#sehun fan fiction
helens-random-edits · 2 years
Hunhan edit for my fanfic.
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cinnamonroll999 · 2 years
Top 5 Most Solid Chanbaek Proofs- Part 2
4.The Footsie
This moment has become rather obscure. I only got into Exo and Chanbaek this year. Even after watching dozens of Chanbaek moment compilations and analysis, it took me a while to find out about this.
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You can see Baekhyun, um, giving Chanyeol a footsie, basically. And let me just say, this is not fan service.
Don't get me wrong, Chanbaek did and still do fan service. Examples:
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And here is Sehun trying to make them do fan service:
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(This is a pretty legendary Chanbaek, so maybe I will do a post about this outside of this series, since the rest of the three spots have been reserved.)
Anyway, so, as I was saying, Chanbaek does do fan service. But here's something I use to distinguish between actual moments and fan service: Aside from being so obviously romantic, fan service is always done while laughing, awkwardly or because they do find it hilarious. It's made to be a joke and - as it is meant to be - fun.
Although Baekhyun does have a tiny smile on his face, he nor Chanyeol are giving a single f*ck about the camera. They really seemed to have forgotten about it.
Honestly, when I first found this, I thought it was straight something out of a fan fiction.
Don't you think so? I mean, it very much seemed unreal and fake when I found it, especially since they normally try (and fail) to be subtle in front of cameras.
I hope this was enough to prove my point. See you next time :)
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mxrcayong · 4 years
so i may or may not have binged all of busted season 3...
and i have some ideas for some nct or sehun stories / moodboards based on it so expect that coming up soon :3 
request any member you’d like to see in a murder mystery story!!! 
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oshbluepacific · 4 years
Quarterback pt. II
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Type: Angst/Fluff
Character: Oh Sehun (College Au!) x Reader (feat. a bunch of people)
Words Counted: 4k+
questions and request are available / part I here / masterlist 
“Can I stay here for a night right before the game?” Sehun asked as he was getting under the covers.
“Oh? Why?” You asked, moving closer to him.
“I don’t know, I just want to stay close to you because you make everything better… even after practice.” He said and you giggled in embarrassment.
“Shut it.” You said, as you covered your face with your hands.
“It’s true! I feel like after practice, nothing makes me feel better other than you!” Sehun pointed, and you just looked at him with a smile.
He puts his arms arms around you, pulling your closer only to make you giggle even more.
“You make everything better.” He said and again.
“Okay.” You told him.
“Okay.” You repeated before Sehun tackled you with kisses.
“I love you, you know that right?”
“I know…” You smiled.
 It was hard for you to sleep that night. You were tossing and turning, trying to find a comfortable position to sleep but you just couldn’t find it. You sat up on your bed before turning the lamps on your nightstand on. You slowly covered your face with the plan of your hands before getting up from the bed and decided to get a glass of water.
You suddenly heard your phone ring from your room and you looked at the clock that was hanging above your couch.
“Who is calling me at 1 in the morning?” You grumbled, rather annoyed.
You walked towards your room, shutting the door behind you and picked up your phone.
“Hello?” You answered the phone, irritated.
“Hello? (Y/N)? You’re still up?” It was Kyungsoo.
“Yes, it’s me—why the hell are you calling me in the middle of the night?” You asked him to the point.
“I’m so sorry for calling you this late, but has Sehun texted you?” Kyungsoo asked. And your body suddenly went rigid.
Kyungsoo didn’t know that you had a fight with Sehun—He didn’t know that you were in a “no speaking” term.
“Uhh… No, he hasn’t texted me today, why?” You asked him.
“I think he’s still in campus…” He said.
“THIS LATE?” You jumped, and you quickly covered your mouth.
“Apparently! A friend from my class just texted me, he drove past campus and he thinks he saw Sehun still running around.” Kyungsoo explained.
Your mouth parted because you clearly didn’t know what to say.
You wanted to get mad at him, you wanted to cry on the floor screaming, what the hell is he thinking?!
 “I texted Chanyeol because before I left, Sehun and Chanyeol were the only ones there, but Chanyeol got back an hour ago, he didn’t know about Sehun.” Kyungsoo added.
“I’m going to go and call him.” You told Kyungsoo.
“Yeah, okay, I’m sorry for calling your this late, I just thought I have to let you know as well.” He apologized.
“It’s okay, I wasn’t asleep anyway… Thanks for letting me know, you should sleep Soo… It’s the big game today.” You told him.
“Stop, I’m having trouble sleeping because it is the game today.” He chuckled, and you could hear the bedsheets on the there side of the phone.
You motioned a smile but your mind is just running, thinking about Sehun who is still outside—at campus—in this hour.
Maybe Sehun is just nervous about today’s game and he just didn’t want to stay put because it just going to stress him out.
“Goodnight Soo!” You said.
“Night (Y/N), see you later at the game?” He asked.
You chuckled. “Of course you’ll see me later!” You told him and he laughed before he said his goodbye and hung up the phone.
You sat on your bed with your langs crossed, scrolling through your contact before you could find Sehun’s name.
Without thinking, you called him right away.
Pressing your phone against your ear, you could hear the first ring… the second…
“Hello?” You heard a gruff voice on the other end.
“Sehun? It’s me.” You sai, your voice turned gentle.
“Can you hear me?” You asked.
“I can.” Sehun answered you, and you just raked your hair back.
“Where are you right now?” You asked him.
There was a moment of silent for a brief second before you could heard his sigh on the other line.
“In the field… at campus.” He answered.
You closed your eyes, taking a deep breath before exhaling.
“Sehun, it’s 1 in the morning, you need to rest.” You told him.
“No, no…” He scowled. “I can’t sleep (Y/N), I can’t.” He told you.
You felt like crying because you don’t want him to get sick on this big day, it’s already stressing him out but it’s also stressing you out.
“Come on Sehun, I don’t want you to get sick.” You told him.
“(Y/N), why are you still up at this hour?” He asked.
“I uh…” You startled by his question. “I don’t know… I just can’t sleep yet. And then someone texted me saying that you’re still on campus now I know for sure I can’t sleep.” You explained.
“Just please Sehun, get home safely and take a rest, you’re tired.” You told him.
“Can I come over to yours?” He asked.
You almost said no to his request but you quickly nodded your head.
“Y-yes, just come over okay? I’ll wait for you.” You told him.
You heard him sigh. “I’ll be there in a few.” He said before he hung up the phone.
You suddenly got nervous. It’s not like it’s the first time Sehun is staying over, but you just felt like there’s still a cold tension between you and Sehun. You care so much about him that you feel like you need to be there for him because to you this was way out of line and his own limit.
 20 minutes later you got a text message from Sehun saying his in front of your door. You got up from your bed and hurried to open the door. And there he was. Standing in front of your door, wearing a black t-shirt and cap with his pants and sandals.
You could see the bags under his eyes. His expressions as tired and there was a hint of dirt on his face.
You slowly took his hand and pulled him inside to your apartment before you could close and then lock the door.
“Take a quick shower, and then you can get to bed, okay?” You told him, taking his bag from him. He just watched you and he lets you bring his bag towards your room.
He followed behind you but proceed to walk towards the bathroom before shutting the door behind him.
You placed his bag on your desk. You walked towards your closet to pick out Sehun’s sweatpants and t-shirt. You walked closer towards the bathroom door and knocked not eh door.
You heard the shower stopped running before the door opened a little seconds later.
“Your clothes.” You handed Sehun his clothes and he accepted it before shutting the door again and the shower running back.
You sat on your bed, you decided to text Kyungsoo for an update.
 For: DKS
 hey, just letting you know that sehun is safely at my place rn. don’t worry, i’ll take care of him.
 You then locked your phone and then placed it on the nightstand before you could take a sip of your water.
You heard the shower went off, which means Sehun is done showering. 5 minutes later he came out wearing the clothes you took for him.
“Do you want me to get you something to drink?” You asked him, standing up fro your bed. Sehun shook his head but walked closer to you.
He puts his arms around you and hugs you tightly against him.
You were surprised but you hugged him back anyways.
“I’m sorry for making you stay up late.” He apologized.
You shook your head on his chest. “It’s okay Sehun, the important thing right now is that you’re safe and you get some rest.” You told him. You felt him nodding his head before he pulled away from the hug and walked towards the other side of the bed.
 His side.
 He got himself under the blankets and you joined in.
“Get some sleep alright?” You said, before turning the lights off. You heard Sehun hummed to you and you took that as his answer.
“Yeah?” You turned your head to see him.
It was dark, but you could still see his facial features and expression. He looked drained, and in a need of much sleep.
“Can we cuddle?” He asked.
Without hesitating, you turned yourself around as Sehun moved closer to you. You placed your arms around his neck as he placed his around your waist. He rested his head on your chest, letting out a sigh.
“Thank you (Y/N).”
You nodded your head before you pressed your lips on the top of his head.
Sehun fell asleep immediately in your arms. You could hear his soft snore.
You looked down at Sehun. You can’t see Sehun’s face clearly but you could tell that he was deep asleep.
You suddenly remembered the practice you had witness the other day.
You never really watch their practice, you just come down to the field when Sehun texted you that practice was done or right before practice starts. You never sit on the bleachers and watch them practice. Now that you’ve seen snippets of it, you start to understand the pressure he’s in and how stress he was. When he said to you that he needs you—he needs you.
You shifted your position, to only fins Sehun hugging you tighter. You heard Sehun mumbled something.
“What?” you whispered softly.
He lifted his head lightly, his eyes still closed.
“Don’t leave.” He said in a raspy voice and you shook your head lightly.
“I’m not.” You whispered and he buried his face on your chest, taking a deep breath.
You didn’t date to move your body right after and decided to gently run your fingers through his hair repeatedly until you drifted asleep.
 You woke up late at day on the next day. As you slowly opened your eyes, you found yourself all curled up in Sehun’s arms. You could tell that he was still dead asleep because of his light snores. You slowly moved yourself from his arms before he grumbled and turn to the other side and continue his slumber.
You sat up on your bed, giving your arms a little stretch before you turn to your nightstand. it was almost 11 AM. You wanted to wake Sehun up, asking what time he should be at campus, but you decided to let him sleep more.
You got up from your bed and quietly walk out of your room. You left the door slightly opened and you walked towards the kitchen and decided to make brunch for you and also Sehun.
 “(Y/N), I’m going to be late for practice!” Sehun cried, opening the fridge before bending down to see what’s in it.
“Sehun, it’s Saturday, and it’s 3 PM at noon, practice doesn’t start until 4.” You told him.
He took out a can of orange soda before shutting the fridge close.
“Eat.” You command, sitting on the dining chair.
“(Y/N), I don’t think I have—“
“I don’t care! You haven’t eaten anything today, so eat.” You told him, taking some of the door you have prepared.
Sehun watched you picked some food form the table before chowing them down.
He can’t deny that he is hungry, and it seems like you won’t even let him leave your place unless he get something to eat.
He let out a sigh but he sat across from you and picked his food as well.
A smile formed on your lips and you could feel that you accomplished something great.
 “You’re cooking?” Sheen’s voice startled you.
“Sehun, you scared me.” You said, putting a hand on your chest.
His hair was still messed up, his face still had that hint of sleepiness and the line on his face just marked that he was having a good sleep.
“Yeah, I just made egg rolls, toasts and I had the time to fried some chicken.” You told him, and you saw a small smile grew on his face.
“Coffee or tea?” You offered him.
“Do you have milk?” He asked, opening the fridge.
He picked out fresh milk out of the fridge and he just grabbed a glass from the cabinet before pouring the milk into it.
You made yourself a cup of tea before the moth of you could sit not he dining chair across from each other.
“Let’s eat!” You said before the both of you started to pick foods left and right.
You only picked a little purposely so that Sehun could eat most of it. And he did.
You were happy to see that Sehun is eating so much because sometimes you felt like, during this game season, Sehun would often forgot to take care of himself. And you were the one to remind him to and eventually take care of him.
“You’re watching the game later right?” Sehun asked.
“Yeah, of course I’m going to watch the game.” You told him before taking a bite of the egg roll.
“Great, before we get to campus, can we get to my place just for a bit? I need to get something first.” He told you.
“Oh, you want me to come with you?” You asked him, almost choking on your egg roll.
“Yeah—were you planning on going there with someone else?” He quickly asked you.
“No, not at all!” You assured him and he gave you a nod.
“Good.” He sternly said.
When the conversation was over, you both eat your meal in silence.
 Sehun told you to take your shower first and he volunteered to clean the dishes, which, you didn’t argue. You took a quick shower and then brushed your teeth. You put on your blue t-shirt and jeans on before walking out of the bathroom. You were surprised to find Sehun back in bed, asleep.
You sat not he edge of the bed and tapped his arm lightly.
He muffled, and shifted his position. He slowly opened his eyes and he gave you a firm smile as he saw your face. You smiled back at him as he placed his hand on your arm.
“Get your shower.” You told him.
He nodded his head, but he didn’t get up.
“I’m sorry, about our fight—“
“It’s okay…” You cut him off, lightly shaking your head.
“No, I’m serious…” He said, sitting up on your bed.
You stay silent.
“I’m sorry about how I reacted, I shouldn’t have pushed you like that… You were saying what you were feeling but I didn’t listen and…I was just so selfish to not listen to you.”
You pushed his hair back lightly before he could bring you closer, placing his hand on your waist.
“We misunderstood each other okay? You needed me at that time, and I need you but I was stressing on something else and you were stressing about the game as well.” You started.
“We were both being selfish about our needs. I realize that you got a lot on your plate, and then me being stubborn was just adding something to it.”
“So, I’m sorry too.” You apologized.
A small smile appeared on his lip before he pulled you into his arms and kissed the top of your head.
“Let’s never have fights again okay?” He asked and you nodded your head on his chest.
“Agree.” You said, putting your arms around him. He kissed the top of your head again before you could actually pull away from him. You looked into his eyes, and his were focused onto you.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.” He replied before leaning his cafe closer to you, pressing his lips onto you. You brought your hands up to his face.
Just like you first kiss, it was full of spark and butterflies. You felt like you haven’t kissed him in so long when really it’s not as long as you imagined. You pulled away from the kiss and you gave him a smile.
“Go and get your shower.”
“Aye-eye.” He said, moving you to the side causing you to giggle before he hovered on top of you giving you another kiss.
 “Did you get what you need?” You asked him.
“Yep!” Sehun said, shutting the car door closed.
He started his car engine before pulling up from the driveway and drove towards campus.
“What did you left?” You asked him.
“Uh… Jersey, and also kneepads.” He answered you. “I didn’t plan on staying at your place ya’ know.” He said sarcastically and you laughed.
“Yeah… you didn’t.” You sarcastically said back.
Sehun turned to you for a brief seconds before he could pull his hand to your chin, pulling your face close to him and kissed your cheek.
It was only a fifteen minutes drive from Sehun’s place to Camps, and yet, the parking lot was already packed with cars and people were shuffling down towards he field.
Sehun luckily found an empty parking spot and parked his car there.
You both got out the car and you looked at the faces among the crowds, you haven’t seen anyone familiar to you.
“I’m heading to the lockers, are you okay by yourself?” Sehun asked, as he shut the car door and locked it.
You nodded your head. “Yeah, I’ll be fine.” You told him, as he walked closer to you.
“Okay,” He kissed your forehead. “I’ll see you soon okay?”
“Okay.” You replied before Sehun took off, trotting towards the lockers.
You decided to get coffee first before you could go towards the packed crowds.
There was a cafe near your faculty building, conveniently not that far on where you are.
The cafe was not as packed as the field but you did have to wait in line to get your coffee.
As you got your iced coffee, you stepped out of the cafe and you heard someone calling your name from the distance.
“(Y/N)!” It was Taemin, your classmate and Senior.
“Teamin! I didn’t know you were coming.” You said giving you a quick hug.
“Oh please, this is the game that the whole campus has been waiting for! Of course I’m here.” He said.
“Are you heading to get your seats or are you going to see Sehun first?” He asked.
“I think I’m going to see Sehun first, and just watch it from the side because I hate to be in the bleachers full of people.” You told him.
“Oh okay, let’s just walk there together, I wanted to wish them good luck.” He said and you both walked towards the football field.
Teamin is your senior, and he was in the football team last year. But because he’s graduating soon, he quits football and decided to focus on his studies. Sometimes, Sehun would tell you that Taemin was at their football practice and he was still good, even though he hasn’t been playing for a long time.
 The cheers squad was just outside the gym door, huddling, hyping each other up. Once of them noticed you and Taemin walking together and quickly greeted you.
They told you the boys were still prepping themselves in the gym.
“(Y/N), mind waiting for me here? We could sit together later on the sides, but I just need to talk to the guys first.” Teamin said, pushing the gym door slightly.
“Yeah sure.” You told him, nodding your head.
“Okay, wait here.” He said before disappearing inside the gym.
You looked around the football field and the place was pretty much packed. You were sure that you wouldn’t be sitting among the crowds either. Not long after, you could hear low voices from the gym and all attentions were to the gym door. You could hear their low yell and scream before the door opened. The cheer squad started to cheer as the team started to walk out the gym. You could hear the crowd roared as they started entering the field.
Teamin appeared later with a smile on his face and red face.
“What happened to you?” You laughed.
“Let’s just say, I was getting into the hype, and I forgot that I’m not playing this season.” He laughed.
 Taemin took you to the side of the field, which was your campus bench side. A boy suddenly approached bringing two extra chairs. Teamin thanked him before he could offer a seat for you. Hearing the crowds roared behind you, you could feel you blood pumping of adrenaline, even though you weren’t playing, but you were definitely in the zone.
You took a seat next to Taemin and he could tell by your expression you were nervous.
“Is this your first time watching a game?” He yelled through the crowds.
You shook your head at him. “No! But I don’t know why I’m so nervous!” You answered back, and Taemin let out a little laugh.
“Welcome to the zone (Y/N)!” He said.
A few minutes later, the referee blew the whistle and all teams went to their bench. Teamin got up to see what the coach was explaining and you just sit there because you didn’t understand at all. They huddled together, putting their arms around each other before they yelled out “Break!” The crowds behind you went wild and suddenly a guy walked up to you. He took off his helmet and it was Sehun.
“Stay with Taemin alright, I don’t want you getting hurt… things could get crazy.” He said.
You giggled as Sehun held onto your arm before he could dropped his face. You could see that he was super nervous and you smiled at him.
“Hey…” Sehun lifted his face lightly.
“You’ve practice hard for this, you can do this!” You said in an optimistic tone.
He lets out a chuckle.
“Thank you for always supporting.” He said.
“Always supporting and always will!” You said looking up to him, hitting his chest lightly.
He then took a step back before he could walk back to the field.
“Sehun!” You called him, you were now standing besides Taemin.
Sehun turned his head back to you raising his eyebrow.
“Good luck!” You said, giving him thumbs up and Taemin decided to join giving him thumbs up.
With a light chuckle, Sehun trotted back to you before pulling you into a quick kiss.
He fisted his hand and you knew it was a handshake you had with him.
You bumped his fist, above and below before giving him a high five then sliding your hand to his elbow then snapping your finger.
“Do me proud!” You told him, as Sehun trotted back to the field.
You could hear the whistle, claps and cheers behind you, which made you blush.
“Are you both dating, or friends with benefits?” Teamin teased.
“Shut up.” You burst into laughter before you both could walk back to the chair.
 The game went on pretty well, it was a tight competition—as if both teams were racing for the score. One team scored and then the other team would score the next minute. It was the last 2 minutes and they were currently on a tie score, which just made your heart raced even more. Teamin couldn’t sit there, so he joined in with the coach kind of like his co-coach.
You stayed on your seat because you couldn’t really move because you were that nervous as well. The opposite team called for a timeout, so the team is all huddled up near the bench.
You could hear that Kyungsoo was frustrated, but he was still optimistic about this and tried to hype everybody up.
Sehun then pulled Kyungsoo back to the circle and you could hear him telling his strategies. Teaming then pitched in his own strategy and there were a little argument from Sehun and then both of them formed a new plan.
You turn to the crowd and they were all starting to lose energy, you didn’t blame them. They’ve been screaming and cheering since the start of the game!
 The whistle blew and the game started again, and this time, it feels like it determines who will take the winning game.
 The team then went back to the field. As the whistle blew once more, you couldn’t hear a single thing and everything happened so quickly. You saw Sehun run the field and someone among them threw it. Everybody on the benched and bleachers started going crazy and so did you. You jumped up from your chair, screaming on the top of your lungs beside Taemin who was screaming as well as Sehun catches the ball.
A lot from the opposite team started to chase Sehun down but not a single person was able to catch up with him.
“Touchdown!” Teaming screamed and the buzzer went off. Everything was clear for you now. You could hear the crowd went crazy and as you turn they started to run into the middle of the field. Everyone on the bench jumped up and ran into the field as well, including the coach. You and Taemin cheered happily before he could pull you into a tight hug.
“He did it. He fucking did it. They won the game holy—“
Teamin burst into laughter and you could see a tear escaped his eye.
He grabbed your hand and pulled you into the field and you all celebrated the victory altogether.
You all jumped up and down screaming, singing ‘We Are The Champion’ by Queen. Kyungsoo saw you and quickly pulled you closer to him.
“You’re here!” He said happily.
“I am! Congratulations on the win I’m so proud of you guys!” You said, giving him a quick hug.
“Right after this I might have to congratulate you.” He winked and you rolled your eyes, but at the same time, you didn’t know what Kyungsoo meant by it.
Your eyes then catched the dight of Sehun. He had his helmet of and his eyes met yours. He let out a sigh with a smile on his face. Suddenly Taemin tapped his shoulder and Sehun turned to Taemin. You decided to walk to him as the crowd died down.
“Thanks Taemin.” Sehun thanked Taemin.
Teaming saw you walking closer towards them and he patted Sehun on the shoulder.
Taemin gave you a smile before he started screaming.
The crowd made some space for you and Sehun and you were embarrassed and confused at the same time.
“Sehun… What is all this?” You asked, feeling your face turning red.
Sehun dropped his helmet to the ground before pulling a breath.
“(Y/N), we’ve been together for 3 years now, and I know it’s not really a long time, but to me it actually does feel like I’ve known you all my life. You were always there for me since day one—even when I’m feeling at my lowest, when I’m just being difficult… You didn’t give up on me.” Sehun started, and you could feel the tears welled up in your eyes.
“Even when we had our falling out, even when I told you we shouldn’t be talking you’re still worried about me, you still care about me, you still love me despite my difficult personality!” He said with a light laugh and everyone joined in.
“You love me through thick and thin, you love me for the way I am, and for who I am.” Sehun took a step closer to you.
“You are the most compassionate, loving, caring, funniest—most beautiful girl I’ve ever met. You are my rock, my centre, my bestfriend my everything, and I am grateful everyday for your existence and for you to be in my life.”
Everyone awed and you couldn’t help but to smile and let that tears out.
“So, for that…” Sehun suddenly got down on one knee in front of you and the crowd just went wild for a few seconds.
“ I love you (Y/N). I want to be a part of your life, I want to be that person who wakes up, look at you and feel like falling in love with you for the first time everyday. I want to be the person who can show you the world, the person who will always be there for you—supporting you through everything. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”
Sehun suddenly pulled out a red velvet box and presented to you. At this point you were already crying your tears out, covering your mouth with your hand.
“So… (Y/F/N), will you marry me?” Sehun asked, opening the velvet box revealing a beautiful ring.
You nodded your head as you cried out. “YES!”
The crowd went wild again as Sehun took the ring out from the box. He stood up before he could put the ring on your finger and he pulled you into a passionate kiss.
It was a bit hard for you because of the guard his was wearing, but despite it all—it was still magical for you.
“I love you sooooo much (Y/N).” Sehun said hugging you.
“I love you too.” You happily replied, still crying.
He pulled away to look down at you and he wipe your tears away before kissing you again.
 Everything felt victorious.
Everything felt joy.
Everything felt right.
 You believe that Sehun is the person who loves you no matter what. Out of all the people he knows,
 he chose you to spend the rest of his life with.
