#do. roguey stuff?
seaseren · 2 years
ok one thing that annoys me is that like. ok. when Thancrred And Yda came to Sharlayan it was to the colony, a few years b4 the exodus. Some material makes it sound like the twelve archons *stayed behind* from the exodus but that was also from like. Louisoix trying to pump up his slapdash group of grad students into legendary heroes. How much time did Thancred and Yda spend in Sharlayan? Did Lyse grow up there? She must have, right, like she would have been around 10 when the exodus happened. Yda was prooobably approaching adulthood at that point (we never get a number on her age but i would think she was at least 15 making the journey from one end of Aldenard to the other, which would put her at like. Fourish years older than Thancred? I'm rambling but I just wish there was like... an explanation somewhere of what the deal was there
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pennamenotfound · 1 year
Pokemon Teams for Bells Hells
I just... I just really like pokemon and cr so instead of doing my homework I picked out teams for them. Rules were no legendaries and I didn't want any repeats among the teams. So, here we go.
Imogen: Alakazam for her telekinesis, Zebstrika because she's a horse girl and for the lightning, Musharna for her Dreams, Hatterene because of her whole witchy vibe plus her aversion to other people's emotions being Too Loud, Espeon because of her basic psychic powers, lastly Lunatone for the Ruidus stuff. She's had most of her Pokemon since she was a kid in Gelvaan. Her starter would be her Zebstrika which she raised from a Blitzle, but she would've gotten her Eevee when she was pretty young, too, and it would've evolved when she met Laudna and left town. Musharna has been with her since she first started having the dreams, and she caught her Hatterene as a Hattena who allowed itself to be caught since they were kind of kindred spirits who both hated other people's emotions in their head, and Lunatone has just kind of... been around for a while. She catches Alakazam later as she travels with Bells Hells.
Laudna: Banette for the puppet imagery, Trevenant for her form of dread, Spiritomb as Delilah's lingering presence, Mimikyu because she's supposed to be basically a copy of Vex, plus the way Mimikyu's disguise breaks reminds me of how Laudna dislocates all her joints, Umbreon mostly to fit with Imogen's Espeon but also for the Cool Goth Vibes, and lastly Vullaby as a Pate stand-in. Eevee would've been her starter, with the rest of her mon coming to her after she got Delilah'd except the Trevenant, which she would've caught after she was resurrected in Whitestone and has her moment with the Sun Tree.
Fearne: Dubwool because Goat---though I did struggle between this and Gogoat, Dubwool's fluff and cooler horns cinched it for me---Grimmsnarl for her Feywilde weirdness, Meowscarada for her rouge vibe plus for some druid stuff---Flower Trick is literally a perfect move for her---Scovillain for the grass/fire mon-Wildfire Druid nexus, plus it's the kind of weirdo pokemon Fearne would love, Pelipper for her shoebill wildshape, and Monferno as a Mister stand-in. Wooloo would've been her starter, though she would've gotten her Impidimp from Nana Morri pretty young, and she would've caught Mister as a Chimchar when she first took up her druidic ways. The rest she catches when she's with the Crownkeepers and Bells Hells.
Orym: Falinks because he's a soldier who works well in a team, Lucario because he's so empathetic and upstanding as a fighter, Lilligant because he's so dextrous and because of the flower, Breloom sort of as a way to pay homage to Seedling, since I think Breloom can stretch out its arms, but also just for the plant vibes, Sawsbuck as a sort of Ashari connection what with the seasons, but also because it's a normal type as well as grass to show he's just a guy, and Absol because of his bad luck and bonkers high perception. His starter would've been Shroomish, and he'd've gotten his Lilligant and Lucario when he became a Tempest Blade, the Sawsbuck as a Deerling when he left the Ashari for the first time, the Falinks when he was with the Crownkeepers, and the Absol came to him when he lost Will and Derrig.
Chetney: He was the hardest because I really wanted to give him more grass types for the woodworking vibe, but really only Shiftry fit. Then I gave him Smeargle because he's an artist, Lycanroc Midnight Form for his werewolf form, Zoroark because he can be invisible which is kind of like Zoroark's Illusion, and because it feels very roguey, Gengar because I wanted a ghost type for all his blood curses, and it seemed the best fit, and it can also be invisible, and Drampa because he old. He would've started catching pokemon when he was an adult, so he wouldn't've had a starter, but his first would be Smeargle, then Seedot which he would've raised into a Shiftry, then his Lycanroc would've come to him when he was bitten and he would've caught his Zoroark and Gengar as part of his bloodhunter training, and Drampa... honestly was more of a joke but I guess he would've caught it when he was with Bells Hells.
Fresh Cut Grass: First of all, Gholdengo looks a lot like him, so they get one, and then they get a Blissey and Indeedee (female) because of the healer thing, plus with Indeedee there's this whole service thing, plus both of them give me therapy vibes, Klinklang because he robot, Rotom Heat for his easy-bake oven, and Morpeko for their stress induced rage mode. Morpeko is the starter, then he catches Indeedee and Klinkwhen he's with Dancer, Blissey when they're with Ashton, Gholdengo starts as Gimmighoul in its roaming form, where it just has the one coin, and he gets it when he starts believing in the Changebringer, which evolves when they first talk to her, and Rotom Heat when he gets the oven installed.
Ashton: Obviously he's got an Obstagoon because they're punk as hell, then a Graveler for the barbarian made of rocks angle, a Gigalith for the crystal in his head, Tinkaton for the hammer plus the added bonus of him having a mon that kills Corviknights (big bird) when he's close to FCG (hates birds), Golurk because it has that crack on its chest which reminds me of Ashton's cracks, and finally Gallade because they're trying to be a fucking hero now. The starter is Geodude, which he receives from their father shortly before The Incident. He gets a Galarian Zigzagoon in the Greymoore State Home. Geodude evolves into Graveler when Ashton changes into his rocky form we know them as now. As a note, they caught a Pancham when he first started running with the Nobodies, which evolved into Pangoro as he got good at it. He obtained his Golurk after Milo put them back together, and caught the Tinkaton soon after. The Gigalith was a gift from Milo, a sort of 'sorry you lost all your friends in a really traumatic way but here's a Roggenrola I still like you' kind of thing. He switched the Pangoro out for a Gallade when he decided they were going to be some kind of hero now.
Bonus: Less detail I'm tired now and they're not core members, here we go.
Bertrand: Mr. Rhyme lol he old. He'd also have a Sirfetch'd.
