#do ya gettit
its-a-human-person · 2 years
wow a art
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i was bored
so i made a bord
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carmenized-onions · 3 months
“I just didn’t think— I don’t think anyone’s my friend, I don’t think.”
bestie I’ll talk about the chapter later but THIS you had my absolutely a millimetre away from crying why would you call me out and do me dirty like thattttt
Yeah I really saw everyone saying "Awe, Tony's so relatable, helpin people so selflessly with a disregard for herself, me too!" and I went Oh Yeah? yeah is she relatable? I wonder what else you relate to, really fuckin wonder....
Anyways, can't wait to hear ya thoughts when ya have em, I did drop this on y'all on a fuckin Monday night I think, so I gettit LMAO
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meherya · 5 years
Not to sound like a shitty brown person but I can’t get behind s*perwoman bc yes she’s become like a general symbol of idk empowerment for like women but she gives off the most white feminist vibes like I cant
Also, like the way she overplays her caricatures is just...... Like I know other brown YouTubers do the same ( like Jusreign) but the way Jusreign presents his “parents” is like toned down compared to superwoman imo
but pls call me out on my bullshit bc I haven’t been following her since like 2013
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you-gotta-dolla · 3 years
Mammon's replacement.
How y'all doin?, ya missed me? I betcha did
SO IT'S FINALLY TIME TO GET THIS AU STARTED, Tho it's not the best atm, I'm gonna edit it as I go so hopefully you're ok with that.
Okay less gettit
Mammon's been trying to get a grip on things, now a days everyone seems to be against him, he should be use to this by now and yet it still hurts.
Thinking that even your own family doesn't care about you, or how everyone seems to only see your negatives and not your positives, it hurts knowing that, no matter what you do, you'll always be second best.
No matter what you do, it's never good enough, no matter how high you score, "Satan got a higher score than this, why can't you? " or "Beel got first place and you got third?, I'm disappointed".
So he kept trying, everything he couldn't do, he tried to do. And yet they still weren't satisfied, so when he did stop trying, it led to more fights.
"How can you get a D- in math?, did you even try?" Lucifet stared at mammon and sighs "even Belphie got a higher score than you, do you know how embarrassing that is? " "you are a demon lord, AND my brother, I expect nothing but the best, and yet you give me nothing but the worst"
Mammon really couldn't care right now, he wanted to leave, get away from all of this. "Yeah yeah, listen I'm sorry, okay?, I'll try better next time, so can I leave now? "
Lucifer glared at him, "excuse me?, do you really think I'd let you go without punishment?" Mammon sighed "is it really necessary?, it was a bad grade, I didn't steal Royal jewelry or something,if anything,I think you're over reacting".
Lucifer stood tall, almost engulfing mammon into his shadow, "I expect you to be down the hallway in an hour, don't be late or else", with that Lucifer kicked mammon out of his office.
Mammon walked away with his head down and arms crossed.
walking into the kitchen to find something to eat, he saw beel scurrying around, thinking nothing of it, mammon watched his brother run around the place.
After a short while, they locked eyes "you ate it, didn't you?" Mammon raised an eyebrow "ate what?" "MY PUDDING" "I don't know what ya talking about" Beel stomped towards him "Yes you do, you ate it, I'm sure if it" rubbing his temples, Mammon raised his head to look beel in the eyes "I didn't touch ya damn pudding, and I'm sure as hell that ya probably ate without realising"
Beel gritted his teeth "I know it was you!, you always do this, you never admit your faults unless you have no choice!" "I don't admit to something if I hadn't done it in the first place! " Beel shoved Mammon aside " and you wonder why people think your a scumbag" beel grumbled "now thanks to your dumb antics, I'm gonna be hungry until dinner"
Mammon was feeling bad about the fight, he wanted to apologize for something he didn't even do, maybe he might even take Beel out to eat.
Walking down the hall,he noticed that Beel was walking straight into Lucifer's office, deciding against to follow him in, Mammon waited outside his office and wait for Beel to come out.
Peaking through the crack in the door way, he noticed all his brothers gathered around Lucifer's desk, seeming to complain about everything.
Hearing that, it made him confused about the situation, moving closer to the door he stayed silent.
"Sometimes I wish he'd just leave, all he does is steal and gamble, what good is he if that's all he's good for?",that was definitely Belphie talking, he's not entirely sure but it was most likely.
Slowly standing up straight, he kept listening to his brothers complaints about him.
"I know he's our brother, and I don't like to belittle him in any way"
"But he's pure scum. The ugliest sort of scum. he's pure scum to the point that I'm embarrassed to call him a fellow, much less my brother!"
Now he understood everything.
Their sick of him, and everything that he's done. Their right, what good is he if he's good at nothing?.
With a aching heart, and tears in his eyes, mammon walked away.
I know it's been awhile, but hey. I'm here
I'm working on chapter 2 as we speak so there's that.
That's it for now friends, bye bye
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goldencorecrunches · 4 years
Wei Ying doesn’t share the lease with Lan Zhan—his sister has very strong opinions on lease-signing before marriage, which Wen Ning has learned come from some unfortunate events in her past, and not from a moral prudishness—but he lives there in all practical terms. When Wen Ning coaxes Wei Ying out of the library at half-past two in the morning, it’s towards Lan Zhan’s apartment that he takes him. It’s a habit, walking Wei Ying home. Wei Ying can hold his own, but even if he weren’t wearing his Thinking Skirt (an ankle-length black denim monstrosity that he claims makes him “think better,” and refuses all attempts to replace) Wen Ning would still go with him. He doesn’t like the idea of anyone walking home alone, in the dark, especially not someone he cares about. Wei Ying stopped arguing with him about it years ago. “Wen Niiiing,” Wei Ying says, slumping theatrically under his backpack. “I’m dead. Linear II has killed me. You have to carry me or I’ll rot here.” “Campus police would probably collect you,” Wen Ning points out, as he bends down so Wei Ying can hop up onto his back. Wei Ying’s arms tighten uncomfortably around Wen Ning’s neck for a moment; Wen Ning hefts under his thighs, hiking up the skirt so Wei Ying can wrap his legs around Wen Ning’s waist. It’s a perfectly platonic best-friend thing to do if Wen Ning doesn’t think about it. “Or th-th, lawnmower people.”
