#dk if it counts but better safe than sorry
sherkathyy · 1 year
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beyourlightbaby · 9 months
Thank My Lucky Stars
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Pairing: bts ot7 × fem reader
Word Count: 2,685
Summary: You're on your period and the boys do everything they can to make you feel better.
Warnings: mentions of menstrual cycle (I honestly dk if periods need warnings? But better safe than sorry), menstrual cramps, reader goes through extreme mood swings but mostly just fluff.
A/N: Honestly, I started my period two days ago and was wishing that I had a bf to take care of me and stuff, and the next thing I knew, this fic wrote itself. It's definitely very self-indulgent lol, and basically everything the reader does is what I've did so far lmao. I hope this fic makes you atleast half as happy as it made me! P.S. It's been a ridiculously long time since I've written, and it's my first time writing for bangtan, so go easy on me!
Today was just another day. You wake up from your bed, feeling fatigued. Ugh, why does my body ache all over, you think to yourself, getting up from the bed as you stretch. You feel the tell tale sign of cramps in your abdomen, but dismiss it immediately, as your period wasn't due for the next two weeks. You brush your teeth and wander out of your room mindlessly, wondering what the boys were up to.
You find Taehyung in the living room, watching TV. “Good morning,” he says with a smile as you flop down on the couch next to him. “morning,” you grunt back. Taehyung, being the cuddly person he is, wraps his arm around you like he usually does, only for you to shrug him off. “Aw, why won't you let me hold you?” he whines, pouting at you. “Sorry Tae, but I'm not feeling good.” “Then it's the perfect time for cuddles! It's bound to make you feel better! C’mere” he says as he drapes himself over you again but you end up wrenching himself out of his grip, looking mad. “I said I wasn't in the mood for cuddles, Taehyung!” You yell at him. Taehyung flinches and looks hurt. Realising what you just did, you thought to yourself, Damn, why did I just snap at Tae like that? He didn't do anything wrong, he was just being his usual self. What's wrong with me? “Tae, I'm sorry-” but before you could finish your sentence Taehyung runs off to his room and slams it shut. You smack yourself for hurting Tae as you slumped back onto the couch.
You just sit there for a while until Hobi tapped you on your shoulder. “Y/N-ah?” You snap out of your thoughts.“What?” you bark at him. “Are you feeling alright?” “Why wouldn't I be?” you ask, slightly irate. “It's just that I went to your room and saw the covers stained.” he says softly. Oh. That's why I've been testy all morning. But it wasn't supposed to arrive until two weeks later! Ugh, I hate this. “I know that you would have cleaned it up already if you had noticed, but since you didn't, I'm assuming you didn't see.” “Yeah” you looked down, embarrassed. “Sorry you had to see that.” Hobi lifts up your chin. “Hey, don't apologise. It's just your period, something which you naturally go through. You don't have to feel bad about it, okay?” You nod. “Good. Now you should probably freshen up. Go to the bathroom, I'll bring you some clothes and a pad. Which one do you need?” “I can get it myself-” Hobi shushes you. “Shower. Now. I'll get you what you need.” “Oh-kaayyyyyy bossy pants.” You give him a mock salute before walking off. He smiles at you, relieved that your period hasn't ruined your sense of humour.
In the bathroom, you turn on the shower and let it wash away all your worries, sighing appreciatively at how good the hot water felt against you. Then you hear a knock. “Y/N? I brought you your stuff.” You momentarily turn off the shower and slightly open the door, to reveal Hobi holding out your clothes, his face promptly averted from the door. You retrieve them from his hand. “Thank you Hobi!” you say and move to close the door, but he stops you. “Wait! You didn't tell me which pad you wanted, and you didn't have any left in your supply either, so I just bought a pack in every variant from your usual brand.” He says, and holds out a bag filled with pad packs of varying types. You find yourself internally going awww at his thoughtfulness, and after picking out what you need, you call out to him. “Hobi?” “Yeah?” “You're the best.” “Aw, it's nothing, Y/N. Now go shower!” He says and runs off, leaving you giggling in his wake.
After a nice hot shower, you change into a comfy hoodie and shorts, feeling significantly better than you did before. But that exact moment your cramps decide to hit you. “Ughhhhh”, you lean against the wall with a groan. Jungkook, who just woke up, spots you and rushes to support you. “Y/N! What happened? Are you alright?” he asks concernedly, wrapping his arms around your shoulders to steady you. “nnnnghhh. Period. Cramps.” you manage to croak out. “Oh no, that sucks,” he says as he gingerly picks you up. “Where do you wanna go?” “Room” you say, and bury your face in his chest. He slowly walks to your room, gently placing you on your bed and tucking you tightly under the covers. As he turns to leave, you grab his hand. “Stay, please? I don't wanna be alone.” He gives you a reassuring smile as he lies down next to you, gently rubbing your back, lulling you slowly to sleep.
You wake up to someone softly pushing your hair out of your face. Blinking open your eyes, you realise it's Jimin. “Hey. Did I wake you up?” “Yeah, but I don't mind. What's the time?” “About 11, I guess.” He kisses your forehead softly. “How are you feeling now?” “A little better, but still sore.” Jimin looks at you sadly, bummed that he can't do anything that'll make your pain go away. But he can distract you from it.
“I brought you something.” He holds out a box that you recognise as one from your favourite bakery. Your eyes light up in delight. “Hobi hyung told me you didn't have breakfast, so I got you your favourite black forest cake.” He opens the box and picking off a piece with a fork, he offers it to you. You eagerly open your mouth and chew it, suddenly realising that you were hungry. He feeds you about two pieces before declaring that was enough or else you wouldn't eat lunch. He wipes away the cake crumbs from your lips and grins widely at the content smile on your face. “What are you grinning at?” you ask him. “Nothing, it's just…. I like seeing you smile.” You blush and duck your head, feeling shy. “I love you, Chim.” you mumble softly. “I love you too, Y/N-ah.” He brings his forehead to yours, booping your nose softly with his.
“Y/N? Are you awake?” You recognise Tae’s voice. “Come in!” Taehyung shuffles into the room, looking uncharacteristically hesitant. Before he could say anything, you start, “Tae, I'm so sorry for snapping at you like that. I swear didn't mean to-” he cuts you off mid sentence by planting a soft kiss on your lips. “It's alright, Jungkookie told me. I understand. You don't have to apologise.” You shake your head. “I do, though. You were hurt and it's my fault. I feel bad about it. Can you forgive me, please?” He giggles, and pats your head. “There's nothing to forgive, silly. I'm not mad at you. I am claiming my cuddles though, Jungkook told me you let him hold you!” You chuckle, “Come here, you big baby.” He moves to get into the bed before stopping. “Oh crap, I forgot why I came here. Jin hyung told me to ask you if you wanna come for lunch or if he should bring it to you. What do you say?” You think for a moment before replying. “You know what, I'm kinda bored of sitting in my room. I'll come! Just gimme a few, I wanna make myself presentable.” Taehyung gives you a once-over. “What do you mean, presentable? You look pretty as always.” “Oh yeah, my ridiculous bedhead and baggy eyes are soooo pretty.” “I don't care, you still look pretty.” You realise he isn't just saying that to make you feel better, but rather that's how you look in his eyes, and your heart melts. “Okay fine, I'm coming. At least let me use the restroom.”
You trudge slowly through the house, Taehyung's hand around your back. Everyone else except Jin is already seated at the table, apparently waiting for you. Their concern is evident in their eyes, but they seem to be content with Taehyung walking with you, so they remain seated.
You settle down in your chair, which you find has some soft pillows placed on it. You look around the table to find Yoongi looking away as soon as you meet his eyes, cheeks turning just a little pink. You smile to yourself, not saying anything. At that moment, Jin comes from the kitchen, bringing out various dishes and sets them on the table, giving you a comforting smile. You catch a whiff of your favourite dishes: kimchi jjigae, samgyeopsal, japchae, fried chicken, along with a pint of chocolate ice cream. “Oh, Jin, you shouldn't have troubled yourself so much!” Jin just smirked. “What makes you think it’s for you? Maybe I just wanted to cook a nice meal.” You pout at him, which makes him chuckle. “Of course I was joking, Y/N-ie. They were specially made for you.” he says with a comforting smile. You sniff slightly, which didn't go unnoticed. Jin, after sitting next to you, places a hand over your thigh and gives it a soft squeeze as if to say, “You're never alone.” You push back the tears and give him a smile. He heaps a good amount of all the dishes on your plate, handing it to you with a wink. You immediately dig into the food, sighing at how delicious they are. “It's official. I think Jin might be my favourite. He surely knows the way to my heart.” you exclaim, only half-joking. You certainly didn't miss the way his ears turned a bright red, a telltale sign that he is flustered. The others pretend to clutch their chest in offence, and you just laugh at them.
After a wonderfully fulfilling lunch, you settle on the couch once more, only to groan when cramps hit you again. “Aish, why does it hurt so much?” you accidentally voice your thoughts out loud. Yoongi, who hears it, fetches some more pillows to place them around so that you can sit down more comfortably. Before you could tell him to sit with you, he walks off. You sigh softly, knowing that he isn't big on openly showing affection. You're surprised though, when you feel someone tap your shoulder, and turn around to find Yoongi. “Hey.” “Hey yourself.”
“I thought this might help with the pain, so I brought you this.” He hands you a hot water bottle. You smile at him, realising that he'd rather show you his love through his actions rather than just being all lovey-dovey. “Thank you, Yoongi.” You wrap your arms around his neck, at which he turns slightly pink, but he hugs you back all the same. “Can I sit with you for a while?” he asked, rubbing his neck. “I thought you'd never ask.” You pull him down onto the couch, leaning into his side.
A few hours later, after Yoongi left, saying that ‘his affection quota for the day has been deplenished’, you are staring into space, debating whether you should go back to bed, when Namjoon walks into the living room, holding a steaming cup of what seems to be chai, guessing from the aroma wafting towards you. “Hey! How come I'm the one who's sick, yet you're the one who gets chai? So not fair!” you say, giving him sad puppy dog eyes. You definitely didn't expect him to stop before you and hand you the cup. “If you had just waited a moment before jumping to conclusions, Y/N-ah, you would have realised that I made this chai for you!” Your eyes widen. “Are you telling me that, you, Kim Namjoon, cooked something, without setting the entire kitchen on fire?!” “Hey!” he looks chagrined, and gives you a soft punch on your arm. “Is that so hard to believe?” he asks. When you just raise your eyebrows in response, he relents. “Fiiiiine, I might have had a little help, but it was my idea, and I did do most of the work! And anyway, it's the thought that counts, right?” “....riiiight. I do appreciate the chai, though.” You take the cup from his hands and take a small, careful sip. “Ahhhh, you definitely did a good job Joon, I love it.” He flashes you his usual dimpled smile, which never fails to set your heart fluttering. You pat the seat next to you. “Sit with me?” “I will, but there's something I have to take care of first,” he says and walks away. You look after him quizzically, wondering what he could have meant.
Moments later, he returns with a couple of blankets, and your favourite book. He plops down next to you, and you automatically rest your head on his lap. He pulls the blankets around you, wrapping you like a burrito. Once he makes sure you're all settled, he starts reading the book out aloud. As much as you loved reading on your own, listening to Namjoon read, in his comforting voice, is something you never get tired of. He softly plays with your hair, just the way you like it, as he reads through the book. You purr like a content cat, feeling warm and satisfied, slowly falling asleep.
When you wake up, it's late in the evening, and you find yourself sandwiched comfortably between Hobi, on whose shoulder your head is resting, and Jin, who's softly massaging your feet. Yoongi and Namjoon are sprawled on either side of Jin and Hobi respectively, eyes glued to the television, but both their hands behind you. You look down to find Taehyung squished between your legs. I guess he claimed that cuddle after all. Jungkook and Jimin rest on either of your knees, fighting with Tae for space.
You look around at them and your heart feels like it might burst out of your chest because you don't know what you must have done in your previous life to find these seven men. You start sniffling without realising, and before long, tears start streaming down your face. Jin notices and immediately wipes away your tears, looking concerned. “Love, what happened? Does it hurt too much?” The rest of the guys turn towards you immediately, their features etched with worry. “I know you usually avoid pills, Y/N, but do you need some right now? They could help.” Namjoon offers. “Maybe you just need another hot water bottle.” Yoongi moves to go to the kitchen but stops when you grab his wrist. “No, no, I feel good and all, it's not that. I'm just…so happy.”
“Eh? Why are you crying then?” Taehyung asks, confused. You sniff, unable to look at them. “It's just, you guys are so unbelievably sweet and loving! No one has ever taken such good care of me before, especially during my period, so I'm a bit overwhelmed, but in a good way. I just don't know what I did to deserve such amazing and wonderful, not one, but seven boyfriends. I don't even deserve you guys.” you start crying all over again.
“Hey, hey, hey,” Hobi rubs your shoulder soothingly. “Don't ever think that you're not worth all this, okay? You deserve everything, sunshine. You're the most beautiful, gentle, kind and caring person we've met, and frankly, we don't know how you manage to put up with all of our chaos!”
“Yes, Y/N, hyung is right! We are the lucky ones!” Jungkook exclaimed, giving you his doe eyes and bunny smile.
“We love you so much, Y/N-ah. Don't you ever forget that.” says Jimin, as he places a kiss on your thigh.
“I love you guys too. So much. You have no idea how much.”
“Oh, I think we have some idea,” Tae says, giving you his signature wink as you laugh and pull all of them into a huge cuddle. You close your eyes and savour the feeling of being surrounded by your loved ones, and thank your lucky stars for bringing them to you.
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virginwetrooster · 1 year
Was discussing this idea with friends at some point, but what if by Koopa (and Toads and other kingdoms laws) Mario and Luigi accidentally got married during the wedding debacle ?
Stood at the altar in frond of the heart-shaped arch in the place of the bride and groom
Exchanged their "vows" ("nothing can hurt us as long as we're together" etc etc) in front of witnesses (their friends and the audience)
They may have not kissed but given how many species there are in the magic world, forehead touch totally counts as a display of love as far as they're concerned
Showed their devotion by a ritualistic gift/proof of love (Bowser's was to sacrifice all the prisonners of his conquest to show his strenght, Mario's was to save his brother's life AND Luigi returned the favor)
Dressed up for the occasion! Granted, only Mario was, but a power up is one hell of a wedding attire, so Luigi is forgiven for not being dressed up properly.
The point is, now Bowser is doubly pissed at the Bros because not only did they steal his bride-to-be, but they used HIS wedding alley for THEIR marriage ??? The gall ! The nerve !! He swears he'll force them to divorce before killing them just to get back at them !!
Meanwhile the Bros are utterly confused. Everyone treats them as a married couple even when they repeat they are brothers.
The Toads (bless their non-sexual reproductive communal fungi hearts) just smile and nod because okay, you're brothers but also husbands, that happens.
The Koopa are still stuck on the "get married in place of our glorious king using HIS wedding preparations" offense so the sibling thing doesn't faze them. Plus Hammer Brothers, Fire/Ice Brothers, all that stuff.
Kongs have the term "brother/sister" being used both for blood relation and battle companion that you can have a relation with, so okay, Luigi is Mario's battle Brother, DK can attest of how well they fight together.
Mario and Luigi are aware they should probably get the marriage cancelled or something, but :
divorces are even more messier things here than on Earth
Bowser still swore to murder them but only after their divorce so...better be safe than sorry, right ?
To be fair, it doesn't change much to their current life and they don't want to deal with well meaning but nosy Toads trying to help them with relationship counselling.
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wooahaes · 2 years
kiss me, baby
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pairing: dk x fem!reader prompt: n/a [priv bday prompts] word count: 0.7k~ warnings: food mention. daisy’s notes: this ones kinda similar to an earlier one im so sorry im not remaking these prompts lmao
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Seokmin had slipped into your bed the night before your birthday with a kiss pressed to your cheek and a blissful “happy birthday” minutes after the clock hit midnight. He hadn’t meant to wake you up with it, actually, but you mumbled your thanks and curled into his arms as he pressed another kiss into your neck, and then onto your shoulder while he shifted until he finally found a comfortable position behind you. You were surprised that he’d show up to begin with (you thought he’d visit you later on instead), but you weren’t complaining about falling asleep in your boyfriend’s arms. He was warm, and you liked how safe he could make you feel with a hug or a kiss alone.
Which admittedly led to a slightly pouty Seokmin when you awoke hours later to get up for work. You didn’t mind going in on your birthday, truly (you’d settled for celebrating with a quiet night at home long ago), but the cute look on his face made you reconsider for a moment. You didn’t have the heart to tell him that you thought he’d be too busy the day-of to stay with you, so you never made arrangements otherwise.
“Let me make you breakfast, then,” he had said with a smile. When you agreed, he pressed a quick kiss against your lips before leaving for your kitchen.
You also didn’t have the heart to tell Seokmin that you were about to skip making and eating breakfast in favor of showering. He’d (lovingly) scold you for doing it, and you knew that. Your health was important, and you’d been trying to do better for both yourself and for the people around you. Self-care was a hard road, but having the reminder that it was necessary in the form of one lovely ray of sunshine definitely helped. So you went through your routine: a shower, getting dressed, morning skin-care provided by whatever else you needed to do before eating.
When you finally emerged, ready to greet the day, you were greeted with the lovely smell of a home-cooked meal. Seokmin smiled at you as he finished plating, a lunchbox set aside on the counter.
“I noticed you didn’t have anything packed,” he said, pointing toward it. “It isn’t much, but...”
It was more than enough, and you gave him a gentle kiss on the cheek. “Thank you,” you continued over to shove your things into your bag so it’d be ready to go when the time came. “You’re spoiling me.”
He called your name as you set your bag closer to the door. “Happy birthday,” he said. “I love you!”
He had plenty of time to say it again and again, but it still warmed your heart to see how affectionate he could be. He kissed you when you approached the dining table, and planted another into your hair when he passed by to pack your lunch into your bag. It was rare to have Seokmin dote on you so much (your schedules rarely matched up enough for him to be around as often as either of you would like), but you liked it. It put that fluttery feeling back into your chest and stomach, like the two of you had just started dating again.
“Jagi?” He called as he watched you slip into your shoes, leaning against the wall. Despite how bold he could be in giving you affection, you watched him gently tap at his own cheek with his pointer finger.
You instead kissed him on the lips, leaving him smiling widely as you leave with a promise to get home safely that evening. After you left, he stood there a moment longer, that same soft fond look in his eyes before he turned to see what he could do for you in your absence. Tidying up where he could, maybe seeing what ingredients he needed to make your favorite dinner just to see that cute smile on your face again.
When you texted him later to thank him for lunch, you received only one in return: Check the pocket inside your bag.
