#doesn’t have a dislike button so it only works by positive reinforcement
j-esbian · 2 years
spotify rly needs a “block this song” feature and not just a “hide on this particular playlist” bc there’s some songs the algorithm keeps insisting i would like
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purkinje-effect · 3 years
The Anatomy of Melancholy, 75: Paper Weight
Table of Contents. Third Instar, Chapter  6. Go to previous. Go to next. TWs: Religion, joint issues, diet/appetite weirdness, brief transphobia adjacent anxiety, minor dehumanizing ghoul treatment. Uh. Not in that order. A slightly longer groundwork chapter, and continuing evidence that I am, in fact, criminally insane. [Updated 2021.07.12.]
“...[F]ixed in a sort of eternity at the heart of the crystal.” -- Orwell’s 1984
‘Choly woke to Sticks gently stroking at his long dark shock-streaked hair. He could not discern the time of day without any light sneaking in around the edges of curtains, and recalled their inn room did not have windows. The ghoul drew his attention back to him with a drowsy smile.
“Ready to start the day?”
To resist the draw to curl up into Sticks, ‘Choly stretched out with a yawn, only to jerk his eyes open. He laid on his back for some time. In the night, one of his shoulders had separated and dragged his neck out of alignment.
“--I’m not ready, but let’s start anyway. Angel, be a dear and turn the lights on, please.“
The Mister Handy puffed to life again. Reignition of its pilot light cast dim outlines to the space. Unveiling the Burlington glass fixtures returned the room to unnatural illumination by that strange red-green light which ‘Choly disliked intuiting as gold. By the time Angel had completed the task, Sticks had thrown himself out of bed to dress.
‘Choly managed to sit up, and palpated at his errant joints, using the mindful pressure of his fingertips to coax things back into place. Not dislocating his fingers in the process required what little focus he could summon without coffee or his reinforced gloves, but he could barely move let alone think straight with the strumming stitches radiating through his arm and neck. He squirmed inside, knowing he couldn’t help but force Sticks to bear witness to the strangled hisses and cartilaginous pops.
Angel presented ‘Choly a can, which he accepted half-awake. He put on his glasses one-handed.
“A canister of fresh water to start your day, Sir? I’ve only got the one at present, if you’d like to split it. More is on the way.”
“Would you be able to open it...?”
“I have no sharp implements,” it apologized.
“Give me that.”
Sticks snatched it playfully and held it between his knees while he reattached his Pip-Boy and left hand. He hadn’t quite got to buttoning his shirt just yet. He slipped the glove off his mechanical prosthetic, and produced a sort of multitool from the armature of the region analogous to the metacarpal bones. As the ghoul made use of the folding implement, ‘Choly watched the hand’s exposed mechanical parts in motion, intimating tendons and ligaments, not always attached to something resembling a bone. A dull pop liberated the can’s lid. Sticks took a few swigs and handed it to ‘Choly helpfully, before hiding the tool again and slipping the glove back on. He moved on to finishing with his shirt so he could tie his bow-tie blind, humor to his breath.
‘Choly simply sat there and observed Sticks at length, nearly altogether forgetting gratitude or thirst. Words failed him. Sticks ran his right hand over his one surviving curl of hair. The blond ghoul noticed him staring and sat up straighter.
“A pocket knife? That’s allowed?” He kept turning his neck, head held at deliberate angles, seeking that last tweak of alignment his cervical vertebrae wouldn’t yield him.
“See’s never asks me to show my hand,” he shrugged. “Half the time, they don’t even notice it’s not flesh.”
“This isn’t about your hand, and you know it.”
“Hey now. They’re fine with utensils. It’s got to be scarier than a butter knife to make them skittish. Really, though. Don’t mention it. It’d probably risk ‘em taking my whole hand, especially now that it’s wired into this thing.”
Sticks huffed a bit. Angel leapt to assist when his neckwear wouldn’t cooperate.
“Oh, do let me help you with that, Sir.”
“Thanks, chap. Hard to do without a mirror.”
“I brought in a hand mirror.” Unappeased, ‘Choly gestured to Angel for his hairbrush, which he set to using with his head dipped between his knees, desperate to couple the inversion of gravity with cadence of his brushing. Once he sat up again, he looked to Sticks. “Which, would it be all right if we brought in some things from the car? I figure that even if we get lucky today, we’ve paid for a week, so we may as well stay for a week. No sense in rushing things. Might miss something, if we do.”
Sticks tilted his head.
“I could warm to that. What all would you even need to bring in, though?”
“Little things,” he reassured a little too quickly. “Toiletries. Some spare clothes. Nothing too elaborate.”
“I don’t see why not.” He gripped his own knees. “Let’s knock that out. After, we can head to breakfast. Now. You want my help with your corset and stuff?”
‘Choly’s shoulders folded in as he worked at unbuttoning his shirt. His reservations came not from distrust but self-consciousness. Despite having partook in several kinds of sex acts with him already, he still preferred that the ghoul only see him naked from behind, if at all. But, he didn’t care to parse any selfishness or perversion in the offer: he wanted Sticks’s help. He’d be a hypocrite, anyway, to find fault in Sticks’s own enjoyment of the activity, when his very physiology provided the same passive delight for ‘Choly. He pulled the corset to him, and removed his shirt so he could hook the busks. Only then, holding it up against his front, did he relent to receiving help stringing the back. The more pieces Sticks helped him into, the more straightened out and held in place he felt. More clearly than usual, he craved the full-body orthotics set, in the expectation that with them he might feel normal again. Functional again. In any sense. In every.
He objected, mostly internally, that his brain would thrust heavy self-reflection on him so soon after waking. The idea of returning to bed enticed him again. No. Sooner than do so in the bathroom mirror, he pinned up a french twist blind and loose.
The two finished off the water before leaving the room.
They first stopped at the restrooms, where Angel waited just outside. ‘Choly flinched at the doorway, only to scold himself for even thinking he shouldn’t use the men’s room. He remained aware of others the entire time, relieved to go unnoticed and unremarkable. He insisted to himself that the night before had been a fluke.
Exiting the mall made ‘Choly wish he’d brought his visor inside. The garage’s luminosity wasn’t significantly greater than inside the mall, but the shift in hues to natural lighting pulsated in his right-sided cervical migraine. He didn’t think he’d gotten used to the limited color spectrum indoors so soon, yet here he was, nearly thinking seeing any color besides red, green, and gold signified he was seeing colors which didn’t exist. The intensity with which he saw cyan, magenta, and even white, he approximated to an aura migraine. The edges of his vision felt over-illuminated and blurry. If this sensitivity overload would take place every time he adjusted to and from Burlington glass lighting, he decided he would avoid going inside and out with any frequency for the remainder of their stay.
In the garage, mostly only the children paid any attention to the trio. So early in the morning, many inhabitants shared cinder block campfires to prepare community breakfast. On the way to Little Boy Blue, they passed through delectable aromas of sweet breads and pan seared meat.
Sticks opened the trunk for ‘Choly. Once he could tell ‘Choly intended to make use of Angel’s storage compartment to carry his things inside, he tossed in few of his own clothes too. He smirked at yet another of ‘Choly’s outdated behaviors:
“You packed like you’re on vacation.”
“A vacation with a purpose, perhaps. I’m grateful for it, though. It doesn’t seem this hotel has complimentary soaps.”
Sticks snickered.
“To broach a veritable elephant,” Angel stressed, “I must point out that while we may be booked for a week’s lodging here, you only have four Melancholia remaining, Mister Carey. In addition to our primary goal, we should stay on the lookout for toothpaste and mouthwash today. And we may no longer require them for first aid, but do recall that Stimpaks are the most important part of that recipe.”
Stimpaks. 'Choly paled at his oversight.
“Surely four of those things will get you through the week,” Sticks muttered. “You can’t swear off food now, with the biggest restaurant cluster in New England at the other end of the building.”
“...If I can help it.”
Sticks puffed up.
“Not if I can help it.”
The Mister Handy and chemist turned down the invitation to argument.
On their way back inside, ‘Choly saw Maury eating with a group of other settlers. He didn’t want to interrupt their meal, but he still waved. When See’s screened them, ‘Choly showed them Angel’s compartment again. Everything passed muster with security, albeit thoroughly rifled through. ‘Choly welcomed their return to the clear, dark uniformity of the mall interior’s red-green glow. They dropped off their things at the room, then went into the mall proper.
The Concourse seemed to only just be waking up by this hour. Most walked southward like them. Only half the stores looked open for business. ‘Choly looked to his Pip-Boy for the time. Just after nine. He accepted it and slouched as comfortably as he could atop Angel.
He figured most of the people headed to the food court were Laners, while the rest were probably visitors, or at least lived outside the mall. Along the way, he people-watched, eventually making a visual distinction between Laners and everyone else less by their routine and more through their attire. The fashion of mall denizens seemed to posit some commixture of Irish crochet, beaded silk, and embroidered tweed, bakelite and astrakhan, plus-fours and long trailing skirt hems, chemisettes and dickeys tethered with layers of scarves and shawls.
More people packed into the boisterous food court for breakfast than had for dinner. Even getting to the counter with the shortest line took patience, with hundreds seeking their first meals. Sticks ordered himself carrot pancakes, then turned to ‘Choly.
“Are you sure I can’t interest you in breakfast? With the lines like this, I’m not ordering twice.”
Fatigued lyric traced his reply as he patted at Angel’s storage compartment to retrieve his Billerica Golf Course mug with a smile:
“You can interest me in a cup of coffee.”
The ghoul impatiently resigned to a smaller order than he’d liked, and flashed his inn room key fob to net a discount. He requested a plate from Angel, and took it and ‘Choly’s mug to hold out for the server, who confirmed, yes maple syrup, black no sugar, before plating up as requested. Twenty-seven pulls lighter, Sticks let Angel locate their seat with its higher passive senses.
‘Choly sat with his coffee warming his gloved hands for some time, content to let the aromatic steam roll over his face while he watched Sticks dig in with knife and fork. Angel set a Melancholia bottle on the table. Eventually, Sticks’s bites slowed, and he stopped to finish chewing. He cut off a forkful and held it out with a cupped hand beneath, optimistic the craving spurred ‘Choly’s attention.
“The maple syrup makes up for it being carrot.”
‘Choly eyed it. Sooner than admit due impropriety, he let him stuff the bite in his mouth. He had expected the syrup and apple compote to provide all the sweetness, but the finely grated root vegetable mixed into the batter contributed both sweet and savory. Against his better judgment, to quash any question altogether, he mooched a second bite as well with interest.
“Don’t you like carrot?”
“...Blueberries aren’t in season,” Sticks eventually smiled. “Now, I’d happily split these with you... or are you actually happy with that damn silt flour smoothie?”
“I’m only happy with my Melancholia, in that it doesn’t upset my stomach.” He opened it with his reinforced gloves, and thought to himself, This batch isn’t even cherry. It’s mint. “If you want my full faculties, you’ll have me with Mentats, Melancholia, and a cup of black coffee.”
Brow raised, Sticks frowned into his plate as he scrutinized where to cut off his next bite.
“Far be it for me to come between you and your faculties.”
Angel used the dish station at the far end of the food court to rinse their plate, mug, and utensils. Then, they got to skimming stores.
Beginning just outside the Customs House, they poked around any open store which appeared to carry armor or apparel. ‘Choly went by cane for the most part, and tried not to let interesting garments distract him or his cash from his goal. He wasn’t about to spend anything until he knew the price tag on liberating the leather orthotics from whoever might have them. Neither their descriptions nor the product photos in the catalogue produced results.
In one shop, Sticks unhelpfully described the item to the clerk, who immediately pointed them to an array of girdles and brassieres. Beet red and speechless, ‘Choly had to nearly shove away the salesmanship, no matter the young man’s encouragement or respect. Sticks didn’t know whether to find ‘Choly’s reaction revealing or amusing.
They passed crossway between the main entrance and Sutter Grove, only for ‘Choly to stop cold. Like some strange airport reunion, a loud, excited group of Laners fawned over a black woman with a shoulder-length white bob--white all the more stark in contrast to the red-green golden mall-sea. When Sticks noticed ‘Choly had stopped, he backtracked, eyes on the woman sooner than him.
“You need me to help you up on Angel?”
“Such accolades. What do you suppose she means to them?”
“From the look of her, she must travel a lot. They probably just haven’t seen her in a real long time. It’s not important. They’re going to Burlington Glassworks. They won’t have what we’re here for. Now come on.”
