#does anyone else have opinions? pls i'd love to hear it
sleepyficss · 3 days
hiiiiiii same taco loving girly girl as before. previous request was my first time sending a request to a blog like this and i do really like the post!!!!!!! super cute :3 romantic headcanons for taco regarding each of the five love languages? same concept for reader as before. please and thank you ueeeehhhhhhh
love languages.
taco x reader
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authors note:
aghh i love writing about love languages, there's so much i could ramble about here. ty ty for another request !!! i'm glad you liked the other one – keep the good ideas coming!! /lh
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words of affirmation
- this ones' first up!! i feel is very important to her.
- some days, she gets in stuck in her own head, and starts to convince herself that you aren't going to stick around forever. she gets scared that you'll decide that, no, you don't forgive her for her past actions; and that she'll lose you like mic, and pickle –
- taco definitely needs to hear your reassurance, reminding her that you wouldn't leave her willingly for any reason.
- let her know that you don't hold anything against her for her past actions, and nothing will change your current relationship with her <3
- taco also understands how other peoples' words/opinions may affect you.
- as previously mentioned, she knows how it feels to be scared of possible abandonment – she isn't afraid to talk you through it, and to let you know how much she loves you.
- reminds you constantly that she couldn't imagine being with anyone else, not that she'd want to be, either.
quality time
- taco has stated before, that she thinks better when she has another person to talk to.
- so, please PLS just sit down next to her, while she's working on a project, or even just playing a game like sudoku (she's such a nerd, did u see her calculating her fall into the water in s1?? & i mean that with pure affection LOL).
- it may even help her figure things out along the way if you ask her what she's making/planning/how to play, so she can explain it.
- you may end up sitting there having no clue what half the words she's saying are, but its the thought that counts!! just nod and smile, she's too buried in her own work to notice that you're completely lost.
- leaning against her on the couch while you watch television, or read a book, or literally anything!! just relax by chilling around with her.
physical touch
- you're looking at the most touch-starved object in existence here (mephones a close second, i won't lie).
- especially after s1, where she was alone for so long before making a series of even worse decisions, barely anyone even bothered to LOOK in her direction, much less interact with her.
- the first time you hold her hand, she's almost forgotten what it was like to feel the touch of someone that actually cared for her.
- taco is surprised by your touch, and you almost go to retract your hand out of fear that she isn't comfortable with it – she's quick to reach back for it though, quietly asking you to not let go.
- (now she won't ever let go of you, good luck! she's super glued your hands together.)
- jk jk. but she's so shy about any affection for a while, that you almost think she won't ever get used to it.
- but OH BOY. when she does get more comfortable with initiating it? taco becomes quite the flirtacious menace.
- she's learnt of the affect she has on you, originally with just her voice (don't lie, she could say 'hello' to me, and i'd swoon), but now her touch? she loves seeing you flustered.
acts of service
- one of taco's greatest skills is her problem solving abilities, so she won't hold back when trying to come up with solutions to any of the issues you confide in her.
- especially after all you've done for her, trusting her, staying with her, and loving her, despite everything she's done?
- will do anything just to see a smile on your face (if not because she loves you, then to make herself feel more confident in believing that you do love her, but she won't admit that to you – she knows you'll scold her for it).
- she does really appreciate if you try to do the same to her, whether its trying to help her with an issue she's having, or if its just making a cup of tea for her.
- taco isn't used to it, as she doesn't usually get any sort of help from others unless they're getting something out of it. she almost expects you to want something in return, but is happily surprised when she is told otherwise.
- she already finds joy in inventing things, so its even better when she's able to to make something for you!!
- always tries to make it something you'll find useful, like... ..
- if you get overwhelmed by sounds easily? she's made you a pair of noise cancelling earbuds that can be easily hidden from view!
- or, she'll take apart and analyse the bowtie she took from test tubes lab, just to make a second one for you to match with her! except, depending on your style, it may be a hair accessory, jewellery, etc. instead!
- (i can imagine you convincing her to pull harmless pranks on the others with the invisibility ability – it reminds her of how silly she used to act in s1... and how much fun she used to have with pickle.)
- in turn, taco cherishes literally ANYTHING you give to her. whether its an expensive item you bought, or a hand-made gift.
- she totally keeps all of it too, including holiday cards, somewhere safe, and she likes to pull them out and look through everything if she's ever missing you :(
- but she would be so devastated if any of it ever got lost or ruined, depending on how much it matters to her, she may even end up crying.
