#dmc machiavelli
I've previously talked about the storytelling benefits of Vergil destroying Yamato in order to close the Qliphoth portal after DMC5. And I've shared a plot idea in which Machiavelli, the allegedly dead demonic craftsman who created Nelo Angelo's armor, approached the twins and offered to help them return to the Human World. I've also said what I think would happen if Dante was split with Yamato in a response to the questions anon.
This post combines all of those ideas. Picture the following:
The twins cut down the Qliphoth, then Vergil seals the portal for good, mostly destroying Yamato in the process (leaving only the hilt and some of the blade). This makes a big impression on Dante, who never thought Vergil would give up something so precious to him for the greater good. This is the beginning of the twins beginning to trust each other more.
They travel the Underworld together for some time, surviving, catching up, growing closer, when they are approached by none other than Machiavelli. Being the creator of the first devil arm, and many devil arms since, it's not hard to believe when he claims he knows how to restore Yamato. He only asks for their labor in return, for them to travel to various parts of the Underworld to recover artifacts and resources that he can use.
Both twins have a bad history with Machiavelli - though not so directly in Dante's case - but they consider his proposal regardless. Dante is inclined to take the deal. In part because he doesn't consider Machiavelli to be a threat, in part because he's desperate to return home, and in part because he won't let Vergil hide from Nero forever. Because there is more trust between the twins now, Vergil reluctantly agrees.
Tangent: if this were a game, this half would be played from Dante's perspective, if only because Vergil doesn't have a weapon at this point. There would be a cutscene establishing Vergil gaining a replacement for Beowulf.
But being Machiavelli, of course he has hidden intentions. What he really wants is to claim Devil Sword Dante, and use Rebellion's power to merge the human and the demonic to reverse Sparda's act of separating the Human World and the Underworld. This is because the war between Sparda and Mundus was profitable for Machiavelli, and as soon as the worlds were separated, the war came to an end. Machiavelli believes that combining the worlds again would reignite the war, allowing him to capitalize on it once more.
Machiavelli executes this scheme by capturing Dante - probably by tricking and/or ambushing him - and turning him into an Angelo knight. By subverting Dante's will, Machiavelli gains control of his eponymous sword.
Of course, Vergil is obliged to save Dante, and manages to free him before the worst comes to pass, but Dante's body has become corrupted, much like Vergil's was before he split himself in DMC5. Naturally, Vergil decides that he cannot allow Dante to die like this, and elects to use what's left of Yamato to cut the corruption out. And while Vergil succeeds, this predictably has an unintended side effect.
Dante is split into two beings, one apparently fully human, and one apparently fully demonic.
Dante's human half, out of a once-abandoned wish to distance himself from his true identity, begins calling himself Tony Redgrave. He's a chubbier fellow who looks a bit older than Dante really is. He doesn't enjoy fighting demons, and wants to return to the Human World ASAP, without reuniting with his other half, so he can begin his shot at a normal life.
Dante's demon half, self-named Morrigan, has other plans. This crow-like dark knight immediately seizes Dante's devil arms - leaving the guns behind - and begins working to prevent any being from crossing between worlds again. Morrigan would go as far as to prevent Vergil from restoring Yamato and returning to the human world, seeing Vergil's willingness to do this as proof that his choice to destroy Yamato in the first place never really meant anything.
Tangent: I didn't choose the name Morrigan because I like how it sounds. The mythological figure is a goddess of war, but also of land and sovereignty, a guardian of territory. And the very legacy that Dante upholds is to preserve the independence of humanity from the demons that would seek to rule them. The mythological Morrigan is also associated with fate, and to Dante, his responsibility is an inescapable birthright, not something he chose. This is also the reason that I described this Morrigan as crow-like.
Tangent: the mythological Morrigan is, of course, a female deity. I'm not necessarily opposed to Dante's demonic half manifesting as a woman. I could enjoy the symbolism of both Morrigan and Tony (Toni?) Redgrave being women, suggesting that Dante's gender issues aren't a product of one oppressive side of him, but of two sides of him that he hasn't fully reconciled. But a big part of why a female V would have been interesting is the association with Dante and Vergil's human mother, Eva, and this Morrigan is supposed to strongly take after their demonic father, Sparda. I just don't think Morrigan being a woman would fit, thematically, at least not during the events of this plot. Maybe there's something to be said about Dante being split into a female human with a traditionally male name, and a male demon with a traditionally female name? Second opinions on this matter are very welcome.
This event would also create nightmare demons like Griffon and Shadow, which Morrigan would defeat and wield as devil arms. I could imagine Morrigan wielding these against Vergil, and scolding him about that "you've never lost anything" comment that he made when he was Urizen. Unlike the nimrod in question, Morrigan doesn't deny the past, instead drawing anger, grief, and guilt from it as motivation. If anything, Tony would be the one who claims to have "no recollection" of his old life.
Tangent: if this were a game, these nightmares could serve as an excuse to allow Dante to have weapons from previous games despite being unable to recover them from the Underworld. However, it's just as possible and much simpler for him to encounter similar demons in the Underworld and obtain similar weapons, like King Cerberus or the various sets of gauntlets and greaves he wields.
Tangent: it'd be interesting if Dante also manifested a copy of Griffon, which Vergil recruits. He functions a lot like the Griffon that served V, but he isn't the same being. This is uneasy for Vergil, who never really got to say goodbye to the friend and ally who protected him for a whole month, then threw his life away for Vergil's own good, without even asking him how he felt.
Plus, I think the separation of Dante would also result in the separation of his eponymous sword. Morrigan would wield Devil Sword Sparda, leaving Rebellion's hilt to Vergil and Tony.
Tangent: I like the idea that when Dante is inevitably restored, and Devil Sword Dante with him, the sword manifests differently, reflecting his character development and rebalanced priorities. I like Devil Sword Dante's canon design, but I think it's weird that it doesn't incorporate the bone motifs present in both of Dante's old swords (Rebellion's ribcage and Devil Sword Sparda's spine). It's also a little disappointing how little has been done with the fact that Devil Sword Sparda can turn into a scythe. DmC: Devil May Cry features a scythe weapon with its own moveset, and it even has a version of prop shredder, that can serve as inspiration. Devil Sword Dante II's scythe moves can be in Swordmaster, with his summoned swords being moved to a fifth style like Darkslayer from DMC4.
