#doctor Lázaro
ichayalovesyou · 2 years
El Hotel De Los Secretos Ep. 11 Reaction
Well, Julio is unsurprisingly getting his ass beat for having no chill when confronting Genaro about his dealings with Cristina. Oooh shit they beat him unconscious, good thing Dagoberto and Atala were already there.
The journey of finding Serapio Ayala even more endearing continues. Dagoberto woke Julio’s ass up with cold water and Ayala’s like “what the hell man you could’ve been way nicer about that!” I really do like him fr fr.
Ok Ayala is starting to have more and more grandpa energy by being surprisingly kind and patient w/ Julio. He DID notice Julio’s got a little crescent moon tattoo on his bicep that gave him pause!! I wonder what the significance of that is! (Other than being excellent fuel for my Vampire/Werewolf fanfic idea).
OK, Benjamin (the head butler) having a son he wishes he could visit much more often absolutely tracks with how fondly he treats Andrés. Of course Teresa is rude about it 🙄. Mercedes continuing to be ridiculously awesome and endearing and leaving Felipe in the dust like “bitch I’m a military brat you think I don’t know how to ride a horse?! Watch me!” I love her!!
GOD you know what I do actually feel bad for Alfredo, he’s not totally innocent but it’s not like he intentionally knocked Sofía down the stairs. His biggest crime so far has been ignorance. All he wants to do is well by his wife and future child, the remorse is very real. But Sofía is fully under her mother’s thumb and almost just as scared of Alfredo’s mother as she is of her own.
Noooo 😭 not Isabel and Andrés frantically asking each other “where’s Julio?” at the same time goddddd. They’re seriously so alike, pobrecito Andrés is like “he didn’t come back last night 🥺” I’m normal I am NORMAL I promise I’m normal!
It’s so weird when you can’t stand a character but love to see how she’ll be awful next and not even like a fun villain way but in a “oh god what is she up to NOW?” way. Literally all Ángela did was ask Natalia if Belén had dated anyone else and Belén is all “I’m feeling SO bullied rn” and tries to sick Teresa on her??? Like, girl, really?! Teresa only wants your baby, she doesn’t care about your ass!
Matilde is here! She really went “surprise bitch, let’s go to the pool Isabel bby! 😎” meanwhile Jacinto out here swallowing his tongue because he ain’t got the guts to tell Isabel what Diego has ordered him to do.
Sooooo 😤 Teresa is making Belén Ángela’s new assistant in order to keep her from going after her and DAMN that “we punish others for the mistakes we can’t forgive ourselves for.” Line is so RAW. Teresa is such an intriguing character, she’s awful but she acts unusually human around Ángela, it’s fascinating. And as much as Ángela is on the money about Belén being Extremely Awful, Teresa is also RIGHT, ugggggh 😍
Aw! Hell yeah, Jacinto sticking his neck out and going to search for Julio personally since Isabel and Matilde can’t take the car. Guess it’s time for poor Isabel to get dragged into Sofia and Alfredo’s marital disputes, maybe she can talk a little sense (maybe even strength) into Sofia… or not 😬 but you know what? Isabel is being a good sister anyway even tho she’s really worried about Julio. Matilde is like “girl you are out here giving too much of yourself.” I KNEW I was gonna frickin like her!!
Ah I see, it’s time to replace Dr. Santamaría since Teresa kicked him out for trying to be honest. Oh of COURSE promoting Belén gets her a raise, honestly that’s probably what Señorita García was looking for in the first place when she went to Teresa, she’s a sly vixen for sure. Ooh! Nice fake out but I still don’t think Teresa knows Diego is Belén’s baby daddy but knowing her she’ll probably find out soon 👀
OHHHH okay! The little moon tat is an anti-Profieran thing ok ok ok ok. Ayala is letting Julio off with a warning but THIS type of thing must’ve been what the actors/show runners were talking about when they said o e of the unique changes they made from the original Spanish Gran Hotel was adapting the story to Mexico’s history at that time. Oh my goddd the little historian in my brain is eating this shit up!! I have so much to look up later!
Matilde smacking Isabel upside the head with logic like “lemme get this straight, you’re engaged to that asshole Montejo, so how are you gonna juggle that and going back to school AND this lil’ crush you got” MAN Isabel NEEDED somebody who isn’t out to get something from her who’s like, on her level! This is gonna be such a good character dynamic I was getting sooo bored of the only other decent person she got to banter with being Julio. And like, Andrés a little but Andrés has all that internalized classism shit going on and won’t speak with her like she’s his equal (at least not yet).
?!?!?? Ok ok ok SOMEBODY just paid the telegram guy for information (reporting Teresa and Diego’s appearance in town and the telegrams they sent) we don’t get to see their face or hear their voice and Pascual is dead OMFG what if it’s CRISTINA?!?!???!
Okayyyy, new character just got introduced that makes my blood run cold about things that I know happen later. We’ve got our new doctor and I’m making some new, disquieting connections in my head. Never trust anyone directly on Teresa’s payroll, not ever 🤐 Dr. Lazaro has quite an iconic voice tho, I feel like I’ve heard him somewhere else. Okay so Doc Lazaro recognizes Diego’s last name and Diego’s hackles went up. So many shady motherfuckers up in here! 👀
Okay so we’re getting some implications that Jacinto miiiiiiiiiiiight be Violeta’s baby daddy?? I don’t think so though considering he didn’t behave as though he recogiese her in the market a few episodes ago. Regardless, his weird possessiveness of her when he doesn’t know her is starting to verge from tragic to creepy and I hope some stuff happens to make it Not That. Julio has returned to do thing the more reasonable way. Genaro’s information on his sister… for more fighting *SIGH*
And according to Genaro, Cristina stole raw materials from the hotel to sell to him and that she did indeed get fired for stealing but even if that is true I have the sneaking suspicion that isn’t the whole story or Genaro has good reason to fuck with him.