- in general, i think taco's main love languages are for sure words of affirmation & acts of service.
- she's not quite used to showing her love to others, but she'll do anything she can to make sure you know how she feels about you <3
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glasses-drunk · 1 year
list some of the other best modern compositions
These are 100% my opinion, in no particular order btw. No hate pls
"Blood And Wine" by Marcin Przbyłowicz
The main theme from the Blood and Wine expansion for The Witcher 3. The entire game has an amazing score but this track in particular just hits all the right spots and sets the mood for the whole expansion.
"Paganiniana" by Nathan Milstein
While this is a little older than most pieces I'd consider 'modern', i still think it counts lol. I absolutely love Milstein's ability to create a sound that just feels impossible for a single violin to make, while still sounding hauntingly beautiful.
"God Shattering Star" by Hiroki Morishita
One word, Presence. This track has always felt to me like the epitome of Boss Music. It hits hard, and keeps hitting hard through it's entirety.
"Attack on Titan" by Hiroyuki Sawano
(the actual title uses a bunch of bullshit characters and I'm not typing that lol)
Sawano is a god and everything he touches is gold. His ability to shape a world with sound is on a level I've personally never seen from anyone else. I could have put just about any of his compositions here and been content, but I chose this one because one of the things Sawano does best is 'Epic' compositions, and this is the track that I think of when I hear the word. Seriously, the entire Attack on Titan OST is a masterpiece.
Honorable mention:
"Zigeunerweisen" by Sarasate, Double Bass arrangement by Lauren Pierce
This one doesn't really count as a modern composition since the piece was written in the 1800s but Lauren's arrangement for the Double Bass is fantastic and pulls sounds out of the instrument that it wasn't meant to make, all while pulling emotions out of me I never meant to have. I feel like it earned a mention.
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papytonpropaganda · 1 year
A bit late for for the writing ask thing! 💖👻😈🤔💭🍰
💖 What do you like most about your own writing?
I guess I'd have to say how effortless it feels when I'm really in the zone. I don't wanna say it's easy, because most of the time it's not, but when I'm actually able to sit down and focus, I can crank out a whole Walls chapter in a couple hours (yes I have done this before). I think it's due to how much I love the characters and the story I've created for them, and being excited to share that story with people, especially those who resonate with the characters.
👻 What is one WIP you think you may never pick back up?
I have this really old wip from like. even before Walls was conceived I think. it was basically going to be Undertale but from Chara's perspective. I haven't completely rejected the idea of going back to it, but I'm just not sure if I have any ideas unique enough to really set it apart from other similar fics, or interesting enough that people are willing to basically sit down and re-experience Undertale in written form.
😈 Is there anything you enjoy doing that you think your readers hate?
again I can't really think of anything, but I'm curious to see what others have to say (again pls be nice if u have anything to say)
🤔 What is the hardest part of writing fic?
I feel like I could go with multiple different answers here, but the one I'll pick for now is basically trying to follow my artistic vision while also not pissing anyone else off. what I mean by that is like... I'm constantly trying to get other people's approval for my creative decisions, and I feel like that hinders the stories I write and my personal growth as a writer. while I'm not one of those people who constantly complains about "puritanism" in fandom, I do think there's a bit of a thing where people hear that a work includes a difficult topic, and they immediately distrust the creator without verifying for themselves whether that topic is handled appropriately. I have personally experienced people automatically assuming I'm doing something "fetishy" when I mention the topics that Walls deals with, for example. and I just feel like this is such a sad and unproductive way to interact with anyone's creation. it doesn't foster a sense of community or respect, or encourage anyone to personally engage with a work and figure out for themselves whether it did what it was intended to. now of course I'm not saying you should never be skeptical, I just think it's important that you verify for yourself what a work does with a topic rather than just relying on hearsay.
sorry for the soapbox rant lol. I'm basically just trying to say that it's difficult for me to stick to my honest vision when I'm also trying not to cross any lines. and that doesn't even have to apply to like, dark topics, it can also apply to just characterization in general (I frequently feel like my visions of Papyrus and Mettaton aren't humorous enough, for example, and that I'm turning people away by having all the angst in Walls.)
💭 What is a headcanon you have about your own work?
Chara is an entity in Walls, but only Frisk and Flowey are aware of their presence (and Flowey only knows because Frisk told him). Chara has various opinions on all of the family members at the beginning of Walls, and throughout the story, their opinion on Mettaton changes the most--they go from thinking he's boring and annoying to "if anyone hurts Mettaton I will kill everyone in this room and then myself" once they figure out how abusive Devon is.
