#dnf mpreg
baby-fever-anon · 3 months
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this guy understands
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livingproofoftbd · 5 months
rated m | 31.8k words | single chapter
tags: mpreg, unplanned pregnancy, tooth rotting fluff, confessions, friends with benefits, friends to lovers, non explicit sex
like all stupid mistakes, it starts with a bottle of alcohol. specifically, a good bottle of brandy.
or, dream and george have a baby
huge thanks to @dwtdog and @oz-anonymous for beta reading ily guys <33
also thanks to @uftopia for the ideas when i sent you an anon like a month and a half ago lol (i used most of them)
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honelle56 · 6 months
For such an avid lover of mpreg, you have not tried writing it even once… hmmm…
Oh my god 😂 see I have been scrolling tumblr this morning and have seen how many people sre upset about our two most prominent dnf mpreg authors leaving and I was like .... What ... If .... I .....
But then I started thinking about the logistics of what if would mean to actually write that and find ???? Plot ????
But yeah, I have been considering. If anyone has any HCs they don't mind sharing hmu!!
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uftopia · 3 months
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morataart-blog · 6 months
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More mpreg shenanigans
Never in a million years would I though mpreg would bring me comfort but oh well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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czargasm · 6 months
Everyone’s like “why are we all suddenly going crazy for mpreg?” and “why is mpreg so hot now?” Friends, it is SPRING. Every living creature is biologically hardwired to make babies right now. Shelters are about to be overrun with kittens. I can’t breathe for all the pollen. OF COURSE we all want to see GeorgeNotFound with a beautiful baby bump. OF COURSE we want to see Dream holding a newborn.
This is as nature intended.
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Jumping into the mpreg wagon✨️✨️
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Headcanon time:
-When the baby doesn't let George sleep Dream talks to the bump, sometimes talking at length without any specific topic, he just talks about everything that comes to his mind at the moment and that seems to sooth the baby enough for her to stop moving and let George sleep again. Most of the time he'll talk about how they both love their little baby and how excited they are to the day their little bundle of joy will finally arrive so they can smooth her with love
(George won't admit but even though he's kinda pissed cause of the sleep depravity he feels like he's falling more in love with Dream every time he witnesses the love and the gentleness in those moments)
-Patches obviously slept on top of George's belly a lot throughout all months of his pregnancy, she would lie there and purr as if she was showing that she already loves the baby
-George would buy some tacky pregnancy clothes with even tackier sayings
(And he would definitely buy those matching parent/baby outfits and even some baby clothes with tacky sayings just so he could mess with Dream)
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bluishfrog · 20 days
He loves talking to baby dnf. And singing. Especially singing. And when baby dnf is a little older, they start singing before they start talking.
Dream and George are delighted to no end when baby dnf starts joining Dream when he sings for them.
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Little something for @uftopia who always feeds us the cutest mpreg art and who asked for dnfamily brainrot
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negativepeanuthoarder · 2 months
Dream and George: *so glad to be on vacation as a couple, secure in the knowledge that Sapnap is taking care of their kids*
Sapnap, frantically texting Dream: I think the kids have hidden a hotdog somewhere in the house but I can’t find it
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baby-fever-anon · 5 months
YouTube Clickbait Faces
Inspired by this post by @wolflyndraws :3
wc: 1727
Teagan has been out of the hospital for a week, and Dream has realized he has no photos of her with George.
He's taken pictures of her while she was in the hospital. He took pictures of George in the hospital.
But he doesn't have any of them together.
Which, to be fair to him, isn't really his own fault. For the first week or so of her being in the hospital, they weren't allowed to hold her at all.
And in the time they were allowed to hold her, they were both more focused her and spending time together than they were about taking photos.
As a result, the closest thing to a photo of George and Teagan he has is one of George watching her in her little incubator.
It's a good photo. A great photo even. But it makes Dream sad.
He needs more pictures of the two that will make him happy.
It's this thought process that leads him to pull out his phone during a moment of downtime.
He aims the camera at where George is laying, flat on his back with Teagan lays on his chest.
