#do your muses actively avoid seeing whatever the public opinion is
noxianwilled · 1 year
saw ppl on twitter commenting about some comic cover with character getting married not unlike people do when it's celebrities and thinking about social media reactions to stuff bc it's always amusing to me (and extra amusing to think about how the characters would feel about the comments). akali and eve getting married? a bunch of love and support but also so many ppl like 'wait they're gay???' bc they're stupid. (also the soc media event of criticizing or complimenting everyone's outfits for weddings like whenever there's a gala or award and such). qiyana and draven dating? fans of one or the other saying they're not good enough for them. fans stanning like it's the only couple ever. but also regardless of whose relationship people are discussing some comments like the ones in the post I saw that are just "since when are they dating" (they're getting married) "what about y person?" (they've been exes for like years now) "they both look great but i doubt the wedding will last" "why didn't they get married before" more comments about how the ex probably feels about it that thing where ts fans were just like "STOP DATING HIM" etc etc
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finalsorrow · 5 years
STUDY    :    JULIUS BELMONT. tagged by :   @patricursed​ [ty <3]
—    basics.
▸       is your muse tall  /  short  /  average ? Tall. 6′3′’.  ▸       are they okay with their height ? Julius never had problems with it. ▸      what’s their hair like ? Auburn, I guess? Brown-red, at least-- and he’s starting to grey. Took him long enough.  It’s pretty lengthy and a medium-density, and he generally takes good care of it and strives to keep it neat. ▸     do they spend a  lot of time on their hair   /  grooming ? He takes longer than the average person in the bathroom during the mornings, but still keeps it as brief as he can unless he’s going to attend something of importance.  ▸      does your muse care about their appearance  /  what others think ? This is tough to answer. Even Julius doesn’t really know his stance on this-- he relies a lot on having others appreciate his image (and himself) but never really takes into stock what other people think about it. He cares about other opinions and he doesn’t, at the same time...
He likes to look good, but doesn’t mind looking a little rougher. I’d answer yes though just because he does spend time to maintain a certain look.
—    preferences.
▸      indoors    or    outdoors ?    (Both?) Outdoors. ▸      rain    or    sunshine ?   Rain. ▸      forest    or    beach ?    Beach. ▸      precious    metals    or    gems ?    Metals. ▸      flowers    or    perfumes ?   Flowers (but he likes a good scent.)  ▸      personality    or    appearance ?   Personality. ▸      being    alone    or    being    in    a    crowd ?   Alone. ▸      order    or    anarchy ?    Order (90′s Julius would think otherwise, rebelliously.) ▸      painful    truths    or    white    lies ?    Painful truths. ▸  science    or    magic ?     (Both?) Magic. ▸      peace    or    conflict ?    Peace. ▸      night    or    day ?    Night. ▸      dusk    or    dawn ?   Dusk. ▸      warmth    or    cold ?    Warm. ▸      many   acquaintances    or    a    few    close    friends ?   A few close friends. ▸      reading    or    playing    a    game ?     (Both?) Reading.
—    questionnaire.
▸      what are some of your muse’s bad habits ? He plucks at his hair, occasionally...  Also, in more recent times (-ahem- after he was alone for 36 years--) he’s developed the tendency to go off and do more things on his own even when it’s irrational and potentially dangerous. Or, in lesser cases, he simply refuses help. When he was younger he was better at working in teams (but teamwork is still a strong suit of his, mainly in battles. He just won’t often actively seek it out.) ▸      has your muse lost anyone close to them ? how has it affected them? He’s lost everyone save for Alucard, but it all happened when he had no idea of their existence. The 36 years he lost his memories provided a nice buffer for his emotions relating to everything before, during and after the war. Now that he does know about it and has settled into a normal life enough to not stress about that, he thinks more often about his past and finds himself depressed or falling into depressive episodes occasionally. 
The only person with some relation to him that died before the war were his grandparents on his mother’s side, and his grandfather on his father’s side. He was closer to his paternal grandparents, and felt moderately sad when his grandfather died, but nothing more and it hardly affected him. ▸      what are some fond memories your muse has ? Various memories involving video games as a child or teen (considering that was his only hobby truly for himself,) and various memories involving food. He loved cook-outs with Jonathan in Texas, and going on picnics with him and Charlotte in Britain.  ▸     is it easy for your muse to kill ? Monsters, yes. He doesn’t care at all about killing monsters if they’ve been causing trouble, but ones who can talk and pull the sympathy card make it easier.  Dracula was easy. Even if it weren’t for his whole purpose being to kill him, he would’ve wanted to end his life the moment he saw such dull eyes. Other humans and people he once knew as a human is very hard for him. He won’t do it unless absolutely necessary, and if it happens in a ‘do or die’ moment (like someone’s about to be hurt and julius can only do one thing to stop it,) he’ll strike first and feel remorse later only if he could have avoided it. ▸      what’s it like when your muse breaks down ? He keeps to himself. He always looks a little sad, I guess, but Julius is the guy you’d look at and never expect him to cry. I feel that if he did cry in front of someone, especially in the way he would when he’s breaking down, it’d be extremely heart breaking... or scary, in times of stress where you’re trying to keep your cool and the one guy who was supposed to keep his cool can’t.
If it’s a depression-caused breakdown, he’ll hold the feeling off as long as possible and cry to himself when it comes. He often feels hopeless and ends-up growing faint. He’ll pass out soon after, and if he can’t sleep yet he’ll drink something (water and alcohol) just so he has something to do. If it’s really bad, he’ll wander aimlessly around his house (or whatever private space he’s in) before finally collapsing and sobbing into the ground or against a wall. He feels the need to move, he wants to just fucking take off running, but he’s too distressed and doesn’t want anyone to see him so he feels trapped. He used to hit his head on walls.... but he’s grown past this since regaining his memory. 
If it’s an anxiety/stress breakdown where he’s in public, his breath will get short and he’ll get very angry very easily. Raising his voice or hissing, his tone gets deadly serious and he will bark orders. Depending on the situation, this could sometimes be just to order them away so he can hide somewhere and worry by himself... or cry, if he needs to.  Signs that show he may be on the brink of this sort of break-down is if he’s pacing quickly, pulling at his hair, his eyes are wide and intense and unblinking, and/or he’s digging his nails into his face or scalp.  ▸      is your muse capable of trusting someone with their life ? Yeah, absolutely. But he’s particular with who he trusts to this degree and doesn’t often think it’ll be necessary, anyway. ▸      what’s your muse like when they’re in love ? He’s affectionate and lovey. Sometimes a fool, sometimes cheesy. Otherwise, being in an intimate relationship with him doesn’t entail TOO much more than usual.
If it’s a crush, he can get easily-distracted or sometimes shy around the other person. In non-crucial moments, of course... because then he’s all-business.  And, if the crush happens to be an old one, he doesn’t let it affect him any more.
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blogs-from-europe · 5 years
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We did not intend to come to Paris. We had planned ot head to Venice, but the coronavirus outbreak in northern Italy was kicking off and it seemed stupid to charge into the middle of it. Instead, we re-routed to Paris with no real plans for what we were going to do for the next month.
We took the Eurostar high speed train from London to Paris: there was wifi, cushy chairs, and some catered snacks we purchased from Marks & Spencers. The dining in London was meh, but their store-bought snacks blow Australia out of the water. Down with the Coles / Woolworths duopoly!
We arrived into Paris around 9pm and walked from the train station to our hotel. This may displease some of the parents reading this missive, but Matt and I did not check Smart Traveller before booking to go to Paris. It turns out that the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade considers France quite dangerous! The whole country has been slapped with an "Exercise a high degree of caution” warning, and this isn’t because of the coronavirus, this is down to the amount of violent crime tourists are likely to encounter (armed robberies on trains, car theft, etc.) and the riots. Oh and the likelihood of terrorist attacks. We certainly noticed in France that the cops were heavily armed: we saw a police officer cradling a machine gun during a friendly exchange with a citizen to give directions.
On our Sunday night walk from the train station to our hotel, the streets were mostly empty. We passed a number of sex shops, massage parlours with red lights, groups of men standing around apparently doing nothing, sex workers, and suspicious men selling cigarettes on street corners. We were on high alert for pick-pockets and the violent crimes which Smart Traveller had warned us about: with our enormous backpacks we were effectively wearing neon signs saying ‘We are tourists! Please rob us!’. Despite our fears we made it to the hotel safely. The hotel was a last-minute booking as part of our rescheduling to avoid Italy so we didn’t have many options when booking online: I think it would be safe to say that our hotel was one of the worst in Paris. We were given tokens to access the shared shower down the hallway from our room: for our three night stay we were given four tokens, effectively rationing our showers for the stay. (Again, parents reading this may be troubled to learn that we only ended up using three of the four tokens – the person who only showered once has a name beginning with ‘M’ and ending with ‘atthew’.)    
Another charming feature of the hotel was the low ceilings, roughly only two meters in height:
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For our first day in Paris, it rained all day. 
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To stay out of the rain, we picked a couple of indoor activities: a visit to the Musee de Cluny (famous for its Lady and Unicorn tapestries and various other medieval art) and a visit to the Pantheon. After paying to get in, we realised that the Lady and Unicorn tapestries section of the museum was closed. Disappointingly, a promising section of the museum called ‘Treasures’ was also closed – I must confess, Matt and I did inadvertently go into the Treasures section and stole a fleeting glance at a magnificent tapestry before a strict Frenchman told us (in French so this may not be an exact translation) “Can’t you see this section of the museum is closed? No treasures for you! Get the hell out!”. Utimately we only got to see some old rocks and a bath. Overall rating for Musee de Cluny is 1/5. Matt observed that it should really be called the “Musee de Close-y”.  
Next we trudged uphill through heavy rain to the Pantheon. Matt had expressed his indifference towards visiting churches, but I thought Foucault’s pendulum (housed in the church) might be of interest to him. Turns out, the Pantheon has many great qualities: it’s an amazing sandstone church built in the 1700s. During the Enlightenment, the church became a sort of secular shrine to the great figures of France including writers, politicians, scientists, etc. In addition to looking through the church (which included a huge dome, Foucault’s pendulum and some cool paintings of Joan of Arc) we got to explore the crypt which was much more pleasant and well-lit than you might expect a crypt to be.
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Contrary to popular opinion, we did not find the waiters of Paris to be particularly snooty (maybe this is because we are residents of Fitzroy, which is home to many snooty waiters – mostly with fluoro hair and ripped jeans) but we did notice that they would greet us assuming we were French with a ‘Bonjour!’ or ‘Bonsoir!’ and when we would respond in attempted French they lose a little of their joie de vivre and would immediately switch to English. This was obviously intended as a kindness and did make things easier for ordering and finding a table, but meant we were robbed of the chance to practice our French. This also suggests that our pronunciation of ‘Bonjour’ is so poor that we cannot even pass for particularly uncultured or stupid Frenchmen.
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To get around we tried renting electric scooters and bikes via Uber, with mixed results: there was terror, joy, and some frustration with Uber’s capricious parking rules.
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For the super-interested, here are some other things we got up to in Paris:
Montmarte: We rode our electric bikes to Montmatre, an area famous for Sacre Coeur, an old church with a fantastic view, and the Moulin Rouge. The ride was mostly uphill, but on the electric bicycle was quite easy.
Wine tasting: We also did a wine tasting via Airbnb. Key takeaway: Chardonnay in France is not aged in oak barrels, meaning it doesn’t have that strong oaky taste (which I often find to be kind of cloying). Matt and I never really liked the taste of Australian chardonnay, so this was probably because of the barrel flavour. We also learned about tannins (broken down grape skins which appear in red wines) and about how rose is made (red grapes, but the skin is taken out sooner!)
Catacombs: There are old mines under Paris, which were the source of the sandstone used to build many of the city’s great buildings. These were later filled with bones after the central cemeteries were filled. We both regretted visiting the catacombs as it was very somber and confronting: millions of bones, hundreds of years old, piled on top of each other in a network of disused mines. Who enjoys this stuff?? We both felt sad and flat after the Catacombs, but then stopped for a hot chocolate and apple pastry which improved the mood. Afterwards we agreed to not visit any more mass graves.
Champs Elysées: We walked past the Louvre and gardens, Champs Elysées, Arc de Triomphe – a lovely area. We stopped for crepes and paid 1.5 euro (~$2.50 in Australian dollars) to use a public bathroom.
We also spent some time watching street hustlers. In the photo below, just below the Eiffel Tower you’ll see a ring of people in black. 
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We watched them for half an hour or so. They stand together all day pretending to play a three-shell game, betting 100 euro a pop. The idea with the game is that the dealer hides a ball under one cup, then quickly shuffles all three cups to ‘hide’ the ball - the person who paid to play can then pick the cup which they think holds the ball. If they are right, they get 200 euro; if they are wrong they lose the lot. We inferred the people dressed in black are working with the dealer, spending all day pretending to play. They win some, they lose some, they clap and say “bravo!”. The idea is to make it look like riotous good fun for people passing by so that they might be tempted to play. They’re essentially just shuffing money around within their group. A key part of the scam is that after each shuffle one of the group picks a cup which, if you’ve been paying attention to the shuffle, clearly does not hold the ball - the incorrect guess is jeered at by the group and then someone else guesses correctly to much cheering. This makes the game look easy, and probably fools observers into thinking they’re especially good at the shell game because they can find the ball every time. I can only assume that when someone is playing the game for real, the shuffle is much faster and tricker to follow.
After watching for a while, we saw a middle-aged tourist approach the group, watch from the side for a while, and then scurry away to pull cash out of his money belt. His friend tried to talk him out of it. He played anyway. We watched him lose. His friend walked off in disgust. He lost again. He walked off to find his friend. The shell game people packed up after that. I assume they also pick your pockets when they can.
There were a few more tourist-scams going around, but we didn’t have any trouble. We don’t know why these three golden retreivers were standing sentinel outside the subway...
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... but we can only assume it was a part of some kind of elaborate hoax.
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Matt and I are now in Chamonix, a ski town in the French alps. He is practicing the ukulele and I am writing this. We’re staying in an Airbnb - our hosts are have at least three cats (two of whom have deigned to let me pat them) and we were warned that if we hear a noise like someone tapping on the window during the night it is just the local deer inadvertently banging their horns on the window while they try to eat whatever bits of grass near the house aren’t under snow.
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beyondthetemples · 5 years
{{ “Be Honest” mun meme
{{ Questions list taken from here:
What would prevent you from following someone? Not trigger-tagging, or not using cuts for ns//fw scenes. (I have really intense emet*phobia, so if you don't tag for that, or won't tag for it upon request, I absolutely cannot follow. Savior catches most posts for me, even if they're not tagged, but there are just So Many Euphemisms and Various Ways to Describe It that it only works 75% of the time.)
Are aesthetics important to you? If they are, why? As far as blog theme, not really-- I just like fiddling around to find something that evokes their General Vibe, and seeing what themes other muns like! I won't judge by them though. When it comes to thread aesthetics, I actually prefer to leave them utterly unformatted and plain-text as possible. I have ADHD and Fancy Unicode and Symbols and All That makes it really hard for me to focus on what's going on in the thread, not to mention I don't have the attention span to match another mun's Styling like that. (Also, fun fact: I always have my Tumblr Dash at 75% zoom, and Dove’s theme already has text at a Very Readable Size, so nothing ever needs to be Smallified for me.)
What current rp trend do you hate? I don't think there are any I "hate", though I get confused on all the Different Verses that everyone has. (In all my years of writing fanfic, I've only ever written Exactly One (1) AU, and I never read them outside of rp. AUs just aren't my thing.)
How do you explain rp to someone in the real world? "Taking turns writing what the characters are doing." Everyone afk has been pretty supportive. (They all know I'm a writer, so like... it's Nothing New.)
Do you prefer interacting with male muses or female more? Why? I genuinely don't care either way! Guy, gal, nonbinary pal: as long as they're fun to write with, I don't mind a bit. (And Dove has no preference, either.)
Do you prefer writing male muses or female more? Why? Statistically, I have 3 female muses (4 if we count Evangeline as her own person and not just A Part of Dove Manifested)... and only 1 male. (And technically, both Srentha and Leyla are genderqueer, so it's really only Dove and Kary that are cis women.) But that's not intentional? Evangeline is feminine because Dove is feminine, and Kary was originally my girlfriend's-- if she was a male I still would've hardcore adopted him. It just kind of worked out that way. I just enjoy writing people, not gender roles.
Name any three things about the rpc that bother you. 1.) The aforementioned Verse Thing. (It doesn't really bother me, I'm just easily confused by Similar-Except-Vaguely-Different Things due to the ADHD.) 2.) Some people still don't know that godmodding isn't okay. 3.) The distaste for OCs??? I guess that doesn't exactly "bother" me either, because people are allowed to have preferences... but, I mean, I spent several years active in, and then Actually Running, a group of 1300 members on dA completely DEDICATED to OCs, and it was a blast, so I just don't understand why people don't like rping with them as much as canon characters. I personally find OCs more satisfying to explore, more surprising in every thread because you just don't know what to expect, and you have a LOT more freedom for plotting and reactions! Like! You can Shed the Constraints of Canon and Revel in your Newfound OC-Based Freedom!! Truly Become your Character's GOD!!!
