#does this count as a tutorial
the-dragon-girl-27 · 10 months
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I just noticed I never showed off this one art I did while making the most recent chapter of my webcomic. I'm tryna do these lighting tests to get better at doing lighting and stuff for my comic, IDK if it helps or not but it probably is useful at getting more cohesive color schemes. I'm trying to not pick colors super arbitrary anymore and stuff like i did in early chapters. I think its kinda sorta paying off.
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I'm using cliping masks and blend modes recently to make quick and eazy lighting. useally its a few on the characters to add light and shadow basically I
>clip the layer with the blend mode to the layer that contains the characters
>use airbrush to add the color (gives a nice subtle gradient)
>use layer mask to erase the parts I don't want (almost always on the shadow layer) you can also just erase it on the layer if you don't know about layer masks or if its not in whatever software you use but with layer mask if you fuck up you can undo it
>add a layer or two with a subtle blend mode to tie the image together (useally one that can effect the pure black lineart like screen or hard light)
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personally i think it really enhances the scenes it makes it feel more atmosphery, the orange lighting looks so good on Leon's hair mmmm (also just realized i fogor to color Leon's eyes and mouth aaaaaa)
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Also while showing off this art because this basically turned into a big behind the scenes post it also made me feel like showing off this ref sheet which i never have actually done before now that I think about it. (i ended up simplyfying the bandage on Red's face for the comic, this does make more sense as a bandage for a serious injury compared to the actual one looking like a shitty band-aid but its distractingly detailed and it would be annoying to draw 50 times)
normally I also draw a back veiw but I was lazy and these outfits are pretty straightforward anyway i'm sure I'll never forget to draw a back veiw in sceneroes where it is important (forshadowing~)
maybe I'll show more refs at some point in the future lol tho some are pretty old and bad (if yall want me to show any in particular I probably can)
anyway this was originally just gunna be the first image but turned into a sorta rant tutorial how fun, should i make more posts like this, who knows, if people find it intresting maybe
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mocha-tapioca · 25 days
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im going to go insane on september 6th 2024 send tweet
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th3b33skn33s · 4 months
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"Take it from an older woman- we're all doomed to repeat our mistakes. So why even worry about it?"
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Loving Anders and Fenris means I'm trying to enjoy two similarly flawed characters whose trauma shouldn't have been used as a weapon against each other, nor as a weapon against the entirety of DA2's plot. At least, not the way it was. Their respective stories needed a lot more empathy and nuance. Some of that was DA2 being a rushed rough draft, but there are still certain choices that the player makes with both of them that exist as pointlessly cruel, racist, and abelist and therefore shouldn't have been options at all.
Ultimately DA2 is a story that handled both Fenris and Anders contextual oppression and meta creation poorly enough that sometimes all I see is a reproduction of their reductive feud, but in real life. I understand why someone would dislike one but not the other (and people should feel free to), I even agree with an interpretation of Anders as this particular type of biased white leftist. However, years of their constant reduction has only led to a dismissal of what they represent. The exploration of which being DA2's whole plot, the execution of which being fundamentally flawed, and the divisive reaction of which being inevitable. They needed care, basically.
The story was damagingly irresponsible in how it went about pitting their two biggest in-game marginalized identities against each other, one an allegory for queer oppression and mental health issues, the other for colonialism and slavery. It has gotten to the point where I believe fenders (or rather the hopeful romanticization of Fenris and Anders) has the better idea in how to manage their mishandling than discussion that reduces them to their worst selves, dehumanizes them altogether, or dismisses their textual metaphors. Because they are flawed but sometimes all I see is a recitation of their flaws used to dismiss all they represent rather than discussion on how DA2 could've handled their themes respectfully.
This, again, is me navel-gazing. Not on the attack. Please be free to disagree, just not abusively so. Different interpretations of a text and characters are unavoidable, especially for these two (who people feel a strong personal affinity for) and in a game like DA2 (a story within a story). This is just how I feel.