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sehun-smut-blog · 6 years
Youngblood - Sehun
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what a deadly feeling it must be, to fall headfirst into a space next to someone incapable of loving you the way you deserve
one | two | three | four | five | six | +
The mend wasn’t happening. Not yet, anyway. You were no longer broken, but still certainly chipped. Chanyeol had helped, letting you go, clearing your conscience of the pain you had caused him.
But at the root of everything, Sehun still lurked. You couldn’t get him off your mind. He never came to late night dinner runs with your friends, and you never saw him on campus. The parking spot by the door his motorcycle always leaned in was empty every day, lonely without his presence. You tried to ignore it, that empty feeling in your stomach, but it felt impossible. Not when you were snuggled into your pillows, and a whiff of his scent would flood your memory with his fingers tracing your spine late into the night. The coffee maker in the kitchen was an eyesore, but it seemed too bare when you finally tucked it into a dusty cupboard. Walks to class seemed extra frigid without his stupid jokes warming your face into a smile. Somehow, your bed was even colder now than when it would be vacant without him in the morning.
But you especially couldn’t ignore it now. Not when his bike was propped, just within your line of sight beside Yixing’s townhouse.
“Ready?” Jongin asked, turning the key to his beat-up Corolla until the engine whined to a halt. But you were frozen in place, lips tentatively licking your bottom lip.
You were stupid to agree to come to this party. There was no guarantee that he would even show, and you honestly though he might not. Why would he? But here you were, and there he was, somewhere inside the house.
It was Yixing and Sooyun’s one-year anniversary. One year of their sickeningly sweet puppy love, a never-ending honeymoon phase. Three hundred and sixty five days of watching him look at her like she had all the stars in her eyes. Of course, the best way to celebrate was a party - at least, that’s what Baekhyun had decided. Flash forward to now, and you had forced yourself to look good, slipping on a nice outfit and boots, curling your hair. Your bags had been covered up with concealer, hair in soft waves down your hack, half tied up messily on your head. The thick knit white turtleneck was being wound in your hands, anxiously being pulled between your hands like a stress ball.
You weren't ready. Nowhere near. You felt sick.
But still, you gave a tentative nod. “Y-Yeah, let’s go.”
Jongin watched you carefully, eyebrows knitting slightly as he sighed. He twirled the keys around his finger, mumbling slightly. “It’ll be fine. I-I don’t know what the hell happened, but I know you don’t want to talk about it, and that’s fine too.”
You just nodded back slowly. “Thanks, Nini.”
“Don’t mention it. Just pretend it never happened, and everything will be great.” He said with a firm nod, his optimistic head rearing out. You just pursed out a stiff smile.
Oh, if only it were that easy.
The dewdrops flooded the air with their fresh scent, slight hazy air billowing as you threw open the car door and stepped out with a huff. Your heeled leather boots clicked dully on the sidewalk, hands rubbing your arms for warmth as you waiting for Jongin to loop around the car and meet you. Your cheeks were red, from more than the cold, your heartbeat causing a pink flush to scatter them. 
“Come on, it’s freezing out here.” Jongin said, coming up to your side with a lopsided smile. His eyes were still sparkling in the low light, a stark contrast to your own, which were certainly dulled in comparison to his. You were jealous of Jongin, his chipper attitude and kind gaze. God, what would it be like to have his magnetic aura, oozing charm, instant fondness with everyone he met. He always seemed so damn happy.
You followed his steps up the familiar wooden steps, creaking under your weight as you scampered towards the warm light spilling out of the door’s window. You could already hear the thrumming bass rattling the faded brick walls, ivy climbing their cracks trembling with it’s force. 
So much for a small party then. Baekhyun’s planning always seemed to get out of hand.
The man himself soon stumbled into your arms once the door was open, breath already tainted with the smoky sweetness of bourbon. 
“You finally made it! Fashionably late is better then never, I guess.” Baekhyun grinned, tugging you in for a quick hug in welcome. You returned it with one arm, the other already reaching out for the drink, dangerously close to spilling in his grasp.
“Ah, careful Baek!” You said, chuckling sharply, nerves cutting the laugh into shards.
“What? ‘M always careful.” Baekhun said with an eye roll, moving to swipe the plastic cup from your grasp, but not before you snagged a sneaky sip. 
“Looks like you should have been more careful with the guest list.” You teased, glancing around the crowded living room. Girls you recognized from campus were swaying slightly as they chatted on the hardwood, guys and girls alike scattered along the warm beige walls. It had been decked out with fairy lights crossing the ceiling like a web, illuminating the space with soft twinkling. You had been lucky to duck out of the prepping process, citing your anthropology paper as an excuse.
“Stick in the mud.” Jongin pouted at you teasingly, making you roll your eyes.
“Remind me about it when poor Yixing gets another noise complaint.” You laughed slightly, nosing off your boots and leaving them at the mat beside the door, which was glaringly empty. Even if nobody else was going to be a good house guest, you certainly would be, especially since you would be the one scrubbing the floor in the morning.
“I’m going to grab a drink, want anything, Muddy?” Jongin just countered, shooting you a cheeky grin. You just smiled slightly, nodding and following him through the crowd towards the kitchen. 
If you saw someone you recognized, you would offer the a smile, waving quickly as you padded along after Nini, afraid to lose him in the crowd. Even then, your eyes never strayed further, locking on one pair of eyes to the next, but hyperaware of everyone in your periphery. Could anyone else feel the tension in your shoulders, strung like a bow and ready to snap? Each brush against your shoulder felt like an icy shock, always wondering it would be him asking for your attention.
Thankfully, it never was, and you made it into the kitchen more quickly than you had anticipated. A shaky breath fluttered past your lips, eyes trailing on the wide assortment of liquor and cans laid out on the table. Plastic cups sat in their sleeve, half-full ones forgotten and scattered around it in a messy fashion. People mimicked their pattern around the table, chatter filling the air even more than the stench of booze cutting against your nose. 
“Mix or bottle?” Jongin asked, turning to give you a glance as he grabbed a bottle of whiskey to begin making his own concoction. 
Your eyes flashed to his, mouth falling open slightly. “Uh, mix with tequila, I guess.” You hummed, watching the dark amber liquid slosh into his cup. He was smart, only pouring so much until he recapped the bottle, reaching for the bottle of cola to his left.
This is what you needed. To let loose, just chill out for the night. Hell, you had no reason to worry yet, hadn’t even seen any trace of him beside the motorcycle outside. Maybe it wasn’t even his, maybe you had no reason to be so wound.
So, Jongin’s responsibility wouldn’t cut it for you today.
“Actually, I can pour it myself.” You said, grabbing the bottle of tequila from the counter. The weight of it in your hand was a fond memory to your high school and early university days, when this very brand was your sidekick. The bittersweet scent sent a shiver down your spine, the light amber sparkling as you poured a generous amount into your cup.
Jongin passed you a bottle of soda, but didn’t immediately release it from his grasp. His hand was warm under yours grabbing for the bottle, catching your eye calmingly. “Breathe.” He reminded softly, smiling when he finally handed it off to you.
Gulping, you just nodded.
The taste was bitter, the burn coating your throat like acid as you took a heavy gulp. Immediately, the taste had your fingers tingling, blinking harshly against the acidity, grip tightening.
“Holy, did you put any soda in there?” A voice said from behind you, making you glance back quickly.
“Yixing!” You said with a large grin, turning to face Sooyun as well. “Hey, guys! Happy anniversary!”
Sooyun laughed, tossing her hair behind her shoulder with the motion. “Thanks, although I didn't realize quite this many people would be wanting to congratulate us.” She grinned, glancing around the room quickly. “I don’t even know half these people, I don’t think.”
“Me either, but that’s what we get for letting the goblin plan.” Yixing said with an eye roll, but he was still grinning nonetheless. His arm was wound around Sooyun’s waist like it had always been there, hers raising her drink to her lips slowly, but you knew that if the cup was gone, her fingers would be twined within his. It was just their nature.
You didn’t realize you had been staring until Yixing’s voice made your gaze flicker back up to his, although they were nothing but warm. “How’ve you been?”
You knew what he was asking, but you chose not to answer. Not fully, at least. “Great! And what about you guys, do anything special for the big day?” You asked back, keeping a soft smile on your lips as you took another sip.
Pretending was easy for you, but somehow the cords of jealousy still wound around your throat as they detailed their lazy day in, and walking by the canal in the evening. It was stupid and petty, childish that you were so wounded with their lovesick glances and physical affection, but it still was hard to contain a grimace when Yixing just had to press a kiss to her cheek before going off to try to grab the aux. 
You wanted that. You wanted someone to press kisses to your skin, just because they could. Someone who would return your glances, warm your back with their arm, get rid of the impossibly invisible feeling you had swallowed up in this crowd.
Your teeth dug into your bottom lip as your eyes flickered over the crowd again, now seemingly filled with seemingly happy couples. Some guy brushed hands with the girl next to him, but you could see how her cheeks flashed scarlet. Another was pressed together, kissing harshly in the back corner, so entangled in each other you were surprised they even knew they were at a party. You wondered if you’d ever find someone that would blush from you kissing their cheek or touching their hands. If you’d ever find someone that would want to proudly hold you in front of their friends, someone that would claim you as theirs with every ounce of love in their body.
But, just as you saw a pair of beat-up chucks step into the kitchen, you thought that you didn’t want someone.
You wanted him.
It was him, you knew it was. Your eyes flickered back to Sooyun, who was engrossed in talking about some patient she had in her nursing placement, but now your mind was elsewhere. You could feel him across the room, sending sparks flashing down your spine, cheeks heating as your stomach dropped. He wasn’t wearing a black hoodie for once, that much you could tell, but didn’t dare yourself to look in detail.
His usually soft-spoken, deep voice seemed to reverberate into your ears as he greeted someone, but you tried to keep your eyes on Sooyun. You took another gulp of your drink, the buzz now flooding your veins, but it was nothing compared to the electricity that Sehun had over your body. You vaguely nodded your head along to the conversation, picking at the fabric of your jeans as you allowed one quick glance at his middle across the room, watching his large hands tucked into the pockets of his denim jacket, chest falling slightly with his speech.
It felt like torture, being stuck so close to the person you’d been trying not to think about for entirely too long. Granted, you were doing a pretty shit job at filing thoughts of him away to begin with, but being able to see the tapping of his feet against the tile, hands moving to grip the counter behind him as he leaned onto it wasn’t alleviating the struggle. He was close enough for you to call his name if you wanted to, close enough for you to reach him in only a minute if you dared. Your heart was pounding so hard you felt like you couldn’t breathe properly, and you wondered if you looked quite as in distress as you felt.
You wanted to scream, to reach forward and strangle him for seeming so at ease while you were almost losing your mind just looking at his damn hands. You wanted to hit him again, to make him feel half the pain he had caused you. It was only fair considering how broken he had turned you, nothing but dust cracking under his grip. He’d left an impact wound on your chest that was throbbing, fiery and red with torment.
You continued to drink, Jongin slipping in wordlessly beside you to pick up the conversation you had clearly disassociated from. The gulps of your drink were dulled compared to the sound of his voice in your ears, and you wished you had brought fucking headphones to drown him out. It was an impossible decision to look at him or not, but you couldn't stop yourself from finally settling on his face, one that had been missing from your life for so long.
Slowly the urge overtook you, your eyes trailing up from his small waist, taking in his loose white tee and black jeans, dark wash denim jacket loose on his arms. A deep maroon flannel was layered beneath it, peeking out from the lapels of his coat. They made their way up his fair, porcelain neck, remembering what it felt like beneath your lips, before landing on his face, your stomach immediately doing flips. You watched as his cheeks turned into a tight lipped smile, pursing slighly, his eyebrows sitting low over his eyes. He looked tired but somehow still breathtaking, hand coming to play with his hair nervously, making sure it was still styled off his forehead. The soft violet of his undereyes bended into the pink of his cheeks, and you knew he was probably cold from the chilly air outside, creeping in from the open windows.
You wanted to stand by his side and curl under his arm. You wanted to feel his warmth radiating around you and fingers playing with the knit of your sweater. You wanted to plant kisses along his jaw and neck and cheeks and tell him that you missed him, all in the hopes that he might say the words back. Somehow, you also wanted to shove him from where he was leaned and stomp on his fingers one by one, wanting him to feel the damage he had done to you, the pain he’d instilled in your limbs.
It was when you were going to look away that his head turned slightly, and his eyes landed on yours. His expression didn’t change, but you felt your own eyes widen, blinking quickly. His brows furrowed slightly, tongue darting out to wet his bottom lip, but your eyes flashed back to Sooyun before you saw anything else.
You were going to throw up. Pass out. Combust. Honestly, any of those options seemed ideal compared to the alternative; staying here, and waiting for him to do something. The reality that it would never happen was a much more bitter sting then the last gulp of tequila, eyes clenched shut.
The tingles across your skin was a signal that his gaze hadn’t strayed, making the itch to glance back almost irresistible. 
And for the first time, maybe ever, you were grateful for Baekhyun’s presence.
“Holy, I haven't seen you slam down a drink like that since... frosh?” Baekhyun aid with a loud, drunken laugh, making your head turn to him. His arm quickly settled across your shoulders, tugging you into his chest. 
“Special occasions only.” You managed to say with a weak grin, turning back to the table and setting down your cup. Instead, you just grabbed the bottle of vodka, the cool glass grounding you to reality. “And this one is the most special of all.”
“Hey-!” Jongin started, but was too late as you took a swig straight from the bottle. “I paid for those!” You swallowed with a harsh grimace, but you didn't care.
Because when you glanced back, Sehun was chewing on his lip harshly, watching you with a level gaze as you drank. His arms were now folded harshly over his chest, expression stoic as you wiped your lips with the back of your sleeve. 
“I’ll pay you tomorrow.” You said to Jongin, free hand coming up to clasp Baekhyuns from around your shoulder. “Can we go dance?”
Baekhyun was eyeing you wearily, mouth falling into a slight, wry grin. “Sure.” He hummed, although his gaze followed the bottle as you went for another sip.
You nodded, using your grasp on his hand to guide him back to the living room, nosing your way through the crowd like a traffic jam. Already, your footsteps were bleary and stumbling, the one drink that you had already flooding through your veins and making you uneasy. With each step closer to him, your eyes ignored his presence even more, until you just watched his arms fall slack when you slipped past him, and out the door. 
Was he going to reach for you? Had he watched you meander towards him, heart growing erratic with the motion, mirroring your own thudding verbatim? 
It didn’t fucking matter.
“Are you good? Maybe you should slow down, you literally just got here.” Baekhyun said as you tugged him into the crowd of pulsing bodies, floor shaking beneath your feet. He eyed you slowly, carefully watching your expression for any flicker of doubt, or grief.
But you bit it down, instead shooting him a lazy smile. “Can we just dance, please?” You said, licking your lips to stop your voce from breaking.
Because you weren’t good. At this point, you didn't know if you ever would be, the guy you needed so numb to your presence. You were shattering like ice knowing that with every frosty gaze you feigned to him, the coldness from his gaze was genuine. You were nothing but a good lay, his favourite fuck, but he would be just fine without your presence. You didn’t realize your hand was clenched into a fist until pain flickered up to your elbow, crescents from your nails burrowed into your palms.
“Okay. But just this once.” Baekhyun hummed, watching your unfocused gaze flicker back to his, a soft smile drifting onto your face. He knew he had done the right thing with Chnayeol; this pain, however, was one he couldn’t mend.
You slowly began to sway your hips to the beat, watching Baekhyun tonight with his signature, stupid dance moves that had your face splitting into a wide grin. Barking out a laugh, you let yourself relax into the music, relax for the first time in ages, and not think.
It was heaven, swaying on the dance floor, bottle in hand. Your mind was blissfully numb, each gulp of vodka fuel to the wildfire of your consciousness, hands tracing along your own hips and waist like they were someone else, head tossed back and smiling slightly as the beat thudded through your core.
A brush across your shoulder made your eyes flicker open, it’s familiar warmth making your smile grow.
“Fancy seeing you here.” Chanyeol grinned, his gaze flickering down your body quickly and cheeks growing rosy.
“Yeollie!” You said with glee, hand coming up to give him a soft punch on the shoulder. He was an incredible sport, playing along like there was no history and no unspoken words between the two of you. The times everyone had hung out together following the whole-midnight-diner-confession felt like you were back to the old days, where it was you and Yeol and nothing more.
“Chanyeol!” Baekhyun said with equal enthusiasm, clapping him on the shoulder harshly. “You’re late, man!” “Fell asleep.” Chanyeol said with a slight shrug, raising a can of beer to his lips as he drank. “Here now, aren't I?”
“Yup, and you’re getting smashed with us, right?” You asked playfully, still swaying slightly to the music playing in the background. You didn't know the song, but you didn’t care.
“Yeah, I can see that you’re... really going for it.” Chanyeol quirked his brow as he watched the liquid in the vodka bottle swish around, lonely. His rows furrowed slightly as they searched yours.
Jesus, you weren’t some kind of train wreck (but okay, maybe you felt like it).
“Special occasions only.” You pouted, dragging out the -y for much longer than necessary. You held the bottle up to his lips, a smirk slowly crawling onto your face when he complied, taking a hesitant sip with a grimace.
“Agh!” He growled, flexing his jaw harshly and screwing his eyes shut. “How the fuck are you drinking that?”
“I’m not a pussy.” You said with a shrug, taking a sip of your own while shooting him a wry gaze. He just scoffed and shook his head, taking a swig of his beer as a chaser.
“Are you going to dance with us, you big ol’ lug, or just stand there?” Baekhyun asked him quickly, poking his side harshly. Immediately after, he egan swaying his hips to the beat again, feet moving in steps far too rapid for the pace of the song, and making you laugh.
Chanyeol laughed too, clapping your shoulder with glee as he watched Baekhyun’s moves, making you chuckle along with him. Even then, you chose to disassociate, returning back to the though-free heaven he had torn you from.
Time was lost as you danced with your friends, Chanyeol twirling you playfully and kicking Baekhyun’s shins every chance he got. You ignored them stepping on your toes, instead being wrapped up in the overwhelming euphoria of swaying your stupid feelings away, even if only for a few minutes.
Chanyeol brushed down beside you, his fluffy hair brushing against your ear. “You okay?” He asked lowly, hand coming out to steady the swaying of your hips. His breath danced across your skin, the closeness making you smile. 
“Yeah, who wouldn’t I be?” You asked, leaning back from him to look at his face, but he wasn’t looking at you like you were expecting. Instead, his jaw was locked, gaze settled towards one of the walls, and brows furrowing slightly.
“Chan-” You started, but before you could even utter his name Chanyeol was grabbing your free hand tightly in his own.
“Look.” He said quickly, before he sent you spinning again, laughter ringing out in the air. By this point, you were very tipsy, the movement making your gaze swim exponentially faster. Even still, you could see what he was referencing; Sehun leaned against the wall, eyes drinking in your twirling form. It flashed by once, twice, and by the third time his gaze had moved, focusing somewhere else in the room, but the quick flashes of his eyes on you was more than enough.
You collapsed into Chanyeol’s chest with a airy huff, hand coming to steady yourself on his chest quickly. Fuck. Fuck. Your heart was pounding.
You weren’t okay. But when he asked, you just nodded quickly.
“I’m ignoring it.” You said quickly, trying to begin dancing to the rhythm again, but it was hard now, knowing he was back in the same room. He would be able to see through your attempt to pretend he didn’t exist, he always could.
“You don't have to.” Chanyeol said, his arms coming onto your biceps, steadying your loose motions. They were dizzyingly warm, and only then did you fully realize quite how drunk you really were. “We can go, get another drink or something.”
“Yeol, I’m fine, I promise.” You huffed, but even to you it sounded empty. Chanyeol continued to not-so-subtly glance in his direction, face stoic, but he still nodded, believing your empty assurance with ease.
You were grateful for it.
But now, even when your hands fell off his front and instead traced imaginary patterns into the air, you were extra electrified. The room seemed ten times smaller, the bodies around you pressing closer and closer as you grew more bold with your moves, even playfully tracing your hands down Baekhyun’s arms with an airy, empty laugh. You were numb, but somehow on hyperdrive, ignoring the ball in your throat and the urger to look one more time, see if his eyes were still tracing your motions.
You needed to think with your head, not that stupid thing in your chest. It felt like it had it’s hands around your neck, tightening and tightening until you could barely breathe, so desperate to see him, feel him. It was like you were tethered to him, so taut it was about to snap.
So finally, you glanced back. The one glance was all it took to have your knees swimming. 
You knew her, the girl leaning on the wall next to him, so close she could probably feel his warmth. Her face flashed through your mind, the pretty girl with long auburn hair. She was in one of your classes, her crooked smile endearing, even to you. The name eluded you, instead brief memories of the one time she had been a partner for some project, her artificial, twinkling laugh. Now, it was all you could hear.
It shouldn't have made your blood boil the way it did. 
Sehun, on the other hand, seemed to just be listening, face flat as she talked away. His hands were shoved into the back pocket of his jeans, nodding slightly to whatever she was talking about, eyes searching through the sea of people gyrating to the music, gaze empty. 
Your wanted to look away, movements stilling as your eyes locked on her thin hand slowly moving to trace up his chest, lips whispering something inaudible in his ear, and you saw his lips twisting into a slight smirk. You wondered just what she had said, before his eyes were back on you, immediately flickering with something you couldn’t recognize.
You jumped slightly when they met yours, gasping like you had been doused in ice water. It took everything to not let the bottle slip from your grasp and shatter against the floor, instead gripping it tighter than a vice.
“Yeol.” You whimpered slightly, immediately hating how small you sounded.
“Hm?” He hummed back, still absorbed in the music, but immediately glancing down at you. When his gaze met yours, his face immediately morphed into one of worry. “What?”
“I-I...” You started, but glanced back. It was a mistake, you knew it even before your eyes settled on him again, but it burned your core to see him turned to face the girl, eyes set low on her face, hand sliding up her arm on his chest. He was smirking now, licking his lips slightly, and you felt like it was digging an ice pick into your chest.
“I need to go.” You said quickly. Yeol’s eyes had followed yours, his jaw working harshly, but you darted off through the crowd before he could say anything. Shoving through the sweaty, pulsing mass of people, sock-laden feet slipping on the floor as you clawed desperately to escape. You needed to breathe, think without him being near you, gulp down reality as harshly as you had the vodka.
This was the reality. He still wasn’t yours, still didn’t feel anything for you, at all.
Finally, you reached the staircase, maneuvering around the chair that had been set there to block people out. Your feet clambered up the stairs, breath flowing into your lungs like poison, eyes blinking away any emption that threatened to spill.
Until you heard him.
“Stop.” Chanyeol grubbed, the harsh thud of his hand meeting the wall of the stairwell echoing up to where you were, on the second floor. “She wants to be alone.”
“How do you know what she wants?” Sehun growled back, voice laced with intimidating, bubbling anger. 
You continued to dart away, as quickly as possible to the nearest source of fresh air you could find. 
Finally, you burst onto the patio with a choking gasp, hand immediately setting the bottle on the thick cement railing preventing you from toppling over. Even though your feet remained firmly on the patio, it felt like you were falling, twisting and tumbling into a downwards spiral you weren’t sure you’d ever reach the bottom of.
It was impossible to ignore him, as hard as you fucking tried, you thought with a bitter laugh in the empty air. When he’d look at you anywhere outside of your apartment, you’d be aware of all the moments you’d spent tangled up underneath him. You’d be reminded of the creak he’d put in your bed’s frame from the whining of your old headboard. You’d remember how soft his fingers felt when they’d glide against your leg, or how his hair felt when it brushed against your neck. Everything about Sehun was intoxicating, especially up close like that, when you were in his arms, and it felt like he’d never let you go.
All you really wanted was for things to go back to normal, before you had ever felt his chest under your hands, for the erratic pace of your heart to slow whenever you were around him. You wanted the feelings in your chest to go away, as they were never going to be returned. You wanted to know if you’d ever really had a chance to begin with. Sometimes you felt delirious, like you’d slipped a pill past your lips that never stopped coursing through your veins. Sehun was your high and your low all at once, he was your desire and your dislike, the thing you craved but also wanted to be far away from so you could let your feelings go.
