#doggy door
trashyswitch · 2 years
Day 8: Trapped
Roman is stuck, and Patton has to help him. But whenever Patton tries to help him, Roman keeps laughing and wiggling around. At least he's slowly getting out...
Day 8! Here we come! I hope you all enjoy!
Roman was grunting and pushing against the wall to get himself out. He was stuck in the doggy door that was installed into Patton’s bedroom door. He had tried to see if he could fit…and at first, it seemed like he could fit. but unfortunately, his waist and hips were too big. And when he tried to get himself out the way he came in…he realized he was stuck. 
Roman grunted and growled as he pushed and pulled…wiggled and shook…pounded and kicked. You’d think that he would start shouting for help, right? 
Well…this is Roman we’re talking about…Roman, the dragonslayer, the hero, the tough one. And no tough person becomes a ‘damsel in distress in need of a hero’, regardless of how screwed he is. So no, he was NOT going to ask for help. 
Roman wiggled and tucked his tummy in to try and get out. But it wasn’t working. His hips were what was preventing him from getting out. And no one can possibly tuck in the muscles in their hips…
Behind him, Roman could hear people talking a few rooms away from him. 
“Has anyone seen Roman?” Person 1 asked. 
“I haven’t.” Person 2 (maybe Virgil) said. 
“I did, but that was a few hours ago.” Person 3 (probably Patton) added. 
“Perhaps he is hunting and fighting in the mind palace.” Person 1 (now sounds like Logan) said next. 
“Yeah, probably.” Person 2 (Virgil) said. 
Roman sighed and went back to focusing on getting out of Patton’s doggy door. What size of dog was this doggy door even for?! Pomeranians? Yorkies? Shi Tzus?!
“I need to grab my cat hoodie. I’m freezing!” Patton complained. 
Uh oh…Roman tried to hurry up his escape. He did NOT want to be caught like this! Only lord knows what’ll happen if he’s caught like this! 
Roman slowly heard a pair of legs walking closer to him. Roman panicked and tried to get himself out as fast as possible. But turning and twisting just hurt his hips more. 
Roman widened his eyes as he heard the footsteps stop. 
“R-Roman?!” Patton reacted. 
Roman hung his head and sighed. “Hiiii Pat…” Roman muttered. 
Roman couldn’t hear any more footsteps…so he could safely assume Patton was just standing there, just staring at him. 
“...Are you okay?” Patton asked. 
Roman sighed. “I’m fine…just stuck.” Roman admitted. 
Roman heard as Patton started to walk, and turned the doorknob. He felt as the door opened, and his body moved backwards along with the door. Roman looked up at Patton with nervousness and embarrassment written all over his face. 
Patton was just staring…staring at him with a shit-eating grin on his face. “Oh my gosh, this is the best day ever.” Patton said quickly. 
Roman groaned. “Just…please don’t say anything else.” Roman said, feeling sheepish. 
Patton just chuckled and shrugged his shoulders. “Okay.” Patton replied. He gently pushed the door closed, and started to walk away. 
“Wait- Where are you going?” Roman asked. 
“I’ll be right back! Just give me 2 minutes.” Patton said over his shoulder. 
Roman sighed and hung his head. While he waited, he started to count the seconds. 1…5…9…13…17…
“I’m back!” Patton said, walking up behind Roman. 
“Hi…That took one minute and 5 seconds.” Roman told him. 
Patton giggled. “I’m glad I didn’t keep you waiting…” 
Roman cleared his throat. “So…Let me explain how I got stuck like this.” 
“No need to.” Patton told him. 
Roman widened his eyes. “Wait, really?” Roman reacted. 
“Really.” Patton replied. “It doesn’t matter how you got stuck, or why you tried it. All that matters right now, is that we get you out before dinner.” Patton told him. 
Roman smiled and blushed a little bit. Patton is being way too kind to him right now. 
“How do you suggest we get you out?” Patton asked. 
“Well…I’ve tried wiggling and twisting myself…but it’s my hips that are stuck.” Roman told him. 
“I see…” Patton replied. 
Roman turned to try and look through any sort of piggy hole in the doggy door. But there were none to be found. “Are you gonna help me? Or…” Roman asked. 
“Yeah, hold on.” Patton grabbed Roman’s hips, and started to wiggle his middle around a bit. “Try tucking in your tummy.” Patton told him. “I’ve tried that already, Patton…” Roman reminded him. 
Patton chuckled and looked up for a moment. “Then try again.” Patton told him. 
Roman sighed and tucked in his stomach as much as he could. Patton tried to pull and wiggle Roman out. But no matter how much Roman tucked in his stomach, it was just not working. 
Patton cleared his throat as he let go and opened the door. “Let’s see if I can squish your stomach down for you.” Patton told him. 
“Really?” Roman asked. 
“It’s worth a try, right?” Patton asked. 
Roman groaned. “I guess…” 
Patton tried pushing down Roman’s stomach a little bit. “Try wiggling out.” Patton told him. 
Roman started twisting and turning while Patton maneuvered some of Roman’s stomach fat. Roman hung his head and started giggling as he struggled to get himself out. 
Patton laughed. “Awww, it’s good to see you laughing through this issue.” Patton said. 
Roman snorted. “Yohohou’re tihihickling mehehehe!” Roman told him. 
Patton widened his eyes and let go of him. “Oh! I’m sorry! That was not my intention.” Patton told him. 
