#do the horses in steel ball run do anything i was anime only for jojos and i wanna make a joke
vo-kker · 5 months
give the horse a keyblade you cowards
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Personal note: I've never done liveblogging before so I hope you guys enjoy this. @spacejasontodd thanks for the encouragement. This is dedicated to you :D
Also Tumblr was very mean and kept on deleting whatever I've done and I felt like crying.
Spoilers for: Jojo's Bizzare Adventure Steel Ball Run Chapter 3
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I love this. This looks like an old movie poster and I'm living for it. Would buy it as a print if I had money.
11/10 very wild west-esque.
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This reminds me of a watercolor painting, like the ones in those illustrated classics books. The horse looks so pretty.
12/10 makes me want to read Black Beauty again.
Although can a 5 year old properly ride a horse like how Johnny is doing without getting hurt?
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Look, I don't care what anyone says, propositioning a minor like that, whether it is enthusiastic or not counts as sexual harassment.
This has been a PSA. And a Threat.
Something terrible is going to happen. I can feel it.
But first...
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Look at how pretty these trophies are.
11/10 very winnable.
So in this part of the story, Johnny's gf(?I guess?) wants to go to a play and so they cut in at the very beginning of the line in front of a child who had been waiting since the night before. [Johnathan Joestar is upset at your ungentlemanly behavior] Child is understandably angry but Johnny pays the guards to take the child away.
Then this happens.
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I won't say that Johnny had it coming but there could have been better(legaler?) ways to resolve this. Then again money talks and Johnny has that in spades. So there probably was no other way. Probably.
On a less philosophical note, how did that child get a gun out of seemingly nowhere? I mean, I know this takes place in America where you can find guns at the grocery store, but still, there must have been a registeration office. Or law enforcement atleast.
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This looks genuinely painful and what that nurse warden man did to Johnny was an ethics violation and he should be sacked.
On another note, why do all the Jojo's have abs? It's not morally wrong or anything but it's..weird?? Like abs and trauma are like a Jojo staple. Almost like a starter pack.
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To answer your question, Jojo, it's probably because he is competing in the Steel Ball Run race.
This shot looks so pretty. I can imagine it being animated. This would look so good animated. Gyro looks great.
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Just in case anyone forgot he is a Jojo, he also has that hereditary recklessness.
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This looks very painful but also pretty. It's the swirls I guess. Swirls are pretty.
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Don't test him Gyro, the guy will actually do it, wheelchair or not.
On another personal note I'm thinking of naming this liveblog as 'SBR in 10 pics or less' because Tumblr app is a jerk and I can only use the app right now.
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belanova · 8 months
Ok finally going to liveblog Steel ball run block #Fpop reads jojo
Below is thoughts on the 1st chapter
So i have been slightly spoiled about what this Part is a bit like, not too much! The much i know is that It is not related to Part 6 ending and is instead a complete reset of the entire universe with new characters and such there is NO callbacks to the previous parts, another thing is USAMERICA PRESIDENT IS AN IMPORTANT THING HERE. Also Jesus Christ is relevant but I don't know how and the new jojo is disabled and the most dickish of them all!
i'm so excited cause now i finally have the free time to read it ^3^
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Immediately tho first panels is a Native American called Sandman runs from his tribe for reading books. What the fuck is indian running style, the only way i get is that theyre referring to "Normal" but normal is being swapped for indian in this case cause thats their normal to differentiate to the type of running hes doing. BUT ALSO WHAT LOL
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I also hope this guy wins, most likely the jojo will win but i already prefer this guy does
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if lynyrd skynyrd or california girls is not the ending song for the anime then whats the the point
also this panel afterwards say about "participant musts be 16 or older, anything else does not matter" So can't way to see several horses with stands and children with fake ids in this race.
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omg hi evil bitch <;3
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also going to assume this guy whose entire outfit is balls is the white man training in the mountains i mean HE LIKES BALLS!
I forgot about him but hes another character who i already knew cause in cons for when jojo characters would join there was a girl cosplayed as him! so I thought he would be a woman but also not surprised pffft, i wish i took a photo with her it was so fucking cool
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Theres more panels im going to be posting in seperate posts but i included all of these in one go so the rest i will go on about liveblogging
thoughts on 1st: It looks promising already, i also like horses a lot so im happy that it focuses on horse riding :3 the first thing that catches my eye the most is Sandman since thats the most i have info on rn and his motives interest me, but also this guy ^ since hes literally the one in the cover and the one i see the most around this part, i will comment the artstyle feels like a complete shock to the much softer and rounder style of part 6
i like it it makes me feel excited! a complete reset of the series but still familiar to old stuff :D
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ymiwritesstuff · 4 years
I've had this scenario idea for a while. Could I request a Gyro x reader where Gyro tries and teaches reader how to ride a horse? Thank you, and take your time
This was such a cute request and I really enjoyed writing it as I have some knowledge of horse riding (I used to ride horses as a hobby a few years ago lmao) and I really hope you enjoyed this! Thank you so much for the request!!
Ready for Anything
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure Part 7: Steel Ball Run
Gyro Zeppeli x Reader
Summary: With the race starting in a few days, Gyro has made sure to prepare himself both physically and mentally, however finds himself rather nervous when he learns about the fact that you lack one very crucial skill needed in the race.
The Steel Ball Run race was to commence in a few days and Gyro had decided to use those few days to mentally prepare himself for the journey ahead. He was very serious about the race and so he made sure to fully ready himself before the departure. Valkyrie was fed and was in top condition, he had packed everything in advance and the only thing left to do was to also ready his mind for the difficult competition that was sure to be exhausting.
“I don’t know how to ride a horse.”
As soon as those words leave your mouth, Gyro’s eyes widen, seemingly not believing your words. He looks at you, his eyes filled with shock and confusion and some part of him waits for you to start laughing and tell him that what you just said was merely a joke. But you don’t.
“What?” He asks, his voice filled with confusion and disbelief. Had he heard you correctly?
“I said I don’t know how to ride a horse. Can you teach me?”
The nonchalance in your voice only worsens Gyro’s state of utter shock and in turn, makes him nervous. How could you be so calm about this? The race was about to start in a mere few days and only now you let him know that you have no experience in horse riding, something he thought you had when you two left his home country. 
