#domestic au my beloved <33
luvkun4 · 2 years
Has any1 given any thought to pregnant!reader and overlyprotective!horny!dad!Nanami ??
I can imagine Nanami always caressing the baby bump. Pulling us close when out in public to make sure the baby and reader is safe!!
He always pulls us into him when he sense we’re uncomfy. Never letting ppl get to close to the 3 of us.
He’s also gets so turned on knowing tht ppl know he got his pretty wife pregnant!!
He’s so hard watching u ride him so he starts to rub ur belly making u even more horny!Or he fucks us from behind with our back pressed against his chest and our bodies facing the mirror!
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Nanami is already protective over you prior to the pregnancy, but during ?? oh man, he's attached to you by the hip. being a first time parent, it's expected that he's gonna be this way, yet, despite that, you know how to take care of yourself. you appreciate his advances though, and you wouldn't deny his help, still, he gives you your space when you need it.
he's so so sweet, too. always giving your tummy gentle touches & kisses. and he talks to the baby !! like at night when it's time for bed, he'll softly caress your belly and quietly talk to the baby- mostly just random things about his day, but it always leads to him saying how excited he is to finally meet them.
and yea he also totally gets turned on seeing you pregnant omfg. like, part of him feels like he shouldn't, and he's not even sure why, but it feels wrong to him. yet, at the same time, he thinks you look so pretty, even when you feel the opposite. like he looks at you and thinks "i can't believe we're becoming parents," and it kinda just overwhelms him (in a good way). he's so overjoyed & in love that he wants to express that to you in every way he can. so he takes out for dinner & he makes you breakfast & he buys you flowers & just spoils you rotten like he always does.
and he knows that you still get horny when you're pregnant so he's definitely not opposed to giving you what you want. obviously you can't be as rough as you regularly are, but the slow intimate sex is just as appreciated by the both of you. i think he'd take you in missionary rather than let you ride him (even if you insist), only bc he wants to take care of you. he'll lie you on your back to get in those deep strokes, holding your hands and whispering praises the whole time. or he sits you on his lap, your back against his chest while you cockwarm him. he toys with your clit, using his other hand to softly massage your breasts. he makes sure you keep your eyes on the mirror, wanting you to see how beautiful you truly are. he reminds you as well, constantly whispering "i love you"'s and compliments in your ear.
just, everything is so tender. he takes his time pleasuring you, wanting you to feel everything he's doing. and secretly, part of him hopes that the sex speeds up the pregnancy (knowing sex can allegedly induce labor) bc he genuinely cannot wait to be a father <33
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snickerdoodlles · 1 month
fake omegaverse??? im sold tell me more hehe 👀
went to the ren faire and spent yesterday in a recovery fuzz, time to catch up on these!! :D
but oh man okay, fake omegaverse AU my BELOVED ❤ i have some notes on the idea posted here, and i've posted some of the story here. but the tl;dr of it is that i think the omegaverse trope would massively appeal to Kim and his kinks and i think Kim would be mortified over how seen he feels by it, and i love nothing more than putting him thru that ordeal <333 an incomplete list of things that i think would massively appeal to him:
scenting and the uh. claiming bite/mark/bond thing i just forgot the name of (i don't read this trope 😂). i will always see KimChay as being extremely grabby and clingy with each other and loving every second of it, and Kim esp would be wild over the thought of having what's more or less a permanent wedding ring. the scent thing is just more of the same, he absolutely wants every pore of himself to be screaming "CHAY'S!!!" in a way no one could doubt or easily cover oh yes please 👀
the pheromone thing. is that how pheromones work in nature? not in the slightest. does Kim desperately wish he could just emit a sex pollen scent that tells Chay "am horny, FUCK PLEASE" and puts Chay immediately in the mood without Kim having to admit to wanting such things with words? MHMM MHMM.
the marathon sex. he's young and horny and his boyfriend is hot, yes please ravish him all night.
breeding kink! i actually don't see Kim or Chay as wanting a child, it's not really something i see for any of the kp boys, but i think Kim would really like the fantasy of another permanent tie to Chay. Chay's like "yeah, you'd be hot pregnant" as a joke or something but Kim instantaneously zips through six fantasies of domestic bliss and Chay guaranteed to stay with him at least until all their children are grown and them growing old together and hello, legs spread, ass out, please Chay-
anyways, it's mostly just humorous scenarios of Kim discovering new kinks and then making him admit how badly he wants them, because making Kim self-discover via kink is SO much fun <33 case in point, these are my notes for the first story in the series:
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i was also about to say this was going to be a short thing except i just checked my wordcount and somehow have 2.5k written even tho i haven't even hinted at any clothes coming off yet. if this winds up long like most of my other things, i'm going to fling myself into a pool.
[ WIP game ]
[ prev asks ]
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aidansloth · 3 months
no but fr I love @rafeandonlyrafe (full length fics) @princessbrunette (blurbs but she does have three-four full lengths? mostly nsfw tho proceed at your own risk) @ghostofwriting (KILDARE SPLIT AU MY BELOVED) @randomoutsiders (longer blurbs but they're so sweet/near and dear to my heart) @cameronspecial (rafe's domesticated.) and @maybanksbabe (I haven't been following her work lately but if you see this ily libra) <33 they all have the best lil blurbs and fics and I'm constantly rbing (if you hadn't noticed 🥴) n there are a ton of blogs that have mostly nsfw stuff for when you turn the big 18! ly aides you mean the world to me
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hanafubukki · 7 months
okay Hana i am here to tell you abt my twst self ships :3
preface is that you’ll have to forgive me for any mistakes as far as lore and timelines because i am still fairly new to the game (been playing since June!) and i and still working things out ofc but that’s all the fun about self shipping right? is changing things up and tweaking things hehe
also for a bit of background i don’t go by the Yuu/prefect story in my au hdhfhf ~ but instead my self insert a princess who has sunshine magic from a small kingdom that neighbors Briar Valley and i have know Malleus and the other Diasomnia crew for awhile <3
also ofc for me NRC is a legit college LMFAO and i share this au with a few friends where we all go to the school together which is a ton of fun for talking abt our self ships and adventures and lore !
⭐️ Leona, Malleus, and Silver are my main f/o’s
in my ss with Silver, he actually starts out as my bodyguard while im attending NRC per Mal’s request and we get closer and fall in love that way 🥹 he was actually the reason i started playing Twst !! he is very much so special to me
with Mal it’s essentially “childhood” friends to lovers aka ive known him since i was younger and we rekindle our friendship upon me coming to NRC and he’s happy to see me again and from there we rekindle our friendship and fall in love (he has loved me for a long time and was patiently waiting for me sobs)
with Leona he was at one time betrothed to a friend of mine who is also a princess and they didn’t want that (but they’re obviously just friends now) and he and i meet and it’s very sunshine x grumpy! he denies his romantic feelings, we bicker, and there’s a kiss in the rain and etc heh
⭐️ Idia and Trey are my “not my usual type but i fell for them anyway” f/o’s idk i just….LSJFBCHFH i want them lmfao (the Obey Me Leviathan to Idia pipeline….so true)
⭐️ and then my BABIES aka my platonic f/o’s who are my besties or sibling types are Deuce, Jack, Kalim, and Cater hehe <33
there’s like….a billion more things i could write tbh i am constantly talking abt them and adding/taking away things and thinking about scenarios with them! UGHH Hana i love them haha sorry for rambling on so much ;w;
Hello Gray 🌻🌷🌺
Yesss, definitely! The fun part of self shipping is that there’s no rules, only that you have fun ☺️💞
Welcome! I hope you are enjoying the fandom Gray 🌷🌻 I’m happy you have friends that you can share your thoughts with, it’s so much fun when you can talk to others about it. ☺️💞💚
A Yume with sunshine powers??? Yessss I adore it greatly. (Yume = self-ship character) I have a weakness for those types of characters.
