#ditto the kitto
zombeikid · 8 months
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The duality of man
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fbwzoo · 4 years
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The night Ditto came inside!! We had absolutely zero chance of resisting at this point. She was throwing herself at my hands for pets, going back to look at the door, then throwing herself at me again. Message received, baby. 💙 She ran right into the living room to the plate of food in the middle, then barely protested when i scooped her up and into my bathroom. Where she screamed at us (and never stopped for the next 2 years), ate a 5.5oz can of food, then passed out.
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zombeikid · 10 months
Alright, I need help
Ditto is having some kind of allergic reaction and the vet just gave us eye drops and then an ointment and its not working. We've resulted to making her wear a cone but if we take it off to let her groom herself or to play, she starts scratching her face as soon as we aren't looking. I want to seek out another vet opinion but I don't know if there's anything else they can do for her. So here I am, asking the internet for suggestions. Or just.. I don't know. I just want my poor kitty to feel better. I can post pictures if anyone wants to see but its kind of gross. It's not infected or anything, she just keeps reopening it.
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zombeikid · 3 years
Yearly Ditto Update I guess?
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Everyone's favorite closet door gremlin had her yearly exam today. Everything went well until she tried to kill the nurse trying to draw blood. She's got a 3/5 body score, "beautiful" teeth, and although she's lost a touch of weight since her last exam, everything looks great. Discussed some of her behavioral stuff with the vet and they think she might have Feline Hyperesthesia Syndrome. We're not going to try medication just yet because they want a bloodwork base line but it's something to keep in mind I guess. Outside of her vet stuff, she's doing pretty well! She still gets her moments of aggression but she's gotten very good at using her words instead of her claws and teeth. She still mouths and slaps us but she hasn't intentionally scratched or bit either of us in a while! She still screams. All the time! Always! She's screaming right now! She's a very sweet cat most of the time. She's taken to sleeping with my husband at night instead of me but gives me plenty of snuggles during the day. I haven't worked on tricks much but she knows: Ditto, Sit, Speak, and (sometimes) come. Like all cats, she only really responds when she wants lol But yep! Kitty update I guess.
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fbwzoo · 4 years
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Ah yes, That One Time Ditto jumped 5-6 feet straight up from the crab tank to this shelf. And then had no clue what to do, so I had to climb on a chair to rescue her so she wouldn't try to jump back down to the crab tank & kill herself on the glass.
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fbwzoo · 5 years
Ditto needs a new home!
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Ditto was rescued as a stray that was hanging around my apartment complex in September 2017. She was estimated around 10 months & had already had (and lost) a litter of kittens. Pregnancy had taken a toll on her and she was very skinny. After some time to gain weight, we got her spayed & vaccinated. We had already fallen in love with her & considered trying to keep her. I mean, look at this! How could you not love her?
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Unfortunately, we already have a cat & despite over a year of working with both cats, doing slow introductions, building up tolerance to seeing each other, and working with a behaviorist....it’s just not working. Ditto is a more aggressive cat & more prone to confrontation, while our older cat is very avoidant and also has health issues that flare up from stress.. Since our other kitty was here first, we need to find Ditto (and her paper pile) a new home.
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Ditto is extremely people-focused and would love to help with whatever you’re doing! She’s fairly high energy and talkative, and she needs regular playtime. Ditto also LOVES to climb, so cat trees are a must! She’s not much of a lap cat, but loves scritches and will cuddle in bed at night. 
We are located in the Kansas City area, but willing to drive to meet up with the right home. Ditto’s rehoming fee is $100, and she comes with some toys & other supplies. Please click to read on if you’d like to know more about Ditto & her adoption requirements! 
More about Ditto:
- favorite toys include packing paper, ball tracks, ping pong balls & plastic easter eggs, fishing-pole style teaser wands, the Cat Dancer toy, and her cat wheel
- is very good about scratching appropriate surfaces – sisal rope towers/cat tree legs & cardboard scratch pads
- partially harness trained, but very nervous about Outside (after all, lots of bad things were out there)
- gets dry food free-fed in a puzzle feeder toy, a 3.5oz can of wet food each night
- has no known major health issues; short, crooked tail & a missing dewclaw toe (left front paw) were both determined to be congenital by a vet & not due to trauma. She does have a chunky claw on the toe next to the missing one that I worry may need to be declawed at some point, but haven’t had a vet suggest it yet. I plan to ask for opinion if I take her in again prior to rehoming.
- bad habits include shredding toilet paper and plastic bags that contain food, and climbing into cupboards. We just keep the first couple things away from her & have mostly resigned ourselves to the second since she currently doesn’t get left unattended in the whole apartment, but child locks would likely do the trick if you want to keep her out!