“Why the hell didn’t you tell me sooner?! Damn it (Name) we only have a few days before we have to work our asses off in this race, and now you’re telling me that you don’t even know how to ride a horse?!” His voice grows louder, the frustration embedded in it piercing your ears. It was true that you had kept your little knowledge about horses a secret from him, but it was for a good reason.
“Because if I told you, you wouldn’t have let me come with you!” You were right. Gyro didn’t want you accompanying him at all since he knew the possible dangers of the race, but when he learned of your supposed skill in horse riding as well as your strong desire not to let him go on his own, he had given in and allowed you to come with him, albeit somewhat reluctantly. “Come on, Gyro. It can’t be that difficult.”
A heavy sigh that holds a frustrated groan slips his lips as Gyro shakes his head, knowing full well that a mere few days are nowhere near enough for you to fully master the sport. His eyes then fall on your horse that’s located beside his, not too far away. “Where the hell did you even get (Horse’s name) from?” He inquires as there is no way you had a horse of your own if you didn’t even know how to ride it. You quickly glance at your steed before replying:
“I borrowed it from a friend,” Your gaze returns to him. “But that’s not the point, Gyro. I need you to teach me. And don’t you dare send me back or something, I’m not leaving.” You cross your arms, sternly looking him in his emerald eyes, undying determination to stay by his side flowing through your veins. With a sigh, Gyro walks past you, approaching your horses. 
“Alright fine, but if you don’t learn it by the time the race starts, I’m not taking you with me, (Name).” Gyro was ready to give you a chance, but would not risk your safety no matter what.
With a resolved nod, you follow him, prepared to learn everything there is to learn about horse riding.
As soon as you mount your horse, the entire world around you seems to change. It feels unreal to have a living, breathing animal under you, ready to obey your commands. You adjust yourself on the saddle, carefully taking the reins in your hands. For a few more seconds you are allowed to admire the sensation before Gyro’s voice snaps you back to reality.
“Grip ‘em tighter, like this,” He says and lifts his hands up that are tightly holding Valkyrie’s reins. “Helps you control your horse better.” You nod and do as he suggests, shortening the distance between your hands and your horse’s head, making it lift its gaze up. Your eyes turn to look at Gyro and he gives you a single nod as a sign of approval. 
“Good, now let’s try moving,” He says and breaks Valkyrie’s stationary state and begins to slowly walk around you, your (E/C) eyes paying close attention to his posture. “The way you make a horse move is by lightly pressing its sides with your heels, like this,” He pulls the reins, halting his horse’s movement and lightly does as he just instructed, making her walk again. “Simple, right? Give it a try.” You look at him and then down at your hands and take a deep breath. You gently press your heels against your horse and to let out a surprised yelp when it begins to take slow steps forward, following your commands.
“Now what?! How do I make it turn?!” You quickly ask as your horse gets closer and closer to a fence, and you certainly don’t want to crash into it. Gyro lightly chuckles and moves beside you. “It’ll turn on its own too, horses aren’t that dumb, (Name),” He says and lets out another brief chuckle, which doesn’t seem to calm down your small state of panic so he continues: “Just pull on the rein that’s on the side you wanna turn to. So basically, if you wanna turn to the left, pull on the left one.” You quickly do as he instructs and make your horse turn, your successful command making you sigh in relief.
Gyro once again smiles, finding your determination to learn just so he doesn’t need to embark on the journey that’s yet to come all by himself extremely admirable. The fact that you were willing to lie to him about your skills in horse riding and actually learn the sport just to remain with him filled with him warm, comforting delight. And much to his surprise, this was going quite well so far.
“Okay, what next?” You ask, snapping him out of his thoughts and making him focus on the situation again. Your horse walked slowly around the field and quite impressively, you had managed to stay on the animal without falling off. That was good and all, but Gyro can’t help but to chuckle at the thought of you on your ass on the ground.
“Try to stop your horse. You do it by-” Before Gyro gets to finish his statement, you gently pull the reins like you had seen him do and your horse comes to a stop, widening his emerald eyes in surprise. “Like this?” You ask, looking at him with a smile. Gyro blinks a couple of times. “Oh wow, you’re a quick learner. Maybe you have a chance after all.” His lips turn into a playful smirk that makes you let out a brief laugh. 
“It’s all thanks to my wonderful teacher.” You flash him another smile that’s full of gratitude. The strong determination in your veins would allow you to master the skill of horse riding, despite the odds being somewhat against you, due to the strict time limit you were under. But you were sure that with the help of Gyro, anything was possible.
“All right then, since you’re so good, why don’t we try something a bit more complicated?”
“I’m ready for anything, Gyro. Bring it!”
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babyybitchhh · 4 years
Do you think they'll animate Steel Ball Run? I would love to see Gyro and Johnny too.
The short answer is yes! I do think they’ll adapt SBR!
DavidPro has shown that they’re committed to Jojo as a series and the only thing that could conceivably stop them is if that part of the story hasnt wrapped up yet. By the time SBR comes out, I think part 8 is definitely going to be finished so no problem there. The hypothetical part 9 (Araki has said that he expects Jojo to have nine parts total when all is said and done) will be another matter entirely as it’s a monthly release so the wait for that one would almost certainly be much longer.
Here’s my more detailed answer. I was there the night that the Phantom Blood adaption was announced. When I say /a/ as a whole lost its mind, I am not exaggerating. There was a pinned thread with thousands and thousands of replies. Mostly everyone was just shocked, because Jojo was just one of those titles you never expected to get a working adaption (particularly not after the apparent disaster that was the Phantom Blood movie lmao) and there was a lot of concerns regarding the quality of the incoming anime. What would they change? How heavily would it be censored? Static color palettes?? In MY Jojo??? Heresy!
A lot of people were convinced that it would just be a one off project. “They’ll never adapt everything!” But, as we know, Phantom Blood segued right into Battle Tendency without pause. There was a murmur of hope that part 3 would be next but, as always, there were dissenters. They said it was too long and too violent. Even if they DO adapt it, they’ll cut out most of the material. Stuff like that.
