#doesnt have to be shows can be movies too or even songs and podcasts and youtube series
quoteenjoyer · 1 year
Hiya! I know that the post where you asked for show recs was from a little bit ago haha, but if you like iZombie I would definitely recommend Veronica Mars!! Same people worked on both shows, and there are some similar vibes but it certainly has its own feel to it. The first season revolves around the protagonist trying to find out who killed her best friend, with smaller, individual mysteries each episode. I think it’s very good at doing that thing that iZombie also does; where it can be very silly and poke fun at itself a lot but still keeping you genuinely invested in the characters.
I’m also not exactly sure where your tastes run but I might also suggest Fringe! It’s another sort of mystery-of-the-week show with an overarching antagonist/problem like the others, and it has that same sort of ‘clearly magic adjacent but we’ve got a sciencey explanation for it’ thing going on that iZombie does. It’s about an FBI agent who has to solve all these strange cases with almost paranormal going-ons, with the help of a disgraced mad scientist and his son. The characters are the most fun part of it imho, like the mysteries are good but watching the silly little people grow and become friends? Is just wonderful to me <33
ALSO iZombie is what actually got me into Alias, but I think this is already kind of long and I’ll never shut up about it when you get me started lol. Anyhow sorry for this being just out of the blue, I just really like suggesting tv shows haha! 😅
dont worry im endlessly looking for show recommendations!
thank you so much for sending some in! i'll for sure check these out. they sound pretty good and since ive officially given up on rewatching torchwood i'll need a new list of shows to go through
especially since my most important meds have stopped working and i have to be shut in for a month until i can get in to see my doc 🙄
gives me an excuse to be lazy though! lolol
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this is kinda random, but i know no other aro people irl, and it makes me feel isolated. i just want a friend who understands, yknow? people dont even realize how obsessed with romance society is. so many songs, so many movies, books, shows, they all have romance. i cant think of one media that doesnt somehow include it. people talk about how they want a partner, or their crushes, falling in love. its just. i feel so alone. its just so... expected. all the time. even in queer spaces. any advice?
There are a lot of ways to connect with aro people online. So that may be a good first step. Maybe do a disboard search for aro communities on discord or watch the aro tag for people advertising servers, or join Arocalypse. But any aro community anywhere online is fine. We’re in a pandemic, but it may also be a good idea to check out acesandaros.org and see if at some point they mention any in-person aro meetups near you.
So much media is romance obsessed, and it makes it really difficult when you’re in a place where you’re struggling with that to avoid it. There is some fairly decent aro media out there, especially there seems to be a lot of books and podcasts coming out lately with aro characters. Here’s a good list of podcasts with aro characters. And you can google book lists with aro characters and get a lot of results. Personally I love the Jughead 2015 run from Archie comics, where Jughead’s heavily aro coded and dealing with that directly. 
But also seek out found family media. Any media that’s not focused on romance is good honestly, but found family especially emphasizes finding your place and finding your people in a way that a lot of aros really relate to. Family oriented stuff can be good too, especially if you’re close to your family. Personally I like Star Trek (any series), there is romance (and it’s fine if you’re not in a place to deal with even that at the moment) but the strong bonds are usually the platonic ones between the crew. But there’s a lot of different found family stuff out there and you can google lists and look around. You can also check aro communities for recommendations.
You can also check out @aggressivelyarospec and @arowrimo if you’re looking for more media made by aro people, or that other aro people like.
With aro week coming up fairly quickly this month, there should be a lot of aro-themed stuff posted around everywhere for that too.
I’d definitely recommend doing what you can to just take a break from romance. It’s everywhere, it’s hard. But do your best and spend a lot of time on different media and eventually you should get to a point where the romantic stuff hurts less and you can handle it better. 
All the best and good luck, Anon!
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honeyfreckled · 5 years
we have talked a few times and im sorry for this but you are the most accepting and easiest person to talk to honestly i dont have many people in my life i can tell anything real to. but the thing is ive been thinging about relapsing a lot more since i broke up with my boyfriend and i work with him so it makes work depressing and impossible to get through a day without crying sorry this is anon but i am scared ily dont hate me i am not trying to stress you out
ok wow first lemme just say: I DO NOT HATE U. EVER. 