🍰 Name one of your fave comfort fics (doesn’t have to be your all time fave).
I don't read fic much these days but there is one I constantly go back to and I would say it's definitely my favorite fic I've ever read. and surprisingly it is not Undertale. it is. uh. Harry Potter 🙈 but it's literally SO good, way better than anything JKR ever wrote and it's basically the only HP thing I engage with anymore. it has Harry actually responding realistically to having been abused by his aunt and uncle, and Snape is an actual well-rounded, likable and sympathetic character. I literally can't read the original books anymore because they just don't compare to how fantastically written the fanfic author made the main characters. the premise was a bit weird and I remember being cautious when I first read the fic, but the author REALLY made it work and well. obviously it became something very precious to me lol. but yeah.
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hapalopus · 5 years
In studying invertebrates, we often reach a point where we can’t learn much more from observations in the wild, especially with rarer or more elusive species. In my own book studies (I’ve still not had the chance to participate in field-work), I’ve found that this is a problem with Solifugae, that are notoriously difficult to track, and for which almost all behavioral accounts are based on chance encounters.
While looking at invertebrate galleries and blogs I came across a photo of Epomis dejeani, a type of ground beetle that feeds almost exclusively on amphibians. The photos really stuck with me because they were clearly taken in a controlled setting, and when digging further I realized that the photographer studies Epomis beetles and set up interactions between the predatory beetles and the amphibian prey in his lab.
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Gil Wizen is a fantastic photographer, no doubt about that, and reading his blog, I don’t doubt that he loves the animals he studies, which include these frogs, either. Yet to capture the beetle’s feeding strategies and the frog’s defensive behavior, the best method he could find was to set up interactions in the lab, even though it pained him. In his own words: “I love amphibians, and it was disheartening for me to watch them die so many times. Throughout the study I kept telling myself: “I am going to hell for this, no doubt about it”.”
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In the study itself (Wizen G, Gasith A. 2011. Predation of amphibians by carabid beetles of the genus Epomis found in the central coastal plain of Israel. Zookeys, (100):181-91), more gruesome photos are featured, for the morbidly curious.
All this got me thinking about how we decide what’s justifiable in the name of science. And know this discussion is endless and there are thousands of opinion pieces already written - I’m not writing this to reach a conclusion, but rather to get some thoughts out.
It’s usually agreed that live feeding is unethical unless the alternative is to starve an animal to death (i.e. in the case of snakes who won’t eat frozen thawed, or spiders who refuse carrion). Is it more justified to keep a wild animal captive and feed it other captive wild animals if we do so to understand how they feed? I can see arguments both for and against this (”if the species becomes endangered we’ll know how to care for it” versus “the suffering caused to the prey animals outweighs the suffering caused by the predator’s extinction” is one example).
A related subject that I’ve seen very few discussions of is the same situation, but with parasites and parasitoids instead of predators. Some parasites are host-specific, like the tick Ixodes heathi that only lives on one species of pygmy possum. If we were to study the life cycle of species like this in captivity, we’d have to also bring their hosts into captivity. And what about the few botflies that kill their hosts or at least cause them significant stress, like the various mouse botflies or nasal botflies in deer? If it can be justified to live-feed in lab conditions, can it also be justified to infect animals with parasites in lab conditions?
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jinkoh · 2 years
Pentagon - Friends to Lovers vs. Enemies to Lovers
SFW (one suggestive remark), Warnings: none, gender-neutral
anon requested: Who's more enemies to lovers and who's more friends to lovers?
a/n: so this came in a set with two other requests that I will get to later but the question was just so interesting to think about and I wanted to write down my thoughts immediately. I hope you enjoy these, anon! Also if anyone has thoughts about it pls let me know. I'd love to hear other ppls takes on this~
I think he's literally THE best friend. Like show me a movie with a best friend and it's going to be Changgu. He has that classic sweet, friendly childhood friend vibe who always supports you and has your back. Would watch from the sidelines and wish for your happiness if you fell in love with someone else T-T
Does this even need an explanation? He is such a sweetheart. Like how would you even become Yuto's enemy?? I think you'd have to try very hard for him to consider you an enemy and like. What kind of person would you have to be to want that? So, yeah, FtL because EtL is simply not an option.
