#;hc: sparda
multi-fandom-imagine · 8 months
May I please request headcanons for Dante reacting to his female S/O sacrificing herself during a fight against a powerful demon so he and everyone else can escape? Happy ending please 😭
A/n: I miss writing for DMC, I need to replay that game again. I do apologize if this sucks.
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Did not realize what you were about to do until it was too late, he did not even have a chance to react since Nero was already pulling him away.
He tried to put up a fight, god did he try but he was already to injured, to tired, to weak. He should have been stronger. He should have been able to protect you....but he didn't.
"Get your fucking hand's off of me." Dante did his best to struggle agains't Nero. "I have to go back to her. I'm not going to let her sacrifice herself."
Gritting his teeth, Nero did his best to pull him away, away from you. Away from where you were fighting that demon. He was not about to let your sacrifice he in vein, you did this so they could escape. "Cut the shit...she did this to save us....we need to go."
Hates himself, he should have been stronger, why was he so weak. Feel's worthless, so much doubt fills his mind. Did he really do the right thing? Why did he leave you alone, he should have died with you.
He felt numb, treating his own wounds, he hated that he was safe while you were gone.
It make's him sick how he'll never see your smile again, hear your laugh again. He just wants to hold you in his arms.
"That was a...damn good distraction." A weak laugh escaped your lips. You had a limp in each step you took. You were covered in cuts, scraps, hell the man wasn't even sure how bad your wounds were but you were alive....you were alive!
Your name spilled from his lips as he rushed to you, he ignored Lady and Triss, Nico and Nero. He had yo hold you, he needed to feel you in his arms.
"Fuck, you look good doll." Dante tried to remain strong, tried to remain his flirty self but he couldn't. Seeing you here, feeling you against his chest. He couldn't help but break down.
"I love you." Dante whispered into your neck, tears damping your skin.
Letting your fingers slowly run down his back, you relaxed into his embrace. "I love you too."
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bitterlycursedstars · 6 months
Imagine dating Vergil and him stabbing himself with the Yamato, summoning V to de-escalate the situation when you two argue because he has no idea how to deal with human emotions.
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icedlava1 · 1 year
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The long awaited sequel to This Comic
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kewb22 · 1 year
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Dante and Vergil rocking it out on guitar hero !!!
Headcanon: the only game Vergil can beat Dante in is fruit ninja (by the smallest margin)
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bergilandbante · 7 months
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eva + sparda :)
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storytellering · 3 months
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Only love can save us (happy pride)
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"She deals with a lot of identity issues and I think maybe if she cracked her egg she'd be at least a little less emotionally constipated" - Anonymous
Reminder: Submissions are always open! Submit here!
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sparx-png · 11 months
DMC Headcanon: Vergil can't eat foods with cute faces on them
It makes him feel uncomfortable and slightly guilty
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cheeriochat · 9 months
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d3vil36 · 6 months
Here are my LGBT headcanons for the Devil May Cry characters
Dante Sparda - Bisexual (he/him)
Nero - Bisexual (he/him)
Vergil - Trans, Gay (he/him)
V - Gay, Asexual (they/them)
Nico - Omnisexual (she/they)
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wewatchyoujuno · 10 months
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i love using tumblr to test out possibly controversial headcanons. anyways. massive brain thought. autistic objectum vergil and his beloved object (yamato) hits post and skitters away fearfully
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bitterlycursedstars · 6 months
I firmly believe that V/Vergil would absolutely not cheat on you.
As lonely as that poor man has been, I just cannot see it happening. He'd love and cherish you and never abandon you, after you get through his defensive wall, of course. I just do not see him seeking out another's company if he already has you.
And no, I'm not counting when he left LiR, he was a dumbass teenager who was blinded by his own thoughts and terrible past, and on top of that, I believe it was just a ONS
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braveryhearted · 3 months
Random crack(?) headcanon question for the Sparda family/muses: Who drinks the most energy drinks? What do they drink in particular? (More importantly, is it MONSTER?)
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V, despite being still Vergil had one energy drink, thinking it would give him you know, POWER tm, but found it to be gross. Decided only food is good after that.
Dante had quite a few during his younger years while everyone was still in family mode. Eva didn't like that her son was chugging down energy drinks but Sparda himself didn't see any harm in it. Dante stopped drinking them after the tragedy happened.
Vergil himself hasn't had any. And no, his time as V doesn't count.
Nero wants to try an energy drink but lacks the funds to do so. Most of the money goes to help the orphanage or get new weapons. Energy drinks were also frowned upon by the faction of the Sparda sanctuary that he was a part of and Credo wasn't a fan of them, so they were banned.
None of the brands are MONSTER.
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devilmaecat · 2 years
Some Vergil head cannons I posted on Twitter.
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In addition:
Once Vergil gets used to being a person again, he loves spice and hot sauce on everything.
He has some weird ass food combinations that he finds comfort in.
Don't make fun of him about it because he will throw that energy back at you or give you the silent treatment, depending on his mood.
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blxxditout · 9 months
If your muse could rid the world of one thing, what would it be?
Winter, he'd say jokingly, but he knows it's not all that bad. Not when there are hot drinks and cozy sweaters to pull on, and the food and company of others. If he could eliminate one thing from the world, he'd have to go with flies. There's nothing more annoying than buzzing flies in the heat of summer, and he hates it trying to swat them away from himself. Truthfully though, he knows that probably wouldn't be it either.
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scarletmeer · 2 years
I don’t have specific headcanon for Dante. Alloaro Dante, aroace Dante, alloace Dante, every aspec Dante is a good Dante, though I find myself leaning alloaro most of the time.
As for Vergil, I consider my mans to be gray-aroace with a side of agender/gendervoid. He/him for him is like a shirt that’s comfy because it’s well worn not because it’s tailored, yaknow? While you were busy having a gender and experiencing romantic and sexual attraction, Vergil was studying the blade.
Nero is unlabeled to me. He’s queer in a vague way he himself can’t be arsed to define. Definitely feeling demiro/demisexual for him, if he used labels. His gender/sexuality is “Bro I Am Literally Just Sitting Here”
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