#distract meh plz
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annaki in a nutshell
Hah! Nice (sorry I haven’t been answering your asks super fast, I get distracted a lot 😅)
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massiveconsumptixn · 7 years
plotting call !
like this if you'd like me to pop into your ims to plot with Lo !
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fat-rolls-frictions · 6 years
i am literally doing everything but studying more than 500 pages worth of knowledge for this big ass finals that is 3 days away, so feel free to hit me up and tell me who could breathe vaguely in your ocs’ direction and they would be ready to throw down
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rogue-durin-16 · 4 years
Request: Thorin x fem human! reader please where they meet in Ered Luin during Thorin’s blacksmith days, she bonded with the rest of the Durins too especially Dis, so just cute & stuff until finally Thorin has to leave to reclaim Erebor, maybe a bit of an angsty bittersweet ending because the reader is not interested in being a queen
Pairing: Thorin Oakenshield x human!Reader
Genre: mostly fluff
Requested by: @queenofmankind
Permanent taglist: @queenofmankind @randomparanoid
Warnings: none really
A/N: this is my first fanfic of the Hobbit so it might be a bit meh but I need practice so forgive me plz. Also for those who don't know, English is not my mother tongue so I have to get used to this. Now enjoy <3
Part II
Rogue-durin-16 masterlist
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Selling flowers in the town's market might not have been the most profitable business, but it was a beautiful one.
Each morning, I would leave my lowly home and walk all the way through the town square to the stall where colorful bouquets and delicate flower crowns were already waiting for me.
Though one day, as I made my way to my working place as always, I heard unusual metallic bang. Then another, and another, and another, it was almost rhythmic.
Out of curiosity I strayed from my path in order to discover what that sound was. It was early in the morning, not many places were open.
I gradually slowed down when I saw a raven-haired dwarf forging a sword at the end of the street, in what I thought was an abandoned blacksmith's shop.
I guessed it was no longer abandoned.
The dwarf looked up and his icy eyes fixed on mines with such an intensity that made me look away, almost ashamed of having stared at him for too long.
Just as I was about to make my way up the street again and retake my usual path, a deep, loud voice spoke. "Good morning."
I turned to meet his eyes once more. This time somehow they looked less intimidating than a couple of seconds before. "Good morning to you." I replied with a timid smile. "I apologize, I did not mean to stare."
"Do not apologize, m'lady." He responded leaving his hammer resting on the wooden table. "I understand it may be rare to see... Well, a-"
"Blacksmith in town." I finished his sentence with my words before he could finish with his. "We lacked from one for so long, I doubt I have ever listened to the hammering of the forge before." we stayed in silence for an instant before I spoke again. "May I know your name?"
"Only if I know yours."
"Y/n Y/l/n." I replied with a smile.
"Thorin Oakenshield." he presented himself, with a subtle bow of his head. "At your service."
"I will leave you now to your task, Thorin. I too have a job I must attend." I turned around once more while I waved goodbye at the handsome dwarf.
"Farewell, Y/n." as I got farther from him, I started hearing the hits of the hammer against the metal sword once more.
What am I doing, I asked myself as I made my way to the blacksmith's with a portion of food I had bought in the market.
"Hey." Thorin looked up at me and almost instantly a half smile appeared on his lips. "happy to see me again?"
"Very." he replied, stopping his work. "I thought I might have scared you yesterday."
"Oh, you did." I spoke the truth, sitting on a free bench besides him. "But you have a pretty smile." he seemed shocked at my words, almost confused. "I brought you some food." I handed him the portion and he left the table he was working over to stand in front of me. "it occurred to me that you may be hungry."
"That's very thoughtful of you." Thorin sat besides and started eating. "but you don't have to look for excuses to come and see me." I widened my eyes and he let out a chuckle. "I was joking."
"I'm not paying you to court a human, dwarf! Work!" I burrowed my brows at the poor treatment, and, even though I could feel Thorin’s anger, he obliged and, after getting up, he gripped the hammer and the sword with such strength that his knuckles went white.
"I did not mean to distract you." He simply shook his head, dismissing me without any kind of eye contact. I could tell he was angry. "I'll leave you to it now." I smiled at him, though he wasn't looking, and I stood up and walked out.
Since he was now behind me, I couldn't acknowledge the way his eyes lingered on me; the longing they held.
"Y/n! Long time no see, kid." the bartender who worked in the same street as Thorin called my name. "What are you doing down here?"
"I came to see Thorin."
"The blacksmith." I detailed.
His face fell and a frown installed in his face. "That dwarf? What are your business with him?" before I could give a confused question for an answer, he spoke again. "Be careful, lass. Dwarves are not ones to trust."
"Uh... Sure."
The day was close to the end when a pair of young dwarves appeared in my street, seemingly confused. "Excuse me, lady- Oh those are pretty." the dark-haired one spoke, visibly losing his trail of thoughts when his eyes got caught in the flower crowns.
"Kíli, focus." the blond one urged the other, nudging him. "Lady may I ask which way must we go in order to reach the blacksmith's shop?"
"You should walk to the end of this street, then take a left turn and go up, when you reach the square-"
"Could you guide us there?" The blond dwarf begged. "We have been lost for a couple of hours now."
"If you give me a moment, I will." I responded. I was going to leave soon anyway.
"Fíli, we should buy one of this crowns for mom." the brunet suggested, completely ignoring his brother distress. "She will love it."
With a sigh, Fíli took a look at the crown his brother was pointing at. "How much for this one, lady?"
Once they paid, I handed the crown to the brunet and closed the stall. "Alright lads, follow me." I guided them both all the way to the blacksmith's. I didn't need to ask if they knew Thorin, that was an obvious answer, though it was confirmed when, after hearing the noise both dwarves were causing behind me, he looked up with what I could tell was a scolding glare.
It softened considerably when his gaze was met with mine instead of with either of theirs.
"Y/n." A smile made its way to my face at the way my name rolled out of his tongue, which triggered a confident smirk on his. "I see you found my troublesome nephews." I let out a laugh, turning to meet two pair of curious eyes already staring at me. "Did they cause you any problems?"
"Not at all," I assured, taking a few steps more to reach the place where he was working. "they just could not find their way to here and requested my services as a guide."
"That was very kind of you," Thorin pointed out, his eyes fixed on mines with some kind of warmth "though I am not sure if I should thank you for bringing them to me." he then turned to both dwarves. "You should be at home."
"We came to keep your company." The blond one assured to his uncle.
"I do not need company." he sternly replied, to which the dark-haired one responded with a quiet murmur, causing his brother to nudge him scoldingly.
"What was it?" I questioned, curious, as I took a seat on a wooden stool near the forge.
"Nothing m'lady." the blond lied with an apologetic look.
"Kíli." Thorin called with tremendous authority in his voice. "What was it."
Kíli's lips formed a knowing, mischievous smile before any word left his mouth. "I said that we sure are poor company compared to the beautiful lady besides you, uncle." his brother pinched the bridge of his nose and I felt my cheeks burning.
"You are not wrong," Thorin replied with calmness and confidence in his voice. "Y/n is much better company than a couple of problematic dwarves." my cheeks only got redder, and though he was not looking at me, by the ghost of a smile in his gaze I could tell he somehow had noticed. "Now go home, it's late."
"Aren't you coming with us?" Fíli asked.
"I have too much work left to do." I was in that moment going to leave the blacksmith's to go home, but then I heard his words. "I'll spend the night here. Tell my sister not to worry." his nephews nodded and left us alone. "You should go home too." he commented, undoing the laces of his shirt after rekindling the fire.
"What did you mean with spending the night here?" I inquired, loosening my own laces.
It was way too hot in there.
"By the time I finish, it will be too late to go all the way back." he explained already back to the making of another sword.
"You can stay in my house." I suggested without giving a second thought to my words. "It's... Not much but there's enough room."
"You are too kind." he whispered, submerging the sword into water to cool it down. "It is alright, won't be the first time I do not have a bed to rest," he left the sword aside and proceeded to take off his shirt. "and it should won't be the last."
