#divine demon idunn
moaa · 2 years
pulls i got across various banners (+ arena summons)
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v-akarai · 9 months
References in Servamp
Arabian mythology
Jinn. Ch. 16
Greek mythology
Elpis. Ch. 75
Moirai. Ch. 108
Pandora. Ch. 130
Pygmalion. Ch. 123
Pandora's Box. Ch. 97
Japanese mythology
Gashadokuro. Ch. 129
Kitsune. Ch. 3
Raijin. Ch. 85
Norse mythology
Baldr. Ch. 39
Bifröst. Ch. 88
Brunhild. Ch. 88
Fimbulwinter. Ch. 40
Freya. Ch. 65
Frey. Ch. 131
Gleipnir. Ch. 101
Hati. Ch. 91, 131
Hod. Ch. 39
Hliðskjálf. Ch. 96
Idunn. Ch. 65
Loki. Ch. 15
Mimir. Ch. 29
Mjölnir. Ch. 53
Ragnarök. Ch. 101, 122, 131
Sigurd. Ch. 101
Thor. Ch. 41
Yggdrasil. Ch. 42
Biblical references
Abel. Ch. 8
Adam. Ch. 128
Boaz and Jachin. Ch. 42
Eden. Ch. 21
Eve. Ch. 1
John the Baptist. Ch.122
Lucifer. Ch. 135
Nod. Ch. 29, events
Asura. Ch. 57.5, 89.
The Fool - Mahiru. Ch. 50
I. The Magician – Night trio. Ch. 41
II. The High Priestess – Mikuni. Ch. 42
V. The Hierophant - Shuhei. Ch. 77
X. Wheel of Fortune - Junichiro. Ch. 53
XII. The Hanged Man - Tsurugi. Ch. 50
XV. The Devil – Shamrock. Ch. 72
XVI. The Tower - Touma. Ch. 47
XVII. The Star - Iduna. Ch. 73
XVIII. The Moon - Yumikage. Ch. 69
XX. Judgement - Mikuni. Ch. 144
Literary references
 "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" Lewis Carroll. Ch. 3, 4, 7, 19, 98, 122. Misono, Lily, Dodo, Mitsuki, Yamane, Hattori, Mikuni, Bad B and Good B.
"As You Like It" William Shakespeare. Ch. 10, 38.5. Mikuni's spell.
"My Fair Lady" English nursery rhyme. Ch. 10 Mikuni's spell.
"Dracula" Bram Stoker. Ch. 12, 30. Hugh.
"Romeo and Juliet" William Shakespeare. Ch. 23, 34. Hyde, Ophelia.
"Faust" by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. Ch. 29 Johannes.
"Through the Looking-Glass" Lewis Carroll. Ch. 29, events. Mikuni, Johannes.
"Julius Caesar" William Shakespeare. Ch. 23, 84. Hyde.
"Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" Robert Stevenson. Ch. 23, 37. Hyde, Licht.
"Macbeth" William Shakespeare. Ch. 24, 31. Kuro, Saint Germain, Mahiru.
"Night on the Galactic Railroad" Kenji Miyazawa. Ch. 26, 142. Higan, Tsubaki.
"The Little Prince" Antoine de Saint-Exupéry. Ch 30, 67. Kuro, Mahiru, Sloth demon, Gear, probably Jeje.
"Hamlet" William Shakespeare. Ch. 33, 34. Hyde, Ophelia.
"The Phantom of the Opera" Gaston Leroux. Ch. 36 Licht and Hyde technique.
"Peter and Wendy" James Barry. Ch. 44, 56, 74. Tsurugi, Touma, Mahiru.
"Ring a Ring o' Roses" nursery rhyme. Ch. 53 Junichiro's spell.
“Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens” James Barry. Ch. 53, 75. Tsurugi, Touma.
"Death in Venice" Thomas Mann. Ch. 55 Gilbert technique.
"Total Eclipse" a play by Christopher Hampton. Ch. 55 Rayscent's technique.
"The Morning of the Last Farewell" Kenji Miyazawa. Ch. 57.5 Tsubaki.
"Spring and Asura" Kenji Miyazawa. Ch. 57.5 Tsubaki.
"The Catcher in the Rye" Jerome Salinger. Ch. 62 Shuhei.
"Four and Twenty Blackbirds" Agatha Christie. Ch. 62 Shuhei's spell.
"Metamorphosis" Franz Kafka. Ch. 62 Shamrock technique.
“The Nighhawk's Star” Kenji Miyazawa. Ch. 62, 76. Shamrock technique.
"Rock-a-bye Baby" an English lullaby. Ch. 70 Touma's spell.
“Schlafe, mein Prinzchen, schlaf ein” lullaby. Ch. 70 Touma's spell.
"Who Killed Cock Robin" an English nursery rhyme. Ch. 70 Yumikage's spell.
"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz" Lyman Frank Baum. Ch. 70, 88. Tsukimitsu brothers’ spells.
"Daddy-Long-Legs" Jean Webster. Ch. 74. Dark Night Trio, Touma.
"King Lear" William Shakespeare. Ch. 86. Hyde.
"The House of the Sleeping Beauties" Yasunari Kawabata. Ch. 86. Iori.
"The Divine Comedy" Dante Alighieri. Ch. 118, 120, 121. Niccolo, Ildio, Gluttony demon.
“A Brute's Love” (人でなしの恋) Edogawa Rampo. Ch. 122 Mikuni, Lily.
"Coppelia" ballet Leo Delibes. Chapter 122 Mikuni, Lily.
"Salome" Oscar Wilde. Ch. 122 Mikuni, Lily.
"Turandot" opera by Giacomo Puccini based on the play by Carlo Gozzi. Ch. 129, 136. Lily.
"The Tempest" William Shakespeare. Ch. 131. Licht and Hyde.
"The Old Man and the Sea" Ernest Hemingway. Ch. 134 Hugh.
"Flowers for Algernon" Daniel Keyes. Ch. 135 Hugh.
"Jane Eyre" Charlotte Brontë. Ch. 136. Hokaze.
"Madama Butterfly" opera by Giacomo Puccini. Ch. 136. Lily.
"Hansel and Gretel" the Brothers Grimm. Ch. 140. Faust and Otogiri.