and don’t be srry i don’t have a lotta ppl irl i can tell my shit to so i get it. pls know u can always ALWAYS ALWAYS come to me, and u dont gotta be scared to come off anon. i get it and it’s ok if u prefer it that way- but pls know i dont keep it on alot bc i get hate and then i turn it off bc i gotta look out for myself and dont post all the hate bc i dont wanna bring yall down or give them the satisfaction of knowing i have given it a read and response. so u can message me or make a sideblog or idk im just saying this so if it’s off later u dont blame yrself or feel scared to come off anon. ok sorelapse is a real thing and it’s fucked and hard and addiction is fucked up and a real life struggle and we dont treat addicts w the real tenderness, respect, kindness, and acceptance they deserve. but u DO deserve it. and there are hotlines, apps, churches, groups, chatrooms/boards, and sites that are more versed in what are the appropriate things to say to u- i say this bc while i’ve been thru it w loved ones i have not myself struggled w addiction w substances. my addictions were to self harm and victimhood so those are the things i searched for help on. but if it’s alright i’d like to give u some tips or things i used and have heard work for addicts of substances
places like i said like churches, groups, chatrooms, sites, apps, hotlines the apps and hotlines are good if u cant travel or want to talk to ppl who wont share their story bc maybe u cant hear it like its not the kinda help ur looking for. hotlines are sometimes tricky bc some of those folks are not educated they are volunteers so judgment leaks thru and in that case u ask to be redirected and report that volunteer so hopefully they dont repeat that kinda mess to other vulnerable folks looking for help
make a list of things, anything. list of foods u like to order, list of things that make u clench yr teeth, what were yr fave gifts you’ve ever got, style icons of urs, hobbies u tried that annoyed u, movies u can always watch, places on yr skin u hate being touched, any list of anything it doesnt have to be the usual thing of “what to live for” bc when yr depressed those kinds of things arent easy to think of. but if u get a list going of like “best things ive ever touched” “sounds that make me laugh” “trends that were stupid af” “popular things that i didnt like n couldnt figure out why they were popular” “weirdest ppl ive met” well those things might get u on a roll of good memories or laughing or seeing that theres more to yr life than what has been occupying yr thoughts
dancing. dance in yr room in the dark. clear some space. put on some headphones. lock yr door. do it in the shower. just dance. i had to start w closing my eyes and picking songs that i was taken by emotionally. songs that made me jump and slamdance tbh and then it’s just gotten more and more something im not as ashamed w. i spent a date night w james just dancing and then we ya know ya know bc the dancing got so wild. now i make playlists of songs that set moods for diff kinds of dancing
watch shows w ppl who arent doing better than u. they dont live in fancy places, they dont do much w their lives, they dont dress better than u, they struggle, they arent eating good food u dont have access to. iasip. freaks and geeks. letterkenny. undeclared. jake and amir. tpb. the state. youtube. tiktok/vine comps. lots of these kinds of vibes on youtube
podcasts. improv comedy podcasts tbh saved my life. comedy bang! bang! has best of’s those are good ones to start w. improv4humans bc matt besser has great guests of some of the best improvisers out there and he has musical guests and they’ll play a song and the improvisers will use it as inspo for a scene
make things. moodboards. pinterest. playlists. fill a shopping cart and tell yrself “i’ll get it when i win the lotto and move away from anyone who knows me so i can be the me i wanna be w/out judgement” make tea. make a meal if u can. make yr bed. clean one thing. clean the sink. hang some clothes or go thru yr drawers and clean them out. throwing things out feels hard at first but then it’s nice bc u feel less bogged down
find something to throw yr obsession at for a bit. something that wont hurt u as bad, being obsessed in general isnt good. everything in moderation irl. too much of something is bad just as much as too less of it can be bad. but yr looking for something lower risk here and if u gotta be obsessed w a celeb or a song or a food that’s ok. yr focusing the energy on something that isnt a substance so be proud of it
give yrself a break. give yrself some credit. everyday isnt gonna be on the “best of your name here’s days” but sometimes u just live to live bc that’s what u do. u wait it out and get thru it and wait for the sun to come back out. and if u cant get outta bed. or if you hate yr job and wanna scream- that’s normal it’s more normal than always being happy ppl just dont like talking abt bc society kinda trains us to hide our fucked upness idk why but thats how it is. they dont wanna tell us to do preventative care until we’re in the pits
all in all- it comes down to (at least for me) not planning w an endgoal in mind. it’s not over til it’s over and rlly we dont know. it’s all fluctuating and not meant to be a finish line we cross and then suddenly we’re done and we dont suffer anymore and the feeling of shit is gone or the risk of relapse is gone and the depression is cleared away never to be seen again. it’s not realistic. bc it isnt real. on the real- risk is always there and the downs and ups mix and run together and depression is not curable (this isnt something to be miserable over tho) depression isnt curable, yeah ok, but it is manageable. it can be quieted down from time to time and if u keep up w yr healthy routines and coping mechanisms- depression will still find its way to u bc the real world is not something u can manage. death in the family, loss of money or job, car breaking down, sickness outta nowhere, depression grows wild when these very real life stressors come into our lives. but all that too eventually gets easier and easier at least from a “ok i have some distance now” standpoint. and then as those days get more and more btwn it u can then be like “oh wow, ive made it thru X amount of days! ive put up w it this long! whats one more day, whats one more week, hell might as well see how much prouder i can feel once ive got a year under my belt!” plus u will be more capable of handling the bullshit if u know u can still find some safe places in yr coping skills or friends or resources.
