#do y’all have any tips on how to get this body😊
just-call-mefr1es · 7 months
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p3bble2 · 2 years
I hate myself. I’m a fat ugly pig who no one loves.
Anyways… I was feeling like relapsing with sh again so I went to look at other peoples sh to help the feeling pass… stupid and weird I know… but then seeing all the b100d and how deep others went made the urges stronger. Yay😆😕
I have so much homework to do but like I have no motivation😔😒 but like obviously I’ll get it done on time because I’m scared of failure 😫
Like no one even notices how hurt and broken I feel. I have good grades that’s why right? People with good grades and pays attention aren’t actually struggling? Hahah yeah..
Sometimes I feel like I’m just faking it… like what if I don’t actually have depression, anxiety, or and ed? Like I haven’t been diagnosed for and Ed because I lie. Like what if I’m just seeking attention? It’s like I hate being the center of attention and talking but I just want someone to notice..? I don’t know maybe I’d still rather be alone and unnoticed..?
Bruhhh does anyone know how to restrict without eating so much.. that made no sense but I don’t know how to phrase it. Like I’ve been eating to much these last few months and I’ve gained. I fucking hate myself. Please give me advice😞 AND DONT FUCKING TELL ME IM GOING TO HURT MY BODY AND ITS BAD FOR ME!!! I DONT CARE! IM SO TIRED OF THIS UGLY FATTNESS! I need to lose weight before I go visit my cousins. And I need to being skinny to feel good about myself. I need to be skinny so people will like me. I just want to be liked by some pretty person💔
Bro my mom just texted me saying she made brownies💔😒 fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. Perfect timing am I right…🙁 but I’m not going to have any because I at stupid ugly fat pig and need to stop saying I’ll restrict tomorrow and start right now and actually follow through.
Anyways tips are appreciated😊 I know basically all of them but they aren’t working for me sooooo please have good ones. Also send me mean sp0 or something because I deserve to be put down for being fat and ugly.
Oh I also got my nose piercings and my parents still don’t know🤪
Damn I’m sorry that I just went on a rant like that😂😅 anyways if you read this far thank you❤️ I hope you are having a decent day❤️ bye for now. Oh and sorry for all the spelling errors if there are any. I was typing fast and literally can’t type for the life of me🤪
Edit: if y’all want me to post what I eat I can. Mostly so I can hold myself accountable and if I eat to much I’ll be embarrassed and be stricter on myself. 😭💀 or and maybe comment some easy work outs I can do because I’m been to tired to move and do any which is dumb. I’m a lazy fat pig🤪
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