"Für Elise" by Ludwig van Beethoven. Ch. 34
"Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring" by Johann Sebastian Bach. Ch. 125
Sonata No. 17 "Tempest" by Ludwig van Beethoven. Ch. 131
"It's a Wonderful Life" (1946). Ch. 131
"Life is Beautiful" (1997). Ch. 131
I believe this list can be expanded. Somewhere I’ve written only chaps when some reference was mentioned for the first time and omitted all further mentions.
Special thanks to hello-vampire-kitty, joydoesathing and passmeabook, because some works wouldn’t be included in the list without their observations.
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ailheim-art · 1 year
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Idunn, Divine Demon fanart
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fantasyinvader · 3 months
"it's got to the point where they're misinterpreting the entire franchise as "fight dragons to free humanity" and any game that debunks this gets criticized for being "poorly written"
That's just an oversimplification of the franchise, as since the beginning the games have made it clear dragons are much like humans with there being good dragons and bad dragons. The good dragons follow an Eastern view of them as wise, divine beings who we need to coexist as they're tied to nature itself. Bad dragons follow the mold of Western dragons, and the ironic thing about all of this how Edelgard fits that mold better than Rhea does.
First off, Western dragons are animalistic. They're simply really strong beasts to be felled. With Edelgard, the Japanese text calls her path the animal path, linking it to Buddhism and implying that she isn't acting humanely or based on reason. She's acting on instinct and impulse, and even her ideals of the strong needing to rule over the weak subscribe to the animal realm which is basically law of the jungle. The strong prey on the weak, who live in fear of the strong.
Sometimes dragons need to be slain in order to obtain something. Like a treasure or a maiden. We need to slay Edelgard in order to free Fodlan and rescue Rhea. Whomever slays Edelgard is crowned king.
The whole rescuing maidens was because it was seen as more virtuous than simply seeking a treasure, with the dragon often being presented as a symbol of paganism. At times dragons are flat out demonic, tied to the devil. Not only do we have Edelgard opposing the Church, holding a vastly different set of beliefs from not just it but every FE lord according to heroes, Edelgard is also designed to invoke demons, specifically Baphomet which is a pagan symbol in her final evolutions. Not only that, Edelgard's beliefs came from the Agarthans whose fall would align with Lucifer's from a Christian perspective. Edelgard's weapon even has the settings on mark of the beast on it indicating she's an Antichrist figure of sort.
Greed is often attached to dragons, while the Buddhist symbolism would link it as one of the three flames. Attachment and greed are symbolized by a cock, a bird whereas Edelgard is the lord linked to eagles. Edelgard desires control over all of Fodlan, shaping it as she sees fit since she views it as her right to do so, and even turns herself into a monster, literally a beast unit, to do so.
Eastern dragons are associated with water, Sothis flooded the earth in order to heal the damage caused by the Agarthans while Rhea is an ice dragon going by her attacks. Western dragons are associated with fire, Edelgard is the flame emperor. Owing to this, dragons also have a history across the world of being slain by storm gods.
Edelgard herself may be part dragon, as the game says her family is supposedly descended from Seiros. We're being told Rhea is her ancestor.
The Eastern perspective is about coexisting with the dragons, as they embody nature itself, whereas the West is more about slaying dragons to show mankind's right to rule over the world. Edelgard repeats that mankind's right to rule the world bit. She rejects coexistence while she is trying to kill people who are part of her own family.
And if you think about the parallels of Fodlan to Elibe, what happened to Edelgard invokes Idunn. Edelgard was turned in a demon dragon as part of an effort to win the war, except it was done by the humans against the dragons. They took away her humanity, her soul as it were reducing her to following the animal path but unlike Idunn Edelgard can't be brought back to the light because she's more than just a victim. She's an active accomplice.
Edelgard is symbolically the game's evil dragon, whereas the Nabateans are the divine dragons which also aligns with them being the benevolent devas to the Agarthans being the drunk on their own power asuras.
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feh-alt-battle · 6 months
Poll 102 - Idunn
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Please do not criticize any art you may not like or compare one art to another in terms of quality, it's unkind and downplays the amount of work that the feh artists put into them. Please treat the feh artists how you would as any other artist - with kindness and with love.
Artists in order: Yamada Kotaro, Umiu Geso, Kakage
Notes: Idunn and Alear should meet and be friends
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fevotinggauntletreal · 7 months
Year of the Dragon Opening Round - Match 7
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(pictured: Idunn in demon dragon form in Binding Blade; Grima in Echoes: Shadows of Valentia; Garon in dragon form in Fates; an Earth Dragon from Mystery of the Emblem; and Sombron in dragon form in Engage)
you're welcome for me not calling this one the "problem dragon showdown"
associated lore under the cut
archanean earth dragons are one of the dragon clans that once reigned supreme over Archanea. they directly opposed the divine dragons' decree of living alongside humanity to weather the degeneration; their uprising was unsuccessful, and they were sealed underground for their troubles. Medeus, an earth dragon who did not follow his clan down this path, was tasked with guarding his sealed brethren. however, he grew embittered by humanity's mistreatment and marginalization of powerless dragonkin living among them, and so he became their conquering scourge -- the Shadow Dragon.
the demon dragon was the result of other elibean dragons capturing the divine dragon Idunn and destroying her soul, forcing her to follow their commands strictly. under their authority, Idunn mass-produced artificial War Dragons, allowing dragonkind to edge out humanity's advantage of greater population -- but humanity still defeated them, wielding legendary weapons with such abandon as to tear through the laws of nature itself. even after the Scouring was through and dragons were largely driven out of Elibe, though, Idunn remained, sealed away until she'd be called upon, 1000 years later, by a human.
the fell dragon of ylisse is Grima, a monster borne by evil experiments undertaken many thousand years ago in the since then ruined city of Thabes. it sought to destroy humanity, leading a cadre of his own human worshippers -- but it was sealed away. about 1000 years later, however, its remaining human worshippers managed to bring it back to life, and the destruction it wrought was bleak enough to warrant time travel to prevent. as well as a hefty dose of... bonds?
the blight dragon appears as a form that Garon can take on. it can be presumed to be akin to the Dusk Dragon, the First Dragon by whose grace the kingdom of Nohr was founded, and whose blood continues to flow in the veins of its royal family.
elyos fell dragons are the kin of Sombron, and the enemies of the divine dragons. Sombron sired many children to fight alongside him; his penchant for "disposing" of "failures" trimmed their numbers direly, but made the remaining ones painfully loyal. abilities vary among Sombron and his children, with not all having the ability to take dragon form; besides this, other possible abilities include summoning Dark Emblems through chants, and raising the dead as The Corrupted.