Sometimes you forgot what it felt like before you’d realized you were in love with Oh Sehun, if you had always been so aware of the speed of your heartbeat or the smell of his cologne. You wondered if you’d always been so aware of his aura until he pulled you under it, if you’d ever not been desperate for his lips to say your name. It was like having feelings for him had consumed you whole, had buried you alive without a clue of how to claw your way back out.
If you were numb, you could barely feel it on the balcony. Your breath was puffing out in soft clouds, but you didn't watch the tendrils floating out into the air. Instead, your eyes fell shut, trying to shut out the memories swirling through your mind. 
He didn’t like you, not in the way you liked him, not with the entirety of his heart all laced up with desire. He didn’t think of you kissing him or holding his hand, didn’t imagine how beautiful you look entangled in his arms. He didn’t spend your time apart missing your laugh and the way your lips downturned when you got angry, didn’t want to scream thinking of another guy touching you. He didn’t think of you as anything more than his favourite fuck. It was odd, loving someone who didn’t like you back, feeling guilt for giving your attention to anyone else like you somehow owed them something. Sehun didn’t have feelings for you, he never thought of you how you wished he would.
Loving someone who didn’t love you was like you were being drowned but staying above water just enough to stay alive. It felt like he was close enough to see but not enough to touch, like you’d never know what was below the surface as much as you wished you could. It wasn’t that Sehun didn’t care about you, you knew that he did with all his heart. He was your best friend, your life line when things were hard, there was love in his chest that was reserved for only you. The only problem was that his love wasn’t the same as yours, his was based on lust and desire, not love and longing.
You felt trapped, stuck between hoping he’d someday return your feelings and getting distance to let the emotions subside enough to be put to rest. Sometimes you were hell-bent on finding a way to be far away from the reminders of him, spending hours on end looking at internships as far away as possible so you could escape him, once and for all. Some days, you had even applies for them, dead set on finally going past him. 
Other times, however, were filled with the desperation to be held by him, by a lingering touch from his palm on your arm that was enough to make sparks of hope ignite in your veins, ones that tried to consume you whole. Watching him looking at her like that it had been the latter, which was the exact reason you’d been clambering out of the party as quickly as you could manage, desperate to escape. How ironic that now that you were gone, he was still the only thing that consumed your mind.
The cold was finally beginning to seep into your veins, the icy cold of the cement below you seeping through your socks. In your state, the next best option seemed to be to clamber into the thick cement railing, crossing your legs under yourself as you teetered precariously. The negative side of your action was far away, the possibility of you falling distant in your mind as you allowed yourself another tentative sip from the vodka to your left. At least that could fill your empty core with burning flames.
You heard the glass door slide open behind you, but weren’t surprised by it’s noise. You had been up here for minutes now, maybe longer than you had originally planned, but knew that at some point, someone would disrupt you.
What you didn’t expect, however, was the draping of a jacket across your trembling shoulders, the warmth seeping into the chill that you didn’t even notice was there. It made you jump, but more so from the scent drifting off of it, sandalwood and smoke.
“Shh, don’t fall.” Sehun hummed lowly, his hands just barley brushing your arms before he was already turning to lean on the wall to your right. 
Even being this close to him was making your gut twist lowly, biting down a harsh choke at his appearance. Words failed you, instead just gazing at him, empty as you watched him fish for something from his back pocket.
Pulling out a pack of cigarettes, and a lighter, he flipped the top of the case open quickly and pulled a long, thin white rod out. Bringing it to his lips, he sparked it quickly, taking a deep drag from it as his eyes glanced around at the scenery of trees and other houses lights around you.
“When did you start smoking?” You heard yourself ask, but you were disassociated. It felt like the alcohol had tugged you from your body, watching from afar. He was right there, and you were right here, thinking about him.
Sehun just shrugged, pulling the cigarette from his lips with a free hand. “I used to when I was a teenager. I’m driving home tonight, needed something other than alcohol to get me through.”
The wind blew stray stands around your face, which you tugged out with a swipe of your hand, eyes settling back onto the flickering of lights from the houses around you. The jacket on your shoulders felt heavy, the cold wicking away the warmth it once flooded you with. Now, the two of you fell silent, nothing but the dull thuds of bass reverberating throughout the house filling the air between you.
You could still see him in your periphery, taking drags from his cigarette every few moments as though it was water. You hated how the scent of smoke clung to his jacket, knowing that he had certainly been smoking before this party ever began, leeched into the fibres of the denim. It made you scrunch your nose slightly, furrowing your brow.
Finally, he broke the silence. “So you and Chanyeol are still together, huh?” He asked lowly, voice almost drowned out by the song a floor below you.
You scoffed out a harsh laugh, eyes falling shut. “No, we’re not.”
“Oh.” He said, butting out the nub of his cancer stick on the couch cement you were still perched upon. “Okay.”
The simple response made your lips twist downwards. “What does it matter to you, anyway? Why did you even care?”
He rolled the but between his fingers your head turning to look at him, fully. He was chewing on his cheek, eyes remaining downcast. “I don’t.”
You grit your teeth. “So why did you comment on his fucking photo, then?”
“I don’t know.” He relented, glancing at you quickly. The eye contact proved to be too much for him, head falling back to glance at the sky. You hated how the moonlight illuminated his skin, the smoothness of his jaw and neck, how his collarbones peeked out of the neckline of his shirt. He looked ethereal, making your stomach do flips when he gulped. “I was just being impulsive, you know how I am.”
Your angry laugh cut through the air like a knife, swinging your legs to land back onto the patio. His jacket slumped off of your shoulders to the floor, but you didn't bother reaching for it. He could grab it himself. You didn’t fucking care. 
The anger that you had all but extinguished was erupting in your throat, leaking around your eyes, setting your skin alight. Fuck him. Fuck his stupid jacket, nonchalant stance, perfect fucking body and intimidating eyes on your frame as you slugged another gulp from the bottle. You weren't going to let yourself cry now, instead shooting him a venomous glare.
“You know what? Whatever. I do know how you are, isn’t that the whole fucking problem in the first place?” You laughed, acid spitting out with your words. You could see his lips pressing together firmly, flinching with the blades of your words cutting into him like a knife, and as horrible as it was to admit, somewhere you were happy you had hurt him, even if it was incomparable to the hurt he had caused you.
His hand wound around your wrist before you could tug the sliding door back open, soft but firm on your skin. His voice was just as heavy as his touch, mumbling. “Stop. Don’t run away from me again.” 
You didn’t try to pull from his grasp, not when ever cell in your body was aching to crumple into his chest. Your icy shards were melting on the floor, diminishing every fight and remark you had dreamed of in the past weeks. Instead, they drifted down your cheek slowly, tracing a path through your resolve. His touch was like morphine on your tongue. 
“What happened to us, Sehun?” You choked, voice trembling. “When the fuck did we turn into this? You’re not supposed to be like this to me.”
“Be like what?”
You chuckled emptily, turning to look at him, a sad smile playing on his lips. He knew, he had to know. Your gritted anger whenever he brought another girl around was more than enough, desperate to escape when you saw him with someone tonight, yet again. The longing gazes, desperation for his touch, inability to escape him dominating every fibre in your core. “You know.”
His head was cocked at you slightly, eyes searching yours deeply, and you could already feel yourself being sucked back in.
“I miss you.” He said, his soft voice making another tear rip out of your eyes against your will, sniffling slightly. Having him watch you crumple under his grasp was making you skin crawl.
“Miss me, or miss fucking me?” You asked, even though you knew the answer already.
“No. Stop that, you know it wasn’t just sex between me and you.” Sehun said, trying to tug you closer to his frame, but you didn’t let yourself be thrown back under that easily.
“Than what was it to you? Because I don’t know what the fuck I’m supposed to do now, when I want to talk to you again but you’re so clearly preoccupied.” You spat, rolling your eyes slightly. “Whatever fucked situation we had is obviously over at this point.”
“But I don’t want it to be.” Sehun said, his voice just as small as you felt, littered with a mix of emotions; resentment, anger, sadness. He huffed out a breath, the cigarette-scented air turning to a puff of cloud. “I felt like I couldn’t fucking think straight knowing Chanyeol had seen all the parts of you I want to be only mine to see.”
“How do you expect me to be yours when I mean nothing back, Sehun? Chanyeol could have made me happy if I could forget about us, but you couldn’t even let me have that.” You said, flatness of your voice losing any bite they once had. 
His eyes fell shut, grip on your wrist tightening, making you bite back a sob. How did he always fucking have your emotions heightened, make your heart race knowing that he was just as torn by this conversation as you were? It wasn’t fair.
“You didn’t mean nothing, never.” He whined, brows furrowing as he battled with what he was going to say. His voice was trembling. “I want you to be happy, but not with him. You’re not fucking nothing, baby... you’re everything.”
“Don’t say that.” Your skin was ignited with his words, the inkling that maybe, just maybe he might not be so disassociated causing tears in your thinking.
“But I mean it.”
“No, you don't. Not when you’re still fucking around with half the girls on this campus.” 
He grit his teeth, aching to tug you into his arms, even if they were frozen. Words seemed to fail him as you watched, him huffing out an empty laugh much mimicking your own. 
“I don't want them like I want you. I miss you, miss how we could be together without the fear of it ever becoming more.”
You shook your head slowly. “I wanted you, Sehun, not the gaggle of girls it came with.” You said, breathing weakly. You couldn't help but chuckle sadly. “I should have read the fine print, I guess.”
Maybe this was why you came to the party, so you could really see him, really know. So you could say good-bye. 
You looked at him, and thought, 'If I was more brave or very honest, I would tell him' You would say it, so he would know it and you would know it, and you could never take it back. But you wasn’t that brave or honest, so all you did was look at him, but you think he knew anyway.
“Go ahead, fuck around. I’ll forget this ever happened, because if I don't do it now, I never will. You just want to keep me on this hook, right? So I'll keep chasing after you and you can feel good about yourself. As soon as I start to get over you, you just reel me back in. You're so screwed up in the head. But I'm telling you, this is it. You don't get to have me anymore. Not as your friend or your admirer or anything. I'm through.”
“Don’t say it like that. Don’t act like this is it.” Sehun mumbled, his grip seeming to weigh even heavier on your arm, and you could feel his fingers reaching to lace with yours.
But you beat him to it, tugging away from his grip when he tried to finalize the motion, leaving his arm hanging limp in the air. You gave him a final glance, gaze trying to memorize every aspect of his aristocratic, handsome face. After this, you would probably never see it this close again. “Isn’t it though?” You asked, but strode off the patio before he had the chance to answer.
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grand masterlist
feedback is appreciated loved! please talk 2 me I'm a lonely uni kid uwu
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dancingbaek · 7 years
Sinful | Sehun
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You bring Sehun lunch to his dance room, but he has different plans on what he’s going to consume for dinner... and you weren’t aware the menu was so diverse.
6,572 words of nearly pure smut.
You don’t know how it happened.
Your day started like any other: you woke up at exactly 6AM ready to get up and go to work after you got ready. Sehun whined like a child, as usual, but rose with you anyways because he knew you were going to make a nice breakfast like you always did when he was awake with you. He was a sucker for your blueberry pancakes, and after two years together he still had not gotten sick of them. So after you showered you cooked some up for him, where he sat down and practically inhaled them after he made coffee for you both.
Once finished eating, you two cleaned up quickly before he went to get dressed and ready for his own day. While he was buttoning his black jeans up you kissed his cheek, wishing him good luck at practice. He pulled you in closer by the hips, pressing a goodbye kiss to your lips and murmured a have a good day at work, before you were off.
Work was normal, just like your morning had been. Your cushy job at some law firm had you relatively busy, but you managed to get some quick texts in with your boyfriend sometime before lunch.
You          10:53am
          How’s practice going?
Hunnie    10:59am
          Not so well
Hunnie    10:59am
          I think I’m going to have to stay late tonight jagi
You          11:02am
          Oh I’m sorry jagi is there anything I can do?
Hunnie    11:08am
          Yeah actually, can you bring me dinner at the dance room? Around 8
You          11:10am
          Of course, anything for the guys?
Hunnie    11:12am
          Just me
This, too, was normal. Everything was normal. You put your phone away and worked until lunch, where you met up with some friends to eat before you went right back to work. Around three in the afternoon you left, ready to go home and the new episode of that drama the two of you had been watching without him so you could pretend you were predicting everything that happened in it. So you did, and after that you found some housework to do. An hour to eight you decided to forgo cooking the meal you had planned in favor of just picking something up and eating with him. Deciding on Korean beef and some sides, you left the house to go pick some up, bringing it to him. You actually entered the SM building at exactly eight.
Which brings you to exactly how you got into this situation now.
Standing there with the bag of food clutched in your hands, your boyfriend sits in the middle of the darkened practice room, legs parted widely. His head is tilted back a bit, his eyes hooded and heavy, his dyed-black hair damp and sticking to his forehead in little chunks. His pink tongue peeks out to wet his lips. You were pretty sure he said something, anything, but you are transfixed by what you see in front of you, the music he must have been dancing to before playing in the background. Then your eyes trail down to his lap.
His legs are parted for a reason. One hand rests on his thigh innocently enough, but the other is doing things you never would have thought would do within the sanctity of EXO’s practice room. His long, pretty fingers are rubbing – no, groping – at the growing bulge in his jeans. Your gaze stays there, feeling your body heat up as Sehun touches himself so openly in front of you. In his place of employment. Quickly you spin to shut the door behind you, clicking the lock on it, the bag of food sliding from your grip to thump onto the wooden floor. Your hands shake a bit as you rest them on the door knob, your eyes sliding closed as you try to get your flush under control. It’s spreading through your body now, since even when you close your eyes you can see the sensual image of Sehun groping his manhood through his clothes. You turn around when you think you have yourself under control.
Sehun is watching you more clearly now, the cloudy look in his eyes gone as he appraises you. His hand is still making passes over himself, but now you can see his button undone. This zipper pulled down. The dark blue of the boxers he had changed into this morning is visible between the part on his jeans. Your mouth goes dry at the erotic sight, all the wetness having must have travelled directly south because you’ve never felt yourself become so aroused so fast. He was working on his abs again, having let them disappear for a while in absence of a hectic schedule. It was clear how much work he was putting in again, because you could clearly see the beginnings of his six pack as he breathed deeply.
“What are you doing?” You mean to sound like you’re reprimanding him, but it only comes out in a breathy whisper, as if you were going to alert the rest of the building to what is on his mind if you spoke any louder. He had never tried to do anything like this before. In fact, you never thought he would try to pull anything like this before – not at his workplace. Not where the little NCT Dream boys walk by every day, not where his managers step in to talk about their schedules, not where the other eight EXO members practiced their hearts out for their dreams. It felt dirty, sinful even, to be thinking about desecrating this dance room where they think about their future and their careers and livelihood.
But you liked it.
In fact, even though you thought Sehun never had these thoughts, you had them quite often. As early as a few months into dating, actually. You had stopped by on request of your boyfriend, who wanted to show you what he and the group had been working on. Yixing and Jongin came up with some of the choreography and they wanted a woman’s opinion on it. You were the only girlfriend who had the time to do so, since Jongdae’s was out of the country and Minseok’s was spending the day with her parents. So you showed up and sat down against the mirror to watch the boy’s hard work, and soon became thankful you wore jeans instead of that cute little skirt, because you were pretty sure you soaked through your panties that day and standing up would have revealed the puddle you could have left behind.
Each member was attractive in their own way. Yixing’s hips were powerful, Kyungsoo had that intense stare, Jongin was passionate – but there was always something that drew you to Sehun. That day you were captivated by him, his tantalizing body rolls and sharp, focused looks he cut the mirror every time he checked himself out as they danced. The sheen of sweat that had accumulated on his body by the time the dance was done only added to the fucked out feeling you were having.
That night you showed him exactly how you had felt, but never told him your budding fantasies. Part of you was afraid that he would either laugh you off as being ridiculous or disgusted at wanting to have sex in a place where he and his brothers practically live. The fantasies persisted, growing in want and detail until you were almost certain he had fucked you against the wall-length mirror when you woke in a cold sweat one night. Needless to say, you were completely and entirely taken by the idea of him taking you in his practice room. But still, you fought against him.
“What does it look like I’m doing?” His dark voice sounds honeyed, the kind of voice he uses to ask for your blueberry pancakes, but the breathiness of it shows you just how affected he really is, and it somehow speaks louder to you than the hardness you see in his pants. Sehun is turned on, hard in his pants, touching himself in front of you. Attempting to seduce you into whatever thoughts he had gotten inside his head prior to you coming here.
“It looks like you’re trying to get yourself in trouble.” You steel yourself against him, admonishing him for his actions, the frown on your face trying to cover your true emotions. “Anyone could have walked in here, it could have been anyone but me. Your brothers, a manager, a trainee – ”
The hand over his cock stutters a bit on the way down its path. The slight press of his lips and the short blink he sends your way clues you in on his emerging annoyance. You aren’t playing the game the way he wants you to, and the small thrill of eliciting an emotion from him that may heighten your impending pleasure makes your heart beat just a little bit faster.
In true Sehun fashion, he bluntly asks, “Are you going to suck my dick or not?”
Forget beating his a little faster, your heart takes off as if it’s the prized stallion in a race, desperate to reach the finish line. You conceal this well, however; instead, you opt to cross your arms over your chest and raise an eyebrow at him. “Have you done anything to deserve my talents today?”
Sehun quirks an eyebrow back at you, nearly floored by your snarky question, completely halting palming himself. His face darkens, and you can’t help but shiver at what it promises. “I think you forgot who’s in charge here, Y/N.”
You decide to switch tactics. “I would really like to see you touch yourself, Hunnie.” You purr. You saunter the ten feet separating you, dramatizing the swaying of your hips for its maximum effect. You sync you swaying with the beat of the music still pumping through the speakers. It works, his gaze follows the line of your body as you get closer to him. His hand goes back to caressing himself over his jeans slowly. You slowly lower yourself to your knees in front of him, between his legs. “I really want to see you pleasure yourself Sehun. Just for a while.” Your bottom lip gets caught between your teeth, and when he mirrors it you know you have him. He seems to completely forget his previous words, lifting his hips slightly to start to push down his jeans, boxers getting caught in his tugging. You lean back to help him pull them down, giving him room, but your eyes are on the bounce of his swollen, angry red cock as it bobs up and down a bit when it becomes free from the offending clothing.
“You want to see me touch myself?” Sehun questions, his voice as heavy as his cock looks at this moment. You nod, not trusting yourself to speak anymore with how much your pussy is pulsing currently. You settle yourself back down between his now bare legs, resting your head against his knee, eyes trained on the sight before you. It’s standing at attention, his balls swollen and tight below. Though you have limited sexual experience outside of Sehun, you would have to guess he’s on the bigger side of the male endowment scale. At least, that’s what EXO says. You know from experience his skin is smooth, giving just enough to allow your hand and mouth to glide up and down easily. One of his hands goes to caress your hair from your face, helping you get a better view of what can only be described as a pure man in front of you. His other hand starts at his chest and traces slowly down his stomach. You lick your lips in anticipation, not daring to reprimand the man sitting in front of you now in fear of having your show revoked.
Sehun has long, pretty fingers and well-proportioned hands for his six-foot frame. The point is, his hands are large, and when they wrap around his dick and don’t nearly span the length of his length your core clenches in anticipation for the inevitable. A bead of moisture accumulates at his tip, dribbling down after a few seconds. It aids in slicking himself up, making his passes over arousal easier. His passes are slow, grip tightening as he pulls towards the tip and loosening a bit as the near his base. You stare, mesmerized, transfixed by the actions happening a foot in front of you. Your boyfriend is masturbating in front of you. Sehun, the divine man who somehow wanted you as his girlfriend, is sitting in front of you, jerking himself off at your request. Your fingertips dig into your thighs to keep them from inching towards him, and also to keep yourself grounded because this feels like a dream, one of your wildest coming true right in front of you.
He’s only a few minutes into the act before the first sound from is heard. You almost miss it, the moan is so quiet and low in pitch, but it’s definitely there. You tear your eyes away, up his sculpted body to see how heavy his eyes are, slit to a crescent and looking at you, lips parted. He isn’t looking at the hand sliding up and down his length, his gaze is set on you. He’s literally helping himself get off to the thought of you watching him. This sudden realization causes a whimper to find its way through your throat, unbidden and unwanted in fear of distracting him from his task – quite literally – at hand. However, your noises seem to sharpen his intensity, his pace quickening.
Suddenly your hands abandon your own thighs unbidden, moving up to rest on either of his thighs. You rub his milky skin, digging the pads of your fingers into the skin in a mock massage. His lip gets caught between his teeth halfway through a more insistent moan. Silently applauding yourself at helping him create one of the sexiest noises you’ve ever heard, you continue massaging his thighs, inching closer and closer to his length. The hand Sehun has in your hair has slowly tightened with his own neediness, to the point he’s fisting your hair. You ignore the slight pain but can’t help but gasp in surprise when he pushes your head closer to his manhood. You’re eye to eye with the angry red tip, still leaking some clear fluid. You lick your lips subconsciously, perhaps knowing exactly what is coming next.
“Suck.” Sehun demands.
Not needing to be told twice, you rise up a little bit and open your mouth, sinking down over his length, engulfing as much as you can. Positioning your lips over your teeth, you hollow your cheeks out as you suck, beginning a bob up and down his cock at the pace he was jerking himself at previously. His hand stays fisted in your hair, currently content to help you up and down in your actions. The next time you draw back to his tip just being in your mouth you flick your tongue against it, and you feel his thighs tense. Sucking his back to the base, you press your tongue to the underside of his length, against that one thick vein that runs there. Pulling back to the tip this time you swirl your tongue around it in circles, the slight hiss that strangles its way from his throat telling you that you’re doing a skillful job of sucking him off.
Still lost within metaphorically patting yourself on the back, his hand tightens in your hair and suddenly pushes down, your eyes going wide as he slides himself to the back of your throat. Tears gather in the corner of your eyes, looking up to see his lip caught in between his teeth, his eyes wide open and staring down at you.
“Open up, baby girl.” He teases, eyes roaming over your tear-filled eyes and undoubtedly flushed skin, stopping at your gaping mouth. “Open that throat up, I want to fuck your face.”
You knew if you pulled back now he would let go. He would apologize for pushing you so far, knowing you’ve never done something quite so dirty before. But you sit, between your boyfriend’s legs, in the middle of the practice room he and his brothers spend hours each day in. In the middle of the practice room you’ve had countless fantasies about, this one included. You’re not giving up now, just because you’ve never deepthroated a man.
So you do so. You will your body to relax, throat opening up slowly as you try to coach your way through this. Sehun is giving words of encouragement and praise, making your body warm with happiness rather than lust. His cock slides further in, your throat fluttering around him while trying to maintain enough room to let him in. He grunts at the feel of it, his mouth dropping open as he pulls out only to slide back in. His hand is guiding your head away and to him, pulling just gently enough you feel the pain but it doesn’t outweigh your own pleasure at seeing him use you like this.
“Fuck, gorgeous.” He manages to grind out, his pace struggling to stay the slow speed he’s been toying with. He doesn’t want to speed up in fear of hurting you, but honestly you want him to fuck your throat raw. You want him to make it hard for you to scream his name in pleasure for when you two inevitably come together as one. “You’re taking me so well. I didn’t know you could this. You’re doing so amazing, my little vixen. My little kitten.”
You hum in appreciation of his praise, and when his hips stutter a bit you prepare for him. His pace picks up, his hips starting to snap a little to meet your mouth. You struggle to keep your throat open for him, but honestly, he seems to like your struggle. His eyes stay fixated on his sex sliding and out of his mouth, and yours continue to watch the emotions play out on his face. Need and unbridled lust are the main two, but you can still decipher his love for you in the way he glances up to look into your eyes every so often, making sure you’re still comfortable.
“Baby, can you take it?” He questions, his voice throaty and sounding as raw as your throat feels. You can only hum an affirmative around his length. “Good, because I’m gonna come down your pretty little throat.”
