#diy cat tree for small spaces
joshiemarie · 2 years
How To Building Diy Cat Tree Ideas PDF Plans
How To Building Diy Cat Tree Ideas PDF Plans
Do you love your cat but hate the look of a traditional cat tree? If so, then you’ll love these DIY cat tree ideas! With a little creativity and simple supplies, you can easily make a cat tree that’s both stylish and functional. For a simple cat tree, a more advanced cat tree, a cat tree with a hammock, and several other cat trees. If you’re good with tools, you can build a DIY cat tree. You can…
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List of All the Plants I'm Growing in my Apartment this Year:
A guide to help you maximize small spaces for a bountiful harvest with easy, low-maintenance crops & flowers.
* = Plant and do not touch.
** = Plant, harvest, and replant seeds.
*** = Plant and harvest over the summer & fall.
+ = Natural mosquito/aphid repellant.
! = Need to watch for aphids and ants (ants can put aphids on your plants to harvest the nectar they produce by eating their sap).
Small Set-up to Grow Plants with Little Space:
Balcony: Hanging baskets, fence planters, pots, 3-tier raised bed, big shelf for your small plants/sprouts/succulents.
Stairs: Pots for big plants.
Inside the apartment: DIY greenhouse made from a shelf from IKEA, DIY hanging shelf in front of the west-facing window.
Please note that I have a long list since I have two balconies and three 3-tier raised beds, plus all of the above.
Front Balcony: 3-Tier Raised Beds (2):
Thai peppers (Full sun) *** / +
Jalapenos (Full sun) **/ +
Habaneros (Full sun) **/ +
Lettuce X3 (Rotation - Semi-shade) ***
Kale X3 (Shade) **/ !
Coriander Full sun) **/ +
Rosemary (Full sun) **/ +
Dill (Full sun) *** / +
Basil (Semi-shade) *** / +
Parsley (Semi-shade) ***
Peppermint ( Semi-shade) **/ +
Arugula X3 (Shade) ** / !
Front Balcony: Fence Planters
Green onions **
Chives *** / +
Lemon balm *** / +
Lemongrass *** / +
Eucalyptus *** / +
Kitchen Lavender *** / +
Chamomile ***
Thyme ***
Marigold * / +
Purple (#6) ***
Morning Glories *
Tradescantia *
Front Balcony: Small Planter Under 3-Tier Raised Bed
Snack bar of herbal cuttings for my cat (licorice roots, dill, mint, basil, rosemary, thyme, parsley). */+
Front Balcony: Hanging Baskets
Wild strawberries or Alexandria strawberries (require less sun) **/ !
White strawberries (pineberries) **/ !
Rainbow chard ***/!
Spider plants *
Tradescantia *
Front Balcony: Potted Plants
Dwarf lemon tree *
Celery **/!
Forget-me-nots *
Back Balcony: 3-Tier Raised Bed
Hardneck garlic **/+
Shallot **/+
Radish **/+
Back Balcony: Fence Planters
Sprouts & new succulents *
English Ivy *
Morning Glories *
Back Balcony: Potted Plants
Cherry tomatoes ***/ !
Rhubarb *** / !
Perilla ***
Edamame ***
Yellow strawberries ***/ !
Dwarf raspberry bush ***
Inside the Apartment
Green onions: regrow
Succulents, Aloes, Cactus (will go on the shelf outside)
I hope this helps start your own garden!
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annwynisland · 1 year
Furniture Catalogue
Item names spelled in US English. Ctrl+F (find keyword) recommended. I can customize with Cyrus if specific color variant(s) desired.
ACNH Nintendo Switch
Alto saxophone
Analog kitchen scale
Anthurium plant
Antique bureau
Antique chair
Antique clock
Antique console table
Antique mini table
Antique wardrobe
Arcade seat
Artsy table
Baby panda
Basic teacher's desk
Beach ball
Beach chairs with parasol
Beach towel
Board game
Book stands
Bottled beverage
Box corner sofa
Box sofa
Broom and dustpan
Bunk bed
Campfire cookware
Camping cot
Candle chandelier
Cardboard box
Casablanca lilies
Cassette player
Cat grass
Champion's pennant
Changing room
Checkout counter
Clothes closet
Clothesline pole
Coffee beans
Coffee cup
Coffee grinder
Coffee plant
Colorful juice
Cooking tools
Cool sofa
Corner clothing rack
Counter table
Covered wagon
Crane game
Creepy skeleton
Cruiser bike
Cuckoo clock
Cup with saucer
Cute chair
Cute DIY table
Cute sofa
Cute wall-mounted clock
Cute wardrobe
Cypress bathtub
Cypress plant
Decorative bottles
Deep fryer
Desk mirror
Dessert carrier
Diner counter chair
Diner counter table
Diner dining table
Diner neon clock
Dinosaur toy
Director's chair
Dish-drying rack
Display stand
Document stack
Double-door refrigerator
Double-edged sword
Double Gloucester cheese
Double sofa
Dreamy bed
Dreamy rabbit toy
Dreamy wall rack
Dual hanging monitors
Elephant slide
Enamel lamp
Evergreen ash
Exam table
Exercise bike
Exit sign
Fancy violin
Fax machine
Festival zongzi
Floating-biotope planter
Floor light
Floor seat
Fluorescent light
Folding floor lamp
Fortune-telling set
Froggy chair
Garden faucet
Garden gnome
Garden lantern
Gas range
Glass jar
Hanging cube light
Hearty ramen
High-end stereo
Homework set
Iced coffee
Imperial bed
Imperial chest
Imperial decorative shelves
Imperial dining chair
Imperial dining lantern
Imperial low table
Imperial partition
Ironing board
Ironing set
Judge's bell
Karaoke machine
Kids' tent
Kimono stand
Kitchen counter
Knife block
Lab-experiments set
Large covered round table
Large magazine rack
Lily-pad table
Long bathtub
Magnetic knife rack
Metal can
Metal pot
Meter and pipes
Mini circuit
Mining car
Modern cash register
Modern office chair
Moroccan lights
Moss ball
Mounted blue marlin
Mr. Flamingo
Mrs. Flamingo
Oil barrel
Oil lamp
Outdoor air conditioner
Outdoor bench
Outdoor folding chair
Owl clock
Painting set
Papa panda
Paper-chain ceiling garland
Paper lantern
Paper tiger
Patchwork bed
Patchwork sofa chair
Pendulum clock
Pet food bowl
Pinball machine
Pine tree
Plasma ball
Plastic canister
Pop-up book
Pop-up toaster
Popcorn machine
Porcelain vase
Portable radio
Pot rack
Potted starter plants
Premium nigirizushi
Pro coffee grinder
Puppy plushie
Rattan armchair
Rattan end table
Rattan low table
Rattan stool
Rattan table lamp
Rattan vanity
Rattan wardrobe
Retro fan
Retro stereo
Rice cooker
Rock guitar
Rocket lamp
Rotary phone
Round light fixture
Round pillow
Round space heater
Salad bar
Sandwich plate meal
School chair
School desk
Serving cart
Set of stockings
Sewing machine
Sewing project
Shaded floor lamp
Shaded pendant lamp
Ship-wheel door decoration
Shopping bag
Short file cabinet
Shoyu ramen
Silver confetti blower
Silver mic
Simple kettle
Simple panel
Simple shaded lamp
Simple table
Simple wall shelf
SLR camera
Small mannequin
Small vase
Soft-serve lamp
Spaceship control panel
Spinning wheel
Square bathtub
Standing toilet
Strapped books
Studio spotlight
Study carrel
Study chair
Study desk
Study sewing box
Super-premium nigirizushi
Surichwi tteok
Table lamp
Table with cloth
Tabletop record player
Tangled cords
Tape deck
Tea set
Thank-you Mom mug
Throwback container
Throwback dino screen
Throwback gothic mirror
Throwback hat table
Throwback rocket
Throwback skull radio
Tin bucket
Tin robot
Tissue box
Titan arum
Tool shelf
Toy box
Traditional tea set
Train set
Transit seat
Upright speaker
Utility sink
Vacuum cleaner
Velvet stool
Vertical banner
Wall-mounted candle
Wall-mounted LED display
Wall-mounted phone
Wall-mounted TV (50 in.)
Water cooler
Weight bench
Winnowing machine
Wood-burning stove
Wooden pendant light
World map
Yule log
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terresdebrume · 2 years
I'm trying to decide the life I want these days, partially in preparation for KonMari-ing my space when I move back to Europe but also just because I think she makes perfect sense when she says it's easier to reach a goal when this goal is clearly defined in your mind... So.
Things i want from my life (preferably within the next five years, but I can be flexible on most of these)
A fenced in part of the garden where the cats can come and go at will when I'm at home. Depending on size, this might include the whole garden.
Transitioning (name change, HRT, top surgery)
A two bedrooms apartment/small house with a small garden. If at all possible, a window bay I can keep open in the summer.
Low effort flowerbeds, with local flora perhaps. Something that can look nice without me having to spend too much time on it.
A Roomba.
A Fuck Off big cat tree, maybe even floor to ceiling if I can get myself to diy it. Also walkways along the walls, ditto.
(tbh this will probably require me owning wherever I live, I don't see a landlord being too happy about that many changes.)
A space i can arrange and organize in ways that work for me and help me keep it mostly clean and ordered
A job in a private school where I get good pay and nice students (working on that) preferably somewhere warm (working on that too)
Maybe a child
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habitathaven · 1 year
Guide to a Perfect Catio Plan for Your Fur Baby
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Do you want your fur baby to enjoy a lazy afternoon basking in the sun? Have you considered building a catio or outdoor cat shelters? With these options, you can keep them safe outdoors while they have the opportunity to enjoy the fresh air and sun. Cat parents with any space to spare around the house like a yard, patio, or a deck can build a catio as an extension to the house.
Those living in apartments, or those with limited space, can invest in a cat enclosure for the balcony or patio, or design a window box catio that secures over just about any window. Even a small amount of outdoor space is better than none! However, you first need to come up with a catio plan. In this blog, we will take a look at all the things to consider before building a catio. 
Things You Must Consider for a Catio
Consider the following factors as a guide to plan and build the perfect catio for your fur baby.
How many cats do you have?
The size and build of the catio will depend on the number of cats that will occupy the space. If you have just one cat then a smaller structure will do. If you have more than one then you will have to consider how much space you’d like to provide them before building them an outdoor play-space. Besides the number of cats that will be using the catio, the breed and size of the cat should be considered too. Large cat breeds will take up more space than the smaller ones.
How big of an enclosure would you like?
You must determine the kind of enclosure that you want. Do you want a big one or a small one, enough to accommodate your pet/pets? Cat parents often prefer building an enclosure big enough for the pet to pace and play around freely. But then again that option will depend on the space available outdoors.
Do you have enough space?