Oh WOW we are already implying Matilde has a thing for old men I had HEARD she and Serapio are a thing but that side comment about Doc Lazaro being handsome is amazing foreshadowing if true.
Isabel is so relieved Julio is back and Andrés is doing the whole “I’m gonna be mad about something else but really I’m angry with you for scaring me” thing. Aaaand yet again we have resident porcupine Julio taking out his fear for his sister onto Isabel, the only totally innocent Alarcón in this entire god dang family because, and I can’t emphasize this enough, he’s an idiot (affectionate and derogatory).
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the-trinket-witch · 1 year
New TWST OC Hub!
(NOTE: All art depicted is a combination of freehand art and sprite manipulation, So I cannot say this is wholly my own hand. As well, SD sprites are created via this picrew and edited further by me.)
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Albert Eastwind (アルバート・イーストウィンド):
(TWST OF: Mary Poppins)
Age: 17
Pronouns: He/Him (わたくし)
Birthday: Aug 27
Height: 5'9" (175cm)
Class: 2-C (Student 64)
Homeland: Altus (Queendom of Roses)
Best Class: Practical Magic
U.M: 'Step in Time'- Can slow time around up to 15ft (4.5m), can only use up to an hour of time (passes as 5 minutes IRT). Buildup of blot makes use of <1hr dangerous.
Likes: Taking care of others
Dislikes: 'Piecrust Promises' (lying or sparing someone their feelings)
Personality: Cheerful, practical, self-flagellating, one to suffer in silence, truthful, wordy, uplifting, formal
Nicknames: Swordfish (Floyd), Monsieur Parapluie (Rook)
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Eugenio 'Yuu' Hernandez (エウヘニオ・ヘルナンデス)
Age: 16
Pronouns: They/Them (僕)
Birthday: May 15
Height: 5'4" (162cm)
Class: 1-A (Student 13)
Homeland: Alameda, CA, USA
Best Class: P.E
U.M: 'Beast Tamer'-not magical, but the threat of La Chancla upside one's head tends to put rowdy schoolboys in line
Likes: Cooking, learning about Twisted Wonderland, days off
Dislikes: Overblotting, Some of the Dorm Leaders, having to do Crowley's go-for work, going hungry
Personality: Pragmatic, wry, inexperienced, mature, tired, fun-seeking
Nicknames: Shrimpy (Floyd), Monsieur Trickster (Rook)
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Tidus Rhin (ティダス・ライン)
(TWST OF: Archimedes-The Little Mermaid (TV Series))
Age: 16
Pronouns: He/Him (自分)
Birthday: Nov 17
Height: 7ft (213cm)
Class: 1-C (student 50)
Homeland: Coral Sea
Best Class: History
U.M: 'Fathom's Below'- Can use infrasound frequencies to cause a variety of physical/psychological effects
Likes: Human Culture
Dislikes: Being used exclusively for his strength
Personality: Bubbly, curious, naive, scholarly, headstrong, tame, protective
Nicknames: Jinbei (Floyd), Monsieur Vaste (Rook)
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Lázaro Muertinez (ラサロ・ムエルティネス)
Age: 18
Pronouns: He/Him (俺)
Birthday: Nov 2
Height: 6'0" (182cm)
Class: 3-D (Student 42)
Homeland: Land of Dawning
Best Class: Music
U.M: 'Recuérdame'-digs up lost memories of those who hear him playing music. Memories are random.
Likes: Playing any instrument he can get his hands on
Dislikes: Art theft
Personality: Cheery, familial, boisterous, spontaneous, savant, festive
Nicknames: Celebes (Floyd), Roi de la Guitare (Rook)
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Aadesh Sona (アーデシュ・ソナ)
Age: 28
Pronouns: He/Him (俺-様)
Birthday: Oct 18
Height: 6'5" (195cm)
Subject: 'Counselor' (Inside Trader/Intel Gatherer)
Homeland: Sunset Savannah
Species: Beastman (Constrictor)
U.M: 'Silver Mist'-lowers brainwave activity, putting people to sleep. Cannot influence actions via UM itself, but has a degree in psychology so only needs to have one in a more suggestible state.
Likes: Having the upper hand, Praise from Mr Khan, power
Dislikes: Things not going his way, Knots in his tail, Kids too smart for their own good
Personality: Conceited, intelligent, scheming, two-faced, obsequious, manipulative, eloquent, self-serving
Nicknames: Scaly Bastard (various), Creepy Constrictor (various) Doctor (clients)
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The Janitor (管理人-さん)
(TWST of: Myself! My Actual 'Self insert')
Age: 6 months
Pronouns: They/Them (自分)
Birthday: Sept. 15
Height: 5'4" (163cm)
Role: Janitor
Homeland: Nightraven College Science Lab
Species: Construct (animated anatomical model)
U.M: N/A (Has a charm that makes their sign language understood by those they communicate with)
Likes: Cleaning, free time, learning about 'Life'
Dislikes: Purposefully messy areas, People not understanding their signs, (eventually) being treated as a slave
Personality: detail-oriented, tidy, tired, sassy, overworked, nonchalant, wry
Nicknames: Handybones (various), Bones Malone (various), The Assistant (Sam), 'Oh Shit You Scared Me' (various), The Walking Halloween Decoration (various) Glassfish (Floyd), Souverain de Propreté (Rook)
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Rajesh Khan (レージェシュ カン)
(TWST of: Shere Khan-Jungle Book)
Age: 53
Pronouns: He/Him (俺-様)
Birthday: Nov. 17
Height: 5'9" (175cm)
Career: CEO (Khan Corp.)