ok so this is prob a mess but bottomline know this:
I love  you and i will be here the best i can should u ever wanna come spill or if u need me to just send u pics of my dog or boring pics of knickknacks or selfies or memes or links or anything just tell me what u need and i will try my best to show u my love. i hope u can see that u reaching out is just already a HUGE major step in the right direction, give yrself credit! thats amazing! yr already doing it pumpkin look at u! it’s hard ik. but i also know if u are capable of saying u have this problem going on, u are capable of getting thru this. u are a light in the world. u offer goodness and u offer yrself and that’s enough. even if yr fucked up right now- u are contributing to the world by simply being u. there is literally NO ONE ELSE WHO IS YOU. so u are unique by definition. i hope u get something from this post and if not i hope it strikes an idea or thing u can do that will help. i hope u know im here and i hope u see this.
i am sending u all my light and love and good vibes and i can’t wait to see or hear from u again. u are never bothering me, a burden, or stressing me out. tbh it stresses me more that u might be struggling and not telling me or anyone. i dont ever want u to suffer in silence bc u feel guilt or scared or anything. u deserve to have a place to voice yr shit. im here to listen if u do wanna tell me anymore.
everyone else-if this helped or if u can think of anything that might help anon or anyone else- feel free to reblog and get some good NONJUDGMENTAL advice or tips and tricks going, but please please please remember to not come off as judgey or flood it with your drama. keep ur drama out of this post so anon or anyone else doesn’t get triggered by it. 
and dont ignore my rule and do it anyway and then say some shit like “ik u said not to but i think this will help lol sorry” like we need this post to stay on this vibe that i set in motion and not a struggle contest or dick measuring or all sad personal reminiscing. go make yr own post for that this is NOT the space.
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rules: answer these 85 questions and tag 20 people tagged by @euthymiclurker I’m not going to try to tag 20 people, but: @roserado @coolest-guy @horse-boyuhhh i dont feel like tagging anyone else. i got tired after typing 3 urls tfdfgfddhjdhf
what was your last…
1. drink; water
2. phone call; probably years ago when i had to use an office phone to call my mom to come get me from school
3. message sent; “ but i dont want my teeth to hurt more”
4. song you listened to; currently listening to this 
5. time you cried; i almost cried a little today because people i didnt know were trying to talk to me. the last time i think i actually heavily cried was in october last year.
— have you ever…
6. dated someone twice; yes
7. kissed someone and regretted it; nop
8. been cheated on; nop
9. lost someone special; yes
10. been depressed; you know it
11. gotten drunk and thrown up; nop
— favourite colours…
12. lavender
13. black
14. white
— in the last year have you…
15. made new friends; ye
16. fallen out of love; nop
17. laughed until you cried; i do that every time something remotely funny happens
18. found out someone was talking about you; nop
19. met someone who changed you; everyone i know is always changing me
20. found out who your friends are; already knew
21. kissed someone on your Facebook friends list; what’s a facebook?
— general
22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know irl; seriously what is that
23. do you have any pets; 3 dogs
24. do you want to change your name; not my chosen name, but i would like to change my birth name to my chosen name.
25. what did you do for your last birthday; drew a new dnd char and handed out candy
26. what time did you wake up today; 8 am. after going to bed at 3 am. kms.
27. what were you doing at midnight last night; ...you know ;)
28. what’s something you can’t wait for; uhh when i’m not in this shite environment and i can feel happy
29. what’s your favourite animal; cats!!! but also... dogs! 
30. what are you listening to rn; i linked it earlier but a new song just came on so i guess i’ll link this one too
31. have you ever talked to a person named Tom; are toms real?
32. something that’s getting on your nerves; can’t say
33. most visited website; tumblr, I mean come on
34. hair colour; medium brown
35. long or short; medium by girl standards, long by boy standards. it goes down a little past my shoulders.
