#distance versus accuracy
thegratefulgolfer · 1 year
Playing Golf With Long Hitters
The ultimate goal of every golfer is to shoot as low a score as possible. When playing stroke play, the responsibility to play our best golf relies solely on our shoulders. This is a challenge I relish and as I enjoy the pressure of figuring out the best shot for each situation. Playing in a scramble format, however, this strategy is less advantageous because there are other players we can rely…
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mllllonsknlves · 1 year
Knives’ Knives
Reposting another twitter thread I made for archival purposes. Its literally a copy and paste and more images are shown on the original twitter post just because tumblr is janky when adding so many images to a text post.
So I was watching tristamp for the hundredth time and noticed something I hadn't picked up on before. Millions Knives' blades have different modes. Four that we've seen so far to be exact.
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The one shown here is most common. A default state, folded and seemingly duller than others. Even the wire connecting the blades is rounded. This is the form we see most often, and the only form shown directly in front of Vash (that we've seen so far, will touch on again later.)
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These seem to be an attack stance for the blades. The wire even expands into what could cause more damage than just the blades alone. The first are pointed outward while the second is pointed inward, depending on the purpose being served- attacking versus grabbing.
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We then have the detached blades. They start in the default state but seem to expand as more form.
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Even in the preview for episode 11, Knives uses the folded, almost rounded blades. Because he's in front of Vash and doesn't REALLY want to harm him, at least not more than necessary.
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Obviously, Nai uses the folded blades when trying to connect with the core. He does not want to harm it. The end of the blades act at a connecting point, and its likely very similar to how he connected with Vash in the first place.
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What is particularly fascinating is that even when attacking Meryl, his blades are folded. It's most likely due to the fact that Vash is RIGHT BEHIND her and doesn't want to get him in the crossfire. His blades are still folded upon impact with Vash's gun.
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He does not extend the blades at the start of their fight. Not once do they open beyond the folded state, not at a distance, and not hand to hand.  Even when theyre out in the open and hes flinging Vash around, theyre still folded. We see him manipulate them with extreme accuracy, and yet even when they're in freefall, he does not USE THEM AT ALL. Not to grab Vash or the cube.
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Even after slaughtering all the soldiers and he floats menacingly above Vash to continue their argument, his blades are folded. So, either he can still cause that damage while folded, or the more likely thing, is that he refolded them after killing them to confront Vash again.
The entire rest of their fight. Folded. Grabbing the angel arm. Folded.
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HOWEVER. AND THIS IS THE MOST HEARTBREAKING THING OF ALL. ONCE HE HAS DECIDED THAT THE NAI THAT VASH KNEW IS DEAD. That is when the blades expand. Because he's snapped. Broken. He has /truly/ and /wholly/ become Millions Knives in that moment, because he has lost Vash.
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Its also worth noting that his blades and his wings are burned off before he lets go. Something something symbolism. Anyway, hope you enjoyed the agony uvu
I found more things to add to the things that were said above upon another watch through. Not sure theyre particularly poignant, but thought they were interesting enough to tack on. 
So I was watching ep3 and noticed how many times Knives swaps between the modes. The initial grab of the first women, the blades are pulled in the back position, but the second woman is grabbed with them in the forward position and dragged away and killed with the back position.
Immediately after, we see Knives advancing the steps and his blades floating around them in the forward stance. When they shoot forward to seek out the Plant, theyre back. As he goes to jump, theyre forward again.
As soon as the Plant is grabbed, the blades are folded, showing the care he has for them. There is one instance of them being forward, but likely just to get a more secure hold. Otherwise, always folded.
The ONLY INSTANCE (save for those final moments in 12) where Knives uses an "attack stance" of his blades in front of Vash is when he's using them to block bullets. In defense.
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He is INCREDIBLY deliberate with how his blades are used and shows a high level of skill. He wields them with PURPOSE. Anyway, thank you for tuning into another episode of my hyperfixation o/
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pvremichigan · 4 months
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Regal Bearwilds
The giant trees rush past as the Night Elf runs, staying as low as she can to hide amongst the shrubbery around her. Deep green shoulder length hair blown back by the wind, her focus remains forward. Her long ears listen for the trampling steps she's tracking, readying her bow and arrow in hand. Once the sound of the running stops, she quickly comes to a halt. The girl stays low, peeking through the leaves surrounding her to spot what she had been chasing.
A large buck. Graceful, elegant, and he displays a show of great tenacity with the arrows that stuck out of its body. The girls' heart and stomach sunk, internally scolding herself of being so reckless with her shots. The poor thing must be in great pain, but he certainly stands tall. He's determined to live.
But so was she.
She draws back the string on her bow slowly, being careful not to make any sudden movements that could startle the creature. Unfortunately, her elbow seemed to rustle a branch, causing the buck to snap it's attention over to the noise only for but a quick moment before he leapt to dash away. 'Tsk'ing to herself, she can feel a panic setting in. Before she lets her accuracy get mangled by her worry, Regal takes a deep breath. Drawing back the string again, this time far quicker, she aims about 50 feet ahead, measuring out the distance between where the buck had been versus where it had headed to, and as if time had slowed around her... She lets the arrow fly.
The body of the buck falls. The arrows were enough to damage it but the one that took it down lies firmly within its skull.
After a moment, the elf stands up and pushes her way out of the bushes to make her way to the body. She begins to carefully take the arrows out of the corpse, as not to ruin the meat.
A hand reaches up to caress the untouched side of the bucks face, glowing eyes shut and her head lowers as she begins to pray over the body in order to release the spirit back into the forest around them. At least, that's what she's always been taught.
"Thank you... I'm sorry for your suffering."
The hand that had caressed the face moves to her survival knife. As she grips the handle, the only thing left on her mind is survival. As her stomach growls, she wields the blade.
And the first cut is made.
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danglovely · 10 months
Regrading Taskmaster: S05E08 Their water's so delicious. and Series Five Winner.
*Score changes noted in parenthesis.
Goodbye Series Five, you will be missed. Also, I think I may get a bit too verbose, so feel free to TLDNR.
Prize Task: The Most Awkward Item For Somebody Else To Take Home
I gotta say that there are some A+ submissions in this one. Bob goes for a pretty baseline political joke which I would describe as uninspired. Sally bringing in balloons creates a fun thing to do on the stage at the end of the episode and I do appreciate that. However, Nish and Mark are the tops here. A bathroom would be harder to get home than a bunch of curry.
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Aisling: 2 Bob: 1 Mark: 5 Nish: 4 Sally: 3
VT 01: Get this coconut as far from here as possible. You may not touch the ground. You may not step on anything more than once. The coconut may not travel by car.