So you did.
Chocolate kisses. A small post-it attached to the bag saying that he’d make up for them when you came home. That he loved you, and another tiny “happy birthday” written along the bottom of the note with a heart drawn next to it.
Cheesy.. but you loved him. And you’d happily take him up on the offer to make up for every single chocolate in that bag.
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ann-non · 3 years
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Pairing : Seokmin x fem!reader (mention of Mingyu)
Genre : fluff (I guess?)
Word count : 1,8k
Warning : no proof-read, mention of mental illness, emotional breakdown, verbal abuse
Author’s note : wrote this on a total wimp and finished writing it in one sitting. So yea, I decided to post it for 218 bros, tho this is basically only DK. Am sorry, Vernon. OTL
Uhm, I hope you guys enjoyed it. Positive criticism, feedbacks, and comments are always welcome! Have a nice day or good night wherever you are!!
He knew that your relationship with your family wasn’t the best, so when you told Seokmin that your mom asking you to come by, he was worried sick. Unlike his happy and loving family, yours were full of toxicity and it affected your mental health a lot. As much as he was a family-man, he knew that he couldn’t expect the same from others, especially after he fell in love with you. He went through all the phases in your life the last five years of knowing you with two years (and still counting) being in a relationship with you. Knowing your insecurities, self-hatred, how you're struggling with anxiety and even depression, he’s with you through all of it, helping you heal gradually. You weren’t 100% healed per say, but you’ve gotten better, you’ve found peace within yourself and seeing you being so much kinder and loving to your own self was something that made him the happiest. Because he witnessed how much you used to think that you were underserving of love, it took him long to convince you that he genuinely loves you for who you were, including your flaws. After all, you deserve all the love, whether it’s from him or more importantly from yourself. But, he knew some things could still trigger you and usually it’s anything related to your family, more specifically your mother. But when you told him not to worry with an assuring smile on your beautiful face, he couldn’t bring himself to talk you out of your decision to go there alone. He didn’t want to make you doubt your own choice, since he knew how bad it could get. So instead of tagging along with you, he told you he’d be on stand by and if you need anything, you can contact him and he’d rush to you. Which he truly did.
When you stood in front of the door of your family home about an hour ago, you were really nervous. Having no idea what your mom wanted this time around, it sent your heart palpitated and your brain went through all the scenarios that made your head dizzy. A part of you, a tiny part of you, still had that wishful thinking that maybe she wanted to actually have a quality time with you because she missed you, but you knew better than anyone it was never the case. And of course, that small wishful thinking only blew in front of your face the moment she talked. One thing lead to another, what started off as a chat turned into an argument. The next moment you realized she was yelling at you. Her voice became further as your sight turned blurry with tears or something else you weren’t sure of. Your ears were ringing but even covering them couldn’t stop the noise. You couldn’t even register the fact that you were actually crouching on the floor and bawling, but it didn’t seem to affect your mother even a bit, she was still yelling at you. At that point, all you wanted was to be safe with your loving boyfriend, surrounded by comforting silence, away from this whole mess. With the last bit of energy you can muster, you took your phone, but due to your trembling hands, you had a bit of hard time to even unlock it. After a moment of struggling with your phone and trembling hands, you managed to dial his number and fortunately he picked up right away. Yet, before you could even speak, your mother noticed that you were on your phone and yelled right at your face, towering over you when she slightly bend down to look to meet your face, It startled you that you dropped your phone. It was enough to inform him everything he needed to know and he was already on his way to you.
Thank goodness, he did insist on dropping you off and waited in a nearby cafe, so it didn’t take long for him to reach you. It was barely a ten minutes car ride, but with him being extremely worried about you, knowing that your mother yelling at you like that, even one minute felt like forever. When he finally arrived, it was as if his body was on auto-pilot. He rushed to the front door which fortunately was left unlocked and soon he was welcomed by the sight of your on the floor, curling yourself as small as possible in hope that you’d disappear, while your mother was nowhere to be found. It broke his heart to million pieces upon seeing how vulnerable you were. Hurried to your side, he placed a hand on your shoulder very gently, not to startle you. When you looked up, he carefully cupped your face, “It’s okay. I’m here now,” he gave you an assuring smile and soon enough you pushed yourself against his chest and started crying even louder, because you felt so relieved. Hugging you close in his strong arms, he soothingly rubbed your back. “It’s okay, y/n. I’m here now. You’re safe,” he whispered, placing soft kisses on top of your head. “Let’s get out of here, okay?” He continued, worried that your mother would come back and make things worse. Moreover, he knew he would definitely snap if she were to treat your like that in front of him. After earning a small nod from you, he effortlessly lifted you in his arms as you buried your face on his shoulder. For now, all he needed to do was to get you out from that nightmare of a house, taking you to any place where you didn’t feel threat or discomfort. Little did he know, you already feel safe being in his arms. He is, after all, your home, your safe place.
As he helped you settled in the backs seat of his car, he made sure he didn’t make any movement that would startle you, making sure that you were comfortable. He didn’t let go of his hug, instead settling next to you in the backseat, holding you close. Gently brushing your hair off of your face, he gazed at you deeply before placing a soft lingering kiss upon your cheek. “Should we stay like this?” He asked you with the softest tone and gentlest smile on his face. Feeling a bit shy by the way he looked at you so fondly despite of your current state, you nuzzled your face to his chest as you nodded weakly. A soft chuckle left his lips, he just found you utterly adorable. “Do you mind if I texted Mingyu so he can drive us home?” he asked again still while tenderly looking at you. For a moment, you fell motionless, contemplating about his question. Mingyu was your best friend and the one who introduced you to Seokmin in the first place. He had known you from high school, aware of your mental state, but he didn’t know as much as your boyfriend. He never witnessed how you became when it got really bad like now. Your silence made Seokmin frowned slightly, blaming himself for accidentally making you think this hard in your current condition. “Hey, baby,” he cupped your face with his warm hands, looking at you with concern. “Please don’t think too hard about it. It’s totally okay if you don’t want him to come. It’s your call,” he murmured, giving you a reassuring smile.
“He won’t hate me, will he?” You looked at your boyfriend with slightly teary eyes. While you have stopped crying, you still left with traces of tears in your eyes that made them looked glassy. “Why would you think so?” His brows furrowed. “Cause he never sees me like this..” You mumbled, looking down sullenly. “I see you like this many times, y/n. If anything, it makes me love you more. I just want to protect you and keep you safe, away from all the bad things in the world,” he told you as he rubbed his thumbs over your cheeks, his eyes full of love and fondness for you. “Lee Seokmin, you’re literally the only person who thinks so,” you mumbled, couldn’t help cracking a smile at your boyfriend words, finding it both sweet and cheesy. “Aw, it’s good then! I can have you all for myself!” He said with a wide smile, placing a quick peck on your lips. “Silly,” you smiled, reaching your hand to caressed the side of his face. “Oof! Even if I have competition, I’m sure I will win your heart still,” he remarked with a cheeky grin, pulling away slightly. Seeing his bright smile made your eyes softened and your lips curled into a smile. “Minnie, thank you for choosing me and putting up with me,” you cupped his face and he instinctively put his hands over yours as he looked at you with adoration. “Like wise, my sweet y/n,” he leaned into your touch. “y/n, you must know that Mingyu, all of your friends, me too, we won’t hate you for something that you can’t control. Especially Mingyu. He’s been with you through thick and thin even before we met. He’s the best person I could ever wish for you to have as a friend and I’m forever thankful for him because if it’s not for him, we wouldn’t have met.”
“You’re right. I shouldn’t think of him so badly like. Now I feel bad..” You looked down with a small pout. “Baby, baby, look at me,” again he cupped your face with such gentleness as if you were a very precious yet fragile piece of jewel. “Don’t apologize. We all know it’s not you and we understand,” he said, giving you affirming smile. “Thank you, Minnie,” you replied, smiling back at him. Seokmin never question nor ask you to talk whenever you were going through those episodes, but he always know how to make you feel better without overwhelming you or doing too much. He made sure that you never go in too deep to the darkness, always ready to pull you out of the water so you wouldn’t drown. There were so many things that made you fell in love with Lee Seokmin, whether it’s the way he’s always assuring you and never invalidate your feelings, no matter how stupid it might be, his patience, his beautiful smile, his angelic voice, or simply just him being him. If there is one thing in your life that you consider as a miracle, it’s definitely having Seokmin in your life. “Did you feel better?” He asked, playing with your soft hair. “Uhm-hm,” you nodded. “Shall we go home then?” You nodded again, this time with a smile on your face. “Yea.”
Home is wherever when I’m with you.
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foenixs · 4 years
Oh, sorry, I just found your blog, so I didn't know that you don't write dom!idol. 🙏🙏
Then how about Mtl from Seventeen vocal unit to like overtimulation (receiving)?
I seriously hope, that I managed to get the rules right this time. 🙇‍♀️
Yes, you got them right this time^^ this is my first real piece for SVT (besides the Woozi fics) so I'm nervous to see how you guys like it. feel free to tell me your opinion/feedback
DK - he loves to lose himself in your touch, cumming over and over from a lazy handjob until his body is jelly and his mind is in the clouds as he is drifting off to sleep. the special attention makes him feel loved and safe
Woozi - likes to be edged first, teasing him for an hour before you finally let him cum and then you don't stop, you just keep going till his torso is covered in cum and he is screaming out your name. overstimulation is the perfect redemption for edging and teasing
Joshua - he'll look at you with his sleepy smile as he lets you play with his cock, the only thing he cares about is being good for you and he just lets you do your thing. thanks your afterwards for making him feel so good, even when you didn't have to
Jeonghan - I can see him being more into edging than overstimulation, because it breaks him more (and eventually makes him cum harder) and he doesn't have the patience or stamina to go on much longer after he cums, but on days where he is very bubbly and excited he might enjoy going on for multiple rounds, making him feel so sensitive but still not wanting to stop because every orgasm feels better than the one before
Seungkwan - I feel like he's more of a one round guy, but he wants that one round to count for 4. like he likes when you do a lot of foreplay (like making him eat you out), switching up positions and maybe hurting him a little to get those deep groans out of him and then the grand finale is both of you cumming together (wants to cuddle afterwards)
if you like my fics please reblog them with a nice comment or tag
tagging: @soya-zz @mintvender @mellowriting @sub-hoshi-enthusiast @maybe-i-do-write
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oshbluepacific · 4 years
Quarterback pt. II
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Type: Angst/Fluff
Character: Oh Sehun (College Au!) x Reader (feat. a bunch of people)
Words Counted: 4k+
questions and request are available / part I here / masterlist 
“Can I stay here for a night right before the game?” Sehun asked as he was getting under the covers.
“Oh? Why?” You asked, moving closer to him.
“I don’t know, I just want to stay close to you because you make everything better… even after practice.” He said and you giggled in embarrassment.
“Shut it.” You said, as you covered your face with your hands.
“It’s true! I feel like after practice, nothing makes me feel better other than you!” Sehun pointed, and you just looked at him with a smile.
He puts his arms arms around you, pulling your closer only to make you giggle even more.
“You make everything better.” He said and again.
“Okay.” You told him.
“Okay.” You repeated before Sehun tackled you with kisses.
“I love you, you know that right?”
“I know…” You smiled.
 It was hard for you to sleep that night. You were tossing and turning, trying to find a comfortable position to sleep but you just couldn’t find it. You sat up on your bed before turning the lamps on your nightstand on. You slowly covered your face with the plan of your hands before getting up from the bed and decided to get a glass of water.
You suddenly heard your phone ring from your room and you looked at the clock that was hanging above your couch.
“Who is calling me at 1 in the morning?” You grumbled, rather annoyed.
You walked towards your room, shutting the door behind you and picked up your phone.
“Hello?” You answered the phone, irritated.
“Hello? (Y/N)? You’re still up?” It was Kyungsoo.
“Yes, it’s me—why the hell are you calling me in the middle of the night?” You asked him to the point.
“I’m so sorry for calling you this late, but has Sehun texted you?” Kyungsoo asked. And your body suddenly went rigid.
Kyungsoo didn’t know that you had a fight with Sehun—He didn’t know that you were in a “no speaking” term.
“Uhh… No, he hasn’t texted me today, why?” You asked him.
“I think he’s still in campus…” He said.
“THIS LATE?” You jumped, and you quickly covered your mouth.
“Apparently! A friend from my class just texted me, he drove past campus and he thinks he saw Sehun still running around.” Kyungsoo explained.
Your mouth parted because you clearly didn’t know what to say.
You wanted to get mad at him, you wanted to cry on the floor screaming, what the hell is he thinking?!
 “I texted Chanyeol because before I left, Sehun and Chanyeol were the only ones there, but Chanyeol got back an hour ago, he didn’t know about Sehun.” Kyungsoo added.
“I’m going to go and call him.” You told Kyungsoo.
“Yeah, okay, I’m sorry for calling your this late, I just thought I have to let you know as well.” He apologized.
“It’s okay, I wasn’t asleep anyway… Thanks for letting me know, you should sleep Soo… It’s the big game today.” You told him.
“Stop, I’m having trouble sleeping because it is the game today.” He chuckled, and you could hear the bedsheets on the there side of the phone.
You motioned a smile but your mind is just running, thinking about Sehun who is still outside—at campus—in this hour.
Maybe Sehun is just nervous about today’s game and he just didn’t want to stay put because it just going to stress him out.
“Goodnight Soo!” You said.
“Night (Y/N), see you later at the game?” He asked.
You chuckled. “Of course you’ll see me later!” You told him and he laughed before he said his goodbye and hung up the phone.
You sat on your bed with your langs crossed, scrolling through your contact before you could find Sehun’s name.
Without thinking, you called him right away.
Pressing your phone against your ear, you could hear the first ring… the second…
“Hello?” You heard a gruff voice on the other end.
“Sehun? It’s me.” You sai, your voice turned gentle.
“Can you hear me?” You asked.
“I can.” Sehun answered you, and you just raked your hair back.
“Where are you right now?” You asked him.
There was a moment of silent for a brief second before you could heard his sigh on the other line.
“In the field… at campus.” He answered.
You closed your eyes, taking a deep breath before exhaling.
“Sehun, it’s 1 in the morning, you need to rest.” You told him.
“No, no…” He scowled. “I can’t sleep (Y/N), I can’t.” He told you.
You felt like crying because you don’t want him to get sick on this big day, it’s already stressing him out but it’s also stressing you out.
“Come on Sehun, I don’t want you to get sick.” You told him.
“(Y/N), why are you still up at this hour?” He asked.
“I uh…” You startled by his question. “I don’t know… I just can’t sleep yet. And then someone texted me saying that you’re still on campus now I know for sure I can’t sleep.” You explained.
“Just please Sehun, get home safely and take a rest, you’re tired.” You told him.
“Can I come over to yours?” He asked.
You almost said no to his request but you quickly nodded your head.
“Y-yes, just come over okay? I’ll wait for you.” You told him.
You heard him sigh. “I’ll be there in a few.” He said before he hung up the phone.
You suddenly got nervous. It’s not like it’s the first time Sehun is staying over, but you just felt like there’s still a cold tension between you and Sehun. You care so much about him that you feel like you need to be there for him because to you this was way out of line and his own limit.
 20 minutes later you got a text message from Sehun saying his in front of your door. You got up from your bed and hurried to open the door. And there he was. Standing in front of your door, wearing a black t-shirt and cap with his pants and sandals.
You could see the bags under his eyes. His expressions as tired and there was a hint of dirt on his face.
You slowly took his hand and pulled him inside to your apartment before you could close and then lock the door.
“Take a quick shower, and then you can get to bed, okay?” You told him, taking his bag from him. He just watched you and he lets you bring his bag towards your room.
He followed behind you but proceed to walk towards the bathroom before shutting the door behind him.
You placed his bag on your desk. You walked towards your closet to pick out Sehun’s sweatpants and t-shirt. You walked closer towards the bathroom door and knocked not eh door.
You heard the shower stopped running before the door opened a little seconds later.
“Your clothes.” You handed Sehun his clothes and he accepted it before shutting the door again and the shower running back.
You sat on your bed, you decided to text Kyungsoo for an update.
 For: DKS
 hey, just letting you know that sehun is safely at my place rn. don’t worry, i’ll take care of him.
 You then locked your phone and then placed it on the nightstand before you could take a sip of your water.
You heard the shower went off, which means Sehun is done showering. 5 minutes later he came out wearing the clothes you took for him.
“Do you want me to get you something to drink?” You asked him, standing up fro your bed. Sehun shook his head but walked closer to you.
He puts his arms around you and hugs you tightly against him.
You were surprised but you hugged him back anyways.
“I’m sorry for making you stay up late.” He apologized.
You shook your head on his chest. “It’s okay Sehun, the important thing right now is that you’re safe and you get some rest.” You told him. You felt him nodding his head before he pulled away from the hug and walked towards the other side of the bed.
 His side.
 He got himself under the blankets and you joined in.
“Get some sleep alright?” You said, before turning the lights off. You heard Sehun hummed to you and you took that as his answer.
“Yeah?” You turned your head to see him.
It was dark, but you could still see his facial features and expression. He looked drained, and in a need of much sleep.
“Can we cuddle?” He asked.
Without hesitating, you turned yourself around as Sehun moved closer to you. You placed your arms around his neck as he placed his around your waist. He rested his head on your chest, letting out a sigh.
“Thank you (Y/N).”
You nodded your head before you pressed your lips on the top of his head.
Sehun fell asleep immediately in your arms. You could hear his soft snore.
You looked down at Sehun. You can’t see Sehun’s face clearly but you could tell that he was deep asleep.
You suddenly remembered the practice you had witness the other day.
You never really watch their practice, you just come down to the field when Sehun texted you that practice was done or right before practice starts. You never sit on the bleachers and watch them practice. Now that you’ve seen snippets of it, you start to understand the pressure he’s in and how stress he was. When he said to you that he needs you—he needs you.
You shifted your position, to only fins Sehun hugging you tighter. You heard Sehun mumbled something.
“What?” you whispered softly.
He lifted his head lightly, his eyes still closed.
“Don’t leave.” He said in a raspy voice and you shook your head lightly.
“I’m not.” You whispered and he buried his face on your chest, taking a deep breath.
You didn’t date to move your body right after and decided to gently run your fingers through his hair repeatedly until you drifted asleep.
 You woke up late at day on the next day. As you slowly opened your eyes, you found yourself all curled up in Sehun’s arms. You could tell that he was still dead asleep because of his light snores. You slowly moved yourself from his arms before he grumbled and turn to the other side and continue his slumber.
You sat up on your bed, giving your arms a little stretch before you turn to your nightstand. it was almost 11 AM. You wanted to wake Sehun up, asking what time he should be at campus, but you decided to let him sleep more.