36. do you have a crush on someone; my bf would have the legal obligation to kill me if i did
37. what do you like about yourself; not many things but i like the way i approach problems
38. want any piercings; afraid of the sharp
39. blood type; the type that carries oxygen and iron
40. nicknames; jules, julieri, jewel, jooli, j-dog(apparently)
41. relationship status; taken for the past year and a half 
42. Sign; scorp
43. pronouns; she
44. fave tv show; does a podcast count as a tv show? if so, the adventure zone balance
45. tattoos; afraid of the sharp
46. right or left handed; right
47. ever had surgery; i had to get my head stitched back together when i was 5 does that count
48. piercings; you asked this earlier go away
49. sport; sports are dumb
50. vacation; i want to see the world
51. trainers; you mean like pokemon?
52. eating; i had food earlier
53. drinking; Woter. 
54. about to watch; idk, something
55. waiting for; didnt you ask me this already
56. want; moni and true happiness
57. get married; i would like to marry my bf if only so that i can have his last name
58. career; need moni. dont need a lot of luxuries. just need to be able to go places. and be happy
— which is better…
59. hugs or kisses; i like the idea of kisses a lot but ive never had one. my bf doesnt really like kisses so i will have to learn how to love hugs
60. lips or eyes; lips are... Very Good.
61. taller or shorter; i saw this ask meme before i just realized this and you’re missing the context that this is supposed to be about your preferences for a partner or somthing. tho i am impartial to height, both tall and short people are cute.
62. older or younger; i feel wrong somehow dating people who are younger than me so i have to say older but not too older
63. nice arms or stomach; where is the appeal in arms everyone knows the stomach is where its at
64. hookups or relationships; relationships
65. troublemaker or hesitant; hesitant I guess
66. kissed a stranger; nop
67. drank hard liquor; nop
68. turned someone down; nop cause i am a dumb bitch. unless i was dating someone, then and only then am i smart enough to turn people down
69. sex on first date; nop
70. broken someone’s heart; yeah and they didnt deserve it 
71. had your heart broken; i think a few times
72. been arrested; nop
73. cried when someone died; nop
74. fallen for a friend; everyone ive ever dated except for one was a good friend beforehand
— do you believe in…
75. yourself; very rarely
76. miracles; not really
77. love at first sight; infatuation at first sight but never true love
78. Santa Claus; nop
79. angels; my bf is one so yah
— misc…
80. eye colour; blue/green
81. best friends name; uhh i cant choose amongst my friends. but some of the people ive stuck around with the longest are Liam and Alexis
82. favourite movie; Pacific Rim bich
83. favourite actor; DAVID TENANT. call me a fuckin cringy superwholock all you want but i used to fuckin love doctor who and David Tenant’s role as the 10th Doctor is seriously my favorite character of all time. I haven’t even seen any of his other roles I just REALLY love the 10th doctor.
84. favourite cartoon; is rick and morty a cartoon? i hate the fanbase but i like the show.
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destressjournal · 4 years
Ranking all (109?) DCOMS
Yes! It will be a challenge but I already ranked all 58 Disney animated movies, and once I complete more rankings, maybe I’ll start a blog/podcast about that. Who knows.
The easy part about ranking the Disney films was that each film was unique. The Disney channel films....many of them are pretty similar so I have to remember what each film was about. And this blog can be my way of writing those thoughts down!
So here are my rankings for the 10 first ever Disney channel films!
10. You Lucky Dog
I never heard of this film before i decided to watch all of these in order. And I think there’s a reason. It’s fucking weird. Someone must have been high or something when coming up for the premise of this movie. Like I thought it was supposed to be a movie like Beethoven or Air Bud, just a cute little dog movie about a wacky dog that turns a family up-side down. But no, it’s a dog...therapist??? That had the ability to channel a dog’s mind when he was 14, yet built an entire business based on that ability that he LOST and never got back....and people bought into it??? It’s just the weirdest movie and I really didn’t enjoy a grown man acting and talking like a dog throughout like half the movie. It was weird. I liked the dog. But the rest I didn’t like.
9. Genius
This movie was also weird....but it was better than You Lucky Dog. The logic and the plot points of the story just didn’t line up for me, and the main character was extremely cringey. I had to pause every 10-15 minutes because I literally couldn’t take it. His acting was great! But the lines he was given aren’t good. The story is also really weird, like he was lying about his identity, enrolled himself in middle school while being a college student, faking an entire personality and purposely failed most of his classes, tried everything he could to be in two places at once throughout the whole movie, almost killed everyone in the ice rink due to his negligence of his machine, all to impress some girl. None of the characters I thought were believable, not because of their acting but because of the dialogue and the story, it just doesnt make any sense. But at least it’s about a kid genius and NOT a dog therapist, lol.