That’s so sweet!! Princess and knight romance my beloved!! And you know that Silver would treat your yume sweetly and would court her properly and it would be so sweet. I’m calling them the wholesome couple 💞💞
Childhood friends to lovers!!!! Yes yes yes yes!!!! I love this trope, it’s one of my favorites. Especially since malleus has always wanted someone to love him and get to know him and ahhhh you two are so sweet 🥹
Oh Gray you’re using all my fave tropes in your yume, kiss in the rain??? Hell yes!!! I can see the “no one can touch them” 🫶🫶
THE LEVI TO IDIA PIPELINE IS SO TRUE!!! I’m shaking your hand, yessss I know how you feel. I also like idia too and part of it is because of my softness to Levi.
Trey is wonderful, who doesn’t want someone who can bake?? Domestic husband for the princess ☺️💞💞
Oooo wonderful platonic babies 🙌 they all are so so good. I can see how deuce and jack would get along with you (school mates??), but what about cater?? Did your yume know kalim?? From travels or something?
Please! Don’t be sorry. I would love to hear about them. They all sound wonderful and interesting.🌻🌷 please ramble away ☺️🌺
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deartouya · 2 years
venus bbie !!! i could go on n on abt ur work . . . first of all ! ur characterizations are always ! so ! on ! point ! ! like . literally canon . it makes ur work so easy n enjoyable to read cuz it’s just like . !!!! “i so agree , dabi would definitely say/do this nod nod” next ur dialogue is so amazing . it doesnt evr feel abrupt or out of place and makes ur fics flow so smoothly <3 AND OMG ! the imagery in ur work . . GOD i think abt ur merman deku fic ALL the time . whenever im out by the harbour im like . how nice would it be if i fell in and got saved by a prtty merman w curly green hair ahahhaa wouldnt that be soooooo cool :p dont even get me started on how domestic n fluffy ur works are . feels like im being wrapped in a biiiiiiig big big big fat warm hug ! ur fics remind me of fall ! i cant rly put a finger on why but they do ! they smell like sugared butter and cinnamon apple <3 ur au ideas are also just ! THE NEATEST EVER ?????? zookeeper au my beloved . . . anticipating the dabi corpse bride one too oh my god . i literally cant wait to read ANYTHING u put out u r an incredibly talented writer venus i hope u know 💝🧸💫 !!!!!
coco !! i'm a puddle of tears you're the sweetest person in the whole world !! did you know !! bc you are! characterizations have always been tricky so it makes me unreasonably happy that you like them so much ;-; ah merman deku <33 that fic was so much fun for me to write and seeing people like it + connect made me so so happy !! the fact that it crosses your mind at all is !! so cool T-T my fics reminding you of fall is the biggest and best compliment i could get,, i'm so glad that anything i write can make you feel like that ;-;. and and my aus!! ah i've been working on them both this week and they make me so excited to write!! coco <33 i hope you know i adore you and your writing and that i will reread this a thousand times !! ^3^
tell me (on anon or not) something you love about my writing!!
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tellerluna-stories · 2 years
works in progress…
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welcome to the mad scientist lab of yours truly, annie!! this is only a small portion of all the brainrot i have on my mind 24/7, and i only picked out the stuff that i was more or less sure that I’d write something for later on. please do keep in mind that all of these WIPs are subject to change!
KEY GUIDE: 'uploading files' means stuff I'm currently working on actively. 'on hold' refers to the stuff that I wrote on a whim and then put aside to focus on other fics. 'queued files' is for the stories that are mapped out but have yet to be written.
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lay all your love on me. [ kaeya x reader ]
multichaptered fic, top priority! inspired by the song ‘lay all your love on me’ by ABBA. fluff, comedy, and a little bit of angsty pining probably, knowing me— i won’t spoil too much, but just read the song lyrics heheheHEHE
look into my eyes (for the rest of our lifetimes) [ ningguang x reader ]
one-shot, high priority. childhood friends-to-lovers, fluffy reunion fic (title is subject to change). i started writing this after playing through her hangout!!! she has a softer side to her that is sadly underrepresented, so i hope to explore that particular aspect of her character in this fic. WE’LL HAVE TO SEE IF I CAN PULL IT OFF THO LOLOL
give me your wishlist [ childe x reader ]
it’s childe, of course it’s high priority!!!! one-shot, fluff and a little bit of comedy, and inspired by the song wishlist by txt. this was a self-indulgent fic i started for my bday last year and then got immediately swamped with thesis work right after. I STILL AM GONNA FINISH THIS THO, FIGHT ME THESIS
3/4ths time signature [ atsushi nakajima x reader ]
one-shot, medium priority. sappy domestic fluff inspired by the song only by lee hi, another self-indulgent fic for me bc i was sTReeEEEEeesseDDD. i work on this when I’m brain-drained for ideas on the other three fics. title is also subject to change.
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ON HOLD . . .
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untitled [ thoma x reader ]
one-shot, low priority. friends-to-lovers fluff (probably???? i don’t remember lololol). a random draft that i wrote at some ungodly hour in the morning and then forgot about. it’s pretty decent though so i might finish it…..????
pull my heart-strings, won’t you? (it’s not like it can hurt me anyway) [ scaramouche x reader ]
tentative multi-chaptered fic (if i pull a tellerluna-stories here and make it too long again), medium priority. modern AU, fake dating trope with a forest of pining and a field of fluff to go with it. tbh now that I’ve seen our beloved summer i lowkey have ideas for this,,,,,, HMMMMM
the clear moon [ atsushi nakajima x reader ]
one-shot, low priority. just some hurt/comfort stuff that i wrote at 4 in the morning and never finished. if i put these drafts in this list, it means i will probably finish them eventually!!!
a soul forged of steel [ childe x reader ]
tentative multi-chaptered fic, medium priority. a self-indulgent android AU, because my detroit become human phase will not stay in its grave. title is subject to change; frankly, I’m unsure if i want to make this into a bigger AU that isn’t reader-insert so i can explore the concept of a cybernetic version of Teyvat with more freedom. until i decide, this draft is just gonna sit there and look pretty <33
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The Eldritch Abomination From the Cold Depths of the Abyss is Surprisingly Warm Towards Me?! [ enjou x reader ]
most likely a one-shot (this is if i avoid pulling a tellerluna-stories), high priority. comedy, fluff and chaos. plot has more or less already been fully mapped out and it’s only a matter of writing it; tbh i feel like my soul is leaving my body after admitting that I’m writing this,,,, also yes, that is the actual title. kudos to my beta reader who came up with it :DDDD
sweeter than a love potion. [ diluc x reader ]
probably gonna be a multi-chaptered fic, low to medium priority. fluff, comedy, and found family to boot, starring diona, reader, and diluc. only half of the plot has been mapped out so far, as i still need to do research on some things before getting into it lol. the diluc kisser in me is coming out and i don’t want to admit it HAHAHAHA
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paladinwife · 3 years
Daily Life of the Househusband
Finally the househusband au! Came out way more fluffy and domestic than previously expected. ~1.1k words, the fic is fairly focused on food preparation but no other warnings apply.
Samatoki was thankful that, for once, his greatest enemy was the luxurious dinner he planned on cooking for his wife that night.
Finally, life was peaceful for them. Akiko, freed from the clutches of the Party of Words, had become quite the successful public sector lawyer. Perhaps even more important than that, she had become his beloved wife. As for him, he had stepped back from his yakuza position to focus on his domestic life with her.
For once, it felt like they were both safe, and they could focus on being a family together and not have to worry about anything else. Anything except, of course, this dinner he wanted to make for Akiko.
His phone buzzed, the screen lighting up with a new message.
Akiko Wife: Trial going well. Should be home on time tonight. Finally! [received 14:30]
He sighed with relief. The trial had been going all week, and it sounded like it was finally wrapping up. At least he timed his special meal for her well. He quickly typed back a reply.
Toki ❤️: Good luck, babe. You’ve got this. [received 14:32]
Toki ❤️: Wait, don’t you have a trial to deal with? Don’t let me distract you [received 14:32]
He could almost hear her laugh as he read her response.
Akiko Wife: Don’t worry, babe, I’m on break ; ) [received 14:33]
Akiko Wife: See you soon [received 14:33]
He only had a few hours to get dinner ready. But he had faced much worse.