While I can see EtL for him, I think he just has such a "friend vibe". I can picture Wooseok to be the type of person that doesn't fall in love that quickly and needs to grow more comfortable with someone first so FtL feels like a good trope for him imo
I think this one is an obvious choice, isn't it? In all honesty I can't picture any scenario where you're his enemy and he doesn't flirt with you. It just goes hand in hand with him. Also not to be nsfw but he'd totally take the whole enemy/anger thing into the bedroom.
Sure, Jinho is cute and all but he can also be pretty sassy. I think he'd be so arrogant and condescending and it'd get your blood boiling and your heart racing and- wait, what? There's just a lot of potential for arguing about opinions and views that don't match and I'm here for it.
He is soft, he is sweet and he can be an absolute snake. He'd be the really petty type in this kind of trope and oh my god do I love that. So sassy to you at all times, but as soon as that romantic tension starts to appear he'd be completely lost and flustered.
I think having Shinwon as a friend would include a lot of casually hanging out together, chilling on the couch or having cereal together at 3am. You'd grow so comfortable and get so used to sharing space. I think it would just naturally develop from there and someday you realize that maybe waking up in the same bed and cuddling and kissing is not something friends do.
I'm not sure if Shinwon would have enemies per se, simply because I feel like he'd just leave you be if he doesn't like you. But there's so much potential for misunderstandings with him, so I think a story where you one-sidedly think that he hates you while he just doesn't care that much (or even likes you/finds you interesting) seems fitting.
I can really see him having a best friend trying to take care of him while he's exhausted and overworked. And then in the midst of being drowsy and tired and comfortable accidental confessions happen...?
For enemies-- Maybe more like a rival thing? Both of you would be desperate to win, but while you see nothing but a rival in him, he'd also see you as an inspiration to work harder and would still be able to genuinely congratulate you if you won.
It just so happens that my best friend and I are having childhood friend!Hongseok brainrot these days, so I can really picture this so well. He'd be super protective of you and get pouty if you spent too much time with other people (read: too little with him).
But I can also picture something like a rivalry. Hongseok is competitive and ambitious and he likes to win. He would see it as a friendly rivalry while you'd grow to dislike him more with each time he beats you. He'd always play fair, even if you didn't which would frustrate you even more.
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roxannarambles · 2 years
hi!!! I’m the same anon who was raving about ur penstagram fic before it was even out lol(speaking of which is very good and I love it so much THIS is the content I want; luz confusing hunter out with her human lingo/ways. as always, thank u for the food it was delicious. you’ve also given me inspiration to potentially start a fic of my own for goldenlight! I’m not going to promise anything, but the idea has been growing more and more in my head by the day, and I wanted to thank you for always posting such lovely fics about them, bc who knows if I would’ve even considered writing for goldenlight otherwise?!!!)
but concerning the finale, am I the only one that felt it was strangely… underwhelming? i truly can’t pinpoint exactly what it was, maybe my expectations were just set too high, maybe the effects of the show being gutted prematurely by the mouse are really starting to show through for me personally, I don’t know. but it’s been making me feel insane since, online, I haven’t seen much of anyone feeling the same? I’m truly not sure why I feel this way because it’s not like things didn’t happen, because they obviously did!! but there was just something strangely unsatisfying about it that I can’t shake.
i have been trying to be aware that the owl house was always probably going to feel rushed at least somewhat because of everything, and I hate feeling like I’m kicking the toh crew while they’re already down. the LAST thing I want to do is be a hater of the show, or be the person who meticulously picks at media until I’m suddenly convinced my opinion is completely right and that said media is suddenly completely terrible and has always been. I’ve tried talking to my friend about it, and while they actually agreed a lot with what I had to say, they’re not the type who like to in-depth discuss about this type of stuff lol.
i guess my question is, what did you think of the s2 finale? did it hit all the emotional beats to you, or even just mis of them? (pls don’t feel pressured to agree with anything I said lol. i just wanted to get it out of my system. I’m truly curious about your input! trust me, I would be more than happy to be told why I’m wrong actually and have my eyes opened. seriously, no pressure lol.
to end on a more positive note, I can’t wait to read the rest of the penstagram fic! i truly love how you characterize them and how you portray their relationship! there’s something so soft about the way you write them that makes me soft sknewknrrkiksn)
Hi! :D I'm so glad you're enjoying the Penstagram shenanigans, I feel like there's a lot of room there for some silly fun. Also, I'm thrilled you're considering doing a fic yourself! I know I never would have bothered writing for the pairing if I hadn't stumbled across the Goldenlight community first and realized I wasn't alone. If you ever do write and post something I'd love to read it. <3
You are not alone in your feelings about the finale. While there are parts of the finale I really enjoyed, other parts were very disappointing to me. I enjoyed King's role in the episode (and King's interactions with Luz) and I felt that the Collector was really interesting and engaging. But the other stuff . . . ooof. I've been doing some thinking and I think I've pinpointed one of the major problems with S2B and the finale. This may sound strange at first, but I think a major issue is that it focused too much on the romances to the detriment of everything else.