Requirements for adopting:
* indoors only, outside only on harness or in catio
* NO declawing
* must have a vet reference
*preferred no other cats/dogs in home; if either are present, a slow & positive introduction will be required and I will be pickier about potential homes that have other dogs/cats (in terms of space, animal experience, training stances, etc.)
* other pets are fine, but must NOT be within reach of Ditto – she is quite prey-driven & will chase/attack
- only older kids – Ditto has gotten much better about not biting or using claws, but is not tested around kids & not likely to be terribly tolerant of inappropriate petting/handling
- must be able to provide 1-2 play sessions a day
- willing to include at least one meal of wet food a day
- must have:
       -  at least one 6ft cat tree (prior to adoption)
       - multiple scratching options (cat tree, cardboard scratchers, etc.)
       - minimum of 2 litter boxes (can provide one with Ditto)
       - ability to ensure vet appointments (wellness & emergency)
       - hard sided carrier for transport
The first five are absolute requirements. The rest is somewhat negotiable depending on the home.
Ditto comes with some non-negotiable supplies (included with the rehoming fee) - her cat wheel, a 5-ft cat tree, her stuffed otter toy, and some ball track toys along with extra balls. Can also provide a small tote litter box & scoop if wanted, and her harness/leash if you would like to continue to work on harness training with her.
Please message if you’d like to discuss adopting Ditto! :)
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fbwzoo · 4 years
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Very cute Ditto pics from 2 years ago. I was late to bed, and she would yell at me for it, and wait at the door. The second picture is from the next morning, with her curled up against my leg, sleeping.
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fbwzoo · 5 years
We are walking on the wheel a lot this morning to make a point to Mom how boring she is just playing on her phone.
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fbwzoo · 4 years
The Ditto you were just talking about, is that the same kitty who you found outside and convinced her to be inside and you kept her for a while? I know I got the story a bit wrong and obviously missing pieces but was that you or someone else?
Yeah, that’s our same Ditto! :) Her tag on my blog is Ditto the Kitto, with all of her posts and history. But basically the story is that we saw her around the apartment building for a couple weeks & kept worrying bc she looked so skinny. Started leaving food out and by day 3, she’d shown up on the patio before the food was even out, and came straight into the living room when we opened the door & put food down in the middle of the room. She never looked back and was Thrilled to be safe inside with lots of food. She was only around 10 months and had already had (and presumably lost) a litter of kittens.
We got her spayed and all taken care of. We would’ve kept her, but she didn’t like our other cat Ebony, and Ebony was really stressed by having Ditto around. So Ditto mostly had to stay in my bedroom, which was unfair to such an active young cat, despite how much we tried to keep her happy. Nightly playtime in the rest of the apartment, her own cat tree in my room, a cat wheel that she loved, etc. It just didn’t make up for having to be confined to one bedroom 80% of the time. 
So zombeikid was interested in adopting her once she was in a situation where she could adopt a kitty. Ditto didn’t find a home before that point, so we happily drove up & met halfway so she could go live with zombeikid with all of her stuff! She’s absolutely loving having her own people and a whole apartment. ♥ We miss her SO freaking much, but I’m so happy that she has such a loving home that can fully appreciate her and what a sweetie she can be. ♥ She deserves all of that so very much.
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fbwzoo · 5 years
“Cat enrichment is so expensive though”
I literally just spent 10 minutes playing with Ditto with a stick. Just a long twig from a tree.
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fbwzoo · 5 years
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To top off the animal updates for tonight, just LOOK at Ditto!!!! Turns out my lil gremlin girl IS a lap girl....once she has people around more, and all to herself! @zombeikid looks like you might get real snuggles after all!! ♥
She’s doing wonderfully at my partners’ house, as the picture shows. They’re learning all of her little quirks & body language, and she’s training them on the Right Schedule for playtime and pets, and also how to play the Right Way. XD Many opinions packed into this small cat!
I’m honestly so thrilled that she’s doing so well in a new place. And even better, we’re seeing how great she really does when she’s the only cat & has a proper amount of space. She’s such a good cat, and I can’t wait until she’s in her new home. She’s going to be so spoiled, so loved, and so happy. She deserves all of this so much.
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fbwzoo · 5 years
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Making her work for a handful of Spoon's kitten kibble
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fbwzoo · 5 years
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Old baby pic of Ditto that was in my FB memories today. 💙 It was really dark, so edited it and thought I'd share.
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fbwzoo · 5 years
Guess who’s going to her new home tomorrow?????
She’s going home with @zombeikid tomorrow and she’s going to be SO happy!!! I totally meant to mention that this was happening now but I kept forgetting!
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fbwzoo · 5 years
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Trash Goblin got her trash pile back! She’s very happy
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fbwzoo · 5 years
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A model
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