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nabataprophet · 1 year
so like..........what is sophia
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intsys hates consistency and also me, personally
sophia is MY fave specialist little half-dragon dark mage and I get to talk about what kind of dragon i think she is
(contains spoilers for fe6, fe7, and engage (implied))
Case 1: Dragon Tribes in Elibe
In Elibe, we have explicit confirmation that there are Fire Dragons, Ice Dragons, Divine Dragons, and Mage Dragons.....sort of.
“ok sophia uses magic she’s probably a mage dragon then case closed” (EXTREMELY LOUD INCORRECT BUZZER)
Mage dragons in Elibe are not a separate species, but rather a corrupted Divine Dragon. The terminology is a little muddy, because while the kanji is the same as Archanean Mage Dragons, Idunn is specifically referred to as a Demon Dragon in Heroes. Binding Blade still lacks an official English localization, so Heroes is the only official English s-
Just kidding this has been sitting in my drafts for so long that Engage happened. Surprise!
Engage has Roy remark in his DLC bond supports with Zelestia that Mage Dragons do exist in Elibe, though it’s unclear once again if it’s as separate species or not.
Roy: You’re a Mage Dragon, right? Those exist in my world, though I’m not aware of any like you.
[ロイ] ああ、ごめん。セレスティアは魔竜の一族なんだよね。 君のような魔竜もいるんだなって思ってたんだ。
I’ve included the Japanese text as well for funsies, but he’s saying more or less the same thing. Either way, he’s clearly talking about Idunn here, and thus more or less soft de-confirming Sophia as a Mage Dragon.
Otherwise he could’ve been like wrow.....i also know a mage dragon who uses magic like you.........but actually that would’ve made a banger conversation with veyle instead because she actually has access to dark magic. damn. 😩
But I digress.
Case 2: Arcadia
Things get a little dicey here because of the nature of FE7 existing as a prequel that was released after the fact and the two games don’t always agree (god help me).
Jahn: “That is correct. However, the Divine Dragons did not agree with us. They said that that would be defying the laws of nature. As we were discussing how we could persuade the Divine Dragons to help us, they suddenly disappeared.”
-FE6 Ch 24
“Master Roy… We knew that the girl you sent here was captured by the Dragons. Still, we did not try and rescue her. We feared that our kind would be in danger if we showed ourselves in front of the other Dragons again. But now, I wonder whether my judgment was correct.”
-FE6 Epilogue (True End)
These quotes seem to imply that Arcadia was where the Divine Dragons escaped to, so it stands to reason that the citizens of Arcadia are primarily Divine Dragons, descended from Divine Dragons, or fully human (Hawkeye and Igrene, for example). This especially makes sense when we consider Arcadia is particularly sensitive about not letting Fae’s existence leak to the outside world. The other dragons think the Divine Dragons are gone entirely and Jahn, the last of the full dragons in Elibe (not counting the dragons through the Dragon’s Gate etc etc etc), has no idea Arcadia exists.
So it stands to reason that Arcadia is where the Divine Dragons disappeared to, yes?
In this cg of (past, hi Nergal and Athos) Arcadia from FE7, we see two manaketes in their dragon forms.
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Ok. So. One of those dragons in the back is a Fire Dragon (you can tell by the distinctive flame plume wings) and the other is...probably an Ice Dragon? It’s hard to tell for certain because the area where the (lack of) wings would be is hidden, but it has those fins on its head.
“limit why is this relevant” 
Because it confirms Divine Dragons are not the only ones making up the gene pool of Arcadia! This could’ve been easy!!!!!!! intsys i hate your ass!!!!!
Case 3: Color Coded For Your Convenience
Sometimes Intsys is really nice and color codes dragons by type. Sometimes they just tell you to fucking guess. Depemds.
Jahn is a Fire Dragon. He’s red! Ninian and Nils are Ice Dragons. They’re light blue!
Divine dragons in Elibe are....um....anywhere from bright pink and silver. Sophia is...purple, which I guess puts her somewhere in the middle of that range.
It’s not very conclusive evidence, though, is it?
Back to the drawing board.
Case 4: Hybridization
Engage fully confirms that dragons can hybridize between tribes however if I think too hard about this I want to explode.
Case 4: The Cipher Flashbang
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girl huh. can you just. drop that information in cipher. is that allowed?????
You can’t even make the excuse that the skill is referencing Fae or even Idunn because it’s specifically in reference to Sophia cards! HUH??????? ?!?!?!?!?!??!?!??! GIRL WHTA
Even putting aside the dubious canon status of information from Cipher, it’s highly likely she’s probably at least part Divine Dragon thanks for coming to my ted talk.
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idoun · 1 year
idunn in the fod of land
GENDER. Female
AGE. +2800 (physically on her early twenties)
HEIGHT. 175 cm (5'8")
BIRTHDATE. 25th of the Great Tree Moon (April 25th) 
CLASS. Blue Lions student
AFFILIATION. Arcadia, Elibe
BIOGRAPHY. Demon Dragon of Bern, Idunn was feared during the Scouring due to her ability to endlessly generate war dragons. Though she was born as a Divine Dragon, she went through a metamosphosis after staying behind in an attempt to stand as neutral in the war and try to negotiate with the demon dragons, resulting in a ritual that sealed her soul and she became a slave without free will. After being spared by Roy’s Binding Blade, she began living in Arcadia and is slowly discovering how to live again.
Idunn, a Divine Dragon girl, is born in Elibe. The location of her original tribe is unknown.
The war between humankind and dragon tribes rages on. It was later called “Scouring”.
The Scouring reaches a critical point. The Divine Dragon tribe flees, however Idunn stays behind.
Idunn is captured by the Demon Dragon tribe and her soul is sealed.