It quickly becomes clear that without Tony as a natural supply of human blood, Morrigan is rapidly burning through power, and will eventually grow weak and die (kind of like V almost did). Of course, Morrigan wouldn't be above cannibalizing Tony as a means of prolonging the inevitable. The demon would see Tony as what held Dante back from fully embracing his destiny and doing what must be done to keep humanity safe and free, as what got Dante tricked by Machiavelli, as what caused Dante to entrust Yamato to Nero and make him a target for Vergil, and what caused him to spare Vergil at Nero's behest. Nonetheless, Morrigan needs to ensure the Human World's independence permanently, and aims to do so by killing Vergil once and for all.
Tangent: this is the half of the game that would be played from Vergil's perspective.
Vergil needs to convince Tony to reunite with his other half, which isn't easy. But eventually, Tony realizes that even without demonic power, he isn't truly human, that he can never be truly normal, and that deep down, he doesn't really want to be. I can't help but think of that scene in Spider-Man 2 where Peter Parker charges into a burning building to save a kid despite not having powers at the time, because losing his powers didn't make him feel any less responsible for the well-being of others. Dante doesn't just fight demons because he has to, he really does want to, even if it isn't always easy.
But Tony also comes to understand that Dante doesn't have to shoulder Sparda's burden alone anymore, that Vergil is ready to step up and be the big brother that Dante needs, a bit of growth that also coincided with the creation of Devil Sword Vergil (which Machiavelli played no part in). Then it's just a matter of convincing his demonic half, of reminding Morrigan that Nero saved both of them because he believed that Dante and Vergil could make peace, and that Morrigan has a responsibility not just to humanity as a whole, but also to Dante's family.
After that, Dante and Vergil are reunited, and they return to the Human World. The End. For now.
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dmc-questions-anon · 5 months
One of my favorite ideas is Machiavelli taking Nico under his wing (with malicious intent of course)
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motilyochek · 2 years
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Mundus and Machiavelli (demon, who created many demonic guns like Pandora and Artemis).
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dantessssdiary · 5 years
Dear Diary, Its  a Doozy
So, I did some experimenting while going down these ominous stairs, and figured out if I concentrate, I can use the summon swords like one of those courtroom people with the typewriters.
Since I can also sense shenanigans imminently, I’m gonna just kinda… Mark this section off for weird recordings. And since I see dad opening doors, I’m going to guess we’re in the right place.
I’ll write D and S next to dad and I saying stuff, let’s see what dads up to now.
D “Hey pops. What’s—“
S “That lithe little… how far down did he go the mousy— Oh, hello Dante, took you long enough.”
D “Castle big. Also I like exploring, consider it a character flaw.”
S “I will. You haven’t happened to seen a demon man dressed like an Italian Renaissance scholar have you? Twinkish, surprisingly youthful looking?”
D “Did you… no not yet, I’m guessing that’s Machiavelli?”
S “And we always call Vergil the clever one.”
D “I’d wipe the grin off while you’re frustratedly opening doors”
I didn’t catch anything he muttered here, but he sure did some muttering. Also opened a door.
S "Machiavelli! It's good to see... Hey! Stop throwing things at me!" "Fifteen fucking years Sparda! And you didn't even... Who in 9 flames is that?" S "How was I supposed to know that the letter was overdue, huh? You never write down the dates and your demon found me just yesterday."
D “You sent a demon messenger to find… the legendary dark knight Sparda? Also, hi. You’d probably refer to me as his spawn, Dante.”
“Spaw—Who let you procreate?”
S “Who let you put on the fifty thousandth pair of robes in a row?”
“Touché. But Sparda so much has happened, never mind the 2000 interstitial years”
S “He just brushes right over not having seen me, no hug no nothing”
D “Where have manners gone in the fire hell, truly?”
“The KING of this HELL was KILLED ON EARTH” D “Big Guy, centaur but more animal stuff, real haughty?” “Yes?” D “Oops” “OOPS?”
S “So THAT'S what happened with Sparky. I'll miss throwing him at Mundus' issues, he was a powerful, noble soldier.”
D “He was very angry. Fun fact, your grandson kicked his ass too. It was a whole thing. He even ran away from that fight .” S “Oh look, he still drops his jaw in disbelief at things!”
I didn’t bother focusing for the yelling, but for a small guy, he sure doesn’t run out of juice fast. Cursing in Hell is also fascinating. I’m really learning some similes here.
S “So, now that he's no longer walking on these grounds and being his sparkly self, why do you STILL have this ugly self-portrait?”
“He was KING” D “So was Elvis, I still took down the poster eventually” “I’m going to design a weapon that kills Spardas and only Spardas.” S “You’ve tried. Hell, I am using one of those weapons, Bloody Palace, as my playground.”
“You… that Simulacrum trap was made specifically to destroy beings by wearing them down, what do you mean it’s a Playground?”
S “I also made some improvements. It was too easy.”
D “Speaking of, I managed Hell and Hell before we left. Barely, but I did.”
He’s just staring.
D “Pops, I think we broke him.”
S “Eh, he'll be fine by the time we return home. Next visit in 15 years, eh? This time we'll take Vergil and Nero.”
“Whom?” D “I have a brother and a nephew” S “Ones a ‘punk.’ Take a guess which.” D “the other one at this stage just has a free pass in and out of Hell it seems. Real revolving door situation.” “Dante can I see Pandora? I’d like to just close it around my head” S “oh come on it’s not that bad” “There are. Four. Of you.” S: “Please, it's not that bad. And it's technically five of us if you count V”
D “this last Qliphoth thing was Vergil” “Your. Your son ate of the Qliphoth?” S “Prides not the word I’m looking for, but I do have to give the act itself credit.” D “And, then I kicked his ass. And Mundus’” “Y.. y-you what?”
I won’t lie to you, I ripped like four pages out here. I lost focus a bunch a times while retelling my life story, mostly getting distracted to do back-flips and use DSD against Pops and his cane to explain some of the fight sequences. Long story short, when I finished, Machy gave us a,
“I’m going to pass out now, don’t touch my things.” And then fainted.