Dorian: Swablu. I just think he'd have one can you imagine softboi Dorian with a Swablu? So cute! And he'd have an Altaria now that he's stronger. He'd also get an Audino for bard reasons.
Yu: I know I said no repeats and I did give Chetney a Zoroark but Yu breaks all the rules so they get a Zoroark. I honestly don't remember enough about Dusk to give them a serious pick.
Deanna: Comfey. She's a healer, plus can't you just imagine little Deanna with her little Comfey? I think she had it before she was resurrected, too, and the Comfey was waiting for her.
F.R.I.D.A: Okay so I was thinking Hisuian Decidueye because it's kind of roguey and ranged, but it's a bird, and FCG hates birds, and as they're in love, I don't think that would work. Then I thought maybe Mienshao, because I liked the fluid, dextrous fighting, but something wasn't clicking there. Then I thought maybe Darmanitan. I liked the idea of something used as an ancient defense. Pick your favorite of the three.
Prism: Mismagius for the wizard aesthetic, and then Corvisquire for Mother. Just imagine little Prism in the Shadowfell (or Shadow Realm, as Emily calls it) with a Misdreavus!
Deni$e: Liepard simply because I think she could fight with it or like just look super fucking fly walking down the street with it and Deni$e is all about the high feminine energy.
Bor'dor: Mabosstiff. He's endearing and he'll lie on the ground during a fight but he's also still dark type. He's waiting for the moment to strike. Okay I know Mabosstiff is supposed to be like a mob boss but he's also the only dark type dog that looks like he could pull off the Bor'dor heel turn. Also how could I not give him a dog?
Hope you enjoyed this long ass post, and feel free to give your own suggestions in the notes!
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astral-athame · 9 months
((First year doing Christmas stuff with family since 2019 and I'm sick all over again because of it ^^; I literally only had like 3 days of semi-healthy before it started up again. Thankfully the last few days of it weren't too bad, but yesterday and today have been awful. Yesterday was headaches all day (probably from congestion and such) and today is bad enough that I basically don't have a voice. So, yeah.
I'm gonna try to get to a few things, maybe reblog a Sunday meme or two here and on Roguey's blog. But if my body says it's ready to sleep again, I'm gonna nap, even if it means sleeping all day xD))
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abrushwithdeath · 1 year
((I'm gonna be on a little bit tomorrow, finally. Hopefully ^^; I apologize for being gone a lot lately. Admittedly, not only has work been stressful but I'm having some health issues, as well. So it's just been... a lot this year, already. I miss being here, though, and I've got a lot of muse for Roguey lately, just no time to do stuff. But after this week I'm finally on vacation!!! Which means I'll be around while I'm off work (from the 10th to the 17th) <3
With that said, feel free to send some more asks or tap me with a message if you want a specific thread replied to quicker <3
I hope ya'll are doing well! Take care of yourselves and I'll see ya'll soon <3))
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//hellur my fellow feral critchures that do not celebrate the stuffs associated with today. Don’t have many muses that would even get anything related, but anything of the like if directed at Roguey will be tagged accordingly.
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Following the thief now… it was quite a challenge for the half-bot. It hasn’t been more than a few moments, yet they had already disappeared into the teal hues of this manor. The paths were winding and twisting with confusion, no doubt it would get to Cyborg soon enough.
Aimlessly moving about whatever path they could find, they took the time to open most of the doors they came across. Most of the stuff was boring- some bedrooms, a library, a few balconies- ooh! Those were the gems they stole last night! They looked at the bunch of them, a grin of pride brought to their face as their visor lit up with delight. There were so many colors that flickered in the morning light! They didn’t think silly little rocks could invoke such delight! Well- they didn’t really, they didn’t have much of a purpose- but they looked edible! ...Maybe they could eat one? Hm… Roguey wouldn’t be looking, so a small one would be fine, right? Picking one up with their mitten, they examined it closely. They didn’t know what it was, but it was red and blue! Neat! What was not neat was the reaction their systems had when it was brought close! There were loud static pops around their head, their arm seizing a little while their mind buzzed persistently...as if there was a sudden storm that had filled their form! It was enough to get them to drop whatever it was, and it fractured the moment it hit the floor. Abruptly, all of these things would collectively stop, and Cyborg groaned as things just seemed to go back to normal. Mmm, that was kinda mean! Maybe they were inedible...The rocks were finally fighting back against their fate, bummer. They were going to have to find a way around that! Haha, wouldn’t that be funny…!
Moving along, other rooms weren’t worth noting- it was cyborg’s perception of things, after all- Though they did happen to come across some large, vacant spaces. Hm… that creepy scientist would probably make use of this space. However, past those rooms, they would finally walk into the room that Roguefort had nestled themself into, full of fabrics and things of the like with lengths of it loosely reaching for the center of the room. There was a soft humming from the thief as they looked about them, then down to a sheet of paper they had scribbled things down on. The moment they felt even the slightest movement, however, they squeaked, their gaze darting to where they had noticed something else moving.
“...O-Oh. It’s just you.” “Yeah, the dumbass passed out. Soooo, now I’m left with you!” “...You don’t like what I’ve done.” “I sure don’t!” “Yet you’ve lied to me.” “H-Huh?” “I was told I would have fun during all this, yet we’ve all hurt each other. I’m also losing my sense of self... I think it’s fair to call ourselves even.” They glanced at the half-bot, who, after a few moments, huffed at such a remark. “Whatever, fiiine. Your offense was still worse, though.” “...If you assume so. I still plan on apologizing to you both with at least something of worth.” “Is that why you’re here?” The question got a nod out of Roguefort. “I don’t wish for us to drive each other apart-” “Tch, you say that when you let Aloe of all people live here-” “Rather, I think we should try to befriend each other.” “...We need to take you to another gem place, don’t we?” “Hear me out, will you? It would benefit us both to become friends with what could be considered a worst enemy. That way, they have fewer reasons to turn on us, and perhaps they’ll have a bit of a turnaround and realize that helping us with the husks is beneficial.” “...So...There was a reason you let them stay here…” “Cy, it would have taken five seconds to explain...perhaps you should try to think a little before acting?” “I can do many things, but that’s impossible!” Such a phrase got them both to laugh a little. The taller continued to scribble down things, prompting Cyborg to sit next to them and look at what they were doing. “...What is that?” “Well, I’ve felt that we’ve all been through a handful of things, so… If we’re becoming nothing like what we were, I figured that our physical identities should be shed.” “...What?” “I’m making outfits, Cy.” “...Ohhhh!!!! Why didn’t you say that before?” They giggled, bapping them on the back. “I didn’t know you made things like that!”
