#do you think Bryony spent the time Helen was bedridden googling “cute things to call your omnipotent god girlfriend”
Just finished These Fleeting Shadows by Kate Alice Marshall and I was pleasantly surprised. The ending left a bit to be desired and I found the main character a bit melodramatic at times, but Marshall really nailed the horror elements and the plot twist hit me like a truck. The main themes are eat the rich, fuck the patriarchy, and the all-consuming power of love, which it deals with pretty well even if it becomes a little heavy handed towards the latter half of the book. If you're not a fan of body horror, I might sit this one out though.
The story surrounds Helen Vaughn as she, her mother Rachel Vaughn, and her mother's boyfriend Simon reconnect with Rachel's estranged family for her father, Leopold's, funeral. We're told that he died of heart problems, which was unusual as "The Masters of Harrow" (the significance of which I will explain in a minute) tend to live a long time.
So they go through the funeral proceedings, the family is rich and snobby with the few exceptions of Helen's uncle Caleb and cousins Desmond and Celia, aaaaand then Helen sees some foxglove in Leopold's corpse's ribcage and hears him telling her to "Find the center of the spiral" because, oh yeah, the house is modeled after a labyrinth, and she understandably freaks out.
After the funeral, Caleb, Leopold's widow Iris, and his brother Eli, pull Rachel and Helen aside to inform them that Grandpa Mansplain Manipulate Manslaughter has left all of Harrowstone Hall and $40 million to Helen if she stays on the grounds for one year and if she says no then everyone else in the family except Iris also loses their inheritance. Apparently the will was mysteriously changed shortly before his death and everyone agrees this was to punish Rachel for abandoning the family, as she is pretty much terrified by Harrow for reasons she can't remember.
She initially refuses, but the car breaks down at the end of the driveway and while waiting for Rachel and Simon to go back and fetch help, Helen wanders into the woods in pursuit of a little girl with an obscured face who randomly appears asking her for help. The girl leads her to a cemetery, where Helen meets The Harrow Witch, who just so happens to be a really cute girl named Bryony who absolutely hates her and her family, but is the only person to tell her the truth about anything. Helen is obviously in love immediately, and goes back to the house. Far what are actually really unclear reasons, Helen decides to stay after all.
She begins to try and find answers as to what happened during Nicholas' experiments, who killed Leopold and Caleb's daughter Jessamine (both whom The Other takes the form of in order to speak, called Figments), why local girls with the family eyes are going missing, and how to survvie the year as Helen becomes increasingly more sick. While Helen and the Vaughns believe The Other is a monster that needs to be contained, Bryony believes it's simply misunderstood and wants to free it.
Helen slowly gleans that Harrow is actually a cage built for a creature called "The Other" that seems to be a god from another world that founder of Harrow Nicholas Vaughn, his wife Annelise, and friend Dr. Raymond accidentally set loose in our world after their experiments trying to make the human mind able to comprehend The Other (in which they lobotomize Dr. Raymond's ward Mary Beaumont and open her up to it, causing her to go insane) accidentally binds it to a child which Nicholas claims appeared when she saw The Other, but is suggested to actually be his due to some...interesting journal entries.
Throughout the book, Helen develops a romantic relationship with Bryony and becomes close with Desmond and Celia, the only Vaughns outside Rachel who don't suck, likely because they also have no idea what's going on.
Eventually, after months of sleepwalking, being attacked by The Other's monstrous creations, Celia's father dying, Helen slowly dying and nearly contorting into one of the monsters, and everyone being shady af; Helen, Bryony, Desmond, and Celia translate the last of Nicholas' diary and discover he killed the child bound to The Other and dismembered her in order to keep it confused/use its powers for himself, and the family is a pretty much a murderous cult that repeatedly binds The Other to an illegitimate Vaughn child and repeats the process every time it starts to heal. The four decide to dig up the girls' bones and put them back together so they can talk to The Other, but Desmond and Celia leave because Desmond knows information the reader doesn't.
So they go into the murder chamber and arrange the bones and ask it what's up.
Helen is The Other.
Um. What.
In a twist of events that hit me over the head with a hammer, it turns out that Helen is actually a piece of The Other that it split off itself so that at least some of it could be free, and then changed Rachel's memories so that she'd believe Helen was her daughter and escape with her. We did see throughout the story that a lot of Helen's personality was similar to The Other, in that she could see inside of people (ie. The foxglove in Leopold's chest because he was poisoned with Foxglove) and has an unavoidable need to create things (using animal bones). Also Simon is one of The Other's creations. Helen then erased her own memories so she could live a normal life, although people were afraid of her because they could tell she wasn't normal and was altering their minds.In another twist, Bryony knows this already because she can't be fooled by The Other and so does Desmond because Helen told him while she was sick and then forgot.
And so does Caleb! And everyone else...in the family...and Celia just told them that Helen remembers to try and help...
They kill Helen.
She doesn't stay dead, and they just keep killing her every time she tries to escape. Eventually they trap her in an endless loop in which she wanders the halls in a trance because it's "more humane" and the rest of the year passes as they prepare to sacrifice her and make Caleb Master of Harrow. Caleb has also told everyone that Helen killed Jessamine, even though it turns out to be him after they tried to kill Celia and it failed because Eli and Victoria whisked her off to London.
Desmond, Celia, and Bryony try to devise a way to break the loop, but Rachel ends up doing it by accident when she demands Helen to tell her why she made her think she loved her, slaps her in the face when she calls her mom, and then starts crying in the hallway. Helen runs away, pursued by Caleb, when Eli shoves her in the library and clears her way to the door. She sees Rachel again and stops, Caleb catches up and shoots her but Rachel jumps in the way and nearly dies, so Helen just reshapes reality so the bullet doesn't exist. They will still proceed to try and shoot her, btw.
Helen flees, finds Bryony, and hides in a derelict cabin. Eli finds them and reveals that the last child to be murdered was Leopold's, and Eli had formed a bond with her after seeing how his brother used and abandoned her mother. In revenge, Leopold had made him be the one to dismember her, but Eli had instead given her a proper burial which allowed The Other to heal enough to form Helen. Eli has been on Helen's side the entire time, because two years ago she got sick and remembered again, and the two made a plan that involved Eli poisoning his brother, changing the will, and also cutting off Helen's hand at one point.
To conclude the plan, Helen turns herself in and goes through with the ceremony, before refusing the poison Caleb gives her and proclaiming herself Mistress of Harrow with Caleb as her sacrifice, as she had previously carried out the necessary components for the ritual and Desmond, Celia, and Bryony all recognise her as the rightful heir. Caleb gets stabby, so Helen fully sheds her flesh-suit and kills him and Iris, sparing Victoria. Eli makes the decision to remain in the chamber while The Other demolishes Harrow and the others flee, and so she turns herself into his niece and alters his mind so he believes he's spending one last day at the park with her while he dies.
Fully The Other now, they remain at the ruins of Harrow and creates, up until Bryony returns (presumably a few years later as she mentions her father wouldn't let her live on the grounds) and refuses to leave until they decide who to be, promising to love them no matter what they decide and revealing the others haven't returned because they believe Helen is dead. The Other decides to be Helen again, and live together with Bryony in a cottage on the grounds, promising to one day leave and see the world.
So that was a very long synopsis, but I like explaining things so this is what you get. There were a lot of little details I left out, so definitely give it a read yourself.
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