There's a list of restricted items you can send to Fiji.
This is interesting because "the ground" can mean different things in different contexts. One could imagine a game of "The Floor is Lava" where stepping on the carpet might not feel like it's in the spirit of things.
Alex breaks it down in studio by explaining that it is okay for him to step on the carpet, but when he leaves it he can't return. I think I get the heart of what he's going for, but it's a messy rule. Nish appears to shuffle his feet a bunch of times on the carpet, but Mark is the only one who gets disqualified.
There's another question in whether you measure the maximum distance the coconut ever got from the living room or just where it ended up at the end of the task. It really doesn't feel like Sally got her coconut to the post office in the allotted time (especially since it couldn't travel by car).
Furthermore, Alex said Aisling got it further than Bob but for some reason Bob got 4 points.
All this said, there are so many problems here that I think I have two choices: (1) Defer to the original scoring. (2) Completely discredit the task. Seeing as this task never seemed particularly controversial, I'll defer to the original scoring but switch Bob and Aisling.
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Aisling: 4 (+1) Bob: 3 (-1) Mark: DQ Nish: 2 Sally: 5
VT 02: Create the best graph.
I'll fill his boat with piss.
What constitutes the best graph? The most important factors would probably be interesting subject matter, accuracy, and ease of comprehensibility.
Nish's graph is easy to understand -- spending time with him is fun at a 1:1 ratio . . . although who knows what units of fun are measured in. It's also clever because he uses himself as the y-axis and makes the thing vertically. It's not a particularly interesting subject, but it's fine.
The point Mark is trying to make is that individual politics is an incredibly small factor when held up against the vastness of eternity. I believe it's supposed to be a bar graph, but the scale is intentionally done poorly to help effectuate the point so I'm not sure. It's kind of ambiguous what the y-axis is measuring (there's a percentage symbol, but percentage of what?). Greg dismisses it because he immediately forgot the subject matter and I am in agreement that it wasn't an amazing effort.
Sally's graph compares how much sex she gets versus how much sex she wants over the course of time. It's easy to understand and I would be bold enough to say it's interesting subject matter. The only downside is that she builds it out of a variety of different objects, so it's not very pretty.
Aisling's graph is attempting to compare the number of women and men on Taskmaster by series. The data is pretty easy to visualize, even without a graph: 1/5, 1/5, 1/5, 2/5, 2/5. Lots of problems here. The lines shouldn't start at zero (unless we're including Edenborough as Series Zero), the show didn't begin with more women than men in the cast, and the lines should be flat for the first three series then adjust beginning with Series Four. This is an easy last place.
Bob does a bar graph of units of piss by county. I can't verify it's accuracy, so I'm giving it five.
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Aisling: 1 (-2) Bob: 5 (+1) Mark: 2 (-1) Nish: 4 (-1) Sally: 3 (0)
Solo Task: Make the most fish puns.
I just thought you were bad at speaking.
I almost want to give Sally a point for the unfairness of it all. Alex did not make his puns in a minute, he made them over the course of days. No points for either of them.
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Sally: 0 Alex: 0 (-5)
VT 04: Write and perform a song about this woman.
Do we strike you?
This is an obvious contender for the best task in the entire show. I think the opinions on this one are pretty well settled. The team of three writes a very funny and unhinged song, but Mark and Nish absolutely knock it out of the park. Greg was still splitting points here so the team of two somehow only get three for the best creative work anyone has produced on the show.
I really really want to give them five, but absent a disqualification four is the maximum.
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Aisling, Bob & Sally: 1 (-1) Mark and Nish: 4 (+1)
Live Task: Throw the egg through the hoop and catch it as many times as possible. You may not touch the net or post.
This looks pretty straightforward.
Alex blowing the whistle and Nish immediately losing his egg is the funniest, most predictable thing ever. For some reason Aisling starts the task standing on the base of her hoop, so she definitely touched it. By the end, Bob is the only one who pulls off a successful throw and catch.
As unfair as it seems, logistically the other four contestants should probably be put into joint second. Aisling should be disqualified, but I read this one as disqualification stopping score accumulation rather than outright losing you the task.
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Aisling: 4 (+4) Bob: 5 (0) Mark: 4 (+4) Nish: 4 (+4) Sally: 4 (0)
Aisling: 12 (+2) Bob: 15 (-1) Mark: 15 (+4) Nish: 18 (+4) Sally: 16 (-1)
Oh my god, I gave Nish a win.
Aisling: 119 (-7) Bob: 125 (-13) Mark: 129 (-1) Nish: 115 (+8) Sally: 124 (-6)
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I triple checked my math because I in no way thought I'd have Mark beating Bob. I think it ultimately boiled down to evaluating what he did objectively whereas Greg enjoyed randomly docking him for laughs. Even so, I was pretty sure Bob was going to win so this is a stunner.
In the end, I gave Nish two more episode wins than he had in the real show. Aisling never ended up getting one (losing that tiebreaker with Mark hurts).
With that, I can say goodbye to Series Five. Series Six is next and it's worse, but I won't let that stop me. If I end up doing a regrade of Champion of Champions, it'd likely be after everything else. It's taken me six months to get through five seasons and they get longer from here, so it'll be interesting to see if I'm still plugging away at it by then.
Anyway, having gotten through five seasons, my version of Champion of Champions would have been Josh, Richard, Dave, Hugh, and Mark. I'd honestly say we're better off with the cast that we got.
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weatherman667 · 1 year
Warhammer 40k OTT Primer 1: Basics
9e, no Data Slate.
The basis of the game is the model.  While the model is important, the most important part is the base.
The game is played in a physical location, with distances measured in inches between bases.  Each model has a specified base size.
So, if you have a range of 24″, as long as there is not more than 24″ between the bases of the two models, then they are within range.  Models have listed move ranges.  Anything of 1inch in height, or shorter doesn’t impede movement.  Anything higher does, but infantry can climb, based off the distance climbed.  Flying units can ignore most movement rules.
The game is mostly abstracted to the squad level, and as such all units must remain in squad cohesion.  Each model must be within 2″ horizontally and 5″ vertically of at least one other model in their unit, or for 6+ models, they must be near 2 other models.  When a unit moves, all models in the unit are considered to make the same kind of move.
If one of your models is within 1″ of an enemy model, both units are considered to be in engagement range.  Basically, close enough to make melee attacks.  When within engagement range you cannot make a normal move out of engagement range, and cannot use any ranged attack other than pistol.