What is your opinion on exclusivity? Do you practice it? Why / why not? Nah, I love the variety different muns can bring to the same muse! Other people can stay exclusive if they like. Being an OC mun, it doesn't exactly affect me. 8F
Have you ever had a bad experience with commissions? As either someone who makes them or as someone who buys them? (I don't really know how this pertains to RP?) But there was one time when someone gave me a really vague commission request, out of the blue, for a fandom I know absolutely nothing about, and just kept saying things like "Whatever you think they'd do!" when I asked for plot, characterization, or preference details... I never finished it because I Didn't Even Know how to START.
What do you know now about rp that you wish you knew when you first started? The reply doesn't have to be perfect. Or dramatic, even. Not every reply is going to shatter someone's heart or absolutely make their day. And that's perfectly okay!
Have you been involved in drama? Do you regret it? Nnnnot on Tumblr. (There was a LOT of drama amongst admins of the dA group, which strongly attributed to the decline of me RPing on dA, but I definitely do not regret standing up for myself. I do wish I'd been able to foresee it, though, and brought someone else on staff who was actually going to, you know, do the job they applied for?)
Have you ever thought about leaving rp? What caused it? What changed your mind? Never! Well not on Tumblr anyways. There was a period where my favorite partners were all going inactive, and I couldn't find anyone who wanted to interact with Dove, so of course I was despairing, wondering if I'd ever get to explore what I wanted to explore with her. But then I decided, you know what, so what if I can't find any canon Titans to advance her Tumblr timeline? I'll just fill in the blanks with fanfic canon, and work from there! Making that decision was so freeing.
Do you think rp has had a positive or negative affect on your life or you as a person? Oh, positive, absolutely. I may be too busy to really attend to it much nowadays, but my writing style has improved DRAMATICALLY, I've made so many friends, and I've learned things about Dove that I never would've discovered in the stories alone. (Or at least, it might've been discovered on a ten-year delay. 8F)
How has rp changed you personally? I was able to find fast friends, make connections with people over common interests, and my very first experience with leadership happened because I hung around a TTOC dA chatroom (because, specifically, I’d gotten ADDICTED to rp), came to love the people and characters, and decided, when the current admins had to step down, I would like to step up.
If you could change one thing about rp on tumblr, what would it be? Why? I'd like tags to stop breaking, that'd be nice. (But that’s an issue with Tumblr itself, not the rps.)
Have you ever sent a message to yourself on anon? Why? Pff, no. Mostly because if I really want something to happen, I'll either post an open, OR I'll do what I'm doing here, and just answer the questions myself. 8F I have a lot of fun doing this with headcanon question lists.
Have you ever sent hate to yourself on anon? Why? No, but that's because I'm all about learning (+spreading) positive self-talk, de-escalation, and avoiding drama. Drama doesn't serve anyone.
Do you delete anon hate or post and address it? Why? I address it and then block the sender, because I want everyone to know I don't stand for that. And I have this stubborn streak about standing up for myself, so, you know... Gotta Address It First. (And I've defended Dove from Mary Sue accusations since I started posting about her in 2006, so it doesn't bother me, but I love pointing out all the reasons that, Jack Rider voice: You Are Wrong!)
Have you ever felt pressured to write something you weren’t comfortable with? Nope, but that's because if I can't or don't want to, I'm open and transparent about it. (Not on Tumblr, anyways. There was one particular person in the dA chats that kept trying to make RPs All About His Muse, but we shut that down too.)
Have you ever followed someone because you felt like you had to, not because you wanted to? Hell no! I've never Automatically Followed Back, and it's right there in my rules, I need a little communication before I start interacting.
What would make you block someone? Anon hate, reblogging/replying to rps that don't involve them, starting their own rps on my posts, Bad Takes in the Tags, shipping something I genuinely can't stand... I use the block button pretty liberally. I just don't need that stuff in my life, in my tags, or on my dash.
Have you ever stolen something from someone else? Well I have adopted a couple of headcanons re: Canon Characters from the teentitansheadcanons blog. (Like hc that, one time, Beast Boy was a bug and someone almost squished him, so now they put all the bugs outside, just in case. I love that for some reason, so I adopted it.) And every now and again I'll see something in fanfic I like: Azarath Has Two Suns, I saw that in a fanfic and it just felt so RIGHT, so I adopted that too. But, I mean, rping as an OC, there's really not a lot I can steal. 8F
Have you ever had something stolen from you? If so, how did you handle it? Not on Tumblr, but somebody once stole a picture of Srentha from dA and used it in a random webs-page blog about their dreams? ??? I have no idea why they used him, or how they even fOUND him, but I kinda just shrugged and let it go.
Are you open to duplicates? Why / why not? (Isn't this basically the same question as "are you exclusive"? Because I have the same answer. I am, because I like seeing other muns' interpretations of the same character.)
How do you feel about vague posting? Use your own judgement for your own blog, but it's not something I do myself. If I have to vaguepost to vent something, I'll usually go on a more private blog, or at least stick it under a Read More.
Do you follow people even if they don’t follow you back? Yes! I like reading rps almost as much as I like writing them.
Do you read people’s rules before following or interacting? Always.
What is your opinion on “reblog karma” and do you practice it? I try to! Sometimes I can't figure out what to send in for the blog I get in from, but most of the time, I'll send something any time I reblog something. I really appreciate it when people send something in before reblogging from me, personally. c: (I get it if you can’t or don’t want to. But it sure is nice!)
How have you responded to popular slang used on tumblr? Do you use it in every day life? Do you use it at all? Not really, but I rarely use slang at all. Unless I'm actually talking about rp, muses, muns, etc, then I'll use those words.
Is there something you don’t know the meaning of but you haven’t asked anyone because you think it’s supposed to be general knowledge? Was there ever something you had to ask someone to explain? I'm that Ravenclaw who always asks questions as soon as I encounter I don't know, and I don't use words without knowing what they mean. Kinda defeats the purpose of words that way.
Have you ever experienced discrimination? Well, Dove has, since people have that "I don't like OCs" mindset. Or "she's related to a canon character, so she's automatically a Mary Sue". It's not as big of a Discrimination as sexism or racism, don't get me wrong! But it HAS limited our scope of interaction, and I personally think it’s a little unfair to make judgments like that.
How do you feel about personal blogs following your rp blog? Go for it.
Have you ever cried while writing a reply? Mmmmaybe once? More often my heartrate just raises a little in an exciting moment, or I write out a ten-paragraph response in a one-hour fit of delighted manic wordsmithing, but I've definitely been touched. (I'm just... not very good at crying when I'm focused on writing. 8F)
Do you read other people’s threads or do you only read your own? There's definitely a bias towards my own! (Before my EHD died, I had about a hundred and fifty rps saved as word documents.) But I also enjoy reading others' threads.
What’s one thing that other people seem to hate that doesn’t bother you? Hmm...Spelling and grammatical errors. When I was copying chat rps to word docs, I started editing the replies for readability, and that habit kinda transferred to Tumblr, so when I'm not in a hurry, or I have an Unusually Long Attention Span, when I copy the replies, sometimes I'll just edit them, but I'm not mad about it. Just got into that habit.
How do you feel about tagging triggers? Do you tag them? How do you determine what is triggering content and what isn’t? It is absolutely ESSENTIAL for me to have triggers tagged for ME, so of course I extend the same courtesy to others. I don't presume to know what triggers people; I've made it very clear that if anyone needs something tagged, they just have to ask, and I'll tag it. No questions asked. (Though if they want to vent about it, I'm open to that too.)
What advice would you give to someone new to rp? Just GO for it! I know it can be scary and intimidating and overwhelming to see a great writer and think, "Gosh I want to interact with them So Much".. .and you know what, sometimes you will get rejected. Sometimes you just won't mesh with muns. Sometimes your characters don't have a very exciting dynamic. But you'll never find those Goldmine RP Partners if you don't at least ASK.
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fyrapartnersearch · 5 years
And your next line is...
Strike a pose!
Hello, the name is Aylo and I am a dedicated on and off role-player with a tendency of writing original stories in the hope that one day, my own vision gets pushed out into the world. But that dream is still a far away concept as most of my works are still in the making. Since I am still on summer break, I’ve got some time at my hands that I’m interested to fill it with some juicy writing. 

Roleplaying is one of my greatest hobbies on the side! I enjoy it greatly as it gives you the opportunity to build a world and gripping plot with a partner. Also, a little about me before dive into it. You must be at least 18+ of age when you want to start original roleplay with me, just to be upfront and honest with you. I am in my twenties, thus I have no quarrel, or rather much prefer, mature adult themes. I accept anyone, but they have to be willing to fill some of these categories mentioned down below. What I expect is a decent (if not, very good) grasp on grammar, the ability and will to write creatively and shoulder half of the plotting and responsibility as well as the passion for roleplaying. Of course this should be seen as a fun way of passing the time and inspiring one’s muse, but I really like to invest… I wish for my partner to take equal initiative. 

This request is a bit of an unusual one as I am targeting a fandom that you may have or have not heard about. 
Currently I am on the hunt for someone who would like to start a JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure themed RP with me! Yes, as odd as it sounds, but the series had captured my heart in the most bizarre way (I couldn’t resist, apologies) and I simply fell in love with this odd, quirky world of JoJo. I started binging the series a year ago but now, I really became invested and grew to crave for an experience in writing it with a partner!
Regarding which era of the JoJo’s we could take this, I am fairly open, though I have yet to watch Part 5. 

Since the world of JoJo is so vastly open and brimming with possibility, there’s no exact limit. Unless of course, the characters are overpowered, then we might have a problem. However I’ve rarely encountered cases, so I wouldn’t worry that much about it. I have a strong penchant for including original characters and ideas that can be added to the pre-existing plot. Also very happy to expand on the given worlds and open to AU’s. Okay so I am a really big nerd when it comes to the supernatural, mysterious, urban myth and fantasy. Love combining those given elements with organised crime, complex characters, cataclysmic events and dark schemes that all unravels as time goes on. JoJo is a perfect breeding ground for it all.

Which JoJo is the best JoJo?

In my opinion, I love all of them <3
Just to be frank here! 
I am going to list all of the parts I am open and willing to do, down below:
JoJo: Phantom Blood (Part 1)

JoJo: Battle Tendency (Part 2)

JoJo: Stardust Crusaders (Part 3)

JoJo: Diamond is Unbreakable (Part 4)
Now I know there are seasons of the series that I’ve yet to read and watch, but there is so much of the world already, I am perfectly content with focusing the story on those four! 

 Writing: 3rd person perspective. My writing is wide-ranging and flexible, which means that frequently, word count will go up 1000+ per reply - though it highly depends on the given situation and partner. Quality over quantity as they say - but why not both? I love detail in description, and I am actively seeking someone of the same infamy. My partner should have a basic grasp on grammar, punctuation and somewhat of an interest in knowledgeable writing. I also double! (preferably, but we can always discuss whether it makes sense for our roleplay our not.)

What it entails:

Alright, so you are writing with some of mature age. I have 11 years of writing experience when it comes to the game. This will be a fair warning that this request is not for the faint of heart. There will be violence, swearing, gore, intimate scenes, uncomfortable subjects, drama, conflict and other dark themes included within the story. I have few limits but I will respect the boundaries of my partner, so do not shy away from telling me. Just so you know, I won’t fade to black or skip out on the nitty gritty. Go big or go home. Interests: My line of interests are very dynamic when it comes to genres. I love conceiving my own lore inside a stories, be it an original or a pre-existing story. Gothic fantasy among others are one of my favourites. I am not opposed to tapping into some science fiction, action, romance, crime, action or thriller genres, in fact I encourage it. Inspirations for me are Lovecraft, Hellsing, Blade, Underworld, etc. As for the fandom inspired RPs, I am more than willing to bend some rules and be a little indulgent. World building and sharing the burden: You should be active and help me shape the world around our characters. Even if we discuss many things during and before the roleplay, how we wish for things to play out and take its course, I am always happy to be surprised with a secret of my partner’s character I didn’t know before. You don’t need to lay out all your cards on the table… keep it a little mysterious and suspenseful. Just enough so we can work with the ideas, but not completely kill off the suspense. Characters: I write canon as well as OC characters. Faceclaims, GIFs, drawings, mood boards or just a plain physical description is absolutely sufficient. Whatever floats your boat when it comes to visualising your character and their backstory, I’m on board. Characters should be written as opulent, flawed, unique, talented, heroic, villainous, spiteful, angry, and everything in-between figures. In other words, don’t be scared of making them ‘human’, even when they are non-human. Romance: Openly play and accept characters of both genders, preferable m x f pairings, but I am open to m x m and f x f relationships as well. I have more experience with m x f relationships, so I might be more adept with this one. If the chemistry of two characters compel me, I will ship them no matter what! When it comes to sexual scenarios and intimacy (intercourse, foreplay, all that jazz). I encourage erotism, but always in a tasteful, sensual manner (that goes for romance as well). The passion must be felt through the screen, even if it’s just a mere description of someone’s deep train of thought. Content: Drama, violence, implication of sexual content, metamorphosis, symbolism, action, romance, pretty much everything is a-okay. I am unbothered by certain subjects that may or may not be uncomfortable for the general public. Roleplays are fictional stories and we best keep viewing them as such. If there are things you are uncomfortable with, name them and I shall respect those boundaries. But don’t be surprised when suddenly one of our characters bites the dust, or gets tortured. It may be difficult to write and read, but it is all part of the story and furthering the plot. My roleplays imply and involve brutality, mayhem, psychological and physical torture among other things. But I also greatly endorse beauty, serenity and placid moments, scenes or characters. I love it when it comes full circle… everyone- and everything has a beautiful and hideous side. Both should be embraced like Yin and Yang. Communication and friendship: OOC-chat friendly! I love meeting new people and making friends and as we all know, communication is key. Plus it strengthens the compatibility between us. Communication is the alpha and the omega. If there is anything that bothers you, or if you think you are left out in some way (be it a mistake on my part or if we’re both at fault here), don’t be frightened to tell me. Really, it won’t be taken personally since I know that we all slip up every now and then. We’re only human after all. It is also completely sufficient if you only type out a few messages per week. I am super chill about it. It doesn’t bother me re-writing a scene to fit the narrative more. If there are mistakes, they can be corrected - just to get that out there. We can always exchange opinions and see what would benefit the story most. I will also voice my opinion should something arise that could be bothersome. Partnership: An active roleplayer is wanted without a doubt. Can’t do the thinking for two now. Let’s row this boat together Limits: Subject matters I avoid are pedophilia, bestiality, necrophilia, vore, scat, furries and various other bizarre fetishes. Also no one-liners or text-talk messages. The sentences have to be cohesive, coherent and decently structured. 
I live in CET central Europe. My response rate varies throughout the weeks, depending on my schedule. 
If I should hit a hiatus, I will let you know as soon as possible. I understand when you are busy as well and won’t be able to respond, though I highly appreciate if my partner does disappear without notification. At least give me a heads up on what’s going on so I can adjust and put the roleplay on hold if needed! 
Mediums I roleplay on are email and google-docs. I also have Discord in case for OOC chat, but I rather much prefer email at first because Discord can be somewhat messy from time to time.

I prefer if my partner messages me first on email, giving me a brief description of themselves, their cravings as well as ideas. That way I can see if we’re compatible and if it bears any potential. 

Message me here:
EMAIL: [email protected] Hope to hear from you soon! Lots of love!

Sincerely yours, Aylo
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sansloii-a · 5 years
coughs so am I allowed to request all of the “salty af munday meme” answers or—
oh my fucking god || @imbruedinfear​
Tumblr media
strap in y’all ‘cause someone wants to hear me complain
What does someone have to do for an instant unfollow from you?
if you post excessive ooc in quick sucession, i will unfollow you faster than the speed of light. i’ve done it in the past. i will not hesitate to do it in the future. i don’t care if it’s tagged. if i’m on and i see it, you’re gone, my friend.
What’s the WORST thing that has happened to you rp wise?
uuuuuuuuuuhhhhh there was this one dude that legit tried to monopolize one of my old muses on another blog, got upset when i set a main ship for said muse, complained to me nonstop, was trying to use me to get back into rping with my friend group ( which he called “the popular group” for a reason I don’t understand to this day ), only wanted to ship, got pissy over a fucking pokemon au ( if you ever wanna hear about this, lemme know ), tried to insert a ship into every au we made automatically, tried to tell me how to write smut for no reason ( said he would read it and give me tips and everything ffs ), was an asshole to my sister ( who rped way back when but doesn’t anymore ), made several friends of mine uncomfortable to the point of leaving the rp scene for a bit, blamed other people for issues that he honestly had a part in causing, and a bunch of other things that i’m forgetting right now.
i figure that’s the worst because nothing has topped that. nothing. that happened years ago, though, so i’m good now. no one fucks with me like that anymore.
What was a mildly annoying thing that has happened to you rp wise?
i got about 10 asks from someone when i wanted to do other shit ( my asks that are in the double digits ) ‘cause they wanted me to send them an ask. annoyed me to hell and back and i promptly deleted those asks
 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  tough shit. i was not in the mood for games and i’m still not.
 Has anyone ever tried to steal your blog? Your headcanons? Icons? All that jazz?
not that i know of??? i hope not ‘cause i worked real hard on all this and if you steal anything from me, i’m gonna throw a huge-ass heaping of karma your way.
 How many people don’t like you?
i dunno. i’d say none but i know not everyone is going to like me so if you’re out there and you don’t like me, you’re entitled to that. don’t tell me, though, ‘cause i don’t wanna know if you don’t like me.
