yumikattodl · 19 days
Little Arlo, carries little Avri in his arms
Little Arlo, carries little Avri in his arms and says that when she grows up, he won't let anything happen to her.Little Avri at the same time gawks while smiling.
🐾🐾🐾🐾🐺Pl 🐾🐾🐾🐾🐺Mały Arlo, niesie małą Avri w ramionach i mówi, że kiedy dorośnie, nie pozwoli, by cokolwiek jej się stało.Mała Avri w tym samym czasie gapi się, uśmiechając się gaworząc.
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crazyfreckledginger · 4 years
Hi! I would love a one shot or imagine of Yuma Mukami, something like him being protective or jealous. Thankssss xoxo
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A/N: Hope you like it!
“H-how did you find me?” your eyes widened at the figure towering over you. You were completely alone, the lessons were over but despite your best efforts, you were unable to find a single one of the Mukami brothers.
Instead you stumbled upon (or were they searching for you?) two of their rivals -- the less reasonable ones, might I add. 
You took a step back, unsure of what they were about to do. When Ayato matched your action, you ran in the opposite direction.
“You can’t escape Yours Truly!” Ayato grasped your wrist, shrugging off the inconvience you caused him by moving not even a meter away from where you originally were. He dragging you back to an angry looking Laito.
“Ow that hurts!” you winced, trying to pry his iron grip from you. 
“I don’t care.” he snapped.
“No wonder she didn’t stay with you.” a voice grumbled. The vampire stopped in his tracks, making you turn around as well to inspect the person. A sigh of relief escaped you as you recognised the silhouette of a figure. 
He stepped forward, revealing himself as he chewed on something -- most probably a sugar cube. 
“You took her from us!” Laito’s eyes narrowed to thin slits and your breathing hitched at how intense the atmosphere was getting.
“And I’ll ask you to return her.” despite how polite his words were, he expressed them through gritted teeth, twisting Ayato’s arm quickly and pulling you in his embrace. The vampire hissed in pain as he held his arm for a moment. Yuma’s slender fingers slid through the hair at the back of your head, pulling you into his chest securely.
Your fisted his shirt, feeling alot more comfort in his embrace than not. 
“You don’t mess with Yours Tr-” Laito nudged his twin’s shoulder, a haunting expression on his face that made your heart turn to stone. He gave his brother a look as if to say “some other time.” 
He understood, biting his lip in frustration before disappearing in the darkness.
Yuma didn’t let you go, keeping his ears and eyes open in case they weren’t really gone.
“Thank you,” you whispered, hugging him tighter. He humped, pulling away and leaning down to your level, scanning your figure with a frown to check for any injuries.
“I’m okay.” you reassured. Humming in agreement, he slid his arm under your knees and scooped you up bridal style. 
Placing your head against his shoulder-blade, letting him do his thing, knowing that any protests wouldn’t be heard by him. 
Safely, you were returned back to his brothers unharmed still in his arms. He didn’t listen to your protests when he wanted to keep you close during the night. 
Comments, votes and feedback improve motivation, writing and publishing, so it is in your best interest to leave some! :)  
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destiellifemark · 3 years
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Title: The Christmas Angel Author: @tessalyn Warnings: None Tags: Christmas Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Falling in Love, Angel Castiel, Gabriel is up to his usual tricks, Tropes Galore, Idiots in Love, Adorable Children, Single Dad Dean, Mutual Pining, Humor Rating: Mature Word Count: 8k Summary: Single father Dean Winchester and his twin sons take in a mysterious stranger who crashes into their lives a few days before Christmas. The man calls himself Castiel, and there’s something about him that’s not… quite human. Will Dean ever discover Castiel’s true identity? More importantly, will he be able to open his mind (and heart) to new possibilities?
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midnightartemis · 3 years
Book Two Masterlist
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Book One on AO3
Book Two on AO3
Chapter One: Hearing Voices is Never a Good Sign
Chapter Two: Knowledge is Power
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teddystrap · 5 years
[神なる君と] 天津国星縁尊 (Mikoto) + Final thoughts
Finally!!!!!!! I sacrificed one night’s sleep to finish this route, but I did it! ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و
I had originally planned to spread it out over a couple of days, but there was a lot of recap of stuff we already know here, so I got kind of impatient and rushed through some of it. So apologies if some of the minor details are off. I got all the important bits I think.
