#dom sicheng
femdomlieeh · 2 years
Wanting your attention (m)
Subby!WayV x Dom!GF!Reader
WARNING—suggestive themes, light angst & crack ✧ use of sex toys ✧ semi-public stuff ✧ light S&M ✧ breath play ✧ degradation ✧ praise ✧ mommy kink ✧ mistress kink ✧ baby boy kink
[A/N.] I wrote and posted this very long ago (on my first book that was deleted by wattpad at 190k reads🥲) and i only re-wrote the scenario for some of the members (i think u can tell lol). I will continue re-writing old posts so u guys have smth to read in the meantime while i try to write new shit😊👌
M.LISTS—wayv ✧ nct u ✧ superm ✧ latest updates ✧ read on wp
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钱锟 / 전곤 / Kun
Kun craves attention from his lover but he likes to present himself as someone who doesn't as he's afraid of coming off as clingy and also doesn't want his partner to feel pressured or forced to give him all their attention. Let's say you pay him less attention than usual — you're stuck on the TV or working on your laptop rather than making conversation or cuddling — he may get worried that something had happened or that he's upset you in some way. Rather than being selfish, he would take care of you by making you food or bringing you something to drink or snack on to the table so you don't have to get up when working (he wants you to feel better). Let's say you had been spending more time with or talking to someone else and smiling and laughing a lot more with them than you had done with him this day, he would feel insecure about himself — like do you think he's boring? Do you think you two spend too much time together? Does he lack charisma? He's a bit more mature than the others so he's more likely to talk to you about but will try to sound as not needy for you as possible so you guys can communicate and compromise.
You were watching The Package (great film) on the sofa alone, not asking him if he wanted to join or what movie you two should watch, and he had gained the confidence to sit down next to you and lightly put his chin on your shoulder.
"Are you hungry? Because I can make you something to eat if you want," before you can answer he continues, trying to get you to look him in the eyes, "Or do you want coffee or tea maybe? Iced? Hot?"
"I'm a bit dehydrated actually. Hm hot green tea sounds nice about now."
"Okay, Love. I'm gonna be back soon and you're gonna have the green tea of your life," he felt how his cheeks were flaming by the end of his speech from embarrassment, thinking he sounded too desperate.
"Thank you, Babyboy," you kissed his pink cheek.
He was so happy to make you the cup of tea!
As the relationship progresses I see him continuing doing this, and if your sadistic ass still doesn't give him attention after all the good he does, he'll overanalyse the situation to figure out why he deserves being ignored. Give him a sign you're not upset with him. A quick peck is enough for him to smile. But I also think eventually he'll feel comfortable and confident enough to try to get your attention in less perfect-son-in-law ways (only on occasion if he's tipsy or particularly horny and needs your attention more than usual though). Like he might put his hand on your thigh at a restaurant and move higher and higher until you warn him you'll punish him once you get home.
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ชิตพล ลี้ชัยพรกุล / 이영흠 / ten
Ten. Is. Shameless. Periodt. He'd do whatever the fuck he wants whenever he wants to get your attention. You'd be quite amazed at how far he'd go to get your focus. Casually stripping off his clothes in front of you when you're trying to work from home? Put your hand on his neck when your talking on the phone? Pull out a vibrator to use without asking for permission? While purposely looking at you with a smirk? Whisper dirty shit in your ear when you're having a dinner with loved ones? He'd do it all. It wouldn't matter how lewd it were as long as he got the attention he desired in the end.
"Damn, this dick is so good, Mistress," he moaned loudly, referring to the dildo he was bouncing on without your permission.
You were trying to ignore his groaning and his sinful stare because the online meeting was still getting wrapped up (you had mic off).
"So damn good, way better than your strap, Mistress," he threw his head back and looked at you with a fucked out expression.
The meeting finally came to an end and you put down the laptop screen and turned to him, "Excuse me?"
His reply was short but powerful, "You're excused."
And that was why his ass was red hours later.
But he isn't a freak all the time! He can be really sweet and adorable if he wants to too. Like he will talk to one of his fat cats and be like "—— isn't giving me all their attention how mean, right?" And then pout with the cat (Idk his cats' names💀) next to his head as I'm giving you kitten eyes. He only acts this way with his partner.
"——, please pay attention to meee~" he whined with his chin on your shoulder, staring at the side of your face longingly.
"What, Baby?" you look at him.
"Do you wanna cuddle or fuck or watch a movie or something?"
He'd never change methods: acting naughty or cute is always successful. He loves all the consequences of acting like a slut to get your attention and whenever he feels super cute he likes to act that way too. I think that as you explore together in the bedroom (kitchen, balcony, bathroom etc) he will want to try exploring outside of your home too — it'll all start with him being very needy from you telling him all the nasty things you want to do to him once you get back home from the party, and he will instead grind up on you or join group conversations and say double entendres that everybody else understands as neutral, normal things to say but that you know he secretly means something dirty. And if you tell him you like that he will continue getting your attention this way. He's so creative he can come up with all types of ways to act nasty. Eating a very inappropriately shaped food (even if it's a fruit) while making eye contact. Dancing sexily in front of anyone. Touch you under the table. Draw something that could be interpreted as sexually explicit and show it to you. Call you Mistress in inappropriate settings when nobody else hear. He loves attention and there's no way you're not giving it to him.
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董思成 / 동사성 / winwin
Winwin is an angel. He's always obedient and listens to your commands, loving your praise afterwards. But if he sees you talking to someone else and enjoying it a little too much, he might get insecure. He'd want your attention as soon as possible and — since he's not a naughty boy — he'd do something innocent like whisper in your ear and ask you kindly and indirectly to give him some attention too because he'd rather communicate and solve the small issue than overthink it.
"Can you hold my hand?" he asked into your ear so only you could hear him.
A small smile made an appearance on his face when you took his hand in yours.
He looked at the attention-thief who had dared avert your attention away from him, and sent a friendly warning that you were taken.
My Mommy.
If you still didn't give him the attention he wanted, he'd become extremely pouty. Why won't you just give him attention? If he were desperate enough, he'd sit on your lap. But only if he were feeling daring or passionate enough for you to show him some love.
He sighed frustratedly and looked at you before he made his way to sit on your thighs.
You were shocked at the fact that your non-affectionate boyfriend made a move that was bold — in his case even kissing your cheek in public was considered bold.
"Mommy?" he whispered in your ear.
He looked at you in the eyes, "Can we go home, please? I'm tired and I wanna sleep."
Give him attention! He's a good boy and deserves it! Kiss his hands, cheeks and lips in front of others if necessary. He's your good Babyboy, you should be nice to him. Don't be a meanie :c
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黄旭熙 / 황욱희 / lucas
Xuxi craves attention, whether it's verbal or physical. He enjoys being called handsome just as much as he enjoys being choked like a bitch. But he hates it if you give some of the attention he's supposed to have to someone else, e.g. if you were to call someone else 'handsome' especially, he'd feel a little butt hurt. He's confident, but he's still capable of feeling jealousy. Although he's jealous, he's still confident he can get your attention back. He's so handsome, how can he not? He wouldn't take it seriously, rather playfully or even silly. There are three key ways it could go:
1. Tease you
"Mami," he whispered darkly into your ear, "I'm hard."
You finally looked at him.
"Can we go and fuck? Please, Mami, I want you to choke me and handcuff me and call me yours."
"We're in public."
"So what? Let's go to the car, I always keep toys there for situations like this one."
"Such a slut."
He smirked, "Oh yes."
2. Confront you
"Talk to me, Mami, not him/her/them."
He whined annoyingly.
"How can you even think of looking at someone else when you have the most handsome boy in the world in front of you?"
3. Flirt with someone else in front of you
"I can play your game too, Mami," he winked before making his way to someone half as good-looking as you.
He didn't cheat, of course, but he managed to frustrate you enough to make him get on his knees for you in just a few minutes.
He's sure of himself and doesn't even feel threatened when you give someone else attention, just a little jealous because he wants you all for himself. He'd think of getting your attention as a fun activity. Like a game where he tries to get you to break from the act and when he does — he never loses this game — you reward him. Victory tastes good.
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肖德俊 / 소덕준 / xiaojun
姐姐 (jiejie) = older sister
Angel is rarely naughty, but if he's desperate for your attention, he might consider taking that path (not with the goal of having sex but rather just make you look at him or cuddle him or something). He wouldn't do something super naughty, but something bad enough to mildly shock you. His mind would go to something like 'accidentally' or 'innocently' touching you in a place he shouldn't touch you when you're around other people. He'd do it for your attention, and maybe because he'd want other people to see that you're obviously taken.
He looked at you for a second, contemplating whether or not he should put his hand on your inner thigh.
When he heard you laugh at someone's joke, he made up his mind and put his hand there.
You looked down at it and then at his face.
His expression was blank, but you saw right through it and smirked.
"Are you jealous, Prince?"
Xiaojun had been shopping earlier this week and he decided to put on the shirt he liked the most before making his way to you, hoping you'd think he looked good.
"姐姐, I missed you," he hugged you.
"I missed you too, Prince."
He smiled into your neck.
If you still didn't give him the attention he'd hoped for (whether he'd tried to get it by shocking you by being naughty or by acting cute and sweet), he'd get upset since he can get a bit sensitive and sentimental. He really cares for you and your relationship so if you act indifferent at his attempts to get your attention, he'd think that you were questioning his love for you, or his cuteness, or that you were hinting at a breakup. The ache could be too big for him to stay composed, making him go and cry somewhere alone.
He excused himself and left.
Knowing he's sensitive and usually doesn't leave suddenly, you follow him.
When you found him you saw that he had tears in his eyes.
"Baby, what happened?" you asked.
"Why are you acting like I'm invisible. Like I'm not there? Like I'm no one?" his voice cracked and tears feel.
After that one sad incident, he'd expect you to not ignore him in the future since you now know he's vulnerable and gets affected by it. And so if you happen to ignore him like that again — even after the incident — he'd become more of a wreck than last time.
a/n. May or may not publish an angst imagine with this concept since it's been requested in the past...
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黃冠亨 / 황관형 / hendery
Hendery is a sweetheart. Your attention is always highly appreciated, but it's also expected from you (How can you possibly ignore a loud sunshine?). If you didn't give him his usual amount of attention he'd think you were in a bad mood and thus needed to be brightened up. He'd always be very nice at first and try to impress you with his cute and thoughtful antics, by saying something kind, being caring, giving you something thoughtful or pink.
"Mama, I got us food. Let's watch Netflix," he beamed and held your favorite dish up like it was a prize.
If you didn't return the enthusiasm his big smile would decrease.
But if you pushed it and still didn't give him what he wanted, he'd continue being optimistic and give it another try. If his thoughtful sweetie side didn't work then his energetic crackhead side certainly would. He'd say or act weird or dramatic in order to get you to crack. It's very hard not to smile when he's being his odd, loud self and he knows it; he's a natural born entertainer and uses it to his advantage.
"Throw it back!" he voice cracked out while dancing stupid.
"I shake it off, shake it off—"
"Don't leave me dancing alone. Come on, Mamaaa—" he nagged and tried to drag you to the dance (kitchen) floor.
If you give him what he wants in the end, he'd love to fight for your attention. But if you don't reward him attention, then he'd just feel like you don't fit with him. His personality should be able to gain your attention easily. So if it doesn't then there's clearly something wrong. He'd talk to you about it before making any snap decisions.
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刘扬扬 / 류양양 / yangyang
Babyboy feeds on your attention, and he will do almost every to have your eyes on him and spend time with him. He can be a jealous person sometimes and he hates that trait. Since he's an idol for SM he can't do anything that will make netizens suspicious of him being in a relationship and because of that you two have to act like you don't know of each others existence. But sometimes you two cross paths in public and this means that you can't look each other in the eyes or talk — which also means that if someone flirts with you or if you're laughing very loudly with an attractive person or fan girl/boy over another idol whilst he's missing you a few meters away, he might get sulky and will act sulky with the WayV members (and they will take care of him of course). And he knows that he's jealous but he will just try to act cute or pouty afterwards with you. If he's in a playful mood, he'd prank you in a mischievous way instead of being a naughty boy like some people. His creativity and sense of humor would come to play and he'd end up laughing at your reaction. Orrr he will act like a freaking brat and find a way to get on your nerves just for the fun and aftermath of it. Like he would randomly try to seduce you by dancing and end up giving you a lap dance or he would call you Mommy when you're talking to someone on the phone. Whether he gets punished or not doesn't matter as long as he wins your attention.
fluffy ver.
"Mommy~" he cooed and put his head in your lap.
"My hand is tired of playing with my hair. Can you do it for me instead?"
non-fluffy ver.
A sex song from your playlist (or any song from WayV or 127 lmao) started playing on speakers and when you turned to where the sound came from, you saw Yangyang swaying slowly back and forth to the rhythm of the music, slowly getting closer and closer.
"Focus on me, Mommy~"
He didn’t mind a punishment afterwards<3
He's very needy and horny so he will find many different ways to get your undivided attention or a punishment. He will literally embarrass himself and do aegyo in front of his laughing member (and dye on the inside) just to get you to stop giving Xiaojun all your attention and instead smile and hug your sweet, cute, hot, awesome, sexy, lovely, best boyfriend (or just laugh and humiliate him so he gets hard and begs for you at home).