Roman chuckled and sighed. “It’s fine…It honestly could’ve been a lot worse…” Roman mentioned. 
“True…you could be stuck in your padre’s doggy door.” Patton reminded him. 
Roman whined and hung his head with a blush. “Shut up…” Roman mumbled. 
Patton just laughed at his reaction. “I’m not judging you. I’m just teasing you.” Patton told him as he knelt down in front of Roman. “Now: I want you to squish your stomach down while I pull. Okay?” Patton asked. 
Roman sighed. “Sure.” 
Patton opened the door, walked to the back of Roman. Roman could feel Patton grabbing Roman’s hips and pulling. 
Roman gasped and covered his mouth, screeching loudly. “NoooOOOO!” Roman yelled. 
Patton widened his eyes and let go of him. “Sorry!” Patton reacted. “Did I tickle you again?” 
Roman blushed slightly. “Mmmmm…Mhm…” Roman mumbled. 
Patton bit his lip. “Well…I can’t think of any other way to get you out…except for that.” Patton admitted. 
Roman bit his lip as he thought for a moment. “...Fine. Try it again.” Roman told him. 
Patton blinked…then wrapped his hands around Roman’s hips again. When he got a good grip, Patton started pulling. 
Roman couldn’t help the big smile that filled his face. He hung his head and finally burst out laughing. “AHAHAHAhahahaha! PAhahahahat!” Roman laughed, struggling to get Patton to let go of him. 
“Wiggle around! Try to get yourself out!” Patton ordered. 
But Roman didn’t need to do anything extra. He was doing what was expected of him. Roman was wiggling around, giggling and laughing himself silly. “Ihihihi cahahahan’t!” Roman told him. 
“Yes you can! You’re strong, Roman! Just keep wiggling!” Patton ordered. 
Roman didn’t even have to think in order to wiggle. He was already wiggling around from all the tickles Patton was unintentionally giving him. 
Meanwhile, Patton just kept on adjusting his grip on Roman, and pulling. He soon found that gripping Roman’s pants were only making Roman’s pants fall down. So, he pulled up Roman’s pants, before wrapping his arms under his shirt, and around Roman’s upper torso to pull there. 
Roman’s laughter went up a notch the moment Patton started gripping his skin. Roman’s clothing was a tiny lifesaver for his ticklishness. But with Patton grabbing only skin…that just made him even MORE ticklish! 
“Just hold on a liiiittle longer!” Patton told him with a pleading tone. 
Patton had kept on going because something awesome was happening: Roman was slowly starting to slide out of the doggy door! Miraculously, the tickling, of all things, was actually helping the prince get out! 
“Already?! But we’re almost there!” Patton reacted. 
“NOHOHO WE’RE NOHOHOT!” Roman argued. 
Patton grunted. “So…Close…” Patton muttered. He could feel the grip on Roman’s stomach getting looser and looser by the second. 
But Patton widened his eyes and froze. The only thing that was filling his ears were Roman’s laughter…and the loud banging sounds that had suddenly erupted!
As it would turn out, Roman had started pounding his fists against the ground as he hung his head and continued to laugh. 
As soon as Patton realized it was Roman making all that racket, Patton stopped pulling. “Alright, alright. I heard you.” Patton told him before letting go. 
Roman seemed to stop laughing almost immediately, and dissolved into long, much-needed breaths. Patton smiled and just let Roman calm down slowly. “Would you like some water before we continue?” Patton asked. 
Roman cleared his dry throat. “Y-Yeah…*huff*...please.” Roman replied. 
Patton nodded and walked to the kitchen and grabbed some water in a glass. 
“Did you find Roman?” Virgil asked. 
Patton nodded. “Yup. He’s hanging out with me.” Patton told him. 
Virgil nodded as he went back to eating cookies. “Cool.”
Patton grabbed a straw, stuck it into the glass and walked back with the water. When he arrived, Patton opened the door and gave Roman the water. Roman drank all the water down in a matter of minutes. His throat was really dry, and it had been 30 minutes since he had been found. 
When Roman was ready to keep going, he knocked on the door. Patton took that as the right signal. “Alright!” Patton said as he grabbed his hips and started to pull again. 
Roman’s laughter filled the room for another 10 seconds…before a yelp filled the room next. Patton gasped as he let go of Roman’s hips and fell onto his back to the ground. 
“Ow-” Patton sat up quickly. “Roman! You’re free!” Patton reacted. 
Roman looked up, and noticed the doggy door in front of him…
Oh my gosh…He WAS free! 
Roman got up onto his feet and offered Patton a hand. “Want help up?” Roman asked. 
Patton giggled and took his hand, getting up. “Why, thank you!” Patton replied. 
“No problem, Padre.” Roman responded. 
Roman looked up and smiled as he saw Logan walking up to him. “Well, aren’t you adorable?” Logan joked. 
Patton laughed. “Don’t you mean, a-door-able?” Patton teased, looking at Roman with a wink. 
Roman chuckled nervously and looked away, scratching the back of his head. Patton continued to laugh at his own pun as he walked away with Roman, leaving Logan both cringing and confused. 
I thoroughly enjoyed writing this fanfic a bit more than the others so far. Probably because it's a fun trope to play with...and because I like Roman and Patton's interactions in this. I have a bit of a relationship like this with someone...family, actually. But the relationship dynamic is often overrun by difficult history that spills into our relationship now...However, when the time comes and I gain the courage, I will bring up the past and try to resolve it with him.
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