Thankfully, he had already thought to secure the ingredients that morning - only the freshest, of course. Still in the yakuza or not, he still drew plenty of stares in the store as he slapped a bag of rice or carefully scoured over a cabbage with his keen eye. Not that it mattered. He had the target, and now he just had to get the work.
First, the meat. He heated the pan with a spoonful of oil, and chuckled to himself as he noted that his knife skills were as sharp as ever. He carefully laid the thin strips of meat in the pan, savoring the sizzle at it made contact, and-
And then a very hungry corgi woke up from its nap and sprinted across the room, expecting a snack.
“Oi, Mishka! This ain’t for dogs!” he shouted, turning his attention to it. The corgi sat patiently at his feet and gave the most persuasive puppy eyes it could. He sighed and gave the dog a gentle pat on the head. “I’ll give you something later. Aight? Just wait.” It whined as if acknowledging his response, tapping its little paws on the floor.
His attention turned back to the beef, stirring carefully and watching the meat’s color. He glanced back across the kitchen. That cabbage was next on the chopping block, and he was simply biding his time until he was ready.
“Morozova? Or do you prefer Aohitsugi now?” A voice surprised Akiko as she returned to her office.
She turned to find her supervisor approaching her, and she offered her best not-at-all-nervous smile.
“Oh, good afternoon, Ms. Yamada! Really, I don’t mind being referred to as either.”
It was rare for her to see this supervisor in person, with all of her duties. But Akiko had been tasked with handling an important trial, and - at least she assumed - she must have something to say about her performance.
“Excellent work with the trial, Morozova.” Akiko could feel the stress lift off her shoulders as the supervisor’s face softened. “That was a very complex one, particularly for a newer arrival.”
Her eyes lit up. “Thank you very much, Ms. Yamada,” she graciously accepted the praise. “I just have the last bit of remaining paperwork to complete, and then this case should be complete.”
“Thank you for the good work, Morozova.” The supervisor excused herself, and Akiko hurried back to her office as her head buzzed. She reached for her phone to send one last, very important message.
Akiko Wife: Be home soon, love. [received 16:30]
The timer on the rice cooker dinged right as Samatoki pulled the pan off of the heat, spooning the food into a dish. As he planned, everything was ready just in time for his wife’s return - even a steaming cup of soup to ease away the day’s stresses. The table was set, and he was proud of the arrangement of dishes, if he did say so himself.
A tiny whine came from beside him, accompanied by little paws against his legs. In his excitement, he had forgotten one last detail.
He made a show of sighing, as if the dog would be able to tell Akiko if his tough appearance slipped. “Alright, alright, I saved a piece for you too, dog,” he said, walking back over to grab the last scrap of meat. In one smooth motion, another show of those well-honed knife skills, he trimmed the fat from the meat and was left with a perfect snack for Mishka.
“You’re lucky, you know that?” his tone was playful as he knelt to hand-feed the corgi. “Most dogs wish they could have this every day.”
The lock clicked open just as Mishka took the snack from his hand, and an amused Akiko stepped into the room.
“Spoiling Mishka while I’m not around to see, huh?” she teased as she started removing her work blazer. Samatoki quickly rose to his feet, taking the clothing from her.
“Not as much as I’m going to spoil you, baby,” he punctuated his teasing with a kiss. She couldn’t help but giggle.
“That’s the man of my dreams.” The warm and happy look in her eyes had him breathless for just a moment. She casually strolled over to the table and paused to take in the delicious sight.
“And what’s this?”
He snuck up behind her, throwing an arm around her waist. His mind was full of so many things to say, how he knew how hard she had been working, and how he wanted to take care of her like she took care of him.
“It’s for you,” was what came out. “For doing such a great job.”
Her hand came to her mouth, and the softness in her eyes was enough to bring even a hardened man like him to his knees.
“Toki, I love you.” The words came out so genuine, like her graceful and composed appearance had just fallen apart in that moment.
He took the chance to kiss her cheek and hug her tightly around her waist. “I love you too, Kiko.” He let go of her to pull out her chair for her. “Now, dig in. Wouldn’t want it to get cold, would you?”
She laughed again. “Same goes for you, baby. Let’s eat.”
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qiankunfics · 3 years
JohnKun Masterlist - Part 1
1. rearranged by renjaune - 
Summary: johnny has to share a room with his long-time crush thanks to haechan Rating: Explicit  Status: One-shot
2.  Wow, Bulge by lunalius J
Summary: Johnny's always dreamed of getting a soulmate tattoo and meeting his other half. The hand the Fates end up dealing him is not so dreamy. Rating: Teen  Status: One-shot
3. The Blue Antonov by tentography 
Summary: Kun runs a small bookstore and Johnny, a famous actor, stumbles into his life. Yes, this is absolutely a Notting Hill AU. Rating: Teen Status: On-going 
4. don't take my breath away too soon by sofarsoperfect 
Summary:  Like if he falls asleep he really has to start saying goodbye to the NCT 2020 era and he’s not sure he’s ready to do that yet. Rating: Teen Status: One-shot
5. put me right in my place by sofarsoperfect
Summary: “I am,” he replies. His voice is soft and velvety, warm and syrupy. Johnny leans down to nudge their noses together, Kun smiling softly as he does so. Rating: Explicit  Status: One-shot Trigger: Kinks
6. An Open Wound by lunalius 
Summary: Kun's life is thrown off balance when he stumbles upon a dying Youngho. Rating: Mature Status: One-shot Trigger: Blood & Injury
7. You're an Idiot (but you're My Idiot) by samuraiseonghwa
Summary: Sometimes disasters make the best dates. Rating: General Status: One-Shot
8. from one shadow to another by rowenabane
Summary: Kun has the audacity to smile. “Oh, Johnny,” he says. “You really are a man after my own heart.” Rating: Mature Status: One-Shot Trigger: Blood & Injury 
9. Indebted by lunalius
Summary: Johnny has three credit cards, of which one is frozen into an ice block for his own good.  Rating: Teen  Status: One-Shot  Trigger: Possible irresponsible spending 
10. you warmly melted me by blazingsirius
Summary: For a while, Qian Kun’s life is a bumbling mess between juggling his Master’s study, working as a budding producer, and being a single father. Johnny Suh came somewhere in between and suddenly everything felt okay. Rating: General  Status: One-Shot 
11. Here Comes The Prince, The Royal Frogness by blazingsirius
Summary: Prince Johnny was forced to attend a ball his parents held to find him a partner, but he found a way to escape the ball, which ended with a wrongful meeting with a magical being that put him in a curse. Somehow, a (literally) poor guy, Kun, got dragged into the mess. And oh, they’re both frogs now.  Rating: General Status: One-shot
12. Addictive Frequency by Sakunade
Summary: Johnny misses Kun, misses spending time together and having the younger in his bed. Kun is beautiful, perfect, and has the most delicious ass Johnny's ever seen. Rating: Explicit  Status: One-Shot
13. brightest light by tentography
Summary: Their summer had only just begun when Kun asks him to stay beneath the neon lights of the 7-eleven, bathing them in an electric mix of fluorescent white and bright orange-green-red. Rating: Teen Status: On-going 
14. johrny (horny 4 johnny) by borntovixx 
Summary: Johnny lifts weights without wearing a shirt and Kun can't stop staring at his muscles flexing – is it advisable to ask your crush if you could to lick his abs pretty please? It definitely isn't, but Kun's brain short-circuits and gives in to the cacoethes. Rating: Teen  Status: One-Shot
15. cream stuffed buns by farthendur
Summary: straight frat bros johnjae discover they feel real weird around neighborhood baker and DILF kun. Rating: Explicit  Status: On-going
16. in all glory by farthendur
Summary: Captain Qian Kun and First Officer Johnny Suh spend an intimate and spicy night in their quarters. What could possibly ruin it? Rating: Explicit  Status: One-Shot
17. We Got Married International - Johnny and Kun by jhengchie