I didn't quite process the fact that he was shirtless until he started edging the sword, which made his muscles tense. His skin glistened with the sweat that the blacksmith's caused; his long raven hair fell in cascade partially covering his shoulders—
"Seems to me you like what you see." I was staring. Again. "It's alright." he assured with that that smug grin in his face. "You really should go home."
"I'll help you." I stated, using a lace on my wrist to tie up my hair. Once again I missed the way Thorin’s eyes fixed on my while I secured the hair; the way his jaw slightly dropped when, with my hair up, he was able to see my back. "That way you will finish earlier and we will go home together."
It was late night when I finally closed the blacksmith's shop and we went to Y/n's home.
We walked in silence —a comfortable one.
"Do you need a change of clothes?" she questioned, making her way to what I supposed was her bedchamber. "There's probably something in the chest."
"It won't be necessary." I spoke, sitting down to take off my boots. I looked up for an instant, and found Y/n's door not closed enough to shield her half naked body from me. I rapidly averted my eyes and turned around.
"If you change... your mind..." I could feel her gaze on my back as I took off both my shirts, so I looked over my shoulder to meet her eyes. "You can grab one." with a smile, she opened her bedchamber's door and motioned me to pass. "The bed is big enough so don't you dare to argue." she warned me, lying down under the blankets. "I'm tired."
"No wonder why," I listened to her, lying besides her over the bedding. "It was a long day." she hummed in response and, when I turned to her, she had her eyes closed already.
Ethereal was the only valid word to describe her. Damn my height, damn my race, damn my—
"like what you see?" she teased with a grin, her eyes still closed.
"I do." was I too forward? I had met her barely a week ago. Maybe her words and actions where misleading me, she was one of kind nature.
Her eyes opened and she stared into mines. "Do you?" I rolled to my side and gave her a discreet nod.
Before I could move towards her in order to test the waters, her lips where on mines, though as fast as they came, they left to be hidden behind the blankets.
"I apologize." she mumbled.
To which I replied, "Do not." I moved my hand to move the blanket away from her face so I could return the kiss to her.
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Harry Hook x Reader - turned.
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Izabelfireheart  on wattpad
Can you do one when it takes place in D2 plz? (The reader is King Ben's sister, and Ben has to give up the wand and  the crown to save her, but while being kisnapped she falls in love with Harry. When Ben comes he realizes that she became more like Uma, and could care less for Auradon Prep. Can includes Lemon IF you write those, and sorry if this is tmi
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You couldn’t care less for the people or places around you, it had been boring and straight since you were born, nothing wild, no rule-breaking, no frowns, no nothing.
The arrival of the core four had made Auradon prep interesting, but that faded as they became more like the sheep around you, abandoning their fellow vks for a soft pillow.
Ben, your brother, had also abandoned his ‘bring over vks once every two months’ plan, preferring to tend to his “perfect” girlfriend Mal.
Perfect HA! Mal was less than perfect, she obviously was super uncomfortable with the entire ‘lady of the court thing’ and wanted out, she hated the paparazzi, the clothes, the manners, the hair, which was now bleached blonde with lavender tips.
And you were the only one she told personally about her troubles and wants to return to the isle, you didn’t discourage her, only saying “do you really want to return to the isle, or do you want to be free of this royalty bullshit?”
She hadn't responded, and when she left for the isle only two days away from cotilion, you weren't surprised.
What did surprise you was when ben burst into your room, begging for you to come with him to the isle to help get mal back.
You had an odd feeling, so you agreed, grabbing your casual clothes, which evie blinked at, you shrugged her off, you had a natural isle style apparently.
It took about an hour to get to the isle, and you had basically wandered off as soon as you had arrived at the hideout, noticing that your “friends” were distracted, you walked off, soon being run into by a set of kids, trying to get into your messenger bag, but you easily pushed them away, wincing at you felt the boniness of the children.
One fell to the ground and the other stood in front of his fallen friend, glaring at you, daring to try anything else.
You sighed, reaching into your bag and pulling out one of your tiaras, and kneeling down, holding it out to the child. Both of their eyes widened, seeing your true smile and the definitely real blue diamonds on the golden tiara.
“go on” you whispered, holding the tiara closer to the child “take it, I don’t need it”
The dirt-covered child stood up from the ground, walking around his friend and slowly taking the tiara, gasping as he saw a poster with your face on it, recognizing you.
“you- your prin-“ you held a finger up to your lips, shushing the awestruck child.
“don’t tell anyone im here, now, go get yourself some food okay?”
The two children nodded, grinning slightly and rushed off, hiding the tiara in their larger jackets.
“that wa’ kind of yeh lass” a thick Scottish voice spoke up from your right, you calmly stood and looked at him, raising your brow at the…
You felt your face heat up, wow, wow,wowowowow!
“okay first off, its kinda my thing, second off, holy FUCK you're pretty!”
The boy with the scarlet red jacket snickered and ruffled his floofy black hair, his cheeks red. “uh, thanks? Anyway, me captain would like teh see ya princess”
You smirked, feeling the heat from your face cool down and you jutted your hip out and placed your hand on it.
“oh? And who would your captain be Mr?” you saw the glint of a silver hook “Hook?” the obvious son of captain hook sniggered, bowing slightly
“my name would be harry hook princess, and meh captain would be uma d-“ you interrupted him, now getting excited.
“daughter of Ursula, mal told me about her”
Harry's eyes went dark, crossing his arms and becoming tense “oh? And wha’ did she tell yeh?”
You rolled your eyes and waved your hand “a bunch of bullshit that I didn’t care for, I never take second-hand info about a person I've never met”
Harry relaxed, nodding “alright, now, my captain?” you nodded, walking up to the boy and standing in front of him, staring into his surprisingly bright ocean blue eyes, where those emerald green flakes in his eyes?
He offered his arm with a grin, and you took it with a giggle and a smile.
You didn’t hear your brother or evie call for you, and you didn’t hear one of Harry's crew members inform them for mal to meet uma at the chip shop for a negotiation.
Harry led you to the ship, smirking as you gave a wow at the vessel, for some reason, he just wanted to look at you for hours, and listen to you talk and ramble.
He shook those feelings and wants away, showing you around the main deck and smiling at you as you explored.
“never seen a pirate ship before princess?”
You turned and smiled, making Harry's heart skip a beat, what the hell is happening to him?!
“You can call me (y/n), I never liked that title anyway, and no, I've never seen a pirate ship, they are all sunken to the ocean floor”
As you looked around the ship, you stopped at harrys sword, the red fabric wrapped around the hilt making your raise your brow.
“you sword fight?” you asked, making Harry's brows go up,
“yeah, im a pirate, kinda a requirement?”
You hummed, shrugging off your jacker and letting it drop from the floor, seeing Harry's Adam's apple bob, his pupils dilated.
“wanna spar? I need something to fight”
Harry grinned, walking to a barrel and grasping a sword, and tossing it to you. you caught it with ease, flipping it as you did.
“lets play (y/n)”
The two of you clashed for a little bit, easily matching the other as you fought, he swiped for your torso, you dodged, and he sent his palm at your torso, sending you to the floor.
He knelt down over you, sword above your neck. “ready to surrender princess~?”
You smirked, lifting your legs and wrapping them around his neck and torso, flipping yours and Harry's positions, you on top, his face pressed against your thigh, face red and eyes wide.
A slow loud clapping sounded from behind you, you stood up, turning to see a girl with teal braided hair, a pirates hat on her head.
“impressive princess~ Harrys hard to beat”
You smiled standing, retrieving your jacket in the prosses, making uma blink in surprise as you greeted her as if she hadn't just ordered a kidnapping on you “You must be uma, a pleasure to meet ya”
Uma looked at you up and down, she thought Harry had full-on kidnapped you, but it seemed you had come willingly.
“now, harry says that you wanted something with me? uma steeled herself, standing tall and strutting up to her, putting on her best killer gaze, but you didn’t flinch meeting her gaze evenly.
“yes, you…for the wand and crown”
You blinked a few times, surprised at her bluntness before you busted out laughing, making uma drop her face and harry look at you in confusion.