And then here comes Stardust Crusaders in its ENTIRETY. Goddamn. DavidPro is in this for the long haul. Of course, then the negative Nancy’s started saying “they’ll never adapt part 4! It’s too SOL! It just won’t sell! They’ll skip right to part 5 because it’s so popular with the fujo crowd!”
Diamond is Unbreakable drops and, for whatever reason, that seems to have been what finally shut people up. I guess it just became too obvious for them to deny that Jojo is going to be adapted whether or not they like it and I really haven’t seen many people being all doom and gloom about it since then.
The only exception being the argument that “part 6 will never get adapted because the Jojo is a girl” which 🙄 I’ve seen that sentiment pop up so many times over the years and it’s so tired. Like yeah, a good portion of the Jojo fanbase is comprised of fujo’s but it’s not like Stone Ocean is completely bereft of male characters altogether. But also the target audience IS boys once you get right down to it and they still make up a good portion of the demographic. DavidPro hasn’t skipped anything yet so why would they start now? The series is popular af and if they were going to stop adapting it then they would’ve done so already.
Anyway I said all that just to give you an idea of how every single iteration of Jojo has had naysayers insisting that so-and-so part will never get adapted. It’s been a continuous thing since Phantom Blood was first announced so even if you see someone saying SBR won’t get animated, there’s really no reason to believe them. The ONLY thing that concerns me with the possible anime is the horses. I’d bet relatively good money that a lot of it is going to be CGI which has haunted the back of my mind for a while now but, tbh, Kimetsu no Yaiba has made me feel rather optimistic about the future of computer generated animation. And since SBR is still a few years off at the very least, I’m relatively hopeful about how it will likely look.
We gotta get Stone Ocean first though and I for one cannot wait to see what songs they get for the ED’s. 😩👌
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jojo parts in order from my most to least favorite:
diamond is unbreakable
steel ball run
stone ocean
vento aureo
stardust crusaders
battle tendency
phantom blood
my logic:
diu is my favorite because despite the fact that araki was clearly making it up as he went along (the main goal isn’t even discovered until halfway through), everything kinda fits together perfectly? like, kira’s power is, on its own, a really good power for a jojo villain- he can destroy anything and in really weird and esoteric ways. josuke’s power is, on its own, a really good power for a jojo- he can fix anything and in really weird esoteric ways. but they’re even better because of how they’re paired against each other.
steel ball run is my second favorite because i like the whole gimmick of it being one big horse race. i like stories about really long races that take a long time to do. and the way that spin is the focus, like hamon in the earlier parts, but spin is supplemented by stands is really fascinating! and how, combined with spin, tusk is really really good, but without spin, tusk would be practically useless, because tusk’s focus is on spin support.
stone ocean, jojolion, and vento aureo are honestly pretty interchangeable in the list. i put stone ocean highest because i like jolyne and the idea of the entire part being in a prison (because i like when the part has a gimmick).
stardust crusaders falls a little flat because araki hadn’t quite figured out stands yet. there were some really interesting stands in part 3, like Hanged Man, but stands like star platinum and hierophant green and magician’s red are honestly kinda boring and they’re the focus. star platinum is Strong. hierophant green has a hard-to-dodge ranged attack. magician’s red has fire powers.
battle tendency and phantom blood are at the bottom because they don’t have stands, and while hamon is nice and all (and i still think part 3 would have been a lot better if joseph used it more often), parts 1 and 2 are clearly missing something. and battle tendency is above phantom blood because joseph works really well as a protagonist, and caesar and lisa lisa are really good as supporting protagonists.
and don’t get me wrong, none of the parts are bad, or even close. i love them all. and there are other reasons why the list is ordered the way it is, but it’s hard to put those reasons into words because they’re just my general feelings towards the parts as a whole.
and also, full disclosure, as i’ve mentioned a few times by now, phantom blood and diamond is unbreakable are the only parts i’ve actually finished. i’ve seen all of the part 1 anime, i’ve seen about half of the part 2 anime, i’ve seen a handful of episodes of the part 3 anime (though i’ve been even more comprehensively spoiled to part 3 than i have to the other parts i haven’t finished), i’ve seen all of the the part 4 anime and read about half of the part 4 manga (i haven’t read the parts 1-3 manga at all because i started getting into jojo around the time the part 3 anime was starting, and honestly, the anime is such a perfect panel-for-panel adaptation of the manga that i don’t think it’d be necessary to read the manga for the parts that have already been animated), i’ve seen a handful of episodes for the part 5 anime and read about a third of the manga, i’ve read a handful of chapters for the part 6 manga, i’ve read a handful of chapters for the part 7 manga, and i haven’t even started reading the part 8 manga, all of my knowledge of it whatsoever comes from spoilers.
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ymiwritesstuff · 5 years
Hey, I've just discovered Diego Brando and don't know much about him but could you do a Deigo x female reader where he struggles to find his coffee or something, like those moments where he apparently goes blind? If not, just fluff please. Thank you.
Oooh this one is super nice!! I hope you enjoy this, despite the (once again..) short length. Thank you so much for requesting!!
Morning Coffee
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure Part 7: Steel Ball Run
Diego Brando x Fem!Reader
Summary: After the long riding session of the previous day, you find yourself craving a certain dark liquid first thing in the morning. You brew a cup for your companion as well, but things turn out to be a lot more strange than expected.
The morning Sun pierced through the thin fabric of your tent, snapping you out of your dream. You yawn, and lazily open your eyes that are begging to be closed again. Quickly turning to your side you notice Diego, still deeply buried in the world of dreams. His face was calm, breathing steady whilst he slept. The previous day had been tiring, filled with nonstop riding through different terrains so it was obvious that both of you needed to be well rested in order to continue the race today. You were certain that the blond next to you was beyond exhausted as he was still in sleep slumber, not bothered by the brightness of the Sun.
Thinking it’s about time to get up, you carefully move to the entrance of the tent, careful not to disturb Diego. You carefully stick out your head, letting the morning air embrace your upper body. You smile when you notice your and Diego’s horses, happily standing where you had left them before bed. Taking a quick glance at the sleeping beauty himself, you’re relieved to find out that he hadn’t been disturbed by your movements, as he was still lightly snoring, deep within his dream.
