#lady laurana
carveus · 2 years
Bold of you to assume I'd die - Christoph
As she opened the door and saw him, she felt the tears rise up even as she tried to will them back down, too many emotions warring at once for her to even think about identifying, let alone try to deal with. "You utter bastard," she just about managed to proclaim as the tears fell from her eyes, grabbing a fistful of his shirt as she pulled him inside for the tightest hug she could give him, feeling her nose start to run as sobs shook her body.
"Christoph, I thought you were dead, I didn't..."
"I know dove, I'm so sorry," she felt him murmur into the crown of her head as she buried her face into his chest. Later she'd be aghast at making a mess of him, but for now she really didn't care. "I'm back now, it's okay."
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ladylaurana · 2 years
There were not many duties as Consort to the Lord of Succubi. Certainly less than she would have had in a more conventional match, and certainly more enjoyable.
She had long ago learnt not to bite back her moans as she rocked on his lap, the arms of his throne bracketing her legs a solid reminder of where she was as she pressed her face into his neck, his beard tickling her face as clever fingers wrought another whimper from her. The thin gauzy material of her dress had fallen from her shoulders down to her waist, and whilst her hair cascaded down her back, not revealing the carefully marked flesh that her lover was dragging his nails down in that way he knew made her legs tremble; it did not abate the heat of the many eyes watching them. The normally riotous sounds of his court seemed to dull to nothing during these moments, and even though she knew all eyes were on them, still the world seemed to shrink to just the two of them, chasing highs through each other.
Her pulse was pounding in her ears as she shifted her rhythm, gripping his tightly as she twisted around him, reaching a hand up to tangle in his hair and let her nails dig into his scalp, enjoying the choked gasp she pulled from him. She was so close, the movements of her hips starting to grow erratic; only for him to growl and pull his hand from her slick folds and her back, gripping her hips tight enough that there would be bruises as a happy reminder for days afterwards. “You come on my cock or Not. At. All.” Those words seared into her brain as he bit her earlobe, drawing more whines from her as he set a punishing pace, the hand in his hair now gripping it as a lifeline. Gasps and sobs spilled freely from her lips, clenching around the cock inside her as she drew closer and closer to her peak, feeling the shift of his muscles that signal his coming climax, hoping and babbling prayers to him that she got to come.
With a final groan he slammed her hips down against his, leaning forward to bite her neck, adding to the chain of bruises there. His cock twitching felt so good, grinding against him as she came with a sob, riding out the agonising high, softly murmuring his name “Christoph… Christoph… thank you Christoph.” As his teeth left her flesh she slumped forward bonelessly, content to lie there against him as he grew soft inside her, slowly getting her breath back as the delicious aches and pains caught up to her, almost purring as he stroked her hair, pressing a soft kiss to the crown of her head. Water would be brought for her, and then she would have to stand up, dress falling to her feet and his spend dripping down her thighs for all to see, but for now she would enjoy his arm around her and feeling his breathing settle.
This really was much better than managing a household’s books.
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dndhistory · 11 months
262. Madeleine Simon (cover by Larry Elmore, interior art by Jim Holloway) - HeartQuest #4: Isle of Illusion (1983)
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First thing that jumps out when looking at this, the fourth in the HeartQuest series, is just how familiar the main character on the cover looks, from the face and hair to the design of the armor, this looks exactly like Laurana Kanan from the Dragonlance novels and modules. This is only natural, after all the modules and the novel Dragons of Autumn Twilight a year away in 1984. So Larry Elmore was for sure deep into the character design process for the Dragonlance characters. 
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Written by Morris Simon, under the lady pseudonym of Madeleine Simon, to appeal to the young woman target audience of this gamebook, the story tells of a princess, Licia, determined to regain her kingdom and rescue her brother who has been kidnapped by the evil wizard Terg. On the way to completing her mission she will find two potential love interests, the brilliant and nice (but weirdly possessive) Max and the rude and uncouth thief Tym. 
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As the story goes on Licia gets the chance to romance one or both of these characters and there are some good lessons for young ladies here, such as: nice guys who are extremely controlling and possessive are really not nice and jealousy isn't a sign of love. The story is a bit too linear, and it doesn't make you go back and forth that much in the book, you basically keep going forward all the time until the end, which is a bit unimaginative and defeats the purpose of the book, but as a story it's still fun. 