“oh-my-god-!!! You-you want the wand?! Ben would have been a much better hostage!”
You continued to laugh before gaining your breath, grinning sadly as you looked to the ground “im the second born, no one really gives a fuck about me, the crowned king is alive and well, the princess isn't needed”
Uma stared at you in surprise, she wasn’t expecting that mini-rant from an Auradon rat.
“I don’t give a crap about Auradon though, so its an even trade”
You laughed coldly “I hope for your sake, ben cares enough to bring the wand, seeing the isle today” you paused sneering slightly “made me pissed off, you are all CHILDREN, you did nothing wrong! You shouldn’t have to pay the price for your parent's wrongdoings, and ben has ignored that for six months”
Uma stared at you, before deciding something, she walked up to you holding her hand out, you blinked at it in surprise, looking at uma confused.
“It seems we have a common goal, you want freedom and justice for the wrongly accused vks, and I want the same, what do ya say princess (y/n)? are you on my side”
You smirked, grabbing onto umas outstretched hand holding it up in the air, tightly gripping it.
“I’ll rally with you” ---
Harry felt his heart beat faster as uma told him to keep (y/n) in his room for the night, as no one dared to go in there unless with order or permission, (y/n) would be protected there.
“so, uh, meh room?”
Harry gestured to his midsized room, slightly embarrassed at the clothes strewn about the room, he quickly started to pick them up, tossing them in a hamper.
Wait, why did he care? He had multiple other people in his room before, and he didn’t give a single fuck about what they thought about his room.
So why?
Sighing he turned to look at (y/n) again, locking his ocean blue eyes with her bright and curious (e/c) ones.
His breath hitched and his heart skipped another beat.
Oh shit.
Was he- no not that fast- but he definitely-
“Harry?” oh god her voice, just her voice was making his heart go crazy. What was wrong with him?! “yea~-“ oh god did his voice just crack?! He cleared his throat as (y/n) smiled and giggled lightly “yeah lass?”
“I really need to do something physical, wanna do it?”
Harry choked, stumbling into his dresser, wide-eyed at the supposed ‘princess’ his face started to heat up.
You interrupted Harry's babbling, your own face heating up. “I wanna say something, in the short amount of time we've known each other, I've felt a connection I've never felt before, so if ‘this’” you gestured between you harry and the bed, making harry swallow harshly and nod. “happens, I want to make something clear if you maybe want to pursue something after that, I wouldn’t say no.”
Harry stared at you as you started to fidget. he stayed silent, figuring out what you had just said.
You wanted to have sex with him
You said you wouldn’t mind seeing where your…releationship would go after it
You felt a connection with him….just as he felt a connection to you.
Harry breathed deeply, closing his eyes for a few moments, before opening them, staring into your bright eyes.
He stalked forward, pressing his lips to yours, pressing against his door, you moaned, feeling around for the lock, clicking it you moved your hands to wrap around his neck and thread your fingers in his thick hair.
Harry unbuckled his belt, tossing it across the room, before shrugging off his jacket and pressing his hardening core to yours.
He broke away from you, spit keeping the two of you connected, breath heavy and hearts beating fast.
“let's take this to the bed shall we?”
You nodded, breathing heavily.
Harry picked you up by your thighs, walking over to his bed and setting you down, laying his body on top of yours, griding slightly.
Harry let out a grunt, pleasure shooting up his spine, as you let out high pitched sighs.
“w-wait!” harry stopped, pulling away, a good 8 inches between you.
“did yeh change yer mind?”
“n-no I just wanted-im a virgin”
Harry blinked, before smiling softly, leaning down to give your cheek a soft kiss.
“ill be gentle”
---the end(not writing the full smut, my dads home)---
There will be a part 2, taking place in d3
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stonerbughead · 4 years
Maria watches friday night lights (#31)
5x08 (I watched this ep and 5x09 last week and have been busy since but I am in the last arcs here and I never want it to end meh!)
all the recapping and flailing and reacting under the cut:
Aw Vince’s first interview! The quality of the tv they’re all watching!!! it reminds me of childhood omg
Vince’s dad is pulling him away from the teamwork attitude and more about him....yikes this is not cute and Jess is cringing. Same gurl.
“You barely talked about anyone but yourself.” Yepppp you right, Jess! No stop defending him, dad, ughhh
Is Becky too freaked to fuck Luke in his house where the terrifying anti choice mom lives? Bc I feel that. And last time they fucked she had to have an abortion they caused a townwide scandal! Like I get it gurl! do you, go slow!
“Oh how DARE he!” Me when TA Fuckface shows up at the door.
“PUNCH HIM!!!!” Me at Eric
Oh yeah he escorted Derek off the property, yes! Get out of here, you predator fuck!
Oh shit the rest of the team is making fun of Vince’s interview and tryna bring Jess into it lol
“I mean with a face like this how could you not, right?” Oh honey no, yeah that fell as flat as it should.
Oooop Epyck’s fighting again! “I’m on your side here, but you gotta help me.” Oooop and she asked for Tami’s sandwich and there it is—she’s food insecure?
What nonsense is Billy doing?? Showing the defense team a “pre war dance” —definitely culturally appropriation of indigenous culture and cringe af?? Absolutely not lol
Aw Buddy Jr. got hurt!
Omfg now TA is showing up at Tami’s office????? enough!
Talking to her is not the way to make this right, fuckface! You resigned? Cool now fuck off and out of Julie’s life!
Lol MAMA MINDY TIME with all her friends encouraging Becky to enter a beauty pageant I love it
Ew these illicit recruitment lunches with Vince and his dad and old creepy white dudes make my skin crawl
I’m sorry, so—they’re bringing two conventionally attractive women to tour Vince around? Yikes—college rally girls?
“I should have gone to college” says Vince’s creepy dad as he stares at 19 year old girls GROSS
AW Becky didn’t tell Luke about the pageant?
“When we win you have to sneak into your boyfriend’s room with only a tiara.” Lol I love all the girls hyping Becky up.
Oh shit they didn’t know about the previous abortion? Aw she’s crying and opening up to Mindy and her friends, my heart!
“I lost my virginity in the back of a truck I mean who does that” and they’re all like UH ME?? Lol Texas
Oooh Vince blew off practice for recruitment and didn’t tell Jess? Or is she covering for his ass?
Is there someone taking a photo of Vince on the field or am I crazy
Ew all this talking in Vince’s direction to be overheard on purpose so they don’t *technically* break the rules is so scummy!
Omg Tami found Epyck fighting on the street and was like, get in my car! Hilarious.
“You know what, I’m gonna feed you right now, is what I’m gonna do.” Are you sensing a pattern?
Ugh Epyck talking about how there isn’t a lot of food to go around at her foster home, my heart!
Aw she doesn’t want Tami to call social services bc she’s finally doing ok with the help of Tami WOW
Eeeek Vince talking about the visit is yikes! Jess telling ar him that it’s against the rules, ugh this is so rough
“There won’t be so many distractions.” You mean teenage girls to prey on, Derek??
Stop telling Julie she’s gonna realize y’all had a “rare” connection she’ll later look back on as she gets older! First of all, as she gets older she’ll realize even more how predatory and not okay you pursuing her was, and second of all, she HAS experienced rare connection but not with you, sir, with Matt Saracen! Amen.
Now Julie, go off on TA Derek in this restaurant like he deserves. Rip him a new one, punch him, you know
Lol really, ARE you getting a divorce? Wild
Ew don’t give her your address in Tennessee after telling her to go back to school!
Ewwww their hands touching on the piece of paper with the address. Gross gross gross please let this be the end.
Lol Eric and Tami shoving at each other fighting over who’s morning it is to get Gracie, classic.
Yay Julie’s going back to school?! I love how she apologized and Tami was all yay I’m so proud and Eric was like can you make some coffee 😂
How dare he! Omg Vince is blaming the recruitment visit on his mom’s addiction???? Does Eric know he’s lying?
Epyck lied about her foster home sitch, ah
Aw the little ones love Epyck? Her backstory with parents who died from AIDS and living on the street oh poor babe
YESSS I was right about the photographer on campus! They did get a photo of Vince at Oklahoma Tech!!! Aghhh
Damn Vince’s dad has really drilled this very individualistic mindset in and it’s not cute.