❝ Only you can see the truth, so babе
Fade out, phantom ❞
( Only you can see the truth, so babe
Look as if there is no mask
The light of truth was never lost
Fade out, phantom )
—wayv; 2022
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shmooooo · 2 months
pretty sure you got this one before but idc because I'm one of your besties anyway and I deserve and you love me ♡
WayV as doms ?? <3
have fun baby <3 ;)
wayv as doms
pairing: wayv x gn!reader
genre: smut
warnings: mentions of the title "daddy", toys, brat taming, spanking, punishment, denial, edging, overstimulation, dacryphilia
word count: 497
notes: some of these are a little short, sorry ^^ it's really extremely ironic that rose and i have literally been writing wayv filth in our free time for like two years now and i still struggled with putting my thoughts into words lol
tagging: @10velyroses
not beta read, we die like men
Soft dom. While I'm not a big fan of the title "Daddy", he's that kind of dom. He's soft for you but strict when it comes to following his rules. Many of them are put in place for your well-being because he loves you and knows you can't take care of yourself. But enough of them are also the typical rules meant to tease you and make you life hard (iykyk). If you break them, he will absolutely tell you how disappointed he is and that he hopes you'll do better next time.
Dom. The teasing kind. sometimes he’ll give you the impression you’re in control only to flip the switch on you really fast. Also a kinky mf and toy enthusiast - he could probably open a shop at this point, you can find everything in his ✨designated drawer✨. He’s also a bit of a sadist and definitely loves to make you work for your pleasure. And while he’s also adamant about you following rules, he mostly does it because he gets a kick out of taming you when you’re being a brat.
Sicheng (Winwin)
Hard dom. Do not mess with him, he will fuck you up - just not necessarily the way you like. Also a brat tamer but less teasing about it than Ten and more on the meaner side (with consent ofc). Enjoys fucking the brat out of you. He’s the type to make you count while spanking you and start over until you make it to the end unless you literally safeword him. 
Dejun (Xiaojun)
Hard dom. Also very teasing but in a meaner way than Ten in that he aims to get you to act up so much that he can rail you three ways into next week. Well, or not rail you at all and instead deny you "until you learn your lesson" (🙄). He’s also a clown though so lighthearted sex is a thing. But when you’re doing scenes, he’s rough. Can also be really mean and degrading when he’s in a headspace (or when you acted like a brat).
Dom. Tease. Literally so. much. teasing. A sweetheart so he loves pampering you but he’s also a clown like Dejun so prepare. He’s less rough and mean during scenes though but don’t underestimate him, he will make you behave for him and if necessary, he’ll show you that you shouldn’t mess with him.
Hard dom. This man is a raging switch lbr but when he doms, he doms. He’s an absolute tease and honestly a brat even when he doms. He’s just making your life hard honestly. Like he’ll just do the opposite of what you want because he can. I don’t care how much you want to be an obedient sub, he’ll bring out the brat in anyone. Which is of course exactly what he wants because now he gets to play the disappointed dom card and edge and overstimulate you as punishment until you’re crying.
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ilwonuu · 6 months
write for winwin please <3
um YES!!! i love him so bad omomgomh ty for ur request 😪😪 i hope u like <3
come over?
↬ dong sicheng
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𓍯 ִֶָ pairing- nonidol!winwin x gn!reader, dom!reader x sub!winwin(????????), established relationship
𓍯 ִֶָ warnings- making out, dry humping, cumming & mentions cum, slight dirty talk, MDNI, lmk what else <3
𓍯 ִֶָ a/n- anon i loved writing this i hope ur okay with this<3 everyone 🙃lmk if i should write something more smutty or fluffy i love u all
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winwin invited you over at the late hours of the night why you ask? for a sweet little dirty make out session. which you are having currently.
his lips feel so soft against yours. his chest bare because his shirt was quickly stripped away. your pants being forgotten as well as you grind down against your boyfriend.
the kisses were sloppy but needy. each one had you wanting more. him letting soft whimpers leave his mouth.
“you are so- pretty a-ah-“ he left more wanting kisses as he helped your hips move against him. your tongue slipping into his mouth.
your boyfriend tries to fight for dominance but loses that battle quickly. you lick into his mouth, moaning against his now swollen lips.
he gasps when he feels your lips against his neck. his whimpers and moans getting louder as he feels you start to grind down harder.
“you gonna come for me pretty boy?” you taunt him pulling him into a filthy kiss. he moans so loud at the nickname.
“i’m g-gonna cum if you call me that.” his eyes are no longer open as you rub against his chest. “oh? found a little name you like huh pretty boy.” you smirk as his hips slightly buck.
“s-shit.” is the last thing your boyfriend remembers before seeing stars.
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faes-land · 9 months
Day 4 - Winwin
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Pairings: WinWin X Female Reader
Genre: Smut
Word Count: 1,276
Warnings: Unprotected sex, (Don’t do it kids!) Dom! WinWin, Sub! Reader, Nipple play, clit play, spanking, semi public sex, cream pie
To say you were lucky would be an understatement. You were currently standing on the balcony of the beach house your boyfriend had rented in nothing but a silk robe in your favorite color. You felt his body behind yours and his arms were soon around your waist. He nuzzled his face in your neck and left little kisses, making you giggle at the feeling. “Sicheng,” you moaned out between his kisses. You reached behind you and tangled your fingers in his hair. “Already?” 
He chuckled against your skin, sending vibrations through your body. His hands were traveling your body, touching all of your sensitive spots. You moaned softly and Sicheng said, “You just look so good right now, I can’t keep my hands off you,” 
You turned to him, “Then don’t,” you said before leaning in to kiss his lips that were slightly swollen from being kissed repeatedly not even 20 minutes ago. He kissed you tenderly as his hands were inching up your body and on your covered breasts. He teased your nipples through your robe and your back arched. You moaned into your kiss when Sicheng pinched your nipple. The extra stimulation went straight to your core, and you felt yourself getting more aroused by the second. 
You moaned softly when one of his hands slid underneath your robe and slowly rubbed your clit. “Shit,” you cursed as the feeling of pleasure took over your body. Sicheng’s lips were back onto your neck, leaving little marks along your skin. You wanted to be mad about the hickeys but didn’t care enough. You arched your back and leaned into him, your butt pushing against his hardening cock. 
You heard him groan, so you began to wiggle your butt against him. “Baby,” he warned. 
“What?” You giggled, keeping up your movements. Sicheng stopped rubbing your clit so that he could remove his boxers and hike up your robe. You gasped when you felt him leave a slap on your newly exposed ass. “Sicheng!” 
He didn’t say anything, he just lined his cock up with your entrance, teasing you ever so slowly. The tip of his cock felt so delicious against your wet folds, so you moved your hips slightly as to help guide him inside. That was a bad idea. All that did was make Sicheng stop his movements and you earned another harsh slap. “Don’t do that again,” he warned. 
As much as you didn’t want to be a brat, you couldn’t help yourself. You turned your head, “Or what? You’ll spank me again?” You said before wriggling your hips against his cock again. 
“I warned you,” was all you heard before he spanked you two more times. You moaned when you felt the lingering sting. He smirked before he lined his cock up with you one more time. “Let’s try this again,” he mumbled. Another moan slipped from your lips when he teased your dripping slit with his tip. It took everything in you to hold still, but you just wanted him to fuck you so badly. You had no choice but to obey him. “Spread your legs a little more for me,” You happily complied and you felt his tip tease your inner walls.
Before you knew it, Sicheng had thrust inside you in one swift motion. You moaned loudly and held on the to balcony railing. You realized there was a chance that someone could possibly see or hear you two, but Sicheng said it was a private beach. Now you wondered if he chose this place just for this reason. The thought of being caught made this whole thing hotter for you. 
He moved slowly, and you wanted him to go faster. Your body was already hyper-sensitive from when you had him fucked on the bed just a few minutes ago, but you also wanted so much more. He was hitting you at a new angle now that he was behind you, reaching somewhere you weren’t used to. You and Sicheng didn’t usually have sex in this position, but you both were enjoying it. The combination of his cock deliciously teasing your walls and the view of the crashing waves was like a dream come true. 
“Fuck,” you moaned breathlessly as he began to move faster in you. You got what you wanted out of him without having to ask. You figured it was because he was also sensitive and wanted to come as quickly as possible. His hands were on your hips, holding you tighter as he slammed into you repeatedly. You could feel his nails digging into your skin, adding to your pleasure. You loved when he’d have a strong grip on you like this. 
His thrusts became faster and your grip on the railing became tighter. Your moans were loud, almost as loud as the waves you were facing. Sicheng moved one of his hands up to cup your breast in his hand, squeezing and teasing your nipple. The extra stimulation sent shivers through your sensitive body. 
You wanted to see his handsome face while he fucked you, but the angle of him from behind was just too fucking good. The tip of his cock had found your spot and was hitting it repeatedly. “R-right there!” You moaned loudly as Sicheng kissed and nipped at your shoulder. With each thrust you felt closer and closer to your orgasm. Sicheng could tell by the way you fluttered around his cock. 
You wanted so badly to hold out, to prolong the pleasure he was giving you, but it just felt so good. His cock reached deep inside you and gave you more pleasure than any man had before him. He knew your body better than you did and you were grateful to have a man like him. He knew how to fuck you rough and properly while also taking care of you. 
Sicheng removed his hand from your tit and moved it down to your clit, rubbing it in time with his thrusts. You practically screamed at this and you could feel your legs becoming weaker. “Are you gonna come for me, gorgeous? You going to make a mess all over my cock?” His thrusts were brutal at this point and you wondered how he was able to keep this up. You clenched around his cock and he smirked, “you can let go, Angel.” That was all you needed. 
Your orgasm ripped through you and you could feel yourself cumming all over him, making a sloppy mess between your legs. The wet sounds of your skin slapping against each other was a little too hot. Sicheng looked down at the mess and his cock twitched inside you. After a few more harsh thrusts, Sicheng had also reached his climax. His deep groans echoing through your ear as you felt his cum paint your inner walls. 
As he slowly pulled out of you, you felt his cum leak out from inside you. Your inner thighs were coated in a mixture of yours and his cum, making him smirk at the pretty mess. “Sicheng…” you trailed, feeling your legs give out on you. 
He chuckled as he caught you. He turned you to face him and he kissed your lips softly, the sweetness of his lips catching you off guard. “Let’s get you cleaned up. The sun is going down and I want you to see the sunset.” 
You nodded and smiled, too tired to give him a response. Sicheng could tell by how you looked that you were too fucked out to move, so he happily carried you to the bathroom. 
You still couldn’t believe how you got so lucky.
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springseasonie · 1 year
i love your works pls write something for winwin,,,, im thinking stepcest maybee,,..,.!/!/£!??/£2£ SOMETHJNG ANYTHING i never see him being written abt 😭
Couldn't wait
Warnings: sexual content, oral (male receiving), dacryphilia(if you squint), spit (not too much), asphyxiation, rough dom winwin, step sister/brother dynamic, proof read (kinda. sorry for any errors)
Word count: 1,2k
A/N: had to restart this cuz it was bad lmaooo. Hope you enjoy it tho
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"You couldn't wait till dinner was over?"
Sicheng's hands raked over your body roughly, squeezing and pinching every bit of skin he could get his hands on. His mouth was on your neck, kissing your skin messily. You closed your eyes, taking in the feeling of his hands on your body, moaning softly.
"You can't play footsies with me under the table like that and expect me to be okay." Sicheng lifted your dress, hands immediately going to your ass. He groped you roughly, making you whine in pain.
"Not so hard Sicheng," you whined softly.
"I'm sorry," he said against your skin. "I need to fuck you so bad right now."
"We can't, we have to go back downstairs."
Sicheng noticed the disappointment in your voice, lifting his head looking at you with a sudden serious expression. "Can you suck me off?"
You laughed softly, amused by his sudden change in disposition. "And will I get anything in return?"
"I'll give you the best sex you've ever had in your life." Sicheng looked at you with pleading eyes. He pulled you closer, making you feel his straining erection.
"And how will you do that with our parents home," you asked, raising a brow.
"We'll figure it out later." You opened your mouth to speak, but was interrupted with the feelings of his lips on yours. He kissed you deeply, biting your lip softly before pulling away. "I promise Y/N."
You give him a small smile before dropping to your knees. You didn't have many weaknesses but he was definitely one of them. You don't know when these feelings for your step brother developed, but it was already too late before you could try and get rid of them. Sicheng always liked you in a way he shouldn't have, but he really couldn't help it. He knew your father would likely kill him if he found out what you and Sicheng did behind closed doors, but that was apart of the fun.
Sicheng watched as you pulled the drawstring of his sweats, staring up at him with big innocent eyes. He loves that look on you, how ironic it was for the both of you. He gulped when your fingers hooked on his pants and boxers, pulling them down with no effort. Usually, you would tease him a bit, get him worked up. But you had no time for that. Sicheng clenched his jaw with a pained expression when you took all of him in your mouth, deep throating him with ease.
"Fucking hell," he mumbled. "I remember when you couldn't do that without gagging."
You pulled yourself off him, a line of silvia connecting your lip to his tip. "I know," you say, wrapping your hard around his shaft. You stroked him, eyes never leaving his as you wrapped your mouth on his tip, sucking him hard. Sicheng's hand flew to your head, fingers already tangling in your hair.
"Holy shit," he breathed out. "If you keep that up, we're gonna get caught."
You gave him a small chuckle, the look in your eyes changing. You sunk your mouth into him again, removing your hand. You bobbed your head, cheeks hollowing as you bobbed your head. His pants were filling the room, small curses constantly leaving his lips with each movement. Sicheng closed his eyes, throwing his head back at the overwhelming feeling. If he kept looking at you and your big pretty eyes, he would definitely cum a little too early.