You got up from your bed and quietly walk out of your room. You left the door slightly opened and you walked towards the kitchen and decided to make brunch for you and also Sehun.
 “(Y/N), I’m going to be late for practice!” Sehun cried, opening the fridge before bending down to see what’s in it.
“Sehun, it’s Saturday, and it’s 3 PM at noon, practice doesn’t start until 4.” You told him.
He took out a can of orange soda before shutting the fridge close.
“Eat.” You command, sitting on the dining chair.
“(Y/N), I don’t think I have—“
“I don’t care! You haven’t eaten anything today, so eat.” You told him, taking some of the door you have prepared.
Sehun watched you picked some food form the table before chowing them down.
He can’t deny that he is hungry, and it seems like you won’t even let him leave your place unless he get something to eat.
He let out a sigh but he sat across from you and picked his food as well.
A smile formed on your lips and you could feel that you accomplished something great.
 “You’re cooking?” Sheen’s voice startled you.
“Sehun, you scared me.” You said, putting a hand on your chest.
His hair was still messed up, his face still had that hint of sleepiness and the line on his face just marked that he was having a good sleep.
“Yeah, I just made egg rolls, toasts and I had the time to fried some chicken.” You told him, and you saw a small smile grew on his face.
“Coffee or tea?” You offered him.
“Do you have milk?” He asked, opening the fridge.
He picked out fresh milk out of the fridge and he just grabbed a glass from the cabinet before pouring the milk into it.
You made yourself a cup of tea before the moth of you could sit not he dining chair across from each other.
“Let’s eat!” You said before the both of you started to pick foods left and right.
You only picked a little purposely so that Sehun could eat most of it. And he did.
You were happy to see that Sehun is eating so much because sometimes you felt like, during this game season, Sehun would often forgot to take care of himself. And you were the one to remind him to and eventually take care of him.
“You’re watching the game later right?” Sehun asked.
“Yeah, of course I’m going to watch the game.” You told him before taking a bite of the egg roll.
“Great, before we get to campus, can we get to my place just for a bit? I need to get something first.” He told you.
“Oh, you want me to come with you?” You asked him, almost choking on your egg roll.
“Yeah—were you planning on going there with someone else?” He quickly asked you.
“No, not at all!” You assured him and he gave you a nod.
“Good.” He sternly said.
When the conversation was over, you both eat your meal in silence.
 Sehun told you to take your shower first and he volunteered to clean the dishes, which, you didn’t argue. You took a quick shower and then brushed your teeth. You put on your blue t-shirt and jeans on before walking out of the bathroom. You were surprised to find Sehun back in bed, asleep.
You sat not he edge of the bed and tapped his arm lightly.
He muffled, and shifted his position. He slowly opened his eyes and he gave you a firm smile as he saw your face. You smiled back at him as he placed his hand on your arm.
“Get your shower.” You told him.
He nodded his head, but he didn’t get up.
“I’m sorry, about our fight—“
“It’s okay…” You cut him off, lightly shaking your head.
“No, I’m serious…” He said, sitting up on your bed.
You stay silent.
“I’m sorry about how I reacted, I shouldn’t have pushed you like that… You were saying what you were feeling but I didn’t listen and…I was just so selfish to not listen to you.”
You pushed his hair back lightly before he could bring you closer, placing his hand on your waist.
“We misunderstood each other okay? You needed me at that time, and I need you but I was stressing on something else and you were stressing about the game as well.” You started.
“We were both being selfish about our needs. I realize that you got a lot on your plate, and then me being stubborn was just adding something to it.”
“So, I’m sorry too.” You apologized.
A small smile appeared on his lip before he pulled you into his arms and kissed the top of your head.
“Let’s never have fights again okay?” He asked and you nodded your head on his chest.
“Agree.” You said, putting your arms around him. He kissed the top of your head again before you could actually pull away from him. You looked into his eyes, and his were focused onto you.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.” He replied before leaning his cafe closer to you, pressing his lips onto you. You brought your hands up to his face.
Just like you first kiss, it was full of spark and butterflies. You felt like you haven’t kissed him in so long when really it’s not as long as you imagined. You pulled away from the kiss and you gave him a smile.
“Go and get your shower.”
“Aye-eye.” He said, moving you to the side causing you to giggle before he hovered on top of you giving you another kiss.
 “Did you get what you need?” You asked him.
“Yep!” Sehun said, shutting the car door closed.
He started his car engine before pulling up from the driveway and drove towards campus.
“What did you left?” You asked him.
“Uh… Jersey, and also kneepads.” He answered you. “I didn’t plan on staying at your place ya’ know.” He said sarcastically and you laughed.
“Yeah… you didn’t.” You sarcastically said back.
Sehun turned to you for a brief seconds before he could pull his hand to your chin, pulling your face close to him and kissed your cheek.
It was only a fifteen minutes drive from Sehun’s place to Camps, and yet, the parking lot was already packed with cars and people were shuffling down towards he field.
Sehun luckily found an empty parking spot and parked his car there.
You both got out the car and you looked at the faces among the crowds, you haven’t seen anyone familiar to you.
“I’m heading to the lockers, are you okay by yourself?” Sehun asked, as he shut the car door and locked it.
You nodded your head. “Yeah, I’ll be fine.” You told him, as he walked closer to you.
“Okay,” He kissed your forehead. “I’ll see you soon okay?”
“Okay.” You replied before Sehun took off, trotting towards the lockers.
You decided to get coffee first before you could go towards the packed crowds.
There was a cafe near your faculty building, conveniently not that far on where you are.
The cafe was not as packed as the field but you did have to wait in line to get your coffee.
As you got your iced coffee, you stepped out of the cafe and you heard someone calling your name from the distance.
“(Y/N)!” It was Taemin, your classmate and Senior.
“Teamin! I didn’t know you were coming.” You said giving you a quick hug.
“Oh please, this is the game that the whole campus has been waiting for! Of course I’m here.” He said.
“Are you heading to get your seats or are you going to see Sehun first?” He asked.
“I think I’m going to see Sehun first, and just watch it from the side because I hate to be in the bleachers full of people.” You told him.
“Oh okay, let’s just walk there together, I wanted to wish them good luck.” He said and you both walked towards the football field.
Teamin is your senior, and he was in the football team last year. But because he’s graduating soon, he quits football and decided to focus on his studies. Sometimes, Sehun would tell you that Taemin was at their football practice and he was still good, even though he hasn’t been playing for a long time.
 The cheers squad was just outside the gym door, huddling, hyping each other up. Once of them noticed you and Taemin walking together and quickly greeted you.
They told you the boys were still prepping themselves in the gym.
“(Y/N), mind waiting for me here? We could sit together later on the sides, but I just need to talk to the guys first.” Teamin said, pushing the gym door slightly.
“Yeah sure.” You told him, nodding your head.
“Okay, wait here.” He said before disappearing inside the gym.
You looked around the football field and the place was pretty much packed. You were sure that you wouldn’t be sitting among the crowds either. Not long after, you could hear low voices from the gym and all attentions were to the gym door. You could hear their low yell and scream before the door opened. The cheer squad started to cheer as the team started to walk out the gym. You could hear the crowd roared as they started entering the field.
Teamin appeared later with a smile on his face and red face.
“What happened to you?” You laughed.
“Let’s just say, I was getting into the hype, and I forgot that I’m not playing this season.” He laughed.
 Taemin took you to the side of the field, which was your campus bench side. A boy suddenly approached bringing two extra chairs. Teamin thanked him before he could offer a seat for you. Hearing the crowds roared behind you, you could feel you blood pumping of adrenaline, even though you weren’t playing, but you were definitely in the zone.
You took a seat next to Taemin and he could tell by your expression you were nervous.
“Is this your first time watching a game?” He yelled through the crowds.
You shook your head at him. “No! But I don’t know why I’m so nervous!” You answered back, and Taemin let out a little laugh.
“Welcome to the zone (Y/N)!” He said.
A few minutes later, the referee blew the whistle and all teams went to their bench. Teamin got up to see what the coach was explaining and you just sit there because you didn’t understand at all. They huddled together, putting their arms around each other before they yelled out “Break!” The crowds behind you went wild and suddenly a guy walked up to you. He took off his helmet and it was Sehun.
“Stay with Taemin alright, I don’t want you getting hurt… things could get crazy.” He said.
You giggled as Sehun held onto your arm before he could dropped his face. You could see that he was super nervous and you smiled at him.
“Hey…” Sehun lifted his face lightly.
“You’ve practice hard for this, you can do this!” You said in an optimistic tone.
He lets out a chuckle.
“Thank you for always supporting.” He said.
“Always supporting and always will!” You said looking up to him, hitting his chest lightly.
He then took a step back before he could walk back to the field.
“Sehun!” You called him, you were now standing besides Taemin.
Sehun turned his head back to you raising his eyebrow.
“Good luck!” You said, giving him thumbs up and Taemin decided to join giving him thumbs up.
With a light chuckle, Sehun trotted back to you before pulling you into a quick kiss.
He fisted his hand and you knew it was a handshake you had with him.
You bumped his fist, above and below before giving him a high five then sliding your hand to his elbow then snapping your finger.
“Do me proud!” You told him, as Sehun trotted back to the field.
You could hear the whistle, claps and cheers behind you, which made you blush.
“Are you both dating, or friends with benefits?” Teamin teased.
“Shut up.” You burst into laughter before you both could walk back to the chair.
 The game went on pretty well, it was a tight competition—as if both teams were racing for the score. One team scored and then the other team would score the next minute. It was the last 2 minutes and they were currently on a tie score, which just made your heart raced even more. Teamin couldn’t sit there, so he joined in with the coach kind of like his co-coach.
You stayed on your seat because you couldn’t really move because you were that nervous as well. The opposite team called for a timeout, so the team is all huddled up near the bench.
You could hear that Kyungsoo was frustrated, but he was still optimistic about this and tried to hype everybody up.
Sehun then pulled Kyungsoo back to the circle and you could hear him telling his strategies. Teaming then pitched in his own strategy and there were a little argument from Sehun and then both of them formed a new plan.
You turn to the crowd and they were all starting to lose energy, you didn’t blame them. They’ve been screaming and cheering since the start of the game!
 The whistle blew and the game started again, and this time, it feels like it determines who will take the winning game.
 The team then went back to the field. As the whistle blew once more, you couldn’t hear a single thing and everything happened so quickly. You saw Sehun run the field and someone among them threw it. Everybody on the benched and bleachers started going crazy and so did you. You jumped up from your chair, screaming on the top of your lungs beside Taemin who was screaming as well as Sehun catches the ball.
A lot from the opposite team started to chase Sehun down but not a single person was able to catch up with him.
“Touchdown!” Teaming screamed and the buzzer went off. Everything was clear for you now. You could hear the crowd went crazy and as you turn they started to run into the middle of the field. Everyone on the bench jumped up and ran into the field as well, including the coach. You and Taemin cheered happily before he could pull you into a tight hug.
“He did it. He fucking did it. They won the game holy—“
Teamin burst into laughter and you could see a tear escaped his eye.
He grabbed your hand and pulled you into the field and you all celebrated the victory altogether.
You all jumped up and down screaming, singing ‘We Are The Champion’ by Queen. Kyungsoo saw you and quickly pulled you closer to him.
“You’re here!” He said happily.
“I am! Congratulations on the win I’m so proud of you guys!” You said, giving him a quick hug.
“Right after this I might have to congratulate you.” He winked and you rolled your eyes, but at the same time, you didn’t know what Kyungsoo meant by it.
Your eyes then catched the dight of Sehun. He had his helmet of and his eyes met yours. He let out a sigh with a smile on his face. Suddenly Taemin tapped his shoulder and Sehun turned to Taemin. You decided to walk to him as the crowd died down.
“Thanks Taemin.” Sehun thanked Taemin.
Teaming saw you walking closer towards them and he patted Sehun on the shoulder.
Taemin gave you a smile before he started screaming.
The crowd made some space for you and Sehun and you were embarrassed and confused at the same time.
“Sehun… What is all this?” You asked, feeling your face turning red.
Sehun dropped his helmet to the ground before pulling a breath.
“(Y/N), we’ve been together for 3 years now, and I know it’s not really a long time, but to me it actually does feel like I’ve known you all my life. You were always there for me since day one—even when I’m feeling at my lowest, when I’m just being difficult… You didn’t give up on me.” Sehun started, and you could feel the tears welled up in your eyes.
“Even when we had our falling out, even when I told you we shouldn’t be talking you’re still worried about me, you still care about me, you still love me despite my difficult personality!” He said with a light laugh and everyone joined in.
“You love me through thick and thin, you love me for the way I am, and for who I am.” Sehun took a step closer to you.
“You are the most compassionate, loving, caring, funniest—most beautiful girl I’ve ever met. You are my rock, my centre, my bestfriend my everything, and I am grateful everyday for your existence and for you to be in my life.”
Everyone awed and you couldn’t help but to smile and let that tears out.
“So, for that…” Sehun suddenly got down on one knee in front of you and the crowd just went wild for a few seconds.
“ I love you (Y/N). I want to be a part of your life, I want to be that person who wakes up, look at you and feel like falling in love with you for the first time everyday. I want to be the person who can show you the world, the person who will always be there for you—supporting you through everything. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”
Sehun suddenly pulled out a red velvet box and presented to you. At this point you were already crying your tears out, covering your mouth with your hand.
“So… (Y/F/N), will you marry me?” Sehun asked, opening the velvet box revealing a beautiful ring.
You nodded your head as you cried out. “YES!”
The crowd went wild again as Sehun took the ring out from the box. He stood up before he could put the ring on your finger and he pulled you into a passionate kiss.
It was a bit hard for you because of the guard his was wearing, but despite it all—it was still magical for you.
“I love you sooooo much (Y/N).” Sehun said hugging you.
“I love you too.” You happily replied, still crying.
He pulled away to look down at you and he wipe your tears away before kissing you again.
 Everything felt victorious.
Everything felt joy.
Everything felt right.
 You believe that Sehun is the person who loves you no matter what. Out of all the people he knows,
 he chose you to spend the rest of his life with.
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applewoodprincess · 4 years
Curious Cat: describing SVT personalities
J: kind and selfless to a fault, willing to sacrifice himself if it means letting the ppl he cares about flourish. he's very shy, yet at the same time, very easily excitable. he's a child at heart, but he'll only open up to ppl he is closed to. he clings to his members, seeking affection, playing pranks on them as a way to show his affection toward them. childish & clingy, but incredibly intelligent and clever. he's faced a lot of hardships, but the fact that he always holds a positive attitude is amazing. he's not greedy nor takes things for granted, he knows how to appreciate what he has, but constantly aims to ameliorate himself. he forces himself to be confident bc it helps him believe in himself in order to keep going. he's very humble about himself, but will throw a parade for his members. non-huihuis often see him as a weirdo, but i see it as him finally being comfortable enough to show us his lovable and eccentric quirks. overall, junnie is an adorable and sweet kid, who loves his members and triggers people's motherly instincts 😆 (god, i love him so much)
HS: spazzy but intense. we all know how he gets when he's excited and having fun lol. he's among the moodmakers, the one always ready to cheer you on and offer to help you. he is very kind and generous, and yes, spazzy lol. on the flip side, when it comes time to work, he is INTENSE. he's hard on himself AND his members. he knows when to stop goofing and get serious. he may be a little clueless when it comes to most things, but he's far from dumb. super passionate and determined.
WW: the hot nerd jk 😂 idk how it's possible for someone to be such a perfect blend of: confidence, intelligence, kindness, and playfulness. (not to say that the others are shallow FAR FROM IT), but wonu is just so deep? in everything he does, he puts in so much thought, carefully choosing his words and actions. he's the cool kid that gets cooler as you spend time with him. he tends to be on the quieter side (when not having fun with the rest of them), but he knows how to take charge and be assertive when he needs to. the way he cares for his members isn't obvious as some others, but it's there, subtle yet significant. something else i really appreciate from him is the amount of thoughtfulness he puts into something he knows is important--not necessarily for himself, but for others. like how he took the time to learn flower language bc fans gave him flowers, or how he continuously wore the bracelet that jun's mom gave 96z. and his determination and sheer willpower. god, that clip from HTR. he was ready to collapse, yet didn't allow himself to. the fact he was able to push forward and finish the show speaks volumes of his sense of responsibility and determination. *sigh* jeon wonu, you are the perfect man
WZ: tough marshmallow lol. bc he's strict, but also super soft and sweet! haha. if WW comes across as closed off at first sight, then WZ is basically a hermit lol. he's very shy, but he's grown to be confident and proud of what he's accomplished. of course there are still fears and worries, but he's by no means hesitant or indecisive when it comes to what he wants from his music. passionate and serious, but still sweet and caring. a man of few words, but many melodies and poems~
T8: very goal-orientated and ambitious. a realistic, but still able to dream and create beautiful art pieces that require imagination. a romantic. kind and sweet, but not overtly emotional. down to earth and practical. (the same can be said for wonhoon too but) not someone to condone BS lol. protective of his members. won't hesitate to snap back if there is injustice or unfairness. despite the serious attitude, a real loving kid.
MG: mr. perfect, with a slice of clumsiness jk 😂 a soft boy. the kind of friend you can count on. reliable and pleasant, friendly, outgoing. can get huffy at times, but it never lasts long. emotional. he just has A LOT of feels all the time about a lot of things. despite being pretty much perfect, he still strives to better himself, never letting his achievements get to his head. his clumsiness isn't limited to breaking/dropping things. some of the things he says sometimes does come across as a little tactless, but it's never with bad intentions. he's an all around GOOD BOY. very soft and gentle.
DK: the kindest soul~ most ppl see him as a little ditzy, and he does tend to be clueless and silly, but he has such a big heart. and a very good moodmaker! it's not for nothing that he's our sunshine! hahah. but he's so hardworking, too. and also super emotional. if MG channels his emotions through speeches and writing, then DK just lets his emotions flow out haha. it's raw and honest. not one to pretend or put on airs. what you see is what you get. an honest and kind boy :D
SK: sassy lol. he is such a delight tbh. one of the brightest spots in the universe. not only is he smart, he quick on his feet and can turn any situation around. sure, he nags and sasses his members, but he loves them so much??? also king at reading the mood in a room. king of entertainment. king of moodmakers. he can be loud and confident and funny and lead an entire show. but on the other hand, he is very sensitive and ALSO emotional. yes, he cries a lot lol, but he's also more likely to lash out when he's mad (which is actually hilarious to see ngl). among svt, he probably takes care of their image as idols the most lol.
