#dj odd
djts-arts · 2 months
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Individuals under the cut
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automatonknight · 2 years
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rawvnoisevcruster · 6 months
hey punk
I've been interested in the topic of what punks listen to other then punk rock(tm) (punk genres that are punk entirely/punk first ie street, oi, crust, uk82, anarcho, etc) so if you could read this and rebolg with your answer that would be cool
im not doing a poll because (i figured out real quick) theirs a lot of genres and sub genres that are not punk rock (shocking) and i didn't want to shove super different sound into one space (such as the "tough guy" hardcore of a hatebreed with the straight edge youth crew hardcore of a youth of today into one box but i didn't want to make a 10 million checkbox long poll, and i didn't want to leave stuff like hip hop,electronic,folk,metal, etc off the list and have it just be the stereotypical non punk music punks listen too
so ill just explain what i mean when i say a "non punk" genres. this could go from the aforementioned hardcore ranging from pg 99 emotional hardcore to the beating vegan edge of earth crisis. gabber, brakecore, house. hiphop... 2000s mall emo... 3rd wave ska... what ever type of pop you want to call girl in red. basically as stated any thing that is not a core capital P Punk rock (tm) genre. i would also love some of the band you like in particular ( and as examples). and if you can't exactly put a real name on it you can just put a fake name on it ( agin with band as examples) such as like 90s mall goth (marilyn manson), anime fan brakecore(goreshit), 2000s pop emo (paramore)
more rambles in my note as this is already too long
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holos-haven · 8 months
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Flame x Fern ?? That's crazy 😭😭😭
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distressed16 · 1 month
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threestripeslider · 1 year
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classroom doodle‼️they‘re the cool kids now
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taichouu · 1 month
The DJ is playing evanescence at the aussie bar I frequent, it is a little suspicious considering I'm wearing my evanescence shirt ... he wants me so bad
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gamebunny-advance · 9 months
Random Question Time
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fandoms always headcanon characters ace when theyre soft and gentle and can do no wrong (cameron, dj) and headcanon characters as aromantic when theyre evil weird people who are shown to be anti social and unloving (scarlett, scary girl) ,, not personally ace but i am aro and the aro thing really gives off “no ones gonna realistically fall in love with them so theyre probably aro 🤓”
you headcanon scarlett as aromantic cuz you think aromantics are unable to love or be loved and be in relationships in general . i headcanon scarlett as aromantic because im projecting and evil genius women are cool af ,, we are not the same
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buglaur · 2 years
so no macmahons? *breaks skateboard*
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you're so sweet awe 🥺 soon anon dw!! not tomorrow, but it'll return saturday 😌 here's some completely unedited screenshots for posts i need to edit in the meantime to satiate your need
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look at the lil guy omgggmg
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mllermanda · 10 months
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So an plan I had for the artist alley event before deciding to scrap the idea was to make Pui Pui Molcar buttons. I tried to do it towards all the characters that appeared in the video game version of the series and wanted to focus on them being button themed faces. I did not do all of the characters within the game series either but did my best with the ones I have produced.
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elecman108 · 9 months
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Welcome to Freddy Fazbear's! Where everything is larger than life, the Animatronics are way too lifelike, and... wait... Where's Circus Baby?
Well here's most of the FNAF!Humans in my AU! This is all Security Breach & RUIN (Animatronic) guys and all additional ones from FNAF1 and FNAF2's groups. The other FNAF3-8 (and World/AR) characters that I may add (and Fangame guys) will be made later, these ones are basically Security Breach/RUIN and FNAF1-2. Yes I am cutting characters I don't feel like fit into my AU world. No, Vanny and DJ Music Man will be in this eventually. I'll add them in alongside the FNAF5 group.
And did I use Axel and Irina's refs to get the average height of humans posted in relation to the Fazbear Group's heights? Absolutely.
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demonsfate · 9 months
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❝ you two deserted me ! ! ❞
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❝ oh, sweetie, we didn't desert you. you abused our power, took out jinpachi mishima, & purged the world into world war III ! ❞
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krispyweiss · 1 year
Song Review: Jerry Garcia - “An Odd Little Place” (LP Giobbi & DJ Tennis Remix)
“An Odd Little Place” has always been an odd little piece of music. Now, it’s odder - and about three times its original runtime - thanks to LP Giobbi and DJ Tennis’ remix.
It follows - and works better than - “Deal” from the forthcoming (Jan. 20, 2023) Garcia (Remixed) LP, which finds 21st century producers having their way with Jerry Garcia’s first solo album.
Rather than burying the song in house beats, Giobbi and Tennis instead add what could pass for a 1990s “Drumz” sequence - think MIDI loops - over the ambient original. In that regard, it hews closer to Garcia’s music than most remixes would. That said, how many Dead Heads like to spend time listening to “Drumz?”
So that’s the deal with this “Odd Little Place.”
Grade card: Jerry Garcia - “An Odd Little Place” (LP Giobbi & DJ Tennis Remix) - C
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robotpussy · 1 year
troycetv is def just being a reactionary now
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artfulprankster · 2 years
*hands you a roll of Hubba Bubba Bubble Tape* (for the ask meme)
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He grins widely, immediately opening the small pink container and eating a rather large amount of gum.
“YES! I LOVE GUM! it’s like my favorite food ever!! Thank you mystery anon!!” He spoke with joy, cradling the small container of elastic candy.
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And there he goes, eating more gum HAROLD NO-
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