The entire game is played with D6′s.  6 always succeeds, 1 always fails.  If a number is written with a +, like 5+, then that number and greater will succeed, (for this 5 and 6).
All units have Wounds, and most attacks will not wound.  Imperial Guard have 1 Wound, Astartes have 2 wounds.  This means that if a mundane human takes any damage, they will die.
First you roll for accuracy for the attack.  Astartes have 3+, (3, 4, 5, 6, or a 2/3 chance), while Imperial Guard have 4+ (4, 5, 6, or a 1/2 chance).
Then you compare strength versus toughness to see if the attack did enough damage to qualify as a wound.  If your attack is not strong enough, they won’t take damage.  You measure the Strength of the attack (melee), or attacker’s weapon (ranged), versus the enemy’s Toughness.  If the Strength = Toughness, then 4+ wounds, (4, 5, 6).  If Strength > toughness, than 3+ wounds, (3, 4, 5, 6).  If Strength is at least double toughness, than 2+ wounds, (2, 3, 4, 5, 6).  If Strength < Toughness than 5+ wounds.  And if Strength is half or less, than 6+ wounds.
Once you know the attack will actually wound, then comes the same.  Sv is the Armour Save, which can get benefits from things like cover.  Some models also have an Invulnerability Save, but that is explicitly stated.  You use which one is best.  If the attack has Armour Penetration, (represented as a negative), this penalizes the armour save by the stated amount.
So, a full squad of Astartes use Boltguns on a squad of Chaos Marines.  The range is 24″, and if we say 13 or more inches, then Rapid Fire won’t kick in.  They both have Strength and Toughness of 4, and the Strength of the Boltgun is 4.  
Ballistic Skill 3+.  10 attacks.  6.67 attacks will hit, so let’s call this 7.
S=T, so 4+ to wound.  Half of these attacks will wound, 3.5.
Sv:3+, so only a 1/3 will actually Wound.  This is because Marines are extremely tanky.
We managed to deal one wound to one model.
Alright, let’s try it with meltas.  You can’t give a full squad meltas, but let’s do it for the sake of numbers.
BS:3, so the number of hits is the same.  We’ll call it 7.
S:8, which is double the Marine’s toughness, so it becomes a 2+ to wound.  So, 5/6 will wound.  Let’s say 6 will wound.
Meltas have an AP of -4.  Marines have Armour of Contempt, which lowers the armour penetration by 1.  So, AP-3.  So, the 3+ save increases by 3.  This turns it into a 6+, meaning only a 6 will save.  We’ll take another off, so out of 10 attacks, 5 actually deal damage.
Meltas deal D6 damage.  Each Marine has 2 wounds.  Excess damage does not carry over.  Models that are wounded MUST be given the wounds first.  Attacks:
6.  The target has 2 wounds, and the rest of the damage is lost.
1.  The target has 2 wounds, so we deal 1 wound to one model, (selected by the player that got attacked).
3.  There is a model with 1 wound, which has to be hit first.  So, we kill the wounded model, and the rest of the damage is lost.
5.  We kill a model, and the rest of the damage is lost.
2.  We kill a model.
So, we killed 4 enemy models.
Meltas cost +10 points, and the average Marine costs 18 points.  So, you are paying a lot for them, and they have half the range of a Boltgun.
Mortal Wounds ignore the wound and save roll, and carry over.
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colinwilson11 · 4 days
At Home Testing Kits: At-Home COVID-19 Testing Is Revolutionizing Healthcare Access
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At-home testing kits provide a convenient way for individuals to test for COVID-19 from the comfort of their own home. Rather than having to schedule an appointment at an overburdened testing site, find transportation, and potentially expose others while waiting in line, at-home tests allow someone to test in private and receive results within 15-30 minutes in most cases. For those with busy schedules or mobility issues, at-home testing removes significant barriers that may have prevented someone from getting tested. The tests involve collecting a nasal or saliva sample, processing it with included reagents, and reading the result on an indicator window—making the testing process quick and simple to complete independently.
Reliability Of Results
While not as accurate as lab-based PCR tests, the best at-home antigen tests have been shown to detect COVID-19 with over 90% accuracy when used correctly. Studies have found that carefully following instructions is important to getting reliable results from At Home Testing Kits. Factors like timing of sample collection relative to symptom onset can also impact test performance. However, for screening purposes and when positive results are followed up with a PCR test, at-home tests provide a convenient first-line of defense to help control spread. As test technology continues advancing, reliability will also increase over time. The trade-off of reduced accuracy compared to lab tests is outweighed by the ability of at-home kits to expand overall access to testing.
Greater Accessibility And At Home Testing Kits
In addition to convenience, at-home testing increases accessibility in other ways such as affordability. Many test manufacturers now offer $25 or less per test, with some health plans and governments providing full or partial reimbursement. This lower cost compared to lab-based PCR tests, which routinely charge over $100, makes repeat or regular testing more feasible for individuals and families. Affordability is key to encouraging frequent testing, which public health experts say is important for identifying asymptomatic or pre-symptomatic cases that may otherwise go undetected. Widespread availability and lower prices have brought testing to underserved communities and demographics that faced barriers previously. At-home kits eliminate financial obstacles that prevented some from accessing testing before.
Impact On Public Health Surveillance
As at-home testing adoption grows, it also provides a new avenue for public health surveillance of COVID-19 trends. Several test manufacturers have developed digital reporting systems integrated with their at-home kits. These allow individuals to voluntarily report positive, negative or inconclusive results into databases and dashboards accessible to public health officials. Aggregated data on community infection rates and hotspots empowers a more proactive response versus waiting for positive cases to appear at hospitals and testing centers. It could also help forecast surges and variants as they emerge locally. Consent-based digital reporting from at-home tests supplements traditional case reporting sources and provides a fuller neighborhood-level picture of outbreaks.
Workplace Testing Programs
Beyond individual use, some employers have started implementing workplace at-home testing programs. Large companies now offer employees weekly testing kit deliveries for regular screening. Workers can test at home and either upload results online or in rare cases with positive results, notify occupational health for validation testing. This approach to regular asymptomatic screening creates an extra safety layer and catch possible infections that wouldn’t otherwise be caught until showing symptoms. It complements other mitigation tactics like masking, distancing and vaccination requirements in keeping workplaces safe as many return to in-person operations. For some high-risk frontline roles, regular self-testing may become an important routine health protocol in the coming years.