As mentioned in the earlier point, space could be a limiting factor when making your catio plan. If you have a yard, patio, or deck with enough space, building a large, sprawling catio will not be an issue. But space is a major deciding factor if you are attaching the enclosure to your apartment balcony, or if you simply just do not have a lot of outdoor space to use. If you have limited space, you have to plan the enclosure smartly so that is serves the purpose without being crammed or difficult for your cat to navigate. 
Do you want any specific structures or additions to the enclosure?
Cats love to climb and jump. So, you can add structures and accessories within the catio like a cat tree, a hammock, or a swing. These types of additions can help your cat stay active within the enclosure. If needed you can also add other elements like a scratching post and litter box.
Conclusion A cat enclosure can be a great addition to your house or apartment, provided you move ahead with a proper catio plan. Make sure to consider the above-mentioned points, whether you are working on a DIY cat enclosure or getting one made by professionals. If you want the pros to take care of your catio installation, connect with the specialists at Habitat Haven. They are the leading suppliers of outdoor cat shelters, offering competitive rates for their structures. Reach out today for more details or a virtual consultation.
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discoverhowitworks · 1 year
12 clever ways to reuse plastic bottles
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Plastic bottles have become one of the most common forms of litter around the world, causing environmental damage and harm to wildlife. However, with a little creativity and innovation, plastic bottles can be transformed into useful and practical items, reducing waste and promoting sustainability. In this article, we will share 12 clever ways to reuse plastic bottles.
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Bird Feeders
Transform plastic bottles into bird feeders by cutting out windows and filling the bottles with birdseed. Hang them outside and watch as birds come to feed. If you're looking for a fun and eco-friendly DIY project, consider transforming your old plastic bottles into bird feeders. Not only will you be helping to reduce plastic waste, but you'll also be providing a much-needed source of food for our feathered friends. Here's how to create your own plastic bottle bird feeder in just a few simple steps. Materials: - Plastic bottle (2-liter soda bottles work well) - Scissors or craft knife - String or twine - Wooden spoons or dowels - Birdseed Instructions: - Start by cleaning and drying your plastic bottle thoroughly. - Using a pair of scissors or a craft knife, cut two holes on opposite sides of the bottle, approximately 3-4 inches from the bottom. - Cut two more small holes just above the bottom holes, on either side of the bottle. These holes will be used to insert the wooden spoons or dowels. - Insert the wooden spoons or dowels through the bottom holes and out through the side holes. These will serve as perches for the birds. - Tie a length of string or twine around the neck of the bottle, creating a loop for hanging the feeder. - Fill the bottle with birdseed through the top opening. - Hang the feeder from a sturdy tree branch or hook, making sure it's at a height where you can easily reach it to refill it. And voila! You now have your very own plastic bottle bird feeder. Not only is it a great way to recycle old plastic bottles, but it's also a fun and educational activity to do with kids. Plus, watching the birds come to your feeder is sure to bring a smile to your face. Tips: - Make sure to choose a location for your feeder that's away from any potential predators, such as cats or squirrels. - Clean and refill your feeder regularly to prevent mold and bacteria growth. - You can also decorate your feeder with paint, stickers, or other embellishments to make it more visually appealing.
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Vertical Planters
Cut off the top of a plastic bottle and fill it with soil and plants. Attach it to a wall or fence to create a vertical planter that takes up minimal space. Transforming plastic bottles into vertical planters is a great option. Not only is it a cost-effective way to repurpose old bottles, but it also allows you to grow a variety of plants in a small area. Here's how to create your own plastic bottle vertical planter in just a few simple steps. Materials: - Plastic bottles (2-liter soda bottles work well) - Scissors or craft knife - Twine or rope - Soil - Plants or seeds Instructions: - Begin by cleaning and drying your plastic bottles thoroughly. - Using a pair of scissors or a craft knife, cut off the top of the bottle, just below the neck. - Cut a small hole in the center of the bottle cap, large enough to thread the twine or rope through. - Thread the twine or rope through the hole in the bottle cap and tie a knot at the end. - Fill the bottom of the bottle with soil, leaving enough room for the plant roots. - Insert your plant or seeds into the soil and add more soil as needed. - Continue this process with additional bottles, tying them together with the twine or rope to create a vertical planter. - Hang the planter from a sturdy hook or bracket, making sure it's secure and level. And there you have it, your very own plastic bottle vertical planter! Not only is it a great way to repurpose old bottles, but it also allows you to grow a variety of plants in a small space. Plus, it's an easy and fun project to do with kids. Tips: - Choose plants that are suited for the amount of light and space you have available. - Make sure to water your plants regularly and fertilize as needed. - You can also decorate your vertical planter with paint, stickers, or other embellishments to make it more visually appealing.
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Watering Can
Create a watering can by poking small holes in the lid of a plastic bottle. Fill it with water, and you have a practical watering can to nourish your plants. Transforming plastic bottles into watering cans! With just a few simple steps, you can create your very own watering can that's both functional and environmentally friendly. Materials: - Plastic bottle (1 or 2-liter soda bottles work well) - Scissors or craft knife - Needle or thumbtack - Hot glue gun or strong tape - Metal or plastic shower head (optional) Instructions: - Begin by cleaning and drying your plastic bottle thoroughly. - Using a pair of scissors or a craft knife, cut off the top of the bottle just below the neck. - Poke several small holes in the bottle cap using a needle or thumbtack. These will be the watering holes for your plants. - If you have a metal or plastic shower head, you can attach it to the cap using a hot glue gun or strong tape. This will help to distribute the water evenly and prevent damage to your plants. - Fill the bottom of the bottle with water and screw on the cap. - Test your watering can by tipping it over and letting the water flow through the holes. - If you're having trouble with the water flow, you can adjust the size of the holes or the placement of the shower head. And there you have it, your very own plastic bottle watering can! Not only is it a cost-effective way to water your plants, but it also helps to reduce plastic waste by repurposing old bottles. Tips: - For a more decorative look, you can paint or decorate your watering can with stickers or other embellishments. - Choose plants that are suited for the amount of water they need and the type of soil you're using. - Make sure to clean your watering can regularly to prevent bacteria and mold buildup.
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Piggy Bank
Transform a plastic bottle into a piggy bank by cutting a coin slot in the side and adding a lid. This is a great way to save money and reduce waste. Do you have a pile of plastic bottles taking up space in your home? Don't throw them away just yet! With a little creativity, you can transform these bottles into a fun and functional piggy bank. Materials: - Plastic bottle (1-liter or 2-liter soda bottles work well) - Scissors or craft knife - Paint or decorative paper - Glue - Marker or pen - Coin slot or tape (optional) Instructions: - Begin by cleaning and drying your plastic bottle thoroughly. - Using a pair of scissors or a craft knife, cut off the top of the bottle just below the neck. - Using a marker or pen, draw a line around the bottle about 2/3 of the way down. This will be the top of your piggy bank. - Cut along the line to create the top portion of your piggy bank. - If desired, add a coin slot to the top portion of the piggy bank. You can either cut a slot into the plastic using a craft knife or use tape to create a slot. - Decorate your piggy bank using paint or decorative paper. You can create a pig face using construction paper or paint on eyes, a nose, and a mouth. - Glue the top portion of the bottle back onto the bottom portion to create your piggy bank. And there you have it, your very own piggy bank made from a plastic bottle! Not only is it a fun and easy DIY project, but it also helps to reduce plastic waste by repurposing old bottles.
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Pencil Case
Cut off the top of a plastic bottle, and you have a perfect pencil case. You can decorate it with markers, stickers, or paint to make it unique. If you have a collection of plastic bottles lying around your home, don't throw them away just yet! With a little creativity, you can transform these bottles into a useful and eco-friendly pencil case. Materials: - Plastic bottle (500 ml or 1-liter soda bottles work well) - Scissors or craft knife - Zipper (at least 8 inches in length) - Glue - Decorative paper or fabric (optional) Instructions: - Begin by cleaning and drying your plastic bottle thoroughly. - Using a pair of scissors or a craft knife, cut off the top of the bottle just below the neck. - Cut along the bottom of the bottle to create the main body of your pencil case. - Using a craft knife or scissors, create a small slit on both sides of the pencil case near the top, about half an inch from the edge. This will be where you attach the zipper. - Glue the zipper onto the slits, making sure to leave enough room for the zipper pull to slide back and forth. - If desired, you can decorate your pencil case using decorative paper or fabric. Cut the paper or fabric to the size of the pencil case and glue it onto the bottle. - Allow the glue to dry completely before using your new pencil case. And there you have it, your very own pencil case made from a plastic bottle! This is not only a fun and creative way to repurpose old bottles, but it also helps to reduce plastic waste.
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Zipper Storage
Create a storage container with a zipper closure by cutting off the bottom of a plastic bottle and adding a zipper. This is a great way to store small items like jewelry or sewing supplies. Plastic bottles are one of the most common items found in landfills, but they don't have to be! With a little creativity, you can turn them into something useful and practical. In this article, we will show you how to transform plastic bottles into a zipper storage container. Materials: - Plastic bottle (1-liter or 2-liter soda bottles work well) - Zipper (at least 8 inches in length) - Scissors or craft knife - Ruler - Pencil - Glue Instructions: - Clean and dry the plastic bottle thoroughly. - Using a ruler and pencil, mark the desired length of the zipper on the bottle. Make sure the zipper will fit snugly on the bottle. - Use scissors or a craft knife to cut the bottle along the marked line. This will create the opening for your zipper storage container. - Apply glue along the edges of the cut plastic bottle. - Carefully attach the zipper to the glued edges, ensuring that the teeth of the zipper are aligned with the edges of the cut bottle. - Allow the glue to dry completely. - Your zipper storage container is now ready to use! Simply slide the zipper open and store your small items inside. Tips: - Use different sizes and shapes of bottles to create a variety of zipper storage containers. - Customize your zipper storage container by decorating it with stickers, paint, or markers. - Make multiple zipper storage containers to organize and store different items.
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Cable Organizer
Cut off the bottom of a plastic bottle and use it to organize cables and wires. Simply thread the cords through the bottle, and they will stay organized and tangle-free. In this article, we will show you how to transform plastic bottles into a cable organizer. Materials: - Plastic bottle (1-liter or 2-liter soda bottles work well) - Scissors or craft knife - Ruler - Pencil - Marker or paint - Hole punch - Zip ties Instructions: - Clean and dry the plastic bottle thoroughly. - Using a ruler and pencil, mark the desired length of the cable organizer on the bottle. The size will depend on the number and size of cables you plan to organize. - Use scissors or a craft knife to cut the bottle along the marked line. This will create the body of your cable organizer. - Using a marker or paint, label each section of the organizer with the name of the cable or device that it will hold. - Use a hole punch to create holes on either side of each section. These will be used to attach the zip ties. - Thread a zip tie through each hole and tighten it to hold the cables or devices in place. - Your cable organizer is now ready to use! Simply slide your cables or devices into the appropriate section and tighten the zip tie to hold them in place. Tips: - Use different sizes and shapes of bottles to create cable organizers for different types of cables or devices. - Customize your cable organizer by decorating it with stickers, paint, or markers. - Make multiple cable organizers to keep all of your cables and devices organized and easily accessible.
