#doldam hospital
filthy-mudeoki · 11 months
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Dr. Seo Woojin - General Surgeon at Doldam Hospital
Dr Romantic 2 - 2020
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cere-mon-ials · 6 months
2023 in kdramas
*that i finished
**in order of how deep and lasting the brainrot was/is from barely a smidge to stitched to my soul
[12] I figured See You In My 19th Life would be trying when I couldn’t understand why an extraordinary individual in her 18th life—18 incredible lives lived over some of history’s most happening centuries—would fixate on one pesky schoolboy. I bought it because (a) Shin Hye-sun was selling it (b) the show tried to make it clear that while she remembered her past lives, it is not the same as living the one she is in. So when the young Ju-won meets Seo-ha, she is still a 12-year-old who happens to fall for a 9-year-old, except she has heightened emotional maturity.
The plot follows Ju-won, who is reincarnated as Ban Ji-eum, her 19th life after her 18th was cut short in a car accident with Seo-ha. Then, the show fumbles its own logic, unable to choose if the real gift is living in the present or remembering how we got there. We are told that Ji-eum is determined to fix the life she didn’t get to live as Ju-won and because Ju-won’s family and Seo-ha are still alive, that’s who she seeks out. She also finds a dear one from her 17th life. The twist is that the 18th life was meant to be a fated reincarnation of two lovers, who in their time—the first life—were wronged. In the end, when the sins are atoned for, Ji-eum loses the memories of her past lives. She is Ji-eum, smart and talented, daughter of an abusive man and born destitute, free of karmic obligations. But who is this Ji-eum? Who does she love? Why are the memories of everyone who knew her as the extraordinary Ju-won/Ji-eum so valuable and hers isn’t? Milquetoast writing and a genuine lack of interesting characters in the rest of the show.
[11] I didn’t finish the first season of Dr. Romantic because I had a violent reaction (derogatory) to Yoo Yeon-seok’s character. I went straight to the additional episode ft. Kim Hye-soo who is ~flails~ and warmed up to this fantastic ensemble, thanks to a YYS-less sequel. Season 3 is ambitious and follows the raggity crew of overworked doctors in a country hospital now coping with its expansion into an elite trauma centre. The show does neither this premise nor the incredible cast they managed to bring back together (at least four of who could demand three times what they were paid in S2) any real justice. It had all the ingredients and an emotional core that is most pleasing to me. Seriously, it was so good: in reaching for the Michelin stars of healthcare, ostensibly Kim Sabu’s legacy, both he and his colleagues find that they may need to reassess what he taught them. Look at the implications. Doldam is a hospital that has run for two seasons on the strength of close-knit interpersonal relationships in ways (some might accuse) hazardous to professional codes. Something's gotta give.
DRR S3 does not trust the emotional tensions that these ideas can provoke and instead, throws in spectacle after spectacle. A bloodbath on a ship carrying illegal migrants, a raging forest fire, a building collapse. And there are villains, written as yangs to yings, in a main character's father played by an actual trash person, and then groan a politician. I mean, the vagaries of ill fortune and death is right there. Isn’t that enough? Makes you wonder just how did Lee-Shin partnership accomplish what they did with HosPlay. Someone who loves DRR’s characters will sit through it. But it’s junk food.
[10] Lee Bo-young is a force in Agency. It's a tried and tested formula: a brilliant creative person with abandonment issues in fantastic clothes. I enjoyed the snippy dialogues, peppered with refreshing metaphor and irony reminiscent of vintage Hollywood flicks. The writing isn’t confident about what it wants to say about an ambitious single woman in a workplace (and other women too including working mothers, women who find no need in dressing up to do their jobs, expert women who still have to struggle when they want to build something). But perhaps you, like me, can let it pass. It is not ideal to fetch a real answer to women’s struggles amidst capitalist excess.
[9] Our Blooming Youth begins with a cursed prince (Park Hyung-sik) and a noblewoman (Jeon So-nee) accused of murdering her entire family joining hands to free each other. Lurking behind is a national conspiracy spearheaded by several degenerate officials who wish to erase a people and their history—interesting that OBY and My Dearest later in the year featured the most marginalised being branded as traitors. The prince and noblewoman (cross-dressed as a eunuch of course) are joined by four young individuals who feel a sense of duty. I adored this band and their shenanigans. The show is kind to the youth in question, to their capacity to chase freedom and friendship. I was moved by such love for characters in this story about nationhood as an ongoing project.
But enjoying OBY means reading in between the lines because the show doesn’t know what to do with its 20-episode length or the depth of its interest in the scars of unacknowledged genocide. I felt impatient and unfulfilled more times than I’d like. I wish OBY was more meaty because it had the opportunity to be radical and chose to be inoffensive. Hyung-sik, very dear to me. So-nee, GOSH. I have loved her since Encounter (2018) and she fills a frame like nobody’s business. If there is such a thing as female gaze, she’s got it. I caught her in the little I watched of Soulmate (2023) recently. A marvel, just like Kim Da-mi.