Homeland: Scalding Sands
Species: Beastman (Tiger)
U.M: 'King of the Jungle' Magically amplifies his infrasound roar, making it easier to intimidate.
Likes: Exotic food, smooth business dealings, news from Aadesh, opera, body building
Dislikes: Insubordination, lack of information, kicks to the knee
Personality: Austere, collected, explosive, cutthroat, confident
Nicknames: Sir, Mr Khan
Finally also: the Voice Claim Trailer
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princessamyrose87 · 1 year
knuckles spin-off series cast
Vector the Crocodile - Bruce Campbell, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Micheal B. Jordan, Seth rogen
Espio the Chameleon - Daisuke Tsuji, l.j. benet
Charmy Bee - Colleen o'Shaughnessey, Jacob Tremblay
Mighty The Armadillo - Micheal Mando, Micheal B. Jordan, Brady noon
Ray The flying squirrel - Tara Strong, Hudson Meek
Fang The Sniper - John Patrick Lowrie, Hugh Jackman, Karl Urban,
Bean The Dynamite - Aziz Ansari, Steven Ogg
Chief Pachacamac - Danny Trejo Sofía
Tikal the Echidna - Díana Bermudez, Ana de la Reguera, Selene Luna, Sofía Espinosa, Isabela Merced, Salma Hayek, Nisa Gunduz
E-102 Gamma - Corey Burton
Wendy Witchcart - Mia Goth, Shohreh Aghdashloo, Harriet Samson Harris
Battle Kukku XV - Nolan North
Speedy XVI - Maria Bakalova
Dr. Fukurokov - Mark Ivanar
Breezie The Hedgehog - Regina King, Janelle Monáe, Jena Malone, Pollyanna McIntosh
Vanilla The Rabbit - Maggie Robertson
Amy Rose - Kimiko Glenn, Anna kendrick
Big The Cat - Dave Fennoy, Patrick Warburton, Micheal B Jordan, Kevin Chamberlin
Cream the Rabbit - Melissa Hutchison, sabrina glow
Sticks the Badger - Margot Robbie, Paola Lázaro
Gerald Kintobor - Ron Perlman
Maria Kintobor - Mkeena Grace
Commander Abraham Tower - Frank Anthony Grillo
Subject Shadow The Hedgehog (Terios Kintobor) - (Paramount stated they want an A-list celebrity to voice Shadow) Keanu Reeves, Robert Pattinson, Pedro Pascal, Oscar Isaac, Micheal B Jordan
Rouge The Bat - Chloé Hollings, Marion Cotillard, Mélanie Laurent, Camille Cottin, Jordana Lajoie, Scarlett johansson
Tom Wachowski’s father - Bob Odinkirk, Dustin Hoffman, Bill Murray, Micheal Keaton, Kurt Russell, John Goodman
Metal Sonic - Ben Schwartz(robotic filter)
E-123 Omega - Micheal B Jordan, Terry Crews, Jon Bernthal
Hazard The Bio-Lizard (Marzanna Kintobor) - Ivana Miličević
Void TrapDark - Jude Law, Dane DeHaan, Gerald Way, Scott Williams, Freddie Highmore,
Lumina Flowlight - Tabitha St. Germain
Blaze’s Mother - Janina Gavankar, Sakina Jaffrey
Blaze The Cat (Indian/British accent) - Priyanka Chopra, Devika Bhise, Varada Sethu, Simone Ashley, Ulka Simone Mohanty, Natasha Chandel
Marine the Raccoon - Sia, Katie Bergin, Bella Heathcote, Isla Lang Fisher, Rylee Alazraqui, Kendal Rae
Blaze’s Rival: Frost The Axotol(example)- Michelle Yeoh, Fala Chen, Antony Starr
Jet’s Father - Matt Ryan, Iwan Rheon
Jet The Hawk - Tony Hawk, Aaron Paul, Christopher Mintz-Plasse, Dante Basco, Ken Jeong, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Jimmy O. Yang
Wave The Swallow - Sarah Margaret Qualley
Storm the Albatross (pacific, Oceania) - Dave Batista, Taylor Wily
Emerl The Gizoid - Augus Imrie, Kendal Rae,
Clutch The Possum - Micheal Rooker, Benjamin Byron Davis, Robert Allen Wiethoff
Tangle The Lemur - Lauren Keke Palmer, Brenda Song
Whisper The Wolf - Stefanie Joosten, Ana de Armas
Mimic The Octopus - Richard Colin Brake
Doctor Starline - Troy Baker, Hugh Grant,
Starline’s Love interest and partner -
Rough and Tumble the Skunks - Will Ferrell and John C. Reily, Jordan Peele and Keegan-Michael Key
Surge The Tenrec - Rachel Bloom, AJ Michalka
Kitsunami The Fennec Fox - Michael Cera, Kyle McCarley
Zavok - Christopher Judge, John Cena, Jon Bernthal
Master Zik - Frank Oz, Randall Duk Kim, Dustin Hoffman
Zeena -Mindy Kaling
Zor - Jaeden Martell, Dane DeHaan, Gerald Way
Zazz - Danny Brown,
Zomom - T.J. Miller
Black Doom -
,Keith David https://youtu.be/9LmOwEfPHUo
, Jackie Earle Haley - https://youtu.be/sF8zxctevXc
, Jon Bernthal - https://youtu.be/sDp4AuNen0Y
, Sean Schemmel -
, Ray Porter - https://youtu.be/aR8p4DIpxxE
,Karl Urban - https://youtu.be/ccF3uvpJ96I
Eclipse The Darkling - Norman Reedus
Callisto The Darkling - Carrie-Anne Moss
Dark Oak - Jeremy Irons
Black Narcissus - Angelina Jolie
Pala Bayleaf - John Leguizamo
Yellow Zelkova - Terry Crews
Red Pine - Pat Casey or Josh Miller
Cosmo The Seedrian - Carol Anne Day, Liliana Mumy
Lyric The Ancient(Owl like Longclaw) - Jackie Earle Haley
Johnny Lightfoot - Taron Egerton
Tekno The Canary - Paula Burrows
Porker Lewis - John Boyega, Daniel Radcliffe
Shorty “Shortfuse” The Cybernik - Cillian Murphy, Barry Sloane
Ebony The Cat - Gratiela Brancusi
Sonia The Hedgehog - Kiernan Shipka, Evan Rachel Wood, Isabella Merced, Jena Malone
Manic The Hedgehog - Joe Keery
Sally Acorn - Zendaya Maree Stoermer Coleman
Antoine D’Coolette - Tomer Capone, Bradley Cooper(hes fluent in French)
