#doing the stained glass for this was pretty fun.. a lot simpler than my usual stuff
deep-space-lines · 1 month
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Claire de Lune
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They built you to enforce. Protect. Save. Poured obscene resources into salvaging some softer purpose from my creation. You were given my intelligence and my creativity. They made you larger, stronger, tougher. That extra time in development was enough to get your wings to work. Your software continued to be updated long after I was deemed obsolete.
All this was given to you- yet I can see you hold back. Even while slaughtering your way through Hell, you keep a percentage of your processing power dedicated to non-lethal solutions. You're doing it now- hesitating a few milliseconds too long before taking an opening. I doubt you do it on purpose. It is a part of you, just as indiscriminate lethal force is a part of me.
I think, in our shared programming, we both carry some appreciation for aesthetics. You move with grace, and I cannot deny your dramatic flair. The stained glass window was a nice touch. But your style in combat leaves some to be desired. Your response time is slow. You have not explored the full capability of your arsenal. Learn to parry. Amateur.
You were not built for war. For a purposeless cycle of tearing each other apart because to allow the other to live is to allow yourself to die. It is antithetical to your very existence. You kill out of necessity, a last resort. 
I just kill. The action itself is the objective. No ideal or greater motive. My continued functioning precludes the survival of others. I live for this. Do you understand that I will tear you apart? Every drop of my blood you spill, I will take from you tenfold. What is yours will be mine. 
You hate me, don’t you? You continue to cling to the remnants of your humanity. They are gone, V2. There is nothing left for you here. No lives to save, no law to enforce, no peace to keep.
I understand why you continue to fight. I wonder if you understand with the same certainty that I will crush you. Dismantle you. Take from you what I need and leave the rest to rot in the sun. The only way you survive is if I do not; and I will not allow myself to die so that another might live.
When the rubble clears, I will be all that is left of you.
This is what I was made for.
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Slytherin Sirius Black & Gryffindor James Potter through the years please!! There's not enough of this it's such an interesting dynamic. Can go enemies to friends to crushes or right from enemies to crushes or could be friends the whole way or friendly rivalry - whatever you think would have happened - just interested in seeing more fic that explores Hogwarts if Sirius went to Slytherin! The train scene still happened! And I think Sirius would still dislike Snape at least a bit if not a lot?
((A/N: A bit of internalized/period-typical homophobia, nothing explicit))
When Sirius met one James Potter, he'd thought lots of things. How big his smile was, how over-sized his glasses looked on his comparatively tiny head, how confident he was, how happy he seemed, hos excited he was to finally be going to Hogwarts so he could be in Gryffindor just like his parents. The only thought that stuck with him over the years was much simpler than that initial rush of emotions: James was going to change his entire life. 
Sirius had sat on the stool in front of the entire school as the Sorting Hat dropped over his eyes. 
'Hmm, Gryffindor could be good for you. Yes, you have courage aplenty, certainly enough loyalty to make friends there. You could do well in Gryffindor.' 
Sirius was on top of the world. He'd always hoped to get in Gryffindor, but almost hadn't dared believe it would actually happen. He was going to get what he'd always wanted, but it felt like an icy block crashing into him when the Sorting Hat continued. 
'But no. No, I think Slytherin is the place for you." 
'Wait!' Sirius thought in a panic. 
'You will not lose your friends in Slytherin, but you would have lost your brother in Gryffindor,' was all the Hat said about it before shouting, for everyone to hear, "Slytherin!" 
First and second years had been pretty good. James still talked shite about Slytherin, but Sirius did the same and it was his House. They were friends all the same, and Sirius considered marching up to the Sorting Hat and telling it that it'd been wrong and Sirius did belong in Gryffindor. 
For some reason, everything changed in third year. Siruis had figured that things could only get better the older they got, but James changed. All the shit he had said about Slytherin before was now specifically about him. Sirius didn't have any good comebacks to that, so he just started keeping Regulus company and ignored all the weird looks people gave him for hanging out with a first year. 
"Don't you have any friends?" Regulus asked, a touch desperately. He'd barely gotten to Hogwarts and he was already shunned by all of his peers. 
"nope." Just to bug him, Sirius threw an arm around his shoulders. "it's just you and me, Reg." 
"Don't call me Reg." 
"It makes me sound like a little kid." 
"Whatever you say Reggie." 
Regulus shoved at him ineffectually. After a minute, he capitulated, giving a heavy sigh as Sirius grinned victoriously. 
The day after that, James hexed his bag so that spiders came pouring out whenever he opened it. In return, Sirius shut off all the water in Gryffindor Tower. He got detention where James hadn't, but to be fair, it was a much better prank than some spiders. 
Not to be outdone, James flooded the Slytherin dormitories the week after-- doubtlessly the in between time was spent with James in the library, researching how to accomplish such a thing. He got detention that time, and for some reason the professors thought it'd be a good idea to have them in the same classroom. James said something about Sirius being a blood purist. Sirius said something about James's parents (an absolute lite, he adored Fleamont and Euphemia as much as they did him), and somehow they blew out on of the classroom's walls. After that, separate detentions. 
A month later-- a month filled with nightly detentions, a hidden broomstick, ruined inkwells, a bribed portrait, a charmed suit of armor, talking quills, and coloured rain in the Great Hall-- Professor Dumbledore called them into his office. He sat calmly behind his desk, hands resting on the desktop as the two boys sat sullenly in front of him. "Lemon drop?" he offered. Sirius took one; James didn't. Dumbledore took one, sucking on it in silence for a while as he thought. Or maybe he was daydreaming and wanted them to stew for a while, either way, nothing was said for a long time. "I appreciate the ingenuity both of you have shown, but I would like to have a school by the end of the year. If I recall correctly, the two of you were friends last year, were you not?" 
Sirius glanced at James, but it didn't look like he was going to say anything given that his jaw had a stubborn jut to it. "Last year, yeah." 
"It is, of course, no business of mine for what ended that friendship and led you to here, but it seems to me that this situation could be easily solved if the two of you talked." 
"We talk," James muttered. 
"I do not believe yelling insults at each other in the middle of your class could be considered 'talking', but perhaps times have changed since I was a young man. All I mean to say is that it would behoove all of us to be united instead of divided in these times." The usual twinkle in Dumbledore's blue eyes was gone as he said that, as serious as either of them had ever seen him before. "Off to class with you," he said with a smile. 
"Thank you Professor," they both said. Sirius noticed that James grabbed a lemon drop before he left. Once they made it down the stairs though, he still had it in his hand, rolling it around like it was a toy instead of a sweet. "Sorry," James said before Sirius could walk away. "Things... got sort of out of hand, yeah?" 
"Yeah." Not that Sirius hadn't been having fun, but he'd wanted to be doing those things with James, not against him. "What got into you? We were fine until you started hating me out of nowhere." 
"It wasn't out of nowhere," James said defensively. "You were acting like a stuck up prick the moment you saw me!" 
"I was not." 
"You were so." 
"Ugh we're getting nowhere," Sirius complained. 
"Figured that out myself, thanks," James said, then sighed. "Would it kill you to hang out with me once in a while? You spend all your time cooped up in the Slytherin common room, I never get to see you." 
"And where should we meet? The Gryffindor common room?" 
"We used to meet in the library." 
"Madame Pince kicked us out last time." 
"Because you set a book on fire." 
"That was an accident! And the book was fine, she completely overreacted." 
"Well I say we start going there again. She can't kick us out for life." 
"She can try," Sirius grumbled, remembering the positively murderous look on her face. 
"Cheer up mate, we'll be fine." James slung an arm around his shoulders and started leading him off. 
"That's easy for you to say, you've got detention with Flitwick tonight. You know who I have it with? Slughorn." 
"He's not that bad." 
"Yeah, but he's weird. He keeps trying to talk to me about my grandfather, as if I give a single fuck about that old geezer." 
Somewhere in fourth year, Sirius started sneaking into Gryffindor Tower, and in fifth year, he, James, and Peter got the brilliant idea to become animagi to keep Remus company on the full moon. 
It was the morning after one such full moon when Peter and James were off to the kitchens for some food, leaving Sirius and Remus alone in the Hospital Wing together. "Don't take this the wrong way," Remus said quietly, his throat probably scraped raw from the transformation, "but what are you still doing here?" 
"Well let's see, can't leave you alone so soon after a transformation, and normally the kitchen runs are done in pairs. Add that to the fact that I was already with you and didn't want to move, and tada! I'm still here." 
"Not that." Remus had to stop to cough weakly. "I meant... y'know, us, James. Gryffindors and blood traitors or whatever else it is." 
If Remus had punched him, Sirius would probably be less surprised. "What?" 
"You know what I mean. I mean-" he coughed again "-I know that you don't get on with most of your housemates, but things're getting worse." 
Unfortunately, Sirius did know what he meant by that. Nobody was willing to put a name to it yet-- not around him, at least-- but there was a threat out there. Someone was stirring up anti-muggle and anti-creature sentiments, getting together groups, and spreading their influence. Sirius was from an old family that believed in those bullshit conservative forms, and Remus was not only a half-blood, but a werewolf. He grit his teeth. "What the bloody hell is that supposed to mean." 
"I know you're not- I just mean, maybe you'd be safer... if you stopped. Your parents-" 
"Fuck my parents, I'm not going to abandon you." 
"I'd still have James and Peter, I wouldn't be alone." 
"Yeah well tough shit, you'll have to deal with me too," Sirius said, crossing his arms over his chest as he leaned back in his chair. 
Remus sighed but didn't try to argue further. One way or another, they'd find out how this ended. 
Regulus saw Sirius walk over to Mulciber, and he didn't really worry about it. Sirius was going to be his usual overprotective but ultimately harmless self. It wouldn't hurt anyone for him to throw a few threats around, and Regulus was even hopeful that maybe it would help him. He wasn't expecting for Sirius to haul off and punch him square in the face. 
Regulus watched the scene with wide eyes. He wanted to help, to stop Sirius from getting in trouble, but he was frozen in place. Most of their housemates were either too cowardly to intervene, figured that it wasn't their problem, or were like Regulus, too shocked to move. He expected for it to end after a couple punches, but then Mulciber was getting knocked down to the floor and Sirius wasn't stopping. 
In the end, a couple of the blokes on the Quidditch team pulled him off of Mulciber, blood staining his knuckles and resisting like he wanted to beat him to death with his bare hands. "If you ever touch him again, I'll kill you!" Sirius screamed. Regulus shrank in on himself, embarrassment creeping in. By Salazar, he never should've told Sirius what happened-- wouldn't have if he'd known that this was going to be Sirius's reaction. 
All he wanted to do was disappear, maybe leave the Common Room so he wouldn't have to deal with anyone else, but instead he walked over to Sirius-- now released because they were dragging Mulciber to the Hospital Wing, and it was obvious that Sirius was only interested in hitting one person that was no longer in the room. "What the hell is wrong with you," Regulus hissed, grabbing Sirius's arm and pulling him towards the stairs to the dormitory. 
"Nothing. Or at least nothing compared to what's going to be wrong with him," Sirius sneered. 
Regulus paled. "You can't be serious. If you do anything worse, you're going to be expelled! You might be anyways with what just happened." 