VN: (anyone who comes to me with "VN stoner" comments will get smacked). he is a sweet and caring kid, mischievous at times, but doesn't have a bad bone in his entire body. yes, he's spacey, but he is true to himself and what he wants. he doesn't bend for trends or anybody's opinion, and i honestly find that admirable. even more so than josh, he is very mellow. he is much more of the listening type, but afterward, he will talk and give you his honest opinions. he doesn't mince words. very honest and true. also great supporter, even when he doesn't quite understand lol. while he seems pretty mature, the fact that he's still much a baby when it comes to everyday life is really cute.
DN: a very mature and independent young man. in a way, i think he's quite similar to Hao, with how he is very ambitious and strives to do/learn more and more, to hone in his skills. very passionate, too. he is very responsible and capable of taking the lead, which he does when it comes to dancing (only second to HS). he acts like a hyung lol (and you can see it pretty clearly in the way he and jun interact). i think he has an easier time being the maknae nowadays lol. a reliable young man full of passion!
oh, man. this is a huge essay 😅 i'm sorry it's so long! and i'm probably forgetting a bunch of details for each member, so pls don't get mad at me 🙏😭 these are just my own personal thoughts about each of them, even if they're lacking. all in all, we are very lucky to have 13 wonderful, kind, and talented young men.
ahhh thank you, my dear! please take care and stay safe, too! hopefully this is satisfactory 😅
(i should have ch. 17 out in a few days. thank you for the wait!) xoxoxo
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bashfulgnome · 6 years
Happy New Year! I’ve been working on this WIR fic idea for a while and thought it’d be fitting for this holiday. Enjoy!
Felix sat atop Niceland Apartments and looked out over the arcade from his game's screen. Mr. Litwak had draped some colorful strands of lights over a few game cabinets and around the building's front windows, and they cast a cozy glow over his neighbors' homes. The sights and sounds of their celebrations filled the arcade with mirth, and below him his own game's annual party was well underway. Through the open windows he could hear Ralph belting out "Deck the Halls" with Tamora, her men, and Zangief joining in, the Nicelanders and racers barely audible over the festive bellowing. Their New Year's Eve celebration retained some Christmas cheer for the sake of friends who couldn't make it the previous week.
Originally Felix had come up to the roof for some fresh air, but as he sat there alone with his thoughts, he found it far too easy to venture into bittersweet mental territory. His gaze drifted to the one remaining Sugar Rush cabinet and its new steering wheel; its border lights blended seamlessly with the other blinking bulbs around the room.
Its twin has been unplugged quite a while ago now. Most gamers tended to play Sugar Rush by themselves for the glory of setting a new best time without distractions. Litwak decided to sell the second cabinet to a collector who was well-off enough to give him several times what he'd always thought it was worth. It was the last piece she needed for her TobiKomi collection – ever since the company announced its impending closure, she'd explained, the value of their games had started climbing, and she was willing to pay extra then to avoid ridiculous levels of price-gouging later.
As beneficial as it had been to the arcade, all of this did little to reassure Felix. If it wasn't for Ralph getting the steering wheel on time, the remaining cabinet – the racers’ home – would've gone the way of Centipede. Naturally they all knew how precarious their way of life happened to be, but with so many games in the arcade, it wasn't often that such an event would hit so close to home. And right at this time of the year, as well.
"Hey babe, you okay?"
"Oh my land!" He startled a bit before turning around with a hand on his chest. "Ah...'m sorry for leaving the party like that, darlin'. I shouldn't'a had that cheesecake...but I'll be fine."
"I know damn well something's bothering you. C'mon, tell me. You never take leave of a holiday party this long." Tamora's eyes narrowed but her tone was soft, almost as if she was afraid of scaring him away. She took a seat next to him on the ledge.
"I was just...thinkin'. 'Bout the arcade back in the day, and– and all of us."
She wrapped an arm around her little husband. They both wore the sweaters she knitted for them years ago: classic oversized, ugly Christmas sweaters adorned with trees, snowflakes, and gaudy argyle patterns. She'd deliberately made them as ridiculous-looking as possible, but of course he loved them anyway. So much that he wore them for Christmas and New Year's – Why pass up the chance if you took the time to make ‘em? he’d said. Felix leaned into her side and took her free hand in both of his.
"I wish you could've been here back then, Tamora. Everyone was so close-knit because there weren't that many sprites in each game in those days. It was a real special time." He smiled warmly at the memory.
"The fellas over in Berzerk, they had the best laser tag maze you've ever laid eyes on. Whenever we had a day off they'd get everything set up and let folks come in to play." Felix laughed and shook his head. That game afforded him a welcome break from the Nicelanders as they never ventured inside; its disembodied, mechanistic droning of “DESTROY THE HUMANOID KILL THE INTRUDER” terrified them. "That Otto, he was always so happy to have company..."
Tamora's gaze softened; she could sense that her husband was going to take her for a long stroll down memory lane.
"On Saturday nights, Pauline would come down to Tapper's and take song requests. There'd be jazz playin', people dancin'...around the holidays she'd even put up a stage in Game Central Station. She sang carols and we'd all count down to the new year together."
"Imagine Surge Protector getting in on that, huh?" She grinned. "Surprised when I found out that he's the one who decorates the place."
"Oh he loved it! It was really busy every day back then, so he appreciated havin' a break. Some days we had so many visitors that Mr. Litwak set up a TV over by the change machine. That way, all the little siblings who got dragged along and crowded away from the games had something to do when it was rainin' out and they couldn't go mini-golfing. He always said he'd rather have them safe in here than wanderin' around in the streets, even if they weren't customers. Then when they got bigger, they'd come runnin' in, just so excited to finally be able to play with us."
He sighed happily.
"It was just wonderful, gettin' to watch children grow up and knowing that you brighten their day. Some of 'em even told us stories while they were playing."
His smile faltered as he recalled some of what he'd heard from the less fortunate ones – how they'd startle at the slightest noise, the marks on their faces; things that had been lost in the rosy haze of nostalgia until that moment.
"And a few of them...oh, Tammy, I think this arcade might've been the only real home they had. Ralph always did go a bit easier on them, bless his heart."
Tamora squeezed her husband's hand a little tighter. She'd seen a couple of children like that in her six years at Litwak's.
Excited, but quiet and timid. Always looking over their shoulders with their hands in their pockets, clenched around a fistful of precious quarters. They usually entered alone or with a group of similarly-nervous friends. Some days they left the same way. Other days they would be yanked out by the elbow mid-game, heads down, by a seething, red-faced adult who kept up a strained illusion of courtesy with the arcade owner – their facade betrayed only by their visibly-tightening grip on the child's arm – until stepping out the door.
The size of the Hero's Duty console usually resulted in these children ducking behind it to hide if they spotted a parent's car outside while playing. The best the sergeant could do to help was point the FPS bot towards something uninteresting in the hopes that her game wouldn't attract attention.
She glanced down at the worried handyman and he met her gaze with a concerned one of his own. He shuffled closer to her before continuing.
"A few months after we got plugged in, Berzerk was taken away for a couple weeks and came back as Frenzy.” He shuddered at the memory of seeing what looked like a new cabinet rolling through the doors, until he realized what it really was, underneath the blinding orange paint job.
“I thought we’d pick up right where we left off. Everyone looked the same and they were friendly enough but...it wasn't them. We heard later that the joystick kept getting jammed and the game wasn't bringin’ in enough quarters, so Mr. Litwak decided to have his repair people do a conversion kit while they were at it, since he was able to get a discount anyway. They lasted a few more years, but eventually they got swapped for RoadBlasters..." He pointed towards a spot on the floor currently occupied by nothing more than a few singed stains on the patterned carpet.
She let out a low whistle. "Hell of a way to go."
Felix nodded sadly.
"What about Pauline, isn't she still around?" The sergeant pulled up one leg and crossed it under her knee. She knew that woman was lucky enough to hail from a classic game that no arcade owner unplugged nowadays unless there were dire circumstances. Pac-Man and Donkey Kong were among the proverbial canaries in the coal mine, along with Fix-It Felix Jr. – if it ever came to the point where one of them got sold for parts instead of repaired, the arcade was in dire straits.
"Oh she's still here...but a lot of her old hangouts aren't. Her game's a bit lonely, so she went around with Mario and DK and they got to know most everyone who was plugged in back then. Most of those folks' games didn't stay here past 1999 or so – insides burned out, drinks spilled, quarters stopped comin' in. A few didn't make it out in time.”
Tamora winced at the blank expression that briefly crossed his face.
“The arcade really changed quickly in just a couple months. We got a whole bunch of new games to replace the unplugged ones, and the neighborhood that Pauline loved just wasn't the same. She had a tough time with it and didn't feel like singing as much anymore. Not in public, at least."
His voice hitched and he swallowed a lump in his throat.
"This– This time of year just gets me thinkin' sometimes...there's just so much that goes on out there and we can't do a thing about it. I hope those little ones turned out okay. We invited Pauline to the party tonight but she's over havin' a quiet night at Ms. Pac-Man's...I think she's doing a little better now, tryin' to make some new friends. And I hope Mr. Litwak is doin’ all right, too. He's been at this even longer than we have, and...well..."
"I know." She noticed the worry in his features and pulled him closer, planting a kiss on his forehead. The owner wasn't exactly getting any younger, and no sprite in the arcade knew if he had plans to retire or pass down the establishment. He'd never mentioned having any next-of-kin – blood-related or otherwise – either way, and it seemed he planned to run the business he loved for as long as he was physically able.
After that...they had the Wi-Fi router as a last resort if evacuation was inevitable, but from there, nobody really mapped it out any further. Sure, they had plans for who they'd turn to if their own games got unplugged, but the idea of all the games in the arcade suddenly being scattered to the four winds, futures uncertain...it was too much to think about.
"It just feels...wrong for me to even be gettin' so misty over it anyway. I have a home, and a wonderful wife," – he kissed her hand and ran his thumb over her fingers – "and a real swell brother and little Vanny, and so many healthy, happy children who got their home game back, and the last six years have been the best of my life...I'm doing better than ever but I just can't shake this feeling. All those years in the arcade's heyday weren't fun for Ralph. And half that time Turbo was keepin' Vanellope miserable. Q*bert was homeless..."
Felix's voice strained, and his speaking tempo turned frantic. "I-I know that's all in the past, and we worked everything out with Ralph, and the family's all doing great now, but...but what if this is someone's last year? What if I didn't do enough? Even if the motherboard’s good to run another thirty years their screen could still burn out, or gamers could lose interest in them, or someone could get into a fight near the cabinet and damage something, or...or…"
He shook his head, choking back a sob. "I don't know how you do this every day in the military, honeybadger. Keeping it together even if everyone you love could be gone tomorrow and–"
She leaned down and hushed him with a fierce kiss that nearly pinned him to the concrete ledge. He needed to be needed; to worry and help and fix. Tamora knew this well. She'd come down with the occasional virus or two and observed him doting on her in his every spare minute until she recovered. He'd checked in with Ralph each day for the past month in case he was missing Vanellope even more than usual and needed to vent. He made sure to give a hug and word of praise to every single one of the Sugar Rush racers whenever the two of them departed the game after the Random Roster Race to retire for the night. She loved him for it, how much he cared and wanted everyone to be happy – sprite and gamer alike – but at times like these it wore his physical and emotional faculties to the bone.
"Alright, you'd better listen here, shortstack." Pulling away, she held his cherry-red face in her hands, his expression still dazed and eyes wide. He clung to her arms to keep from swaying off the building. Her tone was gentle but firm as she blotted away a tear from his cheek.
"I get it. You know how I feel about regrets and– and being helpless. Hurts like the ugliest slap in the face, the...biggest shot in the chest. It's a self-inflicted wound like nothing else." She inhaled a sharp breath before continuing.
"But take it from me – you do more than enough. You did enough to help the most stubborn ass in this arcade start healing and living outside her backstory." The corner of her mouth twitched into a lopsided smile.
"Tammy Jean–"
"–You showed me that there's always gonna be something to look forward to, even if you have to make it with your own hands. Every year you run yourself into the ground setting up these shindigs. You built a town for the gameless sprites. You've been trying to keep everyone's spirits up whenever anything bad's happened these past six years. You even convinced that miserable carouser to start treating Wreck-It with some respect. But you can't fix everything. Nobody's gonna pull that off. Said it yourself – at the end of the day, what goes on outside here is beyond our control."
She sighed in frustration, and he placed his hands over hers.
"Look, I know I'm not the best at being the optimist in the room. But all we can do is suit up and keep taking our best shot at a moving target. And you can do a lot better at that if you're down in there at the party. If it is someone's last year, make it a good one."
From downstairs, a familiar, sprightly voice suddenly cut through a wave of static.
"It– huh. Good question, kid. I usually just hum that part. Hey! Does anyone here actually know this song?"
Felix hesitated, then nodded, and that familiar, cheesy look of pure adoration spread across his face. "Thank you, love."
Tamora pulled him into a hug, running her fingers through his hair, and the last traces of abrasion dropped out of her voice.
"And take care of yourself first, Felix. Never thought I’d say this, but take a cue from Wreck-It and the prez. Just enjoy tonight. Still got the singing, the countdown and the fireworks comin’ up. And you know I’m looking forward to what we’re gonna do at midnight." She pulled back to look him in the eyes with that unique tenderness that was reserved only for the little handyman. "Everyone's safe and we're not goin’ anywhere."
Felix beamed as he recognized those soothing words that had passed between them on so many nights. It made him start to tear up again, realizing how much his words of comfort meant to his wife that she'd reciprocate with them at a moment like this.
"Can do," he replied with a gentle peck on her lips, eliciting a light blush from the sergeant. She laughed softly and smiled.
"Good. Let's go teach those two how it's done."
Hand-in-hand, the couple returned to the penthouse to rejoin the merriment. For that night's celebration, as long as they were all together, all was calm and bright. 
Tagging my WIR buddies: @ask-icancraft-it @ashleybenlove @sgtcalhouns @allthefixins @coneygoil @kittysfigurines24 @cy-bug
Let me know if you would like your name added to the tags for future fics!
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princeshushu · 7 years
you shld ship your mutuals with seventeen members!!
I’M SORRY THIS TOOK LONG!!! (I have 65 mutuals have mercy on me)
I’m only including the ones that I’ve talked to personally because I know them better~ (you can actually tell how much I’ve talked to someone based on how long the paragraphs are)
@bingshua/ @theliqht (Seungkwan or Josh) - DENISE I FEEL LIKE YOU TWO WOULD GET ALONG NICELY BECAUSE Y’ALL ARE CUTE AND SWEET AF (those emoticons you use just makes me think of them akdkslg) You guys would be the cute ass couple that hypes each other up and does cute pda that people don’t mind because it’s too cute no one has the heart to get mad about it.
@foolishlydreamingx / @kingyu97 (Mingyu or Jihoon) - The realistic type and the adorable puppy both seem like you asdfghjkl Jihoon could probably relate and understand you better. Plus he might encourage you to do music again. I feel like Jihoon’s going to understand your problems and be able to comfort you better than other people. Mingyu is very sweet and very warm, he’d be able to comfort you too but not in the same way Jihoon will (although that’s not a bad thing). He’d let you know that’s he there for you and would let you tell him everything, assuring you that he’s listening to every single word you have to say. You guys would probably get along more when it comes to how hyped you guys can get!! But y’all would be the very supportive couple that won’t exactly print fans and scream at the top of their lungs to cheer you on but they’ll always be there to talk to you and give you a lot of support. They’re very down to earth and funny, you wouldn’t even feel like a third wheel when you’re out with the both of them asdfhckljl They’re very warm in their own ways and would probably cut their dates short to rush over to where you are because you feel sad or you need a shoulder to cry on. They’d be a great couple that you’d feel honored to be friends with.
@honeywonu (Wonwoo or Seungcheol) - Both of them could probably see through you when you pretend that everything is fine. They’d make sure you’re alright 24/7 and will be willing to sit down and listen to you or fight and beat the crap out of someone who made you feel bad. Hugs and cuddles every minute and would probably stick a big ass sign that says “You’re beautiful” to your mirror. Cute ass couple that would lowkey flirt everywhere and maybe accidentally turn something on so ya gotta run back home 
@jejublr (Seungkwan or Joshua) - Easy-going, sweet, funny, bright, and caring!! I feel like you’d get along with both asdfghjkl y’all brighten up everyone’s day and would probably get caught watching crack videos (or making them) in public. Y’all would be the sun in everyone’s lives asdfghjkl and that cute couple that is very comfortable with each other. You’d make faces at each other at least once every minute and would hype + cheer everyone up. Joshua would be great at listening to your problems
@7teencarot (Wonwoo or Jeonghan) - I literally just put in Jeonghan because or napping. Y’all would have cute napping dates (is that a thing)! You seem easy-going and chill, something Wonwoo would turn upside down. Idk why but i can see you with wonwoo laughing a lot and it’d be cute because you’re not usually like that (are you).
@causewhenyoulooklikethat (BooSeokSoon) - ANYONE OF THEM WOULD PROBABLY GET RID OF THAT AWKWARDNESS AND TURN YOU INTO A BALL OF CONFIDENCE ISTG. Okay but you’re great to be with once you get past the awkwardness (It’s cool to be awkward tho bc same) but booseoksoon would probably intensify the greatness AHAHAHAHAHA Y’all would make friends with people and be the nicest + friendliest couple out there. They’d see you holding hands on the streets with smiles as wide as the pacific ocean and it’d be ADORABLE
@paintedshua (Joshua) - Nice but not too intense~ plus vvv extra sometimes but JOSH WOULD LOVE JOKING AROUND WITH YOU!! You’re very open minded and calm so Joshua would love that and would feel safe opening up to you about things. You’d be that calm and soft couple that’s secretly I N T E N S E and funny af!!! (the funny things you say are said in a normal way (?) so it’s not obvious but when you read it you’d die laughing)
@soongyuz (Mingyu) - I HEARD YOU LIKE TOL BOIS HHAAHAHAH but it’d be really cute to see Mingyu all giggly and smiley because you want to kiss him but kinda need a ladder to do so?? He’d be happy to reach stuff for you and would protecc you because you’re his precious and no one else should have you. Also you’re a ray of sunshine mingyu would fall for you in 0.2 seconds. Y’all would be the cute couple that comforts people with their warmth and love
@diaryofadorkykid (Dokyeom or Joshua) - Very cute and bright but also very earnest and caring afkjdgsklj adorable and sweet which made me think of Dk and josh!! Ok I could see them being the sweet couple that is always seen together holding hands with bright smiles on their faces as they prank people or joke around HAAHAHAH they’d be very easy to talk to, and very understanding so they’d be a great couple to ask guidance from
@andromedaneedsoxyjin (wONWOO) - shy and awkward but cute and funny when you get to know them?? YES hello this couple is the one you’ll find in libraries, snickering in some corner with a funny comic they both enjoy. You’d probably see them in cons cosplaying or just enjoying the event. Then they come home with comic books in their arms ready to snuggle in their warm bed to read them together
@kwoncity (SOONYOUNG) - you may not notice it because of how funny they are but omfg they are very caring and will always make sure that you’re okay. They’re the couple that always seems like they’re just joking around and goofing off but they’re serious when they have to be. It’s the responsible couple that supports/protects other people. I feel like they’d be a bit more mature than other couples but it’s all the same when it comes to cuddles and comforting each other (maybe even sweeter)!!!