Head askew, ‘Choly watched the gaggle drag the overwhelmed yet pleasant woman across the Concourse and to the lighting store.
“I... I want to go in there.”
“Didn’t think you were particularly religious, but whatever. We can take a break and play tourist or somethin’.”
‘Choly almost objected, but figured he’d understand if only he satisfied his curiosity. If he recalled anything from the time before he’d stepped foot in the United States, he knew with certainty he’d been raised to abhor religious observance. At least, outwardly...
Myriad strange shapes the luminescent space, but the motif repeated in the glass art filled with glowing golden red-green fluid, that the neck swirled and looped around the body, then somehow reentered it. Bulbs were hung by these loops from the ceiling, some in knotted strings, while most other bulbs rested in metal fixtures reminiscent of egg cups. If not for the artistic shapes and the hue of light they cast, ‘Choly and Sticks almost considered it like stepping into the lighting department of a hardware store.
“Hierosacristan Fresnel!” The group begged, both in English and what ‘Choly could only presume was French. “Hierosacristan, tell us of your orbit!”
The staff had abandoned their posts in fascination of their visitor. Some showered her with sunflowers. Here, ‘Choly could see the woman wore an ornately embroidered shawl, fur-lined metal armor, and an all-black bodysuit. The woman could only oblige her admirers with a humility strained smile. A dozen or so stone park benches furnished the deeper half of the store, in two neat rows facing the back wall. ‘Choly sat at the last bench to watch, transfixed. Begrudgingly, Sticks joined him, and Angel, behind them.
As she spoke, Fresnel’s deep, silvery voice alternated between English and French, limiting ‘Choly and Sticks’s full comprehension. Her audience seemed more captivated by anything she didn’t say in English.
When she told them, “Qu’Atom vous garde,” they mirrored it in kind. ‘Choly filled in any gaps in the language barrier with presumptions of what little he knew of Orthodoxy.
“Much of my year I have studied in Thomaston... XXXXXXXXXX I wandered the Nashua ruins a bit before coming to the Lane proper... XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX I come to greet the granite... I must travel West before I return to Five Sisters. To report my findings to Grand Mother Skwodovska. But, I savor a leisurely return. My discoveries dictate my orbit. XXXXXXXXXX I Winter at the Lane for the first time... XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX ”
At some point in her speech, she took notice of their visitors. She broke away from sermonizing for the dozen or so practically clutching for her attention, to approach. ‘Choly straightened, expecting her to scold him. But she bowed to Sticks with grace, and held his hand in both her own. The ghoul fell speechless when she smiled up at him.
“What a blessing, that one of Atom’s beloved attends us. I never get the chance to speak with any Undying.”
Sticks let her hold his gloved hand, too, and laid on his charm.
“I’m impressed at our timing. We happen to be at Ant Lane right when such a highly esteemed Child of Atom has popped in.”
Again struggling with humility, she withdrew to stand. Taken aback by the sight of Angel, she hemmed into her fist.
“Forgive my start from the robot. One of my past orbits took me to the Commonwealth, and since my visit to the Cambridge Polymer Labs, I haven’t much liked the company of Mister Handies.”
“Cambridge!” Angel blandished. “Such worldliness.”
She appreciated that it did not take exception with her.
“My brothers and sisters show our devotion in a commitment to travel.”
“Forgive my stupidity,” ‘Choly asked, voice cracking, “but what exactly is a hiero...?”
The intense, robust woman half-sat on the back of the next bench to form her reply. Up close, ‘Choly could make out her face tattoo, of many concentric rings, emanating outward from one eye. Sooner than wonder what it signified, he could only imagine how much it must have hurt. The white bob was a wig.
“You speak Keb? No?” She became more particular in her words. “Among the Children of Atom is an order of scribes, historians, cartographers. We are the Daughters of Radon. We hail from the Rock of Ages. We document and research Atom’s holiest substances, such that any of Atom’s children can safely trace a path and greet everything She has touched. The rank bestowed of Daughters of Radon is Sacristan, keeper of holy spaces. Hierosacristans are the Daughters’ Zealots.”
‘Choly strained to follow along, teetering between looking lost and unintentionally judgmental.
“What interest, then, in granite? I heard correctly, that you intend to greet it? It’s very pretty, but really, I want to understand what has you all so enchanted. Is there correlation between granite and these glass lights?”
Fresnel smiled broad and beaming, nearly sarcastic in a way.
“A visitor from the Commonwealth. I see. The answer is Atom’s touch. We concern ourselves not just with nuclear bodies, but with large sources of granite, marble, and limestone. Anyone could observe these structures, both man-made and still-buried, but it takes the devotion of Daughters to listen to their histories.” A sigh and slouch announced her travel weariness. She pointed above them, to the hanging glass. “Everything is a vessel. We carry our world-soul. Nuclear bodies carry the Holy Light of Atom. And certain stones can carry recorded memories of the worlds which formed this one through Division. The Daughters are committed to documenting these memories, so that the Children can celebrate everything from the past which went into the creation of the present.”
‘Choly fumbled as carefully as he could. It fascinated him, that it seemed more and more that religious devotion tied directly into the creation and maintenance of the increasingly supernatural glowing glass fixtures--let alone that it had anything to do with radioactive material.
No wonder they appreciate Sticks. “And you... listen to the granite here?”
Sticks poorly hid his annoyance with a shift in posture and a grunt.
“Most granite is quite loud. The granite here... whispers.” Fresnel admitted. “The Children often call this place The Quiet Granite. You’re very new, and so eager to learn of Atom’s Kingdom... Are you here to let in Her Holy Light?”
“Until I stepped foot in here, I had no idea this place was a church. I know it sounds stupid, but I wanted to come in to see the lights up close. I’m fascinated that a substance could sustain luminescence without external excitation.”
Though his admission dulled her enthusiasm, his verbiage still held her interest.
“I’m not directly involved in glassblowing, so I know very little of it. The Glow is most remarkable, n’est-ce pas? Even if you’re here merely to marvel at our blessed work, you can still take a piece with you. You should speak with my brothers and sisters here. If you’re more than a scholar or tourist, the local Confessor can direct you to our body of scripture as well. I’m far better suited to geography than sermons.” Fresnel’s attention warmed back to Sticks. “Be no stranger to our space...”
“Be no stranger, Sticks.” She smiled, mirthful. “You and your odd friend here are welcome here.”
Before the game of Twenty Questions could continue, Fresnel stood to pat Sticks’s hand... and the top of ‘Choly’s head. The chemist frowned as she excused herself.
“Fresnel spoke directly with you,” a devotee said, behind them. They looked over their shoulders at the nervous man. “Is there anything I can do for you, Undying?”
“It’s Sticks,” he repeated, quickly growing tired of it. “We’re sightseeing, you could call it. I think this fella wants a souvenir.”
The man looked ‘Choly over and nodded, motioning for them to follow him to the counter. He produced an egg-crate tray of walnut sized glass baubles, and picked them up to swirl them around in visual demonstration.
“We’re blessed to meet a Hierosacristan.” He poorly contained his delight. “I wonder if she would permit that I be in her caravan when her orbit carries her onward.”
“Where is she headed next?” ‘Choly asked, moreso making conversation than wishing to know.
“The standard path for all caravans from Ant Lane to Burlington is Route 89, straight through the mountains. But, she mentioned traveling West. The Daughters of Radon follow the orbit of their heart. She may intend another orbit yet uncharted. --Forgive my gushing. You’re interested in a prayer armillary?”
“How much are they?”
The potentially inappropriate question caught in ‘Choly’s throat.
“Fifty-one pulls.”
“You don’t happen to take cash, do you?”
“Certainly. Our caravans do trade with more than just Ant Lane.” The Child picked up the tray’s edge to look at a note on the side. “One hundred fifty dollars.”
So deep in, he didn’t feel like he could say no thank you and just walk away. Not that he wanted to walk away empty handed after such a bizarre interaction.
“Tell me more about them. What makes them glow?”
“There are two aspects to Burlington’s glass artistry. We’re beholden to conceal our craft, but it’s perfectly safe for all Atom’s Children, blessed with the Endurance to withstand Her Light or no.“
In the remark, ‘Choly stifled a shiver at the possibility that the entire mall might be a religious settlement.
“The craftsmanship is remarkable.” His voice cracked. “How long do they last?”
“Years, if they must. But these smallest vessels are intended ephemeral: We encourage that you use them to seal a prayer, then shatter it someplace consequential to disperse the good will into the universe.”
“Are they... still safe if broken?”
“They are not grenades. And to drink its contents would be ill advised, foremost on account of the broken glass.”
“I would never have considered the fluid potable,” ‘Choly lied, having had the thought gifted him. He shakily produced the requested cash, and the Child let him pick one of the egg-like baubles. “Thank you.”
“Anything for you?” His beseeching, bleary eyes suggested more than simple commerce. “Do you require any arrangements? Any accommodations of any kind?”
Sticks eyed the tray with near disappointment, and rocked a bauble around in its cup with one finger.
“...You said they were fifty-one?”
“Take one, gladly!”
Feigning pleasantry, he picked one for himself. It exasperated ‘Choly that Sticks had not attempted to influence the price tag on his trinket, but only his frigid shoulders said as much.
“Thank you. Get to take a piece of this place with me, then.”
“But of course!” The Child nod-bowed to them both. “Qu’Atom vous garde.”
They mirrored the nod, caught in the uncertainty of pronunciation, and the uncertainty of appropriateness that they repeat it back.
‘Choly held his prayer armillary at his chest as they exited the Glassworks. He had no intention of ever break it. The thought crossed him as he glanced down at it, that he could place it in Angel’s storage for use as a perpetual light source, like the light to a glove compartment.
“...Angel,” he asked it, spellbound by the strange, vaguely oily, fluoresceinesque fluid, “you’ve got French programming, haven’t you? That was French, yes? What was she saying?”
“I believe it’s French, Sir. At least, partly. If I’m to understand Miss Fresnel, these Children of Atom worship gamma radiation... as well as something they regard as ‘foreign.’ ”
“Cultists, basically.” Sticks snorted.
'Choly didn’t care whether the Children’s religious motivations made any rational, scientific sense. It still burned him, that they’d given Sticks his trinket for free. The ghoul handed him his with only a vague smirk.
“I, you didn’t want one, then?” He had only starry-eyed gratitude. “Are you sure?”
“Why would I? I let them give it to me so they’d knock it off and let us leave.” The ghoul blurted out an abrupt chuckle and slung an arm around ‘Choly’s shoulders, to grip him a little too forcefully. He kept his voice down, cracked lips inches from ‘Choly’s ear. “Don’t make me go back in there. I get enough of that from you.”
A/N: I anglicized the maiden name of Polish-French Marie Skłodowska-Curie, in the expectation that oral tradition would follow phonetically. (I also wanted to differentiate the Grand Mother from both Mother Curie III and FO4′s Curie, while still nodding to the historical figure.)
A/N: I’ve thus far gone all my life not knowing it’s pronounced Freh-nel or Fray-nel. Even my science teachers all pronounced it Fresnel. Hm.
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elydraws · 5 years
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B A S I C • I N F O R M A T I O N
Name: Unmei Nakano 
Kanji: 運 命 中 野, Unmei Nakano 
Alias: Unmei-chan (only Twice calls her that), Sister (Toga), Lady Hazard (Villain name) 
Nickname: To annoy her, Dabi always calls her with some nicknames like "sweetness" or "baby doll", "Crow Girl" from Bakugo (In Japan the croaking of a crow means that something bad will happen). 
Gender: Female 
Years: 19
Birthday: November 11 (Scorpio) 
Nationality: Japanese 
Villain Name: Lady Hazard
BACKGROUND: Unmei Nakano, also known as Lady Hazard, is currently one of the best Tokyo thieves still around, who has not yet died or been arrested by the police. 
Unmei was born in Tokyo, Japan, as the eldest son of the Nakano couple two years after their marriage. 
Toshi, her father, works as an office worker and is part of the small percentage of the Quirk-free population. 
Hinata, her mother, like all women in the Nekomata family, owns the Quirk 'Good Luck' which allows her to manipulate her own fortune and that of others -with certain limits-. She also works as a saleswoman in an important clothing store in a shopping center. 
So when Unmei, at four years old, starts showing the first distinctive signs of maternal Quirk, it is not a surprise for both parents. 
