#love me some copaganda tho
quoteenjoyer · 1 year
Hiya! I know that the post where you asked for show recs was from a little bit ago haha, but if you like iZombie I would definitely recommend Veronica Mars!! Same people worked on both shows, and there are some similar vibes but it certainly has its own feel to it. The first season revolves around the protagonist trying to find out who killed her best friend, with smaller, individual mysteries each episode. I think it’s very good at doing that thing that iZombie also does; where it can be very silly and poke fun at itself a lot but still keeping you genuinely invested in the characters.
I’m also not exactly sure where your tastes run but I might also suggest Fringe! It’s another sort of mystery-of-the-week show with an overarching antagonist/problem like the others, and it has that same sort of ‘clearly magic adjacent but we’ve got a sciencey explanation for it’ thing going on that iZombie does. It’s about an FBI agent who has to solve all these strange cases with almost paranormal going-ons, with the help of a disgraced mad scientist and his son. The characters are the most fun part of it imho, like the mysteries are good but watching the silly little people grow and become friends? Is just wonderful to me <33
ALSO iZombie is what actually got me into Alias, but I think this is already kind of long and I’ll never shut up about it when you get me started lol. Anyhow sorry for this being just out of the blue, I just really like suggesting tv shows haha! 😅
dont worry im endlessly looking for show recommendations!
thank you so much for sending some in! i'll for sure check these out. they sound pretty good and since ive officially given up on rewatching torchwood i'll need a new list of shows to go through
especially since my most important meds have stopped working and i have to be shut in for a month until i can get in to see my doc 🙄
gives me an excuse to be lazy though! lolol
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buttercupbuck · 2 years
when it's fire fam + athena/cops it feels more light hearted and fun like in 4.04 with the locked yard mystery or in treasure hunt or even with the detective buckley in this ep, even tho the police presence is very much there, y'know? but when it's straight up cop business it always gives me athena begins vibes or it turns into copaganda and it just feels like a whole other show. and every time they try to portray the cop stuff as good and valid (like even the police brutality against michael was sort of handwaved with the one bad apple shit) and everyone they arrest is bad despite intentions or circumstances and it just leaves such a bad taste in my mouth
yeah for sure - while i'd love for there to really not be any major cop presence on the show, if they have to meet their cop quota or w/e i would definitely prefer episodes like 4.04 and 4.12 over episodes like this one or desperate measures or athena begins
but yeah 100%. the thing i usually love about this show is that it is so nuanced and treats its characters and plots with a world view that isn't black and white in the least. the concepts of forgiveness and redemption are written into its very core, and both the audience and the characters themselves are constantly asked to practice empathy and understanding, even in the hardest of circumstances. we (and the 118) are asked to forgive bobby for the apartment fire, eddie is asked to forgive his father, hen is asked to forgive her mother, chim is asked to forgive maddie, karen is asked to forgive hen, and so on. even on calls with characters we will never see again we are asked to see them and their circumstances in a way that isn't so black and white.
so the police procedural episodes are always just such a failure of the show, every single time. the concept of policing and the justice system as it exists today is completely incompatible with the themes at the core of 9-1-1, and as a result it's always So jarring to watch these episodes and their "resolutions." because while episodes like 5.06 end with everyone working to find some way for mitch to give his heart to his son despite everything he'd done, episodes like this one end with the punishment and humiliation of people who were, at the end of the day, truly just trying their best. and in a way, we are still asked to have empathy for these characters, but it's ultimately thrown in our faces as we're told that none of it matters and there is no room for it here. it feels so evil every single time, and yet it is constantly framed as the right and only resolution.
anyway. it's always been really disappointing, and it continues to be really disappointing. it's a moral failure on the part of the writers and truly just such such a disservice to the show (which - is truly on the bottom tier of consequences of media like this, but still)
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koschei-the-ginger · 1 year
Screw it, brief reviews of Jason Bateman's filmography pre-Arrested Development
(there are only 4 pics but the post is long)
1981 Little House on the prairie - He was there for 1 season and already became so popular they made the grand finale all about him being a proof that God exists lol
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1983 Just a little more love - can't find this one
1982 Silver spoons - they had to fire him because the second he appeared on screen nobody gave a crap about the other kid, iconic, I've only had Derek Taylor for 21 episodes but if anything happened to him yk yk..
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1984 Knight Rider - Derek Taylor steals a car
1985 Robert Kennedy and his Times - I'm sure he's in it somewhere but it's like SIX hours long and incredibly boring
1984 The Fantastic World of DC Cooper - Derek Taylor strikes again
1984 It's your Move - Arrested Development for 6th graders, this show is SO fucking funny the parents insisted on killing it together with his Derek-sona for good.
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1985 Right to kill - blink and you'll miss him, this is his sister's movie
1986 Mr Belvedere - MILF CHASER
1986 Can you feel me dancing - a commissioned tv movie to show off Justine Bateman's range
1986 St Elsewhere - see, Dave Hogan can do drama too (no)
1986 Valerie/ The Hogan family - his most famous role pre-AD and I genuinely don't understand why, stale bread even for a family sitcom™. Cancelled for being the only show that was normal about aids thanks to Jason. They also dyed his hair to a different shade of auburn each season for some reason lol
1987 Bates Motel - this was supposed to be a sequel to Psycho 🤨
1987 Teen Wold too - words cannot describe how much I hate this movie and everything about it
1987 Matlock - he's playing "Jason Bateman, the star of Valerie" only 1 year after they fired Valerie from Valerie hmm...
1987 Moving target - this was fine
1988 Our House - if your kids think giving 10k to a teenager will get them a record label at 13 it's on them, he did nothing wrong
1988 Crossing the mob - you can watch this but god at what cost, it's so grainy you can barely see their faces (okay movie tho)
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1989 Breaking the rules - commissioned to show that he can do some "serious" acting, a tragic mistake on everyone's part
1991 Necessary roughness - Scott Bakula simps, I understand, no I seriously get it
1992 A Taste for killing - for every good movie (prev) you get 2 bad ones
1994 Confessions: two faces of evil - COPAGANDA
1994 This can't be love - *looks up synonyms for CUTE*
1994 Black sheep - can't find this one either
1995 Hart to Hart - he was so annoying they made him believe he's related to Donald Trump I can't even rgsthsrth
1995 An affectionate look at fatherhood - can't find this one either²
1995 Burke's law - this show is so camp you need to WATCH THE DUEL
1995 Simon - the writing is atrocious, he's trying SO hard to make it work while Harland Williams recites every line as if he had just learnt to read. Tragically, a must watch, I wish it existed in HD
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1996 Ned and Stacey - a sitcom star playing a sitcom star in a sitcom making fun of Friends, 10/10
1997 Chicago sons - 3 polish brothers live together, Jared Paladecki isn't in this eventhough there are at least 4 people that look like him
1998 George and Leo - if this came out today AO3 would be full of this elderly gay couple
1999 Love stinks - not mine but yk
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2000 Rude awakening - the absence of a laugh track caught me off guard, he's doing his best Bud Bundy impression down to the tragic goatee
2001 Some of my best friends - after this many cancelled sitcoms you stop seeing AD as a show that's simply good but as a miracle
2002 The Jake effect - if Scrubs was about hs teachers
2002 The sweetest thing - nobody cares about the men this is the penis song movie
2002 No way out - this is like Cary Elwes-kind of bad
2003 Sol Goode - blink and you'll miss him (idk what's even happening)
2003 Twillight Zone -someone get him an Emmy for trying to bribe a ghost of a kid he unintentionally murdered
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lottieurl · 7 months
hi hi hi poi anon from earlier today!