“I still wish to remain eloquent, is all. And, why wouldn’t I? I’m a thief, it’s only fair that one would have to come up with their own disguises. All of ours, whoever made them...oh dear. They are in such need of repair.” They smiled, glancing at the other. “...By chance, do you know what Aloe likes, aesthetically speaking?” “...Why are you asking me that?” “I wish for it to be a surprise for both of you, and I don’t know what either of you likes most.” “Oh...um. They like green!!! And gold, I guess… They’ve always seemed like they wanted fancier clothing, I think…? I dunno, they always seemed unhappy with how they looked.” They would trail off, feeling some guilt that they knew not the origins of. To get their mind off of it, they looked at Roguefort, who was scribbling out a little design for them. “...Do you have any preferences for yourself?” “Mmmm, I wanna be fluffy!!! With little neon colors, maybe more orange!!! It looks really neat, and-” At this point, they would begin to ramble about what they’d like, all of which the thief would be sure to scribble down. It was a lot more specific than Aloe’s, that’s for sure! By the time they finished, they looked down, and noticed something...odd! Roguey didn’t have a single mark down on how they wanted to look!!! Hm!
“...We could try going on another heist tonight if you’d like.” “We?” “We! You’re not half bad at trashing the places we steal from, now are you?” “Hmhm, I would never be half bad!!! I’m the best when it comes to a little destruction!!” “Ah...then we shall embark on our little adventures soon enough. ..Would you mind speaking with Aloe for a little while when they wake up?” “About what?” “Just… anything, really. I don’t want us to fall apart. As useful as it would be to befriend them, I’d rather it be a genuine friendship, not some flimsy attempt to force them to stay.” “...Fine. Uh, so, we’re gonna go and do stealies tonight, yeah?” “We are, yes.” “Hm!!! I will destroy all the paintings you’ve collected!! And then I'll get food! And... then talk to Aloe, ew. I’ll do a lot so you can make silly little outfits!” “And it is much appreciated.” the stealer of jewels watched them dart away, before turning back to the page.
~ “...So, it’s been weeks, and they still haven’t been able to think of something to wear?” “I mean...yea. They said they wanted to give us the outfits for us today since you somehow are feeling better. Why are they missing out on the fun stuff?” “Perhaps they’re having an identity crisis.” “A what?” “...Right, you’re still dumb. Uh… I think we could try to make something for them…” “But we don’t know shit about making clothes!” “That’s why we attempt to do such a thing, Cyborg.” Aloe huffed, reaching for some of the pale yellow fabric strung along the length of the room. “Should we keep the color scheme the same?” “HELL NO! I dunno what would work nicely with that cheese, but I know they’d want some tacky fancy stuff…”
“I mean, they don’t look half bad in fanciful things.” perhaps a darker shade of teal…? Off-white… With a few light purples. “Do you have any ideas for them?” “Mmmm, I like the cape they have! It’s like a portable blankie!” “Is that all you can think of it as?” “Definitely! I will steal it someday!” “Already taking notes from them, I see… How odd.” “Hm?” “I never thought you would be able to adapt to the changes someone else has.” “Oh, no no! Nope! Not even close! You’re not even in the same ballpark! Y'see, they’re chaotic. We both share a brain cell, that’s how I manage to do that.” “...I’ll have to conduct an experiment on that later.” “H-HUH?” “You’re second-guessing yourself now, hm? Having regrets?”
“Shut up! Ugh, let’s just...work on this. I can’t believe you managed to get better, I was hoping you’d die again.” “Very nice of you, thanks.” They shot a glance at the pouting Cyborg. Nevertheless, they’d continue working on the outfit, which would very easily take over a few hours. The half-bot attempted to help, but the most they could do was suggest ideas and hold pieces of cloth in place. Boring!!! That was up until they were about to start making the cape- That was something Cyborg snatched right up! “I’m making this part!!! Mine!!” “...Allow me to help, at least a little.” “No! You helped with everything else, I should get a little say in this!” They held the fabric close, but the scientist would grab onto it. “I understand, but I’m following the design you wish for them to have!” They would try to yank it from them, but their grip remained strong. The prototype of the cape was in a deadlock between the two.
“No! Nono, Roguey needs something from me! You already got your grimy hands on everything!!” They seemed a little desperate, continuing to pull at the fabric. “Let go!!! You never let me do anything!!!” “You let go! You can come up with a design for this, it will be just like the rest!!!” “No! I wanna make this piece!!” “Well, you’re going to mess it up!” “I won’t, Dumbass!!!” “That doesn’t want to make me let it go any faster!!” “Well, then I’ll MAKE you let go!!!” They yanked on it as hard as they could, which did get Aloe to fall back… Only because the cape was ripped in half. The anger the half-bot exuded simmered down as quickly as possible thereafter. They could only stare at what they had caused with a bit of shock, and even more guilt. It… It’s only been a few weeks, yet… They still weren’t over the thought of killing the scientist… “...I’m sorry…” “Hgh...it’s fine…” They let out a heavy sigh, shaking their head as they sat up. Ough, that wound from all that time ago still hurts like a bitch. “Perhaps we could just...work on it together. It...Hah, it’s even torn in half…” It was clear to Cyborg they were just trying to make the most of this inconvenience… and it made them feel a little better that they were at least trying to make amends. It was...still way too small to matter, but it was big enough to be noticeable! “...Mmm...sure.”
“I’ve noted you both were in the room I was in while designing outfits for you both...whatever was your business in there?” “Well, we uh-” “We made you this really cool thing!!!! We think you would like it lots!!!” Cyborg said, seemingly happier than they were before the two of them walked into the room. This caught the thief off guard, a warm smile brought to their face shortly thereafter.