We proceeded to move everything 15cm to the right. Now that I think about it, I don’t think we even remained consistent on
right. So it goes. Either way, we eventually woke him up, and got back to talking over something that appeared to be some kind of coffee, but named something with letters that had no business being next to each other.
“Wait go back for a moment, if you please. Mundus did what?”
D “Created like 5 demon types, a few of which are still walkin’ around. ” “And you say you know where he is?” S “ye—yeah? Maki don’t tell me you’re—” “Shut up and hand me Pandora so I can pack I need to have words.”
D “Wanna meet Agnus too? He figured out how to make artificial demons AND turn humans into demons”
“867” D “what?” “868” S “Oh not this again” D “What?” “869” S “He’s adding to Pandora in his head. In particular, probably new ways to take us and Mundy out.” “870” D “how long has he been counting?” “I dropped the 13 from the start of the number. That long, child.”
S "Oh please, we all know you love me. And I love you too, you beautiful flower, the stars above can't even match the light you're radiating with your charming eyes" D “hey, red’s my color scheme... Wait. It’s literally just flirt? That’s it? That’s all it takes for you to—Suddenly a lot of the crap I’ve heard about you, Pops, makes absolute sense. And also a lotta crap about me now that I think of it.” S "I'm only wondering how Vergil can't flirt like that without choking himself to death."
“I understand how he feels…”
S “Let's see how much flirting he can stand before fainting, it’s been awhile.”
D “Shouldn't you know already, he’s your ancient friend.”
S “It's been 50 years since I visited him last, so who knows.”
“Stop talking as if I'm not here.”
S  “Oh, there's no possible way to ignore you, darling. Even roses red nor bluest sky can compare to your beauty.” “Shut up, you’re not getting out of this just with compliments”
D “Have I mentioned how wonderful your crafts are?”
“Hellfire bane upon you both, I recognize those eyes”
Both: “Oh?”
“Argosax strike me down where I stand…”
D “Really, Machy. Artemis served me wonderfully for years, and then Vergil managed to turn it an extraordinary demon suit. It was extraordinary, powerful, pleasing to the eye.”
S “Funny how many of those apply to You, isn’t it Mac—and he’s out”
D “Good hustle on that last one, I was about to go a similar way.”
S “And that’s why I’m the Legendary Dark Knight, Son, not you.”
At this stage I punched him, and we moved stuff one more centimeter in random directions, and put Machiavelli in bed. I didn’t bother focusing for this, since I was doing other things.
Look, I’m good, I’m not THAT good. Okay, I can be that good, but it’s so much hassle, jump off.
It feels right to wrap this up, since We’ve been in Hell awhile, and I’m getting finally hungry in SDT for the first time, which might lead to questions I don’t want answered being asked. Also, time absolutely flies when you’re telling a life story.
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journalofsparda · 5 years
Sun Tzu had written his book "Art of war", because he finally got fed up with me bugging him with questions.
I even got a dedicated copy. If you got nuisances right, in that dedication it was "Fuck you" and "Thank you".
When I read this dedication, I went to him and said I won't sleep with him, because there's only one man I would go to bed with and he's still in hell, doing more weapons of total destruction and I need to be faithful to him.
Sun had slapped me with his very own book after I said that.
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eidholons-blog · 5 years
dmc verse rundown  /  sara fortuna.
sara grew up in the far outskirts of red grave, in the port district often referred to as ‘bilgewater’. she is the daughter of a famed demon gunsmith, angelica fortuna --- her mother was not quite the likes of machiavelli, but she was still well-known and highly skilled. of course her mother had soiled her reputation in marrying a human which had brought her dangerous attention time and time again. 
as sara rounded the age of 10 or so? a reaver demon who had contracted her mother for a pair of hand cannon devil arms had decided to allow greed get the best of him, rather than pay her? he slaughtered angelica, her husband casimir and burned the workshop leaving their young daughter for dead who he additionally had shot in the chest.
luckily, young sara had snatched up the hand cannons her mother had crafted and held them tight to her. the reaver, unable to pry them from her and fearing risk from the blazing workshop, fled. as sara crawled free of embers and burning debris, her demonic side won out --- preventing her death with partial devil trigger and causing her mother’s blood to stain her hair.
as she grew up, sara swore vengeance for her mother and father, falling deeply into the world of devil hunters. her story had been whispered in the community, earning her the title --- ‘miss fortune’. she owned the titled willingly and proudly. she hoped one day she would find the reaver demon who had stolen her life from her, promising herself she would dismantle everything he knew and loved for his greed.
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blackjacketmuses · 5 years
hc; sparda 9
Phineas and Rodin
Sparda had --- has --- two best friends, his closest friends before the war, generals during, and dear friends the two thousand years after; they are the honorary uncles to Dante and Vergil, definitely turned up to Sparda and Eva’s wedding, and if they could, they would have taken the boys in after that day.
Their names are Rodin (a DMC verse verison of Bayonetta’s) and Phineas (an OG verse version of the demon in the reboot).
Rodin does have some similarities with Bayonetta’s Rodin, but he isn’t that guy--- he does run a bar and shop for hunters, yes, and he’s also a master demon weaponsmith, forging Devil Arms for demons and those that kill them throughout time --- he and Machiavelli are rivals and counterparts, to say the least --- but that’s really the only major similarities. He’s a magma demon, and has a volcanic forge in a pocket dimension sealed off from the rest of the Underworld that he can enter straight from his bar. He worked with witches and warlocks and those types for centuries before Dante made devil hunting a popular career move for humans, and now he works with them, too, selling weapons and information and letting his bar act as a meeting place. He wears sunglasses and smokes clove cigarettes, and likes to travel quite a bit in his free time. It might be his fault Vergil got all into samurai, but he’s not even a little sorry. He did forge Rebellion and Yamato for Sparda out of pieces of Sparda’s power, a gift for the twins, and he always brought the kids toys and candy when he visited. He’s a mischievous sort, with a quick and hot temper, and he doesn’t take shit from anyone at all; he’s good natured otherwise, though, and always up for something if it sounds fun or interesting. He’s definitely the Fun Uncle type more than anything.