Omg Mindy and her fellow Landing Strip workers getting ready for the beauty pageant! Love it?
“I actually like you. No, look at me: you’re strong and you’re smart and you’re feisty. I believe you have a future.” OMG TAMIIIII I love you, I love that Dillons girls like Epyck have her looking out for them.
Yesssss Becky having the loudest, most raucous cheering section at this pageant is so adorable!
Lol all of them booing when Becky got second runner up I’m dying
“I think you should take a hard look at the company you keep.” Fuck off, old white lady, they’re way cooler than you’ll ever be!
“You don’t hit my quarterback when you have that red shirt on.” Oh shit Luke is pressing Vince about Oklahoma...yeah everyone else on the team has had it with Vince at this point.
Aw Julie is really leaving to go back to school now?!
Eewww Derek called Julie “to get her back,” not to go back to school??? What a douche! “That’s what I thought,” she says then turns around??? Plz tell me this means she’s leaving Derek behind for good!
Oh god it’s gonna be another showdown between Eric Taylor and Vince’s dad huh? “I won’t have any one player bigger than my team. He misses practice again and I’ll bench him.”
Oh god his dad knows Eric is being called by the colleges too??? Well fuck!
Aw Becky leaving a lil sharpie note on Luke’s car windshield? Cute.
Lol Billy is getting in a fight with the old school coach! This team is falling apart!
Oh god a classic team fighting as they’re supposed to be coming out at a pep rally shot! What a trope!
Aw Buddy jr. on his crutches in his jersey
Everyone’s faking it, everyone’s uneasy, and the music is playing as they show everyone—
“I want to introduce the man who taught us to have pride in East Dillon again: Coach Taylor.” And then the camera flashes to Vince’s dad watching him well DAMN
YESSSSSS JULIE’S IN CHICAGO??? Omg so I was right; TA Derek’s thing about special connections totally made her think of Matt!! He looks so GOOD and delighted to see her!!!
Ok I’m going straight into the next one now xo xo
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tisfan · 5 years
State of the Fics 2019
The WIPS and Dead Ends Edition
So: having recently had a few discussions with some fellow authors and talking about other writers and stuff... here is where I’m going to answer some/most/all of the MOARPLZ requests.
I have 440+ works on A03 and a lot of what I hear is MOARPLZ or “is there going to be any more of this...”
So, I’m kinda going through my list right now and letting you know what my plans are for 2020 and what, if anything, you can count on to see more of, and what is, in fact, truly over. If you don’t see a fic that you love and want to know more about it, feel free to ask me. 
Take Note and RSVP - every once in a while, we get asked about this story. This was my first jaunt into the fic world, and it’s unfinished. We lost our Steve writer because of some Fandom Drama (you can blame some stans who accused us of plagiarizing a fic we’d never read who continually attacked us until the stress just made it not worth the effort of finishing.)
Solar Powered Soldiers was my first solo effort. This fic, as far as I’m concerned, pretty much sucks. It was meant to be a Steve/Bucky fic, ended up with the only smut scene as a Nat/Clint piece, and didn’t really have a satisfactory ending. I am not likely to ever go back and fix this.
Steve of Oz was supposed to be mostly smutty foray into exploring Steve as the Avengers Bike. The plan was basically for him to end up having sex with literally everyone, while in a Wizard of Oz setting. Never happened, didn’t get much response to it. 
Lost in the Shadows Every once in a while, I get someone who asks me about this AU. Talk about your niche markets! On the other hand, I love me some ShadowRun, so I have not closed down the idea of writing more on this AU... 
So, here’s a fun thing: This particular AU is what’s been requested by my Marvel Trumps Hate winner, so, I’ll be writing a dragon-level event story for this, some 27 - 30,000 words. You ready, chummer?
The Communal Kitchen AU We have a few half-complete stories in this series; Vol 3, the Mating Habits of Hero Birds, a vague outline of a Team NuclearWinter side piece, and a couple of smut pieces that never got written. I may yank the sex pollen scene from Vol 3 out and post it as a stand-alone. We’ll see. If there’s interest in any of this, maybe we’ll come back to it. (I am currently re-reading the whole series, because honestly, I write the fic I want to read, and so I re-read my own stuff rather a lot.)
Anything involving Phil Coulson and Clint Barton - while I still ship this couple, and I’ll read stuff about them, I’ve pretty much given up writing them. Between Agents of SHIELD and everything with Clint starting in, say Age of Ultron forward, I just... don’t feel it anymore? Which does include the started and never finished Coulson’s Final Case 
Next Thursday Night - huh, I’d honestly forgotten about this fic. maybe i’ll revisit it this year upcoming... somewhere I think I have an outline.
Subject to PunTax - I love puns, and this story is very formulaic. I pick a topic, make up 5-7 puns on the subject, wrap a story around it and tie a bow with a suggestive pick up line. So, I leave this open to continue, the next time I’m feeling Punny.
Bucky Barnes has Kittens - Bucky as the crazy cat lady writer with bad anxiety. I’ve had a lot of people tell me this story has been great for them, dealing with Bucky’s anxiety issues. I do have more story ideas for this ‘verse, including Bucky finding out that Steve is also a writer and dealing with that. Decidedly On the List.
Eight Arms to Hold You - I have a handful of extra stories for these. Some of them went up on Tumblr for tentacletober... generally speaking, any mermaid fic of mine is subject to a continuation because MERMAIDS and OCTOBUCKY
All American Road Trip confession time here: I stopped writing this fic because of some anti-tonys who kept popping in my comments for this fic to rant about Tony Stark in a fic that was NOT ABOUT TONY. I’ve deleted all their comments, but they were nasty, and I stopped wanting to write for people who were being so abusive to Tony (and honestly, that much bile spilling in my comments, I don’t care who it’s about, it makes me sad) Like, they liked the Fic (steve/sam/bucky) but... eeeh, whatevs. I didn’t feel like dealing with it, and I’m not going to.
Also Prey - One of my more popular pieces, I reserve the right to add more to it when I’m in a fluff mood.
Kiss me Through the Phone - I wrote this with @27dragons and I have about... half a plan for a third chapter called Your Dirty Little Secret. So, with some encouragement, that could happen.
The Truth is Who You Are - my BDSM with religious song lyrics fic; this stuff is really emotional for me, and while I do have 2-3 more pieces planned, they take me a while to write and they knock the shit out of me while I’m doing it. There’s a lot of Tony working through his self-hatred that just... it’s deep. So... there will be more, it just... might be Some Time. 
The Killer and the Kid - this is literally my most popular piece. I get a MOAR PLZ ask on this at least once a month. I have been saying for a while I’m not planning any more of this, but I did offer it as an incentive for the Marvel Trumps Hate auction. This particular fic will ONLY BE WRITTEN for a charitable donation. 
Joyride - I’ve written a couple of addons for this fic loosely titled Bundle of Joy. They’re not quite Done Yet, but when I get there, I’ll be posting that.
Nights in Sandbridge - our most popular series, and I love these boys so much here. We have no major plans to continue, but if something strikes us, we may. 
WinterIron Pickup - a short story that spawned a second chapter. I have some ideas for continuing this, but it’s fallen by the wayside as I write other things.
What Good is the Sky - this piece is so angsty, and I keep getting requests to do moar of it. Trust me, you don’t want that, it will END BADLY. and I will cry a LOT.
Off the Menu - I really do have a LOT more of this story in my head. I just don’t know when I’m going to get around to it.
Bucky Barnes Prom CYOA this was SO HARD to format that I just gave up on it. I may come back and redo this as a few “completed” stories? 
Phoning it In - I do, in fact, have a few more of this AU in mind, I just lost a bit of the shiny after an amazing fucking against the sofa smut scene. So, there might be more of this in your future (also I kept expecting it to win March Madness, so I-- didn’t get back ‘round to it?)
A Poor Reflection - never got finished. Not sure why, I had the whole damn thing plotted out. Where is my outline??
