout, and efficient routes of the Disneyland map, providing an in-depth exploration of this beloved theme park.
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The Evolution of the Disneyland Map
The Disneyland map has undergone a remarkable journey, mirroring the park's growth and evolution over the decades. From its humble beginnings as a simple hand-drawn sketch to the modern, interactive digital maps of today, the map of Disneyland has been a constant companion for visitors seeking to unlock the park's secrets. The Early Years In the 1950s, when Disneyland first opened its gates, the map was a modest affair, featuring a basic layout of the park's original lands: Main Street, U.S.A., Adventureland, Frontierland, Fantasyland, and Tomorrowland. As new attractions and lands were added, the map evolved to reflect these changes, becoming an indispensable tool for navigating the ever-expanding park. The Digital Age With the advent of technology, the Disneyland Park map embraced the digital realm, offering interactive features and real-time updates. Today's maps are available on the Disneyland app and website, providing visitors with a seamless experience in planning their adventures. These digital maps offer detailed information on attractions, showtimes, and even wait times, ensuring a more efficient and enjoyable visit.
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The Layout of Disneyland Park
Disneyland Park is a meticulously designed wonderland, with each land offering a unique theme and immersive experience. The park's layout is a masterpiece of urban planning, carefully crafted to create a seamless flow of foot traffic and maximize guest enjoyment. Main Street, U.S.A. As visitors enter the park, they are greeted by the iconic Main Street, U.S.A., a nostalgic recreation of a turn-of-the-century American town. This charming avenue sets the stage for the magical adventures that await, leading guests towards the majestic Sleeping Beauty Castle and the various themed lands beyond. Adventureland Adventureland transports visitors to exotic locales, where they can embark on thrilling journeys through jungles and ancient temples. The Indiana Jones Adventure, Jungle Cruise, and the Enchanted Tiki Room are just a few of the beloved attractions that await in this land of adventure.
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Frontierland Frontierland captures the spirit of the American Old West, with its rustic buildings, rugged landscapes, and exciting attractions like the Big Thunder Mountain Railroad and the Mark Twain Riverboat. Fantasyland Fantasyland is a realm of pure enchantment, where beloved Disney stories come to life. From the whimsical rides of Peter Pan's Flight and Mr. Toad's Wild Ride to the iconic Sleeping Beauty Castle, this land is a must-visit for families and dreamers of all ages. Tomorrowland Tomorrowland offers a glimpse into the future, with its sleek, futuristic architecture and cutting-edge attractions like Space Mountain and Star Tours – The Adventures Continue. This land celebrates innovation and technological advancements, inspiring visitors to dream of what's yet to come. New Orleans Square and Critter Country New Orleans Square transports guests to the heart of the French Quarter, complete with its iconic Haunted Mansion and the thrilling Pirates of the Caribbean ride. Critter Country, nestled along the Rivers of America, offers a serene escape with attractions like Splash Mountain (Tiana's Bayou) and the Winnie the Pooh ride. Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge The newest addition to Disneyland Park, Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge, immerses visitors in the beloved Star Wars universe. From building their own droids and lightsabers to embarking on galactic adventures aboard the Millennium Falcon and the Rise of the Resistance, this land is a dream come true for Star Wars fans.
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Fastest Routes Through Disneyland Park
With so many attractions and lands to explore, navigating Disneyland Park efficiently can be a challenge. However, by understanding the park's layout and utilizing the Disneyland California map, visitors can maximize their time and experience the park's highlights with ease. Main Street, U.S.A. to Fantasyland One of the most popular routes in the park is from Main Street, U.S.A. to Fantasyland, home to iconic attractions like Peter Pan's Flight and the Matterhorn Bobsleds. To reach Fantasyland quickly, visitors can follow the path directly from the central plaza, passing through Sleeping Beauty Castle's archway. Adventureland to Frontierland For those seeking thrills and adventure, the route from Adventureland to Frontierland offers a seamless transition. After exploring the jungles of Adventureland, visitors can cross the Rivers of America via the Sailing Ship Columbia or the Mark Twain Riverboat, arriving in the rugged terrain of Frontierland. Tomorrowland to Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge Star Wars fans will want to make their way from Tomorrowland to the newly opened Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge. This route takes visitors through Fantasyland and Frontierland, offering a glimpse of the park's diverse landscapes, before arriving at the immersive Star Wars-themed land.
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Utilizing the Disneyland Railroad
For those seeking a more leisurely pace, the Disneyland Railroad offers a convenient and scenic way to traverse the park. With multiple stops throughout the lands, visitors can hop on and off the train, exploring different areas of the park at their own pace.
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The 2024 Disneyland Map
As Disneyland continues to evolve, the 2024 map promises to be a comprehensive guide to the park's latest offerings. With new attractions and updates on the horizon, the map will reflect these changes, ensuring visitors have the most up-to-date information at their fingertips. One of the most significant updates to the 2024 map will be the inclusion of the newly reimagined Disney's Paradise Pier Hotel, now themed around the beloved Pixar universe (Pixar Place Hotel). We also expect to see Tiana's Bayou on the new map in late 2024! This exciting transformation will offer guests a truly immersive experience, with Pixar-inspired decor, dining, and entertainment. Additionally, the 2024 map will feature enhanced interactive capabilities, allowing visitors to personalize their experience and receive real-time updates on attraction wait times, showtimes, and more. With the integration of cutting-edge technology, the Disneyland map will continue to be an invaluable tool for navigating the park's ever-changing landscape.  