Summary:  We got married International edition with Johnny as the member of the popular KPOP idol group Limitless and Kun is the beloved Chinese soloist Rating: General  Status: One-Shot
18. dubrovnik by lowkeyamen
Summary: Johnny takes off to Croatia, and meets someone from his past he didn't even recognise. Rating: Explicit  Status: Completed  *trans!Kun
19. this will be by sofarsoperfect
Summary: “When we do trade them back,” Johnny says and the inevitably of it makes Kun’s stomach twist in knots, “we really have to find something better.” (Parent Trap AU)  Rating: Teen  Status: One-Shot
20. The Moonlight after Midnight by writesinfontuwu
Summary: They shared a memorable night in Osaka two years ago. Now they are reunited for NCT2020, Johnny feels his heart thumping in his chest again. Rating: Explicit Status: One-Shot
21. Up or Down by lamarina
Summary: Caught between a cute TA and a foreign language credit, what's a guy to do? Rating: Teen Status: One-Shot
22. Is this a scoop? - in the eyes of Mark Lee by cherrycitrus_blossom
Summary:  Who is that customer and what relationship does he have with Johnny to make his eyes light up in delight when he walks through the door? Rating: General Status: One-Shot
23. I Love You Still by nu-exo (Nekohime)
Summary: JohnKun Agent AU  Rating: Explicit  Status: One-Shot
24. turn the lights on by jeanheir
Summary: Kun’s soft snores fill the room, the other man sleeping peacefully without a care in the world. It’s almost cruel, how unbothered he seems. Rating: General Status: One-Shot
25. Bad Kind of Player by Sakunade
Summary: The plan was supposed to be easy - count cards, win money, and be done with it. Except Kun chose the wrong casino, one under the control of Seo Youngho, known as Johnny, the rising head of the Gyeonghui jo-pok.  Rating: Explicit  Status: Completed Trigger: Kinks
26. red, gold (burning) by tentography
Summary: Kun Qian and the Audacity Of This Bitch (HP AU!)  Rating: Teen Status: Completed 
27. In-Sync Heartbeats by mezzaluna_ch
Summary: This is the piece he plays every time he wants to escape reality in haste. This is the piece he plays every time he thinks of Johnny. Now, Johnny is the one playing it. Rating: Teen Status: One-Shot
28. I Owe You by seungwanxndxnly
Summary:  Only Johnny's big crush on Kun can hold him back. Rating: Teen Status: One-Shot
29. superluminal by wentz
Summary: A man who can only be the captain of the smuggling vessel stands at the top of the ship's ramp, cutting a roguish picture as he leans with one arm against one of the hydraulic pillars. He looks supremely dashing. Kun dislikes him on sight. Rating: Mature Status: One-Shot
30. Shoot For the Moon by lunalius
Summary: Kun wants to go to space. He's got a plan to get there, and he's following it to a tee.  Rating: Explicit  Status: Completed
31. he was a superhero, he was a seamstress, can i make it any more obvious by fvckradio
Summary: Superhero Kun with Seamstress Johnny  Rating: Teen Status: One-Shot Trigger: Mentions of blood and injury 
32. just a touch of your love by seonho
Summary: Kun is rather mild in his kinks — not entirely vanilla, but then again, certainly nothing as scandalous as having his blood sucked out of him. (Vampire) Johnny Suh, however, poses a very tempting threat to those convictions. Rating: Explicit  Status: One-Shot Trigger: Blood 
33. So I Can Fix Your Hand, I'll Be Your Handyman by IsabelArmuelles
Summary:  Johnny dislikes his landlady but is very much crushing on her step-son, the handyman.  Rating: Teen Status: One-Shot
34. connect the dots, baby! by rowenabane
Summary: Johnny suspects Kun of being a serial killer.  Rating: Teen Status: One-Shot
35. Countercurrent Exchange by indiecheetah
Summary:  Johnny wasn’t exactly a believer. He never thought monsters or cryptids were real, always finding those stories amusing at best. But even all of his years of knowledge of marine life could not explain this creature. Rating: Teen Status: One-Shot
36. Inevitably Loving You by occultclysms
Summary: Prince Kun and Celebrity Johnny fake date.  Rating: Teen Status: One-Shot
 37. i'm stepping on the cracks (i feel fine) by sofarsoperfect
Summary: Sprite Kun and Human Johnny - Kun seeks refuge with Johnny ;)  Rating: Explicit Status: One-Shot
38. Domestic Bliss by cobalamincosel
Summary: Johnny and Kun work through a divorce.  Rating: Explicit Status: One-Shot
39. you say my name like i have never heard before by sofarsoperfect
Summary: Mafia Johnny with Kun  Rating: Explicit  Status: One-Shot Trigger: Mafia-related triggers and homophobia 
40. love me harder by sofarsoperfect
Summary: kun is fine, he's not even that resentful of his past or of johnny and he's doing really well and it's fine. except that one thing leads to another and it's totally, absolutely not fine at all. Rating: Explicit Status: Completed 
41. Emotional Distancing by lunalius
Summary: A global pandemic puts a dent in Kun's Green Card plans, but not in the way he expected. Rating: General Status: One-Shot
42. Domino by cobalamincosel
Summary: Kun and Johnny get back together after a break up.  Rating: Mature Status: One-Shot
43. and the next, and the next by jenhyung
Summary: Childhood friends Kun and Johnny meet again.  Rating: General Status: Completed 
44. would you mind by jokheiz
Summary: Single dad Kun crushing on his co-worker Johnny.  Rating: General Status: One-Shot
45. Charmed by lunalius
Summary: So no, he wasn’t blind. He was well aware that Johnny Suh had a crush on him. (HP AU) Rating: Teen Status: One-Shot
46. you got what i want, boy (and i want it) by sofarsoperfect
Summary: JohnKun PWP  Rating: Explicit Status: One-Shot 
47. Flower Boy by bananaboatt
Summary: Kun wants a really cute flower crown for his coronation, Johnny is a real big sucker for his boyfriend. Rating: General Status: One-Shot
48. head first by jenhyung
Summary: Youngho crushes hard. Rating: General Status: One-Shot
49. In the Middle of the Night by kittensuh
Summary: Kun knows him, reads him like he’s an open book conveniently placed on Professor Qian’s podium for him to consume in all of his glory. Rating: Explicit Status: One-Shot
50. Altered States by unnameable
Summary: When Johnny’s sexual dry spell has lasted for longer than he can recall, Ten suggests Kun, a erotic hypnotist, instead of helping him get laid. Johnny forgets about the ridiculous suggestion until he meets Kun at one of Ten’s parties a few months later. Rating: Explicit Status: One-Shot
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kittyandco · 3 years
1-10 with Dio? :33
!!! here we go, under the cut
1.) Describe your f/o’s voice. Is it deep and rough, or smooth and sweet? Does it happen to have an accent or a lisp?
Tumblr media
2.) What chores is your f/o good at? Maybe folding laundry, or mowing the lawn/gardening? What chores do they do that you usually don’t?
for a while, we had to live in a makeshift place because the Joestar mansion had burned... it was still basically a castle, but cleaning was the last thing on our minds when he was occupied with killing jojo and i was trapped with a vampire dkjdgfk... 
3.) Is your f/o a cuddler, and do they get more cuddlier in private?
aaa yes... he needs me as close as possible at all times... once he transforms, he cares a lot less for social convention, not that anyone was really seeing us anyway. in the AU i have with @foreveryours-mouse, where he remains human and jojo becomes the vampire, he still doesn’t necessarily hold back from touching me in public. we’re engaged, not married, which is better than nothing... BUT STILL, affection bad 
but after he feels he has nothing left to lose except for me... it’s not as much of a problem for him to be concerned with proper behavior 
4.) What ways does your f/o show their love for you? By surprising you with your favourite snack once in a while, or giving you back massages when you’re in pain?
aaahh... he’s so overprotective... and like i said, the affection and such... and he has such a way with words. ;w; 
5.) Who’s more spontaneous? Would your f/o randomly want to go on a midnight drive out in town or would they be the one to complain that they’re tired?
definitely him, he’s wild and only cares about his own plans 
6.) Is your f/o fussy over you if you have any self-destructive behaviours? What are their ways of making you care for yourself?
of course he is... he will literally wrap me up in bed just to get me to sleep... sdjgfk... 
7.) What’s their signature thing they like to do when annoying you? Putting their cold hands on your skin? Poking you right in your ticklish areas?