The Enhancile War Series - mostly to play with the trope of naked girl in a box, this series originally had four plotted stories, but we just could NOT get the fourth story to GO anywhere, even pushing on it really, really hard.
Any Old Music Will Do - I have a plot outline for this one, with Bucky and Tony forming the core of the Defenders, along with Luke and Jessica, but I don’t know what I did with it... anyway, there’s more ideas here. a bit.
Indispensable we had a plot idea for a sequel and I actually think we wrote about 15000 words or so on it, but-- meh, it ended up not being very interesting. If we come up with some actual plot, then maybe?
Park(s) and Wreck(ed) - I have some more ideas for this as Tony and Bucky get their sexy on all over the office.
Stark, Naked - we did, in fact, do a sequel to this, which was rather short, but well-received. Not much ideas here for anything else, but we like this version of them, so if we get good prompts, we might be tempted to take up the reigns again.
Land After Time - We get a LOT of requests for Moar of this. If we had ANY FUCKING CLUE what was going on, we might. but we really, really don’t
We Can’t Eat That (It’s Dead) - I actually have an entire plot for this, on who the dead guy is and what happened...  I could be encouraged.
Forever Home - we wrote a full length sequel to this, but weirdly enough, it WASN’T the original sequel we’d sort of talked about. which means there’s potentially a third story here... (maybe a 4th one, too)
Excuse me, I think You Have My Suitcase - the further adventures of Tony and Bucky in lacy underthings. Yes. The next time I feel like PWP, I plan to revisit.
Dead to Rights - I still really like this idea... I just didn’t get as much traction from the Umbrella Academy fandom as I would have liked. Probably because most of my writer friends are Not Into It, which doesn’t give me many people to bounce ideas off 
New York: Become Human - there’s a LOT more story here to tell... maybe we’ll tell it.
Rejoice in the Sun - I started writing this fairly soon after Endgame, when I had a lot of feels, but between the absolute outpouring of hatred about that movie from the fandom. seriously, y’all were going all Annie Wilkes up in the house to the point that I put Endgame back on BLACKLIST to get away from the seething bile... it got really hard to enjoy post endgame content, and I got sick, too, so... that didn’t help any.
Once a Knight - Witch Bucky and Knight Tony... we have some more plot for this...
No Job Too Small - I think I even have another chapter of this WRITTEN. And some more plotted out. Tony and tiny children. What could go wrong?
(D)rift Away - Bigger Better Bugspray... what happens when the Rifters come back? There might be more of this, once I work out some plot. And honestly, stop getting distracted by the damn @heamarvel prompts.
The Door into Winter - I have a whole story for this, still working on it
Learning to Work Together (Good Omens) - we have some more feels for this, so possibly, if we can put plot together.
Pretty much everything else i’m posting in progress is still going strong, Blueberries, Hell Charger, Can’t Help you Fix Yourself, Reclamation, Draco Malfoy and the Rune... and I have a couple of other collabs with other people that are... bogged down with details right now.
We’ve got a couple of stories headed your way from the Marvel HEA Hallmark challenge, including what may well be my new favorite: Buck Barnes Got Married. We also wrote a Cyber Punk AU with companion Tony as an excuse to dress Tony up in skimpy outfits.
So, that’s like the general status of Old Fic... and having ideas is not the same as finding the time to sit down and WRITE them, especially since New Ideas are attacking me at the same time, honestly.
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ambootyos · 6 years
Flaming Locks
Prompt: “Hi!!! Can I request a girl x girl Becky imagine? Where like you’re her hairdresser and you secretly have a thing for her? You choose the ending plz? Thanks!!! 💕❤️💛”
Word Count: 1,297
A/N: Heya! Sorry for the wait! Hope you like it!!!
Tags:  @breakfastwiththesun ​ @originalbish98​ @theprogresskid​ @sweet-villain​ @reigns420 @laziestgirlintheworld @wrestlingismyguiltypleasure​@thegenericluchadora @theprestigious0ne​ @sheaxdevitt​ @littlebluespoon​ @earl-01 @thirstiswet  @princesstoniii @lunatic-sambrose @lclb13​ 
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Being a WWE stylist had its perks, the pay was good, the people were interesting, I was able to travel to places I’d never get to go otherwise. But above all there was her.
Becky, to be more specific. She was one of my favorite people to work with. She was a very fun, and sweet person. She didn’t mind me talking her ear off like some of the other people I worked with did, she actually liked to joke around with me.
If it’s not obvious yet, I have a bit of a crush on her. One I’ve done my best to keep secret. We were coworkers, it wasn’t like I could act on it. Not to mention, I didn’t even know if she felt the same. We’d never hung out outside of work, or anything like that. Yes, she was nice to me, but maybe that’s just who she was. I was afraid admitting I liked her, would make her feel uncomfortable, and ruin what acquaintanceship we already had.
I was trying not to get to wrapped up in thinking about it, but knowing myself I’d fail.
“Earth to Y/N.” I heard a friend of mine, Ember Moon say with a smile. “Why are you so distracted?” She asked, before sitting in one of the chairs, waiting for me to start on her makeup.
I pulled myself from my thoughts and faked a smile.
“Sorry, sorry, I was just...lost in thought I guess.”
She cocked her brow and smirked. “Are you thinking about you know who again?” She winked.
I rolled my eyes and sighed, realizing I’d made a mistake by sharing my stupid little crush with her. “Ember, come on.” I groaned.
She giggled, and threw her hands up in defense. “Okay, I’m sorry. I just think you should ask her out. The worst that could happen is her saying no.” She shrugged.
“Actually, the worst that could happen, is she could get creeped out, say no, and never talk to me again.” I said.
She rolled her eyes. “First of all, you’re being way too dramatic, second of all, if that happened, at least you’d know how she felt.”
“Ember, are you here to get your hair and makeup done, or to make me regret ever telling you anything?” I chuckled.
She rolled her eyes, and smirked. “Maybe a bit of both.” She teased.
I rolled my eyes. “Ugh, come one. Just be a friend for once, please?” I teased.
She scoffed. “Oh please, you know this is the best I can do. I guarantee if you had told anyone else, they would have already told Becky for you.” She said.
I sighed, knowing she was right. I told her because one, she was one of my oldest friends, and I knew I could trust her to keep my secret, even though I know she’ll tease me whenever she gets the chance, and two, she was on a different brand than Becky. Of course, she doesn’t know that’s one of the reasons.
“Yeah, I know. But I still don’t appreciate the teasing you know.” I replied, as I got started on her makeup.  
She breathed a laugh. “But that’s what friends are for!”
I groaned, but laughed anyway.
I was getting ready for Smackdown the next day, hours ahead of schedule because Becky needed to re-dye her signature ‘straight fire’ hair before the show.
I’d done this so many times I don’t know why it made me so nervous. But I guess being alone with her for so long was just weird to me. I didn’t wanna slip up and tell her I liked her. I know how stupid this all may be, but it made sense in my head.
She came in with a smile on her face, and I could feel the blush creep up on my cheek already.
“Hey Y/N! Are ‘ya ready ‘fer me?” She said in an accent that made me swoon.
I nodded with a smile, afraid anything to say anything because of how shaky I knew my tone would be. She took seat, as I got everything I needed for the job.
“Sorry ‘fer ‘comin in on such short notice like ‘vis. I ‘ope I didn’t cause any inconvenience.” She apologized, smiling sweetly.
I breathed a laugh, as I began to brush through her hair. “Oh, you’re fine.” I explained. “You’re probably my favorite person to work with anyway, so I don’t mind.” I replied with a smile.
“Aww!” She exclaimed, seeming flattered. “Well, you’re my favorite stylist. For what it’s worth.”
The red on my cheeks intensified, as I glanced up from her hair to see her face in the mirror in front of us, all I could do was smile, before continuing to do her hair.
After that, we made small talk, and joked around for the next few hours. I almost couldn’t believe how fast the time had passed, I was almost finished with her hair, I was just working on styling it now. I turned her chair to face me, and tried not to look her directly in the eyes.
“Hey..Y/N?” She said softly. I hummed in response, almost a bit nervous for what her next words would be. “Can I tell ‘ya sompfin’?” She said nervously.