8. Brink!
When I first saw this movie I thought it was fine, and then I sat with it for a bit and it got further down my list. There are parts of the story that don’t make sense to me, like don’t you have to compete in the invitational to compete in the championship? Cuz the main characters didn’t even show up and they’re still able to enroll their team in the finals?? And it’s supposed to be a national event of the best teams in the country, and these kids literally just stroll in out of nowhere with their dinky dog groomer shirts, can just sign up, and then beat all the professional sponsored teams?? So yeah, this movie loses points because the logic doesn’t line up. But I think the lesson is good, that who you are is different than what you do, and that your value shouldn’t be determined by how productive you are at something. The execution of that lesson is a little iffy though.
7. Under Wraps
The first ever DCOM and it shows. DCOMs will never be like this ever again! It was more mature and dark than anything we have today on Disney channel. That alone gives it some points. However, as a movie, it’s missing the connection you make with the characters. I just personally didn’t think any of them were interesting. The mummy was cute and funny at times, but sometimes the slapstick jokes and gags were a little over the top. Also, I just kept hearing Patrick from spongebob every time the mummy made any noise, and that ruined it a little for me. I know it’s the same voice actor lol. But I do like the touch that the main character’s mom’s bf are the same actor, making the connection between them a little easier. And at least the logic (pretty much) lined up for this movie. I might watch every Halloween, we’ll see.
6. Can of Worms
This movie was only SLIGHTLY better than Under Wraps. And that’s only because I felt a good connection with the main character, Mike. You can tell because I actually remembered his name. He’s a relatable character to me and his acting was very good. I have personally met people that talk and act exactly like Mike, and I honestly think his character represents someone on the autism spectrum very well (I’m autistic too so don’t get mad at me stereotyping). I’m not saying he represents everybody, or even me, just that I’ve met people like him before. His desire to fit in and be normal, and then later his desire to get off earth, was I think the most powerful part of the movie. He truly believed he was an alien from outer space because it made more sense in his mind than believing he was just different, because there was no possible way he could be the same species if everything he says and does is considered “weird”. I related SO hard to this, because it’s exactly what being autistic can be like. I was really into the first half of the movie, and then....the second half with the aliens was just dumb. It became a generic alien monster movie, with some tiny good parts sprinkled in. But the ending just didn’t make sense....mike still plays football at the end even though he’s not good and doesn’t like it....? Like he’s still trying to force it because he thinks “this is where he belongs”. Like you could have easily showed him building robots with new friends in robotics club (something that he’s good at and likes) and then hanging out with the rest of his friends after to send that message home. That you can usually find a place where you belong. So anyway, this movie is stuck in the middle for me.
5. Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century
Now we’re gonna get into the more popular ones. I think I would have enjoyed this so much more as a kid, but I didn’t grow up with it. This was my first ever viewing. The movie itself is pretty good, and it’s so interesting to see what people in the late 90’s thought about what the future would be like. Flying cars, computers you can hold in your hand, taking commercial flights to space, etc. but it was all still based on 90’s technology at the same time, it was really interesting. The biggest aspect of the movie that makes it lose points for me, is Zenon as a character. I like her, don’t get me wrong! But she hardly changes throughout the movie. Yes she learns to like earth but then at the end of the movie she’s happy to be back in space and that’s it. Now, I haven’t seen the sequels yet, but JUST based on this movie alone, I think it would have been more valuable to show her traveling back and forth, or say “Hey Greg, wanna see each other next week?” Just something to show that she likes earth now. But even then, that’s the only aspect of her that changed. All the antics she got in were justifiable, she was right the whole time. It was on everyone else to change to see her perspective. And I just don’t like when movies do this. I need characters to have reasonable flaws and learn to either accept them or change them depending on the situation. Also, this is just a little nit pick, but WOW that song at the end was so bad yet it’s STILL stuck in my head...they call this a rock and roll song yet I didn’t hear any guitar or bass. Even the drums were just kicks and pops made on the computer, that doesn’t sound like what an actual drum sounds like...It’s just a pop song. Call it for what it is people! The lyrics were good tho.