You gently smile to yourself, fully stepping out of the tent and stretching your limbs, taking a deep breath. It was fairly early in the morning judging by the Sun and your eventual departure wouldn’t be delayed which was something Diego was extremely strict about, due to his competitive nature towards the race. This also meant that this was the first time you would be able to enjoy a cup of coffee as usually you didn’t have any time to even brew the dark liquid.
The thought of the energizing liquid makes you smile and start making the beverage. You quickly relit the fire from the previous session and take out all the necessary equipment and two cups as you’re sure Diego will be craving the drink as much as you are once he finally wakes up.
The smell of coffee caused Diego to open his cyan eyes and rub them lazily. Lifting his head up, he could see you from the slightly opened entrance of the tent. He yawned softly before getting up, craving the taste of coffee. 
When you heard him come out of the tent, you turned to him, smiling as you take a sip of the caffeine filled liquid, cherishing the flavor. “Good morning, Diego” you say as he sits next to you. He looks well rested, yet somewhat exhausted. Perhaps coffee would be of help for him too. “I made you a cup too” You lift up the cup you hold in your hand, the blond’s eyes following it sharply. “It’s right there” His eyes follow your hand that’s pointing at the still steaming cup, but for some reason there’s a glint of confusion in them. He reaches for the right direction however his hand just waves around the cup, with seemingly no attempt to grab it. He looks back at you with frowned brows framing his eyes. “Where?” 
Visible confusion draws itself on your face as you try to understand the confusion of his own. “It’s right there in front of you” When your hand moves to point the cup again, Diego’s eyes are locked on it within seconds. He carefully follows the direction eyes filled with puzzlement, but still doesn’t seem to reach for the cup instead looking at what he thinks is an empty space. “I can’t see anything (Name). Are you making fun of me?” Diego’s growing frustration is clear as he speaks to you, his voice filled with annoyance. Your own face is twisted with utter shock and bafflement. Your eyes didn’t fool you, the cup was definitely there. Can’t he see it? “No, I’m not! It’s right there, Diego! Are you trying to make fun of me?” Your voice is much louder than intended, your own annoyance leaking through. 
Diego only huffs at your words and tries to yet again grab the cup he just can’t seem to find. He mutters something under his breath, something that doesn’t even sound like any understandable language. You then notice the crack on the side of his mouth that reaches all the way to his cheek. So that’s what this is. Your gaze softens as you move to his cup, taking it to your hands.
“Here,” Diego holds out his hands and you place the warm cup in them. This must be the fault of his recently acquired ability he told you about. You didn’t know everything, but thought it was safe enough to assume this was the cause of it. “Still having trouble controlling your ability?” He doesn’t answer right away as he hungrily drinks the coffee, almost like an animal. This side of him was fairly new, but you’ve been trying to get used to it as much as possible, trying to understand it. Once he’s done, he rudely tosses the cup aside, seemingly satisfied with the drink. “Bloody hell.. What a nuisance..” His features return to normal, the crack on his face fading away. 
Diego was embarrassed to say the least. To him, he had just made a fool of himself in front of you only because of his recent ability. Part of him wants to get rid of it as soon as possible but he knows that with this ability he has a chance to achieve his goals and ambitions. He needs this and he hates the fact that he does. He notices you sitting next to him, hugging him from the side. “You’re a silly dinosaur, you know that?” You don’t notice it, but a light shade of pink dusts his cheeks as he hugs you back, placing his chin on top of your head.
Although he found this little coffee episode embarrassing in a way, he was still delighted that you were with him on this journey, making everything a lot less heavy. Perhaps one day he would laugh at this little incident as well.
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ymiwritesstuff · 5 years
Angst? How about a Diego x female reader where she gets severely injured saving him from an aggressive horse? Kinda set before Steel Ball Run? have a wonderful day/night.
Ok wow this made me so sad damn. I guess it really helped that I was listening to sad Jojo osts. Anyway, thanks for the request and I hope you enjoy!
Endless Slumber
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure Part 7: Steel Ball Run
Diego Brando x Reader
Summary: Everything around Diego crumbled to dust when you decide to save his life with great consequences.
How was this possible? This wasn’t supposed to be happening. Diego never lost control of any horse so why? He was a professional, able to calm down an aggressive steed any time, but why not now? Everything was going according to plan just a moment ago and suddenly the animal decided to enter a state so bizarre it had caught the professional jockey off guard. He knew this particular horse had some.. Behavior issues, hence why he was asked to deal with it. But never had he seen such aggression from a horse before. The hectic movements eventually caused Diego to stumble and fall to the muddy ground, the horse above him, ready to walk over the blond.
And yet, the impact and pain never managed to reach him. He was pulled away by something, seemingly someone trying to help but he still heard the chilling sounds of cracking bones. However the bones being mercilessly broken under a pair of hooves weren’t his. No, it couldn’t be. The painful expression on the familiar face, the messy (H/C) hair all over the face that wore said expression and those (E/C) eyes closed, tears flooding them. And the horrifying sound that you let out was so excruciating Diego could practically feel the same physical pain as you did.
It all happened so fast and when the enraged animal finally grew tired and began to retreat, Diego wasted no time in quickly yet carefully picking you up, despite your whimpers of pain. “D-Diego..” The sound of your weak, painful voice made his heart break into a million pieces that pierced his soul like a dozen tiny knives. He had to get you to the nearest hospital before something regrettable happened. He couldn’t lose you. He couldn’t let that happen. He would never forgive himself if he lost you. The thought made him sick with worry and fear. And that thought was also the determination to get you into care as quickly as possible.
Comatose. That was your curse. Apparently the horse had managed to damage your brain severely causing you to fall under a slumber from which you might not wake up. Diego was sick with worry, the fear and guilt following him everywhere like a shadow. This couldn’t be happening. Why? Why you? Why did it have to be you? Diego could’ve taken the damage but.. You were so fragile, so delicate and now you were at the mercy of death. All because he couldn’t calm down that cursed animal. Everything around him was crumbling. Like the entire world was dying, withering, leaving him alone in the sea of fear and sorrow.