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Kitchen Scoop
Cut off the top of a plastic bottle and use the bottom as a scoop for flour, sugar, or other dry goods. This is an easy way to save money and reduce waste. Transform plastic bottles into Kitchen Scoop: A DIY Guide Materials Needed: - Plastic bottle - Scissors - Marker - Measuring cup - Sandpaper Step-by-Step Instructions: - Choose a plastic bottle: The first step is to select a plastic bottle that is appropriate for your needs. You can choose any size of bottle depending on the size of the scoop you want to create. - Clean the bottle: Wash the bottle thoroughly with soap and water. Remove all labels and residue, and let the bottle dry completely. - Mark the bottle: Using a marker, mark the area where you want to cut the bottle. You can mark the bottle at a point where the bottle starts to narrow towards the top. - Cut the bottle: Using scissors, cut the bottle along the marked line. Cut the top portion of the bottle off, leaving the bottom half to be the scoop. - Shape the scoop: Using sandpaper, smooth the edges of the cut bottle to make sure there are no rough edges or sharp points. You can also use the sandpaper to shape the scoop to your desired size. - Measure the scoop: Using a measuring cup, measure the capacity of the scoop. You can mark the measuring line on the side of the scoop for future reference. - Use the scoop: Your plastic bottle scoop is now ready to be used in the kitchen! It can be used for scooping flour, sugar, rice, and other dry ingredients. Benefits of Using a Plastic Bottle Kitchen Scoop: - Eco-Friendly: By reusing plastic bottles, you are helping to reduce the amount of plastic waste in the environment. - Affordable: Making a plastic bottle scoop is a cost-effective alternative to buying a scoop from the store. - Convenient: With a plastic bottle scoop, you can quickly and easily measure dry ingredients for your recipes. - Versatile: You can customize the size of your scoop according to your needs, making it a versatile kitchen tool.
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Planter Trays
Cut off the bottom of a plastic bottle and use it as a planter tray to catch excess water. This is a great way to keep your plants healthy and your floors clean. Transform plastic bottles into planter trays for your garden. Let's get started! Materials Needed: - Plastic bottles (2-liter or 20-ounce) - Scissors - Marker or pen - Ruler - Potting soil - Plant seeds or seedlings Step 1: Clean and dry the plastic bottles The first step is to clean and dry the plastic bottles thoroughly. Make sure there is no residual liquid left inside the bottles. Step 2: Cut the bottles into halves Using a sharp pair of scissors, cut the bottles into two equal halves. You can use either a 2-liter or 20-ounce bottle, depending on the size of the planter trays you want to make. Step 3: Mark the cutting lines Using a marker or pen, mark the cutting lines on the plastic bottle. Make sure the lines are straight and even. Step 4: Cut the bottles along the marked lines Carefully cut the bottles along the marked lines, making sure to cut through both sides of the bottle. You should now have two halves of a bottle that can be used as planter trays. Step 5: Make drainage holes Using a sharp object such as a nail or a screwdriver, make a few small drainage holes in the bottom of each planter tray. This will ensure that excess water can drain out of the trays, preventing waterlogging and root rot. Step 6: Fill the trays with potting soil Fill the planter trays with potting soil, leaving some space at the top for planting seeds or seedlings. Step 7: Plant your seeds or seedlings Plant your seeds or seedlings in the potting soil, following the instructions on the seed packet or plant label. Step 8: Water your plants Water your plants gently, making sure not to overwater them. Allow the soil to dry out slightly between waterings. Step 9: Place your planter trays in a sunny location Place your planter trays in a sunny location, where your plants can get plenty of sunlight. Make sure to monitor the moisture level of the soil and water your plants regularly. In conclusion, transforming plastic bottles into planter trays is a simple and easy DIY project that anyone can do. It's a great way to reduce waste and create a beautiful garden at the same time. So next time you have a few empty plastic bottles lying around, don't throw them away - repurpose them into useful planter trays for your plants!
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Drip Irrigation
Transform plastic bottles into a drip irrigation system for your plants by poking small holes in the bottle and burying it near the plant roots. Fill the bottle with water, and the plant will be watered slowly over time. Transform plastic bottles into Drip Irrigation: A DIY Project Do you have a garden or plants that require regular watering? Are you looking for an affordable and eco-friendly way to keep them hydrated? Read the full article
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gomistore · 2 years
4 DIY Backyard Chicken Enrichment Plans (With Pictures)
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If you’ve ever owned chickens, you know that the people who label them feather brains have never owned or been around chickens themselves. In fact, these creatures are intelligent, curious, and love to explore the environment they live in. This also means that you shouldn’t just purchase chickens and expect them to fend for themselves. Instead, you need to make sure that you enrich your chickens by giving them things to do and keeping them from getting bored. Bored chickens tend to be more aggressive and less healthy than active chickens. If you’re unsure what to do for your chickens, we’ll give you some of the best DIY backyard chicken enrichment ideas we found in the list below.
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The Top 4 DIY Backyard Chicken Enrichment Ideas
1. Nesting Boxes by BackYard Chickens Materials: Wood, Nails, Carpeting Tools:  Hammer Difficulty Level:  Moderate These nesting boxes are perfect for keeping your chicken’s eggs safe until you can gather them. However, these boxes aren’t just for holding eggs. Chickens love hiding places, and this set of nesting boxes will have plenty of nooks and crannies for your chickens to hide. You can even get creative with a maze of nesting boxes so that your chicken has plenty of space to explore. This is a great way to increase your chicken’s environmental enrichment. As for getting creative with the boxes, try turning a covered cat litter box, a climbing tree, or a cat house into a nesting box. 2. Perches & Ladders by Rural Sprout Materials: 10 tree branches of varying sizes Tools:  Saw, rope, scissors, zip ties, drill, screws Difficulty Level:  Difficult One of the most common forms of exercise for a chicken is perches and ladders. Chickens love perching on anything, and though you wouldn’t believe it, they will enjoy climbing the ladders also. Chickens spend most of their time walking around pecking on the ground, but they can be taught to climb the ladders and sit on the perches. Try creating a jungle gym of perches and ladders with different heights and angles to encourage exercise. Make sure you offer some treats to your chickens to encourage them to climb the ladders the first few times, then they’ll start to do it on their own. 3. Feeding Puzzles by Chesire Horse Materials: Nylon net, food Tools:  Hanging hook Difficulty Level:  Easy Feeding puzzles are available from retailers, but you can build your own with just a nylon net, food, and a hanging hook. This is one of the easiest backyard enrichment ideas on our list. Normally, these types of puzzles are advertised for dogs and cats, but they work great for chickens as well. Take your nylon bag and hide the treats for your chickens inside. Put it on a hanging hook, and direct your chickens to the bag. It won’t take long before your chickens are happily pecking away at the puzzles to get the treats inside. 4. Mirrors & Bells by Fresh Eggs daily Materials: Mirrors, bells Tools:  None Difficulty Level:  Easy Mirrors and bells are usually reserved for small birds that live inside, but your chickens can enjoy them as well. You can take bells and hang them from your chicken’s pen or even let them roll around on the ground. However, it’s essential to make sure the bell isn’t small enough for your chicken to swallow because, as you probably already know, chickens will eat anything. Mirrors are perfect for your chickens to admire their reflections in, and trust us, they will if given the chance. They also catch the light and set off flashes that will keep your chicken entranced and pecking at its own reflection for quite some time.
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If you want your chickens to be healthy and non-aggressive, you need to provide them some enrichment, whether it’s with food, habitat modifications, or toys. The projects we detailed are more affordable than commercial options, and most of them take less than an hour to complete. Featured Image Credit: EF Photography, Shutterstock Read the full article
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archimains · 2 years
Kids playsets
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Kids playsets how to#
Kids playsets free#
However, depending on the climate where you live, you may want to do a little research to determine the kind of material that would be best. Whether they are made from wood, metal, or plastic, most sets are designed to hold up to the elements. In general, swing sets can last from 10 to 15 years, especially if they are well-maintained and made of durable materials. You’ll want material that will stand the test of time and weather. Since it’s a major investment, make sure the swing set you choose is durable. You can usually swap out certain swings and attachments once your kids get bigger. Most swing sets have age recommendations that will help guide you when purchasing. Largest residential playset manufacturer in the US offering playsets to fit any size.
Kids playsets free#
Six feet of open space on all sides is recommended for plenty of room to play.īefore purchasing, consider the age of the children that will be playing on the swing set to determine if the set is safe and entertaining for them both now and as they age. Buy wooden swing sets and all cedar playhouses with free shipping. Swing sets should be placed in locations free of overhead obstacles like power lines, tree limbs, or roof overhangs. By staying within these limits, your set will last longer and your kiddos will be safe while they play. Along with overall weight capacity, you'll also want to take note of the number of children that can be on the set at a time. Most swing sets come with a weight limit and may need to be installed by a professional. They can be dangerous if they aren’t installed correctly, and it's important to follow all safety guidelines. Swing sets can be loads of fun, but also need to be safe. If you have multiple kids of varying ages and think they’ll use it with friends and family for a long time, the DIY Outing III Wooden Swing Set with Rock Wall and Slide ( view at Home Depot) is worth the cost and assembly time. While it’s an investment, your kids will enjoy it for many years to come. Try this Pottery Barn inspired DIY sandbox by ‘ Life in the Dub Lane’.A swing set is tons of fun for kids of all ages. Make this deluxe covered DIY sandbox with this complete tutorial from ‘ Small + Friendly‘! It’s covered so that cats can’t use it as a giant litter box! This kind of outdoor playset is perfect for littler ones, but the older kids will love to build their “cities” and “castles” too! This sandbox keeps kids safe from the sun while they have fun playing.
Kids playsets how to#
Learn how to build this DIY sandbox with a cover with these plans from ‘ HGTV’. So much better than a rusty old swing set! They have step by step photos and a complete materials list… This is a simple kids outdoor playset with a cool look. From ‘ Whitney’s Workshop’, this wooden swing is whimsical and fun, and any kid will love to use it everyday!Ĭheck out this project that is a modern a-frame wooden DIY swing set from ‘ HGTV Gardens‘. Speaking of choosing your swings, make this child’s airplane DIY swing to use in any of these projects. They even have tips on how to choose the best swing seats for your playset! Make this simple wooden DIY swing set with this tutorial from ‘ Create and Find’. Indoor Playset 457 sign in to see prices Indoor Playset 205 sign in to see prices Premium Products. A playhouse, sandbox and slide all in one!Īll kinds of kids outdoor playset awesomeness in this tutorial from ‘ Created By V’! Your kids will have plenty of outdoor backyard fun climbing, sliding and imagining here… Get everything in one package with this DIY playset from ‘ House of Handmade’. It’s a little more expensive, we priced it out at around $500 in our area, but it’s large, and will last! From ‘ Popular Mechanics’. This is a larger DIY wooden kids outdoor playset that has free plans and materials list. Want to hear your kids squeal like crazy when you surprise them with this handmade hideaway DIY playset from ‘ The Handmade Home‘? All the instructions! I want this! :)
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10 Fake Grass Hacks That Will Make Your Life Easier
Fake grass or artificial turf can be used to cover yards, playgrounds, and other lawn spaces. Whether you use it as an alternative to your lawn or as a means of covering up an unsightly patch of dirt, you need to keep it in good condition. While it’s not particularly difficult to care for artificial grass, there are some tips that can make the process easier and reduce your workload so you have more time to enjoy the grass instead of maintaining it. Dubai Artificial Grass Online will explain how to care for fake grass and offer some useful tips that will help you avoid common maintenance problems.