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nuralscolorfulart · 1 year
New OC: Lady-o'-Lantern
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Here's my new OC in the Halloween season of 2023, namely Lady-o'-Lantern. A female version of Jack-o'-lantern, she is an alter ego of Laurana Bhisana. She has a light tan skin, dark redish eyes, and navy blue hair. 🖤🎃💙🎃🖤
Hope you like it! ✨💕
Digitalized by me, on ibis Paint X (10/02/2023).
Title: New OC: Lady-o'-Lantern
Character: Laurana Bhisana (as Lady-o'-Lantern) ♀️
Type: Original Artwork, Moodboard Art Challenge on Instagram
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Hey, it's me, Eira! So... You remember when Vice showed up and tried to mess with our attempt to contain Harriet? And how I kind of... well, mulched him? Well, I used the same amount of telekinetic power against him as I did against Phlegmy in my last encounter with him. Vice got turned into a skeleton and splatter residue, while Phlegethon just got a nosebleed. It got me thinking... Just how much stronger are Archdemons when compared to mid-level demons like Vice?
Hey, Lady Eira, good to hear from you here! Though I’m going to have to turn over the question to someone more knowledgeable on the subject than I am. Ermina?
Thank you, Mirage, and hello once again, Lady Eira. Now, unfortunately, it’s not always easy to gauge power based on rank. For example, Vex is a Low-Tier, yet no doubt he could hold his own against Mid-Tiers. Each tier is quite the spectrum. As far as I can observe, tiers tend to denote durability and effectiveness of latent powers. Archdemons are typically High-Tiers, so that would be why your abilities did comparatively less damage to Phlegethon than it did to Vice.
Now, I say “comparatively” for good reason. A mortal with the capability to do so against a demon of that rank is nothing less than astonishing. I heard from the others about what was left of Vice, definitely would make one think twice about coming against you. Apparently even Macabre was stunned, and that’s really hard to do!
I hypothesize that doing whatever you did to a low-tier like Vex, Macabre, Aria, or even Lilith wouldn’t even leave behind a skeleton.
Still, as you have experienced, there can be power chasms even between adjacent ranks. Ranks above Low are not commonly granted for good reason, but when they are, the demon has shown that they’ve earned it, and with it comes an even further power boost.
Side note, not all High-Tiers will look obvious. Goetia are typically Mid-Tiers, but there are plenty of exceptions. I’ve heard of one by the name of Andras from Lady Laurana who was a High-Tier. Allegedly he’s the brother of Halphas, making him Macabre’s uncle, but Macabre didn’t have any recollection of him. Well, considering how distant he was from his family, no doubt there wouldn’t be a lot of details to share.
Another exception I’ve heard of is a demon called Forneus. Aria and Macabre mentioned that he’s a High-Tier Goetia, but he spends his time as a teacher to demon and mortal alike, often acts as a mediator, and doesn’t even claim souls. Oddly gentle of such a rank, though I’ve heard that his power may be because he was one of the Throne Angels prior to his defection. Not sure why someone of his caliber would defect at all…
Uh, sorry for the wall of text, Lady Eira. TLDR, there is an incredible gap between all ranks. I guess one way to look at it is instead of an incremental increase, imagine a more exponential one.
Still, just because one is outranked doesn’t mean one is outgunned. Right now, you’re among one of the examples of such. Your feats have definitely made the rounds here, many in awe of your power and abilities.
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rhokisb · 2 years
Dragonlance Session 8 : Between Rock and Earth
Happy New Year everyone!
Sorry for the delay, holiday season and whatnot.
We last found our party in the Elven capital of Qualinost where they were tasked with rescuing the captured people of Krynn from Pax Tharkas. During their time in Qualinost, our favorite problematic Dragonborn met the Elven princess, Laurana, who seemed to take an immediate interest in our angsty boy.
Unfortunately, she was kidnapped that same evening, putting a pin in our blossoming interactions.
The party started this week with leaving Qualinost to journey to Pax Tharkas, with Gilthanis as their guide. Before leaving, Lady Liadrin was given the title Captain (Lady) Liadrin, The Unbroken Jewel of Qualinost. She is to be the last warrior given rank in Qualinost during the Age of Despair as the elves readied to abandon their homeland to find sanctuary in the western lands.
