#doe family sims 3
tricoufamily · 7 months
i wish ts4 packs would stop making such a huge part of the gameplay “this makes this part of the game easier! gain skills 10x faster! never get hungry! make $5000 every minute!” the game is already too easy please i don’t want a magic tree i want a clinically depressed man in a band who lives in the world’s shittiest apartment in gotham city i want him to suffer
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keibea · 10 months
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her name is fiorella and i lubs her very much goodbye
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microscotch · 2 years
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random outtakes 🏜
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fizzytoo · 1 year
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after dating for a year, adrien and rua have decided to take their relationship to the next level and move in together!
look at him, putty in adrien's hands 🫵🏽😫
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episims · 8 months
From the lucky brother to, um... a very different set of traits.
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🎉 Darius Wells
Aspiration: Knowledge / Family
Hobby: Science
Orientation: Bi
Traits: Clumsy, anxious, hot-headed, animal lover, no sense of humor
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heavensickness · 7 months
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The Sims 4 wishes to have this kind of lore
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sapphysims · 4 months
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teenage barbie jr!!! 💗
barbie gained the charming (custom) trait as a child, she now has the overachiever trait! as a child, barbie maxed the social, creative, AND mental skills. she also completed TWO of the multi-skill aspirations; mind and body & creative genius. (this is why i gave her the overachiever trait lol) as a teen, barbie has the goal-oriented aspiration. when she was a child she was in the drama club but as she aged to a teen, she decided to give the high school cheerleading squad a shot! last but certainly not least, barbie identifies as a lesbian :-)
(a required trait is ambitious but i'll give that to her as a young adult)
raw/unedited screenshots (cus im lazy) of her outfits under the cut :p
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excluding her formal outfit bc of the dumb photo limit on mobile, but it's the pink and white dress from the barbie movie!!
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cakepoppresent · 10 months
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Luna was invited to complete a photo shoot with American Apparel
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autonomousllama · 11 months
Updated the family tree for the Doe Family, tried it on Canva this time, which was a lot easier than gimp let me tell ya.
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mmmatchasims · 10 months
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Hibiscus: I will consider forgiving you. But yeah; I try to get good grades, I try hard in sports, I don’t drink or smoke or anything… But I always worry that I’m gonna disappoint them. They would never tell me if I did, but I feel like I owe it to them to do something important with my life, you know? Especially my mom. She went through it as a kid.
Citrine: What happened? Oh- sorry, I’m not trying to be nosy.
Hibiscus: It’s cool, I think we've crossed that bridge. Her mom, my grandmother Jasmine, disappeared when she was little. Just got up and walked out of the house one night. They never found out what happened to her.
Citrine: Oh, wow. That’s some true-crime shit. I’m really sorry.
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virsancte · 1 year
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same place years later
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alltimefail-sims · 1 year
The sims 3 lore is just as wacko as the sims 2 istg my fav lore has to be the dead clone wives lemme explain. So in twinbrook there's s sim name Juan Darer (he's quite interesting to look at too) in the junkyard he owns is the grave of Lacy Darer. Now Juan and Lacy have no relationship but she could be his ex wife as deceased spouses aren't shown on the family tree in the sims 3. Lacy died in a fire but what's the crazy part Juan's best friend Harwood Clay is has a possible wife named Macy Clay who also died in a fire. Macy and Lacy's names aren't just a coincidence. Macy and Lacy are almost completely identical. Many think they're twins but twins don't have the same exact same personalities. The darker theory is that Juan being the eccentric creator created clone wives for him and his best friend and Lacy and Macy somehow perished possible in the cloning process which is also the reason Juan's house caught on fire and he lives in a barn.
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O m g
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Sorry for taking forever to respond to this! This month has been wildly busy in the worst way!! I hate summer! Everyone in my house has been sick at some point! UGH!
Anyway, I finally had a chance to sit down and thoroughly look into both of these families. I'm going to start with the Doe family because, honestly, I don't have a whole lot to add about the Darers and I'm eager to jump into the Does (my thoughts on the Darers will be at the end though!).
Let's dive in! ↓
I had to look up Midnight Hollow to start, and EEEEEEP I love this world's whole vibe. If I play the Sims 3 THIS will be the world I start in!!! Favorite world I've learned about in TS3 so far. I lowkey want to live here irl.
But imagine my shock when I found out that they were putting whole ass worlds on The Sims 3 store. That's absolutely insane lmao!! They would of had my wallet with this one though, not gonna lie. The vibes are top-tier.
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Now I looked up the Doe family just like you said and I need you to know that they are the kind of unsolved lore I live for. This family alone makes me want to pirate buy TS3 today.
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The Wiki's description wasn't necessarily weird, but the household description left me with many questions.
Jane is the perfect housewife, from her neat hairstyle to her fashionable yet conservative dress. She's neat, nurturing, loves her kids, and can make a mean pot roast! Meanwhile, John is rising in the ranks at his corporate job. He feels successful in life and supported by his family. He works hard but comes home in enough time to teach his kids a lesson or two about life and talk to his wife about her day. Nothing mysterious seems to be happening here, but didn't their house used to have a basement?