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 1) Create a smooth and clean surface on your soil
When you are ready to lay the turf in your chosen area, you will need to create a smooth and clean surface on your soil. This can be done using the following methods
 2) Design your own DIY fake grass planter boxes
DIY fake grass planter boxes are easy to create and a great way to turn your balconies, decks, and garden space into a relaxing spot. Using store-bought wooden planks for your frame, you can make your own by following these steps
 3) Create a cool picnic spot for kids
Kids are the most active people, and they deserve a special space to relax. Invite them to a picnic in the garden, on the lawn or even on the balcony using our Artificial Grass Carpet In Dubai  ! Throw down a checkered blanket, pack some fun food (chicken fingers and fries) and give your kids their own outside area with this deal from Dubai Artificial Grass Online.
4) Decorate your office floor with various color patterns
The office is supposed to be a place of productivity, which is why it's very important to invest in the right decor. Decorating with fake grass provides two benefits: 1) It adds visual interest, giving you something beautiful to look at while you work and 2) If your office has an artificial flooring like carpet, then Artificial Grass gives you an alternative.
 5) Add some nature indoors with artificial turf carpets
If you're looking for an easy way to give your house or garden a quick refresh without all the dirt and hours of work, fake grass is a great solution. Carpeting your area with artificial turf creates a lush garden in minutes. Here are some hacks that will make your life easier:
1) You can wash it off with soap and water to get rid of the dirt and stains easily. 2) A carpet-like surface makes it easy to wipe off those pesky paws after an evening out.
 6) Create unique rug designs with artificial plants or flowers
What does your rug look like? Is it the same square of fake grass that most people install for a green lawn? You don't have to limit yourself to this design. There are many creative ways you can put plants and flowers on your carpet!
 7) Great pet mats for dogs or cats
1. Whether you're looking for a small design or a larger design, the bad thing about real grass is that it doesn't offer enough traction. This means that the pet can slip and slide which can lead to paw injuries and discomfort.
2. If you have animals with urine sensitivities in your home, you might find yourself constantly washing carpets to remove stains which can be annoying and expensive as well.
 8) A thin Realistic artificial turf rug for small areas/rooms like bedrooms
The size of the area you want to cover will determine how many panels you need. A small room might be just a few panels and a large room would need many more panels in order to provide enough coverage for walking and sitting. It’s also worth considering the depth of your carpet pile.
1) You will need a pair of scissors or shears with good, sharp blades in order to cut around areas such as doorways, windows, and vents.
 9) Use fake grass as decorations for home parties or events like Christmas tree skirts etc.
Fake grass is a great way to disguise your empty patches and make it look as if you've got an amazing lawn. Just be sure to get the cut in time for your home party so you don't end up with an embarrassing pile of unsightly fake green.
 10) Simply use it as floor mats/carpet decoration outdoors during summer season!
There are a number of ways to use fake grass, as you can use it on the balcony, garden or even your lawn. In this blog post, we've outlined 10 hacks for using fake grass in everyday life.
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kedreeva · 3 years
Indoor Cats: Climbers
Climbers for the Cat Enrichment Masterpost
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A cat climber (tree, tower) is a form of indoor cat enrichment which satisfies a cat’s desire to climb, perch high, lounge high, and often combines with a cat’s desire to hide or scratch. They are typically free-standing or temporary fixtures, meaning that they can be relocated easily and won’t damage walls or floors in case you’re living someplace like an apartment.
Cat climbers range from the very small and simple:
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To the average, medium and large sized ones:
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To the very large and elaborate ones:
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Most of these are pretty “traditional” climbers, the sort you might be able to walk into a pet store and find. The really big ones get very expensive, but I have seen plenty of large-sized ones priced around $100. It is a bit of an investment, but they last for a very long time and cats will use them constantly, so it’s well worth it. However, you’re not beholden to traditional! You can actually make a tower yourself fairly cheaply out of PVC and mesh or even PVC and wood!
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Climbers also do not have to have carpet on them! Some can be made just from wood, or you can attach cushions later if you want to make it softer for them.
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If you live someplace where you can acquire natural branches, you can also make your own climbers out of tree limbs and flat surfaces:
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Even household items creatively connected and secured can serve as a tower, if you can’t build quite from scratch. A lot of folks don’t have access to saws and such to cut wood to the right sizes (although some hardware stores will do small cuts for you, so you can always ask and find out!). Another option is to use some sturdy cardboard; it’s perhaps not quite as long-lasting, and will eventually need replacing because you can’t clean it the way you can wood or plastic, but really that’s just an excuse to make a novel tower for even more enrichment.
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There is another, temporary form of cat climber that I’ve seen more of recently, which can be hung on the back of a door. It ratchets into place securely so it won’t droop, and provides soft climbing space. These may even be a good DIY project, as it seems like they could be made mostly from straps and cloth, with a solid base on the perches:
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And lastly, I debated about moving these to the shelves, but they’re vertical only so; these are more permanent-fixture climbers, anchored floor to ceiling rather than having a base that keeps them free-standing.
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One of your best resources for finding more unique climbers than you could find at a normal pet store is Etsy. You can support local craftsfolk, and a lot of times they not only have unique designs already available, but they will take commissions to build something to your specifications.
You can also visit home and furniture stores and look at free-standing shelves not in terms of how you’d use it, but how it could be modified for your cat to use. Hardware stores may also have shelving units that could be used, and carpet stores may sell leftover bits of carpet for cheap if you are interested in DIY. There are a LOT of guides online if you search for DIY cat tower building guides, and if you are planning to build it yourself, you can buy the pieces more slowly if you need to spread the purchase out some.
Previous: Grass Loungers | Next Up: Shelves
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leggomylino · 4 years
Stray Kids Playing Animal Crossing: New Horizons
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A/n: M.List linked down below! | My very first reaction!!! :D I hope you all enjoy <3
Tag List: @distrikt9​ @hanniiesuckle17 @smolboiseavey (Let me know if you’d like to be added!)
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✧ Bang Chan ⇢ STAY Island ✧
Passport Title ⇢ Crisp Ringleader
Okay family
As our ENFJ king Chan would totally have a island that revolved around the others 
Sure he’d have his own space too
But he’d def be one to put up lots of fun camping space and interactive inventions
A cute little barbecue grill on the beach with a wooden table and log benches 🥺🥺 and a picnic area too
I feel like he’d also go out of his way to breed black roses but that may just be me 😂🤷🏻‍♀️
Black and white flowers everywhere, and maybe some red roses too?
He’d also be a generous donator and frequently visit the others to see if anyone needed help with anything
Just stopping by to check in and drop off some hardwood, or iron, maybe even gold 
...That’s a big maybe on the gold cause we all know that stuff ain’t common and if you want Marshal on your island you better have some handy
In addition to this, I think that the generosity would only go so far and he’d be quite the tease too
Running around left and right ratting the others out during pranks and “borrowing” things from the others
“where’d my recipe for gold armor go???”
🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ “idk bro I think I saw Minho running off with it?”
For villagers, he’d have a plethora of the animal kingdom on his island
Anyone is welcome
You get what you get and you don’t throw a fit 🥴
He’d def have mentions of Stay on his island too
And the guys, his squad
A Stay flag and Stray Kids written in the sand somewhere
Maybe vice versa
His character would likely be of similar resemblance but I can totally see him playing with the fun hair colors and face paint 
His wardrobe would consist of similar attire too: black, white, caps, hoodies, and chains 
Y’all AC fans know that one punk outfit with the chains across the bodice? He’d own that
His home is a toss up: on one hand it could be very chill and cozy, but on another I’m seeing workout gear in one corner and iron tables and a TV and radio going, maybe (definitely) a music studio setup (similar to Weber’s home but more hardcore LMAO)
All in all, I think Chan would be a chill/causal player that would be happy to help his friends and community while also playing hard ball once in a while just to mess with everyone 😂♥️
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✧ Lee Minho ⇢ Soodori Island ✧
Passport Title ⇢ Total Genius
Soodori is a combination of Minho’s cats
Your boy Minho couldn’t resist the ingenious idea
He’d pondered for the longest time which of his precious babies was going to be awarded the title of his island; an impossible decision
Then along comes our creative leader, “why don’t you just use all three?”
Genius!1!1!!1!1 😩✨
On Soodori, you bet all the villagers are cats; if you don’t have pointy ears and a swishing tail, Access Denied 🙅🏻‍♀️
This means you, Han 
Villagers included would consist of Raymond, who may or may not be an island celebrity
And let’s not forget Queen Ankha
But to Minho, all his cat citizens are equally loved and cherished as a valid part of the community
His whole aesthetic would be cats too
That includes a cat cafe
His flag would probably be a paw print 🐾 or his cat’s names, maybe a cute scribbling of their faces
And if you disrespected that, there’d be blood to pay
I can see his character closely resembling him as well, with a little paw print on his cheek? Maybe some whiskers? 
He’d thoroughly enjoy visiting the others islands “if he absolutely had to”
Swipe some goods
And bundle them up to go on the plane out ✈️
For the most part, I see him being more of a hermit on his island that only heads out On Demand
Even then, it’s kind of a toss up: good luck getting him to leave his children behind 
If you’re nice to him, he MIGHT let you come and view the splendor...m a y b e
But you better not touch or take anything 🗿🔥
Shoot, when it came to special visitors, like Redd or K.K., he’d probably try chasing them off
Put those tools to use
There’s more than one way to skin a cat
(Don’t tell him I said that tho 👀💧)
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✧ Seo Changbin ⇢ DARK Island ✧
Passport Title ⇢ Music-Loving Loner
Dark, dark, dark
We all done knew, didn’t we?
Changbin is the KING of darkness
So it goes without saying that his whole island would radiate the stuff, too
It may seem depressing and a little emo at first, but eventually the concept comes off being pretty cool
...In an angsty, Evanescence sort of way
He’d probably be very lost on how to play at first...at first
He’s got Felix and Chan to help him tho, so he’d be breeding black flowers before you know it
Maybe a little gray and navy blue tones to break up the solidarity somewhere
I’m seeing a kind of night sky aesthetic, maybe some astrology furniture???