1. as it turns out i’m not as far as i thought and am currently in the middle of s2e10 so i have a bit to go before shaw gets introduced but i’m excited that’s coming up!!! gay people yippee!!!
2. i was reading poi cast member wikipedia pages today For Some Reason and found out that jim caviezel is a literal qanon believer. sorry if you already knew this but also sorry if you’re now finding out. as someone who hasn’t seen the whole show, i found that surprising given that poi isn’t necessarily leftist but definitely leans more progressive. like it kinda reminds me of jennifer lawrence filming the hunger games then later admitting she always voted republican until 2016. idk i’m sleepy and idk where i’m going with that but uh if you as a poi scholar have thoughts i would be interested :)
oh yeah jim is a piece of shit unfortunately absolutely Fuck that man. really sucks to find out :/ but yeah like obviously there's still copaganda on the show that everyone should be mindful of but it's not - in my opinion as someone who watched both - comparable to shows like ncis. so idk. this is not coherent it's 7am and i haven't slept yet dbsbsbs excited to hear from you as you watch more tho!! root and shaw are my all time favorite characters i love to hear people's thoughts if they're watching for the first time!!
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daculadaculadacula · 1 year
'either you liked the film or it wasn't for you' is literally a black and white statement (from a post i can pick out and @ but i am not trying to start a fight or whatever). i am allowed to love something and be critical of the media i consume. i like renfield a lot and have watched it multiple times, and honestly find a lot of it skippable, but i know what i want from it lmao and hint: it is not cops or drawn out fight scenes
i am not sure where statements like this come from or why u would be getting upset over mysterious people calling renfield copaganda. i havent personally seen this as much as i have seen people be critical of hero cop screentime.
at the end of the day the hero cop (you can call her chaotic neutral all you'd like, but i'm of the opinion that even this begs a closer look than what someone who's seen it once or twice tops would take away) still has the moral highground and serves as renfields larger inspo for becoming a better more self-actualizing person. renfield cites the support group at the end, but lbr, he is stated to not have a lot of free will(? free thinking ability or something similar) by the director and has his whole git gud arc really pick up speed after he encounters rebecca. she stops acting like a cop and starts acting like a person and tbqh, i am not entirely sure why she keeps her uniform and job (there's nothing about the rest of the cops or even just her job post drac chop) since she does state that she wants to take the rest of them down permanently. i think this might be something overlooked in terms of referring to renfield as copaganda, or maybe it's meant to be ridiculous, but i'm gonna go out on a limb and say cop discourse isn't at a place yet where even the majority can see it's ridiculous that rebecca is still in uniform fighting for her personal justice against drug lords and against "her own," which is the factor that makes me think the corrupt cop narrative is a bit less than half-hearted. at the same time, the narrative about group therapy is also this way. the characters are a little sillay. there's a lot to parse and a lot of interpreting that can be done. cops and narcissism are both serious issues, i think taking offense to anyone with gripes about either issue is a bit much. renfield 2023 doesn't need to be held up as a golden pinnacle of media in order for you yourself to still be a decent person and enjoy it.
rebecca's sister and father (both cops) are pitched as good people. they are probably morally the best people in the film. that the unnamed cops arent going around actively harming people but working with others who do harm people in this film make it seem as if this is something to be taken with a grain of salt, as with literally everything else about the film, when the reality is that usa cops do this as well as actively commit atrocities against people on the regular. functionally they serve their narrative purpose, but i'm within bounds to say they're still treated too gently (ie near neutral. if you aren't able to think the lobos are entertaining or funny you probably don't like the film to begin with, and the cops in this film have put themselves on their level), esp with no one except kyle having a name. nameless mobs don't make effective antags or even pseudo villains. i personally appreciate that the cops are shitty and take advantage of overtime while being part of the industry with the fattest budget in the us. it's still a blink and you miss it gag tho. maybe some people with cop and law oriented agendas would take issue with it. i can see how people with anti cop and law agendas could also take issue with it.
i just think people can be allowed to call it copaganda if they'd like. anyone invested enough knows there's nuance, and we don't need to be puritans labeling a film or people reacting negatively to it as not good or not having justifiable takes. 'like it or just fuck off and don't be critical over xyz,' isn't a realistic expectation. a lot of thoughtless opinions get posted online all the time. in the end this is about a horror comedy and not a groundbreaking discourse piece. i think the angle for cops as a senseless body (tbc not the heroes or 'good guys.' still don't like that!) in this film is fine even and a step in the right direction for slap-in inclusion in narratives. i don't think taking issue with the people still critical of cop portrayal is a great move tho.
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hi, i’m getting into the community side of tumblr (i’ve been a fan of the show for a while but im only just now following community blogs) and i just followed your page! i saw your ao3 and your trobed fics, which im definitely gonna be reading, but i also saw your daredevil ones and!!!!! omg!!!! i can’t believe you’re the same account!!! i love those fics so much and i can’t believe you’re the same person!!! :D i love the way you portray him, it’s very relatable, 10/10!!!!
anyway, i saw that you wanted fic prompts and idk, this is kinda specific, but have you watched psych? it’s another 2000s sitcom, and if you wanted to write a crossover i think it’d be so good. i just think shawn and gus’ friendship is really similar to troy and abed’s relationship bc they’re all silly4silly and unconditionally supportive and also soulmates :3. (i do interpret shawn and gus platonically tho, but that’s just personal opinion) (also psych is somewhat copaganda tho, so there is that :/ )
if you did want to write this, tho you totally have zero obligation, i think it could go something like: the santa barbara police have a suspect flee to colorado and pursue them/shawn and gus take a case about a missing person or something (star burns??), and shawn and gus maybe go under cover at greendale? i think they’d fit in pretty well, but shawn would definitely fuck w jeff’s ego lol. i think troy and abed would think shawn and gus were super cool, but i think that at some point abed maybe realizes shawn isn’t psychic? i don’t think he’d say anything about it tho, just sort of keep quiet about it bc it’s more fun to pretend and go w it. but things can go from there!
and if you haven’t watched it you can disregard the previous two paragraphs😅
something else that would be just community would be a collective queer awakening for the study group! like, trobed happens, and something about it makes annie realize she’s a lesbian, and talks to shirley about it. shirley is like “everyone has those (gay) thoughts about women, you just need to pray about it” and annie points out that no, she’s been informed that not everyone has those thoughts, and asks if prayer has ever worked? and shirley realizes that no, it hasn’t, and annie and shirley go on that adventure together. and jeff and britta act as queer mentors, bc they’re both practically bisexuals (and dating?). at some point i think shirley would apologize to the dean for some of the things she’s said about him, he forgives her, and they go to brunch. eventually, jeff joins them and they have a nice little weekly brunch thing where they gossip :). this is all happening while troy and abed are being soulmates, and maybe shirley gets past some internalized homophobia by seeing them so happy and realizing there’s nothing wrong w them. maybe annie does, too, bc she wants to be that happy/also realizes that there’s nothing wrong w her for liking women,, etc. but trobed heal the study group. and maybe pierce either doesn’t exist, has a different personality and is supportive, or is kicked out for being homophobic
anyway this is extremely long, but i just wanna say that i love your work!!! whatever you write will be great, even if you don’t write anything!! <3 <3
First of all, welcome to the Community tumblr! The blogs here are lovely!!!
Second, oh my god??? Thank you so so much!!!!!!!! aaaaa, that's so sweet!!! I have a Daredevil fic I still need to finish and this might just motivate me to finish it. I absolutely love writing Matt and projecting onto him lmao!!!! Thank you <3 and I hope you like the trobed fics too!!! Those two consume my brain 24/7
I've never watched Psych so I don't think I can write a crossover fic anytime soon. But I will keep the other idea in mind! Writing everything and everyone to be queer is always the best, and we can just pretend Pierce doesn't exist.