I stepped back from her hair and frowned. “Is something wrong? Did I mess it up? I’m so sorry!” I rambled.
She shook her head and smiled. “No, no, it’s not ‘abou ‘vat. ‘Ya did perfect.” She said, as she grabbed my hand to calm me. Which of course, instantly makes me tense up.
I cleared my throat. “Oh. Okay..” I said quietly, but she didn’t let go of my hand.
“I need ‘ta confess sompfin’.” She admitted, her voice was soft but a bit serious. “I probably could ‘ave waited ‘ta get ‘meh ‘air re-dyed but..” She trailed off, seeming nervous almost as her eyes fell to the floor, refusing to meet mine.
I remembered her hand was still barely holding mine, so I laced my fingers with hers, this time to calm her, as she’d done for me before. “Becky, is everything okay?” I asked, hoping she wouldn’t be creeped out by my concern. It’s not like we were all that close. Much to my disliking, might I add.
She glanced back up at me, and smiled again. “Y/N..I like ‘ya..I mean..I really like ‘ya..” She said, causing my eyes to widen to the size of the moon, and my heart to pound against my chest. “I wanted ‘ta tell ‘ya..and I just kept chickening out ‘ov it. But..I can’t get ‘ya out ‘ov ‘meh head..” She admitted.
I almost couldn’t believe it. I never even expected her to like me, let alone be the one to make the first move. I pulled myself from my thoughts when I realized she was waiting for me to say something.
“I..I understand if ‘ya don’t feel ‘da same.” She added.
I couldn’t help but smile. “I do feel the same..” I said softly.
She smiled back, before holding my hand tighter. “I ‘ave ‘ta admit, I was a bit worried about ‘dat ‘fer ‘ah second.” She chuckled.
We stayed silent for a few seconds. Just smiling nervously at each other,
“I uh..have to finish your hair you know..” I said shyly, knowing the smile hadn’t left my face yet.
After I finished her hair, and lead her to the door, she turned back to me, and handed me a piece of paper with her number on it.
“Call ‘meh sometime. We need ‘ta schedule a date real soon..” She winked, before walking out.
Just wait until Ember hears this was finally happening.
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unhelpful-y0da · 7 years
Guess who’s back - Montgomery de la Cruz
Request: Can I get a Monty imagine? Where they had a short fling then didn’t see each other all summer. Back at school they see each other again and can’t help but have feelings for each other. Ending fluffy plz
Word count: 1173
Pairing: Montgomery de la Cruz x reader
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You were finally back home after two months of travelling through Europe. You had seen the most amazing places like Lisbon and Switzerland. Europe was so much cooler than America, they were more laid back and the cities were more beautiful. You were distracted by all the messaged on your phone when you were unpacking. Everybody wanted to know how your trip wen. You decided to answer them another time. You were tired and went to sleep very early. School started again tomorrow and you couldn’t skip class on day one.
Walking in school felt better than you expected. You were so happy to see everybody again. You had to catch up on so much that happened during the summer and everyone wanted to catch up about your Europe trip.
It was lunch time, when you walked in the cafeteria you saw your group of friends sitting together.
“Y/N! here!” Sheri shouted at you. You smiled and walked towards her. With her were Jess and Justin.
After a couple of minutes more people joined your table including Montgomery de la Cruz.
Before you left you had a one night stand with him after a party. Your ride home bailed on you and you didn’t want to wake your parents so you slept at Montgomery’s house. The one led to the other and before you knew it sex happened. Even tho you were a little drunk it was a night you would never want to forget. The things Monty could with his body were thing you’ve never experienced before. You always thought Montgomery was very hot and you thought he was a really nice guy but since you were leaving you decided to let it be. You left not very long after and didn’t hear from him during your trip. You had to admit you missed him more than your other friends but you didn’t give meaning to the feeling.
Montgomery sat next to you. “Well that’s been a long time!” he says while a smile appears on his face. You had to admit you were weak for Montgomery, even more after what happened. You started to blush.
“You look cute like that.” Montgomery whispers in your ear. You smile even more when suddenly you’re interrupted by Jess.
“Come one y/n tell us everything about Europe!”
So you started to tell about the beaches, the cute cities, the delicious food and the sweet people. You felt Montgomery’s eyes burn into your cheeks but you were too shy to look at him.
“And how were the boys?” Sheri asks. You didn’t know how to answer this question. All this time in Europe you didn’t even look at one guy. They weren’t your type and you didn’t feel the need to look at them? You missed someone else way harder there.
“Meh nothing special.” you say.
“Really? No steamy one night stands?” Jess asks
In the corner of your eye you see Montgomery’s jaw clench. Was he getting jealous?
“I’ll have to disappoint you girls, but no no one night stands.”
Before you knew it the bell rang and you had to get back to class. You had biology, not one of your favourites so you decided so sit at the back of the class. Suddenly you felt your phone vibrate. It was a text from Montgomery.
“Can I see you tonight? 8 pm at my place? –M”
“Why? – y/n”
“Don’t ask so much questions, yes or no? –M”
“Well yess, I guess? –y/n”
“Great! –M”
You lightened up completely even tho it was a little weird. What was he planning and why were you feeling so happy? It was just Montgomery, but maybe that was just the thing.
“I’m leaving mom! I’ll be home before 11!” you shout while walking out the door and heading over to Monty’s.
You rang when his mom opened the door. you weren’t expecting that.
“Oh hello miss. I’m y/n. I’m here for Montgomery?”
“Of course! Come in, I think he’s still doing some homework but you can go upstairs if you like? He’s room is the second door on your right.”
Montgomery and homework? That’s a strange combination you thought by yourself but you decided to ignore it and just go upstairs.
When you came at the second door you knocked.
“I’m busy mom!” you heard Montgomery scream
“Well it’s not your mom, can I come in?”
Suddenly a wild Monty appears with a big smile.  “Sorry! Come in.”
“So now tell me, why did you want to see me? I’ve been thinking about the whole day” you ask.
“I really need to tell you something important y/n..” Monty says quietly.
“So shoot?” you say while getting a little nervous. You were wondering about it all day and every time you send him a question about it he just said he would explain it later.
“Well.. so… here it goes..” Monty stutters out.
“God damn it just say it Mont.”
“Okay okay calm down. So what I was trying to say is.. I love you y/n. Everything that happened that night, it meant so much to me. I felt so good with you but since you left I thought I could forget you but seeing you today everything just came back and-“
You didn’t even listen anymore you just crashed your lips against his. Everything he said described perfectly how you felt the entire time. You missed Montgomery but as more as a friend. He was the reason you didn’t look at other guys in Europe.
“I love you too Montgomery.” You whisper your forehead still touching his.
His face lights up and he picks you up while you wrap your legs around his waist and spins you around..
“I’m so happy you feel the same. At lunch when they asked about other boys I started to feel so jealous. The thought of someone else having you made me crazy so I knew I had to tell you.”
“And I’m happy you did.” You smile at Montgomery before you pull him in for a deep passionate kiss.
After, you laid in bed with him cuddling and watching your favourite series. His grip was strong around your waist. It felt like he would never let go of you. He constantly gave you kisses going from your forehead to your neck. You felt so safe in his arms. this was everything you’ve been wanting for the couple months you just didn’t accept the feelings because you thought he had long forgot about you. You texted your mom letting her know you were sleeping somewhere else because you were slowly falling asleep in Montgomery's arms when suddenly Montgomery started to whisper in your ear.
“Will you be my girlfriend?”
“There is nothing I want more in the world right now Montgomery.”
Let me know what you think! 
PS I read the requests, but I’m going to answer after I start working on it! xx
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fleur · 7 years
detailed blogrates ✨
i need a distraction and i did these a couple months back + it was fun sooo 💕✨
must be following me!
maybe check out some of my edits?
must reblog this post (likes don’t count sorry!)
send me a 🐝 (or just ‘br’) and suggest something i should do for my first blog anniversary (plz) or tell me about something coming up that you’re looking forward to!
format under the cut  - blacklist maliasbr or br!
credit to @njmphadora for the template! 