Heading south towards Pax Tharkas, and the secret Elven entrance Sla-Mori, the team came across a bloodied battleground strewn with the corpses of men and Hobgoblins. While investigating the clearing, one of the bloodied men rose to his feet, warning the party of the ambush surrounding them. After defeating the ambush, the party spoke with the man, Eben, and agreed to take him with them on the mission.
Before reaching their destination the party witnessed thousands of Draconian soldiers exiting Pax Tharkas, headed towards the Elven homeland. This sight spurred the heroes towards their destination which they reached by the evening.
Having entered the hidden passages of Sla-Mori the party was IMMEDIATELY SLOWED by the DM's attempt at a puzzle dungeon. Yes, friends, we had it all. Back-tracking a hundy, no attempts at investigation roles, 0% questions directed at their guide; just a complete and utter disregard for their situation that bordered on absolute arrogance.
The party did recover an ancient weapon, Wyrmslayer, which was used by the first Speaker of the Sun of Qualinesti thousands of years ago. Neltharion was gifted the Greatsword after Aello begrudgingly admitted that she could not use it--but it looked dope and she wanted to keep it anyways. Having found the sword, the party returned back the way they came and took another route, where they found the ghost of a man long since trapped in Sla-Mori.
They asked this ghost NOTHING, just promised they'd get him out of Sla-Mori if he helped guide them. The ghost...who has been trapped in the tunnels for over 500 years. Guiding them, evidently. Not the living elf, this random ass ghost they found.
No matter, Gorm the dwarf just promptly heaved all those bones into his pack and continued forward. Surely no consequences there!
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The ghost had offered them some tips in a highly manic voice. Those tips were as follows:
"Fools take the RIGHT way, continue through darkness, find the lowering stone. Touch not the tombs of the dead. Speak, “Friend to elf, dwarf and man.” and the doors will open. I’ll see you in time."
Again, nothing haunting or sinister there.
The team was very hung up on "the RIGHT WAY" so they opted to return back the way they came--completely passing the entrance where they could have taken the ghost so that he might escape, just fuck that, he's not going out the way they came in apparently--and continue exploring the room where they found the sword again. This time they found that the room was larger than they previously thought, and OH LOOK AT THAT:
A giant slug was stuck in it. Just a massive 1 1/2 story, 45 ft long slug.
So naturally, they decided to kill that thing. But they didn't just...attack it with swords and bows and whatever else they had. No no.
These absolute psychopaths proceed to torment this thing by casting both Phantasmal Killer and Phantasmal Force on this thing and forcing it to view the Tiefling Bard as an almost 7ft tall salt shaker, while the Dwarf made it believe that a 10ft bucket of salt was just perpetually hanging directly over its head.
When they asked me to make Wisdom and Intelligence saving throws for this thing I screamed, "MY DUDES, IT'S A SLUG." As it failed both of those miserably. They killed it within 2 rounds, as it could not move at all due to the phantom salt plaguing it.
To kill it, Neltharion and Rodriggo were right up on it and Neltharion stated that he, "Slid on his knees alongside the beast cutting it from end to end so that all of the entrails and nastiness purposefully lands on Rodriggo." It's...a love-hate thing they've got going.
We left our heroes being judged very harshly by Eben for the chaos and villainy of what they'd just done to this poor creature (who had obviously been just stuck in this room peacefully growing in size over the centuries, living its best life) which then caused an existential crisis over whether or not they were supposed to be friends with it (they weren't, but I enjoyed the sorrow and anxiety the thought provoked).
We will be picking up in the tunnels of Sla-Mori; Neltharion has a new weapon, Gorm is carrying a whole ass ghosts worth of bones, the party has a new ally (Eben) and Rodriggo is covered in slug goop.
Which is exactly where I love to leave things.
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starkidmack · 4 years
📣 For Niza -"Yes Rana, you were right and that was a sensible course of action."
Can you hear the eye roll? 😂
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holy-shoot · 4 years
Rezzi “I can’t feel my fingers anymore…”
Rezzi hated area of effect spells. If she was casting she usually was able to place it properly, but when she met Rana's eyes as she prepared cone of cold, Rezzi knew she couldn't risk moving. So she grit her teeth and bore the brunt of the spell.