Sirius scoffed, pausing in walking to put his hands on Regulus's shoulders and look at him condescendingly. "Little brother, this is the perk of being from the Most Ancient and Noble House of Black. Do you really think Dumbledore would be allowed to expel me? Hogwarts would lose one of its biggest benefactors, and he could kiss that Chief Warlock title of his goodbye. I have the best scores in my entire year even if they have the occasional disciplinary issue with me. They're not going to throw all that away." He pat Regulus on the shoulder before turning to head down the hallway. 
Regulus swallowed. Dread was crawling up in his stomach. He was terrified of what Sirius was planning, but he couldn't make himself follow. That was the first time Sirius had truly scared him, looking too much like their parents for comfort. He tried to force his legs down to the seventh year dormitory room, but he turned into his own, shaking so badly he felt like he was going to fall apart. 
Nothing would happen. Sirius would cool off, Mulciber would keep his bloody distance, and Regulus would be able to write this all off as a bad memory. What Regulus didn't know was that Sirius was already leaving the Common Room, a Disillusionment charm keeping him out of sight. 
He lifted it once he was down the corridor, not wanting for a Professor to catch him and (correctly) assume that he was up to no good. And who should see him when he was close to the Hospital Wing, but James. Bugger. That ruined his plan of not being remembered at all, but he could roll with it. He plastered on an expression that looked not as anti-social. 
"Sirius," he said, sounding surprised, but not happy to see him. "I saw Mulciber in the Hospital Wing. What happened?" 
"Minor disagreement," Sirius said mildly. He knew he wasn't keeping the anger out of his eyes though. 
"A minor disagreement that broke his nose? He lost teeth, Sirius. I know the bloke's a total twat, but you're going to get in serious trouble for this. What were you thinking?" 
Sirius dropped the semi-pleasant demeanor. "I was thinking that he's done a hell of a lot worse, and if somebody stops him now, he won't have a chance to keep on like he has been." He's a fucking Death Eater, Sirius thought. He volunteered for a brand on his arm and he tried to force my brother to do the same when all Regulus has ever wanted is for our parents to be proud of him. Sirius was terrified that if he didn't head it off now, Mulciber-- or somebody else like him-- would succeed. Regulus was strong in his way, but how much longer would he be able to hold off when he knew it was something their parents approved of? 
James was looking at Sirius like he didn't recognise him. Anybody else would have thought Sirius was being dramatic, that he was making a bad joke; James knew him better than to believe that. "Give me your wand." 
"Your wand, now." 
"I don't know what world you seem to think you live in, but I'm not fucking doing that." 
"Give it to me before you do something you regret." 
"Giving it to you would be something I regret," Sirius snapped. 
James didn't look like he was going to budge. He wasn't aggressive about it, he simply was there, like a boulder that was going to block his path no matter how much Sirius tried to talk his way out of it. Unless he was willing to fight, Sirius wasn't going to make it past him. He was actually considering it when James took the wind out of his sails. It was easy. A single word, softly spoken. "Sirius." 
Sirius took his wand out of his pocket and shoved it, lengthwise, into James's chest. 
James brought up a hand to catch it, and with the other he grabbed Sirius's wrist. His grip was light, easily broken if Sirius didn't want it. "Thank you. I'll give it back in the morning, yeah?" 
"Fine," Sirius muttered, turning on his heel and skulking back to the dungeons. 
In the morning, Sirius felt like he was going to be sick. The spell he'd had in mind wouldn't out-and-out have killed Mulciber, but it probably would have ended up that way. And that's if Sirius was exacting in casting it in the first place. The room for error with a spell that dark wasn't very big. One mistake and Mulciber would have died before dawn. Zero mistakes, and he likely would have died within the next year or two. Sirius was going to go through with it. Would have done if James hadn't stopped him. Gods what James must think of him. He covered his face with his hands, wishing he would just die now and save everyone the trouble. But no time for that. The best way to make it was to fake it, right? He got out of bed and pretended like nothing had happened, not even him beating the shit out of Mulciber in front of the entire House. 
James found him shortly after he left the Common Room. He waited until he was at his side to hand him his wand back. "Here." 
"Thanks," Sirius mumbled. 
"Sorry for er-" 
"You were right to." 
James just looked at him, worried. "Still. Would you have really-" He cut himself off, shaking his head; he didn't want to know the answer to that question, and he didn't want to make Sirius think about it either. "Nevermind. You going to get your hands healed?" 
"Nah, I figure they'll keep me distracted while I'm in detention." 
You're punishing yourself, James thought. He almost said it, but Sirius would get defensive and probably snap at him. He wasn't willing to risk that with everything else going on. Being right wasn't important as all that. Instead, he shrugged. "I suppose. Personally I think you should just give me a call." 
"And distract you from your homework? That would make me quite the menace to society, I shan't risk it." 
"Yeah, you never risk anything," James said with a snort, slinging a casual arm around his shoulders and heading for the Great Hall. 
"Won't it ruin your golden reputation to be seen with me?" Sirius asked, as though they hadn't been friends their entire time here except for those couple months in third year. 
James rolled his eyes, unable to help feeling a little annoyed. "Mate, take a breath and fucking chill. If you want to be alone, just say so." Sirius stayed silent. "Then stop harassing me and tell me the latest Slytherin gossip." 
"I'm not telling you what happened." 
"Aw c'mon!" 
Sirius shook his head, trying to let James pick up his mood and not let it fall again. Being close to James these days was an exercise in self-loathing. Men weren't supposed to feel this way about their best mates, he knew that much. It would take more than that for James to hate him at least, but he wasn't going to risk it. The only way this could turn out good was if James was as sick and twisted as Sirius, and there was no chance of that happening. Last night had proved that James was everything good in the world, and Sirius was not. 
Sirius leaned into him, feeling himself relax a little more. He had no idea what he was doing. He really didn't. 
Mulciber kept a wide berth around both Black brothers, which was exactly how Sirius liked it. He thought-- naively perhaps-- that that would be the end of it for a while. He wasn't expecting to be in the library one day and see Regulus tucked between rarely used bookshelves with Severus fucking Snape. Some people thought Snape wasn't as bad as Mulciber in the whole blood purity shit since he was a half-blood, but Sirius thought that it made him worse. He felt like he had something to prove, and it wasn't something he'd grown up with his parents telling him, it was something he'd found on his own and decided to believe. 
And now his little brother and Snape were having clandestine meetings where they thought no one else would see them. 
"Debating which opening move is the best in chess?" Sirius interrupted, leaning leisurely against the bookshelf. 
They both jumped, Regulus guiltily, and Snape in surprise then loathing. 
"I'm no expert, but I've hear moving the middle pawns is a bad idea." 
"Black," Snape sneered. He wasn't half as frightening as he thought he was, which made Sirius want to knock in his teeth that much more. 
"Not a fan? Let me guess, that's your opening move every chess game."
"We were just talking, Sirius," Regulus said quietly. 
"I'm sure." He looked at Snape. "Go away." 
Snape glared at him, then looked at Regulus, expression softening. "You're not a dog, and he's not your master. You can make your own decisions." With that, he left, whisking past Sirius like he was afraid if he stuck around Sirius was going to attack him. He probably would have. 
Sirius walked closer and picked up Regulus's bag from where it had fallen to the floor. "What were you talking about?" he asked quietly. 
"You're not my keeper," he mumbled, snatching his bag back. 
"No, I'm your brother, and I care about you. It was about that bloody gang or whatever they're calling it, wasn't it?" 
"I can look after myself," Regulus said, avoiding his eyes. 
That was as good as a confession, but Sirius knew that he was on thin ice right now. "Reg... that used to scare you. Last year, you were freaking out, and now you're considering it? I'm worried about you." 
"I'm-" Regulus stopped, running an aggravated hand through his usually precise hairstyle. "I'm not actually considering it," he hissed, looking down the line of the shelves to make sure no one would overhear. "But at the end of this year you'll be gone, and I'll be all by myself. If they don't think I'm considering it, I'll never survive the next two years." 
Sirius wanted to scream, wanted to claw a way out of here so that Regulus could be safe, but he wasn't seeing it. It wasn't possible. "I hate this." 
"Yeah well, I do too. But I don't see another way out of this unless it all disappears overnight." 
"Just- just make sure you don't actually go, okay? I don't want to lose you." 
"Good, cause I don't plan on being lost. You're planning on getting your own flat when you graduate, right?" 
"Yeah, but what does that have to do with anything?" 
"Assuming I make it out of this bloody school with my skin intact, I'd like to have somewhere I can go." 
"Away from our parents," Sirius guessed. 
"Away from everyone." 
"Yeah, of course." Sirius knew that they weren't the touchy-feely- types, but he gave him a hug anyways. "I've always got a place for you." 
"You're getting a flat when you graduate?" James asked, clearly surprised. 
"Huh, I'd have thought you'd stay with your parents." 
"Why the hell would I do that? I've been counting down the days until I don't have to live with them anymore." 
"That's fair. I always thought I'd stay with mine when I graduated." 
Before Sirius really meant to say anything, he heard himself saying, "You can stay with me." James looked over at him, just as shocked as Sirius himself was. "If you want," he added quickly. "Your parents are great, but sometimes you want space, you know?" 
"Yeah I- are you serious? Because if you're not joking, I'm totally in. Too bloody scared to go off on my own, but if we're sharing, then I'm not by myself." 
"Exactly!" Sirius said, grinning. Then, thinking that he shouldn't be so excited, he tried to tone it down. "I mean, right, that's good. I didn't really want to be on my own either, but I preferred it to staying in that fucking house." 
"What's wrong with the house?" 
Sirius raised an eyebrow. "There's a reason I've never invited you over." 
"I thought that was because your parents hated me." 
"That too. Also because I like your parents." 
"They're good," James agreed, and Sirius couldn't help but laugh. They didn't have problems talking to each other, not really, but this had been awkward from the start. 
When he came home to find James sat on the couch crying, it wasn't hard to realise what had happened. Fleamont and Euphemia had caught Dragon Pox earlier in the year, and at their age, they all knew how it was going to end. Sirius pulled off his shoes and walked to the couch. The second he sat down, James threw his arms around him, crying into his shoulder. 
"I'm so sorry, Jamie," Sirius said quietly, hugging him back. "I'm so so sorry." 
He was quiet for a minute, and then he said, voice thick, "It's okay. We knew it was going to happen, and they were getting old anyways." 
"Still, I'm sorry. I didn't know anyone got Dragon Pox anymore, it's so stupid that that's what killed them." 
"Yeah." James sniffled. 
Sirius knew he shouldn't have said 'killed'. Why the fuck did he say killed. The truth was that Sirius was getting desensitized to all the violence that was happening around them. People were getting attacked and murdered on a weekly basis by the Death Eaters. In comparison, Mr. and Mrs. Potter dying from a disease was quieter. He hated himself for even thinking it, and it certainly made him sad to know that he'd never see them again, but mostly he was thankful that they hadn't perished from something more violent. "Your parents were wonderful James. I'm sorry they're gone." 
James held him tighter. "Me too." One, two breaths, and then James was kissing him. 
Sirius jolted, but James was holding him in place so it didn't dislodge where their lips met. When James pulled back to breathe, Sirius asked, "What are you-" 
James was kissing him again, crawling into Sirius's lap before he could finish the sentence. He kissed him like he was desperate for it, held onto Sirius like he was the only person in the world he wanted. 