At-home testing has transformed COVID-19 screening by increasing access and affordability while reducing barriers to timely testing. As an important expansion of testing capacity, it supports strategies targeting both individual health and public health outcomes. Greater access empowers individuals to help curb community spread through proactive screening behaviors. At the same time, aggregated results from voluntary reporting boosts surveillance insights to strengthen outbreak responses. Looking ahead, at-home testing will likely continue growing in importance, supported by ongoing innovation lowering prices further and raising ease of use. It brings testing closer to the fingertips of every person, which public health experts say is critical to controlling coronavirus on both individual and population levels long-term.
Get more insights on this topic: https://www.ukwebwire.com/at-home-testing-kits-empowering-your-health-access-essential-information-with-these-digital-health-solutions/
About Author:
Ravina Pandya, Content Writer, has a strong foothold in the market research industry. She specializes in writing well-researched articles from different industries, including food and beverages, information and technology, healthcare, chemical and materials, etc. (https://www.linkedin.com/in/ravina-pandya-1a3984191)
*Note: 1. Source: Coherent Market Insights, Public sources, Desk research 2. We have leveraged AI tools to mine information and compile it
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buckinghorseoutpost · 1 month
Federal Gold Medal Match and Spin-Stability: Accuracy in Long-Range Ammo
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Long-distance shooters may have come across a type of ammo known as OTM, or open-tip match ammo, which is substantially different from FMJ (as well as from hollow point ammo, actually, but that’s a topic for another post).
With that said, what is OTM and why is it better than FMJ for long distance shooting?
It has to do with spin-stability and the design of the bullet. Here’s what you need to know.
How OTM Ammo Is Made, How It’s Different from FMJ
When ammunition manufacturers make FMJ bullets, the core is dropped into a shot cup and the jacket drawn down from the nose, leaving the base of the bullet exposed.
This results in a bullet that is designed for stability in flight as well as on impact. As a result, FMJ ammo is generally considered accurate and consistent. It also penetrates well.
Then you have OTM ammo, in which case the lead bullet core is dropped into the jacket cup, but instead of drawing the jacket down from the nose, it’s drawn up from the base.
Then it is closed off at the nose of the bullet, leaving a little void - hence the name, open-tip match.
Ironically, it performs entirely differently from conventional hollow point ammo. Whereas hollow point ammo is unstable and inaccurate at greater ranges, OTM is superior to both it and FMJ ammo.
This has to do with the fact that they are not designed for expansion on impact with a target. They are expressly designed for spin-stability, which is the factor that makes them so practical as long-distance, match-grade ammo.
Why It Makes a Difference at Greater Ranges
To explain why this makes such a difference, first allow an odd segue.
Remember all those years ago when fidget spinners were popular? You know, the little plastic things with three or more arms, a weight at the end of each, all of which rotated around a central ball bearing?
Did you ever have the chance to spin one that was missing one of its weights?
Notice how it didn’t spin nicely, and was lopsided and difficult to control?
This is because its spin-stability was compromised as a result of compromised radial symmetry.
The same thing happens in bullets - except with fidget spinners we’re talking about slow speeds; whereas with bullets we’re looking at speeds in the thousands of feet per second, at least in linear motion.
The reason this matters is because small aberrations in a bullet’s jacket that alter radial symmetry by adding or removing mass at critical points can result in a bullet that does not want to spin.
And a bullet that does not want to spin is, simply, an inaccurate bullet.
Now, back to OTM versus FMJ. The process that manufacturers follow for producing OTM ammo is more exacting than the one used for FMJ. One is a precision process and the other is just “close enough.”
So, in the case of OTM ammo, like Federal Gold Medal Match, producing a bullet with precise radial symmetry is relatively easy, resulting in a bullet that spins more reliably.
And that, over greater distances, results in a bullet that is more accurate, yielding more tight groups at ranges in excess of 100 yards.
Where to Get Federal Gold Medal Match Ammo Online
Looking for reasonable prices on match grade ammo like Federal Gold Medal Match? Get them online at Bucking Horse Outpost, where you will also find a wide range of other top brands and lines.
Check out their website and bookmark their page. You never know when you’ll find a great deal in one of their collections or police trade-in specials.
For more information about .380 Remington and Venom 9mm Ammo Please visit:- Bucking Horse Outpost.
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akhabarfactory · 2 months
Mike Perry versus Jake Paul: A Powered Battle in the Ring
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With thousands of spectators crammed into the arena for what seemed to be a memorable boxing night, the energy was high and the suspense was obvious. Mike Perry, a boxer renowned for his raw aggression and willingness to risk everything in the ring, was scheduled to square off against fighter Jake Paul, a man who performs well under pressure. Everyone was on the edge of their seats for this titanic battle, which was more than simply a brawl. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lThkwd5pays&pp=ygUXamFrZSBwYXVsIHZzIG1pa2UgcGVycnk Cleveland, Ohio native Jake Paul has grown to be one of the most talked-about people in the boxing community. His meteoric rise from online star to professional boxer has been characterized by unwavering commitment and a string of outstanding triumphs. Paul is a divisive figure due to his charm and bluster, but his skill and perseverance are undeniable. As he entered the ring, prepared to support his words with action, he exuded confidence and made good on his promise of a knockout. Conversely, Mike Perry is a distinct type of fighter. Perry, dubbed the "King of Violence," exudes a warrior's mentality. He is a fighter first and foremost; conflict is his life. His strategy is simple: he is there to fight and is prepared to absorb as much damage as he inflicts. Perry made it obvious right away that he was prepared for a severe altercation when he threatened to stop the fight in the first round if Paul tried to go toe-to-toe with him.
