femuirdris 1 year
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One more for Kiss Day, my DOD!F!Chrobin smooch from Valentine鈥檚 Day~
(Signed with my main handle, @shutupsprinkles, Muirdris is my AO3 handle~)
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Fell chrom wanting to make groom robin happy cause "past chrom isn't capable of doing that smh" in his mind but when robin sees him for the first time, he gets a mini heart attack at seeing a dead chrom 馃槶
I think he'll soon get used to his presence when he sees how fell chrom does have a conscious and is kinda like a puppy with him
Fell Chrom: Grr... (I hate everyone for making you feel unloved and afraid, especially my other self.)
Groom Robin: Oh no, he hates me 馃槶馃槶馃槶 He must want to kill me for what my other self did to him!!!
You know how when they did Mustafa's Forging Bonds, they had Chrom acting all upset and everyone just assumed he hated Mustafa and wanted to fight him, but he actually wanted to apologize and was just being REALLY intense about it? I think something similar happens here. Everyone expects Fell Chrom to do something scary to this seemingly joyful and innocent Robin, but when he finally catches up to him, he just wants to give him some pretty flowers. Well, that and his eternal devotion, but like... he doesn't want to scare Robin any more than he already has, so flowers seem like a good start. Robin loves flowers. Day of Devotion Robin wanted HIS Chrom's flowers, not that that's been driving Fell Chrom insane or anything Hey did you know you can press them into a book and they won't wilt, Robin? Maybe Fell Chrom can help you with that.
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felikatze 1 year
All this talk about Grima made me determinate to have Fell F!Robin support and team up with Bunninigo. She hates carrots, he uses carrots as a weapon and as carrots all over his costumes. She would probably creep out like a vampire in fronts of garlic, except it's just a bunny with carrots. And Female Robin would probably try to snatch Bunninigo's rabbit ears. (I have her support with Yarne as an evidence)
we're compilling new reasons grima wanted to destroy the world.
to prevent robin from becoming their own parent-in-law
that does sound very cute though. fell dragon felled by carrots. foreshadowing when chrom forces robin to eat veggies and she hisses at him.
if i ever get buninigo i am putting him on a team with both of my f!grimas
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coralhoneyrose 1 year
Really depressed and disappointed with the handling of the groom Robin unit. The moment I saw the theme of the banner I was nervous that there would be some sort of line somewhere in his dialogue, or the paralogue, or tempest trials that was going to explicitly pull some sort of "no homo" nonsense with Chrom. I was mildly comforted when I saw the meet the heroes text talking about the blue rose corsage that maybe I was worrying over nothing. But then sure enough, we get a throw away line where Robin comments on Chrom getting married to someone else.
It feels like a slap in the face after all the ship bait the last year. One of the most wonderful things about their DoD duo unit was that NO WHERE in any of the promotion or dialogue for that unit was there any sort of friend zoning. They were referred to as "partners" and while it was intentionally left ambiguous enough that people could still try and read it platonically if they wanted, there was DEFINITELY nothing de-confirming it as being romantic. And then with Robin's legendary unit too it really went out of its way to leave open the interpretation that L!Robin was married to a Chrom. And I'll admit, I think the fact that Engage had so many same sex pairing options made me cautiously optimistic that IS was starting to do better with how they handle this stuff.
So for them to then turn around and make a point of having Groom Robin comment that Chrom got married to someone else just...it makes me feel exploited honestly. It feels very much like they knew they could capitalize on shipper's money with those other units and so they allowed the potential reading of Chrom and m!Robin as being a romantic pairing for as long as it was convenient and profitable for them. And then as soon as it wasn't fitting the narrative they were trying to build in order to make money they immediately revert to discounting it.
Cause that's the other thing that gets me. They didn't HAVE to have Robin comment on Chrom's wedding at all. They could have very easily just not mentioned it and left it up to player interpretation. But no, they decided to expressly make a point of emphasizing that the Chrom from this Robin's world is married to someone else.
And I know for a lot of Chrobin fans this isn't necessarily even incompatible with their head canons. A lot of fans are happy to imagine that Chrom might initially marry someone else to have Lucina and then ultimately divorce them and marry Robin later in life. But personally, I have always found that idea tremendously depressing and I am not a fan of that narrative at all. I am not interested in the idea of Chrom making himself miserable in a marriage to someone he doesn't love and I do not like the idea of Lucina having anyone else as her parent except for Robin.