“You’re evil,” Wei Ying says without heat. He didn’t mean his whining about his class, either; Wen Ning was there through Wei Ying deciding to go back to school, and held his hand when he hit submit on his applications. He’s also seen how much Wei Ying thrives, in the whirlwind of work and essays and complex mathematical theories that he’s plunged back into. It’s nice to see him so enthusiastic about something, again; really enthusiastic, not pretending because he doesn’t want people to be upset. Wen Ning has been his friend for over a decade, now, and the years after Wei Ying dropped out were some of his worst. There’s a lady out walking her dog. Wen Ning smiles at the pug’s stubby legs as they pass. The sidewalk underfoot is damp from the rain, glittering under the street lamps; it’s a quiet, comfortable kind of night, even with—especially with—Wei Ying mumbling increasingly incoherently against Wen Ning’s neck, the closer he gets to nodding off. Wen Ning has been over enough times that he knows the code to the building, but he has to jostle Wei Ying to wake him up when he gets to Lan Zhan’s door. “Key,” he says, when Wei Ying grumbles at him. It comes out fond; he can’t help it. “’S in pocket.” “I’d have to put you down.” With considerably more grumbling, Wei Ying wiggles around to dig the keys out of his jacket. It used to be terrifying how he trusted Wen Ning not to drop him. Now Wen Ning brings it up to tease him when his brother visits. The keys are warm from Wei Ying’s pocket, his hand. Wen Ning slides the right one into the lock and opens the door carefully, conscious of the creaky hinge; Wei Ying keeps saying he’s going to fix it.   The lights are still on inside, yellow and bright after the nighttime darkness. Lan Zhan’s head pops up over the back of the couch, followed by the graceful unfolding of his body. It’s clear he stayed up to wait for Wei Ying, but it looks like he’d also been dozing; his hair is a mess and he looks very tired. Wen Ning is used to ignoring the clench of his heart. He lifts a hand from Wei Ying’s ankle to wave. “I brought home the scholar,” he says, which is obvious. Lan Zhan nods at him and comes to help pry Wei Ying off Wen Ning’s back; Wei Ying is refusing to let go. Eventually the two of them manage to unwrap him and get him onto his own two feet. Immediately Wei Ying slumps against Lan Zhan’s flannel-pajama shoulder, muffling a yawn. Lan Zhan gazes at him with such sleepy adoration that Wen Ning has to smile, seeing it. “I’ve got work tomorrow. Um, today,” he says, when Lan Zhan looks at him; his eyes carry lingering softness from looking at Wei Ying, and Wen Ning tries not to blush. “Sorry, I d-d, can’t stay.” His regret is real. Even though he only drinks tea, Lan Zhan’s coffeemaker is much fancier than the secondhand one in the apartment Wen Ning shares with A-Jie. Wen Ning and Wei Ying can go through three pots easy, in the morning. Lan Zhan blinks at him, swaying a little (it is far past his bedtime), and wraps an arm around Wei Ying’s waist with an instinct Wei Ying doesn’t need to keep him close. They have a way of melting into each other that makes Wen Ning’s chest go all liquid, inside, but in a good way. Like soup. Maybe he should go to sleep.
“Goodnight,” Wen Ning says, at the door. Remembering at the last minute, he hands Wei Ying’s keys to Lan Zhan. Lan Zhan takes them, maneuvering Wei Ying so he doesn’t knock into the wall, kisses Wen Ning on the mouth once gently, and turns to half-carry Wei Ying down the hall to bed.
Wen Ning stares at the closed door for a full minute. The inside of his skull keeps making a sound like a rebooting computer.
Nie Huaisang 💃💃💃
 lan zhan just kissed me????????????
                                                like w tongue???
                                                omg finally
no just??? goodnight???
I dropped wei ying off and he just
                                                hell ya 3some gettit
 im really freaking out
                                                oh shit
                                                ill b over in 30 w vodka
 thank you <3
  Wen Ning wakes up and wishes he hadn’t.
He’s curled up in the faux-leather armchair he and A-Jie dragged from the side of the road when they moved in, the one that’s just big enough to let him manipulate his spine into the worst position ever. Drunk him is a trick ass bitch who tends to forget about joint pain. Across the room, Nie Huaisang is cuddling the leg of the coffee table. They probably won’t even have trouble touching their toes, today, but they’re going to complain about it as if they aren’t as a dancer in better shape than the rest of them combined. He’s also wearing one of Huaisang’s bras, the lace pink one they always foist upon Wen Ning when they want “help hoe-ing it up tonight, let’s GO.” Since neither of them ventured beyond Wen Ning’s living room, he’s not sure what sequence of events led to said bra-wearing. The clasp is digging into Wen Ning’s skin. At least it fits better than it used to. Wen Ning’s boobs were, unfortunately, huge. His phone is at four percent. Wen Ning fumbles to plug it in—he got the charger plugged into the wall, before he passed out, but he has a vague recollection of deciding the cord was too short and taking his phone to chair with him untethered—and winces as he taps the scratched screen. He’s got messages. Did he text people last night? He really, really hopes not.
Lan Zhan’s Brother 🎼
                      Hi, I was wondering if you were free this                                           afternoon? 
                      Nothing’s wrong, don’t worry!                       I got an interesting call from Wangji?
  Oh shit. Oh, fuck.
Wen Ning groans and buries his face in the cool oblivion of scuffed pleather.
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avengersobsession · 5 years
Why I’m More Than Okay With Game of Thrones Season 8 (Spoilers)
I swear, if Shakespeare were writing today, everyone would be saying “I can’t believe I sat through 4 goddamn acts of this shit and then Hamlet fucking dies, what the hell is this, petition to change the ending”
...oh, wait, that’s right, that was the reaction to some of his stuff.
So that actually happened. There have been historical performances of Romeo and Juliet that changed the ending, and not just as parody. Where Romeo’s stopped just before he drinks the poison, Juliet wakes, Friar Laurence reads the riot act to the Capulet and Montague parents, and everyone ends happily (except for Mercutio and Tybalt, I guess, but what can you do). Lear lived and Edgar and Cordelia got married. Who thinks AU fanfiction is a new concept?
But we wouldn’t do that today, of course. We wouldn’t mess with Shakespeare just for a happy ending, duh.
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...oh wait, that’s right. Sorry, HCA, you get no respect.
We were never going to get a happy Game of Thrones ending, characters we love ending triumphant, having babies, growing some damn crops for the unwashed peasants. Shakespeare would have titled that shit The Tragedye of Daenerys Stormborn, Mother of Dragons, because he was allowed to do that; nobody yelled “Spoiler alert!” in his day.
(But that’s fun to imagine, isn’t it? “Hast thou seen Will’s latest, my friend?” “Nay, though I am right eager.” “Full glad was I Shylock did not get his pound of flesh.” “...I SHALL HA’ MORE THAN A POUND OF THINE, THOU WHORESON CLODPATE”)
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Which meant people were going to do shitty things and mess things up. I’m glad, glad, glad we had folks hoist by their own petards, because the alternative was meaningless “it be like that sometimes” tragedy, like our hero getting struck in the throat by a stray arrow right at the moment of coronation. I promise you, that would have been more hateworthy a story.