Bunnie Rabbot - Alex McKenna
Rotor The “Boomer” Walrus - John Cena
Nicole The Holo-Lynx - Ashly Burch
Lupe The Wolf - Amber Midthunder
Dulcy The Dragon - America Ferrera
Chip - Tom Holland, Freddie Highmore
Professor Dillion Pickle - Ian McKellen
Imperator Ix - Gary Oldman
Shade The Echidna - Lady Gaga
Infinite The Jackal - Kit Harington, Jon Bernthal
Silver The Hedgehog - Steven Yeun
Gold The Tenrec - Simone Ashley
Professor Von Schlemmer - Matthias Schweighöfer
Dr. Negan Robotnik a.k.a Eggman Neo - J.K. Simmons, Jeffery Dean Morgan, Giancarlo Esposito, Bryan Cranston, Pedro Pascal
Dr. Grimer Wormtongue - Ian McShane, Jackie Earle Haley
Chris thorndyke - Graham Verchere
Frost the hobidon - Dakota lotus
Juliet suter - Sydney Scotia
Antia/tania - Cassie glow
Perci - Stephanie lemelin
Preteen bokkun - Brett Gray
Park ranger - Patrick Warburton
Ashe - peyton r. perrine iii
Burst wisp - cherami Leigh
Uncle Charles - David Lengel
Bernadette - Melanie Zanetti
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The Magical World Of The Mayans: Leonora Carrington
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Leonora Carrington. “The Magical World of the Mayans” (1963/64) WORLD ARTS / ART LEARNING06 oct. 2021
Isabel García Trócoli
Very often, when we read about the lives of creative women, we find that they are described as the muses of some male artist. But the reality was that this was the only way for them to get started in the art world for them: as someone’s muse, a fact that is repeated over and over again when we talk about the artists of Surrealism, a movement characterized by freedom of action and thought.
The same Surrealists who preached this freedom regarded their female companions as appendages of themselves: muses, helpers and lovers. Being recognised in this world was hard for female artists who, seen in perspective, were every bit as good as them. Leonora Carrington (1917-2011) claimed that she did not have time to be anyone’s muse, as busy as she was with freeing herself from her father and with her artistic learning. She paid dearly for her independence, but the difficulties of the journey brought to light an exciting inner world that she knew how to translate into an abundant and mysterious oeuvre.
Leonora Carrington was born in England and was educated in the exclusive world of high society. Her father, a businessman, presented her to the royal court after her debutante ball at the Ritz. He wanted to distance her from the Irish fantasies and myths that had populated her childhood through her mother and grandmother’s tales, in the old family neo-Gothic mansion. It was too late: Leonora’s spirit was flying high, and her supernatural visions was were compounded by her disinterest in the superficial world of the ladies’ academies. Her rebellious nature led her to run away from home after meeting Max Ernst, 46, married, one of the most prominent Surrealist artists. Immune to scandal, Leonora went to live with him in France, where she joined the group of Surrealist artists formed by Paul Éluard, Joan Miró, André Breton, Salvador Dalí and Pablo Picasso, who called her ‘the bride of the wind.
The war separated the group and also the couple: Max Ernst, a German, was arrested in France and Leonora had to escape to Spain due to the Nazi invasion. In Spain she suffered major mental imbalances that led her to be admitted to a psychiatric hospital in Santander. In the hands of fascist doctors, she was subjected to treatments that today we would consider inhumane, a fact that would later be decisive for her work and for her life. On the way to another hospital, this in time South Africa, that her father had found to hospitalise her in, she escaped, and in Lisbon she contacted a Mexican poet friend, Renato Leduc, who married her in order to get her out of wartime Europe. Lázaro Cárdenas’ Mexico then became her adopted country, where she would live for seventy years. The work that we will analyse next was a commission from the National Museum of Anthropology of Mexico, where it is still exhibited.
The magical world of the Maya is the product of her six-month stay in Chiapas, at the home of an anthropologist friend. The Mayans in the area, fearful of Leonora’s camera, made her decide to document what she saw only with drawings and sketches. She became interested in flora and fauna, as well as in traditional medicine, medicinal herbs, and reading the Popol Vuh, the great Mayan holy book. The result is a four-meter-long painting that captures a worldview of contemporary Mayan reality, with a tripartite structure of Heaven, Earth and Underworld, where indigenous ancestral traditions are mixed with the Catholic religion. Leonora Carrington captures a symbolic landscape that constitutes a mixture of visible reality and hidden reality, an inseparable dichotomy in the Mayan conception of the world.