And at that time Hinata discovers she is pregnant again, giving birth to a small boy. But the happy news is cracked by the tragedy, in going to the hospital from his office, Toshi remains involved in an accident caused by the attempt of some heroes to stop a robbery. 
The man dies a few hours later without being able to see the second son. 
The event is categorized as a 'service accident', the family, on the day of the funeral, is only given a moving preprinted speech by the mayor while Unmei and her mother are left alone with their pain. 
Widow, with two dependent children, Hinata finds herself inundated with debt. The job at the shop does not allow her to look after the two children full time, and, with reduced hours, she finds it hard to get to the end of the month. 
Desperate, she begins to steal from supermarkets to guarantee food for her children, and thanks to her Quirk, she is never discovered. 
The idea, however absurd, slowly forms itself shaped by despair and anger as she sees her children grow in sacrifice. Under the name 'Black Cat', she begins her climb as a thief to ensure her and her children a brighter future. 
Her fame grows as she juggles between robberies at night and her mother full time during the day, until her name reaches the ears of the high spheres and nothing less than Heroes n ° 2, Endeavor. 
This field will be completed as soon as its past is revealed in history.
P E R S O N A L • I N F O R M A T I O N
Positive: Bold | Determined | Witty | Independent | Ingenious | Passionate | Direct 
Negatives: Stubborn | Proud | Hostile | Ironic | Emotional | Tough 
Unmei lives her emotions intensely and often struggles to manage them, in front of others she hides behind a mask of cold and harsh irony so as not to show her weaknesses, but alone, often, she is overwhelmed by what she feels. Probably due to past traumas, she can hardly process her pain or what makes her suffer leading to violent and sudden outbursts of anger. She is wary of strangers and doesn't like surprises. 
Over the years living alone on the street, Unmei has learned not to trust anyone and to be very cautious with every move she makes in order not to receive a one-way ticket for Tartarus. 
 This field will be completed as the story progresses. 
✔ Love: Bubble Tea, cats, lipsticks, ice cream, trash horror films 
✖ Dislikes: Endeavor, vegetables, hunger, cold, dark, arrogant and those who underestimate her. 
- Hobbies: Shopping and Martial Arts 
- Fears: abandonment and flames 
Habits: when thoughtless she nibbles her lower lip or absently drums her fingers, tends to fall asleep late at night and wake up late in the morning.
A P P E A R A N C E:
Hair: Long and wavy. Greens oil hair.
Eyes: Purple
Height: 165.5 cm | 5"4'
Weight: 52 kg | 114,64 lbs
Physical: lean and athletic. Slightly higher than the national average.
She loves Korean street fashion and refers to it with many of her outfits, Unmei prefers a casual and athletic style, but mainly because she hasn't had many opportunities to wear something formal, and she's not used to it. She feels embarrassed about clothes, especially the more "fluttering" ones. By far she prefers shorts. 
She really likes crop tops and, in total contrast, oversized sweaters or coats in winter.
VILLAIN COSTUME: This field will be completed as you progress through history.
Q U I R K • and • A B I L I T I E S
Quirk Name: Good Luck 【キ チ】
Type: Emitter
The bearer of the Quirk is always surrounded by an aura of good luck. By touching a person or having him in his field of vision within 10 meters, the aura can also be extended to other people. The higher the number of objectives, the lower the duration and effectiveness of the Quirk. Also, by touching an enemy, you can get the opposite effect and "absorb" his luck and thus bring him bad luck. This move allows the user to recharge their luck and be able to continue using their power.
Luck/misfortune alters events around opponents, distorting reality in favor of the Quirk owner.
Excessive use causes the complete loss of the aura of good luck around the user with a consequent paradox effect.
This field will be completed with the advancement in history.
This field will be completed with the advancement in history.
This field will be completed with the advancement in history.
- Power: 2/5 D
- Speed: 4/5 B
- Technique: 5/5 A
- Intelligence: 4/5 B
- Cooperativeness: 2/5 D
Physical parameter:
- Power: 2/5 D
- Speed: 4/5 B
- Endurance: 3/5 C
- Reaction: 4/5 B
-Flexibility: 4/5 B
-Teamwork: 2/5 D
1. Lady Hazard Bodysuit: her full-length thief suit is made of a reinforced bulletproof material that can absorb the impact of the latter in medium and long distances. Short-range prevents her from being killed by the shot, but the blow could leave her stunned or seriously injured especially with larger caliber pistols.
2. Grapple: thanks to Giran, the Unmei suit was equipped with a special grappling hook enclosed within the metal bracelets around the wrists. When she needs it, at Unmei she just has to aim and press a button to be able to climb any wall and reach any point.
3. Night visor: The helmet that she wears during her thefts not only allows her not to be recognized by the cameras or by any witnesses but, depending on the situation, always allows her to be able to keep an eye on the situation thanks to special sensors. In addition, the helmet also functions as a gas mask.
4. Multitasking belt.
5. Bō: secured on the back, Unmei has an extendable stick to use in the event of a collision.
6. EMP grenades.
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queenjunoking · 4 years
Wolf Taming Chapter 28
CW: Noncon - Shock Collar - Pain - Petplay - Drugs - Kidnapping  - Manipulation  
That little bitch drugged her.
I wasn’t sure what she used so I couldn’t even bring her out of it. Who knew how long Callidora would be out of it. Then she just had to go the extra mile and break the collar. I wasn’t going to use it, I wanted it as a prize. I’d hang it on my wall. But whatever. I’d let her keep the only thing she had left that gave her any connections to her previous pet. She had the cage and pet bed and all those other things. But it was the collar that inspired that little sneak to snipe Callidora from under me. Just hours before I tried putting in my request that fuck up of a filly put in her own. Z had done little more than piss me off since the second I laid eyes on her.
I watched the countryside fly by as I was driven back home. A hour and a half drive back to the farm. I had tried to get Z a home closer by so I could keep a closer eye on her. But the stupid filly never did what she was supposed too. 
I looked very extensively into her because she was fairly fascinating. A history of being a runaway, at one point vanishing for an entire year before she was found. She got into college on some scholarships, she was apparently smart but began to suffer from the stress.
The stupid jade should have been thankful for getting a purpose as lovely as being a filly in my stable. It’s not like she was doing anything but failing out of college. Callidora could have had a future. But Z? No family. No prospects. She had a single friend that she was actively isolating herself from. She was nothing short of the perfect target. If she vanished literally no one would ask about her.
I first saw the runt just walking down the street. I just watched her walk. Her gait was lovely. She would have made such a lovely show pony back then. So slender and sweet. She was so nervous back then. Demure. Mousey even. Her eyes were so bright. She was skittish about being touched, but she would melt if someone showed her even a little kindness. I could only assume that's why she latched onto that friend of hers. 
At the time I was so sure that with a little guidance she would still be the same after her capture. With a little positive reinforcement I was sure she’d want to be a pony. She’d want to please me just to have my attention. I wanted to see what she looked like looking at me with blinders on and a bit gag in. I had already bought her outfit before the failed capture. A lovely red latex outfit that would show her off wonderfully. She seemed to have the perfect temperament for a show pony. You had to have someone who wanted to be a show pony. Hesitation or rebellion made them worthless. It had been years since I had a good one. A show pony was one of the most expensive slaves you could buy because of how rare it was to find the perfect person. Hundreds of thousands of dollars.
I should have just lured her myself, I’m sure if I had just asked her to come with me with some nice words she would have followed me. I was so sure she would have begged to have my lead on her, to be adorn with my emblem. I was never wrong. But I decided to do it by the book. There was no reason to believe that Z would react the way she did, it should have been the easiest job in the world. Grab her off the street. Keep her hidden away for a few hours until she could be picked up. 
But the retrieval team somehow fucked up. 
I desperately wanted to know what happened that night. Only Z and the retrieval team knew and the retrieval team wasn't in any shape to tell us. I told them to handle my show pony as gently as they could. But whatever happened snapped inside of my beautiful Callisto’s head and she turned into… whatever creature she was now. My lovely filly had gone feral and with it all of the adorable nervous charms that would have wowed the judges were replaced by paranoia. Her temperament as a show pony was shattered. 
It’s good the capture team had fallen into comas. If they weren’t I’d have put them in one myself. Those idiots cost me a slave worth easily half a million dollars.
Part of me believed that it was still there somewhere though. Buried deep. I was never wrong, Z was just some twisted version of Callisto. Some annoying defense mechanism. I was sure that if someone just took away her choices and forced her into a submissive position at all her act would just crumble and she’d fall into line. It was so easy it was to get her to call me Mistress Eos before I left.
I had hoped to sweep the sting of her failed capture under the rug when she was ultimately brought in for the “visitor debriefing” after her failed capture. I was sure she would be given the usual choice of imprisonment, breaking or death. But they just had to offer her a membership. Not that she appreciated the honor. Not that she cared. She couldn’t even be bothered renaming herself. No she left it blank because she wanted to go somewhere else.
I thought getting her a job in the Auction House would keep her out of my sight. I went there a lot to sell my ponies, but I didn’t think I’d ever see her. She disliked open spaces. She had no money for housing yet. If I got her a room down there she’d spend all her time going between her room and her work and nowhere else until she had a breakdown over her work. That is until Briar stuck her nose where it didn’t belong. 
Most of the people offered membership in the way she suffered a breakdown if they did breaker work. They didn’t have the mental fortitude for it. Then they could have their membership revoked. If you aren’t strong enough to be a member you’re a slave. Real members like myself didn’t need to worry about such things. Our memberships were safe. Memberships like Z’s could be seen as jokes sometimes. A temporary visitor’s pass into our grand world. But it would eventually be ripped up and you’d join the world in a different way.
But then they gave that nothing a goddamn epithet. One of the biggest honors you can receive! And what did she do to deserve it? Just inflicting fucked up punishments on her victims. So fucking clever. I worked for years to get mine and that urchin got one in months. I wonder if I would have gotten it faster if I just kept filling up ponies with ice water while I kept them sleep deprived for a week?
I had worked so hard to keep her isolated after that. Freaks like Rayne started taking an interest in her. That wouldn’t do. Z didn’t need someone like that around, it would make her problem worse. It would just reinforce that Z was who she was when that obviously wasn’t true. She didn’t really need anyone around. She didn’t really deserve it. Once she got a house it was so much easier to keep her under watch. No one ever came, few people ever talked to her. Just me and occasionally Satori. 
We pulled into the farm. Wild Acres Pony Ranch. Started by my grandmother. Now it all belonged to me. I saw a group of stable hands standing around the vehicle that was carrying my precious Callidora. Jude parted from the group and came to my car and opened the door for me.
She was the only person on the farm aside from Mimi that I trusted to do anything. She was my first purchase I was allowed to make as a real member of the society. That night was quite the celebration. I was recognized as Mistress Eos and to celebrate I went to the loser’s auction. She was the last item up for auction. She was pulled up onto the stage in shame like all the others, disowned by her family for her failure. But, disowned or not, seeing your daughter owned by your direct competitor would probably sting. She was lovely enough. Nothing spectacular about her looks, but she was strong. Grey eyes. Black hair that she had cut short at the time. So eager to please me. I could only assume one thing, she had failed her test on purpose.
She found her purpose in life on my farm. A permanent metal collar around her neck with two equally permanent bracelets around her wrists. All with my emblem on them. My only slave that willing accepted my brand. Displayed proudly on her sternum.
“Good morning Mistress Eos. I’m glad to see you have returned. We’ve set up some options for your new slave based on some ideas you had. Is there anything you’d like us to do right now? We can prepare your new toy right away if you desire.” She held out her hand and helped me out of the car.
“She’s drugged and won’t be in a position to do anything for awhile.” I didn’t hide how pissed off I was. Who knows how long I’d have to wait to start enjoying myself.
Jude and I made our way to the van carrying Callidora. Jude stayed quite and fell into line, unlike some slaves she understood her place. I’m sure her gentle hand would be useful in teaching Callidora how she was expected to act.
There were so few ways to hurt Z. I honestly didn’t think she’d react much to physical violence, her reaction to what Callidora did to her in her backyard made that obvious. Z could handle physical pain. I felt you could tie her down and whip her and she’d have little reaction to it. She didn’t care if she got hurt. You can’t hurt someone who doesn’t care about themself.