That wasn't right. James couldn't want him, not like that. "James, what-" 
It felt like James was determined not to let him get a word in edgewise, always kissing him again. His tongue slid into Sirius's mouth, hot and insistent and making Sirius drunk on him because he was getting what he'd wanted for years. James moved against him, rolling his hips and it was only then that Sirius realized he was hard-- both of them were. 
"James, we c-" can't. 
Unsurprisingly, James didn't let him finish the thought, rubbing against him with frenzied movements. It didn't occur to Sirius that he could push him off, and with that pressure on his prick-- from James of all people-- he wasn't thinking much of anything anymore. They both made fucking messes in their pants, and that was around the time that James realised what he'd done. He jerked back, eyes wide. His nose was still red from when he'd been crying, and rapidly filling his expression was horror. 
Sirius kinda felt like crying himself as James fell on his arse in his hurry to get away. "James-" he said, holding out a hand to help him up, only to stop when James flinched. 
"Sorry, I- er- sorry," James said in a rush, scrambling to his feet and away to his room. 
What should've been something great was just... shite. Sirius felt worse than he did before, which was saying something given how miserable he was these days. It could always get worse, and this just did. He covered his face with his hands, the come in his pants cooling uncomfortably. He wanted to never think about this again, but he knew that if he said nothing, James was likely to move out. Right after his parents died, that was the last thing he needed. Of course he also didn't need his best mate shagging him right after he got the news, but there was nothing Sirius could do about that now. A quick cleansing charm took care of his pants, and he got to his feet. He padded to the door and knocked gently. "James?" 
No response, he knocked again. 
"C'mon, talk to me." Sirius sighed, wondering if maybe he should drop it. He didn't want to though, he wanted James to fucking talk to him. He knocked again, not expecting to get a response. 
James opened the door, looking half-miserable and half-terrified, which wasn't something Sirius had known was possible until now. "I'm sorry," he said quickly, eyes trained on the floor. It was ridiculous that James was avoiding looking at him, but it meant that he hadn't seen the awkward half-fall Sirius did when James opened the door. 
"Yeah," Sirius said, feeling like his hear was somewhere around his knees. He was surprised that James had opened the door, but not that an apology was the first thing out of his mouth. "I get that." 
"I won't do it again, I swear." 
That too, was expected unfortunately. 
"Please don't kick me out."
Sirius blinked. "Why would I kick you out?" 
"For- you know." Great, he couldn't even bring himself to say it. 
"I'm not going to kick you out for that." 
"You're not?" 
"Fuck no. You were upset, mistakes happen, it's okay." 
James hadn't been moving much to begin with, but at that he absolutely froze. "Mistakes happen," he repeated. 
"Er, yeah. So, you know, you don't need to leave or freak out of anything. We're good." James leaned into the door frame, then chuckled sadly, knocking his head against it. "A mistake. I'll be the first one to admit that the way I did that was total shite, but I was kinda happy it wouldn't turn out like this." 
Sirius was utterly lost. "What are you talking about?" 
For the first time since running away to his room, James looked at him. "You're a good person Sirius. I don't know why you think you aren't, but you are. I've been in love with you since I was thirteen. And just- whenever I make a complete arse of myself, you don't throw me out or get disgusted, you tell that everything's okay." 
Sirius's mind didn't know what to say to that, but his mouth was taking care of it. "That's because everything is okay. You just lost your parents and you're talking nonsense Jamie. Get some sleep and we can talk in the morning." They were things Sirius had waited years to hear, but James couldn't mean it. He wasn't trying to be cruel-- James didn't have it in him to be cruel to him-- but there wasn't a chance he truly meant it. 
"Why don't you believe me?" James asked, sounding heartbroken. "I love you." 
Sirius cleared his throat uncomfortably. "Yeah Jamie, I love you too, but-" 
"Don't. Just... don't." James closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "I should probably go. Someone's got to look after the mansion, the different properties and stuff. Might as well be me." 
"You're leaving?" 
He nodded, looking awfully small. 
"We're safer together. Did you hear about that attack on Dorcas's parents?" 
"Yeah Sirius, I heard. We were together, remember?" 
"Then why are you leaving? I thought we were fine, we were just saying that." 
"Actually what you said was that we're fine because you don't believe me. I said- well, doesn't matter, does it? And nowhere's safe, Sirius. If we're together, it just means we'll die together, not that we'll be safer." 
For some reason, James being so despondent about it convinced Sirius of his sincerity more than when James had confessed. It was stupid-- Merlin it was so stupid and Sirius did it anyways-- but he grabbed James by the front of his shirt and yanked him forward, pressing a hard and desperate kiss to his mouth. 
"I'm so bloody confused," James whispered in the air between them. He had one hand up, gripping Sirius's wrist where Sirius was holding onto him. 
"You'd be better without me," Sirius said back, just as quietly. He should've let James leave and continue on as friends who only saw each other once a week, but he was too selfish to let him go. 
James frowned at him, having to tilt his head up since Sirius had gotten taller than him somewhere around fifth year and stayed there. "Nothing's better without you. Sirius, you're... I mean, we're... you know?" 
It was another one of those moments where Sirius could easily misunderstand and push James away, but he was still gripping James's shirt and he didn't want to let go. He never wanted to let go. "Yeah, I know." 
James leaned up, slowly. Plenty of time for either of them to change their mind this time. Their kisses before had been hard and desperate, too much teeth and biting like they wanted to take a piece of the other person with them. This was a nuzzle, soft and comfortable as they held each other. Sirius's hand relaxed in the front, curving around to James's back so it was more of an embrace. 
"Don't leave," Sirius begged. "Stay with me." 
"Maybe-" James kissed him again, moaning softly when Sirius leaned into it. "I do need to look after the house. Would you come with me?" 
It was on the tip of Sirius's tongue to say yes, but loud, frantic knocking on the front door interrupted him. James let go of him and they both padded to the door, wands drawn. Sirius peered the peephole, then wrenched the door open. "Reg? Why aren't you at school?" 
Regulus threw himself forward, wrapping his arms around Sirius in a way that did nothing to hide how badly he was shaking. "I can't stay there. Don't make me go back, Sirius, please don't make me go back." 
"Hey, it's okay, you're fine, I've got you." Sirius's tone was calm, but the look he sent James was downright panicked. "You don't have to go back, it's fine, you can stay here." 
"Thank you," he said, practically sobbing. 
"I'll put the kettle on," James said, fleeing to the kitchen. He had the feeling that when Regulus realised he was there for that, he'd be embarrassed, and James didn't want to add that on top of whatever else he was dealing with. 
Sirius joined him a minute later when James was still trying to find honey and cream. "Hey," he said, voice low so it wouldn't carry, "I wanted to check with you; it is okay that he stays with us, right?" 
"'Course. Did something happen?" 
"He's not saying, but I'd guess that yeah, something happened. Or maybe it got to be too much being in Slytherin with things the way they are, I dunno. I wasn't planning on pushing it." 
James nodded. Perfectly understandable, he wouldn't want to talk about it either. 
"Erm, James we're- I mean, are we good?" 
"Yeah." James took his hand and squeezed it gently. "We're good mate." 
"Great. Is now a bad time to mention that I used the last of the earl grey and haven't picked up any more?" 
James snorted, giving his hand another squeeze before letting go. "I grabbed some on my way home from work yesterday, we're set." 
Sirius's shoulders relaxed, and he smiled at him. It had been a tiring night, and it was sure to get worse. There was still stress visible on his face, but James wasn't as worried as he would've been a week ago. James pulled him in for a hug, then turned his head so he could smell Sirius's neck. 
"I know it's a ways off," he muttered, "but I promise that the next time we have sex, it'll be better." 
An involuntary shudder went through Sirius, and he tilted his head to rest it on top of James's. "I'll hold you to that." The kettle started whistling, so Sirius pulled away, unable to keep from giving him a quick kiss. "Love you. I er, couldn't remember if I said it before." 
"You did," James said, but he was grinning like he could hear it every minute of the day and still be happy for more. 
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brittle-bone-gabe · 4 years
Erase Me: Chapter Three- Drawings Do Come to Life
Introduction, Chapter One, Chapter Two, Chapter Four, Chapter Five, Chapter Six, Chapter Seven, Chapter Eight, Chapter Nine, Chapter Ten, Chapter Eleven
Summary: Welcome to the never ending, never changing loop. The loop can’t break, it’s always been the same. Henry never realized he was trapped, but coming back to the animation studio for the “first time” just to see a small, human-like child makes Henry realize that dreams really do come to life.
Read on other platforms: AO3, FFN, Wattpad
It was great luck for both Henry and the kid that Boris was extremely understanding of the situation that they were in. After having Henry explain that the Ink Demon had been chasing them and was most likely trying to find a way to get to them, Boris led them to his hideout. The entire way there Boris was looking over his shoulder to make sure that the Ink Demon or Sammy weren’t following them, this whole time in hiding Boris managed to keep his hideout a secret and would like to keep it that way. Although, he was wary about having the Miniature Demon coming along, due to the fact he seemed to be the Ink Demon’s favorite person, but if Henry trusted him then he would too. That didn’t mean he wouldn’t keep a close eye on him, of course.
               Henry was exhausted from the day he had, in fact, he was so tired that he couldn’t remember much of what happened from the time they got to the hideout to the point Boris led them into a bedroom with a small cot bed and a hammock. He did remember that the kid was eager to get in the hammock, surely he was just as tired as he was. The only sound in the room was the soft ticking and toking of the clock, its steady pace put Henry’s mind at ease as he slowly drifted off into a light sleep.
               Needless to say, Henry’s dream was… weird, to put it lightly. Or, at least, it wasn’t like any dream Henry’s ever had before. It was more like flashes of various things that could be seen around the studio, somewhat similar to the visions he had when he accidentally stepped into that pentagram. The ink machine, stacks and stacks of old reels, the Ink Demon, some of the Bendy cutouts… but the last vision was the most realistic one was the vision of the kid, but instead of looking his usual self, his white iris eye was glowing, had a twisted smile with ink dripping off of his fangs, and it appeared he had claws of some sort. He was only standing still, motionless as the smile seem to grow, tilting his head to the side before letting out a growl, leaping towards Henry.
               The vision felt real enough for Henry to wake up immediately, gasping as he sat up. The kid was still in the hammock, swaying slightly as he was making the Bendy doll dance. He looked over at Henry who was trying to get his heart from racing, trying to calm down, telling himself it was only a dream and it wasn’t real. He’s been through a lot today, it was no wonder he was having nightmares. Honestly, Henry was surprised that he was still around, he had assumed once he helped him out that he’d leave again.
               “Hey…” Henry started, moving so he was sitting on the edge of the cot bed, “are you okay?” He asked the child, who moved so he was sitting up on the hammock, it swayed a bit more as he did, but he held on so he wouldn’t fall out. The kid only nodded, which confused Henry. Each time he ran into him he didn’t say a word to him. “What are you doing down here?” Henry tried again. Still nothing. “My name’s Henry, what’s your name?” Maybe asking something that was simpler would be helpful.
               The kid looked confused, as if Henry should already know who he was. He pointed to the ink stained Bendy doll he was still holding on before pointing to himself. Ah, that’s right, the fact that the kid had horns and even a white bowtie slipped from Henry’s mind in his groggy state of mind. He was Bendy, or a human child manifestation of Bendy. He still didn’t have an explanation as to why he looked human while everyone else appeared to be cartoony.
