ichihero · 10 months
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"Are you a friend of my father? Or should I annihilate you?" Ai was very protective of Daigo. Guarding Tojo's headquarters like a ferocious beast. (NOT SORRY LOL)
❝ Annihilate? Your father? What- Hold on a second! ❞
That's way more information than he can handle. It's like these days he can't take a step in any direction without somebody trying to fight him, and just because he got used to it doesn't make it any easier. All Ichiban can do is sigh and gesture around himself in frustration, showing that he's alone. Only an idiot would try to take down the Chairman of the Tojo Clan by himself.
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❝ Well, I wouldn't go as far as to say that the Sixth Chairman is my friend - hierarchy and all that - but we know each other! ❞ Apparently not well enough, because Daigo sure as hell didn't mention having an adult daughter!
He also never said anything about a wife or anything like that. Wait. The Chairman is like, what, only one year older than him? And he already has a grown-up child? When did he have time for all that?! They both went away for the family, although Ichiban stayed in jail for much longer. Yeah! It must have happened before he went to jail, which is why he never heard about it.
❝ So you're his child, huh? I mean, I can totally see the resemblance! You both have... dark hair. And the... um... ❞ Oh no, he can't come up with anything else.
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fctedivided · 1 year
(continued from here)
━━━━━━━✾✾✾    As    Ai    felt    the    gentle    arms    wrap    around    her,    a    rush    of    emotions    BOMBARDED    her    core.    She    couldn’t    help    but    smile    as    Zio’s    innocence    and    warmth    washed    over    her    like    a    soothing    ointment.    In    that    moment,    she    felt    a    connection    that    outperformed    age,    culture,    and    language.    It    was    as    if    she    had    been    granted    a    glimpse    into    the    very    essence    of    humanity.    "I    MISSED    YOU    TOO.    I’M    GLAD    YOU’RE    ALRIGHT.“    Uttered,    echoing    the    delight    in    her    smile.   
The lesser demon couldn't contain his excitement, and for the first time, he managed to express an actual smile in front of her. Throughout the few years, and despite the scars still remained around his body, there was a significant change in him.
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"Yes, Zio is- Oh, I mean, yes, I'm alright!" Their warmth embrace eventually broke. "Look, Ai, my horn! It isn't broken anymore! One of my friends fixed it!"
The broken tip of his horn was indeed fixed, now being placed by an alloy with a color very similar to his horns.
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taleswrittena · 2 years
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@domina-noctisim​ sent
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For a while, problems and quandaries were left outside the gate. For the first time during their long journey to clear her name, a small clan of vampires, friends of her father were found by them. They immediately hosted a welcome party, despite her protests, to anchor their unconditional patronage. "I tried to say no, you saw. Vampires can be quite persuasive." Of course it was difficult for them to accept Geralt's presence, but no one ventured to impugn the pureblood's desire. "Will you agree to dance with me?" A palm soft as cotton is gently extended. "I know you don't like this, but time passes more quickly." The aristocratic red gown offered by the hostess is giving her a horrible itch and she urgently needs to distract herself. ( <3)
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It makes him uneasy, being around so many vampires. Not all of them are as kind as Ai is. Some of them Geralt is certain would rather drink him dry. Though, they seem to know better. Purebloods or not, he can hold his own against them, and Ai seems quite protective of him.
He sort of is sticking to himself, off in a corner, when the woman approaches. She looks beautiful in that red gown of hers. It reminds him that she is vampire royalty, something he forgets from time to time.
He doesn’t want to dance, truly, but she’s asking so nicely so how can he refuse her? Sighing, Geralt uncrosses his arms and reaches out to take the hand offered to him. “Just one dance.” He says as he moves forward, leading her towards the area in which would be considered the dance floor.
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fangsofdestruction · 2 years
( ☾ ) @domina-noctisim​ starter |Your Inuyasha Verse|
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Liquid crimson, the metal-rich substance that dyes each battleground, staining with the agony of those left behind to mourn their passing. A smell not unfamiliar to the Lord of the Western Lands. 