And genuinely thank you so so much!!! It means so much to me to that you like my writing and I think I might have to go cry about it (in a positive way like happy tears). Thank you thank you thank you!!!!!! 💕💕💕
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twobruhsinahottub · 6 months
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I hate Paw Patrol. Its copaganda for toddlers. But fuck it is made a little self insert / sona / oc because i cant help it, i loved the show as a kid. Her whole character is hating ryder and chase tho 💀 shes the Cool One™️. Her name is Murphy and shes a double merle Aussie Shepherd who has low vision / wears high prescription glasses due to being double merle and having the genetic eye issues that come with that (shes a self insert but this does not apply to me, i wesr glasses but am not low vision, i just love double merles and representation in media so yeah). She is a paramedic pup who loves to help others and hates cops (she calls Chase piggy. He doesnt get it but ryder hates it). She is a character well into the future of Paw Patrol, so Ryder is about 17 and not a kid, and the pups are all adults. She's actually a lot younger than the others, being only 12 in human years (dogs in this universe live human life spans but maturity ages faster like with real dogs, but not quite as fast) and around 16 in dog/maturity years. The other pups are around 15 in human years and 19ish in maturity. Murphys best friends are Rubble and Zuma. She loves Marshall too but less as a friend and more as a sibling.
Im gonna draw Murph as a humanoid (person but with dog ears and tail cause furry) too at some point lol
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I like Andry Berman
Shawn: I don't want to waste my one piece of broccoli! What's the smallest takeout box you have?
They liked Sage Brocks so much in the one scene in the pilot that they brought him back for the show <3
Little Boy Cat is intersex. It has xxy chromosomes.
The Bloggers!
SF: We generally just don't care.
JRr made up the majority of Dazzle & Stretch & the music ones just... put music to it. That's amazing. I love that. (like how the disclaimer song was made by lixian)
HOLY CRAP I DIDN'T EVEN NOTICE he stayed in the same key perfectly. I HATE it when people change keys in movies bc they don't hear what's going on. I mean, a semitone or less, fine that happens but I hate it, a third fourth or fifth because the harmony got you wrong, I get why it happens but I still hate it. I JUST CAN'T BELIEVE HOW MANY PEOPLE CAN'T SING! I mean, I grew up in a very musical family, my parents were together because they did music ministry, my dad learned guitar to impress my mom, I grew up volunteering at seniors' centres singing, I tune my violin my ear, in my head everyone should be able to stay somewhat in the same key, even if your voice trails higher or lower while you sing. I can't even make myself sing wrong. (I do sometimes by accident tho, usually when the jumps are odd & i can't find the harmony, & occasionally I get off by less than a semitone bc the note is just not quite on a place I can easily sing, so my voice slips off that tone into a tone I can sing that is very very close so maybe I'm not as good as I think, but I actually consider myself only an OK singer & musician, so if I'm only ok then I expect everyone else around me to be about the same level. It blows my mind that people are not. I guess I'm just used to being the worst in the room, not to show my chip or anything.
AB: This is one of four apartment buildings in all of Canada that can look like it's in Santa Barbara
He's only the heir to Mushroom Barley XD XD XD
KK: Always some sort of homoeroticism
Copaganda go die. Neurodivergent private investigators (Castle, Shawn, Watts & Murdoch for a few episodes each, Holmes,) you're on thin ice. Shawn breaks the law all the time, wdym the network won't let him break the law? You can enter someone's home without permission & lie to the cops about being psychic (though that's hard to disprove bc being psychic is supernatural therefore you cannot disprove it using natural means; you can't judge paranormal by normal laws) but he can't open someone's mail? I mean I'm glad. Don't break the law, don't let cops break the law.
Initially they wrote it so some homeless guy would open the mail for Shawn or Shawn gave it to the cat & the cat opened it so it was not HIM mail tampering
JRr improv: All the way to the bone!?
Shawn multicultural moments: Mazel tov, dial a psychic!
The one time they didn't include a pinap they had to do a reshoot & added in a pineapple smoothie
AB: Next season we are moving on from pineapple, we're taking suggestions. Mango, maybe starfruit
matt shakman my man
XD he actually banged his knee
Carlos improvised the "Why would you put it on speakerphone" bit which like, yeah this is a stress line (not necesarily a crisis line or a suicide line, just a stress line)
JRr came up with the coconut
Oh this is where Gus gets into coin collecting!
There is a beauty salon down the hall from the stress line
No way Shawn is the only non work friend Gus has... He has hobbies, like at comiccon he was greeted by people...
Andy Berman: If I looked like Dulé, I would streak.
When shawn first calls vick: First of all, how are you?
McNab plays guitar
It would be a lot easier if the network let us send in the show like "this week it's an hour & a half!"
DH when Shawn says "maybe you should shoot me" gets out from hiding behind him, subtle good acting
"That was adequate" hhh
Chris Henze: McNab in this day & age is wearing sock garters
KK: Someone tell my husband
I like how mcnab is not a big character but he is there. I read a fic once that included francine & little boy cat.
"If we ever see mcnab's apartment again we should see the cat"
KK: There should be like ten of them, he was pregnant, like "thanks Shawn"
KK: Once again, homoeroticism, by Andy Burman.
AB: I write that & don't expect for it to make it through, but it makes it through you & you're like "yeah set it up that sounds good" & then James'll say it & I'm wondering if there was any discussion at all... but it's great
KK: I hear from the network sometimes, they say "I'm kind of concerned about the overwhelming amount of male love on the show"
CH: These guys like each other. They're "good friends"
AB: Well Kelly has a rule, or three rules. They can hug, but they can't close their eyes.
KK: No that's Henze's rule
CH: Yeah you can hug another guy on camera, but once you close your eyes it becomes a little something special.
DH did that, put Gus' finger in Shawn's cereal.
& then JRr used the same spoon.
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deanisbisexual · 3 years
let’s talk about cons
Okay I want to get something off my chest and it is towards a lot of my mutuals who I actually do consider friends even if we’ve only spoken once or twice, I honestly hope you read this in its entirety and have a change of heart. If it makes you mad or you don’t agree with it, feel free to unfollow or block me, it’s fine. If you wanna talk about it feel free to DM me. 
I am not upset that anyone went to the Charlotte Convention. I understand that some of you bought your tickets before we learned that Jensen was directing Walker and before Denver Con. I truly felt bad knowing that your tickets were nonrefundable and I was glad you guys were still going to try to have a good time and meet each other. 
What I am upset about is some of you want to continue to go to conventions, whether they be Creation Cons or not. While Creation Entertainment itself is a whole other beast, they are not the main problem here. Any convention that gives Jensen, Jared, or even Misha money is not a convention you should be supporting. These last few months we have gotten to see how these actors really feel about their LGBT+ fans and their fans of color and I don’t think it’s morally right to continue to fill these men’s wallets. 
Nothing has changed in the past week. 
Jared is still the same guy who uses children in cages as inspiration for his copaganda show, Jensen is still going to direct Walker, he still sat by and agreed when Jared compared queer love to inc*st and p*dophlia. Both have been outwardly homophobic. Some of you are POC, some of you are LGBT+, some of you even posted about how you didn’t feel safe there, I don’t understand why you are so excited to pay hundreds or even thousands of dollars to these men.