Moments after he speaks you feel the hot spurts coat the back of your throat, and you begin to swallow around him. He groans, throwing his head back as you coax his remaining seed from him. When you feel him go limp and the salty liquid stops, you pull back, releasing his length and licking your lips. The taste of him lingers, and as you rise your thighs clench together, trying to help your mounting arousal, but it only furthers to remind you of what you’ve yet to have received from him. It looks as if his head weighs like bricks with the way he raises his head after a moment, his pupils still blown wide with lust. You rub your hands over your legs, your confidence from before waning in front of such an irresistible look from your lover.
“Are you feeling better now?” You manage to ask him. He snorts at the question, your eyebrows furrowing together.
“You just made me touch myself in front of you then you deep throat me for the first time, and you think I’m feeling better?” He manages a low laugh. “Babe, I’m just getting started.”
Those words set you on fire, barely feeling Sehun reach out and grab your hand, pulling you forward. He makes you straddle one of his legs, setting you down on top of it as he pulls you down for a searing kiss. You feel it in your toes: the love he has for you is undeniable, but the need to be with you right now is outweighing anything else he wants at this moment. It’s what you’ve wanted for a long time.
You don’t remember when his tongue slips out to play with your own, but suddenly you find yourself sliding forward over his thigh, and glad that you decided to wear your little cotton shorts over. His hands are on your hips, pressing you down to slide firmly over the muscled mass and the moan that comes from you is completely a shock. Sehun has never tried this with you before: he’s never pressed you over his leg, forcing your core back and forth over the appendage that seems to be made just for your own personal torture. Your core clenches as he pushes your hips back just to drag them back forward towards himself, and your head tips back to get a much-needed breath of fresh air. His lips attack your neck, sucking and nipping and licking at the skin as he continues to slowly push the apex of your thighs across his leg.
“Sehun.” You whimper. “Please, Sehun.” The stimulation you’re receiving now coupled with the arousal that had been mounting since you first saw his hand on his clothed dick is coming to a head. This is the fastest you’ve ever approached an orgasm before, all courtesy of Oh Sehun.
“Are you close, love?” He parts from your neck just long enough to speak to you in that silken, honeyed voice. “Do you wanna come all over my leg?”
“Yes, yes, yes,” you chant, moving your lower body yourself against him wantonly. “Yes, Sehun, oh god.” Your climax approached faster and father until you were standing on the precipice, looking over the edge, ready to fall into the abyss –
You’re being lifted from his knee, Sehun’s iron clad grip on your waist allowing him to move you from his leg as he stands with you. You open your mouth, ready to let out the neediest, whiniest complaint you’ve ever felt the need to voice, but his mouth is slanting over yours, walking you backwards. Your legs are still jello from the torturous dragging over his leg, and you’re glad he hasn’t released you yet because you feel your legs falter as he carries you. Your back hits the cool glass behind you, letting you know he has you pressed up against the mirror. A shiver tears through your body, in a mixture of the cooler temperature pervading your warmed skin and anticipation of what you think is coming next.
His lips pull away from yours, his hands leaving your waist to spin you around so your front is now pressed to the mirror, the side of your face resting against it.  You can only imagine the smudges its going to leave but right now you can’t bring yourself to actually care about the mess. His hands are running down your sides, stopping at your cotton shorts to play with the elastic. He makes it a short torture because only a few seconds later he’s pulling them down your hips, letting them travel to the floor on their own. He pulls you back only enough to tug your shirt over your head, and when he presses you back to the mirror you close your eyes, silently thanking God you wore a cute matching underwear and bra set so you didn’t kill the mood.
“I think you deserve better than me knee after all the work you did.” He murmurs, kissing the back of your shoulder. His hands smooth over your sides, down to the elastic of your panties, before the travel back up to play with the clasp of your bra. He undoes one of the metal clasps before he undoes the next one, forever out to tease you. You don’t make a noise, however, unless you count your heavy, anticipated breathing, because you don’t want to ruin the chance of you getting rewarded after the stunt you pulled earlier.
He manages to pull the bra from you. Your bare breasts press against the mirror, your nipples immediately pebbling against it, causing you to whimper at the sensitivity in the temperature change. Sehun semi-fixes the situation when his hands cup up to cup the underside of your breasts, squeezing gently as he works his way to your erect nipples. His lips are kissing the back of your neck and shoulder as his hands roll your nipples between fingers, and suddenly you feel it. You feel him pressing into your back, his cock already half-hard and heavy against your bare skin. You press back to him, Sehun sucking in a breath.
“It’s still a little too early for that, kitten.” He cautions, his hands spreading over your breasts, pushing them together as he massages. “But you’ve definitely earned your own orgasm tonight.”
“I think I’ve earned it, Hunnie.” You murmur back, but you stop pushing back against him.
“You deserve it, baby girl.” He agrees, his hands leaving your breasts as he sinks down behind you. He makes you step back a step, then two, before he pushes your back down flat, parallel with the floor. Your hands brace yourself against the mirror, feet moving out to accommodate him between your legs after he slides your panties down your thighs, but not before he curses softly when he notices how they stick to your wet pussy.
“I can’t believe you got this wet just from my knee.” He admits, running his hands up and down your thighs, stopping just before you ass each time on their way up.
“It actually was from watching you touch yourself.” You say, swallowing dryly as his hands move to spread over each of your ass cheeks. Your eyes slip shut as he gropes them. “You don’t know how close I was to coming when you asked me suck you off instead.”
“Fuck.” It’s the last word you hear before he leans forward, blowing cool air against your exposed sex. You such your bottom lip in between your teeth, not wanting to start moaning like a bitch in heat so early into the act. So you bear down, doing your best to stay quiet as he closes the last couple inches between his sinful mouth and your weeping sex.
“Hnng.” You can’t help the slur of non-words that fall from between your clenched teeth as such one of your pussy lips into his mouth, rubbing his tongue back and forth over the puffy flesh. After a minute he switches to the other one, doing the same thing. Pulling back slightly, he drags his tongue over your slit, collecting the copious amounts of juices coming from your core. He has to go back and lap at your slit a few more times because of the sheer amount of arousal slipping from you since you first saw him touching himself in that chair.
He pulls away from you for a moment to presumably adjust how he’s sitting before he’s back, nose dipping into your slit as his lips suction around your clit. The suddenness of his direct attack onto your sensitive nub has you on your toes, entire lower body clenching with the pleasure he’s giving you currently. He sucks and sucks, his tongue switching between flicking your clit or circling it widely. He suddenly eases up, the suction fading until it’s just a dull thrum against the remnants of the borderline abuse he’s just inflicted upon you, tongue languidly and soothingly stroking against your nub. You come down from the intense feelings, settling back down onto your feet fully.
Just for him to do it again. He’s back to the harsh suction, this time even venturing far enough to nip at the poor abused nub. A scream tears from the back of your throat, one hand leaving the mirror to try to muffle it an effort to keep people from knowing exactly what you’re engaging in in here. The music is still playing, but you don’t know just how much it will cover your sounds of approval. You’re panting as he pulls away, only to move under you fully, and you feel his hair tickle your stomach because he’s turned around. His tongue snakes out to lap at your clit as a finger starts to toy with your entrance. It become wet at an alarming wet, to the point where him just dragging his finger down your slit allows it to slip between your lips. He pushes his finger in slowly, matching the slow lapping of his tongue. It continues, Sehun finding a nice rhythm to finger you at while he continues to stimulate your clit at the same pace.
A second finger joins the first one after a minute, but despite the fuller feeling he’s giving you he isn’t speeding up or giving it to you any harder. He’s content at the tempo he’s keeping now, and like the amazingly talented idol he is, he keeps that tempo annoyingly well. You begin to whine now, making it obvious you want anything more, pushing back against his hand and in the process away from his mouth. His free hand reaches up to grasp one of your ass cheeks, keeping you firmly planted where he wants you. You whine more, but his ministrations slow down so you willfully press your lips together to keep any other noises from coming out. The whines starting in the back of your throat die down, and he picks his tempo back up to where it had been before.
Your nails scratch against the smooth surface of the mirror, silently making little streaks against the poor glass. You feel bad for whoever will have the clean this mess up, but for now all you’re focused on is receiving the orgasm he promised. You grit and bear the next few minutes: you can feel your climax around the corner, but he’s so far refused to push you further towards it. It feels like torture at the point, as if he’s denying you the one thing that you want just to tease you. If you’ve already earned your climax, why is he – oh god. A third finger slides in with his other fingers, and the moment he begins to ram his fingers into your abused sex is the moment he starts to suckle on your clit more insistently. Your toes curl with the feeling of your orgasm creeping back up along with the hope that this time he’ll give you what you want.
He doesn’t pull away or slow down. If anything, it feels like he somehow speeds up, pushing and shoving you towards your orgasm, and like the sky breaking through the clouds after a horribly rainy day you feel yourself come over the edge. His name falls from your lips like a chant, a prayer sent above for sending you a man who can make you feel so amazing with just a few fingers and his tongue. You core clenches and unclenches and clenches again around his fingers, the process repeating and repeating, making his fingers pause each time they try to reenter your pussy to draw out your climax.
With a slick pop he pulls away from suckling your clit, removing his fingers from your pussy to bring to his mouth and suck. You see him do so because in the process of your orgasm you dropped your head to ride through the pleasure, and he’s tilted his head back to meet your gaze as he sucks each finger clean. Your legs are trembling but holding you up, thank God, or else you would have completely crushed the poor man who just gave you the best highlight of any sexual encounter you’ve had.
“Kitten, you are the best thing I have ever tasted.” He says as he ducks between your legs to stand up again. You start to straighten up, but he places a heavy hand on the small of your back to keep you bent over. Your hands are fully stretched out and pressed against the mirror, so when you look up and see him through it you’re far enough away to see a lot of him. You can see your arousal still around his lips that he didn’t bother to wipe off, you see the flush of his milky skin, you see one of his hands move to rest on your hip. What you don’t see is his now fully erect cock press against your slit, you only feel it. You feel your wetness begin to coat his cock as he grips himself and rubs his head against you.
“I want you to watch me take you.” He states, his voice hot and heavy again, eyes cast downwards as he watches him rub his dick against your lips. “I want you to watch me take you, but you have to be promise to try to be quiet. The music can only cover so much jagi.”
“I’ll be a good girl.” You promise him, your breathing still quickened from the earth-shattering climax you just endured. He nods in approval, teasingly dipping the head of his cock between your lips. You bite your lip, but you maintain looking at him through the mirror. His gaze is still firmly on the space between your legs, watching himself tease your body with his own.
He leans forward, allowing his cock to slide into more, before he pulls out. You whimper a little at the loss of the stretch he began to give you. Again he sides in, further this time, before he pulls out again. This happens a few more times before he reaches his base, skin pressing against your skin, inside of you fully. He lets out a sigh of pleasure, mingling with your own sigh of relief. He pulls out to the time slowly before he snaps his hips forward and he’s buried inside of you once again. Like before, he repeats this process a few times.
“I’ve wanted to this for a long time.” Sehun murmurs, dragging his gaze away from where he’s entering you to meet your gaze through the mirror. Your eyes widen a bit.
“Really?” You question, core fluttering around him as he thrusts his cock back into you. He grits his teeth but nods in approval.
“For fucking ever.” He admits, taking his time drawing out to the tip again. “I’ve wanted to fuck you in here since we got together.”
“Me – ” You stop to moan at the feel of him entering you again. “Me too. I’ve wanted to be with you in here since the that choreo Jongin and Yixing came up with. You were so sexy, I couldn’t take my eyes off you.”
“Jagiya.” He moans, his pace picking up. “I can’t keep this up anymore.”
“Then take me, Sehun.” You pant. You brace your hands fully against the mirror in anticipation when he grips your hips in both hands.
His hips barrel forward, this time not taking their time in pulling out. The harsh thrust in and the brutal drag out makes you want to rip at your hair and scream to the heavens above. But you can’t do either, so instead you settle for biting your lip so hard between your teeth that you’re sure you’re going to make a bloody mess of it. It doesn’t matter though, because you’re both getting exactly what you wanted. Your walls pulsate to their own rhythm, gripping and letting him go at its own pace as he takes you over and over again.
Your lip slips from between your teeth as you hiss lightly, feeling Sehun ignite a fire inside of you that you didn’t know was there. He is going to fuck you to a second orgasm, and the fact that it hasn’t been that long since he gave you your first is only serving to push you towards the finish line that much faster. His hips are sinful, the slight grind that they make against the back of your thighs when he reaches the hilt is something that you would be unable to recreate with anyone. Sehun is one of a kind, perfect for you in every way. Especially the way he’s fucking you currently.
“I’m already so close.” He grunts out, flexing his fingers against your hips in an effort to keep himself under control. If you don’t bruise by tomorrow you’ll be shocked.
“So am I.” You manage, reaching down to rub at your clit to speed the process along. One of his hands leaves your hips to brush yours out of the way, taking over your ministrations. His quick rubbing causes your walls to clamp down around him, Sehun responding with stuttering thrusts and a growl. He doesn’t let your tight sex deter him from his goal, so he continues with his ruthless pace, driving the two of you closer to your seconds climaxes of the night.
“Will you come with me?” You can’t verbally respond to him, so you just shake your head rapidly in approval. He keeps eye contact with you, his mouth dropping open as his hips stutter again against yours. Your walls flutter around him, once, twice, three times – then the two of you are tumbling over the precipice together. You can feel him coat your walls, ropes of his seed mingling with your own juices. He continues to thrust through both of your orgasms, but he drops his hand from your clit after a couple seconds to avoid overstimulating you. When the two of you have a few seconds to collect yourselves, Sehun pulls out, groaning at the sensitivity of his softening cock. You feel some of seed dribble from you, and you’re so tired you can’t bring yourself to be mortified at forgetting to clean it up.
“Why didn’t you tell me you thought about having sex here?” Sehun questions, setting out to pulling his boxers back up before he goes to get the box of tissues sitting on top of one of the speakers. You’ve managed to stand up, your poor arms crying out from the soreness of being held up and tensed for so long.
“I didn’t think you would like it.” You decide to be honest with him. Reaching out to take the tissues from him, about to thank him for getting them for you, he swats your hand away before he squats down. Plucking a few tissues from the box he sets out to cleaning up your thighs and wiping at your sensitive sex. You don’t complain because he’s being the perfect boyfriend that he is. He even remembers to wipe up the liquids that had dropped onto the floor.
“Of course I would like it.” He smiles as he cleans you up. “It’s every guys dream to have sex with their girlfriend at their job place.”
“Awesome.” You laugh, bending over to slip your still wet, now cold panties back on before you put your bra on. “Where else is it a guy’s dream to have sex at?”
“Where their friends can hear.” He grins, starting to get dressed as well. “Let’s them know that they have what they can’t.”
You shake your head at the absurdness he’s showing right now, but you’re amused by his candidness. “Our food is cold now because you couldn’t keep it in your pants.”
“Oh, you can’t blame this on me. You said you wanted this too.” He reminds you, buttoning his jeans up before he walks over to you, wrapping his arms around your waist. You smile, leaning up to kiss him gently.
“Yes, I wanted this too, Oh Sehun.”
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monbebe-4-life · 6 years
Best friends with Sehun
I was asked to post my writing from my old Tumblr onto this one so here you go 😊 I decided to edit this one as I didn’t like the way it was written and decided to join part 1 and 2 together so hopefully, that’s okay 😊
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You practically grew up with Sehun as your parents are both really close friends, as time went on you basically became siblings being each other's biggest supporters and always looking out for each other. 
When Sehun was scouted on the street after he stopped running away and actually talked to the person chasing him he told you immediately and you helped him out in any way that you could, going to each audition and waiting for him outside. Once he told you that he got into SM Entertainment no one could tell who was more excited, you or him? You took him out for bubble tea to celebrate straight away. Even though you were excited and so happy for him you knew that meant that you wouldn’t get to spend much time with him as he would be training and working so hard to debut. It made you a little sad but you knew that you would both keep in contact even if it was just via text message, which is what happened neither of you went to sleep without at least sending one text to each other.
After his Debut with EXO Sehun called you saying that he and the members had some free time and wanted you to meet the other boys, of course, you agreed immediately canceling any plans you already had for the rest of the day.
You were ecstatic to finally see him again but also super anxious to meet the other members. You arrived at the dorms anxiously knocking on the door, the door opened revealing a smiling Sehun who you almost tacked to the ground with a hug, his hands immediately wrapping around you hugging you back, huge smiles on both of your faces.  He brought you over to the living room introducing you to each of the members, thankfully you had already memorized their names and faces beforehand so you wouldn’t accidentally call them by the wrong name. They were all really nice and super welcoming, Baekhyun asked you straight away for any embarrassing stories you had of Sehun as you were about to tell him one of them Sehun’s hand covered your mouth so that you couldn’t tell them any, resulting in you licking his hand so that he would remove it a look of disgust on his face as the rest of the members giggled and you grinned at him. You whispered to Baekhyun saying that you would tell him some later. 
While Sehun was distracted by the other members you go over to Suho and thank him for taking care of Sehun, he tells you not to thank him and that he was happy to look after him as he was like a little brother to him. He asks you to stay over for dinner which you gladly accept.
The members argue over which takeout to get, finally agreeing to just get one item from each place that was mentioned which took forever for all of the food to finally arrive. You all migrate to the lounge room after dinner had finished and decided to watch The Avengers. After the movie ends the members gradually make their way to their rooms saying their goodnights until it is just you and Sehun. You both agree on another movie to watch and play rock paper scissors to see who has to put the movie on, unfortunately, you aren’t very good at this game. Neither of you ends up actually watching the movie instead you both talk about what you have been doing since you last saw each other, this involves a lot of teasing and giggles from the both of you. 
At some point during the night, you both end up falling asleep, as the night goes on you end up cuddled up to each other which is how the other members find you in the morning. Chanyeol and Baekhyun taking a dozen photos so that they can use it to their advantage later on. Much to their disappointment when you both wake up and they start to tease the both of you about the photos Sehun asks them for a copy to add to the rest of his collection of photos with you.
D.O asks you if you would like to stay for breakfast to which your stomach responds to with a loud growl, D.O takes that response for a yes so you decide to help him out in the kitchen especially seeing as no one else was going to help. 
After breakfast, you say your goodbyes to each of the members and thanking them for being such great hosts. Sehun walks you out and you both make plans to see each other again soon, you give each other a hug and say goodbye. As you walk back to your place you can’t help but feel excited to see him and the members again.
 So I hope this was okay and that you enjoyed if anyone wants a second part to this just let me know :) Thanks so much for reading.❤❤
Gif is not mine, credit to the owner ❤
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fanficsofmine · 6 years
Confidence - Sehun Angst/fluff
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Idk why one one of y’all wanted me to melt while writing this... but you sure succeeded. By request- going to France with Sehun for a fashion event. -T
I glanced out of the window of the plane at the blue sky and arch of the earth. I told myself that we were simply bouncing from cloud to cloud to cloud to get to Paris rather than it being the awful turbulence. I closed the window and leaned back, closing my eyes and taking deep breaths.
I felt Sehun’s fingers lace through mine. I peeked an eye open and smiled at him. He knew that flying made me nervous. Luckily, he was willing to do his best to keep me calm this flight. Squeezing his hand lightly to let him know that I was okay, I closed my eyes again. Leaning over, I placed my head on his shoulder and pulled the blanket that I was holding up to my chin. I let myself doze off as I felt Sehun place a soft kiss to my scalp.
Finally, our long flight ended. Sehun lightly nudged me to wake me up and for us to change clothes. We had been asked to arrive in Louis Vuitton since we were in for the show tomorrow. It was my first major event with Sehun since we had gone public with our relationship. The representative for Louis Vuitton had all but demanded I attend, even though I had initially objected. I knew that it was just a way for more of their clothes to be photographed and seen in public, but I had gotten a few free outfits out of it, so who was I to complain?
I put on the orange ruffled day dress that had a floral print on the skirt. Someone quickly knotted my hair in an intentionally messy bun, and my make up was touched up. I looked like I had just stepped onto a beach, not off of an uncomfortably long plane ride. Sehun was in a blue Louis Vuitton button up that looked like it had playing cards on it. Logos were thrown in, and the designer look flattered Sehun well. I was afraid that I looked like I was trying too hard, but he came up and kissed me softly, telling me how stunning I looked.
Cameras flashed as we arrived at the airport. Fans and paparazzi alike doing their best to snag shots as we waited for our luggage. We held hands through the airport and he ran his thumb along my fingers. I had not quite adjusted to the publicity behind my relationship. It was all very anxiety inducing; there were so many people calling his name and asking him to stop for pictures.
We managed to get to the hotel unfollowed, and we unpacked for the next day. I laid out the next dress that I had been given. It was a beautiful long sleeved turtleneck with red and baby blue and white stripes on it. It would be tight against my figure. That thought made me nervous. I furrowed my brow as I nibbled my lip and eyed the dress again. Sehun came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. His lips grazed my cheek as he leaned forward and asked, “what’s the matter?”
“That dress. It’s going to be very, um, tight.” I suddenly imagined myself amongst the slew of models and actresses and brand name people in that outfit. I was already nervous and out of place, and the event wasn’t even until tomorrow. I felt my cheeks flush and my heart begin to race.
Sehun didn’t let that last long. He spun me around and said, “it’s going to be tight, yes.” He kissed my cheek. “And it’s going to look absolutely amazing on you.” He kissed my other cheek. “And you’re going to have every eye on you.”
I rolled my eyes.
“Only because I’ll be walking in with you.” Sehun shook his head and replied with, “because you’re going to look absolutely beautiful.
“You don’t see it. I know that you don’t. Nobody else in the room is going to matter to me. You’re going to walk in in that dress and be the only thing that I can focus on. I’m so in love with you. You are always going to be the most beautiful person in the room.”
I appreciated his efforts, but still felt a wave of discomfort. I struggled to fall asleep, the time change not helping. The morning came too quickly. Luckily, it was followed by breakfast in bed ordered by Sehun. I sipped a cup of coffee and focused on my breathing to keep myself calm. We proceeded with the schedule of the day, getting ready fairly early to head to the event to mingle.
As we drove there, I stared at France through the window. I couldn’t believe that I was there. The architecture was immaculate. Every curve and carving in the stones in the buildings screamed with intention of “look at me.” It was breathtaking. Everything seemed so surreal.
I turned to look at Sehun, who was just as breathtaking and surreal. To know that he chose me to take these adventures with was a sudden crash of relief. He could have chosen any of these models that we were about to go see. He could have had his pick, and he picked me.
France was beautiful.
Life with Sehun was even more beautiful.
As we arrived at the Louis Vuitton event, my confidence soared. I was ready to tackle Paris with the love of my life and show everyone just how much I did fit, because I was with him; the only person who mattered. My Oh Sehun.
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sluttttyyylee19 · 6 years
Interactive Chanyeol/Sehun AU in which Y/N goes to Korea to escape her traumatic past and meets people who help her move on from her wounds.
Hun/Yeol Fanfic
“Even if you guys don’t like it, you know I’m still going to Korea right? I need a fresh start and I have been planning this for months. Please don’t get mad at me for it now and tell me I can’t go. You know I’m going either way, I just don’t want any harsh feelings between us.”
“I know I was just hoping I would be able to talk you out of it last second. How are we ever going to see you when you live so far away?”
“It’s not like I will be living their permanently I can still come visit you guys. It’s only two years, that’s the same amount of time that I was away at college. If that even makes you feel any better. I still have a whole month before I leave.”
“How are you even prepared? Don’t you still have stuff to pack? How is it even getting there?”
“I already told you the company I am working for is going to be flying me out there dad. I have already sent all of my things from college with my assistant a few weeks ago. I will take my things from home with me on the plan and whatever is left over can be mailed to me later.”
“What about your roommates from college? Aren’t they going to miss you and be worried about you too?”
“Don’t worry its going to be fine mom. I planned this out guys just trust me. We can worry about the rest when it comes, just help me instead of pretending that I’m not leaving please.”
*One month later*
“Annyeonghaseyo. Welcome to Seoul!”
After way too many hours of flying in a metal death trap I finally arrived to the place I had been wanting to go to for three years. I had hoped for many things upon coming to Seoul, but I have never thought coming here would lead me to you. Even now I’m not sure if I would turn back the clock to erase all the bad, because then I might not meet you.