[8] One Day Off is whimsical and celebrates the mundane in eight chapters following the wanderings of a school teacher, played by the luminous Lee Na-young. Japanese entertainment does discovering minor joys and its everydayness so well that it’s a genre in itself. I have seen it in a handful Korean variety shows too. As a drama, this is new to me and ODO felt special. It giveth in multitudes taking us to a monastery, an art exhibit, a film festival, a planetarium, many bakeries. At other times, it puts us in the middle of a rainy day and ancestral rites and a bus station where the teacher is stuck with condescending boomers. It's lovely.
[7] King The Land benefitted from low expectations of prestige. Junho lovers were tuning in to see him frolic after his Baeksang-winning performance as King Jeongjo, I can’t speak for Yoon-A lovers. The makers wanted to bank on these beloved actors and there is minimal friction between who they are and what they play on-screen. Junho, handsome, rich, kind. Yoon-A, pretty, hardworking, warm. There is a good chance that this show was part of a joint marketing campaign by Dior and Estee Lauder. And also, possibly, Thailand's tourism department. KTL is classic popcorn, easy on the eyes, easy on the mind (save for that irritatingly stupid arc with the ‘Arab prince’), designed to be innocuous. Here’s the thing, though: the cast and crew were not messing around with that dough. They chose to inject this fan + consumer service with an earnest desire to entertain missers of fluff romance. Lee Junho, permanent resident of my heart.
[6] Going in with low expectations helped when I watched My ID is Gangnam Beauty too. Kang Mi-rae is starting college with a new face, having shed her old one at the surgeon’s table because of life-long bullying at being conventionally unattractive. But Mi-rae now has to deal with gossip and judgement about the extents she has gone for what’s deemed as a vanity project. When Mi-rae says that it matters what people think of her, I can't object. It’s because Gangnam Beauty tells a story about familiar feelings and yet, it is also defiantly about Mi-rae. You can walk with her but you’re aware that not all of us walk in her precise shoes, and it’s not about measuring who’s having it worse either. I loved watching her settle into her skin, remaining compassionate in whatever is the opposite of noble idiocy.
Very sweet romance. I may not have noticed Cha Eun-woo if I hadn’t been derailed to the hilt by him in Island—also a show I finished but you will not find it on this list For Reasons.
[5] I wanted to love My Dearest a lot more. It was promising what with Namgoong Min as the perfect Lee Jang-hyun and Ahn Eun-jin as the perfect Yoo Gil-chae. NGM’s ability to smirk in a way that elicits both a punch and a blush is unparalleled. He owns the role of clever playboy merchant who sees the rules of polite society as impositions and who values human life above platitudes. AEJ's Gil-chae is stubborn and witty and audacious and has no interest in anything that distracts her from her desires. I loved them, and that became one of my problems when Part 1 ended. NGM is the perfect Jang-hyun and AEJ is the perfect Gil-chae but I wasn’t able to root for their romance. I never quite got over how the desire that they shared, which war put a damper on before it got a chance to bloom, gets cheapened at the end of Part 1—please read @elderflowergin's excellent post about this. In Part 2, that conversation isn’t adequately addressed but I was there to watch these two actors earn their Baeksang nominations. I found myself willing to move with the tides when Jang-hyun and Gil-chae let each other in after they learn to devote themselves to the people who make their community.
I cannot fault MD, however, on its commentary about how war disrupts ordinary life. There is nothing more moving in the show than the Joseon slaves in Qing singing their songs and harvesting rice, yearning for home while the King and his scholars commit to preserving standing and write these countrymen off. It’s a sharp critique of an upper class that delude themselves about their importance. MD is courageous enough to say that the nation does owe something to its people and the nation must prove itself worthy of sacrifice before it can demand such a thing. I haven’t stopped feeling the pangs of this love letter to a people and their land. The first seven episodes, set during the invasion and in the early days of the Joseon surrender, is real television. It’s what I watch sageuks for.
What else? Great telling of Crown Prince So-hyeons’s story. Lee Chung-ah is captivating. MD would have risen in my heart and on this list if it were more attentive to Ryang-eum. Double amnesia was comically exhausting to watch but I do feel generous now. The first time round Jang-hyun regains his memory because of a tangible article that proved Gil-chae’s love for him. The second time he traces back the arc of his life that spawned enduring memories of love and dreams. He’s not looking to retrieve what he doesn’t know he has lost. He knows he has lost and he is piecing together what he can. That’s a bold note to conclude on by makers who have risen to question the state of a nation in the hands of incompetence and cruelty and obscene pride. The racism is unsurprising—I wish this meant that I had better tolerance for it. I also wish the story knew better than to push Eun-hye to the sidelines. My favourite scene is Gil-chae finding Jang-hyun clawing to life by a string on a pile of corpses and proceeding to play dead while holding him tight to escape.