The Eight Legendary Heroes manage to gain the upper hand in the war. 
Idunn is found at the Dragon Temple in Bern, but is spared by Hartmut out of pity. She is then sealed by the Binding Blade.
1000 years later, Zephiel, a descendant of Hartmut, removes the seal on Idunn and orders her to continue engaging in war.
After Zephiel’s defeat, Idunn is found and defeated by Roy. She was spared, then sealed with the Binding Blade once more.
Idunn starts a new life in Arcadia, Nabata Desert.
Idunn begins to travel the world in an attempt to learn more about it and herself. She then enrolls in the Officer’s Academy, in Fódlan. 
INTERESTS. Traveling, Exploring, Observing.   
LIKES. Learning new things, meeting new people, bracelets, feathers, gardening, lizards. 
DISLIKES. Being left alone, overwhelming darkness, excessive cold  
STATUS.  Last living Demon Dragon of Elibe 
CLOSE ALLIES: Roy, Fae, Zephiel (debateable)
LIKES. everything except vegetable stir-fry
DISLIKES. vegetable stir-fry
"It feels warm on the inside. Warmth is good."
"The body demands much energy when awake."
"Taste matters little. Though...it lacks sustentance."
"Humans...eat too fast. Isn’t your stomach fragile too? Careful."
"Eat well so you may grow big quickly. Here, try this."
FAVORITE TEA. Mint Leaves, Honeyed Fruit Blend, Cinnamon Blend
CONVERSATION TOPICS. exploring the monastery. thanks for everything. shareable snacks. making friends. a place you'd like to visit. overcoming weaknesses. i'm counting on you. someone you look up to. you seem different. favorite sweets.
(1) "So this...is tea."
(2) “A curious smell...”
(3) “You called for me.”
“...it reminds me of a distant, warm memory. Thank you.”
“I have never seen these herbs before. Are they...from this land? I would like to find them in the wild, one day...”
(1) "I don’t remember when my eyes changed colors." (2) “My ears? This is...a common trait of my kind.” (3) “You have a curious smell.” (4) “Your aura reminds me...of someone.”
"It feels comfortable." "Warm...too warm." "..." "...hm?" "Is there...anything you need?" "This is new..." "Is that so..." "What is this word?." "What is this object?" "This is...pleasant." "Ah...“ “The wind...“  “What does this mean?“
"...it was nice. I won’t ever forget this."
(1) I have been asleep for millennia. The world feels...quite new to me. I can’t grasp it.  ANSWER. Nod, Sip Tea. 
(2) I am more used to my dragon form...but it is too big for this place. I wouldn’t fit in my room.  ANSWER. Laugh, Chat 
(3) My dragon form is contained in this stone. I made it into a necklace...for myself. ANSWER. Commend, Chat 
(4) I prefer to be...neutral. I don’t like battle...but if I must, I shall participate.  ANSWER. Nod, Sip Tea 
(5) My previous master...ordered me to destroy humankind in Elibe for the greater good. Though...now I see how the world he envisioned wasn’t fair.  ANSWER. Nod, Chat 
(6) I don’t see the problem in consuming raw flesh. Humans...should be able to do too, right?  ANSWER. Disagree, Admonish 
(7) In Arcadia, I met a girl named Fae. She taught me...what trees and fruits are. Do you know what they are? ANSWER. Nod, Sip Tea, Chat
FAVORITE GIFTS. Ancient Coin, Owl Feather, Violet, Carnation, Smoked Meat, Sunflower, Lavender, Rose, Gemstone Beads
"It has its use..."
"A gift...thank you."
"This is...wonderful. I shall cherish it for millennia to come."
HANDMADE BRACELET. A small bracelet made with thin rope and all sorts of colorful beads. It probably belongs to someone who likes to craft jewelry. Location Found: Greenhouse
CLAWED OUT PLATE. A piece of hard stone with claw marks all over. It probably belongs to someone who might need to sand down their claws. Location found: First Floor
DAMAGED TOME. A tome with writings from a foreign land with a damaged spine and a scratched cover. It probably belongs to someone with sharp nails and that isn’t used to handling books. Location found: Blue Lions Classroom
"Ah...perhaps I slept for too long. I was too careless. Thank you."
"This scent is unfamiliar to me."
“This has become...too much.” ( *Byleth specific  ) "You do not need to make any comments. I am unworthy."
"You are in my way."
(1) "Is this...a good idea? I have never sung before."
(2) "My voice is perhaps...too rough for this."
(1) "I am more used to eating meals raw."
(2) "Meat is important for the body. Leafy things are...hard to digest."
(3) "This is for everyone...I must be careful then. Humans have fragile bodies."
BAD.  ✧
"...is that so..."
Critique: This is still far too new for me to grasp. 
Console: I will...try harder. Trust my word.
"This knowledge is valuable for me.”
"This is but the first step towards...understanding this world.”
PRAISE. "I suppose...part of me has changed for the better."
“It feels odd to handle these animals like that...they seem...so big like this.”
"Herbivores see this as sustenance. However...I failed to understand how even...plants...harbor rivalries."
“Do I really need to use a mount like this...? I can glide well by myself...”
"I stumbled...I am not awake enough."
"A victory with meaning."
“I used to be called the Dark Priestess...indeed, in Elibe...my magic was feared by many. However, the spells of Fódlan are...curious. I wish to learn more about it...and understand why it feels so different.”
“Although I have wings, my dragon kind...is not quite meant for flying in high altitudes...I can merely glide. In the land I came from it was fine...I was immobile most of the time, but now...I suppose I must find other means to reach the skies.”
“His Highness Zephiel...in his deathbed, he ordered me to lead this world into a world of peace and freedom...but the freedom he envisioned was...stained. I haven’t forgotten. I...I still wish to lead this world...but towards one of mutual understanding. I have a long path before me still.”
0 TO 2 STATS UP .  ✧
“My body feels heavy...”
3 TO 4 STATS UP .  ✧
“My metabolism...”
5 STATS UP .  ✧
“The warmth in the air...it gives me energy.”
6 STATS UP .  ✧
“I feel as if...I have been reborn.”
“Your Highness...your dreams of freedom...they still live in me.”
