#domestic hadrian and riddle are just snarky husbands
childotkw · 1 year
Loved the new chapter of CS - always a treat to get an update 💛
Recently I’ve been really obsessed with the idea of domestic Hadrian and Tom, later in their lives after all this craziness in their courting years. Could you perhaps share your thoughts or write a snippet of a scene you could imagine? As the creator I feel you’d have the best vision!
Aaaaayyyyyy thank you!! And sure! I need something sweet to combat all the sour that's about to rain down on them 😂
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Hadrian woke with a soft grunt, burrowing his head into the pillow to escape the sunlight that was doing it's damn best to reach into his skull and burn his brain.
He was foiled when the thick blanket was unceremoniously stolen from him.
"No," he whined, muffled, curling up instinctively. The cold air brushed over the bare skin of his back and made him shiver violently.
"Get up," Riddle demanded.
Hadrian shoved himself up on his elbows grumpily, squinting at the man. His expression went dismayed. "For the love of all things good why are you already dressed?"
"Because unlike you, I have a schedule to keep to." Riddle tossed the blanket onto the foot of the bed, far from Hadrian's reach.
Hadrian eyed it, sluggish mind calculating the distance and speed he would need to move to reclaim it. He collapsed back down when he realised it would be too much.
"I resent the implication that I don't do anything important enough to have a schedule," he muttered, rubbing roughly at his face. Now that Riddle was here, it would take death for him to get another five minutes of sleep.
Five minutes, because that was all Riddle would allow him before dragging his soul back into his husk of a body kicking and screaming.
Because he was a cruel, evil man and Hadrian hated him.
He told him as much. Riddle gave him the most unimpressed look Hadrian had ever received - which was admirable given Hadrian had lived with Lily Potter for most of his life. He didn't say that though, because Riddle always got defensive when the topic of either of their mothers came up.
"Gods, we have so many issues," Hadrian whispered, sliding from the bed finally. Riddle raised an eyebrow but graciously let Hadrian keep the comment to himself.
"We have a brunch to get to," Riddle said instead, shooing Hadrian towards the bathroom as he split off to go to the wardrobe.
"Oh, heavens forbid we're late to brunch," Hadrian gasped, stepping through the door and beelining for the shower. "The sky would surely fall if we upended your precious daily organisation."
"You think you're funny, but you're showing your age with remarks like that," Riddle called.
Hadrian, stripped fully and under the flow of hot water, stared balefully at the beautiful tiled pattern because his partner was unfortunately out of sight. "Good!" he shouted back. "It'll remind everyone that your fucking someone young enough to be your grandson!"
Riddle appeared in the doorway, his face flatter and less expressive than a corpse's. Hadrian smiled guilelessly and tipped his head back to wet his hair.
All told, it wasn't the worst start to a day that they've had.
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