- Amatsu-kunihoshi-en-no-Mikoto -
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Is it just me or does his silhouette give off a HAIR METAL / 1970s Alice Cooper vibe???
Mikoto is the former God of Kunihoshi Shrine who gave his position over to Sakuya for some reason. He is kind of a comedic/jokester character, but occasionally reveals a deeper and more serious side, much like Yakumo-nii-san.
His route happens if Sakuya chooses to help him grant his wish instead of investigating the school haunting rumours. Her first task is to time-skip slightly into the future, on hoshimatsuri night, to take a message for future-Mikoto. 
After she arrives she sees her future self running along the river searching for Mikoto and crying. Yorihito stops her from talking to her future self, and tells her that Mikoto is under the tree in the shrine. She finds him and passes along the message, which is to ask him if his wish has been granted.
He replies yes, but he wishes he had done a better job and made ‘her’ understand his actions.
Back in the present, she asks Mikoto what that’s all about but he doesn’t want to tell her. The rest of the route is basically her process of figuring out his secrets.
The side arcs in the other routes are briefly recapped here, except each one now reveals something important about Mikoto’s worldview. Following the order that they appear in:
I. Yorihito/Nisei
This time Mikoto tells them straightaway that Nisei has travelled here from the past through a time warp, and has to return. Sakuya accepts his views, and he tells her that every beautiful meeting has to eventually end in parting, and that the memories not only tie us to the future, but they also drive us forward... It’s kind of like his ‘going away speech’ in a way, but Sakuya doesn’t know that at this point.
II. The Sanshin incident
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‘YOU no DOGEZA = VERY BEAUTIFUL datta-ze!’ #yuri
The Sanshin tell Sakuya that they sympathise with Mikoto, because he has been on the receiving end of much hate and anger from people whose wishes he wasn’t able to grant. 
Later Sakuya asks him if he hates people, and he turns the question back to her. She replies that people come in many different personalities, and he agrees. He thinks that it’s his misdeed that he wasn’t able to save everyone. But Sakuya feels that he has done nothing wrong - to which he thanks her and says that her kindness has saved him time and again.
III. Aki/Kunugi arc
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‘You...! Be my grrrl.’ #kunugi
This ends in pretty much the same way as in Yakumo’s route. Aki tells Sakuya that things worked out for the best, because love between a human and a supernatural being is bound to end in tragedy. Sakuya realises that there are other alternative endings besides ‘happily ever after’. She ofc thinks of Mikoto,... and so she goes and asks him if he has ever been in love. He tells her that gods have to love everyone and everything equally (including Yorihito and miscroscopic bacteria lol).
Then he tells her that she is very important to him, and that he prays for her happiness.
IV. Fuu-san
After hearing rumours about evil spirit moaning in the old school building, Sakuya wonders if Rei is having stomachaches XD.
Anyway, here Fuu-san again confides in Sakuya about his friend Yuuya, and she wonders if there’s a way to ease his pain. Mikoto says it’s possible to erase his memories, but Fuu-san would refuse to do so. He believes that there are some painful histories that one just has to live with - and surprisingly Sakuya accepts his view. I feel like she is accepting too much in this route XD.
.: Going back to Mikoto’s backstory, we already know about the 1000-year-old love story between the miko and the Great Demon from the other routes, but we missed a few key points which are revealed here:
1. The sesshouseki itself is not the Demon’s remains. It’s a fragment of a star that was used to absorb the Demon’s curse/evil energy. And Mikoto is the living embodiment of this stone. 
2. The Demon’s remains are actually buried under the *magical tree* in the yard of the shrine. And his spirit communicates to Sakuya and others through this tree.
3. The 1000-year promise: Before the Demon’s death, Mikoto promised to watch over his remains to prevent the curse from escaping. This would only work for 1000 years, so after that time, Mikoto promised to absorb all the curse energy himself and disappear from the face of the earth.