“My body will push past its limits.”
“ So this is what it’s like...to learn something new. ”
(1) “A curious new approach.” (2) “I do not understand the connection...but I shall seek success.” (3) “I have always hoped for a new point of view.”
“Yes. I am listening.”
“My body is still strong.”
LOW HP .  ✧
“My consciousness is...”
“I see through you.”
“Don’t resist.” 
“I shall lead this path.” 
“Stay out of my way.” 
“You’ll understand.” 
“My path was of destruction.”
“My dragons will have no mercy.”
“ I am...no longer alone in my path. ”
“You cannot spare...everyone.” 
“Don’t walk into the fire.”
“You did good.” 
“Thank you...for your hand.” 
“I trust you...with my back.”
“...I was wounded?” 
“For this world...together.” 
“Do not strain yourself...” 
“I was careless...” 
“Let us march together.” 
“I am wide awake.” 
“My army is with you.”
“Again...I must return to my slumber...”
"I...I am...alone..." 
“...Your Highness...I...am sorry...“
"I dislike wearing shoes or boots, because they give me calluses and injure my feet as I am not a pureblood human, but others still ask me to wear shoes regardless. I don’t know what to do."
>Explain them your situation, maybe they’ll understand. 
>It’s your personal preference, others shouldn’t get to tell you what to do. (Correct answer) 
>Maybe wear shoes only during social gatherings.
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inferniso · 2 years
✢⁎. each loop we die through
@ofdusk sent:
In a blip of thought that certainly belongs off of the battlefield, Corrin realizes she is something like giddy. Facing Idunn, being presented with an opportunity to properly see someone like herself in combat...
Not the time.
"I trust you won't go easy on me just because we're friends!" Playful challenge alights in the crimson of the princess' eyes, her fingers twitching eagerly around the hilt of her blade. "You must genuinely try to kill me!"
Corrin (6/6) attacks Idunn with Sunder (Venin Edge). Roll: 18, Hit! -2HP (Critical Damage, Sunder) and Idunn is inflicted with Minor poison! (Idunn 4/6)
She is light on her feet as her body springs forward, dragon's blood thrumming eagerly in her veins. The sword feels right in her hand, a glittering flash in the afternoon sunlight as it is arced downward and upon her opponent. It's hardly her divine blade or the power from which she has come to expect, but that's all for the better in this moment, anyway.
It’s an order it had received many a time before, so,
How could it refuse?
“Corrin, of N-oh...” begins the dragon, its hands fumbling with the satchel around its waist, “Very well. If this is what you wish, then I will fight. Again.”
Perhaps it is for the best that Idunn is struck before having the chance to transform. Corrin’s blade seeps into its skin, slicing through human scales and manakete flesh the mere instant a pair of arms can raise to block the blow. In that swift motion, Idunn produces her dragonstone, but she is still mortal when the string of venom permeates her form.
It hurts. It almost makes it cry.
But the dragon--half-demon, half-divine--stands firm, injuries and all. It has survived much worse, and will again. Backing away a few paces, it prepares to follow Corrin’s orders. You must genuinely try to kill me, she said. Idunn doesn’t quite understand why someone would wish this upon themselves, but can think of only one way to complete this order:
Her stone begins to gleam; sparkling light is its chrysalis.
From Idunn’s body rips and morphs an unsightly beast, with scales the color of ink and feathers dyed by heaven’s embrace. It is an amalgamation of virtue and sin, sporting a tail of mixed design, mismatched wings, the body of a god and head of a demon. It roars, and when it does, vocal chords tuned to neither night nor day know not the kind of sound they should produce. It comes out hoarse and pure, ringing high and dropping low all the same. 
But above all, it is a sign that Idunn is in control. Its crossfade of eyes lock in on Corrin--she who wishes to be killed--and begin an assault.
Idunn (4/6) counterattacks Corrin with Phoenix Claws. Roll: 1, Hit! -1 HP! (Corrin 5/6)
From those lungs it spills flaming breath, fueled by the boughs of paradise and stoked by the heat of inferno. It covers the area around Corrin with the mere turn of Idunn’s neck, instantly transforming their battlefield into a display of divine judgement.
But it does not go much further, for the accumulation of toxins in the dragon’s blood has it recoiling; it hurts to breathe, too.
Idunn (4/6) loses 0.5 HP to Minor Poison! (Idunn 3.5/6)
So instead, it readies its mighty claws. They had once slashed at pegasi and horses, decimating both steed and rider. Today, they seek Nohr, each flying in one long thrust from Idunn.
Idunn (3.5/6) attacks Corrin with Fading Blow (Venin Knuckles). Roll: 16 and 7, Hit and Hit! -1 HP and Corrin is inflicted with Minor Poison, -1 HP and Corrin is inflicted with Toxic Poison! (Corrin 3/6)
When they land, the other of its kind will find that the poison has spread into its claws. Whether as an immune response or byproduct of the sheer volume of corrupted blood now flowing from Idunn, its scratches are laced with the same kind of hurting venom that Corrin sought to use against it.
How ironic.
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felikatze · 1 year
*removes the tape* talk about binding blade do it do it do it do it
i lost my whole rant on binding blade's story but it is SOMEWHERE on tumblr and it is NOT TAGGED because i didn't live my truth
anyway. we were talking about idunn. let's fucking. talk about idunn.
i'm disappointed that she's less of a presence in the story honestly she only appears like 2 times but i LOVE HERRRR. she's the proto grima she did it first. dont even get me STARTED on my thoughts about divine dragon lore as it relates to idunn
anyway. why i think idunn works. it's mainly about framing. first of all idunn isn't a toddler which makes the whole thing less uncomfortable, second the game frames what happened to idunn as an atrocity. the divine dragons were one of the tribes who aimed to escape the scouring instead of fighting (with some of them presumably heading through the dragon's gate alongside a smattering of ice and fire dragons, and some of them settling down in arcadia in the nabata desert).
