sycamorre · 3 months
4 and 21 for Tala! 26 for the chevalier you almost played. 11 and 33 for Ori~
Eeee~ [Big Ol' Character Questions List]
4. What are your character’s sleeping habits? Can they fall asleep anywhere, or do they need perfect silence and darkness? Do they tend to stay up late or get to bed early? Would they be comfortable sharing a bed with someone they don’t know very well?
Growing up on a farm, it was habit to go to sleep and wake up early. When she started doing guard work, late shifts were hard for her because of this habit. I think one of the best reasons she might give someone for why she eventually joined an adventuring party would be at least partially "because we get to pick when we go to sleep".
Tala doesn't need total darkness to sleep, and she can sleep fine in less comfortable situations, but she does appreciate beds when she is not on the road. And while silence can be nice, she actually does like to be able to hear things as she's dozing off. The sound of crickets and other typical night animals, as well as light rain especially can almost lull her to sleep.
But sharing a bed is gonna be difficult, with her being a Firbolg. I don't think she would have anything against the idea, it would just need to be a pretty big one to fit her and someone else at the same time. Especially if the bed isn't that big to begin with, she may be more inclined to offer the bed to her companion and then sleep on a bedroll that she knows fits her.
21. How would your character deal with someone confessing their love to them? What if they don’t return the feelings? What if they do?
It would start with a very surprised, drawn out stare while making sure that the confession was serious.
Honestly, if she did not return the feelings, she would have the most awkward time letting them down. Probably a lot of apologies and "It's not you, it's me" type of statements thrown around. She's a people pleaser and a gentle giant, so she would want to leave the situation as positively as possible, even if she doesn't quite have the right words for it. However, if she does return the feelings, then this triggers a whole different type of awkward. Words will not work, she would barely be able to get out a statement of "I feel the same" before she might be completely robbed of words. I do think her strongest love languages would be acts of service and physical touch, so the conversation might turn into small snippets where she tries to work out what she wants to say while trying to hold the other's hand~
KELA (the cavalier) —
26. Does your character tend to take unnecessary risks, or are they more on the cautious side? If they are a risk-taker, does it ever get them into trouble? If they’re cautious, do they wish they were more gutsy sometimes?
Risk-taker all the way. Or at least most of the time.
Kela has a bold personality. She's quick to charge headfirst into things if she feels confident in her abilities, much like how she charges with her horse, but she's not so reckless as to put others around her in danger. She is aware of this trait of hers, as the training and discipline she received from her father and other members of the clan have done its job, so she does try to temper her impulses. However, there are still times that she gets and idea or sees an opportunity that she just has to take, caution be damned. Or sometimes curiosity gets the better of her, since she has yet to see a lot of the world outside of the villages she grew up around.
But the one thing she will never, ever be reckless about if her horse. Sometimes it seems that if he so much as has a scratch she will probably want him resting and doing all she can to make sure nothing else can potentially harm him. But that is also a thing she is working on: learning where both her and her mount's limits are, as well as when to push that limit or when to stop before things get bad.
11. Would your character rather travel all over the world alone or stay in one place forever with the people they love?
Oriana definitely has the inclination to stay in one place with the people she loves and cares about. Fun fact, half of the reason the Damak/Oriana ship did not happen in the end was because Damak was going to be doing a lot of traveling post-campaign, and Oriana was not about to follow him when all she wanted to do was spend time at home with her family. On the other hand, Ranna was still there, always close, and those feelings only grew because of that.
Now, Oriana does enjoy traveling from time to time. Her time in the Last Resort Movers definitely gave her a new appreciation for it, and I imagine she does go out of her way occasionally to visit places, even further away than what she has in the past. She's always happy to visit Aerenth, Melitene, Anthosa, or wherever either her or Ranna's work may take them. But she looks forward to coming home just as much, especially if she's been away from her family and friends.
33. Can your character play any instruments? If so, when and how did they learn? Do they play just for fun, in a school group/club, in a band, or for some other reason?
Not really pre-campaign, most of her music experience was singing in the temple, though she may have tried to learn the harp as an older child but it didn't really stick. However, in the aftermath of the campaign, when she was trying to get to feeling back to normal, she took up learning how to play a zither instead, something probably close in style and sound to the Chinese Guqin. It started as something to focus on that was different and hopefully therapeutic, and it's not something she's interested in performing in front of a crowd, but it's not unusual to hear her practicing in the mornings/evenings or on days she has time to just relax.
