#do not reblog w/o asking me thx
lockedtowers · 5 months
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The air chilled around her, dreary winds and broken bonds shattering the delicate balance she’d tried so long to build. Something was missing. Something was lost. The needle points of the grass poking into her torn up clothing as she tries to sit up, the pain still present even though the wounds had healed.
Hand moves up to her neck, and she feels something; there’s flakes coming off of her, and a certain stickiness she well acquainted with. The rusting scent making her feel dizzy, and the thickening scar on her neck making presently frail bones shake. Goose flesh forms on her skin as she feels herself, feels the way her hair’s dried to the rust and the way her clothing sticks to her skin.
She’s shaking as she gets up, falling out of the nest she’d been placed inside, tears burning her mismatched eyes as she stands up on shaking legs. She looks down as she climbs down the rotting staircase, swallowing the lump in her throat as she climbs down. Wide eyes welled with tears as she moves, the stench lessening as she moves away from it, slowly making her way through the grounds.
Breath’s heavy as she wanders, the Beast in the woods keeping a close eye on her, one she can sense, but doesn’t react much to. Something’s missing, something’s gone, and she doesn’t entirely understand what, or why, or who.
Boots nearly sink into the wet dirt from the rainfall, shaky breaths as she makes her way out of the brush, the riverside closing in. She glances down at the water, and her reflection makes her almost scream. Limbs feel as if they’re glass, shattering at the sight as she falls to her knees, tears falling freely as she sees the state she’s in.
There’s far too much blood, and she knows its hers. She just wished she knew where how it all got there. She covers her neck with her hand, struggling to breathe, spine fluid and mind spinning at the sight. Hand clings to her own neck, as if she could hold the blood no longer spilling in place if she just pushed hard enough. Her entire body burned, limbs barely able to steady. Spine straightens as she looks up, hands hugging her arms tightly to her as the tears fall.
A building on top catches her attention— the sputtering lights; ‘Tea House’ flashing as she starts getting upwards. She’s still shaking, but she recognizes the name, knows that’s what that man, the alchemist, told her about. That she was supposed to go there. Someone was supposed to be there. Someone was supposed to help her. She just had to get there.
Abandoned ship left on the coastline catches her attention, and she slowly walks over, climbing inside and waving her hand over the water. Her hands glow purple as the boat starts moving towards the docks, holding her breath as she travels. The shaking hasn’t stopped, her eyes glazed over in fear at every sound and sight.
The water splashes up, striking over her, the blood moistening from the water. She huffs, coughing out some of the excess fluids, gripping the edge of the boat tightly as it continues to move. Hair now wet, tangled, and crisp from the previously dried blood. Her torn clothes clinging even more so to her skin, ripped in just the right places for several of her sealed over wounds to show. She hates it. Hates how exposed she feels. How alone she is. And still, her freedom isn’t guaranteed, there’s still a chance she won’t escape. There’s still a chance he’ll find her again. She couldn’t handle it if he did.
The boat rushes over another wave, more water hitting her skin, but she only breathes in, allowing it to soak her. Between the blood and the water, she feels like a drenched cat. Technically, maybe she was.
As she reaches the docks, she climbs out. Slowly, steadily. She listens carefully, avoiding anyone nearby. Who knows who she can trust, who works for the crown, she just knows where she’s supposed to go.
She tries to change, tries to make herself disappear in the shadows. She keeps quiet, keeps as calm as she can given the circumstances. Skin still burns where she cried, each step up the thousands of stairs near collapsing her force. Nose waters and she wipes at it with the back of her hand as she slowly moves closer to the front doors. The hours flashing, but she isn’t wholly sure of the time. The night had barely faded, light steadily swarming the sky. Bloodied hands reach out and touch the doors, dried flakes coming off as she finds it surprisingly unlocked.
Slow yet steady, she walks inside, eyes blearing around as she walks further inside. Nobody’s there yet, but the walls are lined with the very thing the Hearts worked everything to ensure lasted. Blinking, she hears a noise in a room hidden down the hallway, and she walks towards it. She hears something behind the door. The fear rises in her spine, hand coming up to knock, but she holds back. She hasn’t felt this small in years, this terrified of anything. She got used to the treatment, she got used to how others would treat her, yet now she didn’t have a semblance of anything left. This was all new. This was all horrifying, terrifying.
Another deep breath, and she knocks, a man behind the door saying to come in. She shivers as she reaches for the knob, twisting and pushing. Slow steady steps on the mossy soil as she walks inside, grassy spots notable as she reaches further inside. Various furniture pieces made wholly of glass, multiple tables, seats, even a hat post that don’t exactly match the decor of the room. Arms squeeze to her sides as she walks further inside, large eyes looking over at the turned chair, spotting the strung straw hat atop what she assumes is the speaker.
“You the cat?” He asks, and she nods— then realizes he can’t actually see her. His brow furrows as he glances to the side, but she still can’t see him.