The divine dragons wished to flee because the dragons who wished to fight the humans wanted a weapon, and they knew they could turn a divine dragon into one. the divine dragons were horrified by this, and fled - except idunn. idunn didnt escape in time.
idunn was captured, and her mind was broken. she had no will left whatsoever. in the game, she's basically a machine - not following zephiel out of any conviction, but because he's the first person to release her. when jahn explains this, he is RIGHTFULLY called out for it by roy. this shit is disgusting and jahn knows it, but he justifies it anyway.
idunn is 100% the victim. but it is so so so easy to condemn her, to "put her out of her misery." like i know in a lot of FE games the brainwashed girl still has some way to be saved - there's a spell to be broken, a villain to be defeated, a magical object to be destroyed, but there isn't with idunn. her soul is just geniuenly destroyed. it's entirely mental. jahn says there is no way to save idunn.
but fuckin. roy doesn't accept that. there is the slightest sliver of possibility in the binding blade. it listens to its user's will, so perhaps he can....?
i'm kind of obsessed with the way it clicks IMMEDIATLY what roy is planning to do, but he never actually says it aloud until he does it. he just tells everyone to trust him and to let him deal the final blow. he doesn't say "oh this might save the demon dragon we have to kill." he just charges in and does it. does he think the others might try to stop him?? maybe?? i think ch24 has some great characterization that is overshadowed by the massive exposition dump where roy's just there to be the ear of the audience instead of an autonomous character.
honestly, i think roy's desire to save idunn actually greatly parallels how guinevere condemns zephiel. at the start of the game, guinevere is horrified by her brother, but still wants to save him. as time goes on, though, she struggles to hold onto her optimism. when she hands roy the binding blade, she accepts that he's going to kill zephiel.
this deeply pacifistic compassionate character essentially putting her brother to death because to her he is that far gone is such a great writing choice oh my god. (i wish it was in a better story.)
but zephiel believed what he said. he believed humans were corrupt and needed to die - in fe6, there's the general notion of human goodness. that people can be cruel, but they can be better, too, they can choose to become better. and zephiel refused that. zephiel refused to do better, instead just enabling the atrocities he condemned. that is why he dies. because he refuses change.
all his generals are given the option to back down, to live and grow, but they all refuse, and they die for their conviction in a cruel world.
idunn never had that choice. who knows what idunn believes? roy believes in a better world, and he will give idunn the freedom to decide what she wants out of it.
i first got the true ending when i was on the train, and ngl, i did almost cry over it in public. because idunn does get better. if you get the true ending and fae survives, you get a bonus scene - fae and idunn, back in nabata. idunn appears emotionless as fae urges her to play, until fae's enthusiasm leads to a coconut falling on her head.
and idunn - idunn laughs.
for the first time in millenia. there was no spell to be broken on her. roy doesn't snap his fingers and she's happy again. it'll be long, it'll be hard, but idunn will heal. and this is her first step.
i got kinda emotional seeing her spring alt in heroes afterward. she just looks. content. this character who went through so much tragedy and suffering for an eternity can still recover and heal because there are people who will help her do so. fae and roy and all the others.
i just. wargrhhrhr. the core message of human goodness and the capability to be better if you just choose to do so and the empathy to recognize that sometimes people didn't have that choice and you should give it to them, always. if they refuse, there's nothing you can do, but you should still try, right?
i actually really really love roy as a protagonist outside of "roy's our boy" memes and i disagree with the takes that someone else should be the protagonist of fe6. because roy is an outside to this and that is the point. he's just some kid doing the best he can! he's not the descendant of some legendary hero! that's lilina and zephiel! he doesn't have any mystical power! that's sophia! he doesn't have a dramatic backstory! that's elffin!
anyone could wield the binding blade. it's just roy who picked it up. that's the point. anyone can change the world. anyone can do better. anyone can make the universe a little bit kinder, if they just try.
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archer3-13 · 1 year
The more I think about it the more I have a feeling Intelligent system forgot that main game Sombron came from another world, because I don't see how Xenobron could come from another universe, if that's the case which one ? And we are supposed to assume Xenobron is also a yandere for Emblem 0 but acccording to main game daddy yandere, he took it when he was a kid after being exiled... so how could Xenobron be seekingg for it ? Hmm, I smelll a plot hole here. Among many. Anyway, since in the twin dimension there were others fell dragon, I think the twins are pure blood fell dragon why in main game both Alear and Veyle had a Mage dragon mother, making them hybrid, probably not the same as Alear's mother died before the war of 1 000 years ago and Veyle's mother seems to have died more recently. That said, I think Mage dragon are intented to be a specie close to Fell dragon since Sombron choose most of the woman from this tribe to be his mate and Zephia was so powerful she could have just remplaced him according to Mauvier so, maybe it helps keeping the blood pure ?
1] its alternate dimensions, so realistically you could explain it as 'xenosombron is a refugee from another dimension that is identical in practically every way to main sombrons home dimension and had his own emblem 0, but he just so happened to land in a dimension markedly different to where main sombron landed'. In the end, its not really relevant to the story fell xenologue wants to portray because all it really needs to function is mirror sombron being a mean bastard on main sombrons level, only he took a different approach to parenting this time
2] in the series history, 'dark dragon' tended to be more so a transmutable thing rather then strictly a tribe of dragon one could become. for instance well medeus is firmly an earth dragon in fe1/3book1/11 hes still referred to as the shadow dragon/dark dragon. However fe3book2/12 also have medeus become remade as a 'dark dragon/shadow dragon' as part of his resurrection orchestrated by gharnef. meanwhile idunn also gets remade into the dark dragon/demon dragon but was of the divine dragon tribe i believe beforehand and loptyr himself is also an earth dragon before he became a dark dragon.
fell dragon being a more recent invention on the series part... originally i viewed it as difference in Nome culture to emphasize how grimna was more of an artificial creation then a natural one, but engage roughly treats it closer to how the series has usually treated dark dragon. Namely that its both a 'tribe' but also a state of being one can reach. Hence why I would say theres not much else to infer from zephyr possibly being the 'next fell dragon' because its largely just bringing in a reoccurring element of draconic power in the fe series back into fold: that its possible to become a different tribe of dragon through artificial means.
THAT ALL SAID, mage dragons when they have appeared, namely fe1/3/11/12 and if you take idunns original title was 'demon mage dragon' in a more literal sense, mage dragons are often connected to dark and now fell dragons in the series history. However given how its been presented I would say its more so that they often align ideologically with dark and fell dragons rather then they are biologically closer to dark or fell dragons.