July 3, 2020, I headed to my new home in a moving van with my extremely chatty assistant. The same as any other Friday night all I wanted to do was lay down and cry. I had grown into a reclusive person over the years, and all I wanted to do was workout and relax to try to adjust to the fourteen hour time difference. The transition from small town Iowa to big city was going to be a lot for someone like me. I was just happy I requested to live in a smaller community outside of Seoul so that I wouldn’t have to feel constantly crowded by people. I finally arrived at my way to big for one person home, and was immediately overwhelmed with the amount of boxes inside. My assistant had been steadily trying to work out my things for me, but it appeared that she hadn’t gotten very far. I helped throw the rest of my stuff inside and sent everyone away. I had a meeting with the company tomorrow, and I just needed a night for myself. I found my room right away and dug out some workout clothes from an open box. All I wanted to do was get my mind off of all the stress from back home. There was a gym about three blocks from my home that I already had a membership with and I headed there without a second thought.
I struggled for many years to figure out who I wanted to be, but in college I finally started to figure myself out. I took teaching courses and decided I wanted to teach English to those who didn’t speak it. It was in my second year of college that the Miliguage company reached out to me. A company that wanted to teach soldiers in the United States allied countries English to create a more efficient way to work together. They wanted to send me to Korea to teach the soldiers there English. I was beyond excited and worked as hard as I could to go. I was the first person to take the job and because of that I gained many benefits. This is how I got my home and gym membership all paid for, as well as a high yearly salary. My friends all thought I only got the job to meet celebrities that would be in the military. Little did they know I didn’t even have to have the job for that to happen.
I arrived at the gym, feeling excited that I could work out in peace due to its small size. My manager told me it was an exclusive gym with only around ten to fifteen members a year, and that I would most likely not see others around when I went. I stuck my headphones in and walked straight to the punching bag after I entered. I spent over an hour punching, running, and listening to music so loud that I didn’t realize that someone else had walked in. I was singing aloud over my headphones having a good time, when I felt someone poke my shoulder.....
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yeolsmuffin · 7 years
Crumbling Down [M] - Sehun || Four
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Paring: sehunXreader, baekhyunXreader
Genre: Smut, Angst || Best friend!Sehun
Summary: When friends with benefits goes horribly wrong.
Word Count: 11.8k
Trigger warning: abusive themes
Teaser | One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six |
Sehun’s POV Parts : Two
It would be so easy to admit you had been in love with Sehun all this time. Sure, things with him would probably end but it seemed that would be the best situation. As they say, if you love something, then set it free.
You knew that ending things wouldn’t be easy but yet, it was the best way to redeem yourself. If you didn’t end things here and now, your relationship with Sehun was doomed. Even with that in mind, you couldn’t help but feel the crazy switch click in your head - making ending things, the furthest thing from your mind. Even if you would ruin your friendship with Sehun forever, you didn’t care.
All you could see was revenge and you wanted to hurt Sehun just a fraction of how much he hurt you. You were out for blood and this time you would do more than just blow Jongin.
No, you weren’t even going to waste a single breath on getting mad and showing your anger this time.  
Instead, you were just going to get even.
Everything between you and Sehun came to a standstill. The two of you stopped talking, touching and even seeing each other. It wasn't due to his wants, of course, but you had made yourself impossible to reach. Sehun spent many nights talking outside your bedroom door and begging you to come out, but you refused. You didn't even reply.
It was only a matter of time before you moved out and left Sehun to his own but you still loved him and you were still hurt.
It was stupid, childish, and a mistake to even think about getting Sehun back but as the next couple of weeks passed by and you continued ignoring him, you only wanted to get him back more.
The tears had stopped and you weren't crying over him any longer but there were nights you would curl up in bed and think about how much Sehun had used your body. It didn’t matter that the marks he would leave on your skin were gone but your mind kept reminding you about where they were. Sehun was stitched into your skin and you weren't sure there was a way to get him out.
Instead of spending most of your nights in and stuck inside your bedroom, you found comfort in a new friend – Baekhyun. You found yourself avoiding Kyungsoo and Junmyeon because you were afraid that if you talked to either one of them for more than a couple of minutes, they would talk you out of your plans. Plans to make Sehun crumble just as much as he made you crumble.
He was the love of your life and you wanted him to feel just a portion of the pain he had put on you.
It wasn't like things could end well now so how much worse could the damage actually get?
Baekhyun wasn't Sehun and he definitely wasn't Junmyeon, but he filled the empty part of you that needed a friend. You opened up to him about Sehun and your plans because Baekhyun wasn't close to you. Even if Baekhyun said it was a stupid idea, you wouldn't have listened.
But he didn't think it was a bad idea at all. He actually was encouraging you to get back at the man who had all but thrown your heart on the floor and then, well he offered a solution you hadn't thought of.
Using Baekhyun to get back at Sehun.
Of course, you weren't easy to convince that you should use someone like Baekhyun for something so hazardous. Especially after how you had damaged Jongin and Sehun's relationship. The two boys were great friends and when you went behind Sehun and got caught hooking up with Jongin, Sehun didn't talk to him again.
It made you wonder why it mattered. Sehun said he didn't love you in a romantic sense but yet all of his actions threw that logic straight out the window. Maybe Sehun did love you... and if he did, you wanted him to be as heartbroken as you were.
Which led you to the conversation with Baekhyun when the two of you were together.
It was a cold night and the two of you were bundled up in puffy winter jackets and scarfs as you walked the streets around your apartment, snow crunching beneath your feet.  
"You should move out. You can come stay with me, ya know? Chanyeol was my roommate but moved out a few months ago. I wouldn't mind having you around," he said nudging you with his shoulder.
"That's sweet," you replied as you stuffed your hands further into your coat. "But I want to get back at him first. If I just leave without getting revenge I feel like I'll regret it." No, you were going to regret it no matter what decision you made. But you had long ago accepted that this journey with Sehun was nothing but regrets.
Junmyeon would have talked you out of your choice to fight fire with fire, but Baekhyun was excited by it. "I think it's time that a guy like him got a taste of his own medicine. It's obvious you love the guy. I mean obvious. Trust me, he knows you love him deep down but that stupid playboy mentality of his won't allow him to hear it. He needs a wakeup call." You watched Baekhyun was you talked and noticed the way his cheeks were flushed from the cold and you couldn't help but smile. He looked so sweet and innocent but you had already known better from the flirting he had done when the two of you met. "So what is the plan?"
You shrugged and averted your gaze. "I know what you probably think about someone like me who is hooking up with my best friend-"
Baekhyun stopped you, "No. You have no idea what I think." He grabbed your arm and the two of you came to a stop on the sidewalk. "You love Sehun and you have been exclusive to him for months. You blew one other guy in that time and felt really bad about it. I think you're just in love. Don't put yourself down the way Sehun does."
A smile crossed your lips as you looked at Baekhyun. His gentle face and words weren't something you deserved. "Sehun has used my body in a lot of ways and I guess I feel tainted. Regardless of that, I'm not one who just sleeps around the way Sehun does. I'm more of a relationship type of girl."
Pulling you along with him gently, Baekhyun turned a corner. "I know that, silly. Don't defend yourself for your actions, okay? Your choices are your own and I won't judge you for them. But speaking of choices, if you're going to fight fire with fire, how will you pull it off? Will you hook up with random guys?"
You let a puff of air out of your lungs, your breath a fog in front of you. "I don't know. I guess. It's not something I'm good at."
He was leading you away from your apartments and further down the street towards his. "Let's go warm up at my place. I doubt you really want to have the conversation around Sehun."
You nodded and the two of you spent the next few minutes in silence until you reached his apartment and he led you inside the warm apartment.
"Better?" He asked as he gently tugged your scarf off and hung it on the coat rack by the door. You blushed as he helped you out of your coat before he even had his own off. "Now," he said as he ran tap water in a metal kettle in his kitchen. "What's the plan?"
You leaned against one of his kitchen counters and bit your lip nervously. "I told you that I'm not sure Baekhyun. I just don't feel right letting Sehun off without doing something."
After setting the full kettle down and pressing a few buttons, Baekhyun turned towards you and crossed his arms. "I have a proposition."
Raising a brow, you nodded. "Go on."
"I'll help you," he said simply.
He paused for a moment and brought a hand up to his chin. "You can use me to get back at Sehun."
Your eyes nearly popped out. "Use you?"
Baekhyun shrugged. "It's better than the other alternative, right? Hooking up with random guys. Why not use someone you know instead?"
You put your hands up in front of you and closed your eyes. "Baekhyun, we have grown to be friends. The point of hooking up with random guys is so I don't have to deal with the emotions. There's already a mess of emotions surrounding me and Sehun and the last thing I need is to add to that. "
"What? You're going to just find a random guy and take them back to your and Sehun's place every night? You know you will struggle to do that. If Sehun sees you with a guy and the guy doesn't know what's going on, it will be so easy for him to talk you out of whatever you're going to do with the guy. Let me be that guy. I know the deal, I'm attracted to you, and I care about your wellbeing." Baekhyun was playing it off as if it were nothing. So maybe you didn't quite have the guts for the random hookups but you also didn't have any warm part of your heart left and you couldn't take ruining the relationship you had formed with Baekhyun even if it was still fresh.
He was fun and able to distract you from the bullshit with Sehun. That made you fear that having sex with Baekhyun would only complicate things. "That last line is enough to make me decline your offer. I appreciate the thought but you say you care about me. Sex will only make that worse. Trust me. I didn't think I had any feelings for Sehun but it didn't take long for that to change. And once it does, you can't go back."
Baekhyun advanced on you. "Y/N, I understand it all. I just want to help you and I know that not only can I help you give Sehun a taste of his own medicine, but I can make you forget about whatever he did that had you so hooked."
His hands wrapped around the edge of the counter, boxing you in his arms. "What has me hooked is love."
"It's time to get over from that then. What did Sehun ever do to deserve your love?" Baekhyun whispered as he searched your face.
A shaky breath escaped your lips but you couldn't find any words. What had Sehun done to make you love him? Was it a false belief that you had? Maybe since you had associated sex with love for so long, you were confused. Sehun held you, told you sweet things, and he was your best friend but at some point you had to admit that he wasn't the one that caught you when you fell. It was Junmyeon time and time again who had found you on the brink of insanity and brought you back down without intimacy. Junmyeon literally showered with you and cared for you the way you imagined a friend should and never once did he make you feel the way Sehun did.
Junmyeon if anyone deserved your love because he would never use your body the way Sehun did. So what did Sehun have that made you love him when you could have loved Junmyeon?
There was nothing Sehun did to make you love him and it occurred to you that maybe you had fabricated the person you thought Sehun was. What was love if you didn't understand the reason you loved someone? What was the point?
Baekhyun was right. There was nothing Sehun had ever done to earn your love. When bad things in your life happened, he was nowhere to be found. You were his dollface, his toy, the person he went to when things were rough for him but yet when it was rough for you, he kept his distance. It was like he explicitly did so to avoid loving you.  
"You're right," you admitted solemnly as you lifted a hand to your mouth. "I can't think of anything that makes me love him."
Baekhyun lifted a hand to your shoulder. "You're confused. The reason you love Sehun is because of the sexual connection you have and what better way to break that than to make a sexual connection with someone else?"
"What if I fall for you next? And then we're just in this circle of me getting attached to everyone?" It was a good question. Baekhyun was attractive, sweet, and had his life together. It would be easy to fall for someone like him who took you on walks during night time in the snow and then brought you back to his house for hot chocolate. The more you thought about it, the more your cheeks reddened. Falling for Baekhyun you thought might even be easier than falling for Sehun because unlike with Sehun, Baekhyun genuinely seemed to care for your emotions.
He shrugged. "So what? Why do you have such a negative connotation with love, Y/N?" He lifted his hand back to his chin. "Ah, that's because of Oh Sehun. Well listen, love isn't negative. I'm not some playboy asshole who is afraid of it. If you want to love me, love me because the chances of you falling for me are the same as my chances of falling for you." You just stared up at him and he smiled at you softly. "I'm not saying we aim for love but I want to help you shake this bad boy and if we fall in love in the process, is it that bad? I'm not going to lead you on, Y/N. I'm not going to hurt you."
You sighed. "Baekhyun, I'm not ready for love again."
"You want to hurt Sehun by sleeping with someone else basically right in front of him but how are you going to do that any other way? Hookup with Kyungsoo? Chanyeol? I don't care what you do, Y/N. I will support you regardless. I'm just giving you an option from a man who actually respects you and won't try to complicate things. I'm being completely honest with you. I think you're beautiful and I'm attracted to you. I would be honored to be the man you use but in the process, I won't be using you. And I won't be keeping you a secret."
Why was he so enticing? Why was he looking down at you with such sincerity that you thought you might break? "We need to be mindful if we do this, Baekhyun," you sighed. "I don't want to complicate anything."
His hand pressed to your cheek. "I will help you uncomplicate everything then."
And so that was what you and Baekhyun had decided to do. You agreed to have a whatever the fuck a twisted ass relationship like this was called, relationship.  
Although, Baekhyun made you promise him a few things.
In this sexual relationship you were about to enter, you needed to be completely honest with him. Baekhyun explained many times that his goal wasn't just to make Sehun jealous but to show you how intimacy could be with someone who respected you. Baekhyun wanted your feelings during sex to be pure so there was going to be none of you faking it or pretending to enjoy yourself. If you wouldn't enjoy yourself, Baekhyun didn't want to do it.
You agreed because, by the glint in his eyes, you could tell he had no intentions of sex being unenjoyable.
The two of you started to spend even more time together before actually starting on the plan because Baekhyun really wanted you guys to get to know each other. Just as you suspected, he was just as sweet and flirty. He was constantly taking you to dinner and movies and somehow, you found yourself getting wrapped up in a protective Baekhyun bubble. Still, you were avoided Junmyeon and you knew Kyungsoo was relying any information he got straight to your best friend since you may have "accidentally" looked over his shoulder once.
Kyungsoo didn't seem to be tipped off and while Baekhyun wasn't going to keep your relationship a secret, you let him know that Kyungsoo wasn't to be trusted.
Maybe Junmyeon wouldn't march over to your house and take you away from Sehun and Baekhyun like your dreams had told you he would, but you didn't need him looking at you with disappointment again. It was stupid to use another man to get back at Sehun. Fuck, was it stupid. But it was all you had and you had to do something to make Sehun hurt.
You had assumed you looked happier in the previous weeks as opposed to when you were with Sehun because Kyungsoo asked you if you had started smoking pot. Was it really that odd to see you happy?
It made you wonder if you could just entertain the idea of Baekhyun and cut Sehun out once and for all but the moment you ran into him that same day, you knew you couldn't.
Sehun wasn't supposed to be home till seven and it was four. You had his schedule memorized like your favorite song so when you opened the door and he was sitting on the couch staring at you, you almost fainted.
The way your heart raced made you grab your chest and you started gasping for air.
"Surprised?" Sehun asked bitterly but you could hear the way his voice shook with hurt.
You just glared at him and roughly shut the door behind you.
Sehun was up in an instant and grabbing your arm. You twisted from his grip the best you could, but he held tightly. This had been the first time you would be confronted face to face in a month. Some may wonder how it was possible you were able to avoid your own roommate but when you spent months trying to avoid him in the first place because of how weak he made you, it wasn't that hard. "We need to talk," he said roughly.
The way your body started to shake made your spine tingle. "I have nothing to say to you," you gritted out.
Sehun spun you so that you had to look at him but he was twisting your arm in the process and causing pain to shoot down to your elbow. "Well, I have a lot to say to you."
"You're hurting me, Sehun," you whimpered as you squirmed under his hold.
He loosened his grip and you tried to pull away again. "I guess I have to hurt you to get you to listen to me."
Automatically, you dug your nails into his wrist to try to get him to release his hand but he just got rougher, causing you to cry out in pain and tears to prick your eyes.
"Stop struggling and talk to me," he pleaded but you continued to squirm until he backed you into one of the walls in the living room. Tears spilled from your eyes not just from pain but from the proximity of Sehun. He released his hold on you and when you looked down you could see the bright red mark he had left on your skin. It was stinging from the contact with the air and you swore it already began to bruise.
His eyes probed yours as a tears dripped down your cheeks. "Is this what you want? You like me being hurt?"
Sehun's fist slammed against the wall next to you, "No. I don't want you to hurt. Which is why I just want to talk to you but you've been making it difficult."
You averted your gaze. "Talking is never talking with you. It always turns into sex."
He was silent for a few moments. "You didn't seem to protest in those instances."
"Now is different. I don't want it to turn into that and I don't want to talk."
Out of the side of your eyes, you could see the way he clenched his jaw and you could see the arm that was encasing you against the wall, start to shake. "It won't turn into sex. I swear. This is about us right now and I don't want anything to cloud that, okay?"
You turned to look at him, "What about us? I'm your property?"
It was hard to look at the man you loved like this. You felt so angry at him but so sad at the same time. Deep in his eyes, you still saw the man you loved but when you avoided his eyes and saw the surface of him, you saw the man who had broken you. Still, you weren't sure why you loved him but you did and sometimes love didn't have answers. Although, Baekhyun made you think that loving someone was more than just that. There were reasons to loving someone and if you didn't have reasons, what did you have?
"No, dollface," but when he said it you cringed. "Sometimes I say things before thinking and I just don't know how to get things straight when it involves you. We need to talk about what I did. I want to repair our friendship before it's too late."
You scoffed, "You should have thought about that before fucking two other girls and well, shit, I'm not sure I can trust you so maybe it was more than that."
A look of offensive crossed his face. "I would never lie to you. It was only twice and I will never do it again, okay? I'm serious. I'll commit to only having you. You're enough."
"You committed before, Sehun," you didn't have the power to fight and for once you didn't find yourself submitting to Sehun. You wouldn't take it from him this time. Maybe it was Baekhyun who instilled you with confidence or maybe it was you. "Commitment isn't something you're good at."
He shook his head and you could see how glassy his eyes were. You wondered if that's the look he saw in your eyes every time he hurt you. "I can be."
"It's too late."
"Why? Why is it too late?" He questioned desperately.
"Because I already love you." The words let themselves out and you were too defeated to even fight them as you saw Sehun drop his arms from around you and freeze.
You looked at him in disbelief as he glared at you. "I told you not to love me. I told you I can't give anyone the world – even you."
What did you expect?  
Well, you didn't expect to find Sehun waiting for you in the first place. You surely didn't expect to admit that you loved him and even though you should have, you didn't expect him to outright reject you.
"I don't do love. You know that."
Clenching your fists, you pushed him out of your way and moved back towards the front door, "You told me I was your world. You've showered me with so much affection so what do you expect? Do you think that I'll just take all the special treatment you give me and pretend it's not happening? Clearly, I didn't choose to fucking love you because if I could, I wouldn't love you one fucking bit," you spat at him. Sehun advanced on you again but you warded him off with your hand. "You wanted this. You convinced me of this stupid relationship and now you act surprised that I love you?"
Sehun pushed your hand out of his way and grabbed your arm again, "I told you not to. I told you I'm not made for relationships. You're too good for me and I can never be the man you want. I messed up a simple exclusive friend with benefits relationship and there is no way I wouldn't mess up a real one."
"I know that," you yelled trying to keep him from holding you.
"Then why do you love me? What – did you expect me to love you back?"
"No – I... I knew you would never love me the way I love you but-," you yelled.
You saw the anger rising in Sehun's face. "You thought you would be an exception? Right?" You shook your head. That wasn't it. You knew it would end in flames but sometimes love was accepting that it wouldn't be perfect. "You aren't. I can't change. Not for anyone. Not for you. I won't love you," he growled.
"Fuck you," you screamed at him and pushed him away from you. "You don't need to be a dick about it. I know you won't love me."
He grabbed for you again, causing enough pressure to make you cry out in pain. "It's what is best for you. It's best for you to hear it exactly how it is. Get the fucking delusions out of your head that I might love you back because I won't."
Using all your strength, you kept pushing and kicking at him until he released you. It made you angry that Sehun thought you had some sort of dreams that he would love you back. You scoffed. You weren't that stupid. He wouldn't even hear you out and it made you hate him. It made you want to do the worst you could to him. Looking down at both of your arms, you saw the marks he had left and you looked at them in disgust. For someone that you loved, he sure hurt you physically and mentally. "I fucking hate you," you screamed at the top of your lungs.
Sehun straightened out his shirt. "Don't lie. You just told me you loved me, you fucking idiot."
That's all it took for your vision to be overcome with red. "Fucking idiot? I'm a fucking idiot? You are a fucking idiot. I'm the only girl who will ever fucking love you like this. Ever. And your losing me. Don't you dare decide to turn this around on me because I'm so fucking done with you. I know you love me too even if it isn't as much as what I feel. I know it's in there and you're too much of a bitch to admit it."
"If you loved me so much then why did I catch you sucking Jongin's dick?"
Before you could process anything, you were lifting your fist and jamming it into the side of Sehun's head. He groaned and grasped where you hit him as he looked at you in horror. "Fucking bitch," he muttered.
"What did you say?" You screeched.
He stood up straight. "I said you fucking bitch. Go, run off and suck Jongin's dick the way you did last time I upset you."
You hadn't realized that tears were spilling down your cheeks until you felt the tears drip down onto your palm. You wiped them away. Sehun's physical and emotional abuse was shocking and it made everything inside you feel fuzzy and disconnected but you couldn't let him treat you that way. You wouldn't be meek and take what he dished out. "Maybe I fucking will," you spat out and reached for your purse that had fallen on the ground before rushing out the door and slamming it behind you.
As you hurried down the steps, you sobbed but you didn't stop. Sehun opened the door behind you after a few moments. You assumed he had realized the severity of the situation because he called for you and it sounded like he was crying too – but you didn't look back.
You couldn't turn to anyone but Baekhyun and even though he was all he had, he was who you wanted. Kyungsoo probably would have fainted and Junmyeon would have beat the living shit out of Sehun. Baekhyun would understand it all.
When he answered the phone, you couldn't help but sob. "What happened?" His rushed voice asked.
"Sehun – I... we had an argument," you cried into the phone.
"Where are you?"
"At my place."
Baekhyun sighed, "Start walking towards my apartment, I'm on my way."
You didn't walk far before you saw Baekhyun's car speeding towards you and jolting to a stop when he reached you. He leaned over and pulled the door open for you. Once you were tucked inside, he turned around and drove back towards his apartment which wasn't far from where you lived.
He glanced over at you and his eyes grazed over the marks on your arms and he nearly slammed on his breaks. "What the fuck did he do to you?"
"It's fine," but when you looked down, bruises were already forming. "Oh."
"Did he hurt you?" His eyes glanced over at you and then back to the road several times.
"I'll explain it when we get to your place, Baekhyun. Focus on driving, I'm okay."
↣♜ ♜ ♜↢
When you told Baekhyun what had happened, he stomped around the living room of his apartment for so long that you knew he was going to get a complaint from the neighbors below him. He struggled in not telling Kyungsoo about what happened because Baekhyun so badly wanted to hurt Sehun after what he had said and done to you.
Once he came down from his anger, he told you he was ready to start the plan. You guys had spent weeks going on little dates and learning more about each other to lead up to this moment and now that it was here, you were nervous. You had already admitted to loving Sehun and it blew up the way you knew it would – so did you really need the plan?
But your mind screamed at you as the bruises on your arms turned to a purple color that you needed to get Sehun back. You hadn't returned home since the incident a week ago and since you paid most of the rent for the place, it was your home too and you wouldn't let Sehun run you out of it.
So this time, Baekhyun came to spend the night with you and you found out he worked at a magazine company that was a few buildings down from your work, the two of you could go to work together.
"If you don't want to do this, we don't have to. We can just cuddle like we do when we watch movies," he said giving you a wink.
Your cheeks heated up. "Baekhyun," you whined, as he drove to your house and you watched the snow covered streets as you drove by.
"What? Are you embarrassed?" He teased and even though you were looking out the window, you knew he had a naughty glint in his eyes the same way he did every time he teased you.