Hear me out. (Rant incoming!! If somebody wants to skip I will mark where my rant ends.)
With Luz, after the events of 'Hollow Mind,' you'd think she and Eda would be very worried about Hunter running away into the woods, alone, traumatized, and in extreme danger of being hunted down by Belos. And yet in the show, they never even mention him again. What's more, Luz does not worry about any of her other friends, either. In 'Clouds on the Horizon', she is single-mindedly focused on finding and helping Amity, nobody else. This is presumably because they wanted to feature L*mity in the episode, but it means that Luz has been acting wildly out of character, because she should be worried about her friends too! When her friends do appear, she is relieved, but she still barely even interacts with them, and the whole thing feels super weird and ooc. (We saw signs of this even earlier in S2B during 'Follies At the Coven Day Parade.' She is real stressed about telling Amity about her promise to stay in the human realm . . . but doesn't give a crap about telling Willow or Gus!) Throughout S2B, the over-focus on L*mity means Luz stops having meaningful plot time with any of her other friends. Including a really interesting friendship with Hunter that was just entirely discarded.
With Hunter, whooo boy it's a mess. Hunter had a beautiful character arc all set up for him. And yet, in King's Tide, he is robbed of that arc entirely. Instead of Hunter confronting Belos, standing up to him, and addressing his identity crisis, proving he is a REAL person with his own will and his own fate, NOT a tool of Belos, Hunter's involvement with the story is removed almost entirely. He doesn't have lines, he's made utterly pathetic during fights so that Willow keeps saving him-- in order for the show to force more 'romantic moments' in-- or he spends the time just assisting the other witches, not actually fighting for himself. This is out of character and ridiculous. Hunter is facing something terrifying, yes, but he is more then a capable witch and fighter. He's the head of the Emperor's Coven, for pete's sake, he's had tons of training. He can stand his own ground and he deserved to have a chance at his actual character progression plot. Instead it's discarded for more 'Huntl*w moments.' Which is absurd. It's far, far too late into the show for Hunter to have a canon romance. He deserved to have his identity crisis and other issues addressed in the story, not have some rushed last-minute romance shoved in there, something that feels completely out of place, forced, and not organic at all because clearly there was no time and space to develop a romance properly. It's just insulting.
(EDITED TO ADD: Amity suffered a lot from too much focus on romance too. Her character had so much interesting potential, but she became little more then “Luz’s girlfriend” and Amity’s plotlines with her parents and siblings were shoved to the backburner. Her reconcilation with Willow likewise was shoved aside and it made it super uncomfortable because it made it seem like she only cared about Luz. Amtiy never truly apologized to Willow for all the years she tormented her, nor did she take full responsibility for her choices and actions, and I don’t believe that’s because Amity is a bad person. I believe it’s simply because the writers did not priorotize that story. So it never got told. This sucks, because we ended up with an Amity whose character was never properly explored or developed.)
With Eda, even she didn't escape the downsides of too much focus on romance. Eda's story throughout this show has been one of my favorite things. Her curse was really relatable for a person who suffers from long-term mental health issues. (Many people with chronic health issues also relate to her a lot.) Her story has been about how she has battled with and eventually come to terms with her curse and how it's impacted her life and her relationships. But in the last few episodes leading up to the finale, the focus has been mostly on Raeda angst. I would argue the focus has been a little too much on Raeda, because I always find it more fulfilling and enjoyable when we use her screentime for how she's learned to open her heart again to the people in her life (everyone.... her sister, mom, dad, Luz, King, not just Raine).
Let me assure folks: I don't hate romance. I'm a shipper and this is a shipping acount, for pete's sake, of course I don't hate it. Nor do I hate L*mity or Huntl*w (they're just not my cuppa tea). I just think the writers ended up focusing too much on the romances and when they did, it took something very important away from the show. This show is about found family and friendships and deeper life lessons, too, not just romances. Or at least, it used to be.