Sicheng's grip on your hair tightened, his hips now moving entirely separate from his body as he began to thrust in your mouth. He knew how much you liked this, how much you liked being used like this, especially with your parents only a staircase away.
"You like this don't you," he groaned quietly.
Your brows furrowed, moaning around him. The vibrations from your sinful sounds almost make him forget what kind of situation he's in. He just wants to take his dick out your mouth and fuck you right there on the floor. Sicheng starts fucking into your mouth faster and rougher smirking when your eyes screwed shut.
"Is it too much for you," he said, chuckling darkly. Unsatisfied when you didn't respond, he pulled himself out of your mouth sharply, pupils dilating when you came off his length coughing. "Answer me."
"Y-yeah," you said, nodding slightly. There were small tears in your eyes and your lips were a bit swollen from the stretch.
No matter how tired or how too much it was, it was never enough to make you want to stop pleasuring him. You needed him so bad. You loved knowing that it was you who he always ran to, it was you who he would release all his stress onto. If only your parents knew what kind of unhealthy obsession you had with him, it would only get worse from here. But what could be worse than his dick in your mouth?
You happily dropped your jaw when he put himself back into your mouth, fucking you even rougher. Sicheng could tell you were having trouble breathing at this point, but he couldn't stop. Not when there were small tears flowing from your eyes onto your pretty lips. You looked up at him, expression full of lust and desperation.
"If only your father could see what a good girl his daughter is," Sicheng gritted through his teeth. "I'm close, Y/N."
He let go of your hair and pulled himself out your mouth quickly. Sicheng wrapped his hand around his shaft, pumping himself quickly. "Your mouth or face?"
"M-mouth." You opened your mouth, sticking your tongue out. Sicheng's gaze never left your pretty face. Spit on your chin, eyes glossed, tears staining your cheeks, but you're still willing to drink every bit of him up. He would take a picture, but unfortunately he left his phone downstairs.
"Fuck..Y/N.." Sicheng gave himself one more tug right before placing his tip on your tongue, cumming into your mouth. You let out a sigh of relief feeling his release on your tongue. "Swallow."
You closed your mouth, batting your lashes at him doing what he said.
"Show me." Sicheng smiled to himself when you opened your mouth and stuck your tongue out. You were so obedient it was almost cute. "You did good. You can stand up now."
You stood up, knees stinging a bit from being on your hard floor. You looked down at your knees, cringing at the sight of them. There was no way they weren't gonna be bruised later. Sicheng lifted your chin and kissed you, tasting his own cum on his tongue.
"I don't know how I'm gonna go down like this," you said, voice raspy.
"Yeah, you sound like a guy," he joked. The both of you laughed softly, leaning into each other's bodies. He wrapped his arms around you, hugging you tight. "I promise I'll fuck you so good tonight," he whispered in your ear.
"I'm holding you to that."
"Just make sure you come to my room quietly okay? We don't want to almost get caught like last time."
You cringed at the memories from the other day when your father saw you trying to sneak into Sicheng's room in nothing but a t-shirt and underwear. It's a blessing you were a good lair, because if not, a divorce would be on your hands right now. "Won't happen again," you said.
"Good." Sicheng let go of you, kissing your forehead before he backed up. "I'm gonna go down first okay? Don't miss me too much."
Before he opened the door, you kissed him softly. "Love you," you mumbled against his lips.
"Love you too."
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misswoozi · 8 months
Getting Jaewin brainrot again recently. I think Jaehyun would love it if Sicheng rode him...He'd love to see Sicheng making himself feel good on Jaehyun's dick. And Jaehyun could hold his hands out so that Sicheng could clasp them and have better leverage to bounce. Or he'd just enjoy touching Sicheng and tucking his hair behind his ear. Iunno I think Jaehyun would find Sicheng so pretty when Sicheng is barely holding on and falling over onto Jaehyun bc he feels so good uwu Service top Jaehyun for Sicheng I guess lmao.
- Suwitru
I'm picturing these two in the living room, sharing a pen (Jaehyun bought a new cart and this strain DID SAY it was good for ✨ spice ✨) while they binge a TV show. I don't know who would get handsy first (probably Winwin — I feel like his tolerance is lower so it'd hit him harder) but it results in him riding Jaehyun in just his faded t-shirt.
I think Winwin might be shy about riding his partners in general but when he's high AND it's Jaehyun who he's very comfortable with? That shyness would fade QUICKLY, especially since I think high!Jaehyun is more vocal. He'd be laying the praise on THICK and telling Winwin how good he looks (stoner!Jaehyun is a soft dom — I will not accept criticism.)
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pentagonieslut · 2 years
m.list !!
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lee huitaek/hoetaek (hui):
[hui's high pitched screams are in place of no works. - cube staff]
jo jinho:
ko/go shinwon:
yeo changgu (yeoone):
[causing silent chaos somewhere, lurking]
yang hongseok:
adachi yuto/yuuto:
kang hyunggu:
[embarrased he has to match hui and shinwon, hiding]
jung wooseok:
kim hyojong (e'dawn):
i will write romance + smut for him on request. he just got out of a relationship with hyuna. be nice.
all members:
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kim hongjoong:
[ran away to the studio to work on something]
park seonghwa:
[poor mama can't catch a break]
jung wooyoung:
[he's trying to get rough-talked again because he likes it]
jeong yunho:
[him and minjae are going around and calling each other brothers]
song mingi:
[just being happy little mufasa]
kang yeosang:
[ordering as much chicken as he can]
choi san:
[being a sex demon again]
choi jongho:
[breaking apples and singing tears]
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moon taeil:
[being a grandpa, he's sick of this shit]
qian kun:
[yelling at the younger members starting from 99s-jisung]
seo johnny:
[he's eating chicago pizza and crying]
lee taeyong:
[febreezing all the fucking dorms]
kim doyoung:
[he's hiding in his room]
kim jungwoo:
[he's being a puppy to get taeyong to cook]
dong sicheng (winwin):
[running from taeil's monstrous love]
nakamoto yuta:
[eating taiyaki and sharing with shotaro]
jung jaehyun:
[he's preparing to work overtime]
chittaphon leechaiyapornkul (ten):
wong yukhei/wong xuxi (lucas):
[freaking out about the discovery of nana and nearly crushing louis]
na jaemin:
[reminding lucas he's nana for the third year in a row]
xiao dejun (xiaojun):
[jasmine is really muscular]
wong kunhuang (hendery):
[he's in macau touring with big byung]
liu yangyang:
[he's freaking out in german, give him a second]
zhong chenle:
[flexing his money again]
huang renjun:
[he's planning the death of a dream member]
lee mark:
[my baby said she wanna dance she wanna leave me, huh? FUCK]
lee jeno:
[let him recover from being tied up and being ridden]
jung sungchan:
[he's playing games with your heart, i'm sorry]
lee donghyuck (haechan):
[consistent with his 37.5% show rating]
osaki shotaro:
[he's being the cutest fucking otter alive and you're here for it]
park jisung:
[he's on his way to becoming a tiktok fuckboi]
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moon hyunbin:
[casting a spell for peace, maybe?]
choi seokwon (tan):
[can put you in a chokehold but has a cute face so like- I TAP OUT]
kim byeonggun (hwi):
[cupid is making him do secretary work]
terazono keita:
[still waiting on the phone papa rain promised him]
yeom taegyun (tag):
[leave mans alone, he's doing highschool rapper 4 n stressing]
gil dohwan:
[he's yodeling..somewhere]
park sungwon (won):
[snuck out for a poetry slam]
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son seungjun (castle j):
[producing some type of track]
nam seungmin (bic):
[he's not a pen, promise]
song minjae:
[dammit minjae..you're so tall, i mistook you for yunho!]
no huijun:
[getting a black belt in taekwondo]
bang junhyuk (win):
[he's making your brain rot with his deep voice like felix]
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lee hangyul:
[putting you in a choke hold with his all day performance]
park junseo:
[he's dancing his bones off]
jeon minwook (j-min):
[trying to go to the olympics in professional flexibility]
jung gun (yoojun):
[making 'fuck you' necklaces to choke bit with]
kim hyunwoo (muzin):
[trying to meditate before he goes off]
ryu yeongseo:
[trying to become the next twice member]
na gyumin (doha):
[drawing webtoons about the chaos of this group]
noh minjae (bit):
[tormenting yoojun and j-min with cucumbers]
nam dohyon:
[auditioning for SMTM with his milk mixtape]
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[he's so pretty they're making him model schoolgirl uniforms]
[he's being hyper again...MOOM]
[his mind is blank leave him alone]
[eating dango and watchinge veryone with a happy smile]
[lurking somewhere
[he's telling everyone he's not a athlete]
[flustered about something]
[working out again]
[chicken GK, chicken GK, chicken GK]
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97-liners · 2 years
how about....b, c, i, n??
B: Any of your stories inspired by personal experience?
in one way or another, all my frat aus have drawn some inspiration from my real life experiences lmao.... ya girl was wildin in college!!! and i know this is my seventeen blog, but lonely hearts columns may have been the one fic that was most loosely based off real life experiences lmao (not the overarching plot line.... just many of the little anecdotes and characters and more technical details)
C: What member do you identify with most?
maybe minghao?!? and also in many ways, dong sicheng.
I: Do you have a guilty pleasure in fic (reading or writing)?
yeah dude i hate to admit it but sometimes.... if it's well written..... like, very well written..... i'll read dom/sub smut
N: Is there a fic you wish someone else would write (or finish) for you?
god. so many. everything in my fic graveyard. professor wonwoo is a personal favorite au of mine and @flowershu wrote the most heartbreakingly tender addition to it so i would 10000% entrust ellie with professor wonwoo and phd student y/n
fanfic asks
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stay-tiny2021 · 2 years
NCT 2020 as Doms, Switches, and Subs
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Johnny Suh
Lee Taeyong
Nakamoto Yuta
Kim Doyoung
Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul
Jung Jaehyun
Wong Yukhei
Huang Renjun
Jung Sungchan
Park Jisung
Moon Taeil
Xiao Dejun
Lee Jeno
Na Jaemin
Liu YangYang
Qian Kun
Dong Sicheng
Kim Jungwoo
Mark Lee
Wong Kunhang
Lee Donghyuck
Osaki Shotaro
Zhong Chenle
This is solely based on my opinion; please do not take this seriously! I have done a lot of research to make a guess as to which member would most likely be a dominant, switch, or submissive partner in a relationship. I took into account how NCT interacts with each other, how they interact with NCTzens, and the overall vibe I feel from each individual member.
If you don’t agree, that is absolutely fine! As I said, this is based on my opinion. But please don’t be rude with comments, as they will be deleted and you will be blocked. I’m keeping my tumblr page as positive as possible, and I won’t stand for negativity of any kind.
Love, Whit ❤️
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linol0vely · 2 years
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Pack winwin icons
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neowinestainedress · 5 years
drunk on you, now i’m wasted
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There was no way Sicheng was wasting a second not admiring him when he was just so painfully beautiful like that. All spread out for her to fill him up completely. His cheeks flushed and wet, his lips plump and red, his hair stuck against his sweaty forehead. And it was so exciting for Sicheng to know that that was the same Jaehyun that easily fucked her against a wall mercilessly. Sicheng felt so good knowing she was the only one who could get him on his knees and make a mess out of him.
Or where it doesn't take much for Jaehyun to get drunk on Sicheng and feel wasted.
-warnings: smut; foursome; cock warming; pegging; dirty talk; slight verbal humiliation; praise kink; oral sex; orgasm delay/denial; multiple orgasms; sex toys; mommy kink; aftercare  yes, Sicheng is a woman
The JohnJaeTeWin smut nobody asked for, but I’m sorry I love them and we need more sub-jaehyun.
ao3 link
 "What are you thinking about?" Ten asked leaning closer to Sicheng from behind. His lips brushing timidly on her neck. "Just at how it's been a month since you bought me the new strap-on, and I still hadn't had the chance to use it." Sicheng replied with a sad expression on her face. Ten pouted. "Oh, poor baby. You want to top someone?" Ten was taunting, and Sicheng rolled her eyes, she didn't need this, not now when the only thought in her mind was Jaehyun at complete disposal for her to do anything with him. "I'm here if you want." He kept teasing, slowly unbuttoning his shirt with a smirk on his face.
"Ugh, you know what I want." And it was true, Ten knew it perfectly. Honestly, that was what he wanted too. It was strange how all of a sudden Ten and Sicheng started to be this close when at the start Ten couldn't even stand to hear her name. Three of them in a relationship weren't enough? And why the hell the fourth had to be a woman? He couldn't get it, to read: he was way to petty to act like a proper adult who knew that that could've happened since the first day he got into that type of relationship with two bisexual men. After three months of acting like a bitch, he started to get closer to Sicheng (mostly because Johnny and Jaehyun deprived him of sex) and found out that Sicheng was cool, cooler than he hoped she would be. And that they actually made a great duo. It took him two more months to get over the idea of vaginas as terrifying things and discover that playing with Sicheng was funny. So here they were now, being two bratty partners in crime who loved making Jaehyun and Johnny going crazy.