@shucoup (Joshua) - NOT JUST BECAUSE HE’S HER BIAS OK but like they’re both very caring and supportive. It’s the positive couple that rarely has any fights because they’re both just very understanding and mature enough (although fights can’t be avoided sometimes I feel like they’d patch up easily). Ya think they’re nice af people but then their inner meme shows up in selfies (like with Snow filters and chicken shua) HAHAHAHA (they’re still nice af people tho). They’d probably blow up your timeline with meme-y selfies and if not, they’re out enjoying food and simply spending time with each other!! (Why do I see them in pet stores???)
@sugarhyun / @7teentexts (Jihoon or Dokyeom and maybe Jun) - Jihoon’s personality isn’t like berry’s (can i use your real name or-) but like she would be able to bring out the less serious sides of Jihoon. You’d see Lee Jihoon walking the down the street laughing his ass off when he’s with her!!!! I also added Dokyeom because y’all would be the energizer that cheers anyone up!! I’ve had bad days but when I talk to you I just laugh a lot and it makes me very happy akljfkjlkdhf They’re both very caring (Jihoon and DK) under the kinds of personalities they have and can turn from a meme into a very serious person in like 0.1 seconds. They strive hard for the things they want to get and may falter but will always get back up. I ADDED JUN BC Y’ALL ARE ADORABLE AND CHILDISH SOMETIMES
@wonubookfairy (Wonwoo or Joshua) - sweet sweet sweet and shy but when you talk to them they’re very nice and won’t bite at all AHAHAHAHA They’d be the really nice couple that would probably your best friends! They’d be great at keeping secrets and you can count on them to be genuine and honest in everything akfjsdglkhdk They’re also very thoughtful and will do things to cheer you up when they know you’re sad and hurting. Omg they’d be the couple who would break into your apartment to set up a surprise party or a small gathering on your birthday or to make you feel better. 
@jeonghangyu (Chan or Seungkwan) - REAL AF also don’t touch them when they’re in a bad mood bc i cant guarantee your safety if you do. They’d be a chill couple that would be easy to talk to if they were in a good mood. Also protect this bby when they feel discouraged bc they’ll need all the love in the world asdfjkl 
@justsomekpopstuff (Joshua or Seungkwan) - down to earth and appreciates the things that deserve it. They will find you and they will give you the love and care you didn’t know you needed!!! They’d be the caring couple that would be seen at cafes sharing a milkshake or in the pouring rain, feeding a little puppy on the streets (that would be precious) omg askdlskgjklsf. okay but they’re cute lil beans that would support you and would understand you when you’re having a hard time
@joshpup (Joshua or Mingyu) - will probably do anything to put a smile on your face!! cutie that makes everyone happy because they’re so generous and sweet and kind!!! They’d be the couple who would be seen at charities, playing with kids, or just spending time with each other in cafes where you can lounge around!!! 
@chillihansol (Hansol) - I DON’T KNOW YOU WELL BUT YOU CHILL AF HANSOL WOULD LOVE DATING YOU ASKHSDLGKSHGKLSJ Y’all would send memes to each other late at night even though y’all are in the same bed and he’d suddenly laugh out loud and you guys would end up cuddling kahfklsdjglk
AHHHHH THIS WAS SO LONG BUT I LOVED DOING IT!!! I wish I could add more but this is as long as my fics AHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA 
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welovekpopscenarios · 7 years
Kairos (DK x Reader)
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Admin: Mimi
Prompt/Ask: Can I request a smut/fluff scenario of Seokmin (Seventeen's DK). In wich he and y/n are firends, and the both of them decided to go out to drink something with their friends and, they end up doing drunk sex and realizing their feelings for each other the next morning? Sorry for my bag english lol - otaku-pass 
Genre: Smut, fluff
Pairings: DK x Reader
Warnings: Language, drunk sex (consensual)
Word Count: 5180
A/N: Wow, look, an actual fic! I’m so sorry I haven’t been writing/posting, college has taken up a lot of my time. And I’m even more sorry I kept you waiting for so long darling, so please accept this long enough fic as an apology, I hope you enjoy it! I hope to get back into the swing of things now, I enjoyed writing this one and my love for writing is slowly coming back to me. As always, happy reading!
The texture of the glass felt cool on your lips as you tilted your head back, the burning sensation of alcohol causing you to wince momentarily as you swallowed the strange shot Seokmin had insisted your group of friends try. The bitter taste in your mouth had you grimacing, your head already light from the previous drinks you had bought. You heard a satisfied sigh coming from your right, and looked over to see Seokmin placing his shot glass back onto the table, smacking his lips and looking over in your direction with a cheeky grin. Various colours from the strobe lights danced across his face as he levelled you with his familiar smile.
“What the hell did I just drink?” you asked, pushing the shot glass away from you and leaning back in your cushioned seat. Looking around, you observed your friend’s various stages of drunkenness – from near sober and still standing like Joshua (you still have no idea how he was convinced to come out), to almost black out drunk and completely incoherent like Seungkwan, who keeps attempting to sing some old 80’s song but is too drunk to form an actual word. Seokmin slung an arm around your shoulders and tucked you in close to his side, rubbing his cheek against the top of your head, his mindless humming sending vibrations from his chest to your body.
“A Pink Pussy,” he replied, sending himself into a fit of giggles and you had to do a double take after nearly choking on your own spit, your tipsy mind not processing things as fast as it usually does. Somewhere to your left, you could somehow make out Seungkwan’s mutterings over the boom of the music in the nightclub, but paid no attention as you kept your eyes on Seokmin, who was currently doubled over in hysterical laughter, clutching his stomach as he tried to formulate a sentence between his laughing fit.
“A what?” you asked incredulously, grinning back at Seokmin in shock, a brow raised in question when he deemed himself ready to answer you.
“Pink Pussy,” he reiterated, stopping for a second to giggle some more. “It’s made from budder-I mean butter, yeah, butterscotch Schnapps, and…strawberry liqueur,” he struggled to answer, but looked positively proud of himself when he did, eyebrows raised and eyes wandering around the group in search of praise, but pouting when he received none as everyone else was currently occupied, mainly at helping Vernon to stand up again and ultimately failing when he repeatedly falls straight on his ass from how hammered he is.
“Ah. Nice name,” you drawled, and he had to bite his lip to keep from laughing all over again. You chuckled at his childishness, the vibrations from the music moving through everyone and the hustle of the crowd on the dancefloor filling the club with a lively vibe. Checking the time on your phone – 2:26am – you reasoned that it was soon time to head home. You had deemed it your responsibility to get Seokmin home safely tonight. After all, he had stuff to do tomorrow, and asked you to sleep over at his to be his personal alarm. As if that would happen when you’re going to be horribly hungover. You’re not up for an all nighter like the gang usually pulls tonight, much preferring a bed right now. Well, you’d prefer if someone was with you in said bed, but you failed to get lucky tonight – it seems like every person in the club decided to stay away from you after seeing you arrive with a large group of guys. They could be both a blessing and a curse sometimes. “So, you get Pink Pussy a lot?” you joked, frowning when Seokmin tutted and pouted, and unusual display of annoyance for him.
“I used to, but I’ve been dry as hell lately,” he complained, lazily crossing his arms and training his eyes on them. “I haven’t met the right person, I guess,” he murmured, his eyes moving from their position to stare at you from the corners. You nodded your head sympathetically, frustration overcoming you as you ruminated on your own similar situation. Truthfully, you were up for anything, but ‘anything’ wasn’t good enough. ‘Anything’ wasn’t Seokmin. But it wasn’t like you could tell him that, that would just ruin your perfect and long friendship with him, and you’d rather have no sex for the rest of your life than lose someone like Seokmin.
“I’m the same,” you muttered bitterly, chewing at the side of your lip as you scowled at the table in front of you. Sighing through your nose, you looked over to find Seokmin staring at you intently. “I haven’t slept with anyone in forever, too. It’s been…a very long time, and, to be quite honest, with the stress of work and college and blah, blah, blah, I need a good fuck to relax me,” you said honestly, and Seokmin stared at you, mouth slightly agape and a hazed look upon his visage. You shook your head, the alcohol causing you to be uncommonly brutally honest, and began to collect your things. “I think we should head home, it’s getting late. Thank God I don’t have work tomorrow morning, I know I’ll be dead. You, however, are a busy man. C’mon, let’s go” you laughed, standing up from your seat and saying your goodbyes to the rest of the group. Seokmin frowned at you before standing up beside you, grabbing your jacket and slinging it around his arm. He patted his pockets, panic flashing across his face when he couldn’t feel his keys or phone before you held up your purse and rattled it with a laugh, the contents making a tinkling sound, indicating that you held onto his keys for him.
“Y/N!” you heard, and turned around to find Seungkwan making grabby hands at you, much like a baby would when it wanted its toy. Leaning down to hug him, he pulled you tightly to his chest and cried his goodbyes. “Be safe going hooooome! Seokminie better protect you!” he whined, and you giggled, promising him that Seokmin was perfectly capable of looking after you, even when you were both drunk as you were. “Ah, he’s such a good boy! I hope he makes his move tonight! Good luck, my love!” he drawled, promptly plonking back down onto the couch and belting out Poker Face for everyone to hear. You were about to ask him what he meant by that, but Seokmin had you by the hand, leading you out of the blazing night club and into the slightly frigid September air. He wrapped your jacket around your shoulders and you thanked him, leaning into his body when he wrapped his arm around you for the second time that night.
It was a surprisingly short walk back to his apartment, the stroll filled with broken pieces of chatter here and there. Seokmin was abnormally quiet on the walk back, a complete turnaround from his boisterous mood the entire night. It had you worried that something terrible had happened, that someone, maybe even yourself, had upset him somehow. You’ll ask him when you reach the apartment, for now, you were occupied with getting you both home safely.
Arriving at his door, you turned to face Seokmin, who’s face looked troubled, as if he was at war with himself. It was rare for Seokmin to be this quiet, and when you went to voice your concerns, Seokmin beat you to it with a rather…interesting proposition.
“I’ve been thinking, since we mentioned it at the club…uhm,” he stammered, losing his nerve the longer you stared at him in curiosity, but since he opened his mouth, he might as well get it out. He can blame it on his drunken mind tomorrow if needs be. “I…I trust you with my life, you know that, right? I can trust you with anything, and I know you’ll never judge me. You’ll always have my back, whenever and whatever.” What was he getting at?
You hummed in affirmation, albeit you were still highly confused. He took a deep breath, shaking his head as if to clear his thoughts. Looking you dead in the eye, he continued.
“Why don’t we sleep together?”
Your mouth opened and closed as you tried to answer him, confusion etched across your mind. Sleep with him? His face slowly dropped the longer you stayed silent, his resolve crumbling to his feet. Shit, this was a mistake and he was probably too drunk to realise what he was sayin-
“Like, a sleepover? I thought that’s what we’re doing.”
There was a beat of silence before he burst out laughing, bent over and letting out a deep hearty laugh at your question. You smiled confusedly at him, chuckles escaping you as well. Laughter was contagious, after all.
“I’m serious! You want to sleep in bed with me like we do when we watch movies together?” He continued to laugh, out of disbelief, adoration and nervousness. This wasn’t working like he had originally planned. “I can’t think of any other reason you’d possibly have to sleep in bed with m-oh. Oh.”
His laughter died down, finally, his nerves coming back full force as you understood his intentions clearly. You simply stared at him in silent astonishment. The streetlights seemed to amplify his paling face, and he could almost feel the weight of his offer pushing down on his shoulders. He feels regretful for asking, this could ruin your friendship and he doesn’t ever want that to happen. Maybe it’s not too late, he can still use the ‘drunk rambles’ card.
“Look, just forget what I sa-“
“Let’s do it.”
He looked up from his shoes in bewilderment, thinking you to be joking, yet you looked sure of yourself, perhaps a little nervous. The way you saw it, this was a once in a lifetime opportunity, and you could worry about your friendship when you’re horribly sober in the morning. Right now, you’re tipsy, giddy, and you have the chance to sleep with the one person you’ve been in love with for years. You weren’t about to turn it down, especially since he was the one doing the offering.
“It’s just sex, right? And we’re…we’re friends. It doesn’t have to be weird. And I trust you too. So, let’s do it. I’m ok with it,” you stated, swallowing the ball of anxiety down. His eyes were as wide as saucers, and he stood stock still as he comprehended your words.
“You…are you sure?” he settled for asking when he couldn’t think of anything else. You nodded firmly, and once again it was quiet as Seokmin debated on what to do. After a moment, he made his decision, and moved towards you, stepping slowly into your space. He leaned his face towards yours, brushing his nose against yours softly, causing your breath to hitch in your throat. After what feels like years, his lips finally touch yours; pillowy soft and perfect. They move tentatively on yours, testing the waters, giving you a chance to back out if you wish, but you press back, and it’s the unspoken yes he was looking for.
He starts to kiss you more passionately, devouring your mouth as if he were a man starved of something only you could give him. His tongue ran along the seam of your lips and you gasped in surprise, mouth opening enough for him to slip past the entrance and captivate you with his tongue. You let him take the lead, tongue dominating you and pressing your body against the door, too dizzy with lust to object. When his hips shifted to press to yours, you were brought back to reality with the painful digging of the door handle on your back. Completing the impossible task of pulling away from his saccharine lips, you placed a quick kiss to his confused, furrowed brows and then turned around, fumbling blindly with his keys in the lock until you cracked open the door.
Rushing in the door, Seokmin wasted no time in grabbing your hand, kicking the front door closed, and leading you to his bedroom, the route from the door through his hallways ingrained into his brain. Throwing open your bedroom door, he tears off his jacket and you do the same, flinging your shoes off as you go, wincing slightly at the loud thud when they hit off his dresser. That’s a problem for tomorrow, right now, as if a switch went off, your body was buzzing with desire. You needed Seokmin.
You took hold of his face between your hands and kissed him hard, lips moving frantically over his, a messy clash of tongues and teeth and need. His hands took hold of your waist, squeezing minutely and travelling further down to your backside, kneading the flesh over the fabric of your dress. You moaned into his mouth and he swallowed the delicious sound, eagerly matching the ferocity of your kisses with his own. He groaned when your hands slid up into his hair and tugged, subconsciously feeling your ass with more vigour, walking backwards to his bed.
When his knees hit the edge, he allowed himself to fall, hands latching onto your hips and pulling you down with him. You straddled his lap on instinct, thighs wrapping around his hips as his forearms wrapped around your lower back and pulled you closer to his chest, effectively placing your hips flush against his. You could feel his member beginning to strain in his trousers, and you grinded against it, pleasure shooting through your body at the friction against your core. He moaned aloud as you continued to gyrate your hips above his, breath caught in your chest, growing wetter at the feeling. He bit your lower lip in warning, if you kept doing that he wasn’t going to last long, because you looked so unbelievably gorgeous with your eyes fluttering in lust, panting into his mouth and little moans escaping your pretty kiss swollen lips.
Your fingers fumbled blindly with the hem of his shirt, moving it upwards and off his chest, revealing his toned and tanned chest. You revelled in the firmness of his chest and abs, fingers roaming the expanse of skin before looking up to see Seokmin’s cheeky grin. Rolling your eyes, you were about to make a comment on his vanity until you felt his hands move under your dress and begin to push the material off your body, returning the favour in kind. Leaning back to allow him to remove it, he made quick work of the fabric, hauling it somewhere across the room, lost to the floor. His eyes nearly fell out of his sockets when he found out you were without your bra tonight, and you silently thanked your lucky stars for having the idea to go without it for tonight.
You held onto his shoulders and moved your chest in his vision, and he was quick to latch his mouth onto a nipple, swirling the bud around and nibbling lightly on it, making you hiss out at the sensation. He kissed it in apology and moved onto the other one, hand coming up to lavish at your chest, squeezing the flesh in such a pleasing way, one that had you rearing your head back to let out an embarrassingly loud moan. He smirked against your chest and continued to mouth at your breasts, reaching a hand between your legs to rub at your soaked panties. You whined at the touch, hips following his fingers in need of more. That simple touch was enough to have you melting in his arms, and thankfully Seokmin decided he needed you now.
He struggled to unbutton his pants and push them down his legs but eventually he got it, kicking them off and moving his boxers down to his ankles. The position you were currently in was how he intended to take you – it allowed him to hold you close and fuck you into a mess, giving him the perfect view as you crumbled, so perfectly intimate. Scooting into a more secure position on the bed, he moved your panties to the side and ran his fingers along your dripping slit, getting even more aroused at how sopping wet your pussy was. He was proud of himself that he had half a mind to think about protection, even in his inebriated and lustful state, and when you mumbled against his mouth that you were on the pill, it was all he needed before he pushed his steel member into you.
Your walls clenched around him as you adjusted to the wonderful stretch, distracted by the butterfly kisses and nips on your neck. Threading your fingers through his hair, you lifted your hips once you were comfortable enough to move, and Seokmin sighed shakily, hands gripping onto your hips to help lift you up and down. Soon enough a steady pace was formed, a pace that had you bouncing on his dick as he held onto you, kissing you as furiously as his thrusts. Your mind was washing over in waves of pleasure, hitting every nerve in your body and sending you to a place so heavenly you were sure it wasn’t real. Seokmin was the only thing on your mind; how he looked, tasted, felt. And you allowed yourself to be greedy and yearn for more of him.
His voice dropped an octave lower when he spoke, so completely thick with desire and sex, and the deep rumble in his chest brushing with yours had you keening, eyes clenching shut in ecstasy, amazed at the simplicity of his voice sending you further down the hole of pleasure. “Fuck, baby,” he grunted, hot breath fanning across your chest between nips and kisses. “You look so good, riding me like that.” A bead of sweat formed on his forehead, stray hairs clinging to his skin, brows furrowed in concentration, making sure you were getting satisfied like him. And you certainly were. “Shit, I’ve waited so long for this,” he whispered out airily, hiding his flushed face in the crook of your neck and planting sloppy kisses along the skin. You didn’t quite catch what he had said, too lost in chasing your approaching high than to pay proper attention.