He wasn’t allowed to see you. Not until your state was stable enough. It was killing him. Slowly eating him from the inside. He couldn’t focus on anything like before. Nothing was able to get his thoughts away from you. The worry kept him awake at night, draining him from energy. He was tired, sad, angry. It should’ve been him. His (Name) didn’t deserve this. You hadn’t done anything and now you were unconscious with severe injuries caused by his stupidity. Every day he came to the hospital hoping to see you, but got denied every time, his shadow of worry only engulfing him more. What would he do if he lost you? Not again. He couldn’t lose someone he loved again. Was life punishing him? Punishing him for everything he did?
Diego would wake up from his nonexistent slumber, expecting you to be next to him, holding him. But you weren’t there. You hadn’t been there for weeks. Only an empty spot beside him, haunting him, reminding him that there was a chance that this empty spot could very well remain there for all eternity. He would cry. Cry and desire your presence, your touch, but he knew his silent wishes wouldn’t be fulfilled. It was all useless, futile. All for nothing. The fear of losing you and the guilt were cruelly embracing him, planting themselves within him, ridding him of any peace.
It was like a curse. A curse that injected its venom into his veins as soon as the horse’s hooves made contact with your fragile bones. And it only worsened the longer he had to wait. He heard silent whispers of blame from no one, telling him that it was all his fault, sinking him deeper into the bottomless pit of regret.
The silence in your room was unsettling, the only sound being Diego’s slow footsteps as he entered. His dull eyes were locked on your still sleeping form, his whole body trembling. He was finally allowed to see you, despite you not being awake. It didn’t matter. He only needed to be close to you as he craved your presence more than anything. Diego took a seat next to you, emotions beginning to rise to the surface as he looked at you. Your body was almost entirely covered in bandages and casts, your face full of cuts and bruises. Yet despite all the painful injuries, your sleeping form was unbothered, looking just as peaceful as Diego remembered when waking up next to you.
It broke his heart to see you like this. He could feel the heavy tears start to form in his cyan eyes. He took a hold of your hand with his trembling one, squeezing it, hoping to get a similar action from you. However your hand remained relaxed, unaffected by his touch. Diego wasn’t used to his. You always squeezed his hand, looked at him with love and affection and smiled at him with that amazing smile of yours that filled his heart with joy. But now, all those traits were lost.
He wondered what you saw whilst in this deep slumber. He wondered if you saw him or any of the fond memories you two shared. Were you happy? Did you even realize what was going on? “Please.. Wake up..” His voice was silent yet painful, his troubled hand still holding yours. For a moment it’s just you and him in this world, surrounded by a cruel spirit of death that gracefully yet teasingly danced around you, not casting its spell upon you. “Y-you have to fight.. Please..” He pleads, hoping you can hear him in wherever you are. He can only hope that his desperate words reach your ears and help you survive so you can return to him.
“I-I’m sorry.. S-so sorry..” That’s all he can say. And he can only hope that it’s enough to bring you back. He’ll do anything to see your (E/C) eyes open again and see your lips turn into a loving smile that he so yearned. His both hands are now on yours and for a moment Diego swears he feels your hand squeeze his as if to tell him that you’ll wake up from the endless slumber and never leave him again.
But you never do.
And it’s his fault.
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ymiwritesstuff · 5 years
Hey, I have another Diego request, (Thanks again for the first one, it was amazing). Could you do one where Diego loses control over himself and tries to attack the reader but snaps out of it before he kills/hurts her? Bit of angst and fluff? Thank you again.
How do you come up with these awesome ideas??? I know I say this with almost every scenario I write but THIS?? It was SO fun to write and I hope you get the same level of enjoyment out of it as I did! Thank you so much for requesting and thank you so much for the positive feedback on the previous Diego scenario!
The Beast Within
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure Part 7: Steel Ball Run
Diego Brando x Reader
Summary: During an enraged and heavy storm you’re soon finding yourself looking for your beloved, terrified that he won’t survive the possibly dangerous weather. However things soon take an unexpected and possibly deadly turn
Notes: Angst, Small bits of violence, Fluff
The heavy rapid hooves of your horse touched the muddy ground caused by the heavy rain all around you. The conditions were horrible for horse riding the slippery ground and loud thunder being obvious life-threatening risks, but you couldn’t allow yourself to be deterred before locating Diego. You knew he wouldn’t be able to survive in the enraged weather as no other racer would so foolishly try to challenge it. But Diego was different and you’re cursing yourself for not being able to hold him back for stupidly continuing the race in such horrible weather.
And due to that guilt you were now risking your own life, trying to track the blond down by following the hoof prints of his Arab thoroughbred which you could barely even see on the wet ground. Your own horse’s hooves would slip between gallops, every time startling you and making you second guess everything you were doing just for this one man. “Damn it..” There was no denying that you cared for him, otherwise you would’ve saved yourself from this awful storm. It mercilessly shot its bullets of water on you, wind trying to toss you around and the unreliable ground below you just waiting for your horse to make a single mistake so it could throw the animal on the harsh ground.
And yet, you needed to see him. You had to. The little voice in your head was telling you to get to Diego. The horse under you would eventually lose its stamina but you couldn’t let that stop you. You would get to him, even if it meant walking. Despite all the worry your mind was filled with, you still had iron-like determination pushing you forward.
But that feeling of determination and confidence was short-lived as suddenly, your horse slipped again, but this time couldn’t hold itself up. The front hooves gave out, causing the poor animal to fall down. You think fast and quickly jump off to avoid ending up under the heavy horse, your landing being anything but graceful as you fall on the ground, rolling around for a brief moment before finally coming to a stop. Without further hesitation you quickly glance at your horse, quietly praying that it’s fine and sigh in relief when you notice that this is indeed the case. Losing your horse would be absolutely the worst case scenario as it would mean the end of the whole race.
From the corner of your careful eye you see a familiar figure on their knees, completely at the mercy of the rain. “Diego..” Quiet words of relief leave your mouth as you notice him. He was fine and his steed was too. However you can’t shake off an uneasy feeling upon closer inspection. His head is hung low, troubled hands buried in his scalp. You could hear his heavy panting even through the heavy rain. His hunched form only seemed to worsen the closer you got to him. “Diego..?” The voice you let out was still quiet but definitely audible as the blond flinched at your words. His distressed eyes carefully glanced at you during which you saw the abnormality painted on them. They didn’t look like they used to. Before you could take another step forward, Diego’s voice cut through the air. “Get away! Don’t.. Don’t come any closer!” The sound of his voice was terrifying, being altered by what to you sounded like a mutated animal.