"Ask him." Ten said now sitting on her lap as his fingers were playing with her long wavy brown hair. "But...I'm shy." She whispered, her cheeks turned red. Ten laughed straight to her face. "I'm sorry, honey. But we both know that's a lie." He added after he saw her smile fall. "What if he doesn't want that?" She said seriously, Ten simply smiled at her and started to caress her face. It was kinda cute how Sicheng would worry so much about everything, even after a year together. Everything still felt new to her and she wasn't as brave as Ten at testing new unexplored territory with their boyfriends. In fact, Sicheng wanted to peg them for ages, it had always been stuck on her mind but she was too embarrassed -and scared of having them laugh at her face- to ask anything. It was thanks to Ten that Sicheng effectively got to do it just about four months before. Ten couldn't get it quite well, but he understood that he was shameless and knew the other boys longer than Sicheng did, so he also knew that they were pretty much down for everything as long as everyone involved was fine with it.
"You know he loves it, don't make me ask for it, again." He admonished. She sighed and then patted his thighs to make him stand up. "Fine, I will."
Fun thing, Sicheng never asked. Three days had passed since their conversation, all mostly like Ten sending her glare to tell her to talk to Jaehyun and Sicheng mouthing 'later', followed by Ten rolling his eyes and Johnny watching them with a frown on his face not understanding what was going on between them. It was a late evening on Friday when Sicheng felt particularly brave and decided to -practically- do something and not only whine and cry on how much she needed to fuck someone. Nobody was home, Sicheng had finished her turn before so she had all the time by herself to get ready and put in action what she was fantasizing about. After eating something that was left in the fridge -hoping it wasn't something poisonous cooked by Ten, who then decided to keep it anyway just to get rid of someone of them- Sicheng took off her working clothes and took a swift shower. "Bitch, is you home?" Rolling her eyes at the sound of Ten entering the house, Sicheng peeked down the stairs and stuck her tongue out at him. "Why are you like this?" Sicheng then added puffing as she entered the kitchen. "No, why are -you- like this?" Ten asked cheeking her out from head to toe. Sicheng had nothing on but a towel who barely covered her slim and tall body -she was taller than him, and at the start that was one of the many of the other reasons why Ten hated her. "Want to impress someone? Maybe showering made you grown some guts and you finally decided to talk to him?" He smirked as he bit a mouthful of a toast he made in like one, two minutes? Sicheng doesn't know and honestly doesn't want to. "Oh, shut up and don't waste my time. I've got a surprise." Sicheng said turning around making her back sway as she left the room. "Wait, I wanna know. Sicheng -fuck." He said as a piece of bread got stuck in his throat while he was calling for Sicheng. "I'll kill her one day."
"Honey, we're home." Johnny's low voice resounded around the house who seemed way too calm knowing the two subjects who were inside. As soon as Jaehyun and him glared at each other, questioning what was going on, a sound of heels on the floor made their head turn around. "Fuck." Jaehyun breathed out, his mind went blank as he immediately felt a shiver run down his spine. Sicheng was leaning against the handrail of the stairs. Her already long legs looked even longer in that black tight suit pants and the five-inch red decollete. But, damn, that wasn't the most breathtaking thing in front of their eyes. Her boobs were perfectly wrapped by the white blouse, so tight the bottoms could barely keep it together, and suspenders were placed at the side of her chest. A tie tightened around her neck finished the look as her long hair was raised in a ponytail. Sicheng looked so powerful like this. Sicheng was powerful. And Johnny and Jaehyun felt defenceless at that sight. Her body moved gracefully in the air as she made her way closer to the boys, and there, when a shy ray of moonlight hit her better, Jaehyun eyes got caught by something else. She was wearing a strap-on, it was clear by the prominence on her low waist. "Fuck." He cursed again, he was already getting hard. "You're keeping it quiet, now?" Sicheng asked, she was in front of him and he didn't even realize that. "You'll be screaming it louder later tonight." She whispered the last words in his ear, her hot breath hitting his neck causing him to bit his lips. He wanted to curse again, and again. It was always like that when Sicheng decided to switch, and to him, it was unbelievable how she could just be the best submissive person ever and then turn to be -this- dominant, sometimes even more than him. It drove him crazy, it fucked him up. And while he was lost in his thoughts, trying to gain back all the sanity Sicheng drained from his soul since they first met, he didn't see how Johnny was wiping away with kisses the beautifully wore red lipstick from her face. "You're so hot like this, babe." Johnny whispered pulling away, his big hands were cupped around Sicheng's ass. "I know, don't need to remind me." Yeah, also that, Sicheng could be very full of herself if she wanted to. "Hey, what have you done to him?" Again, way too immersed in admiring his partner's bodies he didn't see Ten coming down from upstairs and placing right in front of him, ready to mock him, as always. And, as expected, he was pointing at his already visible boner. "I'll get my revenge." He simply thought, but that was for later. Right now he was the target, and he knew that they wouldn't let him breathe -in any sense- that night. Not that he minded, but he had other things to think about, like trying not to lose his dignity when they didn't even start, yet, just because he was way too whipped for Sicheng. Check, failed. "Me? Nothing?" Sicheng answered with an angelic tone in her voice as she turned around facing both Ten and Jaehyun. The younger huffed and rolled his eyes, seriously? She had the audacity to say it wasn't her fault when she was just so breathtaking, sexy, beautiful and hot and fuck-maybe Jaehyun loved Sicheng a little too much. A slap followed his actions. "Hey!" He screamed. He knew exactly why she did that and it didn't even hurt much but learning from the best -Ten- putting on a scene always made things better. "I know what you're thinking, but it wasn't for that." Sicheng said slipping a hand through his light brown hair. "Aren't you a little bit too greedy, pup?" Jaehyun closed his eyes, a dumb smile on his face, he really wanted to make it disappear but his mind was already too far gone. He won't survive the night, he knows it damn well. He knows himself, and how much he likes all this shit. And he knows his partners would never lose the change to take him to the edge and make a mess out of him. "Look at you, you like it?" Sicheng smaller hands cupped his face and forced him to look at her in her eyes. "Just got home and you're already extremely hard. Baby boy wants to get fucked, doesn't he?" She whispered, her voice was always warm and somehow low, but in this situation, it was just so raspy and hot that sometimes Jaehyun felt like he could come by that only -and he probably really could, didn't try, yet. "Yes, please." His voice sounded like a cry, already desperate, and his cheeks and ears turned red as his brain suddenly realized that Johnny and Ten were also there, staring right at him. "Gettin shy?" Talk about the devil. Johnny's voice made his dick throb in his tight jeans, the moments when he and Johnny got to have fun together were rare, it was always three of them, all together or one of them with Ten and Sicheng, but rarely them two. That didn't stop them from loving each other and neither loving to have fun with each other. But he wasn't that used to have that kind of attention from him. "Not answering? That's kinda rude since you're asking us to fuck you." Johnny said again, this time more stern and dominant. A shiver run down Jaehyun's spine -and dick. "N-no, I...yes." He mumbled out the first words that came in his mind not knowing quite well what to say. Well, ten minutes into this and he was already brain dead. Good job, Jaehyun. "Stupid puppy." Sicheng said, and both Ten and Johnny laughed at him. His ears turned as red as Sicheng's lipstick if that was even possible but he seriously felt stupid at that moment. "Why don't you go upstairs and wait for us with your pretty ass up in the air?" Sicheng asked gently stroking his face, her thumb on his soft lips. She wanted to kiss him so bad.
Jaehyun simply nodded -not able to create a comprehensible phrase, and without any other words, he ran upstairs.
Jaehyun didn't waste a moment to get rid of his clothes, he wanted to throw them on the floor and swiftly get ready on the bed but at the same time he didn't want to seem so desperate, he knew he would give them other reasons to make fun of him through the night and he had already started in the worst way, recovering now was a good option. After having piled his clothes on the desk he moved to the bed, his right cheek pressed against the pillow, staring at the door in anticipation, and ass up in the air, firstly because they told him to and secondly because the slight brush of his dick on the covers would've got him shaking. "Look at you." Sicheng voice made him open his eyes wide, the room was kinda dark as the only light came from the abatjour on the desk opposite to the bed. He couldn't see well, also due to the position he was. But he liked it, not knowing who was near him or what they were gonna do to him, okay, maybe he loved it since thinking about it made his cock throb another time. A hand placed around his ass cheek, it was smooth and small, he could tell it was Ten's. "Isn't he beautiful?" He said caressing him, and a smile painted Jaehyun face as pride rushed over him. "So soft and pale, it feels like I'm touching porcelain." He said moving closer to Jahyun's ring of nerves, teasing it lightly with his thumb. A soft moan escaped his lips. "So fragile, maybe I should stop touching or it will break." Ten said pulling away. "No." Jaehyun exclaimed, his voice breaking in his throat. Sicheng laughed, it was definitely her. "Baby, baby, you should be more patient." She said leaning closer to him, her hands were messing his hair and he wanted to move, seeking for more contact and affection. But he couldn't. "But I've been." He whispered, no he didn't, but he couldn't care less. It hadn't even been bad so there was no reason for not wanting more. A huff left Johnny's lips "You shouldn't lie." He warned slapping his ass. Jaehyun leapt. "Please..." Jaehyun cried out. "Please what, pup? Tell us what you want." She said, her fingers making her way to his mouth asking for permission to enter. He opened up. "Tou-touch me." Jaehyun hardly said trying to breathe. "How you want to be touched, pup?" Jaehyun moaned as Sicheng kept pushing her fingers inside his mouth, maybe he had a problem with his oral fixation. Yes, he surely had it. But that wouldn't be the biggest problem. "Ten, please." "I said how, not, who. Are you that stupid?" Sicheng said in a stern voice pulling her fingers out. "No, I-" Jaehyun tried to mumble out but his voice got stuck in his mouth when another slap ended on his ass. It was Sicheng this time. "You're not even good at listening, I don't think you deserve these attentions." She said rubbing the redder part of his body. "No, please, Sicheng." Her fingers tangled through his hair and she pulled strongly against herself causing his lower back to arch up. "What? Say it again, pup, if you dare." "Mommy, I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Jaehyun cried out tightening his eyes. Not able to keep eye contact with her. "Good boy." Sicheng said letting go the grip suddenly, causing his head to bob against the pillow. "Since you can't answer we'll decide, okay?" She said gesturing Ten to take care of him. Jaehyun simply nodded, at this point, everything was fine as long as they touched him. "You wanted me, right baby?" Ten said getting on the bed, Jaehyun could feel the movement of the mattress under him.
"Yes..." He said in a shaky voice, pushing his ass higher in the air, his back arched perfectly. He just wanted to be ruined, couldn't care much of anything else, not even how pathetic he looked.
"You're so fucking desperate." Ten said getting closer to him, his lower back making contact with Jaehyun's ass. "Now suck." He ordered putting two digits in his mouth, not so sweetly. And Jaehyun did. Closing his pinky lips around them and then swirling his tongue in his mouth. His eyelashes fluttered on his cheeks as he enjoyed the feeling.
"Fucking beautiful." Johnny whispered. He couldn't see him, but from his voice, he could tell he was beside the bed. "Stop. We got better things to do." Ten said pulling away. Jaehyun whined but the Thai boy didn't listen and moved his fingers down to his ass. "Want to suck something?" Johnny was now in front of Jaehyun, towering over him. His pants were gone, and the only thing covering his boner was his underwear. "You want something to stuff that pretty mouth of yours?" Jaehyun nodded trying to hold back the moans caused by Ten's attention down there and the things Johnny was saying. "Can you keep daddy's dick warm while Ten eats you out?" He asked caressing his cheeks and Jaehyun nodded, a shy smile on his face. "Really? Sicheng do you think he can?" He asked mockingly.
"No, that pretty mouth is too small for your cock, isn't it, pup?"
"No, I'm good, daddy. I can take, I- fuck." He mumbled out, he felt dizzy. Trying to keep attention at the two of them felt impossible when Ten was working him open, his fingers entering him slowly and brushing his most sensitive spots.
"I'll be a good boy and keep your cock warm." He finished holding back moans. Without adding another word, Johnny got on the bed, sitting with his legs open on the pillow beneath Jaehyun's head. And so Jaehyun did it. Resting his cheeks on Johnny's thigh he tried to take in his mouth as much of Johnny's dick he could. But fuck, Johnny was so big, and he wasn't the one sucking cocks usually. He wanted to do it, though, he promised Johnny and for personal pride -he had to -and he also just wanted something to suck.
"Good boy, just like that." Johnny whispered running his fingers through his hair to make him relax as he felt his dick rest on Jaehyun's tongue.
"Fuck, you're so tight." This time Ten was talking, his three fingers were buried deep inside Jaehyun and he could perfectly feel how tight he was as he clenched around him.
"But you're so...pretty like that." Ten emphasised the word 'pretty', he knew Jaehyun loved to be called that and it worked since a soft moan left his lips -well, what could be heard of that since the position he was. "So pink and hot for me, for us." He kept praising him leaning closer with his mouth. Jahyun whimpered when Ten's tongue licked his entrance and swirled around, his dick was leaking pre-cum and he already felt so close. A muffled 'fuck' left his mouth, as he tried to steady his breath through his nose, it was harder than he expected. Johnny's big cock blocked all the air from the mouth and sucking sent him into other space, which made it hard for him to focus on something that was actually pretty important -breathing. And the amazing oral sex Ten was giving him wasn't helping. "A beautiful peach." Sicheng said. Jaehyun couldn't see her, she was probably looking at him from behind, enjoying the best view Jaehyun offered. His cheeks turned red at the thought, he could kinda feel Sicheng's burning gaze on his skin, and that was so hot. Sicheng eyes were so beautiful and intense, so much that sometimes it felt impossible for him to look at her. And fuck, he just hated how powerful she was over him because even now, that he had Johnny and Ten taking care of him, the thing that turned him on the most was Sicheng looking at him, seeing how good he was being, how beautiful he was just for them, for her. And all of that put together was just too much for him, he couldn't take it anymore. Not letting go of Johnny's dick he muffled a shy 'please' as tears were streaming down his face and a groan left the oldest's mouth. "Please what?" Sicheng asked. "Wanna com-ah." Johnny pulled him away, the vibrations he sent were too much, Jahyun wasn't truly sucking him, but the warmth of his mouth and the random sucking were enough to drive him crazy.
