antimony-medusa · 1 year
Okay so inspired by nothing in particular (it's inspired by reading the notes on the ace swag final poll, fun stuff in there), I have been thinking about being Cringe. Cause like, you enter a fandom, and usually, you find out shortly that somebody else hates that fandom. There is no fandom niche enough that it's not Weird to somebody, and there's no fandom mainstream enough that it's not Annoying to somebody else. And given the fact that some people do hatred recreationally, there's often going to be somebody mad enough about your fandom that they're going to go on diatribes about how your fandom is bad and actually harmful and destroying the fabric of civilization, etc. They're gonna pull out anything negative and blow it up until it's the size of the skyline and attack you for liking this negative thing.
Fun times, we've all seen it.
And the thing is, there's an impulse to have this happen and immediately find somebody else to point to and say, yeah, well, I might be weird, but at least I'm not THAT guy. I might read YA, but at least I'm not a Furry— those guys are sexual deviants! I might be into actual play podcasts, but at least I'm not into mcyt— those guys are all harmful and my guy is fine. I might be into danmei, but at least I'm not into bandom— rpf is so gross. I might be a furry, but at least I'm not into mainstream romance novels— senseless drivel aimed at middle class white women. Y'know. Immediately find someone to punch down on.
And boy do I understand why you want to do that, when people are pointing at you, but I don't actually think that it's helpful.
Cause like, every fandom has a logical train of thought and reasonable human impulses behind it. You might not share those impulses— I'm not a furry I don't think, I don't really get true crime— but that doesn't mean I can't have it explained to me by a very patient person in in the writer's workshop common room and go "oh, yeah, kinda pretending to be an animal, but you're gay about it, yeah, makes sense", or "oh yeah, morbid curiosity from the safety of your headphones, it's like a horror movie but real" and nod. Like there isn't a fandom or group out there that doesn't look weird from the outside, and there isn't a fandom or group that can't be explained if someone has thought about the human psyche enough.
And that isn't to say that there isn't sometimes salient critiques for what fandoms are doing or not doing— to grab the two examples above, I have heard people talking about issues with true crime reinforcing the current fucked up justice system, or bigotry at furry cons. But a) most of the time, there is already somebody inside that community that's fighting against those issues, and you just threw them under the bus with the problem they're trying to fix b) you don't usually know the nuances of the actual conversation and problems, you saw a couple callout posts. You saying "Yeah I'm a board game nerd but at least I don't play competitive trading card cames, those guys are doing nothing but feeding the capitalist machine" is not usually helpful towards fixing the ctg scene. It's just a cheap way to score points.
Like, I assure you that the YA scene is aware of the calcification of the genre into a tighter and tighter romantic form and their dependence on going big on tik-tok to sell enough to keep publishing. They know.
You specifically saying that your fandom is better cause it's not [problems you heard about other fandom having] is not actually going to make the person who's hating on you stop hating. They already decided that you're the person they're better than and that they're punching down on, you passing the punching down on to another fandom just makes more people sad on the internet, and potentially starts yet another chain of someone punching down at someone else. The wheel grinds on, everybody gets punched.
I guess this is just kinda turning into a "why hate on the internet, what good does that do" post, which is broader than I meant it to be. But like, there's a difference between thoughtful critique of problems (complicated to do fairly but very necessary) and finding someone new to curbstomp to make yourself feel better/morally superior (look, I'm writing this on a mcyt blog, we've all seen this happen, it does not increase the joy in the world).
Like in MCYT, we all decide to punch down on [other server we hate], or RPF, or people who write kidfic, or people who write e-rated fic/art, or people doing the popular trope of the moment, and sure, it lets you feel morally superior for the moment, at the cost of slapping the guy next to you. Haven't we had enough slapping the guy next to you? There but for the grace of god (got a fun idea/watched the wrong stream/ended up in the wrong brainstorming circle/got fixated on the wrong funny guy) goes I. You're not better than another group just because you saw a couple more callout posts (usually from people inside the community trying to fix things) about them.
We are all Cringe. There is nobody who's not Cringe. Don't say that you're not Cringe because someone else is more Cringe. Stop that.