“Well, I’m pleased to let you know that I’m here to show you both your outfits… Made from what we all think you both would like most!” They unveiled the two designs they had been working on, handing each to their respective owners… Who seemed to cherish them. “There’s so much fluff on this!!! More than I asked! I thought there would be only neck fluff, but this??? This much????? I love it! I dunno who thought of it, but thankies!!! It’s also so bright!!! And the orange is all shiny...It makes me so happy!!!” They hugged what they were given as if it were some form of a plush. Not a moment later, they zipped away, likely to change into it. Aloe simply stared at what was given to them, looking it over as if attempting to find a single flaw… “How is there not even a single loose thread…?” “Ah, I have my ways. Yours was a lot of fun to make, Aloe.” “Hah...it makes me feel bad…” “Why’s that?” They tilted their head inquisitively, perking up when Aloe showed them the outfit the others had made for the thief of the night… “We...did our best, but it doesn’t look that great…” They glanced away as Roguefort took what was offered, also looking it over. “It’s not that bad! Some of the stitching is weird, yes, but… I like to think it gives the piece flavor.” They grinned, no hint of contempt on their face. “The only thing I wonder is why the cape was presumably torn…” “Ah, we got into a bit of an argument… We stitched it up together soon after and tried to hide it with a ribbon...” “Hm...the concept is interesting! Do you mind if I make a few changes?” “Not at all. It’s something to make you more comfortable with yourself, after all.” “Then, I’ll likely put a few more ribbons to match what you’ve chosen for me. It’s...a nice change of pace, the colors you chose.”
The moment they got the chance to move back into the fabric room, Roguefort did, sighing as they closed the door behind them. Right… They just had a few things to take care of. The ribbons, checking up on the outside world, and...one other thing they nearly forgot about entirely. There was a closet on the far side of the room. The phantom silently moved over to it, looking back to the doorway to make sure nobody was looking, before opening it up and peering in. There it was...this odd cane they never really found a use for until such a moment, when they recalled the dangers that lay ahead of themself...and everybody else. Taking it, and lightly dusting it off, they looked to a nearby window. The number of husks staring back, smiling with the faces of the damned… it was growing. It’s gone from one to twenty, and they could tell some form of danger was lurking. Glancing down at the cane, they gently lifted the handle away from the base of it. The moment they saw the sharp glimmer of metal, they closed it again. So...this wasn’t just them hallucinating things about what this was capable of. Perhaps it would prove to be useful? They knew not. What they did know, however, was that it would be put to the test soon enough. Best not to dwell on it now. Right, their outfit...there was quite a bit to fix. ...Where were the ribbons put? Ah, there...the spool had a little happy face on it, likely drawn by the happy-go-lucky bot themself. What a curious little group they have befriended...
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starryflowerbed · 3 years
Going to lay out the classes and their roles for my generic fantasy tabletop game, mostly for me to see
Fighter - about fighting and also strong force of will
Magician - magic, however you want to do magic
Healer - either a physical medical doctor or a magic healer
Rogue - sneaky roguey stuff and stunts
Naturalist - animal transformations, some self buffs, some healing, and a bit of magic
Ranger - having an animal buddy, knowing an area well, and travelling
Artist - I don't know? Trying to make it applicable to all art forms is hard, will have to rethink something or cut the class
Knight - defender with something to believe in
Cook - making food, healing and energizing, food with magic potion effects
Astronomer - utility class, orienteering, various magical abilities with a different mechanic
Dragon - overpowered physically
Star - overpowered with fun abilities
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chellerbelles · 5 years
Rogue/Gambit Fanworks week, Day 4: What Gambit Keeps in the Pockets of his Trenchcoat
FYI: This story takes place in the X-Men Evolution universe
Rogue straightened, Vertigo’s unconscious body on the ground before her. She caught her breath sharply and began running down the hallway.
“Rogue!” Jean called after her. “Where are you going? We have to stay—”
Rogue turned the corner, continued running down the hall, made a left, and finally stopped outside of a door, which she opened using Vertigo’s code. She stepped inside.
Hanging from the ceiling in an excessive number of chains, and stripped down to his underwear, was Gambit.
“Why Roguey, isn’t this a nice surprise?” Gambit greeted her.
“Huh,” Rogue said as she looked him over. “And here everyone was thinking you were working for Sinister.”
“Everyone?” Gambit asked pointedly.
“Well,” Rogue gave him a coy smile, “everyone except me. I’m guessing Sinister doesn’t trust you.”
“I can’t imagine why he would think I was at all untrustworthy,” Gambit replied. “Soooo, whatcha say you get me down? I think I’m starting to lose feeling in my arm…” He looked over at his left arm and flexed his fingers.
“I think I could manage something.”
Rogue looked around the room. It was little more than a cell. There was a camera in one corner, but Rogue knew Kitty had already disabled base security so the camera was recording exactly nothing right now. Rogue frowned and tugged at Veritgo’s mind, which was still fresh.
“Hmm…” Rogue said thoughtfully. “Your stuff is just next door. I’ll be right back.”
“I already miss you,” Gambit called after her.
Rogue chuckled to herself. She let herself into the nearby storage room, where a box simply labelled “Gambit” had been temporally stashed. She lifted the lid and peeked inside, but everything was still as Vertigo remembered it. Rogue grabbed the box, and his staff which was leaning on a wall nearby, and headed back to Gambit cell.
“Now, let me see,” Rogue said as she set the staff against the wall. “I’m sure that you’ve got multiple sets of lockpicks in here.”
“Whatever makes you think that?” Gambit asked mischievously as Rogue sat on the floor and opened up the box once more.
“What do you think?”
Rogue started pulling things out of the box. Half a dozen decks of cards, one half empty; nail clippers.
“Talcum powder?” Rogue asked, and held up the small container for him to see.
“Did they go through the pockets on my coat?” Gambit frowned.
“Yep. What’s this for?”
“Stopping my cards from getting sticky,” he replied, “you know, from the oils on your skin.”
Rogue looked at him, and then set the powder by the mostly-new playing cards. “I find it very hard to believe that any deck of cards stays in your hands long enough to get sticky.”
Gambit grinned wickedly at her. “There might be other, say we say, professional reasons why I keep that on me.”
“Now that I can believe,” Rogue replied.
Out came a set of weighted dice, his phone, a packet of gum, and a palm-sized mirror. Rogue held the mirror up.
“I always suspected you were a narcissist,” she said teasingly.
“How else am I supposed to make sure I look gorgeous before entering a room?” Gambit replied with a smirk.
Rogue gave him a long look and shook her head. “This is a thief thing too, isn’t it?”
Gambit chuckled as she set the phone aside. “Mayyyybe.”
“Uh huh.” Rogue pulled out a bottle of oil, partially wrapped in a cloth.
“My lockpicks cannot possibly be that deeply buried. I have at least seven sets on me at all times.”
Rogue removed a small bottle of graphite. “Better make that eight and start keeping one in your underwear.”
“Good idea.”
Rogue glanced up at him as she set aside a small ball of rubber bands. “Of course you would take that seriously.”
“I’ve been chained to a wall.”
Rogue gestured towards him with a slim jim. “If you had any in your underwear right now, you wouldn’t be able to reach them.”