“Yes.” She responds, hands squeezing her elbows as she moves closer. Eyes still adjusting. She swallows, breathing carefully as she watches the seat. “Who are you?” The man stands, near a whole foot taller than her, and he lowers a cup down to his desk.
As he turns, he stops, dark eyes widening as he sees her. Quickly enough, his brows raise and fall, turning where he stands to look towards his desk. “You’re in a bigger state than they said you’d be.” He states, walking to his sink. A small towel taken from the side, he wets it, walking over to hand it to her.
“They?” She asks, large eyes turned upwards towards him as he puts the towel in her hand. She shakily grasps it, forcing herself to settle; she was alone now, she needed to stay strong. “Who’s they?”
So she didn’t know? That was surprising, but he knows what Dodo said. She was a necessity, she needed to stay alive, and he needed to watch her. Keep an eye on things and, above all, make sure she didn’t turn against them. Why, he didn’t get, she just seemed like a timid girl, though the amount of blood she was covered in did make a shiver rise up his spine. It couldn’t all have been hers, surely.
“Doesn’t matter. Still haven’t confirmed it, though. You’re the cat?”
“I…” She looks down, then nods, swallowing again as she starts wiping the dried blood on her arms off. “Yes. And you still haven’t told me who you are.”
“Good.” The towel’s already filled with blood, and he takes it back from her, bringing it back to his sink to rinse off and return to her. “Hatter. If you must know. Now. Got any other clothes?”
“No.” She stays eerily still, and her eyes seem even wider than normal when he turns back. With a raised brow, he walks back, putting it in her hand just as she continues. “I don’t have anything.”
He nods, turning back to his wardrobe filled with various coats. He pulls one, a brown leather jacket, out, bringing it over to her as she finishes cleaning off her upper half. He once again takes the towel, and puts the jacket in her arms. “Put that on, you’ll get a cold.”
“I don’t..” She glances up again, then shakes her head. “Thank you.”
“Yeah, don’t get used to it.” He leaves the towel in the sink, realizing this isn’t the most useful way to clean her up. With a sigh, he turns back, watching her cling to the jacket as he walks back. “Got anywhere to stay?”
“I… think so.” It’s a sort of. It’s a maybe. She doesn’t exactly, but the cabin she awoke atop of in the forest was empty. She had protection there, technically, with the Beast roaming. The Beast ready to watch her, eat others, ensure she didn’t get hurt. She shifts her weight from one foot to another, hugging the leather close to her chest as she looks up at him. “Why?”
“Making sure I don’t have to find that for you, too.” He states, fingers reaching out to touch her crusted hair. Fingers drag a strand away, the dried blood making him more curious. His eyes dart down, noticing the sealed gash on her neck. Brows raise and fall quickly again as he sniffs, stepping away from her. “That from the Queen?”
She straightens her spine, brows furrowing and nose twitching. He notices. “No.” But she pauses afterwards, thinking over again; really, she isn’t sure. “I don’t think it is.”
“What about the eye?” He sits again, taking his cup and sipping quickly.
“… My tutor.”
“That sealed up bullet wound on your side?”
He’s most certainly observant. “…. My father... Sort of.”
“Sort of?”
She shakes her head, looking around the room quickly. “He said he’s my father. I don’t think he is.” She tugs her torn shirt down a bit, cheeks flushing as she looks away from him. “He took me. He raised me. But it doesn’t-- didn't feel right.”
He hums, standing quickly once again and walking back over to her. To her surprise, he grins, nodding as he looks down on at her. His hand reaches out, tilting her head up when she tries to look away, which makes her eyes widen a bit as she stares up at him. “You can come back tomorrow. Once you’ve cleaned yourself up. I’ll get you settled up then.”
“Settled?” Head tilts, but he holds her still, tapping her nose quickly as he releases her. “What—“
“You’ll figure it out. Y’seem like a smart little cookie. Just.. Clean up first. You’re gonna get blood on my grass.” Her head tilts, far more than it should. That’s where he recognizes her name in her, she certainly seems to be able to bend like a cat. The fact she’s still alive, with all that blood on her; clearly escaped from something bad back with the royals, but he won’t question what just yet. She’ll tell him eventually, he just has to wait.
“If I don’t come back?” She asks, her voice much more headstrong than before. A brow raises, and she continues. “What then?”
“Then you don’t get my help, or a job. Simple, really.” He says, smiling again. Her eyes seem to hold onto his smile a lot. “Listen, let me make this a bit more clear. My help comes with a price, and while I’m willing to be your… friend, shall we say, I’m gonna need a little something in return. Okay?”
“… I’m not gonna have sex with you.” She responds, hugging the jacket tighter.
He stares, astounded at where her head went, then continues. “Wasn’t expecting you to. That’s not what we do here. Listen, Doormy will be here tomorrow, and they’ll be the one training you. So, just.. Come back, cleaned up. Doormy faints at the sight— and smell— of blood, really don’t want to add to their tendencies. Alright?”