The central representation is a colonial-style temple, similar to the church of Santo Domingo de San Cristóbal de las Casas, with the convent on the left. Peasants work in the area and some people carry a Virgin in procession. Nearby is a calvary of twenty-two crosses that look like swords, with others rising towards a large cross/totem created from corn plants. This is the pantheon of Romerillo, in San Juan Chamula, where the crosses mark the funeral space of each family. The cross, for today’s Mayans, is an axis of the world that connects Heaven, Earth and Underworld. In the church, the two stone eagles, reminiscent of the coat of arms of the king of the conquerors, Emperor Charles I, are contrasted by a large quetzal that flies over the building, the sacred Mayan bird syncretised with the dove of the Holy Spirit. Leonora draws a parallel with the Celtic culture of Ireland, where ancient pagan ideas are mixed with the new sacred figures brought by Christianity.
In Heaven, from left to right, we have the Moon, the goddess Ixchel, and, below, three small female figures with bird legs climbing up the rainbow. They are related to Ixchel, the most important female deity in the Mayan pantheon, who presides over childbirth, pregnancy, fertility of the land and women, and healing. The Sun is in charge of giving strength to men, but the painter represents it as obscured by a black cloud. There is also the planet Venus, a large bright star also symbolised by the great green snake, crossed by the rainbow and the quetzal. Kukulcán (or Quetzalcoatl, the feathered serpent) is the combination of these two animals, which personify Heaven and Earth. This is a creative god, as explained in the Popol Vuh, who also presides over the processes of renewal and transformation, the eternal return of the cosmos. At the far right is a bright being, Totilmeil, a hummingbird, the bird the ancestors chose to manifest themselves. The mountains complete the picture, with a multitude of animals flying over them, perhaps the nahuales. The Mayans believed that each person has a supernatural protector, the nahuatl, who is embodied in an animal, and usually lives near the mountain trails that connect the different villages.
A white ceiba, Yaxché (“first, the tree”), is the Mayan cosmic tree, the vertical axial element that holds this tripartite cosmos together. A flock of owls, funerary animals and a bad omen, flies towards the ceiba. Perhaps related to this, on the other side of the tree, inside a hut, a man lying in bed is mourned by a woman with long black braids, while a shaman performs his healing rituals with candles, and another woman, at the bottom of the hut, grinds the corn into a metate, the manual stone mill. Around the hut are three large bats, animals associated with medicine among the native Mesoamerican peoples. They symbolise the ritual death of shamanic healing, which helps people leave their diseases behind and be reborn in health. The bat is alive, upside down, in the same way we are born through the womb.
Pines, closely associated with candles among the Maya (due to torches), appear surrounding the huts of the painting. Candles and torches are considered the food of the gods. At the foot of the pines, a face—perhaps Jesus Christ—seems to have been projected from the nearby chapel. In front of the chapel, there is a huge white horse, an animal that is often featured in works by Leonora Carrington and that is supposed to be her alter ego (in England she had been an experienced horsewoman). The horse is also the manifestation of the Celtic goddess Epona, protector of nature and life as well as of healing and death. Underground, the head of a jaguar with a spiral-shaped eye recalls one of the gods of Xibalbà, the Mayan Hell, populated by demonic beings specialised in the torment of human souls.
In Mexico, Leonora Carrington was able to develop her oeuvre exercising her freedom by creating paintings, sculptures, furniture, literature and scenery, along with her second husband, Emérico Csiki Weisz, an emigrated Hungarian photographer, assistant to Robert Capa, and the mastermind of the rescue of the famous Mexican suitcase with thousands of negatives from the Spanish Civil War. In the kitchen of her house on Chihuahua Street in the Roma neighbourhood of Mexico City, now a museum, Leonora shared memorable evenings with Catalan painter Remedios Varo and Hungarian photographer Kati Horna, all three united by the anti-fascist struggle of their youth and by Surrealism. No muses among them. In one of the few interviews she gave, when asked who Leonora Carrington was, she said: “someone who has survived so far with a lot of “cabrón” (effing) work, as they say in Mexico. That’s why I don’t like being called a muse either”.
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ausetkmt · 1 year
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In a dystopian near future in Brazil, an authoritarian government orders all citizens of African descent to move to Africa - creating chaos, protests, and an underground resistance movement that inspires the nation.
Set in a dystopian near future in Rio de Janeiro, a lawyer sues the Brazilian government for reparation of all descendants of African slaves in the country. The authoritarian government responds by signing an executive order sending all black citizens to Africa as an excuse to repay the debts of slavery.
Citizens are measured by their skin color, hunted, and exiled to Africa against their will. While the army and police enforce the law, he enlists his uncle to find his wife, a doctor who has gone missing and joins an underground movement. The three of them fight the madness that has taken over the country and spark a resistance that inspires the nation.
This story takes us to future Brazil, where a social compensation act directly affects the life of a family. This peculiar family is formed by a couple, doctor Capitú (Taís Araújo) and the lawyer Antonio (Alfred Enoch), as well as his cousin, the journalist André (Seu Jorge), who lives with them as a favor.
One day, a presidential decree is passed to offer financial compensation for the days of slavery. However, another decree is enacted right after. Due to this new act, the couple gets separated, not knowing if they'll every meet again.