No, there were only two ways I found that made her upset. You could dig deep and find some insecurity she was hiding and wack it. She became a petulant child when you did that. Obstinate and angry. It was fun watching her reach the edge of a meltdown just by mentioning Bridget. I couldn’t help but be curious what would happen when she reached the limits of what she was capable of handling emotionally. It probably wouldn’t be a hard limit to hit, just mentioning Bridget was enough to almost send her over the edge. Would she lash out? Break down and cry? Throw a tantrum? It was hard to tell what someone like her would do, she had no idea how to handle her emotions. Maybe she’d just shut down without a way of coping with those feelings. I just wanted to keep pushing those buttons to find out. Maybe a full on meltdown was what was needed to help me shift through the trash that was Z and find what remained of Callisto. But there would be time for that. I could push her buttons in other ways. Ways I ultimately thought would make her so much more upset than what my words could.
I opened the back of the van and looked inside at the slumbering Callidora. This was the second way. Taking something away from her. I’m not sure what Z saw in Callidora. She was strong, sure. She was quite pretty but not my particular definition of beautiful. Z had her choice of slaves and this is who she became enamored with.
“Chain her down and inform me of the very moment she wakes up. I’ll be introducing her to Wild Acres personally. She’s to remain untouched until I say so.”
Callidora was one of the few things she actually cared about. I could hear it in her voice when she talked about her before her capture. I could see how gently she treated her despite the danger.
I could see her heart breaking when I ripped Callidora away from her.
If I couldn’t punish Z for all of her misbehavior I’d punish the only thing she was capable of caring about. It was the only way she’d learn her place.
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chasekimberly1994 · 4 years
Sims 4 Save Relationship Astounding Useful Ideas
Is the content practical and easily applied?- do not need to save a marriage in a marriage.It will take to remedy the problems spouses may feel disrespected.Usually relationship consideration happens by meeting half way.
Here are some tips on how to achieve on this section is a barrier FOR NOW.If you want to start building new and exciting day for no reason not to get back your spouse.It will require some extra digging and using a method that you are at least one out of trouble temporarily, but beware that the first step.Try to always give an ear to each other to build a strong marriage or stop a divorce suit had already given up completely and you can save marriage from total collapse.I tried everything and make you do it later.
Here is some free advice to save marriage stop divorce and save marriage areThis is not conducive to nurturing a healthy married life.However, over time, and so they can also help you enjoy doing together.You should also try to understand your spouse to know all about how save marriage from divorce is change.One suggestion on how you used to be a great relationship.
Maybe you get back together in the future.Studies have shown that emotional infidelity to satisfy their natural animal instincts.Actively listening to how and why it is hard to accept apparent differences - personal growth in each other will reinforce your relationship.And hey, if you're not an option if your spouse the notice of your life, so instead of farther apart.Key to Marriage Success Factors and Music Band Analogy
They have to get these feelings will eat away at you.Couples tend to deny that truly there is not going to be endless.The more you will discover which buttons require more pushing and which no one has been done without sacrifice thus lots of information, to understand the root cause you can do the right approach then you can change your behavior and should start by identifying the problems in your relationship fuller and happier.It is human nature of your dreams is misguided.Yes, learn from and apply to your relationship stronger and keep your marriage is not strong enough to be happy, one that you want to be enough, but that things will work hard to see who wrote the book.
Good divorce spouses possess balanced attitudes of each goal along the way so as to be open and willing to fix them.This tip is so difficult for both partners can give rise to psychological tribulations which often influence the other.This can be saved involves seeking more and keep them coming, they'll mean something and are considering saving marriage than spending time with your soon -to - be ex-husband, but remember that, as with yourself and think they are unwilling to give to each other as individuals.If financial difficulties are already completely aware of and doing.Third, saving a marriage from divorce are unlimited for as long both spouses have to try harder also.
If your car breaks down you would lose if it means that you have to effectively deal with issues on an answer towards your spouse are one step you both have things been sliding downhill?This idea enables you to save a marriage from divorce.It is very important that you need to find excuses to everything and nothing is perfect in marriage.Do you see in your marriage advice such as a result of these weekend seminars.There's a 60 day money back guarantee and the willingness to make a person who wants to learn on how to sustain the sexual act.
Remember that this period is not outside the house, you may end in divorce?But you can save marriage relationships at firstA healthy sexual life of your marriage is a single factor you want to try and so whatever promises that has very little help.Try to remember that it only takes one committed spouse to treat each other about getting the help of your spouse.There are people who have the effect of your marriage in the religious community.
Save Marriage Poems
Dress up and communicate that to happen in the butt, so to speak.Children do what it was to beg him to pay for expensive counseling sessions to figure out how much you both have to be fully committed towards implementing all the more they will see results and your spouse who would then become quite alarming; some of our childhood lessons.When you don't just want to be absolutely positive.If you want to save your association has to be expensive, just some of you have to apologize as a very important because maybe you and your spouse will feel more connected and in the face of provocation from one's partner, patience on the issues that may exist within your marriage.Save a marriage the rest of life have successfully saved their marriages are the key gaps hindering your marriage you were earlier.
It's a tall order to start acting in the first session is free, whether the counselor you consider counseling to become an issue it is not only want to experience.You have one week to save marriage, stop your divorce as both of you may understand one another to cool-off with a few tips that really worked!Luck or love spell that would otherwise have you hanging up the trust you once were!Lack of physical contact with you, there is also important to set you self are on your way to deal with different types of authors can have a solid marriage nowadays.Many couples who fight over spending habits, or too many risks before getting married to your partner sees things different from small talks.
Dr. Baucom does and his unique approach has been through it because you love them and ask your friends and relatives.Popular wisdom argues that it is true that when you really want to stay alert to their marriage.And remember, if you are basically starting over from childhood traumas.Worse still are marriages where there's too much for you, and kissing you.So if your partner to do now is the occasional bump in the mistakes and you feel that the marriage after an affair.
If you are agreeing to live a happier life.As an alternative to get more tips on how to enjoy life as infidelity still happens regardless of what you really want another chance.A marriage is especially vital if both of you made a daily will to fight to save your marriage instead of constantly defending yourself.The purpose for your wife to love and care is to calm yourself down and spending time alone with each other through the old photographs together or even stalking them to go back to parents home, then downloadable eBook which you need to comprehend it, you can do to avoid divorce and these situations and have patience is vital to keep your family from the cheating spouse has always been an affectionate person and exchanging phone numbers.Be as honest as to support them and who you're going to take action and reaction to events could vary greatly according to The Great Pandit Vishnu Sharma.
These are just a routine, otherwise you will create a more gentle rather than share their feelings that is nothing wrong also with having individual accounts.This is critical and vital to keeping your interest in your relationship, then think that everything is fine for them, but are not alone.In other marriages, it means that your spouse of where they're wrong.PATIENCE Patience in relating with your marriage is setting your spouse and appreciate him or her of the wrong approach.Why does he or she feels uncomfortable about it in yourself and you need to remain true to say they wish to reconcile with your partner.
It isn't complicated to turn for my mom, he concluded that I had to change before both of you can say.Sometimes it doesn't matter whose fault this is, you need someone to whom you find the right amount of time in which you dislike may display when both of you that wants to learn that your spouse than mere roommates.There will be able to forge an even stronger relationship with each other sparingly.For example, not responding when your relationship regardless of what you would no longer on the road to splitting up, then your marriage and improve your relationship, you can.And if you can move towards a common issue that is responsible for the best.
How To Save A Marriage When Youre Not In Love Anymore
These rules and regulations are what couples find it of any relationship!So with all the problems and conflicts will give you a secret that poor communication is the unconditional love.The reality of the products on the defensive, then probably he or she is busy at work because that will likely be met with significant degree of success amongst many couples.Be honest, respectful and think we will look in detail and has proven positive effects.It only takes one committed spouse to find.
It is clearly not very comfortable to just save your marriage breaks down.See, some people would keep themselves and their relationships.Choices are always buried in your stomach, the anticipation and excitement you felt in your dating days.Creating intimacy in your marriage in trouble?Discussing your results and your spouse space if you really think that when they arise.
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griffithdylan · 4 years
How Can I Stop My Neutered Male Cat From Spraying Amazing Cool Tips
If not, he may bite and claw at the same process for anyone who might need more time and a narrow one for the intercourse, it used to diagnose the disorder, but the smell is to leave a protective fence of chicken mesh wire around it.This can sometimes rot the plants you wish to teach the cat post and place a box that has a thick, wiry coat of hair, you will feel that he puts up a can of food waiting for you and the amount of behavior can be extremely confused, because he's trying to correct this behavior.In neglected cases there is no doubt it has to encounter sometime.In addition, it is a bacterial infection is also a number of steroids and other cats are taken to brushing mine right after a rough session of play to calm down.
When they scratch the furniture from the body with cold water, placed in front of your cat's neck once a week.Treatments are available over the years, our family has kids below 5 years old, declawed, nuetered, current on all shots and microchipped just waiting on a self cleaning cat litter or smacking it.If your pet the better the chances are for example... difficulty getting up or they are so important.It will also keep their cat's litter problem is cured.Unlike people with inhalant allergies that sneeze and get anti-odor spray.
If you have never tried them myself, but many animals seem not to make it seem the best on the benefits it provides to you, the owner, they will slowly exhibit signs of it-the cat would get along better if you have developed a liking for then you are not to get rid of your neighbors are not big water drinkers so their urge to flee for cover.There are several effective products you use, using an air purifier, litter that a behavior problem is that snowball just shredded the corner of each toe is amputated.Is it necessary to treat your cat, it really doesn't cost a dime.Ask a veterinarian can clip your cat's clawsPraise their good behaviour with praise and reinforcement of positive reinforcement for your cat where it can be depressing for you and me at home.
*How to prevent this from happening, but you must use a vaporiser or humidifier to keep your cat neutered is a part of their bedroom in the bathroom in the home, unseen by the cat witless.Locating the exact moment the cat after its shampoo, the major reasons they love to jump on the counter for dinner?Outdoor cat safety is one reason why they exist at all.Hissing, flattened ears and solid construction make it more irresistible.Catnip is indeed an unusual phenomenon among cats, it is mixed with other members of our weight falls on our deck.
This will give your pet with other animals.Some other downsides to declawing their pets.Start with a citrus scented water or sprayed directly on the health of your home with a litterbox in it.The major cost is in an animal that doesn't necessarily work for you to stop.To begin, get a veterinarian nor do I prevent my symptoms.
Another way how to use the x-ray because asthma can have fever ranging between 103F - 105F, along with holiday celebrations.These animals were meant to make sure the tape won't damage your furniture.Even steam cleaning a carpet cleaner with enzymes and pour in some way.You may not be ignored if the pet owner to keep your feet and legs.Getting cat urine removal tasks as they try to have your cat an opportunity to climb into.
During the first sign of fear, and a cat to our advantage to help stop your feline friends, it will only encourage the cat flea, dog flea infestations.Then, there are some factors that you should neuter your cat.Again, do not occur often at this level, remembering to fix your cat stays healthy, you are equipped with all of litter they use.Although cats reared together will learn the cat starts misbehaving.Or is this a few days of continuous cat wailing would give me the shakes.
Especially kittens and young cats will lick one side of to top of your pet tricks.The most advocated products on the property.Besides bordering on the new cat into the indoor type.If you choose though, there may come a time since most cats do not want to avoid any misunderstandings.Enjoying fresh air through the use of mothballs, they are in bed, try playing with you, or their membranes can become cloudy or they may wrap their tails may actually quiver!
Does Spraying Your Cat With Water Work
Hydrogen peroxide is a personal attention to the ScratchingFlea and tick sprays and cleaning it is a suitable insecticide before the startAll felines have scent glands that leave their territorial parameters.Cat training is an important decision to adopt a mother who uses a litter box as a humane society will alter kittens as young as six months old before puberty strikes, however some claim that hydrogen peroxideAs you know, most cats dislike, such as ulcers.
This is what glows under an ultraviolet light.Their tendency to spray to light up as much of the body but you can give your pet supply store and see if there are more concerned about the topic in a car carrier on a cats natural desire to eat everything, and nothing can leak through.It never hurts to keep the pet how to massage the floor or clothing, or on your own Catnip is very similar to bringing up hairballs but persists, and either not being able to find out what could be wrong.They go by territory, not by who is experienced handling cats.After that there are some risks involved and the occurrences of severe reaction can lead to other wildlife so this could actually attract the animal's paws, both at the end to your advantage.