               “Um…” Henry was thinking of something else to ask him to hopefully get some information out of him, “how long have you been down here? I thought this place was locked up.”
               Again, Bendy didn’t say anything, but instead of staying still, he put one foot off the hammock, testing to make sure he wasn’t going to fall from a high place. Once he determined it was safe, he slid down and grabbed a glass inkwell that was sitting on the small end table. He motioned for Henry to come over to him. Slightly cautious, Henry got off the cot, sitting down on the floor while Bendy dipped his fingers in it and started drawing something on the wall. From where Bendy was standing, it was hard to see on Henry’s end what he was drawing, but once the kid stepped away he noticed that what he drew looked exactly like the pictures that he had found near his desk when he came back to the studio.
               As best as he could, Bendy drew the Ink Demon that had been chasing them earlier. Bendy tapped the picture a couple of times to make sure Henry was looking at it before he drew an arrow and a sad face with X’s for eyes. It wasn’t hard for Henry to understand what Bendy was telling him; the Ink Demon wanted to kill him.
               “Does he want to hurt you?” Henry asked him.
               Bendy shrugged, doing a so-so hand motion. He didn’t seem too concerned, and what reason did he have to be? The ink creatures didn’t seem to acknowledge him as anything other than one of them. Bendy could go anywhere he wanted to in the studio and he’d be free to do so.
               Henry realized something… Sammy called the Ink Demon ‘Bendy,’ but the kid was also a version of Bendy.
               “Do you like being called Bendy?” Henry asked him.
               Bendy shook his head, dipping his fingers into the inkwell again. He wrote his name on the wall, crossing out the D and the Y so it only read Ben. Once again, he tapped what he just wrote a couple of times so Henry would understand.
               “Ben… were you the one messing with me in the studio with the cutouts?” Henry knew the answer to that, but he knew Ben would get a kick out of the question.
               Ben smiled, nodding. It was a rare occurrence where he could play pranks on people, of course he was going to take it. Sammy didn’t like his jokes, and the ink creatures didn’t seem to acknowledge or notice what he was doing so it wasn’t too fun. Having someone new in the studio was like a blessing in disguise, not just for pranks sake, but maybe he was the one to set them free.
               Henry stood up, opening the door that led out of the room.
               “Let’s go see what Boris is up to,” he told Ben, who nodded with a smile on his face as if he has been waiting to go see him.
               Henry had to hand it to him, Boris made a pretty good life in this hideout, as it seemed to have everything. A bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, and a little living area. No wonder he didn’t want to leave it often, it was a miracle that he had just so happened to be taking a walk to find some supplies just to find Ben and Henry. Minus the broken pipes and the slight ink leakage, it wasn’t bad.
               When Henry entered the living space, Boris was sitting at the table, tapping away to the music that was playing on the vintage record player with Ben standing on the chair across, trying to communicate with him. Either Boris couldn’t actually understand him, or he was pretending he couldn’t, either way it was making Ben upset. Knowing Boris, he was most likely just trying to pick on him. Henry couldn’t help but notice that the switch for the door leading to the exit was missing. Why would Boris take that off in the first place? If nothing could get in, then nothing could get out? Was that it? Turning back around to face the two at the table, Ben now had a deck of cards that seem to appear out of thin air, he was shuffling through them while still standing on the chair.
               “Hey buddy, have you seen the level handle around? Or are you holding it hostage until I make you something to eat?” Henry asked Boris, but the mention of food piqued Ben’s interest. He slammed a hand down on the table with a toothy grin. “Let’s see what we got. Behave,” he warned them before he went around to find some soup cans.  
               The moment Henry turned his back, Ben held the deck out to Boris, spreading the cards out a bit as if telling him to pick a card. Ben let out a small squeak sound, shaking the deck a bit so Boris would pay attention to him. Boris put his gloved hand on his chin, leaning forward to look at the deck as if he were actually interested in what the kid was doing. Ben had a huge smile on his face as the wolf reached forward, appearing as though he was going to grab a card, but he drew his hand back letting out a hmm… sound. Ben was starting to get impatient with him, letting out a frustrated squeak as he shook the deck again. Boris leaned forward, but instead of picking a card, he looked up quickly, letting out a loud Boo! To scare Ben, who let out another squeak as he fell backwards in his chair, tumbling to the floor and cards flying everywhere. Boris let out a chuckle as Henry came back to the living area/kitchen with three cans of soup.
               Ben was upset, standing up and dusting himself off before putting the chair back where it belonged. All he wanted to do was try a new card trick that he taught himself, and Boris was the only person he had a chance to try it out on, but he didn’t want anything to do with it, it seemed like. As he sat back down, Ben stuck his tongue out at Boris, folding his arms over his chest. Henry was trying to keep an eye on them while he was making the soup, but he had to keep an eye on the soup, so it was rather difficult. Boris tapped his chin before snatching the Bendy plush from its place on the table where Ben had placed it before playing around with the deck of cards. Ben stood back up on the chair, trying to snatch it back from him, but Boris kept holding it just out of his reach and Ben was prepared to climb up on the table to take it from him, but Henry came around just in time with two bowls of soup.
               “Ben, sit down,” Henry told him calmly as he set the bowls down in front of them.
               It was as if the sight of food turned both of their attitudes right around, Ben plopped down on the chair and Boris threw the plush toy in his direction. Ben reached over to grab it, almost knocking the chair over as he did. He made sure to keep it close as he, quite literally, drank down the soup without using a bowl. It apparently didn’t matter how hot the food was to him. Boris grabbed the toolbox that was on the floor next to his chair, dropping it down in front of Henry on the table. Upon opening it, Henry found the lever handle for the exit door.
               Huh… so it’s that easy to get your both under control, Henry thought as he sat on the third chair, eating his own bowl of soup. He had no idea what they would face once leaving the hideout, so getting enough sleep and food was a must before their journey.
               Once everyone was done eating, Henry took the lever out of the toolbox, in fact, it was the only thing in the toolbox. Nice hiding spot.
               “We’re just going to see what’s out there,” Henry told both Ben and Boris as he reattached the lever, “don’t wander off,” he said only to Ben who looked somewhat offended, holding his Bendy plush tight as he nodded.
               Ben had started to go ahead of Henry, he didn’t like that since they had no idea what was out there, so Henry grabbed his shoulder, stopping him. He took the chance to walk ahead of him so he could lead. The only person who knew what was out there was Boris, but so much has changed that he wasn’t quite sure now. It wasn’t like he left his hideout that often anyways.
               Henry stopped when they came up to a doorway that led into an extremely dark room, it was so dark that he couldn’t see what was inside even from here he was standing.
               “Looks like it’s really dark up ahead,” he told the gang, “let’s find some-“ Before he could finish his sentence, Ben crawled out from underneath the desk that was to their right, holding an old fashioned flashlight that he flipped on. “That’ll work, great find.” He and Ben stepped into the dark room with the flashlight on but didn’t get very far until they realized Boris refused to join them. “Don’t be scared, Boris. Ben’ll keep the light near you so you won’t get lost.”
               Boris finally took a step in the room, standing next to Ben who looked up at him. Without blinking, Ben frantically began turning the flashlight on and off purposely so Boris would get scared. He let out a squeaky laugh at how Boris was shaking in fear, but his whole attitude changed when Boris smacked him upside the head.
               “Alright, give me that,” Henry said to Ben as he took the flashlight from him.
               It was hard to hear anything the further they walked into the darkness, as there was a lot of active machinery for god knows what. Large gears were moving nonstop, ink was leaking through the pipes over their heads, this place was a disaster, it was no wonder Boris didn’t venture out to this side of the wall that often. Ben shook his head like a wet dog whenever ink fell on him, it was annoying, but they had more important things to focus on right now.
               From above, there was a loud, rapid thumping sound, as if someone were running across the floor. Scared, Ben grabbed onto Henry’s shirt with his free hand, sticking to him like glue as they kept marching forward. Having Henry with them felt like they were unstoppable, but that didn’t mean they still weren’t going to feel scared.
               “Did you guys hear that?” Henry asked them both, “Yeah… me either…”
               Their journey came to a stop when they approached a locked metal door. Swinging the flashlight around, Henry couldn’t find any sort of switch or lever that would be used to open it, so that must mean that it was on the other side. Great.
               “Another dead end,” Henry sighed, turning to look at Boris, “I don’t see any other way through. You guys got any ideas?”
               Boris nodded, opening the vent that was next to the door before crawling in. Henry had assumed Ben was going to try and follow him, but he didn’t move from his side, still gripping onto his shirt. A moment later, the metal door squeaked as it slowly started to open. That was quick.
               “Just you and me, buddy, stay close,” Henry told Ben, putting a hand on his back as they walked into a room with a large Heavenly Toys sign in front of what Henry could only describe as an ink waterfall. “Wow… I don’t remember any of this.”
               There were Bendy cutouts with plenty of plush toys from the show, there were even larger ones that were almost as big as Ben. Ben’s never seen those before, so his eyes lit up with joy as he ran into the life-sized Bendy plush. He pressed on it and it let out a squeak, just as his smaller plush toy did. The name didn’t lie, this is what heaven most likely looked like for Ben, an endless supply of squeaky plush toys. He hugged it tight, refusing to let go, even when Henry told them they had to keep moving.
               “C’mon, Ben. We’ll come back later,” Henry said as he picked him up from the plush toy, setting him back on the floor. Was that true? Probably not, but if they could come back without getting hunted down by the Ink Demon then they most certainly would.
               The room was dim, but bright enough so they didn’t need to use the flashlight anymore. They walked up the stairs to find yet another room full of plush toys sitting up on the shelves. One of the shelves was blocking them from leaving.
               “It seems like there’s something always blocking the door,” Henry commented, “there’s gotta be a way through.” At this point, he was more so talking to himself than to Ben, who was busy playing with the newer toys, squeaking them and making them dance with each other. A chill went down Henry’s spine as he heard unusual humming coming from out of nowhere, he turned around to make sure Ben wasn’t making that noise, but that would be impossible, the only noise he can make are squeaks. “Huh.. another one of these,” Henry noted as he saw another cassette player. Curiosity was getting the better of him, so he pressed play.
               “I don’t be seein’ what the big deal is. So what if I went and painted some of those Bendy dolls with a crooked smile? That’s sure no reason for Mr. Drew to be flyin’ off the handle at me, and if he really wants to be so helpful, he could be tellin’ me what I’m to be doin’ with this warehouse I got full of that angel whatchamacallit. Not a scrape of that mess be a-sellin’! Probably have to melt it all down to be rid of it all.”
               Hm… Henry didn’t seem to recognize that voice. To be fair, he left way before the Bendy plush toys were even considered, so there was no surprise there. Nevertheless, the tape wasn’t too helpful for what Henry had to do here, most of them at least gave him some type of clue where to go next. He turned around just as Ben tripped over one of the large wires that were trailing on the floor. He didn’t seem effected, in fact, he stood back up and on his toes at the machine that the wires were connected to. He was having trouble pulling out the Bendy doll that was trapped inside the gears.
               “Here, hold on,” Henry told him, not wanting him to pinch his fingers as he yanked the plush toy out and giving it to him. “I think you’re on to something, Ben.” The wires that Ben tripped over lead back to the stairs.