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hazy-egg · 2 years
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I had some vague interest from people wanting to know how to aquire one of these fuckers, so I’ve made a (slightly jank) tutorial on how to make one of these yourself! (instructions and materials below)
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Materials are mostly self explanatory, but the chalk is for drawing the pattern on the felt, the glue gun is for attatching the mouth, eyes, and security badge to the plush, and the wire is to go through the body/neck/head so his head isn’t floppy. ALSO you’ll need scissors to cut the felt out (forgot to draw that lmao)
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This is the pattern to draw out on our lighter felt for the head and body! This is specifically for Dave, but if you’re making Jack you can adjust the proportions on the body to be a bit shorter and wider. These are in centimeters because I am not American.
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Cut along these lines, you can cut out each panel but I’m lazy so this works just fine.
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You’re kinda turning these into cubes, think of it like one of those paper maps you probably made in elementary math class. Fold along the lines and use a whip stitch to attatch the pieces together AS WELL as stitch along the chalk lines-- that will make it look like you actually cut all the panels out and define the different sides. 
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should start to look like this! Make sure to leave one side open so you can flip it inside out!
Once it’s inside out, you can stuff it and use a ladder stitch to close the last side. I reccommend leaving a shorter side open so the ugly stitch is less noticable. 
Once you’ve cut out the mouth, eye, and badge shapes you can glue them on!
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Here’s where it gets. a little jank so buckle up!
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This is the general pattern for the arms, legs, and neck. You’ll have to futz and adjust it... a bit because I am not stellar at making patterns, but this is good to get ya going!
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This time cut out each panel
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Also to note- If you’re making Jack you do not nead that much neck lmao
OKAY sO for stitching, this time it’s less straightforward. For the legs I folded each rectangle in half (Ugly side out!) and just stitched along the edge to make a tube
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Kinda like this
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Then flip it inside out, stuff, and fold and crease it to look like a foot using a whip stitch. To extra secure it I did a ladder stitch along the top to keep the foot upright
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Then just pull the thread tight and boom you got a leg. Repeat that on the other leg and now he can walk.
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Attatch it to the ass with a ladder stitch (and also secure it along the top with another ladder stitch to keep him in a sitting position if you want)
Now for the arms
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So this is probably the most jank part of the tutorial. For the arms I ended up adjusting the pattern I had cut out to look more like this.
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Then you just kinda
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fold and pin it to get a boot-like shape. Use the extra fabric you cut off the bottom of the arm to make a little oval for the palm and then stitch it all together (leaving the top open). Then flip, stuff, and attatch with a ladder stitch!
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mans kinda built like an Ugg boot. 
Lastly the neck is literally just a tube. If it’s Dave make it long. Just stitch along one side and leave the two ends open so you can put the stuffing and wire inside. Now for the Wire! To make sure it can’t puncture through the felt, bend the ends to look like this
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Now to run it through him just take some scissors and snip two lil holes, one at the bottom of his head and one in the middle of the top panel of his body and have the wire go through his body, neck, and into his head. that’ll make his neck bendable. Then just attatch the neck with a ladder stitch and you have your man! For Dave just bend the neck into the desired potition aaand you’re done!
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And if you follow the steps carefully you should end up with this mother fucker in your house!
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tea-earl-grey · 5 months
i know the answer is just that i have a disability but i don't understand how people knit without hurting themselves.
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alchemiclee · 1 year
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TRANS BEE!! 🏳️‍⚧️ 🐝
my second attempt to crochet a bee. it's a bit wonky, but way better than my first try.
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heygreyyart · 1 year
How I paint without lineart!
instagram  /  tiktok /  twitch /  commission info
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xxatlasxx · 1 year
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Followed another tutorial. Remembered my signature this time,but apparently the timelapse setting got turned off so no timelapse.
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*This is a work of Satire, brought on by my dislike for certain types of art tutorials on a certain social media that rhymes with Sinner Cam. I do not genuinely believe any of this. Heck I don't even do or use some of the stuff in these lists.*
According to the Art Tutorial part of the internet, there are only:
Three artstyles:
Realism (the only valid one)
Anime (the cringe one, like what are you, 12? Weeb)
Child (which is only acceptable for people between the ages of 2 and 9)
Two drawing apps:
Clip Studio Paint
(Free apps? What are those? We only accept paid apps that may or may not be exclusive to certain operating systems here)
Two subjects:
People (the only acceptable option in all forms)
Landscapes (preferably with at least one person in them so that you know it's drawn by someone Normal! Because nobody draws JUST a landscape, that would mean you hate people! Ha! Right! Get out of here, freak!)