“I-I’m close,” you moaned, and Seokmin took the initiative to speed up his thrusts, the lewd sounds of skin on skin getting louder in the space of his room, and you bit your lip harshly, a failed attempt at containing the moans spilling from your lips. Fuck, this was so perfect. You knew it would be; long, lonely nights of dreaming how Seokmin would fuck you, how he’d feel inside of you instead of your fingers, how he’d sound – he was quite the singer, and they say singers are the loudest in bed. He doesn’t disappoint in any area – well built, sinful moans escaping into the heated air, and downright amazing at fucking – you almost wish you had done this sooner, friendship be damned.
He snaked a hand from your back to your throbbing clit, pressing his thumb firmly and swirling it in figure 8 motions, and you nearly collapsed at the feeling, your senses overloaded in every crevice of your body. “C’mon baby, cum for me,” he ordered, and you obeyed, unravelling at his deep command, staring deep into his obsidian eyes as your body went ram rod straight in his lap, a drawn out moan the only thing leaving your swollen lips apart from incoherent mumbles of his name. He continued to pound into you, desperate to finish with you, and when you kissed him hard and moaned ‘Seokmin’ into his mouth, it was enough to bring him to his end, hips snapping still as he released into your warmth, your walls milking him for all he’s worth.
He held your body close to him, sticky and flushed from your exertions, rocking you back and forth. The movement served to ease your exhausted body, lulling you into a sleep as you rested your head on his shoulder. Your eyes fluttered shut when his fingers began to brush through your hair, untangling the strands, and soon you were asleep, knocked into oblivion with Seokmin in your dreams and a small smile on your sleeping face.
Laying you both back onto his mattress, Seokmin threw the covers over your naked forms, too tired to do any cleaning up. That can be dealt with tomorrow, when morning came. Admittedly, a knot of anxiety formed in the pit of his stomach when he thought about the approaching topic of where your friendship stands in the morning. He reasons he should leave it as a one time thing – a friendly one night stand with no feelings attached, and that when you’re both awake along with the rest of the world, everything will go back to normal and you’ll be back to being the same friends you once were. Fool, his mind argues, that is not what you want and you know it.
He knows. He’s always known, from the moment he met you all those years ago, that that is something he wouldn’t want. He wants to be able to kiss you whenever he wants, hold you whenever he wishes, call you his and have you call him yours. Maybe it really is his tipsy mind, or maybe it’s the sex bliss doing the thinking, but Seokmin decides he’s going to be brave when you open your eyes. He’s going to be honest, and he’s going to lay his heart bare for you. That could be a mistake another part of his brain whispers, but Seokmin shuts it out like he shuts his eyes, his arm wrapping around your prone form and bringing you close to his chest, burying his face in your hair. It might be a mistake, but Seokmin loves you, and he doesn’t want to hide anymore.
Your first thought after waking up?
Shit, my head fucking hurts.
Inevitable, really, when you go out drinking the night before, but along with the pain in your head, new ones mark their arrival in the form of aches between your legs and your neck. Opening your eyes, your eyes immediately squinted at the sunlight streaming in the windows, the curtains drawn back instead of closed like they should be. You hissed at the throbbing in your skull, the sunlight adding to your misery as you groaned into the pillow. Gathering the courage to open them once more, you allowed your eyes to adjust to the light, and found you were not in your own apartment. Instead, it seemed you were at Seokmin’s – not a rare occurrence, but what was rare, was the lack of clothing on your part as you lay in his bed.
All at once, the memories of the night before came flooding back into your aching brain, and with it a sense of awful, gut wrenching dread, the kind that brought a sickness to your stomach and made your limbs feel heavy. Your breathing felt ragged, and you felt too afraid to turn around and find out if Seokmin was in the same state as you. However, the truth is better than simply lying prone in this bed and waiting for him to wake up, which could prove to be just as stressful as this situation. Confrontation was not something you wanted to deal with just yet. Slowly manoeuvring your body to face the opposite direction, you’re disappointed to see the bed empty. Your hand slides over the dark sheets, a faint trace of warmth lingering in the large mattress the only indication that you weren’t the only occupant of the bed.
Swallowing down the bitter taste disappointment in your mouth, your brain kickstarted and presented to you the opportunity to leave before Seokmin catches you. This way, you can have time to decide what you’re going to say to him when the topic inevitably arises. You certainly don’t want to see this as a mistake, so if you’ve a way of bullshitting your way out of ending the friendship, despite your heartbreak, you’re willing to take it. Sitting up, you ignore the blatant pounding in your head and search the room for your clothes, eye’s flitting around the space of his bedroom. Eying your dress hiding underneath his jeans, you make your way out of the comfort of the bed, groaning quietly at the slight pain in your backside and slipping the dress on haphazardly. Next, your shoes and purse were in your hands, and upon checking the contents, you reasoned that you’d have enough for a cab back to your apartment.
Pulling open his bedroom door slowly, you tiptoed your way through the halls of the apartment, wincing at every creak of the floorboards beneath your feet. Bypassing the kitchen, you were alerted to the sound of pans and plates clanging and scraping together, followed by a quiet curse. Before you could move fast enough, footsteps made their way towards your position, and suddenly the door was thrown open. You were met with Seokmin wearing a slightly frustrated expression, and the most ridiculous yet glorious bed head you’ve ever seen. His expression morphed from frustration to shock when his eyes met yours, and that, again, shifted to nervousness. He bit his lip and trained his eyes anywhere but yours, and similarly, you were doing the same thing, fear flooding your veins like ice. You couldn’t stand the pregnant silence between the both of you, and spoke up, attempting to steady the wobble in your voice.
“Morning,” you opted for saying, internally cringing at how stupid you sounded. Seokmin smiled, though you’d describe more as an awkward grimace, and gave a quick laugh.
“Morning. How are, uh, how are you feeling?” he mumbled, rubbing at the back of his neck and sighing through his nose. Not once in his life had a conversation with you been as painful and awkward as this one. But he supposes the elephant in the room was too big for you both to carry on as if nothing happened last night.
Because however drunk he may have been last night, he knows that last night, holding you in his arms, it was the best night he’s experienced, and he knows without a shadow of a doubt in his mind that’s he’d do it all over again if you’d let him.
You nearly balked at his question but collected yourself quickly, scratching at the skin of your arms lightly. “I-I’m fine,” you lied, keeping your focus on the wall beside his head. “My head kills though,” you tried to joke, but your chuckle sounded weak. Seokmin nodded, muttering that his own hurt as well, and you nodded in response. God, you just wanted to exit this conversation, it was physically paining you to stand here and pretend everything was ok, to stand the churning of your stomach getting worse with each passing second, anxiety balling up deep within your gut and tearing you apart.
“I-uh, made some food! If you…want to join me,” he offered weakly, his face dropping at your regretful expression. You felt absolutely horrible, he was probably trying to be nice to you before breaking the news that last night with you was a mistake. How pitiful you must seem.
“I’m actually going to go home, Min,” you explained, starting to back toward the direction of the front door as Seokmin followed you. “I have things to do, you know? I’m…busy. But thank you! For the offer, I mean! That’s really sweet of you, and I’m sorry to leave like this.”
Seokmin nodded numbly at you, a torn look upon his visage as he watched you turn and go, getting closer and closer to the door and out of his life. Just before your hand could reach the door handle, however, Seokmin caught it in his, his calloused hand holding yours so delicately, like glass that he wouldn’t want to break. You stared at him in apprehension, wanting nothing more than to leave and cry into your pillow at home. You did not want to hear the dreaded words of rejection leave his beautiful lips. You felt bile rising up your throat. You need to leave.
“Don’t,” he whispered, and you looked at him on confusion.
“Don’t go,” he answered, and you were stupefied. “Please don’t go. Please don’t regret last night, because I don’t. Don’t run away, because I can honestly say that last night was the best night of my life because of you. You don’t understand how long I’ve wanted to kiss you, to touch you, to…” he shook his head, as if to shake away the rambling inside his head. His mouth was like a tap, words overflowing like water, and he was too weak to stop it. The more words that came out of his mouth, the lighter his shoulders felt. “And I know that things between us are weird now because of it, but please, don’t go. I love being your friend, but I’d prefer to be much more than that, I always have. It killed me to see you with other guys, guys who didn’t treat you as right as they should. I’ve only ever wanted you from the moment we met all those years ago, but I was too much of a coward to do anything. Figures drink is the only way I could ever make a move,” he muttered disdainfully, self-loathing seeping from his being as you stood in front of him. It was unpleasant to stand here and watch him like this, such a drastic change from his usual cheery disposition that you know him for. He met your eyes once again, looking you dead in the eye and staring straight through your soul as he spoke. “Please don’t leave me,” his voice wavered, as fickle as running water.
You shook your head no, stepped into his body, grabbed his face and planted a kiss on his precious lips. He was surprised for a moment before he reciprocated in kind, pulling you close to him and kissing you passionately, sighing in content into your mouth. This kiss was better than all of last night’s; you could feel the love emanating from him as his arms wrapped around you, the erratic beating of his heart in time with yours, his smile against your lips. Everything feels so much better now that you weren’t clouded with alcohol, now that the elephant in the room has finally left the building. Pulling back for air, you gazed into his brown orbs that were squinting from how hard he was smiling.
“I’m not leaving, Seokmin. Not for anything. I love you too much to do that,” you confessed, and if it was possible, his smile got even wider, ready to break his face. “Now, give me some of that delicious breakfast you cooked for me and we’ll eat it in bed, huh?”
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khhunniewriting · 7 years
Never Alone
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[ Gang AU ]
Hanbin walked down the crowded streets knowing it was the best way to avoid detection. Even though he was out in the open Hanbin felt targeted. Across the street he saw a beautiful woman walking about the same speed as him. She had a long black coat that fell down to her ankle and dark aviator sunglasses with mirrored lenses. Her head turned in his direction for only a second. Even with her eyes not being visible he could tell she was looking at him, alerting him to the people who were following him.
At the next street the woman in black turned right so Hanbin turned left. He looked over his shoulder and saw a familiar looking man. The startled look on his face told Hanbin his suspicions were correct. He stood his ground allowing the man to catch up to him. “Are you following me Detective?”
The detective was angry that he had been spotted. He grabbed Hanbin by the collar of his shirt taking his frustrations out on him after all, he was the source to begin with. “You little piece of-“ he was cut off when a hand landed on his shoulder.
“Sir there are too many civilians around.” Hanbin was amused by the circle that had been formed around him by uniformed men. The captain had stepped forward to stop the detective from making a scene in public. “We don’t want to stand out.”
“Captain I wouldn’t be worried about the detective standing out. He’s not the one in a uniform with big letters on his back being followed by what?” Hanbin took a quick look around to count the men. “A dozen fully armed and shielded-“
“That’s enough from you.” The detective let go of him. “You will come with us.”
Hanbin straightened out his clothes making sure to get out the wrinkles that had formed on his shirt. “Why should I go with you two?”
“Don’t act innocent Mr. Kim. Hanbin, better known as B.I. We know who you are and we know what you do.”
“It’s not a secret” Hanbin mocked them. This made the detective impatient and threw a punch his way. Hanbin dodged it angering him more. “You have to be better in order to catch me, Detective.” There were no worries for Hanbin. He knew he was safe, they had nothing on him.
“You wouldn’t be so tough if it weren’t for IKON!” the detective shouted breaking out of the Captain’s hold. “We will find your base of operations! It’s only a matter of time B.I.”
Hanbin nodded with a sly smile on his face. “Until then Detective.” He turned on the balls of his feet to leave but was still surrounded by the Captian’s men. They only moved after they were ordered to let Hanbin go. 
Before he could leave Hanbin felt it necessary to taunt further. “Detective, for what it’s worth, it really wasn’t me this time.” 
It was close to midnight when he finally made it back home. He rid himself of his shirt and walked around with a bare torso. When he walked into his bedroom he saw a familiar long coat and glasses on his bed. He immediately ran out to the balcony and saw you sitting on the edge with a smile on your face. “What took you so long?”
“I was busy.”
You smiled as you approached him, “Thank you for being in the right place at the right time.” You let your hand rest on his bare chest as you gave him a kiss on the cheek. There was a part of you that just wanted to stay by Hanbin’s side but you knew you couldn’t risk it. You walked past him and grabbed your things from his bed and took out a white envelope from the coat’s pocket. “Thanks for your help today.” You handed him the envelope full of money that you had stolen.
“I don’t want this.” Hanbin was starting to get angry at the fact that you only popped in when it was convenient for you. He didn’t want to admit it but you were the woman he loved. He didn’t want to involve you in his business but if it was the only way he could get you then he would. “I want you even if it’s just as my runner.”
Being a runner meant you would make the exchanges of money and product in person. You knew he had one already, “Are you really offering me a spot in IKON or are you hoping for something more?”
“Both” he responded. “You say you love me right?”
You looked away regretting the day you told him that. “I don’t-”
“I’m saying I love you too so why do you keep running?”
“Love is a weakness when you do what I do. If something happened to you because of me I could never forgive myself.” Your eyes went to his neck where you spotted a fresh scratch mark. “Was this from today?” Your fingers lightly touched it. There was no blood but it was very red and visible.
Hanbin figured the Detective probably scratched him when he grabbed him by the collar. “It’s nothing.”
“Now it’s just this but later on-”
Hanbin smashed his lips against yours to stop you from going further. He had to make you see that there was nothing wrong with being together. “You can’t keep doing things alone.”
“I have to” you panted as you caught your breath. It was hard to keep up a front. The kiss was so unexpected but very much welcomed. You enjoyed being able to see how his lips felt against yours. But what you were afraid of happened. You wanted more, you wanted to stay with him.
“Let’s do one job together. If it goes well you stay with me and if not I will never bother you again. Deal?”
You hesitated for a while but ultimately agreed, “Deal but I have one condition.”
“What is it?”
“Only one of us gets to be in harm’s way and that would be me.” You were used to it and were confident in your abilities but you weren’t used to working with a team. 
“Fine only one of us two but you have to stay with me tonight.”
You bit your bottom lip and nodded, The whole situation had goosebumps running up and down your spine. Hanbin made you feel like being alone wasn’t always the best thing. With him you felt safe and protected.
“Sir the men are getting restless. How much longer will we be here?” The police captain sighed, they were reaching the eleventh hour of the undercover investigation. He was also growing weary. He wanted to go home to his wife and kids just like his men but it was crucial they catch their target in the act. “As long as it takes. We have to catch them making the transaction only then can we bring down Kim Hanbin and let the world know who he really is.”
Hanbin stood by the window of his hotel room. He looked out across the street at the unmarked buildings. They were under construction and had been for many years now. It was a strategic move to keep it that way because behind it was connected to a network of buildings owned by other gangs. Many deals had gone down there and now it seemed someone had let the cops know about it. “Chan, do a check in.”
Chanwoo grabbed his radio and followed orders. “All members check in to base.”
“Ju-ne to base,” when he was finished Junhoe used the radio as a shield and blocked the sun from his eyes. Being positioned rooftop during sunset was proving to be difficult.
Donghyuk was quick to spot the hidden officers. “DK to base, we have three on the west end and another one is circling WINNER’s building. I think they are using it as their command center.”
“Song to base we have a couple of patrol cars a the alley exit ready for the chase.” Yoonhyung was in a parked car near the police patrol cars. He kept his head low as he kept watch of their activity. “Engines are on,” he warned them.
Jinhwan took a while to respond since he was inside the building he had to make sure no one was around him. He still hadn’t gone in place and was searching the area. “Jay checking in to base. I’m almost in position.”
“Bobby checking in.” He put on the hardhat and vest over his own clothes, dressing up as a construction worker. “The night shift is about to start so I’ll be going in.” He made sure to hide the earpiece well so no one would see it.
“Give me the radio,” Hanbin asked Chanwoo for it and he handed it over immediately. “Bobby take care of her.” Bobby was a crucial part of the plan. He was blending in with the construction workers to keep an eye out on you.
“That won’t be necessary.” When your voice came through their radios it sounded annoyed. “Oh, by the way, Y/N checking in to base.” With those final words, you grabbed the empty briefcase and entered the building. 
“I know,” Bobby sternly responded cutting off Hanbin mid-sentence. He knew Hanbin was being overprotective of you because he liked you but it was annoying. 
Chanwoo figured he wouldn’t be getting the radio back.
Minutes later Yoonghyung spotted you from his position and let the others know. “I see her. Y/N is out of the alley and walking past the patrol cars.” 
Hanbin sighed loudly, he was relieved that everything had gone well. There was a huge smile on his face when he saw you down below making your way into the hotel where he was. “She’s here, you can all get out now.”
Turning around Hanbin saw his youngest member standing there in wait. “You too Chanwoo.” Hanbin wanted to be alone when you came up to the room. 
Hanbin leaned against the brick wall of a building as he waited for his informant. The city was dead for the most part the dimly lit streets had nothing good to offer. It had been weeks since their last job now Hanbin wanted to know what the cops had on them. He pushed off of the wall when he saw the man he had been waiting for. “You’re late.”
“Sorry sir but I got the information. They put a new detective on the team after the failed undercover operation. The department is giving up on you for now and will let the new detective handle matters accordingly.”
"What about the operation report, did you bring a copy?”
The officer took a folded up paper out of his pocket and handed it to Hanbin. “All the details from officers present that day are included. No one saw anything unusual and there were no sightings of IKON members.”
“Good” Hanbin handed him a pretty thick envelope that looked like it had been manhandled. “Take that and go, officer Park.”
“Thank you, sir.” The money Hanbin offered him was way more than the amount that the police offered for information on him. That is why he always risked his job for him.
After he was gone Hanbin called you out, “You hear that?”
You came out from your hiding spot atop the fire escape and jumped down to join him. “I heard.”
“Then from now on you no longer work alone.” He extended his hand out to you. “I won’t ever leave you alone.”
You were weak against his charms. Placing your hand in his you asked, “Promise?”
“I promise.”
A/N: If you haven’t seen the MV or heard the song there’s a line that really stood out to me. “But you’ll never be alone.”
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verd0ne · 7 years
Through the Eras
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Description: Seventeen just recently debuted, and you just so happen to run into Vernon and once that happens things escalate from there. (This story will be told from their debut from on so this is Adore U)
Warning: Angst? Fluff? no serious warning smut may be present in future stories.
Word Count: 4,935
“Have fun.”
“I will! I’ll be…” the phone abruptly hangs up and all I can do is roll my eyes. Carter has been super distant lately. He hasn’t wanted to hang out, and he’s been lying about where he is, some boyfriend.