The Executive Order in the title is referred to as Executive Order 1888. 1888 is the year slavery was abolished in Brazil with a law that was sanctioned by princess Isabel de Orleans e Bragança on May 13th.
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pamhr · 2 years
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La casa negra.
También conocida como Casa Mondragón, según dicen es uno de los edificios que más fantasmas alberga en toda la ciudad.
Entre 1934 y 1940, durante el gobierno del General Lázaro Cárdenas, la ciudad todavía padecía los últimos estragos de la Revolución, entre ellos enfermedades infecciosas como la tifoidea. A algunos pacientes los enviaban a hospitales improvisados en donde también les brindaban atención médica. Uno de estos hospitales informales era esta casa negra que atendía las 24 horas. Algunos grupos religiosos de la ciudad creyeron que, más que una epidemia, la enfermedad era reflejo de una posesión demoniaca colectiva. Muchas personas pensaban que la tifoidea era una venganza divina y por eso le prendieron fuego a la casa con enfermos y doctores todavía en su interior.
Los dueños repararon la casa y la vendieron a un hombre acaudalado de apellido Mondragón, quien se mudó allí con su esposa y sus tres hijos. Un mes después de mudarse, la familia Mondragón apareció muerta por causas desconocidas.
Hace unos años un grupo de okupas y algunos indigentes intentaron vivir en esa casa, pero sacaron sus cosas apenas alumbró el día siguiente pues dijeron que escucharon gritos y personas hablándoles al oído durante toda la noche. Hoy algunos de los vendedores informales de enfrente guardan sus cosas en la entrada (la puerta se puede abrir un poco para meter y sacar cosas) pues dicen que si se meten más empiezan a sentir unas manos invisibles que los empujan hacia afuera. De hecho, quienes tienen sus puestos más cerca de la puerta y las ventanas de la casa dicen que a partir de las 10 pm el frío se vuelve insoportable sin importar cuán calientes estén sus parrillas.
Vía: https://www.local.mx/zonas/zona-centro-sur/roma/la-casa-negra/
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jobrxiv · 4 days
Postdoctoral Fellow in Partial Cell Reprogramming New York University We are looking for an enthusiastic Postdoctoral Fellow who will lead in vivo partial cardiomyocyte reprogramming efforts in our lab See the full job description on jobRxiv: https://jobrxiv.org/job/new-york-university-27778-postdoctoral-fellow-in-partial-cell-reprogramming/?feed_id=82673 #cardiovascular_disease #cell_reprogramming #in_vivo #ScienceJobs #hiring #research
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tocitynews · 4 months
Undercover Video Shows How Prescription Drugs Are Adulterated And Misbranded In The Black Market In South Florida Where Medicare Fraud Is The Epicenter Of Medicare Fraud – Miami Florida reporting
The crime, they say, not only costs taxpayers billions of dollars, but often puts patients' lives in danger.
Video taken by an undercover government informant shows a woman, her son and husband wiping labels off prescription medication bottles in a South Florida apartment. They use lighter fluid to remove the labels, then reattach the Information packet to the bottles that contain expensive medication including HIV meds that patients chose to sell.
CRIMINALS STEAL BILLIONS OF DOLLARS FROM MEDICARE EACH YEAR. “UNFORTUNATELY SOUTH FLORIDA IS THE EPICENTER OF MEDICARE FRAUD,” states Fernando Porras, assistant special agent in charge with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’, Office of Inspector General (HHS OIG)
Drug Diversion Works like this: A patient picks up a prescription valued at thousands of dollars and sells it to an aggregator for a fraction of the price. The buyer, known as an aggregator, removes the label and sells it to a wholesaler who then sells it back to a pharmacy at a discount. “A pharmacy could easily bill the Medicare program two and three million dollars doing this scheme,” Porras says.
The family from the video was found guilty and served 2-to-3-year prison sentences for Defrauding the United States and Engaging in the Unlicensed Distribution of Prescription Drugs.
In another case, Lázaro Hernández pleaded guilty to running an elaborate scheme to distribute more than $230 million dollars’ worth of adulterated and misbranded prescription drugs and sentenced to 15 years behind bars. “We often hear about providers, owners of clinics or medical facilities being arrested or indicted. And unfortunately, we've arrested a lot of doctors as well…but it's not uncommon for us to arrest beneficiaries as well for being on the take,” says Porras.
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evanhuang14777 · 9 months
In 1100 - Doctor
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&lt;El Lazarillo de Tormes> by Lázaro de Tormes
[The blind man] washed the breaks he had made with the pieces of the jar with wine, and, smiling, said: / –What do you think of Lazarus? What made you sick heals you and gives you health – and other gifts that were not to my taste.
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12endigital · 1 year
El 'Rasca X10' de la ONCE deja 150.000 euros en Elche
El vendedor de la ONCE José Martínez Lázaro es quien ha llevado la suerte a Elche con esos 150.000 euros de un boleto del ‘Rasca X10’ que ha vendido desde su punto de venta en el Centro de Salud Doctor Sapena de esa localidad..José trabaja en la ONCE desde junio de 2022. Los Rascas de la ONCE, como las demás loterías responsables de la Organización, se pueden adquirir en la red de 19.000…
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Mundo Médico
1.- Fisura Anal;2.- Fístulas anorrectales; y3.- Abscesos anorrectales: Fragmento de la entrevista, al especialista en cirugía de colon y recto, doctor Netzahualcóyotl García Torreblanca. Entrevista completa: Teléfonos de consultorio:2281448250 y 2288227960 Consultorio médico:Hospital Policlínica Óptima, consultorio número 207.Avenida Lázaro Cárdenas, número 440;Xalapa, Veracruz, México. Si…
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todocubaonline · 2 years
Cumple 12 años Bartolito, el niño que nació prematuro extremo en Ciego de Ávila
Llegó a este mundo con 780 gramos de peso (me­nos de dos libras) y a solo 26 semanas de gestación.