Two types of artists:
Bad (If you draw anything other than Perfect Realism you are automatically Bad. All artists must draw Realism. It is the only art form that will Get You Somewhere, after all. You can't get money, the only acceptable goal for an artist, by drawing cartoons or weird humanoid animals, after all. Those are only for degenerates.)
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medouse · 2 years
how to make your own shitty little notebooks as told by someone who is not in any way qualified to make shitty little notebooks
enter some sort of bacchanalian haze
take a bunch of??? construction paper??? despite having perfectly fine printer paper?
take all the blue, pink, and some of the white pages of construction paper for trans flag signatures
cut them all to a5-ish size... which kind of. defeats part of the purpose of construction paper
forget that the flag is blue pink white pink blue not pink blue white blue pink. catch it before you start sewing
realize you dont have an awl
use the needle you'll be sewing with (TERRIBLE IDEA </3)
do like. 17 signatures. they're all kinda fucky but that adds to the charm dammit
take a bundle of 7. this will be the notebook of the night. because you're doing this at night. for some reason.
sew each signature with green regular sewing thread. not like. waxed or anything. but make it like. 4 ply. (take your thread and fold it on itself. thread through needle. align with other side of thread. tie off.)
forget to bind the spine properly.
fuck it. glue exists. glue the fuck out of everything.
get superglue on your hand. fuck superglue.
remove superglue.
take some cabbage (scrap fabric not the food) and glue it to the spine. ykno all shitty like.
get superglue all over your hands again because you opened a new tube and it has a fucking VENDETTA apparently.
goddamn it. remove superglue again once more with feeling.
go to bed because it is now, somehow 4 in the morning
grab cardboard from boxes and the hot glue gun because FUCK THAT you are not trying to superglue your hands a THIRD time
hotglue some cardboard to the spine and touch up the fabric cover while you're at it honestly
chant "it doesnt have to be good it just has to be done" (essential)
realize that you could be winning at Smoke Weed and Do Something, (You Don't Have To Smoke Weed But You Do Need To Do Something.)
alas getting high with hot glue is a very dumb idea. and like. you don't have to get high but it'd be fun. (maybe later)
take cardboard and kinda eyeball a cover. you COULD measure sure but ehhhh... ? fuck around and find out.
glue the cover on and then realize you could have made a nice bookmark </3
print out some inner cover pages. we aren't losers. make it PRETTY(...ISH.)
glue cover pages.
take more cabbage (again fabric scraps, not the food) and glue to cover.
congratulations! you have a notebook! it's shit tho so don't let it get wet.
anyway so i have like. i think this is technically my second notebook but this is the first USEABLE one. so i'm counting it as my first. when i say shitty i do mean it affectionately. I'm very proud of myself here.
i can't really in good faith tell you to follow in my footsteps but like. test your ability sometime, it's fun. fucking around and finding out is good for your health.
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Month 9, day 19
Extremely temporary view while I make branches with leaves for the scene lol
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Knowing how much Yuri tics with "ma" and "oi" just fills me with life and joy.