4. Halloweentown
I’ll probably get some hate for putting this at number 4, but when I was watching another review on a YouTube channel, they pointed out how annoying Marnie was, and now I see it. She’s not unbearably annoying, but enough to be like “wow, this kid is a bit of a brat. I would never talk to my mom like that.” On one hand, I see how she matured throughout the movie, so I think it makes sense for her to be a little obnoxious and naive, she’s just a kid. On the other hand, you’re supposed to like your main character and root for them, which doesn’t help if you think they’re a brat. I didn’t grow up with this movie either, so maybe that’s why I didnt immediately put it as number 1, cuz there’s no nostalgia factor. But that doesn’t mean I didn’t like it. It’s still a good movie that I will watch every halloween! I liked the characters and the story, and things seemed to flow together pretty well. The only reason it lost points for me, were the over-the-top gags. I get it, the movie is made for kids, and I always keep that in mind when I watch these, but sometimes it gets a little too silly for a movie about a dark overlord who wants to get rid of humans. Idk. Still like it though!
3. The Thirteenth Year
Okay, I admit it. This one is a guilty pleasure for me. I’m sorry. I feel like Halloweentown should be at 3 and this one at 4 if I want to be truly objective, but I have too many nostalgia feels for this movie. And I like that the tone is more serious and there aren’t any silly over-the-top gags. But that doesn’t mean this movie is perfect, it’s at number 3 for a reason. The last few times I watched this were when I was a kid in the early 2000’s, so as a kid I loved this movie. And I was also obsessed with mermaids and I wanted to be one so bad. This movie kind of fulfilled this dream for me, and other movies like Aquamarine and The Little mermaid. But anyway, after watching this as an adult, it doesn’t exactly hold up. Sam is kind of an annoying character who doesn’t add much to the movie. She’s just the popular girl, and another reason for Cody to stay with the popular crowd. She gives him a picture of herself as a birthday gift...? I think it would be an okay anniversary gift for adults who are dating, not kids. It just rubs me the wrong way. Also, the kid who plays Cody is not a very good actor...he’s just okay. Everything else about the movie, still love!!
2. Smart House
I grew up with this one too, and again, they try to imagine what a futuristic house would look like in the 90’s. And half that stuff actually came true with things like Siri and alexa, which is pretty neat to see almost 30 years after this movie came out. Still what kid wouldn’t want to have a giant screen on their wall showing something like a music video, the beach, or a basketball game. Every kid wanted to live in that smart house back then. The movie still holds up pretty well today, not because of the technology but because of the message and the characters. All of the actors and actresses were wonderful! The story is so sad but believable. I’ve never gone through a parent death, but I’ve had friends that have, and it’s such a weird dynamic when the other parent starts dating for the first time after. I can’t imagine what effect that can have on a young child. At least when my friends went through it they were at least in high school, if not, college. So they had a bit more understanding/maturity about it. But yeah, the kid who plays Ben rocked his part. Some tiny nitpicks include the house itself being somewhat outdated now, and the side characters presence in the film. They don’t have much significance, idk. The movie really tugs at your emotions, and is definitely the movie that got me closest to crying so far.
1. Johnny Tsunami
This was my first viewing, as I didn’t grow up with this one either. Compared to Smart House, which is honestly just an emotional roller coaster, this is just a good movie imo. It was more epic, it had more diversity, great acting, and a plot that made sense thematically. There wasn’t over-the-top slapstick gags, and I think it teaches good lessons about life. I honestly thought the grandpa was gonna die because that’s usually what happens to old wise mentors, but I’m glad it stayed away from that trope and actually brought him back for the end of the movie. I thought that was an interesting touch. Basically, while I was watching these I was thinking “okay this can be done better” “I don’t like this” “this feels too forced”, but with this one, I was just watching a movie most of the time. I honestly don’t know how it could be much better. It’s still not the best Disney channel movie ever (I’m guessing), and it still has some flaws. For example, the girl character was being such a flip flop throughout the whole movie and was being a little too mean to Johnny. Another tiny nitpick is when johnny’s parents are like “yeah we’re moving to Vermont” I was expecting a little more pushback from Johnny but he’s like “awww okay” and idk what to think about it because it could be considered out of character. Otherwise, this is a great unique movie that I will definitely rewatch in the future.
For every movie that I watch, I’m going to review it separately and that’s how I’ll keep track of my thoughts as I go through each film. But this is where I stand for the first 10 DCOMs. Unlike the Disney animated classics, I don’t know what my number one film is. Right now it’s Johnny Tsunami but that is definitely going to change. I can’t wait to see what my personal favorite will be! It may come down to several.
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