So there had to be a hubris, a hamartia, that would provide good tragedy. Here’s the one I got from the last season of Game of Thrones: men are fucking scared of powerful women, if they’re more powerful than the way men think it’s okay for them to be powerful.
I already said what I think of Daenerys’s choices: she’s no Mad Queen, she’s a vicious strategist determined to take her throne and to hold it against any future usurpers by quelling them before they even start thinking how to challenge her (“shiiiiiiiit, don’t mess with the Dragon Queen, she will FUCK YOU UP AND EVERYTHING YOU LOVE”). Oh, sure, it’s fine for Sansa to have a throne of her own, she’s nice. She looks like she just wants to be good to everyone and treat all the people kindly (notice I say, “looks like.” Yeah, to them. Time will tell. GETTIT, Sansa). The men of Westeros liiiiiike that kind of queen.
Give a woman a crown and a goddamn nuclear option in her palm? “WE CAN’T HAVE THIS AIIIIEEEEEE.”
Dany miscalculated that her Westerosi followers would love her unconditionally like her Dothraki and Unsullied fanatics. They cheered on their fierce queen; the Westeros men immediately pussed out when they saw, oops, she was serious.
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(And if Ser Jorah had lived, she’d be on that throne. “No, you can’t come in here alone with that sword, Snow. And wash your hair sometime!”)
That’s tragedy for ya.
I’m sad. I’m sad as hell for these characters’ stories and ends. But I ain’t mad about it. This is epic, thoughtfully-written tragedy. It hurt, and it was supposed to from the beginning.
(Note: I will not, however, attempt to naysay anyone who thinks “Men are scared of powerful women” is a shitty theme. That’s a fair opinion! Nor am I going to argue against the misogyny of it or any of the examples of misogyny in the show. There was a lot of it and if that was particularly upsetting to you, no way will I invalidate anyone’s assessment of that.)
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dongsooks · 6 years
MOnsta X drunk
I am writong this highkey lowkey drunk agin with @wooseook  (we are legal drinking age in our country do not drink illegally kids that is wrong and irresponsible)
spelling errors will be correceted tomoroooow Sober edit: I won’t even bother with ones where you might get what it’s supposed to mean
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warning: this is abt alcohol and drinking obviously no one gonna write about  drinking water ya know. Do not click on keep reading if you are against that or do lmoa be naughty ;) [Sober Edit: This got wild, we don’t recall what we meant to write at some places?? But yes uhh,,, enjoy,, i guess. Our stage of drunkness also increased throughout this and you can tell]
[Sober Edit: So uh we sorta didn’t write anything about him while intoxicated but we made notes (that look wild omg) and I’ll just put them here. A tame start]
would throw people onto beds, sofas, the ground
Would take a massive alcohole shit 
toilet needs to be evacuated afterwards [Sober Edit 2: I feel like we talked a lot about him and how he would behave, we also left a WHOLE LOTTA SPACE for him here but neither of us recall any more than the things we wrote on the paper so this is all you get..]
[Sober Edit: From here on we’re post party, drinking more wine at home  and getting back to drunk as hell]
excuse my potty mouth lmao
thninks he’s not a lightweight
drinks to “get into the mood” ;))))
gets druuuuuuuunk
pets everyone’s butt
tries to be a wigman [Sober edit: wingman]
ends up as the one getting laid
never sleeps @ his place
cries when poeplle say no homo
at some point you find him making out with someone lol
once fucked a bandmember nobody talks about it
Dolphin boi
lightweight as fuckedy fuck fuck
once drank vodka bull & was wasted for 2 weeks
doesn’t care about gender, race, sexuality, or if u r a human or animal or a fuggin tree he will still appreciate, love and complimate you YOU’RE AMAZING [Sober edit: I almost cried here and then drew my friends really pretty friend]
whines about wanting to have an army of children
his own children
cries about the time he thought kihyun was a girl & got plastic surgery 
bc he developed a crush 
but guess what kihyun is a boi lol
is the member wonho fucked SUPRISE
could be wasted 
still acts sober
eats all thi thyme [Sober Edit: We ended up craving kebap and I’m pretty sure if it wouldn’t have been like 4 in the morning, we would’ve gone out to get it, we wrote it onto our notes three times!]
calls a taxi @ the end of the night
gets everyone home safely
(he ain’t driving bc he drunk DON’T DRIVE WHEN NOT SBErR YALL STAY SAFE!!!!)
likes wine
whiny wine mum haha
sips on his drink & judges ALL NIGHT
dosn’t look drunk
so you try to talk to him
and he can’t talk to s a v e  h i s  l i f e
starts to wear dumbass clothes and do a fashion show 
wonho is L I V I N G
meme asfffff
“straight” haha gettit getitty [Sober edit: I’m sorry]
Teacher Honey 
ok honestly speaking
nobody expects him to but boi can drink a lot [Sober edit: i dare to doubt that statement now]
as son as he’s drunk he does AEGYOOOO
him and i.m RAPBATTLE everyone hypes the shit out of them
both say smth mean
it ain’t evin mean they say shit like
“yo last week in japanties you like trippd dude and it looked rrly stupid” [Sober edit: japanties.. I-]
both start crying and say they didn’t mean it
hug but then realize they need to puke pls don’t puke on each otheeer!
kihyun does takey carey of them
sleep in the same bed in spoon position aw
I’M uhhhh
lightweight lol
talks about living in different countries n shit
woah wowwowow show off okokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokokkookookookokokokokokokokokok [sober edit: I think I forgot how to stop but??]
drops his glass
everyone: changkyuuuuuun you’re an idiot
him: sorry i am what i am maaaannnn 
*everyone laughs* [sober edit: this is not funny you idiot]
and calls everyone
gets flustered when ppl take the call or call back
hungr when take phoones???? [Sober us here.. we have no idea what that was supposed to mean]
reveales all the secrets hehe 
Final Sober comment: Drink responsibly my dudes and don’t forget to drink water while you drink and carbs in the morning after! Groups I write for
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ishmacl-blog · 6 years
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yellow? hey, yes! this is lucas. ya know, your local demiboy (he/him & they/them) from the est. i’m playing this bad boi ishmael “icarus/jay” carlyle and while i have a w.i.p. BIOGRAPHY here with all your important stats and background information, below the cut you’ll find out kind of his current save state.
okay so first of all let’s get into the reason he’s in catalyst. so i was thinking in the early early days of catalyst (like a week in the entire game) he was naive and figured the group would be a force for good. when he figured out it wasn’t it was too late and he was terrified to leave so he stayed. he refuses to kill innocents, but he still stands by and gets his equal share like everyone else. he wants to leave but given the group’s reputation and his reluctance to hurt anyone, he’s stuck there to this date.