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my dnd group did a game of Dialect (a really fun ttrpg about creating a language/dialect among a group in isolation) since we couldn't have our regular session and my character for it, in our isolated solar-punk dystopia, was a sage named Kelas, a middle aged twink who "reads" the Weave to gain his wisdom (the weave is the word we came up with for the patchwork series of haphazard shades our community used to protect themselves from the sun). and he's kinda neat. i didn't have the spoons but i drew over this dollmaker. our community basically designated social status and alliance with cowboy hats and everyone has southern accents for inexplicable reasons, so we decided its cowboy themed but with the neons of cyberpunk.
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mayspicer · 3 years
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Yea, I'm that kind of player that has a separate dice set for every new character. The only reason the pile is so small is that I'm still a fairly new player hahah
Featuring metal d6's made by @schlamkrabbe
I'd love to see some of other people's sets if y'all wanna reblog this 👀
#beginner dice goblin#plain blue ones plus pearl d6 is my first character a tengu druid#her name is Kela and maybe ill play as her again as the campaign she was in was never finished but the character remains#green ones are my halfling rogue from a campaign our GM wrote himself#also not finished because dnd just didnt work for him as he put all his efforts for years in pathfinder#the characters name was Rilka and she was like 112 years old or something so an old lady#writing lore for her was a nightmare#my fav sets are the glittery onesif you cant tell#dark blue night sky looking ones I think I bought for an one shot in which I played a witch#those were used for a few one shots and a short story where I played a tengu again#a rogue named Kawka (Jackdaw) who found out they were female only after dying and getting reincarnated as a half elf#massive damage is a bitch xd#finally them bright bluish ones are Cayden's#wanted something looking like his magic#I lovc looking at them tge photos dont do them justice as they are translucent with glittery swirls and different colors hhhh#i cant write lol#rpg#ttrpg#rpg dice#dice goblin#polyhedral dice#dungeons and dragons#pathfinder#dice hoard#ahh I also used the green ones for my goblin in We Be Goblins Too#in We Be Goblins I think I used Kela's#goblin's name is Poncho he is a rogue and he has like +26 to stealth on lvl3#his skin color is all weird because his mom like drinking magic potions while pregnant#his brother ended up being gigantic for a goblin because of the potions and he is medium sized instead of small
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vonkarma2 · 3 years
if your ocs were in dnd what would each of their races classes and alignments be?
(above the cut are my main OCs and the only ones I’ve posted about on here before iirc, under the cut are all my other current OCs. most of these are pre character development since alignment can change over time)
rocio: true neutral elf wizard
cirillo: neutral good human bard
angel: neutral good half elf paladin
lucia: chaotic good human paladin
gloria: chaotic neutral red dragonborn rogue
jacinto: lawful neutral half orc rogue
joseph: chaotic good halfling artificer
joanna: chaotic neutral halfling artificer
victor: neutral good tiefling rogue
laura: lawful neutral human… noble npc. The closest would probably be some kind of rogue but that’s on this list too many times as it is
both suns: chaotic evil liches
salem: chaotic evil human bard
saida: chaotic good elf bard
grace: chaotic good dwarf fighter
melanie: neutral good halfling ranger
alessandra: neutral evil elf sorcerer
gabriel: lawful good aasimar paladin
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casey: neutral good elf bard
nadia: lawful good halfling wizard
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inigo: neutral good human barbarian
andrea: true neutral human druid
kela: lawful good simic hybrid bard
- - - aya: chaotic neutral goliath rogue
remy: true neutral human bard
daisy: chaotic neutral dwarf artificer
kivuli: chaotic good halfling sorcerer
anjara: chaotic good elf paladin
gawain: chaotic evil half elf rogue
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kanin-neko · 3 years
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A commission for my friend’s dnd character called Kela  It’s funny how the soft shading and colours give is somewhat of a disney render for such a harsh tone haha.
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gregorvorbarra · 7 years
i feel like... druids are like herschel in twd. like in season 2 i think, carl accidentally gets shot in a hunting accident and gets taken back to herschel’s farm, and dude gets ready to do a complicated surgery to take the bullet fragments out and save carl, and rick’s like, so have u done this before. herschel has done it, but it turns out he’s a vet, and has never done this surgery on a human. he does it and carl pulls through and then herschel becomes party medic bc he has the most medical expertise. and that’s what playing a druid feels like
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sycamorre · 11 months
Ori 🏆 , Wysteria 🔥 , Indes 🌞 , your half orc chevalier 🎨
[OC Memory Prompts]
You spoil me c:
🏆 —A proud memory. (Oriana)
The small temple was barely a quarter of the way full, but that was ideal for Oriana. Only those who she cared about and would appreciate the moment were here. She knelt in front of the altar to Lathander, very aware that everyone behind were watching. But instead of the usual nervousness that she would normally have, there was a hint of what felt like... excitement. She resisted the urge to fidget with her hands, resisted adjusting the stole and other ornamental pieces of her robes to make sure they were still in place, and tried very hard to be patient as the harp played and they waited for the right moment. Oriana locked eyes with her brother, who stood next to the altar in front of her in full paladin regalia, beaming in her direction.