That last line. Yeah. WTF? That made the hairs on my arm stand up, especially considering that the world they come with is supposed to mimic a classic-horror vibe. So Immediately I'm getting serial killer vibes, I'm getting psychological thriller, I'm getting family that invites you over for dinner only for you to realize that you are dinner.
Just from the description alone, I'm thinking that the parents are people with a wicked past - coconspirators in crime (whether Jane is a willing or unwilling participant is debatable but intriguing) that may involve killing and disposing, from the sounds of the "former-basement" and the fact that no one really knows why they've suddenly come to a new town without any explanation of their past. Additionally, the names feel like a reference to true crime and murder to me - the last name Doe, with first names Jane and John specifically, are typically names given to unidentifiable victims who, more than not, are victims of violence and brutalization which leaves them unidentifiable. Or, at times, they're simply unidentifiable based on the fact that they don't have family or friends that could claim them, thus making them the perfect targets if you've got bad intentions. The parents seem shady, but beyond that their names reaffirm that they aren't the perfect, squeaky-clean, nuclear family they pretend to be. I mean, you could even speculate that Jane and John are not even their real names. Obviously the sims team are big fans or campy, on-the-nose names (Bob Pancakes, the Goth family, the Calientes, Marcus Flex), but I've always liked to think that sim names can serve more than one purpose.
I jumped over to The Doe family community blog post and the interview there further confirmed a lot of my suspicions, and that whatever they're hiding might be sealed off in what used to be the family basement (the dev who made this family makes sure to draw attention to this enough that it's clearly significant). It's no coincidence that the basement suddenly "disappeared" (or perhaps just became inaccessible) as soon as the family moved in. Some notable things from this interaction:
The classic, old-fashioned misogyny from John. "The light of my life keeps my home perfect and welcoming." It's subtle, but says a lot about this family's old-fashioned dynamic. I hate the condescending, possessive energy between these two. I literally felt uncomfortable during this entire interview (I'd argue that is intentional).
The recurring and growingly tense persistence for the interviewer/producer to drink more tea. BIG red flag on this because my first thought is "Why?" I can understand being hospitable, but it seems like the interviewer has already been taken care of, so why the push? Jane is literally described as frantic, dodging the interviewer's questions entirely and hyper-focusing on the tea as if this is her role to play in what could be an unfortunate turn of events. On the other hand, John seems to be cheerily dismissive. I'm seeing skilled, practiced manipulation in the form of feigned charisma and charm - he doesn't ignore the questions but rather skillfully pivots and tries to keep things light and comfortable. His energy is notably different than the rest of the family, which makes him seem like the primary, skilled aggressor. He is keeping shit under control just enough to not raise suspicion, in my opinion.
But, most interesting to me, is their children's reactions to what is going on. The bio tells us so little about them, but their actions say so much. James, being a toddler and the youngest, obviously is going to be relatively clueless. But Jenn, the daughter, Sits quietly and stares ahead with an eerie blank expression. This feels like a traumatized, almost dissociative response. She seems removed in an anticipatory sense, on-brand for how a child might respond to signs of danger. I'd go as far to say that she is exhibiting one of the 5 fight and flight trauma responses; mainly the "freeze" response. The oldest son Joseph, on the other hand, is outwardly angry. He even leaves the room and slams the door as a response to the conversation, perhaps simply triggered by the mention of moving to Midnight Hollow, but I would venture to guess that he's also frustrated with the events taking place beyond that. After all, I would think that if there is anyone aware of the parent's possible nefarious nature and wrongdoings, it would be him. That being said, he's a teenager... but still a child, nonetheless. He unfortunately has little to no control, and it's clear that he's exhibiting a flight response, showing his own disdain as much as he can (a touch of fight in that door slam) while taking an opportunity to flee the scene. In the picture, their eldest son and daughter seem to be looking at them with... complex expressions. They're certainly not happy.
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The whole interview ends because the wife is "not feeling well," but that brings me back to my point about John being a skilled manipulator and the main aggressor running the web that his family is caught in: he would be able to cite when things are getting out of control. A predator knows when to strike and when to back off, and I think this is John's way of regaining control before too much is brought to light. Many people have been spared, unknowingly, from the clutches of a serial killer because they got lucky and the killer decided it wasn't the right place/right time - that's the vibe I'm getting, idk.
The energy around this family reminds me of an Ari Aster or a Jodan Peele psychological horror feel - everything is fine on the surface until it's not, and that tensity and complexity is disturbing and uncomfortable for the outsider (the audience) looking in, but it's usually just as disturbing for our growingly-aware protagonists (who, based on actions alone, I would argue could possibly be the eldest son and perhaps even the daughter, in this case). "The Stepford Wives" by Ira Levin has also been cited possible inspiration at least for Jane's motivations/role in the story. If you don't know about this story, I recommend checking it out.