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Before the match started, each fighter showcased their unique fighting techniques. Paul, the most skilled of the two, held Perry at a distance with his reach and technique. In keeping with his reputation, Perry lunged forward, trying to deliver strong strikes. With each punch, the audience let out a yell, their enthusiasm building to a crescendo as the competitors traded powerful blows. Paul showed his boxing prowess in the opening round. He took precise aim at Perry's torso, clearly hurting him. Perry invited Paul to take shots at his head by keeping his hands low, as was his custom. But this tactic turned out to be dangerous. Paul's methodical strategy paid off as he delivered a string of solid hits that led to a knockdown that had the audience cheering. Perry did not back down in the face of the knockdown. He persisted in moving ahead, displaying his tenacity and fighting spirit in full. But it was becoming more and more clear that Paul had superior technique and strategic awareness. He set the pace of the fight, keeping Perry at a distance and avoiding needless danger with a well-placed jab. Paul was obviously following his game plan exactly, and his confidence was growing with every second that went by. During the fight, Perry's weakness—his lack of defense—became increasingly apparent. With his hands frequently too low to shield himself from Paul's unrelenting attack, he took a great deal of punishment. Paul took advantage of every opportunity, throwing strikes with strength and accuracy. Perry's wild aggression stood in stark contrast to Paul's methodical approach, and it soon became apparent that Perry's chances of turning the tide were fading. Ultimately, Jake Paul's supremacy was apparent. His ability to adjust and take advantage of Perry's flaws demonstrated his development as a fighter. Paul silenced many of his detractors with his performance, which was a credit to his hard work and perseverance. Perry showed great bravery and tenacity, but in the end, Paul's cunning and tactics won out. This duel was a collision of ideologies more than it was a struggle of strength. Perry's raw, unrestrained aggression was a stark contrast to Paul's calculated, strategic approach. The result demonstrated the value of technique and strategy in boxing by demonstrating that an opponent who is disciplined and well-prepared can defeat even the most formidable fighter. The night was an exciting show for the spectators, full of drama and intrigue. Jake Paul triumphed, solidifying his position as a rising star in the boxing community. Even though he lost, Mike Perry was respected for his unwavering determination and desire to take on any obstacle. These are the kinds of nights that become legends in the boxing world. The fight between Mike Perry and Jake Paul will live on in memory as evidence of the sport's timeless appeal, where passion, talent, and willpower come together to produce life-changing experiences.
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sallyyty · 3 months
Smart TV Buying Guide: Key Features and Considerations
I. Introduction
With many options flooding the market, choosing the right smart TV requires careful consideration of various features. This guide aims to assist you in navigating the sea of choices.
II. Display Technology
A. Overview of Display Technologies
LED/LCD: The most common display technology, LED/LCD TVs use a backlight to illuminate liquid crystal pixels. They offer vibrant colours and are generally more affordable.
OLED: OLED (Organic Light-Emitting Diode) TVs use organic compounds that emit light when an electric current is applied. This results in stunning contrast ratios, deep blacks, and an overall more immersive viewing experience.
QLED: Developed by Samsung, QLED (Quantum Dot LED) combines LED technology with a layer of quantum dots, enhancing colour accuracy and brightness. Samsung QLED TVs are known for their vibrant and dynamic displays.
B. Comparison Of Image Quality
When it comes to image quality, OLED TVs stand out with their unparalleled contrast ratios and deep blacks. LED/LCD and QLED TVs, while not matching OLED in these aspects, offer excellent brightness and colour accuracy
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C. Considerations Based On Viewing Preferences
Brightness: Consider your room's lighting conditions. OLEDs perform well in dark rooms, while LED/LCD and QLED TVs excel in brighter environments.
Contrast Ratio: For cinematic experiences with deep blacks, OLED is the top choice. However, LED/LCD and QLED TVs have made significant strides in improving contrast ratios.
Colour Accuracy: If precise colour reproduction is crucial, OLED and QLED technologies are superior to LED/LCD.
III. Screen Size And Resolution
A. Choosing The Right Screen Size
Selecting the ideal screen size depends on your room's dimensions and viewing distance. For a 75-inch TV, ensure sufficient space for an immersive viewing experience.
B. Common Resolutions
Standard resolutions encompass Full HD (1080p), 4K Ultra HD (2160p), and 8K. Higher resolutions provide sharper images, but the difference may be subtle on smaller screens.
C. Impact Of Resolution On Viewing Experience
On larger screens, higher resolutions like 4K and 8K become more noticeable, delivering clearer details. Consider your content sources, as not all programming may be available in higher resolutions.
IV. Smart Features
A. Operating System
Popular Smart TV Operating Systems: Leading brands use operating systems like Tizen (Samsung), webOS (LG), and Android TV (Sony). Evaluate user interfaces and available apps when making a choice.
App Availability And Support: Ensure your preferred streaming apps and services are compatible and readily available on the chosen smart TV platform.
B. Voice Control And Virtual Assistants
Explore voice control capabilities integrated into the TV, along with compatibility with virtual assistants like Google Assistant or Amazon Alexa.
C. Connectivity Options
Wi-Fi Capabilities: A strong Wi-Fi connection is crucial for seamless streaming. Ensure the TV supports the latest Wi-Fi standards for optimal performance.
Bluetooth Technology: Bluetooth connectivity enhances the TV's versatility, allowing you to connect wireless headphones, speakers, and other peripherals.
D. Smart Home Integration
Compatibility With Smart Home Devices: Check if the TV integrates smoothly with other smart home devices, creating a unified and interconnected ecosystem.
Integration With Voice-Activated Assistants: Seamless interaction with voice-activated assistants enhances user convenience.
V. Audio Quality
A. Built-In Speakers Versus External Audio Systems
Evaluate the TV's built-in speaker quality and consider external audio systems, like soundbars or home theatre setups, for a superior audio experience.
B. Dolby Atmos And DTS:X Support
For immersive audio, look for TVs supporting advanced audio technologies like Dolby Atmos and DTS: X.
C. Audio Output Options
Consider the availability and type of audio output ports for connecting external audio devices.
VI. Processing Power And Performance
A. CPU And GPU Specifications
Higher-end smart TVs boast powerful CPUs and GPUs, enhancing overall performance and responsiveness.
B. RAM And Storage Capacity
Adequate RAM and storage capacity are essential for smooth multitasking and efficient app loading.
C. Impact On Streaming, Gaming, And Multitasking
Consider the TV's processing power for a lag-free streaming experience, responsive gaming, and seamless multitasking.
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VII. Connectivity And Ports
A. HDMI Ports
Ensure sufficient HDMI ports for connecting various devices like gaming consoles, Blu-ray players, and sound systems.
B. USB Ports
USB ports offer additional connectivity options for external storage and peripheral devices.
C. Other Essential Ports
Check for ports like Ethernet, optical audio, and component inputs based on your connectivity needs.
VIII. Conclusion
The process of choosing the perfect smart TV involves careful consideration of various factors. Keep in mind that the right smart TV can transform your living room into an immersive entertainment hub, providing endless hours of enjoyment for you and your family.
Know your Smart TV options by checking out Harvey Norman Malaysia today!
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knjkummoomartialart · 6 months
Hapkido korean martial arts
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Hapkido: The Art of Harmonious Energ
Introduction to Hapkido
Hapkido is a dynamic and comprehensive Korean martial art that focuses on self-defense techniques and the cultivation of physical and mental discipline.  It consolidates strong strikes, liquid joint locks, and productive tosses, making it a compelling and adaptable military workmanship for individuals of any age and actual capacities.