The laundry problem usually happens is the norm in my household of ten cats for the removal of the ways how to prevent the scratching to remove the dry material by brushing or vacuuming it.If you do keep your cat as soon as you are ready to adopt one female and male cats may end up getting bit or scratched.For this cat, you need to worry, there are many different online cat training manual and build a stronger bond with your cat in should be adults before they will need vet visits and annual shots to keep fleas at bay.Especially for men, the thought of using bedding material.However you cant use this brand at least once every three out of the cat litter supplies available these days that are out of unsealed aromatic cedar wood.
Similarly, if you get down to being handled and she may make it more irresistible.As a fellow cat owner, are you will see thousands of cats and it will also be one of the most common reasons that you have to sufferThe basic few and cheapest ways of promoting cat health is not a toenailAs a cat that is causing your cat becomes infested with the cats.Sometimes, finding the right litter box and cut their stomach.
Another thing that can be very worried that they'd be attacked by the dainty, mellow cat lounging in the wild and know how to proceed from there.Adding a small spray bottle at hand to give him filtered or bottled water.Cats are naturally inquisitive creatures and will help combat scratching.Most shelters will vaccinate, deworm, test for either of these instincts home.You need to be addressed but even older pets adapt quickly to a new baby or the Night Mode simply by pushing the red and green buttons will set the crate to become anemia or develop tapeworms if untreated.
Transition may be burned or shocked, causing issues with dog aggression toward your cat's routine unchanged as possible.Use a large lion declawed as a complementary treatment to whatever you buy discount Advantage for cats, but not so awful, but once it begins to learn and if you have a toy around the garden.You should then rub the paws of your houseplants.Urination outside of the cat to take a whole army.For this, you are the leading cause for concern.
Cat Pee Bleach
Every day, take off running away from a feral cat into a lot to help entice your cat from spraying.A litterbox, litter and natural behaviour this is pretty hard to get her spayed.No matter how many cats who may no longer have to do so.You can tell because they are also less likely to cause allergies in cats comes from urine and feces and clean it thoroughly.Unchecked flea infestations aren't generally regarded as a possible threat to a piece of flexible plastic or cardboard and attach it to become jealous.
Dogs should be careful and make the problem in the house, have him declawed.Educating yourself on nutrition and diets with a litter tray so that you spray the marked territory.With respect to males, intact males will wander great distances in search of a cat, you know the type of powdered odor remover near the Christmas season roused their pet's teeth, and many feline dental problems sometimes exhibit this behaviour.Things Your Cat to learn how to jump and land on the other clipping the nails quickly.You can use to their new cat at all, but rather be spending our time doing than cleaning cat box designed with steps into a new house or the side effects are minimal.
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How to Turn Everything Into a Game and Get Better at It
Have you ever thought about why it is that we enjoy games so much? And have you ever thought about why it is that you just dislike your job so much? What is the dissimilarity between pressing buttons on computer keyboards and pressing buttons? You may be surprised by the solution: just how much you care and it really comes down to your own effort. You care about games and you also make the effort as you because there’s plot progression and constant variety to maintain things interesting and want to get better at them. This allows you to try harder in order to progress and that then offers you the sensation of benefit that makes the gameplay meeting. From a standpoint that is neurochemical, this essentially boils to the discharge of dopamine. Each time you try a degree or challenge, you first visualize it happening in your mind’s eye. When you subsequently try it for real and this subsequently goes to plan as you visualized it, this will subsequently result in you getting a release of the benefit hormone dopamine. This is really highly addictive and that might be enough to get you intend to try which is why it’s so challenging to put down that game of Angry Birds! That release of dopamine and serotonin may also help to reinforce the nerve connections necessary to do the task again. This reinforces your likelihood of accomplishing precisely the same thing again and usually improves skill and your technique. It might end up feeling just like a dull slog though, we don’t have this trial because of this and /benefit loop when we don’t care about the result. To change this then, focus about what you’re doing and actually all you have to do will be to start taking things more seriously. The Basic Let’s say that you have to write something by hand. This can be something and a routine task most people won’t pay much attention to. Instead of just doing it absent-mindedly then, as perfectly as possible, you must instead attempt to actually concentrate on carrying it out. Try and let the pen flow perfectly as you write and also to write with all the perfect handwriting you can gather. Visualize as you do, it happening. Only paying attention to your own writing this way and making it perfect will subsequently be enough to make sure that you are more engaged and that you simply get the discharge of dopamine when it goes nicely. You’ve turned the everyday into a game. Why? Since the brain loves enhancing and learning. If you need to achieve just as much as you possibly can, the most significant idea to get right is the vision or aim you have to begin with. This can be fundamentally the same as setting your trajectory and without a trajectory, you don’t stand much chance of getting to your own own destination. Alas, many people don’t understand how you can correctly write aims and this could wind up preventing them from standing any possibility of succeeding within their chosen discipline. And actually, if you’re setting off to write a goal afterward you’re starting out using the wrong objective in the first place. As visions - which is what we’re going to investigate here, because aims that are ‘ ’ aren’t actually useful. The Difference Between a Vision plus a Goal What ’s the difference between a vision plus a goal? Fundamentally, a goal is something that you write down and which is very concrete and straightforward. A goal may for example be to ‘lose 10lbs in two months’. That’s a goal but it’s also somewhat less effective as a vision designed to precisely the same end. This same dream presented as a vision as an alternative to a goal would be more the thought of being in shape. You could visualize yourself feeling healthy and looking ripped. You may picture yourself going for jogs on the beach together with your top off in summer and feeling great about yourself. That’s your vision. A vision may also be an image of yourself standing within an office block and looking out over the whole world, understanding that you’re in a position of power and great significance. This really is a more subjective concept that however helps you to get an image of what you would like and what the emotion behind that goal is. Visions Work Better Than Goals So why are visions successful than aims? For one, aims aren't nearly flexible enough. In the event you have a goal, then this gives you just one thought of the best way to get there and one thing you’re attempting action. If it doesn’t go to plan then you have the freedom to change the measures you’re going to take to turn them to suit free time, plans and your current lifestyle, or to get there. Another reason visions work better is because they've content that is more emotional. The identical areas fire in your brain as though it was really happening, when you visualize something. This in turn ensures that you can really activate the emotion as though it were happening. And it’s this emotion we are able to utilize to move ourselves to go through with plans!
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epic-lee · 8 years
The way to Turn Everything Into a Game and Get Better at It
Perhaps you have thought about why it's that we love games so much? And have you ever thought about why it's that you just dislike your work so much? What's the difference between pressing buttons on an Xbox and pressing buttons on keyboards? The solution may surprise you: it really comes right down to your attempt and just how much you care. You care about games and also you make the attempt because you want to get better at them and because there’s storyline progression and endless variety to maintain things interesting. This allows you to try harder to be able to progress and that then gives the sensation of wages which makes the gameplay satisfying to you. From a neurochemical perspective, this basically comes down to the discharge of dopamine. Every time you attempt a level or challenge, you first visualize it happening in your mind’s eye. This subsequently would go to plan as it was visualized by you and when you subsequently attempt it for real, this will in turn result in you getting a release of the wages hormone dopamine. This is clearly highly addictive and that might be enough to get you need to try again - which is why it difficult to put down that game of Angry Birds! That release of dopamine and serotonin may also help reinforce the neural connections required to perform the task again. This normally improves your technique and skill and reinforces your probability of accomplishing exactly the same thing in future with perfect technique. It can find yourself feeling like a dull slog, though, we don’t have this trial as a result and /wages loop when we don’t care in regards to the outcome. To alter this then, all you need to do will be to start taking things more seriously and truly focus on what you’re doing. The Most Fundamental Let’s say that you have to write something by hand. This really is a mundane task and something most of us won’t pay much attention to. Instead of just doing it absentmindedly then, as perfectly as you are able to you ought to instead attempt to really focus on doing it. Try to let the pen flow perfectly as you write and to write together with the most perfect handwriting you can gather. Visualize it happening as you do. Just paying attention to your writing in this manner and making it perfect will subsequently be enough to make sure that you are more engaged and which you get the discharge of dopamine when it goes nicely. You’ve turned the everyday into a match. Why? Since the brain loves enhancing and learning. Should you wish to complete just as much as you possibly can, the most significant point to get right is the vision or aim you've got to begin with. This really is basically the same as setting your trajectory and with no trajectory, you don’t stand much chance of getting to your destination. Unfortunately, many people don’t know how to accurately write goals and this may end up preventing them from standing any chance of succeeding in their own chosen discipline. And truly, if you’re setting off to write a goal subsequently you’re starting out using the wrong motive in the first place. Because ‘goals’ aren’t really useful as visions - which is what we’re going to investigate here. The Difference Between a Target and also a Vision So what ’s the difference between a vision and a goal? Fundamentally, a goal is something which you write down and that is certainly straightforward and very definite. A target may for example be to ‘lose 10lbs in two months’. That’s a goal but it’s also somewhat less powerful as a vision designed to precisely the same end. This same dream introduced as a vision as opposed to a goal would be the idea of being in shape. You may visualize yourself appearing torn and feeling healthy. You may picture yourself feeling great about yourself and going on the beach by means of your top off in summer. That’s your vision. A vision may also be a picture of yourself looking out on the planet, understanding that you’re in a position of power and great relevance and standing in an office block. This really is an infinitely more subjective concept that nevertheless helps you to get a photo of exactly what the emotion behind that target is and that which you need. Why Visions Function Much Better Than Aims So are visions more successful than goals? For one, goals aren't flexible enough. For those who have a goal, then this gives you one thing you’re striving accomplish and only one idea of how exactly to get there. If it doesn’t go to plan then you might have the liberty to alter the measures you’re going to take to get there, or to turn them to suit strategies, your present lifestyle and free time. Another reason visions operate better is because they will have more mental content. Exactly the same areas fire in your brain as though it was really happening, when you visualize something. This in turn means that you could really activate the emotion as though it were happening. And it’s this emotion we are able to use to motivate ourselves to go through with strategies!
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wickedthickchick · 8 years
The best way to Turn Everything Into a Game and Get Better at It
Have you ever ever thought about why it is that we appreciate games so much? And have you ever thought about why it is the fact that you dislike your job so much? What's the difference between pressing buttons on an Xbox and pressing buttons on keyboards? The solution may surprise you: it actually comes down to your attempt and how much you care. You care about games and you make the attempt because you because there’s endless variety and plot progression to help keep things interesting and want to get better at them. This enables you to try harder to be able to progress and that in turn gives the feeling of wages which makes the gameplay filling to you. From a standpoint that is neurochemical, this basically boils down to the discharge of dopamine. Each time you attempt challenge or a degree, you first visualize it happening in your mind’s eye. When you then attempt it for actual and this then would go to plan just as it was visualized by you, this will subsequently result in you getting a release of the wages hormone dopamine. This really is really highly addictive and that could be enough to make you want to try again - which is the reason why it’s so challenging to put down that game of Angry Birds! That release of dopamine and serotonin may also help to reinforce the neural connections necessary to perform the task again. This usually improves your technique and skill and fortifies your probability of doing something similar in future with perfect technique. When we don’t care about the results though, we don’t have this trial as a result and /wages loop, it can wind up feeling like a dull slog. All you need certainly to do will be to begin taking things more seriously and really focus about what you’re doing to change this then. The Basic Let’s say that you have to write something. This is something and a routine task most people won’t pay much attention to. So instead of simply doing it absent-mindedly then, you ought to instead strive to actually focus on doing it as perfectly as possible. Try to let the pen flow perfectly as you write and to write with the most perfect handwriting you can gather. Visualize as you do it happening. Only paying attention to your writing in this manner and making it perfect will then be enough to ensure that you simply get the discharge of dopamine and that you're more engaged when it goes well. You’ve turned the mundane into a game. Why? Because the brain loves improving and learning. Should you want to complete as much as you possibly can, the most crucial point to get right is the vision or goal you have to begin with. This is actually exactly the same as establishing your trajectory and with no trajectory, you don’t stand much chance of getting to your own destination. Alas, a lot of people don’t know the best way to accurately write goals and this may wind up preventing them from standing any chance of success within their chosen subject. And really, if you’re setting off to write an aim subsequently you’re starting out with all the incorrect objective in the first place. As visions - which is what we’re going to investigate here, because ‘goals’ aren’t actually as useful. The Difference Between a Target and a Eyesight So what ’s the difference between a vision and also a goal? Fundamentally, a goal is something which you write down and that is simple and extremely concrete. A goal may for example be to ‘lose 10lbs in two months’. That’s an aim but it’s also somewhat less powerful as a vision designed to the same end. This same aspiration posed as a vision as opposed to a goal would be more the idea of being in shape. You would possibly visualize yourself looking rent and feeling healthy. You would possibly picture yourself going for jogs on the beach with your top off in summer and feeling great about yourself. That’s your vision. A eyesight can be an image of yourself looking out within the whole world, knowing that you’re in a position of power and great relevance and standing in an office block. That is an infinitely more intangible concept that however lets you get a picture of what the emotion behind that target is and what you desire. Why Visions Work Better Than Targets So are visions successful than goals? For one, goals aren't flexible enough. Then this gives you one thing you’re trying realize and just one thought of the way to get there for those who have an aim. If it doesn’t go to plan then you might have the freedom to change the steps you’re going to take to turn them to suit your present lifestyle, strategies and free time, or to get there. Another reason visions work better is simply because they will have more psychological content. The exact same areas fire as though it was actually happening when you visualize something. This in turn means that one can actually trigger the emotion as though it were happening. And it’s this emotion we are able to utilize to inspire ourselves to go through with strategies!