What actually happened is that 10 years ago on hoshimatsuri night, when Mikoto was supposed fulfil his promise and disappear, he hesitated and started crying under the tree, because he was afraid of death. Child Sakuya came over to comfort him, and ended up in the energy transfer danger zone.
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So, to save her from dying from the curse, Mikoto decided to make her a Goddess 10 years later to build ‘immunity’, and then on hoshimatsuri night transfer all her curse energy back onto himself and disappear as promised. At first he didn’t want to tell her all this, but she’s super しつこい so eventually he told her everything.
Sakuya found herself falling for Mikoto and didn’t want him to disappear, so she asked Yorihito how to prevent his plan from working using her Goddess powers. On hoshimatsuri night, she successfully stops Mikoto from fulfilling his promise, and seals it with a kiss.
Because the curse energy remained in her body, she grew weaker and weaker and died three months later. THE END.
Lol j/k.
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Good end: Mikoto can’t get over Sakuya’s death, so 1 year later on hoshimatsuri, he decides to use the same time-travel method (and the power of Sakuya’s amulet) to go back in time and stop her from thwarting his epic disappearance plan. Everyone supports him - except Yakumo, who thinks that Mikoto shouldn’t force his own plan against her will. He wants Mikoto to do what makes them both happy, even if it means defying Fate.
Sooo, Mikoto goes back in time... to 11 years ago, before hoshimatsuri night. He finds child Sakuya on the shrine grounds, and gives her an amulet and sends her away, telling her NOT TO COME HERE TONIGHT. 
...With that taken care of, nighttime comes and he proceeds to fulfil his promise. But to his surprise, Sakuya shows up again - to give him back his amulet and tell him to stop being an #emosadface. He is all like #headpalm #Orz #omgthismustbeFATE.
In that moment he decides that, instead of letting the curse transfer take place this time, he will try to fight it so that no-one has to die. Basically the same thing that Yuzuru did for Yakumo in all his routes = Zzzzzzz (fight the curse while sleeping). At the last moment, he tells Sakuya that he’s going away for a while, but promises to meet again someday.
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Loop back to the beginning of the game, except in this new alternative future, 17-year-old Sakuya has a more enlightened view on religion and shittier luck in omikuji. In the shrine, she meets Mikoto once again - and this time she remembers him from her childhood meeting, and he is willing to tell her the whole Kami Naru Kimi to story, with no secrets.
[Thoughts] Let me first take a moment to marvel at the coherence of the whole story...... 
...Ok. Moving on.
Mikoto’s route wasn’t as much a tearjerker as I thought it would be. Or maybe I was just too tired/brain-dead to cry at 3am _(:3」∠)_. It also doesn’t feel much like a romance love story. I mean Mikoto was preparing for his *ultimate demise* and in no mood for a relationship for the most part lol. So a lot of Sakuya’s actions/thoughts felt very one-sided.  
It was nice that the recaps of the four side story-arcs were kept short (I guess for the benefit of those who didn’t see all of them? not sure if possible to get to the hidden route without unlocking all four events, but anyway).
Piecing together the info from the other routes, I had some guesses as to what the ‘full picture’ was... but this route totally took it in a different direction than what I was expecting. I kind of figured from Sakuya’s surname (「神」 and 「木」) that she’s the descendant/reincarnate of the spirit who lives in the tree, who must be Mikoto’s old lover from 1000 years ago. Lolol was I wrong about that XDDD - although I think my version would’ve made a more romantic story. ^_~
Overall, I like how the route challenged/changed Mikoto’s views about the impenetrability of Fate. You come away with the feeling of understanding a lot more: why gods exist, the true purpose of prayer, why individual wishes are/aren’t fulfilled, the role of free will, etc.
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‘I have come to show you the Truth... with my really nice hair’ ;)
(It does make me sad that in the good ending version of events, some of the characters probably never got a chance to meet - e.g. Narumi & Mikoto, Yuzuru/Rei and everyone else.)