[4] I kept tuning in to Moving week after week despite my reservations about high school life, superheroes, and gore because it is a feat of storytelling. A rewarding first act, an absorbing second, and a near perfect third. It’s a compelling story on its own about superhero parents who will go to any lengths to protect their superhero children. But it’s also poignant in how it tackles passive peace.
Critiques of the state’s abuse of power often turn fangless in the face of this idea about national security, the notion that secures our future. Writers fumble because they feel forced to provide an alternative: how else do we protect what we must? Moving kills the question by letting you see past that what (national security) and takes you to a who (our children, our literal future). It dismantles the illusions with its central stage as a highly-surveilled school where undercover secret agents observe and train gifted children. The litmus test isn’t going to be the abstraction of a nation. It’s going to be whether our children can grow up, can learn, can be free to be who they want to be, irrespective of talents they may or may not possess.
A state which can’t imagine freedom as such is a failed state and a failed state resorts to joining hands with those who have every interest in keeping us from seeing that we do in fact want the same things as our neighbours. The real world bleeds in when the story of two Koreas becomes apparent. It’s acutely observed in a way that’s trope-y but perhaps not untrue. But the show is more interested in the shared Koreanness, in their love for their children, and for the unimpeachable desire to make their lives better.
Park Hee-soon had me hugging myself from his first frame to the last. Electrifying performance. Han Hyo-joo, oh my god.
[3] My Lovely Boxer was made for me. It’s about Gwon-sook (Kim So-hye), a boxing prodigy who disappeared from public eye after failing to show up for a championship game and Tae-young (Lee Sang-yeob), a ruthless sports agent at the cross hairs of matchfixing. Tae-young has messes to clean, payments to make, and he finds Gwon-sook to bring her back to the limelight for one final game to lose. Gwon-sook wants nothing to do with the sport and Tae-young promises that if disappearing for good is what she wants, then this plan would work for her too. It’s exactly as angsty as it sounds.
The show works because it doesn’t touch a thing that it isn’t willing to gnaw into. It doesn’t merely dangle matchfixing as plot omen—it explores the emotional and economic damages for the sportsmen with heft. Gwon-sook feels no love for boxing but she isn’t the only boxer in the world and that feeling is hardly universal. One of my favourite characters this year is Ah-reum, the opponent of that championship game for which Gwon-sook didn’t show up. That day, Gwon-sook may have chosen to leave the game for self-preservation but she also took away Ah-reum’s right to fair play. MLB is at its best when it navigates Gwon-sook seeking Ah-reum’s forgiveness because therein lies sportsmanship and what it means to tirelessly push your body for a shot at the ring. It’s an exhilarating journey with these two girls because (a) you want Ah-reum to have her moment (b) you don’t want Gwon-sook to lose and let the matchfixing bookers pocket money (c) you begin to wish Gwon-sook could win because she is too good. The stakes are delicious because the bookers are also a tad bit murderous and the final match had me at the edge of my seat.
Lee Sang-yeob was a shock to my system with his intense stare and a thespian interpretation of a man in shades of grey. Sexy bitch. I want to see Kim So-hye and Shin Se-kyung play sisters one day.
[2] Into The Ring tops my list of kdrama romcoms. Nana is a star and the fact that Se-ra cannot walk straight to save her life makes me giggle. She is blunt in the wrong ways, sharp in the wrong ways, and honest in all the right ways. Her heart is big and she has a sense of service to the people around her as though she really believes she was raised by a village. I loved Se-ra’s parents who reminded me of my own in their warmth and clownery. Park Sung-hoon’s Gong-myung is the dream guy: competent at work, loser in everything else. There’s only one kind of valid workplace romance and it’s this: accidentally becoming an elected representative and your childhood nerd friend volunteering to be your secretary to cover your ass. Perfect, no notes.
I happened to be reading Sara Ahmed’s Complaint! around the same time and I think it made me love the show's take on political action more. This is where Se-ra begins, just her and her complaint diary. That early episode where it dawns on her that she wants this job as much as she needs it got to me. There’s much to love in a show that is okay with however small a population she represents, as long as they are fun about joy and serious about justice.
[1] At the outset, Call It Love sounded like the makjang I avoid—a relationship between a woman and the son of her father’s mistress? Turns out, it's possible to tell that story like an accomplished spare poem with meticulously composed frames overdoing headroom and pared down dialogues. In effect, CIL is beautiful to look at and inviting to spend time with. This is kdrama caviar. Debut writer Kim Ga-eun has a gift for writing loneliness and solitude as not mutually exclusive to being a loved and loving person. She’s drawn comparisons to the extraordinary Park Hae-young who is the master at this sorcery. To my mind, the comparisons hold merit in subject but they operate with different intentions and styles. I hope they meet one day and I get to be a fly on the wall.