in game he solely goes by icarus, unless he gets close enough to someone to tell them to call him by his middle name: jay. the reason he chose icarus as a username is because once he started playing games he wanted to be more outgoing and trust himself more- to a point of cockiness even just to fit in. it became something all his friends knew him by so he kept it. even in this new game.
so ishmael is one of the nicest guys you will ever meet, still somewhat socially inept, but he is really just one of those people who will try his best to make things right and be there by your side. he never makes more than a few friends, but when he does you can’t help but admire him and just want to learn more. he’s intelligent and in real life he’s getting a major in robotics technology- wanting to go into programming these things.
in game he reflects some of the dnd tank classes, with the fact he focuses more on strength and health more than anything else. he’s the one sent on the first wave of attacks and holds the fort with a two-handed sword. however, he classifies as a warrior so he gets more sword perks so he can focus on building up his armor.
his older step sister, vik, is currently in the game with him and they’re actually the reason he decided to play. they are probably the closest relationship he has besides with their parents so leaving them was tough, but he has no choice.
oh yeah so he has a golden lab in real life named sparky (robot joke, gettit?) and in game he found a dog that looked like his one from home so obviously, he found a way to keep her and has been teaching her tricks on the down low. honestly? this is one of the only things keeping him sane.
another thing keeping him calm is his fishing. while he has been focusing on combat skills, he had decided to fish one day and now on the side he continues to do so! it’s a casual hobby he sometimes does if he can and he’s okay at it. it’s a source of food and income!
more to come!
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odderancyart · 7 years
On a Never Resting Sea
Chapter VII: Storytime
First Last Next
Summary: Razz, the heir of the Beobyrian Empire, is on his way home from a diplomatic mission as his ship gets attacked by pirates. Suddenly he finds himself taken as hostage, and it doesn’t seem like the pirates are planning to exchange him for a ransom anytime soon. How annoying.
Warnings:  violence, death, blood, hostage holding, kidnapping, prostitution
The wind had increased, and the waves caused the ship to rock quite violently. By now, Razz has gotten used to the everchanging ocean, and was quite good at keeping his balance, luckily. Therefore, he did not fall of his bed (again) as an extra strong wave hit the side of Sarynthia. It had been three days since the visit to port, and hopefully his brother had gotten the news that he was alive by now. Razz could only hope. Later that evening he had realized he had to get the corset off again, because sleeping in one wasn’t exactly good for the spine. Unfortunately, that had meant that he’d had to yell for Red to come help him again; after trying to do it on his own he had found out that he did not have the ability. Especially since it was a fucking sailor who’d tied the knot.
That’d been just as embarrassing as getting it on.
With a sigh, he stood and walked over to the wardrobe. He was really goddamn bored. Razz had played his instruments, written a letter to his brother that never would be sent, studied the documents he had left until he knew every word, worked out as well as he could in such a small space. He was out of ideas. At the castle, there was never time to be bored; there was work, lessons, parties, and courtiers to talk with. If he ever had a moment of free time he didn’t know what to do with he could always call for a jester to entertain him. Being idle was entirely foreign, and he did not like it.
As he studied the clothing in the small wardrobe, he felt an uncomfortable twinge in his soul. He was running out of clean clothes – not actually, but the reality even worse. There were multiple clean dresses but he could not wear them without a maid to help him to get them on and they were mocking him for it.
Running his fingers over the soft fabrics, he shrugged. If he couldn’t amuse himself in another way, then he might as well play dress-up like he’d done when he was a babybones. Still did, if he was being honest with himself, but nowadays it was called being fashionable and a style icon since he did it in front of the Court.
It was a pleasant feeling, linen gliding over bone, as Razz slid the shirt over his head. He then took off with his trousers, and put on the silk underskirts. No corset, so it wouldn’t look as good as it could, which was unfortunate. If there was one thing he loved, it was to look fabulous at all times. Yet, it was something to do.
He smiled slightly as he dragged a weekday dress over his head. It was a high-waist, so a corset wasn’t needed. Just like his underskirts, it was made of the finest linen, and with its black colour and ivory ornaments it was a very fancy garment. Razz studied himself in the window, which was hard since it still was day but it worked. He grinned happily. At the very least his forced visit at the pirate ship hadn’t made him any less gorgeous.
The by now very familiar noise of bone on wood echoed through the cabin, and Razz’s eyelights lit up.
“COME IN,” he called, and the door squeaked as it opened, the sound like music in his ears. He was so tired of being alone, and Red was surprisingly pleasant to be around. The pirate grinned at him as he entered, and then stopped, staring at the dress. Then his eyelights slowly moved toward the still open wardrobe and the clothes in it. Snorting at the look on the other’s face, Razz crossed his arms over his chest and leaned toward the wall.
“WANT TO TRY ONE? THE DESIRE IN YOUR EYES IS OBVIOUS,” he said, chuckling loudly. He did mean it – it wasn’t often he’d let anyone borrow his clothes but why the hell not? Playing dress-up with Red might be fun. The other’s sockets widened, and he stared at him in disbelief.
“wh-“ he began, before interrupting himself and taking a step backwards. He seemed taken back, and Razz smirked. “’m not wearin’ a princess dress.��
After grabbing the skirt carefully, Razz lifted it up and let the fabric fall almost seductively. The pirate’s clothes were of a durable, rough material, made to last. A great contrast to the soft, delicate material of his own clothing which was made for comfort, beauty and, almost most importantly, to impress. Red seemed to lean forward, eyelights following the movements closely. Smirking wider, Razz quickly turned. He looked through the dresses quickly before taking out one of the biggest, loosest ones and held it up. It was royal blue with earthy brown seams.
There was a flicker of resistance in Red’s eyelights, and for a moment Razz thought he’d refuse. Then his shoulders sank, and he grimaced, nodding.
“fuckin’ fine,” he said grumpily, slowly walking up to the wardrobe. “gimme th’ dress. but dontcha dare tell anyone.”
Red grumbled, but obeyed. After putting his coat down on the bed and carelessly dragging the crimson shirt over his head he simply threw it on the bed gable. Razz frowned and shook his head but didn’t say anything. Instead he just held the dress up higher, and took it off the hanger.
Taking a closer look at Red, his eye sockets widened. The other was covered with pictures: tattoos. Maps and ships and anchors and seabirds and sea animals. He studied them curiously, which Red noticed and grinned at him. Razz scowled in return. He shook the dress.