How many people do you not like?
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i don’t really care enough to actively not like anyone. you can annoy me but unless you piss me off and continue to piss me off, you get stuck on the “do not care” list. 
Have you managed to stay away from drama?
i give advice when needed on how to avoid whoever my convo partner is talking about and i avoid getting involved. unless it’s like… a close friend or involves a close friend, i refuse to get in the middle of whatever issue people have. i’m not about to have my ass dragged into problems that do not concern me.
i don’t cause drama either so that’s also how i stay away from it. 100% guaranteed to keep you out of drama.
Have you ever been in the middle of drama?
personal/friend drama? yes. rp drama? see above.
none of that was fun btw. it was a lot of me getting angry, being frustrated with certain behaviors, having to cut people out for doing shit/saying shit that they knew they shouldn’t have and refusing to recognize that they have fucked up and use that to change their behavior, etc. it’s draining and not fun and i’m pretty sure it shaved years off my life but y’know, it is what it is. the most i can do about it is look out for myself and keep out of relationships that will put me in those situations again.
Have you ever tried to bring peace to a situation?
no because i used to be friends with people that weren’t straightforward with shit and made excuses instead of changing their behavior. i don’t wanna go into it ‘cause and i can’t remember all the details but boy, peace was hard to come by and it didn’t last long. i wasn’t going to try to bring peace if people didn’t really seem to want it and level with each other.
How long do you stay mad?
depends on what you do, tbh, but it’s a couple hours at least. a couple days at most.
What’s your rp pet peeve? ( i have a lot of these )
playing “find the links” on someone’s blog. if i can’t find your links, i’ll try “/rules”, “/r.”, “/g.” and whatever else i can think of to get your rules and a couple more things to get your muse’s about. however, i shouldn’t have to and it takes little effort to make it so that your links are easily distinguishable from the background. if i don’t find them, i don’t find them. and i don’t follow/follow back
Have you ever forgiven a partner when you shouldn’t have?
nope. not now, not ever.
 Have you ever been forgiven when you knew you shouldn’t have been?
i’ve never been in a situation where i’ve had to be forgiven for stuff i’ve done so no.
What fads/trends are you so over?
the first thing i thought of was the fucking double ampersands thing that was everywhere at some point. those annoyed me so much and i’m so glad they’re gone. super small text needs to die too. i may not wear glasses but i sure as shit ain’t straining my eyes to see what you’ve written in 3px font. 
honestly, a lot of the excessive aesthetic shit that sacrifices accessibility for #aesthetic
Have you ever rp’d with someone you knew for a fact was abusive but tried to give them a chance/to make up your own opinion on the roleplayer? Did they change or did you understand what people were talking about?
nope, nope. nu-uh. if i knew for a fact that this person was abusive in that moment, i wouldn’t touch them with a ten foot pole. absolutely fucking not. 
Have you ever made a public call out post?
-loud snort- hell no.
What has made you completely lose your chill?
honestly? look at my worst experience and that about sums up shit that has made me lose my chill. you really gotta push my fucking buttons to make me mad ‘cause i’m usually pretty laid back.
What do you think about public call out posts?
answered here
A fandom that you feel isn't open and accepting? 
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i dunno. i’ve only been in one before and that was f.ire e.mblem
 A fandom that you feel is open and accepting?
imma be real honest with y’all--the only fandom i’ve been in that i will acknowledge is f.ire e.mblem and i had a pretty sweet time there. i had some ups and downs but it was an overall good experience for me. it was pretty open and inviting in my opinion but i tended to stay away from the douchebags in the fandom ‘cause i just wanted to have a good time there.
Thoughts on duplicates following you?
 if i have duplicates of my oc following me, i’ll have a whole fucking cow 
Do you agree with reblog karma or is it forced interaction?
i don’t think it’s forced interaction most of the time ( with sentence starters, symbol memes, memes that take literally zero fucking effort to send in ) ‘cause... everyone likes getting stuff, y’know. if you wanna reblog it from someone, just take a moment to send something in if the interaction is feasible. that’s the key thing here. if it’s feasible, then i don’t see the issue with sending something in before you reblog it from someone ( especially if you’re mutuals ). if it isn’t and you just wanna reblog it, reblog it from the source. it’s not that serious.
if someone nitpicks you for rebloging the same meme they did but you reblogged it from the source, i wouldn’t feel too bad. you know what’s best for your muses and if you don’t feel like the meme is cohesive for interactions, then that’s your prerogative and the 
Has someone ever ruined an FC or character for you?
answered here
Has someone been jealous of you?
i’ve only been told that someone was jealous of me once and it was a long time ago. i have never heard that from anyone again ( not that i remember, at least )
Have you ever been jealous of anyone?
mhm! but it usually comes when i’m feeling super down about my blog and doubting my ocs ( which isn’t often ). when i do get jealous, it’s over interactions and the like and my big dumb galactic brain is like “wow, don’t you wish you had those interactions? don’t you wish you were rping with those people?” and makes me feel bad about the interactions i have, the speed at which i reply, my ocs, how many people are interesting in my ocs, etc. however, this shit doesn’t last long ‘cause i have a bunch of wonderful people that motivate me to get out of that funk and just... focus on what i have instead of what i’m seeing on my dash. i remind myself that i’m here to have fun and i shouldn’t try to match my experience to others’
How has Tumblr RP changed since you started?
more formatting, smaller icons, more focus on having a fancy ass theme, more formatting, more callout posts, less communication in some regard, more reminders for communication.more psa posts, more formatting--
honestly, i’ve been on tumblr since 2012 and most of it is a blur lmao. i probably don’t remember everything ‘cause i was.... 15 when i started rping on here. i’m 22 now. i’m sure a lot has changed in seven years but i definitely haven’t seen it all.
Thoughts on the fandom you're currently rping in?
i’m currently a fandomless blog and boy, is it a lot more fun XD i have a lot more creative liberty and i can shape the world my muses live in to my liking, as opposed to following or just adding onto what the fandom universe already is. it’s a lot of work and it takes a ton of time but it’s fun and i’m enjoying every second of it! 
How salty are you feeling right now?
answered here but i’ll just say it again: not salty. just tired and rambly because holy shit this took a while
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angelinuhh · 6 years
Hi there A! Could we get a public review from you? Thank you so much and we hope that you have a breathtaking upcoming week! ~ Admin Catie
DISCLAIMER: this review is onlyreflective of my own opinions and is intended to provide constructivecriticism. there is no obligation to listen to or agree with anything said.
the reality tv junkie in me loves this concept of this rp. and, asI look around, this typifies exactly what I love about the genre: characterdevelopment, fast-paced events and, of course, a healthy dose of competition. Ilove your color scheme and your theme. for a contained theme, I found it incrediblyeasy to navigate—which was a real and true blessing. however, I do think that there are still many things to improve, Ithink a little more consistency and editing in your descriptions and overallaesthetic could really elevate your rp and make it more accessible andattractive to prospective members. I also would like to see a change in yourrules, both in policy and in tone. overall, I wish you guys the best of luck.
I really do love the rp idea, but I do think the plot page leavesa little something to be desired. For appless rps, especially ones withoutblurbs on the sidebar, you really do need something that is concise, both eye-catching and attention-grabbing, all the while getting to the point. while the content you have on this page isn’tbad, you have a long-ish block of text that can read a little dry at time.
I’ve taken the liberty of editing your plot to take on a more activetone to show you what I mean. while you have no obligation to use it, you dohave full permission to:
 There is no greater motivation in theworld than money – and nowhere is that more present than in ParadiseIsland, MTV’s new reality television show. Sent to a private island inpairs and forced to compete challenges and tasks set by the producers, contestantsoften find themselves doing things they wouldn’t normally do, all for a chance at$750,000.
Here at Paradise Island, the fun never stops. With 24/7 Streaming, viewers are given a real-time seat to the  drama,the romance and more! While binge-worthyshows are great, the 12 million daily viewers know the truth: they never have to find something new towatch again.
After a rigorous application process, including video essays about why theywould like to be on the show, interviews and even a test challenge was preparedto see which finalists caused the most drama or had the most chemistry, thehundreds of potential applicants were narrowed down to just 40. The producersrandomly assigned each contestant into pairs and, for the duration of the show,these partners were to share a room in the mansion and work together to win thegrand prize. 
But what happens next—will loveblossom? Will greed step in? Witha 1/20 chance of winning the $750,000, most of the contestants will do anything to get their hands onthat money, but there can only be one pair of winners.
Who will be victorious in the first Paradise Island?
paradiseislandhq is anappless  23+ pairedmuse roleplay based on reality television. Contestants have been sent to aprivate island and must work in pairs for the chance to win a grand jackpot of $750,000w/ additional prizes. We focus on weekly character development tasks &challenges, plotting between members, in-character drama, and. of course- vacation vibes! Applicants are free toapply for a wanted connection partnership or to have one picked at random foryou!
 If you would like to take a crack at it, here’s what I tried to fix.
Have a more ACTIVE TONE
 thisis a purely stylistic choice, but i would suggest varying up sentence structureand utilizing your bold and italic keys a little more as most people in thegenre do.
Try to avoid going on tangents
Inthe beginning, you start with the motivator of money above all and thenimmediately move to love and status, thus weakening the power of your opening
Ialso did not particularly think the tangent about streaming services in thethird paragraph was necessary. Your goal is to emphasize that the show is 24/7—you don’t necessarily have to explain that.
Is it… $750,000 or $750,000+, because both were used. That needsto be clear.
The first thing I always look for is the synopsis at the bottom,but yours is a little bit long. 
Iwould center it as well. You can do this by entering into the html and putting , I think.
Side note: make sure your navigation tab’s blurb matches the one on this page.
I also spotted a couple of grammar errors. Your biggest and mostfrequently repeated error is run-on sentences and a lack of commas.
bh, your rules page was a hugeturnoff for me. I don’t think it was your intention, but it was very blunt, alittle wordy (ik ik… im legit the most wordy person on earth) and read kind of…rude. A a potential applicant and as a reviewer, I just- I wasn’t feeling itand would likely be very wary of applying because of it.  There are also quite a few run-on sentenceshere, so watch out for that.
I’m not going to rewrite the whole thing, but here are a few specificchanges I would make and alternate wordings to your statements.
(++) I would put in a HOW WE RP section and add in the stuffabout the tasks, points and challenges. Because that should not go underinclusivity. I also do not understand how it works and I need much moreexplanation. I can guess, of course, but I shouldn’t have to. You need toclearly outline how this rp will be run and how tasks will be delegated and pointswill be awarded. Vaguely stating that there will be challenges and points andwhatever will not work.
(++) Your muses section is very confusing. Especially the agebut also the diversity part. I understand that you feel strongly about this,but I brought it up to some friends and many of them were just as confused as Iwas. I read your FAQ and things did not get any clearer. If I were you, I wouldsimply say “all muses and fcs must be older than 25. Please aim to make yourcharacter’s age believable with your faceclaim.”. And that, “to encouragediversity, if you have more than one character, at least one must be POC.” Asyou have it, it is very murky and kind of defensive?? almost. Like I reallywant people to be over 25, but I guess they can play 23, but also they canactually be 40 but they can play in their 20s. It’s convoluted and I get alittle frustrated trying to read it. In my opinion, you just have to pick asingle age and go with it.
I feel like your unfollow rule is extremely lenient for one ofthese rps. It may lead most of your members being inactive before they getunfollowed.
Alt wordings (some suggestions)
Although it is expected that in-character partnerships will needcharacter development, please make an effort to interact with all member.Bubble RPing is NOT permitted and we aim to make an inclusive environment whereall muns can explore their characters.
Youroriginal statement really put the onus on the RPer like they’re already doingsomething wrong.
We are happy to oblige with hiatus or semi-hiatus requests. Lifecomes up and we want all of our players to be comfortable. However, we onlyaccept these requests through asks that come through our inbox.
Reallythe CAPS and the Do not inform by im… don’t really feel like you want me tocomfortable.
We allow small/medium gifs. Please do not use large gifs. In orderto be accessible we do not allow gif icons under 90x90. >>>>In order to be accessible, large gifs and gif icons under 90px are not allowed.We prefer small/medium gifs.
Feel free to cause in character drama. However, no OOC drama willbe tolerated !! >>> While in-character drama can be fun, OOCdrama will not be tolerated.
idk why but those exclamation points were felt in my soul, man. Sdfjdkf. Look, it’s just a little intimidating.
I knowthis sounds like a small thing, but I really am impressed.Container themes are notoriously hard to navigate but I had little to notrouble going through yours. If your rp grows, that muse tab is going to behell to update so I admire your commitment.
My onlycritiques are that
 youneed to finish updating your nav so there are no broken/nonexistent links—whichI’m sure you will do
on your/map page, you have ‘wanted connections’ spliced so both wanted and connectionare links.
I’dmuch rather see a page with all the tags to track than just having them floataround on the navigation. But this is totally up to you to change.
Lovethem. Whoever did them, mostly, did a good job in maintaining the color scheme.My only critique is that I’m not really feeling the headers for, like, the plotpage and the wanted connections…etc. These harsh black borders and script fontsstand out a lot and, while the images are nice, they have a completelydifferent color scheme (dark blue-ish tones to the warm and tropical orange ofthe rest of the theme). I wish they would! Because otherwise, I really do likewhat you have here.  
I would edit or remove the first question onyour FAQ.If anyone asks the question, you can say to promote age diversity andthat’s reason enough. As it stands, the question and the answer just makes me confusedand, some of the statements like “actors over 25 have more resources” is justuntrue.
thebiggest flaw that I see in your RP is inconsistency and occasional lack ofclarity. here is a list of things I’ve found that varied from page to page.
1.      Sometimesthe jackpot is 750,000. Sometimes it is not.
2.      Theblurb on your navigation does not match the blurb on your plot page
3.      Yourefer to this rp both as appless and semiappless.
TLDR; what i would like to see changed, vaguelyin order of most of least importance. Feel free to ignore any or all of these.
REDO your rules page to include a HOW WE RP detailing thepoints, tasks and challenges
 CHOOSEa clear and consistent ruling on your age bending/limits. It might make senseto you and promoting age diversity is very admirable, but, look, we’re alldumb.
EDITyour rules page to be… more affable. It’s not bad as it, but it just helpspeople get through it.
i wrote a few alternate phrasings you can look at
EDITyour plot to be more engaging and concise to really grab people’s attention.
i wrote something above that you may use
DOUBLE CHECK all your pages to make sure that you don’tcontradict yourself in various places.
 as a last note and reminder, YOU DO NOT HAVE TO TAKE ANY OF MYSUGGESTIONS. There is no ill-will from me to you. As always, this is notintended to be hate and I genuinely want the best for you guys. However, I amterminally cursed to be nitpicky. I’ve done my very best to make sure my adviceis constructive, but please call me out if you find any of this offensive orcrude.
I genuinely like the idea of the RP and appreciate the work you’veput in. Seeing Dev Patel used--- makes my day. Thank you for your time andpatience.
If you have any more concerns or questions, please feel free tocontact me.
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mistye-dawne · 7 years
Twisting Fate
Ao3 | FF.net Ch. 1
Summary: After his last act as a hero, All Might is forced into retirement. Unable to fight. Unable to protect anyone. How does one continue to carry certain burdens when they no longer have the strength to do so anymore. Can the man who's always had criticizing opinions about the No. 1 hero show him that it's okay to let someone help him? Starts post chapter 95 of manga.
Chapter 2: Awkward Visits
After what he would describe as the shortest and longest press conference on his life, Toshi is escorted by Tsukauchi out the back doors and to his car to avoid the swarm of media personnel out front. The unshakable All Might, now nothing more than a husk, standing in front of hundreds of people and cameras broadcasting his statement to the world. It made him feel far more exposed than he'd ever experienced before in his life and was something the he didn't want to feel ever again.
The car ride is silent and much longer than it should be as the detective takes a roundabout route to get there, making sure that they aren't being followed. While Toshi is more than ready for the day to be over, he appreciates the few extra minutes as he uses the time to calm his thoughts and prepare for what he must do next.
Now that the condition of his health is no longer a secret, some of the weight he'd been carrying for years has been lifted from his shoulders. Normally, he'd assume that to be a good thing, but that weight just doesn't disappear. It falls to someone else and becomes their responsibility. In this case, that burden now rests with the individuals who decide which aspiring heroes receive a license and are permitted to work as such. Without him, there is sure to be a rise in villain activity and it is up to those officials to decide how best to combat that.
Toshi stares out at the main building of the school as the car approaches its destination. Given his condition, it's doubtful that he'll be able to teach entire classes now, but that doesn't mean he won't be able to do his part in guiding the students to becoming heroes. Yes, his main concern is to Midorya's development as he still believes the boy will become an even greater hero than he ever was, but there are many others who will no doubt become excellent heroes in the future as well.
It is at UA where these aspiring heroes will grow together and forge more than just friendships. Thus he must do everything he can to ensure that they are able to continue their educations there.
Standing in the principal's office with Blood and Aizawa, Toshi listens to his long-winded thank you followed by the warning of dissenting opinions. He knew that there would be objections to his staying at UA, but it was ultimately up to the principal to give the final say so. Of course, Toshi knew that he'd be allowed to stay regardless of what the public said because the mammal sometimes did things out of spite because humans were very easily annoyed by it. He was also one of few that were aware of his secret.