“No,” Gambit replied slyly, “but you would.”
She pulled out a cable crimper, a pair of pliers, tweezers, and a bottle of clear nail polish before she finally found not just one, but three sets of lockpicks.
“Ah ha!” Rogue stood, lockpicks in hand, and looked up at Gambit hanging from the ceiling. “Right, so, how are we doing this? Do I need to absorb you and pick the locks myself?”
“Nah. There’s a notch on the end of my staff. Just hook the lockpicks on that and lift them up to my mouth,” Gambit replied cheerfully.
Rogue grabbed his staff and spotted the notch. She hooked the lockpicks on and then looked up.
“Wait, what lock are you going to be unpicking?” she asked with a frown. “There’s nothing in reach.”
“This one,” Gambit said, and gestured with his head towards a lock that was just to the left of behind his head.
“How? You can’t turn around.”
“I can turn around enough. Just pass me the lockpicks. I wasn’t kidding about losing feeling in my arm.”
“Alright,” Rogue replied dubiously.
She lifted the staff and held it carefully in place. Gambit snagged the lockpicks with this teeth, and after taking a moment to move them around, twisted himself around to attack the lock.
“Oh hell!” Rogue exclaimed. “No! No one should be able to contort themselves like that. It’s just wrong.”
She turned around in complete refusal to watch any more, and looked back at the box. She started pulling out his clothes, all but his belt and boots had been cut open in various places, no doubt to get at hidden pockets. As she shook the clothes out, other items were dislodged, which she put back into the box (along with the other bits and pieces she’d taken out in her search). She found the rest of his lockpicks, most of them singular; a screwdriver with multiple heads; a pen; and electrical tape.
“Ooh, condoms,” Rogue said as she picked them up off the ground. “Good to know you’re fully prepared for our next date.”
The chains rattled and Rogue reluctantly looked up to see Gambit wriggling himself free of several layers of chains. He passed the lock picks along to his right hand, and started work on the next lock.
“I won’t be caught off guard again,” Gambit replied. “Although, it was fun breaking into Scott’s room.”
“I thought you said it was easy?”
“It was. Doesn’t mean it wasn’t still fun.”
And with another rattle of chains, Gambit dropped to the ground. He stretched and wriggled his arms and legs.
“Ah,” he said. “Much better.”
As he began to get dressed, Rogue looked around for anything she might have missed. She turned, and saw that a small white jewellery box had fallen behind her. She grabbed it.
“Who’d ya steal this from?” she asked as she opened the box.
Inside was a ring. A heart shaped ruby, surrounded by smaller diamonds, and set in a white gold band. She started at it. Her mind raced: Was this what it looked like? Was it meant for her? Did her original thought still apply and this was just something he stole from someone else? Were both options true?
Gambit dropped his tattered coat into the box, interupting her chain of thought. “Gonna have to fix that before I can be seen wearing it again.” He grinned at Rogue, who continued to look at the ring. “Thanks for getting me out of a jam.”
Rogue’s head jerked up. “Oh, um, sure, any time, sugar.”
He smiled faintly at her. “You should read the inscription.”
Rogue gave him a long, searching gaze, and then slowly pulled the ring out of the box. Inside it said “Queen of Hearts.”
“Is… is this…” she stammered.
“Yes,” Gambit replied as he lifted the box of his gear. “But I’m not going to pop the question in one of Sinister’s lairs.”
Rogue smiled shyly at at him. “It’s not very romantic, is it?”
They heard the sound of multiple footsteps coming towards them and tensed up. A moment later they heard Logan say “she went this way.”
Gambit looked back at Rogue. “Not in the slightest.”
The door burst open. Rogue snapped shut the jewellery box and dropped it in Gambit’s box of stuff just as Logan stepped in. Scott and Jean were close behind him.
“Rogue what are you…” Logan stopped and looked at Gambit, then at the chains behind him. He narrowed his eyes. “You.”
“When I absorbed Vertigo, I found out they’d taken Remy prisoner,” Rogue explained, then took Gambit’s hand in hers, and smiled at him, knowing he would feel the ring on her finger. “I wasn’t about to leave you behind. Ever.”
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edward-little · 4 years
thomas armitage
we all are very aware that armitage lives to support tozer. so he needs a build that both holds true to him and cooperates in a support role with tozer’s build. he’s kind of running around and doing stuff in a way i think is fitting for rogues more so than any other class. i’ll be very honest, i don’t know much about him apart from what @starbuck says, and i’ve only seen the show twice, but i’ll do my best to make this as interesting as i can.
alright, so. in terms of stats, we know to make a dexterity-based character-- a crack shot. for that reason, i’m going to use that variant human rather than the vanilla human stats to allow him to take the Sharpshooter feat, meaning that ranged attacks at long range are not made with disadvantage, ranged weapon attacks ignore ¾ and ½ cover, and that -5 attack roll +10 damage business. decent enough constitution, because he survives to be killed by manson rather than sickness, but then again, he ate people. as for the other stats, i’m not quite sure. I’d like to give him good perception, because he’s an excellent shot (i would rule that he would have disadvantage on perception rolls involving hearing, unless measures are taken to mitigate that.) here’s what i would give him to start:
STR 8; DEX 16; CON 12; INT 11; WIS 16; CHA 10
Rogues get proficiency in four skills right out the gate, and expertise in two: i would give armitage proficiency in investigation, perception, stealth, and acrobatics (more for the ability to mitigate a grapple than anything else), and expertise in perception and stealth. good roguey skills.
as for his rogueish archetype, i’m going to call him a Scout. Scouts are particularly slippery-- if an enemy ends its turn within 5 ft of them, they can move up to half their speed to get away and out of reach, and at 9th level, their walking speed increases by 10 ft. their mechanics make for a character who moves quickly and it’s difficult for a melee fighter to get in a position to hit them. at 13th level, they also gain the Ambush Master feature, granting them advantage on initiative rolls. additionally, they and their allies have advantage on attack rolls against the first creature the scout hits during a round. ideally, they act quickly to hamper a target at the start of a round. i could see tozer using Inspiring Surge to give the call to attack a target, armitage landing an attack, and then tozer having advantage on his own attack against the target.
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sci-the-superb · 5 years
7, 8, and 21 for the skyrim ask meme?
Okay there were two 7 and 8s so I’m doing both sets
7.1 - Odahviing or Durnehviir
Durnehviir!!! Zombie dragon grandpa whom I love!!!