I was struck by how Lee Sung-kyung played Woo-joo as the responsible middle child, the one most burdened by the timing of her family’s collapse. The show is about her revenge but often, you see her struggle with the coldness this demands of her. She cannot resist what comes easiest to her and that’s her ability to see people having bad times as a reflection of the times, not the people. It's why she can forgive the aggrieved man who harms her, and why she tidies Dong-jin’s ex’s house while the ex is recouping from the heartbreak of losing the same man she is falling in love with.
No one has gotten the allure of the quiet guy, the shy guy, the good guy who is too awkward to be nice like Kim Young-kwang has. Dong-jin knows he has to work very hard to keep up with the pace of the world. He knows his mind but is afraid to impose it, because he doesn’t think it matters and because he doesn’t want to be a bother. Young-kwang just gets that line between clarity and low-esteem. I will never forget his teary eyes and total submission to loving Woo-joo in the single word he lets out with a hitched exhale. He slouches a lot but he will look you in the eye when he has to say something he doesn’t want to repeat. I loved him for that dignity. Special kisses to him for ditching neck ties.
It is true pleasure to see two male leads, majestic and towering in physique, composed to look tiny and frail. At one point, the costume department steps up Woo-joo’s wardrobe as her feelings intensify and it doesn't come across as a makeover. It is presented as the ordinary consequence of paying attention. I loved everything and everyone. The siblings. The ex-girlfriend, the bad mother and also, the generous & kinda clueless one. The stepfather who lingered, the best friends, the loyal & competent manager lady. Favourite kiss.
I am currently watching four dramas: A Good Day To Be A Dog (cute & fun), My Demon (silly & fun), Park's Marriage Contract (testing my patience), and Tell Me That You Love Me (relishing but for some reason not investing). I missed Not Others and The Eighth Sense when they were airing and they are the two shows from 2023 that I am adding to my watchlist. I am looking forward to 2024 because we seem to be getting at least one release from several greats and beauties. See you then! I hope no one emails you for the rest of the year and you eat well.
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낭만닥터 김사부3 - Dr. Romantic 3 ep.10 & 11 - Episode Highlight - 🇰🇷
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Whumpee: 서우진 (Seo Woo Jin) played by 안효섭 (Ahn Hyo Seob)
Synopsis: At Doldam Hospital, Dr. Kim Sa Bu and his team are committed to saving lives. After three years, a state-of-the-art trauma centre is set to open, equipped with the latest in medical technology.
Genre/Tags: Medical, Found Family, Romance, Whumpee w/ Trauma
Watch On: Hulu, DramaCool, KissAsian
Notes at the bottom + bonus GIF
Episode 10
(Ppl are concerned for him during the entire first part of the episode)
7:43 - unconscious, concern for him, woke up, coughing, trying to move but can’t, in shock, shaky breathing, shaking, crying out in pain, heavy breathing, groaning
13:23 - (all one scene but a lot going on/breaks) heavy breathing, sweating ::: concern for him, shaking, sweating, heavy breathing, wound reveal (?), shaking, struggling to speak, said he was in a lot of pain, shaking, shaky breathing
21:55 - (1 scene but has small breaks) found, shaking, struggling to speak, heavy breathing, told the rebar would have to be pulled from his body, concern for him ::: shaking, sweating, shaky breathing ::: talking about how pulling out the rebar will be “unbearably painful”, shaking, tourniquet put on his arm, given pain medications, held down, scared, heavy breathing, screaming, held, writhing, crying, shaking, heavy breathing, concern for him, comforted, bleeding
31:08 - rolled into the ED, shaking, sweating, shaky breathing, concern for him, moved to a bed, in a lot of pain, wide eyes, examined, heavy breathing, writhing
38:05 - being prepped for surgery, unconscious, facial wounds bandaged
38:40 - in surgery, intubated, arm operated on (continued to below (47:33))
47:33 - still in surgery, unconscious, intubated
53:08 - asleep in the ICU, oxygen mask, arm wrapped in bandages, woke up, concern for him, heavily lidded eyes, weak
56:32 - (flashbacks: struggling to walk, half collapsed into a shelf, holding his ribs, all beat up, stumbling)
1:08:05 - arm in a sling, IV, looked after, glassy eyes, crying
Episode 11
16:22 - scar reveal, doing physical rehab for his hand
I used KissAsian to make this Episode Highlight. The time stamps may vary across platforms.
Here’s another GIF from the drama 😏
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simply-whump · 1 year
Dr. Romantic 3 (낭만닥터 김사부3) - Whump List
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Whumpee : Seo Woo Jin played by Ahn Hyo Seop, Park Eun Tak played by Kim Min Jae and Jang Dong Hwa played by Lee Shin Young
Synopsis : At Doldam Hospital, Dr. Kim Sa Bu and his team are committed to saving lives. After three years, a state-of-the-art trauma centre is set to open, equipped with the latest in medical technology. (MDL)
Genres : Romance, Medical
Warning! Possible spoilers below!