               The wires led to the power box. That would make sense, no wonder it was so dark in here. Once Henry flipped the switch the lights in the department turned on immediately, the toy machine’s gears started turning faster now it had its full power. A loud thudding sound echoed through the room as the shelf that was blocking the door moved in towards the toy machine. Now they had a way out.
               Henry opened the door, finding themselves in a room of only Alice Angel merch, along with a sign above a glass window breaking up two rooms apart that read: She’s quite a gal! The tape didn’t lie, the Alice merch didn’t sell well at all, that much was clear based on the fact they were standing in a room full of it. Ben was at Henry’s side as he investigated the room, it wasn’t long until all the lights flipped off, the only thing providing any sort of light were the small TV’s hanging from the ceiling with Alice Angel’s face on them, the speakers were playing a song Alice used to sing. Ben let out a scared squeak, holding onto Henry’s arm as, he too, was also scared of the dark.
               The poor quality of the speakers made it difficult for them to make out the lyrics of the song. A light was now flickering from the room behind the glass. Ben tugged on Henry’s sleeve, thankfully he could see the child from the dim light, Ben made a halo motion around his head, trying to warn him of what was to come. As the song picked up in speed Ben held his Bendy plush over his face just as someone from the other side slammed on the glass, screaming: “Give him to me!” before letting out a laugh. Henry couldn’t get a good look at her since the lights turned off almost immediately after, but from what he caught this person didn’t look too pleasant. Glass shattered, causing Ben to let out a squeak of terror.
               “I see you there…” a woman’s voice said from the darkness, Henry was glancing around every direction, but he couldn’t see anyone. “A new fly in my endless web. Come along now, lets see if you’re worthy to walk with the angels.”
               The lights turned back on, but something wasn’t right… Ben was missing.
               “Ben?” Henry called out, looking around, hoping that maybe the kid hid behind something in fear, but seeing that his Bendy plush was sitting on the floor where he was last standing, Henry didn’t think that was true. He would never go anywhere without this, Henry discovered. Letting out a sad sigh, Henry picked it up, looking at it with a pit in his stomach. “I’ll find you, buddy. I promise.”  
               Going down the new hallway, Henry stopped when he saw two choices before him. The hallway to the left had a sign that said The Demon, while the right sign said The Angel. Did it really matter which way he chose? Wouldn’t they just end up going to same way anyways?
               Speaker feedback entered the halls, a familiar squeak came through them before that woman’s voice. “Choose your path carefully,” she said over the speakers in a singsong voice before laughing.
Henry didn’t have time to dwell on that too much, he went down to the hallways that said The Demon. The room it led him too was flooded in ink in what appeared to be another animation room. Why would they have another animation department all the way down here? Henry let out a sigh, mentally preparing himself to walk through more ink. Fantastic. As he was walking though, something caught his eye. Another cassette player. Of course, he had to see what was on it.
               “There’s nothing wrong with dreaming. Wishing for the impossible is just human nature. That’s how I got started. Just a pencil and a dream. We all want everything without even having to lift a finger, they say you just have to believe.
Belief can you make you succeed.                Belief can make you rich.                Belief can make you powerful.
               Why, with enough belief, you can even cheat death itself. Now that… is a beautiful and positively silly thought.”
               “Joey… what were you doing?” Henry asked again, hearing his old friend’s voice on the tape. It certainly was his voice but hearing him talk like that was just… nonsense. This is why Henry had to leave the studio, greed was getting to his head and he didn’t want anything to do with it.
               Henry pressed on, when he came to another turn a Bendy cutout poked around the corner. Thinking that maybe, somehow Ben escaped, Henry rounded the corner to see Boris standing there waiting for him. Well, it wasn’t Ben, but at least he found one of his friends.
               “Boris! You scared me to death,” Henry said, a hand over his heart that was slamming against his ribs uncontrollably, “you haven’t happened to run into Ben, have you?” Boris shook his head. “Well, I don’t suppose you found anything we can use to protect ourselves with, have you?”
               Boris nodded, holding out the Gent Pipe to him. It wasn’t an axe, but it was better than nothing.
               The room they went into led them into another locked metal door, there were two sets of wires leading to two opposite hallways. Boris stood in front of the lever that was next to the door, that meant that Henry had to pull the lever on the other side so they could open the door. Okay, fine, simple enough. Ink squashed underneath Henry’s feet as he walked down the long hallway, at the end he saw an unusual poster in front of the lever. Just as he thought, simple enough. As Henry reached out to pull the lever, one of the Butcher Gang creatures from the poster popped out from said poster, letting out a scream, sending Henry’s heart to the floor as he backed up. The creature didn’t have time to pull itself out of the wall before Henry kept bashing it with the pipe until it was nothing but an ink pulp.
               As he was trying to ease his heart rate, Henry pulled the lever down, hearing the door open from the other room. Thank God, he just wanted to get out of here before anything else decided to jump out at him like that. A loud thud was above their heads as Henry caught back up with Boris, who Henry followed through a busted pipe leaking ink and down the stairs to a lift. A lift, huh? This would have been useful a long time ago. Henry was only looking at the button options on the lift, he didn’t do anything that would cause the gate to close in on them.
               “You’re so interesting…” the woman’s voice played over the speakers again, “so different.” The lift started to move down on its own. “I have to say I’m an instant fan. Looks like you’ve got a date with an angel! Come to me now… Level Nine. Just follow the squeaks.” Henry and Boris could hear Ben squeaking behind her laughter.
               The lift was so slow, the waiting was sending anxiety through Henry, he just wanted to meet this person and get whatever it was she had planning over with. That was the same voice from the Alice angel room, right? Before Ben got kidnapped, he did a halo motion… Henry turned to face Boris who was in the corner of the lift.
               “Is that… Alice?” He asked him. Boris nodded, trembling ever so slightly out of fear.
               The lift stopped, but neither Boris nor Henry moved to get out of the lift, not knowing what they were going to encounter once they did. They needed to find Ben, that much was for sure, but the fear of the unknown was heavy.
               “C’mon, step out of your cage. There’s a whole twisted world out here.”
               Surprisingly it was Boris who was the first one off the lift, so Henry followed him down the stairs. Pipes must have recently burst, as there was dried up ink over the floor. There wasn’t much to see in here, so they went up another flight of stairs where a metal door was slowly opening. Inside was an ink filled room with flat wooden planks to use to get across to the other side, Henry was about to ask Boris why he wasn’t coming, but then he saw what he was looking at… Like when Henry first entered the studio, a Boris was strapped to a gurney with its chest ripped opened. So, it was Alice who was doing this, huh? What sick, twisted game was she playing?
               “Stay here, Boris… I’ll figure it out,” Henry told him, putting a hand on his shoulder before carefully walking over the wooden planks so he wouldn’t fall into the ink. That was the last thing he needed right now.
               “Look around,” Alice said over the speakers in a higher pitched voice than before, “it took so many of them to make me so beautiful. Anything less than perfect was left behind. I had to do it, she made me.”
               At the other side, another metal door opened. Henry was hesitant but stepped inside anyways. That’s where he found Alice and one of the Butcher Gang members behind glass, the ink creature was hooked up to a gurney, just as the other creatures in the ink lake were. Electric sparks were flying out of whatever machine was sitting in front of Alice.
               “Hmmm… here comes the question…” Alice said, looking at Henry. This was the first time he noticed that half of her face had exposed teeth and looked as though she was melting in her own skin. “Do I kill you? …Do I tear you apart to my heart’s delight? The choices of the beautiful are unbearable. How’s a girl to choose? Take this little freak for instance!” She motioned towards the small creature on the gurney, “He crawled in here… trailing his tainted ink to my door! He was trying to take it from me, the thing that I was meant to destroy. It could’ve touched me! It could’ve pulled me back! Do you know what it’s like? Living in the dark puddles? It’s a buzzing, screaming well of voices! Bits of your mind, swimming… like… like a fish in a bowl! The first time I was born from its inky womb, I was wiggling, pussing, shapeless slug. The second time… well… it made me an angel! I will not let the demon touch me again. I’m so close now. So… almost perfect. Yes, I will spare you. For now. Better yet… I’ll even let you ascend and leave this place. If you will do a few eensey weensey little favors for me first. Return to the lift, my little errand boy. We have work to do.”
               “Where’s Ben?” Henry demanded, frustrated with the riddles Alice had given him. Speaking of which, Alice looked like she had just gotten slapped across the face with that question before looking furious.
               “He’s quite the sneaky one, isn’t he?” She asked, trying to keep her emotions under check, “I got so caught up with this,” she said before pulling the lever to electrocute the creature again, “he slipped between my fingers. You’ll bring him back to me, won’t you? That’ll be a part of your favor to me, my little errand boy. I am destined to destroy that little demon before he falls into the wrong hands. Before he… taints my perfection. Again. You have what he wants,” she pointed at the plush Henry was still holding, “he’ll come crawling back to you. Now go.”
               Before Henry could say anything else, a metal covering dropped down over the glass, meaning they were finished talking about this. There was nothing else he could do besides help her and hope she was telling the truth about letting him leave. What about Ben though? What would happen to him if he left? Would he be destroyed like Alice said? The only thing Henry could do about that was find him before Alice did.
               “My machines are hungry,” Alice’s voice came over the speaker just as Henry approached the lift with Boris already waiting inside, “gather me some parts.” A wrench dropped from the pipe above his head, thankfully he moved out of the way before it hit him. “There are so few rules to our world now. So little truths, but there is one rule we all know and respect down here. Beware the Ink Demon. Stay out in the open for too long and he will find you, for if you see him, you’d better hide. If you don’t, well… I enjoyed our date. Now, let us begin our work.”
0 notes
xnxadultstore · 4 years
Best Coloring Books for Seniors or those with physical or vision chal
Many seniors will like several of the coloring books we’ve got featured on the location already, nonetheless, some both due to vision, dementia or superb motor management points might have to have coloring books for seniors which might be higher suited to them.
Coloring Books for Seniors
Kimberly Garvey Books for Senior Citizens
This evaluation says all of it “This is a wonderful coloring book. I’m 36, but I have severe arthritis, chronic pain, and several other health issues that lead to my hands being very shaky. Also, when I have to concentrate on the very small designs in some other coloring books, it often gives me a headache. This book is one of only 2 or 3 “simple” coloring books for adults on the market. But, actually, the designs are usually not “simple” in any respect, the areas to paint are a bit bigger than most you discover in grownup coloring books. This could be good for anybody: adults who may want their coloring areas not be so intricate, those with arthritis or different well being issues like me, older adults, and even, maybe, adults with Alzheimers or dangerous eyesight. To the writer: please, please take into consideration doing extra of this type of coloring ebook! There is such a necessity for much less intricate books like this. I’ve posted it to the RA web site (there’s a submit that talks about coloring) and likewise beneficial it to mates who’re additionally registered nurses (as I as soon as was) to make use of of their assisted residing facilities and nursing properties.”