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       『This Sesshomaru has not heard of any human warfare in these parts as of late.』
Neither did he feel the dense Demonic energy that should’ve been left behind should Demons be skirmishing among themselves. The more likely culprit of the strong stench of blood was humans in their incessant need to ‘prove’ themselves, or to plunder out of greed. 
What he instead came across were what appeared to be ravenous Demons of sorts, feasting upon the fallen humans for their lifeblood, rather than the meat that other Demons would prefer. 
Not one to intrude where his presence was unnecessary, he remained outside their perimeter of notice to further observe what the group of mysterious demons were doing. 
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gwynblcidd · 3 years
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@domina-noctisim​ sent "You look handsome as always."
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It’s nothing special that he’s wearing. He’s without armor and his hair is up, more casual and relaxed than battle worn and ready to fight, now that they’re in the safety of an inn and a room. He is always prepared for battle but he isn’t clad in armor.
Still, hearing that he’s handsome and especially with the addition of ‘as always’ surprises him coming from her. Is she....flirting with him? 
There’s a small grin that crosses his features, one that he tries to hide but the attempt is futile. “As always, hm? If I didn’t know any better, Ai, I’d say you’re flirting with me.”
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fxtelism-moved · 2 years
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Unprompted ask. - @domina-noctisim​ sent:
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"Did you just touch my shoulder?" She inquired softly. No one else was with them. "Tell me I don't have a spider upon my shoulder! Or else I'll run for my life." Ai hates spiders, despise them with her life.  
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“Don’t fret, Ai, it is me.” Wanda assured as she was indeed her hand placing on the other’s shoulder. At the same time, she subtly cast a small wind spell to lightly blow a nearby spider behind them, pushing the insect a few distance away from the two. “But we should thread carefully from now on if we walk further. This floor seems to be quite worn.” 
They were in an abandoned house after all. 
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“ have you found what you’re looking for ? ” ( Danny or Heisenberg :3 )
Rule of Rose
No, of course not. He'd never find what he was looking for. Pain---dull, throbbing, and spreading outwards by the second----holds him fast for a few moments more, his eyes left to wander along the length of the crack now spanning and segmenting the mirrors' glass. There should be blood. There should be blood. It should pour out and fill the sink until it overflows.
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With exhaustion radiating from his slender, slightly hunched frame Danny's gaze remains fixated on the ruined glass before him. He could PULL IT APART. He could RIP OUT those jagged pieces and render them unrecognizable with only his bloodied hands to show for it in the end. They'd match then; their cracks and SHIFTING, BROKEN PIECES would be the same and no one would be able to see anything at all except---
The doctor moves then; his hand finally falling away from the epicenter of the crack that his fist had created moments ago as he turns towards the young woman standing in the doorway. If only he could stay together like that. If only his insides had resisted the pull of gravity, if only he'd remained whole somehow....
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"...Had a bit of an.....overzealous patient in here earlier. An accident like this is too much of a VICIOUS TEMPTATION for the patients here so it'll need to be cleaned up quickly." Yes, please toss it away. Break and then scatter it as far and as wide as you can, if only to stop the jagged pieces from piercing him further. Pull it apart. Rip it out. Bloody your hands upon what remained of his insides.
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talentbloomed · 2 years
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@domina-noctisim​​​​​ said: — ☆
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"I am helping! I’m holding the flashlight!" She utters, her palm trembling while grabbing the object to illuminate their path. "Are you sure that we'll find something in this hideous grotto?" Inquired while getting scared with an unknown noise, almost climbing to his back, seeking urgently for shelter. "It's just a bat, just a bat, no it's not a spider. WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING, I'M NOT SCARED OKAY?" (MISS YOU AND MISSED THEM :3)
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“Umm Ai-chan, I can’t really see if you’re shaking the flashlight like that...!” He says sheepishly. The beam even becomes disorienting to look at with all the wobbling. He steadies it by encompassing her hand, cold as always, with his own. He only lets go to perch atop a large tree root in their path, feeling a little adventurous, and looks over his shoulder at her question. “The rumours have it that we’ll find something cool out here ! Like, like the remnants of a UFO...!” Even in the darkness, his eyes are sparkling in excitement at the idea that he conjured up. There’s no changing his mind about it. He’s ready to keep going, not at all worried about the classes he has in the morning. However, the sudden force to his back makes him squeak and his hands splay over the mossy surface to prevent them both from falling. “What’s wrong ??” Several different things come to mind first. Bugs, snakes, bears---but the answer he gets is so unexpected that, try as he may, can’t help the laughter that comes out of him.