She shakes a bit again, looking down. He walks to her again, once more tilting her head up to look at her. “Look at me.” Despite his bite, his hand is gentle on her skin, his gaze soft, if not analyzing. There’s a strange sense of familiarity within it, and she isn’t wholly sure where it comes from, but it does make her ease with him more. Expression softening, blinking quickly as she does; just looks at him. “Good. So you can listen.” He pulls away from her then, and she already misses the gentle touch— something else she doesn’t understand.
Her minds fuzzy at the reality of it all, and she doesn’t really get it. Tongue pokes out to wet her lips, nose twitching as she tilts her head again. Lips parted as she watches, following his steps. Her curiosity gets the better of her, and she follows him; careful not to step on the grass, legs stretching over to walk on the dirt spots instead. A deep breath in, and he looks to the side, realizing she’s followed him. A brow raises, turning fully to face her properly.
“Cassandra.” She says, looking up at him. With another deep breath, her eyes look into his, a hint of recognition there, but she still doesn’t really understand. “My name is Cassandra… Why do you want to help me?”
He drops the towel in his hand back inside the sink, breathing in. “Do I have to have a reason?”
With a sigh, he puts both hands on either of her shoulders, shaking briefly and looking into her eyes. As he looks at her, another thought comes through, but he doesn’t vocalize it. “Tomorrow. I’ll give you a reason tomorrow. Deal?”
The burning sensation creeps up her spine at his words, compelling her, her breath stopping as she stares at him. Eyes glance everywhere else, then back to him. She swallows, and nods, the burning feeling moving up to her head as she looks down, then up. She needed to learn better. She needed to know better. But she didn’t. This is how they trade, and it’s hard to deny the intensity a prospect brings. Blue-and-silver hues blink, and she nods once more, sealing the promise in her bones.
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WIP Wednesday
Tagged by @a-little-unsteddie, thx! ❤️
1. In a reblog (or new post w/ rules attached), post up to five (5) filenames of your WIPs; not titles, file names.
2. Post a snippet from one of them. Snippet must be words you wrote in the last 7 days. We’re posting progress here. If you haven’t made any, go make some and come back to post!
3. After you’ve posted, people can send you an ask with one of your file names. You must then write 3 sentences in that file. If the filename is one you can't share from (for example, an event fic), write 3 sentences on it anyway, and then 3 more on another to share.
My WIPs:
🔮 (You got me) in the palm of your hand [bb fic]
🦇 Demon!Eddie
🧜‍♂️ Just add water [Mer!Steve]
Tagging: @sourw0lfs, @wingedquill, @wormdebut, @messessentialist - zero pressure, as always ❤️
Snippet from 🔮
“You’re both such idiots, I swear,” she mutters. Then, she heaves a heavy sigh, leans back on her hands and looks up at her ceiling, like she’s searching for a good way to go on. When she locks eyes with him again, her face is serious and there is a bitter little twist to her mouth. “Do you remember when Vickie came into Family Video the other week? With her boyfriend?” 
Of course Steve remembers. The way Robin’s eyes lit up upon seeing the other girl, the way her face fell immediately after, when she realized who she was with. The way her gaze flickered over Vickie’s hand tangled with that of her boyfriend, the way they were exchanging soft smiles and little touches as they browsed the shelves. How she excused herself to the break room. How she only reemerged when the doorbell announced the couple had left, face flushed and eyes red-rimmed. 
“Yeah,” he says. “Yeah, of course. But that’s something entirely different. There’s nothing going on between Nancy and me.” 
“Sure,” Robin shrugs and her smile goes wry. “You know that and I know that. But does Eddie?” 
Steve groans and rakes a hand through his tangled hair. It’s utterly ruined from the wind and rain, but he is long past caring. “Well, he would know, if he had just listened to me earlier, but-” 
“Do you remember what I told you after Vickie had left?” 
He does. Remembers flipping the sign on the door to closed and huddling behind the counter with her, safely out of sight from any prying eyes. 
“You said that it hurt,” he mutters, utterly uncomfortable with revisiting the memory of seeing her like this. “But also that you felt like you had no right to be hurt.” 
She nods, fingers idly grazing the fluffy fur of the little stuffed bear beside her - a gift from him. 
“I was so sure she liked me back,” she murmurs, and now she isn’t meeting his eyes anymore. “I still am, by the way. But … but I also know that it’s hard. It’s so fucking hard, Steve, being this way.” 
Steve remembers the man at the fireworks and the way he looked at Eddie and him. Remembers Tommy and what he said. Freak. Faggot. How they would’ve drowned people like Eddie in the middle ages. 
“And I want Vickie to be happy,” Robin continues. “Obviously I do. If you like somebody like that, all you want is for them to be happy. And if that guy makes her happy, that’s fine. That’s fucking great, actually. I hope he continues to do so, I hope she’ll always be happy like this. But it still … it still fucking hurts, Steve. Her choosing him over me. It hurts so bad, because I feel like no matter what I do, I will never be enough.” 