Not a moment too soon, the colors of the dawn began to fill the glass windows behind the altar as the sun rose, and Cassio stepped forward, a chalice in hand. He gave Oriana a bright smile before looking past her to address those seated in the pews.
"Dawn's blessings to all of you. We are overjoyed to see you all here on this momentous morning to honor one of our own. Many of you have heard the stories of what has happened in the last few months. Oriana has shown tremendous bravery and faith throughout it all, and it is my joy to be here with you today and welcome her as a Dawnbringer amongst our ranks."
There was a pause as Cassio turned back to Oriana, the smile still stretching across his expression. "And I am so proud of what she has accomplished today. May she always walk proudly in the Light of the Morninglord." Oriana could not say anything, but she returned the smile, barely holding in happy tears.
🔥 —An angry memory. (Wysteria)
"I cannot believe this!"
The sounds of the feast were fading behind them as the group of bards traveled down the halls to their own room. Wysteria was easily the loudest of the four, both in the volume of her voice and the way both the jingling of her jewelry and the clicking of her heels against the tiles echoed off of the walls of the palace. She continued her tirade after barely catching her breath.
"We come all this way, give a stunning performance-" her arms spread out, the flowing sleeves normally used for her dancing emphasizing her movement and frustration, "His Grace's own words, I heard him - only to then be told to leave immediately because they had not prepared us anything to eat, or even a place to sit! The nerve! I bet that Lady Helefina had something to do with it. Was she not the one who wanted her own troupe to be here instead?"
"Please quiet down, darling," came the voice from Amaryllis behind her, readjusting the way she was holding her harp. "You remember what happened last time?"
Wysteria suppressed an aggravated sound, arms going stiff at her side. "Spare me. I am not going to lose my temper, but I will not stand for it this time. We were invited here freely. Are we not members of the court as well? We are not servants and I refuse to be treated like one anymore!"
🌞 — A happy memory. (Indes)
"Yield, or I will strike you down!"
Vialgo was doing his best to be scary, head held high as he pointed the stick he found at the edge of the garden up toward Indes. But at such a young age, and with him puffing out his cheeks a little too much, it just made him look far too adorable. It took everything in the wood elf's power to keep from laughing, and instead to play along.
"Ah, you seem to have tracked me down, noble knight! But I will not yield unless you can best me in a duel!" She quickly stepped around the boy and found a stick of her own about the same size, assuming a much more practiced stance. "Show me what you can do!"
The young Imperial beamed, then charged forward with a battle cry as the began their play duel. Though she was supposed to be doing other work around the estate's grounds, she always had time to make him smile, as it reminded her so much of when she would watch over Nidhel when she was young, too. And she knew one day these play fights would almost certainly turn into Vialgo begging for her to teach him real swordplay, but that time was far enough away. For now, she hoped he could enjoy these moments, too.
🎨 — A nostalgic memory. (Kela)
The sky was just beginning to grow dark and the horses were settling in their pen for the evening. The young half-orc, however, had no intention to move anywhere just yet, despite knowing that supper would be ready soon and she would be scolded for not being there when it was. But for the moment, she found herself trapped in the horse pen with a snoozing foal who had decided that her lap made a fantastic pillow. Kela was too busy stroking his short mane and watching his lips twitch in his sleep, as if he were eating something tasty in his dreams. It was too easy to smile down at the innocence of it all.
The colt did not have a name yet. He would get one when he was weaned and proved himself strong enough, but his dam had already produced two strong foals so there was little worry about that. But unlike the first two, this one was special to Kela. She was at the age where she would soon begin her apprenticeship, learning how to handle and train the horses that they used to hunt and fight. And this little one would be the first colt she would help train from the start, and would officially be hers by the time they were done. The thought excited her, but she also wanted nothing more than to make their bond something special. So she was making it her duty to spend as much time as she could with him after her chores while he was still little. The best riders were the ones who could communicate with their mounts the best, after all. A perfect team.
And besides, the quiet of the evening was one of the best times to just sit and think of names. Or at least try to narrow down the excessively long list she had thought up.
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sycamorre · 1 year
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Playing around in the character creator in BG3 because I can't stop myself from creating all of my dnd characters if I can. Featuring Ledo, Oriana, Jayni (minus her glasses, unfortunately), Perle (Divinity 2 character turned D&D character), Kela, and Wisteria.
I have one major beef with this character creator: why in the heck are there so many hair highlight color options but I can't use all of those same colors for the base hair colors? Why are there so many nice muted colors in the highlights but not the base colors, yet half of the base colors we do have are bright, neon shades??
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