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“Bats..! Honto ni ? Can’t you like---summon them or something~?”
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storiesungmoved · 3 years
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@domina-noctisim​ sent 
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❛What good will my sympathies do them? They seem resolute.❜ A distressed princess, trying to conquer her good name again. (geralt)
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“It rarely does any good.” He knows from experience but that doesn’t mean she shouldn’t try. He can understand both sides. She’s a vampire, they know of her and believe her to be the only vampire in this village, all logic points towards her but Geralt believes her when she says that she’s not hurting anyone. There’s a gut feeling that tells him she’s not.
“But, they’re afraid and humans, when afraid, don’t try to understand the other side of the story. It’s human nature.” It’s how it’s always been, how it will always be. “Let me help you prove them wrong.” There’s clearly someone else doing this so once they find him or her, it’ll clear her name.
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forlornprodigy · 3 years
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‘ i am a world of uncertainties disguised as a girl.  ’ Indeed. People regard her as powerful and decisive, but truth is she's also uncertain about many things. A little bit of anxiety decorates her kernel. ( :3)
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❛    so  you're  different,  there  is  nothing  wrong  with  that,  besides—  a  bit  of  mystery  is  very  intriguing.  sometimes  we  can  feel  lost,  maybe  even  lose  ourselves,  but  as  long  as  you  are  true  to  yourself  then  why  does  it  matter?  isn't  that  just  putting  a  label  on  yourself?  don't  let  them  decide  what  you  want,  you  have  the  freedom  to  be  anyone  you  want  to  be.  besides,  it  doesn't  matter  what  you  choose  to  be,  i'll  still  respect  you.  ❜
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mathlovershugarl · 2 years
Closed starter for @domina-noctisim​
Shugarl Geripeta, a famous professor on campus for multiple reasons, some of which being that he was a tough teacher who was difficult to connect to. A genius in his own right, he couldn’t understand the struggles of the ‘peons’ who weren’t as academically inclined as he is.
‘Only if you’re smart will professor Shugarl acknowledge your existence’ is the common consensus between the students, but that wasn’t the entire truth. The red-headed man did appreciate the academically gifted students, but he also respected those who toiled over their studies, exerting their utmost effort into learning. It was those students who claim they were ‘trying’ to learn, but were only hoping for someone else to do the work for them. Students now days were lazy, searching for the easy way out rather than truly attempting to master the material by learning it properly.
Aside from being a tough teacher, and having an abrasive personality, he was also known for being an excellent cook. Due to this, he was the advisor for the cooking club on campus. The professor could be found in his office during office hours, but outside of those and class hours, he could sometimes be found in the nearby park, relaxing among nature. Today, he came across a dropped wallet laying there on the ground. Picking it up, he found a campus ID of the student who this wallet belonged to.
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     “Hm, Ai Kuran.”
Not a name he was too familiar with, so he didn’t think she majored in mathematics or physics. He looked around, wondering if he’d find a student who was searching for her dropped item. If not, he may simply drop off the wallet in the lost and found. 
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magicalheirponsol · 2 years
Starter for @domina-noctisim​ Verse: His canon shinigami verse; tho placed a bit younger. 
[✧゚・*♚*・゚✧ ] A newly instated Shinigami he was, Ponsol had snuck away into the human realm by slipping through a distortion in space. The one of many Hells that Shinigami were in charge of overseeing, ensuring the punishment of sinners: he punished those who committed the act of taking their lives. In his Hell, all the sinners lay in bubbles, taking on the pains of those being killed. Poetic, he’d say.