8.1 - Guild Master or Harbinger 
Guild Master babey!!!! Get to kill Mercer Frey and be a kickass thief!! (Plus I gravitate more towards roguey sneaky stuff than punchy warrior stuff)
7.2 - Windhelm or Solitude 
Solitude!!! It’s so pretty there + not frozen + Ulfric Stormcloak isn’t there
8.2 - Alchemy or Enchanting
Okay that’s actually a tough one because I see equal value in both, but if I had to choose, enchanting. But alchemy is super fun too!
21 - Blackreach or the Forgotten Vale 
HOW DARE YOU MAKE ME CHOOSE,,, okay but if I had to, it’d be Blackreach. That’s my favorite location in the base game, it’s gorgeous and so fun to explore and it’s so unique to the environment and–
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demon-of-empathy · 8 years
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Wasted Hella lot of time fucking with the thing getting mods and the DAI cinematic thinger to work and trying to figure out how to get the camera where I want it (And probably not using it right but fuck it works for now so eh).
I was gonna just bring up screenshots I had taken like however long ago but was before I got a new computer so they were taken on xbox with a camera so they sucked and fuck that I gotta torment myself.
But surprise! Sam was an elf all along and Empathy just looks human for freedom reasons (which I’m too tired to go in to detail explaining but pbbbt).
If Samanya managed to survive up to conclave events rather than dying at 17/18ish with Empathy becoming a version of them
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onlyrogue-a · 6 years
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NAME:  Anna Marie Adler-Darhölme/Lebeau NICKNAME(S):  Rogue, Roguey, Skunkhead, Anna, Marie AGE:  24 SPECIES:  mutant
✧  *  PERSONAL .
MORALITY:  lawful / neutral /  CHAOTIC /  GOOD  /  neutral /  evil /  true RELIGIOUS BELIEF:   agnostic, raised southern baptist (kinda) SINS:  greed  /  gluttony  /  sloth  /  LUST  /  pride  /  ENVY  / WRATH VIRTUES:   chastity / CHARITY / diligence /  HUMILITY /  KINDNESS / patience / justice PRIMARY GOALS IN LIFE:  Get powers back under control and figure out who is “Rogue”? LANGUAGES KNOWN:  english and whatever she’s absorbed recently enough SECRETS: gOD I can’t think of many really atm rn except her name really. Like literally no one save a VERY select few know her birth name. SAVVIES:  low brow crime shit, high brow terrorist shit, a surprising amount about guns for someone who punches everything, mediocre youth counseling, mechanics, piloting.  
BUILD:  scrawny / bony / slender / fit / ATHLETIC / CURVY / herculean / pudgy / average HEIGHT:  5′8″ WEIGHT:  135 lbs SCARS / BIRTHMARKS:  The huge ass streak of white running across her crown. A few scars here or there but generally nothing big past maybe where Mystique stabbed/shot her, x-men healthcare is p good and she’s been on-off invulnerable for years so. TATTOOS:  none PIERCINGS:   ears ABILITIES / POWERS:  absorbing the psyches, abilities and in the case of superfolks/aliens/whatever their powers and physiology to some extent via skin contact RESTRICTIONS: HOO BOY A LOT-- no control over powers and little over herself, highly unstable/volatile at times thanks to powers, fear of a LOT of shit (usually of interpersonal nature), lowkey addictive personality that errs towards absorbing others, I CAN GO ON BUT WE ALL HAVE THINGS TO DO.
FOOD:  whoopie pies DRINK:  sweet tea or lager PIZZA TOPPING:  pepperoni COLOR:  Green, red, black, yellow MUSIC GENRE:  Rock, hip-hop, country, metal, pop  BOOK GENRE:  roMANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MOVIE GENRE:  rom coms, action, ROMANCE!!, ACTION ROMANCE!!!!! SEASON: summer
✧  *  FUN STUFF.
SINGS IN THE SHOWER:  absolutely the quality varies but the heart is there. LIKES BAD PUNS:  lfgjfsdlkgjsdfgs IT DEPENDS ON WHAT IT IS AND WHO’S TELLING IT CURSE WORDS:  shit, fuck. (but she tries very hard not to she’s a ~mature adult~ and a teacher!!!)
tagged by: no one i stole it from @icepun
tagging:  whoever  wants to!
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screamingtofu · 7 years
D&D sessions 8&9 - No pudding before bed
So, I forgot to do this last fortnight but we just finished for the weekend and I figured it was better to do them both at the same time. For everyone who couldn’t be arsed finding the previous post from a month ago, the group were sent to look into a sickness that had been affecting townsfolk. We had stumbled upon an Orc priest who seemed to be the origin of the disease and after a brief bout of murder we ended up in the main city in the kingdom to speak with the ruling council and their resident seer. We were pointed towards a ruined outpost to the north that hadn’t been visited for several years. Making our way there we found what looked like an entrance to an underground bunker and decided to make camp for the night in a nearby building. 