Aizawa watches the newly retired hero hang his head as they listen to the principal tell them that since he's decided to allow All Might to stay with the school, they must take extra measures to make certain that faith and confidence are restored in the heroes. The man tunes out the mammal, having already heard about his new plan for the school.
It was odd to see such an absent look on All Might's face. He was unreadable and Aizawa wasn't quite sure what to make of it. All Might had to know that each incident and run in with the Villain Alliance could be traced back to his coming to UA in the first place, but the blame couldn't be placed solely on him. Heroes in general had grown complacent under the 'Symbol of Peace', including them. As teachers first and heroes second, they needed to set the bar even higher for the students so that the future generation would not make the same mistake that they had.
The first step in doing that, according to the principal's plan, were home visits to obtain permission from the students' parents so that they could transfer to living on campus.
When told that he will accompany Eraserhead and visit class 1-A, Toshi looks at the man beside him and meets his seemingly neutral gaze. The last thing he wishes to be is a burden, or inconvenience, and where Aizawa is concerned, Toshi feels he is just that given what the man has been put through because of his presence. Whether or not he actually feels that way about Toshi is unknown because he's never been able to read him.
The first home the two visit is Jirou Kyouka, which goes over far better than Aizawa had expected. Though her father and immediately denied them, Aizawa humbled himself, nearly begging for a second chance to be trusted. Toshi notes that or those that didn't know the eternally exhausted man, such an action would be seen as odd, but in these several that he'd been working alongside him he knew that Aizawa firmly believed that the best place for the kids was at UA.
Even if meant begging, he could see that the dark-haired man would do whatever he needed to so that his kids could return to the school.
"I came into this prepared for a lot more criticism and doubt," he muses more to himself than the man sitting next to him in the car. Though he gave the students a hard time and maintained a certain aloofness in public, he truly believed that having the students on campus full-time was not only the safest thing for them but also the best place to nurture their potential.
"I think we will owe the ease of these visits to the students," Toshi responds. It's likely students aren't putting any blame with the teachers and don't share the doubts that their parents do. "The students have witnessed you not only protecting them, but leading them and they trust you, Aizawa."
Aizawa takes a moment to think about All Might's comment. He certainly didn't feel as though he deserved their trust, not when they'd been injured under his watch. He brushes the thought aside and tries to appreciate the kind words that had been directed at him instead of trying to find the fault within.
Aizawa raises a hand to rub his neck. "At any rate, let me treat you to a drink after this," he offers without really thinking.
It's barely there, but Toshi catches that neutral expression of his soften just a bit. "This definitely isn't the Aizawa I know. I appreciate the offer, but I don't drink actually," he replies sheepishly and reaches up with his hand to pull at his bangs.
An awkward silence falls between them as one worries that the next visit won't go over as smoothly as the first and the other wonders what the hell just happened between the two of them.
Both teachers quickly learn exactly where Bakugou gets his explosive attitude as they witness the boy's mother smack him across the head after mentioning the proposal.
"He's all yours," she tells them rather nonchalantly.
They watch the boy direct his anger and yelling at her to which she responds in kind. Bakugou's father is mortified and attempts to calm the boy and his mother down while apologizing to the teachers.
This is certainly a dysfunctional family if he's ever seen one Toshi thinks. The two men sit awkwardly, Toshi having a sip of tea, while they wait for the boy's level-headed but soft spoken father talk the two of them down.
"About my proposal," Aizawa starts once they've quieted down, "are you truly willing to comply?" She's already said yes, but he feels the need to be completely certain with this particular student.
"The whole living on campus idea, of course," she answers with a wave of her hand. Her face softens a bit and Aizawa waits for her to continue, thinking that she looks like she has more to say. "You see, our son has always acted rashly without giving anything a second thought. To top of it all off, he's been blessed with powerful abilities. Because of all that, he has been spoiled and showered by shallow words of praise and he's ended up a hothead," she says while looking down at the boy.
Then she looks up into Aizawa's eyes. "When you spoke about Katsuki the way you did the other night Aizawa-Sensei, I was incredibly to happy to see that someone out there is able to see who he really is."
Aizawa looks to the boy who's scowling at his mother. He meant what he said about Bakugou the other night, but hearing that the boy's mother appreciated what he said and was trusting her son to him because of that actually made him happy and eased away some of the doubt that he'd filled his head with, though no one would suspect a thing given his indifferent expression.
Toshi sits silently the whole time, listening to the words of gratitude that Aizawa receives from the boy's mother. He really had been worried about this home visit but learning about what Aizawa had said about young Bakugou, he's no longer concerned. It's rare that the man openly praises the efforts of another and when the family of three bow their heads to the teachers, Toshi nudges the other man with his casted arm. Aizawa chances a look at the blonde.
"How about I treat you to drinks," he whispers with dull smile. He knows that it's meant to be brighter but looking at him now, he realizes just how tired the man appears. His cheeks are more hollow and his eyes sad even though he's smiling. Was this why the old nurse had asked him to watch over All Might?
Aizawa turns his attention back to the family and considers accepting All Might's offer. If the rest of the families they're to visit are anything like the first two, he's definitely going to need something once they're done.
The boy's mother walks them to the door where she thanks them one final time and let's them walk back to the car so they can continue.
"Midoriya is next on the list. Seems his place is pretty close," Aizawa says while scrolling through his phone.
Toshi halts, causing Aizawa to do the same as he looks back at him with questioning eyes. "About that co-"
"All Might!" they hear Bakugou shout as he walks up to them. Aizawa nods for him to see what the boys wants and climbs into the car, unable to help overhearing their conversation.
"What is Deku to you?" Aizawa raises an eyebrow at the direct question and listens for All Might's response. He notices how Bakugou is holding himself, face set and eyes fixed on the man.
He's wondered very much the same thing since day one, seeing that the new teacher was terrible at hiding his his interest in the boy. He was worried that Midoriya's growth would be inhibited, but so far whatever relationship the two of them had only spurred the boy on. As far as his quirk is concerned... Well, that's still a mystery to Aizawa and he's behind his classmates on that point. He's catching up though and is even ahead of his class in other areas.
As long as he's growing, Aizawa didn't care to ask All Might about it. Now that someone else was curious about the two of them, he could confirm that Midoriya was more than just a student to All Might, though he'd never say that to Bakugou, or anyone for that matter.
Toshi's expression becomes grim at the boy's question. Of all the burdens he's held, this was one that needed to remain between him and Midoriya. "He's a student. Just like you, I see an aspiring hero with great potential."
Bakugou's shoulders slump as he turns around and walks back inside. "If you won't tell me, that's fine. But.. thank you." Toshi hates that he must lie to the boy but this one secret he must never allow more than those necessary to know it.
Aizawa would like to believe All Might's words but reading the sullen look on his face shows him that he doesn't even believe them. He waits for the man to climb in and for the car to move before asking him about what he'd wanted to say about Midoriya's visit.
"Ah, would it possible if you let me handle this one alone?" Aizawa rolls his eyes which doesn't go unnoticed by the other man. Really, could he make it any more obvious that he was playing favorites with th boy?
"Will you be able handle it on your own?" he inquires, doubtful to do this one favor for the man.
For the sake of keeping One for All a secret, Toshi has to do this visit alone. This was something that the principal knew he wanted to keep under wraps and it made him wonder exactly why he had been chosen to accompany Aizawa in the home visits for class A. It wasn't that he didn't trust the other hero, but there wasn't a reason for him to know.
"This one I have to," he says, staring down at his clenched fist. Aizawa follows All Might's gaze and wonders just what's going through his head.
"Fine, but you owe me that drink when we're done," he sighs as he fishes for his eyedrops. "I also I expect you to join in visiting the remaining homes that I don't get to," he adds, blinking a couple times then narrowing his eyes at him.
"Of course!" he agrees immediately waving his hand in surrender. "I'll text you as soon as I'm done and you can tell me where to meet you."
Minutes later they arrive at where Midoriya lives and before the car pulls away, Aizawa asks once more if he'll be able to handle things on his own. Toshi assures him that he'll be fine and shoos him off.
Aizawa cranes his neck to look in the rearview mirror and watches All Might's figure disappear in the distance. When he's no longer able to see him, he relaxes and closes his eyes so he can mull over the thoughts that had been running wild since the first visit.
Since the attack at the camp, Aizawa had let his irrational side slip to the forefront of his mind causing him to doubt and become uncertain of himself. He'd somehow convinced himself that he'd lose his teaching position when he knew logically, it made more sense to keep him at UA since they already knew that information was being leaked from inside. When he sat down and thought about it all, he knew that he had no reason to worry.
But he's able to close his eyes and actually get some rest, he's bombarded by memories of the USJ attack and what happened at the camp. Too many students had been hurt and though Class A had been lucky that so few were injured and hospitalized, he wished that the same could have been said for class B.
He hadn't lied to All Might when he'd said that he'd been prepared for worse from the parents, especially from the Jirou household. He also didn't have the best track record when it came to dealing with angry parents given that the year prior he'd expelled an entire class of first year students. Aizawa also believed that the student's parents would hold different values and wouldn't want them to return to UA.
Though they'd only visited two families thus far, Aizawa knew that he'd made an error in his judgement and needed to clear his head before the new term. He had always prided himself in holding his students to a higher standard, so he shouldn't have been surprised that they would have spoken to their parents ahead of his arrival and plead their own cases for wanting to remain at UA.
Though his mind was still muddled, it had allowed him to look at other things and people a bit differently, such as All Might. Now that the 'Symbol of Peace' was gone, it put All Might's way of doing things into perspective a little. Except coddling the press; that was something he'd never understand.
But that bright and overzealous personality of his had meant something to the public eye. It eased their minds and consequently had done the same thing to heroes. He thought about the smile that had appeared on his face while at Bakugou's home. It wasn't the radiant smile that he normally showed the world. It was tired, sad, and maybe even a tiny bit relieved because if he was honest with himself, he knew that All Might had carried an enormous burden without help for a long time.
So Aizawa really couldn't blame the man for not being the clueless oaf he normally was. He wasn't exactly sure if he'd be able to show any semblance of strength if he were in the man's position.
When the car stops, Aizawa is jostled from his thoughts. He climbs out of the car and steels himself to appear before the next few families alone. At least he hopes it'll only be a few. If not, then he'll be needing more than one drink tonight.
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mumbleybummie-blog · 8 years
Sweet Punishment (M)
Im Jaebum | JB (Got7) x Reader 
Word Count: 5845
Genre: Smut [DaddyDom/Submissive Relationship]
“Are you serious?” Jaebum asked incredulously, eyes wide.
“Yes, I am,” You responded confidently, "and you are not going to do anything about it. Are you, Daddy?”
The car was heavy with tension as you sat a red light, the clock nearing midnight, and you felt as though your body was buzzing with electricity. Jaebum’s presence felt heavy and suffocating next to you. All you wanted to do was reach across the center console and make contact with any open skin you could get your fingers on. You needed to feel him, and if you didn't soon you were sure you would combust. But, with the way you acted at dinner you knew better than to touch him. You were “in trouble” as he put it. You scoffed at the thought.
“What is so funny over there?” Jaebum asked, turning his head for you for a second before returning his eyes to the road.
“Oh, nothing is funny over here,” You replied.
“Is that so? Well, it is your bottom on the line. I don’t want to hear you complaining later,” he mused, as if that was going to persuade you to open up to him.
“Well, then go right ahead. You know how much I loved being punished,” You pushed back.
Jaebum angled his head toward you, a smirk resting on his lips, and arrogantly said, “Fine, have it your way.”
You were bratty, and you knew it. You also knew Jaebum loved it. It was not in you to give in to demands easily. You had to challenge everything. Which, would eventually get you in trouble, usually with Jaebum. Dinner was one of those instances. Jaebum had taken you out to dinner with some close friends of his and their significant others, but they were just so boring. In your opinion, they had nothing interesting to say. The food on your plate could only entertain you for so long. So, you thought of the next best thing to entertain you: Jaebum. Jaebum was always fun to play with especially in public. You loved to tease him, he would get all riled up and huffy and it gave you endless amounts of joy. While you were sitting at the dimly lit table, at this fancy restaurant, listening to boring people drone on about insignificant stuff you rested your hand on Jaebum’s thigh, giving it a light squeeze. He looked over at you, a small, private smile meant only for you graced his face. You beamed back at him, and acted as if you were engrossed in the conversation going on around you. As the conversation swirled on around you; your moved your hand higher up his leg. Jaebum quickly shot you a puzzled look. But, you kept a neutral expression on your face as you hiked your hand higher. Jaebum stiffened under your touch; he unsuccessfully tried to push your hand away. Not letting his resistance stop you; you pressed on getting closer to his groin finger by finger. As you got closer to your destination, fingers encircled your wrist with a firm grip preventing you from continuing on in your adventures to satisfaction.
“Knock it off,” Jaebum growled under his breath, his lips ghosting by your ear. A shiver ran down your spine. The deep tenor in his voice spreading warmth to the pit of your stomach.
“Why Jaebumie? I am just having a little fun,” You responded innocently. However, Jaebum was not having any of your innocent act. He has seen it one too many times to fall for it all over again.
With his hand still wrapped around your wrist he stated, “Jaebumie, huh? You are really trying to push my buttons tonight aren’t you, Princess?”
Princess. A name that goes straight to your core. You let out a small gasp, loving to hear the name fall from the lips of Jaebum. However, the mission was far from over. You were still playing no matter what he threw at you. So, you leaned up and whispered lightly, “Oh Daddy, would you expect anything less from me?” As the name left your mouth Jaebum’s grip got tighter and his back straightened even more.
You don’t usually find yourself calling him Daddy while out in public, but it certainly gets the job done when you want to rile up your boyfriend.
Jaebum turned his face a fraction so he was able to look at you. Lust raged in his eyes and his mouth was set into a hard line. Below his breath he stated, in the most commanding voice he could muster while the company of others, “Knock it off Y/N, if you want to avoid some repercussions. It would be your in your best interest to keep your hands to yourself and enjoy the company around you because I swear I won’t be nice the next time I have to tell you no.” With that he released your hand and placed it back on your lap. Jaebum easily integrated himself in the conversation as if none of that happened.
By the time dessert came the conversation somehow became increasingly more boring. Your boyfriend’s threat bounced back and forth in your mind. You debated whether it was worth it or not to mess with him. You knew his punishments were no joke, but you also knew he wouldn’t give you anything he knew you couldn’t handle. Plus, the thought of him thinking that he had won was worse than any punishment you could think of. You don’t need his smug face rubbing it in all the way home. So, with that decision in mind, you placed your hand directly on his clothed member. He tensed under your touch and turned to meet your gaze. His eyes were harsh. Jaebum was sending you a clear warning, continue this game of yours or suffer the consequences. It was up to you. With your inability to back down from this challenge; you defiantly continued on. Jaebum said nothing, and once again returned to the conversation with your dinner mates having no idea what was happening beneath the table. However, you could tell by the way his jaw was set that your demonstrations were affecting him.
With the hand that was still placed on Jaebum’s groin you slowly began to run your fingers along the light outline of his member hidden away. Achingly slow. You wanted to make this worth your while, so you forced yourself to start off slow. You wanted to make Jaebum so desperate that he would just end up pushing you into a bathroom stall or fucking you in the back seat of his car. You wanted to make him feel like how he made you feel. You wanted him to feel the desperation he causes you. As you felt him harden under your gentle touches, you began to add more pressure, using the palm of your hand to cover more area. His breath hitched as your gentle wandering was done with more purpose. You gripped his cock through his dress pants and slowly began jerking him off, making sure to pay special attention to the tip. Jaebum’s breathing began to become more shallow as you continued playing with him in front of his friends. Though he carried on with the conversation as if your public foreplay was nothing. Of course, your inner brat could not handle that, so you took it to the next level. As discreetly as you could you unbuckled his belt and agonizingly slow you slid down his zipper. Once again a hand grabbed onto your wrist, halting your progress.
“Are you serious?” Jaebum asked incredulously, eyes wide.
“Yes, I am,” You responded confidently, "and you are not going to do anything about it. Are you, Daddy?”
Challenging Jaebum’s word rarely ever goes over well because, if anything, Jaebum is a man of his word and he holds to it all the way through.
“Oh Baby, just believe me when I say that you are in for a treat once we get home,” your boyfriend responded with finality, and he once again returned your wandering hands back to you. From your peripherals, you saw Jaebum quickly shift in his seat undoing the progress you had made. That pissed you off. He had so easily shut down your fun activities used for entertainment. You know that if he were to do the same thing he would expect you to sit there and take it like a “good girl”.
Gratefully, it was soon time to say goodbye to Jaebum’s dear friends, so with friendly goodbye’s Jaebum and you were crossing the parking lot to his car. Tension multiplying between the two of you. You could feel it bouncing back and forth between the both of you as you walked with a bit of distance between you. Once you reached the car Jaebum opened the door for you, which he always did, and closed it after you were securely in the car. Even after he was in the car and driving out of the parking lot the mood had not lessen; but, it seemed to intensify in the small car. You were solely in the presence of one another. There were no curious eyes there to peer in on the situation, and more importantly there was nobody there to save you from the hands of Im Jaebum.
That is what brought you to the situation that you are currently in. Sitting in silence wondering what is going through his mind, and wanting to know what punishment he had in mind.