Steve doesn’t even remember moving, but the next thing he knows is that they’re lying side by side, Robin tucked into his arms, face buried against his shoulder, and that he is muttering reassuring words to her while she snivels into the fabric of the borrowed band shirt. 
“You’ll be fine, I promise. You are amazing and smart and funny, and you will find somebody who sees all of that.” 
“You’re sweet,” she huffs, and pulls back a little so that she can scrub her hands over her eyes. “I hope Eddie has someone like you.” 
Steve swallows heavily, propping himself up on one elbow so that he can look at her better. 
“So, you think … You think that’s how Eddie feels about me?”
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mingiswow · 2 years
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I posted 4,188 times in 2022
163 posts created (4%)
4,025 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 803 of my posts in 2022
#kpop - 69 posts
#bee.txt - 58 posts
#bee’s rant - 55 posts
#kpop x reader - 50 posts
#nct - 37 posts
#wrong place right time - 36 posts
#kpop scenarios - 36 posts
#nct 127 - 35 posts
#nct 127 headcanons - 33 posts
#nct smau - 33 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#jisung rly said today is the day to give lotta 3racha at night w hip cocked bin and knee brace chris and my trashboy in between.. god bless.
My Top Posts in 2022:
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⚠ English is not my native language, so pardon me if there’s any mistake. And you can always tell me what’s wrong.
Not ready but here we go
Changbin is S O F T
he just tries to be dark and we all know that
but he is a soft human being and you can’t tell me otherwise
and we go cliche all over again
coffee bf
so you work at a small coffee shop near jype building
and he went there once because he wanted something new
and boy got in love not only with the coffee but you
he could buy his coffee at the jype cafeteria? yes
would save him money? yes
but would he see you? no
so you can imagine what he chose
so every day he would go there and order his usual iced coffee
and engage in some conversation with you
and within time he would get to know you better
until someday you actually asked him out
to his surprise bc you did first
but obv he said yes
and that how it goes
ngl the boys joke around with him because he gets all giggly and stupid in love whenever he talks about you
whenever he thinks about you
I feel like he wouldn’t care if you were older or younger than him
but he would really like it if you were older than him
See the full post
253 notes - Posted January 21, 2022
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Summary: you worked really hard for that, and you finally were accepted as an exchange student at Neo Culture Institute of Technology. But, for some reason, the system crashed and put you into an all-boys dorm.
Pairing: Johnny Suh x female reader
Warnings: curse words, suggestive themes, mentions of alcohol use, mentions of food, mentions of cheating (if I forgot anything let me know)
Status: completed
⚠️ this is a fictional piece, the characters and their behaviors are purely fictional and DO NOT represent their actual personalities
⚠️ There will be quite a few written chapters because I love them
⚠️ English is not my first language, so pardon me if there’s any mistake
⚠️ I didn’t realize that Haechan’s name was wrong halfway through the story being written so please pretend is right lol
⚠️ Time, days and other dates don't matter to the story
⚠️ I tried my best to make it as inclusive as possible so everyone can enjoy the story
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325 notes - Posted February 12, 2022
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⚠ English is not my native language, so pardon me if there’s any mistake. And you can always tell me what’s wrong.
Thx to the anon who requested Hyunjin's version 💖💖
ok listen to me very carefully:
he gets wiped really easily
He believes in love at first sight for sure
which is kinda what happened with you
you’ll be with your friends at one of those open karaoke things
idk man i don’t have karaoke where I live
and then he saw you enjoying yourself and having fun
he let out a little giggle and you saw him standing there looking at you
then you started to sing to him as a joke
and boy oh boy
he liked your attitude
he really likes confident people
but if you’re not, i’m sure he’ll fall for your personality
he’s not the one to care about looks
so back with the meeting thing
after you went back to your table with your friends he kept looking at you
But was too afraid to do something lmao
So he just sent a drink with a little note asking for your number
which you obviously gave to him
And the rest is story
like I said baby boy gets attached really fast
so expect him wanting to spend a lot of time with you
he’s not big on pda
especially in front of the boys
he gets all shy and flustered
but when you guys are alone he has you always on his lap
and if you’re bigger than him, he’ll be on your lap
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425 notes - Posted January 11, 2022
Boyfriend!Lee Know
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⚠ English is not my native language, so pardon me if there’s any mistake. And you can always tell me what’s wrong.