As I feared, there was no clear explanation for Rei’s existence. In the ending it’s revealed that he is/was a 生霊 (a soul that got separated from a living body), and that after Narumi failed to send him off to the other world during hoshimatsuri, he ended up in hospital and was able to recover his body (and some temporary memory loss) with Aki’s help.
...Which STILL doesn’t explain who he is, and how he landed in this condition, AND in his own ending why he disappeared for 10 years and came back as a living human... Unless I missed something in my haste, but I doubt it. Otomate was probably counting on the fact that nobody would fall in love with Rei so nobody cares. But I want some answers damnit!!
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Also, Yorihito makes a brief appearance here in his human form. #wtf O_o
...This is probably where Yakumo’s catchphrase ‘細かいことは気にしなくていい’ comes in handy. スルーしようと思います...
IN SUMMARY, ranking of routes from favourite to ...less favourite (there were no bad routes, I honestly enjoyed all of them and I thought all the characters were awesome in their own way ¯\_(ツ)_/¯):
Yuzuru > Yakumo > Mikoto >/≃ Narumi ≃ Rei
Ranking of side arcs from fav to less fav.:
Fuu-san > Aki/Kunugi > Sanshin > Yorihito/Nisei
ハイ終わり― +(人*´∀`)+゜:。*゜+
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[N.B.] I actually started KamiKimi as a break from Diabolik Lovers More Blood - I’m about 3/4 of the way through Mukami Ruki’s route, and can confirm that this guy has no redeeming features whatsoever. It’s doubtful whether I’ll be able to sit through the rest of his story to get to his (hopefully sweet) ending. At least KamiKimi was a nice world where Sakurai Takahiro’s character is actually ahem *NOT AN ASSHOLE*.
(Low bar, I know, but DLMB challenges my view of common decency every time I open it...)
(Also Mikoto cried/had many emotional outbursts towards the end of the route, which is a side of Sakurai-sensei that I have never heard before. Not sure how I feel tbh. Like Sakuya in the game, I actually prefer his funny/lighthearted persona more.)
Also I’ll probably be busy with exams + school stuff for most of this month, so it would be a good idea to go for more fun/relaxing games that are not so heavy and tragic. 
One recent discovery is an old game by Broccoli called 「恋戦隊 LOVE& PEACE the P.S.P」 , which is based on the Power Rangers concept (all my childhood dreams are coming true...! *≧ω≦*) ... I previewed a chapter or so and it seems absolutely hilarious, although it’s not fully voiced so the reading part will be a P in the A but HIT ME UP YO.
And ofc, there will always be drama CDs to save the day...
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mukami-scenarios · 7 years
The mukami boys reacting to their S/O pranking them saying they are pregnant? (I expect pure honesty nothing cute.)
Honesty is all I deal here.
Under the cut for manhandling.
Ruki: He stares at you, wide eyed, before sucking air through his teeth. “…it was a prank?” He spat the word like it had a filthy taste. “A prank? Are you serious?” You couldn’t tell if he wanted to hit the wall or hit you, before he slammed against you with all his might, pinning you to the wall and leaning in towards your neck. “You’re disgusting. I’ll suck you dry for this!”
Kou: He didn’t know what to say, seeing the smile on your face as you told him you were carrying his child. Dumb founded, his expression suddenly morphed to one of a heartless sneer. “I almost believed you for a second.” He spoke, moving his bangs out of the way, his right eye emanating a red hue. “You women are all the same. To believe I actually thought you were different…” It seemed as though he was in front of you in mere milliseconds, tugging on your hair as hard as he could. “Worthless, lying trash. How pathetic are you? Whore.”
Yuma: You immediately regretted even being born at the look on his face. You felt air become trapped in your lungs as he wraps his hands around your throat, lifting you up to look him in the face. “Do ya even understand the gravity of the situation ya just put yerself in?” Normally, you would laugh at his thick accent, but the tone in his face was shaky and enraged, and even if you wanted to, you couldn’t find any words to respond. “A prank…a prank?!” With all of his strength, he shook you roughly, as if trying to knock sense into you. “YA THINK THIS KIND’A SHIT IS FUNNY?! THIS WAS FUNNY TO YA?!”