It was not before long that Jaebum pulled into the parking garage for your apartment. Jaebum turned off the car, which threw you into deeper silence without the hum of the radio to give you some form of distraction from the undeniable lust that is running through veins. By the time that you processed what was happening, Jaebum had reached your side of the car and he was holding the door open, per usual.
“Come on Princess, we have a lot of fun to be had and not a minute to spare,” he said nonchalantly, as if the situation had no affect on him. But, you know his well enough to see underneath his facade. Your boyfriend was desperate to get you to your room, so he could do as he pleased with you.
Smirking, as you tantalizingly got out the car, you whispered, “I am ready for whatever you have to give me, but I don’t think it will be much.” Your lips grazing his ear as you spoke. His jaw twitched.
“I will just have to prove you wrong then,” with that said Jaebum grabbed you by your waist and led you to the elevator that would take you up to your floor.
In the elevator the tension returned once again. Both of you were itching to get your hands on one another. The doors opened and Jaebum, with his hand still firmly gripping your waist, walked you to your door.
“Keys,” he demanded. You fumbled to place your keys into his open hand. With the turn of the lock the door was pushed open. Jaebum led you into the open living space and threw your keys into the bowl on the kitchen counter. He then turned to you and stated one word, “Bedroom.”
Without hesitation you walked toward your bedroom with Jaebum following close behind. As you made your way to the middle of the room the door was shut behind you. The noise making you jump. The indisputable desire forcing you to be on edge. Jaebum forcing you to be on edge.
“Undress for me,” You heard your boyfriend demand from behind you. His voice forcing you to turn around and meet his gaze. You found Jaebum sitting in the chair that was jutted up against the corner of your room. Simply lounging, his blazer that he wore to dinner had been abandoned. Jaebum sat there in dress pants and a button up, his presence dominating the air around you. The sight of him sitting there, watching over you made your mouth water.
“What are you waiting for Princess? I getting impatient over here,” he warned while rolling up the sleeves to his shirt.
Before he could remind you again, you slowly began to undress yourself. Starting with the heels on your feet, unbuckling and kicking them to the side so they are out of the way. Next came your dress. You reached behind you back to grab at the zipper. Struggling to grab hold of it, you huffed and sighed as you fought with the once good idea dress. It was after a few more moments that you realized Jaebum was not going to help you out. So, after a bit of fighting with the dress you got hold of the zipper and began to release the confining dress from your skin. As the dress slid over your breasts and down to your torso you peeked up at Jaebum, who was not looking at your eyes. He was rather watching your dress reveal your once covered skin. Bit by bit, aggravatingly slow, your dress fell to the floor with a soft thud. Jaebum’s eyes followed it all the way down, and as it lay at your feet he looked up to meet your eyes. Hunger and fervor was ricocheted back to you. He was still, but his eyes held this sexual energy that was hard to ignore. You were standing there in bra and panties, hypnotized by your boyfriend’s gaze. Your breathing was thin, and you could feel the wetness form between your thighs.
“Princess,” Jaebum interrupted your thinking, “I said undress. All the way if I was not clear the first time.”
With Jaebum’s reminder, you quickly rid yourself of your bra; your breasts bouncing once freed from their confinement. You stuck your fingers in the side of your panties and pulled them down, letting them fall to the ground by themselves. Then you were standing completely naked in front of the perfection that was Jaebum. While maintaining eye contact, Jaebum slowly got up from his place in the corner and made his way over to you. He walked up to you and slowly began to run his hands along the contours of your collarbones. Gently allowing his fingertips to caress the  skin that lays there. His hands began to wander up your neck and below your ears before heading back down your body. You could feel his fingers dance their way in between your breasts raising goosebumps across your chest. Jaebum teasingly ran his fingers up and down this open space with a smirk on his face. Your breath began to come in irregular patterns, and you pushed your chest forward to encourage Jaebum to give you more than just a gentle touch. However, that did not get by Jaebum so easily. His hands stopped immediately. Jaebum’s eyes met yours as he gave you a disapproving glance and shook his head slightly.
“Come on Princess. You know better than that. You have to stay still until I tell you differently. Okay?”
With the nod of your head as the answer, Jaebum continued his gentle teasing as he moved toward your belly button. His index finger circled your belly button a couple of times before he kept moving south, to the place you desired his touch most, but he pulled away just before you got the touch you were craving. You let a soft groan as his hands continued upward, and a small, “Please,” left your lips.
“What was that baby?” he asked arrogantly, fully knowing the effect he has your body.
“Nothing, Daddy,” You mumbled.
“Are you sure about that?” Jaebum asked. To which you nodded your head yes. You didn’t want to end up having a worse punishment especially since you have yet to find out what was in store for you.
“Use your words baby,” he responded due to your lack of verbal confirmation.
“Yes, Daddy. I am sure it was nothing.”
“Good girl.”
Jaebum’s hands picked back up on their torturous adventure, but rather than continue the torture he decides to go straight for in between your legs. His finger tips gently ran up and down your folds. He deliberately kept his touch light as not to give you any pleasure you crave. Just enough to keep you on edge. Suddenly his fingers dipped between your folds, you let out a quiet moan. Jaebum chuckles to himself while he pulls his two fingers from your pussy. He brings his fingers up to your mouth and runs your wetness across your bottom lip.
“Open up baby. I want you to taste yourself,” he stated. You eagerly opened your mouth to allow for his fingers. Watching your mouth with extreme concentration, Jaebum placed those two fingers in your mouth. You began sucking your essence from his finger tips, moaning as you tasted yourself. A low moan escaped Jaebum’s mouth as you sucked gently on his fingers. You swirled your tongue around them, mimicking a blowjob, never looking away from Jaebum’s face. You wanted to make sure you could see every flicker of emotion that he was experiencing. You wanted to make sure you had the same effect on him as he did on you.
He slowly released his fingers from your mouth and walked back over to the corner where your chair sat. Jaebum picked up the chair and brought it over to where you stood. He calmly sat down and looked up at you. He motioned you forward so your were standing in front of him. You slowly took the couple steps that it was to reach him, and he extended his hand out to take hold of your waist.
Looking up at you, Jaebum started talking, “Now Princess, you did not behave very well a dinner and for that you are going to be punished. I am going to start with spanking you. I want you to count each one as they land, okay?”
“Yes, Daddy.”
“And you understand why you are being punished, correct?”
“Yes, Daddy. It was because I was touching you inappropriately at dinner, and I still continued to even though you told me to stop.”
“Good girl.”
With that being said Jaebum moved your body so that you laying over his lap. He placed his left arm across your shoulder blades to prevent you from moving around too much.
Jaebum softly rubbed your bottom, stopping once in a while to grab at your cheeks, and then the first hit landed. “One,” You moaned out. That hit landed with a such force it jolted you forward; pressing your hardening nipples into Jaebum’s thighs while simultaneously making your pussy even wetter. Jaebum quickly soothed the affected spot by rubbing his hand over where he hit you.
Not waiting to long another spank follow the first but on the other cheek. “Two,” You breathlessly stated. The next two hits landed in rapid succession forcing you to quickly let out the number of spanks as you moaned into Jaebum’s lap.
“Daddy, please,” You pleaded hungrily. You wanted more. You needed more.
“Do you like that baby? You are such a slut asking for more spankings. I bet you are dripping wet right now,” Jaebum then ran his fingers against your leaking lips moving with such ease since you were so wet.
“Your pussy is so fucking wet,” he said before quickly sticking two fingers into your pussy. Jaebum slowly began fingering your wet hole as you laid over his lap. He teasingly fucked you with his fingers, using enough force to keep you on the edge but never enough to bring you climax.
As quickly as his fingers were there, they were gone, and Jaebum delivered another hit.
“Five,” You moaned.
Each time his hand landed, it began to get harder to remember to count along and to remember what number you were currently on. As the count reached closer to double digits you began squirming in Jaebum’s lap. You wiggled your butt upwards trying to get closer to his hands because you just wanted him to touch you. You needed to feel more physical contact from him. Jaebum knew had to get you desperate, willing to do anything for him to touch you. With your pussy neglected, and you aching for some form of pleasure you began to press yourself further into Jaebum’s thigh. Hoping that some of the pressure you got gave you some relief. However, that was short lived as Jaebum noticed what you were doing. His hand come down hard on your right cheek. Tears sprung to your eyes out of frustration and pain, “Ten.”
“Now Princess, you know that this is your punishment. Sit still or this is only going to get worse for you,” Jaebum warned in a calm voice. Even in situations like this Jaebum never raised his voice at you. He continued to talk in a calm tone that he only used with you, which was deeper and slower than his normal talking voice. It had the power to make you soaking instantly.
The next four spanks were delivered in quick succession. One right after the other.
Jaebum’s fingers found their way back your dripping lips. Running his fingers along the folds one again just to tease you. Not giving you anything that you wanted. As he played with you, he stated, “This is the last one you are going to receive, but your punishment is not done quite yet.”
With that said Jaebum landed the finally hit to your burning cheeks, certainly red at this point.
“Fifteen,” You whispered, barely audible.
“Good girl,” he said, while running his hands on your butt, soothing the flaming skin there. Jaebum graciously gave you a few second of rest after that ordeal, but it was not before long that he was standing you up from over his lap. Swaying a bit when placed on your feet, he picked you up and carried you over to your bed. Jaebum threw you onto the center of your cozy bed. You laid there, on your back, watching as Jaebum stood at the foot of the bed slowly removing his clothes. He watched your face as he took off his shirt. Your eyes traced his hands as the undid a button at a time slowly revealing the hardened planes of his chest. Jaebum is a mixture of hard and soft, and you loved every single inch of him. You couldn't get enough of him.  After what seemed like forever his shirt fell quietly to the floor, and then he started on his pants. Removing the belt first, and then unbuttoning his pants, so he was standing there in his underwear. His erection evident in the tight undergarment. As he was standing there, almost naked, your gaze met his and a smirk appeared on his face. You could tell that he was seeing the lust and desire in your eyes, but also how wrecked you already were. And it was all because of him. You were completely his in this moment. Breaking the eye contact, Jaebum walked over to your closet and reached for the box on the top shelf. You heart beat picked up just watching bring the box down to eye level. You knew that you were in for a treat if he was going to get out the goodies that are in that box. He sauntered over to the bed and placed the box next to where you were still laying across the bed.
While he opened the box, Jaebum asked, “Now what should I use on you today?”
A deep chuckle rang out in the open room as he pondered what device he was going to use to torture you.
“Butt plug? No, I don’t think that will do. How about being blindfolded?” he asked as he pulled out each object. Not really asking you, but showing you all the tools he had at his disposal, not like you did not know what was in the box.
As you were watching Jaebum pull out the rejected items his eyes lit up as he stumbled upon a toy at the bottom of the box. Jaebum pulled out a vibrator from the box along with a ball gag and presented them both to you.
“For the second part of your punishment: edging. You are not going to be allowed to come until I say so,” he stated making sure to keep eye contact with you, “Okay, Princess?”
“Yes, Daddy.”
“Good, then lets’ start.”
With your confirmation, Jaebum quickly placed the box on the floor and crawled up to you.
“Sit up,” he commanded in the same gentle voice. With you sitting, Jaebum tenderly placed the ball gag in your mouth and secured in behind your head. He pressed your body back to the bed, his hands trailing down your naked body as he moved toward your thighs.
“You know what to do if you need me to stop right?” Jaebum asked, his breath blowing against your heated folds. You nodded your head yes to his question.
“What is it then?” he asked just to make sure that you remembered.
You reached down to pinch the spot right between his neck and shoulder, squeezing and releasing three times.
“Good girl.”
Then Jaebum switched on the vibrator to its lowest setting. He gingerly ran his thumb up and down your soaking slit, catching your clit every so often. Easing you open, while also spreading your legs further apart. It was not too long after that the vibrator replaced his thumb. Jaebum placed the buzzing toy directly on your clit, not waiting around to tease you. You moaned around the ball gag that was in your mouth, spit beginning to form and dribble out of your mouth. Jaebum began to run the vibrator up and down your pussy, tormenting you. You pushed your hips down trying to force the vibrator to where you needed it most. Of course, that did not go unnoticed by Jaebum. The hand that was once perched around your thigh was now at your hip, forcing you to stay in place while he played with you.
“Knock it off, you are going to take what I give you and not an ounce more.”
You moaned in response to his command.
It was moments later that his fingers joined the vibrator. Jaebum returned the vibrator to your clit, after turning up a couple of setting. A whimper tried to escape from behind the gag, as he began to finger your quivering pussy. A first it was just a finger, and then there were two, pumping in and out of you. Jaebum curved his fingers upward ever few strokes in order to hit that spot inside of you, coaxing moans from you. Jaebum soon began to pick up the pace as he fingered you, making sure to hit your g-spot very time, along with turning up the setting on the vibrator. Your body racked with pleasure as you were assaulted by Jaebum and the toy. There was no end to your moaning as Jaebum brought you closer to your peak. Jaebum looked up at your face as it screwed up in pleasure, so close to getting the release you have been craving for. Your legs began to shake, and your toes began to curl.
“I am going to come,” You tried to say around the ball in your mouth.
Your words came out as nothing but jumbled syllables, but Jaebum knew exactly what you were saying. Once Jaebum heard that, he quickly pulled his fingers from your core and removed the vibrator from your clit. Your hips tried to follow the pleasure, but Jaebum landed a quick slap to your thigh, reminding you of your punishment. You groaned in frustration. You were so close to cumming, and you wanted it so bad. Jaebum tittered at your desperation. His eyes gleamed with control, taunting you.
After your breathing had slowed down a bit Jaebum returned his fingers and vibrator back to your pussy. Forcing the vibrator to a higher setting while he continued pumping his fingers in you. He quickly brought you back to the edge before he tore the pleasure away from you. Jaebum repeated this process four more times. Jaebum continued to tempt you to the brink of an orgasm before ripping the pleasure from you. It was not before long, that your chin was covered in your spit from the ball gag and your cheeks were stained with tears. You were frustrated and you wanted to be able to orgasm.
“Oh, you must be so upset with me. Huh, Princess?” Jaebum teased you.
“Fuck you,” You attempted to say.
Jaebum snickered from his position between your legs, “Sorry Princess, I did not get that. Did you say something?”
“Fuck you,” You said again, trying to make sure he understood what your were saying.
“Are you talking to me? Because I still don’t hear a thing,” he egged on, “that gag is doing its job wonderfully.”
Jaebum crawled his way up your body till he was face to face with you. From this vantage point he could see how wrecked you looked. He loved to see you like this especially if it was because of him. Your eyes were glazed over in a haze, your cheeks were flushed and wet with tears, and your mouth was strained around the intrusive gag. Jaebum ran his thumb along your bottom lip, and then moved his hand up to push the ball into your mouth a bit farther as he gave his next set of instructions.
“Are you doing all right?” he asked, wanting to make sure that you were with him before continuing. You groggily, but determined, nodded your head. “Okay, then we are going to continue. I am going to remove the gag from your mouth, and then I am going to fuck you until you come. But, remember you cannot come until I say so. You got that?”
You nodded once again.
Once Jaebum got your approval, he got up from on top of you and gently sat you up. He carefully undid the buckle that kept the gag in place. You groaned as the ball left your mouth leaving a dull ache in its place. Jaebum placed the gag on the bedside table before digging into the drawers to pull out a condom. You watched intently as he pulled off his boxers, finally releasing his erection from the confines of the fabric. The sight made your mouth water. His length was hard and leaking from the lack of attention. You followed his hands as he slid the condom on, hissing as his fingers made contact with the forgotten member. You wanted to reach out and bring him into your mouth, and have him fuck your face till he came, but that was not going to be on the agenda for tonight. Jaebum leisurely crawled his way back to your body. He spread your legs apart in order to lay in between them. As he situated himself, you felt his erection brush against your heated core. A moaned slipped out as you rocked your hips up against him.
A smug look took over his face, his lips pulled up to one side and his eyes closed slightly, “Are you desperate, Princess?”
The only response you could come up with was grinding against his tone body while little whimpers came from your mouth.
Jaebum lifted his hand from the bed and ran his fingers through your sex-tangled hair, “Use your words.”
“Yes, Daddy. I am so desperate,” You responded, wanting to feel embarrassed by your words, but you were past that point.
“What are you desperate for?” he asked mockingly.
“You. I want you.”
“What do you want from me?”
Jaebum’s hands began to wander from your hair to your neck, and his lips were quick to follow. He began kissing and sucking at the skin behind your ear. You leaned your head away, bearing your neck to give complete access to Jaebum. You wanted him to mark up. You needed people to see that you belong to him.
“Please fuck me Daddy. I want to feel you inside of me. I need you to fuck me,” You finally said.
Jaebum chuckled into your neck, pressing a kiss against one of the many marks he left there. He leaned up from his position, grabbed his erection and gradually pushed himself into you. His gaze never leaving your face. Your faced twisted up in pleasure. Your eyes closed shut and your mouth parted, as the pleasure you had been waiting for had been somewhat quenched. Jaebum pulled out, leaving the tip in before he drove back into you.
“Open your eyes,” Jaebum commanded tenderly mid thrust.
When you opened your eyes, your sight fell to Jaebum’s eyes. He was staring directly at you. Gone was that hungry look and it was replaced with this tender, love consuming look. Jaebum looked at you with so much passion your breath got caught in your throat. Your boyfriend is stunning and has the power to take your breath away with just one look. You looked back at him with equal amounts of love and adoration, hoping that it was conveyed in your gaze.