As for Phineas, he’s a more subdued sort who doesn’t actually really interact with the hunting community at large, and if he does it’s through Rodin. Not many people know he exists. He prefers it that way. He’s a bird demon, of the same species as the original Griffon (only he’s white instead of brown) and he’s a demon warlock the same way Malphas is a demon witch. He holds a very personal hatred for Malphas, given that the bird she fused herself to is a blood relation to him, but even without that, he’s definitely her rival and counterpart as well. He’s a skilled mage (and similar to his reboot counterpart has seer abilities) and a talented alchemist. He has a workshop attached to Rodin’s forge --- which looks rather like someone put a Studio Ghibli-style witch’s cottage and your favorite old aunt’s kitchen in a blender and added lots of bird-themed figurines and knickknack --- and he makes a lot of teas and potions and other sorts of things that he does sell to hunters and witches in need through Rodin. He’s very soft and kind and a bit of a fussbudget, and he keeps Rodin in line, but he’s definitely a demon and can be scary when he wants to be. The Doors that bind the forge/workshop to Rodin’s bar --- and the Sparda family’s summer home, which they live in and take care of and have even before that day --- are Phineas’ work, and the only reason Phineas couldn’t See the boys after that day is because Malphas blocked his Sight of them both until after her death in 5. You can be sure they’re looking now, though.
Also they’re pretty much married, just putting that out there. 
As for their face claims, I swear to god I’ve had Phineas and Rodin since March so I didn’t intend the similarities, but I had beta faceclaims in mind that match far too perfectly, and besides that they’re too much alike anyway, so--- yes, they look pretty much like Tennant and Sheen’s Crowley and Aziraphale from the Good Omens miniseries.
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thomasroach · 6 years
Devil May Cry 5 All Bosses Guide
The post Devil May Cry 5 All Bosses Guide appeared first on Fextralife.
All Bosses Guide for Devil May Cry 5, featuring the in-game model images and descriptions by Nico, as well as where to find the enemies and some tips on how to take them on. If you want to learn more about DMC5, see our Enemies and Weapons guides as well!
All Bosses in DMC 5
There are a total of 17 unique bosses in the Devil May Cry 5, and each boss has its own moveset, strengths, and weaknesses. Some bosses can block and deflect attacks, some bosses have special rage modes, and others can only attack on melee or range. Learning their attack types and weaknesses is key to success, so read on for a full list of all bosses found in game and the best way to deal with them.
Qliphoth Roots
Elder the Geryon Knight
Cavaliere Angelo
Scudo Angelo (Boss)
Proto Angelo (Boss)
Nobody (Bosses)
Mirage Goliath
Mirage Artemis
Miraggio Angelo
King Cerberus
  Qliphoth Roots
We’re seeing these bundles of Qliphoth roots all over Red Grave. The outer skin on ’em is so thick you’d have to spend hours working on ’em with your sword or gun to cut through. Figures-what other kind of plant would survive in the underworld?
Luckily these shrinkin’ violets wear their hearts on their sheeves, Look for the pulsating mass of red somewhere within the roots. My theory is that these spots are like hearts, pumping collected blood into the Qliphoth.
Well, like any gal knows, if you put your heart out in the open it’s gonna get broke. Take out the pulsating red blobs and the roots should wither.
Just try not to think about how much blood they needed to get that big…
This demon calls himself Goliath. Gotta love it when they just up and tell you their name—makes my job so much easier.
Anyway, when you see a roiled-out musclehead demon like this ‘un, you can pretty much guarantee he’ll be dumber’n a sack of pork chops.
Still, that gnarly belly-mouth is impressive stuff. Draggin’ crap in and superheatin’ it in his hellfire? That’s got potential. Gave me a few ideas for expanding the arsenal.
So I guess we kinda owe this ape a thank-you.
You heard of Machiavelli? He’s a legend. One of the underworld’s top gunsmiths.
Now would you believe it if I told you Artemis started out as a gun he made? Seems that fusing gun with a human host created this.
Man, I wish I could have seen it in the flesh. Those energy beams it was shooting at you were graceful, right? Like a ballet of destruction. Yeah, I can see it now.
A priceless relic, one of the last remaining artifacts of Machiavelli’s genius. …Until somebody came along and smashed it the hell up.
Just…just don’t talk to me for a while.
According to V, this thing.was livin’ symbiotically with the Qliphoth, a parasite among the vines.
With all that blood running through the Qliphoth, it figures that something would hitch a free ride.
Its humanoid core would be weak to attack if it weren’t for all the tentacle-like arms it can swing around to defend itself.
On top of that, it can hide itself inside the Qliphoth to stay safe. If you want to kill it, you gotta find a way to drag it kickin’ and screamin’ into the open.
Oh, and by the way…this thing is as dumb as they come.
  Elder the Geryon Knight
Geryon are listed as “equus daemonicus” in some of the oldest demonology texts. That’s “horse demon” to the uneducated. You keeping up okay, sugar?
Anyway, seems these demons come in all shapes and sizes, but the one thing they have in common is the power to mess with time.
They’re also proud—this is not a horse you just jump onto and ride around. So if V’s tellin’ the truth, the way that knight was able to ride this Geryon is some mighty impressive stuff.
  Cavaliere Angelo
Whatever sorcery it was that cooked up the original Black Angel, somebody’s been mighty busy perfectin’ it to make this fella.
Retractable shields built into both arms? It’s attack and defense in a single package! And with that demon gal Trish stuck inside, it could blast lightning all up in your face too. Lemme tell ya, I’ve got a lot of respect for the design!
Sure wish I coulda seen this one myself, but I guess I’ll have to quiz Trish and Dante about it instead…
Gilgamesh is a kind of metal that can be mined from the bedrock of the underworld. Fuse it with demon flesh, and you’ve got armor harder than steel.
That’s what we got here. Seems somebody decided to fuse the roots of the Qliphoth with the roots of the Qliphoth with a batch of Gilgamesh, and before you know it there’s a three-story metal demon walkin’ around.
The really rad thing about Gilgamesh is that it can create shockwaves outta thin air. That’s how this varmint was blowin’ things up from a distance-and it means runin’ don’t do you no good.
If you want to kill somethin’ like this, you gotta get up close ‘n’ personal.