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grapefaygodude69 · 3 months
TC: i BeCaMe An EmO mOtHeRfUcKeR oN a DisCoRd CaLl :o(
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day 83
even his horn went whomp instead of honk
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awholeclxwn · 3 months
oh your intro post is EXCELLENT! i love the color scheme !! :) also hi im here from my mutual pspsps post
green is such a silly color i love it sm
and my goddd i want more hannibal moots so bad omfg? like i wanna yap about random shit +ideas
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phoenixyfriend · 1 year
i love when one of your posts is like, "hey this is a post" and then you self reblog with a "wait a SEC I HAVE SO MUCH MORE TO SAY" because i imagine you saying something normal, leaving the room, all of us turning to look at the door kinda sad that you are gone but understanding that that's all you had to say, and then you come back with a glass of water, take a seat and be like, I am not done
i love it <3 it is like an encore in a concert when you come back to sing your most popular songs
If you've ever been in a discord server with me, you know that 90% of the time, my pattern is to say something, wait and see if there is any interest, and then let myself actually think about it.
If I post a line, leave, and then come back twenty minutes later with more, then I've almost definitely been yelling in DMs with @atagotiak or more recently @jebiknights and thaht is where most of the Development has happened. (For non-SW stuff, it's usually @firebirdeternal.)
Mostly, I just want someone to engage, give me just enough to bounce off of, and the let me loose. If a person reblogs with a single line or thought that I find intriguing or innovative, I will take the inch I've been given and run for miles.
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electric-rabbits · 9 months
Thinking about them*😔
*the gay couple from a current brazillian telenovela
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daswarschonkaputt · 1 year
Look Don't Leap 👍
looking at the power dynamics of the story again but if the lead is a woman 👍👍
ohhhh, they're both bi. fem!Kinn bi!KP 👍👍👍
thank you!
(and if you were to write a continuation of when she stops looking and starts leaping, there would be no complaints here.)
ahhh i'm glad you liked the drabble!
i was actually fairly nervous about posting it because i knew how it was going to get painted by people who didn't read it. i'm someone who takes a more blurry view on gender and sexuality as a whole and feels that it's not something that's easy to quantify. attraction works in mysterious ways, basically. i knew people were going to look at it and go, "ew, she's making the lesbian straight." no. i'm making the bi woman bi.
one of the big reasons i went ahead and posted it is that i feel a lot of kinship with the bisexual community as an asexual. i don't talk about my sexuality much over here, mostly because i was active on tumblr during the ace discourse era. it was a really horrible time to be figuring out your sexuality, in amongst all this rabid, awful talk from members of a community that should have been supporting us and amplifying our voices. so i know how hard it can be when discussions of your own sexuality and experience get hammered into a box labelled "actually homophobic actually" by radicals in the community. and it's something i see happening with bi people, too. when "straight" people figure out they're bi, it's celebrated. when "gay" people figure out they're actually bi, it's seen as a downgrade. it's nasty and i don't want any part of it.
i do want to state that i am aware of the tropes that people may feel this fic invokes. i am aware of the "curing the lesbian" angle. i hate it too. i hope that's not what the fic is, at all. but if that trope's looming shadow is going to ruin the fic for you, i encourage you not to read it. but ship and let ship applies to all kinds of fic.
and lastly the final reason i posted it is that i cut my teeth in the glee fandom. so i guess i'm not scared of a little fandom wank.
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topathyuwu · 10 months
Mate the shit between Lackadaisy and HelluvaVerse (or whatever the fuck Viv calls it) is so fucking stupid now that I think about it. Like more shit get's revealed about Lackadaisy but the more that happens the more shit gets revealed about VivziePop. It's like these two, no, the entire indie animation community wants to tear each other's community down bit by bit and it hurts to see because this community is supposed to be a welcoming community who stands for the innovation of indie animation, not some massive fucking cesspool of toxicity. This is probably going to be the last time I ever talk about Indie Animation for a while because man fuck the way this community's behaviour is like rn. I mean like support it yeah but don't let shitty people ruin the experience.
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toxicrevolver · 5 months
Tagged by @smushedmuffin thanks for the tag!!
