#does rana have barovian chicken pox? yes
carveus · 4 years
Girda/Laurana - Guard
Apparently, whatever this was was a common childhood ailment in Barovia, gone in a week or so of mild discomfort. It seemed, however, in adults the discomfort was raised just a little.
She wasn’t sure how long she’d been in bed now; and compared to her childhood the fever she was running was practically mild. The worst thing really was the itching, it made it hard to sleep. Mavis had offered to cure her of it, but memories of endlessly trying to get rid of The Fever had made her wave it off. It it truly was this common here, it was better to run through it; she wasn’t going to die, she was just going to be very miserable for a while, and she was used to that from her constant childhood illnesses, once more was hardly going to be a problem. And, she wasn’t so infectious that they had to burn everything she owned, so whilst she could focus enough she could read.
She drifted awake to a cool, damp cloth being pressed to her forehead; and she let out a noise that normally only Christoph could draw from her, but she was hot, sweaty, and itchy and this honestly felt like a gift from the gods. She managed to crack an eye open, smiling weakly up at Girda, who was looking mildly alarmed at the noise she’d made. The just made her laugh, a slow creaking thing that took too much energy, but it was worth it, Tiberius waking up from his fitful dozing to take a moment to snuffle at Girda’s hand before deciding to start grooming her hair. “Thank you,” she winced a little at her voice, croaky from disuse, starting to push herself slightly more upright. “The cloth, exactly what I needed right now.”
Girda leant in with that slightly self conscious smile of hers as she pulled the pillows up for her to lean against. “There’s some stew for dinner if you feel up for it,” reaching down next to her to pick up a cup of water now that Rana was settled against the pillows, pressing it into eager hands.
“Oh, marry me Girda,” Rana said between sips, smiling at the slight darkening of the skin around her nose that meant that she wasn’t the one blushing for once.
“I’m not sure Christoph would be too happy with that.”
“He can learn to share.”
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