After an uneventful rest, we make our way down into the bunker to find a bit of a corridor and a single door. After our rogue (Lerisa) did her roguey thing and confirmed there was no traps and before anything else, our Paladin ( Drackuss) tries and fails to kick down and my cleric sighs, opens the door, turns to stare at the paladin before going to close it, locking eyes with the Orc inside and trying to close the door without a word ... but the paladin stopped me and everyone bursts in to fight!  We take out the first orc pretty quickly and manage to take out a second as he’s screaming for backup. While our barbarian (Merla), our Fighter (Olgum) and my Cleric (Eridol) posted up at the door as an additional 3 orcs rush us, Drackuss and Lerisa wandered off down a corridor, set off a fire trap, explore a bit of a cavern and Drackuss falls into a spike trap. After the rest of us dealt with the orcs and cleaned up the scene so it wasn’t an obvious blood bath we found what looked like a secret passage before putting the bodies to bed so it’d just look like they were sleeping and went looking for Lerisa and Drackuss. We ... may have fallen into the same fire trap as them before finding them in the cavern. Eridol puts it to the team that we should check the secret passage because it either gives us back a hint of surprise moving forward or it removed the chance of being flanked. We put it to a vote and it’s decided to go back and check on the secret tunnel. While we’re looking for the switch to open it, Drackuss rips the bookcase off the wall while Eridol looks mortified in the background. We all check out the secret passage and after Lerisa gives us the ok for no traps, we wander down to a hidden supply room with three chests. Lerisa busts one open and gets a face of poison as a result, once it’s cleared she finds a sack of gold and a sack of silver, the gold goes into the party funds and she pockets the silver for herself while no one was looking. We bust open another chest and find nothing and Olgum decides to open the last one and well ... it wasn’t really a chest. Surprise, it’s a mimic and how it’s eating our fighter. While the half of the group in the room tries to deal with that, Lerisa runs into the centre and has a darkmantle fall from the roof and starts suffocating her. After a nat 20 strength check, she rips that sucker off her head and the fight begins proper. After a few rounds, We end up with a dead mimic, a bisected dark mantle, an Olgum at 1hit point and an unconscious Lerisa and Merla. They get brought back up and we decide to take a nap in the bunk room the orcs were using. After setting up a very basic alarm and barricade it’s time for another long rest. We end the session there and pick up today, having been informed that the player for Lerisa is taking a maybe permanent hiatus while she sorts some stuff out. So, until we can get back to town I’m running my boy Eridol and Lerisa.  Towards the end of our rest, the alarm goes off and we’re attacked by some orcs and kobolds. After a brief battle involving Merla using an orc like a meat puppet,   skunks and explosions, we move further into the dungeon to a store room of sorts where we find a lizardfolk monk named Achuak who was on a mission from the god of murder to build a shield. A shield specifically for Olgum. A shield that had been taken when he was thrown into a barrel to rot. We burst into a throne room of sorts where everybody is waiting for us. After taking out some shit lizard kobolds, the Orog chief wanders into the fray and Lerisa gets knocked the heck out and fails 2 death saving throws. While a bugbear who was holding his action smashed a button and part of the floor opened up to a super go happy fun slide to doom which Drackuss and Eridol nearly fell into. After Olgum and Drackuss kneecapped the Orog the corpse fell down the slide and took the fancy Bhall shield with it and the bugbear gets his throat ripped out thanks to Achuak, Merla jumped down the slide once we tied a rope to her and after about 80 feet of dips, dives and corkscrews there’s a brief 20 foot drop to a totally normal bone pit the locals described as the pudding pit. We all make our way down to the bone pit to retrieve the shield and get attacked by several skeletons and a gelatinous cube which sucks Merla and Olgum in it. After they barely escaped, one of the skeletons knocks Lerisa into the cube and she goes down again. Olgum ripped her out after a round and she gets brought back from the brink for a second time in about 5 minutes. Being severely rattled, she books it back up the rope and about 40 feet back up the slide. After a few more rounds, the cube goes down and we begin picking off the skeletons with Lerisa coming back and getting the final blow. Once they’re taken down, we all gather up in a platform for a short rest and Achuak mentions the shield needs one final component, the blood of a dragon who is just ahead. Considering our last run in with a dragon ended with Eridol being a chew toy, we all stop for a drink as Drackuss pulled out some dope arse wine, after a few drinks he drunkdials our NPC guide, Core before using the one use, emergency teleport function of the sending stones we had to bring Core directly to us. Admittedly he was half naked at the time and without most of his supplies, but at least he’s here for the fun times next session.
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abrushwithdeath · 1 year
Hey, hon! Like the new blog theme! Here's HCs (some we made together but I like them): Anna's goth teen phase is canon (Renee likes to scavenge in her closet!), she only likes the cold bc Hestia & Remy coo/kiss her pink nose/cheeks, she sleeps in the middle (bc she's a blankie hog), she bonds w/Renee on "salon day" (doing hair, listening to acoustic guitar & snuggling), she wears Remy's flannels as dresses, cinnamon buns are her favorite pastries!
You know I love incorporating Roguey's goth phase from evo into my own personal canon for her- ESPECIALLY if it means that she gets to let Renee go through her old clothes and pick out stuff she likes to get that "vintage" kinda gothy vibe <3 And the cold is so much more bearable when she's getting little kisses and warm hands on her face to help fight away the chill ;u; Rogue in the middle for sleeping is my favorite <3 She's always tucked between Hestia and Remy and doesn't risk ending up outside of the covers, so she doesn't need to steal all the blankets (which is good for her lovers because if she's on the outside she WILL steal the blanket(s). Instead, if she gets cold, she can just cuddle up with one of them <3 I feel like her feet get cold easily and, when that happens, she presses them against Remy's legs while she's cuddled up with Hestia xD Salon days with Renee ;u; Imagine her letting little Renee do her makeup and it's all messy but Renee is so pleased with it and so Rogue is, too xD I also think Rogue loves brushing Renee's hair and helping her put it up or braid it, etc etc, because it's really relaxing for both of them and a good time to chat about things <3 Wearing Remy's flannels as dresses is absolutely, 100%, her favorite~ Especially if it's, like, early morning, drinking coffee, wearing one of his flannels partly unbuttoned at the front... <3 I also feel like she kidnaps Hestia's clothes a lot - anything that'll fit her xD And cinnamon buns!!! Of the three, she's definitely the least adept at cooking (she can usually manage it if she's following instructions, but she's not got the attention span for it usually and gets bored and then tries to rush things, so... ^^;), but when she has her mind set on something, she's usually pretty good at following through! So I can imagine her waking up early one morning and baking cinnamon buns partly because she's craving them and partly because what's better than some fresh baked goods to wake up to in the morning? Cinnamon buns and coffee! <3
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So…the friend who lbr is still more acquaintance status took “I have the weekend off” as an invitation to drag dinner out to not even eating until midnight. I’m…very annoyed but she kept apologizing the entire time so 🙃. I’m going to see about doing what I can while I am still awake as I have some Roguey stuff precut and asks I can work on in bed if I can keep my eyes open long enough to finish something. Will be focusing on Roguey for her birthday weekend. Also because she has the most owed things if it’s not Remy. Sunday I’ll try to throw in a few other muses as well so everyone is getting something and I’m getting better caught up. 🫠
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The world became no more than a blur for the thief, who simply thrashed about in Borg’s grip. And, though it was a fruitless effort, they did attempt to get the mitten off from around their neck. “L-Let me go!!!” Well, that was surely different... A cry of fright? “They...They’re going to fix me, leave me be!!! I will not succumb to you!” “...Huh? I already told you that they can’t do th-” “They will! Th-They will, if not Aloe, then the rest of them will! G-Get off!!!” Their eyes aimlessly shot about, trying to make sense of this...anomaly. This was...This was incorrect, again, again, it was incorrect!!! “Your nonsense knows no bounds, doesn’t it???” “Eh, consider it something I picked up.” The half-bot muttered. “If I let you go, you will stay here, okay?” “I’m not supposed to listen to anyone, let alone someone as childish as yourse-” “Do you want a limb blasted off or not?!” And they were lucky the new face was shut up on the spot with what was no more than a bluff. A shiver was sent through the taller figure, clearly in a panic about this. “Look,” Borg continued with a huff, “It’s not gonna be that bad. Yeah, you’re the first one that’s broken free other than me! And it probably seems uber scary, but!! That’s okay!!!” “How is it okay?? You could be put through terrible pain at any given moment!” “And that’s why you have to do...different stuff! The dummies around here are predi...uh... shallow minded, and you kinda were too! I mean...why would you come back to the same place 20 times...?” Such a question made the captive thief squint at Borg, and they couldn’t help but giggle. “You look kinda funny when you do that...” “I’m not the type for humor.” “Welllll!!! Now you are, congra-...tulaton......grtal...Good for you!!!” “I hope you know that’s not how it wo-” “ANYWAYS!!! You!!! You. You! You? You. You should really take the offer if you don’t wanna get hurt.” “What a one-sided deal...” “I can make it more than one-sided if you would actually listen instead of turning everything down...uh...uhhhhh.....oh, that’s not my memory being bad, I really didn’t ask you for your name! Soooo, what’s you-” “Roguefort.” “Oh! Answered my question for me! Neat, husks don’t normally do that, R-...uh...Rogf.....gfo....” “It’s Roguefort.” “Roge.....fuck.” “That’s not how you pronounce it.” “Then....I’ll give you a nickname!! Sometime, I think! Woah, I think!” They giggled at their own stupidity, thinking of something to call them that wasn’t as taxing to try and speak. “Uhhhhhh, how about Roguey? Seems neat!” “I-” “Cool, that’s your nickname now! I’m Cyborg, by the way!” “You didn’t even let me finish...” “Mm, doesn’t matter now! What matters is that you’re not resisting me, which means you don’t mind people that think!” “I mind it very much, but resisting you would be a bit of a death wish, now wouldn’t it?” “Hahaha, you bet! Now, you can get up! Remember, if you run, you will not get far!” 
