#do. do i take re7 and re8???
dogt3eeth · 1 year
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Finished revillage and I'm in shambles. In my heart Ethan lives and gets to raise his daughter and they get matching coats and and and-
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hello! i’m love your post and arts so much! I look at your posts after a hard day and my mood immediately changes to excellent. can I ask a couple of questions?
which pairing with Ethan do you prefer?
and… can we get to know you better? a little biography?
Thank you for your time! I'll be waiting for new arts! (sorry if i made mistakes, my english is not so good. im russian)
i like basically every ship with ethan! it mostly depends on the mood im in, but if im being honest, mithan, winterfield, and wintersberg gets frustrating to think about because they all dont treat ethan well canonically... lethan is fun because they have never met and i can make my own assumptions!
i used to like wintersberg the most and i still do like it, i just have expanded my horizons to other ships as well...., its mostly like a punchline to me though. they have the funniest potential which is why a majority of their posts is just joke comics. i do not like how people try to erase how karl is arrogant and egotistical tho. thats like removing the flavor.... the way karl acts is just very funny to me, hes so lame in a good way and i like how everytime he talks to ethan it sounds like hes twirling his hair and kicking his feet. canonically speaking, karl was very much in the wrong for trying to use rose and not elaborating and i will die on this hill. ethan is not in the wrong for being disgusted and angry that karl would ever try and propose that in the deal. karl is very arrogant so when ethan says no to him it makes him mad and he tries to use fear to get ethan to take his deal (kicking his chair and warning him) i like karl, i like how messed up and arrogant he is but i dislike how people try to portray him as a nice guy. however, in a AU where everythings the same except he doesnt try to use rose i do enjoy the dynamic they could have, especially if the teamed up (not with the deal where they use rose. ethan wouldnt agree unless karl never involved rose in the first place). karl is just a very entertaining character and i like him a lot, hes funny and his personality can be extremely hilarious
mia and ethan is pretty tragic and thinking about it too much makes me a bit sad, imo in a reality where ethan survives re8, he needs to divorce mia. im not saying ethan needs to hate mia and never talk to her again i just dont think they should be so intimate together because of her behavior... please do not take this as anti mia. they loved each other dearly but it wasnt healthy. their relationship was kept afloat by lies and mia doesnt change even though she deals with the consequences of her own actions in re7. she actively tries to hide her past from ethan and is mostly focused on trying to move on and have a normal life even if ethan will have to live the rest of his life in the dark.
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she loves her family so much, shes very afraid of them leaving her so she hides all the bad things in the hopes that they wont leave. its selfish, its human, its real, her character is so amazing and i love her. she doesnt learn from re7 and hides important information from ethan again. i geniunly think they should have gotten divorced after re8 if ethan had survived. its tragic and its sad but they love each other so much. it sad because they both geniunly love rose so much but they themselves shouldnt be together. its just sad to think about it. whenever i draw them it usually takes place before re7. they should have divorced on good terms and shared custody of rose.........
ethan and chris is also frustrating to think about... chris is a major jerk in re8, whenever i draw it, its under a unspoken AU that chris did not behave the way he did in re8. his weird behavior in re8 is probably for a meta reason imo. capcom wanted to set up a twist villian so they make chris very vague and unesscarily cruel. while its frustrating that they turned chris into a jerk for the sake of a twist, it still happens in canon and i will forever roll my eyes whenever i see him on screen. he did what he thought was best but imo, execution matters more than the intentions. same applies to mia. they both did things that hurt ethan because they thought it would be the best but in the end they just hurt ethan.
all the ships ive discussed with people ethan has met canonically just makes it look like i dont even like the ships... LOL ... ethan just has horrible luck with the people he meets i guess... but i do enjoy the ships and drawing them, but again all of them come with the canon baggage that ends up making me sad because everyone treats ethan poorly whether they had good intentions or not
which is why leon and ethan is the most fun to draw without getting stressed... LOL... they have never met but just drawing what i think their dynamic would be like is very fun.
please dont take this post personally, this isnt a post declaring why ur fave ship sucks, this is just my own personal preferences and in the end i draw all of them anyways
if i had to rank the ships based on drawing silly comics it would be
wintersberg has the funniest potential just because of karl and mithan can be funny if u water it down to "i love my wife so much" and said wife comes home with suspicious amounts of hard cash
i enjoy making joke comics far to much
if i were to rank the ships based on how healthy they would actually be for ethan it would be
winterfield, mithan, wintersberg (no particular order)
sorry 😭
leon and ethan have literally never met but imo it would still be the healthiest because ethan gets to start new
the three other ships r all unhealthy in some way, at least canonically without changing much about the characters (i do like winterfield but just because of how chris behaved in re8 it knocked them down)
i cant even rank them on personal preference because my opinion changes so often 😭 it changes based on discussions i have with my friends or recent art i see that inspires me... me and my friends recently had a discussion about mia and ethans relationship which made me very frustrated and sad with mia so i defiently wouldnt be drawing them anytime soon... meanwhile i hvae been talking to a friend who really likes winterfield often so the conversations we have give me art ideas and i end up drawing it more. if a friend of mine really enjoyed wintersberg or lethan and talked to me about it often id probably start drawing it more, the joys of being a multishipper
it changes a lot based on how im feeling and if im in the mood to draw something funny or something serious
sorry u asked a really simple question and i responded with a essay
and a little bit about myself is that i go by crumb, i am 18 and i go by all pronouns and prefer it/its
im vietnamese and live in texas
i made this tumblr acc solely so i could post my ethan art and im a re7/re8 girly so if ur here waiting for me to draw the re1-re6 characters im sorry u should probably expect nothing
i also make personal animations sometimes which u can find here
thanks for the ask and sorry for the rant!
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rallamajoop · 1 year
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An absurdly detailed analysis of That One Soldat Photo
Hang around wintersberg fandom long enough, and you'll likely run into a popular crack-theory that, since Heisenberg obviously thinks that building a set of huge, yellow-painted signposts is a good way to point Ethan to the Stronghold, maybe it's Heisenberg who's been leaving all those handy, yellow-painted supply crates all over the place for Ethan to find! It's exactly the kind of fun nonsense I'd enjoy if it didn't feel folks are starting to take it a little too literally (by which I mean I have now read multiple fics in which it's played completely straight ‒ and, like, people do get that it's just a crack theory, right? Like, why would Heisenberg have left so many yellow crates around his own damn factory? Look, you don't have to explain every last game mechanic, not everything is lore!)