"Hold on a little bit more, Ten will let you come, right baby?" Ten whispered a 'yes' against his sensible ring of nerves and Jaehyun dick throbbed. With his mouth now free he could let out all the moans he had to suppress before. Ten was just so fucking good he could see stars. "I don't think his pretty little hole is ready to take mommy's big cock." Sicheng said sitting on the other side of the bed. Jaehyun's head snapped up, his eyes now open were looking straight at hers. "No, I am. I will take you so good, mommy." He cried out in a soft breathy voice. But then, without a warning, Ten spat on his asshole and pushed four fingers inside. "Fuck." Jaehyun screamed closing his eyes, his head fell back on Johny's tight and then he felt his hands in his hair, massaging his scalp. Ten started to fuck him mercilessly, pumping hard inside out causing tears to roll down his pretty flushed cheeks. And damn, Jaehyun was so hot like that. Ten wanted so bad to fuck him, it was such a waste to a have a masterpiece like this in front of him and not being able to come, but he knew that somebody else was in line for that and, to be honest, seeing Sicheng fuck him was way hotter than him fucking Jaehyun. "Ten, please..." Jaehyun barely spat out, his moans getting in the way, his orgasm building up in his stomach -again. But this time he wouldn't have been able to stop it. And he didn't, when Ten touched his prostate, again and again, he lost it, coming all over the sheets beneath him, a particularly long low moan left his mouth as his chest panted heavily, still shaking from the pleasure. Silence filled the room as Ten pulled out, just an almost silent curse could be heard when Ten gasped seeing Jaehyun's hole gape, clenching into nothing. "Oh, what do we have to do with you." Sicheng said, her hands grabbed his waist making him turn around, now his back was laying flat against the mattress, and fuck, Sicheng's breath got stuck in her throat because Jaehyun was just way too beautiful like this. His face all flushed red, cheeks wet for the tears and lips red and swollen. A work of art, the most beautiful one Sicheng ever seen. His eyelashes fluttered and she felt her heart skip a bit, Sicheng couldn't believe he was her baby. When did she get so lucky? "You look so wasted already, do you think my puppy can take more?" As much as she wanted to praise him out loud she knew she couldn't loosen the grip. "Yes, please mommy, I need you." He whispered. "Wasn't Ten enough?" She teased getting up from the bed, just to get rid of her pants and heels. Like this Jaehyun could see better the outlines of the strap-on hidden behind her red laced culotte. A moan left his mouth as his dick was starting to get hard again. "She asked you something." Johnny said bringing him back to reality. "Yes, I mean no, I-" Again, he couldn't get nothing that made sense out of his brain. "I think Ten was more than enough." She said leaving Jaehyun speechless. Rationally, he knew that Sicheng wouldn't have got away with that only but right now his rationality wasn't there -actually, it abandoned him at the start of the night. So shy huffs came from him as he moved on the bed, trying to adjust himself, whine and grab attention. "You came without permission, I thought you said you were going to be a good boy." Sicheng said, leaning now closer to Ten who was sitting at the edge of the other side of the bed. "Maybe he could show you how to be a good boy." A grin grew on Ten's face as Jaehyun felt his anger and jealousy rush in his vein. Bingo. Sicheng thought. Putting Ten and Jaehyun, two of the most competitive people she knew, against each other? While they were both cravings for praises and dick? A hell of a ride. Johnny smiled at her, knowing well that from now on it would've been even funnier. Ten couldn't complain, that night his dominant role had lasted more than enough, he liked it, surely, but nothing was better than having all the attention on him and being praised for his body and the things he could do. And showing off how to be the best baby boy he could? Damn, he was totally there for it. Jaehyun, instead, wanted to complain, a lot. He hated competition -being honest, he hated competition when he knew he couldn't win. And with Ten he couldn't, as much as he wanted to, as much as he tried. He simply didn't have the stamina the older had. There was no way he could be better. But he hated losing, he wanted to be praised, to ear from Sicheng that he was good, that he was her good beautiful boy. He wanted to show off how good he was -because he was. Maybe not as Ten, but he was. And he was beautiful, he knew that. He just needed to hear them say it. He wanted to complain out loud but Ten was faster than him and with a swift move he found himself on Johnny's lap. Jaehyun rolled his eyes, Sicheng saw it from her peripherical view but let it go. He couldn't believe him, he was pulling the 'watch how I take him in one go' card just to brag about how it seemed he was made for Johnny's dick. "Come here." Sicheng patted the space in front of her, she was sitting cross-legged at the opposite side of them, she could see them perfectly, but Sicheng wanted Jaehyun to see them. "Good, on your knees now." Sicheng demanded. "Eyes focused on them." She then whispered in his ear, turning his face directly at their boyfriends. Johnny was fingering Ten as the younger was grinding against him. Hot. But Jaehyun couldn't enjoy it completely. He just wanted one thing, but he knew that to get it he had to listen, and so he did. Getting on his knees he kept his attention on the boys. Sicheng left for a brief moment, he wanted to turn around, to check that she didn't leave him all alone, but he couldn't. Coming back behind him, Jaehyun could feel the texture of a rope closing around his wrists. "Fuck." He cried out, his dick getting now completely hard due to the sight in front of him and the sensation of the rope that was being tightened around his hands. "Now stay still and enjoy the show." Sicheng whispered in his ear. He nodded but he felt like he wanted to cry when she sat closer to the two and not next to him. Mind reminder for himself: hug Sicheng for a whole day as a revenge for this contact deprivation. All the softness fell apart when suddenly Ten aligned Johnny's dick to his entrance and took him in one go. Ten softer moans mixed with Johnny's deep groans, as the younger went down completely. And fuck, that was just so hot. Jaehyun couldn't take his eyes away from the space were his boyfriends were united. They fitted so perfectly, they were made for each other, and as much he thought that maybe Ten liked to brag a little too much, he simply thought it was amazing how well he could take Johnny so easily. "God, Ten, you're so good." As Johnny said that, Jaehyun's dick throbbed. His low, raspy voice was so sexy. But Johnny himself sent him to heaven. The way his black hair was now a mess with few strands falling on his face, or how his lashes fell beautifully on his cheeks as he enjoyed the feeling of Ten riding him. Or how his muscles tensed making him look even hotter. A breathy moan left his lips as he let his head fall back, just how much he wanted to be Ten right now. "Like what you see?" The oldest in the room asked teasingly looking at him for a moment. Jaehyun nodded, not able to do anything else. "Could have been you, but you don't know how to behave." He finished with a smirk on his face, that soon after was also painted on Ten's face, that little bitch and his super-ego. A groan left Jaehyun's mouth and then he huffed. He had been good, they just liked to make him go crazy. "Daddy, fuck, you're so big." Ten brought all of the attention back on him, as his hips kept moving up and down, creating lewd noises as their skin clapped against each other. "But you're so good for me, baby. Look at how well you take me." Johnny praised him and a stupid smile plastered on his face. Jaehyun wanted to cry, maybe scream, do anything to gain a little attention from them but he knew that he would've worsened the situation, so he tried to keep quiet, ignore the almost painful boner he had between his legs and wished for them to finish faster. Or at least for Sicheng to have some mercy and maybe take care of him, just a little, he wasn't asking for much. But nothing, Sicheng eyes were fixed on their boyfriends' bodies, paying more attention at her he noticed how one hand was playing with herself down between her legs and another moan escaped his mouth. Sicheng turned to him and caught him staring. A devilish smile crept on her face. "Bet you want to be the one touching me, am I right?" Jaehyun nodded energetically, he knew that by now Sicheng was dripping wet, there was no way she hadn't been affected by all of this and he just wanted to eat her out like she deserved. He was hoping for something to change but no, they weren't done teasing. Johnny's hands swiftly reached for her body, unbuttoning the blouse. Sicheg's boobs sprang free as soon as the top was off and fuck, they were so beautiful. They weren't particularly big, more like medium but they were so full and soft. Johnny wasted no time sucking the right nipple and then slightly pulling away holding it between his teeth. Sicheng's head rolled back as a soft moan left her mouth. Her hands tangled around Johnny's hair as he kept working on her. And Jaehyun felt so close again because the sight in front of him was too much to take. Ten bouncing on Johnny's cock, with his eyes closed and his lips parted letting free the most beautiful moans ever. Johnny trying to meet him midway while he also stayed focused on Sicheng while her red lips were being bitten to quite down the messy sounds she was doing. And then him, tightened and in a corner, hard as hell as he just wanted to touch them or being touched by them. "You're so hot, fuck." He breathed out, trying desperately to remind them he was there too -they knew it perfectly, and it was even more frustrating. "You too, baby." Sicheng moaned, but his pride had no time to build up that got destroyed again "All hot and bothered waiting patiently for us, looking like the most desperate puppy needing for attention." "Yes, I am. Please, please." He cried out nervously moving on the bed, he was desperate, he knew that. For them? He would've never stopped being it. "Later." Sicheng tone got deeper, almost as if she disconnected from her state of mind absorbed in Johnny's touch, Jaehyun gulped and lowered his head. Later. "I'm so close, god-" Ten said in a breathy voice. His eyes were now open, staring at the view in front of him. Johnny pulled away from Sicheng making a sad sigh escape from her mouth. "Come with me, baby." Johnny's deep voice was the last thing Ten needed to get off completely, with one last strong movement of their hips meeting midway they both came, Ten all over Johnny's torso and the older inside of him. Still riding their orgasms, their chest panted quickly, their forehead rested on each other, as their lips crushed together in sloppy and messy kisses. Jaehyun sighed, he just wanted to be kissed too. Fortunately, this time, his wish was granted pretty soon. Sicheng turned around and crawled to him, her hands rubbing his thighs. His fogged eyes were staring right into hers, silently begging for more. Rising her upper body, Sicheng made their lips collide for the first time that night and Jaehyun felt like flying. It had been waiting all night just for that. It started slowly, almost painfully, but soon enough it turned messier and rougher. Jaehyun moaned in the kiss, Sicheng plump and soft lips sent him straight to heaven. Her hands were roaming on his body, making him crave for more, he just wanted to touch her too, to kiss every inch of Sicheng's perfect skin, but the rope kept him from doing it. He whined. "You've been so good, pup." Sicheng breathed out in the middle of one of their kisses and Jaehyun smiled. "Tell me what you want." "You." He breathed out, his voice shaking. He should've elaborate better but right now, that was the most sincere thing he could say. He had been waiting all night for Sicheng to touch him, kiss him, ruin him. He couldn't care, he just wanted to become a mess under her hands. And Sicheng didn't complain, not asking for more explanation. The teasing has lasted long enough, and by this point, not even she could take it anymore. So Sicheng moved her hands to free him from the rope and then gestured him to lay on the bed. "Look at your hard thick cock, isn't it a waste not to use it?" Sicheng asked starting to pump up and down. "No, I want you- fuck." Jaehyun shook his head fastly. "But your pretty dick is so big, it fills me up so good. I could ride you." Sicheng said brushing her thumb on the slit on the head. Jaehyun rolled his eyes from the pleasure he was receiving and bit his lips trying to find the words to say. "No, please, mommy. Fuck me, ah." His voice trembled from the stimulation she was giving him. "Are you sure you want that? Leaving your dick laying there?" "Yes, please mommy fuck me 'till I can't breathe." He said desperately, and that was everything Sicheng needed to get free from her panties and align her strap-on at his entrance. Ten had fingered him before but Jaehyun wasn't so used at this, so she took anyway a little bit of time to finger him. "I'm ready, I can take it, plea-" His begs died in his throat when Sicheng entered him decisively, not giving him time to finish. She pulled his legs around her waist and sunk down completely, the tip of the dildo touching his sensitive spot. "Fuck, see, you're as good as Ten." Sicheng praised and Jaehyun heart skipped a beat, a smile appeared on his face as he heard Ten huff at the side of the bed, followed by a slap on his ass by Johnny and an "ouch". But right now he couldn't think of Ten's show, he had Sicheng right where he wanted and that was all that mattered. Sicheng started moving slowly, her hips going inside out, rotating too. She was so good at it, knowing exactly how to move and the right angulation that drove him crazy. "It feels so good." Jaehyun said keeping his eyes closed. "God! Fuck-" Jaehyun gasped. Lost in his pleasure, Jaehyun didn't hear the sound of something vibrating, so when the vibrator made contact with his sensitive head he couldn't help but be surprised.
"Wher-" "Shh, will you be a good boy for mommy?" Sicheng hushed him down, placing her hand around his neck, choking him slightly. Jaehyun simply nodded, not being able to do anything else. "Like this, you're so hot and wet for me, baby." She said thrusting hard inside of him as the other hand held the vibrator still on his throbbing dick. "Mommy, please. It's too much." Jaehyun mumbled out, tears were rolling down his face as he could feel another orgasm build up in his stomach, his visions get blurry and his muscles trembling. He had only come once properly but for the whole night he kept on killing more oncoming orgasms, and Sicheng was just too hot for him, with her long hair falling in her face as the tail loosened, and her boobs bouncing up and down. "We just started, you don't want this do end yet." Sicheng managed to say through her moans, the vibrations sent by the dildo inside of her and Jaehyun in front of her were starting to make her lose points. She let go of her hold on his neck just to leave kisses there and bite makrs. "But mommy." Jaehyun cried out, suddenly he felt two pair of lips on his, completely dizzy it took some seconds to understand it was Ten.