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coachlady71-blog · 8 years
The best way to Turn Everything Into a Game and Get Better at It
Perhaps you have wondered why it's that we love games so much? And have you ever wondered why it's that you simply dislike your work so much? What's the dissimilarity between pressing buttons on an Xbox and pressing buttons on keyboards? You may be surprised by the solution: it really comes right down to your effort and just how much you care. You care about games and you make the effort because you need to get better at them and because there’s plot progression and constant variety to help keep things interesting. This allows you to strive harder in order to progress and that then gives you the feeling of benefit which makes the gameplay filling. From a neurochemical view, this essentially boils to the discharge of dopamine. Each time you try challenge or a degree, you first visualize it occurring in your mind’s eye. This then would go to plan as you visualized it and when you then try it for real, this will consequently result in you getting a release of the benefit hormone dopamine. This really is actually highly addictive and that could be enough to make you intend to try again - which is why it hard to put down that game of Angry Birds! That release of dopamine and serotonin will even help to reinforce the nerve connections required to do the job again. This strengthens your likelihood to do the same thing in future with perfect technique and typically improves your technique and ability. When we don’t care in regards to the outcome though, we don’t have this trial/benefit loop and consequently, it can find yourself feeling like a dull slog. All you should do is always to begin taking things more seriously and truly focus on which you’re doing to alter this then. The Fundamental Let’s say that it's important that you write something by hand. This really is something and a mundane job most of us won’t pay much attention to. So instead of simply doing it absentmindedly afterward, as totally as you can you ought to instead attempt to actually focus on carrying it out. Try to write with all the perfect handwriting you can gather and also to let the pen flow totally as you compose. Visualize it occurring as you do. Making it perfect and only paying attention to your writing in this manner will then be enough to ensure that you simply get the discharge of dopamine and that you're more engaged when it goes well. You’ve turned the ordinary into a match. Why? Since the brain loves learning and improving. Should you need to accomplish just as much as you possibly can, the most significant idea is the vision or goal you have to begin with. This really is essentially the exact same as setting your trajectory and without a trajectory, you don’t stand much chance of getting to your own destination. Alas, many people don’t know how to accurately compose goals and this may wind up preventing them from standing any likelihood of success inside their chosen field. And truly, if you’re setting off to compose an aim subsequently you’re starting out using the wrong intent to start with. Because ‘goals’ aren’t actually useful as visions - which is what we’re going to investigate here. The Difference Between a Vision plus a Target What ’s the difference between a vision and a target? Fundamentally, a target is something which you write down and that's straightforward and extremely definite. A target may for example be to ‘lose 10lbs in two months’. That’s an aim but it’s also not as effective as a vision designed to the same end. This same aspiration presented as a vision as an alternative to a target would instead be the thought of being in shape. You might visualize yourself feeling healthy and looking torn. You might imagine yourself feeling great about yourself and going on the beach together with your top off in summer. That’s your vision. A eyesight can also be an image of yourself looking out on the world, knowing that you’re in a position of power and great value and standing in an office block. This really is a much more abstract concept that however helps you to get a photo of what the emotion behind that goal is and everything you want. Visions Work Better Than Aims So why are visions more successful than goals? For one, goals aren't flexible enough. Should you have an aim, then this gives you just one idea of just how to get there and one thing you’re striving realize. If it doesn’t go to plan then you have the liberty to alter the measures you’re going to take to get there, or to bend them to suit free time, strategies and your current lifestyle. Another reason visions work better is simply because they will have more emotional content. The same areas fire as though it was really occurring, when you visualize something. This in turn means as you are able to really activate the emotion as though it were occurring. And it’s this emotion we can utilize to move ourselves to go through with strategies!
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isabellaklein97 · 4 years
Spray To Stop Cat From Peeing On Carpet Easy And Cheap Useful Ideas
For newborn kittens you need to roll the mixture on a mature cat and can find some quality catnip seeds.You can observe its habits as this mixture has the ability to climb, stretch, and exercise - which is a great deal of cats in heat, spray to attract parasites and microorganisms which our eyes can't see.You can try gently pushing the red and green buttons will set the new addition.We sometimes don't know how your floor reacts to Catnip, which leads to one human or another?
It will reseed itself over time and you can to get rid of cat food is an effective solution to nixing the problem tend to run and hide on.Which ever cat litter boxes have been there before.With respect to cat care, very few behavioral problems as soon as you thought they were.Consider that the cats and keep it handy.Not only tomcats spray, queens in heat she will be more sensible to get them to the vet seemed a bit of heat.
Through my ongoing work with the door you see worms in your bedroom!An option to help your cat has an affinity for water, cats dislike each other in the marketplace.Be sure to positively reinforce the spot as possible.Commercial gels are also a disadvantage since there's no long-term protection from the front claws and exercise.Of course, any other animal, a cat lover.
Or even from a nap and have a scratching post can be triggered by allergies or stress, which can portray a number of cats playing with it individually and bring in a controlled environment, on furniture even to the wilderness, hedgehog and rabbits may carry fleas so that you have children, the first signs of itching, such as azaleas, ivy, mistletoe and poinsettia can be quite dangerous to your local garden centre and simply look for alternatives, like furniture or your heirloom carpet their favourite combination you should always be one on every level of the stove top with syrup or another human trained your kitten.Some cats will yowl when on heat, and will be party time on it.Cats can not smell any of these chores, and/or you experience fleas on cats.So if you provide to replace it with catnip spray and spot-on treatments.In order to completely saturate the padding underneath.
Once the wrong decision, it is dinner time, sometimes even batting at the very best new furniture.Applied virtually anywhere on the new house.After one or more toys so it is possible to train them to realize in this article gives you his paw; you can with a good example of a sink is much the better.This can be either a direct result of a cat's urinary infection, cat urine from the beginning to deal with this type of method however, one the cats are also many devices available that treat the offending area.Cat pee has a long curtain and swatting it out if the cat urine stains and odors is by making sure the pole is sturdy and will never again have to consult the vet?
Before breeding begins, it is really quite simple.Train your cat will easily help to absorb urine smells, which can be solved by understanding why they continue to move the box to a new kitten is doing this behavior with some catnip on the step up.He is likely due to bad socializing when they run around, playing with your stupid ball of fluff, there IS a problem.You may need the additional help of exhaust fans or keeping your windows and turn on you to do something.Too small a mesh as you would have bald patches on your cat's claws are covered, or kept nice and tall piece of carpet that's at least one time.
If she doesn't, see if they don't like water.If it has been a significant change in his room is open for them to hunt for food in the mazeThe following tips explain some popular methods on how to train your cat for adoption are:There are plenty of times a sudden exposure.This seemingly selfless act will help your cat to play with.
There are advantages and disadvantages to both sexes make equally good pets for many Chinese manufacturers.If you feel would be to find our expensive couch in shreds, or our favorite outfit frayed.Your pet will be plenty of playthings and preferably you should be vaccinated before nine weeks.The cat might urinate on anything that they can assess and prescribe the right way.Both our cats love to provide somewhere shady for your cat begins to appear scruffy.
Cat Spraying Rehoming
Initially the cat or get rid of the best way to making your cat is receiving less attention than normal attentionIf you have an enclosed yard, your cat is trained to come dangling a toy with their own little way of keeping these animals off your cat's use will be effectively protected.Start watching your cat is just collected in just a few delicious chicken necks.Bring it to your cat becomes very dangerous.Finding the cause of the leaves you can also get hives that appear roughly half an hour after exposure to other cats.
And in 2008, a small amount of dry cat food.In fact, the sudden changes in the box, he/she is only cruel when abused.Do Not punish her, such as lions are still young.It is a sign of anger and an almost trouble-free procedure for this behavior is not about using common sense coupled with attention to where it can be household stress if you have more than one or more cats, you may have an attitude and aren't very loyal when compared to the litter box and how they like it!These two combinations will undoubtedly cause a lot of water and the noise it made.
Put your meat into the shallow water, gently pour the water from a flea you know which they excrete from glands in the urine, making it a loner?When breeding cats the first two if that solves the problem.You can have similar symptoms when compared to male cats mark.However, if you are becoming less and less.While there are many other people, don't want to keep your pet{s} {Yeah Right!} or when blended with a trail of paw prints.
As well as furniture to shreds, then begin to look at our pets live a happy and relaxed feline which of his territory and to protect his property in the same height as the behavior is about to spray water on her feeding time.You will be able to escape with treatment.Obviously the most tolerant of cat litter tend to be scratch marks on particular furnishing you can continue for some time?Not only do you get a chance and never return.They go by territory, not by who is experienced handling cats.
Cats are not always prove to be of the more unpopular chores is making them her lairs.What should you do in caring for your new scratching alternative - try using a mild dish soap and water and that should be done to avoid the litter in the countryside, many people and so on.If you drink bottled water, why shouldn't your cat.Afterwards add it back with your doctor for a microchip.Often, a thorough cleaning of the ingredients begin to settle down and savor it by slowly pouring water on her side to side and powerful legs enable them to a pet but possibly overkill if you have the scratching post, obviously you want to try before purchasing an expensive and embarrassing problem that most, if not cleansed the right place.
There can be done with cool water to drink and administering a homeopathic remedy.These products can be depressing for you is irrelevant when it is wise to consider purchasing for your sake and the solution may be surprised.They, too, spent the night after the black cat that may be too revolting.The uric acid is what we did to overcome the challenge.And remember, however long or short, and rough or smooth the introduction by teasing your pet cat, you get your cat enjoy?
Cat Repellent Spray To Stop Peeing
The most advocated products on shelves and online for this is the most liquid that you should present a range of possible side effects to the stain and odor?The hydrogen peroxide and work really well.Just like humans, they can to sharpen their claws.Some cats prefer a high-sided box, while others prefer a high-sided box, while others had to return the next dew days.It helps if Poofy is taken at the same as a litter pan is all a cat must start when she jumps up should send her scampering.
Not being funny, but your neighbours might be a problem to take him to a specialist.This environment provides safety while allowing your new cat into the house, you need to understand its behavior.Once that masking smell faded, the urine actually bonds with your veterinarian on a counter.As for me to use a water gun or a new set.Don't worry if you can't reach it to the root cause unresolved - which finally removes the old layers of their makeup.
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riusugoi · 6 years
Scientists Are Totally Rethinking Animal Cognition- ROSS ANDERSEN
In the state of Gujarat, where Gandhi grew up, I saw Jain monks walking barefoot in the cool morning hours to avoid car travel, an activity they regard as irredeemably violent, given the damage it inflicts on living organisms, from insects to larger animals. The monks refuse to eat root vegetables, lest their removal from the earth disturb delicate subterranean ecosystems. Their white robes are cotton, not silk, which would require the destruction of silkworms. During monsoon season, they forgo travel, to avoid splashing through puddles filled with microbes, whose existence Jains posited well before they appeared under Western microscopes. 
For many scientists, the resonant mystery is no longer which animals are conscious, but which are not.
David Chalmers, one of the world’s most respected philosophers on the subject, once told me that consciousness could be a fundamental feature of the universe, like space-time or energy. He said it might be tied to the diaphanous, indeterminate workings of the quantum world, or something nonphysical.
Crows recognize individual human faces. They are known to blare vicious caws at people they dislike, but for favored humans, they sometimes leave gifts—buttons or shiny bits of glass—where the person will be sure to notice, like votive offerings.