I know I'm being very critical here, but it's only because it saddened me to see a show that started off so strong, slowly derail into this. I have no doubt a major factor in all this was the crunch time/cancellation, of course. It's just a shame that when the writers chose what parts to sacrifice . . . welp. If you weren't a romance you didn't get priority. 🥲 I still hold out hope the S3 specials might give a little more room for Hunter's character arc and other plot points, but we'll see. Let's just say I'm not holding my breath, heh.
Anyway, that was probably way too many words in answer to your question, haha. Thanks again for your support. As long as these two nerds continue to give me joy I'll continue to write about them.
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kimseokjinn · 2 years
ok jin anon again and it’s 3am and now i cannot stop thinking about how special each of them are. obviously we know this BUT would you mind if i just praised them for a bit w my opinions (pls feel free to ignore if you do!)
i’ll start w the vocal line - i feel like each of them has such unique tones to their voices and it’s so interesting to hear them all and have them work together. jin’s voice as we know is SO well suited for ballads but i also want to point this specific thing out - you know his high notes in run bts?? the “tell me what you wanna” part. UGH it gets me each time. jimin’s range is incredible and he hits those high notes SO. WELL. (but also can we talk about his lower vocals in tony montana 😩😩😩) i think it’s amazing - and honestly a bit lucky/destined as well, considering how bts was formed - how bts’ vocal line has two people who can hit the high notes well (amongst other talents as well), jin and jimin, and tae who has a really smooth and velvety deep voice along w kook who sounds so good doing literally anything. the combination of all of them truly makes them the best vocal line in the industry (this is MY OPINION!!! anyone is free to disagree w me!!!)
and the RAP LINE god. i’m not as familiar w rap as i am w singing but hobi’s style is so versatile that i’m impressed each time he releases new music. he is truly a wildcard (idk if that has negative connotations but i mean it in a very very good way!!!) namjoon has that steady style that i feel like is very classic and powerful??? (sorry, like i said im not super well-acquainted w rap so i truly have no idea what im talking about) and yoongi’s seems to be in between hobi and namjoon’s where he does seem to stick to his few styles BUT the way he raps is so interesting, like his voice and intonation. this is a tangent but i feel like hobi was imitating yoongi’s style when they first debuted as he was finding his own style, and can i just say i LOVE his own style. anyways, best rap line as well, in my completely non-biased opinion!!! 😏
it is now 3:30am and wow i am just so in awe of them. as yoongi said, what a relief that they are seven. what a relief that they have each other. and i know that they’re focusing on solo projects and whatnot but i personally don’t think that takes away from that quote!! i am so emo, i love them so much. they are incredible and we are so lucky.
Pleaseeee, jin's high notes are so good. His high notes in Crystal Snow had me screaming when he confirmed it was him. His voice has come a long way since his debut.
Jimin's voice... there's a reason that Promise is my favorite Jimin song. It perfectly encapsulates his voice. There are some bts songs, like fake love, that really force him to use the higher end of his range, and while that's nice sometimes, I prefer him to be comfortable like in Promise. Really, yoongi did well in asking Jimin to feature in Tony Montana because I don't think anyone else could do it the way he can..
Taehyungs deep voice... whew. The first time I heard Singularity was an out-of-body experience fr. Like, his voice is suited for jazz and honestly, if his entire mixtape ended up being jazz, I'd be in love. I'd be in love regardless but you know. His voice is soulful
And jk, my versatile king...I think his voice blends really well with the rest of the vocal line, but especially jin's. Idk why but to me, those two sound perfect together. Still With You is my favorite song. More of that, please
I'm not familiar with rap other than the fact that when I first listened to Cypher 4, I about lost my damned mind. I am impressed with hobi considering he was originally meant to be a vocalist before transitioning to part of the rap line. I'm glad he put out hope world to show off his skills. Actually, his demo of DNA made me want to hear more of that singing. And I'd consider being called a 'wildcard' a good thing because people don't know what to expect from you.
Yoongi's versatility is hot. If you sampled his raps from his debut up til now, you'd be amazed at how varied they are. Cypher 2's verse had my jaw on the floor because of his speed. King shit.
As for namjoon, I think what i love the most is the emotion he puts into his verses and the lyricism within them. The entirety of Mono makes me feel a lot of emotions, everything goes, in particular, holds a special place in my heart
As I said, I don't know anything about rap other than what I enjoy, lol.
I'm glad the universe put them together ❤️
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