Please stop thinking that by spending this money and asking Jensen or Jared a question that it’s somehow going to fundamentally change them and they won’t be the bigots they are. Do you think J2 (or any of the actors frankly) go to these conventions out of the goodness of their hearts and because they’re genuinely interested in what you have to say? No, they go because it’s a nice little paycheck. Having Misha throw us a “there was love in his eyes” or getting a quick picture with him or Ruth or anyone doesn’t negate that the majority of your money is going to the same men who made us all feel like shit three weeks ago and encourage their fans to perpetuate that hateful culture.
The best way to hold them accountable is to stop giving them your money.
I would also like to clarify some things. Anyone trying to explain why your actions are hurtful is not jealous that they didn’t go to the convention or aren’t a part of your discord. Anyone blogging about Dean/Supernatural/Destiel is not the same as spending $300+ that directly goes into the pockets of racist and homophobic actors. Me reblogging your con posts when I’m trying to be supportive that y’all are making good out of a shitty situation is not begging for con content. You donating some money to RAICES or any other organization or blogger doesn’t erase the money you gave to racists. 
If you want to pay for another convention and continue giving these men, who do not care about you, a platform to spew racist and homophobic shit and foster a toxic environment go ahead, but please don’t get upset and act like victims when others call you out on it. 
I sincerely hope some of you will reconsider who you give your money to. I understand wanting to be around others who are just as passionate about Supernatural as you are. I understand wanting to see your friends. I understand wanting to have fun. 
There are ways to do that without supporting racist homophobes.
#in before one of yall posts the “i ain’t reading all that. i’m happy for u tho. or sorry that happened” meme
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maschotch · 3 years
Not people saying you’re mysogonistic for not liking jj 💀💀 I don’t love jj and I’m a woman.......I dunno how that adds up. Hate it when people say that about female characters who are written by sexist men even tho they don’t realize plenty of women don’t like that character BECAUSE she was clearly written by a man. I don’t even personally dislike jj, but I definitely don’t care for her all that much because the writers just kinda....drop the ball with her (tbh if they went with the closeted lesbian storyline or gave her any sort of real character development outside of torturing her then maybe she would be one of my favs)
I also love that you bring up the occasional bigotry of the team. For me, it’s definitely more reflecting the writers’ values then the characters, like they’re projecting. If the writers weren’t so bigoted maybe they could have shown Morgan growing out of his sexism (instead of dumping it in there that hotch is when there’s no proof of it????). Hotch luckily doesn’t really have moments after The Tribe where he says the dumb shit that he did there, but I wish they could have given him development in the episode? Like maybe understand that imperialism is real and these people are actually still affected by it (and it’s promoted by the very government he works for). That would have been a super interesting development for him out of all characters to have.
Maybe have an episode where Emily recognizes her privilege? Idk she never gave me entitled vibes but she did kind of get the job rather easily because of her connections. Maybe have it drive some tension with people like Morgan who literally had to fight tooth and nail (as a black man too) to get to where she is.
But no. The writers on this show just love their bigotry too much 🤪🤪
yeah.. and again i feel bad for hating a character just because the writers are shit, but honestly i dont think i wouldve liked her anyway. i dislike the very core of her character because its solely founded on the emphasis of their ignorance. i can project and rewrite all i want to at least make her bearable or somewhat coherent, but at face value? she has that mean humor that makes me uncomfortable, she’s quick to get annoyed/frustrated which is just not something i ever wanna be around, her hypocritical displays of empathy rub me the wrong way, and i think she treats her friends/loved ones like shit. theres not a single thing i like about her character.
there are definitely times when the writers’ bigotry shines through some of the other characters—in more than easily dismissible dialogue. as much as i love hotch, his extreme view of justice and promotion of an authoritarian government is something that is fine in a show as a fictionalized fantasy of a benevolent government protected/implemented by morally upstanding law enforcement. but thats so fucking far from reality that its practically inapplicable. again, this is copaganda, so all this is expected to some extent. their faith in the criminal justice system is why they have these jobs lmao its kinda hard to ignore that. but while im throwing jj under the bus i figured i should elaborate on hotch’s very real flaws stemming from the same root. jj’s not the only one with some less-than-stellar traits based on problematic values
it is fun to work around it a little bit and maybe give some reasoning that makes their ideals a little more understandable: derek’s father was a cop who died in front of him, of course he’s gonna glorify law enforcement at least a little. this was the job best suited for emily that she had a foot in the door for through her mother. but at some point ya gotta just accept the copaganda for what it is and suspend disbelief that any of these characters would actually pursue this line of work. its a show about fbi agents. theres gonna be some dumb shit. comes with the territory. but theres a limit to how much im willing to ignore for the sake of casual media consumption. i tend to just avoid the episodes that focus on that kind of stuff, but jj’s constant presence is a painful reminder of the kind of show im watching and why criminal minds is a guilty pleasure of mine
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faorism · 3 years
needing the au to drop wherein i can commit to writing a historical au,, because since i first watched the db cooper job my mind went straight to OT3! OT3! OT3! (unlike with the van gogh job, since i aint playing with that fucking lieutenant)
one day maybe one dayyyyy i will sit down and i will write the ot3 into that episode's story. so, it'll be the backgrounds for the characters in the flashback (so, stephanie ritter, steve reynolds, and reggie wilkins), but with the necessary personality adjustments (parker, eliot, and hardison respectively). basically, vintage ot3 with some hot as hell aesthetics and secrets and avoiding as much as possible producing copraganda.
so. my thoughts. what i see happening. and this got super long so im throwing this under a cut. and for ease i will call them by their modern day canon names except when making a point.
first, general thoughts about the characters.
and so: steve to eliot. nothing much here on the surface. eliot still volunteers, too much an indoctrinated white man to have been forcibly drafted. so its still one man gone to war. one man come back. eliot would had been noticed early in training for his ability to pick shit up, and they teased at maybe sending him to a special unit. maybe they do, or maybe they don't because they just need to funnel fuckers to the jungle. the vietnam invasion was a terrorist imperialist venture and there's no romanticizing from me about anything done being at all valorous or special or brother-in-arms'y. and eliot commits war crimes under the american stars and stripes instead of just to keep moreau's champaign running. but also maybe moreau is eliot's superior. he certainly would have been rewarded for this ruthlessness. (eliot of course strove to impress moreau because there aint an eliot spencer who wasn't that man's dog at some point, i!!!! dont make the rules). eliot's friend died and eliot's gone off to carry out his wishes and moreau lets him because he Knows eliot is gonna come back. whether its to come back to the same squad, or follow him into deeper spy shit for the military, or to fuck off and go private. then eliot meets parker.
now. stephanie to parker. beth plays normal so well im mad at her, but there's something edgy and strategic about stephanie that i think parker can grab onto. i feel that maybe she was kind of a thief still, but there's more realism to this world so archie wasnt a super secret spy with lasers to practice with, but just a guy with sticky fingers whos a little bored and wants a protege. parker is good really good at what she does, and not having to deal with lasers makes me easy. but she's into scams that are less grifts and more Catch Me If You Can slight of hands. she's always looking for easy money (she was into lifting cars at one point! literally she follows where the crime is). she's doing something in an airport and someone tries to recruit her as a flight attendant because she's got the Look. and yall, flight attendants? that shit was like being a model and an astronaut and a time traveler back then. and according to a teacher i had, who once worked as in the f.a. union, those ladies back in the day were rad and queer and free spirited and runnnnning shit. i think, yes, it's a Job which i think we might resist placing parker into. but! of the jobs, at the time, i really see her rocking it during the time period. (also come on, the opportunities to swindle distracted people of their shit would be endless. they would just think they dropped their stuff in the airport! not that it was stolen.)