Ways to View Disneyland Map
- Disneyland App or Website - Grab a physical copy at Disneyland Park - Disneyland Google Maps - Go to the Disneyland Site for a printable Disneyland map - Any of these can act as a Disneyland ride map or a map of Disneyland hotels
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  Hidden Easter Eggs in the Disneyland Map
The Disney Imagineers have included these fun hidden characters and details as Easter eggs for eagle-eyed guests exploring the interactive digital maps on the Disneyland app.  - Rocket Raccoon and Baby Groot near Guardians of the Galaxy - Mission: Breakout! attraction in Disney California Adventure - Buzz Lightyear near Señor Buzz Churros in Pixar Pier area of Disney California Adventure - Baymax waving from behind the meet-and-greet area in San Fransokyo Square at Disney California Adventure - R2-D2, R5-D4 droid, and a Viper probe droid near Droid Depot in Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge at Disneyland - A Stormtrooper hidden somewhere in the Galaxy's Edge area of Disneyland - Rapunzel's long hair trailing from her tower in the Fantasyland area of Magic Kingdom park in Walt Disney World - Chewbacca flying the Millennium Falcon near the entrance to the Millennium Falcon: Smugglers Run attraction in Galaxy's Edge at Disneyland - Stormtroopers hidden in various areas like the Ewok village near Star Tours at Hollywood Studios in Walt Disney World - C-3PO waving outside the Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser hotel area on the map - A droid that resembles Vader's R4-K5 droid outside the Galactic Starcruiser area
Disneyland Maps Frequently Asked Questions
1. How can I get a Disneyland map? You can access the latest Disneyland park map on the official Disneyland website, Disneyland app, or by picking up a physical map at the park entrances. The maps provide detailed layouts of all the lands, attractions, restaurants, and facilities within the park. 2. What are the different lands at Disneyland? The main lands at Disneyland Park are Main Street, U.S.A., Adventureland, New Orleans Square, Critter Country, Frontierland, Fantasyland, Mickey's Toontown, Tomorrowland, and the new Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge. Each land is themed around a specific concept and offers unique attractions and experiences.  3. What are the must-do attractions at Disneyland? Some of the most popular and iconic attractions at Disneyland include Space Mountain, Haunted Mansion, Indiana Jones Adventure, Pirates of the Caribbean, Splash Mountain, Star Tours, and the new Star Wars: Rise of the Resistance. Use the Disneyland map to plan your route and hit the top rides. 4. How can I find the fastest routes through Disneyland? Study the Disneyland map to identify the most efficient paths between lands and attractions. Popular routes include Main Street to Fantasyland via Sleeping Beauty Castle, Adventureland to Frontierland via the Rivers of America, and Tomorrowland to Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge through Fantasyland. The Disneyland Railroad is also a convenient way to travel across the park. 5. Can I bring outside food and drinks into Disneyland? Yes, you are allowed to bring outside food and non-alcoholic beverages into Disneyland, as long as they are not in glass containers. Having snacks and refillable water bottles can help you save money and stay hydrated during your visit. Check the park rules for specific details. 6. What are the best times to visit Disneyland? Weekdays are generally less crowded than weekends, and off-peak seasons like early fall and late winter/early spring tend to have smaller crowds. Use the Disneyland app or website to check crowd calendars and plan your visit accordingly. Arriving early in the morning can also help you beat the crowds. 7. How can I get early entry into Disneyland? Guests staying at one of the three Disneyland Resort hotels (Disneyland Hotel, Grand Californian Hotel & Spa, and Paradise Pier Hotel) can take advantage of Extra Magic Hour, which allows them to enter the parks up to an hour before regular opening times. Alternatively, guests with 3+ day tickets can use Magic Morning to enter Disneyland Park an hour early on select days. 8. Are service animals allowed at Disneyland? Yes, Disneyland Resort welcomes guests with service animals throughout the parks and hotels. There are designated relief areas for service animals, and you can find more information on the official Disneyland website.
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The Disneyland map is more than just a guide; it's a testament to the park's rich history, meticulous design, and unwavering commitment to creating unforgettable experiences. From its humble beginnings to its modern, interactive incarnations, the map has evolved alongside the park, reflecting the ever-changing landscape of this beloved destination. As Disneyland continues to captivate visitors from around the world, the map remains an essential companion, unlocking the secrets of this enchanting wonderland and ensuring that every visit is a magical adventure. Whether you're a first-time visitor or a seasoned Disneyland enthusiast, the map is your key to unlocking the park's countless treasures, creating lasting memories that will be cherished for generations to come. Read the full article
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dasmuggler · 10 months
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Once Disneyland was completed, Walt Disney would often spend the weekend nights in his apartment inside Disneyland. On one night in the early 1960’s, overnight workers in Disneyland were replacing the trolley tracks. It was about 3am, and they had been using jackhammers for hours, pulling the old trolley track out to install a new one, when a worker noticed that Walt was sitting on a bench across from them in Town Square, eating an orange.
‘Sorry, Mr. Disney! We didn’t know you were sleeping here. We’ll keep it down!’
Walt (and I’m paraphrasing 😎) responded with, ‘No, it’s much more important for the tracks to be ready when the guests arrive tomorrow morning than it is for me to get a few hours sleep! Want an orange?”! 🍊
And that is how, according to the late Rolly Crump and his “A Walk in the Park”, some overnight Disneyland workers had the chance to sit on a bench in Disneyland and share oranges with Walt Disney at 3am sometime in the early 1960’s! ❤️🏰❤️
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