Lázaro Bartolo Santos González se llama este niño que cumple 12 años. Nació con menos tiempo gestacional y menor peso corporal y fue salvado en el hospital provincial Doctor Antonio Luaces Iraola, de la provincia de Ciego de Ávila. Bartolito, como le conocen, llegó a este mundo con 780 gramos de peso (me­nos de dos libras) y a solo 26 semanas de gestación. Fue atendido desde el principio en la…
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joseandrestabarnia · 2 years
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Inventario: 05701
Autor/a: Círculo de; Cruz, Diego de la (act. 1482, doc. 1500) Escuela/Taller: Española
Título: Cristo Niño entre los doctores
Materia/Soporte: Tabla
Técnica: Óleo
Dimensiones: Con Marco: Altura = 110 cm; Anchura = 84 cm; Profundidad = 5,40 cm
Sin Marco: Altura = 102 cm; Anchura = 76 cm
Descripción: El Niño al fondo sentado bajo dosel de brocado con las manos en actitud de argumentar, y en torno a seis doctores de pie y sentados en diversos escabeles, alguno con libro y otros argumentando.
Iconografía: Niño Jesús entre los doctores
Datación: 1476=1500
Lugar de Producción/Ceca: España (Europa)
Historia del Objeto: En la Colección antes de 1926.
Forma de Ingreso: Donación al Estado
Información del Museo Lázaro Galdiano, en la web Colecciones en Red, imagen de mi autoría.
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radicalrascals · 2 years
Pinned Post
Indie multi-muse roleplay blog | original characters | Muse and Mun are 21+
I also make RP-gifs; all from scratch & 100% free to use. I don’t do commissions. Sorry.
General Links:
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Primary Muses
Nick Silva (werewolf, bookshop owner, FC: Wagner Moura)
Liam Talbot (human, mage-for-hire, FC: John Simm)
Rafael da Silva (human, journalist, FC: Wagner Moura)
Paulo "Colmilho" Almeida (human, federal police agent, FC: Selton Mello)
Evelyn Adeke (human, detective, FC: Florence Kasumba)
Gabriel Herrán (human, thief, FC: Pedro Pascal)
Niamh Murphy (human, spiritfarer, FC: Ruth Negga)
Secondary Muses
Felix Lilienthal (human, forensic pathologist, FC: Clemens Schick)
Quinn Lennox (warlock, cemetery groundskeeper, FC: Ethan Hawke)
Miguel Guerrero (human, hunter, FC: Diego Luna)
Leopold Grimm (vampire, vigilante, FC: Andreas Pietschmann)
Vaneza da Silva (human, journalist, FC: Bianca Comparato)
Juan Pablo Martín (nahual, doctor, FC: Gale García Bernal)
Anya Chilukuri (human, drummer, FC: Ritu Arya)
Cass Turner (witch, retail employee, FC: Jade Tailor)
Private / Closed / On-Hiatus Muses
Murilo Madrigal (human, media technician, FC: Lázaro Ramos)
James Holloway (human, alchemist, FC: Joey Batey) 
Tom Hartigan (fae-changeling, mercenary, FC: Joe Gilgun)
Lysander Valentine (vampire, con-man, FC: Sacha Dhawan)
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specterwrites · 3 years
Greetings, dear author! Given the fact that the colonies are about to be in a serious revolutionary war, and during wartime, sickness and plague spread like... well, the plague! What would your characters reactions towards catching a harsh (possibility fatal) illness be like? (This doesn’t have to be limited to the ro’s but you don’t have to type up other characters responses if you don’t want to.)
Lázaro: On some level I think he would regard it as a bit karmic -- he's been running from a bunch of things and it was inevitable that something would catch up to him eventually. Laz wouldn't go to the doctor (there aren't any sterile environments in radical-held territory, anyhow), though he would accept treatment so long as it is administered by his trusted allies. He can be cagey (not unnecessarily) about his body and would probably prefer to be left alone, even if he knows that would be a stupid idea.
Belvidere: I think Belvidere would hate being sick so much that they looped around and started hating themselves because they got sick. They might've made a good physician's assistant in another life -- Belvidere would like seeing people get healthier (and the bed-ridden are a captive audience for their witticisms). Belvidere would really suffer if they weren't well enough to "keep the peace", and if they recovered they would never speak of the ordeal again.
Prudence: Illness is not something she can afford to fall from. The corporal is very healthy, so I don't think she would die from a serious illness, but she wouldn't make it easy on herself while she was sick -- Prudence would want to check up on her squad and keep doing her Frontiersmen duties even if she could barely stand.
Blythe: I doubt he would die from any illness, purely because the best and brightest doctors in the Sovereignty are available to him. Blythe would refuse to acknowledge that he was sick, however obvious his symptoms were. I think he might hope that, by denying reality hard enough, he could force himself into wellness.
MC1/MC2: It really depends on their personalities!
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lustucruestmonami · 3 years
Seis años.