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Seo Woo Jin
Ep 1 : None
Ep 2 : Does CPR on a patient for a long time, sweating, heavy breathing — Trying to stop someone wielding a knife, almost stabbed, falls to the ground, struggling, heavy breathing
Ep 3-5 : None
Ep 6 : cuts himself while doing surgery, concern for him — Gets a shot, finger bandaged
Ep 7 : (Flash-forward) sitting on the ground, crying (single tear), at gunpoint
Ep 8 : At gunpoint, provoking the shooter, concern for him — Manhandled, at gunpoint, hostage, sweating, tries to take the gun from the shooter, punched, kicked, fails to get the gun, at gunpoint again, taking about his traumatic past, crying, walks away with a gun pointed at his back, hugged — People are relieved to see him okay
Ep 9 : Arrives at the scene of a collapsed building (lots of young people are dead or injured), shocked, frozen for a brief moment, heavy breathing — Feeling down after failing to save someone on the scene — Decides to go inside the building that might collapse further (to save people) — People are really concerned about him going into that collapsed building — Building collapses further, shields the patient with his body, lots of concern from his loved ones — Trapped under the collapsed building, unconscious, arm and hand impaled 
Ep 10 : Everyone is extremely worried about him (they don’t know if he’s alive or dead) — Unconscious, concern for him, woken up, coughing, arm pierced in two places by rebars, crying out in pain, heavy breathing, in great pain (Gif Set) — Constantly in pain, shaky breathing — Told they’ll have to pull out the rebar from his wrist, told the nerves in his hand might be permanently damaged, tourniquet put around his arm, shaky breathing, concern for him, rebars cut then pulled from his arm, in unbearable pain, screaming in pain, sobbing (gosh I really wanted to give him a hug there) (Gif Set) — Brought into the ER on a stretcher, arm bandaged, one rebar is still in his hand, heavy breathing, in pain (a lot) — Sedated on the operation table, hand and wrist operated on (I won’t describe the operation, this is already long enough) — Unconscious in a hospital bed, oxygen mask, arm heavily bandaged, concern for him, wakes up, tired (Gif Set) — Arm in a sling, food brought to him, crying
Ep 11 : Doing rehabilitation for his hand — He might not be able to perform surgeries as well as before (doesn’t know yet), concern for him — Frustrated
Ep 12 : Still doing rehabilitation for his hand
Ep 13 : Still doing rehabilitation for his hand — Feeling left out — Practicing, getting frustrated seeing that his hand is not recovered — Tying two of his fingers to be able to perform surgery, visibly in pain when holding a tool in surgery, doing CPR with hi hand not fully recovered
Ep 14 : Frustrated to still not be able to operate
Ep 15-16 : None
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Park Eun Tak
Ep 7 : Angry, almost punches someone, stopped, upset — Scar shown on his back
Ep 8 : Beaten, kicked to the ground, blackmailed, threatened — Face bruised, concern for him
Ep 9 : Decides to go inside a building that might collapse further (to save people) — Building collapses further — Trapped under the collapsed building, coughing, struggling to sit up, blood at his temple, out of breath, concerned for Woojin
Ep 10 : Everyone is extremely worried about him (they don’t know if he’s alive or dead) — Blood on his head (minor injury)
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Jang Dong Hwa
Ep 2 : Taken hostage, knife at his throat, scared, saved
Ep 3 : Has a nightmare even though he is awake (probably too tired)
Ep 8 : Threatened with a gun and told to leave, chose to stay to protect the patient, scared, shaking, puts himself between the patient and the shooter, at gunpoint — Very scared, shaky breathing 
>> Season 2 Whump List
>> More Whump Lists
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minekanikonimanica · 1 year
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When you watch a show for the plot: like, literally—the ACTUAL PLOT. The love plot and eye candies are just bonuses.
We're just on the second episode, but I can't remember how many times I teared up already. I even cried a little during the recent one. It reminded me why I loved it six years ago: the writing. (Will probably edit this later 'cause there are so many thoughts running through my mind right now lol) Episode 2 was INTENSE.
I felt giddy with every reference. From the way they emphasized how different the Trauma Center is from Doldam Hospital (ehem, new equipment, hello?) to scenes/lines from the previous seasons and Messi. Even Kim Sabu-nim's "Focus", made me emotional (please bring back Dr Kang Dongjoo already).
It's overwhelming that I'm already terrified at the thought that this may be the last season for the franchise (God, please, NO). Dr. Romantic has come a long way and I hope it won't be stopping anytime soon.