#GTF Vesperia Things#starting to wonder if at this rate I just want to have a separate ''things'' tag for Vesperia and for Yuri...#also fwiw Yuri says ''ma/maa'' 68 times in Rays and ''oi/oi oi'' 54 times unless I /missed/ some#yes i combed the entire script. yes i counted.#yes i may or may not end up combing vesperia's script over it too#it's just rly cute... but most things yuri does are cute... silly little guy... cute silly guy...#except when flynn is in danger then he's just downright terrifying#im still not actually convinced that yuri did NOT have torture in mind when he confronted baldo and nazar#like he was scary when he threatened cumore saying it's about time for you to get off the stage#confronting baldo and nazar tho? yyyyikes! inb4 I make a comparison video between those two scenes#bc I'd argue my silly little guy's scariest moment in Vesp was with Cumore#but scary does not even properly express him threatening Baldo and Nazar#this has nothing to do with his cute little ticcing anymore but listen now i have two missions#edit: i checked the vesperia script at the beginning of the game and already snagged one so now im determined#he said it once before i even realized he'd said it bc the first time i recalled was during the battle tutorial#he says it so much it goes over my head sometimes but that's just honestly adorable and i love#im so used to it i don't even hone in on it or recognize it bc it's so common#EDIT EDIT: NO WHY AM I TEMPTED TO TRANSLATE ALL OF YURI'S LINES I HATE THIS#I LOVE HIM AND HOW HE TALKS SO MUCH AND THAT'S THE CULPRIT BUT LIKE.#you know what okay maybe I will do that. I just gotta. get through this first. bc.#it'd take too long to count these AND tl at the same time right... ... ...right... ...#NAH BRO I'M TLING RAYS I CANT' GET SIDETRACKED... ...well i guess i can. for yuri...#what if i just do both....... what if i just... do both.............#ACTUALLY YOU KNOW WHAT IF I DO TL YURI'S LINES IN VESP#I CAN TL ALL THE MAS AND OIS YES I CAN god help me..........
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deamortis66 · 10 months
why does every farming/life sim game have a different fishing mechanic and no tutorial for it. you pull out your fishing pole and click on the water and the next thing you know hieroglyphics are flying around everywhere, there's a timer in the bottom right counting down from 47.4, and the whole screen is shaking violently and flashing red every time you move your mouse
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lazycranberrydoodles · 4 months
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I am now opening custom Ace Attorney sprite commissions!
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I have 3 open slots.
Depending on how the initial slots go, I may or may not offer more. DMs also welcome.
>> Commission form! <<
What exactly will you receive for $60?
Two 12fps looping .gif files in an Ace Attorney style, one talking and one idle, of the character of your choice from the waist up. They can be in pretty much any still position, but I get final say on whether something is too difficult or too complex. I will work to make the sprite as accurate as possible while adhering to the style.
What will you receive for $20?
Either a short 12fps animation of your character or another two looping gifs (talking and idling) in a different pose/emotion. An animation can be combined with talking. For example, this Wei Wuxian MDZS would be $80: $60 as a base price (standing still and talking) with $20 added for his hand gesture.
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This set of Lan Wangji MDZSs would be $100: $60 (base price, neutral animation) + $20 (happy) + $20 (displeased).
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What counts as a "slot"?
Art of one character, no matter how many pieces I was commissioned for.
For more examples of my Ace Attorney-style work, here is the masterpost for my MDZS x Ace Attorney crossover series, which I have been adding to for a while now. Here are Kabru, Miku, and Hela Vitrum (my most recent commission). They are a good example of the base commission -- a looped talking gif and a looped idle/blinking gif.
Policies (read this before filling out the form!)
I am not affiliated with objection.lol. The sprites *can* be used in the program to great success. However, I will not guide you through creating a case in objection.lol. There are a lot of tutorials available. I am selling animated illustrations of your character and nothing else.
I am not affiliated with Capcom or Ace Attorney. My work copies the style of original games. In many cases, I have referenced pre-existing animations or sprites.
Just in case, I'm limiting the max number of pieces for a single character to 3 poses and 1 animation ($120) (so I don't get bored drawing them over and over again). One person can commission me for multiple characters but they will count as different slots (i.e., you may commission the max amount of work for Blorbo Bingus ($120) and also commission two poses for Dworbo Dingus ($80) for a total of $200, counting as two slots).
It is my privilege to take or refuse commissions at my discretion.
Depending on demand, I may adopt a first-come first-served waitlist system, but I really can't know at this point.
Payment depends on the price of the commission, but in general I will not start the piece until I am paid via Paypal. Venmo is a secondary option. My prices are in USD.
Once I get started, I work quickly, so any changes should be requested at the sketch stage. I will work with you to get it right. Once I have started work a piece (once planning is finished) I will not give refunds. Finished piece(s) should be done within a month of finalization (you giving me the go-ahead to start).