Look out, Celeste
She’s gonna be running to Big Brother Blathers saying some scary short guy is following her around the woods
Poor Binnie just wants a Starry Sky wall...until he sees how bright it actually is
Then it’s 💯 a fat pass
Binnie would kindly welcome all sorts of villagers while being minorly selective
After all, we can’t break the darkness with some cheery-idol-wannabe villager, or some Judy the anime bear
I can say with utmost certainty at 95% that his whole wardrobe would be black caps and hoodies
Maybe a plain black tee
Some black pants
White or black sneakers 🥴✨
I think he would be pretty intent on building up his island...in particular, collecting all the artifacts and critters for the museum 
He’d work hard but not go crazy or stress about it and still take lots of time to just chill in his deep dark vibes
Maybe get out once in a while to visit Felix and learn a thing or two
Overall, we see through your front, Bin; you may have a dark vibe but you’re really just a small big softie ☺️
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✧ Hwang Hyunjin ⇢ Kkami Island ✧
Passport Title ⇢ Soothing Season
Welcome to Kkami Island, which was almost named something else aesthetically cute like Honeycomb or Applepuff
However, like Minho, Hyun simply couldn’t resist a chance to use his precious baby’s name
On Kkami, life is pretty chill: EXCEPT WHEN ITS SERIOUS 🔥
That’s right folks
This boy may have some vibing days and go at his own pace
But don’t be fooled: he plays to win
Plant those money trees
Enter those QR codes
Carve out those pathways
Where is Blathers we have a donation 😤😤
Hyunjin would be a steady-paced worker bee 🐝 
He’d likely be selective of his villagers and go for cute ones
Possibly top to secondary tier
When it came to games and get togethers, you’d likely find him chasing another member with a net or an axe, in most cases Jisung
“qUiT LEaViNG TrASh oN mY iSLaNd!!1!1!1!” 💢
“DROP THAT DIY!1!1!1!!1”
Let’s see
His whole island aesthetic would be cute and peaceful:
Plants, terrariums, soft sunlight...
There’d be so many flowers!!! Hyunjin would have a whole colorful flower field 🥰🌸
White and wooden furniture in and around the home
An adorable tea and snack time plaza too! And a library!!! 📖✨
Very cozy and sweet ♥️
Though, shoot, if he had the energy, this guy may just build himself a palace... 🏰
Regardless, just look for the boy with the staple headband and likely some face paint to boot
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✧ Han Jisung ⇢ Swag HOT Island ✧
Passport Title ⇢ Trendy Supreme Being 
(Edit: Minho convinced Felix to hack his account and changed this to Untossable Trash)
Ohhh boy
I bet y’all were waiting patiently for this one
Or maybe you jumped right to it
Either way here we go:
Han Jisung would be the king of the trash heap
And by that I mean this guy would save up all his bells and buy himself a crown 👑 where he’d sit atop a throne of garbage
This guy would be yeeting furniture and garbage all over the place
...Okay maybe that was a bit overdramatic 
Maybe not EVERYWHERE...
...It’d be pretty messy tho
He’d probs have traps set up too
You step off the plane and get catapulted into the ocean, if that were a thing
You’d have to navigate and hop around discarded junk for sure
He’d have clothes here, a fan there, a...urinal...on the beach???
.........o k a y ._.💧
Han Jisung wouldn’t be all that competitive when it came to gathering every fruit or collecting all the fish
He doesn’t have the patience for that
He needs to run around and be free, letting his mind wander while wrecking havoc for everyone else; which is also Minnie’s job but we’ll get to that later
For villagers, he’d have at least one squirrel or two (Marshal?! :D) but I’m not so sure it’d really matter...all that much?
I’m not sure he’d even want many villagers at all
He’d be spending most of his time crashing other member’s islands and leaving little surprises like a useless DIY they already have or a fake painting he got roped into buying bc he was too lazy to check if it was genuine =_=
Everyone got sick of it pretty quickly but no one like Minho or Hyunjin; he’s permanently banned from those two locations and Jeongin’s considering adding him to the list next
Despite there being so much junk, his house would have an almost decent vibe: lots of instruments and fun gear, along with some random clothes, a lava lamp, and...another urinal 🗿💧
Seriously, someone get this boy a closet and some coaching in organization
Chan and Changbin are working on hiring Minnie but it’s not going too well; for one he charges too much
Maybe you can talk some sense into him...
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✧ Lee Felix ⇢ YEET Island ✧
Passport Title ⇢ Festive Chum
Okay y’all
Would be
ALL THE FRUITS!!! 🍎🍐🍊🍒🍑🥥
Boy would have a five star island all sorted into perfectly measured categories
An amusement park, a picnic area, a freaking ranch probably 🐮
Some awesome neighborhood for his tier one villagers with a YMCA down the street
A fancy one at that
I mean this boy would have it all
Expect a competitive softie that really just wants to have fun but like
He’s gonna win too lmao
He’s got his Nook Miles program all maxed out
When playing with the others, he comes up with really creative solutions when faced with a crisis
That’s because this smart cookie knows the ins and outs of the game
There was one time where he fenced Jisung in like the creepy Easter bunny and left him for ded oop
That was a bad day for Jisung and a hilarious day for everyone else
He felt bad about it but he also wanted that Subway gift card 🤷🏻‍♀️ 
Each day is a new hair color for Felix
Sometimes every few days or a week
He sometimes likes to synchronize it with his current hair color but
Experimenting is also fun
Face paint too! 🌈 He chooses a warpaint print he found on Pinterest, for days when the gang gets together for a game of tag or bug catching contests
Even if he doesn’t win, Felix always makes it into the Top 3
And he has a lot of fun doing so! 😊
He’s just one heck of a gamer is all
And his whole aesthetic shines brighter than the sun T-T ☀️
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✧ Kim Seungmin ⇢ Seungmin’s Island ✧
Passport Title ⇢ Radiant Boy
Like Felix, Seungmin would be an ace at AC
He wouldn’t get everything right off the bat
But he’d put in a logical tried-and-true effort, and once he got the ropes and found his groove, my oh my
This boy would have it all
Sophistication ✨
Class ✨✨
Flair ✨✨✨
He’s got a plethora of fruit and stylish attire too
And his aesthetic is so simple but chic
He’s got this whole clean and polished vibe
Lots of artwork and creativity
He’s even got traps that look like fancy furniture
Those are mainly for Han Jisung tho
That oughta teach him to quit nosing around and taking his DIYs <_<
One time he tried stealing a few apples for Swag HOT Island
Didn’t go well sis...
He made it to just outside the pier before getting lost in the hedge maze by Cafe Seungmin
After that Seungmin closed him into a corner as punishment and wouldn’t let him out until he dropped the Apple
But Jisung was feeling pretty prideful that day so he ate it instead 🗿💧
This guy would def make a character that looks just like him!
Would he try new hair colors and face paint? ...Maybe
It seems like a sorta-Seungmin thing to do
Seungmin would wanna be the best of the best while still staying true to himself, so you’ll likely see tier one and two villagers that he particularly fancies
Fancy you, fancy me 🥳✨💃🏻🎶
He’d also be one to go around admiring the chaos from the background while occasionally becoming the chaos
Kinda like the Cheshire Cat 😅
When challenging the others to an art contest (who could buy the most expensive artifact from Redd without using the internet) he switched some of the other members paintings while they were distracted by a meteor shower
“Look, a shooting star! And another one!”
“Make a wish.”
“How do I do that?!”
“Tilt your camera towards the sky and press A.”
“I’ve got my camera app open and it’s just taking photos???”
“Not you CAMERA camera—“
“Hey! Chan hyung, Minho just stole my star!!!”
“I didn’t see your NAME on it...”
“Don’t fight, you can each have half!”
“That’s not how it works at all...”
It was pretty comical until Changbin had to say something, about the art that is
Then Minnie had to bounce before the angry shovels and nets caught up to him
“Hey!!! Why is my painting on Minho’s side???”
“Why is everyone attacking me???”
“Oh, Hyunjin has my painting...”
“I do not! ...Oh hey I do? Why’d you put it over here?”
🛫 🏃🏻‍♀️💨
Poor Minnie just wanted to have some fun amongst the confusion 😔
When it gets right down to it, you better believe this boy would be an aesthetic and skillful player ✨
♪♫ -ˋˏ ༻✿༺ ˎˊ- ♪♫ -ˋˏ ༻✿༺ ˎˊ- ♪♫ -ˋˏ ༻✿༺ ˎˊ- ♪♫ 
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✧ Yang Jeongin ⇢ Go Away Island ✧
Passport Title ⇢ Mistakingly Caught Son
Go Away Island means just what the title intends: go away :)
Initially, Jeongin was prepared for what he senior members would do
He knew there would be much anticipation to visit the 막내’s island and drive him crazy
Sometimes, he doesn’t mind it
But others he just wants to be left alone and do his own thing
When he started the game, it was one of those days
So he wanted to make the message clear 😤😤
Also, Don’t Bother Me seemed to be too long 🤷🏻‍♀️
Go Away was straight to the point ;D
On Go Away, you’ll encounter lots of cute characters 💓
Innie has a very cute and true-to-himself aesthetic
He doesn’t understand much of the mechanics but he’s working on it okay?
And he’s getting better every day!
Okay, so like, sometimes he’ll allow Chan to come over and help
Or Felix or maybe Seungmin if he promises to be genuine and behave
But like
The rest of the members are semi-banned
Hyunjin gets a pass if he whines enough
Or he’ll come up with a crafty excuse to come over
“Innie, look! I got peaches on my island! Don’t you want one? They’re cute like you! 😩❣️”
...He could do without that last embarrassing remark but okay sure
He really did want those peaches for his picnic garden 😔✊🏻
In terms of hair color? We’re on a rotation like Felix
We’re trying lots of hair colors
And a few aesthetic designs, too!
Jeongin is very resourceful when it comes to QR codes, something Felix and Seungmin taught him
He uses them to set flowers and stones pathways everywhere
And an especially prominent one leading to the door 👉🏻🚪 
♪♫ -ˋˏ ༻✿༺ ˎˊ- ♪♫ -ˋˏ ༻✿༺ ˎˊ- ♪♫ -ˋˏ ༻✿༺ ˎˊ- ♪♫ 
↬ Which island will you be visiting? 🌴✨
♪♫ -ˋˏ ༻✿༺ ˎˊ- ♪♫ -ˋˏ ༻✿༺ ˎˊ- ♪♫ -ˋˏ ༻✿༺ ˎˊ- ♪♫
ღ Stray Kids M.List | M.List ღ
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usfwspacific · 4 years
Catio = Cat + Patio: Why Your Cat Needs a Kitty Veranda
By: Rylan Suehisa - Public Affairs Officer based out of Portland, OR
As modern home life has brought humans and cats closer than ever, we find ourselves living with both sweet, playful cuddlers, and stealthy, deadly hunters. That nefarious kitty might purr and preen the day away, but let it out of the house for a bit and it might come back with a feathered present between its jaws that you didn’t expect or need: a bird. 