There was something akin to a blush on Red’s cheeks as he carefully took the dress from Razz. Razz watched in slight amusement how the other handled it like it was the most breakable thing in the universe. He also felt a bit pleased. At least the pirate knew to take care with precious things. Very slowly, the dress was slipped over Red’s head and his mouth was slightly open as it slid down his body until it was fully on. The lower seam was about a decimetre from the ground, due to their different heights. It would’ve been more, but almost all of Razz’s dresses were fitted after his height when wearing heels.
Breathing deeply, Red held up an arm and stared at the silk of the wide sleeve. He seemed almost spellbound by the feeling of the sleek material.
“WELL?” Razz asked, laughing under his breath. It was almost adorable to watch. Snorting, he grinned at the thought. Who would’ve ever thought a pirate could be called ‘adorable’?
“this is wha’ ya wear every day?” Red said, almost breathless, a jealous tint in his voice.
“EXCEPT WHEN I’M EXERCISING OR FIGHTING, YES,” he confirmed with a nod. The look on the other’s face was one of pure awe. “YOU LOOK GOOD IN IT.” Except for the fact that it was too small. Images of Red wearing a well-fitting dress appeared in his mind, and he shook his head to get rid of them.
Suddenly footsteps were heard outside of the room, coming closer. Signalling that someone was on their way either here or one of the few cabins close. Red’s sockets grew wide, and he tugged at the dress. He looked slightly panicked.
“gettit o’ me,” he almost commanded, tugging at it again. “or i’ll never hear the end of it. ‘specially if ‘t’s undyne or boss.”
For a short moment Razz thought about refusing to help, simply because Red had had the guts to order him to do something. Then he huffed slightly, and began to ease it off the other’s shoulders. Luckily, they hadn’t closed the back, or this would’ve taken some time. The other wriggled inside the dress, and he gripped harder so his hands wouldn’t slip off the slippery fabric. Red’s breathing had become harder, and Razz fought the urge to roll his eyelights. What was the big deal? It was just a pretty dress. Was it such a crime to like beautiful things when you were a pirate? Thank the stars he wasn’t one if that was the case.
He had only just gotten the dress off Red and put it down on the desk chair as the door opened. Wide-eyed, Red twisted his neck to look who it was. Razz followed suit, but calmer. The captain stood frozen in the door, staring at them with wide eyes. Then a shit-eating grin appeared on her face.
“Don’t mind me, just continue with… whatever you were doing,” she giggled, throwing them a dirty-minded look. “Red, come to my cabin later.”
She stepped backwards, and closed the door as she did so. A groan came from Red, and Razz stared at the door, horrified. Did she… did she think they’d… that he would… He gaped, choking at his words as he tried to get a word out. That was not only fucking illegal but also plain wrong.
“gods fucking damn it,” Red said, sinking down on the bed, and Razz’s eyelights slowly moved toward him instead of the door.
He could only agree.
Red left shortly after. The atmosphere had turned quite awkward and frankly embarrassing. The queen had seemed completely horror-struck after what Undyne had said. Also, if the fish brat wanted him to come to her cabin, then it might be something important. That was what he told himself at least as he excused himself. Cheeks still slightly crimson, he made his way through the hallways of Sarynthia, toward the Captain’s Cabin. The biggest cabin in the entire ship, which was lucky. She and Fell shared houseroom right now, after all.
Almost surprising his brother could stand that. Fell was a neat freak and Undyne a total slob.
Then again, he had shared bed with both Undyne and Red more times than even she could count.
After knocking once Red opened the cabin door. Both his brother and the captain was already in there. They were grinning, staring at him as he appeared, and he scowled. She let out a rowdy laugh as he glared angrily, and stood up to throw an arm over his shoulders. Red growled slightly, but allowed her to steer him inside.
“C’mon, lil’ bro,” Undyne laughed, forcing him to sit on Fell’s bed. “How did it go with the empress?”
Of course he hadn’t been able to get himself to hide the news for Undyne and Fell. The three of them didn’t do that kind of secrets. Family didn’t do that kind of secrets. He rolled his eyelights and stuck out his glowing red tongue at her.
“nothin’ happened, fishbreath,” he told her flatly. “he jus’ wanted ta see my tattoos. ‘parently tha’s not a thing at th’ imperial court.”
That was probably true. Her face fell slightly, but the grin was still wide. Fell, who had been standing over the desk and studying maps, walked up to them. He raised an eyebrow, but elbowed Undyne in the side.
Red shrugged, and stood up. Pressing past them he went to the window and stared out at the cloudy sky. The wind was fresh and strong, with no signs of tempest. Perfect sailing conditions, his mind quietly supplied. Throwing a glance at the other two he grinned.
“’s goin’ fine, boss,” he promised. His soul uncomfortably skipped a beat, but he wasn’t sure why. “th’ plan’s still on.”
“GREAT,” Fell said, before flicking his hand. Red let out a muffled protest as his soul turned Blue and he floated over to the other two. His brother had a habit to pick him up all the time. Normally he didn’t mind, his brother’s arms were comfy and felt safe. But he wouldn’t protest if Fell stopped doing it with Blue magic every time he was out of reach. “WELL THEN, BROTHER. WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT APPLE PORRIDGE? I’VE BEEN MEANING TO TRY IT OUT WITH THE OLD APPLES NO ONE WANTS TO EAT.”
Red grinned at the empress, who was sitting cross-legged on the bed and embroidering. Another thing he had been surprised to find the other knew how to do, except playing instruments and doing calligraphy. Which was very pretty. Then again, he wasn’t sure why he was surprised over anything the other could do anymore. It had been proven that a princess’ education was very throughout. Except in stuff necessary for living such as cleaning and cooking. That he couldn’t do for his life. Razz was looking pensive as he let the needle travel over the pillow Red had given him for embroidering. He had stolen it from one of the crewmembers. They wouldn’t mind. Probably.
After a few moments of thoughtful silence, Razz put down the embroidery and stared at him with tilted head. Red blinked, waiting for the other to speak. He cringed little. It was uncomfortable to be the victim of such an inquiring stare. Eventually, though, the empress spoke.
“WHY DID YOU BECOME A PIRATE? YOU ARE NOT LIKE I IMAGINED A SEA CRIMINAL WOULD BE AND I HAVE BEEN TRYING TO THINK OF A REASON BUT BEEN UNABLE TO,” he said, and Red snorted. While he wasn’t the most common type of pirate, he most certainly wasn’t an unusual kind either. Shrugging, he leaned backwards in the chair.
“tha’s a long story.”
Razz stared at him expectantly. Eventually, Red shrugged. What would be the harm in him knowing? Well, there was possible harm in it; Beobyra wasn’t as tolerant with for example accidental childbirth as Peosana was. Yet, he found that he kind of wanted to tell the other.