The Historical backdrop of Hapkido
Hapkido follows its foundations back to Korea during the twentieth century when it was established by Choi Yong-Sool, who coordinated different components from conventional Korean hand to hand fighting, Chinese combative techniques, and Japanese Jujutsu. The craftsmanship was additionally evolved and advocated by Choi's understudies and other military specialists in the ensuing years.
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Hapkido korean martial arts
Korean Traditional Martial Arts 
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Martial arts journey
Key Standards of Hapkido
At the center of Hapkido's way of thinking are the standards of amicability and equilibrium. Professionals are instructed to divert a rival's energy and use it for their potential benefit, as opposed to meeting force with force. Non-opposition and yielding are additionally fundamental standards in Hapkido, empowering experts to kill assaults with negligible exertion.
Preparing and Strategies in Hapkido
Hapkido preparing incorporates a large number of strategies, including self-preservation methods intended to safeguard against different sorts of assaults, striking and kicking procedures for hostile moves, and joint locks and tosses for immobilizing rivals.
Hapkido's Self-Protection Procedures
One of the critical parts of Hapkido is center around functional self-preservation methods can be applied, in actuality, circumstances. Understudies figure out how to guard against gets, punches, kicks, and other normal assaults.
Striking and Kicking Procedures
Hapkido consolidates a variety of strong strikes and kicks, executed with accuracy and speed. These procedures give professionals the capacity to debilitate rivals from fluctuating distances.
Joint Locks and Tosses
The joint locks and tosses in Hapkido are intended to control and quell rivals without causing serious injury. These methods are especially valuable for killing bigger and more grounded aggressors.
The Way of thinking of Hapkido
Past actual strategies, Hapkido underlines the significance of mental and profound turn of events. Experts are urged to develop mindfulness, regard for other people, and a feeling of obligation in utilizing their military abilities.
Agreement and Equilibrium
The idea of agreement reaches out past battle and into day to day existence. Hapkido specialists endeavor to keep up with balance in their activities, contemplations, and connections.
Non-Opposition and Yielding
By figuring out how to yield and divert a rival's power, Hapkido professionals can beat hostility without dealing with it, cultivating a feeling of tranquility and control in fierce circumstances.
The Advantages of Rehearsing Hapkido
The act of Hapkido offers various physical, mental, and profound advantages.
Actual Wellness and Strength
Hapkido preparing works on cardiovascular wellbeing, solid strength, adaptability, and by and large functional preparation.
Mental Concentration and Discipline
The psychological discipline expected in Hapkido preparing upgrades fixation, center, and mental clearness.
Fearlessness and Strengthening
As understudies progress in Hapkido, their fearlessness and feeling of strengthening develop, decidedly affecting different parts of their lives.
Hapkido versus Other Combative techniques
While Hapkido imparts a few similitudes to other hand to hand fighting, it keeps up with its remarkable qualities.
Contrasts from Taekwondo
Hapkido zeros in additional on joint locks and tosses, though Taekwondo revolves around high-influence kicks.
Appears differently in relation to Judo
Hapkido integrates strikes and kicks, while Judo focuses on tosses and foundation.
Qualifications from Karate
Hapkido's accentuation on roundabout movement and yielding separates it from the straight strategies of Karate.
Hapkido in Mainstream society and Media
Hapkido's notoriety has developed, and it has been highlighted in films, Television programs, and different types of media.
Hapkido Schools and Preparing Focuses
Picking the right school is vital for compelling Hapkido preparing.
Tracking down the Right School
While choosing a Hapkido school, factors like the teacher's mastery, class air, and the school's way of thinking ought to be thought of.
What's in store in Hapkido Classes
Hapkido classes ordinarily incorporate warm-up works out, procedure drills, fighting, and contemplation to encourage a comprehensive growth opportunity.
Hapkido Outfits and Hardware
Hapkido specialists wear customary garbs known as "doboks" and may utilize preparing gear like wooden fakers and practice weapons.
Prominent Figures in Hapkido History
Over time, a few people have fundamentally added to the turn of events and advancement of Hapkido.
Genuine Self-Protection Stories
Various records exist of people involving Hapkido procedures to safeguard themselves, in actuality, circumstances.
How Hapkido Helps in Present day Life
Hapkido offers useful applications past self-protection.
Self-Preservation for Individual Security
In an undeniably eccentric world, Hapkido gives important self-protection abilities to individual security.
Stress Decrease and Mental Prosperity
The act of Hapkido can act as a successful pressure reliever and advance mental prosperity.
The Eventual fate of Hapkido
Hapkido's heritage is supposed to keep, drawing in new ages of experts who will continue its customs.
Korean traditional martial arts are more than just a series of combat techniques. They are an embodiment of the Korean spirit, a connection to the past, and a path to self-improvement. As we embrace modernity, preserving the legacy of these ancient arts becomes even more critical. Through their philosophy and teachings, Korean martial arts continue to inspire countless individuals worldwide.
1. Is Taekwondo a Korean martial art? 
Yes, Taekwondo is a Korean martial art known for its powerful kicks and dynamic movements.
2. What makes Korean martial arts unique? 
Korean martial arts are distinguished by their emphasis on discipline, respect, and the holistic development of individuals.
3. Are there any female practitioners of Korean martial arts? 
Absolutely! Korean martial arts are open to practitioners of all genders and ages.
4. Can Korean martial arts help with self-defense? 
Yes, learning Korean martial arts can equip individuals with practical self-defense skills.
5. How can I get started with Korean martial arts? 
To begin your journey, look for reputable martial arts schools or dojangs that offer training in Korean martial arts.
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hellmouth-manor · 8 months
last nerves | alou | f.2
Alou twitches when the first string is snapped. Without even thinking about it, his wing lifts into the air to brush against the loose strands. He catches the drifting one around one claw to then wind it back to its broken end.
Minami's blunt use of metaphor makes him smile, despite himself. He wonders if, despite everything, she's still trying to get through to him some way.
More strings are snapped and he lets go of the first, ignoring the rest. There's plenty more where those came from. His voice falls soft, like it used to sound.
"Of course I want to be friends. You've taught me a lot, Minami."
She cared for people, and took care of people, and there wasn't anything he could find that he didn't admire in her.
"... If I could make that happen-- torture just you for all eternity so everyone else could be happy... would you accept that?"
He laughs, and it's a breathy soundless thing that barely comes through the mask.
"Not an important question. I'm just curious."
He waves a dismissive hand in the air.
"I wanted..."