ah… our mischievous cat boy
ok, it’s hard for me to read him ngl
he comes off as very cold sometimes but then he’ll become the softest
I feel like baby boy lee know is hard to conquer
so it took a lot for you to win his heart
but when you do,,,, oof prepare yourself
I feel like you’d catch his eye while working
You were one of the staff at the tv station where he mc’s
and he saw how hard you’d work, making sure everything was right
running from side to side checking on everyone without losing your smile and your sympathy
don’t tell him but he fell for your smile
so seeing you every week and slowly interacting with each other made him grow fond of you
and after discussing to himself if he should or not he asked you out
you were quite shocked but said yes nonetheless
after all, you ain’t dumb and he is a gorgeous human being
let’s be honest here: he LOVES to show you off to the boys
you are his precious girl and he is the lucky man to be with you
“you’re so annoying after you started going out with y/n”
“annoying because you’re single and lonely”
proud proud proud boyfriend
he is your biggest supporter
will always be there for you
I think he’ll make it big when asking you to be his girlfriend
not like flash mob and public stuff hell no
I’m talking more like fancy dinner on a rooftop just for the two of you
soft music on the bg and shit
Minho is not much fond of pda
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445 notes - Posted January 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Boyfriend!Bang Chan
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⚠ English is not my native language, so pardon me if there’s any mistake. And you can always tell me what’s wrong.
Chan is my bias so y’all better buckle up
You guys met through mutual friends
Nothing oh my god
I feel like it would pretty normal lol
Like, your friend invite you to some of his get-togethers and Chan was there
You started to talk because you were in the same little circle of people
And you noticed you had a lot in common
Especially when it came to cultural taste
So you spend the whole night drinking and talking about music, movies, and books
You barely noticed the time now that you both were getting really tipsy
Ending up sleeping on the couch of your friend house cuddled to each other
When you woke up the next morning you guys exchanged numbers
And kept talking every day
He even asked for music recommendations to play in Chan’s room
You started meeting each other in his studio for helping him and the other boys with music
You didn’t even realize but when you saw you two were acting like a couple
“I think we should make it official”
“Our relationship”
So that’s how you became a couple
I feel like Chan would be a very relaxed boyfriend
He already stresses himself so much with the whole idol thing
So he just wants to enjoy you and your relationship
In the beginning, he’s not going to push you into PDA
especially around the boys
but a few months into the relationship the boy won’t leave your side
ngl the boys will act a little jealous
but because they love their leader and want them happy
See the full post
788 notes - Posted January 7, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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hii, can i req a match-up w a male character? [ jjk ] (sory if it's long, just do it if u want, i don't want to force u to do anything) i thanks u in advance 😔💞
first off all i’m update w the manga.
i’m an introverted and calm person, so i prefer to avoid conflicts and i don't mind spending my time helping others. the ppl could say that i’m reserved, but I know how to communicate in a warm and sensitive way, it isn’t difficult for me to understand others emotionally.
> i highly value deep and authentic relationships.
> i’m a loyal, friendly and cunning person.
> smth that i abhor injustice.
while i can be quite fair and kind to those i love/value, i can also be cold to those i don't appreciate.
literally speaking the first friend i had was when i was ten years old 💀 i started socializing more in high school.
i’ve good grades, nthg wow but they are quite high. i also have the ability to learn everything very quickly, so this makes me easily bored of things, activities that i never got tired of were drawing, do sports or reading.
well, a basic description of me would be that i’m a person w a fairly average height, 1.60 cm (5'3”), i’ve like nine piercings and i usually train a lot, i work w my own weight (i do parkour) so i’ve a slim and toned body (nthg exaggerated).
zodiac: gemini
mbti: infj (6w5)
my pronouns: she/her
love language: acts of service
thx for all again and have a nice day <3
sorry if there are any grammar mistakes, english isn’t my mother language 😔👊🏻
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literally reading through this, i think the perfect match for you is megumi. you two have quite a few similarities and characters that just match up well
megumi is not one looking for a relationship that’s practically a show. he wants something authentic, something real. he doesn’t give out information easily and values things like loyalty in a s/o
i feel like the relationship might’ve been a little slow at first. it was more of being friends for a while when feelings suddenly crashed in (for megumi anyway)
you dislike injustice and megumi does as well, it’s why he takes matters into his own hands. we know his opinion on kind people and how it’s unfair for them to be in such a cruel world. this is something he sees in you, another person who is kind and understandable (i don’t even know if that makes sense-)
both of your love languages are acts of service, so expect much of that in your relationship. my person hc is that acts of service is one of his main love languages, so he’ll do as much for you as you do for him
megumi loves to work out with you. he doesn’t mind training with his other friends at the school, but mister grumpy pants over here finds it more enjoyable with you (your presence for him is enjoyable overall)
a usual activity for the both of you is just sitting down and reading. it may seem boring to others (mostly kugisaki) but it’s something the two of you never get sick of
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NOTE: i think i did this in 15 minutes 😳 i’m being so serious when i say watching the jjk movie gave me motivation for writing- anyways, thanks for the request <33 hoping your day is going well !!
reblogs are appreciated, and asks are welcome <3
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chris-spacehere · 4 years
So as your local quackity fan i’ll spill all the tea of why i loved this. (btw this all /rp)
First, the countdown instead of the club pinguin ‘starting soon’ image was obviously for thrill emotions, but it stroke fear, the countdown felt like you were watching the final countdown till the end of the world, the music in the background? CHEF KISS, it felt so calm yet so alarming and it gave the hype to what was bound to happen.
