nono2411 · 4 months
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Parque de Cervantes, Barcelona ❤️
Domingo de Mayo
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ernestdescalsartwok · 8 months
MERCAT-DIUMENGE-CARDONA-PINTURA-ART-PLAÇA DE LA FIRA-ESGLESIA-SANT MIQUEL-PAISATGES-HIVERN-PINTOR-ERNEST DESCALS por Ernest Descals Por Flickr: MERCAT-DIUMENGE-CARDONA-PINTURA-ART-PLAÇA DE LA FIRA-ESGLESIA-SANT MIQUEL-PAISATGES-HIVERN-PINTOR-ERNEST DESCALS- Paisajes de invierno el pueblo de CARDONA, el MERCAT del DIUMENGE en la Plaça de la Fira con los árboles sin hojas y el fondo de la Església de Sant Miquel, el mercado y los vendedores en sus paradas bajo un cielo nuboso. Pintura del artista pintor Ernest Descals sobre papel de 50 x 70 centímetros, los mercados de Catalunya y su movimiento.
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josep4659 · 2 years
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#recons #diumenge (at Vallcarca i els Penitents, Barcelona) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjxVFout4Dw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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vanskyfox · 1 month
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Is he the best? Skate with me!
Cyberpunk ~ Gloomie's Femboy Friday by @gloomiegalaxie 💝
We know it's not Femboy Friday it's Femboy Sunday? But we tried to have it by Friday and it was an impossible task. Lea and I are still not sure if Luka will use a classic, a longboard, a cruiser, etc… But in this world for this time it will be a longboard. Thank you to all CC creators (me included 😋)
Luka flirting with Chris below cut line ⬇️
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The bar had just opened, that's why it's so empty.
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useless-catalanfacts · 6 months
Fira de rams (Palm Fair) in Barcelona, Catalonia. Video by itsxaviripoll on Instagram.
On the days before Palm Sunday, many cities and towns have a fair selling the palms, laurel and other artisanal products for the holiday, like sugar rosaries and colourful ribbons.
Palm Sunday (the Sunday before Easter) is an important Christian holiday that commemorates Christ's arrival to Jerusalem. Many Christian denominations, including Catholics, celebrate this day by waving palm tree leafs, olive branches and bay laurel branches, like the people of Jerusalem who according to the Bible went to greet Christ in this way. On Palm Sunday, these palms and branches are taken to be blessed. The blessed palms and branches are kept until next year, when they're replaced by the new ones.
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requiemforthestars · 15 days
What do you mean Lucanis loves PAELLA? What do you mean PAELLA is canon in Dragon Age?
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itsguysnightitsironic · 7 months
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"Gresca i destrucció, riurem i ens penedirem, el cremarem el dimarts i patirem fins el diumenge."
"Party and destruction, we will laugh and repent, we will set him on fire on Tuesday and we will suffer until next Sunday."
I almost forgot the whole Carnestoltes and Vella Quaresma celebration when it literally goes hand in hand with OAUW themes.
Some context under the threat:
- The Carnestoltes i la Vella Quaresma represent the two extremes of the balance, the excess, "El rei Carnestoltes", and the abstinence, "la Vella Quaresma".
As the story sings: the King Carnestoltes brings party and joy for days, but after a whole week of partying, no sleeping and "sinning", the people find themselves exhausted, with their homes destroyed and no food for the winter.
So Carnestoltes is sentenced to death by the stake on Tuesday and on Wednesday "El dimecres de cendra" (Ash Wednesday) starts the 40 days of penitence (no meat, no eggs...) marked by the seven legs of the Vella Quaresma who loses one every week, ending in Pasqua (the return of Spring).
-The style is inspired by the nostalgia and softness of Pere Torné Esquius illustrations.
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"Venedora de globus" cap els 1907 de Pere Torné i Esquius.
-Also, also, the demons represent the Correfocs, pyrotechnics spectacles made by adults and children dressed as demons throwing fire and spurns around.
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Diables de les Corts fotos de Albert Pedra 2019
Which is the coolest thing ever. Also there's dragons dances.
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Correfoc de Manresa 2011
This is a threat for you to forget Sant Valentine and go watch Correfocs-
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santmarc · 3 months
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El pasado domingo día 16 de junio a las 19 horas, tarde poética en espai sant marc, con José Vidal Valicourt y Puter.