But then the caveat to all of this is that its just my own fan extrapolation based on my knowledge of the series history. fe can, and often has, written whatever rules it likes and needs for the immediate story its trying to tell. rather then stick to any strict continuity.
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cielospeaks · 1 year
i think the reason the fan reaction to a idunn annoys me as much as it does is because its something that is kinda personal to me. ive been in situations with everyone around me, esp when i was growing up, wanting to change me into being "normal", into "no, go back, be understandable to me". and i never really was able to change. i didnt want to become like that, and maybe i wasnt even able to. and now i definitley dont want to. idk i feel like its similar to idunn. to me, and in the original game, i got the impression the ending was something like "she'll still have the burdens of everything that happened to her, and she'll still be the demon dragon who was used as a tool by the other dragons, but now that she meets fae she can get a chance at healing." the comparison ive done to death but like the villains in n w h. like it wont erase whats happen. in idunns case it wont bring back hector, or any of the other people who died indirectly bc of her. so why would it somehow suddenly literally erase all the trauma and horrid stuff shes been through just so assholes can get their stupid meme by the books story of "depression cured". bro its not depression my guy she was literally tortured to the point she became unable to feel emotions.
anyways in my fic i try to make it make more sense, and tbh i feel like its backed at least by the illustration. for instance a idunn has divine dragon (chicken) wings in the artwork as opposed to her demon dragon (dinosaur) ones, which seems like this is like a "what if" if she had stayed a divine dragon. in my fic a id is kinda like fictional sal is to sal, as she's like a nagging worry at the back of idunn's consciousness, like "what if id stayed a divine dragon, what would i be like". or like a reverse of n w h (lol). but a id is very kind and loving to real! idunn and doesnt try to usurp her at all. a good kid.
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rainbowdonkee · 3 years
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Full art for Ascended Idunn - Divine Demon!
Artist: Kakage
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iturbide · 2 years
Just saw a post claiming all FE dragons are evil and need to recuperate, any thoughts yet on the demos for Three Hopes? Debating on getting at least Blue Lions and/or Golden Deer myself...for obvious reasons.
Well personally I think that's really extreme, considering that about half of the dragons we interact with are children.
Tiki is the dragon equivalent of a young teenager, going by her physical guise; mentally she's probably even younger, since she's only recently been allowed to wake from her magically induced coma and see the world she'd been denied for her entire life up to that point
Fae is the dragon equivalent of a child: she's only a few hundred years old, quite literally the last known Divine Dragon, and legitimately just wants to be friends with everyone she meets after growing up fairly isolated with her guardians
Myrrh is also the dragon equivalent of a teenager and is dealing with a lot of unreasonable expectations because of her "Great Dragon" status; she tries to be mature but she really just wants companionship
Nowi is also the dragon equivalent of a teenager and has been on her own for a significant amount of time; she's also the victim of a kidnapping and attempted sacrifice, not to mention losing her parents (even if she wasn't 100% sure they'd died, she certainly suspected) and really just doesn't want to be alone
Flayn might not take on a dragon form, but it doesn't change that she is one, and a young one, at that -- probably in that teenage equivalent, debatably one of the older ones (15-16, potentially); she's been through both a war as a healer and an extended hibernation that's left her terrified of going to sleep for fear that she won't wake up and the world will pass her by again
I mean. For me personally, I don't think that children are evil.
I think everyone, human and dragon in the case of FE, are born neutral, and it's the accumulation of experiences and the choices the individual makes that ultimately determines their character -- and character itself is malleable, as someone can make horrible decisions and cause a lot of suffering and misery, but still have the potential to change their ways and do right...or vice versa, even: make good decisions with the intention of helping people and eventually get so tied up in a toxic mindset that they cause unfathomable devastation).
Are there evil dragons in FE? Absolutely. Loptyr springs immediately to mind. But I think that by and large the dragons in FE are just the sum of their accumulated experiences and choices. Some of them are undisputed villains: Medeus as the last survivor of the Earth Dragon tribe choosing to subjugate humanity after witnessing the persecution of dragons at their hand; Anankos degenerating to the point that he incites a war between Nohr and Hoshido from the shadows and sows havoc and devastation on the humans that forgot him. Some may have had good intentions, but ultimately caused a tremendous amount of harm: Naga putting her own child into a magically induced coma, generally valuing humanity over dragonkind but still taking only cursory action in dealing with Loptyr and leading to the deaths of tens of thousands of humans over seventeen generations of inaction; Rhea establishing the Church of Seiros as a way to preserve her family's remains and ensure their bodies were not further desecrated, only to become so obsessed with seeing her mother again that she ignored the increasingly toxic nature of the Crest system in human societies. And some dragons are clear victims, as well: Idunn was left behind by her own people, stripped of her will and corrupted into a Demon Dragon by her own kind, sealed away when the War of Binding was lost, then raised again after a thousand years and pressed into the service of a human with no ability to protest or resist.
Do some of the FE dragons have things to atone for? Absolutely, 100%. But with very few exceptions, I can't really call them evil.
And I still haven't had a chance to play the demo yet! Definitely planning to run with Claude when I'm able to sit down and play (maybe sometime this weekend if I'm lucky) -- I hope you have fun with it when you start!
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wyverewings · 3 years
Wyvere Reviews Dragon Designs From Fire Emblem (Part 2)
So!  Here’s the follow up to my previous dragon design review post.  I’m gonna review the dragons from the GBA and Wii games, and also some bonus dragons.  Hopefully you find this interesting!
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First up, Fae the Divine Dragon from The Binding Blade!  I’m using both her official art and her sprite because I feel the sprite probably represents her better.  Anyway, she is a bit more avian than I like my dragons, but she’s very fluffy and cute, and that’s good.  She kind of reminds me of a baby chick, actually.
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Next up, the Fire Dragons.  I really like how their wings are on fire, and honestly that’s something that I feel should be in more dragon designs.  While I’m kind of tired of the four legged fire breathers with wings, this is a pretty interesting spin on the concept.  The only other dragon with fiery wings I can think of is Gigantamax Charizard.  I’d also like dragons with other elemental wings.  Maybe wings made of ice?  Smoke wings?