We still don’t have a look at the nevadas but here, look at bbh and quackity conversation. It lets us know while quackity ain’t doin business, he has been messing with the eggpire, he did get in their ways, and it’s awesome to be able to infer it just by words, I JUST LOVE IT when we don’t see an action but we see someone mention it and that let’s us infer stuff or sometimes discover something at the same time than the characters.
Bbh actuation was so good, you could see he was doing a voice, an accent, he was doing it with passion too, and all this makes me more excited for the red banquet (aka: manberg festival 3: stranger things kinnies)
- G L A T T
The bit with schlatt was awesome and i think this is the first time quackity sees glatt, i also saw a big ass character growth in quackity. in first season, he responded to ‘flatty patty’ by sending a bad edited meme on twitter, season 3 and he just responds with a threatening face, yelling and standing up for himself. CHARACTER GROWTH BABY.
- businnes with sam
This part man, THIS PART
The actuation was sooo good, Sam popped off here, big q popped off the whole stream, and like, when he kept bringing up how sam let tommy die, bringing up the security issue, and MAN, when sam said ‘i did my job, my job is keep dream in there, not keep the visitors alive’ IT WAS AWESOME BECAUSE YOU COULD SEE HE WAS SAYING THAT IN A WAY HE IS STILL GULTY ABOUT TOMMY’S DEATH BUT HE WANTS TO DENY IT.
- Did he win the bet?
He probably lost the bet, as soon as they make the bet, we cut to big q asking for the book, which was the prize is schlatt won and again THEY LEAVE US TO INFERENCE WHAT HAPPENED AND I LOVE IT. He seems too dedicated to getting the knowledge of the book but on the other hand, he wants dream to suffer (which is valid as fuck, dream deserves  P A  I N)  for all he has done, he was actually the first one to realize dream was the roots of all problems! he knew this since before season 2 finale, he is a smart-ass and you will all respect him.
Plus imagine the aftermath of he getting the book, he would become one of the most powerful people actually, (next to foolish who could just grab his children and revive people but he is too busy finding the hole on the roof) the bets dude THE BETS. ‘if you win, i bring him back, if you loose, you give me all your stuff, deal?’ IMAGINE THAT, PHIL WOULD JUST FUCKING GO BROKE TRYING TO REVIVE WIL. 
- Final act.
He is shown coming back, out of prision and looking at the el rapids sign, plus i love the way he edited all those flashbacks to happier days and then cut to showing us his skin, filled with blood AND AGAIN, THE INFERENCING GAME FUCK YEAAAAAH I LOVE WHEN HE DOES THAT. and the way he cuts off his friends faces first and then the fiances, only leaving him, as he destroys el rapids? CHILLS, LITERAL CHILLS, the old quackity is gone, he has finally been blinded by power and rage, he has finally gone mad and then he goes back and RIPS OFF HIMSELF to proof the old quackity is finally gone and holly shiit the next part, WHEN HE GRABS IT LIKE A PAPER AND RIPS IT OFF, then the calendar, THAT SHIT SCARED ME ‘visit dream, visit dream, visit dream’ it was just visit dream and torture him AND HE BETTER DO THAT BECAUSE THAT GREEN BITCH DESERVES FATE WORSE THAN DEATH. and then he puts the tiny shit of billars or however they are named, THIS FEELS LIKE A MARVEL MOVIE POST-CREDIT SCENE, IT WAS SO GREATLY DONE AND I LOVED IT TO THE FUCKING TOP.
- Aftermath
There will obviously be an aftermath to his actions as with events like the red banquet, and the inevitable return of wilbur and escape from dream, like that mf gonna snap quackity as soon as he sees him, plus i’ve seen awesome theories relating quackity with the in-between, there will obviously be a connection with the fiances and karl and all the time travel stuff sometime, the casino, glatt etc. this man will get fucked sometime.
Also quick note: techno and dream are the most powerful people of the server and the only times they have been in genuine fer was because of this man, so yall better take him seriously because he has made gods plead for mercy. (not foolish tho, again, my man is busy finding the hole on the roof, he has got no time to do godly stuff)
uHHhH thx for reading, reblogs r apreciated, just sayiiin.
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macchireblogs-moved · 7 years
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aaaaa aaa!!!! omg tysm for 1k followers!! ;O;; ur all so heck in awesome and i love u <333
you have to be following to enter (and pls don’t unfollow afterwards thats rude!)
reblog to enter! feel free to reblog as many times as u want!! (likes don’t count)
please have your askbox open so i can message you if you win!
if i messaged you and get no response within a week i’ll choose a new winner 
please keep in mind that i will not draw:
way too complicated designs (such as machines/mechs/robots/etc)
excessive gore (some blood is okay but pls no bloodbath)
i’ll pick the winner on July 31st @ 6:00pm GMT+7 
EDIT: moved to August 13!
if u win, reply to me privately w/ a ref of your character + anything else you want (mood/atmosphere/specific poses/actions/etc) try to be as detailed as possible!!! thx!