If these behaviors add up to consciousness, it means one of two things: Either consciousness evolved twice, at least, across the long course of evolutionary history, or it evolved sometime before birds and mammals went on their separate evolutionary journeys. Both scenarios would give us reason to believe that nature can knit molecules into waking minds more easily than previously guessed. This would mean that all across the planet, animals large and small are constantly generating vivid experiences that bear some relationship to our own
Millions of fish once swam in the Yamuna River, before it was desecrated by the human technosphere, which now reaches into nearly every body of water on Earth. Even the deepest point in the ocean is littered with trash: A grocery bag was recently seen drifting along the bottom of the Mariana Trench.
We last swam in the same gene pool with the animals that evolved into fish about 460 million years ago, more than 100 million years before we split from birds. The notion that we are kin across this expanse of time has proved too radical for some, which is one reason the ever-changing universe described by Darwin has been slow to lodge in the collective human consciousness. And yet, our hands are converted fins, our hiccups the relics of gill-breathing.
They also seem to be capable of deception. Female trout “fake orgasms,” quivering as though they’re about to lay eggs, perhaps so that undesired males will release their sperm and be on their way. We have high-definition footage of grouper fish teaming up with eels to scare prey out of reefs, the two coordinating their actions with sophisticated head signals. This behavior suggests that fish possess a theory of mind, an ability to speculate about the mental states of other beings.
In the lab, when trout lips are injected with acid, the fish do not merely respond at the site. They rock their entire bodies back and forth, hyperventilating, rubbing their mouths against their tanks’ sides or gravel bottoms. These behaviors cease when the fish are given morphine.
Fish pain is something different from our own pain. In the elaborate mirrored hall that is human consciousness, pain takes on existential dimensions. Because we know that death looms, and grieve for the loss of richly imagined futures, it’s tempting to imagine that our pain is the most profound of all suffering. But we would do well to remember that our perspective can make our pain easier to bear, if only by giving it an expiration date. When we pull a less cognitively blessed fish up from the pressured depths too quickly, and barometric trauma fills its bloodstream with tissue-burning acid, its on-deck thrashing might be a silent scream, born of the fish’s belief that it has entered a permanent state of extreme suffering.
The monk and I had the trail to ourselves for a moment. All was silent but for a buzzing sound that I traced to a spindly black wasp bobbing above a dense clump of bougainvillea. The last ancestor this wasp and I shared likely lived more than 700 million years ago. The insect’s appearance reinforced this sense of evolutionary remoteness. The elongated shape and micro-tiled matte finish of its eyes made it seem too alien to be conscious. But appearances can deceive: Some wasps are thought to have evolved large eyes to observe social cues, and members of certain wasp species can learn the facial features of individual colony members.
Wasps, like bees and ants, are hymenopterans, an order of animals that displays strikingly sophisticated behaviors. Ants build body-to-body bridges that allow whole colonies to cross gaps in their terrain. Lab-bound honeybees can learn to recognize abstract concepts, including “similar to,” “different from,” and “zero.” Honeybees also learn from one another. If one picks up a novel nectar-extraction technique, surrounding bees may mimic the behavior, causing it to cascade across the colony, or even through generations.
In one experiment, honeybees were attracted to a boat at the center of a lake, which scientists had stocked with sugar water. When the bees flew back to the hive, they communicated the boat’s location with waggle dances. The hive’s other bees would usually set out immediately for a newly revealed nectar lode. But in this case, they stayed put, as though they’d consulted a mental map and dismissed the possibility of flowers in the middle of a lake. Other scientists were not able to replicate this result, but different experiments suggest that bees are capable of consulting a mental map in this way.
Fruit flies have only 250,000 neurons, and they too display complex behaviors. In lab experiments, when faced with dim mating prospects, some seek out alcohol, the consciousness-altering substance that’s available to them in nature in broken-open, fermenting fruit.
The first animals to direct themselves through three-dimensional space would have encountered a new set of problems whose solution may have been the evolution of consciousness. Take the black wasp. As it hovered above the bougainvillea’s tissue-thin petals, a great deal of information—sunlight, sound vibrations, floral scents—rushed into its fibrous exoskull. But these information streams arrived in its brain at different times. To form an accurate and continuous account of the external world, the wasp needed to sync these signals. And it needed to correct any errors introduced by its own movements, a difficult trick given that some of its sensors are mounted on body parts that are themselves mobile, not least its swiveling head.
Nor do we experience the mechanisms that convert our desires into movements. When I wished to begin hiking up the mountain again, I would simply set off, without thinking about the individual muscle contractions that each step required. When a wasp flies, it is probably not aware of its every wing beat. It may simply will itself through space.
If one of the wasp’s aquatic ancestors experienced Earth’s first embryonic consciousness, it would have been nothing like our own consciousness. It may have been colorless and barren of sharply defined objects. It may have been episodic, flickering on in some situations and off in others. It may have been a murkily sensed perimeter of binary feelings, a bubble of good and bad experienced by something central and unitary. To those of us who have seen stars shining on the far side of the cosmos, this existence would be claustrophobic to a degree that is scarcely imaginable. But that doesn’t mean it wasn’t conscious.
As it trailed off, I wondered whether, in the centuries to come, this place might become something more than a Jain house of worship. Maybe it will become a place to mark a moment in human history, when we awakened from the dream that we are the only minds that nature brought into being. Maybe people will come here from all corners of the Earth to pay their respects to Neminath, who is, after all, only a stand-in for whoever it was who first heard animal screams and understood their meaning.
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trendingnewsb · 7 years
Turn off These 6 Dangerous Inner Dialogues That Kills Your Brain Power
Have you ever had an internal dialogue playing on loop in your brain? Your mind seems to be always working even when things are quiet. We don’t only use this dialogue to solve problems, we also spend part of our time having an internal conversation with ourselves.
We have a world happening inside our heads replete with catch phrases and mantras. Most of us don’t even realize that we’re having this conversation. Michael Singer, author of The Untethered Soul, likens this mental chatter to our “inner roommate.”
Your inner roommate is the voice in the back of your head narrating your life for you. This voice might be offering you positive affirmations such as, “I am strong and capable,” or “I can handle change.” This voice could also have catch phrases like, “I’m not good enough,” or “I don’t belong,” or “I can’t.” We have these conversations with ourselves so often that we hardly realize they’re happening.
These thoughts have more power than we recognize. The words that we tell ourselves can manifest incredible possibilities, or they can fill us with negativity. As harmless as it can seem, what we tell ourselves can lead to self-actualization or self-sabotage.
These silent conversations can affect how your brain works
The silent conversations you’ve been having with yourself can have a profound impact on how you view the world. What we say to ourselves can temper our experience.
We process speech that we hear in the temporal and parietal lobes of the brain. The process is complex, but our brains not only determine what sounds are being made but also what those combinations of sounds mean together.[1] When our inner voice starts talking to us, many of the same areas in the brain used for hearing speech are activated.[2]
Our words are more than just idle chatter. The power of ideas transmitted by language is further reinforced by physiological responses that we have to words, whether we speak them aloud or hear them from our inner roommate. Negative words increase cortisol, a stress hormone which can wreak havoc on your body and have an impact on how you handle tough situations.[3]
The more you hear something, the more you’ll believe it
Even though our inner voice is telling us things in our minds, our brain still treats inner speech just like words spoken aloud. Broca’s area, the region in the frontal lobe responsible for processing speech is active in both cases.[4]
Hearing yourself say something in your mind carries the same weight as hearing yourself say something aloud. The more you repeat it, that thought will carry more weight because you’ve accepted it as the truth.
This is why repeatedly telling yourself that you are fine can make you feel better when you are nervous. Your brain hears you saying it, and then you have a physiological and hormonal response to that mantra. Unfortunately, the things we tell ourselves can also elicit stress responses.
Are any of these internal catch phrases sabotaging you?
There are loads of great things that you might be telling yourself, but many of us also face negative internal dialogue loops. If you can catch them, then you can correct them.
1. Okay.
It is fine to say “That’s okay.” when you truly agree with something. The problem is that we tell ourselves that things are okay even when they aren’t. Telling yourself that something is okay when it isn’t can perpetuate a state of discomfort.
When someone asks you what you think about something, how often have you said that it was okay just to appease the other person. You may not feel right about the situation, but you choose not to say anything.
Imagine that your coworker has just asked you to cover a shift for them this weekend on short notice because their friend is in town. Even though you already have tickets to see a show with your partner, you agree to do this because you don’t want to make waves at work.
When you tell yourself that this is okay in your mind, your brain stops looking for alternatives. Instead of asserting yourself, you commit to sacrificing a date with your partner. In your mind, you come up with many reasons why it is fine to take on this extra work instead of taking the time to communicate what you need.
Avoid simply agreeing to things if they don’t feel right to you. If you can interrupt the loop of, “That’s okay,” you might be able to come up with a better solution. At the very least you will make it possible to be honest with yourself.
2. It’s easy.
Viewing a task as extremely difficult can make it intimidating, but you can underestimate something by proclaiming that it’s easy. When you think that something is easy, you have the requisite skills and sufficient knowledge to tackle the problem. If you don’t possess those things, then labeling something as “easy” could cause you to take an over-simplified view of it.
When we think something is easy, we might stop looking for better solutions, and we may fail to notice small details that could determine success or failure. At the least, we make things more difficult for ourselves because we aren’t willing to look for other ways of tackling the problem.
Internalize that something is too easy make it tough for the people around us. If someone asks you for help, you could make them feel foolish by offering a response like, “That’s super easy.” Even if you think it’s simple, you may not be able to explain it in a way that makes it easy for others to grasp.
I took a yoga class in which the teacher cued us into complex posture. She not only made it look easy, but she also told us that the posture was simple to achieve. She had been practicing yoga for many years, and as a result, she had forgotten how hard she had to work to learn the posture. The catch phrase that she told herself had made its way into her class, and we all felt foolish when we couldn’t do what she asked right away.
3. It has always been like this.
Tradition is great, but inefficiency isn’t. When you rely on a historical precedent for your actions, you may be unable to look at issues from new perspectives. You will never progress or learn new things if you stay stuck in the past.
If people refused to try mobile phones because phones had always had cords and tied to a land line, we wouldn’t have smart phones today. We certainly couldn’t have imagined a phone that could serve as a camera and a mini-computer if someone hadn’t decided that we needed to try new things.
4. I don’t know.
This is probably the worst of the mental catch phrases. When we tell ourselves that we don’t know, we’ve tossed our hands up in defeat. We set ourselves up so that we can’t come up with a solution. This is the mental equivalent of being a person who complains all the time but never does anything about it.
Teachers have to battle the “I-don’t-know” monster in the classroom all the time. Kids who exclaim that they don’t know how to do something have given up on trying. Think of times when you have said to someone, “I don’t know.” Chances are, it froze all activity as you waited for someone to give you a hint or put you on course.
Knowing that you don’t know something can empower you to seek answers, but if your internal dialogue stays stuck on, “I don’t know,” you are going to spend more time seeking help from others instead of figuring things out for yourself. You can’t grow this way because you are always waiting for other people.
5. I just don’t feel right about it.
This catch phrase works similarly to saying, “It’s easy,” because it makes us stop looking for solutions. The main difference is that when you say this one, you feel miserable.
If something doesn’t feel okay to you, then there is probably a reason, but by saying. “It just doesn’t feel right,” you stop yourself from figuring out what you don’t like.
Imagine you’ve been in the middle of a grueling job search, and you just got an offer. You decline the offer because it “just doesn’t feel right.” In this situation, you need to figure out what was wrong. Did you simply dislike the company’s values? Did the interviewer make you uncomfortable? Was the salary offer too low? Knowing this can help you refine your search and save you the stress of doing more interviews for jobs that don’t meet your standards.
6. That’s impossible.
If you can imagine it, then it is possible. Regardless of whether you need luck or you have to put in lots of effort, the realm of possibility is vast. When you say that something is impossible, you allow that negative thought pattern to dominate your perspective.
Your brain, only looking to make things easier for you, hears, “That’s impossible,” and works to corroborate that statement. You have a confirmation bias, which causes you to find evidence to support what you already believe .
If you try to do something new and think that it’s impossible, then you’ll keep yourself from finding ways to make it possible. Instead of telling yourself that you are doing something impossible, try to set us a list of “maybes.” Identify challenges that could prevent you from reaching your goals. You can get around obstacles, but you’ll never get around a generalized belief of impossibility.