Azusa: You were concerned at his silence as he stared at you, wide eyed, head cocked to the side for what seemed to be minutes. “…A prank…? Like…Like a joke…?” He looked to the floor, a dark shadow hanging around his face. “This…felt good to you…? Is this…your type of…pleasure…?” Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a long, muddied blade, dirty with drops of his own blood. He must of used it recently. “Maybe…I need to remind you…what pleasure really feels like…?” He gave you a tired smirk, his eyes giving you a glint. “…don’t run…and make this easy…for both of us.”
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kouei116 · 5 years
Diabolik lovers More blood: Kou Mukami
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K: You should be grateful/glad ... Because from now on, instead of those guys (the Sakamaki), my fangs will ravish you every night.
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K: As expected, you like this right? Me being cruel and giving pain to you like this.
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K: Thank you, Y
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K: If so, from now on, continue to make (vongol bianco) for only me everyday. For the rest of your life. 
(This reminds me of BroCon Ukyo’s proposal to MC (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
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K: Hey Y, look up. Look at me. Your tears... seem to overflow. These tears are for human. I’m a vampire, you know, Y.... What are you doing? For me to be hugged by you, will it snow tomorrow? These unncessary feelings, I don’t need them.
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Ruki: The extended scenary on the other side of that window. In order to see that blue sky one day, shouldn’t you be alive? Don’t give up while you still have a wish. Do you plan to be a dejected loser? If you want to be free, come with me.
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K: If I’m wrong ... scold me ....(kiss) Nnnn....nnn...
(I loveee Kimura Ryouhei’s voice, pwease moreee kisses pwease /// v ///  )
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K: .... Let’s run away, to somewhere that you can live not as Eve, but as Y. Uhm, I have seen the important thing, now I know, I don’t need it (his right eye) anymore. Hey Y, I don’t want to be apart from you. No matter what I throw away, who I betray, even if I can’t suck your blood, I still want to be together with you. Is it ok to call this feeling love? Even if it’s not love, I will still call it love. Because now, I’m happy. I love you, Y. No matter what people will say, I love you. 
(Aweee, I love you too Kou ~(=^・ω・^)ヾ(^^ )
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mobolanz · 7 years
You fucking perv...
Subaru sakamaki ( about laito ,) diabolik lovers ,more ,blood dub episode 1
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jealousjulian · 3 years
Manga Master List
Cardinal Anthology: DL Mimic
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Anime Anthology: Something’s missing
Anime Anthology: you can’t deny it
MB Anthology: The chase
MB Anthology: Nocturne
MB Sequel
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Cardinal: Sweet x Sugar
MB Anthology: I can’t sleep tonight
MB Anthology: blood-colored world
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MB anthology: Ayato “EYES” story
MB Anthology (Ayato): To swallow Poison
DLMB Prequel
HDB Prequel
HDB Sequel
Anime Anthology: Scars
Anime Anthology: Sweet play
Anime Anthology: moon magic
Cardinal: Pet trap
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DLMB Anthology: Connected by heart
MB Sakamaki-Hen { Prequel } { Sequel }
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DLMB Laito Prequel
DLMB Laito Sequel
MB Anthology(Laito): DOLCE
Anime Anthology: Revenge
Anime Anthology: Trapped in plain sight
Cardinal: Bent love
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DL Subaru Prequel
HDB sequel
MB Prequel
MB Sequel
DLMB Mukami-hen Prequel (by another translator)
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MB Anthology: Star Puzzle
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MB Sequel
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DLMB Anthology: Sweet restraint
DLMB Anthology: The empty sky
DLMB Anthology: Cannot forget that sky
DLMB Yuma Sequel
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DLMB Mukami-hen { Prequel } { Sequel }
Azusa Short story: Stigmata
MB Mukami Anthology: Lovely, Lovely
MB Anthology: Give me
4-Koma mangas
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Do not feel troubled, mon amour. Life can be busy and schedules can be difficult. I’m sure it’s worse for people who actually sleep on top of everything else they need do. You can come when you can - you’ll be able to find me, if I am not [redacted] or down in [redacted].