if you have any questions, feel free to ask me!!
this is my first time doing an art raffle pls forgive me if i made mistakes ;;
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zoenightstars · 8 years
Post-It Notes, ch9
on Ao3
ch1 | ch2 | ch3 | ch4 | ch5 | ch6 | ch7 | ch8 | ch9 
IT’S BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! honestly posting this is making me super nervous because it’s been such a long wait? which im very sorry about? so i owe yall a really good chapter in return for u guys being so lovely and patient <333 
thank you to @sadrien and @reyxa for being the best cheerleaders ever, love you guys <3 also HUGE shoutout to sadrien for beta-ing (ish??) for me. god bless i lov u 
as always, comments and reblogs are very much appreciated!!! (please reblog omg i want 2 know what u guys think!!!) 
Adrien is drowning. The harsh blue of the memory of her eyes pull him in deeper and deeper, and Adrien doesn’t know if he wants to stay above water anymore. He now knows for sure that the post-it notes had been Marinette, but he still almost can’t believe it. It feels like a dream that is too good to be true, but Adrien hasn’t woken up yet.
Adrien is so in love. And he is so fucked.
Adrien sinks into his chair as he spins in it absentmindedly. The words “I love you” scrawl their way across his vision again and again and again. He hugs the note to his chest.
“I love you,” he murmurs, swooning a little as he says it.
“Aw, Adri-chou! I didn’t know you felt that way about me!” Plagg coos as he zips into view.
Adrien rolls his eyes. “Plagg, you know I hate it when Chloé calls me that.”
“Adri-fromage, is that fucking better?”
“I hate you.”
Plagg’s tail droops in mock disappointment. “You said you loved me! I thought we had something special, Adri-gruyére!”
“Shut the fuck up.”
“Whatever you say, Adri-parmesan.”
“That cheese isn’t even French, Plagg.”
“Hey! We don’t discriminate here.”
“Whatever. The point is, Marinette said she loves me!”
“Disgusting,” Plagg replies.
“I'm not sure you're understanding the gravity of this situation. She said that she loves me.”
“Mhm. Can I have cheese?”
“You're heartless. I'm calling Nino. Get your ass in my bookbag.”
“There'd better be cheese in there,” he grumbles and then disappears into its contents.
As the video call ringtone plays, Adrien stares into space, thinking of his near future with Marinette with equal parts hope, optimism, and abject horror. What the fuck do I do now?
“Hello? Hello? Dude. Bro. Lover boy? ADRIEN,” Nino screeches through the speakers, sending Adrien sprawling onto the floor due to an acute case of being startled shitless with the most notable symptom being falling out of chairs.
“Holy shit! You scared the hell out of me!” Adrien yells as he hauls himself back into a normal sitting position.
“Dude, you were staring off into space with the same facial expression as a lovesick puppy for an entire sixty seconds,” Nino scolds.
Adrien blushes, scratching the back of his head sheepishly. “Was I?”
“I’m pathetic,” he groans.
“I’m not gonna argue. Anyway, you called because…?”
“I repeat, you called because…?”
Adrien taps on the screen with a confused expression on his face. “Is something wrong with my audio? I heard you the first time…”
“God you’re dense,” Nino mutters. “Adrien. Buddy. Pal. I heard you loud and clear. But what about Marinette could you possibly have to talk about with me?”
Adrien scowls. “I don’t know, maybe she said she loves me and I don’t know what the hell I should do now?”
“Ask her out? I thought that was a no-brainer?”
“No. No. I can’t do that.”
Nino throws his hands up in frustration. “Why the fuck not?”
“Because… I… can’t?”
“You’re an idiot.”
“But think about it! What if she says no?”
“She won’t.”
“Nino, if she says no I will literally die of embarrassment.”
“Good thing she won’t say no, then!”
“Okay. Let’s just say she says yes—”
“—She will—”
Adrien glowers at him. “If she says yes, what will the kids at school think?”
“I promise you, other than me and Alya, nobody is going to give a shit.”
“Okay, I’ll give you that one. But why do you give a shit about what she thinks? She sucks.”
“Fine. What about Rose?”
“Gay. Next?”
“I don’t fucking know, Juleka?”
“Gay. With Rose. Next?”
“Wait, what?”
“Oh my god. You haven’t noticed?”
“They’ve been dating for months. No wonder you didn’t notice Marinette was into you.”
Adrien ignores the jab. “Huh. Okay, but what about Nathanael?” Adrien crosses his arms with a sort of gotcha expression on his face.
“Who cares? Marinette isn’t into him, she’s into you!” Nino, clearly, is not got.
Adrien, the smooth lady killer that he is, hangs up on Nino at the suggestion that Marinette is in love with him. Good going.
Adrien’s phone buzzes, and he pushes off from the desk and rolls the chair over to his bed to pick it up.