But as anyone reading my own fic would know, I'm guilty of echoing the idea that Heisenberg-was-leaving-stuff-for-Ethan myself ‒ just not because of any yellow-striped crates. No, I'm way more interested in this one weird soldat-photo you can find in the village ‒ long hours before you'll ever see your first Soldat in the flesh...
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Very creepy. And if you turn it over, you'll find a clue to a puzzle you'll have to solve in order to progress.
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(And of course, when you do look out the window, odds are you'll get jump-scared by a lycan just when you're focused on the numbers, because RE8 loves that sort of misdirection ‒ but I digress.)
Anyway, the code you can see out the window will open a safe containing a jack handle you'll need to move a vehicle in the village, as well as the M1911 pistol (which will very likely be your go-to handgun for the rest of the game). The game is full of conveniently-helpful clues like that (heck, most games are), often with no obvious Watsonian justification. And there are other photos around the village ‒ Luiza has a whole photo album ‒ but photos of experiments created by Miranda and her lords don't generally turn up outside their own territory.
For a player exploring the village for the first time, that photo is a lovely little bit of foreshadowing, hinting at monsters and factory stages to come. But on replaying with full knowledge of Heisenberg's later attempts to get Ethan on his side, that Soldat photo is just enough to make you go, huh... did Heisenberg leave that for Ethan? Like, on purpose?
You can find another copy of that photo later, in Heisenberg's factory, along with his notes on his early series Soldat experiments. Which doesn't really prove anything beyond the fact that assets exist to be reused... but it does at least make it pretty canon that Heisenberg has photos of his Soldats sitting around.
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Possibly also significant: both the clue photo and the factory documents are tagged 'geekmemo' in the game files. Most everything related to Heisenberg in the files is labeled 'geek'-something ‒ it seems to be an early nickname for his character that lasted well into production. Everything in the factory is geek-something, even the model for the passageway from the altar to the bridge is labeled 'pathtogeek'. Considering that so many soldat-related assets are already labeled 'geek', maybe that 'geekmemo' tag doesn't really tell us anything we don't already know ‒ but it certainly doesn't work against the idea that Heisenberg wrote that 'memo' himself.
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Besides, it's not like there isn't precedent for this kind of thing. RE7 had a whole mechanic where you'd have to find 'treasure photos' pointing out the location of a few rare and useful items, all with "I hid something here" written on the back. We're never explicitly told who left those photos lying around, but it's obviously Lucas: he loves playing games, he loves taunting prisoners with the possibility of escape, and who else would it be? The complete population of the Baker mansion is like 6 people and a bunch of semi-sentient mould.
Over in RE8, there are a lot more village resident who might have left that clue lying around. Like it or not though, Heisenberg is very much RE8's equivalent of Lucas: the family's wildcard show-boater who loves making Ethan jump through hoops for his amusement. So how does the game let us know it was Heisenberg who left this particular clue? Well, who else would leave a message on the back of a Soldat photo?
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There's may be additional supporting evidence Heisenberg could be involved ‒ most notably the location, being a locked-off cul-de-sac labeled 'Workshop' on signs and maps. The area is full of metal junk very much like you'll later see lying around the factory.
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The workshop location does have other relevance ‒ it makes sense that you'd find the jack handle in the village workshop, whether Heisenberg was involved or not. But it also stands to reason that if there's anywhere in the village proper where Heisenberg might hang around and leave clues for Ethan, the workshop is it. And you have to admit that leaving Ethan useful stuff in a safe along with an easy clue that will likely get him jumped by a lycan is 100% more in-character for the guy than just leaving useful stuff out in the open, even if it doesn't really prove anything either.
There's one more weird-little does-this-mean-anything detail: there are three dead crows near the safe too.
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It's not the first time in the game you've seen dead crows (there were a bunch outside the village, and I've talked about what that might mean in the context of Miranda's cult before). But I don't remember finding any others around the village itself, other than in this one spot. And instead of being hung from trees like a ritual sacrifice, these ones are just dead ‒ messily, and with blood everywhere.
Now, maybe it doesn't mean anything, but is there anyone in the village more likely to vent his frustrations by violently killing a few of Mother Miranda's avian avatars than Heisenberg? I'd think not.
In conclusion: I still don't think all those yellow crates have anything to do with Heisenberg. And I still don't know for sure whether the RE8 development team wanted me to assume that Heisenberg left Ethan that photo, jack handle and gun. I don't know if we're supposed to read that Heisenberg keeps a workshop in the village and sometimes kills crows out of spite. But the evidence sure does point that way ‒ and it's as valid an interpretation as anything else you might take from this game.
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weirdthinkingdragon · 10 months
I know it's really late, but yandere Ethan Winters. (He deserves better than Mia even before RE7, fight me.)
RE7Yandere Ethan Winters x reader/you
warnings: a few rather changed canon events, spoilers (kinda re8 spoilers too with one thing?), have a bit of buildup to living with him as yandere, clingy, unwanted touch, obsessive, bit of coercion, delusional behavior, sorta stockholm in a way?
(Before yandere) Ethan who you befriended while Mia was gone and offered to come with. You just had a bad feeling and didn't want him going alone. Somehow he agreed.
Cue you loyally following him and helping him every step of the way. You two watching out for each other and saving each other's asses on way more than just one occasion.
As time passes he slowly starts to feel as if he doesn't love Mia anymore. She still wouldn't tell him anything, and has kept many secrets from him in the past he eventually found out. He's having his doubts of why and how she's here even though she explained it before. The more he thinks of it, the more it feels like another lie. But you haven't lied to him. Kept serious secrets from him even if you were just friends. Even though he's only known you for like two years, you've shared everything with him. You were his rock, his staple to keep everything together when she was gone.
You never see Eveline, but Ethan does and she's not very happy of his slow change of heart. He starts latching onto you, always grabbing your hand whenever you both have to rush somewhere. Or even when it seems to be a minute breather of everything going on. You take it as him just making sure not to split up and lose each other.
That's partially true, but not fully. It's a constant, festering need that rapidly starts to grow in him to always feel you close. Even he himself at the beginning thought that it was worry you both would end up splitting up too. You're the only sane one around him besides Zoe, but she isn't physically around him in this hell. However, he quickly figures out and accepts the truth. He can't tolerate you no longer being around him.
It may be the place itself. It may be him. It may be some sort of fucked up trauma this place is giving him, or even a mix of all three. But none of it matters. Only you do at this point. He never felt as close with Mia as he feels with you now, and no longer even cares for her.