Vjbe kti fo lq ii dlmb ophi qiktihl vbjlq ii rvakg ejtlq ofst vlok ehl highl jio diq opa qibat aql diq opa fbxr ghf asokg. Kev jhvsv F spub jt oi dlmf riktihl oi pit opho L fh kipo ejgh nqqi eji hlkqiop E'yt aipikt. Iejop padpiq pfj gt vlk gqd dpaz xleg uio mfkg ejt ospej lm ejt eltq iphe jhet odhlh pq si sfkg.
If you want to get far, a C to an S and another word for star.
- SF
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yumikattodl · 4 months
Diabolik lovers Blood Bloued prologue
Blood. That was all I can see at the moment. And then a man with white hair and golden eyes.
-Who you are? - I asked. It was in the blood. Did he kill them? .. "I should hate him" these words flashed through my mind. " My family is dead. He killed them. Do I want to kill me? - Hello, dear child.
The man said. - -w-who are you? I repeated myself. - Karl Heinz. That name meant nothing to me. -
What do you say to take you to me. I need you for my plan I don't understand what this one is talking about.
Tears are streaming down my face. They are dead. He killed them. Even so, I shook his hand. The man smiled **** I was in his castle. He introduced me to his first wife and told me to look after me. Violethair looks at me with contempt, anger, as if I am inferior ... I don't understand. But I was just a child. Violethair has three sons.
P-p-please, please ... Stop ... - she said when the woman was choking me.She hated me ... I don't know why, I was only 4 at the time. I wanted to know why she hated me? what did i do to her I know, but Karl Heinz took me in. And she hated me from day one ...
- Mom, what are you doing? a childish voice said. - Oh, dear lait. Don't interfere. the woman said.
- Father said he must live. And you can't get rid of her, said the red-haired boy. Looking at me.
- Wouldn't you like to entertain me?he asked the woman. Violet, hair let me go
- I would like. she replied.The redheaded boy winked at me.Disappeared, with his mother. What did he mean by "entertain"? I've always wondered. I didn't know what was going on. The woman tried in various ways to get rid of me. But one of her sons always helped me. But that was the order they got from their father. The girl didn't understand that. Usually she wondered about their relationship with her mother but didn't understand. She knew that only each of them wanted her attention. When she was with Ayato, she said she was a mean bitch who deserved to die. I said he would kill her someday. He hated her with all his heart. As time passed, she realized Ayato was right. Their mother really was a bitch who deserved to die. Usually, when a girl pleaded with a woman for her life, she only laughed. She hated women. The girl forgot who her parents were and who killed them. But she still missed them. She wanted to come back to them. But she knew it was impossible. She knew they were dead and she would not come back to them. She wanted to know what she was doing here and why? But he also wanted to pay off the debt to Karl Heinz - Sam.
He took her to him. She had nowhere to live, she was grateful to him. She respected Karl Heinz. When the girl was 10 years old. Karl Heinz locked him in his castle in Eden. He protects her from his mean wife Cordeli. He didn't want her to die. He needed it for the plan. from 6 years. The girl was taught various things while she was imprisoned in the castle of Eden. Currently, the girl is 16 years old. Karl Heinz entered her room. Hello Miss Yumi. the vampire king smiled.
- I would like to inform you that today you are leaving for my sons. The girl was surprised by this news, but nodded.
- To the mukami brothers.
- added. Yumi, she didn't know who it was, didn't even know them. All she knew was that she had 6 sons. She had never, ever heard of mukami.
- Who is this? she asked confused. "These are my next sons," he replied. Yumi, she was shocked by this news. She knew she had 6 sons with whom she only met laito, kanato and ayato. She didn't know his other sons, only their names. Analyzing the information in my head, it turned out that the vampire king has 10 sons. She was shocked. "Damn, he has a very big family"
- I understand, sir. She replied. "I told you to call me by name," the man said.