The shirt George is wearing is dumb. In the best way possible.
It says "Spawn Point" in cluncky, pixelated letters. It was a gag gift from Sapnap but George, like the nerd he is, immediately fell in love with it and has taken to wearing it constantly.
He says it's comfortable, and Teagan seems to agree with the way she's clutching the fabric in her small fists as she sleeps.
George himself looks asleep, eyes closed and breathing even, but Dream can tell he's not from the uneven pattern of his breaths.
He manages to snap two quick photos before George peaks his eyes open to look at him.
George rolls his eyes and smiles.
Dream prepares to take another photo, wanting to capture George's fond smile.
However, as he's clicking the button, George drops his mouth open. He brings his hands up and presses them against his cheeks as he widens his eyes in faux shock.
It's the typical YouTube thumbnail face.
The photo is taken.
"George, what the hell." He asks, voice incredulous.
George is giggling to himself, clearly amused by his own antics.
"I was trying to get cute pictures. Not whatever that was." Dream whines, not actually upset.
"L." George responds through his seemingly endless laughter.
The shifting of George's chest as his laughter rouses Teagan. She squirms as she wakes, letting out a soft whimper.
George stops laughing in an instant. He turns his attention to where Teagan has continued whimpering quietly.
"Oh, baby... " He coos. "You're ok. Go back to sleep, sweetheart."
Dream takes another picture as George works soothe Teagan back to sleep.
As Teagan is getting older waking up in the morning is getting easier.
She's not quite sleeping through the night yet but she's getting close. Close enough that Dream and George are able to get enough sleep that they don't feel completely dead.
This also means that they, George especially, are in much better mood first things in the morning.
Dream is eternally grateful for this fact when he walks into the kitchen.
George is already up with Teagan, having gotten up when she did.
Currently, He's holding her in his arms. He's swaying back and forth and bouncing in circles.
He's humming under his breath as he does so. When Dream listens in a little harder he recognizes the tune of Kind of Love. The knowledge makes him feel fuzzy.
Teagan is giggling like mad, her little face lit up with joy.
He pulls out his phone. He wants to capture the moment so he can play it on repeat whenever he's sad or mad or even just if he wants to.
He manages to record in silence for thirty seconds before Teagan's loud laughter causes him to laugh. He's not able to contain it, the joy of the two people he loves more than anyone else bringing him joy.
The noise causes George to whip his head around. The smile on his grows when he sees Dream.
George turns his body towards him and holds Teagan out in front of him as if he's handing her to him.
There's still a large smile on her face and the sight of her daddy makes her kick her feet and squeal excitedly.
Dream ends the video and takes a quick photo.
At the sound of the camera shutter George's jaw drops open and he widens his eyes.
"George," He mutters, exasperated. "Stop making YouTube click bait faces when I'm trying to take a picture."
George drops the face long enough to say "Just take the picture, idiot." before returning to the face.
Dream rolls his eyes and takes the picture.
After he does so George rushes forward. He hands Teagan to Dream and snatches Dream's phone from his hand.
"Good morning, Tea Cup." He mumbles to her as he presses a soft kiss to her forehead.
George let's out a laugh.
"This is epic." He mutters, looking at the photos. He turns to show the phone to Reagan. "Look, baby! That's you!"
For the past week or so, Teagan has been attempting to stand on her own.
She's gotten pretty close, managing to use the couch or a chair or just about anything she can get her tiny hands on to pull herself on her feet.
That's about as far as she can get though. The second she let's go she falls on her butt.
She doesn't let it discourage her, simply letting out a frustrated huff before trying again.
It both excites and terrifies Dream.
Excites because it's a new mile stone. She's growing up and learning new things!
But also she's growing up. She's growing so quick and before long she won't be his tiny little baby anymore.
There's also the added factor of how much more potential mischief she'll be able to get into once she's not longer restrained to crawling.
Him and George are watching her attempt now. She's already tried four times and she's getting increasingly frustrated each time.
As time goes on, he's getting increasingly worried that she's going to work herself into a tantrum.