Alou hesitates. He could spin poetic all day about what he wants. He wants to change things-- really change them. He wants the assurance that the world has purpose. He wants an end to senseless violence, he wants a reason for the suffering, he wants everyone else to see and understand what he sees and understands. He wants to paint a portrait of joy with the blood of death.
Minami makes a big ask. Condensing it all down to something straightforward feels like teasing natural wool out of felt.
"Ah, well, does it matter what I wanted? I was made to run the game."
He dodges. Even now he can't be straight with her.
It's almost a pleasant distraction when Miori speaks up. It's his guilty pleasure that he loved toying with her-- each ragged edge of trauma was like a multitude of puppet's strings.
"I chose you. And I still don't regret it."
His voice is warm with the pride, as if he could take every accomplishment they made and make it his own.
"Do you know why there's a game?"
His wings shift and clench, and suddenly the loose threads tighten and pull and contort into a spiderweb of distorted squares. Many of the sounds resolve briefly into images of the world above.
"There was a time when demons were content to live on earth. They're not so different from humans, you know? Well, of course you know now, being partially one yourself. They have the same beautiful flaws, the same tragic stories, the same vices... but they have more power. A tale with a demon versus a human would never be fair-- just ask Faust. You're lucky your father and mother never consorted directly with demons. Wouldn't that be a fun little AU."
"No, the Great Game exists for the benefit of all. For those in hell who crave to consume a connection to the living, and for the living who need a safe distance from their self-made demons. The game is all that stands between our lives as we know them, and hell on earth. Why else do you think we sit on the Hellmouth? It is the symbol of our noble cause, our contract made with ourselves."
His grand words seem to flow into some sort of monotone towards the end, as he finds himself quoting a certain text rather than speaking from his own heart and mind. The brief silent lull is disturbed by Olwin, and Alou picks his head up as if snapping out of some sort of daydreaming.
Alou weighs in his mind how much satisfaction he would get out of cutting Olwin's tongue from his mouth. Olwin's words stick like pins, sinking deep into joints with a near paralyzing accuracy.
But of course, that would be conceding defeat. And Alou has always been a creature of pride. Instead, he twists his own emotions, weaves the narrative that best suits his world view.
Isn't this what you wanted? This is what you deserve. These are the individuals who you wanted to decorate your eternity with-- the people who were flawed and perfect in every possible way. Who would remind you of every facet of humanity, including your own, good and bad.
Olwin's words are like a scalpel, and the filth that spills forth from the cut cyst is hot and painful and--
--it's a relief, to be honest.
There's a reason that Hell exists. There's a reason that Alou is a demon. There's a purpose, a reason, a point, to why he's never been able to feel l--
"You know... it just occurs to me... that that is the beautiful thing about strings. They can control whatever actions they like, but they can't change the heart."
One wing gestures, yanking the strings it holds. The spiraling squares of images flick out of existence, and the front two legs of Olwin's chair snap back to the floor.
"So the reason you're the way you are isn't my fault."
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thegratefulgolfer · 1 year
How To Hit The Ball In Play Off The Tee
Hitting the ball in play off the tee needs to be balanced hitting for distance. Recently, I have adjusted my set up with my driver in order to hit the ball a bit farther with a slight draw. This change has not come with its challenges, but mostly when I swing too fast I come over the top and pull the ball farther left than I intend. This wayward shooting happened during the back nine of my round…
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oaresearchpaper · 10 months
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francisxsullivan · 1 year
Strategies for Success: Mastering Shot Selection and Course Management in Golf
Golf is often described as a mental game requiring physical prowess and a keen strategic mindset. While driving distance and putting accuracy are crucial aspects of the sport, shot selection and course management play an equally vital role in determining a golfer's success. In this article, we will delve into the world of golf strategy, examining how players decide which shots to take and how they navigate the challenges presented by the course.
Understanding the Course
Before a golfer can make informed decisions about shot selection, they must understand the course they are playing. This involves studying the layout, hazards, and conditions of the system. Each hole has unique challenges, including bunkers, water hazards, trees, and varying distances. Golfers must take all of these factors into account when developing their strategy.
Assessing Personal Skill Level
One crucial aspect of shot selection is recognizing one's skill level. A golfer must be realistic about their abilities and limitations. Attempting a shot beyond one's skill level can lead to trouble. Professional golfers have a different skill set than amateurs, so their chosen images will naturally differ. Amateurs should focus on playing to their strengths and minimizing their weaknesses.
Risk vs. Reward
One of the fundamental principles of shot selection is evaluating the risk versus the potential reward. Golfers must weigh the consequences of a particular shot against the potential benefits. For example, attempting to clear a water hazard to reach the green in one stroke may be tempting, but if the risk of landing in the water is high, it may be wiser to lay up and play it safe. Professionals often excel in assessing this balance, but amateurs can benefit from adopting a conservative approach when necessary.
Club Selection
Choosing the right club is a critical element of shot selection. Golfers typically carry a set of clubs with varying distances they can achieve with each one. Selecting the appropriate club for a specific shot depends on factors like the distance to the target, the wind direction, and the ball's lie. Golfers must consider these variables when making club selections to increase their chances of success.
Course Management Strategies
Course management refers to the overall strategy a golfer employs throughout a round. It involves making decisions not only about individual shots but also about the comprehensive game plan. Some common course management strategies include:
Playing for Position: Many holes are designed to reward golfers who strategically position their shots. Instead of aiming for the green with their first shot on a par-4 or par-5 hole, golfers may opt to play a tee shot that positions them favorably for their next stroke.
Avoiding Trouble: Smart golfers steer clear of hazards whenever possible. Golfers may play a more conservative line to prevent trouble if a hole is lined with bunkers or has a water hazard in the middle.
Laying Up: Sometimes, the most imaginative play is to lay up rather than trying to reach the green in one shot. This is often the case on long par-4 or par-5 holes where the risk of a wayward shot outweighs the potential reward.
Managing Par: While birdies are always welcome, professionals understand the importance of minimizing mistakes and managing to make par on most holes. Consistency can be the key to a successful round.
Adapting to Conditions
Course conditions can change from round to round and even from hole to hole: wind speed, direction, green firmness, and pin placement influence shot selection. Golfers must be adaptable and adjust as needed to account for these conditions. This ability to adapt is what separates the best from the rest.
The Mental Aspect
Shot selection and course management are as much mental as they are physical. Staying calm under pressure, maintaining focus, and having confidence in one's decisions are all essential components of a successful golf strategy. Visualization and positive thinking can also play a role in executing well-thought-out shots.