8.) What do they usually do to take care of you when you’re ill, and vice versa? (More importantly, do they burn the soup?)
anything possible, even though he’s not used to looking out for others, he can’t let anything happen to his beloved, you know... he won’t let me lift a finger, hehe
9.) What texts or phonecalls do you expect from them during the day? What do you text them during the day?
we send letters when we’re away, and they tend to just be “i miss you” whereas dio’s tends to read as “be prepared next time i see you >:3″ 
10.) What’s their contact name and assigned picture? What do they have for you?
in a modern au then... mine is just dio and probably a pic of a hissing cat cuz that’s what he looks like 
for me..... uh. gonna be self indulgent here it’s gonna be something like “my love” or “wife” ... and my pic would likely be a cat too. cuz im kitty KJDKLgk... hate him
F/O QUESTIONS - Soft/Domestic Edition
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dragons-bones · 4 years
4, 15, 20, 28, 33, 35, 41 for the domesticity meme? it's a lot i'm very sorry i just Hunger For Domesticity
Domesticity is Good And Wonderful, I don’t blame you a bit, Cyan. :P Also tagging @smira-asah-xiv and @tehjai who both asked for number #15.
4. How did they start living together? Do they move? How do they choose the place?
Living arrangements were something that Synnove and Aymeric actively sat down and discussed very early on; they both had a very good sense that their relationship was It for them. Synnove was actually a little nervous about how the talk would go because she was very reluctant to sell her house; she’s owned the plot since about two or three years after the Calamity and had the house built to her specifications. It is very much her home. She loves Borel Manor, too, but she deeply loves La Noscea.
Aymeric, thankfully, was appalled at the very idea of her selling her own just to accommodate himself. Now, Ishgardian inheritance and property laws being the Byzantine headaches they are, he couldn’t sell the Manor even if he wanted to.
The compromise they hit upon was essentially splitting their time between homes. Their work being what it is, it’s easier for Synnove to still primarily live at the La Noscea house, and Aymeric at the Manor, but they will frequently come to stay with the other as time and work permits (and their friends/colleagues threaten them to take vacations). Synnove frequently shows up at the Manor during the semester to take a break from Guild nonsense or grade somewhere much quieter (while also sneaking in a cuddle or six), and Aymeric is absolutely blatant about using the La Noscea house as an escape during Parliament recesses so he isn’t ambushed at home by politicians.
15. What habits of the other drives them crazy?
The workaholism. Yes, they are incredibly aware of the hypocrisy of such, though their habits manifest in different ways: Aymeric of course hates how much Synnove mangles her sleep schedule (that he’s actually relieved when Scion business calls her away is awful, because it means she’s about to sleep like a normal person), and Synnove hates how Aymeric will get up in the middle of night to do work, or bring paperwork to bed with him.
In non-workaholic related annoyances:
Aymeric would not mind Synnove’s coffee addiction near as much if she would just use the same mug instead of constantly leaving them around the house and getting a fresh one for another cup. She is good about reusing her mugs when she’s reminded to do so, but she has to be reminded. (He is, perhaps, a little smug when she grumbles doing the evening round up of dishes and it takes her two or three trips to get all the used mugs into the kitchen to be washed.)
Synnove loves Aymeric’s voice, but he has a habit when it’s quiet enough to read his paperwork aloud, as the sound helps him concentrate. It’s not enough to be discernible, however; it’s a murmur, at best. Aymeric has no idea when he began doing it, but the lack of understandable words grates on Synnove’s nerves. Keeping the orchestrion on actually helps, since Aymeric only begins doing it during dead silence in the house, but Synnove will retreat to another room when Aymeric does paperwork and neither are in the mood to listen to music.
20. What do they watch on TV and do they fight for the remote?
(*dusts off Modern Eorzea AU ideas*)
They tend to enjoy a lot of documentaries: science (particularly fields Synnove doesn’t work with), nature, history, and certain niche interests. Cooking shows, mysteries, some comedies (they have a mutual fondness for Ul’dah 99), and historical dramas are also fun. Political dramas and a lot of action/sci-fi movies are off on the table as the former remind Aymeric too much of work and the latter Synnove frequently nitpicks for bad science. (She gives certain shows and movies a pass if they’re very blatant about Rule of Cool being the primary physical force at work.)
But there are two times of the year when the remote will be fought over: the spring and autumn months when the baseball and hockey seasons overlap. Synnove, math nerd that she is, is a huge baseball fan (and also plays on the faculty softball team at the University of Limsa Lominsa); Aymeric, as any good son of Coerthas, was born and raised playing hockey (and curling). Aymeric usually only cares about Ishgard Knights games (though Synnove can be wheedled into watching with him if they’re playing the Ala Mhigo Griffins, as the Limsa Lominsa Corsairs are, uh, kind of a joke), whereas Synnove is a devout fan of both the Limsa Lominsa Hammerheads and the Ala Mhigo Revolution. (The Ishgard Bishops are about the only Coerthan team worth a damn, but Aymeric still can’t bring himself to cheer for them after the Dragoons moved to Tailfeather.)
28. What kind of stuff can be found around their place?
Books of all kinds (science journals, political treatises, military history, fiction, cookbooks, etc.). Lots of loose leaf paper and quills (Aymeric) and chalk and graphite sticks (Synnove). Assorted mechanical contraptions Aymeric refuses to touch until Synnove confirms they aren’t explosive. The carbuncles’ toys (they are very good at putting them away at the end of the day, but please do watch your step when visiting at either home). Synnove’s goldsmithing tools and carbuncle-quality gems she cuts for the Guild. Coffee mugs. (”Synnove! Use the one in your hand for Halone’s sake!”) Feathers for fletching arrows and bottles of oil with rubbing rags for Naegling and Aymeric’s bow. A stack of grimoires wherein any of one of which could probably be used to beat someone to death (and one looks suspiciously dented already). A growing pile of unopened letters on the table next to the front door with the wax seals of various Ishgardian houses.
...I’m going to stop there because if I don’t we will be here all night.
33. How do they refer to the other in public? How do other people refer to the other? (i.e. “my partner”, “ask your father”, "dad and papa", "how’s your wife?“, etc)
Synnove and Aymeric will generally refer to one another as either “my beloved” or “my lover,” when speaking of the other; Aymeric will also refer to Synnove as “his lady.” The Ishgardian nobility will refer to Synnove as simply “the Warrior of Light” (with context making it obvious they mean Synnove specifically) for politeness’s sake; Count Edmont and the Temple Knights are the only ones who will refer to Synnove as “his lady.” The Squad will just flat out call Aymeric “her boyfriend,” even if Synnove herself thinks that terminology is too juvenile. Synnove’s co-workers at the Guild call him “her beau” or “that knight of yours.”
35. How often do they go on dates?
Not very; with how often they’re consumed by work, staying in tends to be their preferred way of spending time with one another. That being said, sometimes they both get antsy to do something; even if they’re in Ishgard when that happens, they’ll more than likely teleport to Limsa Lominsa, as it has a much livelier night life, and Lominsans are more likely to mind their own business when one of their resident Warriors of Life is meandering through the city with a handsome man on her arm.
Depending on their mood, dinner will be either at the Bismarck if they’d like something a little fancier to eat, the Drowning Wench if they’re more interested in good whiskey with their fish stew, or one of the myriad cafes for Ala Mhigan or Gridanian or Thavnairian. Afterwards, it would either be stay at the Wench to people watch and enjoy the open stage Baderon keeps for performance-minded adventurers to show off; head over to a free play or concert at the Aftcastle or Anchor Yard put on by one of the theater companies; or, if they really need the laugh, a show at one of the bawdy houses.
41. What would they do if the other was hurt?
Well, as we know on two separate occasions, when Aymeric gets hurt, Synnove gets angry. Usually at whomever hurt him, sometimes also at him if he was being “a fucking moron” about it. If it’s a combat situation, well, the enemy had better start running, because it is Dreadwyrm Protocols time.
(Raubahn is exceedingly grateful, after the first time he sees Synnove Greywolfe turn her ruby carbuncle into Demi-Bahamut during the Battle of Ala Mhigo, that she couldn’t do that during the Grand Melee.)