"No," you protested. "I want to go through with it," you whispered. You did. Something about Baekhyun drew you to him and since the incident with Sehun, you found yourself finding comfort in him a lot. Baekhyun was warm and every time he held you, you felt your heart press against your chest.  
You felt like you should have been worried to be intimate with Baekhyun but when you guys spoke about it, he discussed it in such a way that eased every worry your mind tried to find. He wasn't going to pull a Sehun on you and that was all that mattered.
It could be said you had a crush on Baekhyun but it was still nothing compared to how you had felt about Sehun. But how did you feel about Sehun now? It was confusing because you found yourself hating him while craving him and it gave you whiplash.
Once you and Baekhyun had arrived, Baekhyun grabbed your hand before walking you inside. His hand enveloped yours with warmth and he gave you a small squeeze. "If you want to leave, say the words and we can spend the night in my bed." You eyed his face as you registered his words and he gave you a laugh. "That can be sexually or not sexually. Whatever you want." He poked your nose with his free hand, "Believe it or not, you're growing on me."
"Whatever," you muttered as you tried to ignore the heat in your cheeks.
"You like me too," he whispered as you opened the front door and walked in. Baekhyun closed it tightly behind you and ran right into your back since you had stopped right at the entrance. Sehun was looking at the two of you and his gaze went straight past yours and to Baekhyun.
"Dollface?" He questioned and you could feel Baekhyun's body harden behind you.
You reached for Baekhyun and reattached your hands, trying to calm him down. "What?" You asked.
"I was just wondering when you'd come home." Baekhyun stepped out from behind you and Sehun's eyes instantly sized the shorter boy up. You could tell Baekhyun was doing everything he could to not hiss at the boy. "Who's this?" He asked in a condescending tone.
Baekhyun's grip on you tightened. "This is my friend Baekhyun. I met him through Kyungsoo."
Sehun's eyes narrowed and he nodded a few times, "Are you guys going out?"
You furrowed your brows, "No. He's staying the night."
Sehun let out a laugh. "What?"
"Is there a problem, Sehun?"
He scoffed, "No. I'm just wondering why you're bringing home a guy. I didn't think you were the type of girl... but I guess I should know better."
Baekhyun opened his mouth but you put a hand on his chest, "I guess you don't really know me, do you?" You sneered and pulled Baekhyun along to your room.
The moment you had the door closed, Baekhyun started rambling. "Wow, he is the biggest cunt ever. Like really? Who the fuck does he think he is? And sizing me up like that? I'm much other than the little shit."
You laughed and wrapped your arms gently around Baekhyun's waist. "That's just who he is sometimes. He's possessive over his property," you added, voice dripping with sarcasm.
"Funny because his property will be saying my name tonight," Baekhyun hooked his arms around your waist and pulled you into him even more. "Should you ask for permission?"
And maybe it was the anger but you found yourself even more compelled by Baekhyun than normal. Not only did his arms make you feel safe, but Baekhyun smelled amazing and it made your senses fuzzy. He pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead while waiting for you to answer but you couldn't seem to form any words.
"I'll make him realize all his stupidity and I'll show you a new world," he said gently.
You looked up at him, his teeth biting his lip and enticing you. "I've seen it all. Sehun has various kinks."
Baekhyun rolled his eyes, "Yes, but has he ever been sensual with you? Fuck all that rough and possessive shit you guys did. How about like actual sweet and easy?"
Sehun was sweet and easy a few times but more often than not, you ended up being bit, scratched, and having your hair pulled. Sehun wasn't one for gentle – at least not the way Baekhyun made it seem.  
"And does he always call you that sick name?"
You nodded slowly as you stared at Baekhyun's lips, half-disconnected from the conversation. "More times than not."
"He calls you that in a way that makes him seem above you. I bet that's his kink. He wants to be more than the person he is with. With me? You're equal... well, maybe not even that. You are probably above me because Y/N," he said slowly as he tilted your chin up, "I care about your needs."
He bent until his lips hovered yours and you whined when he just stayed frozen there. You wanted Baekhyun to kiss you. His lips looked perfect and your body was practically begging to feel them. "Baekhyun," you whined.
"I want your consent. I want full consent before we do anything. I may be doing this to help you get him back but like I've said before, this isn't hooking up just with the intention of making his little stupid balls bust. This is about you too and I need you to be sure."
You nodded.
He sighed but stayed where he was, his breath feathering against your lips. "Full consent, Y/N. Use your words."
"I'm sure. I'm sure that I want you, Baekhyun."
You watched as his lips turned into a smirk before he pressed his lips against yours.
Those sparks they talk about in romance novels? You felt them. It was more like an eruption of tingles in your stomach but you knew it had to be sparks. His lips caressed yours as his arms encased you and you pressed yourself closer to him. You moaned out without thinking, loving the feel of Baekhyun against you. His tongue explored your mouth when you had given him permission and you could feel the groans he let out vibrate into your mouth.
His hands trailed underneath the shirt of his that you were wearing and you felt the goosebumps form from his simple touch.
You leaned into him as much as you possibly could as Baekhyun kissed you in a way that made you feel special. He kissed you like you were the best thing in the world and it made you wonder how Baekhyun saw you. Sure, Sehun kissed you like he wanted you and said things to make you feel special but when it came down to it, you were his dollface and it didn't get deeper than that.
Baekhyun's hands trailed up to your waist, pushing your shirt up as he went. You couldn't help but tremble with his touch. It was a strange feeling to be getting intimate with someone other than the one you loved but yet, you didn't feel remorseful. Baekhyun's touch made everything feel okay. Was it okay? With Jongin, you had felt guilty even though you didn't regret it but Baekhyun was making you feel anything but guilt.
You were so consumed by his kiss that you didn't notice that your shirt was almost off until he broke the kiss to pull it the rest of the way off.  Baekhyun looked you over and smiled at you shirtless but was quick to remove your bra and set it gently on the chair nearby him. When his hands returned to you, the trailed up towards your breasts and Baekhyun used no more than the slightest featherlight touch across your nipples. His lips met your neck, pressing the littlest kisses down the groove of it and then over your shoulder. Your body was continually being racked with shivers and you couldn't help the moans that fell from your lips.
He continued his gentle assault by moving his fingertips from your nipples and out towards your sides. His fingers were almost tickling but it was more of a sensual feeling.
His fingers traced teasingly down to the leggings you were wearing and he hooked his fingers inside, pulling them slightly. Baekhyun saw the way you trembled for him and it made him smile. "Are you nervous?" He teased as he licked his lips.
Shaking your head, you stared up at him watching the way Baekhyun bit his lip. "No, I feel like I'm just in a sensory overload."
"Have you never had that before?"
You shrugged, "Baekhyun, you make me feel like nobody has."
His face lit up and that made him pull your leggings and underwear down in one quick movement. He bent down, gently lifting each leg and pulling your feet from the clothes. He smiled up at you from his place on the floor before he pressed his lips to the inside of your calves and worked his way up your thighs slowly. His lips found your pubic bone, pressing soft kisses against it before coming to stand fully in front of you.
The two of your lips met again and you were overwhelmed by his warmth. As he asked for entrance to your mouth, he rubbed his hand over your mound and down to your core. His fingers splayed over your clit and rubbed gently. You were putty in his hands and your body went slack as Baekhyun used his other arm to hold you up by the waist.  
His fingers urged you to further open your thighs and when you did, he pressed one long digit against your entrance. Circles were made with his finger before he groaned against your mouth in approval and you were sure it was because of how wet you were. His finger sunk into your heat and you let out a loud moan that was thankfully muffled against Baekhyun’s mouth.  
Using his thumb to circle your clit, he kept his finger thrusting inside you. He curved it upwards inside you and kept a pace that made you have to grasp onto his shoulders so you wouldn't fall over. He held you tightly and kept his lips smooth and sweet instead of sloppy. It was as if Baekhyun knew everything you craved and he was unlocking your body in ways you didn't think anyone who hadn't slept with you before could.
Moving his lips from yours, he peppered kisses over your jaw until they landed right beside your ear. Baekhyun moaned right into your ear and your back arched in response. His lips locked over the lob of your ear, giving it soft kisses as he picked up his pace and slowly added another finger.
You knew how your body worked and for some reason, you found yourself pulling Baekhyun's hand away by grasping his wrist. He looked at you in confusion and stopped everything he was doing as you did so. "Is something wrong?"
No. And maybe that was what made it wrong. Everything was perfect but the last thing you want was to cum once and not be able to do it again when he had sex with you. Not that you doubted his abilities, but girls couldn't always get off easy every single time and since you wanted the first time with Baekhyun to be perfect, you didn’t want to risk it.  
"No, I just want to have sex with you."
He smiled, "So? We can do it all, Y/N. You don't have to worry about rushing anything."
You scoffed, "I know that but don't we have other times for that? I just want to have you inside me, Baek."
He couldn't help the moan that fell from his lips when you called him 'Baek' and he walked you over towards the bed. He still kept his lips soft on yours and on your body. With Baekhyun, he didn't feel rough and even his hands were incredibly smooth.
You helped him undress, eager to see Baekhyun naked and when you did, it was breathtaking. He was stunning and you couldn't keep your eyes off him. His chest was unflawed, chiseled and all you wanted to do was lay on top of it for hours. Your fingers moved across his stomach as he removed his pants but he kept his eyes locked on yours the whole time. He gave you the most intense stare that had you aching right down to your core. You were a wet seeping mess and you couldn't even pretend like you weren't.  
You stared down at his member when he was finally underdressed and he gave you a cocky but still somehow sweet smile. "What?" He asked.
"You look good," you hummed as you stared at him.
Baekhyun laughed. "You act surprised."
"Impressed is more like it."
He pressed a finger to your cheek, "Well, I am more than impressed with your body. I'm hypnotized by it."
You scoffed and tried to cover yourself with your hands but Baekhyun tugged them away. "It's not great." While you weren't the most unconfident person, there was still so much you disliked and wished you could change. You didn't have the body type that anyone pined after and you found yourself wishing you could be elegant and perfect like models. Like the girls Sehun went for. The thought made you nauseous. How could you think of that asshole when you had the sweetest man treating you like you were royalty?
Baekhyun's gaze turned to a glare. "It's amazing and I will prove that to you. Nobody should ever make you feel like your body isn't the best one in the world because it is."
To that, you didn’t have much to say as Baekhyun raised an eyebrow and gave your shoulders kisses. You reached out to touch him and he let you wrap your hand around his shaft. He was warm and with every pump of his cock that you did, he moaned loudly and you were certain his eyes had just rolled back in his head.  
Pleasing him, made you feel good. It made you feel accomplished and you found yourself wanting to dive deep into the sweet world of Baekhyun.  
You jerked your hand roughly as you tightened your fingers and the moment your name fell from Baekhyun’s lips, you felt like crying. It was so beautiful to hear your name on his tongue. He was so intriguing and Baekhyun was like every girls fantasy.
“Okay,” he panted, “That’s enough from you.” You smiled as he pulled himself away from you and searched the pockets of his pants. He pulled a condom from his jeans and you smiled. There was something about a man that cared about protection, that made you feel good. Condoms weren’t the best feeling in the world but it was the best feeling when you knew your partner cared for you. Most guys you were with expected you to be on birth control and that was a burden enough as it was.  
Baekhyun pulled the condom over his length, checked if it was secure and then dropped his knees back to the bed and crawled over your laying body. He wrapped your legs around him and aligned the two of you together as you squirmed and begged for more. Before he could even get an inch closer to your entrance, his warm brown eyes met yours, “Are you sure this is what you want?”
You nodded eagerly but Baekhyun just tsked at you.  
“I want to be sure, I don’t want you to regret anything. I know you love him.”
But you weren’t thinking of him. “Baekhyun, I want you. Please. You are all that’s on my mind right now and I really want you.”
He smiled and slowly pushed himself inside of you. Both of your moans flowed freely throughout the room as he pushed deeper and dropped his body to be draping over yours.  
He pulled himself out and slowly pushed back in. Your legs wrapped all the way around him and you pulled him closer as you tightened your heat around him.  
His moans were delicious and he seemed to think the same about yours because he kept smiling with every moan that came from you.  
Your body felt like it was in overdrive as Baekhyun continued to pull in and out of you. Everything tingled and all you could see was his deep brown eyes that kept searching your face and body to make sure you were still enjoying yourself.  
Your eyes had snapped themselves closed in pleasure so you gasped when his lips wrapped around one of your nipples and softly sucked. You moaned and arched into him, begging for more. He gave you just that, moving his lips to the other nipple.  
His hands trailed over your thighs as he held onto the backs of your knees and increased his pace. The more you felt his length throb inside you, the closer you got.  
Baekhyun was pushing every button you had in the right ways and when he latched his lips to your worst, it was confirmed every more. His teeth traced your wrist as his tongue darted out. You wanted to pull your hand away and pull his head closer to it all at once. Your wrist was your sweet spot and somehow Baekhyun had found it.  
When he switched lips, that’s when you felt it and while you tried to hold back, Baekhyun just whispered, “That’s it, Y/N. Come for me, beautiful,” and that made you cum on the spot.  
Your body convulsed and your heat tightened around Baekhyun as he encouraged you to moan louder for him. Once you fully came undone, you were limp under Baekhyun and your whole body was over sensitive. Every touch, every thrust, every kiss was sending you over the edge.  
Baekhyun came quickly after you and smiled once he had pulled out. You pulled his head down to your chest and held it there, kissing his sweaty hair. “Thank you,” you whispered. “You made me feel better than anyone has.”
You could feel him smile and after a few moments, he got up, discarded the condom and then joined you back in bed. He pulled you into him, cuddling you into his warmth and you let out a sigh.  
Safe. That was how Baekhyun felt. He felt like safety and that was something you craved.
That night, you didn’t cry, lock your door, or count anyone’s steps. Instead, you and Baekhyun talked for hours about anything and everything. And of course debating who would beat the other one at Mario Kart.  
Even the boyfriends you had were never as sweet as Byun Baekhyun and you hoped that sex wouldn’t ruin your friendship the way it did with Sehun…but that was if you even wanted to stay just friends with him after this.  
You could see the two of you as more and that alone was enough to give you sweet dreams that night.  
↣♜ ♜ ♜↢
The next morning, Sehun glared at you and Baekhyun as if you were the worst things he had ever seen. The two of you cooked breakfast together since you had woken up early and in a good mood and while Baekhyun offered for Sehun to join the two of you for breakfast, Sehun declined.  
The moment Baekhyun ran off to go to the bathroom, Sehun cornered you against the fridge.  
His gaze was deadly and it made you whimper. In that instance, you couldn’t help but be repulsed by him. “So is this what we’re doing now?”
“What?” You angrily spat. “What are we doing?”
He growled, “Fucking other people right under the other one's nose,” he clarified. “You shouldn’t have started something like this.”
You raised both brows and pursed your lips. “Funny seeing as of how I didn’t start it. You did. “
Sehun just glared at you and you watched his eyes drift down to your lips and your exposed neck and you saw the shift. Sehun wanted you and all you wanted was to push him away. “I’m better than him. I know all about your body, doll face.” You cringed and pushed him away.  
Baekhyun entered the room just as Sehun reached for you again and Baekhyun’s gaze was set to kill. He reached for you and pulled you behind him while eyeing Sehun. “What are you doing, man?” He spat.  
Sehun rolled his eyes. “Dollface, when you get bored with your little toy, a real man is waiting for you.”
Sehun grabbed his keys and headed for the door but Baekhyun’s voice stopped him. “Real men don’t leave bruises on women. Nor do they cheat on them.”
“Cheating,” Sehun scoffed before turning and leaving being sure to slam the door behind him.  
You jumped and Baekhyun’s hands found your shoulders. He looked at you sympathetically before kissing your nose, “He’s something else.”
“I know,” you sighed and leaned into Baekhyun’s chest. You needed his safety.  
↣♜ ♜ ♜↢
It didn’t take long for Sehun to do the same with you. In fact, that night he brought a girl home but you wouldn’t have even known unless you saw her because Baekhyun was busy eating you out and giving you the best three orgasms of your life. Orgasms you didn’t even think you could have.
It went on like that for a while but it got to a point where you didn’t even bother having sex at your place but at Baekhyun’s or sometimes in his car which at first was odd to you because the original plan was to make Sehun hurt but you couldn’t hurt him if he didn’t know about it. The more you were with Baekhyun, the less you cared about making Sehun jealous.  
Sex with Baekhyun was always a good experience. Things never got overly rough with him and while occasionally you asked for rough, he never went overboard. He did what you asked and hell, he was good at it but he never left marks on you. Only the occasional small love bite on your thigh or wrist by accident.  
He was so sweet to you. Your relationship was surviving with sex added into the mix and it was striving even. Sometimes, Baekhyun would even send flowers to your work – of course, anonymously so Kyunsgoo wouldn’t know but you always knew it was him because he would have a small ‘b’ written on the inside of the card. Besides, it was impossible not to know it was him when he texted asking if the flowers were okay every single time he sent any.  
He took you on walks, out on dates, and spent most of his free time texting you. It was becoming a norm between the two of you.  
Nothing felt forced or rushed and even though Sehun was mad and bitter, you felt happy.  
Baekhyun was a new light to your life and it was opening so much to you. So much so that you had even started talking to Junmyeon again although you refused to discuss Sehun with him.
The problem was that while you were being entranced by Baekhyun, you still loved and missed Sehun. Baekhyun told you it would take time to stop loving him but he promised one day you would. One day your heart would get fed up and while you thought it already had, it hadn’t. Baekhyun filled the void of Sehun though – although maybe that was wrong because Baekhyun took up his own place in your heart. He was way different than Sehun and it was beautiful.  
Sehun continued to have girls over and every time you went home, you saw the condom wrappers and random girls clothing that he never cared to pick up after. It disgusted you but you felt good knowing he at least used condoms with other women. Maybe not with you but at least you knew that maybe he used protection with the girls he slept with behind your back.  
It hurt that he felt so little about you that he could keep sleeping around and hurting you but we’re you even better? You were doing the same but yet, you cared for Baekhyun.  
You didn’t know how but after a month and a half of the same routine and being intimate with him, you felt so different about Baekhyun.  
Maybe even loved him a bit.  
But you were still so confused.  
Kyungsoo and Junmyeon didn’t ask much because they were just happy that you were happy. Even if it was strange that your body wasn’t riddled with marks, they decided not to forsake their blessings.  
You could tell they wanted to ask but the two of them respected your privacy.  
On the other hand, Sehun refused to respect yours. He would blow up your phone, beg you to come home, beg you for sex, apologize, beg for forgiveness and then send you unsolicited dick pics.  
In that time that you would receive those messages, Baekhyun just laughed it off or texted Sehun pictures of his dick in response. You and Baekhyun weren’t exclusive although neither of you fucked other people. He never treated you like you were property and even though he told you if you ever wanted to go back to Sehu, you could without feeling bad, you didn’t want to leave.  
Baekhyun made you want to stick around with him and you weren’t regretting it.
He wasn’t forcing you into commitments but he wasn’t saying that he wouldn’t commit. Baekhyun had admitted to liking you a few days ago when he cuddled you after sex and it had you on cloud nine. You whole-heartily liked Baekhyun too.  
Of course, it was to be said that Sehun was the love of your life. But even so, that didn’t mean that you had to put up with the trauma. You didn’t have to take what he dished out just because you were afraid of losing him. It was all on the table. He knew you loved him and when he found out, his true colors showed. The look in his eyes when you said you loved him wasn’t one you would forget anytime soon.  
It was finally decided that after two months of the fuck fest revolving around you and Sehun, that you would move out. Baekhyun was offering you a place to stay – as long as you wanted but you insisted it was just until you could find a new place. Little by little on nights that Sehun had been out, you had begun moving your things out.  
The night you went to pick up the last few bits was when your world came crumbling down.  
You specifically planned the times around when Sehun wouldn’t be home but tonight, he was home.
He came out of his room the moment he heard the front door open and he looked exhausted.  
For once, the living room wasn’t a mess. Traces of other girls were nowhere to be seen and all that was left in its stead was Sehun standing in the hall looking dead.  
You paused for a moment and then found yourself stepping back towards the door before Sehun's eyes grew wide and he placed his hands up.
You froze.  
“Please don’t go,” he begged in a quiet voice. “Please. Hear me out.”
That just made you sigh. “I’ve heard you out time and time again. It never goes right-“
“I love you,” he blurted out, interrupting you.
The world around you seemed to stop.  
Your breathing was shallow in your chest and you just stared at Sehun.
Thoughts rushed through your mind. Did he really love you? What did it mean if he loved you? He loved you but he put you through all that pain?
Baekhyun. Baekhyun. You needed Baekhyun here with you or you were going to break. You reached for your phone but Sehun was already close. Too close. His eyes were gentle and it was enough to break you down. When had he ever looked at you like that?
"I really love you," he sighed. "I'm sorry for everything I said and how I treated you. I never meant to hurt you like that and I don't even know why I did."
"How long?" You gritted out as you looked away.
"Before we even started this whole thing. I think I've always loved you but I've just put it to the side. I didn't want to love. I didn't want those kinds of feelings but yet, you've always been able to reach a part of me that nobody else could. Maybe it's because you're older and more mature," he shrugged. "I don't know but I've been fighting it and I don't want to anymore."
You scoffed. "Now you know how I feel but you had a choice to fight your feelings. I didn't. I blurted them out, and what happened? You told me I was an idiot, called me names, and left bruises on me. Sehun, that's abuse." Your own words shook you. Sehun was abusive to you. So he didn't hit you and had only gotten briefly physical with you but that didn't mean it couldn't be abuse. Domestic violence can come in many forms and it all started with him calling you dollface. Sehun was toxic to you but for some reason even when you knew you were breathing in toxins, you couldn't stay away.
Now, thinking of everything Sehun had done to you, you still found yourself softened by his admission. Was this what true love was supposed to be? Was true love this painful?
But then, there was Baekhyun and Baekhyun had shown you that even the smallest bit of affection didn't have to come with pain.
Sehun's hands reached out to you and while you stayed turned away, you let his hand touch your cheek. You swore you could feel the burn his hand left on your skin but Sehun's touch was something you had always loved - even when it hurt. He let out a shaky breath. "Give me a chance. Give me a chance for this relationship. Please. I love you. I'm in love with you and you were right. Nobody will ever care for me the way you do."
"I can't," you whispered and felt tears touch your eyes. "I can't give you a chance when you have already burned me more than I ever imagined you would. You've hurt me and tainted me. Lately, I've finally gotten a glimpse of what a healthy relationship should be and it isn't us."
He shook his head and his other hand touched your face as he gently pulled you to face him. His eyes searched you and they were putting out a poisonous amount of love. Tears welled in your eyes the more he stared at you and it wasn't long before he was capturing a tear between his fingers. "Give it another chance. I can change. We can make this healthy. Believe in me, Y/N. Believe in me the way you always have for one last time." And maybe it was because he called you by your name but you felt yourself going limp under his touch.
It was true that in Sehun's life, nobody had faith in his potential the way you did. When he cried over the pressure from his family, you were the one lifting him up and telling him that he could be whatever he wanted to be. You were the only one who stood by his love and talent for dance when everyone else threw it to the side. Sehun's family never thought he could be anything but it was you that knew he could be something.
Sehun and you had been through rough times together and even though the nagging thoughts in the back of your head reminded you that it was only you that was there for him, you still felt yourself trembling for Sehun.
You thought you could see the love in his eyes. You thought you could see change but you should have known better.  
"I won't disappoint you ever again. I swear. Take me back because we can be the best love that has ever existed. I'll give up whatever for you. I just miss you."
"Sehun-" you started but he cut you off. You couldn't stop from crying as you looked at the broken man in front of you and in the reflection of his eyes, you could see your own broken self.
His lips hovered over yours for a moment, "I love you. I love you so much."
And you crumbled.
You leaned into the kiss you gave and through your tears, you could feel yourself shaking. Your body was on fire but yet ice cold at the same time.
His hands were the same they always were. Rough on your skin and leaving marks in their wake.  
But, you craved it.
You had missed your Sehun so much that you were willing to have him like this even if it wasn't what you truly wanted. You still loved him with all the shattered pieces of your heart and denying him would have broken you more.