After my train wreck of a phone call with my boyfriend ends, I spot a familiar stranger from afar. He genuinely caught my eye, with his stare and gorgeous features. Why does he look so oddly familiar? He must have caught me staring because he starts walking over to me. Oh shit, I’m about to get mugged! Why do I always stare!?!? I hate myself so much!!! FUCK FUCK FUCK! HE’S RIGHT FUCKING IN FRONT OF ME!!!!!!! I continue to look down at my phone pretending nothing just happened, when I feel a presence next to me on the once empty park bench. I almost shit myself not gonna lie.
“Phone call not go so well?” At this point I have no clue what to do so I try to play it off like I didn’t just almost shit myself. So, I give him the look that says ‘were you talking to me?’ he nods. Of course.I decided to play along so I answer properly,
“My boyfriend’s kind of an idiot, but what are you going to do?” Hopefully my smart ass comment makes him leave. He laughs, god dammit. When he does he look so familiar I can’t take it any more, who is this guy? I forcefully ask the question, “Do I know you?”
“Are you familiar with kpop?” I have no clue what this has to do with anything, but I just played along hoping the conversation won’t last too long.
“Well I’m part of a group called Seventeen, we just recently debuted.” My jaw drops wide and that’s when I realize, this is Vernon. I’m at a loss of words. I remember when the debuted just two months prior to my trip and I couldn’t take my eyes off him. “So uh…”
“Sorry! I just uh… I like your group.” Goddamn, I sound so stupid. At least he laughs, phew. Thankfully he ain’t some perve trying to get in my pants.
“Thanks,” he scratches the back of his head awkwardly. Thank the lord he’s as awkward as I am. “So uh… what brings you to Korea...or unless you live here, you just seem, I don’t know where I’m going with this.” He blushes and I can tell he’s trying to make small talk so I just smile to ease the tension.
“I come here twice a year to get a break from things back home.” I glance at his face and see a grin appear. Wow, I never realized how attractive he was until I really took a good look at him. I turn away, hoping he can’t sense me blushing. Why am I such a weak bitch?
“Hey, I was going out to get ice cream you wanna come? Just a friendly gesture, I would hate for you to be alone this entire trip.” I hesitate but then my conscience tells me to fuck it and just go.
“That sounds great, I’m Y/N by the way.” I stick out my hand for him to shake.
“Vernon, but you already know that.” He smirks and takes my hand in his. This handshake seems like it’s been going on forever until I realize we never let go. I stare up at him and down at our hands, and we both pull away and laugh. Why is this shit like some dumb ass rom com I just want to die now.
“Can I ask you question?”
“Shoot,” he replies.
“Why did you stop and talk to me?”
“Well, you seemed lonely so I thought I’d keep you company.” Okay now I’m starting to lose hope this man starting to freak me out, so I just awkwardly laugh and nod before he follows with another reply, “Shoot that sounded weird, you just seemed a little distressed and I was just trying to be a good person.” Okay now I’m gaining more hope, he seems like a genuine guy, I smile, thank him and then we were on our way. Once we arrive, he opens the door to an adorable little ice cream shop. There are so many flavors, that I get overwhelmed. He leans over and says,
“You should get strawberry, it’s the best.” I give him a thank you stare and order my treat with delight, I definitely fuck with this ice cream. We find a little table to talk and he decides to tell me his life story, so I just sit down and let him explain because I could tell the sincerity behind his voice.
“I’m originally not from Korea, I moved here from New York. My mom is from the states, but my dad’s from here.”
“I’ve always traveled here as long as I remember. Couldn’t tell you why, but whatever it is, I always end up coming back.”
“That’s what I call true passion.” We both laugh the day away. We lost track of time until we realized the shop was closing. “Have we really been talking for that long?”
“I guess so. Oh crap, I have to get a cab to my hotel.”
“My dorm is just a block away, don’t bother with a cab. The boys won’t mind if you sleep on the couch.” Me, a dorm with thirteen boys, that is a solid yikes.
“Uh… I don’t know? You’ve already been so kind, I don’t want to get in the way. Plus I don’t know you extremely well so...”
“I really don’t mind, we have a bunch of extra things you can borrow. You can trust me, we won’t be a bother I promise, let’s head out before the owners of this place kick us out.” I give in because again he truly seems like a genuine guy.
Once we get to the dorm, my heart sinks to my stomach. I’ve been hanging out with an idol all day, only to be invited to his place, which happens to be the home of twelve other boys. What the hell is my life. Vernon introduces me to every member and they’re all so sweet. They were really trying to make me feel as comfortable as possible and it was honestly so adorable. I’m not the type to get soft but these boys made my heart feel like mush. When I explain I’m staying here they all grab blankets and pillows, offering me to use them. I laugh at the overwhelming amount of items surrounding me and thank them for being so kind. Vernon even offers me his clothes to sleep in. I accept, but he can tell how hesitant I am when I do.
“Are you going to be okay here?”
“With you guys hmm… I’ll think about it.” He smiles and laughs at my comment.
“Goodnight Y/N, you know where to find me.”
“Nighty night Vernonie.” He cringes at the nickname, and shakes his head and smiles. “Seungkwan told me to call you that.”
“I expected.” I laugh as I curl up in my nest of blankets and pillows on the couch. What a wild first day.
    “Y/N, the guys and I are going to a meeting we’ll be back in an hour.” I just mumble and roll over on the couch. I hear the door close and check the time, it’s seven A.M.
    “Ugh.” I toss and turn until I give up on falling back asleep. I check my phone for texts and see a couple unimportant ones from my friends and some “talk when you can” texts from my mom. I call her and tell her I landed safely and made friends with the guys from Seventeen. She didn’t believe me. And to no surprise there were none from my ass for a boyfriend Carter. I grunt and see if the guys have anything I can occupy myself with, nothing. I just decide to shower and put on my clothes from the day before. By the time I finish the guys are back.
    “Y/N we’re back,” I hear Hoshi shout. I turn the corner and see all the guys, they look exhausted.
    “It looks like you guys need some rest. I’m going to call a cab to bring me back to my hotel.” Someone grabs my arm and it’s Vernon. He let’s go as soon as I notice and turns bright red. This shy son of a bitch.
    “Y/N the guys and I decided that you can stay here instead of having to pay for a hotel,” S.Coups tells me. I can’t help but smile, these guys are so sweet.
    “Only if you don’t mind.”
    “It’s really no bother,” says DK.
    “Vernon actually suggested it.” Vernon shoots Seungkwan a warning glare and turns bright red. I go a bit pink myself. The fuck why am I fucking weak bitch.
    “I’d love to stay with you guys.” They all bring me to the center of a big group hug. All I can do is laugh, these boys really something else
    Joshua and Vernon offer to help me go back to my hotel and help me get my stuff. I couldn’t turn that down. Once we arrive to my room Joshua takes the key,
    “I’ll go check you out while you two pack everything up. I’ll be waiting in the lobby,” he winks at Vernon, making him shake his head at his friends comment. This boy really tryna butter up my ass.
    “I guess you really didn’t need much help,” he motions at my already packed bags.
    “What are you talking about, I need help picking out a bomb ass outfit,” I say with sarcasm. His smile distracts me before I come to my senses. Snap out of it! You have a boyfriend! I have to stop overthinking my fucking life and get my shit together. I grab shorts and a shirt out of my bag and go to the bathroom to change. When you’re finished you catch Vernon looking at you. Shit, this man gotta stop.
    “Y/N I don’t mean to rush you, but we should probably get going, Joshua is all alone.”
    ���Holy shit, I totally forgot.” I grab my suitcase, backpack, and purse, only to have my suitcase and backpack taken from me. “You know I’m not completely helpless.” I snatch my backpack from Vernon and he just shakes his head,
    “I’m only trying to help.”
    “You’re helping me too much I feel bad.”
    “You strike me as a very independent person.” He got me there. We make our way to Joshua who has been patiently waiting for us in the lobby.
    “Took you long enough,” Vernon punches him in the arm. I look at Joshua and we die of laughter. My phone vibrates, I look and it’s finally a text from Carter.
Carter: Call me when you get the chance, we need to talk.
I furrow my brow and Vernon leans over my shoulder.
    “Is that the boyfriend?” I nod. “Carter’s a cool name. A lot better than Hansol.” I can’t help but giggle at that.
    “I think Hansol is a much better name. It’s much more, unique.”
    “She’s right, don’t talk yourself down.” I lean in to give Joshua a high five and he returns it.
    “You guys got me there.” Shit this boy is actually me. Before I notice we arrive at the dorm, remembering I need to call Carter, I set my bags down and go directly back outside. After two dial tones he picks up, unusual.
    “What did you want to talk about babe?”
    “I’m sure you’ve noticed, but the last two months haven’t been the best. Especially for our relationship.” I feel a lump begin to form in my throat. I know exactly what’s coming. “Two months ago, I cheated.”
    “I cheated on you. It was only a one time thing at first.”
    “At first! What do you mean at first?!” I started to talk louder, my face growing hot with tears.
    “After the first time, I started meeting up with that person more and more.” I was gonna break up with him eventually but to find out he cheated really hit me hard and I couldn’t help but lose it. I begin to cry and wail, silencing the other line until he begins again,
    “I’ve been meaning to tell you.”
    “You’ve seriously been wanting to tell me this when you could have stopped. What the hell is wrong with you.”
    “See, I knew you would over react.”
    “Over react?! You, my boyfriend just told me you’ve been cheating on me for two whole months. Not only that but you’re telling me this when I’m supposed to be having the time of my life.” I can’t help but scream these words in the phone I hear footsteps approaching the door, but they stop. “You are the worst person I’ve ever met. I can’t believe I wasted an ‘I love you’ on someone as selfish as you.”
    “You have every right to be mad.”
    “Of course I do! I never want to see you ever again. Goodbye Carter, you can go fuck yourself.” I hang the phone up and scream in aggravation. That’s when the door opens and I see Vernon's concerned face staring at me.
    “Y/N, are you okay?” I collapse and he catches me in his arms and all I can do is scream and cry until I cannot take it any longer. I loosen from his grip and run in the dorm, receiving many concerned stares from the other members. I rush to the bathroom so I can be alone. I can’t believe it, I knew he wasn’t the best boyfriend, but I never expected him to cheat. As much as I didn’t want to admit it I loved him and he went and crushed my heart. I just wanted to get away from everything, but it all came to bite me in the ass. I feel like getting sick and my body becomes limp before being pulled into a much tighter embrace than before. I was unaware of Vernon’s presence until I hear , “Y/N, I’m so sorry.” I can tell by his unsteadiness that he’s a bit uneasy. “Please know you are going to get through this, he was only a dumb ass guy who doesn’t know an amazing girl when he sees one.” I cry into his shoulder as he rests his hand on my head. I giggle a little because of his cheesy comment, but continue to sob.
    We stayed together in that position for so long that I’m pretty sure I ran out of tears. He takes my face in his hands and wipes the mess that is my face and smiles,
    “Are you better now?” I nod and hug him one last time before he takes me to his bunk and covers me with a blanket. “Wait one sec.” A few minutes later he comes back with two cups of tea. I smile at the sight and he smiles back, returning his focus to the cups making sure they don’t spill. He hands both of the cups to me and I return him a confused look. “I need your phone.”
    “I’m putting my number in it. I want you to text or call me whenever you are not feeling okay. What happened today really sucked, and I couldn’t help but feel like I needed to be there for you.” He quickly types in his number and sends himself a text making sure he put it in correctly. I hand him his cup and kiss him on the cheek. “What was that for?”
    “Thank you for not being a dick.” We smile and sip our tea in silence. I don’t really want to talk and luckily he respects that. Once we finish he takes the cups to the kitchen and while he’s gone I start drifting to sleep. He comes back and doesn’t hesitate to curl up with me. For some reason I can’t help but feel safe with him.
    The next morning I can’t help but feel an odd emptiness. I turn and see I’m alone in Vernon’s bed. All of the bunks are empty, they must be at practice. I check my phone and I have two texts from him.
Boys and I are at practice almost all day call or text me when you need anything.
Actually call me when you wake up, hope you slept well ;)
    Why is he such a sweetheart. I press call and wait for him to pick up, no answer. I go to call again but he’s calling back.
    “Good morning.”
    “Morning, how did you sleep.”
    “Pretty well, you didn’t have to stay there the whole night.”
    “Y/N, I didn’t want you to be alone. Plus we were on my bed, where else was I going to sleep?”
    “Um the couch, aka the place I’m supposed to be crashing on.”
    “Ew gross.” I shake my head, this bitch.
    “Vernon! We still need to nail the last part.”
    “Sorry Y/N, but I gotta go I’ll stop by and bring you lunch, there’s cereal in the pantry. Talk to you later.” Before I can reply he hangs up. I have no clue what I’d be doing without him right now.
    He really does keep his promises. At one o’clock he brought over some ramen for the both of us to eat.
    “Here you go again making me feel helpless.” He laughs running his fingers through his hair. I can’t help but notice his resemblance to Leonardo Dicaprio. He sure notices I’m looking at him because my staring end with his words,
    “Yes, I look like young Leo, I get that a lot.” I burst out laughing.
    “How the hell did you know I was thinking that?”
    “It’s the look.” He returns the look to me so I see how it feels. My face turns hot and he smiles at my reaction. “Not very fun is it.” I punch him in the arm. “Ow, you know with all the nice things I’ve done for you I don’t really think I deserved that.” I slam my head down on the table. How has he managed to bring my mood up so much? We continue to eat our ramen and laugh up a storm. I get up to fill a cup with water and he does the same. He walks by with his hands to his side and accidentally brushes his hand across my butt. I tense up and turn around. His cheeks turn crimson red as he apologizes like a child who just broke a vase.
“Holy crap, I’m so sorry I didn’t mean too. It was an accident. I promise it won’t happen again.” I place my hand on his shoulder making us lose space between us.
“I’m not mad, I know it was an accident.” I soon realize our faces were only inches apart and I soon break up that mess before anything else could have happened.
“I’d love to stay here and chat, but I really need to get back to practice.” He proceeds to back out of the room bumping into anything and everything. I just laugh at the mess that is my life and finally get myself that water.
Hours go by until the boys get back around nine, all sweaty and super wiped out. As they pile in everyone finds something to calm themselves down with. Some occupy themselves with the T.V, others go to sleep, and one of them stays in the kitchen writing on a notepad. I take a better look and I see that the one writing is Vernon. I sit in the chair next to his, and can see that he knows I’m here by the way he tenses up. He lets out a big sigh and closes his book.
    “What were you writing?” Curiosity begins to grow inside me.
    “Just some lyrics.” He seems ashamed of it.
    “Don’t be embarrassed by it.” He just gets up and walks away. “Vernon wait.” I grab his wrist and he pulls me close, close enough where I can hear his every breath.
    “I need to write, too much is on my mind. I want to be alone right now.” He let’s go and I am shocked. Did I really make him this horny? Dino and Minghao walk over to me and tell me he hasn’t been in the greatest mood since lunch. They said he’s been irritable and down on himself.
    “Whenever we had breaks all he would do was write lyrics.” Minghao looks to Dino and he looks down.
    “What happened when you two were alone today?” Dino returns his gaze to the floor.
    “Guys I didn’t do anything to make him this way.” I guess I kinda lied. “He just randomly got awkward and stumbled out the door.” I’m trying to stop myself from going in shock. Something else must have happened. They tell me they believe me, but I don’t know if I believe myself. When the guys seem distracted enough by whatever program was on the T.V I make my way to Vernon’s room. I crack the door open and see him that he’s still writing. I decide to knock to be polite. He comes straight to the door.
    “What do you want?” I’m taken aback by his words. What happened to the polite, caring guy from earlier today?
    “Are you okay? I know what happened earlier was super awkward and I didn’t want to bring it up, but it happened and no one has to know.” He just stares at the ground and doesn’t say anything.
    “I write when I’m stressed,” he mumbles.
    I can see he doesn’t want to talk about earlier so I change the topic with him. “I'm assuming it helps a lot. Do you use life experiences for your raps?” He nods. “Guess I’m going to be a big inspiration for your next couple of songs if you’ve been writing that whole time.” I expected a good reaction but I get a,
    “Shut up.” I try to hide my laughter, but I can’t. I get him to smile, but I can tell he’s trying to hold it back. I know what will break him out of this mood. I start to tickle his waist making him giggle like a little girl. I continue to do so until tears are sprinkling out of my eyes and his. He tries tickling me back, but I’m not as ticklish as he is. It’s not until his hands are propped on my waist do I realize I’ve been sitting on his lap. My stomach flutters and I get off his lap as fast as I can. I hate this so much, calm down feelings. You just broke up with your boyfriend, chill out. He notices your urgency and takes you by the hand.
    “Thank you. You really helped me get out of my bad mood.”
    “After all you’ve done for me, this seems like nothing.”
    “Sometimes the smallest gestures can make the biggest difference.” He smirks and does the hair thing again, making my stomach do flips. I feel my face light up and I turn out the door. All the guys are giving me looks when I exit the room.
    “So, what were you guys up too?” Hoshi raises his eyebrows, making kissing faces. I punch his arm in response.
    “I just broke up with my boyfriend, calm down.” As soon as those words escape my mouth I run to the door of the dorm. I need to go for a walk. I haven’t thought about Carter since right this moment, gosh I hate myself sometimes. The tears start streaming again and they won’t stop.
    “Y/N! Y/N!” I turn around and see none other than Vernon. He pulls me into a hug and I can’t be mad at it. I just hug back and sob in his chest. “It’s going to be okay.” His back rub really helps me snap out of it.
    “I really don’t know what I’d do without you.” He pulls me in one more time before we walk back to the dorm. He tucks me into my nest on the couch, planting a gentle kiss on my forehead before leaving. I can tell he’s never done that before by the way his face gets red afterwards. I hope I can sleep as well as I did last night.
    Today is my last full day here, even though it wasn’t the ideal trip, I did meet some of the greatest people in the whole world. The guys promised to do something with me today and they decided on going to the mall. They insisted on buying everything I wanted, which made me angry. They already did so much. In return I bought an item for each member. They refused, but I did it anyways. They all deserved something even if it was little. After the whole day of walking around the mall and shopping, all the guys went straight to bed, taking advantage of the extra sleep. I start drifting off until I hear a  hesitant voice,
    “Y/N, are you up?” I nod and sit up on the couch welcoming Vernon to sit down as well. He takes a seat and looks me in the eyes. “Sorry your trip didn’t go as planned. I know you were really looking forward to taking a break from your life at home. I tried to make you feel content, I really did. I hope you had fun.” I smile and for some reason my fingers run through his hair. What am I doing? By his expression I’m sure he’s asking the same question. I pull him close where I can hear his heart start beating fast.