16 de septiembre de 2021
Un buen año. He hecho prácticamente todo lo que me propuse en 2020. Cambié mi nombre legal, ya tengo mi INE, mi CURP, RFC y acta de nacimiento, solo me falta actualiza el pasaporte, lo haré a principios del año que viene para recibir uno de los nuevos electrónicos. El 3 de agosto de 2021, justo 13 años después de haber salido de La Paz por primera vez, procedí con mi cirugía de feminización facial en Guadalajara con el doctor Lázaro Cárdenas, a quien llegué después de un largo periodo de investigación. Me acompañó Verónica, una vieja amiga de La Paz con quien estoy absolutamente agradecida de que se haya ofrecido a cuidarme porque el proceso de recuperación fue mucho más difícil de lo que esperaba.
Me sometí a una frontoplastía tipo III, en la que cortan y remodelan en hueso del seno frontal fuera de la cabeza, avanzan la línea de cabello y también liman los costados de las órbitas, se me inyectó grasa en los pómulos, se me remodeló la mandíbula y se me cortó un pedazo considerable de mentón. Finalmente no procedí con la cirugía de mamas, los resultados de este cirujano en esa área no me convencieron, aunque todavía no está fuera de mis planes. En vez de eso me decidí por una liposucción/lipoescultura para definir más mi cintura y resaltar más mi cadera. Hasta el momento estoy bastante satisfecha con los resultados, la ropa se me ve de una forma que nunca creí posible, aunque desafortunadamente en este momento, a 6 semanas de la operación, sigo batallando con un seroma en la parte baja de la espalda que no quiere desaparecer. Espero que en un mes a más tardar ya pueda librarme por completo de la incómoda faja (y fomi) que he estado usando estas semanas, me siento como un embutido con ella y tengo que usar solo cierto tipo de ropa para ocultar todo lo que traigo encima.
En octubre del año pasado llevé a mi abuela a los Estados Unidos pensando que se quedaría allá por siempre, no fue así. Estuvo menos de un año porque tuvo problemas de convivencia con su cuñado, que a lo que ella me contó la trató muy mal. Alrededor de semana santa la regresé a La Paz y ya está establecida allá, fue un corto periodo muy estresante porque su situación migratoria se complicó al regreso (tuvo que renunciar a su residencia permanente por haber salid del país sin su tarjeta verde). Con mucho trabajo y ayuda de un par de personas pudimos volver a restablecerla como residente legal.
La experiencia al menos sirvió para que yo conociera Miami, Orlando, Apopka y algunas pequeñas localidades vecinas, puedo decir que no me gustó la Florida, y en gran parte tampoco mi familia extendida, con excepción de una tía segunda y su esposo gringo. La gente allá me pareció superficial y algo desagradable, los paisajes, aunque hermosos, diseñados para la supremacía automotriz. No encontré un lugar agradable para caminar excepto un camino junto al lago Apopka y quizá Miami Beach, aunque hay que tomar en cuenta que estaba prácticamente vacía por aquello de la pandemia, que hasta este momento ha matado a cerca de 260 mil personas aquí en México. En fin, no tengo muchas ganas de regresar a Florida, pero hay algunas posibilidades de hacer allá la maestría, así que no la puedo descartar.
En lo musical me temo que no me he titulado, aunque se supone que podría hacerlo para noviembre de este año. Ya está terminada y aprobada mi tesina, ya estoy en ensayos con un antiguo compañero mío, pianista, y ensayamos en su casa Portales de Madrugada y el segundo movimiento del concierto de Dvořák. Para la titulación hice los trámites en la UNAM para que en todo aparezca como Emilia, incluyendo obviamente el título. Espero que para la próxima vez que escriba ya lo tenga en mis manos.
Sigo tocando en la OFM, aunque probablemente sea mi última temporada porque han bajado la edad máxima a los 28 y la próxima temporada tendré 29, da igual, el dinero durante este tiempo en lo que me titulo es lo que me importa. Sacaron a P (con la que vuelvo a tener una relación saludable, si bien distante) y me mandaron hasta atrás en la fila. Siento que estoy bastante bien integrada como Emilia, así me conoce todo mundo en la orquesta, no he tenido un solo problema con discriminación, missgendering, etc. La verdad es que estoy disfrutando bastante esta etapa de mi vida, que sé que es como un momento de relativa calma antes de volver a saltar a nuevos cambios importantes.
La pandemia me ha venido bien, me ha dado tiempo para avanzar muchísimo mi transición: cambio legal de nombre, orquiectomía, una cirugía de feminización facial y corporal en regla; ahora solo tengo que terminar de salir del closet con mi familia en La Paz, de la cual no me pude deslindar de la forma que tenía planeada el año pasado gracias al regreso de mi abuela, pero como decidí no hacer mamas por el momento siento que será más fácil ocultar mi transición por un corto periodo más.                              
Debo de destacar que en lo que respecta a mi cara no estoy 100% satisfecha. Si bien reconozco que mi cara sí se ve más femenina, creo que en este momento me encuentro en un estado más bien de mayor androginia que de un aspecto totalmente femenino, por lo que no descarto futuras cirugías faciales, posiblemente con otro doctor que trabaja aquí en la Ciudad de México, pero en general puedo decir que estoy bastante contenta con el rumbo que tiene mi vida en este momento, cosa que es excelente para variar, sobre todo si uno lee las entradas de este blog entre los años 2015 y 2019. Ya no me siento como protagonista secundaria de la vida de nadie, no tengo ninguna relación problemática que me quite el sueño, tengo expectativas favorables para el futuro y me gusta la persona en la que estoy madurando. Mis únicos dos pendientes son titularme y terminar de salir 100% del clóset y listo, habré cumplido con mis propósitos de los últimos 15 años, y no dudo que falta muy poco para llegar a ese objetivo.
Esperemos todo siga viento en popa.
 Emilia (ahora legalmente).
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