“What’s wrong? Diego, are you hurt? Please let me help, I-I’m sure you’ll be fine..” Worry was something you felt as Diego’s groans of discomfort became louder and louder by the second, his whole form changing into something you had never seen before. His fair skin cracked, his teeth changed into fangs, sharp as knives and something that looked like a tail formed on his lower half. “(N-Name).. R-run.. G-get a-away.. I.. I can’t..” He was struggling to get words out, growls bubbling in his throat, some leaking to his speech, making it barely understandable. You were confused, scared, worried. “Diego, what’s happening to you?!” Despite his words you couldn’t abandon him. You had just found him. Still, the unsettling feeling on the back of your head only grew as the blond transformed into something that looked like it belonged into the depths of Hell.
Diego’s efforts to resist himself were becoming futile as his own ability was overpowering his will to remain stable. His eyes were blurry, nails turned to claws, his entire body transforming. This was bad. He had to get you away from him before he would utterly lose control. The beast within him was taking over and Diego had to use the last of his remaining strength to protect you. “Get..” His panting got quicker, his pulse running wild. Blood hummed in his ears, the last of his consciousness fading away “GET AWAY FROM ME!!”
The loudness of his voice made every bone in your body tremble, your blood running cold. His words were mixed with the growls of a beast and within seconds, Diego had taken a form of something you had only seen in a handful of books. The large blue reptile locked its eyes on you and within those eyes you saw no remains of Diego. Only a monster. Your legs move on your own as you start running, fear telling you to get away from this beast.
With a single screech, the dinosaur charges after you, the large feet making the ground tremble with every step. You were beyond terrified not only of the beast itself but also because of the still slippery ground. You’re scared for Diego and what happened to him. Was he still there? Or was this monstrosity planning on completely engulfing him, not allowing him to return.
Your blood runs cold when you notice just how close the reptile had gotten, being almost glued to your back. Not daring to look back, you try your best to survive on the devious terrain dreading the thought of falling. Upon hearing it’s jaws bite together in an attempt to grab you, your whole body jumps to the air and you nearly fall over. Tears fill your eyes, your heart races as you desperately try to maintain your speed, a part of you already giving up as there was no way you could ever outrun a Utahraptor.
And your suspicions are proven correct after the dinosaur swings its tail at you, causing you to fall to the muddy ground below. The only action you have time to do is turn yourself on your back, before the powerful foot of the beast is forcefully struck on top of you, keeping you in place. The action causes you to scream in agony as you’re almost certain the impact broke a few bones. You pant, trying to get the necessary oxygen your body was lacking due to the previous impact.
The blue reptile lowers its head near you, growling deeply as its sharp and accurate eyes examine you, it’s teeth clearly visible. You can only look back at it in utter terror, almost certain that it will rip you to pieces at any time. “D-Diego.. P-please..” You can see the same cyan eyes, however you’re uncertain if you can see the man himself behind them. The pressure on your body never ceases, if anything it only increases, causing a groan of pain to escape your lips. Despite it all, you look into its eyes, his eyes trying to find the man you love.
“Do it.” You challenge him, unsure if it’s for the best, however options are something you don’t currently have. “Kill me.. If that’s what you want.” You desperately try to dig Diego up from the clutches of the beast with your words and gaze alone. The voice you let out is quiet, exhausted, completely rid of hope. The eyes of the monster narrow, before it charges at you, seemingly ready to finally take your life.
But the feeling of sharp fangs on your skin or nails digging into your body never arrives.
Instead, upon opening your eyes you’re once again met with the cyan eyes expect this time, they’re his. Diego looks at you, tears in those eyes as he tries to comprehend what he just did to you. Both of his legs are on your either side, his blonde hair tangled and messy. “(N-Name)..” His voice wavers, his lower lip trembling, guilt embracing him, holding him captive. Your own (E/C) eyes are filled with as many tears as his, execpt you’re happy. So happy. Diego conquered the beast within him and returned to you. 
“(N-Name) I.. I’m so sorry.. I don’t know what- Oh God.. What have I done??” Emotions control his voice, making it crack as he expresses his guilt in words. He hangs his head low, tears flowing down his cheeks and your clothes. You sit up, ignoring the fire-like pain on your sides and gently pull him into an embrace. Quiet whispers of ‘I’m sorry’ repeatedly leave his mouth, his arms wrapping around you desperately. “Shh.. It’s over now Diego..” Your own voice cracks as much as his, indicating the weight of the situation. It was true that you almost lost your life, however that’s not what scared you. You weren’t scared about dying and leaving him alone but rather, you were scared about the amount of guilt he would’ve experienced had you left this world by his hand.
“I-I’m s-sorry (Name).. I l-love you.. so much.. I would ne-never-” He breaks down yet again unable to properly finish his sentence. You had never seen him like this and now that you have, it was far more painful than anything your ribs were feeling now. “I know.. I-I love you too..”
You hold him, so tightly, unable to do anything else while the rain surrounds you both, silencing the painful, yet peaceful sobs.
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ymiwritesstuff · 5 years
Hello again, is it possible for a continuation of Gyro's sister x Diego? Like where they actually get to Rocky Mountain Village and [Name] sees Diego acting strange? If not, that's alright. You're an amazing writer and do not let other people tell you otherwise.
Thank you so much once again! I really hope you enjoy this as it was once again extremely fun to write.
Strange Behavior
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure Part 7: Steel Ball Run
Diego Brando x Gyro’s Sister!Reader
Summary: The journey continues as planned but things soon take an unexpected turn as you run into Diego once again
Notes: Suggestive language, light swearing
This is a continuation of Just a Little Scheme please read that one first to understand the context better
The journey the next day had continued normally, albeit with slight feelings of boredom from your side, due to the lack of Diego’s presence. The events of the previous night were still fresh within your mind and you could practically still feel the blond’s lips on yours. Deep thoughts of Diego made it hard to concentrate on riding your horse, which at this point was extremely important as the soil was a lot more unforgiving this time around.