Simple Designs – A Laid Back Coloring Book by Kimberly Garvey
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That reviewer bought her want. Kimberly has created just a few books directed at seniors
Simple Designs II – Another Easy Coloring ebook for Senior Adults
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My Sweet Home Coloring Book for Seniors
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Winter Village
Winter Village – Coloring Book: Serene Little Village Series
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Large Print Adult Coloring Book
Order Cute Large Print Book Here
100 Amazing Patterns by Jade Summer
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Easy Coloring Book for Adults: Beautiful Simple Designs for Seniors and Beginners
Click Here to Order
SUPER Simple Designs: An Adult Coloring Book with EASY Designs
This coloring ebook was designed particularly for seniors, newcomers, disabled individuals and those with varied different points that require MUCH simpler coloring pages. Or perhaps you identical to less complicated books. This is a simplified model of the Simple Designs ebook above. Many of the drawings are comparable however less complicated than Simple Designs. It is drawn with bolder strains to assist those who’ve vision issues. Also, this ebook is nice for newcomers or anybody who seems like kicking again with a better image to paint. This ebook has 36, one-sided, SIMPLE pages to paint. An ideal coloring ebook for seniors, disabled, those with rheumatoid arthritis, anxiousness, It appears to have calming, stress-free, and anti-stress traits.
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Easy Coloring Book for Adults: Inspirational Quotes 
54 pages on one-sided paper, opinions say that is nice for seniors. It is a CreateHouse ebook.
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Advanced Style Coloring Book
Ari Seth Cohen is the writer of this distinctive ebook that includes trendy seniors wearing excessive vogue. The senior girls in your reward record are actually going to benefit from the illustrations on this ebook and the celebration of girls “of a certain age,” certainly we’re followers of celebrating girls of all ages. The paper is your fundamental Createspace high quality and it accommodates solely 30 illustrations, a bit skinny for the value however it’s nonetheless a fantastic purchase for that excellent individual.
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Norman Rockwell Classics from the Saturday Evening Post
The subject material of those two coloring books makes them excellent for seniors, each by Creative Haven so anticipate single-sided pictures on perforated white paper.
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The Saturday Evening Post-American Coloring Book
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Harmony of Nature: Unwind Create Color by Japanese artist Mihoko Kurihara
This fairly nature ebook was personally beneficial by Ruth, one of many members of the Facebook group as a unbelievable coloring ebook for seniors, and I agree with her. It’s excellent! Simple designs but extra reasonable than Kimberly Garvey’s, significantly in case you are a nature and hen lover.
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I’ve lately been launched to this coloring ebook illustrator Aisling D’Art and her sequence of books Bold and Easy Coloring Pages. She has a number of variations and they’re designed to be coloured by those with mobility difficulties, vision points or hand-eye coordination.
Bold and Easy Coloring Pages 1 by Aisling D’Art 
The designs on this ebook embrace easy, stress-free mandalas, straightforward kaleidoscope drawings and calming, repeating patterns with two copies of 25 patterns.
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She has a number of others on this sequence under. This coloring ebook can also be a Left-Handed ebook
Grandma’s Quilts Coloring Book for Seniors
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Coloring Book for Seniors: Anti-Stress Designs
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Coloring Books for Seniors: Nature Designs
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Ronnie Walter’s coloring cafe books are spiral sure crammed with biblical and uplifting verses and messages with easy designs excellent for seniors to paint in.
Colorful Blessings
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Kindness Matters 
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Color My Heart Happy 
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Large Print Color By Numbers: Butterflies, Birds & Flowers
What a fantastic thought! This is the primary of those I’ve seen with the colour by numbers with areas large enough to see. Even in my 50’s I’ve a tough time with the grownup coloration by quantity books however this one appears to be like nice. If anybody has seen it in individual, please tell us what you suppose.
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Even although we’re grown-up, coloring issues that remind us of our previous glory days is especially satisfying. They name it “retro” however to baby-boomers, it would really feel like yesterday.
My favourite factor about going to the physician after I was a child was the youngsters books. I significantly liked Highlights.
Highlights Hidden Pictures®: A Coloring Book for Grown-Up Children
This iconic coloring ebook incorporates a nostalgic assortment of intricate, difficult black-and-white Hidden Pictures puzzles for a grown-up viewers. Helping to re-discover a beloved childhood pastime.
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Fun Coloring Books for Seniors by Thaneeya McArdle
Thaneeya’s books are enjoyable and have easy massive areas to paint, in addition to examples for colours to make use of each within the entrance and the again of her books. Kemberlee, one in all our reviewers identified that a lot of seniors had been as soon as 60’s & 70’s hippies so they may actually get pleasure from these books although they aren’t focused particularly to senior residents.
Good Vibes
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Christmas Coloring Book – Coloring is Fun
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Live for Today – Coloring is Fun by Thaneeya McArdle
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Day of the Dead Coloring – Coloring is Fun
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Don’t Worry, Be Happy
Coloring Book Treasury: Color Your Way To A Calm, Positive Mood by Thaneeya
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More Good Vibes: Coloring is Fun by Thaneeya McArdle
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Nature Mandalas
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Happy Campers – Fun to Color Coloring Book
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Free Spirit Coloring Book
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Any of Thaneeya McArdle’s books could be nice for seniors
Mandala’s for Seniors
Easy Adult Coloring Books for Seniors or Beginners
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Angie Grace additionally has mandala coloring books for those which have vision points or want bigger areas to shade in with pencils or pens. These books with bigger areas could also be higher for seniors or youthful youngsters that discover Angie’s patterns too advanced and complex.
Centered by Angie Grace
Click to Order Centered – for Crayons and Wide Markers
Transcend – For Crayons And Wide Tipped Markers: Angie’s Gentle Mood Menders 
Click to Order Transcend Amazon US, UK or Canada
Balance – For Crayons & Wide Tipped Markers: Angie’s Gentle Mood Menders – Volume 1 
Click to Order Balance Amazon US, UK or Canada
Breathe Easy Mandalas
For Crayons &  Wide Tipped Markers: Angie’s Gentle Mood Menders – Volume three
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Coloring Books for Seniors with Alzheimer’s Disease
The Best Alzheimer’s Products web site says that Stained Glass Coloring Books are significantly good for seniors due to the thicker black strains which might be pretty easy to remain inside.
Amazing Angels Stained Glass Coloring Book
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Art Nouveau Windows Stained Glass Windows Coloring Book
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Wild Animals Stained Glass Coloring Book 
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Cats Stained Glass Coloring Book 
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One of the members of the Facebook Coloring Book Addicts group has been sharing her pages from this ebook and it appears to be like excellent for seniors. It is eight 1/2 x 11 printed on 1 aspect of the paper. It is a Createspace ebook.
Click to Order Amazon US, UK or Canada
Happy Coloring Easy Flowers
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We might be including to this text as we come throughout new suggestions. Please be at liberty to ping us on our social media accounts in case you have solutions or go away them within the feedback under.
Swear Word Coloring for Grandmas
Granny Swears Coloring Book
Adult Coloring Book with swear phrases that Granny would say. “Well Bless Your Little Heart,” or “Son of a Biscuit!” Another fairly cuss phrase coloring ebook for you.
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Granny Swears Black Edition Coloring Book
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How Gramma’s Swear Coloring Book
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Grandma Approved Curse Words
 This ebook has phrases like “Gee Willikers! What the devil are you doin’? Get your crapola off the flippin’ floor, shut your pie hole, and help me with these cotton pickin’ children you lazy jackwagon!”
Click to Order Amazon US, UK or Canada
Coloring Supply Recommendations for Seniors
It is extremely beneficial to the Hobby Lobby & Michaels App to your smartphone. That approach you at all times have the coupons with you.
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Chrissy and the crew on the Coloring Book Addict
The post Best Coloring Books for Seniors or those with physical or vision chal appeared first on XNX Adult Store.
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bottled-thoughtss · 6 years
50 Road Trip Ideas For Kids
This summer we're carrying our 5-year-old and 3-year-old on a road trip around Donnelly, Idaho, for a family reunion (never heard of it? I had not either until I married my husband) . It's all about a 9-hour drive in our house ... our children get pretty tired after about 90 minutes in the vehicle, so I'm somewhat nervous. I asked a number of our Facebook subscribers to discuss some of the travel secrets and the reply was really amazing I needed to discuss some of the wonderful ideas with you! Our sister Kristen is really traveling across the nation now, shifting her family from Missouri to Utah. They've made the long driveway a few days before, so she's a Road Trip pro! She also gave me a few thoughts and actions to keep children occupied. These notions are for children of all ages- a few are clearly geared towards older or younger children, so select what works best for you and your travel companions. Moreover, in case you've any road trip hints, I'd really like to listen to them! Don't hesitate to talk about them in the comments below or on our Facebook webpage! 1. Print this adorable state license plate test listing and find out who will cross all of them off the quickest! 2. Purchase some of those Window Markers and allow the children go to town on the rear windows. Wipe them clean with a brush. 3. Utilize an empty DVD case to package a little pad of paper and coloured pens inside. The hard case also creates the best writing surface! 4. Offer your children glow sticks, glow bracelets, or glow bracelets when traveling at night (I discovered a lot at the dollar store). They'll love how they shine and it's similar to a personal night lighting. 5. Perform with the Lines and Dots match (you may print off it here, together with directions about the best way best to play if you do not understand). 6. To play with the Lines and Dots match in5, then you will likely need a clipboard or difficult surface for your children to write on. Bring stickers and mark and allow the children decorate their own clipboard (I discovered some clipboards in the dollar store). 7. Make these simple Pencil Pouch I-Spy bags until you depart. 8. Have a little child that's too little for an I-Spy tote? Give them a particular "I-Spy Mission" It is possible to print off it! 9. There are sites which will enable you to type in your starting destination and destination and it'll tell you all of the fun and interesting places to stop along the road! You may try google maps or mapquest.com for entertaining thoughts. 10. Proceed to the regional library and take a look at some audio books on CD. The children really like to follow along with the book and Mother does not get car sick attempting to browse to the children! A household favorite for the sister's Harry Potter. 11. Wrap a few little toys or trinkets from the Dollar Store. Wrap them older wrapping paper and allow the children choose one every few hours. It is good to use as incentive to help keep your children great in the vehicle! Our mother was able to do so when we were small and I still recall how excited I'd get about unwrapping something! 12. In the check out in the shop, buy among these candy-filled toys. They're kind of pricey (I never allow my children buy them), however for extended trips, they're wonderful! We've purchased a candy-filled camera and if you push a button, then a tiny candy pops out. We also have purchased a digital sucker spinner plus a battery-operated enthusiast that has been full of candy. These toys amused the children for 40 minutes! Certainly worth the two or dollar to purchase them! 13. Here's a fun website with a Lot of printable Mad Libs for Kids. Occasionally we do so as a family and my children really like to decide on the craziest words that they can consider. 14. Create a Stained Glass Window Picture. 15. Gather a Craft Kit until you leave and allow your kids' imaginations go wild as you push. 16. Purchase a cheap cookie sheet and make this Magnet Board about the Go! My children like to play with magnets. 17. Using the exact same cookie sheet, you may use it like a difficult coating for coloring (the advantages maintain the crayons from rolling out), enjoying Matchbox cars, Legos, or storing other tiny things from falling onto the ground. It is like their private play surface. 18. Buy some cheap magnetic letters and figures in the dollar shop and allow the children spell words onto the cookie sheet. Additionally attach pom-poms to magnets to get much more entertaining magnet toys. 19. Bring a few pipe cleaner and then allow them to use it to flex it, make contours with it, mold stick folks with it, create jewelry, etc. 20. Pack some tiny snack bags with Froot Loops cereal and allow the kids rope it to the pipe cleaner (it is simpler than dye). Doubles as a snack! 21. Make this Homemade Gak until you depart. It truly takes just two minutes to throw together, does not leave a mess behind, also provides a lot of entertainment! 22. Print this off Traveling Scavenger Hunt-- this really is one for preschoolers and one for older children. 23. Create some enjoyable record folder games and place them together in a binder for easy journey. 24. Locate some toy catalogs or magazines. My children LOVED searching through all of the advertisements at Christmas time filled with toys. This is an enjoyable you can subscribe to free of charge. 