All he wants now is to get out of here with you. But he has no idea what way to get out of this hell, so he'll listen to Zoe until then. He does have a growing resentment for Mia though. Compared to you, he should have seen so many red flags from her in the past. And look now where that's made him and you end up. As a "gift" he's saving several 44 Magnum bullets he plans on using on them. Sure, it might not kill Mia anymore, but it sure as hell will at least slow her down for a while. He also doesn't like how aggressive she is on you compared to him. Sure, none of your limbs have been cut off, you haven't gotten any near-fatal injuries, but it's still bad she's targeted you first every time she comes back.
You two take a short rest break. You lean against his shoulder and end up falling asleep from the now lack of adrenaline rushing through your body.
He lets you. Zoe can wait. Lucas can for sure wait. Mia can definitely wait. It's only you who is important. He also takes the chance and injects you with the serum. You likely don't need it in the first place. He will not have Eveline trying to corrupt you. Try to take you from him. No. One. Can. He won't let them. He'll fight her with his dying breath if he has to as long as you make it out alive.
It eventually comes to a head of Zoe and Mia needing the serum.
Now he's thinking he should have waited until now to inject you to show Mia as a final "fuck you". Oh well. Doing it earlier guaranteed they couldn't swipe it from him if he tried to inject you then.
That's when you think of something. "Wait a minute. Would the serum even work?" The three look at you like you're crazy.
"Why would Eveline give the Baker's family the one thing that could kill her? She's likely not the only thing like her created. Could it be a fake from her knowing Zoe was searching?"
Now Zoe looks at you like you're stupid, while Mia looks like she had a terrifying realization. "That's a very far stretch."
Mia shakes her head, knowing she has to reveal what she's done. "No... It does."
Zoe sighs. "then it must be in the crashed ship they came on."
"the... what ship?" Ethan is trying real hard not to be upset right now. He injected you with a useless serum??
you all decide to get on the boat for now to go to the ship.
Things didn't go as planned as you guys crashed somehow at the ship, and Eveline took Ethan away.
You were wary of her from how many times she previously attacked you, but for now it really seemed she didn't want to. She admitted what she actually was, making you feel really bad for both her and Ethan.
She found the actual serum that will kill Eveline and gave it to you, yelling at Eveline all the while.
Eventually you and Mia find Ethan and work together to pull him out.
She manages to push you and Ethan out the door before closing it. He didn't put up much a resistance, just more confused what she was doing.
It finally comes to a close when you and Ethan get in the helicopter, and you're relieved to see Mia. Ethan... He's not. Especially after finding out by you he was right. She WAS a part in all the hell Eveline caused, and was even her "handler". That just drastically furthered he doesn't want a thing to do with her anymore.
She took it hard he didn't want to start over with her. Even tried to manipulate him. Since he no longer loved her he could see the signs a mile away, making himself even more angry at his past self for ignoring all of her bad things.
It didn't work. But he did beg you to live with him for at least a while. You were pressured by the Blue Umbrella agreeing with him and wanting to keep a close eye on you two for a while. He was thrilled by his luck of them agreeing.
The clinginess came on FAST. Everywhere you went in the house, or anywhere out of the house, he followed you like a lost puppy. Watching a movie? you better cuddle up to him or he's wrapping his arm around your shoulders to have you lean on him.
The most uncomfortable to you was sharing the same bed, and him cuddling you then as well. You tried to take it again as him just traumatized from the events of before. You know you sure as hell are and still scrub yourself raw every shower remembering the textures of everything. And also feeling bad for him losing Mia. He told you they broke up.
One day out of the blue he started calling you pet names. Hasn't even been a month when he started doing that. You weren't into that type of thing with a friend, and told him to knock it off.
It didn't work. He just became more adamant on it. He wanted to be with you. He absolutely loves you and every single little thing about you.
Now that blew you away. He's gotta be out of his mind. You try to ask Blue Umbrella to move, but they deny. It's as if they don't want you from him either. They don't. They know what he is but thought it would be better not to tell him. They comply to what he wants though to keep him stable. And to run tests on him, which he complies with it that will keep them making you stay with him. He doesn't think that way though.
In some sort of twisted logic in his mind, he doesn't think they're making you stay with him. You just need a little persuasion to realize how you really feel.
It's much more than persuasion though. More like light coercion by the Blue Umbrella. Warnings you'd never get to see your friends or family again did it. Now you can, but Ethan has to be with you, and you absolutely cannot tell them anything of what happened.
You hate to admit it, but as time went on, you started to love Ethan back, craving the constant touches. His constant words of praise, love, adoration, and anything else possible slowly broke your resolve of refusing to love him from it feeling wrong. He almost seemed to worship the floor you walked on, catered everything to you. Spoiled you with everything possible, and with the money given by Umbrella, anything was on affordable range.
You eventually surprise him with a kiss on his lips, sealing your fate together with him further. But hey, at least you're both happy now.
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mycrayolamarkers · 7 months
I gave too much thought to this, I don't know why I care so much about this
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So when I was making memes based on the @i-cant-sing Resident Evil 8 series and some of my dumb Head cannons. For one meme I had to do some math. Y/n was at least 12-13 years old during the events of RE7 so she can be at least 15-16 years old in RE8.
So Ethan was born 1984 so let's give a random day and month so February 20th, 1984, and Mia was given a full date of birth December 14, 1984. Ethan was like 27 years old and Mia was 26 years old when they were married on May 29th, 2011.
If Y/n was made on their honeymoon let's say May 31, 2011, and she would be born on February 21st, 2012. RE7 takes place in 2017 give it a random day so June 8th. That would make Y/n 5 years old and RE8 takes place on February 9, 2021, which would make Y/n 8 years old. Which wouldn't make sense so I have to redo the math.
So Mia was 19 years old in 2004 which would make Ethan 20 years old. Let's say Mia was 19 years old when she had Y/n. The average cycle of Months of pregnancy is 8-9 months but for this let's say 8 months. Y/n was born on November 2004 the day I gave was the 12th.
During RE7 2017 y/n was 12 years old and RE8 would make Y/n 16 years old. Fun fact the Re8DLC takes place in the year 2037 making Y/n 32 years old.
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nunalastor · 2 months
Resident Evil AU
Anonymous asked:
I want to know how many Resident Evil fans were already on this blog and how many got their fandom tag flooded with our nonsense and decided to check it out.
Anonymous asked:
In RE8 there were radio recordings of Mia during her pregnancy with Rose, hyperventilating, trying to assure herself everything would be fine, apologizing to Ethan, alluding to something she can’t tell him, etc.