finally, reggie to alec. i think hardison will be the hardest to translate. even tho i admittedly listen to a lot of true crime podcasts, i dont know much about fbi life and also definitely don't know about it historically. part of me desperately wants to put him somewhere else even if it does have to stay within the fbi. i might cheat and make him like a Q(uartermaster) to 007/00s like in james bond, and he's like UGH this is horrible god i hate working for the fbi but they will give me funding so...... anyway, here's this totally cool [radio term]. that said, if hardison is stuck in the fbi, why he ends up there is that he is a fucking savant when it comes to research and the man can put together a presentation like no one else. that white man gets all the credit for profiling but it was hardison who goddamn was the google of the microfilm days. reggie felt super square but that might be because he had to deal with mcsweeties db cooper shit day in and day out for years. hardison is more himself. and definitely still a nerd. alec would be into dime fantasy novels and comics and ham radios and oh god he also would be into star trek like the original star trek as it came out and he would be into the zines yes! yessss. omg. also he plays a mean arcade cabinet. but he's mostly well adjusted but lonely. his colleagues dont appreciate him because fbi esp during that time were fucking wilding out and racist as hell aaaaaand im sorry im srry im trying so hard to have fbi hardison make sense but also! acab. ANYWAY.
second, the relationship
i think it would be fun to play with what it means to have parker/eliot start off first and bring in hardison afterwards. (if white collar is your thing, it would be like this canon divergent ot3 fic wherein peter burke is the last to join in.) i feel they would be Super Intense esp since they are carrying this big ass secret. kind of broken and dysfunctional and there's the passion and the commitment, but i think there's also a tenderness that's super hard for them to achieve? and i think there's a way that hardison plays such an important part in who they are and how they are. like, sure i think parker/eliot would have joy but they won't have levity. they would have compassion but they won't have gentleness.
eliot meets hardison after being recruited by nate. i think they get close because while nate and eliot have an interesting and compelling mentorship/friendship, nate is still eliots superior; sometimes its nice to complain about your boss, as hardison will say to eliot to try to make friends. i think hardison and eliot would become legit friends and not just work buddies because they are just not cut out of the same cloth as the rest of their colleagues. they grab beers after work. after hard days, hardison cajoles eliot into going to the arcade. they are friends. real real truly deep best friends, in a way hardison didn't think he could have with a fed and eliot didnt think he would have after his friend died. but also? they are like "buds" who are buds who are desperately tryna to cross any lines because there's a.... tension? an UST between them they dont know what to do with.
parker meets eliot by way of a "lets have my friend for dinner, he's a blast." and immediately immediately hardison is like... wow this woman is beautiful but like, really attracted to her personality. and parker things hardison is kinda dorky but cute dorkie? anyway, they have a puppy love situation growing. and it keeps growing until bam. eliot and parker are like. are we into alec???? fuck we are aren't we.
i think stephanie and steve would never tell reggie (even if somehow they were to be a thing). but parker and eliot? hell yeah they tell hardison. eventually. after a while. sooner than maybe they should. the tension if they should say something is one of the things that build up as UST between them for so long; parker and eliot know they are carrying this huge thing. two huge things. eliot being db cooper and also their massive crush on him.
if i could control myself to stick to a pwp, it would be another christmas. maybe the christmas nine (more?) years down the road. the damn snow grounded hardison's flight back to his nana's, and parker and eliot hear this and invite him over. the egg nog gets flowing and parker eventually is like,, fuck this. and comes onto hardison. and hardison would be like wow wow what but... idk, free love and swinging were In The Thoughts And Minds Of The People. he still checks in with eliot who is like. her body, man; i aint gonna tell her what to do. and for a sec hardison is like, man is this a cuck situation? i guess i can be for it but also...... aint mad if i aint alone. and eliot is so grateful and idk. i just want them all to be happy and having fun and no one to be left out. and yeah i am kinda brushing over a lot of the racial politics which, in a more developed fic rather than a pwp, would definitely need to be brought in; but idk that needs to just be in the bedrock of whatever plot is going into this.
it takes a lot of maneuvering of their lives but they make it work and eventually hardison is a keeper of eliot's secret too.
(apart from the historical aspect, another reason i probably won't actually write this is because i know myself. i would want to do worldbuilding. i would follow eliot and alec to their jobs, but i wouldnt want to write outright copaganda. the grit/realism i would be comfortable with would take a level of research i dont think i can commit to. but if someone wants to take this up or if you figure out a way around this issue, pls do i wont be mad)
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
bts annie 💜!
okay a few K-dramas that I absolutely loved were-
Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-Joo: It follows the lives of several athletes in a sports college and it was definitely worth the watch cause it talks about different issues and it has a really cute friends-to-lovers plotline that was fleshed out so well .(check the cw's tho)
Touch Your Heart: An actress is looking to make a comeback following a scandal and to do so she has to work under a lawyer to gain experience for her role. This is legit one of my comfort K-dramas (it does play out quite slowly so you might want to watch it when you have time to kill)
When The Camellia Blooms: best K-drama of 2019 it was so good and I want to rewatch so badly😭😭. It follows a single mother as she tries to go through the changes in her life which include: falling in love again, learning to be lean on others , and also! a serial killer who aims to kill her(cw's again).
Hometown cha cha cha: its still ongoing but I fully recommend watching it for a sweet romance cause the lead actors have a really refreshing dynamic. It follows a dentist who opens a clinic in the countryside and a handyman(who is also the village chief and many other things) . Its really good and I'm liking it😊😊!!
Flower of Evil: i liked it so much?idek why?? its about a cop and her husband when his past comes back to haunt him.(the copaganda was strong. but their love even stronger✊🏾😔)
Hyena: a law K-drama and it has trope of lovers-but-now-we're-rivals-and-oh-fuck-now-we-have-to-work-together🙄 so obviously i ate that up<3
Hwarang: its a period piece! also this show got a lot of ppl into kdramas , it also has the acting debut of taehyung from bts and he played his role very well!
Psychological K-dramas (these fucked with me but i loved them):
Strangers from hell: a young man moves into a residence but everything is not what it seems(its very gorey but i liked it)
Sweet Home: currently watching but GODDAMN.
also btw i saw this post while watching squid game and AHDAGFLKAHFJ
I've not watched these but my sibling recommends these: romance is a bonus book, rookie historian goo hae ryung and tempted
there are very few queer K-dramas on Netflix BUT there is :
wish you: a musician and a singer who add harmony and love to each others life(its googles review but they're right !!)
nevertheless: the main couple is straight but it does feature a really well written wlw couple
a few LGBT K-dramas that are on my to-watch list( they're not on netflix but they're available on dramacool and kissasian): Where Your Eyes Linger, Mr. Heart , Colour Rush
also remember sweet night by V? its the ost for Itaewon Class and it features a trans character! I've not watched it yet but I hear its good. (also a random fact: Itaewon has one of sk's main lgbt population )
that's all I have for now! have a good day!!!
Song rec: My Universe by Coldplay and BTS! 💜💜💜
AHHHH THANK YOU. I saw some of them on Netflix Already. I will try to watch at least one :)
Thank you again. I am running out of shows to watch so I rewatching the same sitcoms for the 149th time lol.
Also I love that song!!!! 💜
And thank you for the lgbt recs! love ya!
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faejilly · 4 years
I was tagged by @la-muerta​ & @facialteeth​ & @thedivinemissema​ for the WIP/Title Game
rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and interests you and i’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it!
AND THEN  by @shadoedseptmbr​ @msviolacea​ & @ravenclawnerd​ for the “stories you want to write... but for some reason haven’t yet”
so this will be a mish-mash of both? The WIPs will mostly have blurbs in this case (to fit the second meme) but you are still welcome to ask follow-up questions, if you’d like ;) Assuming you make it through the list, it is uh. Not Short.