  Scudo Angelo (Boss)
In his journals, my daddy sometimes mentions the Black Angel—some kind of powerful demon that used to inhabit the underworld.
Daddy had a theory that it was created by transubstantiating an unwilling human victim into demonic flesh.
If that theory was right, then these dead-eyed creeps are like a mass-produced version of the Black Angel.
Their shields? Hella tough. If you wanna get around ’em, you’re gonna have to use your head. Good luck with that.
  Proto Angelo (Boss)
Check out the armor and weapon on this demon. I’m seein’ clear similarities to the Black Angel.
My guess is these are some kinda prototype, or maybe modified version of the Black Angel.
We’ve seen these weirdos speaking to the mass-produced types, giving them orders like they’re in command. Seems they’re smarter than your average hell-beast.
And hey, I know you think you’re invincible, but that sword’ll give you more than a close shave. But, if you can parry it, I reckon you’ll have a pretty big opening to do your stuff.
  Nobody (Bosses)
At first glance, these uglies seem half-formed, like they broke outta the egg too early. I gotta admit, there’s still a lot I can’t figure out about lem.
Half-baked or not, theylll tear you a new one if you don’t watch out. They got more strength in those spindly arms than your three average demons combined.
And what else is on the menu? Magic powers. When you see ’em kinda dancing around, they’re absorbing demonic power right outta the atmosphere.
What really bugs me is those masks they wear. The masks are important to ‘em somehow…Just wish I could figure out how.
  Mirage Goliath
I guess I’d describe this as a metaphysical infernal phantasm… Sounds pretty good, right? I’mma write that one down.
Looks like this one is supposed to be Goliath…kind of a waste of effort if you ask yours truly. If you’re gonna bust out this kind of power, why not choose somethin’ a bit more badass?
Anyway, if the likes of this fella caused you trouble, you wouldn’t have survived so long.
  Mirage Artemis
Another metaphysical infernal phantasm. Man, I love the sound of that.
The one’s based on Artemis…But just my luck, the gorgeous light show of the original ain’t nowhere to be seen.
Whatever it was that made this thing got no appreciation for the finer things in life!
  Miraggio Angelo
*Ahem* What we have here is a metaphysical infernal phantasm. Oo-ee! I impress myself.
I got an inklin’ that these are yanked out of the target’s memory and manifested to go on the attack. The ol’ “nightmares made real” deal. But heck, I’m an engineer, not a wicked witch. What do I know about magic?
What’s clear is that no phantasm is gonna be more powerful than the original.
You got nothing to fear from these things…unless you’re already on your last legs.
According to V, this demon calls itself Malphas.
Judging by the different body tissue of its upper and lower ‘halves, I think it used to be two separate entities.
My guess is some arcane sorceress type fused the bird into herself, but then realized she couldn’t keep the bird under control.
By the way, this bird was still a lil’ chick. If you’d let it grow up all big an’ strong, we coulda had a real problem on our hands.
  King Cerberus
Everybody knows that when you see a big mutt with three heads, that there is a Cerberus. But Dante managed to run into the king of the whole bunch? That guy’s movin’ up in the world.
Well, you gotta hand it to the king—wielding fire, lightning, and ice ain’t no mean feat.
But like all Cerberus, under all the king-this and your-majesty that, he ain’t nothing but a glorified guard dog. Wonder if Urizen was upset about what happened to his pup.
Your target—the demon king. Thing is, I can’t find any mention of Urizen in any of my demonology texts. You’d think a guy who crowns himself king of all demons would be a little more infamous…
Well, superstar or not, he’s definitely got the power to keep a grip on the throne. But you don’t need me to tell you that, huh?
Listen, if you’re sure you wanna take this guy down… watch your ass, all right?
  Urizen (Mission 8)
This sheds some light on what Urizen was up to-rooting himself into the Qliphoth to grow fat on its power. He wasn’t just fighting you sitting down outta contempt. He needed to stay rooted into that thing to absorb its power.
That makes it all the crazier that he cut himself off to move around!
Those shreds of the Qliphoth left in his body looked like a real headache, attacking and defending at Urizen’s will. How you got outta this fight alive l’ll never know.
  Urizen (Mission 17)
All that blood…all that life force focused into the fruit of the Qliphoth. When Urizen ate that thing his whole “king of hell” gig seemed like nothing — he had the power to shake the foundations of the world.
He was so damn powerful that he just cast off those verstiges of the Qliphoth that were his weapons and armor. They were only slowin’ him down.
From then on, all he needed was his own physique — the ultimate expression of killing power.
To take him on and win…you’d need the power of a god.
Son of the legendary dark knight and Dante’s brother.
Lady says he once lost to Dante and got his ass thrown into the depths of the underworld.
Later, he turned his sword— the Yamato—on himself, using its power to cleave demon from human and so sever everything that was holding back his demonic side.
So V was the humanity he left by the wayside…
Well, they’re back together now. Vergil’s weakened days are over.
    If you’re enjoying DMC5, make sure to check out our Devil May Cry 5 Review, the DMC5 Walkthrough, and our other DMC5 Guides: Walkthrough, Skills List, All Secret Mission Guide, All Blue Orb Locations, All Gold Orb Locations, All Purple Orb Locations and All DMC5 Enemies, All DMC5 Bosses.
The post Devil May Cry 5 All Bosses Guide appeared first on Fextralife.
Devil May Cry 5 All Bosses Guide published first on https://juanaframi.tumblr.com/
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I'm not really dying for new DMC content at all tbh.
But, I think that if we got a new game focusing on Dante and Vergil's time in the Underworld, the ideal antagonist would be Machiavelli.
While he is said to have died, he's named after a political philosopher whose very name became synonymous with scheming and treachery. I wouldn't put it past him to fake his death.
He's said to be the creator of the first Devil Arm, and Devil Arms are a huge piece of DMC lore, as well as a major distinguishing feature of the twins' skillsets.
He is also the creator of Nelo Angelo's armor (and by extension, the Proto and Scudo Angelos), so he and Vergil have history.
Judging by his name once again, he's all about schemes and plots, while Vergil only resorted to that when he was V. Plus, he's all about guns, while Vergil refuses to use guns. They could make good foils to one another.