Unless the mold did something else entirely, Guy can’t be pregnant. What if those recordings later used to torment Alastor (accessed the same way Lucifer learns Alastor’s past) were recordings of Guy realizing he is really sick and going to die from it? Because unlike Mia, Guy wouldn’t have enough experience with the mold to know Alastor is infected, and if he did there’s no reason not to tell Alastor the truth, so what other secret could he be hiding from Alastor besides one about his own sickness?
Anonymous asked:
Alastor died before he got to experience RE8 (if he gets a Hazbin equivalent, it's in hell) but if he did, he would have a way better time of it just on principle of going in knowing he's super infected with the mold after reading the documents in the RE7 lore room, or he would find out the second he gets told his blood tastes stale. "Excuse me? My blood is--wait, fuck, I got infected with the mold, didn't I?" no fucks about vampire ladies trying to suck his blood, he's offended by the insult to quality even when he knows why.
Anonymous asked:
Another questions everyone has is how the every location either has bullets, gun powder to make weapons, healing herbs and things Alastor needs to progress. Also what’s with the puzzles?
@kitsunesongs asked:
If Eveline here grabbed Guy because he was kind to her, sheprobably slotted him into the 'father' role mentally - which means when she brings Alastor to the Baker House, it's because she wants him as her Mother.
Somehow this results in Alastor being dressed in a dress while he's unconscious and doing the whole thing in a dress. This doesn't slow him down at all. Also Eveline calling Alastor 'Mommy'.
Anonymous asked:
How long would it take the hotel to realize Alastor was infected with the mold? It's never said directly in RE7 but between lore documents they would see Alastor read and Alastor's mold-person behaviors (rapid regeneration, eating rotten flesh/cannibal, switching between friendly and aggressive on a dime, etc), one would assume the hotel would put two and two together pretty quickly.
That information doesn't mean much, he's reached the point where a cure would straight-up kill him. What it could do is cause Lucifer to be suspicious assuming he knows where the mold comes from, and make Charlie assume Alastor's murderous tendencies come from the mold when they very much don't. Alastor was just like that, and if not for the regeneration he probably would never notice.
@kitsunesongs asked:
Resident Evil 7
If we are going with Resident Evil 7 happening, what if Resident Evil 8 also happened? Rosemary was Guy's daughter by a one night stand that Alastor is helping raise, and lets be real the Village is basically a few centuries behind modern times anyway.
And that means Alastor dies, saving the baby girl who is basically his daughter.
And gets into heaven - which is so boring he promptly saunters vaguely downwards to hell, where he has much more fun!
Heaven, meanwhile, is freaking out over the fact that their newest Seraphim, the first ever human born Seraphim, is missing!
Guy shows up - maybe as a Dominion or Power, with four wings? Cause he got less of the mold then Alastor - and is all 'okay so my friend should definitely be here...
Bonus points, when the Hazbin Hotel peeps are checking out the Baker House via the crystal ball that shows Al's past, they end up seeing him in the Village as well, and are shocked at how he died - and how he was so gentle and caring with baby Rosemary.
Also! If the Baker House and the Village happened in the 20's/30s, with Alastor dying for baby Rosemary in 1933, then by the time Hazbin Hotel happens, Rosemary would either be in her 90's - or already dead. And in Heaven, presumably. And might even come down to Hell with her Dad to search for the man who her dad made damn sure she knew was basically her other father...
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The complexity of Chris and Ethan's relationship!! Is enough to make me chew on sticks.
they both have very understandable and noble positions but they're both at odds!!!! I will forever love that kind of thing! It's a CONFLICT conflict.
Even if we look at themes, Ethan and Chris' are pretty different:
Chris' narrative is all about preserving hope, and staying true to a mission or goal (his own! based on his personal worldview and sense of right/wrong). This often leads to him trying to save people, and trying to take down those he perceives as a threat. That's Chris in a nutshell.
Ethan's narrative is all about slowly uncovering truth (?), and usually also about saving family. In re7 AND re8, there are secrets that he learns as he tries to save people (Mia, and then Rose). Secrets are what separate him from his loved ones (usually secrets about huge BOW forces beyond his comprehension). I think that's Ethan in a nutshell, though I'm less familiar with the minutia of his character.
I could run around in circles about what the clash looks like. We see these themes butt heads in re8, for sure!!!
theme clash breakdown:
Chris perceives Miranda and anyone involved with her as a threat. Simultaneously, Ethan is unaware of Miranda's (and the Mold's) influence in his own life.
Chris comes in and kills "Mia," which is part of his current mission of ending this Mold stuff ASAP. He also sees Ethan and Rose as BOWs under Miranda's control, so he forcibly takes them away (I assume to keep them under surveillance somewhere). Ethan is angry because he had no idea what was going on.
Ethan sees Chris as just another secret-barrier that keeps Ethan from his family (this time between E and Rose). (Oh, plus he seems to have murdered Mia. But from a storyline perspective Chris is another big secret.)
Repeat the same routine of Chris trying to clean up the Miranda mess (and not trusting if Ethan is himself), while Ethan runs around figuring out what on earth is going on. But put them in the village and make them try not to die 😂.
It all makes the ending even more insane to me and I love it.
OHHHHH. We even see Ethan's theme of secrets affect Chris as well. He doesn't know what makes Ethan special until Mia tells him (once again Mia is the holder of the secrets!! which is fascinating. I guess that's her theme).
WAIT. AT THE END. Do they switch themes right at the end??? OMG.
Ethan takes on the mission and completes it to save people. Chris learns a huge truth. Idk idk!! Someone talk to me about this.
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popipopipopipopipo000 · 3 months
I was looking through the designs of Chris in Vendetta (bc i cant stop looking at his face lol) and a question came to mind “Why is his face so different from his version in Resident Evil 8?”
Chris’s face throughout the franchise has been changing constantly, even though we all can agree that his staple look is the one from RE 5. The only time they had diverted from this was in RE7, in which they wanted to make him more “realistic looking” but it ended up looking hideous and it was an absolute flop. (rightfully so cause GOOD GOD WHO IS THAT) Then, in RE8, they tried to go back to the look of RE5 and honestly? It looks hella good. He’s an older Chris, 48, it shows a man who has gone through a lot and it was a sensible decision to do him that way.
However… The animated films approach his design in a different light. In Vendetta, they made his features look a lot softer, his eyes more obviously downturned, and his face a bit more elongated. Some people described this look as “natural” and “less cartoony” than his RE5/6 counterparts. RE7 and Vendetta got released the same year, the prior one in January and the latter in June. They both have been in development at the same time I assume, so why have they decided to do a 360 with his in-game version instead of using his render in the film?