As he watches her slowly pull herself up, he decides that if she falls again he's going to scoop her up and distract her. Redirect her attention until she's calm enough to try again.
He watches as Teagan pulls herself to her feet. She wobbles for a moment before she's able to use her grip on the couch to stabilize herself.
She looks to Dream and George for approval.
"You've got this, baby." George says to her.
She looks back and forth between her feet and the couch. After a moment of contemplation she let's out a determined huff.
Distantly, Dream is amused by the theatrics of their child. It shouldn't be that shocking though, considering how dramatic both he and George can be.
She let's go of the couch and Dream holds his breath as he watches her wobble.
Teagan continues to struggle with balancing herself for a moment before she manages to plant her feet and stand firm.
When she does so she looks back up at them and let's out a soft "ah" of excitement as she bounces gently in place.
George stands up before squatting down beside her. He looks up at dream and says "Take a picture." Before making the thumbnail face.
"Are you serious?" "Yes! This is a big moment take the picture!"
Dream scoffs out a fond laugh as he does as he was told.
After he does it George turns to Teagan and scoops her into his arms. He holds her up above his head. She squeals in excitement.
Dream takes a picture of that too.
Dream has been on the verge of tears all day.
Teagan, his baby girl, has just graduated high school. As in, just walked across the stage and gotten her diploma fifteen minutes ago.
Now Him, George, Sapnap, and the rest of their family are pushing through the crowd looking for her.
Her graduating class is nearly three hundred kids. That combined with all of the parents and family who came means there's a lot of people to sift through.
Thankfully, after just another minute of searching, they find her.
Or really she finds them.
As Dream is scanning the crowd he hears a distant "Dad!" called through the groups of people.
He turns just in time to catch Teagan as she basically throws herself at him.
The two lock into a tight embrace. When he pulls away he cups her face in his palms.
"I'm so proud of you, Tea Cup." He whispers to her as he presses a kiss to her forehead.
"Thanks, dad." She whispers back, tears in her eyes.
The two pull away and she turns her attention to George.
George throws his arms around her shoulders and pulls her close.
He doesn't hear what George says to her but when they pull away their faces are both wet with tears.
Sapnap is up next and her pulls her into a bear hug and ruffles her hair.
She's so much taller than him now. When did that happen? He remembers when her head was just barely past his hip.
After everyone gets their hugs they decide it's time for photos.
When everyone herds Dream, George, and Teagan together they get a few normal ones before George and Teagan make eye contact.
Mischievous grins take over their faces.
"Do the face with us." Teagan says.
Dream rolls his eyes fondly.
Ever since Teagan was old enough to take directions, George has had her doing the click bait face.
It's as amusing as it is infuriating.
He never participated, having decided years ago that it was a mommy and daughter activity that he didn't encroach on.
Now though? With both of the people he loves more than anything looking at him with pleading eyes?
"Fine." He relents, fondly laughing as his daughter and husband cheer at their victory.
With a sigh he places the palms of his hands on his face and barely contains his laughter as he pulls a shocked face.
By the time all of the cameras are put away, all three of them are laughing.
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livingproofoftbd · 13 days
☹ tell me a brandy evil ending ^_^
wtf there is no evil ending only happily ever after :(
okay fine im an evil mastermind i can handle evil. um mpreg warning if you dont like. stream my fic brandy. its not angsty i promise :( very fluffy lovey not evil :(
anyway enjoy (you made me do this cadence)
It’s not hard for Dream to fall more in love with George every day. He waits on him hand-and-foot, getting him anything he could ever need as he carries their child. The sex is an added benefit, obviously, but his first concerns are always George and the baby. 
He holds George close at night, and spends his days rubbing his feet and feeding him mangoes. George kisses him softly as a reward at the end of each day, and he feels fulfilled. He and George are happy, even if they aren’t officially together. But he doesn’t care. The time will come if and when it comes. Some day soon, he’ll wrap George up and wish they could be together forever for the last time. He’ll kiss him unmarried for the last time, they’ll share a bed for the last time together but not. He’s sure of it. 