If it’s not a combat situation, however, Synnove is likely to fretting mother hen. Aymeric, too, though with less clucking and more soothing humming if it was something like a kitchen accident. (He is likely to be less sympathetic if it’s an injury related to an experiment, because Synnove is supposed to be smarter than that.)
For a combat-related injury, Aymeric is generally going to be less, ah, violent than Synnove and more deeply concerned, as Synnove is more than capable of holding her own in combat and has her three sisters-by-choice at her side. Most often, if her injuries are more related to aether shock and having to go all out in combat, he’ll assist in ensuring she drinks her aether syrup and recovers from depleting her aether reserves so thoroughly.
Of course, there was his reaction to hearing about Synnove’s injuries from the Battle of Rhalgr’s Reach. Lucia and Handeloup do not talk about it. Not even Rereha could get the details out of them; all she knows is that the two managed to get Aymeric to an empty salle, locked the door, and stood guard to make sure no one tried to get in, and that the repair bill was enormous.
(Big Fat Domesticity Meme for Aymeric & Synnove)
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megastarstrike · 6 years
Five Steps Backwards Into Love
Summary: Shuuichi’s descent into loving this prick happened in five steps.
This was written for the @saioumaexchange for recipient #33. The prompt was:  domestic au, university au, anything fluff, so I did the only correct thing and mixed them all together into The Ultimate Fluff. I hope you enjoy it!
Shuuichi knew he didn’t have the best balance, even at the best of times. He could recall one instance when he had tripped over thin air and spilled his textbooks over the floor, the thump of the books landing on the ground echoing in the hallway as everyone turned to stare at him. Luckily, one of the clumsier upperclassmen (a girl with long, choppy purple hair, if he recalled correctly) screamed and tripped over something as well, diverting attention away from him.
But that upperclassman wasn’t with him in his sophomore year of college, and now the cutest boy he had ever seen was on top of him.
The boy blinked a few times before he frowned. “Jeez, do people watch where they’re going these days? It’s like they’re not even trying.”
Shuuichi knew for a fact that it was the boy who had crashed into him, but he apologized anyway. “S-Sorry about that. Can… Can you get off me?”
“Oh, sure!” The boy rolled off and stood up. He pointed at a door a few feet away from them. “Are you moving into that dorm?”
“Yes, room 233,” Shuuichi said, dusting himself off as he regained his footing.
“That’s so cool! Looks like you’re my roommate then!”
The boy pouted. “You look scared. What, do you not want me as a roommate? Am I not good enough for you? You’re so mean!” Tears spilled out of his eyes as he wailed.
Guilt caught him by the throat. “I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to—”
“That was a lie.” The tears stopped as soon as they came. “I’m a liar, after all.”
Judging by the ache starting to pound in his head, it was going to be a great year.
“I’m Kokichi Ouma, bowling industry major,” the boy said, grinning and holding a hand out.
Shuuichi took the hand and shook it, his heart skipping a beat at the contact. “I’m Shuuichi Saihara, criminology major.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Shuuichi. Also, I lied about my major. I hate bowling.”
“Then… what’s your real major?”
“Political science. I’m taking a theater minor, too.”
“You’re not lying about that, right?”
“Nishishi! We’ll just have to see!” Kokichi reached up and tapped Shuuichi’s lips with a gentle finger. “Well, I’ve gotta get my stuff from downstairs. Have fun with your mess.”
A new, louder voice interrupted them before Shuuichi could say anything. “Cuckichi, you shitty brat! What the hell did you do to my gorgeous hair?”
Kokichi broke into a run and escaped down the stairs.
A girl in a pink uniform flew past him, stopping at the staircase to rearrange her poorly-dyed gray hair. A few blonde streaks showed through (Maybe her original hair color was blonde?). She took a deep breath before running down the stairs.
Shuuichi stared after them for a moment before picking his boxes up again. His fingers strayed up to his lips, where Kokichi had tapped them with his finger. Did that count as a kiss? What would have been like to kiss his finger? What about his hand? What about—
Shuuichi coughed and pushed the door to his dorm open, hiding his blush behind the pile of boxes. Shut up, Shuuichi, you just met the guy. Don’t scare him off.
So Shuuichi walked into his new dorm, set his boxes on the bed he claimed as his own, and screamed.
Kokichi wasn’t lying about being his roommate, as he learned one month in when Kokichi had invited half the dorm over to their room for a game of Fibbage. Sixteen people were crammed in front of their tiny television set, holding their phones in front of them as they watched the screen dutifully for the next prompt.
Shuuichi was ashamed to admit he was one of those sixteen people.
Shuuichi sat on the couch in between Kokichi and Kaito, the astronomy major next door. He sighed when Kokichi made another jab at Kaito’s score in the game and Kaito threatened him with a clenched fist. “Can you two stop? The next prompt is up.”
“The most popular item at Walmart is blank,” the narrator announced, earning everyone’s attention.
The group sat in silence as everyone inputted their answers. After a few minutes, their answer choices along with a true choice was shown on the screen. They roared with laughter at the answers.
“Who the fuck put up whipped cream and strawberries?” Miu cackled, holding her stomach.
“I’m willing to bet it was a slut like you,” Kokichi said. His grin grew wider as Miu sputtered to defend her choices, incriminating herself in the process.
Rantarou tapped on his phone screen. “I’m putting my bets on the most popular item being apples. It makes the most sense.”
A few other people murmured in agreement, tapping on the answer choice as well.
The group waited with bated breath as the results rolled in. Almost everybody had voted for “apples” as the true answer.
It was a lie.
“Fuck! You god damn shitty ass brat!” Miu cried as Kokichi rolled on the floor in hysterical laughter. “I want my fucking time back!”
Kaito joined in with an “Are you fucking kidding me?”, and other people followed suit as well.
Kokichi’s fit of laughter continued even as he planted his head on Shuuichi’s lap. “Nishishi! What were you thinking, playing Fibbage with a liar? You only have yourselves to blame.” He looked up at Shuuichi with wide, shining eyes. “Isn’t that right, my beloved Shuuichi?”
Shuuichi’s heart pounded, and he could feel his face growing hot. Despite all common sense screaming at him not to, his eyes drifted down to Kokichi’s lips. How would it feel to take Kokichi by surprise for once? How would it feel to kiss the smirk off his face?
No! Stop thinking that! Shuuichi struggled to sputter out his thoughts before his mind short-circuited, and he pushed Kokichi off his lap without thinking.
Kokichi landed on the floor with a thud. He looked back up at Shuuichi with tearful eyes as the people around them laughed. “Shuuichi! How could you do this to me? That really hurt, you know!” He rubbed the side of his head for dramatic effect.
Panic and guilt seized Shuuichi’s chest. He clasped his hands together and bowed his head. “I-I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to push you off like that! You just took me by surprise. Are you hurt?”
“Easy solution,” Miu said, pointing a finger up. “Just fuck the pain outta him.”
Kokichi responded by picking a book off the coffee table and throwing it at her. He turned back to Shuuichi with a pout. “Of course, I’m hurt! You pushed me!”
“I really am sorry about that,” Shuuichi said, “Please forgive me.”
“It was the highest form of treason! I can never forgive you!” Kokichi looked up in thought and tapped his chin. “But I guess I can forgive you if you kiss it better.”
“Hey, stop messing with Shuuichi’s feelings,” Kaede said from the other side of the room, crossing her arms.
But Shuuichi had already grabbed Kokichi’s head and planted a kiss into his hair before hiding his reddening face in his hands.
Kokichi froze, a blush rising to his cheeks. He covered up his embarrassment with a pout. “Eww! Shuuichi got his spit in my hair!”
“What did you expect?” Kaito scolded, leaning over the coffee table to glare at him.
The group eventually moved onto a different conversation topic and decided to take a break from Fibbage, instead opting to play a card game.
Even as Shuuichi laughed at the misfortunes of someone needing to draw twenty cards in one turn, he couldn’t help but bring his fingers up to his lips and smile.
As time passed and the day of the play approached, Kokichi grew more and more frantic. The papers on his desk multiplied as he made increasingly desperate attempts to imprint his lines into his head. Shuuichi couldn’t remember the last time the lamp on Kokichi’s desk had been turned off.