Anyone who would like to play with their WIPs, please consider yourself tagged in either or both of these. :D
Misc Fic Folder:
“untitled document” - where I’m working on fictober fills so I have word-counts for my GYWO tracker. I am not working on these because Brains Are Dumb and also Going Back To Work Is Exhausting
I made a file called “YULETIDE!” which has nothing in it but I’m determined to finish this year so that is definitely technically a thing in the Unending WIP List of Doom worth mentioning. (Tho obviously that’s all I could say even if I had started, because anonymous.)
“coda-fics, rewatch!” -yes, that exclamation mark is important! it’s to keep me motivated! (it didn’t work). Much like untitled, this is for putting stuff so I can do word count tracking even if I don’t know what I’m doing. Currently I think it just says “MARYSE” because I was working on my SH 1x6 coda-fic and then got distracted and haven’t typed anything up yet. (Yay notebooks? Boo notebooks? Not even sure at this point.)
WNIP (works not in progress) Folder:
“TOG” - I had one vivid mental image of how Nicky & Joe met (blood-stained evil smiles?) but then no idea for a follow-up story and also the fandom is insane and I’m not sure I want to deal with all of *gestures vaguely* all that
“Shan Xia Notes” -for a TTRPG that never quite got off the ground; she was a semi-tragic selkie who was still in love with the evil queen/lady who stole her skin and I got to play her for like one session and she was surprisingly chaotic neutral, which wasn’t at all what I’d been expecting. But the game never really got off the ground, so I never had enough info to really delve into writing backstory fic
“post-Kruschev” -Kruschev’s List was the last episode of Scarecrow & Mrs King, and I was debating writing an epilogue in place of the s5 we never got, to try and tie up some loose ends, but the fandom’s three old-ladies in trench coats and I never quite worked up the gumption to get it anywhere
“Code Realize warm as silk sequel” -there is literally nothing in this file except “SEX! Only a little angst” because I wanted to write some “we can’t actually touch each other” smut but never actually did. 🤷‍♀️
BioWare (also all Not-In-Progress Anymore)
“seb/adelaide”, “Theia” & “DAI Erana” -these WIP folders were cannibalized for ficlets for the last few times I did fictober, and while originally I had ideas for longer epilogues for all three of them, at this point I don’t think any of the remaining bits could support a story any longer.
”whispers in the dark” -Maia Ryder never really got much fic at all; the cancellation of any further Andromeda stuff was really disheartening, and at this point I’d have to play the game again, and I don’t think I’m gonna manage that any time soon
”TSP” -a Mass Effect 3 Shepard AU collab project that kind of went off the rails, and our mutual brains/lives never quite seem to line up so we can try and rebuild it ”Ngaio & Tane” -my one truly ruthless Shepard (Alliance background, who romanced Traynor) whose father Tane Shepard was, I think, in PsyOps, and I wanted to figure out their complicated relationship but never really did know where I was going with it
”JE Zu & Yaling” -so I’ve rambled about my Tragic Sagacious Zu Romance Thoughts regarding Jade Empire more than once (#Icy Yaling should have most of it) but apparently I want to yell about it more than I want to actually write it? Whoops.
”CI sequel: 5 times fic?” -Cruel Intentions is a kinkmeme fill that I started and then it sat for like five years before I actually finished it, and I liked the ending, but it does leave a giant fucking question mark in terms of how those people got from there to where they are after the game, and I kind of wanted to write a proper h/c fic rather than just... leaving them wallowing in all that trauma?
But I didn’t. I don’t even remember for sure how I wanted to frame the 5/1 of it all, besides it being something sad about allowing people to see you or touch you in some way. (Prayers maybe, since I think there was definitely some Sebastian & Fenris & faith stuff going on in there.)
“candles” -Merribela prompt fill that I never was happy with? Not sure what I might do with it at this point, so it’s just sitting there all sad and lonely and neglected-like.
“Persuasion” -so I keep trying to write Persuasion AUs in many fandoms because it’s my favorite Austen, but I think I like it too much, I have no real solid concept of how I’d transform it, and if I don’t have anything else to say about different characters within that framework, I have no push to actually write anything? Also this SH version of it suffered from MASSIVE scope creep when I started outlining and it got too big for me to handle so I like, killed it twice? Whoops. This one is really probably never gonna happen.
“oosdt sequel” -I wanted to write more about the Forest That Eats People and Magnus & Alec as Guardians Between Worlds, and also some background Magnus’ Found Family & Lightwood Family Feels (maybe some clizzy?) and I left a Madzie plot-thread dangling from the first one on purpose even but I think this one had too many ideas and not enough focus so it’s sort of sprawling all over a doc with a lot of “???” in it
“procedural-ish” -this was originally going to be a sex-farce. and then it turned more serious. and then maybe kind of copaganda which was uncomfortable in terms of the Everything That Is The News in 2020, and then maybe it was more a Mafia AU and at that point I had self-inflicted tone whiplash and I wished the voices in my head were a little more forthcoming about their plans so I stopped before I brained myself on my computer monitor in frustration.
“I had rather a rose than live forever” -I started a reverse!verse Malec (Shadowhunter!Magnus, High Warlock!Alec) for bingo last year, and I couldn’t quite get it together in time, so I made a moodboard inspired by the bits I’d started instead. I may see if one of my prompts from Bingo this year help me finish it?
“fall fright fest (practical magic  au)” -exactly what it says on the tin! almost exactly a year old & neglected! IDEK ANYMORE (I talked about this one with the WIP meme last time tho: here)
“priest!kink theology?” -I thought it was gonna be smut? I like priest!kink. I have made other people like it and yell at me even! But then I kept diverging into demon!Magnus thinking about Priest!Alec’s faith and as usual, IDEK ANYMORE *laughs*
(If they’re remotely canon-adjacent or divergent, a bunch of these are in here because I need to rewatch the show to get the pacing/timing/tone right and I haven’t, and I don’t know why, because I enjoy the show, but BRAINS! Are Dumb! So I guess that’s it?)
“I do” -I have tried to write this damnable Malec arranged marriage fic like six different times. I have signed up for fic exchanges and bangs with it, I have rewritten massive sections, trying to change tone or structure or POV or whatever, and it basically comes down to they like each other too fast and I keep not gutting it enough to get back to a useful pace, but by the time I realized that I was on take six and kind of sick of it. I may get back to it eventually
“wing!fic” -canon divergent in early s1, trying to deal with the consequences of Simon’s kidnapping as the Truly Serious Event that it should have been. It uh. Got heavier than I expected with those consequences (considering it was originally just supposed to be Alec’s wings flirting with Magnus) and also see above re: rewatching for pacing.
“2x20 aftermath/date night/pandemonium porn“ -yes that is the actual wip title. It used to be “spite fic” because I was originally inspired by fighting against a lot of fic!Alec characterization that was clearly based more on the books and ATG syndrome than the Alec in the show, which is the Alec I know and like and want to read about. BUT, pacing and etc. again, I think. Also I have somehow entirely lost my knack for writing porn, which makes it difficult to finish something originally intended to be smut!fic. Or even teasing almost!smut.
“rubbish heap” -so this is about three different fics that I realized complemented each other really well so they’re now all in the same file as I try to turn them into the sequel of “with an if in its soul”. It includes amnesia, parabatai lore shenanigans, a s3 rewrite, and some truly awful Owl adjustments that make me wince in horrified authorly delight and pain. BUT, as with the other ones in this file, the scope is large and I normally write short-fic and I kind of just threw up my hands in exasperation. I may have to break it back up into the three different fics instead, if I ever actually want to write it. Them? But also I need to take better notes on s3 to make sure I have what I need in here.