"You're such a good boy, peach." Ten whispered close to him, running his fingers through his hair, trying to calm him down. "I'm not." Jaehyun mumbled out closing his legs around Sicheng's waist. He just wished he was as good as Ten at holding on and controlling his orgasms but he wasn't, not when he was deep in his sub-space.
"Yes, you are." The Chinese girl said, removing the vibrator from his sensitive spot. She leaned down reaching for his lips, trying to comfort him.
"Are you with me?" Sicheng asked, stopping for a moment since Jaehyun appeared spaced out.
"Y-yes, go on, please. Ruin me." Jaehyun said looking at Sicheng in the eyes. They kissed another time, sloppily and roughly. Then Sicheng started where she stopped. Grabbing Jaehyun waist she raised him a little, making him tightening his hold around her, this way she could get a lot deeper. Jaehyun was feeling every inch.
"Mommy fucks you so good." Ten said while playing with Jaehyun's left nipple.
"And you look so, so pretty, Jae." The older started kissing him slowly, pushing his moans back in his throat. Jaehyun tiredly tried to kiss him back but he felt like he couldn't command his body anymore, he felt like he had left his soul in Sicheng's hands and trusted her with it.
"Your pink little hole is so tight, baby." Sicheng let out a raspy moan as she threw her head back, just to get back to the main subject of the night. Jaehyun. There was no way Sicheng was wasting a second not admiring him when he was just so painfully beautiful like that. All spread out for her to fill him up completely. His cheeks flushed and wet, his lips plump and red, his hair stuck against his sweaty forehead. And it was so exciting for Sicheng to know that that was the same Jaehyun that easily fucked her against a wall mercilessly. Sicheng felt so good knowing she was the only one who could get him on his knees and make a mess out of him.
"You are a masterpiece completely ruined." She breathed out.
"Fuck, look at your teary eyes still begging for more, it's never enough for you, right?" Jaehyun nodded and let out an airy 'yes'. His hands were frenetically trying to grab onto something and the closest thing he found was Johnny's hand.
"Mommy, harder please." He begged, trying to meet her in the middle. The vibrator was put aside, throw somewhere behind them so that Sicheng could completely focus on him and her movements.
"Yes, like that." He mewled as Sicheng brushed against his prostate.
"Oh, pretty boy, you were made for mommy's cock, weren't you?" Sicheng started praising him, she knew he loved it and well, he deserved it.
"You're being so good for us."
Jaehyun dumbly smiled through his whines and Ten's kisses.
"You're so hot that Ten and I are hard again." Johnny said, his voice was low as it was usually when he was about to come and, sliding out of his deepest subspace for a moment, Jaehyun could hear the sound of him jerking off.
"Daddy," He rolled his eyes as a particularly deep and hard thrust hit him "please, on -on my face."
"Are you sure?" Johnny asked moving closer to his face as he held his dick in his hands.
"Yes, please, give it to me." He urged looking at him with doe eyes, his wet long eyelashes fluttering.
"Jesus," Johnny groaned at the sight gripping tightly the base of his cock "If that's what you want."
"You're such a slut." Sicheng said slapping lightly his cheek making his head turn to the side. Then Johnny spurted out, covering his face in white. Jaehyun opened his mouth wide, trying to grab a taste of the white substance coming out from his boyfriend.
"God, you're so greedy, babe." Ten mocked him as he collected some of Johnny's cum just to push it down Jaehyun's mouth, making him swallow. "Bet you would take the both of 'em at the same time." He pinched his nipple and Jaehyun simply nodded, it was getting too much. Sicheng moaned higher as she pictured him being fucked by the two of them. If she could barely take this view how was she going to survive that?
"Would you?" Ten asked with a stern voice, demanding attentions Jaehyun wasn't really able of giving him.
"Y-yes." He stuttered, the thought turned him on even more, being fucked by Johnny and Sicheng at the same time, all the marks and bruises to remind him nobody else could see him like this, or how full he would be. His dick throbbed. "Thinking about it, peach?" Ten asked not so sweetly as he licked a bit of Johnny's cum from his lips. "Yeah." Jaehyun sobbed. "But you're hole so little, you could never. I could." He teased and Jaehyun mumbled a 'no' in response shaking his head. Then everything disappeared, he felt a knot in his stomach and his thighs started shaking. "I'm close, I'm-" "Let it go, puppy. Come with me, fuck." Sicheng said leaning closer to him, her orgasm was there too, her thrusts were now a mess, as she tried to ride both of their pleasures. And he let go, holding on her tiny waist and throwing his head back he came all over his chest with a loud cry. His walls clenched around the plastic and it was a shame that Sicheng couldn't really feel it, but seeing his hole thighing was enough for her to get off. "Baby, fuck." She screamed as her orgasm hit her slightly after Jaehyun's. Sicheng fell on top of Jaehyun, not really minding all the cum that covered him. They would've thought about it later, even tomorrow. Then she pulled out slowly and rolled to the side, falling behind him. Jaehyun's eyes were closed as he tried to come back on heart, getting out of his subspace.
"It was so intense." He breathed out, his chest was still moving erratically. "Yes, it was." Sicheng smiled pulling out of her the double end strap-on.
"You did so well." Ten praised climbing on top of him leaving few kisses here and there. "And we also did a mess." Johnny said coming back inside the room with two wet towels, he soon started to clean Jaehyun up, they would've thought about the rest tomorrow.
"It was worthy, I guess." Sicheng said propping on her elbows to look at her oldest boyfriend.
"You were so good, baby." Sicheng then whispered turning her attention at Jaehyun as she caressed his hair out of his face. "You look so sweet like this, you know. Sweet and deadly." She susurrated staring at his parted lips. Jaehyun was beautiful like a poisonous flower, so enchanting it attracted everybody close just to eat them up completely. Sicheng remembers when they first met, and how intimidating he seemed, walking around like a God -she is still convinced he is- and how she thought it was impossible getting close to him. It seemed like a joke that now she was the one who made him weak and how intimate they got, knowing each other so deeply to the point the shared their most fragile parts.
"Please, I want cuddles." Jaehyun begged in a soft voice bringing her back to reality. "Can we do it all together?" He pouted.
"Of course, babe." Sicheng answered. And so they were laying in their king-size bed, Johnny and Ten at the extreme while Sicheng and Jaehyun were in the middle. Jaehyun held on Sicheng's body like a koala, resting his face on her boob, and Ten hugged him from behind, his mouth against his neck. Meanwhile, Johnny was hugging Sicheng as he stretched his arm out to hug them all.
"You know I love you all so much." Jaehyun muttered after some minutes of silence where they simply enjoyed each other presence.
"Of course, we love you too." Johnny said smiling fondly.
"Really, you are the best things that ever been mine and life could give me. I don't know what I would be without you." He said in a more serious voice.
"Fuck, Jae. It's not the right time to make me cry." Ten said sniffing through his nose.
"I'm sorry, I changed my mind, you're the only one I don't love." Jaehyun said ironically but Ten, being the drama queen he is, gasped and pulled away from the boy. They all laughed, except Ten of course. But Ten sad face was soon enough swept away by Jaehyun's kisses on his lips, causing Ten to smile through them and giggle lightly.
"I think we're all really glad we got each other. It's family, right?" Sicheng said as she leaned her head on Johnny's chest and caressed Jaehyun and Ten hair.
"Family." They answered as one.
As darkness surrounded them and silence fall between them, sleep started to wash over them. But all of a sudden Johnny talked.
"So, the bet for the double is still open?" Johnny asked giggling.
"Oh, shut up. Let me breathe." Jaehyun cursed under his teeth as he rolled his eyes causing everyone to laugh.
But deep down they all knew that, sooner or later, it will happen because now that Ten put it in everyone's mind there was no way they would've stopped thinking about it. Especially Jaehyun.
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shmooooo · 1 year
WayV masterlist
main masterlist
[f] = fluff ; [m] = smut ; [s] = suggestive ; [a] = angst
©️copyrighted, all rights reserved to @shmooooo. Please do not copy my works. I do not give any permission to translate or repost on here or on any other website.
Fem!reader unless stated otherwise! I am very willing to write gn!reader (and usually do when there’s no need to mention certain body parts)! ♡︎
❥ all members
WayV as doms [m] gn!reader
❥ fics and drabbles
nothing yet!
❥ short imagines and scenarios
Xiao Dejun (Xiaojun)
rough dom!Xiaojun [m] gn!reader
❥ nsfw thoughts
Kun, Ten, Sicheng, Dejun, Hendery, Yangyang
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d3vilyves · 5 years
what are ur opinions on brat tamer!winwin
Bruh, Winwin as a brat tamer makes my pussy put Niagra Falls to shame Like, I bet he would be so happy and reward you when you’re good, like buying you ice cream or giving you little cuddles
But, if you act up, Winwin is getting out the vibrator AND HANDCUFFS and treating you to a nice 3 hour long edging session
“ Do you fucking think I allow brats like you to cum? ”
- Moon
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femdomlieeh · 3 years
Being called Babyboy by their BFF
Sub!NCT 127 x Dom!F!Reader
WARNING—crush!bff au ✧ lightly suggestive themes ✧ titles/ pet names
NOW PLAYING—Kiss Me More ✧ Doja Cat & SZA
[A/N.] since it’s Ramadan i will only post fluff this month. i had to change the slutty gifs (taeyong’s, yuta’s & jungwoo’s) to cute ones lmao
M.LISTS—nct 127 ✧ nct dream ✧ nct u ✧ superm ✧ latest updates ✧ read on wp
All rights reserved © femdomlieeh
✧ ੈ ✧ ‧₊˚ * ੈ ✧‧₊˚** ੈ ✧ ‧₊˚ * ੈ ✧‧₊˚** ✧ ੈ ✧ ੈ ✧ ‧₊˚ * ੈ ✧‧₊˚** ੈ ✧ ‧₊˚ * ੈ ✧‧₊˚** ✧ ੈ ✧
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𝒍𝒆𝒆 𝒕𝒂𝒆𝒚𝒐𝒏𝒈
Baby boy would blush sooo hard. What were you trying to do?! Take his heart and keep it in your hands forever? Rob him of the ability to ever view someone else as attractive? Or did you just want to make him OWO? Whichever it was you succeeded.
"Oh! Poor Babyboy," you exclaimed when Taeyong fell butt first on the floor.
His eyes widened in surprise as his cheeks and ears flushed. No words dared go past his lips, because he didn't know what to say. He was so embarrassed when he got up.
In the future you'll obviously find more opportunities to call him that again, and every single time he will have the same reaction. He'll never ask you to call him something else~ Calling him Babyboy will be what he considers the closest he'll ever get to being your boyfriend so he will try not to ruin it.
... ✧ ...✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧
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𝒔𝒆𝒐 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒈𝒉𝒐 (𝑗𝑜ℎ𝑛𝑛𝑦)
Honestly, Johnny is sexy and he knows it. But hearing the best friend he feels so much for actually calling him by that pet name would send him over the edge. He'd get so cheeky and would maybe even call you Mama.
"Babyboy is looking pretty. If you don't get it I'mma get it," you said when he got out of the fitting room with a new shirt on.
"Let's match, Mama. We can be pretty together," he said and winked like the cocky boy he was.
He'll for sure call you Mama the following day and the ones after- You guys calling each other those nicknames will make him feel like you already are in a relationship. If he feels extra risky one day he might act like a bad boy and try to seduce Mama — it was your fault for seducing him first by calling him Babyboy everyday.
✧... ✧ ...✧✧✧✧✧✧✧
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𝒚𝒖𝒕𝒂 𝒏𝒂𝒌𝒂𝒎𝒐𝒕𝒐
He would feel confident. The girl he called his best friend — although he'd prefer calling her girlfriend — called him Babyboy so how could he not feel confident? His response will be very brave, but he might get a little shy if you say something suggestive back.
"Is Babyboy hungry?"
"Very," he answered with a very unsubtle lick to his lips.
"What are you hungry for then, Babyboy?" you asked suggestively.
He gulped, not prepared for your reply.
There will be a possibility that Babyboy will be the only way you address him in the future, since he can make it 'your thing' smoothly. If you don't call him Babyboy he won't answer you. He'll feel close to you and if you call him that in front of others he will get the courage to ask you out.
✧✧... ✧ ...✧✧✧✧✧✧
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𝒌𝒊𝒎 𝒅𝒐𝒏𝒈𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒈 (𝑑𝑜𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑔)
Doyoung would blush, but play it off as if it wasn't a total game changer. The nickname would make him feel more intimate with you. He would be proud with hopes of you calling him that more often. The reason why he would act like it didn't melt his heart would be because he would want the nickname to be something natural in your relationship — romantically or not.
"Babyboy, why are you so late?" you raised your brow at the bunny.
"I-I'm sorry," he tried to say as unfazed as possible with a flushed face.
He'll be happy if that becomes his new nickname, whether you say it all the time or if it's only when he does something wrong. He'll gladly be a bad boy if you call him that in return...