Filling out the form does not mean I have accepted the commission, but it does mean that I will contact you in a routine way about it.
These commissions are intended for personal use. The pricing reflects that. Tell me if you wish to use a commission in a monetized way, as that will require renegotiation.
If you wish to communicate with me about commission work without filling out the form, my email is [email protected]. I am not planning to offer commissions other than Ace Attorney sprites at this time. I will reply within the week.
Communication via tumblr DMs, asks, or comments is welcome!
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kairoot · 2 months
── ࣪ ˖ ❛ 𝓜𝑎𝑘𝑒𝑢𝑝 𝓥𝑜𝑖𝑐𝑒𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑠.
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‧₊˚ 𝓼𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: they do the voiceover for your makeup routine 𝗽𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴 : enha x 𝑓.𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋 𝗴𝗲𝗻𝗿𝗲 : fluff , crack 𝗿𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗱 : no 𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 : jokes, profanity, pet names, this was shorter than i intended, some of these are kind of inspired by some tiktoks i saw.
— ( 𝓂𝑖𝑙𝑎𝑛’𝑠 𝑛𝑜𝑡𝑒𝑠 ) : pls leave reblogs, they are much appreciated !! ♡︎
✿ member’s headcanons under the cut !!
⊹ 𝓁ℎ𝑠.
asking hee to do this was a piece of cake
he agreed to it immediately
he lovesssss watching you do your makeup
so when you asked him he was like, “well.. yes!”
gonna keep it real with you, he has absolutely no idea what ANYTHING is
he just knows the things that he buys for you and that’s it
flirty mcbirdy over here, he’s barely even watching the makeup, mostly watching you
“hi guys, today i’m doing my girlfriend’s makeup voiceover.” he says into the mic, the video starting with you priming your face as you’ve already did skincare prior to starting the video.
you were next to him while he narrated your routine, holding in your giggles as he began naming the products that you were using.
“okay so now she’s uhm.. damn she’s gorgeous..” he paused for a moment, watching you through the screen as you applied the first product of your base.
you nudged him, urging him to stay on topic as your face began to warm up.
“she’s applying, uh— the— the..” he thought for a moment, the product seemed familiar but he couldn’t think of the name.
it was foundation.
“and then she’s.. wiping it all over her face.” he mumbled, still not paying attention to what you were doing but admiring you instead.
“it’s blending, hee..” you whispered, not wanting the mic to pick up your voice.
expect the comments to go insane about hee’s little flirtatious comments.
⊹ 𝓅𝑗𝑠.
ngl, he’s a bit confused as to why you asked him to do this but he says yes anyway
why does this man actually know what the products are??
quite literally does the whole voiceover better than any beauty influencer you’ve ever seen..
compliments you throughout the video
he’s literally so polite
“hello everyone, today y/n has asked me to do her voiceover, so here i am!” he says excitedly, watching you apply the first product.
“so here, she’s putting some of the foundation in her t-zone.. she has really great skin.” he explains.
you’re sat next to him, shocked at how he’s able to understand the whole routine.
“after she blends, she goes in with her.. concealer, i think.” he was right again.
as you blend that out, jay begins talking about the product that you’re using.
“yes, i pay attention to my girl’s routine.” he says, knowing everyone’s gonna wonder how he could even know all of this. you bite back a smile, his comment making your heart warm.
now the whole internet wants a boyfriend like jay.
⊹ 𝓈𝑗𝑦.
he is very eager to do it. why? because he loves you and is so down bad for you
ummm he knows NOTHINGGG about makeup 😫
another flirty one
count how many times he says he wants to kiss you or compliments your lips challenge (jake is so weak for kisses, you cannot convince me otherwise)
he’s so giggly throughout the whole thing ??
he definitely gets flustered over your beauty, esp your bareface <3
he’s lowkey your hype man even though he has no idea what he’s talking abt
“hey guys, it’s jake! today i’m gonna give you all a tutorial for y/n’s everyday makeup.” he beamed confidently. he watched you start your routine, already giggling at the small things you do throughout the first 30 seconds.
“so she’s gonna start with, um..” his giggles cutting him off. “she’s starting with the putty stuff. it kind of looks like play-doh!”