SH Pt 2: Started posting or not yet in hiatus because it’s actually almost ready to be a thing in the real world! maybe!?
“kisses (firsts)” -I actually started publishing this one, a “series of firsts” that was supposed to be kind of relationship milestones and kind of an excuse for smut, and then there wasn’t that much smut and I lost momentum and also dear lords & ladies the timeline is stupid, wtf. I may not ever add to this one, tbqh. It doesn’t stop in a terrible place, and they’re all ficlets so they stand alone all right.
“clizzy epilogue” -this is blank atm, it’s more a reminder for me to keep poking away at my “girls who can’t breathe air, only fire” collection BECAUSE I WOULD LIKE TO ACTUALLY GET TO THE CLIZZY AT SOME POINT
"mer!alec" -pts 2-4 of a series, but apparently having an actual plan gets in the way of me *writing* the thing, and I haven't managed to throw the half an outline far enough away from my brain to be able to write again. Or something like that.
"ibhww" -if broken hearts were whole is a soulmate fic I started a million years ago, and purposefully set aside to finish some other WIPs because I thought they'd be quick, and now it's just buried under two and a half years of regret and shame so it's hard to get back to it
"iafy" -i am for you is a delightful & frothy semi-epistolary fluff piece that also just lost momentum because Life & 2020 & etc. It's far and away the most popular thing I've ever posted on AO3, which also makes me feel weird sometimes, and I feel like the fact that there's no grand conclusion planned, just a bit more fluff and settling in, might end up being disappointing? Basically, it's the first time I think I've psyched myself out about reader expectations, and until I get over that I'm going to have trouble finishing the last couple chapters. (There really are probably only two more chapters though. IT’S SO CLOSE, I wish I could just... write it. And yet?)
“fake-hating” -I do not like fake dating as a trope that much, I just do not get it, but I love outside POVs and arranged marriages and there’s this delighful tumblr post about how they wished there was more fic about people who were together but had to pretend they werent’, and uh. This may be that? Eventually? I’m not exhausted by my failure to finish it yet, so it’s still in the regular folder rather than the hiatus folder, even though nothing’s been posted for it.
Not as terrible as it could be, but still. MANY WORDS THAT MAY NEVER SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY. Posting the equivalent of one’s old ratty sketchbook is always a weird feeling. :D
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I was reading ur post about the Brazilian education system (which sounds fucking incredible by the way) and it reminded me of smth
I have no intention of becoming a teacher, but my sister is one and she works in a primary school (her class is ages 5-6), and when she was in university she showed me loads of things about the reflecting realities study
I think it was made in 2017 and it was a study on how well children's books reflected the world around us, ie how many books published had protagonists of colour and obviously the results were dire
I'd have to look it up but there were very few people of colour and a hell of a lot of white characters, but what was especially interesting was that when Black Lives Matter got more prevelence last year a lot of publishing houses got put under pressure to add more people of colour in their books
And when the 2020 reflecting realities study came in and while there was more people of colour and less white people, the number of animals being the main protagonists completely jumped up
And it's just terrible because of stories with main casts of animals still fall into the exact same racist stereotypes. Like often they follow the protagonist of a cute fluffy animal as they struggle against the predetory snake or bear, both of which are completely different to them physically and explicitly a threat - this could also be stranger danger
And I mean, what's worse is when they're consciously trying to use animals as an allegory - I mean Zootopia? Anyone? Disney making the allegory for people of colour into literal predetors really wasn't the woke moment they thought it was
And I was just thinkinf about how this kind of follows through into the fantasy genre. I'm gonna be tentative here because Im no expert on this so call me out if you think I'm wrong. Like I'm glad that the shadowhunters cadting directors hired more actors of colour to the team because othereise it would be overwhelmingly pasty, I can't help but notice the decision to cast Luke, the only black man, as an animal and how they changed his character entirely as well
Because (this is not pro cc) Luke in the books was a gentle white bookshop owner, and the show changed him into a cop, and the second time we see him or so he's been injured from fighting (ie not depicted as gentle) ? For some reason (this could just be for plot purposes but u know) There's whole essays online about how media uses black cops in shows and movies to prevent criticism against them but that's a whole other post
(tentative again but do you think that it was kidn of to distance itself from real world issues? Like shadowhunters can obviously be read as the fantasy police force, but by making Luke a downworlder and a cop I feel like maybe they're moving as far away from being properly critical as they can)
That being said, I love show Luke I think he's fantastic, and I way prefer his competancy instead of wimpy white book Luke but I think he can fit the trope in media where characters of colour are depicted as animalistic, ie TWILIGHTs wolves being all native people!!! and I feel like often it just helps to reinforce a lot of the aggressive stereotyoes against poc
Idk how to finish this. In conclusion publishing houses seem to find it easier to publish stories about animals than people of colour and that's a big fat problem. Also how instead of you know publishing books by authors of colour several responded to criticism by just rereleasing collections of classics with black people on the cover - like that solves anythung
Idk I thought you might find the study interesting, it obviously goes more in depth that I have talked about so I can link it to you if you'd like (however it is a study based in Britain based upon British publishing houses so no worries if you aren't interested)
that does sound pretty interesting! id like to see it if u have it easily, but if not, no worries. i think understanding the specifics of the context in other places always helps u understand ur own better, and we have similar studies in brazil with pretty much the same results
the whole animals thing is so crazy. like both in the sense of animalization and just that genuinely animals are more appealing to have as mc than poc for publishing companies diajasoidja god
also i've never seen zootopia or heard of it being a racial allegory and id like to unlearn that information
about luke: yep. i'm not sure they cast isaiah because he was a werewolf, i think it's genuinely just because he was a good actor (especially because so many other originally white characters got actors of color in the show) but sh and tsc did pick the race of the downworlders in the most cursed way. the two most important black characters were both werewolves (i know ur in s1 but maia also exists in tsc so), literally ALL the werewolves except for russell were either black or latine, even the minor ones (bat, alaric, gretel), the only jewish character drinks blood (COME ON), raphael is also animalized a lot "on account of being a vampire" whereas simon is not (and even camille isn't and she was supposed to be white so)
the decision to make luke a black cop will always be something i'll hate. can we stop trying to make cops diverse. cops are oppressors. get out of here with the propaganda
im not sure the thing about luke being hurt is supposed to imply he's violent tho, i think it's more supposed to be like "poor him, a great serviceman of the people, risking his life at the job" which is copaganda and therefore still racist, but, in a different way daoidjsaj
i think there could have been a good critique/parallel there with luke being black and a cop and an ex-shadowhunter downworlder, but that would have to be handled REALLY carefully so im actually kind of glad sh didn't even try to do that. also it would require luke to have actual growth as a character instead of just being clary's caretaker #4, and his internalized anti-downrorldism and bootlicking tendencies to be addressed and become a liberation plotline. which again, sh could never
but yeah same, in the end i love show luke, mostly because of who he could have been, but at least he's not useless like book luke. but like... why make him a cop when you could, very easily, do Anything Else
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tabooalchemy · 4 years
some of my friends will be like "I am obsessed with anime" and I'll be like cool me too and then they will go on and not be able to detect japanese imperialism and supremacy rhetoric on anything if it's not literally spelled out and I'll be like "hey the guy who made snk is a nazi and a fascist :/" or "hey yukio mishima was known for being a fascist" and they will be like "hmmmm idk about that 🤔🤔🤔" like come on it's the bare minimum.... you all agree that people who consume american media and are not aware of copaganda and military propaganda on their stuff are irresponsible and kinda dummies at best and ill intentioned at worst :// I mean like I was talking about the rising sun flag and how a band I used to love(malice mizer) was literally ruined for me because they have pics with the flag and my friend was like "is it really that bad tho? like, do they know it's bad? idk about that stuff" bruh... then learn lol???