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hansukkyu-fans · 1 year
The smiles, the warmth of Doldam Hospital, the captivating lighting and of course, the charm of Kim Sabu himself! The main poster for #DrRomantic3 has it all! 🥹👨🏻‍⚕️💙
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clandestinker · 1 year
Romantic Doctor Teacher Kim Season 3 EP 1 🩺
(낭만닥터 김사부 S3)
My favorite KDrama series of all time is backkkk!!! From Season 1 up to now, I still have the same excitement and love for this. The 1st episode is so good. A very good build up, introduction and continuation. Here are some of my favorite parts of the episode:
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First, I am amazed in this ultrasound tech. Omo, the upgrade! I remember the old one where they need to slap the machine to work. I'm so dramatic!
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Kim sabu surprising the new characters with his magnificent ways which we are so used to but still feels incredible everytime!
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Yes, he can!
The fact that the trauma center is connected to the doldam hospital! It is indeed a memorable way of opening this unfinished building with the odd 1st emergency case about NK defectors and the emphasis on medical and political conflict. Omooo I'm so invested! Doesn't disappoint everytime!
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Of course, our reset couple now with 3 years relationship. And now living together. Finally in the dating era. Accckkk!
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New problematic character. You failed to annoy me because I know you will change. I just know.
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Dr. Bae and his bones! He brought it to the plane y'all, his personal scratcher! Jessieee~ Elizabethhhh~
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The way Head Nurse Oh used reverse psychology on Dr. Yang. Hahahaha this is so funny!
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Cha Eun Jae's father being Kim sabu's rival in Goesan university. This is gonna be good. Will he be an ally or an enemy?
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Looking forward to all episodes. I feel nice. ❤️
Recommended 1000/10 all seasons!
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passionforfiction · 6 months
Dr. Romantic: The Way to a Dream Come True
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Dr. Romantic is made up of three seasons with a lapse of 4 years between the Season 1 and Season 2 and a 3 years lapse between Season 2 and 3. The first season we are introduced to the regular Doldam Hospital and new arrivals: Kang Dong Joo and Yoon Seo Jung. Master Kim helps these two young doctors and his regular staff to sharpen their skills and find realize their dreams. We see their growth as professionals and as human beings, while healing people and fighting to keep the hospital open. This first season ends with Kang Dong Joo and Yoon Seo Jung heading to new challenges but leaving a hope for their return.
Second season, Master Kim and his regular staff are still healing people while fighting to maintain the hospital running. We are introduced to three new doctors: Cha Eun Jae, Seo Woo Jin, and Yoon Ah Reum. In this case we have doctors returning and a doctor from a capital hospital, Park MinGuk becomes Holdam Hospital director as part of Chairman Do's attempt to take Master Kim down. But at the end we leave the hospital with a secure standing (no one can touch the property) and Dr. Park decides to partner with Master Kim and work together towards making Master Kim's dream come true - have a trauma center in the hospital.
Season 3 seems to be the conclusion to his story. Now they have the trauma center building connected to the old part of the hospital and they are about to open, but they need government funding to help run the center since this is a non-profit hospital. The staff is divided into two areas and those working at the trauma center will need to deal with their new director. Master Kim's Plan B - Dr. Cha Jin Man, who is also Dr. Cha Eun Jae's father and later Plan A - Kang Dong Joo.
I must admit that I was so excited to see Kang Dong Joo back and to see that Yoo Seo Jung returned, along other doctors that were part of the staff in the previous two seasons. It is satisfying to see Master Kim's dream come true: have the trauma center ran by his students.
You would've thought that he would want to run the center - after all, it was his dream - but he decided to stay in the old part of the hospital and have the another person run the trauma center. I loved the love stories and the new young characters. It was a really sweet way to bring this story to an end.
This story is one of my favorites on the doctors-drama category. A most watch, the three of them. I would watch them back to back, that way I would catch on things I probably missed since I saw them when they came out and time has past between each viewing.
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dramadaisies · 2 years
I’m really, really hoping that yang sejong joins the cast of RDTK season 3. I would ask for yoo yeonseok and seo hyunjin too, but I know that’s probably unrealistic.
However, in an ideal world, all the leads would return. Honestly, woojin arguably has the closest relationship with master kim, but all of his students were shown to grow attached to both master kim and doldam during their respective seasons. Writing out the season 1 leads worked short-term, but if they’re still gone three years later, it kind of ruins the bond they have with the hospital and master kim.
Kim minjae has expressed that despite being now being cast in much bigger roles, he’s willing to sacrifice his screen time because he loves the show so much. It’s selfish to expect that of all the actors, but I hope some of the others might be thinking the same thing. YSJ coming back makes sense after what his character said in season 2, but I feel like he won’t want to/won’t be able to return. Then again, I might be delusional, but maybe they were waiting for him to come back from the military before season 3?
I really want to see everyone all together again, working in the new trauma centre. Please let my headcanon happen!!!