You have into his touch. You let him have his way with you again even if you didn't feel the way you did for him before. The love you had for him had evolved and grown into something different. You found it wasn't as intriguing as it was before.
Sehun no longer felt like his body fit with yours because the past two months you had been with Baekhyun and Sehun wasn't Baekhyun. Sehun didn't compare to the way Baekhyun had molded himself to fit you because Sehun never wanted to change himself for you in the first place.
And that was the problem.
Love sometimes meant being willing to change for the one you loved.
Sehun wouldn’t change.
But you got naked with Sehun. Let him see and touch your skin one last time even though it felt entirely wrong.
You couldn't stop the fire that was among you.
So you let Sehun fuck you the way he always had and the next morning, you woke up with wet tears on your cheeks.
Sehun was fast asleep next to you and you found yourself curling into a ball.
You made a mistake.
He loved you but it was too late.
There was no repairing the damage he had done no matter what he did.
Forcing yourself out of his bed and ignoring the way your body ached from his rough assault, you threw on your clothes and stared at Sehun several moments before walking to leave his room. Before you could leave, his phone lit up and your eyes danced over towards it.
The second you read the message, you knew you should have walked away while you were ahead but instead, you unlocked his phone with the passcode you knew so well and the messages laid out in front of you made you sick.
After you had fallen asleep, a girl had been texting Sehun asked to see him and Sehun agreed that they would meet up tonight but that he had to keep it on the down low since he had a girl back at home. As you went through the message exchange between the two, your stomach twisted into knots and you felt nausea coming on.
He was more than intimate with this girl and you could see that by the pictures they exchanged.
Sehun had lied.
He wasn't planning to change for you.
He couldn't.
He was Sehun and no matter how much he claimed to love you, it would never be enough.
You did the only thing any reasonable and heartbroken girl would do, you launched the phone full force at Sehun, waking him up and causing him to yell out in pain.
"What was that for?" He cried as he held his side.
"For not thinking I deserve better than your sorry ass," you hissed and glared at him one last time before grabbing your things from the other room and going towards the front door.
Sehun tried to stop you. His cheeks were drenched with tears and he apologized saying that his old habits die hard and that he would work on it. He didn't want you to go and even though he put his hands on you multiple times in an effort to get you to stop, you pushed him off.
"Stay out of my life," you spat as you slammed the door behind you.
Just as you had before, you called Baekhyun crying and he came to your aid. Cradling you and promising you that everything was okay even though you were covered in marks and hickeys from Sehun.
↣♜ ♜ ♜↢
"What the fuck are you doing to yourself?" Kyungsoo demanded when he saw you at work the day after you left Sehun. "You went back to him, didn't you? Just as you were finding happiness."
"There is a lot you don't know, Kyungsoo," you whispered as you tried to focus on work. "It's over between me and Sehun."
He scoffed, "You always say that."
"I mean it this time," you gritted out.
"Have you talked to Junmyeon lately?" He pushed, his tone still rough and angry.
Grabbing the ends of your hair, you tried not to scream. "No, I can't run off to Junmyeon with my every fucking problem, Kyungsoo."
He rolled his eyes, "He's your best friend. You need to talk to him. He's worried about you."
You couldn't say that you didn't miss Junmyeon because you did. You missed his gentle touches, the way he looked after you, and the comforting way he smelled. Maybe you did need him but how could you explain everything you had been doing? All the details you had been trying to hide from him was bound to make him disappointed and he was too important to you.
The mess in your life was too much to even try to hide so no, you couldn't talk to Junmyeon.
Baekhyun was there for you and even if it wasn't the same as your best friend, Baekhyun brought you comfort and light to your life that no one could give you.
You were honest about the night with Sehun and Baekhyun wasn't hurt. He promised that it was okay and he knew it would happen eventually. The two of you weren't committed so he didn't feel like you had broken his trust - which made you hurt even more because if you were in his shoes, you would have felt broken.
Baekhyun could tell you were over Sehun this time because you were determined to keep him out of your life. You changed your number, stayed with Baekhyun, and cut all ties with Sehun that you could.
At first, it made you cry a lot at night but Baekhyun was there, holding you in his bed and promising that everything was okay. You were all Sehun had, the only one who had believed in him and you had left him to fend for yourself. You worried if he would be okay and worried that he could hurt himself but Baekhyun told you that you had to let it go. Sehun had burned his bridges and you couldn't rebuild them for him.
It was six weeks and four days exactly when you had realized that maybe keeping Sehun out of your life would be harder than you thought.
Being the ignorant girl you had been, you had been taking antibiotics for a short time due to an infection but since Baekhyun used protection with you, you weren't worried about getting pregnant. Although you should have because unlike Baekhyun, Sehun didn't have that decency and now, there you were, crying in the bathroom of Baekhyun's apartment knowing for a fact that you were pregnant with Oh Sehun's baby.
The stupid fucking two lines were caused your shaky hands to snap the first test in half so you took another... and then another... and then another... but each test was just as positive as the last and it sent you into hysterics.
Baekhyun rushed into the room and the second his eyes fell on the pregnancy tests around your slumped figure, he fell to his knees and cradled you into him.
You looked up at him as you sobbed and without even saying anything, you knew that he knew it wasn't his. He rubbed your hair and let you cry in his arms for hours, assuring you that it changed nothing and that he cared about you.
All you felt was dread.
The last thing you wanted was a baby and a baby with Oh Sehun was an even worse scenario.
How could you face Junmyeon now?
a/n: okay, i finished! forgive any grammar or editing mistakes because I just wanted to finally get it out! I know some will be disappointed but I’m sorry for that! As a writer, this is just where I wanted to take the story and hope you love and enjoy it regardless. Not every story can be perfect and perfect isn’t always real!
Thank you all for the love and support thus far and I hope you enjoy the last two parts! Please let me know what you think and give me an update of whose team you are on! <3
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roseykai-blog · 7 years
Drunken Slurs - Sehun One Shot
Summary: You know what they say, drunk sayings are sober thoughts and you soon found this to be true when Sehun decided to let his words slur together as you race to take care of his intoxicated state. 
Warning: Angst. Fluff
Admin: Ana
Word count: 2.4k
Requests: Open
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You couldn’t help but let the tears fall as you watched the events take place in front of you. Your heart clenched as the words slipped from Ryan Gosling's mouth, confessing his love to Rachel McAdams as she stared at him with love in her eyes. You don’t know why you had decided to torture yourself with a sappy love movie when you yourself are trying your best to get over a broken heart. Maybe this was your way of coping, trying to make the world turn a bit faster as you tried to live out your sadness through fictional characters, in hopes that you will also find your happy ending.
You looked over at your phone, the time reading a little past 10. You hadn’t realized that you had spent another day, drowning in your own self-pity, hoping that you would hear the familiar knock on your door, opening it and embracing his warm hug. It was silly, completely childish of you to think so drastically.
You felt as if you haven’t slept in ages, tossing and turning throughout the night. It wasn’t the same without him there to hold you close to his chest, keeping you safe from the outside world. It was a ridiculous need that you had grown accustomed to and yearned for once more but you knew that it wasn’t ideal. You had to control this sadness, get yourself under control because you knew he wasn’t going to come back. His words were harsh and demeaning, digging deep and down to your very core. Yet, you still let your mind wander back to his shining smile and beautiful features.
You laid there, looking up at the blank ceiling, hoping that maybe sleep would soon take over but it hadn’t and you were at a loss. The phone you had set on the bedside table started to vibrate, snapping your attention over in its direction. You pulled the phone over towards you, seeing the flashing name on the screen. “Hello?” You asked, rather confused at the late night call.
“Sorry to bug you. Y/n,” Chanyeol replied into the phone. “I hate to ask you but is there any way you can get down here? Sehun is in one of his raging moods and Baekhyun and I can’t seem to calm him down this time.” You were quick to jump out of bed, rushing over to your closet where you pulled your hoodie off of your hanger. “He’s already busted a hole in the wall.”
“How much did he have to drink?” you asked, struggling to put your shoes on while you balanced your phone between your shoulder and your ear. You could faintly hear Baekhyun try to answer to question in the distance but couldn’t quite make it out.
“I don’t know. There was an empty bottle on the ground when we got home and that was after we found out he was at the bar earlier tonight.”
“Damn it,” you cursed under your breath. “I’ll be there soon. Be careful.” You were quick to hang up, rushing out of your apartment. Your heart ached for Sehun, knowing that he was a very aggressive drunk. He was bad at pacing himself when it came to his emotions and even though he was the one who had ended it between the two of you, you could tell he was in pain. After being in a relationship with someone for more than a year, you don’t just lose that person. You gain a new feeling when you associate anything that involves that person, feeling the pain in your chest when you think of the first time you kissed or the first time you held their hand. It’s no longer a feeling you miss it’s a feeling that hurts and you know exactly what it’s like to feel this way.
You pulled up to the house, quickly rushing out of your car and up the steps to the front door. Chanyeol and Baekhyun sat outside on the patio, awaiting your arrival. Chanyeol hopped up from his chair, greeting you with a small hug. “Where is he?” You asked, looking up at the tall boy who had grown rather concerned for his friend.
“He’s in his room,” Chanyeol let out a deep sigh, guiding you into the house. The living area was destroyed, pillows strung across the room, plants knocked over. You could see the anger just fill the room as you looked around, avoiding broken glass. “Do you want one of us to come with you?” Chanyeol called out after you as you made your way up the stairs.
“It’s best if you don’t,” you stopped him from coming up the steps. “I’ll be okay.” Chanyeol gave you a worried look before nodding and backing off so you could approach Sehun’s room alone.
Your heart began to race as you approached the door, unknowing of what was waiting for you behind it. You hadn’t talked to Sehun in over two weeks, this was going to be the first time you had seen him since he left you behind in the dark.
You gently knocked on the door, hearing an angry Sehun scream from behind it asking who it was. “Sehun?” you whispered softly. “Sehun it’s me.” You heard shuffling come from the other side, soon to have the door crack open enough for you to slide in. You closed the door behind you, taking in a deep breath before turning around and facing the man you still loved. When you turned around, Sehun sat on the end of his bed, head hung low as his drunken body swayed a little. You kept your distance from him, trying your best to give him his space.
“What do you want?” Sehun spat, looking up at you.
“You drank too much,” you said, trying not to overstep any boundaries. “The boys were worried.”
“How can you come back here after I did such an awful thing to you?” He questioned, trying his best to make eye contact with you. “I did something… So awful and yet here you are. Standing in my room.”
“You did do something awful,” you agreed. “You broke my heart but that doesn’t mean I don’t care about you, Sehun.” His eyes were filled with sorrow, trying to understand why you had come all the way to help him in his messy state. You, yourself, were confused as to why you had decided to take time out of your night to come to his rescue after all he had done and said to you.
“You’re an idiot for loving a man like me,” he slurred, letting his head lay low once more. You shook your head, walking over towards him, placing a hand on his shoulder and giving it a small squeeze.
“I may be an idiot but I’m not the one who punched a hole in the wall,” you joked pointing to the fist-sized gape in the middle of his wall. He let a small smile drape across his lips as he looked from the hole over in your direction. “Let’s get you cleaned up and into bed.” He nodded, letting you walk over to his dresser and grab him a pair of clean clothes. He quickly changed out of the tight jeans and into a pair of sweats, crawling into his bed that you had made up for him. “Be more careful, please.” You said, placing a hand on the blanket that covered his body. It pained you to see him like this, in this state. You knew it was because of his mistakes, knowing that he had really beaten himself up for it.
You were about to leave his side when he quickly grabbed your arm, pulling you down to his level. “Stay with me?” You could barely see his face through the small slit of light that came from the crack under the door. You were almost reluctant to his plead but gave in, sliding into his arms. It was a familiar feeling you had missed so much. He breath lingered of alcohol but that didn’t really matter to you as you snuggled yourself into his chest. He pressed his chapped lips against your forehead before resting his head on yours, your face meeting his chest.
You knew the moment would come where you would wake up and leave him again, going your separate ways once more but as for now, you enjoyed your time, letting your body get the rest it needed. You were soon woken up from one of the best nights sleep you had experienced, still being wrapped in Sehun’s arms. You tried to unravel yourself but it was no use, his strong body had taken over yours.
“Sehun,” you whispered, trying to wake him up. “Sehun wake up.” He let out a small groan, pulling you closer to his body.
“Five more minutes,” he whined, causing you to roll your eyes at his comment.
“Sehun,” you finally snapped, removing his arms from your waist. Sehun sat up slowly with you, running a hand through his messy hair. He was rather confused as he studied his surroundings.
“You’re still here?” he asked, questioning your presence in the room. “I thought you would have left.”
“I tried,” you shrugged your shoulders. “You wouldn’t exactly let me.” Sehun rubbed the sleep from his eyes, letting his head hang low as he questioned the surroundings of his room.
“I’m a mess, Y/n,” Sehun finally spoke up, breaking the silence. He looked up from his hands, staring at you, dead straight in the eye.
“You are. You need to thank Chanyeol and Baekhyun for cleaning up your mess last-”
“No,” Sehun cut you off. “I mean I’m a mess without you.” You felt your heart flutter as the words slipped from his mouth. You had only dreamt of this, living vicariously through fictional characters and their sappy love stories. Sehun looked vulnerable, trying to grip onto you with his words as he sleepily confessed himself to you. “I shouldn’t have said the things I did. I was angry, stressed, and out of place. I needed to find myself and I didn’t realize the I am myself when I’m with you.”
“Sehun, you really hurt me,” you sighed, directing your attention to your twiddling thumbs. “You said you didn’t love me…” The night he had broken up with you ran through your head like an old movie. His angry voice booming through your mind like speakers at a concert. He had said that you had been holding him back, preventing him from seeing his true capacity at life. He left your house, the words bouncing around your head like a tennis ball. “I don’t love you as much as you love me and the reason for that is you won’t let me explore who I am.” His soft, demeaning voice encrypted into your memory.
“I do love you,” he pleaded, finally getting up from his spot and stumbling over in your direction. “I love you more than anything else in this world and I was an asshole to let you go like that.”
“All I wanted was for you to be happy, Sehun,” you replied. “I wasn’t trying to hold you back.”
“I don’t know what was going through my mind at that time. I was a complete idiot.” He rested himself in front of you once more, this time his knees touching yours. He lifted his hand, moving a stray hair from your face and behind your year. “I don’t expect you to come back to me but I’m sorry for what I said.” The genuine look on his face gave you a small glimpse of hope, seeing this side of Sehun once before when he had first told you he loved you. “I wouldn’t be asking you for another chance if I wasn’t serious about you.”
You rolled your eyes at his cheesy comment, quickly attaching yourself to him. The feeling of his chapped lips against yours was captivating. You missed his touch, missed the way he lips molded perfectly with yours, missed the way his strong arms wrapped around your waist to pull you closer to him. He fell back on his bed, letting you rest your body against his as he detached himself from you. “I love you Y/n.”
“I love you too, Sehun,” you said, Sehun leaving small pecks on your mouth. You pulled away once more, looking down at him, causing him to raise an eyebrow. “Really though, you need to go and apologize to Chanyeol and Baekhyun. They were up late last night worrying about you.” Sehun leaned his head back, closing his eyes.
“You’re right,” he sighed. You hopped off of his chest, sitting down next to him as he rubbed his closed eyes. “I’m in for one hell of a hangover though.”  You shook your head, getting up from his bed and throwing him a sweatshirt.
“We’ll just go out to eat.” You left Sehun’s room, letting him get himself ready as you made your way down the stairs to see Chanyeol and Baekhyun sitting at the kitchen counter.
“Good god you had us worried all night, Y/n,” Chanyeol said, getting up from his spot and rushing over to you. “Are you okay? Is he okay? Are you guys okay?”
“Chanyeol,” you stopped him, preventing him from going into his concerned rambling state.  “He’s fine.”
“Are you guys, like…” Baekhyun was soon cut off when Sehun made his way into the kitchen, his hood covering his hair. He walked over to you, wrapping an arm around your waist and placing a small kiss on your forehead. “Nevermind. That answered my question.”
“Let’s get some breakfast. On me,” Sehun said, placing his wallet and his keys in his sweatpants pockets. “For being an asshole last night.”
“Damn right, you’re paying,” Chanyeol said, pulling his jacket on over his hoodie. You just shook your head, laughing at Chanyeol’s reaction to Sehun’s offer. Baekhyun and Chanyeol raced out the door, fighting about who got shotgun, only to have Sehun yell that it was your spot for the taking. You stood in the doorway, waiting for Sehun to grab his things as the other two boys waiting in the back seat of Sehun’s car. Sehun pulled at your arm, hiding you away from the sight of the car, pulling you into his warm embrace once more. You looked up at his goofy smile, having him lean down and kiss your mouth gently.
“Thank you for coming back.”
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saneinme · 3 years
Kai caught his fiancée cheating on him with another man a day before their wedding.
Sehun met this man, he never thought he'd connect so fast. He's not even the dating type.
Kai met this cute tall guy and he started feeling things again. He never thought he could be gay.
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olionheartedgirlo · 4 years
What Is Love / Part 11
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Exo as Wolves Masterlist
Here is part 11 to What is Love in my Exo as Wolves series :)
Please excuse any spelling mistakes/grammar errors, I did check it over but am in a hurry and wanted to get it up :)
Some mature topics in this chapter. 
Things had become so picture perfect in your life. 
Almost too perfect. It was starting to get a little bit boring. Every day you had the same routine. You woke up with Minseok and he went to work. You went out to work on a project in the shop or sat and drew in the parlour. Then he would come home, sometimes for supper and sometimes later depending on how much he had to get done. Once he was home you would spend the night talking about his day and usually fall asleep watching a movie or a tv show.
It was all just so…mundane.
“I just need to change things up a bit.” You tried to explain. “I don’t know, maybe-“
“We both agreed that you shouldn’t get a job yet. It’s too much too quickly. I don’t want you to have any unnecessary stress.”
“I know. That isn’t what I was going to say.” Your hackles went immediately up.
“Sorry, what were you going to say?” You could tell he was trying to be sympathetic but you were past caring. Reiterations of this conversation had been happening for a few weeks now.
“I think I want to go hang out with some of my friends this weekend.” You kept eye contact with Minseok even though you felt like you wanted to turn tail and run from the conversation.
“Your friends?” 
“Yes. My friends.”
“The strippers?”
“What the fuck, Minseok?” You pushed your plate away from you, letting the stool scrape against the tiles as you pushed away from the kitchen island. “You’re such an idiot.” You scoffed out, knowing that even though you were down the hall he could still hear you.
As you made your way across the landing to your shared room with Minseok you could hear a muffled yell from the ground floor, followed by the sound of slamming kitchen cabinet doors. 
“Whats up his ass?” Jongdae laughed, closing his door behind him. 
“His own preconceived notions about strippers.” You huffed out, stomping away from Jongdae. You didn’t want contact with anyone, worried that you would take out your frustrations on the wrong person. 
You closed the bedroom door forcefully behind you, satisfied with the noise it made as it shook in the doorframe. The click of the door locking under your hand was the cherry on top. 
Stomping around the room, you pulled out clean clothes, stripping the ones you were wearing off and leaving them in a pile at the foot of the bed. 
“________!” Minseok yelled. His footsteps echoed down the hallway. “________, let’s just talk!”
“Why?” You yelled back, pulling your shirt over your head. “You clearly already have your mind set on what’s what.” You could see Minseok’s shadow under the door and tried to hold down a smile as he shook the handle. You knew it was spiteful but you didn’t care at this point.
The doorknob shook again.
“Let me in.” He said. 
“Or what?”
He didn’t even warrant that with an answer, instead opting for pulling the door off its hinges.
“Minseok!” You yelled, your pyjama pants falling out of your hands. “You broke the fucking door!”
“You didn’t really give me an option!” 
“Yea, your option was to not come in here. Seems pretty obvious to me.” 
“Why are you being so stubborn?” 
The war was on. This wasn’t the first time you and Minseok had had a screaming match and it wouldn’t be the last. His brother’s like to joke that the two of you were like a cat and a dog, and you felt like that analogy is mostly true. 
“I don’t know, Minseok! Maybe it’s because I’m just a stupid stripper!” You spit the words out, your hands starting to shake.
“You know I didn’t mean that!” 
“Then please tell me what you meant. I’m dying to know.” You wanted to sit down but you didn’t want the power to shift. At the moment you were standing two feet from Minseok, looking him in the eye. 
“I just meant-what I was trying to say was-”
“Mhmm.” You crossed your arms over your chest.
“Fine. Go see your friends. But I want to pick you up after and I don’t think you should be out really late.” He backed down, sitting on the edge of the bed.
“That’s all you're going to say? Just okay?”
“Thank you, master, for allowing me the privilege of leaving the property.” You mock curtseyed, turning away from him and grabbing your pants off the end of the bed in one fluid motion. 
“Don’t be like that.” He sighed, exasperated.
“Like what? You don’t want me to see people, and I only can if you chauffeur me around like my dad. I never leave the property unless it’s with you or one of your brother’s girlfriends to go shopping. I’m doing fine, Minseok. I’ve been clean for months. You can’t keep hiding me here like a pariah.” 
“I’m just trying to protect you.” He pulls your hand away from where it was scratching at the crook of your arm. “I just don’t want you to get around people doing bad shit and they try to make you do it…or you want to do it again.” 
“I need you to have more faith in me than that.” You let him hold your hand, his touch softening your disposition slightly. “I don’t need you to treat me like a child.”
“That’s not my intention.” He took a step closer to you, never breaking eye contact. “I love you so much. I don’t want anything to happen to you.” 
“I know.” You close the gap between the two of you, resting your head on his shoulder and your arms wrapping round his waist. You let out a sigh as he ran his fingers lightly up and down your back. 
“Do you still love me?” He asked with a slight laugh. 
You shove him away playfully. “Of course I do.” You start to put your pyjama pants on, but MInseok stops you.
“You don’t need to put those on.” He pulls you back towards him, letting you land on top of him as he falls back onto the bed. “You look so comfortable like this.” 
“Well you look a little too dressed up if this is going to be my attire for the night.” Straddling his waist, you unbutton his dress shirt slowly. “You know, I really like when you have meetings at work. You look very good in dress clothes.” 
“I think you look really good when you’re all dressed up too. But…I can think of another way you would look really good right now too.” His hand pulled your tank top strap off your shoulder. From there, Minseok moved quickly, flipping you onto your back so he was laying on top of you, your legs spread on either side of his hips. 
You felt like you stopped breathing.
Minseok’s breath was hot on your neck as he trailed kisses down towards your collarbone. A feeling that usually felt so carnal and right, was now making your stomach churn with anxiety. You had managed to avoid this for months, him being on top of you like this. Everything else you could handle, and you enjoyed, but you couldn’t shake the feeling of impending doom as you felt the weight of him hovering over you. 
His teeth grazed your skin, making you freeze, tensing up immediately. 
“What is it?” His demeanour changed instantly. He pulled himself up, holding his weight on his elbows, his face close to yours. When you didn’t answer, Minseok’s eyebrows furrowed together, a feeling of distress washing over him.
“I-I just…can you get off me?” Your breaths were short and fast, and you could feel the blood rushing to your head, making you dizzy. 
“What’s the matter, babe?” He settled back on the bed next to you, his hand stroking your cheek softly. “_________? Can you talk to me please? You’re starting to scare me.”
You tried to talk, but the words just weren’t coming out.
“Are you feeling sick? I thought things were all better.” He kissed your forehead. “Can I get you anything? I can get you some water if you want.” He started to get up from the bed, but you managed to grab his wrist in time, keeping him with you.
“Stay here.” You finally get out. “Stay here with me…it’s not from the drugs.” 
“What is it then?” He sat back down on the bed, pulling you towards him. You felt like a rag doll, letting him scoop you up onto his lap so your head was resting under his chin. 
You didn’t want to have this conversation. You never thought you were going to have this conversation with anyone and you especially didn’t want it to be with Minseok. Not with someone who loved you so much. You knew from these past few months how strong your bond was. You could tell when he wasn’t feeling good. You could always sense when something wasn’t right and you didn’t want to hurt his feelings. You couldn’t stand thinking about the potential of him feeling like this was a problem with him. 