“I love you,” You stated, your voice small.
A wide smile took over Jaebum’s face, “I love you.”
With love as the driving force between the two of you, Jaebum sped up his thrusts. You met him at every movement. Jaebum leaned down and placed his lips on yours. Your lips met in a heated passion, clumsy and heavy against one another. The thrusting making it almost impossible to properly kiss on another. You moaned into Jaebum’s mouth as he brought you continued pleasure.
You were so close. Jaebum could tell due to the change in your breathing. It was then that he finally said the words you had been waiting all night to hear.
“Come for me, Princess.”
With the permission granted you let everything go. Your back arched from the mattress below you, and you released all over Jaebum, as he continued to chase his own orgasm. A scream ripped from your throat as tears poured from your eyes. Everything was overwhelming and too much, but still not enough. You clawed at Jaebum’s back, leaving angry red marks, as your orgasm lingered.
It was not too long after that Jaebum found his own release, letting a low groan slip from his lips.  He delicately pulled out of you being careful not to cause you too much discomfort. Jaebum quickly tied off the condom before tossing it in the direction of the waste bin. He flopped back down on the bed and pulled you with him so that you were on top of him. You hand was placed over his heart and you head rested against his chest. It was not before long that you ended up falling asleep to the relaxing comfort of Jaebum’s breathing. But, not before hearing Jaebum whisper, “I love you, Princess.” While pressing a delicate kiss to your head.
A/N: Wow! It is actually finished. I am so surprised. I apologize for any errors this piece of writing has, but I hope you love it anyway. Thank you for taking time out of your day to read it. I hope you enjoyed it! 
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seriouslyhooked · 8 years
Wedded Bliss and Asterisks (A Modern CS AU) Part 9/?
Emma Swan is an enemy of love who just happens to be an up and coming wedding dress designer. She’s convinced that a fairytale kind of romance is nowhere in her future but when she meets Killian Jones, whose magazine is covering the opening of her new boutique, things change. Suddenly Emma finds herself drawing up new plans for her life, ones that seem to all be leading towards her own form of wedded bliss. Rated M.
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven. Part Eight. Also on FF Here.
A/N: Hey all! This chapter brings us some big steps. First and foremost, it signals the publication of Killian’s article. In the aftermath of that we get even more fluff and some smut for good measure. This chapter is all from Emma’s POV, but no worries, Killian’s will be back next chapter. I hope you guys enjoy and thanks for reading!
Humming to herself lightly on Monday morning, Emma sat in her office sketching at random. The images she drew on the page weren’t thought out dresses or objects, but a variety of swirling designs. Emma was too lost in the memories of the past weekend to create anything specialized right now and instead she let herself linger in the same happy mood she’d had the past few days while her pencil dragged across the page of its own free will.
It was so easy to give into this joyful state given the way things were right now, and that feeling of comfort and rightness changed the way Emma engaged with her morning so far. She’d gotten up bright and early after a somewhat restless night without Killian. There was a tangible difference between the quality of sleep she’d had Saturday compared to last night, but the tension and fatigue all melted away when she met him on the train this morning:
“I think we might have a real problem, love.” Killian claimed in the middle of their ride.
“Oh?” Emma asked, not worrying about whatever he was about to say thanks to the warm look in his cerulean eyes and the gentle feel of his hand in hers.
“I may very well never sleep easy again without you there beside me. You’ve ruined me for normal nights.”
In the face of such a sweet remark, Emma pulled Killian in closer for a kiss right there in the train car. It was light and relatively reserved, but it still left both of them smiling at each other. If she was an outsider looking in Emma likely would poke fun at two people making eyes at each other, but it felt too good to pull back from.
“I think we can probably arrange another night together sooner rather than later,” Emma said, her thumb running back and forth against his in a soothing motion.
“I’m thrilled to hear it, Swan. In fact, that might be the only thing that gets me through the day.”
From there things moved too quickly, and they pulled into Emma’s stop before much more could happen, agreeing to see each other soon. Emma then arrived at Bliss at her normal time and through some lucky happenstance none of her friends were directly in her path once she passed through the front doors. Emma bee-lined for her office after a bit of conversation with Tiana and now here she was, sketching and daydreaming before her appointments for the day came through. But though she’d deftly managed to avoid her friends up to this point, Emma knew it was only a matter of time before they…
A knock sounded at the door as if Emma willed her friends into appearing and she smiled as she told whoever it was to come inside. Immediately Ruby, Mary Margaret, and Elsa filed into the room, shutting the door behind them quickly and all setting their gazes on Emma intently.
“So…?” Mary Margaret prompted and Emma feigned ignorance.
“So, what?”
“Okay, enough of the act, Emma. You are giving us answers and you’re giving them now. We want a damn play-by-play already. No more coy diversions. What did you do this weekend?”
Emma looked at her three friends for another beat before caving and giving them the answers that they wanted. Some of her moments with Killian she protected, keeping details close to the vest so that they could stay private and just between she and him. However, her friends were more than held over with what Emma did impart. By the end of her summary they were practically beside themselves, allowing their excitement to bubble over into an almost ridiculous level of giddiness.
“He took you to the Gardens? How did Killian even know about your going there all the time?” Elsa asked, and Emma shook her head.
“He didn’t. It was a coincidence. He thought I’d like to go and he was right. He just didn’t realize I’d been doing so for a while.���
“Why do I get the feeling that you enjoyed yourself more than you usually do?” Mary Margaret countered and Emma shrugged.
“Because I did,” Emma confirmed. Elsa and Mary Margaret both sighed happily in the face of Emma’s comment, and surprisingly Emma didn’t feel an active need to roll her eyes. Damn, clearly she was in pretty deep if she was taking the heat like this and not actively retreating from it.
“So in this little weekend-long love fest, did you find out anything else about the article?” Ruby asked.
“Nope. He was pretty tight-lipped, but I don’t think there’s any reason to doubt what it’s going to say. I trust Killian and I know whatever he wrote is going to be great.”
The silence that followed Emma’s assessment, coupled with the slack-jawed gapes from Mary Margaret and Elsa made Emma slightly uncomfortable for the first time in the past few days. She shifted in her chair a little before finally asking them what was wrong.
“Nothing it’s just… you’re letting him in,” Mary Margaret said, clearly stunned but thrilled at the prospect, and from the nodding of Ruby and Elsa, Emma assumed they were all thinking along the same lines.
“And that’s a bad thing?” Emma asked, already anticipating their reply.
“No!” Her friends all yelled at the same time.
“It’s a great thing - totally great - but also not a big deal. Just you know, good, but not necessary. Like we’re happy for you, but we are managing expectations,” Elsa’s incoherent ramblings were something Emma had run into before, and she had mercy on her friend who lacked any ability to play a situation cool.
“It’s alright, Elsa, I’m not going to freak out. You can act natural,” Emma said and Elsa immediately sagged in relief.
“Oh thank God. I was barely holding it together,”
“Ya think?” Ruby asked but before she could give Elsa too much crap, another knock came at the doorway and Tiana appeared with a sly smile.
“You’ve got a delivery, boss.”
Emma accepted the box Tiana extended towards her trying hard not to blush as her friends oohed and ahhed about the parcel they all assumed was from Killian. It was a soft cream color, with matching white ribbon to tie it closed, and there in the bow was another rose. The blossom contrasted beautifully with the rest of the box and Emma immediately removed it, putting it in a safe spot on the edge of her desk. She was dying to open this package and see what lay inside, but when Emma tried to wait for her friends to leave, they all remained just where they were, Tiana included.
“Seriously guys?” Emma asked.
“Seriously,” Ruby replied. Emma shook her head smiling at her friends’ persistence as she opened the box up and found five copies of this week’s Citizen NY that wasn’t supposed to be out until the next day. Attached was a small note from Killian that made Emma chuckle lightly.
If anyone asks, these fell off the back of the truck. -Killian
“Jackpot! Knew there was another definite plus of you sleeping with the writer,” Ruby mused.
“Ruby!” Emma yelled and her friend grinned as she stole four of the copies and distributed them to the others.
“What? You said he stayed the night so I’m not wrong.” Ruby must have read Emma’s intent to set the record straight so she made one last claim in an attempt to deflect. “Plus you know the longer you fight with me, the longer you have to wait to see what he said, right?”
Well with an argument like that, how could Emma disagree? Instead of doing so she frantically flipped to the story on a page that Elsa yelled out, having found it first and then dove into the spread.
The most prominent part at first was a picture of the four of them. They all looked happy and effortless, but it was a candid shot, one captured not when they’d all been paying attention but when they were working on something together without realizing the camera was turned their way. Emma vaguely remembered the moment, but she hadn’t realized Killian was paying attention. That whole day with the photographer, he was there with a vision, leading the cameraman towards the shots he wanted, and if this was the indication of what they’d reaped in that time, Emma and her friends were in for a treat.
“Oh my gosh this picture is perfect.”
Emma didn’t need to look up to know Mary Margaret would be teary eyed. Her love for the image was clear in her tone of voice and where Mary Margaret’s love came, happy tears often followed. Emma made a mental note to ask Killian if there was any chance they could get a digital copy of the photo. Mary Margaret would definitely want it, and any others that they might have gotten.
“Jeez, all of them are, look at this!” Elsa said excitedly, pointing at a picture the next page over with her and her latest cake creation. “And he even included my nickname. Major brownie points.”
“Even I make a cameo, and wow do we look good,” Tiana teased, pointing to a picture of her and Emma both considering one of Emma’s sketches, lost in their mutual train of thought.
“Okay, so how are we doing this?” Ruby asked and the friends looked at her for clarity. “We reading it together or silently devouring it alone?”
Mary Margaret made the decision for them all when she began reading the opening line.
‘With an estimated eighty thousand weddings happening in New York City last year alone, it’s clear that, despite popular opinion, finding love in the city of New York is possible.
‘Now, saying that doesn’t change the fact that two in five New Yorkers polled doubt the existence of true love, or that roughly fifty percent of your neighbors has a harrowing tale of love lost and heartbreak they’ll share with you while stealing your morning paper or causing a racket at all hours of the night. But it does lend a bit of hope in a city that could always stand for some more of it.’
“Wow he’s pretty good,” Elsa mused happily and Emma bit back her plea for them all to keep the commentary to themselves. She was desperate to read ahead, but for the sake of her friends she held back. Thankfully, Ruby pushed onwards, taking over the reading.
‘New York to many is known as the city of dreams. Some come here to live, to thrive, to flourish, others to fade away or perish all together. That’s the beauty of this city. Time spins on, new heroes rise and fall, some make it and some don’t, but the dreams remain all the same. Yet for four women on the corner of 4th and 71st street, New York is more than a place to build on a long cherished hope; it’s the site of an experiment with a model of love few (if any) have ever tried before - a one-stop shop for wedded bliss.
‘Matrimonial harmony is hardly a guarantee, but to Ruby Lucas, Mary Margaret Blanchard, Elsa Dellaford, and Emma Swan of Bliss Boutique in the Upper East Side, which opened it’s doors earlier this month, it’s a launching point, both in the lives of their clients and for a business they’ve all been building for over a year.’
Elsa took over the reading at this point, interrupting Ruby’s narration when she recognized the first quote in the story as one of hers.
‘You could say that Bliss is the culmination of one too many bowls of egg-free cookie dough,’ Dellaford states proudly when asked about the origins of such a scheme. ‘The idea first came to us a few years back. All of us were running ragged at our starter jobs, wishing we were back in the comfortable bubble of undergrad when we realized that our dream jobs didn’t just include our chosen industries, but closeness to each other too. That got us thinking – was there a way for all four of us to do what we love surrounded by the people who mean the most to us?’
“Oh Elsa, that’s so sweet,” Mary Margaret claimed, the tears now streaming down her face.
“Just wait. I say more nice stuff, I swear,” everyone shared a laugh as Elsa read on, proving herself right.
At the same time, Emma was glued to every word, soaking in the flattering picture that Killian presented not only of her friends, but of their work here. He seemed to understand what their vision was at the end of all of this, and it was amazing to read his words and have this window into what he truly thought. Though her friends were the ones reading, Emma swore she heard Killian’s voice in every syllable, and she was filled with butterflies and happiness all at once by the time the story got to her. Without needing to interrupt anyone, Emma picked up the narration aloud.
‘Though the dynamic of this shared venture is the unit of four pillars and four women devoted to one heart-felt and thoughtful wedding assembly line, perhaps the easiest sell for Bliss Boutique to women in the market for a wedding comes in the form of it’s designer, rising star Emma Swan…’
Emma trailed off, forgetting to speak and letting herself sink further into the words. Thankfully her friends didn’t push her to do anything else but there were the occasional comments that flittered in along with Killian’s words.
“Oh my god are you kidding me?! Elie Saab called you inspired, daring, and ‘one of the most romantic designers in the industry right now.’ That’s insane!” Elsa exclaimed.
“And so totally true,” Ruby countered before tossing her own comment on the article Killian had put forth. “But wow, Elie really holds back compared to Monique: ‘I don’t think I knew design envy until I saw my first E. Swan original.’”
Emma moved forward, tracking the details Killian had so intricately woven together. Her past was glossed over, though there was a mention of her being brought up in the system. It was by no means the focal point though, and if anything, Emma found herself reading a piece about her amazing talent that shone a light on her while also bringing her friends up with it. 
This story felt like validation in the purest form, and it was mixed with humor, a bit of teasing about some elements of this line of work, and a final quote of Emma’s that she was so happy he’d included. She thought it would get lost in everything else, but that message, that one that said people were in charge of their own happy endings, and that she and her friends were just here to help them make it for themselves, meant the world. It was a sure sign that Killian not only knew what she was trying to do here, but that he knew her too. This whole article was a love letter of sorts, and it left Emma almost speechless, caught as she was in his talent, kindness, and tremendous insights.
And then at the end, with two small asterisks, there was the line she’d been waiting to see for days now. What it said was basic enough, and would no doubt work for his other readers, but for Emma, it held so much more in it’s intricate depths:
**In the spirit of full-disclosure with out readers, Killian Jones has a steadily increasing romantic attachment to one of the subjects of this story. This fact did not, however, influence the tone or findings of this piece, even if he finds Emma Swan to be beyond enchanting and far too good for him.
“Wow. That was…” Mary Margaret began, pulling Emma from where she was running her fingertips along the disclosure line.
“That was freaking fantastic!” Ruby said assuredly. “Like ‘turn a major profit in our first year because we are never going to have free schedules’ kind of fantastic!”
Her friends tossed their excited analysis of the piece back and forth, and Emma was only vaguely aware of what was said. She was too caught up in this story, and in the man who’d made it possible. This all started as a mistake – something Emma actually worried might pull her and Killian apart before they really got a chance to see if there was anything between them. She’d rationalized that while her friends had good intentions, they’d jeopardized a fledgling relationship that was too fragile to bear that kind of burden. Now though, she saw that they’d really given her a gift.
To have this piece by Killian, to have this truth he’d offered to her and to thousands of people across the city, was amazing. She’d never had a man so publicly announce his admiration for her, and she’d never let anyone in enough for their opinions on who she was and what her dreams were to matter. But with Killian it did matter, and Emma was so relieved to see more proof of the man he was, the man who was quickly taking up space in her heart that she once believed would forever be empty.
“Emma?” Elsa asked and Emma’s eyes moved up from the pages of the magazine back to her friends. They were all looking at her expectantly and in that moment Emma knew what she had to do. She stood up and grabbed her jacket quickly from the hanger by the door.
“I have to go,” Emma said, without any more information and then she turned to Tiana. “Ti, can you handle the first appointment? Even just the first twenty minutes?”
“No problem,” Tiana responded happily and Emma grinned.
“Go get him, girl!” Ruby yelled after her and Emma intended to do just that.
Only before she could manage to get farther than sidewalk just beyond the front door, Emma was shocked to find the man she was looking for already here, waiting for her. He was pacing out front, looking more than a little concerned, but after a moment Killian glanced her way and all his attention was turned towards her.
“Emma?” He uttered her name as if unable to believe that she was really there.
“What are you doing here?” Emma asked, thrilled at the fact that the wait to see him was over.
“Losing my bloody mind? I don’t know, love, I was worried and I wanted to be here, for better or worse. I -,”
Emma could see the lingering uncertainty in Killian’s eyes, and since he wasn’t able to read from just her expression that she loved his story, she tried to show him another way. She brought him down for a kiss out there right in front of her store and showed him beyond the shadow of any doubt that she wasn’t going anywhere, and that he didn’t have to worry about her being mad, or scared, or anything of the like.
This kiss was just like their first, and every once since. It was sweetness itself, pushing the limits, hinting at more and making Emma crave a closeness they couldn’t actually have right now. For years Emma had been told about kisses like this one, but they were only supposed to happen in romance movies or in the pages of storybooks. Yet here they were, making a moment that Emma knew blew any of those fictionalized ones out of the water, because this was real. She and Killian were real and Emma truly hoped that this feeling they’d found in each other never went away.
“So how bad is the damage?” Emma asked, when she finally pulled back, her breathing slightly labored, and her body humming with desire that couldn’t be fully sated right now.
“The damage?” Killian asked, his eyes blinking open just a second too late for him to pretend to be totally collected. Emma smiled, running her hand along his chest and enjoying the sped up pace of his heartbeat against her fingertips.