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(a/n. not to flex but i can do that w/ my tongue too)
𝒋𝒖𝒏𝒈 𝒚𝒐𝒐𝒏𝒐𝒉 (𝑗𝑎𝑒ℎ𝑦𝑢𝑛)
When you call Jaehyun Babyboy he wouldn't believe his ears. He'd actually look at you and ask you to repeat what you said to be sure. From then on he would no longer think of you as his best friend. He wouldn't be able to. He'd only be able to think Mommy every time he saw you.
"Sit here, Babyboy."
"Pardon? I didn't hear you."
"Sit, Babyboy," you patted the spot next to you — which resulted in his heart racing.
He will wear nicer clothes and start to send you cuter texts more often, so you can see him more as a potential partner instead of your best friend, since he doesn't view you that way anymore. Flirty comments will be thrown at you here and there, and if you don't get the hint he will tell you to stop calling him that.
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𝒅𝒐𝒏𝒈 𝒔𝒊𝒄𝒉𝒆𝒏𝒈 (𝑤𝑖𝑛𝑤𝑖𝑛)
Sicheng would be so, so soft. The blush on his face would be so evident you'd be able to see it from space. In other words he'd be the happiest boy on Earth. If you did that in front of his friends he'd feel flustered and try to act like isn't. But if you were alone he wouldn't even try to hide it. This'd be the best feeling in the world to him.
"Did you sleep well, Babyboy?"
From then on if you don't call him that he'll be disappointed. Be prepared for him changing his behaviour to more 'cute' to make you call him that again. If you don't he'll get sad. But if you do he will go back to smiling. The more you call him that the more he will believe he has a chance with you.
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𝒌𝒊𝒎 𝒋𝒖𝒏𝒈𝒘𝒐𝒐
AHHHHH. Baby would be so happy! If Jungwoo's crush was huge before it would be gigantic the second he heard that petname come out of your mouth. If you said it jokingly or in a mean way he wouldn't overthink it. But if you said it casually he would feel cute and call you Mommy.
"Save some chips for me, Babyboy!"
"Don't worry, Mommy," he giggled like an angel.
If you continue to call him Babyboy, he'll continue to call you Mommy. He will try to give you what he considers subtle hints — they aren't unless you think that showing you a couples goals picture everyday and whining about wanting a girlfriend is subtle. If you don't take a step he will kiss your cheek and judge by your reaction if you like him or not. Kiss him back anywhere and he will call you Mommy proudly in front of everyone.
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𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒌 𝒍𝒆𝒆
Mark would blush more than normal — and he already blushes around you daily so that says a lot. His cheeks would be red, his nose would be red, his ears would be red, his lips would be red, his everything would be red. He'd try to act normal by stuttering and repeating his catchphrases. But, damn, he'd be so happy about it.
"Try this, Babyboy," you said excitedly and shoved a snack from your country in his face.
"Ummm... So like— Yeah— It tastes g-good—" he said in the least obviously nervous way he could.
"Why are you so nervous, Mark?" Johnny laughed and elbowed him, knowing about the younger's crush.
"I— Um... Like—" the tomato tried to form a sentence as the others giggled at him.
The fact that you called him by one of his most preferred nicknames will make his crush on you grow greatly. He'll have dirty thoughts about you calling him that and him calling you Mommy, and he'll feel so guilty about it, because 'you're his best friend and he shouldn't have those thoughts about you'. Never will he ever admit it...unless you take the first step.
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𝒍𝒆𝒆 𝒅𝒐𝒏𝒈𝒉𝒚𝒖𝒄𝒌 (ℎ𝑎𝑒𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑛)
Donghyuck wouldn't care about who was around at all, he would call you Mommy with no shame anyway. It'd be his way of trying to claim you as his, he would want to act like you already were his Mommy to show other boys and girls his territory. It would also be his way of indirectly telling you that he has a crush on you.
"What are you doing, Babyboy?" you ask as you take a seat next to him.
"Thinking about Mommy," he says with a mischievous glint in his eyes.
Whether he gets a glare from you or not in return he doesn't care, he will call you Mommy in front of anyone who checks you out. The moment you called him Babyboy you were his Mommy, end of discussion. Considering how he has self declared himself as yours he will feel like a fool if you get with someone else.
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❝ And when we French, refresh gimme too
When I bite that lip, come get me too
He want lipstick, lip gloss, hickeys too, uh ❞
—amala ratna zandile dlamini; 2021
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fairyofjaeyun · 3 years
kinks (hyung line) ☾
[17:24] now playing: bad dreams - bevy maco & summer soul
[a/n] had to split this up because of the damn gif limit so that was fun... :D I’ve also changed my mind about some of these but most of em are bangers so enjoy~ the maknae line ver will be out by this weekend ♡
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—johnny ✩
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the harsh clip clop! of your heels fills the room with power. johnny is bent over the desk in front of you, a white button up shirt and blue shorts, that were a bit short for his long legs, clung onto him. you caress his backside with the ruler in your hands, watching his knuckles turn white. "you've been a bad boy, johnny." you say in disappointment that was almost too real, lightly tapping the ruler against his butt. "I'm sorry ms.l/n." he whines into the wood. you lean over him, lipstick stained lips brushing against the shell of his ear. "prove it."
nipple play
his cock is twitching, ready to spill out white liquid and all you've done is suck on his nipples. they were sensitive. only a small puff of cold air was enough to make him shudder and whine for your mouth. he always had a special moan for when you played with his nipples. they were released quickly one after another, slightly pitched and 100% desperate—painfully similar to a dog crying. an empty sob rushes out of him when you held his nipple between your teeth, lightly nibbling as he cried out a pathetic "please."
it started with a typical blowjob. you had sucked his cock rather nicely, leaving him fucked and out of breath. when a new, unexpected request was given to you. "eat me." he spread his legs for you, revealing the ring of muscle. there was slight hesitation as you down further between his thighs, his flesh brushing against your cheeks. you licked one quick stripe with uncertainty. a soft, unsteady breath is tickled out of him, barely audible. but it was enough to give a few more licks more confidently before throwing his legs over your shoulders and digging in.
mommy kink
the tight, expensive red dress made you eye candy. it was chic, sexy, and left little to the imagination. and it was taking its toll on johnny. as soon as you got home, he had you pinned against the wall, rubbing his hands and lips all over you like an animal. he was sucking a dark purple spot on your shoulder when your hand found its way around his neck and a switch for submission was flipped. "mommy~" you paused mentally as he hid himself in your neck in embarrassment. you didn't even choke him that hard and his knees were buckling. "what are you doing, baby boy? keep touching mommy." you felt him smiling against your skin before continuing giving it soft kisses.
[they always bring up "oh daddy!" but never talk about "oh mama!" 😔]
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—taeyong ✩
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you smirk as you watch him tug against the pink rope, your naked body sat on top of him, tormenting him. "please, let me touch you." his whining was beautiful, a sweet melody satisfying your ears. he always begged so preciously. again, he tugs on the restraints, flexing his arms only to have the rope indent itself deeper into his bony wrists. you laugh, amused. "you're gonna have to do better than that, baby boy." taeyong looks at you through his thick lashes and the ends of his new black hair. "please, let me me touch you, mistress. I'll be a good boy, I promise." you deny him because you knew that, secretly, he didn't want them off.
older partner
your phone rang and buzzed on top of your desk, screen lighting up with the name Baby Boy 🐣. you answer it of course. you've been away on your business trip for almost a week now, he surely misses you. you definitely missed him. but you didn't expect him to answer with his two fingers in his mouth and hand palming his clothed dick. "master, please help me cum." he said in between his fingers, sucking on them harshly once he got to the sensitive part of his cock, his chest heaving. you looked at digital clock on your desk; less than 30 minutes until your meeting. plenty of time. "take off your pants, little boy. I want to see how hard you are for master."
both of you looked into the bathroom mirror, wearing a matching maroon lingerie set and your phone camera flashing against your reflections. the color looked good on both of you. you admired the way your bra lifted your breasts and made your ass look delicious. but taeyong, though... the lace material clung onto him like it was made specifically for him and him only. he turns slightly, lips latching onto your neck as you took another picture. you rubbed the inner part of his thigh through the stockings and slowly inch your way up his hardening member, palming it and taking another picture. he whines, lightly rutting his hips against your hand. "look at the camera, baby." he did. another whine leaving his lips when you grab his shaft. "that's my slut." you were no longer taking photos, you were taking a video.
tonight you were trying a new position. taeyong laid in front of you on his side, one of his legs propped up on your shoulder. all of his muscles flexed as you entered him, cautiously. he was fairly tight and the position didn't make it any easier. but once the toy was fully inside of him and he adjusted himself, pounding him was a breeze. you held onto his leg tightly as you angled your hips to give him the best pleasure, your name flying out of his mouth like a prayer. "s-so good, m-mommy~"
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—yuta ✩
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the bell jingled from his collar as he crawled towards you. a pair of fluffy, black cat ears sat on top of his head, along with a matching tail that plugged up his hole. he stops in front of the chair you were sitting on, placing his hands on his naked thighs and waiting for further instructions. "come closer." you wiggle your fingers to lure him closer. he stops inches from your face, kneeling in between your legs and you took his chin in between your fingers. "such a good kitty." you purred, scratching behind his cat ears before kissing his forehead. you cupped his face as rubbed himself into your touch, smiling brightly. "only for you, master."
oral (giving)
his choking and gagging didn't go unnoticed. in fact, it filled almost the whole house with its sin and lewdness. but his eyes, big and glossy, seemed to hold so much purity and innocence. as if he wasn't literally deep throating your strap at the moment—it drove you crazy! "you look so cute sucking my cock." he hummed as he bobbed his head, his eyes never left yours, barely blinking. even when his gag reflex said fuck you! and made his head jolt back. you wipe away the few tears that ran down his face, your other hand tangled in his hair. "so, so cute."
it was a new look for you; having a thick, black dildo strapped against you with a pair of tommy hilfiger boy shorts on. you thought you looked ridiculous, but yuta was practically drooling at your feet, worshipping you as if you were some goddess. "are you sure this is not too..." you glanced at the fake dick, not even imagining yourself using it. "big?" but yuta shook his head, still holding a cute smile. "no, it's perfect." perfect... made you wonder what he did in his free time. but nonetheless, you lubed up the strap, which felt like a chore because of how big it was, and began to line up the tip to his hole. "let me know if I hurt you, okay?" he didn't respond. instead he whimpered as he felt himself stretch out, already itching for more.
"hush, yuta! you don't want anyone to hear you, do you?" you asked while pumping him, but instead he moaned louder, forcing you to shove two fingers in his mouth. he sucked on them harshly, struggling to keep quiet as another girl walked into the public bathroom. you slowed down your movements on his cock so the suspicious wet noise wouldn't be as noticeable. but he felt his orgasm coming, he sunk his teeth into your flesh, making you yelp rather loudly and squeeze his shaft. you peeked out the crack of the stall, that defeated the whole purpose of privacy, and felt relief when you saw the lady washing her hands, unfazed. "lucky bitch." you mumble towards him, restarting your movements as you heard her walk out bathroom, not stopping until his juices covered your hand.
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—kun ✩
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finger sucking
it comes naturally. all you had to do was slip your digits towards his mouth and he'll part his lips instantly so he could feel the smooth pads of your fingertips glide against his tongue. his eyes will close as he softly sucks them with a dreamy expression, feeling at peace as he gradually enters subspace. "just like that, baby." you encourage when he begins sucking harder, taking your fingers as deep as he could. you thrusted them gently, the cushiony feeling of his lips wrapped around your knuckles quite comforting. especially when he moans against them, prettily, his eyes still deep behind his lids and his nose barely scrunching as he feels that familiar tightness in his pants.
his chest was already dripping in cum from his previous orgasm, his face and chest burning up from the sensitivity as you worked your thumb around the tip of his cock. his moans progressively increased in octaves, his quiet, shy moans turning into helpless whines and whimpers. "please~ wait..!" kun begged, a short sob followed afterwards. you proceeded to play with the most sensitive part of his cock, feeling it twitch in your hand as his hips twirled restlessly. he had a safe word he could use if it was too much. "I'm not ready~!" he cried again, all masculinity betraying him towards the end of his sentence as his voice broke down into a desperate and pitiful snivel. "pl-ease!" was the last word he could force out before a loud whine announced his second orgasm. more cum decorating his chest and belly, and one drop even making it to his chin. you ran your hand through his damp, messy hair until his breath regained its rhythm and the tears stopped flowing.
breast sucking
kun was always fond of your boobs. even before the first date, you would catch his eyes peeking at your chest with an undeniable thirst dancing in his eyes. so it was quite hard for him to keep his hands off once the relationship was official, and even harder when you first unhooked your bra. you tried to stifle a laugh when you saw the expression on his face—the desperation and silent pleading. "you want to suck on them, baby boy?" you asked, excited for his reaction. he did not disappoint, he nodded almost immediately, his cute, colorful hair bobbing along with him. you wiggled your finger and he scooted closer, giving a quick peck to your nipple before completely wrapping his lips around it. you ran your hand through his hair, soothingly, as his eyes naturally shut close, sucking like you were delicate and delicious at the same time.
body worshipping (giving)
"you're so beautiful." he mumbled against your skin, placing a passionate kiss above your belly button. his hands massaging your upper thighs, dangerously close to your cunt. you sucked in a deep breath as his mouth traveled down closer and closer to your heat, growing impatient. he pecks both of your hip bones, his hair tickling you. "a queen—my queen." he corrects himself, and finally his face is hovering over your pussy, his hot breath blowing against your clit. you could hear him lick his lips before placing them on yours, tasting your arousal. "this is my favorite part." he says, sounding breathless. his hopeful eyes flicker to yours for permission, and you nod.