Passat diumenge dia 16 de juny a les 19 hores, horabaixa poètica a espai sant Marc, con José Vidal Valicourt i Puter
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naturallyadventured · 3 months
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Avui he fet 29 voltes al sol! Els meus últims vint. I per celebrar-ho vam anar diumenge passat al banyet glaçat anual que faig ja per tercer any consecutiu. Aquest cop amb la millor companyia 🌻 El primer bany va anar de la mà de tot aquest procés que he anat fent de creixement personal, entendrem i fer-ho en profunditat. Vaig despullar el meu interior, treient capa a capa fins a trobar que hi havia en el centre i a partir d'allà tornar a formar l'Alba que realment vull ser. En quan t'has sentit tan nua, amb la teva essència, i la pots abraçar sense por, sense expectatives, sense intencions, és quan pots créixer amb els peus ben arrelats a terra i les branques mirant ben amunt 🌿 L'aigua freda va relaxant cada múscul del cos, els peixos ens van donar la benvinguda a un món natural, per sorgir amb la pell sensible a la tramuntana que evaporava les gotes que reposaven sobre nostre, un camí del mar amb retorn cap a la terra 🌊 Entre vi, patates i rialles vam crear un record únic per iniciar aquest últim any de vint-i-molts ��
Mil gràcies 🪨@thelittlebuster_experience i 🌿@gbi_92 us estimo molt 🤍 Difereeeentes 😋
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nono2411 · 4 months
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Una mañana de domingo ❤️
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ernestdescalsartwok · 2 months
VIC-PINTURA-ART-MERCAT DIUMENGE-PASSEIG-GENERALITAT-ESCOLA-SAGRAT COR-FURGONETES-VENEDORS-PAISATGES-MERCATS-PINTOR-ERNEST DESCALS por Ernest Descals Por Flickr: VIC-PINTURA-ART-MERCAT DIUMENGE-PASSEIG-GENERALITAT-ESCOLA-SAGRAT COR-FURGONETES-VENEDORS-PAISATGES-MERCATS-PINTOR-ERNEST DESCALS- Paisajes urbanos con mercados y mercadillos en las calles, el MERCAT DEL DIUMENGE en el Passeig de la Generalitat en la ciudad de VIC, la capital de la comarca de Osona, provincia de Barcelona en Catalunya. El Mercado del domingo me ofrece todos los elementos necesarios para Pintar estas actividades al aire libre, las furgonetas donde llevan los vendedores sus productos, el ambiente de movimiento humano, y la luz de verano, detrás de la furgoneta vemos la arquitectura religiosa con la fachada de la Escola del SAGRAT COR entre algunos árboles. Pintura del artista pintor Ernest Descals sobre papel de 50 x 70 centímetros, pintando gente y atmósfera urbana en el paisaje para descansar de las obras que estoy pintando sobre el gran personaje de Alejandro Magno.
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guillemelgat · 10 months
This song has kind of become my obsession as of late, and since I'm trying to get better at understanding Galician I thought I'd attempt to do a translation. Corrections welcome! / Aquesta cançó ha esdevingut una obsessió últimament, i com que vull millorar el meu (enteniment del) gallec pensava que potser m'atreviria a traduir-la. Qualsevol correcció és benvinguda!
Se do torreiro da festa Si en el terreny de festa If on the dancefloor Eu fose sempre a primeira Jo sempre fos la primera I was always the first En sacare a bailar aos mociños En treure a ballar als nois To invite the boys to dance Mociñas desta noite mesta Noies d’aquesta nit espessa Girls of the thick of night   Se debullase as espigas Si desgranés les espigues If I threshed the wheat Coas uñas longas de gata Amb ungles llargues de gata With long acrylic nails E da horta só apañase as espiñas I de l’horta només collís les espines And from the garden I only picked the thorns E a mala herba que me mata I la mala herba que em mata And the weeds that are killing me   [ RETROUSO: A miña tatara-tatara-tatara-tataravoa estaría contenta La meva rebesàvia estaria contenta My great-great-grandmother would be happy Tatara-tatara-tatara-tataravoa estaría contenta Rebesàvia estaria contenta Great-great-grandmother would be happy Tatatata-tataravoa estaría contenta Rebesàvia estaria contenta Great-great-grandmother would be happy Tatatata se me escoita cantar Si m’escolta cantar If she hears me sing ]   Se ao camiño da fonte Si al camí de la font If on the way to the spring Fose a algo máis que a lavare Hi anés per alguna cosa més que rentar I went for something besides washing E na misa dos domingos I a la missa els diumenges And at Mass on Sundays Quedase sempre fóra pra repicare Quedés sempre a fora per a repicar I stayed outside to ring the bells   Se nos visen no palco Si ens veiessin dalt de l’escenari If they could see us on stage Coa forza dun vendavale Amb la força d’un vendaval With the strength of a powerful wind Non sei ben se chorarían No sé si bé plorarien I don’t know if they’d cry Ou ben subirían con nos a cantare O bé pujarien amb nosaltres a cantar Or if they’d get up to come sing with us   [ RETROUSO ]   Vou ó seu lado, collo a súa man Vaig al seu costat, agafo la seva mà I go to her side, I take her hand Cóntolle to que fixen no serán Li explico tot el que vaig fer en la festa I tell her everything I did at the party Non se alarma, non se asusta No s’alarma, no s’espanta She isn’t alarmed, she doesn’t get shocked Ela viviu mil veráns Ella va viure mil estius She lived a thousand summers [x4]
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canalsart · 22 days
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Inauguració demà diumenge dia 1 de setembre a les 12:00 h "Tàpies i el seu pas per Sant Cugat". Una mostra molt significativa de fotos i gravats de la primera obra tèxtil feta per Tàpies a Sant Cugat en 1967.
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oldsardens · 28 days
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Jacob Dooyewaard - Diumenge al matí
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useless-catalanfacts · 6 months
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On Palm Sunday (the first day of the Holy Week), it used to be typical in all Catalonia to get these kind of biscuits in different shapes and hang them from the palms. Nowadays, this tradition only survives in some parts of the country, but it's quickly becoming less popular, together with the fact that most people nowadays don't go to palm processions.
The biscuits are made of flour, sugar, butter, eggs, vanilla, and either lemon or anise, and are made in all sorts of shapes: men, women, fish, guitars, glasses, animals, fruits... They have different names depending on the area, like currutacs, currutacos, senyora i senyor (meaning "lady and gentleman"), ninots, garlandes, or martins.
Photos and information from Gastroteca, M'agrada Catalunya, and Vilaweb.
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tornoaserjo · 3 months
3 hores fent un projecte-memòria un diumenge
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