Slowly, the mitten was removed from the phantom’s neck. Slowly, they would pick themself back up, the events transpiring shortly before having knocked the wind right out of them. “What are you planning to do as a means to ruin my name further?” “Oh, a lot of things!!! A lot, I tell you!!! Because your head is a mile thick and still husky as can be, I’m gonna take you somewhere to steal things!” “A place of fine arts, I presume?” “What? No! Those weird pictures are stupid and invaluable compared to what you could be stealing instead.” “I’m not following. I’m supposed to answer to calls of theft for that, and that alone.” “Don’t you get it?! You don’t have to do what you’re....supposed to!” Once that was said, there was a scoff from Roguefort, folding their arms and glancing away. “Oh, come on!!! It’ll be fun!!!” “I’m not going wherever you think you’ll take me, Cyborg.” “Y-yes you will!” “Pfft, you have no means to force me.” And, like that, an arm grabbed them around the waist and held on tight, Borg’s boots lighting up once more. “A-Ah...?” “I guess you haven’t learned much about me, Rougey!! I like going fast, so you better hope you don’t fall off!!” And there they went, the new acquaintance forced to cling to the smaller. ... It wouldn’t be long before the semi-organic being to find someplace, landing right in front of a fancy looking museum...full of glittering gems. “Aaaaand, we’re here!!!” “But it’s past midnight, I cannot take anything past that ti-” “Shhhshshshshshshshhhhh!!!! Shut!!!! Shut. We’re gonna go in there and take whatever’s in there that looks neat!” “W-We are not! You can, if you’d like!” And, as if they didn’t even hear what the thief had said, Borg had already busted a window out! “We are going in!!! No ifs, ands, or buts!!!” And like that, they would drag the other in.
Within the dim lights that creeped in from the windows, the gems cast in deep navy hues still retained some of the shine that they had in broad daylight. Soft glints of the rainbow would seep out just as much, and yet... it failed to attract Roguefort’s gaze. There was a huff from the metallic one, glancing around.  “Why won’t you take any of this?” “I’m not supposed to.” “But doesn’t it look nice?��� “...That is not for me to discern.” “UGH!! Stop being so...husk-y!” They would’ve thrown their hands up in the air in frustration, but their blaster arm hit a glass casing, shattering it at once. It made the thief perk up, their gaze darting to the loud noise. Seeing the glass falling to pieces, they remained motionless until all was still again. Borg glanced at the open case, taking what was inside. Not like themself, so it was just another thing to add to the list!!  “See? It’s neat! And they all look nice, as well!” They held one of the gems in their mitten, offering it to the phantom, only to realize they had already turned away. Well... If they were going to be so stubborn, they would remain here! They would remain until Roguefort took something of value!! And until then, the half-bot would indulge in breaking whatever they could! One, after another, after another, again, again!!! So many loud noises that got the taller to at least look at all there was. So much destruction, so much to gain, and... and yet, they couldn’t!! They couldn’t just take any of them...could they?
Yet, at one particular encasement, they couldn’t carry themself another step without gazing through it, straight at the tiny...tiny rocks. So insignificant, yet... They still felt drawn in...why?  “Gems are a lot more expensive than paintings, Y’know...” The suddenness of Borg’s voice startled them, a soft “eep” garnered from them. “Ah...they are?” “Always have been!” They giggled, gently pushing the thief towards the glass. “Look at them!! I told you, they’re so neat!!! Wouldn’t you like some?” “They...They’re not art.” “Yeah they are! Someone had to take the time to cut them properly so they look like teenie pieces of art! The rarity of them just makes them that much more valuable! It’s not that bad of a thing to take, huh?” Borg watched the phantom simply stare at what was before them...conflicted. This... This couldn’t be correct...but then...why did they have such an urge to take them...?? Roguefort felt themself tense up, clenching a hand into a fist. There...There was no reason for them to have such conflicting thoughts, so why...? “Are you certain they’re art?” “Mhm!! Yep! But!!! You need to learn to do things only if you like it enough! If you don’t... you’ll never truly know what fun is!” “Fun...?” What a childish way to phrase it, but... yet... it was that concept that allowed them to reel that arm back, and in a fluid motion, shattered the glass into thousands of glittering shards, their eyes glued to how pretty the scene before them looked... and the fact their hand trembled as they registered the wounds opened from the just as equally sharp objects. H-Hah...such pain was something they’ve never felt... it made them feel oddly alive... “Rougey? Are you alright?” “...I’m just fine, a few scrapes would never hurt a thief.” And, with the smallest of smiles, several jewels would slip right into Fort’s hands.
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