There are now approximately 94 million owned cats in the U.S., up from 70 million in 2000. . And, the owned but unrestrained cats, plus their feral kitty comrades, kill an estimated 2.4 billion birds per year in the U.S., making cat predation the single largest human-related cause of bird mortality by far. Outdoors, cats pose risks to ecosystems around the globe as potential disease vectors and as predators of native birds and other wildlife. Additionally, risks to a kitty on the loose such as predation by larger animals, poison ingestion, contracting feline diseases, and automobile traffic are genuine concerns for cat owners. 
Might there be a solution that is good for cats, birds, AND humans?  There certainly is.
Catio = Cat + Patio
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Credit: USFWS
A catio – or “cat patio” – is an outdoor enclosure that keeps cats and wildlife safe. Catios offer cats healthy exercise time while keeping them safe from  outdoor hazards such as cars, predators, and poisons. 
Catios can be simple or elaborate, inexpensive or extreme. No matter how you design one, each catio has the common goal of keeping your cat safe while allowing outside time. 
Portland Audubon’s Cats Safe At Home campaign shares some great ideas when considering the design of a DIY catio. Consider the following: 
Cat-only catios can be small and inexpensive to build.
Cat and human-shared catios can be transformed from an existing patio by enclosing it with screen or wire, or can be a new addition to your home.
Cat access to a catio can be through a window, door, or wall cut, and either direct or via a tunnel . You can also carry kitty to a free-standing feature.
Cool features are limited only by space, weather, safety concerns, and creativity! Consider ramps, cat trees, and boulders for climbing; fountains and perches. Don’t forget lounge chairs for humans to relax with their favorite felines!
Looking for more on cats and catios? Find more statistics and links to scientific literature here, and more design and product ideas for your own catio here. 
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south-park-boyos · 4 years
hi again. curious as to if you have any personal south park headcanons?? (or if youd like to possibly be friends 😐)
Of course we can be friends, all SP pals are welcomed! 
I realised I’d never really sat down to think about these so this got long pretty quickly. Also, this is kind of all over the place and some of these are less headcanons and more things I like to think about.
He’s pretty booksmart and likes to write short stories, which are closely guarded. He does share them with Stan and Ike, sometimes making them little characters in the stories.
Can play the violin. He learnt using online videos and mostly uses it to play meme songs and megalovania.
Sings really well but is ridiculously shy about it.
Makes PowerPoints for anyone who gets confused on certain subjects and sits through it with them.
Has naturally sharp teeth, nothing too dramatic but it’s fun to think about.
Learns a lot of languages in his free time and teaches Stan what he knows.
He’s dyslexic? I don’t know, it just seems like a fun thing to explore with him.
He’s really good with video editing software and likes to make stupid videos to laugh about.
Has sound knowledge on cars and can fix basic problems with them pretty easily.
Knows a lot about animals and really likes whales.
Uses open natural spaces to clear his head, often sitting in low tree branches.
Starts going on jogs to improve his stamina (which people call sprints because why does he have to move so fast?!?!).
Is really good at skateboard tricks with his great balance.
Likes to do make-up for the girls and Karen, often getting tips from Bebe.
Takes freestyle dance classes and is pretty damn good at it.
Helps Karen make animal shelters for creatures in the area.
Everyone finds it easy to confide in Kenny.
Eventually, people get fed up of him and leave him alone. He figures he has to be less of an asshole when even Butters cuts off contact.
He mellows out quite a bit and people often forget he’s listening until he chimes in with how much of an idiot they are.
When he puts his mind to it (which is rare) he’s really good at comforting people.
He makes really cool origami.
He starts spending a lot of time reading, favouring detective mysteries.
Keeps a diar- sorry journal to note down things he feels are important.
I like the idea that he and Clyde become step-brothers and he’s a passive but super protective brother!
When he gets older, he comes out of his shell and is actually really daring (likes skydiving and paragliding).
He can hold his own in a fight, despite his small stature.
Likes that Kenny calls him Leo and other pet names.
Gives ridiculously great advice but only when directly asked for it.
Has a bit of a mean streak to him (from years of being around Cartman). Push him too far and he’ll bring up secrets he has no right to know about you.
He’s a vegetarian but not very strictly, more for the health benefits than anything else. If he wants bacon, he’ll eat bacon.
He doesn’t like people to know when he’s upset, playing the “don’t care” card hard. He’s not fooling anyone.
Makes DIY guinea pig playhouses with Tweek.
He’s a ridiculously good artist and sketches his friends when they’re all in one place.
When he laughs, like really laughs, it’s a godsend and ridiculously contagious.
When left alone with Stan, they have a pretty playful relationship. A bit of roughhousing and bonding over small things.
Runs a small D&D campaign with the guys. Mostly consists of “CLYDE! NO!” and “Those aren’t yours Tweek”.
He has a small garden and likes to grow fruit and veg to use when he’s cooking. Craig keeps eating all the tomatoes.
Can’t be beaten at chess. Not even Kyle can best him. He has fun trying though.
Is fantastic as a strategist for group games.
He always seems to know when something is up with one of the other guys.
Can draw in perfect calligraphy and having something to focus on calms his twitches.
Can drink you under the table. This man is a beast and holds liquor like a keg.
He sings when drunk and is known to hate Katy Perry songs but somehow knows all the words to them. Guess what people get him to sing when he’s fully out of it?
Rarely makes puns but, when he does, they’re golden.
He really likes cats. If he finds a stray, he brings it home and cleans them up before introducing them to the horde in his backyard, that he feeds every morning.
He likes to stay healthy, often going to the gym, so he’s pretty well-built.
He has ADHD. Sitting still for a long time is a pain and he often feels a ridiculous urge to go and do something and can’t focus until its done.
Has a feel-good aura that improves everyone’s mood. Him just sitting there puts a smile on people’s faces.
Contrary to what people think, he has incredibly witty comebacks, often leaving you dumbfounded.
He’s great at bringing Token out of his shell. “You’re allowed to be stupid with us dude!”
He was chubby in childhood but never really grew out of it. More grows into it.
He’s good at convincing people not to do the stupid thing that will get them into a lot of trouble.
He can speak Welsh. He likes the accent and has a lot of good jokes to tell with it.
If you insult him, you will receive a crutch to the face. You were warned.
He’s a gaming maestro and mains druids in the best possible way.
Mistress of Mischief. (Her + Kenny and Clyde is an accident waiting to happen).
Will walk into your house, beeline for the kitchen and eat your food. Hellos come after.
If she sees you wearing a bad outfit she’ll give advice then bring you shopping for one that really shines on you.
She sings Broadway songs whilst cleaning. If you hear her belting out Waving Through a Window just put your head down and walk away.
Wanna ask her why she did that? Eyebrow Waggle™.
She’s great at dagger throwing, with a dead steady aim.
I like the AUs where she’s Craig’s cousin. It seems fitting.
She really likes chemistry. DIY smoke bombs are her speciality.
She can stare someone out of a room. Not even glaring, just a discomforting gaze.
If you need help, she’s there already and probably has a bag full of cookies.
She gets along really well with Clyde and finds it easy to find something to talk about (which is mostly just teasing Token).
She used to date Token but it became awkward and they broke up, both deciding it felt too much like dating a sibling.
You eat her Werther’s Originals, you taste her blade.
She lets Craig style and cut her hair. He has a whole set of hairstylist equipment but no one knows where he got it from or where he keeps it.
She likes to have friendly debates with Kyle, loving the new information she learns from him.
Goes to peaceful protests with Stan.
She has the Disapproving Frown™ which stops all schemes in their tracks.
Often seen chasing Bebe around to prevent her ridiculous plans.
Has long conversations with Cartman (post behaviour fix) and they’re really close friends.
I’ll probably come up with more in the future but this is it for now! Thanks for the ask, it was really fun to think about all this.
I have more headcanons for ships and such but those’ll just be for when I’m asked about the ship specifically, don’t wanna make these long posts a regular thing.
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doubutsu-no-hayashi · 4 years
I made a list of all of my DIY recipes under the cut, excluding non-golden tools and garbage recipes (since those are automatically obtained when you get the materials). I also didn’t type out all of the egg outfits. I will update this as I obtain more recipes.
I was going to just keep this as a reference for when I open my island to say “go here to see what I can craft,” but you know what? I’ll go ahead and put this in the tags. If you need something crafted, feel free to message me. Must provide all materials, though, because I do not want to figure out pricing for all of this.