As I researched, I was actually surprised with the amount of people who did not jump to the murderer route right off the bat. Some other theories include the family being hypnotized and even speculation that they might be robots (likely a take resulting from Levin's work).
Personally, I am more inclined to think that the parents are people with a wicked past, but it was interesting to read alternative takes. The robot and hypnotism theories are intriguing to me, but they neglect to explain the mysterious disappearance of the basement or the children's behaviors. Furthermore, the "brainwashed" and "repetitive" nature Jane has could just as much be signs of trauma/being in an unsafe environment/being forced to act against her will just as much as they could be literal signs of being robotic or hypnotized, so I don't think those things are necessary. Trauma, fear, and feeling trapped are enough to make a person act outside the realm of "normal."
Hell, I think I've only covered the surface here, but I've talked for so long lol. It seems their story might always just be a mystery left for speculation, sadly.
My boy Benoit Blanc says it best:
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Some additional resources that I used below for any curious cats who made it this far:
The Doe family discussion on the sims forum
TS3 Reddit Thread on the Doe family
As for the Darers: from what I'm seeing, the theory that the wives were clones (or at the very least identical twins) makes sense to me. I put pictures of them below, and just from their CAS headshots you can definitely see that the girls are identical - there's gotta be some relation there
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Personally, I lean toward clones due to the traits being the same. Twins in the sims franchise have always had their own unique interests and traits, so these girls being near carbon-copies doesn't make sense if they're only sisters. Plus, the franchise loves clones (looking at you, two versions of Bella Goth in the Sims 2). For the era of franchise that TS3 was in, I feel like the team was still making the game lean toward whimsy and outlandish as opposed to realism.
Regardless of the relation these two girls share though, the fire death is suspicious and maybe the only thing that keeps this from feeling like an open and shut mystery. It also acts as another good reason to lean toward clones as opposed to sisters unless the fire was caused accidentally by Lacy herself. I think the cloning housefire theory is compelling, due to the girls not actually having a relationship with either of these guys explicitly on the family tree. I guess in that case they were actually their potential wives more than actual wives, which would explain why there's no marriage memory as well.
In some ways it's endearing that Juan would do all that, not just for himself but for his buddy as well, especially if it caused his house to burn down and ultimately push him out into a barn. In the end though, I think the whole cloning situation leans more toward weird when you consider the implications. If you have to invent a wife, you probably should just stay single my dude.
Last and unrelated sidenote: Harwood Clay's hair was an unexpected, horrifying surprise lmao.
Just from what you've told me, TS3 Twinbrook world had a lot of interesting characters. I had no idea that TS3 lore was even close in wackiness to TS2 and TS1, but my takeaway here is that we all should be more pissed off that TS4 premades are so dull.
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sysig · 9 months
Big day for the Sims 2
#WPVG#WPTS2#The Sims#The Sims 2#Things accomplished: Made ZEX and DAX and had them fall in love <3#Then moved in the Captain :3c For shenanigans#He looks like pirate fic!Captain lol#Made a set of I BELIEVE classic green alien boxers (lol)#And upgraded the Vargases' church so there is now a place to pee#And also the confessional booths are prettier - curtains! - and there's a little play area for kids and toddlers#I was gonna add a balcony but the windows got in the way :( Next time - in the real town when I actually move them in#I've also been working on the Vargases' clothes in the background - I am actively choosing to be very extra about Scriabin's coat lol#Does it even count if it doesn't have the wrist and waist ties tho - I think no#Which means hopefully! Soon!! I will actually have the correct clothes to move them into my actual real town!!#I went ahead and put their lots down hehe#Also planning on doing a Whole Thing with Squee - I've heard there's a way of setting up specific adoptions by timing CPS visits?#I haven't tried it myself and I'll make sure to save a version of him separately just in case but like#I think if I have his parents neglect him and he gets seized and then I have the Vargases call to adopt him he'll be like - queued first?#I think that's how that works... I wish it was like pet adoption where you could pick them out lol#I'm thinking about pulling a couple of the families I have set up there for now since I haven't been in the fandom for a while :P#I am absolutely planning to have ZEX ahem ''crossover'' with a few different households lol - definitely gunning for TSP Narrator lol#Also I gave him smile lines and aghfdsjahfa he's so cute I'm love#DAX just got a furrowed brow hehe <3 Their specific expression wrinkles! ♥#The Captain is so smooth-faced by comparison haha#The Sims 2 truly does emulsify my brain uou#SCII#Vargas
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fizzytoo · 1 year
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some changes in the kameāloha household since we last saw them! amaya aged up into a child and the kameāloha's welcomed karlee to the family!
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earl-grey-love · 5 months
Taking a bit of a romance break and it seems I've landed on Dia to be the platonic I'm focused on instead 🥰
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dandelioncore · 6 months
Everyone wish me luck I'm installing Sims 2 ultimate collection
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