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dmedrrt · 1 year
Bakit sobrang nakaka relate ako sa romantic doctors haha not in the way na dahil doctors sila but i'm not a doctor haha. Those doctors na minamaliit sa mga big institution and akala nila ang doldam hospital ay basta basta lang na hospital like di maganda, cheap and all pero doon pala sila matututo husto at maraming matututunan kay Doctor kim.
Here is my story, back then sa first clinical internship ko in private talagang I could feel na maliitin ka ng iba at hindi mo alam yung gagawin mo, during those times na may mga nag guiguide saakin na tech doon din yung time na parang wala pa din ako natututunan hehe... Then something happened one day, I took all the blame kahit may mali din yung superior ko sakin and even mga señiors, full of issue that time and etc. Wala pa ko natutunan haha!
Pagdating ko ng public doon nag bago lahat, pinukpok ako sa exams, sa mga patient na iba't iba ang cases, talagang hasa na hasa! I thought ayuko sa government pero after all doon pala ako mahahasa lalo na sa mga practicals. I am so thankful sa hospital where I am now kasi talagang walang sinabi yung na una kong hospital.
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nubreed73 · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Dr Romantic | 낭만닥터 김사부 Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Bu Yong Ju | Kim Sa Bu, Kang Dong Joo, Yoon Seo Jung, Do In Beom, Do Yoon Wan | President Do Additional Tags: Found Family, The radical power of empathy, Parental Abuse, Vienna Teng - Freeform, Non-explicit surgery scenes, Fanvids, Embedded Video, So many blorbos Series: Part 14 of K Drama vids Summary:
Everybody here has seams and scars
Doldam Hospital General Surgery Blorbo Quartet, you complete me.
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filthy-mudeoki · 11 months
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“No way.”
“Dr Seo sure has changed since joining us here at Doldam.”
Dr. Romantic 2 - 2020
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she IS crazy whale of DOLDAM hospital!
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simply-whump · 1 year
Dr. Romantic Season 2 (낭만닥터 김사부2) - Whump List
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Whumpee : Seo Woo Jin played by Ahn Hyo Seop and Kim Sa Bu played by Han Seok Kyu
Synopsis : Kim Sa Bu once gained fame as a top surgeon at a huge hospital. One day, he disappeared from the eyes of the public, quietly becoming the chief surgeon at Doldam Hospital in the countryside. He decides to go to a huge hospital himself to solve the manpower shortage at Doldam, where he finds two people who resemble his former students but who seem much more lacking. Seo Woo Jin would do anything for money, and Cha Eun Jae gets nauseous every time she tries to perform surgery. Will Kim Sa Bu be able to run Doldam Hospital with these two?
Genres : Romance, Medical, Melodrama
Warning! Possible spoilers below!
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Seo Woo Jin
Ep 1 : Slapped hard, nosebleed — Applies ice on his face — small bandage on his nose — Bullied in the hospital for being a whistleblower — Fired for no good reason — Beaten up, punched several times, collapses to the ground, kicked while on the floor, running away, chased, wincing in pain, hit by a car? (not really shown) — Bruised and bloody, holding his side
Ep 2 : Looking bruised and bloody, puts ice on his head — Wincing in pain — Has a big bruise on his ribs, given medication for the pain, told to get an X-ray to see if he has any broken ribs
Ep 3 : Sweating after doing CPR on a patient for a long time — Almost collapses, sits down on the floor — (Flashback) Stung with an IV (for training)
Ep 4 : Grabbed by the collar — Accused of taking money and betraying the team, teary eyed
Ep 5 : Reminded of his traumatic past, PTSD, out of it, sweating, leaning on the counter — Refuses to treat a patient, remembering traumatic past, crying, panic attack, heavy breathing, leaning against a wall
Ep 6 : Teary-eyed — Targeted by loan sharks, almost hit by a car — Worried for someone
Ep 7 : Worried for someone — Embarrassed in front of everyone — Angry outburst, gets into a fight — Scratch on his hand treated
Ep 8-11 : None
Ep 12 : Has a shouting match with his former friend, crying, really upset, punching a locker with his bare hand, slides down to the floor, sobbing
Ep 13 : Abducted by the loan sharks and their thugs — Brought into a shady warehouse, punched in the guts, slammed and pinned to a table, struggling, forced to sign a contract after they threaten to hurt his friend— Teary eyed
Ep 14 : Crying
Ep 15-16 : None
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Kim Sa Bu / Teacher Kim
Ep 10 : In a bus accident, doing CPR with his arm hurting, heavy breathing — Holding his elbow, in pain, concern for him — Medicine injected into his arm, wound revealed on his stomach — Performing surgery while injured — Head spinning, collapses, vision blurry, can’t get up, passes out, concern for him
Ep 11 : Unconscious, put in a hospital bed, concern for him, examined, wound sutured, wakes up, keeps saying he is fine, scolded — Still in a hospital bed with an IV — Goes back to work against the doctor advice 
>> Season 3 Whump List
>> More Whump Lists
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muttonthings · 2 years
Kdramas I have watched
73. Dr. Romantic (S1+S2)
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Two whole seasons so I have alot to say about this show. I decided to watch it after seeing a clip on Netflix, it was a clip with Ahn Hyo-seop and Lee Sung-kyung. And I heard that it had been renewed for a 3rd season, so it had to be good, right?