It was similar to the isekai genre, except, rather than going on a fun journey, you were transported into a body to feel yourself be the helpless fly that was eaten by another insect. Standing atop a sturdy tree branch, he was casually waiting for something interesting to happen. He hadn’t chosen this place at random, as the dark matter was thick around this place. Delicious.
When humans sinned, or felt greatly grieved, they released dark matter, which was the source of energy and youth for many demons alike. He’d chosen to travel to an area full of ‘dark matter’ to ‘investigate’ the reason behind such a thick amount of dark matter in this human settlement before he officially took his post.
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                              ❝How fascinating, I wonder if this is a murder hotspot.                                Is it slavery? No, is it the corruption of government?❞
The new Shinigami mused to himself, wondering what it could possibly be. As a non-native to this realm, he was hidden to the naked eye, but there were some people who could ‘see’ him, or ‘feel’ his presence. Normally, these were those with holy powers, or those who were more inclined towards the supernatural, and had an ability to seek out the inhuman. The supernaturals came in all sorts of shapes and sizes, after all. Even he had come across many a kind of demon, such as succubus, imps, fallen angels and the like.
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spakonarchive · 3 years
@domina-noctisim          /           the high vampire.
Not every man needs saving, and not every monster slaying. They are a bridge between monster and mortal. There are reports here, rumors, and Ciri aims to get ahead of them. She thinks of Regis; a friend of Geralt’s, one who helped her despite never knowing her. It is with this fondness that she intervenes without the promise of coin. It’s what she chooses, and what she has chosen. The way the cat medallion twitches at her hip makes her think she’s not alone.
The night is dark, as is the ruined building. She cannot see the company, but that does not mean the Swallow is there alone. Her head shifts slightly, like through the heavy shadows she can see over her shoulder; the medallion pulls that way. It’s the only guess she has.
“Is it you they’re talking about?” Ciri isn’t sure, really. The work is sloppy, not fitting for a higher vampire. Perhaps this one knows, “The rumors are far from kind. Perhaps you would be willing to tell me more of the story.”
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taleswrittena · 2 years
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@domina-noctisim​ sent [  EAR  ]  ;  the sender bites the receiver’s earlobe. ( someone said biting? Geralt!)
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Teeth at his earlobe make him shudder underneath her touch. Blunt teeth, not sharp fangs, she is careful not to draw blood. He does not think he’d mind if she does, as long as she doesn’t try to truly drink from him. He trusts her but he is still hesitant about that sort of thing - something she seems to respect.
Hands move to her hips to settle there, using his grip on her to pull her closer to him and into his lap where he lets her settle there. “Mm. You keep doing that and we might not leave this room for a while.”
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souldominant · 3 years
[ STARGAZING ] :  for  our  muses  to  meet  while  stargazing :3
A soft sigh would escape his lips, one hand moving to turn off the book light and toss his text book aside. He just couldn't focus, which was one near constant in his life. He knew first thing in the morning he'd receive a text from Mina saying 'Soma, did you finish chapter 15 yet? I'm not going to explain it to you this time'. and yet, she still would and far better than the text book would have anyway.
For the moment, he'd just look up at the sky from his spot on the grassy hill, flopping onto his back. He'd probably have grass stains on his coat, but it wouldn't be the first time and those stain sticks worked pretty damn well last time.
He's not sure how long he laid their, but he was almost to the point of dozing when he heard someone sit on the grass next to him. Somewhat startled he'd sit up a bit, looking over at the stranger. "Uh, am I in your spot or something?" He'd say, with a rather nervous laugh.
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fxtelism-moved · 2 years
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Unprompted ask. - @domina-noctisim​ sent:
❛ When we are young, we think ourselves the first to have each feeling in the world. Sometimes that might be foolish but it's okay to experience feelings once in a while.❜ ( zio :3)
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The lesser demon merely listened before giving her a small nod. “Z-Zio thinks you’re r-right, the elder and c-caretakers told Zio a-also that e-everyone does that s-sometimes, and that’s a-alright...”
He didn’t understand completely what she was exactly talking about, so he hoped he did by answering this. 
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