Johnny was ahead of you and your brother who angrily mumbled something to himself as he looked at the results in front of him. He was clearly still upset about Diego finishing in first at the end of the last stage and even more so at Johnny who had had the audacity to finish before him despite promising not to. You roll your eyes upon hearing him rant to frankly no one but himself and focus on your own performance, finally caring to watch your steps on the rocky ground below.
Just then you notice Johnny slowing down the fast pace of his horse, seemingly eyeing something. “Johnny what’s wrong?” The blond turned to you and Gyro as the three of you came to a complete halt. “Dio’s sitting down over there. That’s Dio’s horse” he said, pointing at the very recognizable Silver Bullet. A short distance away from the horse you could indeed see Diego. “But.. They’re off course” You swiftly reach to grab a pair of binoculars from Gyro’s hands, much to his displeasure. “Hey! I was gonna use ‘em” You quickly wave you hand at your brother to shush him. “Shut up! I need to see him”
Looking through the binoculars helps you see Diego more clearly. A small gasp leaves your mouth as you note the horrible state he’s in. He was on the ground, barely conscious, hand on his head, his helmet situated not too far away from him, covered in small drops of blood, much like the head that was supposed to wear it. “H-he.. He fell..” Your voice wavers due to the fear and worry the painful image makes you feel. It was not like Diego at all to fall off his trustworthy steed. Something was definitely not right.
“He fell? Dio actually fell?” Johnny’s voice lacked the worry yours held, but was still just as confused. Gyro took the binoculars from you, looking through them himself to confirm the situation. “Well, it is a mountain course... Could be that he and his horse aren’t made for this type of land” Gyro’s eyes widened as he noticed movement coming from Diego’s direction. You could see something as well albeit not as clearly as your brother. “What? What is it Gyro?!” The volume of your voice only increases due to the sheer uncertainty of the situation which only makes you want to know more. “He cuddled up! He fell over holding his head!”
Your brother’s words were enough to make you approach Diego, not being able to stand the sight of him any further. Johnny was quick to try to stop you: “(Name), don’t! It might be a trap!” You ignored him though, which forced him and Gyro to come after you. No matter how untrustworthy Diego seemed to them, there was no way he was trying to fake this. He was clearly injured and you wouldn’t leave him before at least checking up on him.
“(Name), don’t get too close to him! We don’t know what happened to him!” Despite the annoyance your brother’s words made you feel, you still did as he said and stopped a safe, but not great distance away from Diego, the two males soon following after. Gyro grabbed Diego’s helmet from the ground and threw it towards him. “Hey, Dio! Are you alright?! If you want the rescue team to come, just say so! I’ll call them!” You hopped down from your horse, keeping a watchful eye on Diego. To your surprise, he started moving, slowly trying to sit up with a groan of pain leaving his mouth. “Diego?” You question with a soft voice, trying to perhaps ease his discomfort.
Diego shot a piercing glare at the three of you which alone was enough to make you retreat a few steps. “(Name) get back” Gyro’s warning behind you made you glance at him and then back at Diego. His cyan eyes had a strange look to them, almost threatening. Just then you notice the abnormal appearance of his hand. It was full of cracks with some of his nails seemingly cut off, making them sharp like claws. You swallow a lump of nervousness that lingered in your throat as you feel Diego’s glare practically stabbing you.
“Get lost, you three! In the end, I’m the one who’s going to pass you up!” The tone of his voice was terrifying, something you had never heard. It was like he was a totally different person. “Nyohoho!” Gyro’s smug laugh reached your ears and he swiftly began to leave the scene on Valkyrie. “Looks like he’s fine! Whether it’s a trap or not, he’s too healthy! That’s great!” His green eyes then locked on you. He knew what you were thinking and was quick to deny your silent request. “Let’s go!” You were about to protest but gave up as soon as his horse started speeding up, Johnny following him. Not wanting to be left behind you mount your steed and began to leave with the two, but not before glancing at Diego one more time, only to see him collapse on the hard ground.
What none of you didn’t expect was to see Diego again as you were passing through the rocky mountains. He had suddenly appeared, looking more aggressive and threatening. His whole demeanor had changed quite drastically and he even suggested staying at a small village for the night. During the whole trip though, everything about Diego seemed strange. He bragged about how good he felt, did some dangerous yet impressive tricks while on his horse and even cracked a joke.
Needless to say, the three of you were extremely puzzled by his behavior, Johnny and your brother trying to get away from him rather aggressively.
“Hey (Name)!” Your (E/C) eyes turned to look at him and his smug smirk he was wearing, reminding you of the previous night. Except this time his smirk seemed to hide something sinister in a way. “I know I was a bit of a jerk back there for yelling at you.. But really, it was mostly meant for those two idiots” His gloved hand that mostly covered his still slightly visible cracks pointed at your brother and Johnny who were riding beside you. “So I promise to make it up for you tonight once we get to the village. Trust me, my dear.. It’ll be amazing” 
The mischievous glint in his eyes and his suggestive words that left his mouth make your face heat up despite the wind blowing against it. You knew exactly what he was referring to and could only hope that Gyro didn’t hear it. Fortunately it seemed that he was busy talking to Johnny, most likely something related to the situation at hand.
When you were finally welcomed to the village with surprisingly open arms, you noticed that Diego was nowhere to be seen. Gyro suspected that he was conversing with the villagers full of excitement. Regardless he was more than happy to not have him around him, Johnny and especially you. Once you settled down, Gyro went to look for some food and you were left alone with Johnny who was quietly pouring some coffee into a cup.
“You think everything will be fine? You know, since Diego is close by and Gyro doesn’t exactly find his company enjoyable..” You question Johnny while sipping coffee from your own cup. The blue eyed male sighed. “I think it’ll be fine. As long as he doesn’t get too close to you..” You laugh at the thought of your protective brother, being reminded of the events that occurred the night before.
Just then you notice Johnny’s eyes start staring at something outside. You follow his shocked gaze, your (E/C) eyes landing on Diego who kneeling down in a corner, beastly sounds erupting from his mouth. Upon closer inspection you notice him eating something. Something that looked like.. Rocks??
Your eyes didn’t fool you. There he was, swallowing them whole like an animal, his body twisting in an odd way. You glance at Johnny whose shocked expression is equal to yours. Despite Johnny silently telling you to stay put, you place your cup down and begin to approach Diego with careful steps. You would be lying to yourself if you said you weren’t frightened as this state of Diego was seemingly even more unpredictable than his usual one.