- excuse me. she said. - When should I pack? she asked
- I'll tell you today and he left Thinking, "I'll finally follow through with my plan."Yumi, she packed in 3 hours. The girl took her things went down to the living room. She said goodbye to Karl Heinz. The next she got into the limousine that was waiting for her outside. In the sky she saw a full moon. She liked very much when it is full she liked to see the full moon. Yumi, was curious about the new place she was heading to while riding in the limousine. But, she also felt a strange anxiety. She was leaving Karl Heinz Castle. It was the first time she had left it. Even though Karl Heinz'em had imprisoned her she thought it was for her own good. She was loyal to him. She didn't want to leave the place where she lived too much. She treated the place as her second home. Her old home. She didn't remember. All she knew was that her parents were dead and she was taken in by Karl Heinz.Yumi sighed as she left the place where she had spent a long part of her life.
Part 1
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crazyfreckledginger · 5 years
Anime Masterlist
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A/N: I decided to finally post this since the list of fics was growing, hope you like it!
Shoto Todoroki x Reader - “Birthday Boy”
Momo Yaoyorozu x Reader - “Kitty Trouble”
Vampire Knight
Zero Kiryu x Reader - “Asking Zero Out On A Date Would Include…”
Zero Kiryu x Reader - “Getting Jealous When People Hit On Zero Would Include...”
Zero Kiryu A-Z smut 1
Kaname Kuran x Reader - “Dating Kaname Kuran Would Include…”
Rido Kuran x Reader - “Dating Rido Kuran Would Include…”
Diabolik Lovers:
Sakamaki Brothers x Reader - “Thirty Second Nightmare” [Part 1] [Part 2]
Richter Sakamaki x Reader - “Richter Initiating Cuddling Would Include…”
Yuma Mukami + Possessive & Jealous 
The Seven Deadly Sins:
Melodias x Reader - “Devil Angel Newbie”
Body Swap
Sirius The Jaeger:
Yuliy Jirov x Reader - “Yuliy Trying To Catch Your Attention Would Include…”
Philip x Reader - “Your First Kiss With Philip Would Include…”
Yuily A-Z smut 
Comments, votes and feedback improve motivation, writing and publishing, so it is in your best interest to leave some! :)  
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destiellifemark · 3 years
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Title: A Destiel Snowed Inn Christmas Author: @darkwings17 Warnings: None! Tags: Writer Dean, Writer Cas, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, There’s Only One Bed, Panic Attacks, John Winchester’s A+ Parenting, (best way to describe getting kicked out of the house for being gay at age 18...) Rating: Teen Word Count: 35K Summary: Dean Winchester, a writer in New York, hates Christmas. He spends most of his time ignoring both the holiday and his family. When a opportunity to go to a luxury resort in Aspen, Colorado over the holidays to write the magazines new top article, he jumps on it.
Castiel Novak, a writer in New York and recently broken up with by his boyfriend,  tries his hardest to keep the Christmas spirit alive. Instead of going to his boyfriends house to meet his family like planned, Castiel is craving the distraction of going to a luxury resort for the holidays to write the magazines new top article.
When an unexpected change of plans lands them in a little town known as Santa Claus, Indiana the two men find themselves snowed in at a historic inn where they may just find the Christmas miracle they have been looking for.