    “I had a wonderful time,” I say almost in a whisper before planting a small peck upon his lips. He tenses up once our lips make contact but as soon as he kisses back, all the stress is gone. I make my way on top of him and once I do his hands immediately go to my hips. We continue to kiss, not even caring that the members could walk by at any time. I start to make my way to his jaw planting playful kissing along his face. I can feel his breathing become heavier as my lips make their way to his neck, making his grip on my hips becomes more firm. I begin to kiss him more making my hands wander to his neck. They start to travel to the hem of his shirt pulling it off. He shifts positions so now I’m laying on my back and he’s hovering above me. He begins to place kisses on my neck and collarbones, making me bite my lip. I lean down and plant a kiss right next to his ear, “It’s all thanks to you.” He bites his lip and smiles. The look on his face becomes more gentle as he slowly caresses my cheek. It’s not until then do I realize what we just did. I just fucking made out with the bitch 2 days after I broke up with my boyfriend. He can tell by the way I tense up that this shouldn’t of happened
    “Do you want to forget this ever happened?” I hesitate at first but only because I can’t tell if I did this because of breaking up with my boyfriend, or because I genuinely am catching feelings for him. I realize I’ve been making him wait for an answer causing me to nod my head, making us agree to never speak of this again.
    When I wake up I see the boys all eating breakfast. I get out of bed to scope out the scene. I see so many mouth watering items that I can’t help myself. I make a heaping serving and once I start eating I feel sick. I haven’t eaten well in days and now it’s finally starting to catch up with me. Of course it has to be on the same day I get a flight back home. After holding down my meal I go and change into some comfy shorts and a t-shirt for my flight. While walking out of the bathroom I bump into Vernon. I just give him an awkward glance and you can tell the sexual tension was high, we both stared at each other until he broke the silence.
    “I’m going to miss you.”
    “I’ll miss you too.” He pulls me close, which catches me a little off guard. I decide to take it in and let it happen. I breath in his scent of clean laundry and what seems to be a hint of aftershave. I stayed in his arms for awhile until someone shouts that my cab was there. I give everyone a hug and I receive all their numbers in return. I will most definitely keep in contact with all of them. They helped make my trip suck less.
    “Bye thank you so much!” I am going to miss these guys so much. I make my way to the cab and see that I have received a text. I look at who it was and to no surprise it's from Vernon.
Vernon: Call or text me when you get home, stay out of trouble  :)
Y/N: I will don’t worry
  (p.s I’m sorry if this sucked I tried my best and feedback would be really helpful, I hope you enjoy :)
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racingtoaredlight · 6 years
WAY TOO SOON!™ post all-star games, pre-combine 2019 NFL 1st round mock draft
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You can see the existential disappointment on Nick Bosa’s face and he’s not wrong.
Mock drafts are the worst. The earlier they are, the dumber they are.
The way things currently stack up all of the online pundits and such are posting mock drafts featuring a bunch of players they don’t even like and working with the worthless rule that they can’t propose trades. Why bother with that? It’s all such a flight of fancy, anyway. Just go all in.
From where we are right now, Nick Bosa is the obvious #1 pick and nobody really loves any of the QBs. I’d still put money on a QB going #1 overall after somebody makes a terrible seeming trade with Arizona.
1. OAKLAND RAIDERS - Drew Lock, QB, Missouri
My going theory here is that the Raiders are insanely stupid. Drew Lock is not the top QB on a lot of draft boards right now and he’s definitely not the top player. Also the Raiders have the third highest paid QB in the league on their current roster. Might as well swing for the fences on a zero-win season heading into Las Vegas. The presumption here is that Derek Carr gets jettisoned and they trade all three of their first-round picks for Lock.
2. SAN FRANCISCO 49ERS - Nick Bosa, EDGE, Ohio State
If Bosa is there at #2 the 49ers have to pull the trigger. I think he’s a little over-valued, especially given the depth at the position but I also thought his brother was going to suck so don’t get the idea I know what I’m talking about.
3. NEW YORK JETS - Jawaan Taylor, OT, Florida
This is counting on Taylor doing extremely well at the Combine. And the Jets continuing a long and storied history of making weird draft picks.
4. NEW YORK GIANTS - Dwayne Haskins, QB, Ohio State
No clue what to expect from Haskins after he gets drafted. His arm is OK, his athleticism is OK, his decision-making is pretty good, his accuracy/placement is good. There just isn’t enough body of work to really project anything for him but I want the Cardinals to keep moving down and the mock drafts with like 8 defensive line/edge guys going in the top 10 look insane to me.
5. TAMPA BAY BUCCANEERS - Josh Allen, EDGE, Kentucky
IDEAL FIT! Really, this would be pretty great for the Bucs but who knows with Bruce Arians in place.
6. ARIZONA CARDINALS - DK Metcalf, WR, Mississippi
Metcalf’s athletic comps are gonna be ridiculous. Get ready for a bunch of people to compare him to Calvin Johnson. Maybe he’s really that good but the odds aren’t in favor of producing at that level for anybody.
7. DENVER BRONCOS - Daniel Jones, QB, Duke
This makes sense because the Jaguars are incapable of actually moving on from Blake Bortles no matter how obvious it is that they need to and the Broncos love having bad quarterbacks.
8. DETROIT LIONS - Quinnen Williams, DT, Alabama
The RTARLsman finally comes off the board! I don’t know what the Lions need or want. I know Matt Patricia sucks as a person and as a coach.
9. BUFFALO BILLS - Ed Oliver, DT, Houston
Don’t let Ian Zeirlein gaslight you, he absolutely said there are teams that would move Oliver to linebacker. That’s idiotic. Oliver is going to be undersized for an interior DL but he’s got enough strength and quickness to make up for the 15 or so lbs he would need to be optimal. Interior rush is going to win the Rams a Super Bowl tomorrow and Oliver is a killer in the passing game. The Bills roster kind of sucks so they can go a million directions sensibly but in my heart I still think Oliver is the best player in this draft.
A really dumb thing that’s almost sure to happen this offseason is the Jags trading away Jalen Ramsey. Williams reminds me more of fellow LSU alum Marcus Peters as a player but that’s not necessarily terrible.
11. CINCINNATI BENGALS - Jonah Williams, OT, Alabama
The Bengals really sucked on the interior of the line in 2018 but it’s pretty early to cut bait on Billy Price and #11. They also suck out loud at QB and LB but need/supply make a tackle seem like a better pick.
12. GREEN BAY PACKERS - Jachai Polite, EDGE, Florida
Clelin Ferrell and Brian Burns are rated higher by most draft media right now but Polite is going to test out of this world and Brian Burns is going to weigh like 208 lbs. Ferrell is probably going to make a more immediate impact than Polite but tremendous upside is always an enticement.
13. MIAMI DOLPHINS - Clelin Ferrell, EDGE, Clemson
Last year at this time the Dolphins pass rush group looked pretty good and now they’re talking about cutting all of those guys. Ferrell isn’t insanely athletic but he’s not a stiff, either. He got better every year at Clemson and getting him at #13 seems like a pretty good deal.
14. ATLANTA FALCONS - Christian Wilkins, DL, Clemson
The dream for the Falcons is to have Ed Oliver fall this far but Christian Wilkins might actually fit their team better, anyway.
15. WASHINGTON - Jeffrey Simmons, DL, Mississippi State
Not the biggest area of need for Washington but a perfect culture fit.
16. CAROLINA PANTHERS - Mack Wilson, LB, Alabama
On the one hand this seems like a good trade target for a team that wants to move up but on the other hand there are only 4 good players in this draft and once the QBs are gone, who’s trading up?
17. CLEVELAND BROWNS - Byron Murphy, CB, Washington
The Browns are shockingly low on glaring needs. Another CB opposite Denzel Ward makes sense to me but Murphy might actually be too similar to last year’s #4 overall pick. I love DeAndre Baker but the buzz is that he’s a lot smaller than listed and also going to run somewhere close to a 4.6. Bryce Hall really fucked up returning to school.
18. MINNESOTA VIKINGS - Cody Ford, OT, Oklahoma
Ford may very well fall victim to poor testing like his former teammate Orlando Brown, Jr., but Brown looked pretty good as a NFL rookie and Ford won’t be that bad at the Combine. There are probably 15 good players in this draft but most of them are boring. Ford is in that camp.
19. SEATTLE SEAHAWKS - Chris Lindstrom, OL, Boston College
The Seahawks are dutybound to make things weird at the draft. Lindstrom seems like the kind of bad OL that the Seahawks love and nobody else is going to take him in the first round so I’m projecting them to move up to take him.
20. PITTSBURGH STEELERS - Brian Burns, EDGE, Florida State
Also deadset on fucking things up for no reason in the draft, this would actually count as a safe pick for the Steelers. It doesn’t address an area of need and Burns is a really weird player because of his weight but he’s athletic and tall and nobody else will have him rated higher than the second round.
21. PHILADELPHIA EAGLES - Dalton Risner, OT, Kansas State
Other players I considered: Montez Sweat, Nasir Adderley, Rashan Gary. Risner is possibly the best OL in the draft and might be long gone by #21 but if he’s there he’s the best player at a position of relative need.
22. INDIANAPOLIS COLTS - Joshua Jacobs, RB, Alabama
This is not at all a need pick and it’s probably not at all realistic but I think Jacobs gives the offense so much more dimension than anybody else available can give them. He’s like Marlon Mack but actually good (sorry, GG) and he honestly can add as much to the passing game as any of the WRs. At least for the Colts.
23. TENNESSEE TITANS - Montez Sweat, EDGE, Mississippi State
Sweat is going to be a really boring NFL player. That’s perfect for the league’s most forgettable franchise.
24. BALTIMORE RAVENS - Nasir Adderley, S, Delaware
The Ravens need some youth in the defensive backfield and Adderley could be an off-brand version of Derwin James. Admittedly, at this time last year I thought James was going to suck but in my defense I’d watched how FSU used him and figured that was related to his abilities.
25. ARIZONA CARDINALS - Yodney Cajuste, OT, West Virginia
There is no shortage of needs on the Cardinals roster but they need to have at least a few offensive linemen that could start for a really good high school team.
26. HOUSTON TEXANS - David Edwards, OT, Wisconsin
A lot of NFL teams have bad offensive line situations and there are a bunch of decent OL prospects this year. But not so many that you can wait on them. WR is absolutely loaded this year but there are so many of them that teams can wait for them. The Texans don’t particularly need WRs. I’m not sure why this is where I chose to write about this.
27. ARIZONA CARDINALS - Dexter Lawrence, DL, Clemson
Again, the Cardinals need everything. Lawrence has his detractors and he kind of needs a great Combine but the potential is sky high.
28. SAN DIEGO CHARGERS - Kyler Murray, QB, Oklahoma
The odds of making a bunch of money is better for Murray in the NFL than in MLB but the odds that he’s about as good in the NFL as Johnny Manziel are still pretty high. The only reason to risk a first round pick on him rather than a second or third is that you’ll need at least 5 seasons before you stop worrying that he’ll actually die from being hit. Murray is tiny. He would be the smallest QB in the league in about 50 years. For all his arm talent and poise he was getting about 9 seconds per play at Oklahoma before he faced pressure. He won’t get 3 seconds on an average NFL play. But the Chargers need to start planning for a post-Rivers world and their head coach’s natural proclivities are more towards a run-based scheme. Worth a shot, maybe?
29. KANSAS CITY CHIEFS - Darrell Henderson, RB, Memphis
This is a dream pick for me more than an honest guess. To be honest, they could probably get Henderson towards the end of the second round. I just love the fit of Henderson in Andy Reid’s offense too much to not mention it.
30. GREEN BAY PACKERS - Kelvin Harmon, WR, North Carolina State
I thought of going ahead with a second EDGE defender and giving them Zach Allen and the Packers have shown a willingness to double up on positions in the draft but then I thought about how good this group of WRs is and how weird it would be to go through the whole first round with only one going off the board.
31. NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS - Zach Allen, EDGE, Boston College
I don’t know if this makes sense for the Pats or not but Allen is built like Chris Jones and could be a fun weapon for Belichick.
32. LOS ANGELES RAMS - Sheldrick Redwine, S, Miami
Redwine mostly played safety at The U but his athletic profile might have him playing more CB at the next level. The Rams high priced defensive backfield mostly sucks and they could use help all over back there so I’m making the home pick to end the first round and giving them one of the more versatile backs in the draft.
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seventeenbiscuits · 8 years
Rainbow Sprinkles on a Cake Building (DK Imagine)
A/N: This was fun to write but like idk what im thinking rn
Word Count: 1357
Genre: flufffffffffff
You throw off your covers with a gleeful smile. Spring is finally here, and all the cliche things like birds chirping and the scent of flowers are already floating outside your window. The sunlight feels pleasantly warm against your skin, and you stretch in your single bed, just enjoying the first day of spring.
The house is awash with a gentle mellow feel, and the soft spring sun streams through your blinds and pools on the floor. Your walls look brighter than usual, and the faded red couch is flooded with muted shades of maroon and cherry red.
The wooden floorboards feel delightful against your bare feet as you pad around the kitchen, gathering all your morning ingredients for breakfast and a good day.
You pick up your morning mix of food and lean against the kitchen countertop, munching on your cereal as you scroll through your daily Instagram feed.
“New cafe opened? Why didn’t I hear about this before?” you frown, pausing to double tap a photo one of your friends posted about a new cafe.
You squinted at the cosy looking cafe, trying to get a better look at the interiors through your small phone screen.
“Are those Jason Millers’ Modo chandeliers? How did they get so many of those? They cost so much!” you exclaimed, your degree in interior design surfacing to closely examine every little part of the aesthetically pleasing cafe.
“I have to go,” you announce to your empty house. The whir of your coffee machine buzzes in protest at your decision to abandon your already made coffee.
“No, it’s not about the coffee. It’s about those chandeliers,” you smile reassuringly, flicking the coffee machine playfully.
After talking to yourself like you usually do in your quaint everyday life, you change into something more presentable than your pyjamas, and head outside.
The walk to the cafe is short and filled up with your music blocking out annoying noises. Mellow acoustics stream into your ears, blessing you with your much-needed dose of musical magic.
When you arrive, you take one earbud out and nearly stop walking because of the sheer beauty of the coffee shop.
Look at those Phillipe Starck Masters chairs! They look so beautiful in real life! And look at the gorgeous shade of those walls… the colours complement the countertops magnificently…
Only just reminding yourself to not talk to yourself out loud, you try to act normally and do what normal people do at a cafe.
You sit down and take a peek at the menu from where you are sitting, to avoid the horrible social situation in which you still don’t know your order and the barista is getting impatient, and then the ground beneath your feet refuses to swallow you up and everyone behind you is staring at you, and God himself descends from heaven to order you a cup of Please Get Yourself Out Of Here And Never Return.
Contemplating that situation, you whisper to the floor beneath you, “You’ll swallow me up if I’m in that problem, right? I swear I don’t taste bad.”
The floorboards under you creak comfortingly, so you muster the courage to head up and order some obscure drink.
“Um… I’ll have an affogato, please,” you stumbled, squinting at the chalky menu written in a pretty but nevertheless incredibly hard to read font.
“Yep, sure. Can I get you anything else?” the barista smiles, and taps some buttons on his screen.
Hoooooo look at this boy! He’s a work of art…
“Er, nothing else…” you reply, trying to cover up your thoughts.
You freeze.
Wait, what did he say? Did I hear him wrong?
“Can I get your name, please?” the barista repeats, his words clearer now in your head.
You face palm yourself and will the ground to swallow you up.
C’mon, don’t let me down.
“Excuse me?” he says, waving a hand politely but firmly in front of you.
“Floor, you said you would have my back!” you hiss, annoyed at the squeaky wooden floor under your feet.
The barista grins, highly amused, and you notice that his teeth are a perfect shade of ivory white, the colour of milk and classic weddings. His skin is a gentle subtle tan, a golden cookie background for his milky white teeth.
“Thanks for your name,” he laughs and writes something down a coffee cup.
You don’t recall telling him your name, but you go and sit down anyway. The line behind you snakes out, full of impatient office workers with frowns and folded arms, and you don’t want to tempt the wrath of the rude social situations.
The faded green of the window beside you catches your attention. One of the buildings glows in the afternoon sun, red brick and white trimmings, catching your attention. It reminds you of a cake, so naturally, you must capture this cake-like building. You whip out your phone and take a photo of the window, with the cake as a backdrop, and as you take the picture, the clouds part and a breathtakingly dazzling rainbow peek out.
You gasp in amazement and delight and check the photo. The pretty rainbow, coyly glowing behind a puff of clouds, framed by the green window, is the perfect shot for your feed. The little cake building is beaming a rich auburn, and the whole photo just lights up with colour and captures everything you’re feeling at this moment.
It’s a wonderful day for the extraordinary, you think.
“Floor, you said you would have my back, please come collect your coffee!” calls the barista from before, his clear voice cutting through the buzz of the people around.
You frown.
What did he just say?
Risking a glance at him, your eyes widen in surprise when he winks at you and beckons you to come with his hand.
Is he calling me?
In bewilderment, you stumble to the front and collect your random coffee you ordered.
If it was possible, your eyes would have widened until they covered your entire face.
The drink was a tall glass of espresso, chocolate drizzle dripped temptingly in the cup. On top of the incredibly huge cup of coffee was a gigantic scoop of vanilla ice cream. Crushed Oreos littered the top of the ice-cream, coupled with a generous dusting of rainbow sprinkles.
“W-what did I order again?” you whisper breathlessly to the barista, who is beaming with pride at his magnificent creation.
“Affogato. I added some extras because you seemed so delighted with the rainbow outside that window, I hope you like the sprinkles!” he replies cheerfully. “Go take a sip!”
You carry the tremendous glass of affogato back to your seat, eyes fixated on the sprinkles. Your hands tremble with the fear of dropping this indulgent drink, which should be classified as a dessert, and you make it safely back to your little green window booth without sending your order crashing to the floor.
One sip of the affogato and you are convinced there is nothing on earth more beautiful and precious than this.
You eye the tall glass of liquid heaven and diabetes with pain. The calories and caffeine content of the drink warn you to stay away, but the indescribable taste in your mouth beckons you to take another sip.
So you give up, and let yourself indulge in the sinfully delicious dessert.
The rainbow sprinkles coat your mouth as you try to eat the ice cream, and you laugh at your reflection when you check yourself in your phone mirror.
“I look like a rainbow monster!” you laugh, rummaging around in your bag for tissues.
“Yes, you do!”
A bunch of tissues land on your table with a soft plop. The barista with a smile bright enough to power the world for eternity is grinning so widely at you that you can almost see his happiness and joy.
“Thanks… um…”
“Seokmin. I work here! Nice to meet you,” he says cheerfully, extending a hand.
“Hi! I’m Y/N,” you say, shaking it. “Thanks for the rainbow sprinkles, by the way.”
Thanks for reading!
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