And you really didn’t want to ruin a nice moment like this was supposed to be. Especially after the fight you had just had. 
It wasn’t fair. 
“You can talk to me, _______. You know that right?”
“I know…but I don’t want to. Not right now. It’s just too hard.” 
“Is it me?” 
Just like you had feared.
“No,” You look up at him for the first time. “It isn’t you at all. It’s me. Things have happened to me, in the past, and I just can’t forget them.” You let it all out in one breath. “When you lay on top of me…all of those feelings come back and I can’t stop them no matter how much I try to-I really am trying to let it all go.”
You watched Minseok’s eyes look over your body. 
“Did someone…hurt you?” He gulped down some air.
“I don’t want to talk about that tonight, Minseok.” You buried your face in his chest. “I’m tired and I just want to go to bed.”
“Okay.” He stood up, setting you back down before walking over to the opposite side of the bed, pulling back the covers. He came back over to the side you were sitting on, picking you up once more and placing you in the prepared spot. He motioned for you to lay down, pulling the covers over you once you were horizontal. 
You watched him take his shirt the rest of the way off, then remove his pants, folding them neatly and draping them over the arm of the chair in the corner of the room. He picked up the clothes you had left on the floor and placed those in the laundry basket. He didn’t look at you but you could tell that he was very conscious of you watching him. 
Finally, he finished tidying up, something he did nightly. Very clean compared to his brother’s varied states of cleanliness. At the same time as Minseok turned his bedside lamp on, his left hand reached up to turn the overhead light off, leaving the room in a warm comforting glow. 
He slid into bed next to you, sliding his arm under your neck for you to lean against his shoulder. 
You fell asleep just like that. 
You stayed quiet the next few days and MInseok let you, never trying to pry into what you were thinking or feeling. He knew you would let him know when you were ready to talk about it. 
In the absence of talking you had started to draw, almost obsessively, tearing through page after page of your sketchbook. The hours between when Minseok left for work and came home were all starting to blur together. 
“Hey,” He said softly, his hand resting on your shoulder as he came up behind you on the back porch. “I’m home for the night. Do you want to do anything?”
You closed your sketchbook quickly before Minseok could look at it. 
“I don’t know…whatever you want to do.” 
“Maybe we could just watch a movie?” He suggested, sitting next to you on the old sofa. “I know that I’ve been really busy the last few days and I haven’t really been around…by the time I get done with all of the phone calls and emails you’ve been asleep already.” 
You nodded solemnly as you listened to him.
“So…we can put a movie on. Whatever one you want, and maybe talk? About the other night.”
“Please, _______. I think we should really talk. You’re not acting like yourself.” 
“I think I just have to get out of this house for a night.”
“Well, then we can go somewhere-”
“I mean…I think I need to go by myself.” You breath was shaky as it left your parted lips. “I just need to tie up some loose ends I think.” 
“Tie up some loose ends?” Minseok sounded baffled. 
“Yea…I just want to see some of my friends from before.” 
“Like I said, you can go, but I really don’t think that it’s a good idea. I can still-”
“Please, just let me go on my own. I can drive myself. I will have my cellphone on the whole time and I’ll call you when I get there and text you the whole night.” 
“I-ugh…I don’t like this, ______.” He rubbed his hands over his face. “But fine. Go. I want you to have fun and start getting back to your regular self. You’ve been scaring me the past few days.”
“Thanks, Minseok.” You wrapped your arms around his neck, kissing his cheek loudly. “I love you so much. I’m going to call my friend and see when she’s off tonight.” 
“You aren’t going to go at like midnight are you?”
“Whenever she’s off is when I’ll go!” You call behind you, running up the stairs to grab your phone and get changed. 
“Now, please, remember to call me when you get to the club. And please don’t go in.” Minseok, leaned down over you as you sat in the drivers seat of his sedan, his arms resting on the hood of the car. 
“I know. I promise, I will call. And the volume on my phone is up. If you try to get a hold of me I will hear it.” You smile up at him, puckering your lips to signal for him to kiss you.
He obliges, his hand moving behind your neck and his tongue running over your lower lip. 
“Just remember that I’m here.” He whispered gruffly. “I don’t want you to forget about me.”
“I could never.”
You didn’t take your eyes off Minseok as you closed the car door and started it up. The radio was on a rock and roll station and you turned it up, blowing Minseok a kiss which he returned from his place on the front porch. 
You were off for your first night on your own in months.
“Hey, I’m here.” You said into your cellphone. “I’m just waiting outside by the backdoor. I’m in a black car.”
“I’m just running a couple minutes late. My last dance went longer than expected, just come back to the dressing room, some of the other girls would love to see you!”
“I don’t know if I should-”
“Of course you should, silly! Come on back. I’ll only be another ten minutes.” 
“Uh, okay.” You turned the car off, hanging the phone up at the same time. You took a few deep breaths before getting out and walking purposefully towards the door. 
Walking into the back hall brought back a slew of memories from before you were clean. Before Minseok, and even after Minseok. Going out to eat with him, pretending to be normal before going home to your hole of an apartment and shooting up in the bathtub. 
The lights were too bright and the noises of the club were overwhelming even in the back hall. Girls ran past you in various states of undress, some waved to you and some you didn’t recognize at all. This place always had a high turn over rate. 
“Oh, _______!” Your friend ran towards you, pulling you off your feet. “It’s so good to see you. You look so good!” She held your hand, pulling you along behind her. “Come in the dressing room. Everyone is dying to see you.”
She was right. You were greeted by a chorus of old familiar faces. 
“It’s so good to see all of you,” You said as you made your rounds hugging people. “It feels like it’s been years.”
“That’s cause you’re clean now!” One girl yells from the back, the end of a belt strap in her mouth. She let out a muffled laugh and pulled tight, shooting a needle into her arm. 
Another girl had her foot up on the counter, a needle positioned between her toes. She looked back at you and smiled. You recognized her from when you worked here. She was new then. 
She looked so different.
Your phone rang. 
“I’m sorry, I have to take this!” You ran out of the dressing room and down the hall. Not wanting to answer until you knew that MInseok wouldn’t be able to hear anything. “Hello?”
“Hey, babe…you sound out of breath, are you okay?”
“Yea, I’m fine. How are you?”
“I’m good. I was just calling to check on you…When you didn’t call me I got worried that something happened.”
“Oh, no. It’s all good. My friend just told me that she was going to be another ten minutes so I was driving around killing time. I just got to the club.” The lie came too easily.
“Okay, good. Well I love you. Let me know what’s going on tonight.” He sounded uneasy, but he was trying to cover it with a note of support.
“I love you, Minseok.” You assured him. “I’ll keep you updated.”
You hung up just in time for your friend to come barrelling through the door, a bag over each shoulder and a pair of platform heels in her hand. 
“I thought you’d never call again.” She stated as she climbed in the car. “Here, this is a bunch of stuff that you had left in your locker at the club.” 
“Oh, thanks.” You put it in the backseat to go through later. “I thought that they would have thrown it all out by now.”
“They were going to but I scooped it up just before Joey put it in the trash can.” She gave you a sincere hug. “I thought you might still want some of it.” 
“Thanks.” You held onto her for another moment. “I’ve missed you.”
“I missed you too, girl. Now, tell me all about what you have been up to the last few months. You look like you’ve filled out a bit, nice rosy tint to your cheeks that is definitely not from blush…Are you still with that guy? What was his name again? Minseong…?”
“Minseok.” You smile fondly. “Yea, I’m still with him. We’re living together.” 
“_______! I can’t believe it. In all the time I’d known you, you had never been in a relationship and now here you are, so serious with a man!” 
“I can’t believe it either.” Her laugh was infectious, making you feel like you wanted to laugh with her. “Now, where are we going?”
You got home at two thirty in the morning, but, as you had expected, as soon as your car was in sight of the house you could see Minseok’s figure on the front porch waiting for you to come in. You parked and picked the bag up from the backseat along with some leftovers from your very late second dinner, meeting him halfway between the car and the house.
“I missed you.” He said, kissing you tenderly. 
“I missed you too.” You melted into him. “I am so sleepy. I can’t even believe I lasted this late.”
“Well let’s get you into bed and you can tell me all about your night.” He linked his arm with yours, guiding you into the house and up the stairs. Once you were in your room, you pulled off your sweater and jeans, appreciating the feeling of the air on your bare skin. 
“Go brush your teeth, babe. I’ll be here when you get back.” 
You smiled at him, putting the bag your friend gave you at the end of the bed and left, feeling like the night had been a huge success. You hummed as you got ready, brushing your hair out and putting it into braids for the night. 
When you entered the bedroom again you felt the mood shift. Minseok was sitting on the chair, his elbows resting on his knees, head dropped to look at something in his hands. 
“Min-” You didn’t know what was wrong, but you could feel the anger in Minseok and around him. “What’s wrong? What is that?”
“Why the fuck do you have this in your bag?”
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oshbluepacific · 3 years
Support System
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Type: Fluff, Slight Smut
Character: Oh Sehun x Reader
Words Counted: 2k2+
MASTERLIST . ask/request
You were lucky enough a degree and graduate from a nice university that helped to get to where you are now. People would say that you’re living the dream, travelling around the world, meeting celebrities and other public figures and doing your dream job. But what people didn’t know is the effort you put, and how hard you’ve worked. They don’t know about the deadlines chasing you, the abrupt meeting all of a sudden when you were enjoying a day off somewhere in Monte Carlo while sipping red wine, the jetlag you went through, the long hours of flight and a lot of ‘hurry up’ and ‘wait’.
           Throughout all of this, you were blessed to have a supportive family, friends, and boyfriend.  Your boyfriend is your second support system (other than your family), he too is someone who is very busy. Dating an international artist, where almost half the globe knows him is tough. Especially dealing with the media where sometimes it feels like every step that you make is being watched and judged. Some of his fans weren’t happy that he is dating you, but most of them are really supportive, and adored you so much.
You met him at a fashion show in Paris. It was because when you were walking down the carpet, some of the media wanted to get the both of you in one frame. You turn to him as he was looking at you. You looked away with a smile, blushing. As soon as you were inside, you noticed that your seat was next to his. Your name was there, next to his.
You greeted some of your acquaintance, before someone announced that the show will be starting. You took your seat, still looking around at the atmosphere when suddenly someone sat next to you. It was Sehun.
           “Hi.” She shyly greeted, “I’m Sehun.” He introduced himself to you, extending his hand to you. You gladly took his hand before shaking it with a smile.
           Throughout the show, you both didn’t really speak, you both enjoyed rather enjoyed the fashion show. You noticed that he took some pictures, and so did you. Once the show was finished, the designer walked out to take a bow and everybody in the room stood up to give an applause before the models suddenly walked out, taking one last walk on the runway before getting back. As you stood up, getting ready to leave, you turn to Sehun.
           “Hey, I’m sorry about the refusal earlier.” You apologized to him politely.
           “Oh, don’t worry about it, I get where you’re coming at.” He chuckled, shoving his hands into his pants. “But hey, there are no professional camera around, how about a picture together? It’s not going anywhere, it’s just going to stay in my phone.” He added and you laughed and nodded your head. You both took a picture together with a bright smiles on your faces.
           “I’ll text your he photo—if you give me your number?” He said, but it came out more like a question rather than a statement, handing you his phone to you
           “Oh, real smooth on how you get my number, is that how your asked for evey girls number?” You teased, but you took his phone before you could start punching your numbers into his phone.      
           “Nope, just you.” He smiled.
Weeks went by, you both actually got to know each other better, he asked you out to a couple of dinner, the media was catching up, and months went by, the next thing you knew, he asked you to be his girlfriend. And you said yes to it. And until today, you’ve been dating for almost a year now, and you couldn’t be more happy to have him in your life.
You were currently out of state. You just settled in your hotel before you could hear the phone ring.
           “Hello.” You answered your phone, placing your laptop on top of the desk.
           “Hey, did you arrive safely?” You heart Sehun’s voice, which only warms your heart.
           “Yeah, I just arrived at the hotel, and I’m planning on working a little bit before I hit downstairs to look around the place.” You told him.
           “Okay, I just finished briefing before we could hit rehearsals.” He Told you.
           “Okay, take care okay?” You said, stopping at what you were doing, sitting on the edge of the bed.
           You heard him chuckle, “Of course, you too… I miss you so much.” He said.
           You’ve been dating for almost a year, you’d heard him say that millions of times, but you still catch those butterflies in your stomach as he said it.
           “I miss you too, when it’s all done, let’s go meet up okay?” You told him and you could feel him nodding his head.
           “Yeah… I’ll call you later okay, I have to go.” He said.          
           “Okay, love you Sehun.” You said.
           “I love you more of course… Bye.” He said before you could hung up.
           You let out a breath before you could place your phone beside you. As you were sitting, you had a beautiful view of the city landscape. You lift yourself up from the bed walking closer towards the window.
           I wish Sehun was here with me. You said to yourself. You then clapped your hands together before pulling your hair into a bun. Turning yoru heels to walk towards the bathroom so you could shower up before you could start your work.
You closed your laptop before you could stretch your arms above your head. You pulled your hair tie, letting your hair down as you turn your chair to look out the window. It was almost dark out. You turned your head to grab your phone on the desk and it was showing 17.43 PM. You let out a sigh before you could move yourself from the chair to put on your shoes and coat. You grabbed your camera out of your suitcase, shoving your wallet and your access  card to your pocket before hitting the streets.
           As you stepped outside, you noticed how chilly the weather was. You inhaled the fresh air before you could walk around the streets. As you were admiring the city streets, you took picture here and there until eventually you found a marketplace, where they sell local, traditional foods and different variation of snacks and clothing. You were given a free sample of the food and you absolutely loved it. You walked around for another few hours, strolling around the market place before coming back to buy yourself some food.
           You bought just enough snacks for yourself, and also this beautiful, traditional scarf with unique patterns on it. You didn’t forget to buy coffee and a meal before you could walk back to your hotel to call it a day.
           As soon as you got back to your room it was already dark out, and somehow the air gotten a bit colder. You placed everything you bought on the empty space you had on your desk before you could get change. You changed into a pair of sweatpants and an oversized knitted sweater that shows your shoulder.
           You decided to watch the TV as you enjoy your meal on the bed, trying your best not to spill anything on it. As you were enjoying your meal and the TV Show you were watching, you almost jumped as you heard the doorbell rang.
           “Who is it?” You asked. No answer. You grumbled to yourself, as you got up the bed, thinking that it might be a package or paperwork from your head office, delivered to you. You peeked through the peephole but to only see black, as if the person had covered the hole with their hand.
           “A package for miss (Y/N).” The man said behind the door. The voice doesn’t sound familiar to you. You prepared yourself before you opened the door.
           You were surprised to see the tall figure, standing in front of your door, with a bouquet with a smile on his face.
           “Surprise!” He said with much pride on his tone, because he knew that his surprise worked.
           “Sehun!” You wasted no time to wrap your arms around his neck. He laughed, as he held you, trying his best to lose his balance. His empty hand placed on your back.
           “Wha—how did you—WHEN?” You pulled your head from his shoulder your face showing all the happiness and surprise.
           “Did my surprise worked?” He asked.
           “Yes! Come inside, I don’t want to disturb the others.” You pulled him inside your room before shutting the door. You turned your heels, to face Sehun, still with a grin on your face.
           “I got you flowers.” He said, handing you the bouquet of white and yellow flowers.
           “You really didn’t have to, you know, but this is beautiful…” You said, walking closer towards him before taking it from his hands.
           “Thank you.” You thanked him with a smile. He leaned down to gently press his lips against yours and you gladly welcome his lips.
           “Have you eaten?” Sehun pulled his lips away, catching his breath.
           “I am.” You motioned to the bed where your meal was.
           “Oh, I was about to take you to the roof to eat dinner with me.” He huffed and you giggled.
           “Well, it’s your fault that you didn’t tell me.” You giggled, walking past him and sat on the bed. Sehun took of the jacket he was wearing before kicking of his shoes, placing it beside yours. He then walked towards the huge, glass window. He looked at the city then down to the streets before he could shut the drapes.  
           He walked around the bed before he could craw beside you.
           “If you want you can just order room service you know.” Told him.
           “Yeah, you’re right, do you want anything?” Sehun asked, you shrugged your shoulders.
           “I’ll just have a bite from yours.” You smiled as Sehun rolled his eyes, picking up the telephone and dialed room service.
           As you finished your meal, you threw the empty containers to the bin before walking towards the bathroom to wash your hands. Sehun followed behind you, wrapping his arms around your stomach.
           “You smell great.” Leaving little kisses on your exposed neck and shoulder. You breathed in, leaning against him as his arms tighten around your stomach.
           “You taste good as well.” HE then spun your around, bending down slightly as his hands traveled down to your thigh. You wrapped your arms around his neck before you could jump and he carried you, placing you on the cold marble bathroom counter.
           “I missed you.” He whispered, his forehead touching yours.
           “You’ve said that already…” You teased.
           “I know… because I really do miss you…” His fingers creating circles on your thigh, making your body shivers.
           He leaned in, connecting his lips to yours, gently kissing you. his hands slowly traveled up, going underneath the sweater you’re wearing before you could feel his could fingertips against you. You whined as you pulled away, burying your face onto his shoulders. You could feel his lips nibbling at your neck. Small moans escaped your lips as you gripped the hem of his t shirt on his shoulder as he kept on kissing your shoulders.
           He went down to kiss down to your chest, sucking on your skin before the both of you jumped at the sound of the doorbell. You covered your mouth, holding your laughter as Sehun stood straight.
           “Bad timing.” He shook his head.
           “Really?” You raised your eyebrow. He chuckled but then planted a peck on your lips before he could go out and opened the door.
           Sehun certainly ordered a lot, for just himself. But he knew you would enjoy the food with him too.                  “Okay.. I’m stuffed.” You told him, as he finished his last bite. He placed the knife and fork down. He placed the plate elsewhere before he joins into the bed with you.
           “Are you staying the night here?” You asked him, as you both try to get into position to snuggle into each other’s arms.
           “I wish I could, but I can’t I’m sorry.” He said with guilt.
           “It’s okay… We can still see each other later, after your appearance.” You told him.
           “But happy to say, I’ve taken a leave for next week, so I’m not touching any of my work for a week.” You told him.
           “Really?” You could see his eyes shine in happiness.
           “Yeah, I need a break from all of this—where do you want to go?” You asked him.
           “I’ll look up to where we should go later, I just want to enjoy my time with you right now because I only have…” He turned over to grab his phone from the nightstand to look at the time before turning back to you. “One and a half hour.” He said, wrapping his arms back around you kissing your lips passionately.
           “I love you… thank you for coming by.” You whispered, letting your finger touched his plumped bottom lip that tasted like fry.
           “I love you too.” He said before he could press his lips back to yours and turned your night into some magical, unforgettable night.
i’m sorry this is a bit short, but more will be post! Minseok pt III is in progress, and as for GOT7 Yugyeom and Jinyoung will be next and also, a Chanyeol request is also in progress!! hope you like it and i hope you all are excited for the next!!
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Carnival ♠ Xiumin
Genre: Meet Cute 
Pairing: xiuminXreader
Word Count: 962
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It was only dusk but the carnival was at full capacity. She barely made it in when she heard security telling people to come back earlier another day. She was supposed to come with her best friend but said friend had ditched her to go on a date with her new boyfriend. New as in, they weren't even dating yesterday.  She was happy for her friend but could not deny her disappointment. It had always been a tradition to come together every year. They'd been doing it since they were 12 years old. Nonetheless, she came. She could have stayed at home and be bitter or she could enjoy the night in her own way. She opted for the latter.
Lines felt like miles long so she decided the smartest way to go about them is to choose which things she absolutely needed to do and things she'd  be okay without doing. She spotted a churros cart next to the Ferris wheel and eyed the delicious cinnamon sticks longingly. They were a must, but maybe after the line had died down some. There was at least 30 people waiting for them now.
Kicking a pebble on the ground with her shoe, she walked aimlessly through the crowds of people. It almost felt like she was the only one there alone. Scanning her surroundings, something caught the corner of her eye. She smiled at the sight. A photo-booth. No one paying mind to it. She jogged straight to it, making sure to reach it before anyone else did. She won the nonexistent race and wasted no time in entering it.
Excited to take some goofy pictures, she sits down and holds out her hands to press some buttons, but a strip of photos left on the picture slot caught her eye. Someone must have forgotten to pick them up before leaving, she thought. She pulled them out and studied them. The smile on her face slowly died on her lips. There was only one guy in the pictures and he looked as lonely and sad as she felt since she walked in the carnival. He didn't forget to pick the pictures, she realized, he just didn't need evidence of how he was feeling when he took them.
She sat there, staring at his sad eyes  for a few minutes, wondering if he had gone home after he took these.
"He could use a friend," she mused. She could use one as well, she thought as a response to herself.
Maybe she could look around and see if he was still around. No one can refuse the prospect of friendship if it comes with a churro. Right? She told herself this was the best idea she'd had all night and with a new purpose, starts exiting the small photobooth.
As she turns out of it and around to the direction of the rides, she bumps her head against someone's chest.
"I'm so so sorryy," her words come out in a rush, embarrassment bringing heat to her face and the tips of her ears. "I wasn't paying attention."
"It's quite okay. I wasn't either. We're both at fault here." His voice was soft and you could hear a smile in his voice. She had planned on running away before she embarrassed herself any longer, but curiosity made her make eye contact with him.
She stared.
The stranger smiled a little wider the more seconds passed by.
"Do I know you?" he finally asked.
She laughed nervously, realizing she was going to come off as a psycho if she kept staring. Instead she put the strip of photos that she had been clutching in her hand, closer to his face so he could see.
"Sorry, I recognized you from these."
His smile faltered slightly at what she was carrying and she kicked herself mentally.
"Ah, I was hoping I could come and get rid of them before someone else found them. Why did you take them?" he seemed genuinely curious.
She looked at her feet, suddenly feeling nervous and self conscious. "I couldn't find you and buy you a churro if I couldn't recognize you." She mumbled.
That got a laugh out of him and she looked up surprised by his reaction.
"Do I look that pitiful?" he asked, watching her with humor in his eyes.
She relaxed a little and smiled. "Just the right amount. I know from experience."
He bit his lip and glanced down at the ground, then looks up to meet her eyes once again. "So, will you let me buy you a churro?"
She shook her head, "It's kind of my thing, you can't just steal my ideas."
They had both started walking side by side, deeper into the carnival, without ever agreeing to anything. He stole a glance at her as she spoke, smiling even more now that she wasn't looking at him.
"You can buy me one next time. Let me be a gentleman for tonight," he said.
"Next time?" she looked at him now, eyebrow raised. He tried to smile as innocently as he could, shrugging a shoulder in a careless manner. A moment passed before she replied.
"I'm going to need a name if there's going to be a next time."
He turned to her, holding out his hand.
She held his hand with hers and shook it.
A/N: First One shot in like years. I'm super rusty. I AM SORRY. I promise I'll do better as I get back into it more. Let me know if you liked it and if i should write more. Feedback tends to inspire me more. :)
Also, you can make a request if you have a general idea of what you want and with which member.
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Joie de Vivre
Author: junedays
Fandom: EXO
Details: 61k | N17 | Complete | Kim Jongin x Oh Sehun
Primary Tags/Warnings: Mental Health Issues | Mentioned Character Death | Angst | Bullying | Strangers to Friends to Lovers | College AU | Mentions of Suicide | First Kiss 
Summary:  Sehun doesn't sleep. Jongin makes coffee. This is not the fairy tale story of a Starbucks barista and his roommate.
Readers Overall: I am so incredibly happy the author brought this back. This story is pretty raw, and it hurts. You will probably cry, but its worth it because it is beautiful and the characters are lovely. This love story is so incredibly soft and pure and sweet.
Readers tbh:
Oof. This story is amazing not necessarily because it is written in a crazy way or is excessively poetic or anything like that, but because its honest. I read this originally at a very low part of my life and it hurt like a mother fucker. But it was hopeful, this story gave me a lot of hope, which is why I was so glad it got re-uploaded. If you have some mental health issues then please take care of yourself reading this. It cuts a bit close at times. 
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