Shuuichi sighed and sat up in his bed. “Kokichi, it’s midnight. You have class tomorrow. Go to sleep.”
Kokichi didn’t seem to notice, his mumbling continuing. His figure was hunched over his desk, and it didn’t seem like he had any intention to move anytime soon.
“Kokichi, I’m serious.”
Again, the figure stayed hunched over the desk. His hands moved up to his face, his body shaking.
Was… Was he crying?
Shuuichi’s voice fell to a whisper. “Kokichi?”
Somehow, Kokichi had managed to hear his whisper above his sobs and turned to him with a strained grin. “What’s up, Shuuichi? Shouldn’t you be sleeping?”
“You’re the one with the morning class,” Shuuichi said, climbing out of bed and taking a seat next to him. Now that he had a closer look, he could see wet trails shining on Kokichi’s face under the bright light of the lamp. “Are you still practicing your lines?”
“Yup! The play’s in two days, and I have a major role. I gotta practice for that, you know?”
“Are you just afraid you’ll mess up your lines?”
“Of course not! I already know all of my lines.”
“That’s a lie, and you know it.” Shuuichi paused. “Well, not the part about knowing all your lines. I know you know them. Do you want me to help you practice?”
Kokichi hesitated before handing him the script. “I’m playing King Aaron. This is the scene with Hayden pledging his loyalty to the king, so you’ll play him. Don’t screw up.”
Shuuichi nodded and looked down at the page, reading over the lines. “Your Majesty, has my time come yet?”
Kokichi sat up in his seat and turned to him with a stern face Shuuichi had never seen before. “Do not be hasty, Sir Hayden. Being hasty is for the peasants and the traitors, the weak and the unworthy. You, Sir, are deemed worthy of my time. Do not make me change my mind.”
“O-Of course,” Shuuichi said, his skin prickling at the intensity behind the words.
“But yes, your time has come. But first, you must pledge your loyalty. I trust that you have studied that beforehand, yes?”
“For years.” Shuuichi sank to one knee and held a hand over his heart like the script described. “I, Sir Hayden, pledge my utmost loyalty to the kingdom, the royal family, and His Majesty. I will do everything in my power to protect the king and the kingdom for as long as I shall live.”
“Then you and the kingdom are now bound.”
Shuuichi took Kokichi’s hand and pressed his lips against the back of it. “I-It truly is an honor, Your Majesty.”
Kokichi stared at him for a few moments before grinning and snatching the script away. “Okay, that’s enough for tonight! I feel ready now!”
“Are you sure?”
“Yup! Shuuichi’s lips are sooo much softer than the actor’s lips,” Kokichi whined. “Why can’t you be Hayden instead?”
“But you’re not a good liar, so you’re stuck just watching us for now.” Kokichi smiled. “Don’t worry, Shuuichi, I’ll teach you all the ins and outs of lying. You’ll be a pro in no time!”
Shuuichi sighed, the 3 AM fatigue weighing down on him. “Anyway, your show is in two days, right? You should get some sleep.”
“That depends. Are you coming to my show? It’s my debut play, you know.”
“Of course.” Shuuichi internally screamed as he remembered the stack of work awaiting him, but he couldn’t find it in himself to care, especially when Kokichi beamed at him with a smile so bright it set his heart ablaze.
The day Kokichi returned to their dorm with a cake mix and a bunch of baking supplies, Shuuichi knew his day would simultaneously get better and worse.
“Hey, Shuuichi, look what I bought!” Kokichi sang, skipping into their kitchen with a bunch of plastic bags in tow.
Shuuichi paled at the cluster of bags on their counter. “Kokichi, how much money did you spend on that?”
“Not too much. I bought it all on sale.” Kokichi held up the box containing a chocolate cake mix. The flavor was written on the top half of the red box in cursive yellow letters while the bottom half was reserved for a picture of a perfect cake that theirs certainly wouldn’t come out as. “That was a lie. The culinary major in the senior dorms had a surplus and was selling all of them for cheap. You’ll be helping me make this.”
“What? I’m sorry but I can’t. I have too much work—“
“No, you don’t.” The stiff tone of his voice told Shuuichi he didn’t have a choice.
So Shuuichi sighed and stood up from his desk, biting back a smile as Kokichi cheered. He really was too weak for him. “Fine. What’s the first step?”
“Preheat the oven to three-hundred-fifty degrees for me.”
Shuuichi pressed a few buttons on the oven and hit enter, starting the preheating. “What next?”
Half an hour later, the kitchen was covered wall-to-wall with flour and sugar from Kokichi’s attempts to “make it interesting” and Shuuichi’s frantic attempts to stop him. The carton of milk and dozen of eggs were forgotten in one of the plastic bags. The box with the original cake mix had gone missing long ago, but neither of them could care less.
Sometime around the twenty-minute mark, Kokichi had gotten bored and started slinging flour at him for reasons Shuuichi was still unsure of. Now, their clothes were covered with flour and sugar, and they both laughed at their half-hearted attempts to clean themselves. Their cake had somehow made it to the oven in one piece.
“Hey, Shuuichi,” Kokichi called. He held up a pinch of sugar. “I think you’re sweet.”
Shuuichi’s heart fluttered as Kokichi laughed at his own joke. “Hold on, there’s some sugar on your nose. Here, I’ll get it off for you.”
Kokichi stepped away from Shuuichi’s raised hand and leaned forward. “You know what would be a better idea? If you licked it off.”
“It’s sugar, right? It would be sad to just let it go to waste in a trash can, especially with how expensive it was.”
Shuuichi saw the price tag of ten cents on the receipt stuffed in the bag and knew he was lying but couldn’t bring himself to care. He held a hand to the side of Kokichi’s head and leaned in. His lips brushed against the tip of Kokichi’s nose before he backed away.
Kokichi’s face lit up red, but he covered his embarrassment with a pout. “You didn’t even get all the sugar off, Shuuichi! That was useless.”
“Ha, sorry.”
“Don’t lie to my face like that. I’m the liar in this dorm.”
“You sure are.” Shuuichi ripped a sheet off a roll of paper towels and wet it under the sink faucet. “Come here, let me actually get the sugar off your face this time.”
Kokichi smiled as Shuuichi rubbed the towel against him, cleaning the sugar off him. Shuuichi dreaded the cleanup that would inevitably take more than just a few hours but for now, he would savor Kokichi’s bright smile and laughter.
I need to say something about his sleeping habits, Shuuichi decided after waking up for the fifth day in a row from the soft music playing in the living room. The genre changed every day, the first night starting with a metal album one of the seniors had given them and the fourth night with a CD of Romantic-era classical music. Tonight’s music was some kind of generic pop song about love that Shuuichi felt he could recognize if he tried but didn’t care enough to. Shuuichi stepped into the living room, rubbing his eyes. He dropped his hands to his sides. His jaw almost dropped with them at the scene in front of him.
The room was dimmed but not quite dark, a single lamp lit in the corner. Kokichi was dressed in a white t-shirt and long, loose purple pants. His fluffy white socks slid across the floor as he danced. The movements themselves weren’t special, but the person making them certainly was. Finally, he turned to Shuuichi with a bright smile. “Good morning, Shuuichi. Dance with me.”
Shuuichi’s mouth opened to reject the offer in fear of embarrassing himself, but his legs moved on their own. His heart rate sped up when Kokichi locked their fingers together and leaned closer to him. A blush rose to his cheeks upon meeting eyes with the dork he had grown to love.
“Do you like this song?” Kokichi asked as they stepped in time with the music. “Because I sure don’t. I hate it.”
Shuuichi smiled. “Another lie, right? You wouldn’t be dancing to it otherwise.”
“Hm, I don’t know. Would I or would I not? It’s your job to find out.”
My dream job, Shuuichi thought before he could stop himself. He hoped Kokichi couldn’t see his face reddening in the dim light, but the smirk on Kokichi’s face told him his hopes were in vain.
They continued to dance until the song faded out. Silence enveloped the room. Kokichi was positioned directly in front of Shuuichi, his chin only a few centimeters away from Shuuichi’s chest. He stared up at him with a sweet smile and half-lidded eyes filled with so much love and affection it made Shuuichi’s heart hurt.