“jake!” you nudge him a bit, rolling your eyes playfully.
“sorry, sorry!” he laughs. “now she’s putting on.. powder? wait, no, that’s definitely bronzer.”
“yeahh, apply that bronzer, babe!” he exclaimed.
it was powder foundation ??
“she looks so good already, wanna give her a kiss..” he said, watching you pat the product onto your skin.
⊹ 𝓅𝑠ℎ.
bro is so impatient
he can’t think of any of the name of the products that you’re using which frustrates him to the MAX
pls don’t laugh at him, he will sulk 😕
cracks jokes abt how long you take
“now she’s applying.. uhm, glitter?” he tilted his head, watching you apply highlighter to the inner corners of your eyes.
“highlighter, babe.” you corrected him, holding back your laughs.
“whatever it is, it’s very shiny. and she’s putting it on so do whatever she’s doing if you want this look.”
you snorted a bit, finding his impatience hilarious.
“watch as she puts on her favorite mascara that she made me buy her.. because she doesn’t care about my pockets or if i go broke.” he sighed.
you landed a playful smack to his shoulder, scoffing.
“anyways, she takes forever.” he huffed. “she told me she was gonna be ready in 10 minutes but 10 minutes turned into two hours, so i guess im gonna have to wait.”
please don’t ever ask him to do this again.
⊹ 𝓀𝑠𝑤.
like jay, he knows what everything is
he’s actually really excited to do this
he pays attention when you do your makeup and pays attention when he gets his makeup done so
he basically knows what everything is he just.. doesn’t know how to do it
he knows all of your favorite products
count how many times he calls you pretty challenge:
“look at how pretty she is!” he exclaims as you prime your face. “i did her skin care by the way.”
he watched as you applied your concealer, telling the viewers exactly what brand it was and what it did for your skin.
“i’m pretty sure this is her favorite product.”
“okay! next she’s gonna set with this one powder that she absolutely loves.” he giggled.
you chuckle at his excitement, not expecting him to like this as much as he did. you just knew people would want more of him narrating your routines and grwms.
“and now, she’s putting on her blush.. I love this part.” he said, mesmerized by you and your features.
“isn’t she so pretty?”
⊹ 𝓎𝑗𝑤.
he’s so confused
tbh he just yaps the whole time
you don’t know what he’s talking about, he doesn’t know what he’s talking about..
he just knows that he buys some of the stuff
he gives random facts throughout the video ??
“okay, so i’m not really sure of what she’s putting on her face right now..” he said, scratching his head slightly.
“did you guys know that dolphins name each other?”
“jungwon..?” you furrow your eyebrows, looking at him confusingly.
“oh, right! sorry, now she’s applying some.. nose.. stuff?”
you mentally face palmed at his attempt to name the products, which he ended up wrong every time.
“if it wasn’t already obvious, i know none of these things, i just get whatever she tells me to buy.” jungwon giggled, watching you apply your blush.
please DO NOT let him do this ever again 😭🙏🏽
⊹ 𝓃𝑟𝑘.
bro does NOT wanna be here
he doesn’t wanna do it at all 😭
but somehow you convince him (you told him you’d buy him robux)
he guesses everything
some of it he gets right somehow
gets so triggered when you laugh at him 😭
“um, okay, she’s applying concealer.. that’s concealer, right?” he looked over at you, as the video showed you applying the product.
you looked at him, giggling.
“why are you laughing? is that not concealer?” he asked again, becoming irritated.
“yes.. just keep going, ki.” you cover up your laughs.
he rolls his eyes playfully, “anyways, now she’s putting on some powder shit.. i don’t know.”
“and she’s.. beating it on her face..? why are you punching yourself?” he quirks an eyebrow.
you shake your head, sighing at his confusion.
TAGLIST: @haechansbbg @contyynishimura @sasfransisco @kgneptun @jungwonderz @enha-stars @dioll @jakesangel @cupidscourt @violetwitchmcu @haohaoshoe @randomgirl02228 @wonsdoll @powerpuffstuts @flwrstqr @elysianiki — send an ask to join.
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