The monster she happened to be engaged with took all of her friends damage, but unfortunately Rezzi did the same. The monster was finished, frozen solid and mid-roar. Rezzi was still up, but barely.
Laurana rushed over, catching the tiefling as she stumbled. Her normally teal skin was a bright pale blue and she was trembling. As Rana touched her skin, she was almost as cold as ice.
"Rezzi, I'm so sorry, you were too close I couldn't-"
"Don't. You had to cast it, and I'm still up! I'm ok. But..."
"I can't feel my fingers anymore..."
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idkwhats-happening · 4 years
11 for Mavis and Rana
Mavis was at the stove having another go at making some breakfast when she heard movement from the stairs beside her.
And there stood Rana, “I took NyQuil instead of DayQuil on accident & I think I’m about the pass out”
Mavis had to bite her lip a bit to hold back the smile. She didn’t think switching the labels would actually work but maybe she had underestimated how exhausted Rana was, “Aw shucks, hmmm here hun why don’ you sit at the table” Mavis ushered Rana to her seat, “and see if it’ll pass, okay? I got you some tea, and I’ll even grab you an extra pillow. Just hang out here for a bit” Once in the clear Mavis gave herself a high-five. Woman needs to rest 💛
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gambit-wildcard · 4 years
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alkanetart · 7 years
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Inktober - Day 2
Tika & Laurana (Dragonlance Chronicles)
This year’s theme is book ladies! Another classic fantasy saga. I love how this one turned out, I might color it later and make bookmarks or something.
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carveus · 2 years
Lady Laurana + Nadja.
Okay, so like first off, they are BFFs. They're both somewhat underestimated, very deadly women, with loving partners and excellent fashion sense. You know they chat over tea/blood about their preferred murder methods.
They may have also arranged a very nice, very tasteful little orgy for the two couples and a few dozen friends. As one does.
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ladylaurana · 3 years
repost and BOLD all that apply to your muse — health edition
feel free to add more
gets colds easily - has a chronic condition - has had major surgery - has had minor surgery -suffers from spring allergies - has broken a bone - has a sensitive stomach - gets headaches easily - has anxiety - has depression - is prone to panic attacks - bruises easily - has had a major health scare - has lost a loved one to health issues - pushes themselves when sick - is a poor patient - is a good patient - ignores signs of poor health in themselves - is a hypochondriac - has undiagnosed health issues - isn’t bothered by medical settings - hates medical settings
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warlock-enthusiast · 3 years
Dragonlance week #1 - Dragons
So, I'm a bit rusty with my Dragonlance knowledge but the feels are still real.
Characters: Sturm Brightblade, the blue Lady
Warnings: character death
Rating: M
prompts / @dragonlance-week
Sturm knew that he’d die.
There was no fear, no anguish, just coldness spreading through his chest. Too many of them had already fallen due to Derek’s decision to charge, too many in the battles before. He commanded his men to attack and deflect, to get the attention of their enemies.
And so, he’d buy his friends some time and grant them hope for a peaceful future. Laurana would use the dragon orbs’ power to weaken the enemy, maybe trap then. She’d grown powerful. She just needed a bit more time, a few more seconds.
His sword split a foe in half, his shield bashed against scaly armor. Draconians swarmed the battlefield and Sturm pushed some of them to their death.
Sturm didn’t know how much time he’d spent atop of the High Clerist’s tower, and he felt his muscles protest against straining them any further.
But he’d die and it wouldn’t matter.
His world seemed black and white to some, boring, stuck up, arrogant, a long-forgotten story.
He knew better.
At least, the blue Lady appeared, mounted on her blue dragon. His scales shown like sapphires and Sturm caught himself thinking that there was something beautiful to be found in such a vile creature. His wings took the light, his horns echoed the color of bones, and his screams and roars brought men to their knees.
How strange that dragons had become so intervened with all of their fates.
Sturm pressed his lips together and attacked. With her here, she wouldn’t have the time to look for Laurana.
And then her spear pierced his chest and blood filled his mouth and he almost smiled.
He would die as a knight, no longer a squire searching for meaning in his life, trying to remember the glory days.
A true knight.
Sturm closed his eyes and thought about raven hair and purple eyes and love filled his last breath.