Here's a little get-to-know-you tag game
Name(s): Obsidian (currently. It might still change. Who knows)
Pronouns: it/its are what I prefer but a lot of people just outright refuse to use them so they/them is also fine
Star sign: Scorpio
# of siblings & fun facts about them (if you have any): I have 2 older siblings (they’re twins), 1 younger sibling, and I have a younger step brother (he’s younger than the younger sibling). 4/5 of us are queer! The only one not queer is one of the older siblings.
# of pets: I currently live with two dogs (they belong to not me) and I have a cat at my younger siblings house.
Fandoms: so many. Currently it’s just kpop in general and kinnporsche the series. I’m working on watching other BLs (with difficulty) so basically the BL fandom
Favorite color: purple
Favorite song: currently it’s “New Heroes” by Ten (of NCT/WayV)
Favorite author (of anything readable): Fanfic authors!! Just in general. They put in so much work for something that’s entirely free for me to read and I appreciate that so much!!
Hobbies: I’m like a junk drawer of hobbies. Crocheting (barely). Painting/drawing. Writing. Baking/cooking. The list goes on. I like hobbies but I’m really bad at sticking with them.
Favorite fic type: I might get canceled for this but I like reading age regression fanfic (NON SEXUAL FOR THE LOVE OF CHRIST). I also enjoy a good hanahaki disease fic sometimes. 5+1 FICS GIVE ME LIFE. However, I’m really not opposed to reading anything. I draw the line at certain things but there’s very few tags that will deter me from reading a fic with a good description or for a pairing I love.
Favorite holiday: HALLOWEEN
Do you have any partner(s)? nope
Fun facts about you/anything extra you wanna share!
- I identify as agender and 2 of my siblings identify as nonbinary (one is more genderfluid and the other has no specific label) so the running joke is that one of them stole my gender.
- I have read fanfic out of pure curiosity (aka I wanted to know why the fuck something was a ship) and I regretted it every time yet I still haven’t learned.
- I’m notorious for reading dead dove fanfic bcs I’ll read the tags/description and think “it can’t be THAT bad” and it is. It’s always that bad. The dead dove tag says it all. I still haven’t learned. I do this every few months.
- Speaking of dead dove. I have a few comfort fics that are dead dove.
- I have a really hard time watching movies bcs they’re too long (if I’m at home I typically end up watching the movie while playing a game on my phone)
- my favourite desserts are lemon flavoured
Tagging (no pressure): @odeblr @serendipminie @loveable-sea-lemon @we-survive-endlessly and if anyone else wants to participate they can blame me!
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messedupdoilies · 1 year
a real DM i got skkgkgkgkg
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out of curiousity, I checked their blog and
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songsofnoble · 7 months
how does one stop the porn bots i'm so tiredddd
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danothan · 8 months
i love having dc mutuals! would love to follow one some day…
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pineappical · 10 months
hey you seem super cool! is there a chance you'd wanna join a ted lasso server, it's super fun there and i think you'd fit right in :)
HIII yeah id love to join in !! be warned though that i rarely talk in servers esp in new ones because im shy as all hell 😭
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thisstableground · 2 years
its like on the one hand i would love to engage in fandom more than my semi-regular flinging a fanwork into the void and getting some comments in return but on the other hand i get so tired. everyone has thoughts and it’s exhausting. where’s the bit of fandom where we all loudly have no thoughts and it’s just nice. where’s that
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For the love of god why can't people just be normal about things
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niconebula · 2 years
just saw the most hater post ever, and I want to only psychically let op know of their correctness because I am in no circumstance touching that wasp’s nest of a take in public
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lidoshka · 2 years
https://middle-earth-mythopoeia.tumblr.com/post/675644726371860480/please-do-not-support-amazons-lotr-tv-show-the (not mine btw it just has the right links)
Pls check this post out it's about amazon ROP and it's not just "I don't like the way Bezos makes it" it's actually useful
(you can always find a way to pirate such a big series)
Oh dear, I'm so sorry my dear...but what a terrible way to tell me not to do something because now all I feel in my soul is this:
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