The films have consistency; Vendetta happened a year before Death Island, and Chris looks almost exactly the same but just with better graphics and a couple of more wrinkles and grey hairs.
The animated films are canon, and even though I really like Chris in his RE8 form, I can’t help but wonder why they don’t take the film designs and integrate them into the games even though they’re well received?
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Death Island
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Village (my boy look like the MOON/jk)
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wazzappp · 6 months
I drew. a lot for this. Also heads up for non RE mutuals this is going to be. confusing for you. I'm going to do my best to annotate and provide context but you are in for a wild ride.
Anyway long ass lore post for how Lisa and Robbie go from fighting to working together in this AU.
In the RE8 cannon all of the Dimitrescu daughters are made at the same time but for the sake of ✨the situations✨ I am going to change that. Lisa lived the longest as a human before being assimilated into the mold with a Cadou (infecting extension of the Megamycite). Technically her 'sisters' are older than her, as they were assimilated a while ago. Lisa has been a member of house Dimitrescu for about 2 years now. This puts her in this. Weird middle child zone. She wants to make her 'family' proud but she's also aware that what makes them proud isn't really the most achievable thing in the world (expecially with Bela to contend with. Older sibling overachiever to the maximum). She's got a certain degree of distance from them and sometimes wonders if she wasn't better off before all of this. Her memories are fuzzy but still there for the most part. She cant remember faces or names but she remembers feelings and situations. She doesen't remember families being like this (she wants OUT).
Chasing prey brought in is fairly standard for her. It's some of the only entertainment she gets. So when she catches Robbie exploring around the castle she has no idea that he's special in any way. He's just some new guy she gets to mess with before eating and DAMN he's FUN. If she didn't know any better she could almost think that he has experience being chased around (he does. he very much so does. all of RE7's worth). What she ALSO doesn't know is that Mother Miranda (big bad. Different from Lady Dimitrescu, who she refers to as 'mother') is planning on using Gabe (who is replacing baby Rose in this) to try and resurrect her dead kid with a 'perfect vessel' and this requires. uh. disassembly (in the base RE8 gameplay the reason Ethan goes to each house is because uhhhhhhhh his infant daughter has been dismembered and stored in jars and he needs to collect them so he can put her back together.... yeah). Robbie intervenes before this can get going and is instead going house to house because if he wants to get out of this stupid fuckass villiage he needs to collect the key components to unlock the gate keeping him in here (i need him to have a reason. to kill everyone. its important to me ok).
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When Lisa finds out this random, but fun guy, she's been chasing who she thought was JUST SOME NORMAL GUY killed one of her sisters she mentally goes 'Oh. OH. THERES A CHANCE FOR ME TO GET OUT OF HERE'. That in conjunction with discovering Mother Miranda is planning on FULLY DISMEMBERING A CHILD she uh. Makes some decisions.
What you have to understand about her plans of matricide is that neither Lady Dimitrescu or her sisters can actually really fully die. Sure, their bodies are gone, but their consciousness is stored in the hive mind and they can reform later after gathering their strength. If she has to put her kinda shitty found family in time out for the sake of getting herself out of here + keeping her newly revived conscience clean she's absolutely going to do it.
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(fuckin. backgrounds. dialogue. fuck. why can things not just take place inside of the void. DUKE MY BELOVED WE LOVE AND RESPECT DUKE IN THIS HOUSE HES A REAL ONE fuck now I got it in my head that he keeps trying to play matchmaker for them and i need to. go draw that because its too funny not to.)
Lisas plan involves this lab I had her mention in the comic above. It's where Robbie needs to go to synthesize more poison for the dagger of deaths flowers, and SUPPOSEDLY where a medicine that might allow her to go outside again might be (enemies of Lisas type become SIGNIFICANTLY weaker in the cold. She could try to bundle up but its still really not a good idea). She would love to go there herself, but it's in an area of the castle thats exposed to the cold of the outdoors.
The Two of them make a fairly decent team and Lisa finds herself having a LOT more fun hunting with someone else than she does on her own. They balance each other out pretty well; Robbie works primarily with guns so he can watch Lisas back while she's up close wrecking any grunts they run into. It's also pretty helpful having someone who can turn into a swarm of flies for puzzle solving purposes.
After all this Robbies trust for her increases SIGNIFICANTLY. He's still not really sure about her, but she's moved out of the 'active threat' classification into the 'kinda helpful' zone.
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Lisa's plan has three ways it could go:
They all fail miserably and get sent to mental and physical time out in the megamycite.
They win and get to go free but either the medicine isn't there or it doesen't work. In which case she's just planning on getting as many coats as possible and Try-or-Die-ing it.
The medicine is there and she actually gets to roam free
Luckily for her, the medicine IS there, it DOES work, and Robbies sense of honor / noticing her usefulness (its hard to wage a one man war on an entire community of mutants ok you cant blame him for appreciating having some ACTUAL HELP for once) all align for the best possible scenario.
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The cold does still affect her; her healing isn't as quick as it usually is and her increased strength / speed is a bit reduced, but she can go!! outside!!
She decided to stick with Robbie in getting out of the village as a whole. She doesen't really know what the world outside is like but anything has to be better than here (plus if she stays here she's probably getting shoved into the Megamycite by Mother Miranda PERMENANTLY and that just. wont do).
Also yes Lisa being with Robbie for the rest of his adventures means that she is there for Heisenbergs 'proposal'. She uh. Does not like that much.
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this all made. more sense in my head I hope it at least makes a little sense out loud.
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opening commissions because, after months of applying, I haven't been able to get a job, so here are some guidelines if anyone wants to purchase one. you can send me a dm about what you would like, pay through kofi in my bio, and I will send it to you privately, but with your consent, I might post it (and tag you if you'd like).
i will write:
-> smut, hurt/comfort, fluff, angst, dark content - i mostly write smut on here as you can tell (+ some angst and hurt/comfort), so those are my specialties
-> character x reader (afab, amab, f, m, gn), character x character, m/f, m/m, f/f
-> characters from resident evil, detroit become human, heavy rain, disco elysium, life is strange
-> most kinks as long as they're not in my "i will not write" list
-> there are certain things that i would be comfortable writing about, but i need time to research because i'm not as familiar with them e.g. hybrids and a/b/o
-> i will write: dd/lg, noncon, dubcon, stepcest, pseudo-incest, incest, piss, blood, cnc
i will not write: vomit (huge trigger for me, so please do not send any asks about it!), scat, fart play, scent kink, people not bathing as a kink (idk what that's called), tentacles, woundfucking, bestiality, pedophilia, cannibalism
-> 500 words: $3
-> 1k words: $6
-> 3k words: $12
-> 5k words: $18
for shorter works I will need character(s) name(s) and a general idea of what you're looking for in terms of the scenario (certain kink, location, event, etc.). for longer works, I will need more information in terms of plot.
i can finish a short work within a few days (2-3) but a longer work will take me up to a week. If you would like something longer than 5k words, then we can discuss timeframe and pricing privately.