From: alya’s bf To: lover boi 😍 bro did u just hang up on me
From: lover boi 😍 To: alya’s bf …
From: alya’s bf To: lover boi 😍 anyway do urself a favor just ask the girl out
From: lover boi 😍 To: alya’s bf i dont deserve her :/
From: alya’s bf To: lover boi 😍 maris a smart girl with standards if u didnt deserve her she wouldnt be in2 u love urself and date her pls
From: lover boi 😍 To: alya’s bf r u sure….
From: alya’s bf To: lover boi 😍 u have my blessing, marshmallow ~alya
From: lover boi 😍 To: alya’s bf hold on ur w alya rn? oh ym gd o has alya been listenign htis whole time hello??? ¿¿¿¿????? dude answe r me dud e
From: alya’s bf To: lover boi 😍 read 5:27 pm ✔
From: lover boi 😍 To: alya’s bf ARE U SHITTIGN ME THIS IS BETRAYAL nino blocked
Adrien chucks his phone back on the bed. I really need new friends, he thinks, feeling the heat rise in his face. But no sooner does he do this than his phone buzzes again.
From: unknown number To: marshmallow adrien?
From: marshmallow To: unknown number um...sry who is this ?
From: unknown number To: marshmallow ya girl alya B)
From: marshmallow To: queen alya oh
From: queen alya To: marshmallow r u mad @ me? :((
From: marshmallow To: queen alya a little :/ not if u dont tell mari what i said tho
From: queen alya To: marshmallow thank god ok and i wont dw u have my word marshmallow
From: marshmallow To: queen alya thx
From: queen alya To: marshmallow adrien?
From: marshmallow To: queen alya yeah ?
From: queen alya To: marshmallow u rlly like mari, right?
From: marshmallow To: queen alya um yes am i that obvious
From: queen alya To: marshmallow yeah u are but thats beside the point i really think u should ask her out i mean both so i can write that im 2 for 2 as a wingman on my resume but also because ur both my friends and i want 2 c both of u happy
From: marshmallow To: queen alya okay…? wait 2 for 2?
From: queen alya To: marshmallow i wingmanned myself and the boy thank u very much
From: marshmallow To: queen alya im not sure that counts?
From: queen alya To: marshmallow shut up let me finish >:( if u rly like mari which u clearly do dating her would make u happy, right?
From: marshmallow To: queen alya god yes
From: queen alya To: marshmallow ur a nerd anyway i know that if you ask her out, marinette will literally be the happiest girl in the world also i dont know how much longer she can take this post it thing shes like this 👌 close to imploding i worry for that girl anyway long soliloquy short date the heck out of my best friend pls and thank
Adrien puts down his phone and slowly exhales. Well, he thinks. I may not deserve Marinette Dupain-Cheng, but she deserves to be happy.
Adrien hopes he can at least give her that.
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lionaut-blog · 8 years
TAGGED BY.  @pluvihelion U CUTE <3 <3  TAG 6 PEOPLE YOU WANT TO KNOW BETTER. @greenbonded, @cosmicdvst, @vrepit-sa, @rcdliion, @starouge, @headlion, @alteanlight, you! 
NICKNAMES.  just tay!  TIME RIGHT NOW. 2:36PM, 1.5 hours ‘til i knock off work yoO LAST THING I GOOGLED. “php widget function” : / FAVORITE MUSIC ARTIST.  LIGHTS ♡ SONG STUCK IN MY HEAD.  north, sleeping at last (thx to @redbonded​‘s blog title. i feel so attacked??) LAST TV SHOW I WATCHED. this is us (I LOVE IT SO MUCH IAUAUUGG—) WHAT AM I WEARING RIGHT NOW.  nude ballet flats, black pencil skirt, pale yellow blouse, this cool necklace i got at a convention WHEN I CREATED THIS BLOG.  mid-january?? i think???? danG i gotta do a follow forever THE KIND OF STUFF I POST.  sad things sorry lance  DO I HAVE OTHER BLOGS.  nope!  DO I GET ASKS REGULARLY. kinda...! when i reblog memes i do, but i’ve been holding off bc i have too many drafts :)) WHY DID I CHOOSE MY URL. “lion” because, well, LIONS. and “naut” meaning explorer/traveller (tho it’s also a play on “nautical”) HOGWARTS HOUSE.  g u y s  i’m so hufflepuff it’s not even funny  POKEMON TEAM. mystic af FAVORITE COLORS. PURPLE, pink, blue, orange   AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP. about 8, i love sleep <33  LUCKY NUMBERS. 7, 9 FAVORITE CHARACTERS. yell @ me about tim drake (no rly, i love him, i love the batfam), lance ofc (+ all of the voltron squad), yuri(o) plisetsky, hazuki nagisa, suzuya juuzou, hermione granger, moana and like 10000000+ others i’ve forgotten. i go for the funny/nerdy ones w/ the Tragic Backstory. BLANKETS I SLEEP WITH.  1 quilt which sounds mental in australia but i like cuddling up in the air-conditioning (my wallet does not)
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