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fictionalized · 4 years
Christoph: Soulmate AU First Kiss
The ball was in full swing.
No, that was a misstatement. The ball had been in full swing shortly after sunset- the prince had been introduced, the musicians had taken up their instruments, and the assembled nobles had started up their routine of mingling and dancing. The prince had started up a circuit around the room. As the evening progressed, he would meet every eligible member of the nobility, and as he gave them a kiss, they would find if the prince had met his soulmate- a kiss on the hand was traditional, but it was entirely up to the prince’s discretion.
And then Christoph arrived.
An hour after that, the ball was beyond full swing, it was approaching a full revel. The attention of the crowd had drifted away from the prince, much to his disappointment. The musicians had set aside the staid processional rhythms that they had been given before the performance, playing something with a much faster beat to it. Christoph had even convinced some of the servants to set aside their trays and platters, joining into the party.
As he took a break, sprawled across the king’s throne, Christoph smirked as he watched the celebration spin further out of control. A low warm of approval hummed through him, he could feel her approval as he watched the cream of society get dragged down into the debauchery he’d provoked. It was... a relief.
He still couldn’t relax, though. In the corners of the ballroom, his Lady’s commands were taking hold. But there was too many people resisting it in the center of the room, on the dance floor. He felt the push of her will, needling him to get back involved, to spread the influence. Fine, easily done.
“Come, my friends!” Christoph stood up, raising a goblet he’d lifted from the king’s table. “If the prince may not find his soulmate with a kiss, come, share the dance floor and see what we might discover instead!”
If he’d learned anything in his time serving his Lady, it was this: all some people needed was the slightest bit of encouragement and permission to give in. And when they saw a tall, smiling man take the hesitantly offered hand of the first brave young lady and spin her onto the floor into a rapid dance step, well, that was enough for so many of them.
He’d done this particular ploy a dozen or more times before, of course. He never worried about who he was going to kiss. One can’t have a soulmate if they don’t have a soul, after all.
Once there were enough other pairs on the floor, it was simple. As the stanza ended, a kiss, and trade partners. In theory, just another soulmate test. But every kiss tended to linger longer than the one in the last change. It was a dance like any other, in a way, and Christoph knew the step well enough to lead the party deeper into the call of his Lady.
It was the seventh change- he knew that precisely, feeling the hum of the party’s descent in the air around him- when he kissed her. Clever eyes, dark hair artfully arranged, a smile that she wasn’t holding back any more, an elegant, long neck that he thought needed someone’s teeth caught against it. That had been his thought as they danced, before he kissed her, preparing to trade partners-
It was like being struck with lightning. No, he’d felt lightning and it didn’t leave him as flatfooted as this did, as completely lost. The needling sensation in the back of his mind, the one he knew as his Lady urging him, it melted away beneath the bright, crackling sensation that crashed through him as their lips met. The music must have continued around them, the crowd continued to spin and dance and laugh and-
As if on sheer reflex, Christoph called up magic around them, stepping them out to the empty balcony looking over the town. Well, mostly empty, there were a few noises from a shadowy corner that he would have been more attentive to under normal circumstances. Instead, he looked down at the woman in his arms, confused. Completely having lost his footing, he fell back on ingrained courtesy. “I don’t believe we have been introduced. I am Captain Christoph Athelrod. And you are...”
You are a complete impossibility, his mind finished for him.
She looked into his eyes, seeming almost as surprised by the moment as he had been. “Lady Laurana Saulieu,” she answered, smiling hesitantly. “It is a pleasure to meet you, Captain.”
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simbury · 5 years
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We’re off to Simlynch Hall!
First off almost all of the family has quit their mourning period for Thomas and Winifred as it has been over a year so everyone gets a makeover (aside from Laurana, Cade, and Calliope who are all due to age up soon!)
We have Lady Romana and Cambrian Kitteridge.
Lady Isabella and Lady Lillian Cavendish, the youngest children of the late Duke of Simborough, Spencer and his wife the Dowager Duchess Laurana.
Camellia Kitteridge, oldest child of Lady Romana and Cambrian Kitteridge.
Conrad Kitteridge, only child of Cyril Kitteridge and his late wife, Doris. Conrad has been living with Lady Romana and Cambrian since his infancy, but after college he will go back to live with his father once more.
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