“At work. You just left your post to stand here and wait for me. I’m assuming you’re missing something.”
“I honestly couldn’t tell you, Emma. Whatever it is, it doesn’t compare to this anyway.” 
Emma’s heart tripped happily at that, and she tilted her head back up to try and kiss him again when she heard a sudden thump from the storefront beside them. A realization hit then: while it was wonderful for Killian to be so close when she’d needed him, that proximity left them right in the line of sight of the store’s windows. Oh crap.
“How good are you at sneaking a look without being noticed?” Emma asked and Killian looked entertained at her random question.
“I’m a journalist, Swan. I can be discrete when the moment calls for it.”
“Good. Now, is the window currently filled with my friends openly ogling us?” Emma asked and Killian’s eyes darted that way quickly before he looked back and his grin widened.
“Aye it is.” Of course it was.
“Great,” Emma replied tightly and Killian laughed, the sound washing over her and taking that edge and frustration with her friends away from Emma’s mind completely.
“Can I see you tonight, love, and not just on the train?” Killian asked, his hand running along the small of her back and leaving trails of pleasure in its wake.
“Well I figured that was a given now that the article is behind us,” Emma knew her attempt at seduction worked when she saw Killian’s eyes darken. He looked as hungry as she felt for more in this moment.
“Technically it comes out tomorrow at -,”
Emma cut Killian off with another kiss, knowing full well that she was going to get applauded for putting on a show in a few minutes when she walked back inside. It was totally worth it though, especially when Killian agreed that they’d waited long enough and that tonight that was going to change. She was going to his house for dinner and then that bit of something they’d both been waiting for.
“You should know I’m damn well requiring you to stay the night, Swan. One taste isn’t going to be enough.” Emma’s heart fluttered at his words but she offered a sly smile of her own.
“Or you’re desperate for a decent night’s sleep and you can’t find one without me.”
“That too,” Killian replied, kissing her one last time before returning to the town car that had been idling at the curb all the while.
Emma watched him go and bit her lip, thinking about all that lay in store for her tonight. She was flying high right now, between the article and Killian and everything ahead of them and not even the sight of her four friends staring back at her and then subsequently cheering when she walked through the door could take away from that.
“I’m sorry, don’t we have a business to run here?” Emma asked, deflecting only slightly in the face of her friends’ reactions.
“Yeah, a business dedicated to love. Excuse us for wanting to see some in action,” Ruby quipped, and Emma shook her head.
Ruby’s witty retort actually hit a lot closer to home than her friend probably realized, because these emotions Emma was currently grappling with might be foreign to her, but they resembled something she’d heard of and seen in person enough times to recognize. This was definitely love in its earliest stages, and it was very different than anything she’d ever known. Whatever relationships she had before this weren’t the real thing, but Emma knew that with Killian she’d stumbled upon what most people spent their whole lives looking for.
Emma carried that sense of possibility with her through the rest of the day, and though she was able to distract herself in intervals, Ruby’s words wormed their way back into Emma’s mind more than once. The waves came randomly like when she found herself comparing a bride’s story of meeting her future husband to her meeting Killian on the train, or when she was dragged from her studio in a fleeting moment of quiet to come taste four types of wedding cake for a desperate Elsa. Emma was in the business of weddings, and yet for the first time in her life, the idea of someday (still very far off in the future) having one of her own didn’t actively terrify her. If that wasn’t a sign that Killian was different, Emma didn’t know what was.
When the workday finally gave way to quitting time, Emma enjoyed seeing Killian on the train briefly and then stopping home. She got everything she needed together, pretended to find something to do for the remaining amount of time, and then ran into Mrs. Hubbard on the way out. One look at Emma’s overnight bag and the woman was all smiles and happy proclamations.
“I just knew that boy was a keeper!” Mrs. Hubbard chortled as she clapped her hands over Emma’s in an eager pat. Emma meanwhile tried not to laugh at the woman’s classifying Killian as a ‘boy’ when he was definitely all man.
“Mrs. Hubbard, this is still new. I don’t want you to get your hopes up too high,” Emma said casually, knowing she was uttering the words partially for own benefit as well as her neighbor’s, and the old woman waved that idea away.
“The only way to live is all in, Emma. If you ever learn anything from this old lady, let it be that. You’ve got good instincts. Don’t start doubting em’ now.”
With that, Emma was dismissed and sent on her way to Killian’s. It took only ten minutes or so to get there, but the look on Killian’s face when she buzzed up and he opened the door made Emma feel like she wasn’t crazy for thinking that distance was still too far.
“Emma, you made it.” The relief in Killian’s voice made her laugh.
“What? Did you think I would back out or something?” She asked, shrugging off her jacket after he promptly took her bag and kissed her in greeting.
“Not at all. It’s just still hard to imagine my luck that we get to do this at all,” Killian confessed and Emma melted at the words. She felt the same way, but he always managed to put it in clearer terms.
“Something smells really good. Did you cook again?” Emma asked, surprised as she stepped into his kitchen, the one that she’d fallen in love with a few nights ago.
“Aye, Swan. I know how to prepare more than one meal. Shocking I know.”
“I didn’t mean it like that. I just meant that you don’t have to do all of this.” Killian came and wrapped his arms around her from behind and Emma loved the warmth that seeped through from him to her in the process.
“I wanted to Emma. I like the idea of having you here in my home, sharing a meal of any kind. Next time we’ll do pizza if you prefer. But tonight, I wanted to show you that I care.” That was incredibly touching, and it made Emma feel valued in a way that she still wasn’t entirely used to. She turned around in his embrace to look at him so he could see that she meant what she said next.
“I always know you care, Killian. Trust me, that part isn’t up for debate.”
“Then what is?” Killian asked sincerely and Emma decided to take a risk.
“Whether we start with dinner or dessert. Can all of this keep for… awhile?” Emma asked looking around and then smiling when she felt a low growl emanate from Killian’s chest.
“I had plans, love. Wine and dine you then make good on every promise I’ve laid at your feet thus far.” Emma shivered at that but shook her head.
“I had plans too. Then you happened. Plans change, and sometimes that’s a really good thing.”
From the look in Killian’s eyes one would think Emma was the one with a mastery of words, but she only spoke the truth. Killian had changed things for her and all the rules she’d once made about her love life were long gone. She was starting fresh, and though she fully planned to enjoy the meal he’d made, she also knew they had all night, and that right now what she wanted more than anything was to take the next step with the man who’d thrown her world into a beautiful, spinning chaos.
Without any actual words in reply, Killian’s lips crashed down to hers and Emma immediately responded. Her hands ran through the hair at the nape of his neck as her body molded to his. The kiss was driven by an overwhelming desire for closeness and contact. The last week had been a tease of what could happen when they came together, but tonight this chemistry would be put to the test. Would the spark be snuffed out, or would it ignite into something so much brighter?
“I have a mind to take you right here, love, but I swore the first time I made love to you I’d have you in my bed, and I’m a man of my word.”
Emma shivered deliciously at his heated words, and how she found the strength to stay vertical and move with him from the kitchen to his bedroom was beyond her. But one second she was in the bright lights of the kitchen, and the next she was in the warmer space that was his room, anticipating stripping away the layers between them and actually getting what she so badly wanted.
Yet where Emma was all about action and moving swiftly, Killian was languid, setting a pace that had her throbbing with want and near begging for him to move faster. His kisses were slow, and deliberate, pulling every ounce of need from her that they could but he stilled her hands when she reached for his shirt to strip it off of him.
When he was confident Emma wouldn’t push for more, Killian’s hands roamed over her body reverently, tracing the blue of the dress she wore tonight that was the closest approximation to his eyes that she could find in fabric, and Emma ached for him to take this further. Still there was a part of her that loved this and that fed off of the look in Killian’s eyes like she was the most important thing in the world to him. Emma had always wanted to be someone’s everything, and looks like that made her believe that finally she could be.
“Killian.” Emma whispered his name aloud, drawing his eyes back to hers.
“The first time I saw you in this dress was a few days after I started riding the train. I thought I’d finally stumbled upon perfection. The muse every writer I studied in school wrote about was made real in you. I didn’t think anyone could be so beautiful. Then someone - I’m assuming Ruby in hindsight - called you and I heard your voice for the first time. I realized then I didn’t even have all the facts yet. There was so much more to you than I had access to, and I wanted to know it all. I still do. I don’t think it will ever be enough.”
Emma longed to say something back, but she was feeling too much and Killian took advantage of her silence, stepping back around her and sliding the zipper down along the back of the dress. He stood close enough for her to feel the whisper of his breath along her ear and Emma closed her eyes as Killian murmured more words about how everything about her was remarkable. Every piece to the puzzle that she let him see only made him want more, and Emma wanted to let him have it all, to show Killian all of her as she’d never done with anyone else.
When her dress was gone, Emma enjoyed the string of curses that Killian let slip. He was all hard lines and tension, fighting for control, and Emma used that shift to her advantage. She turned back around to face him, and let down her hair from the tie she held it back in, Emma felt her confidence rise as his eyes took her in. The look on his face was so much more intense than anything she’d ever seen, but instead of lingering in that moment, Emma started to strip away some of the clothes that separated him from her view. She made quick work of his shirt and then her hands came to unbutton the jeans he’d put on after work. Emma felt Killian’s hum of approval at her actions deep down to her soul, but when her hand slipped inside, Killian halted her actions and took the reins again.
“I want nothing more than to give you everything you want, love, but I won’t last that way.” Killian’s words were firm, but Emma couldn’t help the smile that played at her lips.
“I think you can handle a lot more than you’re giving yourself credit for.”
Emma’s teasing tone was met with Killian moving her to the bed and then stripping the rest of the clothing he wore away. This was a side of Killian she hadn’t seen very often; he was stern and commanding, still restrained in some ways, but brimming with energy all the same. Emma knew all of that was about to be channeled into pleasing her, and it practically guaranteed her the best sex of her life, but then her mind went blank. In the face of all of Killian, Emma was speechless, and left wanting more than she had been all these past few months.
“Take it off, love. I want you completely bared to me.”
Emma’s eyes widened at the request, but she immediately complied, feeling the trail his eyes traced along her skin like a physical touch as she shucked away her bra and then the scrap of lace between her legs. Shit, she was so hot right now, it felt like being engulfed by flames, and she couldn’t tell if she wanted it to stop or to just let everything between them incinerate her completely.
She had her answer when Killian finally moved forward onto the bed and touched her. Whatever the cost to her sanity, she wanted this with Killian. If he ruined her so be it. She was desperate and unashamed of letting him see that. Emma wouldn’t call him gentle per se, but precise and filled with intent. He gave just enough pressure in just the right places to set her heart racing faster, and Killian definitely knew exactly what he was doing to her based on the grin that appeared on his gorgeous face.
“You’re even more beautiful than I imagined, Swan. I hardly know where to begin.”
“Anywhere. Just as long as you start,” Emma said in a rush, the last word squeaked out as one of his hands trailed to her breast.
Killian’s reply was a physical one, with his mouth covering hers in a branding kiss. She knew he was as ravenous for her as Emma was for him, and though he started slow and teasing that course of action deteriorated in seconds. Suddenly he was everywhere with roaming hands and kisses at her neck and then lower. It was all so good and yet the ache in Emma that craved more still throbbed almost painfully. That clawing need was only added to when she felt the scruff of his beard against her smooth, exposed skin or the mastery he had over every response. By the time his mouth came to her breast, she was panting, and then his fingers were at her sex and she was lost. Emma couldn’t tell up from down, all she knew was this was so much so fast and she was desperate for more.
“Fuck, Emma, you’re so ready for me even now,” Killian growled against her sensitive flesh and Emma nodded, unable to process enough to give him actual words. Her fingers ran through his short hair and when he sucked at her aching bud at the same time that his thumb swirled against her clit and two of his fingers pressed inside, she cried out his name.
That quickly she crashed into a climax, but Killian was hardly satisfied. Emma could tell from the look in his eyes that he wouldn’t rest until he’d given them both so much more pleasure and bliss. He made slow work of things, remaining as he was and knowing instinctively when her oversensitivity gave way to wanting again. Emma doubted it was possible to recreate that toe-curling release, but he proved her wrong once more with his hands and then again with his mouth at her sex. It got to be so much that Emma feared she would pass out but finally he was back with her, hovering just above her with a look of love in his eyes that only sparked her desire for him all over again.
“I think it’s only fair to warn you love that it won’t be easy to get rid of me after this. A man can’t taste heaven like you and merely walk away.”
Emma shivered at the mention of tasting, recalling everything he’d just managed to elicit from her with that skilled mouth of his but finally she found the means to speak and to assure Killian that wouldn’t be a problem.
“Good. Because I don’t want you to walk away,”
With a growl, Killian thrust into her, leaving Emma completely filled in a moment. She’d gone from empty and waiting to so beautifully completed so quickly that she lost it, clawing at his back and urging him to move. She wanted him in every way, hard and fast, in a rhythm designed to combust, and Killian delivered in every way, dragging her back to the edge and then pleading with her to step off with him.
“Let go, Emma. Let go.”
That was all it took for Emma to give Killian what he wanted. His sincerity and the miraculously good sensations he was causing in her body coiled tight before springing free, and when she fell, he followed suit, sealing the moment as one of the best Emma had ever known.
The blinding feel of total completion was heady and gorgeous, but Emma felt it fade into something more valuable: a peace that came from being in Killian’s arms that she’d never felt before. No one else had ever earned her trust like him, and no one else could look at her after all of this and still seem just as genuine as Killian. In his eyes, Emma saw all sorts of hope, and she knew in her heart that his earlier promise was real: he wasn’t going anywhere and Emma was so beyond glad for that.
“You know, I didn’t get a chance to say this before, but I really liked the word you used in the disclaimer.”
“And which word was that?” Killian asked, his arms pulling her in closer to him.
“Attachment. I don’t think I’ve ever felt particularly attached to someone before. But with you I do,” Emma admitted.
“Well I’m honored that you chose me, Emma. God knows I’d choose you every time, and the proof is in the fact that we had dessert before dinner.” Emma laughed at that, feeling the moment when Killian did the same before offering a solution.
“We could always remedy that now if you want,” Emma offered, but she was left staring after Killian when he hopped out of bed and insisted she stay right where she was.
“I have every intention of keeping you in this bed as long as I can, love. I’ll bring everything to you.” Killian pressed one last kiss to her lips and then set off towards the kitchen, but before he disappeared, Emma called out to him one last time.
“Killian?” her voice warbled through the air, reaching him just before he left her line of sight.
“Yes, love?”
“Keep choosing me, okay?” she asked, really hoping that he would.
“Always.” And with that gentle promise, he departed for a few minutes before coming back and granting Emma those same feelings of safety, and belonging and love all over again.
Post-Note: So there we have it. I hope you guys enjoyed this installment, and I am so excited for where the story is going next. I have a lot of things I still want to incorporate, and I see quite a few more chapters in this AUs future filled with lots of smuffy goodness. Thank you all so much for reading and I hope you all have a wonderful rest of your day!
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stop-him · 3 years
People Don't Change, Rules Change.
If you saw my last reblog of, and answer to, the poll by @supersoftly - this is further musings on the theme of my response, comparing old and new incidents. I may go on for a while. There may be a cut.
Anyhow, as I mentioned, I was once a moderator on the site Gaia Online. As such, I got to witness some of the worst behaviors that cropped up from time to time. An example: once a user named Cigarette announced that she had terminal brain cancer. This prompted a massive outpouring of support and well-wishing, including the "1000 cranes for Cigarette" community event based around the bit about folding up multiple little paper cranes for loved ones - and it all turned out to be a hoax. Some people noticed that nobody could get any real-life information about the hospital where she was supposedly being treated, and somewhere along the line Cigarette confessed to making everything up.
Most everyone thought that was pretty awful when the news hit. I don't even remember what, if anything, the admins of the site did to Cigarette herself - technically it wasn't against the TOS to lie about one's personal health. But I was involved in a related incident, where another user posted a Flash animation depicting his character, enraged by the news of Cigarette's deception, pulling a gun and (to the theme of the Mentos commercials) shooting her to death. It was actually more funny than my description makes it, and it would be understandable that anyone investing any emotion into Cigarette's purported illness would be legitimately angry and frustrated. But, after some discussion, we Mods decided to remove it from the site, because regardless of the circumstances, it was essentially a personal attack on another user, which was definitely against the TOS.
That was the standard we operated under at the time. You could say, "I think that is a stupid viewpoint to have, that idea is dumb," but you could not say, "you are stupid and dumb for having that opinion". You could not just call anyone a Nazi without direct evidence that they were literally part of a self-identified Nazi group, because it was well understood that calling someone a Nazi was a personal insult, and intended as such. "I feel that this person is like a Nazi" wasn't an excuse.
One's opinion was not a justification.
The teeth of Gaia Online's enforcement was their avatar system - for those unaware, GO's big attraction was that a user had a little anime-styled avatar that appeared by their posts. You gained currency by doing things in and around the forums, and you used that currency to buy clothes and other items for your avatar. Part of the outcry over Cigarette's stunt was that sympathetic users had donated high-value items for her avatar under false pretenses.