“’lright,” he agreed, and felt his soul skip a beat as Razz smiled. The other looked almost happy. Probably because he finally got his way in something, but still. It felt weirdly good.
“once upon a time-” he began, staring at the cabin roof. “-there was a woman. ‘er name was eila. ‘cause o’ where ‘n’ how she’d been born, she ‘ad been forced to go into prostitution. not th’ fine kind, like blueberry. she didn’ work at a brothel, neither did she actually ‘ave a place to service ‘er customers. eila was th’ back-alley and cheap inns kind of whore. one day, she ‘ad a client who accidentally left ‘er pregnant. don’ know who, don’ care. ‘nfortunately, she died givin’ birth. twins. th’ newborn skeleton brothers were raised by their uncle ‘n’ their mother’s cousin, who shared th’ same profession.”
“th’ bros lived on th’ backstreets o’ cherlian – th’ capital – durin’ their entire childhood. did wha’ they could t’ survive. stole ‘n’ did a whole lot o’ weird jobs. lived in near-starvation ‘n’ misery but they ‘n’ their family lived. when they turned ten-’n’-four, the brothers had had enough. they decided ta try their luck elsewhere. they left cherlian, ‘n’ decided ta travel ta th’ coast. by walkin’ ‘n’ stealin’ rides a’ carriages they reached drahenport sal – th’ capital o’ th’ neighbourin’ country – ‘n’ did their best ta make a livin’.”
“drahenport sal has a big underworld. th’ brothers found their way into ‘t ‘n’ did wha’ they could ta earn money. tha’ included fightin’. backstreet battle rings were very popular. neither o’ ‘em had any real trainin’, but they had powerful magic ‘n’ did pretty good. then one day one o’ ‘em wanted ta try to take on th’ big fishes – literally. th’ rulin’ master o’ the rings was a fish monster a few years older than ‘em who ‘ad run away from home since she didn’ want ta marry or work with trade like ‘er family. she wanted ta fight. ‘n’ he decided ta battle ‘er. stupid decision, really, but he refused t’ listen ta reason.”
“so ya know. he fought ‘er. she beat ‘im into th’ ground, o’ course. she actually had trainin’ ‘n’ a lot more experience. she could’ve killed ‘im, but she didn’. th’ fish ‘ad taken a likin’ to th’ young skeleton who dared t’ fight ‘er and refused ta back down. so she took the brothers in. taught ‘em ta fight fer real. the three o’ ‘em became their own lil’ family. a couple years later, when th’ bros were ten-‘n’-seven and th’ fish was twenty-‘n’-one, they’d ‘ad enough o’ th’ city.”
“young ‘n’ stupid as they were, they stole a ship. which they quickly sank, ‘cause they had no idea how to steer or handle a ship. ‘t was a wonder they got ‘t out on th’ sea at all. but they were incredibly stubborn ‘n’ the ocean was exciting ‘n’ pirates were cool, so they taught ‘emselves. listenin' ta sailors comin’ ta th’ pubs in town ‘n’ sneaking onboard on th’ ships in th’ harbour. eventually they understood, and while they did they met some more monsters ‘n’ humans who wanted ta leave. they stole ‘nother ship ‘n’ named her sarynthia – one o’ the skeletons idea. ‘n’ they became pirates ‘cause whatever else was there in life? fightin' in rings fer th’ betting money and livin’ in th’ slums? nah. th’ sea’s life ‘n’ this life is true freedom ‘n’ independence. never restin’ ‘n’ never restrictin’.”
“well!” A loud slap was heard as Red clapped his hands together, grinning widely. Razz jumped at the unexpected sound. He turned his gaze from the roof to Razz, a teasing glance in his eyelights. “th’ one that fought undyne was my bro, if ya didn’t figure tha’ out yerself. tha’s my life’s story. wanna tell me yours?”
As expected, Razz frowned at him. His expression was hard to read, nearly closed off but not quite. There was hesitance, and some amount of disgust, and also something that almost looked like pity. As well as something he couldn’t read, but it was softer than Razz’s usual expressions. All to be expected, except the last one. Red grinned wider, trying to show he didn’t need any pity – or want it. Their life had been hard, but hey, it all turned out great. If they avoided the gallows at least. And if they ended up there, at least they’d lived an exciting life.
If he was being honest, after this stupid plan they were quite likely to end up hung from Thyragård’s walls – if they even came that far. Red waved the thought away. He wasn’t going to be honest with himself this time, nope.
“YOU’RE A BASTARD,” Razz stated after a moment of silence. Blinking, Red studied him. There the mild disgust was. He held in a snort, even if the dislike on the other’s face made an unpleasant feeling creep up his spine. He felt slightly self-conscious about not knowing who his father was for the first time in his life.
“i suppose i am,” he said with a shrug, keeping the unconcerned look on his face. “tha’ doesn’ really matter in Peosana, yanno. as long as ya know who yer family ‘n’ yer ancestors are, then yer fine. if ya don’t, on th’ other hand, then yer born to th’ bad graces o’ society. we know half o’ them, so we’re not as good as th’ people who can count generations back but we’re not complete outcasts a’ least.”
“HOW ODD,” the other mused, smoothing out his light pink skirt carefully. It was a pretty dress, Red had to admit. Razz looked contemplative as he looked up from his skirt and studied Red again. Why did he keep doing that?
There were a few moments where neither of them spoke, and Red felt uncomfortableness rising in him again. Eventually he cleared his throat.
“oh, ‘n’ th’ captain said ya can play on carai zalû, by th’ way,” he said, grinning as the other blinked and a bright smile of relief lit up the queen’s face. “not th’ sacred songs o’ course, ‘n’ i doubt ya know them anyway – they’re well-guarded – but some folksongs and popular music. congrats. yer goin’ ta be th’ first beobyrian royal – perhaps th’ first beobyrian – ta celebrate a peosani holiday with peosanira.”
“I WOULD BE HONOURED IF THE ONLY REASON HADN’T BEEN MY KIDNAPPING,” the other said dryly, waving the needle and pointing it accusingly toward him. He’d taken up his embroidery again as Red spoke. “YOU’VE GOT A LOT OF FEASTS, HAVEN’T YOU?”
At that, Red laughed, and nodded. More than he could count. Which admittedly wasn’t long. He reached in under his coat and scratched his arm as he stood. Walking over to the bookcase, he let his fingers travel over a few of the book backs. One of them bore the insignia of Peosana; a golden oak tree on light grey background. It symbolized their (former) biggest sources of income and work; oak and diamonds.
“sure do. there’s carai zaña, elinya, saranha, valhanha, demathava, alithava, pravannalava, carawi-“
“I GET IT!” Razz interrupted him, waving his hands a bit frantically. “BUT WHY?”