In golf, shot selection and course management are intricate aspects that require careful consideration and strategic thinking. Golfers must assess the course, their skill level, and the risks and rewards of each shot. Club selection, course management strategies, and adaptability to changing conditions are all vital elements in mastering these skills. Whether you're a professional or an amateur, honing your shot selection and course management abilities can significantly improve your performance on the golf course, making each round a more enjoyable and rewarding experience.
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betternrltipping · 1 year
NRL Tipping Guide for Beginners and Pros: How to Master the Art of Predicting Winners
NRL tipping is an exciting and popular activity for rugby league enthusiasts, where fans try to predict the winners of upcoming matches. Whether you are a beginner looking to get started or a seasoned pro seeking to improve your tipping game, this guide will equip you with essential strategies and tips to make accurate predictions and maximize your success in NRL tipping.
Understand the Basics of NRL:
For beginners, it's crucial to have a solid understanding of the NRL. Familiarize yourself with the teams, their key players, recent form, and past head-to-head encounters. Understanding team dynamics and player strengths can give you valuable insights when making tipping decisions.
Stay Updated with NRL News:
For both beginners and pros, staying updated with the latest NRL news is vital. Follow reputable sports news sources and official NRL websites to keep track of team injuries, lineup changes, and other crucial information that can influence match outcomes.
Analyze Home and Away Form:
One significant aspect to consider is a team's performance at home versus their performance when playing away. Some teams tend to perform exceptionally well in front of their home crowd, while others struggle away from home. This knowledge can help you make more informed tipping decisions.
Consider Team and Player Statistics:
Delve into team and player statistics to understand their current form and historical performance. Look at factors such as try-scoring ability, goal-kicking accuracy, and defensive strengths. Analyzing these statistics can help you identify strong contenders and potential upsets.
Be Mindful of Travel Fatigue:
For NRL teams that travel long distances for away games, jet lag and travel fatigue can impact their performance. Keep this in mind when making tipping decisions, as it can be a deciding factor in tight matches.
Factor in Weather Conditions:
Weather conditions can significantly impact a game's outcome, especially in outdoor stadiums. Rain, strong winds, or extreme heat can favor certain playing styles and affect scoring patterns. Consider the weather forecast when making your tips.
Research Head-to-Head Records:
Past head-to-head encounters between teams can provide valuable insights into their historic performances against each other. Take note of recent matchups and trends to make more informed predictions.
Trust Your Instincts (but Don't Rely Solely on Them):
While gut feelings can sometimes lead to accurate tips, don't solely rely on instincts. Always back up your intuitions with data and research to increase your chances of success.
NRL tipping for beginners and pros can be an enjoyable and rewarding experience for both beginners and pros. By understanding the basics of NRL, staying updated with news, analyzing team and player statistics, and considering various influencing factors, you can improve your tipping game significantly. Remember, practice and continuous learning will ultimately sharpen your tipping skills and boost your success in this thrilling game of predictions. Happy NRL tipping!
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akhabarfactory · 2 months
Mike Perry versus Jake Paul: A Powered Battle in the Ring
With thousands of spectators crammed into the arena for what seemed to be a memorable boxing night, the energy was high and the suspense was obvious. Mike Perry, a boxer renowned for his raw aggression and willingness to risk everything in the ring, was scheduled to square off against fighter Jake Paul, a man who performs well under pressure. Everyone was on the edge of their seats for this titanic battle, which was more than simply a brawl. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lThkwd5pays&pp=ygUXamFrZSBwYXVsIHZzIG1pa2UgcGVycnk Cleveland, Ohio native Jake Paul has grown to be one of the most talked-about people in the boxing community. His meteoric rise from online star to professional boxer has been characterized by unwavering commitment and a string of outstanding triumphs. Paul is a divisive figure due to his charm and bluster, but his skill and perseverance are undeniable. As he entered the ring, prepared to support his words with action, he exuded confidence and made good on his promise of a knockout. Conversely, Mike Perry is a distinct type of fighter. Perry, dubbed the "King of Violence," exudes a warrior's mentality. He is a fighter first and foremost; conflict is his life. His strategy is simple: he is there to fight and is prepared to absorb as much damage as he inflicts. Perry made it obvious right away that he was prepared for a severe altercation when he threatened to stop the fight in the first round if Paul tried to go toe-to-toe with him.
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Before the match started, each fighter showcased their unique fighting techniques. Paul, the most skilled of the two, held Perry at a distance with his reach and technique. In keeping with his reputation, Perry lunged forward, trying to deliver strong strikes. With each punch, the audience let out a yell, their enthusiasm building to a crescendo as the competitors traded powerful blows. Paul showed his boxing prowess in the opening round. He took precise aim at Perry's torso, clearly hurting him. Perry invited Paul to take shots at his head by keeping his hands low, as was his custom. But this tactic turned out to be dangerous. Paul's methodical strategy paid off as he delivered a string of solid hits that led to a knockdown that had the audience cheering. Perry did not back down in the face of the knockdown. He persisted in moving ahead, displaying his tenacity and fighting spirit in full. But it was becoming more and more clear that Paul had superior technique and strategic awareness. He set the pace of the fight, keeping Perry at a distance and avoiding needless danger with a well-placed jab. Paul was obviously following his game plan exactly, and his confidence was growing with every second that went by. During the fight, Perry's weakness—his lack of defense—became increasingly apparent. With his hands frequently too low to shield himself from Paul's unrelenting attack, he took a great deal of punishment. Paul took advantage of every opportunity, throwing strikes with strength and accuracy. Perry's wild aggression stood in stark contrast to Paul's methodical approach, and it soon became apparent that Perry's chances of turning the tide were fading. Ultimately, Jake Paul's supremacy was apparent. His ability to adjust and take advantage of Perry's flaws demonstrated his development as a fighter. Paul silenced many of his detractors with his performance, which was a credit to his hard work and perseverance. Perry showed great bravery and tenacity, but in the end, Paul's cunning and tactics won out. This duel was a collision of ideologies more than it was a struggle of strength. Perry's raw, unrestrained aggression was a stark contrast to Paul's calculated, strategic approach. The result demonstrated the value of technique and strategy in boxing by demonstrating that an opponent who is disciplined and well-prepared can defeat even the most formidable fighter. The night was an exciting show for the spectators, full of drama and intrigue. Jake Paul triumphed, solidifying his position as a rising star in the boxing community. Even though he lost, Mike Perry was respected for his unwavering determination and desire to take on any obstacle. These are the kinds of nights that become legends in the boxing world. The fight between Mike Perry and Jake Paul will live on in memory as evidence of the sport's timeless appeal, where passion, talent, and willpower come together to produce life-changing experiences.
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