Life is easy for a while, running smoothly with the three men and three cats. The room for the baby is set up and ready, everything is prepared, and then all that’s left is to wait. And they do, filling their days with time spent together. They laugh and joke and meme as if nothing’s different. 
And then it all changes, and the peace is disturbed. George goes into a 16 hour labour on June 10th through to the 11th. Dream is there, every step of the way, at his side. George is crying and squeezing Dream’s hands for Dream life as he puts every ounce of his energy into bringing their child into the world. And then she’s there, a beautiful baby girl, just as George had predicted.
There it is. The moment Dream’s life was supposed to get better. When his life was supposed to forever change for the better, when he was supposed to finally be happy. And it is. Everything is perfect, for about a week. But when he asks George, when he leans over the side of the couch as Sapnap holds Brandy in the kitchen, he receives no happy smile. No tears of joy, no kiss, no yes. 
He asks George to marry him, and George leans away. 
“Oh,” is all he says. 
Dream is distracted by Brandy, and he leaves to take care of it. When he returns, George is gone. 
George sleeps in his own room that night for the first time in months. Dream is left taking care of the screaming baby, crying for her other dad. He doesn’t understand why George isn’t up here too, but doesn’t dwell on it. He’d read the stories of postpartum depression.
But months pass. George stops kissing him, stops loving him. He cares for Brandy more than anything, so he knows it’s not that. Every time Dream tries to discuss them, George ignores him or changes the subject. 
He gets mad. Really mad, confused why George flipped on a dime and won’t talk to him. He wondered if it was the hormones of pregnancy making him horny, and it was easier then. But Brandy turns 1 and he still has no answer. And it’s aggravating. 
He stops mentioning it. He ignores George back, only talking to him when it involves their baby. Brandy knows no better, and for all they know, she’s happy in babyland thinking she has too happy dads. 
Unfortunately for her, that isn’t the case. 
Dream stays with his family. He goes to LA, to Texas to see Sam, to visit Bad. He’s gone for a month and a half, and when he gets back, George takes off to LA. He spends three weeks with Brandy, fussing over her as she blabbers about “dada” and how she misses him. 
The best time of their life ends up being the worst. George doesn’t come home. It takes two months for Dream to figure out he’s moved in with Larray. His things are mailed to him, and Sapnap flies out with Brandy so she can see him again. 
Dream still doesn’t understand what’s happened. He misses his best friend and the love of his life. He misses his daughter. He wishes he could take it all back, never open the bottle from nearly two years ago. Leave it alone, save it for guests like his mother had bought it for. He hates himself for wishing Brandy had never existed, but he’d give up the girl he’d had for a year for the man he’d known for nearly 10. 
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pixelart203 · 2 months
Come Back Baby (Don’t You Cry)
Rated Mature. No Archive Warnings Apply.
11,793 words.
George finds out he’s pregnant at the worst possible time. With Dream in prison and the entire server against him, how could George keep himself safe and his pregnancy secret.
Or c!dnf mpreg where Dream is an absent father by accident.
For @uftopia … sorry it took so long it’s here finally!!!
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uftopia · 6 months
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Dnf baby you will be real one day
Their little junie :,)
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morataart-blog · 6 months
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Silly little quick comic based on @uftopia ‘s reply to me
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simply-smitten · 5 months
Warm, like Starlight (pt2)
Dnf - rated E - 22k (and counting!)
I’m still writing part two, but I thought I’d share some snippets on here so you can get excited :) !! none of the screenshots connect btw, but I think you can see where this is going
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scoops404 · 6 months
Chapter 1/5
Words: 11.2K
Rating: E, very E
Mpreg, Angst, Friends to Lovers
After a night that George thought would be the beginning of the rest of his life, it all comes to a screeching halt. It seems Dream doesn’t want anything more than sex. Reeling, George does his best to carry on and get over it. They still have lives to live and content to produce. But then a surprise comes along making it extra impossible. OR: An "I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant" AU
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Kudos & Comments are beloved. Please do not repost my works on Wattpad
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