Dante's not likely to be fond of the guy either. His weapons are fun to use, but they've caused a lot of destruction, and even cost Enzo Ferino his hand.
I could totally see this guy approaching Dante and Vergil, and offering to help them return home. Neither of them really trust him, but Dante is willing to consider it because:
He's a little desperate to get home. He's had some fun dicking around with Vergil in the Underworld, but he doesn't want to spend his whole life here. He misses the human world, his friends, his pizza, the constant fighting is getting old.
He's not about to let Vergil hide from his own responsibilities either. He did sort of promise that he would return if only to fight Nero again. Plus, Dante's not about to leave Vergil here either, there's a reason he chose to go with him in the first place.
He doesn't regard Machiavelli as a threat. He's defeated far stronger demons by himself, and now he has his brother on his side, they're practically unstoppable together.
Though even if Dante did accept Machiavelli's offer, there's the concern of convincing Vergil. Perhaps he could be guilt-tripped into helping Dante go home, and he'd agree that Machiavelli isn't a physical threat, but we're still talking about the demon who stole nearly a decade of Vergil's life.
So if the game isn't about Dante and Vergil acquiring the materials that Machiavelli needs to get them back to the human world, it's about Dante doing so by himself, while Vergil does everything he can to stop him.
Whether it's both twins, or just Dante, the ordeal obviously ends with some sort of betrayal. Perhaps Machiavelli puts Dante into an Angelo, and the second half of the game is about Vergil saving his fool of a brother.
...This whole plot is weirdly poetic. The twins' first serious conflict was Dante trying to stop Vergil from opening a portal to the Underworld. There was even a guy who Vergil was willing to work with, because he didn't regard him as a threat, only for it to turn out that he'd been playing 5-D chess with the protagonists the whole time. Though to be fair, Dante's goal is a lot more reasonable than Vergil's was, and his belief that he's one step ahead of Machiavelli is more likely to be true.
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tsvjewelers-blog · 7 years
Impactful Hip Hop Jewelry
custom hip hop pendantsThe jewellery community is starting to take notice to the increasing demand for hip hop jewelry. This jewelry was made popular by various rap stars and actors alike. Now anyone can afford their own bit of iced out jewelry due to the fact that many retailers are offering large custom hip hop pendants blog here selections at very honest rates.
Hiphop jewellery is the term given to jewelry that's flashy and contains lots of bright stones onto it. It was created by rap stars like 50 TSV Jewelers hip hop earring Cent, Eminem and Dr. Dre. While the jewelry that they wear generally costs thousands of dollars, today anyone can manage iced out jewelry.
An extremely common thing is iced bracelets out. These bling bracelets include a ton of diamond like stones and are extremely flashy. These bracelets are usually seen on all of the TSV Jewelers Social Profile best hip hop rappers but now an increasing number of people are also wearing them. The bling bracelets are now affordable to anybody and are a great way to accent any wardrobe.
Pimp cups are just another iced out jewelry thing that are taking the jewellery community by storm. These custom pimp cups were made popular with rapper Lil' John and may be personalized with any letters of your selection. Each pimp cup allows you to choose up to 5 letters that'll be put on the glass and they are covered in bling from top to bottom.
Among the most popular items of iced out jewelry is watches. There are several styles of copy hip hop watches that you could buy and they all come with plenty of bling. One style is https://www.tsvjewelers.com the replica Jacob & Co. watches which feature dials for several different time zones. Each of these watches come with iced out stones onto the watch face and the watch band.
Whether it be iced out bracelets, bling watches or custom pimp cups, you also can have your own piece of hip hop jewelry. If you're interested in knowing more about iced out jewelry subsequently have a look at MyHipHopBling.com. They have a huge supply of all sorts of jewellery and you're sure to find a thing of hip hop jewelry that is suitable for you.
When the very first introduction of the "Rap" fashion hit on the audio industry, few would have predicted that the impact of "Hip-Hop" civilization would go mainstream. However, it has done exactly that, as noticed by the growing number of celebrities showing off their "Bling-Bling", the normal term for hip hop jewelry. The upsurge in popularity of this particular style of jewelry, owes its claim to fame custom hip hop jewelry chicago to the recording artists whose reputation was built on athletic expensive, showy rings, pendants and earrings. Actually, this term has come to be so widely used, that the Oxford Dictionary has contained it, combined with "jiggy" and "phat". Credits for this term proceed the Hip-Hop artist B.G, who recorded a 1999 hit tune that brought "Bling-Bling" as a favorite catchphrase into the mainstream.
There's not any doubt concerning the broad appeal of this hip-hop jewelry design, it functions well on our individual desire to be seen and by extension, when you've "bling-bling" it also refers to obvious and appealing wealth. While hip-hop fashion, the distinctive style of apparel originating from urban culture, is only one element of the lifestyle, the focus given to the jewellery of the motion has far outpaced that of the clothing.
But truth be told, the wearing of big, extravagant jewelry was popular with artists such as Elvis Presley and Tom Jones, a long time before lace became the present cultural phenomenon, but it's completely changed the jewelry marketplace of today. Because fans want to emulate their favorite celebrities and jewelry has always been in the peak of the list when it comes to making a big impression. In the modern age of instant information, the hip-hop jewelry scene changes as fast as the album chart hits along with the reputation of many celebrities can be encouraged or deflated by who is wearing the most fashionable "Bling-Bling".
hip hop earringThere is an abundance of designs to select from in regards to hip-hop jewellery, all made with a single point in your mind; to catch the eye and attract attention. "Bling-Bling" can be viewed on actors when they look in music videos, on the catwalk or about the red carpet. In the late-1990s, hip-hop artists started wearing platinum jewelry, including more than a little flash hip hop earrings nz to their marketing material. After platinum replaced gold as the most popular precious metal in hip fashion, fans and artists started to compete to see who would use the most outrageous "bling-bling" of silver often using a dazzling display of diamonds. Hip-Hop performers started to take their bragging rights directly from who was sporting the most platinum jewelry.