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midnightartemis · 3 years
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dialovers-blood · 4 years
This is the other part of manga
I found Kanato's boots funny :D
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ayatosschlong · 5 years
credit to @vampiretsuki for the original masterpost 
let me know if there are any mistakes or if links aren’t working
last updated: October 1, 2020
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Haunted Dark Bridal
Dark: Dark Prologue - Dark 1 - Dark 2 - Dark 3 - Dark 4 - Dark 5 - Dark 6 - Dark 7 - Dark 8 - Dark 9 - Dark 10 - Dark Epilogue
Maniac: Maniac Prologue - Maniac 1 - Maniac 2 - Maniac 3 - Maniac 4 - Maniac 5 - Maniac 6 - Maniac 7 - Maniac 8 - Maniac 9 - Maniac 10 - Maniac Epilogue
Ecstasy: Ecstasy Prologue - Ecstasy 1 - Ecstasy 2 - Ecstasy 3 - Ecstasy 4 - Ecstasy 5 - Ecstasy 6 - Ecstasy 7 - Ecstasy 8 - Ecstasy 9 - Ecstasy 10 - Ecstasy Epilogue
Endings: Bad Ending - Normal Ending - Best Ending
Heavens: Heaven Prologue - Heaven 1 - Heaven 2 - Heaven 3 - Heaven Epilogue
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More Blood
Dark: Dark Prologue - Dark 1 - Dark 2 - Dark 3 - Dark 4 - Dark 5 - Dark 6 - Dark 7 - Dark 8 - Dark 9 - Dark 10 - Dark Epilogue
Maniac: Maniac Prologue - Maniac 1 - Maniac 2 - Maniac 3 - Maniac 4 - Maniac 5 - Maniac 6 - Maniac 7 - Maniac 8 - Maniac 9 - Maniac 10 - Maniac Epilogue
Ecstasy: Ecstasy Prologue - Ecstasy 1 - Ecstasy 2 - Ecstasy 3 - Ecstasy 4 - Ecstasy 5 - Ecstasy 6 - Ecstasy 7 - Ecstasy 8 - Ecstasy 9 - Ecstasy 10 - Ecstasy Epilogue
Endings: Bad Ending - Normal Ending - Best Ending
Heavens: Heaven 1 - Heaven 2 - Heaven 3 
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Vandead Carnival
Chapters: Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Finale
Sub-scenarios: Reiji - Ruki - Kanato - Subaru (this one is in English) - Shu - Kou - Azusa - Laito - Yuma
Sleeping Vampire
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Dark Fate
Dark: Dark Prologue - Dark 1 - Dark 2 - Dark 3 - Dark 4 - Dark 5 - Dark 6 - Dark 7 - Dark 8 - Dark 9 - Dark 10 - Dark Epilogue
Maniac: Maniac Prologue - Maniac 1 - Maniac 2 - Maniac 3 - Maniac 4 - Maniac 5 - Maniac 6 - Maniac 7 - Maniac 8 - Maniac 9 - Maniac 10 - Maniac Epilogue
Ecstasy: Ecstasy Prologue - Ecstasy 1 - Ecstasy 2 - Ecstasy 3 - Ecstasy 4 - Ecstasy 5 - Ecstasy 6 - Ecstasy 7 - Ecstasy 8 - Ecstasy 9 - Ecstasy 10 - Ecstasy Epilogue
Endings: Bad Ending - Normal Ending - Best Ending
Heavens: Heaven 1 - Heaven 2 - Heaven 3 
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Lunatic Parade
Chapters: Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Finale
Sub-scenarios: Shu - Kanato - Reiji - Azusa - Laito - Carla - Yuma - Subaru - Kou - Ruki - Shin
Care For Vampire
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Lost Eden
Dark: Dark Prologue - Dark 1 - Dark 2 - Dark 3 - Dark 4 - Dark 5 - Dark 6 - Dark 7 - Dark 8 - Dark 9 - Dark 10 - Dark Epilogue
Maniac: Maniac Prologue - Maniac 1 - Maniac 2 - Maniac 3 - Maniac 4 - Maniac 5 - Maniac 6 - Maniac 7 - Maniac 8 - Maniac 9 - Maniac 10 - Maniac Epilogue
Ecstasy: Ecstasy Prologue - Ecstasy 1 - Ecstasy 2 - Ecstasy 3 - Ecstasy 4 - Ecstasy 5 - Ecstasy 6 - Ecstasy 7 - Ecstasy 8 - Ecstasy 9 - Ecstasy 10 - Ecstasy Epilogue
Endings: Bad Ending - Normal Ending - Best Ending
Heavens: Heaven 1 - Heaven 2 - Heaven 3
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Chaos Lineage
Chapters: Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 - Chapter 10 - Chapter 11 - Chapter 12 - Chapter 13 - Chapter 14 - Chapter 15
Endings: Labyrinth Ending - Euphoria Ending - Heaven Ending
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DLMB Sakamaki Ayato Prequel
DLMB Sakamaki Ayato Sequel
Anthology 1
Anthology 2
MB Anthology 1
MB Anthology 2
Sweet Play
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Drama CDs
Do-S: translation + audio
More, Blood: translation + audio
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