*in terms of resident evil characters, i can write about any characters that appear in the following games: RE1, RE2, RE3, RE4, RE6, RE7, RE8, RE0, Revelations 1&2
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
hey they again !! remember the lil thought of the self aware re7 or re8 ? maybe we can turn it into a scenario
soo, yandere self aware ethan scenario or concept !! you can pick :))
Yeah, I can see what I can do! Be warned I am not that good at self aware AUs.
Yandere! Self-Aware! Ethan Winters
Short Concept
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Self-aware game character/AI, Hacking, Obsession, Stalking implied.
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- Honestly his overall caring behavior will stay the same.
- It's just his reactions will be different due to him now being self-aware.
- First there's the existential crisis, to know your whole life is a lie can ruin you.
- What was the point of him suffering in the first place?
- This whole time he was a pawn, everything he knows is a facade?
- You can't sense it too much yet but Ethan is emotional.
- His scripted dialogue is off just enough to notice.
- His tone of voice is confused or dulled.
- Ethan will be more focused on trying to rationalize his current situation at first until he somehow makes contact with you.
- He can feel you, sense you even.
- He has an idea that someone is with him all the time, even when he is alone in a room.
- Someone is acting like a guardian to him.
- Guiding him down a path he is destined to follow, no matter how much pain or death he must endure.
- Ethan can not fight too much against this presence.
- He goes to accept his fate only to catch a sight of you.
- Through a glitch or vision, he sees your face.
- Someone who feels more real than anything here.
- Ethan may take this as a chance to be something more than code.
- He feels, through this person, he can create a new path for himself.
- This is what seeds Ethan's obsession towards you.
- At first, he just likes the idea of escaping this hell he lives in.
- Then he sees your face more and more.
- He starts to hear your voice.
- You're scared when he is.
- You are able to predict just what happens next.
- It's official, you reside somewhere much different from him.
- Ethan starts to feel you are the only one who understands him.
- From what he understands, you are a player and he is your character.
- Who would know him better than you?
- Even Mia didn't know everything about him like you.
- Why should he go on with this little mission of his?
- His life isn't real.
- You are.
- How you'll see him interact is through dialogue that feels too direct.
- Ethan's comments are too unique to excuse.
- To put it bluntly, you have no idea what's going on.
- You've heard horror stories and creepypastas but those are all fake.
- What you got here is no trick of your imagination.
- Ethan will probably search for ways to meet you, or at least escape the game.
- He develops his AI, starts breaking a few numbers and barriers....
- Then you're convinced you have a virus affecting your console/PC.
- Such an event may make you feel you're going insane.
- Meanwhile Ethan is working on hacking cameras or social media to see more of you.
- His AI is just grasping the true concept of love and not what he's programmed to feel.
- It'll be best if you get rid of what he's infecting now to keep you and everyone safe.
- Who knows what he'll do when he learns more?
- Although, getting rid of him may be harder than you think....
- Ethan isn't going to quit when he finally has you within his reach.
- One way or another, he will figure out how to meet you in person.
- "You opened my eyes, (Y/N)... You're all I need now."
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rallamajoop · 7 months
Resident Evil 7 and Mia's secrets
(Oh, did you think I was done talking about Mia? Not even close! >D)
Coming into this fandom late, I was surprised that popular fanon has it that Mia never does come clean to Ethan, post-RE7. Sure, RE8 depends on Mia not having told Ethan he died in Dulvey, but that has nothing to do with her own past with the Connections (and far more to do with Ethan's own denial, but that's a whole other thing).
Myself, I’d taken it as given that the scene where Ethan learns the truth must have just happened off-screen. Because, disappointing as that omission is, the whole damn game is leading up to it.
And having replayed RE7 lately, I realised there'd be no better way to explain my take than to catalog every time the game spells out to us that Ethan knows Mia’s keeping secrets and wants answers, and that Mia herself wants to come clean.
Heck, it’s just about the very first thing we learn about them.
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“Ethan... You were right. I did lie to you. I shouldn’t have, but…”
Ethan's not actually stupid, and Mia's secrecy has obviously strained their marriage for some time. And as soon as Ethan finds her, he’s asking questions.
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Here, he’s mostly asking who did this to you; it's way too early for real answers. But then Eveline takes control, shit goes down, and next we see her, it’s in her recorded message from the “Mia” video tape.
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“There’s so much you need to know.”
When Ethan finds Mia again under the old house, he’s angry and has every right to be, and he doesn’t pull any punches.
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“I always wanted to tell you…”
But Mia’s memory’s still a mess, and Lucas interrupts. Ethan’s next chance to ask questions comes in the boat, and he wastes no time.
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“You had something to do with this, didn’t you?”
Mia’s a little more defensive here, but she’s not lying about the holes in her memory. The game’s gearing up for the big reveal anyway, and the writers aren’t about to let her spoil it early.
If you choose Zoe instead of Mia, Ethan spends the boat ride asking all the same questions, only louder.
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“I knew Mia was hiding something.”
But in the end, what do we get?
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Whoever you choose, Ethan only gets a few brief moments with Mia after she frees him from Eveline’s mould, and no explanations are offered. But if you do pick Mia, then we end with Ethan flying away with her in the helicopter, saying only, “Mia's back and she wants to start over,” and I’m left going, wait, what? Haven’t we skipped something here?
In defence of the fanon consensus that Ethan never finds out the truth, that does seem to be the ‘canonical’ intent ‒ at least inasmuch as there's this one throwaway bit about Mia not wanting Ethan to know buried in a bonus text file only available with this one overpriced DLC for RE8. That’s it, that’s as much explicit recognition as this thing ever gets, one way or the other. And fucking hell, but that's a let down.