“we’ve got a lot o’ gods ‘n’ every single one wants a party. which is understandable if ya ask me.” He turned the pages in one of the books. This one was full of colourful pictures, which was a reason he liked it. Gave him an idea of what it was that happened in the book. He guessed this one was about an evil princess kidnapping some noble. A dragon saved them in the end, it appeared. Seemed like a good story. He’d have to ask Undyne to read it for him and Fell sometime. “well, majesty, i’ve got ta go.”
As he put the book back and made his way toward the door, a hand grabbed his. As he turned back, the first thing he saw was Razz’s big, purple eyelights.
“WHY DO YOU ALWAYS HAVE TO LEAVE SO SOON?” the other asked, sounding almost a bit pleading. Red blinked, and then sighed.
“i’ve got work, yanno,” he pointed out, but didn’t insist. He sat back down on the wooden chair. The triumphant expression on Razz’s face was almost… cute.
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I’d Pick You First
“A story in which Yondu tries to use pick up lines on the reader but they go over her head or just laughs - anon
Okay, so I had the idea that the crew’s out drinking somewhere, and Yondu’s quite drunk and the reader decides to get him back to the ship before he starts a fight or something, and he’s just coming out with pick up line the whole way back to the ship and she just thinks he’s drunk and laughs - v fluffy with a serious moment at the end
Hope you like it :)
You winced as you watched Yondu burl round, the bottle in his hand nearly colliding with the face of another bar patron. Yondu had a wide smile on his face, and you could see starting to struggle to walk in a straight line - he didn’t see the pissed off expression of the face of the guy he nearly hit.
You slid past him to the other alien, “Sorry, sorry - he’s really drunk. He didn’t mean it”
“Yeah well your boyfriend better watch his back”
You sighed through clenched teeth. He’s not my boyfriend. “Yeah, we’re just going” you turned to see Yondu about to do the exact same thing again. “Shit” you hissed.
You dived through a gap in the crowd and grabbed his arm before he could hurt somebody. He looked affronted for a second before recognising you, and grinning again, “Y/N!”
“Captain, we’re going back to the ship now!” you shouted over the din of the bar.
“What? Party’s just gettin started Sparky!”
You groaned at the nickname. Being Yondu’s chief technician, he’d dubbed you with various poorly chosen nicknames over the years, ‘sparky’ was one that had stuck. “Yeah, well it’ll finish real quick if you crack someone in the face with the bottle! You’re hammered, we’re leaving!”
You managed to lead Yondu out of the bar, him grumbling the whole way. Once you were outside, you were met with just how quiet it was - until Yondu started again.
“I gettit” he drawled, “ya jus’ wan’ed me all ta yerself” he laughed.
“Yeah, of course, that’s it” you replied, monotone. The Eclector was only a fifteen minute walk from here, but with Yondu in the state he was in, it would easily take twice as long.
He leant on you heavily, an arm wound your shoulders. You groaned. Yondu wasn’t the tallest of men, but he weighed a tonne - not that you couldn’t deal with him, just that he was going to be a pain in the ass tonight. “Go on, Sparky, admittit you’ve gotta crush on me don’tya? At’s alright, ya can tellme” he grinned.
“Come on Captain” you sighed, putting one hand on his back to guide him in the direction of the ship.
“At’s naughty” he laughed loudly, “‘avin’ a crush on yer captain an’ he’s old enough ta be yer daddy - unless ya like that”
You ignored him. You’d seen him drunk enough times to know that until he fell asleep, this was what you were going to get all night.
“Y/N” he drew out your name, smirking, “if you was a booger I’d pick ya first”
“Ew” you said, giving him a look before laughing - you could barely believe he’d just said that.
“Ya lost baby? Coz heaven’s long way from ‘ere”
You shook your head, laughing. “That better not be a hint you don’t want me on the ship” you teased. You had to entertain yourself somehow.
“Y/N? Y/N, can I borrow a kiss? Promise I’ll givit back”
“Not on your life” you chuckled.
“Aw come on. Ya gonna gimme a kiss or am I gonna have ta lie ta ma diary?”
You laughed again, sighing. You managed another few steps before you noticed Yondu’s eyes were trained straight down your top. “Hey, eye’s up here”
He looked up with an almost dopey smile, “I wasn’t lookin’ at yer tits, I was lookin’ at yer heart!”
“Yeah, I believe that” you scoffed.
He leant in a bit, thankfully having lowered his voice as he started to talk into your ear, “Y/N, baby, if I could re’rrange the alph’bet I’d put U and me together... No, wait, that ain’t right... U an’... I! I’d put U an’ I togethers”
You were smiling now at his antics, “I’m sure you would” you laughed.
“Ya know, Sparky, doctor said I was lackin’ vitamin U - an’ I don’t think a little vitamin me would do ya much harm”
“Oh I’m pretty sure it would”
“Aw come on, I ain’t no photographer but I can picture you an me together”
You sighed and shook your head. To muttered to yourself, “You’re not the only one” Thankfully he didn’t hear.
“Baby, you’re 9 outta 10, an’ I’m the 1 ya need”
You chuckled, “You know, Quill’s said that to me before”
Yondu frowned. “He’s he doin’ flirtin’ w’ ya for?”
Despite the angry look on his face you laughed, “It’s just Peter - he’s as bad as you, just flirts with anything on two legs, or more on occasion.”
He frowned at you, “I don’t go flirtin’ w’ nobody that ain’t you, I swears that on ma life”
“Yondu” you said softly, trying to get him to keep moving - you were getting so close to the ship.
“No, Y/N - it’s jus’ you, it’s always jus’ you. Don’t want nobody else” he growled, adamantly.
You sighed. Trying not to think about what he was saying, “Yondu, you’re drunk. You don’t know what you’re saying. Now let’s get back to the ship”
He stood up off you, swaying slightly, “I know damn well what I’m saying, Y/N. Ya wanna know why ‘ was drinkin’ so much? Was tryin to get up the damn confidence ta tell ya I want ya! An that ain’t easy, it ain’t! Dammit girl, I want ya, I wanna be with ya” he suddenly seemed to have sobered right up, “An I’m tired of pretendin I don’t. I hate the way the crew look at ya like yous a piece o’ meat, an’ I’m always thinkin what if one of them gets there first? I can deal w’ that. I want you, Y/N, I need ya”
You were shocked. I swallowed down your nerves, gently putting your hand on his arm, “Okay, okay. How about we get back to the ship, yeah? And we can talk about all this tomorrow?”
“Ya promise me?”