As Mods, we had the ability to not only ban users for infractions, but also monitor and undo trades and transfers of items between users. So if a user feared that a post they were going to make was going to break the TOS, they might want to stash their items with friends or in alternate accounts - only the Mods could see these actions and know they were attempts to avoid the consequences of their behavior, so often the items got confiscated anyway. What happened was that many users created a cache of "junk" accounts - no items, not much history, built up around the mass of free email accounts one could get. They would use these accounts to break the TOS, because they risked little if those empty accounts got banned. Some Mods had access to IP address info, so that wasn't a guarantee of safety, but it was a common practice among the more contentious users.
I explain all that for the sake of context in the following tale. After a few years of being a Mod, Gaia Online began to grow in popularity, and its userbase expanded, and after a while the Admins decided to outsource much of their Mod duties just to handle the load. I retired from being a Mod at that point, so no longer had access to any of those investigatory tools. I stayed on the site for a little while longer, but it's one thing to be in your 30s when the bulk of the site is 20-somethings, it's another to be pushing 40 when the bulk of the site is in their mid-teens.
But before I eventually left, i spent a bit of time hanging around in the forum's creator-oriented areas, notably in art, writing and comics-centered sub-forums.
There was a clique in those days of what I call "art snots", people who not only had ideas on what was the proper way to go around making art but who would aggressively advocate for their way as being the best way and anyone who didn't toe their line was not only wrong, but a fool. Many of them were products of formal art schooling, and many of them had open contempt for the trend of art styles emulating "that shiny animu shit".
One thing that could be done in the art community was to "give critique". Ostensibly, if you posted your art on the forum, you were making it available to be commented on, and were expected to be able to withstand a certain amount of unfavorable criticism. This (naturally) led to conflicts between very sensitive beginning artists who did not really want any criticism on one hand versus many of the aforementioned "art snots" who took the opportunity for "critique" as license to utterly verbally savage every tiny aspect of the poster's art, especially if it had any hint of anime influence. And so Mods were often called in to keep the peace, and when it was apparent that outright abuse would be disciplined, the "art snots" would, like many others, gather a collection of throwaway accounts to take the bans, using them as one-shot insult delivery systems. (Though, a few became masters at playing the TOS, making posts that were just within the boundaries of what was acceptable, and never needed alternate accounts...)
Near the end of my stay at GO, there was one user who was "art-snot-adjacent". They were a webcomic creator, whose webcomic at the time was garnering some popularity (as those things go) and critical acclaim. Obviously talented and well-spoken, it was apparent that they were sympathetic to the stances of the "art snots", but without nearly the same amount of vitriol. If they spoke on those matters, they spoke in civil, measured tones. Many of the "art snots" circled in their orbit, possibly due to friendships outside Gaia, or possibly due to simple sycophancy.
I took up reading this person's webcomic - it was pretty good - and while I didn't always agree with the opinions they stated on Gaia, I appreciated the way they kept their tone nominally respectful.
The front page of this webcomic had a few widgets installed, one of which was a feed of the author's Twitter account, back when Twitter was a lot newer and less ubiquitous. So there was a little sub-window on the page that displayed, say, the last five Tweets the author made.
One day I went to the webcomic to check if there were updates, and saw that one of the recent tweets mentioned Gaia, so I looked more closely. It has been ages at this point, but the general thrust of the message was:
"Looks like I'm going to have to burn another Gaia account so I can set this other user straight about how stupid they are."
And now immediately I knew that this webcomic creator that I had somewhat respected up until now was not any different than so many others, they were simply better at putting up a polished public face. They were just as eager to hide their true feelings in order to keep all the little virtual clothes on their Gaia account, until they could let fly with an alternate sockpuppet, and be abusive to their heart's content.
[As an aside: I think this was one of the only times I've ever been unable to separate the artist from their art. For a little while I still kept up with the webcomic, but one day, I found myself about to click the bookmark for the page and I just didn't feel like reading the story anymore. Just - "meh", and I didn't click to it, and never went back. It wasn't like seeing that Tweet enraged me, I wasn't scandalized, I just... didn't respect the creator anymore. I'm not sure why that killed my interest in the story, when I have few problems engaging with art by artists who I know have done far, far worse in their lives. But there it is.]
These Gaia anecdotes establish something I think is true: people were just as nasty then as they are now. But a site like Gaia - at least at the time - enforced a code of behavior that said, "as long as you're on our site, you'll behave with a minimum of respect towards other users."
And now, let's come to the present day. As I write this, YouTube has been sending me recommendations for videos about a bit of drama. Of course, YouTube has no shortage of drama. But in this case, it reminds me of Gaia in some ways, because it's an artist-related drama.
At one point, YouTube proposed I watch an artist draw a picture as they told a story about the worst commission they ever drew, and I did, and so of course YouTube then bombarded me with a thousand similar videos. Some I watched, if they had interesting subjects. Many I didn't. And one type I stayed away from was the callout videos, where while drawing some pic, the artists would detail the various sins of some other YouTuber and make the case for them being an irredeemably awful person.
But, I've been floating around the edges of this drama, because for a while I was watching the videos from Girl Artist 1 (actual name/account redacted - probably if you're actually an active part of that community you can guess who it is, and if you don't have any idea, well, count yourself fortunate). Only now I no longer get videos by her recommended to me, now I'm getting videos about her.
First it came to light that she was sockpuppeting on some site, pretending to not be herself in order to stir up drama/make herself look good/whatever. Then it seems she was involved in a harassment campaign, and even more serious charges involving downright illegal shenanigans are being leveled.
I'll make it clear that I don't know all the details, or whether any of this is true or not. I watched some of Girl Artist 1's videos when the subject interested me, but ignored many when it was clear she was calling out other artists, YouTubers and the like. I noted the name of Girl Artist 2 come up a few times, and even in the titles of other videos by other people. Apparently Girl Artist 2 had her own moment of being condemned. But now she's back, with her own video to speak out against Girl Artist 1, along with a host of others all dogpiling on the current object of ire.
Is Girl Artist 2 forgiven now? Will Girl Artist 1 undergo her own journey of redemption? Will that be possible? Who knows, and outside of the community, who cares?
YouTube doesn't. And finally I come to my point: This is the difference between an older site like Gaia Online and newer platforms like YouTube and Twitter - the incentives.
Gaia had its own economy based around its avatar system, and its own motivation to promote an even keel and keep drama to a minimum. The latter was achieved by using the former as both carrot and stick. The reward for good behavior was getting to keep your virtual items, punishment was their loss.
Twitter's reward is internet fame, reinforcement of things you say with likes and retweets and new followers. Drama is a path to this - sometimes a much easier path than actually creating a work of art to attract attention. YouTube is much the same, only with the added incentive of real money for select users. YouTube does not mind controversy in and of itself, because controversy drives views, and views pay off for advertisers, who pay YouTube.
Therefore, there is often little incentive to not be an asshole. Every judgemental soul can freely pontificate about the sins of others, and condemn them in the most explicit terms. In a practical sense, the accusations don't even have to be true. My example of calling people Nazis as an insult? Go ahead! It gets clicks. YouTube and Twitter like the clicks. Not only do you not have to show anyone any respect, it's almost expected to be actively disrespectful to anyone who annoys you in the slightest.
That's my thesis: the overall nastiness of the human race is, I think, much the same as it's always been. A lot of people have always been judgemental pricks. It's just that the rules have shifted just so, and now the nastiness is being rewarded instead of discouraged.
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fatetempted-a · 6 years
* mobile / guidelines ,
LAST UPDATED: 10 / 30 / 18
hello everyone!   i’d like to thank you for taking the time to read my rules. i want to reassure you that there is   not   a password here because they give me anxiety and i don’t want that to happen to anyone else, but i trust that you’ve read them even though they seem a bit   lengthy   in my opinion. however they are   very   necessary to keeping my blog a safe space for me and a safe haven for you. just be aware that i will absolutely know if you have   not   read them.
i am not, nor do i claim to be   any of my muses  . i have no affiliation to them any television show, movie, or wrestling promotion they are or may have been affiliated with. this is simply a roleplay blog created for writing hobby purposes only. my mun faceclaim is   emmy rossum  , most of them particularly in her role on shameless. i have no affiliation to her, shameless, or any other shows / films she’s been in either.
you can find all of my credits for icons, screencaps, and everything else that i don't take credit for on this page. i’ve tried to keep a lot of credits in tact, but if you see somewhere where i’ve moved or deleted it, notify me and i will correct the wrong   immediately.
i.   when following me first, please take into consideration whether or not i can navigate your blog on desktop tumblr. i need to be able to see the following pages: guidelines / rules on every blog, biography/ies for non–canon original characters, and a list of muses for multimuse blogs. if you do not have a rules page i simply will not follow, period. i need to be able to see if not only our muses but also us as writers will mesh. this also makes it difficult to tell if i do something that may make you uncomfortable if i’m unaware of what your limits or what have you are.
note:    if not having rules, biographies, or muse pages is something you’re working on or will have in the future, please send me an im and let me know because i’m more likely to follow back even if i can’t read them at this time with them not being finished!
ii.   i like to consider this blog   mutuals only  . which means that i will only follow back people who i see myself writing with for a number of reasons. the most important ones being i want to write with you and your blog follows my guidelines. unfortunately, however, it does mean i   won't   roleplay with non-mutuals. iii.   though, i don’t want my selectivity and mutuals only status to scare you off. you’re more than welcome to express interest in rping with me   anytime   through the ask feature if we’re not mutuals! if you have a plot idea or genuinely are   that   interested in rping, we’ll give it a go. i’m pretty flexible about these things.
note:    if you are purposing a ship right off the bat and we aren’t mutuals, purpose a ship oriented situation, or anything of the sort, it most likely will not happen since we aren’t mutuals and therefore i haven’t had a chance to get the feel for our characters. i know this sounds   harsh  , but i’ll discuss how i ship in the next section.
iv.   due to bad experiences in the past, there are going to be times where i’m totally selective for plotting because i have a hard time trusting people to   actually   follow through after the wrong doings that have happened to me. v.   even though i do follow back a lot   (   90%, lbr   )   of the time, i reserve the right to  n o t  follow back if i so choose. this may be because i just don’t see that our characters are going to write together or mesh well, your blog triggers anxiety for me, or your blog doesn’t follow my guidelines. vi.   i also reserve the right to   unfollow   at anytime that i may become uncomfortable with your blog. this may be because you’ve said something that   offends me, broken one of my rules, or just general became an anxiety trigger for me. it also may be because you followed me and we became mutuals, but you made no attempt to interact with me. i am   not   a blog who follows for a higher follower number. vii.   i also will be unfollowing any blogs that have constant, daily or near daily self–depreciating passive agressiveness. examples that are not what i’m talking about are as follows: mental health issues, family drama, general bad day and need to vent, temporarily being down on yourself and much more but i think the gist is gotten. this is a more recent rule of mine but it’s gotten to the point where it’s an extreme level of toxicity that i don’t care to see. viii.   i do believe in   mains. this is no way is any sort of exclusivity. it just means that those versions of a muse will probably be replied to first, given the first shot at plot ideas, etc. you can find my list of mains on the navigation pop–up.
♡   NSFW   &   TRIGGERS ——–
i.   this is  not  a blog that does pwp   ‘ aka ’   porn without plot. i firmly believe in a strong story behind writing and shipping. i am   not   just here to write smut. while it’s fun to write sometimes, i still need to be comfortable with my writing partners to do it. sorry. if that’s what you’re looking for, you’re in the complete wrong   place. ii. nsfw stands for more than just smut on this blog. it essentially stands for anything that’s not suitable for just anyone to read or to have at work, in public, etc. such as, but probably not exactly or limited to the following topics:
note:   abuse implication, alcohol consumption, drug use, gore, murder implication, rape implication, self-harm, suicidal tendencies, violence. etc, etc, etc. •   a couple of things i will   absolutely not   write out under any circumstances are   alpha / beta / omega smut plots, animal abuse, any sort of incest, graphic depictions of murder / suicide, pedophilia, or rape  . •   i should   not  have to add pedophilia up there, but in the past i have come across blogs that wrote it and was absolutely appalled. so i need to specify that i will   not   be writing that disgusting, illegal, and morally wrong subject.
iii.   if you write incest, i do have   incest tw   blacklisted simply because it’s disgusting and immoral to me. but if i see you write / have written about spawns / children of incest, imo, that’s a little too far into a taboo subject that is pretty disgusting in the eyes of society in the first place as well as myself and i have no desire to write with you. if i find out after following, i will   unfollow without hesitation . iv.   i will   do my best   to tag triggers for people. i will have all triggers i tag or have been asked to tag on a list which will be located here. v.   triggers will be tagged in the following format:   #word tw  . vi.   my own personal triggers are as follows: cancer, eye gore, paranormal imagery   (   imagery that looks real, similar to paranormal activity   ) , and trypophobia.
i.   my name is   rae   and i am a 24 year old lesbian, grey–a, cis female from southwest iowa in the central timezone who prefers that you use   she / her   pronouns when addressing, but will gladly accept   they / them  . ii.   i will   not   tolerate drama between roleplayers on this blog. this means vague blogging about myself or my mutuals, harassing myself or my mutuals, slandering myself or my mutuals, etc. the list goes on, you get the gist of it. iii.   do   not   bring me into your online drama with people. in the past i’ve been dragged into a lot of drama and i will   not   tolerate it anymore. i have too many real life stresses to worry about and persons who have nothing better to do than cause people grief won’t be tolerated. iv.   my blog is   hate free  ! i don’t tolerate any sort of hate whatsoever. this may pertain to hate on other roleplayers, my or my mutuals characterizations, my characters in general, my mutuals, myself, etc. you get the picture. v.   one thing that i prioritize above everything else is my   mental health  . i have schizophrenia, bipolar, obsessive compulsive disorder, serve generalized anxiety / social anxiety, depression, insomnia, and a mood disorder. therefore sometimes i will be a hermit and avoid everyone and everything. it’s   nothing   against you, but it’s just me trying to keep my mental health in check. vi.   discord and snapchat are my only forms of contact outside tumblr ims, but they are available upon request to mutuals.
i.   Si ship chemistry  . period. while i may claim to be a ship whore and i have various ships that i absolutely adore—–i still need to find a certain chemistry between our characters. if we’re close, however, chances are this does not apply to you as i’m aware of how you write and i know we mesh well. ii.   do not under   any   circumstance force a ship on me. i do understand   enthusiasm   though. sometimes i get super happy and excited about shipping too, but there’s a line between enthusiasm and pure forcing a ship.
note:   on that note, i will   never   force a ship on you. however sometimes i feel like i do. if i over-do it or you ever feel uncomfortable,   please   kindly let me know and i promise i will cease whatever it is i’m doing.
i.   i typically   do not   write greeters. however, depending on if your account really intrigues me, i may write you one. please do not feel upset if you do not get one. you can always   message me   to ask for one. in the same note, if you would like a greeter, you’re welcome to ask for one. just don’t expect a novel if i’ve got nothing to go on or no idea. ii.   if you write me a greeter i will   more often than not   reply to it. it may take me a bit, but i will   try   to reply. and i appreciate it when you take the time to be patient with that. it shows me you really want to write with me as i’m a turtle.
•   note: if for whatever reason i cannot find the will to reply   (   which is usually because i’m a numpty and can’t figure out how to reply to the certain situation in your starter   )   i will absolutely message you and let you know. maybe we can discuss it and you can either tweak things or i can write you something small.
iii. my starter calls   are   mutuals only. it isn’t anything against non-mutuals. i’m just very guarded at this point in my life with indie rping.
i. please do not   godmod   or   powerplay  ; whichever you prefer to call it. it’s annoying and very rude. if it’s something small and obvious   (   eg. they headed upstairs   )   because the roleplay calls for it and we need to move things along, that’s fine. but don’t tell my muses how to feel or majorly act   without   my permission. ii.   mun and muses are over eighteen so please know that smut will be written on this blog if / when i feel comfortable with it. very scarcely, however, as i need to feel comfortable with my writing partner beforehand. with the teen verses i have, all of them are eighteen. i will not write below eighteen. i just don't feel comfortable with it. iii.   i do   not   care how you format. i personally use tiny icons   (   usually 68x68   )   that i make myself as well as sub font. however, i don’t care how you format or don’t as long as you respect my choice on how to. in return i’ll do the same for you. writing and roleplaying is about feeling the scene through words, not the aesthetics and that’s all that matters to me. iv.   you must be literate when writing with me. and by that i mean don’t type in chat speak   (   eg. “y r u doing that?”   )   or use -description-/*description*. the “literate” rule does   not   apply to typos or grammar if english is not your first language. i completely understand those two things. v.   don’t ever   force or pressure   me to reply to threads. i run at very slow   turtle speed   so take that into consideration before following. this is solely because of physical health and mental health issues. trust me—–it kills me not to be here roleplaying and writing in general, but sometimes it happens.
•   that being said, if i do not reply within   5 days  , you are allowed to message me about it and make sure that i still have your thread in my drafts and the status of it. •   sometimes i lose threads and if i do, all you need to do is gently poke me and ask if i still have it. i   will not   but upset with that. •   i do, however, get upset and anxious when people are   extremely rude   about threads being too slow or lost. if you are rude, i will immediately drop whatever we have going and probably unfollow or block you depending on what the situation is. as stated above, this is a hate/drama free zone.
vi.   even if we’ve never interacted, feel free to send me  m e m e s  at anytime. the only thing i ask that you DO NOT send are shippy memes if we’ve not discussed shipping before. this rule does not apply, however, if i know you from another account and we always ship. lbr, i’m trash like that.
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