There are other workable explanations too--multiverses and different timelines means that some Chroms could be married to Robins and others aren't. Or Chrom and Robin could be poly, for example. I'm not saying there aren't any mental jumps you can make in order to force this dialogue line to be compatible with some version of Chrobin being together. But even if there are explanations that work, I think it's pretty transparent what IS was trying to do in including the line in the first place. The intention of it is still to wave a little banner in fan faces saying this Robin is not married to Chrom and that Chrom actively *is* in a relationship with someone else. And the fact of the matter is that line DOES shut down any and all versions of how *I* like to envision the pairing working. So of course I'm going to be disappointed.
I'm well aware that the nature of any head canon is that I shouldn't be surprised that canon isn't catering to my personal imagined story line. Especially when Chrom and M!Robin can't get married in original Awakening. I know that.
But again....engage and the DoD unit, and Robin's legendary and even 3H to a lesser extent all made me cautiously optimistic that they were starting to handle things differently. For the last *year* they have very expressly been making a point of allowing my little preferred headcanons to be viable, and actively feeding into them in a lot of cases. In point of that, there has been so much hopeful fan speculation that if they ever make an awakening remake years down the line, that they probably WOULD allow m!Robin and Chrom to S-support. And this feels like a very clear indication to me that no, they wouldn't do that actually, they are only interested in teasing m!Chrobin when they can profit from it in a gacha game, and are perfectly happy to turn around and try and invalidate it again after. And now I just feel stupid for getting my hopes up and thinking they wouldn't do this.
Frankly, it completely ruins any ability I would have had to enjoy this unit at all. Which sucks, because his art is lovely and getting new content of a character I love SHOULD be a wonderful positive thing. I can try and ignore the line and pretend I guess, but honestly it's going to be hard for me to divorce all these upset feelings from it. Maybe with a little more time and space. Idk.
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Feh's really saying Chrobin Canon, huh?
Last year we got a DoD duo alt with them.
Earlier this month we got a reveal that Chrom and Robin will be paired together as an Engage bracelet.
And NOW it was just revealed that Male Robin's finally getting his Legendary Alt (there's hope for Male Corrin yet!) and his title is Exalt's other half?
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shivershill2 2 years
I am alive! And I feel great. Don't care about CYL(besides Chrom won), but DoD is gonna be great and I don't have any orbs. T.T
I was trying to get Siegbert... Still not home.
I am so happy we get Chrobin and I am 100% sure if they had trio units(besides that one child banner with the white wings) Chrom would hold the hands of both Robins.
I don't care that it's specifically MChrobin, I only care about it being Chrobin at all.
One of my only ships I personally think are Canon besides Lissa and Lon'qu. And Kiralfonse naturally. I am your local Alfonse slut
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reshiram 4 years
I built a Cecilia in FEH. I sacced my DoD Lilina manual, Leila, Trio Palla, and Young Cards on her and regret absolutely nothing
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NO WORRIES I GOT U. i feel that though. i axed duma (bold fighter), fallen m!corrin (atk/spd solo), f!kana (for water breath+, as i use it sometimes for Tank Time), hector (distant counter, for when i鈥檓 using water breath), and ike (aether). i COULD sacrifice my brave alm for threaten atk/spd (also it鈥檇 be gay and match with my legendary chroms threaten atk/def) and i would like to somehow get that skill to grima but for now odd atk wave 3 is good enough. :,3
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hajime-official 5 years
Chrom wears a ONESIE, along with a FREAKING LEG WARMER. Sometimes this information is just too much y鈥檏now? Ok
Thanks for listening to my ted talk
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bluekitsune 7 years
Do you have a favorite doll?
I have dolls that get more attention than others AND favorites (orz)
My favorites are Eug猫ne (SWD SchoolA), Andrei (Soom Chrom), Osamu (Ariadoll Van), Arius (Nobility Raon), Diodore (DOD L眉nn), One鈥檕 (soom Euclase), Chivi!Vanya (Pipos Noel), Oskar (Ringdoll with a complete face mod) and Heimdall (Spiritdoll Dark)
The ones that get waaaaay more attention and pics are no doubt Andrei, Osamu, Eugy and M枚ln (Kdoll Kasis) Dx I鈥檓 so bad at spreading my focus. Some of my dolls barely have clothes or pictures
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