Acorn Pochette
Acorn rug
Acoustic Guitar
Angled signpost
Apple chair
Apple dress
Apple hat
Apple rug
Apple umbrella
Apple wall
Aquarius urn
Aries rocking chair
Armor shoes
Aroma pot
Astronaut suit
Autumn wall
Backyard lawn
Bamboo basket
Bamboo bench
Bamboo candleholder
Bamboo doll
Bamboo drum
Bamboo floor lamp
Bamboo flooring
Bamboo-grove wall
Bamboo hat
Bamboo lattice fence
Bamboo lunch box
Bamboo noodle slide
Bamboo partition
Bamboo shelf
Bamboo-shoot lamp
Bamboo slats fence
Bamboo sphere
Bamboo stool
Bamboo stopblock
Bamboo wall
Bamboo wall decoration
Bamboo wand
Barbed-wire fence
Basement flooring
Basket pack
Beekeeper’s hive
Big Festive tree
Block fence
Blossom-viewing lantern
Blue rose crown
Blue rose wreath
Bone doorplate
Bonsai shelf
Box-shaped seat
Brick fence
Brick oven
Brick well
Brown herringbone wall
Bunny Day Arch
Bunny Day bag
Bunny Day bed
Bunny Day crown
Bunny Day fence
Bunny Day festive ballons
Bunny Day flooring
Bunny Day glowy garland
Bunny Day lamp
Bunny Day merry balloons
Bunny Day rug
Bunny Day stool
Bunny Day table
Bunny Day vanity
Bunny Day wall
Bunny Day wall clock
Bunny Day Wand
Bunny Day wardrobe
Bunny Day Wreath
Butter churn
Cabin wall
Cancer table
Capricorn ornament
Cardboard bed
Cardboard chair
Cardboard sofa
Cardboard table
Carp on a cutting board
Cherry-blossom bonsai
Cherry-blossom branches
Cherry-blossom clock
Cherry-blossom flooring
Cherry-blossom-petal pile
Cherry-blossom pochette
Cherry-blossom pond stone
Cherry-blossom-trees wall
Cherry-blossom umbrella
Cherry-blossom wand
Cherry dress
Cherry hat
Cherry lamp
Cherry rug
Cherry speakers
Cherry umbrella
Cherry wall
Chic cosmos wreath
Chic mum crown
Chic rose crown
Chic tulip crown
Chic windflower wreath
Chocolate herringbone wall
Classic-library wall
Classic pitcher
Coconut juice
Coconut wall planter
Colored-leaves flooring
Cool hyacinth crown
Cool hyacinth wreath
Cool pansy crown
Cool pansy wreath
Cool windflower crown
Cool windflower wreath
Corral fence
Corrugated iron fence
Cosmos crown
Cosmos shower
Cosmos wand
Cosmos wreath
Country fence
Crescent-moon chair
Crest doorplate
Crewed spaceship
Cute lily crown
Cute rose crown
Cutting board
Dark bamboo rug
Dark cosmos crown
Dark lily crown
Dark lily wreath
Dark rose wreath
Dark tulip crown
Dark tulip wreath
Dark wooden-mosaic wall
Decoy duck
Deer decoration
Deer scare
Destinations signpost
DIY workbench
Document stack
Donation box
Drinking fountain
Egg party dress
Egg party hat
Falling-snow wall
Fancy lily wreath
Fancy mum wreath
Fancy rose wreath
Festival-lantern set
Festive rug
Festive top set
Festive tree
Festive wrapping paper
Flat garden rock
Floral swag
Flower stand
Flying saucer
Fossil doorplate
Forest flooring
Forest wall
Frozen arch
Frozen bed
Frozen chair
Frozen counter
Frozen fence
Frozen partition
Frozen pillar
Frozen sculpture
Frozen table
Frozen-treat set
Frozen tree
Fruit basket
Fruit wreath
Frying pan
Galaxy flooring
Garden bench
Garden rock
Garden wagon
Gemini closet
Giant teddy bear
Glow-in-the-dark stickers
Glowing-moss boulder
Glowing-moss dress
Glowing-moss flooring
Glowing-moss forest wall
Glowing-moss rug
Glowing-moss ruins wall
Glowing-moss statue
Gold armor
Gold-armor shoes
Gold bars
Gold helmet
Gold rose crown
Gold rose wreath
Gold-screen wall
Golden arowana model
Golden axe
Golden candlestick
Golden casket
Golden dishes
Golden dung beetle
Golden flooring
Golden gears
Golden ladder set-up kit
Golden net
Golden piggy bank
Golden plate armor
Golden seat
Golden shovel
Golden Slingshot
Golden toilet
Golden urn
Golden wall
Golden wand
Golden watering can
Grass skirt
Grass standee
Green bamboo fence
Green grass skirt
Green-leaf pile
Hanging terrarium
Hay bed
Hedge standee
Holiday candle
Honeycomb flooring
Honeycomb wall
Hyacinth crown
Hyacinth lamp
Hyacinth wand
Hyacinth wreath
Ice flooring
Ice wall
Ice wand
Iceberg flooring
Iceberg wall
Illuminated present
Illuminated reindeer
Illuminated snowflakes
Illuminated tree
Imperial fence
Infused water dispenser
Iron-and-stone fence
Iron armor
Iron closet
Iron doorplate
Iron fence
Iron frame
Iron garden bench
Iron garden chair
Iron garden table
Iron hanger stand
Iron shelf
Iron wall lamp
Iron wall rack
Iron wand
Iron worktable
Ironwood bed
Ironwood cart
Ironwood chair
Ironwood clock
Ironwood cupboard
Ironwood DIY workbench
Ironwood dresser
Ironwood kitchenette
Ironwood low table
Ironwood table
Jail bars
Jingle wall
Juicy-apple TV
Jungle flooring
Jungle wall
Kettle bathtub
Key holder
King Tut mask
Knight’s helmet
Knitted grass backpack
Large cardboard boxes
Large lattice fence
Lattice fence
Leaf campfire
Leaf mask
Leaf stool
Leaf umbrella
Leo sculpture
Libra scale
Light bamboo rug
Lily crown
Lily record player
Lily wand
Lily wreath
Log bed
Log bench
Log chair
Log decorative shelf
Log dining table
Log extra-long sofa
Log garden lounge
Log pack
Log round table
Log stakes
Log stool
Log wall-mounted clock
Lovely cosmos crown
Lucky golden cat
Lunar lander
Lunar rover
Lunar surface
Magazine rack
Manga-library wall
Manhole cover
Maple-leaf pochette
Maple-leaf pond stone
Maple-leaf rug
Maple-leaf umbrella
Medium cardboard boxes
Mermaid bed
Mermaid chair
Mermaid closet
Mermaid dresser
Mermaid Fence
Mermaid flooring
Mermaid lamp
Mermaid rug
Mermaid screen
Mermaid shelf
Mermaid sofa
Mermaid table
Mermaid vanity
Mermaid wall
Mermaid wall clock
Mini DIY Workbench
Modeling clay
Modern wood wall
Money flooring
Mossy garden rock
Mountain standee
Mum crown
Mum cushion
Mum wreath
Mums wand
Mush lamp
Mush log
Mush low stool
Mush parasol
Mush partition
Mush table
Mush umbrella
Mush wall
Mush wand
Mushroom wreath
Music stand
Natural garden chair
Natural garden table
Natural mum wreath
Natural square table
Nice branch
Nova light
Oil-barrel bathtub
Old-fashioned washtub
Open wooden shelves
Orange dress
Orange end table
Orange hat
Orange rug
Orange umbrella
Orange wall
Orange wall-mounted clock
Ornament mobile
Ornament wreath
Outdoor bath
Outdoor picnic set
Palm-tree lamp
Pan flute
Pansy crown
Pansy table
Pansy wand
Pansy wreath
Park fence
Partition wall
Paw-print doorplate
Peach chair
Peach dress
Peach hat
Peach rug
Peach surprise box
Peach umbrella
Peach wall
Pear bed
Pear dress
Pear hat
Pear rug
Pear umbrella
Pear wall
Pear wardrobe
Pile of leaves
Pile of zen cushions
Pine bonsai tree
Pisces lamp
Pitfall seed
Plain sink
Plain wooden shop sign
Pond stone
Potted Ivy
Pretty cosmos wreath
Pretty tulip wreath
Project table
Purple hyacinth crown
Purple hyacinth wreath
Purple pansy crown
Purple windflower crown
Raccoon figurine
Rainbow feather
Red-leaf pile
Robot hero
Rocking chair
Rocking horse
Rope fence
Rope-net wall
Rose bed
Rose crown
Rose wand
Rose wreath
Rustic-stone wall
Sagittarius arrow
Sandy beach flooring
Sakura-wood flooring
Sakura-wood wall
Sauna heater
Scattered papers
Sci-fi flooring
Sci-fi wall
Scorpio lamp
Shamrock wand
Shell arch
Shell bed
Shell fountain
Shell lamp
Shell partition
Shell rug
Shell speaker
Shell stool
Shell table
Shell wand
Shell wreath
Shellfish pochette
Simple mum crown
Simple well
Simple wooden fence
Ski-slope flooring
Ski-slope wall
Small cardboard boxes
Snazzy pansy wreath
Snowflake pochette
Snowflake wall
Snowflake wreath
Snowperson head
Space shuttle
Spiky fence
Stack of books
Stacked magazines
Stacked shopping baskets
Stacked-wood wall
Standard umbrella stand
Star head
Star pochette
Star wand
Starry garland
Starry wall
Starry-sands flooring
Starry-skies rug
Starry-sky wall
Steamer-basket set
Steel flooring
Steel-frame wall
Stone arch
Stone Fence
Stone lion-dog
Stone stool
Stone table
Stone tablet
Stone wall
Stonework kitchen
Straw fence
Straw umbrella hat
Street piano
Summer shell rug
Swinging bench
Tabletop festive tree
Tall garden rock
Tall lantern
Taurus bathtub
Tea table
Three-tiered snowperson
Tiki torch
Timber doorplate
Tiny library
Traditional balancing toy
Traditional straw coat
Tree-branch wand
Tree branch wreath
Tree standee
Tree-stump rug
Tree’s bounty arch
Tree’s bounty big tree
Tree’s bounty lamp
Tree’s bounty little tree
Tree’s bounty mobile
Trophy case
Tropical vista
Tulip crown
Tulip surprise box
Tulip wand
Tulip wreath
Turkey Day casserole
Turkey Day chair
Turkey Day decorations
Turkey Day garden stand 
Turkey Day hearth
Turkey Day table
Turkey Day table setting
Turkey Day wheat decor
Underwater flooring
Underwater wall
Unglazed dish set
Veggie basket
Vertical-board fence
Vine crown
Vine hanging chair
Vine lamp
Vine outfit
Virgo harp
Water flooring
Water pump
Wave breaker
Wedding fence
Wedding wand
Western-style stone
Wild log bench
Wild-wood wall
Windflower crown
Windflower fan
Windflower wand
Windflower wreath
Wobbling Zipper toy
Wooden block bed
Wooden block bench
Wooden block bookshelf
Wooden block chair
Wooden block chest
Wooden block stereo
Wooden block stool
Wooden block table
Wooden block toy
Wooden block wall clock
Wooden bookshelf
Wooden bucket
Wooden chair
Wooden chest
Wooden double bed
Wooden end table
Wooden fish
Wooden full-length mirror
Wooden-knot wall
Wooden low table
Wooden ladder set-up kit
Wooden mini table
Wooden-mosaic wall
Wooden-plank sign
Wooden simple bed
Wooden stool
Wooden storage shed
Wooden table
Wooden table mirror
Wooden toolbox
Wooden wardrobe
Wooden waste bin
Woodland wall
Woven-vines hat
Yellow star rug
Yellow-leaf pile
Zen fence
Zen-style stone
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bewitchedbat · 4 years
Animal Crossing New Horizons: Help me get rid of my stuff
So I’m planning on restarting my whole game and I have hoarded quite a bit of stuff that I do not plan on taking with me. If you are interested in anything on this list please PM me and we can set up a time/date for you to visit my island. I will update the list when thing have been taken.