Shuuichi stared into his eyes for a few more seconds before leaning in, locking their lips together. It was a chaste kiss, long enough to satisfy his desire for a few seconds and short enough to not overwhelm either of them. His senses returned after he pulled away. “I-I’m so sorry! I should have asked beforehand or—”
“Relax, it’s fine,” Kokichi said, “Why do you think I’ve been blasting music in the living room for the past week?”
“You… You planned this, didn’t you?”
“Yup! My beloved Shuuichi caught me again!” Kokichi’s voice dropped to a whisper as if he couldn’t believe what was happening. “My beloved Shuuichi. My beloved…” He rested his head on Shuuichi’s chest as the next song started to play.
“Hey, Kokichi.”
“Will you be my boyfriend?”
“Is that even a question? Of course.”
Shuuichi’s heart jumped at the answer, and he couldn’t have been happier.
“Of all the people you could have consulted, you chose us?” Rantarou asked.
“In hindsight, that may have been a bad idea,” Shuuichi said as he watched Miu scroll through a shopping page for vibrators with a stone cold face that revealed nothing. “But you two are Kokichi’s best friends, right?”
Miu rolled her eyes. “Why would you come to us for that brat? Aren’t you supposed to be his boyfriend?”
“Yes, it’s been three months, but that’s exactly the problem.”
“Spit it the fuck out then.”
“It’s… It’s been three months, but he hasn’t kissed me yet,” Shuuichi blurted, his face burning red. He buried his face in his hands and groaned when raucous laughter filled the air.
“Kyahaha! You’re even more of a virgin than I thought!”
“Please, I’m being serious.”
Rantarou answered once he recovered from his laughter. “You know, Shuuichi, I’ve known Kokichi since middle school, and he’s a bit shy too, believe it or not. He just really likes you.”
“I know,” Shuuichi mumbled, tipping his cap over his face. “It’s just… I would really like the confirmation sometimes. I’m always the one initiating the kisses. Although he does hug me…”
“Must be hell having a boyfriend that hugs you. Wow. Such torture,” Miu snickered, clapping him on the shoulder.
“It��s not that I don’t appreciate the hugs, I love them. I would just like him to initiate the…” He sighed at Miu’s laughter. “... kisses for once.”
Rantarou blinked slowly and tilted his head with a tight smile. “Hey, Shuuichi… Did you ever, you know, tell Kokichi any of this?”
Miu’s laughter only grew louder as time passed without him saying anything. “Holy shit, I can’t fucking believe this shitty virgin”—she paused to wipe the tears from her eyes—”This is the best day of my fucking life!”
“I-I should probably talk to him about that, shouldn’t I?” Shuuichi said, chuckling nervously.
Rantarou sighed. “Really? You come to us before you even talk to him? Well, I guess it doesn’t matter now. You promise to at least talk to him?”
“Yeah. Sorry about the trouble.”
“No worries, it was fucking hilarious,” Miu said, a wide smile still on her face. “You wanna get out of my dorm now? Cuntarou and I still have shit to do.”
“Ah, right, excuse me. Thank you for your… advice,” Shuuichi said before walking out of the room as Rantarou saluted him and Miu flipped a middle finger at him. He took a deep breath and scrunched his eyes shut, the steps back to his dorm smaller than his usual stride.
What would Kokichi think about his problem? Was it even a problem? As far as Shuuichi knew, both of them only had either fleeting relationships or hadn’t been in a relationship at all. Maybe he was moving too fast. Or maybe he was too needy? The thoughts piled up until Shuuichi felt like he couldn’t breathe. The waves of doubt washed over him like a tidal wave and oh god, what if Kokichi hated him after—
“Hey, Shuuichi!”
Shuuichi stopped, his thoughts pushed away by the familiar voice. He turned with a smile. “Oh, hey, Kokichi. Were you about to head to our dorm, too?”
“Yeah, but you clearly weren’t,” Kokichi snickered, “The door handle you’re grabbing is Kaede and Maki’s room.”
“... Oh.”
“Wait, did you memorize the route to Kaede and Maki’s dorms but not ours?” Kokichi grabbed at his chest with a dramatic gasp, tears welling in his eyes. “Are you cheating on me? How could you, Shuuichi? Right after you kissed me five times, too! How dishonorable!”
“Actually, Kokichi,” Shuuichi started. He almost froze again at the way Kokichi’s head tilted curiously. “C-Can we talk about that five times thing?”
Kokichi glanced around the hall before grabbing his hand and leading him back to their dorm. “Not in the hallway. No one likes seeing couple drama.”
“I promise it’s not drama, it’s just… a concern I’ve had for some time now.” Shuuichi shut the door behind them and gestured for Kokichi to sit next to him on their living room couch. “So…”
“I’m busy, Shuuichi,” Kokichi said, even though Shuuichi knew he had completed all his due assignments and didn’t have classes tomorrow. “Spit it out or I might just lose interest.”
“I’ve kissed you five times, but you haven’t kissed me once,” Shuuichi blurted. Embarrassment hit him right after the words left his mouth. He covered his reddening face with his hands. “Ugh, I’m sorry, I just—”
“Hey, Shuuichi, look at me.” A warm grip was around both of Shuuichi’s wrists.
Shuuichi hesitated but allowed Kokichi to pry his hands away, only to stare into wide, purple eyes that were too close—
“What? Didn’t you want me to kiss you?” Kokichi said, his voice lilting up into a teasing tone. He leaned back. “And that’s exactly the reason I didn’t.”
It took a moment for Shuuichi to process what he had just said. “B-Because you were worried about my reaction? Not because you don’t love me?”
Kokichi clicked his tongue and rolled his eyes. “Jeez, where did you get that idea? I wouldn’t be dating you if I didn’t like you.”
“I know, I’m sorry.” Shuuichi looked away, anywhere other than his face, twiddling his fingers. “S-So does that mean you wouldn’t be opposed to kissing me?”
“Of course not! I’ve been wanting to do it for a while now.” Kokichi grinned and put a hand on Shuuichi’s cheek. “Are you ready to kiss me? You might just faint if you haven’t prepared enough.”
Shuuichi nodded, holding the hand on his cheek.
Kokichi stared into his eyes, his grin slowly fading. “Are you sure?”
“Kokichi… are you nervous?”
“No way! Supreme leaders like me never get nervous!”
It was Shuuichi’s turn to have a smirk on his face. “Then prove it.”
“Fine!” Kokichi leaned in and planted a short kiss on Shuuichi’s lips before jumping to the other end of the couch, his face red. “Was that enough?”
Shuuichi held a finger to his tingling lips before smiling and holding his arms out. “You’ll always be enough for me, Kokichi.”
“Jeez, you’re such a sap,” Kokichi huffed despite moving into Shuuichi’s arms. He nuzzled his head into his chest. “But for you to ask me that… I must have really stolen your heart, huh?”
“I have to admit you did, but…” Shuuichi traced the outline of Kokichi’s heart on his chest. “I stole yours too, right?”
Kokichi smiled and moved to hide his face. “It’s not stealing if you aren’t a criminal.”
“That’s not how it works.”
“What do you know, STEM major?”
“More than you, social science major.”
Kokichi giggled and pecked him on the cheek. “I love you, Shuuichi.”
Shuuichi’s heart soared. He couldn’t help the smile coming to his face. “I love you too, Kokichi.”
“Would you still love me if I said you have a class right now?”
“You’re ly—” Shuuichi cut himself off, and his eyes went wide. “Shit. You’re not lying.”
“You wanna get up then?”
Shuuichi took a few seconds to stare into the face of his lover and sighed, his body relaxing. “I can get someone to send me the notes. You don’t mind staying here with me, right?”
“Yay! I get to stay with my beloved Shuuichi!” Kokichi wrapped his arms around Shuuichi’s shoulders with a grin and rambled about his last lesson.
Shuuichi nodded along, listening to every word and taking note of the way Kokichi’s eyes sparkled and his smile grew warmer.
Even if their dorm was a temporary house, his home was always by Kokichi’s side.
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