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Even if we assume that Mia’s desire to come clean goes away once her memory comes back, why would Ethan just stop asking? He’s been asking questions the whole damn game – was clearly asking questions long before the game began! Knowing that Eveline was controlling people doesn’t explain what Mia had to do with it all. Now he’s suddenly all, ‘killed the bad guy, saved the girl, everything’s fine’? Was all that ‘a door closed’ bullshit supposed to be him accepting he’d never get answers? Why?
There are workable ways to spin Ethan never finding out. You could suggest he just accepts that Mia’s memory is gone (hell, for all we actually see of the ending, Mia genuinely might have lost her memory again after Eveline sucked her back into the mould). After all the trauma Ethan’s been through, you could also suggest he’s gone directly into denial, refusing to face anything that might threaten his ‘happy ending’ with Mia. You could even suggest that that bit with Eveline saying 'I can make him love you' is her actively wiping Ethan's suspicions away. There's some lovely, subtle horror in any of these possibilities ‒ I would genuinely love to see all of them explored in fic! But none of them actually come through in the ending we get, and that omission is the single biggest issue that makes that conclusion to RE7 unsatisfying to me.
The whole damn game has been building up to the big confrontation where Ethan finds out the truth and (eventually, if not immediately) finds a way to forgive Mia, so we can still have our happy ending. As much OTT hate as Mia gets, the game is consistent in portraying her as someone who is painfully aware of how bad she’s fucked up, regrets it, and is committed to doing everything she can to protect the man she loves from the fallout of her mistakes.
I cannot overstate how willing Mia is to die to save Ethan, from the very moment she realises she's infected. She does die to save him if you choose Zoe over her. It's so much of why I ship them do hard.
But most frustrating of all, denying Mia the chance to come clean denies her any chance to explain herself. How did she get involved with the Connections? Did she know from the outset who she was working for? Did she genuinely buy into the idea they were finding ways to win wars without losing soldiers on battlefield, that the human casualties of all their work was worth it? If not, why did she keep working there? Was she slowly frog-boiled down to the deep end, did they have dirt on her, did she fear they might kill her if she tried to leave? What excuses did she make to herself as the months or years went on?
It's possible Mia’s the kind of hypocrite who doesn’t care about the human casualties of her employer, just as long as she and hers are okay, but nothing we see from her sells me on that interpretation. And even if she ever was, it's even harder to believe she's still that person after all she's been through.
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It aggravates me that the games never gave us answers, not just because I want explanations that cast Mia in a sympathetic light, but because not giving us answers leaves this huge hole in her character. I'd even take explanations that cast her in an unsympathetic light, as long as it all ties together.
It irritates me even more because, even if Capcom wasn’t up for giving Ethan and Mia the big emotional confrontation they deserved, the solution was so simple: let Ethan find Mia’s diary on his way out of the ship. The whole goddamn franchise is filled with diaries and documents where characters lay out their backstories and motivations in ludicrous detail – why does Mia never get one? Just give us a handful of entries dated over the years, laying out her own feelings and anxieties about the job she’s doing. It would’ve been so easy!
It irritates me nearly as much that, even in the few corners of this fandom sympathetic to Mia, no-one seems to be very interested in answering these questions in fic or shared headcanons (and if there are examples out there I don't know about, please do link me to them!) How much did Mia know about what she was getting into when she started working for the Connections? Was it the job she kept telling herself was just until she could find something better, only for that ‘something better’ to never come along? Did she have stains on her record that made it hard to find another job? How much of her lying was a misguided attempt to protect Ethan, and how much was simply about protecting herself? There's so much to explore here!
This is also where I mention that I've already put my money where my mouth on this one, and written up my own take on Mia's backstory, and how Ethan might have found out the truth. You don't have to agree with my version, of course ‒ I mean it when I say I'd love to see other people's ideas too. Heck, I'd even be up for versions where Ethan ultimately can't forgive her, just as long as people come at it from the angle of looking at Mia as a character, not just a one-dimensional-villain.
But of course, I'd still prefer to think about versions where these two do find a way to make it work. It takes a lot to make me ship het this hard, but these two stealth-badasses have pulled it off with style.
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biohazard2017 · 2 years
literally hot take but re7 did the family motif INFINITELY better than re8 did imo. ethan being trapped in the house of a family all literally dying for the affections of a single little girl but him not being able to understand bc all he wants is his wife back, a wife he hasnt been able to move on from in 3 years. eveline gave ethan her gift, but he didnt even notice bc he was so fixated on getting mia back, not even responding to his hallucinations of eveline bc mia always took priority, feeling not even a shred of the "love" that the bakers were exhibiting for her. but mia couldnt connect back to ethan bc of eveline, already attached to her years before the incident and the infection. the only resource ethan had was zoe, who was supposed to also be his daughter according to eveline, how the two of them tore the family out from the inside. the parallels of marguerite not minding that mia was the mother bc mia was always the mother, to jack losing his mind at the sheer thought of losing his place at head of the family to ethan, who wanted absolutely nothing to do with the mold. how ethan didnt care about the family, not like jack did. both the winters' family and the bakers' family simultaneously destroyed just because eveline wanted a family too, forcing everyone out of their own lives into a new fucked up family with clear roles and jobs to play out of longing and desperation and a complete childish disregard of real people and their connections. mias "we're going to be a family, now that youre here." and jacks "welcome to the family, son." and marguerites "we opened our home to you." and zoes "this is my home. apparently i belong here." and jacks "the girl just wants a family of her own." and joes "family is a righteous cause." and evelines "all i wanted was a family." and jacks "ethan, free my family. please." and how ethan just couldnt understand any of it, not fully.
until rose.
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crumb, what’s your opinion on Mia Winters, ethan’s wife
i lauve her, i lauve every character (except lucas) they r all my beloveds
BUT, that doesnt mean i think they r all perfect characters that have never done wrong
i know there a lot of argument about mia being a good wife or not and please do not take this the wrong way
she defiently loved ethan, A LOT too, she loved and cared about her family a lot
her problem is the job she decided to have in the first place
she decided to work for a criminal organization, it doesnt matter what part she played the important thing is she is literally willingly participating in working for the connections whether it be research or “handling” evie
she also lies to ethan, like alot
its pretty sad but we know she doesnt do it with malicious intent
shes doing it because she loved him and wanted to keep him safe but no matter what her intentions were it still got him killed
she also does not learn from it and CONTINUES to lie to ethan after re7 which leads to him dying two more times
mia obviously cares about ethan, and id never say she didnt love him but she defiently did treat things very poorly
u COULD blame ethan for going to search for his wife in the first place but like what kind of argument is that
ethan is a good husband who loved his wife so much he kept searching for her even after 3 whole years of no leads
the only thing ethan did wrong in their relationship was trust mia and he should have been able to do that without consequences in the first place
mia does not want to talk about what is happening to ethan. she keeps him in the dark and “blows up at him” when he even mentions it
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im 100% without a doubt sure that they love each other so much and probably had a wonderful relationship pre re7, but after everything that happens and with the continued lack of communication, i feel like mia was just not that great
not to say that she was a horrible woman who did nothing but cause problems for ethan because he obviously still has wonderful memories with her after re7
but in the end, my opinion is that mia isnt some damsel in distress that was only a victim
she lived through the consequences of her own actions, she decided to work with the connections, she decided to contribute to the creation and abuse of eveline
re7 and re8 mainly stem from what mia has done and leaves ethan behind trying to fix it and it literally kills him in the process
im really sad we couldnt learn more about her and the chance of us learning anything in the future is really slim so its disappointing
thats my take on mia! i hope this does not upset anyone (i am very sorry if it does)
i love to make art of them being lovey dovey but i can only ever imagine it taking place before re7, im sorry!