To my surprise when I started the show these actors were no where to be seen 😞 The clip was from the 2nd season. I seriously considered quitting this show because all the characters irritated me in the beginning, all the doctors were constantly screaming at each other!
It took me a long time to warm up to Kim Sa-bu.
But I stuck it out and eventually they chilled out and started to grow on me. I grew to love the Doldam family and was invested in the patients as well.
Some of the medical cases were really interesting and a little over the top (think Grey's Anatomy) but it kept things interesting while we waited for the relationships to develop.
I enjoyed the second season much more than the first as there were many returning characters that I was already familiar with. I liked the relationship between Eun-jae and Woo-jin right from the start.
One plot I didn't like was the staff from the main hospital meddling at Doldam. And it's present in both seasons. I wish they focused more on the staff and patients at Doldam and just left that storyline out. And I would have loved more romance between the leads in both seasons.
Special mention for Mr Gu. He was my favourite character 😂
I will definitely be watching the 3rd season when it is released.
I would recommend this if you like medical dramas. Don't be fooled by the title, the romance is limited.
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dearestcupids · 2 years
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NAME  jung heeyeon (정희연) PRONOUNS  she/her/hers DOB  05/02/1993 LANGUAGE  korean native, english intermediate, trained/fluent in medical terminology FAMILY  jung kihyun ( father, ‘57 )                woo hyejin ( mother, ‘66 )                jung jiyoung ( brother, ‘98)                tae jieum ( sister-in-law, ‘98)                jung xx ( nephew ) (family live & run a pension in pohang--- mom does most of the work, her dad drinks with the guests. her brother sleeps, eats and shits..) RELATIONSHIPS  tba SEXUALITY  heterosexual(?) RELIGION  lapsed catholic OCCUPATION  general surgery fellow, doldam hospital EDUCATION  pohang girls’ high school, c/o 2011                        dpt of medicine @ yonsei university, c/o 2017
FACECLAIM  kang seulgi BUILD  slim HEIGHT  161cm BLOOD TYPE  o+ TATTOOS / PIERCINGS  single lobe piercings on each ear / no tattoos NOTABLE FEATURES  monolids, mole under her left eye ZODIAC  aquarius sun, sagittarius moon, aquarius rising. MBTI  estj-a ALIGNMENT  true good TRAITS  + compassionate, + industrious, + gentle, + patient, - emotional, - flaky, - idealistic, - saviour complex
TROPES  broken bird, cigarette of anxiety, calling the old man out, emotional crutch, married to the job, break the cutie INSPO  because this is my first life’s yun jiho, hospital playlist’s ahn jeongwon & chae songhwa, grey anatomy’s arizona robbins, new girl’s nick miller PLAYLIST  ashnikko’s toxic, hyukoh’s comes and goes, dpr live’s action! AESTHETIC  falling asleep standing up, the constant feeling you’re forgetting something, multiple alarms, the lingering smell of cigarette smoke on your clothes, the long-term effects of eldest daughter syndrome, catholic guilt, silent sadness, chasing contentment and not happiness, exactly just how much ibuprofen is too much
gets a little brother when she’s 3 and excited she has a real baby to haul around instead of the plastic thing. unfortunately, that’s when everything goes downhill.
grows up in pohang, and their family of 4 runs a moderately successful pension. they don’t live paycheck to paycheck, but they’re still a long way from the upper middle class.
dad thinks the sun shines out her little brother’s ass, simply because he’s a man, and heeyeon’s expected to both set a good example as well help him be better than she is. 
does taekwondo competitively until the first year of high school, when she drops out to focus on her studies. it pays off, because she gets into yonsei & gets to leave her family behind. dad’s proud of her for maybe a second, but sees how much rent in seoul is and goes back to complaining about how expensive raising a girl is.
her relationship with mom’s.... complicated. 
wouldn’t go back to pohang on pain of death, and even though she’s been rendered basically homeless no thanks to the selfishness of man, is currently crashing with a friend of hers. looking for an apartment, but with her very limited budget and time, it’s not going quite as she’d like.
biggest purchase of the quarter’s a coffee flask, which she’s not seen without. 
for 2 years, she used to be the only resident in gs, and her professors have developed a good working relationship with her. got juniors in her final year, and is trying her best to be a good teacher... while also struggling with her own workload & imposter syndrome.
doing her best. she’s just doing her best
doldamverse finds her moving to seocheon in the 2nd year of residency. she can’t work with her assailant, but he’s got the connections, not her. she’s currently pursuing a fellowship in hpb/transplant surgery. 
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