25. Buy some Fruit By The Foot bites. I understand they aren't wholesome, but my children love they're so long and it takes them forever to consume it. Additionally, it is a special treat they understand they simply get for particular occasions. 26. Print these off adorable paper dolls until you depart. If you wanted to, then you can attach them into magnetic sheets and then use them in your own cookie sheet. 27. Buy a fresh coloring book and crayons. Oh, the energy of a brand new coloring book! 28. Bring a roster of aluminum foil and allow the children make animals, individuals, shapes, etc.. Just do not let them pack it into chunks and begin a projecting fight. 29. Create a trip laptop. Give every kid a new laptop and allow them to draw pictures, add decals, take notes, tape or other paraphernalia out of your journey. Insert pictures you took out of the camera at the conclusion of your trip for a fun keepsake. 30. Perform Road Trip Bingo. Have small prizes for the winners. 31. Create your own Dry Erase Board working with a cookie sheet bring along a few dry erase markers and a rag to use as an eraser. 32. Employing the Pandora App, hear some child or family-friendly channel with songs your entire family will enjoy. We adore the Disney station. Or find some interesting kid-friendly CD's you will all appreciate. 33. Play the match 20 Questions for a family. 34. Create your own binder of action pages. Fill in a 3-ring binder with clear plastic sleeves. From the sleeves, place papers that are blank, and some basic games (hangman, tic-tac-toe, word searches, locate the hidden images, and connect-the-dots). Utilize a 3-ring pencil bag to maintain the dry erase markers and a rag to use as an eraser. The children can doodle and perform for hours, then wipe the sleeves clean. 35. Another special treat my children like are Ring Pops. They last forever and the children love wearing them in their palms. 36. Perform Automobile Color Bingo-- this bingo game is very good for all ages! 37. Leave your home until the sun comes up (we wish to pull out at 5 am). My children usually sleep until I'm, therefore I'm hoping that we'll have at least a fantastic hour or two of driving until they wake up. 38. Give each child an cheap disposable camera (or even perhaps a kid-safe or older digital camera, even if you own one) and then allow them to record the vacation and road trip. 39. Buy some decal books or action books in the dollar shop. My children are obsessed with decals- they adore sticking them in their entire body. Give them a few new decals and let them go mad! They might also wish to place the decals on a laptop or onto paper. 40. Create some paper bag puppets place on a puppet show. This website includes a slew of ideas for paper bag puppets. 41. Create your own Hedbanz match. We play this game in a great deal of family parties and it will be a fun game for all ages to perform in the vehicle. You essentially draw a card and without looking at it, place it in your "headband" (we've made headbands from posterboard and tape the card onto the front). You must then ask other players queries regarding what's in your card (and they could simply give yes or no answers) and attempt to figure what it is before time runs out. It is sort of a fun spin on 20 questions. 42. Perform Can You Rather. Below are some humorous adult-based queries and below are a few funny questions for children. After requesting my daughter a few of those questions, she likes to formulate her own inquiries and gets the giggles so bad that we must quit playing. 43. Create a Cootie Catcher! This one includes fortunes and this one is blank so that you may create your own. 44. Create Road Trip Behavior Clips. I adore the concept of rewarding good behaviour! 45. Check out these Travel Tickets and Benefit Tickets! Give each kid enough tickets in a little baggie (one ticket for each half hour of driving). Collect a journey ticket each 30 minutes and if the tickets are all gone, you've arrived! In addition, I love the concept of this Reward Tickets and trading them for novels, playtime about the iPad, a brand new toy, a bite, etc.. 46. This is an enjoyable game for mom and dad to play with in the front seat while the youngsters are active at the back ... it is a Road Trip Questionnaire. Off it and get to know each other better than you ever thought you did! You might also ask your children these queries. 47. Perform this Road Trip Scavenger Hunt! This is only one of the most creative ideas I've observed. A few of the things that you search for are comical! 48. Offer your kid a fresh bunch of mark and allow them to go to town on coloring this Intricate Coloring Page. I'd have loved something like that when I was small! 49. Perform Alphabet-athon and find out who will find the maximum points. I've not ever heard of the game (it is sort of like Scattegories), however I understand that we'll be enjoying it (at least me and my spouse will!) . 50. Create a Traveling Heal box to maintain the snacking and mess to a minimum. Hopefully my children won't eat all their meals with the very first hour! Ha ha! Well, here's hoping your road trip (and mine!)) Is a success! Happy Traveling!
0 notes
a-clouded-melange · 6 years
50 Road Trip Ideas For Kids
This summer we're carrying our 5-year-old and 3-year-old on a road trip around Donnelly, Idaho, for a family reunion (never heard of it? I had not either until I married my husband) . It's all about a 9-hour drive in our house ... our children get pretty tired after about 90 minutes in the vehicle, so I'm somewhat nervous. I asked a number of our Facebook subscribers to discuss some of the travel secrets and the reply was really amazing I needed to discuss some of the wonderful ideas with you! Our sister Kristen is really traveling across the nation now, shifting her family from Missouri to Utah. They've made the long driveway a few days before, so she's a Road Trip pro! She also gave me a few thoughts and actions to keep children occupied. These notions are for children of all ages- a few are clearly geared towards older or younger children, so select what works best for you and your travel companions. Moreover, in case you've any road trip hints, I'd really like to listen to them! Don't hesitate to talk about them in the comments below or on our Facebook webpage! 1. Print this adorable state license plate test listing and find out who will cross all of them off the quickest! 2. Purchase some of those Window Markers and allow the children go to town on the rear windows. Wipe them clean with a brush. 3. Utilize an empty DVD case to package a little pad of paper and coloured pens inside. The hard case also creates the best writing surface! 4. Offer your children glow sticks, glow bracelets, or glow bracelets when traveling at night (I discovered a lot at the dollar store). They'll love how they shine and it's similar to a personal night lighting. 5. Perform with the Lines and Dots match (you may print off it here, together with directions about the best way best to play if you do not understand). 6. To play with the Lines and Dots match in5, then you will likely need a clipboard or difficult surface for your children to write on. Bring stickers and mark and allow the children decorate their own clipboard (I discovered some clipboards in the dollar store). 7. Make these simple Pencil Pouch I-Spy bags until you depart. 8. Have a little child that's too little for an I-Spy tote? Give them a particular "I-Spy Mission" It is possible to print off it! 9. There are sites which will enable you to type in your starting destination and destination and it'll tell you all of the fun and interesting places to stop along the road! You may try google maps or mapquest.com for entertaining thoughts. 10. Proceed to the regional library and take a look at some audio books on CD. The children really like to follow along with the book and Mother does not get car sick attempting to browse to the children! A household favorite for the sister's Harry Potter. 11. Wrap a few little toys or trinkets from the Dollar Store. Wrap them older wrapping paper and allow the children choose one every few hours. It is good to use as incentive to help keep your children great in the vehicle! Our mother was able to do so when we were small and I still recall how excited I'd get about unwrapping something! 12. In the check out in the shop, buy among these candy-filled toys. They're kind of pricey (I never allow my children buy them), however for extended trips, they're wonderful! We've purchased a candy-filled camera and if you push a button, then a tiny candy pops out. We also have purchased a digital sucker spinner plus a battery-operated enthusiast that has been full of candy. These toys amused the children for 40 minutes! Certainly worth the two or dollar to purchase them! 13. Here's a fun website with a Lot of printable Mad Libs for Kids. Occasionally we do so as a family and my children really like to decide on the craziest words that they can consider. 14. Create a Stained Glass Window Picture. 15. Gather a Craft Kit until you leave and allow your kids' imaginations go wild as you push. 16. Purchase a cheap cookie sheet and make this Magnet Board about the Go! My children like to play with magnets. 17. Using the exact same cookie sheet, you may use it like a difficult coating for coloring (the advantages maintain the crayons from rolling out), enjoying Matchbox cars, Legos, or storing other tiny things from falling onto the ground. It is like their private play surface. 18. Buy some cheap magnetic letters and figures in the dollar shop and allow the children spell words onto the cookie sheet. Additionally attach pom-poms to magnets to get much more entertaining magnet toys. 19. Bring a few pipe cleaner and then allow them to use it to flex it, make contours with it, mold stick folks with it, create jewelry, etc. 20. Pack some tiny snack bags with Froot Loops cereal and allow the kids rope it to the pipe cleaner (it is simpler than dye). Doubles as a snack! 21. Make this Homemade Gak until you depart. It truly takes just two minutes to throw together, does not leave a mess behind, also provides a lot of entertainment! 22. Print this off Traveling Scavenger Hunt-- this really is one for preschoolers and one for older children. 23. Create some enjoyable record folder games and place them together in a binder for easy journey. 24. Locate some toy catalogs or magazines. My children LOVED searching through all of the advertisements at Christmas time filled with toys. This is an enjoyable you can subscribe to free of charge. 25. Buy some Fruit By The Foot bites. I understand they aren't wholesome, but my children love they're so long and it takes them forever to consume it. Additionally, it is a special treat they understand they simply get for particular occasions. 26. Print these off adorable paper dolls until you depart. If you wanted to, then you can attach them into magnetic sheets and then use them in your own cookie sheet. 27. Buy a fresh coloring book and crayons. Oh, the energy of a brand new coloring book! 28. Bring a roster of aluminum foil and allow the children make animals, individuals, shapes, etc.. Just do not let them pack it into chunks and begin a projecting fight. 29. Create a trip laptop. Give every kid a new laptop and allow them to draw pictures, add decals, take notes, tape or other paraphernalia out of your journey. Insert pictures you took out of the camera at the conclusion of your trip for a fun keepsake. 30. Perform Road Trip Bingo. Have small prizes for the winners. 31. Create your own Dry Erase Board working with a cookie sheet bring along a few dry erase markers and a rag to use as an eraser. 32. Employing the Pandora App, hear some child or family-friendly channel with songs your entire family will enjoy. We adore the Disney station. Or find some interesting kid-friendly CD's you will all appreciate. 33. Play the match 20 Questions for a family. 34. Create your own binder of action pages. Fill in a 3-ring binder with clear plastic sleeves. From the sleeves, place papers that are blank, and some basic games (hangman, tic-tac-toe, word searches, locate the hidden images, and connect-the-dots). Utilize a 3-ring pencil bag to maintain the dry erase markers and a rag to use as an eraser. The children can doodle and perform for hours, then wipe the sleeves clean. 35. Another special treat my children like are Ring Pops. They last forever and the children love wearing them in their palms. 36. Perform Automobile Color Bingo-- this bingo game is very good for all ages! 37. Leave your home until the sun comes up (we wish to pull out at 5 am). My children usually sleep until I'm, therefore I'm hoping that we'll have at least a fantastic hour or two of driving until they wake up. 38. Give each child an cheap disposable camera (or even perhaps a kid-safe or older digital camera, even if you own one) and then allow them to record the vacation and road trip. 39. Buy some decal books or action books in the dollar shop. My children are obsessed with decals- they adore sticking them in their entire body. Give them a few new decals and let them go mad! They might also wish to place the decals on a laptop or onto paper. 40. Create some paper bag puppets place on a puppet show. This website includes a slew of ideas for paper bag puppets. 41. Create your own Hedbanz match. We play this game in a great deal of family parties and it will be a fun game for all ages to perform in the vehicle. You essentially draw a card and without looking at it, place it in your "headband" (we've made headbands from posterboard and tape the card onto the front). You must then ask other players queries regarding what's in your card (and they could simply give yes or no answers) and attempt to figure what it is before time runs out. It is sort of a fun spin on 20 questions. 42. Perform Can You Rather. Below are some humorous adult-based queries and below are a few funny questions for children. After requesting my daughter a few of those questions, she likes to formulate her own inquiries and gets the giggles so bad that we must quit playing. 43. Create a Cootie Catcher! This one includes fortunes and this one is blank so that you may create your own. 44. Create Road Trip Behavior Clips. I adore the concept of rewarding good behaviour! 45. Check out these Travel Tickets and Benefit Tickets! Give each kid enough tickets in a little baggie (one ticket for each half hour of driving). Collect a journey ticket each 30 minutes and if the tickets are all gone, you've arrived! In addition, I love the concept of this Reward Tickets and trading them for novels, playtime about the iPad, a brand new toy, a bite, etc.. 46. This is an enjoyable game for mom and dad to play with in the front seat while the youngsters are active at the back ... it is a Road Trip Questionnaire. Off it and get to know each other better than you ever thought you did! You might also ask your children these queries. 47. Perform this Road Trip Scavenger Hunt! This is only one of the most creative ideas I've observed. A few of the things that you search for are comical! 48. Offer your kid a fresh bunch of mark and allow them to go to town on coloring this Intricate Coloring Page. I'd have loved something like that when I was small! 49. Perform Alphabet-athon and find out who will find the maximum points. I've not ever heard of the game (it is sort of like Scattegories), however I understand that we'll be enjoying it (at least me and my spouse will!) . 50. Create a Traveling Heal box to maintain the snacking and mess to a minimum. Hopefully my children won't eat all their meals with the very first hour! Ha ha! Well, here's hoping your road trip (and mine!)) Is a success! Happy Traveling!