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The Ice Dragons, unfortunately, do not have wings made of ice, but they are still quite elegant dragons with their koi-esque fins.  The buff chest is somewhat weird with the fins being so elegant.  Also, what are those little spike things on the oddly humanoid pecs?
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Here’s Idunn, the Demon Dragon, which is quite a misleading name because she wasn’t actually evil, just being controlled by an evil human.  The sprite is very... off model, but the design itself is quite creative.  I like the fact that she has four wings, and the crest is quite creative.
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Moving on from Elibe, we have Myrrh, whose type of dragon isn’t specified, but she kind of reminds me of a Dark Dragon but without the... dark.  Perhaps she’s half Dark, half Divine due to her golden coloration and strength against monster enemies?  I dunno, but anyway, she’s a pretty typical modern dragon with her horns and wings, but that’s not a bad thing (I just wish we would have more variety).  She’s very beastly and reptilian, and that’s always a plus with dragon designs.  Also, sorry for using the Heroes sprite, the other sprite is so fucking tiny.
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The next group of dragons are from the Tellius games, and are specifically a type of Laguz, a race of people who can transform into animals.  This one here is Ena, and she is a very beautiful dragon, with her iridescent fins and wings.  She’s actually a hybrid of Red and White Dragon Laguz, which we’ll get to in a second.
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Here’s the Red Dragon.  You’ve probably noticed, but the Dragon Laguz are much more humanoid than our previous dragons.  I like that, it makes them unique.  Especially the Red Dragon, which are pretty much your typical dragon otherwise; spikes, wings, and fire breath.
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White Dragons, on the other hand, are more elegant than their spiky, red-scaled kin.  I like how the one here has those golden markings.  Not much else to say, honestly.
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And here’s the Black Dragon, which are the most powerful of the Dragon Laguz.  And the posing definitely helps with that, this dragon looks very magnificent.  I also like their horns, they almost look like they have a crown.
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Okay, I know this is a dragon from TearRing Saga, but I didn’t include her because I felt the last post had too many dragons.  Of course, you can never have too many dragons in general, but I needed to slim the numbers down a bit.  Anyway, the Sky Dragon is an interesting design, while mostly a scaly beast with wings like most modern dragon designs, she also has an elegant mane.  Overall, a pretty good design.
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While we’re here, we should also talk about Necrodragons.  They’re in a few games throughout the series, namely the Valentia games, Sacred Stones, and even TearRing Saga.  The Valentia Necrodragons are interesting designs, being wyvern-style dragons with crocodilian jaws, while the other two are pretty standard dracoliches.  I do like dracoliches, so I do wish we could have one that’s playable... hey, could we have a playable monster (not non-human, more like the monsters in Valentia and Sacred Stones) character at all?  Can we have a playable giant spider or skeleton?
Anyway, stay tuned for the next batch of dragons!  Be aware, this is the point where the dragon designs in this series get very weird...
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nabataprophet · 2 years
A pair of glassy eyes stare into another. No words are exchanged, not while they are still being ruminated.
In her hands is something special--wrapped in tan cloth and kept free from the sun's harsh rays. She had been told, by the one who gave it to her, that its first sparkle is always the greatest. And so it would be wise to save it for its great unveiling.
"I have something," stated as a fact, not proclaimed as some revelation the other would be surprised to hear, "I want you to have it."
With preamble flat as a field, Idunn reveals her gift. Without flair--without style--its small tarp is pulled off a crystalline surface. And it refracts light in hues of golden-blue and azure-yellow. Each ray stretches onto the ground and over the other's skin, spreading their grasp to any surface they can cling to. Evidently, it is a piece of fine craftsmanship.
But for all its beauty, it serves no real purpose.
"Humans are always doing strange things... Making strange things. I saw one making dragonstones, but he says they're fake." And indeed, this one is too. It contains not a drop of power, divine, fire, or otherwise. Idunn can sense as much. Likely just a rare crystal, polished and shined until bearing resemblance to the unforgettable marks of history that their kind must carry. "It's pointless, yet I want to do pointless things," she explains.
"I want to participate in the festival."
Doing her part, Idunn takes Sophia's hand--much warmer than hers--and imparts it not with the simple gift, but with the knowledge that she is cared of. For every small second they two spent in Arcadia, along with Fae, the growing heart is grateful.
"Happy Day of Devotion," said flat, but meant with excitement, "And thank you... For all you've done."
It's so much like something Fae would do that Sophia startles a bit. There's no telling how many times the young dragon has handed her a particularly pretty pebble on one of her exceedingly rare excursions outside of her room, calling it a gift. Part of it is the pure, selfless desire of a child to share interesting things with one's friend, but another, she suspects, is the desire to make up for something she lacks. It is the one thing that sets her apart, makes her different from them.
She accepts the fake stone, regardless, holding it as preciously as she would a real one. Even if it is no more than a beautiful, but ordinary stone, it is the intention behind the action that means so much more. To have received a gift at all from the demon dragon would have been unthinkable only a short while ago.
Just like every odd pebble, she will cherish this gem as if it were a real dragonstone.
"Thank you... I'm really happy... to have this. I will treasure it."
In truth, she does not feel like she has done much of anything to deserve thanks. She does not have Fae's cheerful personality, nor Lord Roy's decisiveness. To be frank, she's quite the awkward person. She's not the greatest with strangers and she doesn't communicate all that well. She has been isolated for so long that it's difficult to relate to humans, but she also lacks fundamental knowledge of dragons. How exactly has she been helpful enough to warrant such gratitude?
But Idunn's cold hands around her own tamp down the protests that threaten to rise in Sophia's heart. She accepts the gratitude like she accepts the gift, a bit awkwardly, but nevertheless touched.
"It is strange... isn't it? Humans live for such a short time... and yet they do... pointless things. They give each other flowers... just for them to wilt. But they're... still happy. There are... so many wonderful things... in this world... that only humans can show us."
Sophia takes a shuddering breath, clearly a little winded from speaking so much all at once.
"Happy...Day of Devotion, Idunn. I hope... this festival helps you understand... what an amazing world this is... even if it's just a little. I hope... one day... the sadness in your heart becomes bearable."
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