B A S I C url - dgi sorry | not from my fandoms | could be better | pretty cool | really like it | absolutely incredible! domain - don’t have one | dgi sorry | not from my fandoms | could be better | pretty cool | really like it | absolutely incredible! icon - could be better | don’t recognise it | poor quality | pretty cute! | omg awesome | tempted to steal it  T H E M E desktop theme - basic tumblr theme | not my style | could be better | kinda pretty | gorgeous | i wanna steal colour scheme - not my taste | pretty | gorgeous | my fav colours! updates tab - don’t have one | i think something’s not right | bit basic | lovely | absolutely perfect nav page - don’t have one | i think something’s not right | incomplete | bit basic | lovely | absolutely perfect about page - don’t have one | i think something’s not right | incomplete | bit basic | lovely | absolutely perfect mobile header - nonexistent | i don’t get it | not my fandom | bit blurry | alright | lovely | absolutely gorgeous mobile colours - kills my eyes | don’t match | looks nice | urgh aes af  P O S T S reblogs - urm nonexistant ?? | kinda random | not my fandom | pretty good | wonderful | incredible! aesthetic - inconsistent | eye pleasing | absolutely perfect original edits - you don’t have any | not my fandom | great start | not bad | lovely | so original | gorgeous | omg i’m jelly af of your skills personal - nonexistant | not enough | too many | you seem sweet | omg you make me laugh so much activities [e.g. botm / awards / rates etc] - nonexistant | not enough | good | wonderful | such original ideas  O V E R A L L overall - meh | pretty nice | lovely | incredible following - no sorry | not my fandoms | now | how was i not before?! | yes ofc | you’re one of my fav blogs
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pasiphile · 7 years
Review of li'l Hammy plz
ok , so it’s been two weeks, i think i can take it now.
(although my first reaction to that question is still AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA *loud broken sobbing*)
First off, it’s probably important to know that all I have to compare it with in terms of performances is the Kenneth Branaugh version and the David Tennant version, and that this was the first time I’ve seen a live stage version. 
So. All in all, there were three things about it that I didn’t really like/felt a bit meh about. First was the underuse of Horatio - I like my implied gay, or at least the very close friendship, but because they were really going for the emotionally wrecking version, Horatio got kinda downplayed. Which was a bit of a shame, really. The other thing was the decision to put music over the final bits of the ending duel scene - loud enough that you couldn’t hear the lines anymore. It’s a director’s choice, and honestly I do think it worked, but I’d liked to hear the lines. It also made that whole scene feel a bit rushed, unreal - although it  also played into the whole inevitability of the thing. And, to be fair, even without the words, the expressions alone were doing a lot of acting. And third was the way the played a kind of afterlife bit. The back of the stage was separated by a diaphanous curtain, and as the people started dying in the last scene, after they did the traditional falling-on-the-floor-convulsing thing, the actors got up and walked to the space behind the curtain, were Ophelia was already dancing peacefully with Polonius. It... kinda felt too on the nose, to me? Especially compared to the bleakness of the rest of the play.
That’s what I didn’t really like. I really loved the rest. I loved the scene choices - Hamlet senior on CCTV screens really worked for me (even though it did really remind me of Tennant!Hamlet); the minimal setting with just the sofa and a little table with a computer screen on it was amazingly versatile; I kinda loved the decision to put the cast with their backs to the audience during the play-within-a-play thing (even though it made Freddie cringe, theatre-kid they are); and what I probably loved most about it was how they used the see-through curtain during the first few scenes with Hamlet to really drive home the isolation of his character - people partying behind the screen, visible and audible but muted, and he stark and dark in front of it.  I also liked the wardrobe, Hamlet’s constant black and Gertrude’s amazing dresses and Ophelia in a vulnerable white long t-shirt and not much else after Hamlet scares the shit out of her.
I loved the interpretations, loved how sympathetic they made everyone. Even Claudius got his moments - the scene in the confessional when Hamlet considers murdering him was played very interestingly, with Hamlet standing directly in front of Claudius, nothing inbetween (to the point where I went oh, are they actually playing it as a head-to-head confrontation?) and it made Claudius feel strangely human, wracked with indecision and guilt almost as much as Hamlet is. They really played up the relationship between Claudius and Gertrude. You could really believe why Gertrude married that quickly. There was a lovely moment where Gertrude is trying to give a serious speech and Claudius snags the back of her dress and playfully tries to pull her away; and there was a cute scene were a guard walks in on Gertrude and Claudius napping on top of each other on the sofa (Gertrude waking up and embarrassedly/gracefully/sheepishly smiling at the guard was adorable). They also got creative with Polonius’ character, playing him as suffering from early Alzheimer’s. It worked, impressively well, it made sense in the context of his lines and added a layer of tragedy on top of the usual clownesque vibe of Polonius. Suddenly the character became real, flesh and blood, rather than just something written for entertainment. But it also took away a bit of the comedy - see below for more on that.
Ophelia, likewise. She’s such a difficult character to do well but Jessica Brown Findlay played her so naturally and full of joy and energy and warmth that I didn’t not like her for a second. And of course, that made the mad scene all the more painful. Another difficult one to do right, imo, but she nailed it; less insane whimsy and more bitter dark anger. Also: every interaction between her and Hamlet in the first act was amazing. They emphasised the relationship between them, made it basically already established. The first time they interact it’s first with a happy lovers’ kiss, and then with a heartfelt long, clumsy, painfully comforting hug. It’s... sort of hard to explain how real that all felt, but it was heartwrenching to watch.
Even Laertes, in his brief scenes, did really really well. His interactions with Ophelia were quintessential teasing-affectionate siblinghood (all three of us have siblings; all three of us went yes that’s how it is afterwards) and his anger and confusion and anguish in the third act really hit you. And Rosencrantz and Guildenstern were interesting too. In case you didn’t know yet, Guildenstern was played by a black woman, Rosencrantz by a white man, and they were pretty heavily implied to be a couple. Rosencrantz kinda faded to the background, imo, but Guildenstern really shone, both in her interactions with Hamlet - again, like with Ophelia, the love between them felt deep, real - as in her interactions with Gertrude. Plus, the bit where Claudius walks up to Rosencrantz and goes dear Guildenstern and Gertrude gently switches them around, correcting him, was a moment of adorably funny brightness.
You may notice I’m kinda stalling. I haven’t mentioned the number one here, the one it’s all about. It’s because it’s kind of hard to put it in words, really. I mean - look, I’ve seen Branaugh’s Hamlet, which was very classic, thoughtful and deliberate and oratory; and I’ve seen Tennant’s Hamlet, which emphasised the wittiness and teasing funny bits and played the pain either as quiet, subdued, or with Tenth-Doctor-Manic-Energy. Meanwhile, Scott’s Hamlet was... if there’s one word I’d associate with this one it’s raw. 
(I think the most telling is how completely exhausted and devastated Scott looked after the performance. While everyone else was smiling happily at the applause and the immediate standing ovation, it took until the third bow before he managed to crack a very very tired smile. And that was the matinee performance, meaning he would have to do it all again about three hours later.)
He’s without competition the most painful Hamlet I’ve seen, and probably will ever see. It’s all there on the surface, every battling emotion, every raw pain. The constant vacillating between the hatred and contempt for others and the hatred and contempt for himself; the quiet resigned exhaustion of the third act; the blind fury when he kills Polonius and the sick horrified laughter when he comes back to his senses afterwards; the way he clings to Ophelia and his mother and even the ghost of his father; the soliloquy, which I feared I wouldn’t be able to take seriously after hearing it so many times but which got me right from the first syllable, as if it was the first time I heard it, full of tired sadness and pain...