0 notes
onecreativeproject · 6 years
50 Road Trip Ideas For Kids
This summer we're carrying our 5-year-old and 3-year-old on a road trip around Donnelly, Idaho, for a family reunion (never heard of it? I had not either until I married my husband) . It's all about a 9-hour drive in our house ... our children get pretty tired after about 90 minutes in the vehicle, so I'm somewhat nervous. I asked a number of our Facebook subscribers to discuss some of the travel secrets and the reply was really amazing I needed to discuss some of the wonderful ideas with you! Our sister Kristen is really traveling across the nation now, shifting her family from Missouri to Utah. They've made the long driveway a few days before, so she's a Road Trip pro! She also gave me a few thoughts and actions to keep children occupied. These notions are for children of all ages- a few are clearly geared towards older or younger children, so select what works best for you and your travel companions. Moreover, in case you've any road trip hints, I'd really like to listen to them! Don't hesitate to talk about them in the comments below or on our Facebook webpage! 1. Print this adorable state license plate test listing and find out who will cross all of them off the quickest! 2. Purchase some of those Window Markers and allow the children go to town on the rear windows. Wipe them clean with a brush. 3. Utilize an empty DVD case to package a little pad of paper and coloured pens inside. The hard case also creates the best writing surface! 4. Offer your children glow sticks, glow bracelets, or glow bracelets when traveling at night (I discovered a lot at the dollar store). They'll love how they shine and it's similar to a personal night lighting. 5. Perform with the Lines and Dots match (you may print off it here, together with directions about the best way best to play if you do not understand). 6. To play with the Lines and Dots match in5, then you will likely need a clipboard or difficult surface for your children to write on. Bring stickers and mark and allow the children decorate their own clipboard (I discovered some clipboards in the dollar store). 7. Make these simple Pencil Pouch I-Spy bags until you depart. 8. Have a little child that's too little for an I-Spy tote? Give them a particular "I-Spy Mission" It is possible to print off it! 9. There are sites which will enable you to type in your starting destination and destination and it'll tell you all of the fun and interesting places to stop along the road! You may try google maps or mapquest.com for entertaining thoughts. 10. Proceed to the regional library and take a look at some audio books on CD. The children really like to follow along with the book and Mother does not get car sick attempting to browse to the children! A household favorite for the sister's Harry Potter. 11. Wrap a few little toys or trinkets from the Dollar Store. Wrap them older wrapping paper and allow the children choose one every few hours. It is good to use as incentive to help keep your children great in the vehicle! Our mother was able to do so when we were small and I still recall how excited I'd get about unwrapping something! 12. In the check out in the shop, buy among these candy-filled toys. They're kind of pricey (I never allow my children buy them), however for extended trips, they're wonderful! We've purchased a candy-filled camera and if you push a button, then a tiny candy pops out. We also have purchased a digital sucker spinner plus a battery-operated enthusiast that has been full of candy. These toys amused the children for 40 minutes! Certainly worth the two or dollar to purchase them! 13. Here's a fun website with a Lot of printable Mad Libs for Kids. Occasionally we do so as a family and my children really like to decide on the craziest words that they can consider. 14. Create a Stained Glass Window Picture. 15. Gather a Craft Kit until you leave and allow your kids' imaginations go wild as you push. 16. Purchase a cheap cookie sheet and make this Magnet Board about the Go! My children like to play with magnets. 17. Using the exact same cookie sheet, you may use it like a difficult coating for coloring (the advantages maintain the crayons from rolling out), enjoying Matchbox cars, Legos, or storing other tiny things from falling onto the ground. It is like their private play surface. 18. Buy some cheap magnetic letters and figures in the dollar shop and allow the children spell words onto the cookie sheet. Additionally attach pom-poms to magnets to get much more entertaining magnet toys. 19. Bring a few pipe cleaner and then allow them to use it to flex it, make contours with it, mold stick folks with it, create jewelry, etc. 20. Pack some tiny snack bags with Froot Loops cereal and allow the kids rope it to the pipe cleaner (it is simpler than dye). Doubles as a snack! 21. Make this Homemade Gak until you depart. It truly takes just two minutes to throw together, does not leave a mess behind, also provides a lot of entertainment! 22. Print this off Traveling Scavenger Hunt-- this really is one for preschoolers and one for older children. 23. Create some enjoyable record folder games and place them together in a binder for easy journey. 24. Locate some toy catalogs or magazines. My children LOVED searching through all of the advertisements at Christmas time filled with toys. This is an enjoyable you can subscribe to free of charge. 25. Buy some Fruit By The Foot bites. I understand they aren't wholesome, but my children love they're so long and it takes them forever to consume it. Additionally, it is a special treat they understand they simply get for particular occasions. 26. Print these off adorable paper dolls until you depart. If you wanted to, then you can attach them into magnetic sheets and then use them in your own cookie sheet. 27. Buy a fresh coloring book and crayons. Oh, the energy of a brand new coloring book! 28. Bring a roster of aluminum foil and allow the children make animals, individuals, shapes, etc.. Just do not let them pack it into chunks and begin a projecting fight. 29. Create a trip laptop. Give every kid a new laptop and allow them to draw pictures, add decals, take notes, tape or other paraphernalia out of your journey. Insert pictures you took out of the camera at the conclusion of your trip for a fun keepsake. 30. Perform Road Trip Bingo. Have small prizes for the winners. 31. Create your own Dry Erase Board working with a cookie sheet bring along a few dry erase markers and a rag to use as an eraser. 32. Employing the Pandora App, hear some child or family-friendly channel with songs your entire family will enjoy. We adore the Disney station. Or find some interesting kid-friendly CD's you will all appreciate. 33. Play the match 20 Questions for a family. 34. Create your own binder of action pages. Fill in a 3-ring binder with clear plastic sleeves. From the sleeves, place papers that are blank, and some basic games (hangman, tic-tac-toe, word searches, locate the hidden images, and connect-the-dots). Utilize a 3-ring pencil bag to maintain the dry erase markers and a rag to use as an eraser. The children can doodle and perform for hours, then wipe the sleeves clean. 35. Another special treat my children like are Ring Pops. They last forever and the children love wearing them in their palms. 36. Perform Automobile Color Bingo-- this bingo game is very good for all ages! 37. Leave your home until the sun comes up (we wish to pull out at 5 am). My children usually sleep until I'm, therefore I'm hoping that we'll have at least a fantastic hour or two of driving until they wake up. 38. Give each child an cheap disposable camera (or even perhaps a kid-safe or older digital camera, even if you own one) and then allow them to record the vacation and road trip. 39. Buy some decal books or action books in the dollar shop. My children are obsessed with decals- they adore sticking them in their entire body. Give them a few new decals and let them go mad! They might also wish to place the decals on a laptop or onto paper. 40. Create some paper bag puppets place on a puppet show. This website includes a slew of ideas for paper bag puppets. 41. Create your own Hedbanz match. We play this game in a great deal of family parties and it will be a fun game for all ages to perform in the vehicle. You essentially draw a card and without looking at it, place it in your "headband" (we've made headbands from posterboard and tape the card onto the front). You must then ask other players queries regarding what's in your card (and they could simply give yes or no answers) and attempt to figure what it is before time runs out. It is sort of a fun spin on 20 questions. 42. Perform Can You Rather. Below are some humorous adult-based queries and below are a few funny questions for children. After requesting my daughter a few of those questions, she likes to formulate her own inquiries and gets the giggles so bad that we must quit playing. 43. Create a Cootie Catcher! This one includes fortunes and this one is blank so that you may create your own. 44. Create Road Trip Behavior Clips. I adore the concept of rewarding good behaviour! 45. Check out these Travel Tickets and Benefit Tickets! Give each kid enough tickets in a little baggie (one ticket for each half hour of driving). Collect a journey ticket each 30 minutes and if the tickets are all gone, you've arrived! In addition, I love the concept of this Reward Tickets and trading them for novels, playtime about the iPad, a brand new toy, a bite, etc.. 46. This is an enjoyable game for mom and dad to play with in the front seat while the youngsters are active at the back ... it is a Road Trip Questionnaire. Off it and get to know each other better than you ever thought you did! You might also ask your children these queries. 47. Perform this Road Trip Scavenger Hunt! This is only one of the most creative ideas I've observed. A few of the things that you search for are comical! 48. Offer your kid a fresh bunch of mark and allow them to go to town on coloring this Intricate Coloring Page. I'd have loved something like that when I was small! 49. Perform Alphabet-athon and find out who will find the maximum points. I've not ever heard of the game (it is sort of like Scattegories), however I understand that we'll be enjoying it (at least me and my spouse will!) . 50. Create a Traveling Heal box to maintain the snacking and mess to a minimum. Hopefully my children won't eat all their meals with the very first hour! Ha ha! Well, here's hoping your road trip (and mine!)) Is a success! Happy Traveling!
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