“I promise you”
He let out a sigh of relief. With the sudden quick step forward he wrapped his arms around you, holding you safely, close to his chest. “Thank you”
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thisqueerisonfire · 7 years
Rules: tag 10 followers you want to know better
tagged by: @finiteframe3 Thank ya!
name: Keegan
nickname(s): I have, oddly enough, the nickname Keegan the Kindler
gender: Genderqueer (She/he/they/all the pronouns)
star sign: Taurus
height: About 5′7, 
sexuality: Ace/something over the rainbow (Gettit, cause I’m somewhere on the gay spectrum, but i don’t know where?)
hogwarts house: No idea! I personally go with Gryffindor because it fits the best, but I've also been told that I’m a Ravenclaw, or a Hufflepuff, so technically I’m a hat-stall
favorite animal: All!
average hours of sleep: On school nights around 5-6 and on weekends its about 7-9
current time: 10:32
dog or cat person: Cats, but Dogs are amazing!
blankets you sleep with: like 5
dream trip: I would love to go anywhere and meet my online peeps!
when i made my blog: This blog, around late august early september of this year?
followers: 11
reason for my url: I'm hella queer, and my name means fire, also its a reference to the song “This Girl is on Fire” by Alicia Keys
Tagging: @idk-and-idc-and-idr @shehadonlyofferedtwomediumeggs @cayannamon @siberiasiren @rose-gold-roman @the-golden-trash-can-tm @sarcasticshysociopath @tarisiris @smolcanadianmeme
and anyone else who wants to ^^
If yall don’t want to do this or have already done it, you don’t have to!! I just tagged you cause I see yall in my notifications the most (or just really like you), and id like to know you! :D
0 notes
savemefrommyselfxv · 7 years
Jumping guns // marathon races // timing, waiting in time, lest disqualified.
Know not to meddle with heart sprinkles lest you are reaaaady
But then again
When are we ever truly ready for anything that life decides to put forth for us, or take away? :’)
just like opportunities of humanitarian trips or jobs or just like how death may just come to surprise
Maka itu, senantiasa lah mempersiapkan diriiii. And may we trust fully that God only introduces something for us to menempuh when God knows we have it within us to pass the test. The end goal is the same: mardhatillah, and muqaribun insyaAllah. Other end goals may include: taqwa or sabr but yeah, hahah I’m certainnnn u get the drift.
Seeeee I think it’s funny you apologising for if ever I’d fallen, distracted etc. Walakin if I do fall then the sin and blame is defz on me :( meeee im the weak one.
Yet upon that same note, wow hahahah rabz ok //wasilah not distractor wasilah not distractor//(repeat times a gajilionzz time) hahah // wah I badlybadlybadly feeel like my presence is…. A distractor. Eeeks. Ok pls stop me if I ever become a bad dosage or wtv ok. Rabak la. Hhahah tru friends pull each other to goodness and not into weakness so yeah hahah rectify as u deem fit okiz. And I badly apologise :(
Truth? “we may like a thing while it is bad for us” and that’s scary la hahahah and I know you’ve always preached bout skipping talks on “negative what ifs” andddd how there’s goodness wheresoever we seek and its always bout perspective
so. Yeah. Maybe in traversing forward with this friendship, it’s seeking and maintaining balance ah. Of varied aspects. While maintaining respect/rights/adab and yaaaaa idk aha i feel its actlly vv easy to langgar all these. (esp weak me la hahagah ah gunshots to me forehead) (see ilmu without amal is mintak nahas)
For example, hahahagah, and masuk your side swerve sikit ok
I apologise hahahah but yeah you can’t follow my priv ig cuzzzz ya ah, hahahah ada some few photos that aren’t halal for your eyes to fall gaze on bcuz you aren’t my mahram (and if I just so decide to drop a word here, just oneeee word, and terus it might lead into a cheeky banter hahah astaghfirullah ah. But ya all I had to do was to add a “…. yet.” hahah gettit, tak halal for you…. yet. Terus boleh bukak for pintu fitnah ke hati. Hahaha it’s the same with the “hahah maybe someday you’ll find out.” of habits and whatsoevz hahahah. Or hahaha all you gotta say is “yo so let’s… Share” with regards to your recent sharing of two in unison who share much and all into one - plates they eat from etc, hahah so yeah
Rabz ah me hahahah so for my bad habit of such occasional cheeky that is salah of me hahah aku mintak maaf ok mirrorredz :( im not la. im faaaar from good or precious or whatevz and still much self rectifying to do, if you’d only kneewww
The setan says: skip the formalities
The malaikat says: up and out and go back to self rectify
Hahahah, rabz.
Ok actlly so many things I could write about like on and on and on
Hahah like hm about how diff I ended terawih this year vs last year or about solat raya and the idea of eid traditions hahahah and I’m surprised your mama knows about hidayah eh hahah. Do yall share with your mumsies everyth/when does a boy start telling his madre stufff hahahah and ahah hm the other day my mumsie started sharing all about love hahahah and about her old dating/befriending days and gave me advicesss hahah and she said along the lines how it’s crucial to find one who can lead me to even better anddd also one who wouldn’t clamp me down on my overseas ventures of such humanitarian trips ah hahahah best if the future zauj would join onboard on all of such projects and comm service and overseas ventures ah like camps and waterbashing and explore masjids worldwide and such service trips jugak.
I think another thought that crossed me is the whole social media and “sharing happiness” hype and idk hahah healthy unhealthy? Might write more when I do have the timeeeee about yeah this and how so many diff ppl celebrate eid diff and yeah
And yaaaa hahahah i guess i havent shared about the aceh ventures and thoughts etc too
Wah but yeah hahah rabz bcuz I realise how …. Hahah radio silences from you maaay hurt hahahah quite bad eh. Cuz idk ahah yeah I probs should learn from you how you’re ok with “knowing ppl from silence/prayers are timeless/temu tak jemu jauh tak jauh hahahah or wtv that phrase is ah.
Oki hahah I rlly hope I find time to write wtv more but no promises. thank u for being a letter buddy and wtv else that you are. Aha labelled unlabelled.
Keep each other much in writes and do'a and may thissss friendship teach much and beneficial of two lifetimes.
PS: i realise our good covos tend to be more of thoughts theories exchange
19:03 25/06/17
Pps: and upon the theory of wasilah not distractor, alhamdulillah for this ever refreshed exchange friendship. It only occurred to me recently how "open silvers” kinda describes what a mirror is - a silvered reflection that openly shows reflection thing hahahah kk i cant think alrz
Ppss: so bila nak explain itu dessert beaches island hahah and what bout the other two tunes HAHAH trying my luck eh
Hahai aiy oki maaf zahir and batin. I think i may have wronged u wronged self much but, may the goodness prevail :“
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