It was an immensely physical performance too. Scott often gestures big when he’s playing a certain kind of character, which may get distracting when you start paying attention to it, but for me it really worked here, giving the impression of a man struggling to grasp and shape his ideas. A lot of physical attacking happened too, with Ophelia (which sadly I couldn’t see well because of the seating), with Gertrude, in something that very much crossed the line into sexual assault, and even with Polonius, who got a kiss full on the mouth followed by Hamlet spitting on the floor. It just felt so visceral, like it’s all coming from somewhere deep within. Also, it amazes me that most reviews talk about Scott’s Hamlet as being soft-spoken and gentle. Sure, the moments were he was soft and gentle were exceptionally so (most notably in the big soliloquy, and at the start with Ophelia), but those were by far outnumbered by the violent ones. Above all this is a very angry Hamlet; he does more shouting than whispering.
(as I said to Freddie: Hamlet does not have a lot of coping mechanisms. By which I mean: you really got that impression of Hamlet as a man struggling with emotions he has no way of containing, of being constantly overruled and tormented by them, beyond his control. Which is a take I haven’t really seen before - or at any rate, not that well performed)
He also wasn’t a very funny Hamlet. Take the scene in the third act, where the messenger summons him to the duel. Tennant played that with relish, milking every comedic moment; with Scott, I barely smiled at all. By then, the overarching feel was so devastatingly painful that jest would’ve felt immensely out of place. Conversely, moments that wouldn’t be funny in other version suddenly got a kind of dark humour to it; most notably the first soliloquy, which was delivered straight face-on to the audience and got a laugh out of the audience (at the married mine uncle line, I think?) and a fourth-wall-breaking returning grin from Scott - and it worked. (This was also the moment where I went from interested to nailed to my seat because gosh, live theatre is something else). And there was the slapstick-moment after Laertes interrupts Hamlet and Ophelia mid-kiss, and Hamlet dives away behind the couch and followed the rest of the conversation from behind said couch - the sight of the top of his head suddenly peeping up when Laertes has the if he says he loves you got a theatre-wide giggle. But it all starts devolving so rapidly and completely that there’s very little time to enjoy the lightness and funny bits. 
That’s the reason why I really deeply enjoyed watching the first act, and why the second and third were a whole lot more difficult to watch for me. Not that they were any less good, they were brilliant, but it’s bleak, depressing. While in the first act, you got that sense of warmth and everything being more or less good, just before everything goes to shit.
Which is the central bit of why it’s so, so good. We all know the story. We all know what happens, who dies, how it ends. But the strength of a tragedy lies in its sense of lost potential, that sort of instinctual no don’t do it! reaction you have as an audience when you can see things starting to go badly and you just do not want this. That’s what this Hamlet did to me, and I can’t exactly say how it did or what was pivotal there or not. It’s greater than the sum of the parts, really. All I know is that I watched that first act and even though I know every single step of the way, I still half expected it to go differently. I wanted it to go differently. Of course it didn’t, but because of that sense of could-have-been that was omnipresent in the first part, every step downwards just hurt that much more. 
It’s a Hamlet like a sledgehammer, this one. Without exaggeration, it took me days to recover, and even now, writing about it and thinking back on it, I still get that cold shiver of emotional devastation. In a matter of a few scenes it creates something warm and beautiful, and it then proceeds to slowly tear it apart in front of your eyes. It will fuck you up.
So go watch it. They’re taking it from the teeny-tiny Almeida to the bigger West End theatres soon, so there will be places free. Teeny-tiny Almeida was a lovely setting for it, and the intimacy of the theatre really helped creating the atmosphere of the play, but I don’t doubt it’s going to be great in a bigger one as well. So do as I did, put on a google alert for “andrew scott hamlet”, buy yourself a ticket as soon as they’re available, go have your heart ripped out live and then cry for two days straight because you just wanted them all to be happy, dammit.
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raptorix · 7 years
Did the ‘Find the Archon’s Ship’ mission in Mass Effect: Andromeda tonight
(Shut up, I take forever.  Also distracted by Overwatch Uprising event.)
Raeka!!! Love you sweetheart~!  Writers gave me the emotional investment to save her sweet ass over Drack’s scouts.  (I honestly don’t remember him saying ‘Hey I have scouts missing plz find them’.  OF course that could have been at the start of the game and that was a long time ago now. *A* )
But for me, that choice was easily in Raeka’s favor.
I’ve seen a snippet of the ‘replacement’ Pathfinder.  Meh.  Also due to lack of emotional investment in saving Drack’s scouts, I could care less.  I love the Krogan, but there was nothing giving me pause.  The only immediate result I could see in that choice is ‘Oh hey you’ll have ~less~ of these nasties to fight!’  I’m playing on Casual, it’s easy to not-die.  I’LL DEAL WITH IT.
Yes, Drack was angry with me.  But I haven’t had too much incentive on his scout thing.
The most interesting thing is my sister has chosen the opposites of me in her playthrough.  She chose to keep the original Asari Pathfinder (the one Cora looked up to.)  She also chose to save the Krogan Scouts (so she wouldn’t have to fight them.) She went ahead and finished the game already, so I’ll have to ask her how her game ended when I finish mine.
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dianaphamhere · 6 years
750 day 1
Friday, November 16, 2018
Oh, so it just starts right away.
I just signed up and I thought perhaps there would be some sort of welcome page or user profile thing, but nope. It just pops you right into writing.
I've been trying to write more because I'm always trying to write. Yesterday, thought about joining Medium to write more thoughtful things and share them, but meh. I don't know if that crowd is what I really want to associate with. I tend to have a more "say what's in my head as it comes out" writing style. I don't really think before I write so it really is just random streams of thought.
But maybe I should get into writing about more specific things? I dunno.
This morning, my friend, FB, texted and asked me and BL if we wanted to get some food together. She wants to thank us for helping her get her new job and stuff. That's cool. I've been kinda waiting to celebrate so I'm glad she's not so busy now to be able to do that.
There's definitely a part of me that was sad that we didn't hang out earlier,but I don't feel like analyzing that feeling right now. I'm literally still in bed and typing on my phone so I don't think I'd be able to get all those thoughts out. I type faster with a computer so I'd rather wait to do that then than while typing on my phone.
Okay, so I'm at around 245 words now. What else to say...
I've been quite depressed lately. I've determined a name for it based on some googling: Post Event Depression or Post Project Depression.
I recently participated in a pole competition. It took a significant amount of time and effort to ptepare for it beforehand. Now that it's done, I have this void in my life where I don't know what to do with myself. This is something that happens a lot though. Before, I'd just throw myself into some new project. Usually frantically. But now that I'm hyper aware that this happens, I've been wondering what's a better way of approaching this issue. Like, a softer way. Surely I can get in and out of projects in a less manic way, right?
Iono. I feel like my obsession with projects becomes detrimental because of the ups and downs my moods and emption go through when I'm in and out of projects. But I would rather do something rather than nothing, right?
There were times when I was depressed and never did anything but lay in bed. I want to say I'm better now because I can do some things even though I'm depressed.
Sometimes I can see the word counter at the bottom and sometimes it hides away. It's a bit distracting. Like, if it wants to stay then plz just stay. But popping in and out pulls me out if my thought process and makes me think too much about the number. Like forcing me to sit and think more about things until I'm allowed to leave.
Who knows if I'll continue this. I really like starting new things, but consistency is one of my weaknessnes. I get distracted and bored.
I've been wondering if I have a form of ADD/ADHD. I saw that there are mamy forms of it. I don't believe I have the hyperactivity characteristics, but there's one subgroup that is about inattentiveness. I'm still quite organized when I need to be, but I get so distracted by things.
I don't lose my keys or wallet in the fridge like the examples on a few websites have stated. But I definitely have bad short term memory. My thoughts jump all over the place. Sometimes I think I'm just becoming hypomanic or something. But having this consistently happen is starting to bring some clarity to my personality and stuff.
It's a whole big topic, but there's no denying I don't like holding onto jobs or projects that last too long. I get bored and lose motivation. It's not that I'm not good at things. Pretty much everyone I've worked with loved working with me. It was always me who wanted to leave. So what's up with that?
Is it that I'm not satisfied or is it really that I have an attention issue. Often, I can go back to a hobby months later and still enjoy it. But doing things consistently is hard. I can have extreme focus for a short amount of time and then I need to move on to focus on something else.
I made it. 750 words done. Phew!
How do I save this? It's all autosaved it seems. Where do I go now?
788 words
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