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—doyoung ✩
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"no!" he protests when he saw the black and red gagball dangling from your hands, but you shove it in his mouth anyway. he didn't use his safeword, and at the end of the day he enjoyed it. plus, it's the only way he'll shut the fuck up. he continued to complain against the red ball, but it only came out muffled and untranslated. "sorry, can't hear you~" you sing as you turnt on the vibrator, pressing it against his tip in exchange for more muffled screaming.
dirty talk (receiving)
you dragged him towards the bedroom by the collar of his shirt, then pushed him against the closed door. "I've had enough of your teasing, bunny. you'll be lucky if you even cum tonight." you growled in his ear, locking the door in the process. you could already sense his attitude coming, so you cut him off with a bite to his neck, making him gasp. "you're gonna use that dirty tongue of yours to make me and only me cum. got it?" he shakes his head immediately, not wanting to anger you any further. his cock was aching to be touched. "yes, ma'am."
after a long day he just wants to cum over and over again and tonight was one of those nights. semen trickled down his chest and abdomen as he felt his 3rd orgasm bubbling up in his stomach. you were only giving him a sloppy handjob but it was enough to make him squirm due to sensitivity. "you're gonna cum again already?" you talked in a faux tone, almost mocking. he choked out a small yes! his hips practically thrusting into the air as he his eyes shut close behind his fringe, his moans jagged and lost all harmony. hot cum adds to the thick layer already on his upper body, some dripping down to his thighs. "thank you, y/n."
power bottom
doyoung is a brat, no doubt. he was whining and nagging nonstop for his release. "fuck me, y/n." his tone was pitched, irritated. his face was a very deep red and if smoke could puff out of his ears, they would. "do you really deserve it though?" you said above him, rubbing his tip against your wet folds. he growled in anticipation, craving the feeling of being inside you. but knowing you, he wouldn't get it. so, he grabbed your hips and slammed yourself down on his shaft, making you scream from the sudden wave of pleasure. "d-doyoung!" he's thrusting into you with sinful grunts and groans surrounding you. eventually you meet with his thrusts, a firm hand gripping his neck to remain authority.
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—ten ✩
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nipple play
"that actually feels good." ten confessed when you started brushing your index fingers over his nipples. a slight chill shooting up his spine as he sat on your lap, both of you shirtless, and his bare back touching your naked chest. you repeated your earlier movements, giving one of them a pinch and a light moan came from his throat. the combination of you toying with his nipples plus your own pressed against his shoulder blades sent the butterflies in his tummy ablaze. "would you like it if I sucked on them?" you asked seductively in his ear, your warm breath tickling him and fogging up his ear piercings. he pondered for a moment, briefly closing his lids before coming to the conclusion that if it feels good for you, than it should be no different with him.
it was useless trying to get him to be quiet. he was extra sensitive and the strap was hitting all the right places, making his arms collapse beneath his head. "oh, fuck." he muttered into the sheets. you grabbed hold of his hips and increased the intensity of your thrusts, earning a long string of symphonious moans and mewls from the boy beneath you. "feel good?" you asked, even though the answer was pretty obvious. you just wanted to hear confirmation before his ego built itself back up again. "yes, it's so deep! keep going, please." he whined, leaning into your pelvis. "well, since you said please." you joked, then continued to fuck him until you were both satisfied.
the view was amazing. the city lights shimmering and glistening above and below your hotel window. a trail of bright red and white led lights inching slowly to their destination as traffic picked up, an occasional honk or two adding to the city's daily racket. but what was really exciting was the fact that anyone who happened to be in the tall buildings across the street could easily peek into your hotel room and see your hand skillfully jerking ten's cock. "you're enjoying this aren't you?" you teased, following his eyes, which trailed from the ant sized people below going about their their day then towards the windows in front of him. he imagined someone standing there and enjoying the show, which provoked a rich moan from deep within. you chuckled, gripping his shaft tighter and picking up your pace, "I'll take that as a yes."
the second you saw your boyfriend wearing that slutty skirt and crop top, with butterfly clips in his hair, eyeshadow and mascara complementing his eyes, shiny lipgloss on his lips, and those thin pink panties pushed aside to reveal his slim fingers toying with his hole, is when you basically bent him over your knee. "what's wrong, mami? can I not be a slut for you?" he whines, trying not whimper in between spanks. "not when you break my rules." you spat, your right hand never breaking it's rhythm, the other holding up his skirt. "maybe you should fuck me, so I—ow!" he hissed at a particularly harsh slap. "so I won't be so slutty next time." he continued challenging you, and you just knew he had a huge smirk lifting his face. finally, your blows come to a halt and you wrap your left hand around his throat, feeling him swallow with anticipation. "why would I make it so easy?"
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—jaehyun ✩
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ass play (receiving)
"fuck!" he cursed as you enter another finger in his lubricated hole, stretching him out and jamming against his g-spot. he was bent over your knee, face pressed into a pillow. his ass was bright red from the previous spankings you gave him earlier, the pillow case damp from his tears. "more! give me more!" he cried, craving a fourth finger in his tight hole, but you denied him. "this is punishment, love." you rubbed against his prostate, making him scream and squirm underneath you. the cold cock ring giving him another dry orgasm. "and bad boys don't get what they want."
teasing (giving)
you felt crammed in the subway, squishing yourself between jaehyun and some elderly lady who was dozing off with a novel in her hand. you were going to be there for awhile, and jaehyun thought there was no better way to pass time than to fuck with you. "jaehyun!" you said sternly as a warning, in a low whisper. his hands are in your pants, a quiet smirk tugging on his lips as he rubbed your clothed clit. "baby boy is hungry for mommy." he moans in ear very gently, then takes your earlobe between his front teeth. his moans were very specific; they were the moans he did when he was being fucked. shrill and lewd. "jaehyun," you say again, trying to keep your composure as he continued to play with you. "be a good boy and mama will fuck you nice and deep." but he does the complete opposite and tilts his hips and guides your hand to cup his juicy ass, letting out another moan that would've made you pounce on him right then and there if you weren't surrounded by middle aged people. safe to say he got punished.
it was the beginning of a heated make out session. you had him pinned against the couch, his pink hair wrapped tightly around your fingers as your tongues rubbed against each other. it was fiery and passionate, multiple fireworks going off in the pits of your stomachs from the intimacy. and finally, you bite his lip. it wasn't hard at all, but it was enough for him to hum in satisfaction. his body seemed to twitch when you sunk your teeth into his collarbone, cries of pain and pleasure overtaking the canned laughter of the tv show.
threesomes (mmf)
it was a simple competition, to see who would pleasure you more, and jaehyun, possessive as can be, wanted to make you cum first. the little competitive death glares he gave the boy kneeling beside him didn't go unnoticed, and you purposely gave him more attention by stroking his hair and praising him. when you let them latch themselves onto you, jaehyun went straight for your pussy, giving it big, sloppy kisses. that left the other boy to eat your ass, and he was good. he twirled and teased his tongue against your hole perfectly, and you didn't hide your satisfaction. "good boy." you whispered, tangling your fingers into his hair. which lead jaehyun to suck mercilessly on your clit, making you scream. he looked up with the most enchanting eyes, scanning your beautiful face and breasts. they yelled mine! so perfectly clear. you took one last look at your reflection on his dark orbs before cumming all over his precious face.
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—winwin ✩
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amazon position
his legs were wrapped tightly around your waist as you thrusted yourself onto him, both of your arms trapping him so you could support yourself. your neck elongated and mouth releasing steady moans while he panted beneath you. "you like me fucking you?" you asked, winwin already nodding his head before you could even finished. "yes, always." he answered in between breaths, his member twitching inside of you and you couldn't help but tighten your walls around him. "fuck me harder, please." he requests, preciously and in between tiny gasps as he felt his release approaching, and you were happy to fulfill his wish.
you always looked so gorgeous on top of him. especially when your beautiful body is on full display and you're taking his dick impressively. he's almost in awe as he watches you; your breasts bouncing and your head thrown back, releasing the sexiest moans he's ever heard. sicheng loves when you use him for your pleasure, going at your own pace. but he especially loves when you do it roughly, treating him like a personal fuck doll with no remorse. everytime you're above him, he practically craves for your fingers to grip his neck and just squeeze until he's lightheaded. he'll release the most precious choked groans as you speed up your pace, approaching your climax which makes your grip even tighter and more delightful, leaving him a mess when he's finally allowed to cum inside of you.
winwin is very flexible and always open to trying new positions, so he agreed with your latest suggestion without batting an eye (but with rosy cheeks, of course). however, he wasn't expecting your little twist on the infamous position, with him on top instead of you. the warm breath from your nose tickling his perineum until you made the bold move to lick his balls up to the tip of his rim, making him moan and clench from the sudden stimulation. before he could melt on top of you, he attached his lips to your clit, lightly sucking until you moan against his scrotum. "keep going." you encouraged him, reattaching your lips to his rim, and he obeyed, now rubbing his fingers against your folds, gathering up your arousal that now trickled down your thighs so he could suck it up later.
face sitting (receiving)
"please, please!" winwin begged, tugging your arm sleeve. you stepped closer to him, lowering your voice and slightly furrowing your brows. "if we have to leave because of how needy you are, you're going to be in big trouble." your eyes scorched into him, letting him know you were serious, and he nodded, obediently. you suddenly felt bad. perhaps a little bit of pleasure would make a good break from all this shopping. you sighed and put the cute shirt back on the rack before clutching his arm and dragging him towards the dressing room. luckily, it was isolated, so you were able to slip into a stall without suspicious stares. you unzipped your jeans as winwin giggled victoriously, knowing his cuteness and good behavior got the best of you. "you have 5 minutes." you said, setting a timer on your phone, and he wastes no time getting on his knees so you could lower yourself onto his face, and he moans delightfully once he tastes the sweetness he's been craving.
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—jungwoo ✩
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at first he was embarrassed. from what he's read online, it was pretty weak for a man to have his legs spread and his hole oiled up for a fucking. a swift kick to his masculinity, actually. but of course, that was bullshit. you told him he was strong for taking your dick so well. you told him he was brave to ask you. you told him that he was still a man even he liked to be feminine. he looked so pretty, too. his perfect hair slightly ruffled and sticking to his sweat drenched forehead with his eyes rolling into his head as he held his legs up for you. a loud compilation of mommy! playing as you rammed into his sweet spot, his cute noises ascending in volume as he grabbed onto your hand for support. "that's my good little boy."
hair pulling (receiving)
your tongues overlapped with each other as you straddle him, your hands gripping tightly on his shoulders. while his hands were on either side of him, just like you taught him too. your lips slide down his jawline, sucking and nibbling at his sensitive flesh which made gorgeous noises slip past his moist lips. but you wanted more. your hand creeped up the back of his neck, feeling the goosebumps arise from his skin before your fingertips introduce themselves to his silky strands of hair. a fluffy moan rewarded you as you twirled his hair, your lips now migrating to his neck, reapplying the hickies that have faded. then finally, you twirl a thick clump of his hair around your fingers and pull, sending a whimper up his throat and a soft mommy. "harder, please." he requested so charmingly. there was no way to say no.
thigh riding
it had been a long day. starting from the roaster screeching hours of the morning until the owl hooting hours of the night. so you being labeled as exhausted was an understatement. but little jungwoo, who got the honor of staying home and taking unnecessary amounts of naps, was bright eyed and bushy tailed when you got home. "mommy can we play?" he sprawled himself on top of you, giving you his best puppy dog face. but you pushed him off before covering your face with the comforter. "no, baby. mommy's tired." it came out more harsh than you intended to, making jungwoo sniff and turn the opposite way. "okay..." after rolling into your back and silently cursing at the universe, you sat up and dragged his body onto you. "you can get off on mommy's thighs." there was a hint of uncertainty in his eyes, but he rolled his hips anyways, groaning shortly after. soon, his sweatpants and boxers were discarded on the floor as he rutted his dick onto the cotton material of your pajamas, soaking them with his arousal. his head thrown back in ecstasy as pure euphoria boiled inside him, along with his orgasm.
mommy kink
it was his first punishment. you had come back to him touching himself without permission, which was against your #1 rule. at first you were disappointed because he knew better, but deep down there was an itch for punishing him, to see him bent over and begging for his orgasm. today it was finally being scratched. he's leaned over the edge of the bed, his perfect bare ass in display. you take one cheek and squeeze it, making him writhe. "I want you to be a good boy and take it, okay? no counting, no thank yous. just take it." he whined slightly as you knead his flesh. "yes, ma'am." you smiled and complemented him as he braced for impact. you took it one cheek at a time, not too gentle but not too brutal either. jungwoo squealed and squirmed with every hit before crying out, "mommy!" and it was a complete domino effect. the word mommy spilled out of his lips over and over again, not even bashful about it. you weren't complaining either.
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misswoozi · 10 months
Well, I'm afraid I have to disagree with anon. I think winwin wants to feel dominant in his relationship with women the exact opposite of his relationship with men, that's what makes sicheng so special, he is so switchable lol.
THATS WHAT I'M SAYING!! he's a bisexual, versatile switch — he likes a very wide array of different stuff and his preferences with male partners vs. female partners showcases that perfectly.
(I headcanon Suho and Seungcheol similarly — dom!top with ladies, sub!bottom with men — but they're not as versatile with their male partners as Winwin is)
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