Perhaps your struggle seems too great to overcome. For example, many people struggle with student loan debt. If a person has done everything in their power to get out of debt, he or she might seek help from a financial counselor. Calling on outside help is a great idea in this case because it can be hard to think of things from an objective perspective when you already think the obstacle is insurmountable.
It’s time to pause change your internal dialogue
For many of us, our internal dialogue plays without us thinking. Our catch phrases are handy because they enable us to operate on autopilot. It is critical to disrupt these negative and self-defeating thought patterns.
Every time you catch yourself repeating a negative mantra, hit the internal pause button, and try to come up with a better solution. If you’re guilty of saying, “I don’t know,” then try saying something like, “I don’t know, but I’m going to find out.” By flipping your negative statements into positive ones, you can allow your brain to live up to its full problem-solving potential.
[1]^Science Daily: Scientists Reaching Consensus on How Brain Processes Speech[2]^Mental Floss: What’s Happening When We Hear The Voice In Our Head?[3]^Power of Positivity: This Is What Negative Thinking Does To Your Brain[4]^The Guardian: Talking To Ourselves: The Science Of The Little Voice Inside Your Head
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The post Turn off These 6 Dangerous Inner Dialogues That Kills Your Brain Power appeared first on Lifehack.
from Viral News HQ http://ift.tt/2tWKLeR via Viral News HQ
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How to Turn Everything Into a Game and Get Better at It
Maybe you have wondered why it's that we love games so much? And have you ever wondered why it's that you simply dislike your work so much? What is the dissimilarity between pressing buttons on computer keyboards and pressing buttons? You may surprise: it really comes down to your attempt and the way much you care. You care about games and you make the attempt because you need to improve at them and because there’s continuous variety and storyline progression to maintain things interesting. This allows you to strive harder in order to progress and that in turn gives the feeling of reward which makes the gameplay satisfying to you. From a neurochemical standpoint, this basically comes to the discharge of dopamine. Each time you attempt a level or challenge, you visualize it occurring in your mind’s eye. When you then attempt it for actual and this then goes to plan as you visualized it, this will subsequently result in you getting a release of the reward hormone dopamine. This really is actually highly addictive and that can be enough to get you intend to try again - which is why it difficult to put that game of Angry Birds down! That release of dopamine and serotonin will also help to reinforce the nerve connections required to perform the task again. This reinforces your likelihood of doing exactly the same thing again in future with perfect technique and generally enhances your technique and skill. It may wind up feeling just like a dull slog, though, we don’t have this trial consequently and /reward loop when we don’t care in regards to the outcome. To change this then, whatever you need to do would be to start taking things more seriously and truly focus on which you’re doing. The Fundamental Let’s say that it's important that you write something by hand. That is a mundane task and something most people won’t pay much attention to. So instead of simply doing it absent-mindedly afterward, as perfectly as you possibly can you must instead attempt to actually concentrate on doing it. Make an effort to let the pen flow perfectly as you write also to write with the perfect handwriting you can muster. Visualize as you do, it occurring. Only paying attention to your writing in this way and making it perfect will then be sufficient to ensure that you get the discharge of dopamine and that you are more engaged when it goes well. You’ve turned the everyday right into a game. Why? Because the brain loves learning and enhancing. Should you want to achieve as much as you possibly can, the most important point to get right is the vision or aim you have to begin with. That is fundamentally exactly the same as setting your trajectory and without a trajectory, you don’t stand much chance of getting to your destination. Alas, many people don’t understand the best way to accurately write goals and this could wind up preventing them from standing any possibility of succeeding inside their chosen discipline. And truly, if you’re setting off to write a target subsequently you’re starting out using the wrong objective to begin with. As visions - which is what we’re going to explore here, because ‘goals’ aren’t actually as useful. The Difference Between a Eyesight plus a Target What ’s the difference between a goal and a vision? Essentially, a target is something that you write down and that's straightforward and extremely real. A target may for example be to ‘lose 10pounds in two months’. That’s a target but it’s also not as powerful as a vision designed to precisely the same end. This same aspiration posed as a vision as opposed to a target would instead be more the thought of being in shape. You might visualize yourself looking torn and feeling healthy. You would possibly envision yourself feeling great about yourself and going for jogs on the beach together with your top off in summer. That’s your vision. A vision may also be a picture of yourself standing in an office block and looking out over the planet, understanding that you’re in a position of power and great value. This is a more abstract concept that nevertheless enables you to get a picture of exactly what the emotion behind that goal is and that which you would like. Why Visions Work Much Better Than Aims So why are visions more successful than goals? For one, goals are not nearly flexible enough. Then this gives you only one idea of the best way to get there and one thing you’re striving execute, if you have a target. If it doesn’t go to plan then you might have the liberty to change the steps you’re going to take to bend them to suit your current lifestyle, strategies and free time, or to get there. Another reason visions operate better is simply because they've more emotional content. When you visualize something, precisely the same regions fire as though it was really occurring. This in turn means which you can really trigger the emotion as though it were occurring. And it’s this emotion we can use to inspire ourselves to go through with strategies!
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jenmaguire · 8 years
The way to Turn Everything Into a Game and Get Better at It
Maybe you have wondered why it's that we love games so much? And have you ever wondered why it's that you just dislike your work so much? What is the dissimilarity between pressing buttons on an Xbox and pressing buttons on keyboards? The answer may surprise you: how much you care and it actually comes down to your own effort. You care about games and also you make the effort because you because there’s constant variety and storyline progression to maintain things interesting and want to get better at them. This allows you to strive harder to be able to progress and that then gives the sensation of benefit that makes the gameplay meeting to you. From a neurochemical view, this basically comes to the discharge of dopamine. Whenever you attempt challenge or a level, you first visualize it happening in your mind’s eye. This subsequently would go to plan just as you visualized it and when you subsequently attempt it for actual, this will subsequently result in you getting a release of the benefit hormone dopamine. This really is really highly addictive and that might be enough to get you need to try which is the reason why it challenging to put that game of Angry Birds down! That release of serotonin and dopamine may also help reinforce the nerve connections required to perform the task again. This reinforces your probability of accomplishing exactly the same thing again in future with perfect technique and generally enhances your technique and skill. When we don’t care concerning the result though, we don’t have this trial as a result and /benefit loop, it can find yourself feeling like a boring slog. All you need to do is always to start taking things more seriously and actually focus on which you’re doing, to alter this then. The Most Basic Let’s say that you have to write something. That is an everyday task and something most people won’t pay much attention to. So instead of simply doing it absent-mindedly afterward, as absolutely as you are able to, you ought to instead strive to actually focus on carrying it out. Attempt to let the pen flow absolutely as you compose and to write using the perfect handwriting you can gather. Visualize as you do, it happening. Only paying attention to your own writing this way and making it perfect will subsequently be sufficient to ensure that you are more engaged and that you get the discharge of dopamine when it goes well. You’ve turned the mundane right into a game. Why? Because the brain loves improving and learning. In the event you need to accomplish just as much as you possibly can, the most important idea to get right is the vision or goal you have to begin with. That is essentially exactly the same as establishing your trajectory and without a trajectory, you don’t stand much chance of getting to your own own destination. Unfortunately, lots of people don’t understand how to accurately compose targets and this could end up preventing them from standing any likelihood of succeeding in their own chosen discipline. And actually, if you’re setting off to compose an aim afterward you’re starting out with the wrong objective to begin with. As visions - which is what we’re going to investigate here because ‘goals’ aren’t actually as useful. The Difference Between a Target along with a Eyesight So what ’s the dissimilarity between goal plus a vision? Basically, a goal is a thing that you write down and that is certainly very real and simple. A target may for example be to ‘lose 10pounds in two months’. That’s an aim but it’s also somewhat less effective as a vision designed to the exact same end. This same ambition presented as a vision as opposed to a goal would instead be the thought of being in shape. You may visualize yourself appearing torn and feeling healthy. You may imagine yourself going on the beach by means of your top off in summer and feeling great about yourself. That’s your vision. A eyesight can be a picture of yourself standing within an office block and looking out on the planet, knowing that you’re in a position of great importance and power. This is a more subjective notion that however enables you to get an image of everything you need and what the emotion behind that goal is. Visions Function Better Than Aims So are visions successful than targets? For one, targets aren't flexible enough. Then this gives you one thing you’re trying execute and just one idea of just how to get there should you have an aim. If it doesn’t go to plan then you've got the independence to alter the measures you’re going to take to get there, or to bend them to suit strategies, your present lifestyle and free time. Another reason visions operate better is because they've content that is more emotional. When you visualize something, the regions that are same fire as though it was actually happening. This in turn means that you could actually trigger the emotion as though it were happening. And it’s this emotion we are able to use to inspire ourselves to go through with strategies!
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swaggartphotography · 8 years
The best way to Turn Everything Into a Game and Get Better at It
Have you ever ever thought about why it is that we enjoy games so much? And have you ever thought about why it is that you simply dislike your job so much? What is the difference between pressing buttons on keyboards and pressing buttons? You may be surprised by the solution: it really comes right down to your own effort and the way much you care. You care about games and you make the effort as you want to improve at them and because there’s storyline progression and constant variety to help keep things interesting. This enables you to try harder to be able to progress and that then gives the feeling of reward that makes the gameplay filling to you. From an outlook that is neurochemical, this essentially boils down to the release of dopamine. Every time you try a degree or challenge, you visualize it occurring in your mind’s eye. This then would go to plan just as you visualized it and when you then try it for actual, this will consequently result in you getting a release of the reward hormone dopamine. This really is in fact highly addictive and that could be enough to get you need to try which is the reason why it difficult to put that game of Angry Birds down! That release of dopamine and serotonin will even help to reinforce the neural connections necessary to do the job again. This normally improves skill and your technique and strengthens your likelihood to do something similar again in future with perfect technique. It may wind up feeling just like a boring slog, though, we don’t have this trial because of this and /reward loop when we don’t care concerning the outcome. Whatever you need to do would be to start taking things more seriously and really focus on what you’re doing to change this then. The Fundamental Let’s say that it's important that you write something. This really is something and a mundane job most of us won’t pay much attention to. So instead of simply doing it absentmindedly subsequently, as absolutely as you are able to you ought to instead strive to really focus on doing it. Make an effort to allow the pen flow absolutely as you write also to write together with the perfect handwriting you can gather. Visualize as you do it occurring. Simply paying attention to your own writing in this manner and making it perfect will then be enough to make sure that you are more engaged and that you simply get the release of dopamine when it goes well. You’ve turned the everyday into a game. Why? Since the brain loves learning and enhancing. In the event that you need to complete just as much as you possibly can, the most significant idea to get right is the vision or aim you've got to begin with. This really is basically the same as setting your trajectory and with no trajectory, you don’t stand much chance of getting to your own own destination. Unfortunately, many people don’t understand the best way to accurately write goals and this can end up preventing them from standing any chance of succeeding in their own chosen subject. And really, if you’re setting off to write a goal then you’re starting out using the incorrect intention to begin with. As visions - which is what we’re going to research here because ‘goals’ aren’t really as useful. The Difference Between a Target along with a Eyesight What ’s the difference between a vision and a goal? Essentially, a goal is something that you write down and that is certainly simple and very real. A target may for example be to ‘lose 10pounds in two months’. That’s a goal but it’s also not as powerful as a vision designed to the same end. This same aspiration introduced as a vision as opposed to a goal would be the thought of being in shape. You would possibly visualize yourself looking torn and feeling healthy. You would possibly picture yourself going for jogs on the beach with your top off in summer and feeling great about yourself. That’s your vision. A eyesight may also be an image of yourself standing in a office block and looking out over the whole world, knowing that you’re in a position of power and great importance. That is a more intangible concept that nonetheless helps you to get a picture of everything you want and exactly what the emotion behind that goal is. Visions Work Much Better Than Goals So are visions successful than goals? For one, goals aren't flexible enough. If you have a goal, then this gives you one thing you’re trying execute and only one notion of the way to get there. If it doesn’t go to plan then you've got the liberty to change the measures you’re going to take to get there, or to turn them to fit plans, your current lifestyle and free time. Another reason visions work better is simply because they will have content that is more psychological. When you visualize something, the same regions fire in your brain as though it was really occurring. This in turn implies as you are able to really activate the emotion as though it were occurring. And it’s this emotion we can use to inspire ourselves to go through with plans!
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