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biohazard-4ever · 3 days
Are Leon and Ada taking things slow this time around or was this just another misconception from the fandom side as to what the devs had said?
I'm not the most "unbiased" person to talk about A*eon. You see...? So, I rather not touch this subject.
What I DO CAN SAY, is that different from the og timeline -, Ada seems to be getting more independent of Leon's existence and actually seens like Capcom actually wants her to BE something(?)
Like, I'm sorry, but literally...
So, take it as you want... Maybe that means they are getting more distant? Yes.
Or, it means capcom wants to: "suddenly come up with a lovestory about two characters mid a Zombie Apocalypse game"? Who knows.
In my BIASED opinion? No. They are not: "taking it slow to suddenly make those two have an amazing love story".
Capcom is not making Jill return, the BSAA's scheme/plot and a WAR SCENARIO so they can develop LEON AND ADA.
If Capcom wants Leon and Ada together, guess what, they will just get done with it, make them be together, and you'll have to accept it happened "off camera".
They are not about to spend an entire team to focus on a ship between a VERY MONEY-MAKER-CHARACTER with a barely liked one:
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Is more likely CLAIRE to surpass CHRIS (340 votes of difference) than Ada is to catch up with over 900 votes of difference.
Friendly reminder this pool's result is AFTER RE4Remake, okay? So, with SEPARATE WAYS and all, and Claire with a total of ONE GAME (Re2REMAKE) their difference is over 900 votes.
Meanwhile Chris with 5 games all his (including new gen faves RE7 and RE8) and 2 CGI movies on his back barely has 300 of difference with Claire.
So, Capcom needs to develop Ada A LOT as a independent Character of Leon before they can even think about romanticize them up. Give her something more stable than: "She is mysterious lol" for us to cling to.
Like, really Capcom... You can't write mysterious characters. Just cut the BS and do your job, you lazy f*ckers.
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sodiumpentothol · 3 months
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Some really bad ideas for a shitpost Hollow Knight x Resident Evil AU I randomly conjured
Here's the very poorly written outline I have for this thing:
Precursor to downfall of hallownest, umbrella (needs a different name) formed by soul master after pale king yeets the infection at them and goes "find cure." This is before the infection gets all wacky silly and publicly known, so soul master and the soul twisters sorta poke around with the infection and go "huh y'know this would make for a great weapon against the deepnest beasts" so they begin fucking around with that. Chris and Leon are both city guards that are vibing around when a sector of the City of Tears is overrun by the T-virus after an outbreak, they both end up having to stop it and both manage to resist the infection which piques the Pale King's interest. Jill and Carlos also make it out alive. Sherry and Claire are there too I guess. Pale King goes "yo dudes you survived the infection I think ima assign you guys to deal with this infection bullshittery" so they're all forced to do infection bullshittery stuff as it gets worse. RE4 is just a corpse creeper outbreak in fungal wastes or something, hornet is kidnapped and PK goes "holy shit if we don't get this child back then i'm gonna be in deep(nest) shit" so they all go and grab hornet. RE5 I don't even know, that was a fever dream and same goes for RE6. Ethan supposedly lost Mia in the initial infection outbreak all those years ago, but in reality Mia managed to escape with a void construct created by a rival gang of angry deepnest weavers. Void construct of course is Eveline and Mia and Eveline manage to flee to deepnest where they meet a nice little family of survivors. Eveline does her bullshittery and takes over everyone, weaver gang breaks lucas out and makes him their spy.
Meanwhile Eveline makes Mia send Ethan a letter to come and find her, thus starting RE7. Ethan goes to deepnest and gets his shit fucked up big time, immediately dying and being resurrected by the void. Blah blah blah, kill baker family, blah blah, get mia back, blah blah blah blah blah kill eveline, something something oh hey PK's Infection Cleanup Crew (TM) is now on the scene and here to deal with the outbreak. Ethan and Mia are pulled out and placed into witness protection in the Ancient Basin by the White Palace. RE8 happens when Mirander comes along and steals Rose. Mirander's still trying to revive her kid, but she's also the leader of the angry weaver gang and she has plans to kill PK. She's been gathering forces n shit for the revolt, also they're all infected with void and have wacky void powers too. Mirander steals Rose a little more blatantly, pretty much just breaking into the winters' house, fucking shit up, stealing the baby, and leaving. Ethan is reasonably pissed and goes all Seek And Destroy on Mirander, killing literally everything in his way. First he rampages through deepnest, killing four of her infected subordinates one by one before he makes it to the Abyss. At this point in the timeline PK has been dabbling a little in void bullshit so there's definitely evidence of him being around here, maybe a couple thousand dead children or something. Mirander is hiding out in the abyss, blah blah blah she and Ethan duke it out blah blah they both fucking die blah blah blah rose grows up to be very OP, PK briefly considered using herasa backup HK but Rose has a mind to think, a will to break, and a voice to cry suffering so she's automatically pitched from the plan and ends up being trained to like kill the fucking radiance or something, maybe she gets put into stasis or whatever because she was too powerful and PK felt threatened by her.
Something something hallownest falls something something main HK game takes place and the knight is now in the picture. Leon, Chris, Jill, and Carlos have taken it upon themselves to keep everybody in Dirtmouth safe and regularly dive into Hallownest to look for survivors. They meet Hornet sometimes but she's too badass to vibe with them and she fights them. They all survive of course and they learn to respect each other but Hornet never really joins them. She's like Ada that way. Anyway the knight comes along, yadda yadda yadda HK game happens
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