Now with an ever expanding community on the world wide web, the mainstream acceptance of lace jewellery is confirmed. You will find lace jewelry internet sites offering entirely 'iced-out' bling-bling; rings, bracelets or watches, encrusted to the hilt with real or faux diamonds. And the most recent currency daze of lace jewellery is your so-called 'spinner' read more on wikipedia here watches and rings. The influence of hip-hop has even extended to the world of dentistry; platinum fronts are in demand, some going as far as to replace their own teeth with an whole mouthful of permanent platinum teeth. Others who have opted for a little more small display have their dentists produce platinum grills-removable metal jeweled teeth caps.
Imagine making an entry wearing a dollar sign pendant encrusted with diamonds and strung on a silver or gold barrel link-necklace. Or a Machiavelli crucifix or a Run DMC rope series all yelling out diamonds and more diamonds. Without second thought, bling is guaranteed to grab the eye, fancy and also the envy of all those who lay their eyes on you. Hip Hop jewelry has become synonymous with all the glitz, glamor and achievement of the music and fashion worlds. Be it genuine or fake, the alluring appeal of glittering brocades of iced out jewelry which are also termed as "the shiznit" are a component of a trend that looks like it's here to stay.
Heavy, chunky and glitzy, studded jewelry has been around for many years now. Nevertheless, in recent times, there were many, many rap stars such as 50 Cent and many others, sporting a Hip Hop string and a heavy gold bracelet, carrying this form of jewellery into the heights of its popularity. Together with the likes of Snoop Doggy Dogg and other veterans in rap, Hip Hop and also rambunctious newcomers like Lil' Wayne sporting such attractive pieces of jewelry, disregarding the custom gold plated pendants glamor of gold, silver, platinum and diamonds in the shape of enviable chunks of jewelry is going to be quite difficult, if not impossible. And today, the fashion statement has even reached out to the masses, with Hip Hop jewelry conditions like the iced out bracelets and bullet chains becoming common names from the household. Hip Hop chains and dental grills made from gold and diamonds take their place from the wish lists of several youngsters who idolize these superstars.
It's not just guys who are intent on picking up and following this raging fashion trend. Definitely, and perhaps not surprisingly, it's not only the guys who wish to show off their Hip Hop gold chains. Lil' Kim will always be remembered for her perfect portrayal of the alter ego in the promo images of "Dancing with the Stars" on ABC. Dressed in a memorable silver coin ensemble, she ravished her bling appeal, but it was not quite take a look at the blog here the typical expression inspired by the ghetto. No self-respecting necklace, Mercedes necklace or iced out bracelet is any game to jewellery made from any kind of precious / semi-precious metal which not only takes the form of money, but also practically covers the whole body.
Cheap hip hop jewelry can seem to be a contradiction in terms but it should come as no surprise that in their zeal to follow the hip hop style, regular people with down home budgets invest big money on cheap hip hop jewellery. By cheap I mean inexpensive materials and workmanship used to generate the bigger than life hip hop jewelry pieces which won't break the bank. You can call them reproductions in a manner of speaking but that market is hip hop bamboo earrings so large that there are many distinctive hip hop jewellery items with publication design that are made from non-precious substances using glue as a setting fabric rather than metal prongs. Though technically not real hip hop jewelry the pieces are still hip hop jewelry that is wearable and made to look and texture very similar to the actual thing. The selection of metal is the very first step in producing hip hop jewelry on the cheap.
The most popular inexpensive metal used for inexpensive hip hop jewelry is sterling silver with a rhodium plate of a few microns to give it the pure white appearance. White gold goes through a similar procedure to turn it out of a dingy yellow to gleaming white so rhodium plated silver appears like white gold all things considered. The one thing that silver surpasses is the heft of it's valuable brethren karat white gold and silver. Sterling silver may also be plated with yellow gold to make it look like gold. This metal is known as vermeil and although the gold coating isn't over 5 microns thick it still has that glistening buttery yellow look just like actual yellow gold. Other alloys used to make affordable hip hop jewelry include stainless steel, pewter, and other base metals. These metals require well to polishing and buffing using a finished look quite close to white and yellow gold. The other element that provides cheap iced out jewelry its visceral appearance is at the option of stones used to mimic the "blinginess" of diamonds.
The most frequent material used to provide the expression of pearl is cubic zirconia. Cubic zirconia has been in commercial production since 1976. Due to its low cost, durability, and likeness to diamond it stays the crystal of choice when jewelry calls to get a diamond appearance without the diamond cost. It's also much tougher than many minerals. Current business production yields crystals that are pure white in color and virtually flawless making cubic zirconia an excellent substitute for diamonds in cheap iced out jewelry. At commercial wholesale costs which range from a dollar to a number of dollars a carat it is only a matter of picking the quality required as there are varying qualities available based upon the manufacturer. The way these stones are put also matters to the overall look of the piece.
Of course it would not make sense to cover a lot of cash to master diamond pave setters to decide on a dollar a carat cubic zirconias into silver another base metal. It makes far more sense to get this production done in Thailand, China or India where this job could be done at a fraction of the cost in the usa. In addition, this kind of setting work does not involve meticulous reworking of the stone chairs and the manual bending of each prong over a stone. More often glue is used to hold the stones in and prongs are provided a cursory once over simply to get them in position. Painstaking labour cannot be used to fashion a slice that can sell for from twenty bucks to a few hundred dollars.
This is how hip hop jewelry could be made for your everyman at a selling price which is easy on the budget but with a look which will be quite near the real thing. Materials and workmanship are the two main contributors to hip hop jewelry costs. By using materials like sterling silver and cubic zirconia instead of precious stones and metals, low priced blinged out jewelry isn't only possible but may be quite fabulous looking in its own right. The use of cheap Asian labour and inexpensive fabrication, setting, and finishing procedures allow jewelers to market amazing looking hip hop jewelry at a bargain price. Affordable hip hop jewelry allows for everyone to have the rap celebrity look of triumph without the profound sacrifice of tens of thousands of dollars.
Watch some of the major film, television, and music award shows on television today and one of the first things you'll notice about the celebrities on the red carpet, apart from their extravagant (and sometimes outlandish) attire, are the amount and size of the jewelry they are wearing. Hip-hop jewelry, more commonly called bling-bling, is definitely not understated fashion. The bigger and the flashier it is, the better. Preferred by many of today's stars, lace jewelry adorns the fingers, necks, arms, even the teeth of many celebrities.