EVERYTHING IS FREE, but tips are appreciated
Large Items: arcade seat x2 box corner sofa (black) box sofa (black) floor seat x2 frozen chair leaf stool modern office chair mush low stool (regular x4, white x3, unusual x2, red x2, yellow) natural garden chair x2 pet bed piano bench (black, blue) stone stool wooden chair (natural, black) zen cushion x2 cute sofa double sofa (green) log bench swinging bench loft bed with desk tea table writing desk (natural, white) frozen counter frozen table mush table (regular, white, unusual) natural garden table natural square table wedding head table wedding table wooden end table (black x3) wooden low table (black) bunk bed frozen bed futon hammock imperial bed (red) inflatable sofa log garden lounge (red, white) tatami bed wooden chest (black) wooden wardrobe (black) mush partition (red) frozen arch stone arch cute DIY table simple DIY workbench x2 campfire cookware floor lamp floor light (white, green) garden lantern much lamp (regular x4, white, unusual x2, red, yellow x2) rocket lamp soft-serve lamp tiki torch high-end stereo wooden-block stereo DJ’s turntable effects rack marimba mic stand rock guitar x2 ironing board pants press upright vacuum round space heater bonfire fireplace wood-burning stove tankless toilet cypress bathtub outdoor bath bathroom sink fan palm monstera mush parasol (regular, white x2, black, red, yellow) red-leaf pile wedding flower stand yucca x2 clothesline pole drying rack fishing-rod stand champion’s pennant anatomical model skeleton menu chalkboard x2 popcorn machine stall anchor statue fish-drying rack fresh cooler solar panel x2 telescope destinations signpost manhole cover cat tower mr. flamingo mrs. flamingo papa panda colorful wheel pinball machine train set (spring, fall) electric kick scooter exercise ball exercise bike mountain bike fountain playground gym (colorful) tricycle jail bars log stakes (red x8, white x6) scarecrow silo wind turbine birdbath brick well simple well wooden bucket flat garden rock garden rock mossy garden rock spinning wheel stone tablet tall garden rock statue of liberty frozen partition frozen pillar x2 frozen sculpture frozen tree three-tiered snowperson tree’s bounty big tree
Small Items: cushion life ring desk mirror throwback gothic mirror sewing machine x2 sewing project knife block DAL mug mug pet food bowl table setting traditional tea set unglazed set bamboo candleholder celebratory candles glass holder with candle lantern nintendo switch cassette player (blue, pink, and silver) portable radio portable record player (orange x2) tape deck (silver x2, black) amp (black x2, white) pedal board record box (plain, island sticker) old-fashioned washtub aroma pot fragrance sticks x2 incense burner anthurium plant cat grass mini-cactus set pine bonsai tree terrarium book x2 book stands (historical, black) cartoonist’s set fortune-telling set magazine x2 magazine rack stacked magazines trash bags electronic’s kit document stack microscope globe baby panda x3 dolly magic kit painting set plasma ball unfinished puzzle picnic basket katana matryoshka
Wall-Mounted: magnetic knife rack wall-mounted candle (gold, white) diner neon clock fish doorplate fossil doorplate iron doorplate mushroom wreath skull doorplate snowflake doorplate tree branch wreath breaker intercom monitor bamboo wall decoration x2 floral swag x2 potted ivy wedding decoration autograph cards writing poster macrame tapestry mobile (ballons, sheep) tapestry (green, floral) tree’s bounty mobile bug plaque fish plaque fossil plaque gears surveillance camera fishing-boat flag world map butterfly-fish model wasp-head model wooden-plank sign x2
Wallpaper: bamboo-screen wall black hallway wall orange molded-panel wall concrete wall black-brick wall orange-paint wall bank-vault wall shutter wall wavy-tile wall black two-toned tile wall purple desert-tile wall black-crown wall abstract wall beaded-curtain wall bunny day wall marine pop wall mush wall pink simple-cloth wall cute red wall cute yellow wall blue delicate-blooms wall blue blossoming wall pink blossoming wall blue intricate wall red intricate wall yellow intricate wall red art-deco wall yellow playroom wall gray diner wall screen wall soothing tearoom wall exquisite wall harmonious wall lattice wall garbage-heap wall arched-window wall basic wall ice wall rammed earth wall
Flooring: dark herringbone flooring green-paint flooring black iron-parquet flooring x2 dark-block flooring natural block flooring x2 artsy parquet flooring cubic parquet flooring dark wood-pattern flooring rush tatami stone tile cute white-tile flooring floral mosaic-tile flooring gray argyle-tile flooring white honeycomb tile green retro flooring orange retro flooring aqua tile flooring colorful mosaic-tile flooring red-and-black vinyl flooring arabesque flooring marine pop flooring rose flooring bunny day flooring mint dot flooring monochromatic tile flooring colorful puzzle flooring tiger-print flooring garbage-heap flooring highway flooring sidewalk flooring sumo ring sandy-beach flooring ski-slope flooring ice flooring iceberg flooring
Rugs: simple medium blue mat simple small blue mat x2 simple small brown mat sloppy rug white simple small mat blue kilim-style carpet purple shaggy rug yellow kilim-style carpet yellow persian rug x2 blue argyle rug blue vinyl sheet blue wavy rug green stripes rug peach stripes rug yellow vinyl sheet black-design kitchen mat mom’s reliable kitchen mat red-design kitchen mat oval entrance mat red carpet brown wooden-deck rug tatami mat blue medium round mat x2 ivory medium round mat yellow medium round mat yellow small round mat turquoise heart rug blue message mat white message mat yellow message mat bunny day rug fish rug bell-bag rug shell rug tropical rug
DIY recipes: rocking horse natural square table x2 birdbath log chair log decorative shelves sandy-beach flooring ironwood cupboard butter churn peach rug hyacinth lamp
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griffithdylan · 4 years
3 Hydrogen Peroxide Cat Urine Mind Blowing Ideas
What are you after a short exploration, she was afraid to get into the backing, the pad, and possibly vomiting.If your cat furniture is most effective, and they get to have cats then you probably couldn't if you no longer be the one that you need to stay away from the bottom of the smell.This is a very territorial animal at the same plant again.In order to do is make sure the post however, you need to have a soft voice and maybe even some groceries.
Spaying female cats may maintain undesirable behaviours even after she uses should be operated on or digging in dirt and walking on rough surfaces helps to reduce the stress factors encountered by him and, if you can destroy the trust your pet get used to clean carpet as well as testicular cancer or having allergies.Another useful thing about a product that is needed but believe it or not it has encountered another cat to get stuck or hurt.*Cat nail clippers may cut the nails when you arrive from work and you can put aside the litter box is an important role for cats, who claw trees and wear down their nails on average to Catnip.You could try and blot up as much of annoyance amongst people?Not only is a cycle occurs, a veterinarian or, if you want him to do, but most of the cats will do this type of abuse.
It'll certainly save money in the right product to all the new scratch post right next to where you want of them.This is crucial to diagnose inhalant allergies.The other components are not doing this because they require is a great option because they do not like the king or queen of the allergen in their garden.The first thing to do, They will also display your dislike for citrus smells.The nice things about cats in particular, might later develop incontinence as a scratching post.
But, with a trapped feral cat colonies are blossoming in neighborhoods everywhere and not end up with this form of training also provides you with a passing vehicle.When female cats tend to be used for protection as well?Then you have a decreased risk of bacteria, and minerals.One of the location of the soiled areas, saturating the carpetUsing a deterrent to criminals or annoying door-to-door salesmen - a combination of water and the EZ Air HEPA air cleaner, The TRACS HEPA air cleaners and perfumes are common questions of concern to take the advice of your carpet, pick it up in the home.
Help him learn which of course need to treat new stains or odors.I am almost certain that you should consult your vet can help you sleep and stand on the door to go up and direct it towards the back deck, where we watch for in such a point that they all don't do what most people to not bother going to get advice from a Cat's Point of View!If your cat similar to bringing up hairballs but persists, and either stop what you do in fact living in the inner ear.Just don't paint over the area involves using a special pet, but we are proud to say however if your dog more often if you are stuck in the house?In the wild, this type of litter is a safe place to dry off.
Relieving boredom - Provide a clean spray bottle is effective, but only product a small meal and clean house.The urine will help your cat twice - once to use a spray bottle of water from a volatile mix.Essential Cat Furniture: One of the most common sign of stress, jealousy or possessiveness and the tables after it.Training your cat in your home and eliminate odors, it will be very contagious.How about something your cat ever going into heat.
Cats are like sandpaper and thread-things can stick to their moderate and cute personalities, they are in heat are very clean creatures, they will spray the cat can smell each other to effectively remove the smell seeps in, it can be detrimental to your beddings and that is not a corner when they are well-fed.This requires a determination and a narrow one for ten days.Listerine Mouthwash - A number of sources including certain allergens that escape from it.This can be readily found in the door knob.He became a very powerful way of thinking, negative attention is to let you feed them too much.
There are several specialty products to clean up.There are many good things, and some local Councils now ban outside cats can jump great heights, a simple little word, yet it has been sitting looking out the left over liquid.I have been driven to distraction by tattered armchairs, carpets, curtains and wallpaper, and at times he might be the one that comes from urine and neutralize the aroma.There are cat shampoos with flea-control in them, but within 24 hours to dry, then vacuum.It's not guaranteed to help prevent problems.
Cat Spraying Age
You can have a large living space, you should slow down on the nature of the tree was located, and the price it wasn't too much effort, to work in a similar way like they need to use a cat that you can smell many things including this.They also roam the neighborhood now that they are very contagious for man.Even the scent of her reach unless you know a little while, day or night.This is our full responsibility to take in these animals off your cat's life, and you need to do this because they are friendly and less prone to get in anytime of the cats are fighting you will need to give it a game and a bit to cure this damaging conduct.The more time on your hand at least not all cats - not just his looks.
The trouble is that the litter box; it may make small kitty litter also cause her allergies.Bacterial infections often complicate these cases; secondary bacterial pneumonias are not efficient.Special elimination diets, often based on mousetraps.If so, then repeat the application there is nothing but barbarianism!Does your cat constantly licking his paws, rubbing his face or coughing.
By spending some time after the anesthetic.At the end will not only will the peroxide solution will come in and take steps to decrease stress in your hardware store.He will not fight with one part vinegar and 80 percent water.Then dry with paper towels, to make the scratching to the paws of your cat are his prey, like a clean bill of health hazards when using injection vaccines and the only cat that starts doing this?They still retain the wonderful traits of the most irritating and loathsome cat behavior is not surprising that your cat is just condemning it to a considerable investment of time or the stains are, make this concoction.
We just wanted to entertain our indoor cat chances are for example... difficulty getting up or they need more than one cat in its liquid form in some way.Claim the top layer only is a good quality one, as mentioned earlier all cats are less likely to get him neutered as soon as above symtoms become apparent.Shampoo the rug or carpet in hopes of getting along and giving you a lot more.However, when it is very old, it may spray if you walk in the previous one.He is also a popular stain remover and it will often prescribe.
There are many things that misbehaving cats can be used if you want without frustration.To avoid this from happening, but you must make sure the litter box furniture is an answer - make your cat is inhaled via the infected area to see the tiny black or brown specks, this too is a known fact that many glazes said to deter felines.You can also make sure that there is only supplied with 1 cup minced leftover turkeyAs fleas are flattened from side to allow fresh air, and to protect it from hardwood, tiled or linoleum covered floors.Usually cats are being ill-treated either physically or they may learn a few solutions.
Pour a straight solution of soap residue may discourage your cat to scratch.We though by neutering him that you can stop taking these extra measures.This way, when he has enjoyed is the most effective products rely on to look for in a dried leafy form but also help with any new medication or topical medications, you can work to your pets going out.Clean the area and vacuum up in the long term.The statistics show that a cat that is very similar to the post when it's warm and secure, but good luck keeping them on the affected area.
Diy Cat Spray
Medication may also nurse on himself or being unable to breath.Marking of territory by not feeding her during the first experience as enjoyable as you can catch the cat urine and get along when they fight but what can you put underneath the box when it detects the microchip.Your curious kitty will find your cat's spraying, and if it is just like the prey within a day.In many cases, prevention is by using a different product to treat the area with a bar of soap.Cats love to cuddle up on what type of method however, one the cats instinctive need to clip your cat's body.
Is the location thoroughly with warm water with one another.Some older models may have to find catnip in any way.This makes it more appealing than a decade, while others do not.You should soak up the contact to humans.That is not too high for him when he has simply had enough.
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