And your fears are proven to be valid as in a quick motion, Diego’s head turns completely around, his eyes locked on you. This action causes you to jump and before you can do anything else, the male lunges forward, landing on top of you. “(Name)!” Johnny’s voice could be heard, but he’s unable to do anything to aid you.
Diego lowers his face to yours and begins to sniff the air around you, different aromas tickling his senses. “Smells like coffee..” He then looks up at Johnny. “Are you making coffee? What a pleasant aroma..” His cyan eyes return to you and he begins sniffing you like a dog, taking in the scent. “Diego, what the hell are you doing?!” Before he can do anything else, you quickly shove him off with a red face and you sit up examining him. He looks at you with a smirk that almost seems to reach his ears, his odd-looking teeth visible. “Oh, you know.. Just checking you out..”
You look at him, visible confusion laid across your entire face. Thank goodness Gyro wasn’t here or Diego would most likely lay dead in front of you. But still what on earth was wrong with him? You didn’t know why, but something deep down was telling you that this would all take a turn for the worse. And you didn’t like it.
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ymiwritesstuff · 5 years
Loving Embrace
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure Part 7: Steel Ball Run
Diego Brando x Reader
Summary: After waiting for him in front of a campfire for hours, Diego returns to you with little to no energy. Something about him seems extremely different though.
First time writing for Diego, hope you enjoy!! Takes place right after he acquires Scary Monsters
The chilly air of the night embraced your seated form, your horse calmly standing beside you not too far away. The cloudless sky combined with the moon illuminated the area around you which made the silent fire useless in terms of lighting. However the warmth the flames provided was definitely needed as the cold night would stab your body without it. You had already put up your tent in which you would spend the night before continuing the race the following morning.
The Steel Ball Run itself wasn’t something you cared too much about. The fact that you even were in the leading side was only due to your traveling partner, whose whereabouts you didn’t currently know. He had gotten separated from you at some point during the day for who knows what reason. It didn’t worry you though, since you had no doubt he’d be fine on his own. Still, his presence was something you missed ever so slightly, hence you were now waiting for his possible, but not guaranteed return by the fire.
You weren’t even sure how long you had been waiting, and why since there was no certainty in his return. He might have just continued the race even during the night just to assure his position. The thought of his stubbornness towards the race made you chuckle, breaking the silence around you, catching the curious eye of your steed. Every now and then you would check up on your horse to make sure he didn’t run off or get startled by something. Smiling, you take a single apple from your bag, cutting it in half with the help of a pocket knife. 
“Here you go, buddy,” you say before tossing the fruit towards the animal. It lands at his hooves, close enough for him to reach. The good throw causes a satisfied grin appear on your lips. You take a bite of the other half and stare into the crimson flames yet again.
The sudden movements of your horse catch your eye. His head is up right, his ears facing forward. You take this as an indicator of someone approaching. Your suspicion is confirmed when you look into the direction of the intruder. They’re walking beside a horse of their own in a slow pace. Frowning your brows you check the extremely simple gun on your hip, holding a hand against just in case. If the rumors about violent behaviour among the racers were true, the weapon could come in handy.
“Who’s there?” you tried your best to see the figure more clearly, wanting to identify them without letting them get too close. There was no response to your question, instead the sound of continuing footsteps getting closer. They were heavy, sounding exhausted. The horse beside the person was walking in sync with them, matching the slow, tired pace.
Then you realized. Upon taking a even closer look, you could finally identify the person. “Diego?” you say and slowly stand up while examining his condition. He looked beyond exhausted, his head hanging low, eyes on the ground. His right hand lazily held Silver Bullet’s reins as the stallion mirrored his rider’s mood. Your own slow footsteps filled the silence as you carefully approached Diego. However before you had a chance to even make it close to him, he spoke: “Do you have water?” His voice was raspy and quiet, immediately indicating just how much he needed the liquid. 
You mumble a quick yes before crouching down and searching your bag. Once you found the canteen filled with water you tossed it towards him, letting him catch it. Diego wasted no time opening it and hungrily drinking the remaining water, some of it leaking from the corners of his mouth. Once he was done ravaging the liquid he tossed the now empty canteen back at you. As you caught it, you noticed something strange about one of his eyes. What on earth happened to him? 
Without a word, he let go of Silver Bullet and sat down in front of the fire, leaving the horse unattended. You frown your brows and grab the other half of the apple, originally intended for yourself and walk towards the horse. He had always treated Silver Bullet with such care, so his sudden change in behaviour puzzled you. After giving the tired horse his treat, you turned to Diego who wore a blank expression while staring at the fire. 
“What’s wrong? You usually don’t treat him like this,” you point to the stallion while keeping your gaze on Diego. He merely glanced at you with his tired eyes before shrugging. “Seems like you already have it under control. Perhaps you can take care of Silver Bullet from now on,” he said with clear sarcasm poisoning his voice. With a sigh you approached him, stopping next to him. “Something’s bothering you.. Did something happen?” He gave you no answer or eye contact, which to an extent irritated you, but you also understood that not everything about his life was your concern. This didn’t stop you from being worried though.
“Did you run into Johnny and Gyro?”
“Want to talk about it?”
Diego was a reserved man, that you understood. He had his secrets just like everyone but seeing him in such a vulnerable state admittedly made you feel bad for him. You hum quietly before sitting next to him. You didn’t want to bother him but you wanted to do something to ease the stress he was clearly under. 
“...Is there anything I can do?” Your question clearly caught his interest as he properly looked at you for the first time during the night. He didn’t answer right away, but was clearly thinking about something. Without a warning he pulled you into a tight embrace, burying his face in your neck. His action caught you off guard, but you eventually melted into the hug, returning it with pleasure. This side of him was new to you, perhaps caused by whatever had happened to him earlier during the night. Regardless this was something you enjoyed as his embrace was definitely pleasant.
You tried to pull away, thinking this was just a short hug, but Diego held on tighter, not allowing you to flee his grip. 
“Stay. It’s comfortable like this..” His voice is soft, something you thought you’d never hear. You replaced your hands around him, gently smiling as you let his surprising yet loving embrace consume you under the moon.
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