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gothamslimpestwrist · 4 years
s1e2 selina kyle
“doug” the childsnatcher: “soldier” (homeless guy)
oswald cobblepot: douchebag college bro from the car, probably the other douchebag college bro as well.
jim gordon: quillan’s janitor
“patti” the childsnatcher: cat scratch fever dude w/ no eyes
episode total: 5 total count: 12
the dark knight rises: shit is clearly fucked in gotham. crime families are ruling the city, yes, but honestly that’s the least of it; look at the police force. we see that bo, the first responder, is late to the scene of the crime because he takes protection money from a local restaurant & gave them first priority (in other words, he’s a crooked bitch demanding a racket, AND it gets in the way of him actually doing his job). the cops are pretty much, explicitly, just an extension of the mob at this point. 
interestingly, we also see the start of an exploration of the wayne’s corruption; falcone refers to “the wayne empire,” mirroring the way they talk about the crime families And Also setting the waynes up as, like, a picture of the wealthy elite taken to a whole ‘nother level. gotham is the last modern vestige of the city state--and that is the wayne empire. who takes the crown now that the emperor and empress are dead? 
in OTHER news, the waynes really fucked bruce over. the murder itself was the lynching pin, causing him to jump over the fucking edge, so to speak, but he is Just A Little Boy! he is so troubled! he’s self harming and alfred yells at him and HITS HIM for being stupid, he’s listening to loud music and drawing fucked up shit, he’s both burned himself and is apparently cutting, and alfred, seeing all of this, refuses to get the boy who saw his parents shot a therapist, because the waynes told him to essentially let bruce raise himself. “the children are thoroughbreds,” basically. 
quoth barbara (thinking about essen shushing the child snatcher case in fear of bad press): “i can’t believe the system is so corrupt.” quoth jim (thinking about how he was yelled at for not beating a perp, thinking about the cop/mob connection that demanded he kill a man to prove his loyalty, thinking...): “you have no idea.” 
oh! and jim tells bruce the kids need more than money to keep them safe.
sliding scale of barbara kean’s sanity: she seems to be doing alright, but she’s troubled by jim’s troubles. also, this episode sets up some shit that will lead to irreparable damage later on; jim, even when he’s telling her things, isn’t telling her everything. she knows it. she hates it. he specifically hasn’t told her about oswald, which gives her reason to believe he’s a murderer pretty soon. plus, what she does w/ the information he does give her about his work (go straight to the press) gives him immediate reason to start trusting her less... and so they spiral.
sliding scale of ed nygma’s sanity: he’s a little bit more of a lurker this episode. creeps outside the captain’s office until someone notices him, lingers inside until everyone in the room makes it obvious he’s not welcome. he’s trying his best, but he’s not... very... “well liked,” shall we say.
continuity: montoya and allen are looking into the murder of oswald cobblepot. he was their snitch, after all. so that’s problems... many things are subtly set up in this episode: falcone and fish discuss maroni and his anticipated power play (adding another piece to the political chessboard of this season), the atp drug the child snatchers use is established to have been developed for arkham asylum, which is also established to have been closed for the past 15 years AND to have recently been in the works for a reopening, specifically by thomas and martha wayne. and that’s all just offhanded discussion. also related to the atp, when ed is listing the only three places that still stock it, it’s quillan pharma, drakatech (?)... and welzyn, which isn’t relevant at all to THIS episode (quillan’s the one dealing with the childsnatchers) but WILL become relevant to everyone in a few episodes, when welzyn manufactures viper. oh, and naturally the identity of the man the childsnatchers are working for: the dollmaker. hm!! on a lighter note, harvey’s ex-white knight tendencies that we explore in spirit of the goat are foreshadowed here; essen accuses him of leaking the child snatchers story to the press, w/ the reasoning that he’d done it before. after jim & barbara established that it was the right thing to do....
parallels: jim & selina meet in this episode. they are... The Same™. (look, i’ll come back to it later, but even tho my parallel in the pilot was btwn selina and oswald, and even tho they’re the two that are the villain counterparts to our heroes, jim and SELINA are the matched set.) also, this is the episode where fish expresses the wish that penguin wasn’t dead (because she wants him to suffer), but also she tells jim & harvey that she knew it was a mistake to order them killed as soon as she did it. so that means something? 
neither here nor there, but gertrud tells montoya & allen how elegant and well dressed oswald is, and bruce comments on the orphans’ scruffy appearances and buys them new clothes... we love a dandy, i guess.
characterization: we meet some irrelevant street kids that selina knew; zeb, smoke, and mackey (corey in the house). i’m basically using the characterization tab as fanfic reference so i might as well record that.
lazlo, fish’s lover, is relevant, in that falcone beats him to get to her. it definitely does affect her, though she says she only keeps him around for exercise. maybe more b/c of falcone’s threat and the fear of what it implies, though. 
and gertrud! ozzie’s mom. everyone connected to oswald, even outside (maybe even especially outside) of his mob connections, is a little twisted. she’s no different; she’s clearly a bit out of her head, she mistrusts the police (which i guess we’re supposed to think is suss, though really...Fair and Just), she’s got that almost creepy codependency with oswald while not really knowing what’s going on there. (other examples: elijah, oswald’s gothic horror father, martin, oswald’s lowkey homicidal son, edward, oswald’s fascist dog, jim, oswald’s corrupt boyfriend...) she also seems to think oswald has run off with some painted lady (actually, she says painted slut), which might be indicative of her experiences w/ van dahl and some unstable jealousy more than it is of oswald, who’s... you know. 
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in other news, jim is all over the map here. he stops harvey beating mackey (and later, quillan, after they’ve already gotten info out of him) and protests that they should leak the story to the press, but he also seems content to keep his mouth shut until barbara takes doing good upon herself. he adapts to the mob shit pretty quick, but expresses disgust w/ the corruption in the system. he gets off on the wrong foot w/ mayor james because he disagrees with locking up the kids w/o a trial, but he doesn’t... step in... either. we see this willingness to compromise and bend the knee that means he’ll never be the hero gotham deserves. 
also, not to be a jim apologist on main or anything (ha, ha), but he’s just so... brainwashed. all this, & he still tells alfred that being a cop, which has thus far caused him nothing but pain & misery, is the “best job in the world.” because he thinks he’s helping people. (and he likes getting to feel like a hero... so where do the misguided good intentions stop and the selfish motives begin?) he also kills a man for the first time on screen this episode because for all its examinations of dirty cops... gotham is still, at the end of the day, Copaganda. in an actual moment of me drinking I Love Jim Gordon juice, jim is the one who advocates for bruce going to therapy, and tries to convince him to go personally, even when jim himself is too emotionally stunted for it to help him. 
also, backstory: harvey pegs his love life, saying, “high school sweetheart, then a bunch of hoes (read: eduardo dorrance) overseas only made you sad... and then there’s barbara.” he also calls jim a monkey riding a race horse; jim’s face is really good @ that. i misinterpreted the line about high school sweethearts back in the day to mean that barb was jim’s highschool sweetheart. this is on account of auditory processing disorder and also general dumbassery. anyway, the point is that jim is a boring, predictable bitch! whom i love.
...in terms of characterization from the episode that i don’t agree with, i can’t really see oswald writing all the shit that they had on his conspiracy board, lmfao. “crybaby brucie,” “gordon=STOOGE,” & so forth. i pretend i do not see it.
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