Oversized studs and chains are the trademarks of hip-hop jewelry and are preferred by celebrities like Sean Combs, or P. Diddy. At the 2004 MTV Video Music Awards, he sported a diamond ring, bracelet, and watch from Jacob and Company. Rapper 50 Cent is another celebrity who's hardly ever seen without his hip-hop linked here jewelry. On his web site, 50 Cent offers more affordable, though just as flashy, bling-bling for all those of us who don't earn the megabucks that he and his fellow celebrities rake in. Additionally, there are many other web sites which offer low-priced hip-hop jewelry inspired by popular rap artists.
Hip-hop jewellery comes in many sizes and shapes, each one of them meant to catch the eye and attract attention. Heavy chains of silver or gold (or both) can oftentimes be seen on celebrities such as LL Cool J and Ja Rule in their music videos. Hip-hop jewelry web sites offer fully 'iced-out' bling-bling, or rings, watches, bracelets and earrings which are heavily decorated with real or faux diamonds. So-called 'spinner' watches and rings are big best sellers in the hip jewellery group. Also available are customized, removable gold, silver and platinum teeth which may be studded with jewels and gemstones, so even the pearly whites can have their share of lace jewelry.
Women celebrities are keeping pace with their male counterparts when it comes to wearing hip jewelry. Stars such as Beyonce, Lil' Kim, Ashanti and Missy Elliott are regularly seen in pictures wearing large diamond jewelry items of various colors. Even young female celebrities are getting on the bling-bling bandwagon. Teen stars like Jo Jo and Hilary Duff are said to be avid hip-hop jewelry enthusiasts and count themselves among the significant number of bejeweled stars today.
Large, ostentatious pieces of jewelry did not start becoming popular only because of the hip cultural phenomenon (think Elvis Presley and Tom Jones), but hip-hop has altered the jewelry market in a big way. Fans see what their favorite celebrities are wearing, and there are various options for them to emulate their idols - at least in terms of fashion. Jewelry has always been a part of popular culture, and now's hip jewelry and the celebrities who wear them are even more so in this era of immediate information.
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motilyochek · 7 months
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Sorry for no updates, my depression got worse, so I couldn't draw last few weeks. Anyway, I tried to draw a design of Machiavelli from DMC. LoP and Soulsborne arts will be soon, I just can't pull myself together.
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dantessssdiary · 5 years
Y’know, it’s kinda weird just walking around with pops, slipping in and out of DT to just blend in? Never thought that’s what I’d be doing, yet here I am, going through The Fire Hell Royal Home, acting like I belong in front of this...
Is this painting of Berial? How? This is just a pillar of flame?
Wh— What is art here?
I’m getting ahead of myself. Gotta find this Machiavelli. Somewhere.
Sweet lord I hope he’s in the fire hell, this is making my sinuses act up something fierce.
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journalofsparda · 5 years
Of course Machiavelli would move twenty doors further just to make me find him.
I'll get my revenge on him. I don't know how, but I'm going to get it.
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theghettoracer-blog · 7 years
Tupac's Relationship With Machiavelli
Tupac’s Relationship With Machiavelli
Posted by Frank M. Lin 5/11/2017 7:39 am @ San Francisco, California – I’ve always enjoyed rap music and hip pop ever since being exposed to it in California after immigrating from Taiwan to USA in 1986. My first taste was of course Run DMC and LL Cool J. During my high school years Tupak became known and being typical me I hate on people who are loved by everyone initially. I always thought…
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"Man, I'm pleasantly surprised and very satisfied with the plot I came up with about Dante and Vergil's time together in the Underworld. It parallels DMC3, only Dante and Vergil sort-of trade roles, and Arkham is replaced with Machiavelli."
"The only thing that's missing is a stand-in for Lady. I doubt Machiavelli really has children, but he makes a lot of Devil Arms, and they're all named after mythological women. Maybe Vergil teams up with one of Machiavelli's creations to defeat him and save Dante..."
*remembers that I have a completely different post in which Nico develops a sapphic romance with one of Machiavelli's creations, which I even named*
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Okay, so this the Anima Mercury, the key item you pick up in DMC4 to activate Gyro Blades, which are those spinny things that you can knock around to destroy certain barriers, and sometimes damage enemies.
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Because Nero activates them by hitting them with Buster, it's most likely that he absorbed the power from the Anima Mercury, just like he did with the Evil Legacy, the Rusalka Corpse, and the Aegis Shield, which has... Interesting implications, when you notice how the Anima Mercury is described.
It's an artificial soul created through alchemy.
The Gyro Blades are powered by souls.
What Nero absorbed was a soul.
Does that mean that the Gyro Blades are living creatures? Ones that only temporarily come to life when activated, and cease to be when deactivated? Is there a living being living in the Devil Bringer?
Or is a soul merely one ingredient necessary for life within the metaphysics of the Devil May Cry universe? Are they necessary to be considered "alive" at all?
If the Gyro Blades are alive, are they intelligent? What is being deactivated like? Is it like falling asleep, or more like dying?
If the Devil Bringer was holding a living spirit, what happened to it when Vergil tore off the Devil Bringer? V implied that Vergil gained power from the arm, and Vergil's unexplained use of a Doppelganger and a Sin Devil Trigger at the end of the game supports this interpretation. And yet, Nero also regenerates all of his original power at the end of the game, even the power that came from Yamato, which Vergil clearly still had. Which one of them has the soul? Or does each of them have custody of an identical soul?
Did the Order of the Sword use artificial souls for anything else? They had a lot of really advanced-looking technology besides the Gyro Blades. And the Bianco Angelos were empty armors, animated by the souls of humans and demons alike, could artificial souls have been used to make them too?
Do demons use artificial souls? Machiavelli's creations seem to have some kind of intelligence, given that they can possess people (which happened to Lady in DMC5), were they imbued with artificial souls?
What about other demons who were "created" rather than born? Do they have artificial souls? Trish was created by Mundus, so perhaps he was powerful enough to make "real" souls, but Lucia was made by a human, who was in charge of a Corporation™ and everything. The wiki describes Arius as a "sorcerer", is alchemy in DMC a kind of sorcery? Or is it more like a science?
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