#don moye
jt1674 · 3 months
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nicoooooooon · 1 year
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Art Ensemble Of Chicago – “Nice Guys” vinyl cover front, back and poster (1979)
Design by Barbara Wojirsch Photography by Isio Saba (Front), Dani Lienhard (Back) and Roberto Masotti (Poster)
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dustedmagazine · 2 years
Art Ensemble of Chicago — The Sixth Decade: From Paris To Paris (Rogueart)
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Paris looms large in the history of the Art Ensemble Of Chicago. While Roscoe Mitchell, Joseph Jarman, Malachi Favors and Lester Bowie had already played together in varying configurations, often as the Art Ensemble or the Roscoe Mitchell Art Ensemble, they did not adopt the name for which they would ever after be known until they played their first gig abroad in June 1969. That began a European sojourn that transformed them from one of the Art Ensemble of Chicago’s hardest-hustling bands to a force to be reckoned with globally.
The Sixth Decade may well represent the closing of a circle. For while the Art Ensemble’s motto, “Great Black Music from the Ancient to the Future” proposes that the sounds will live on, it would not be a big surprise if this is how the Art Ensemble goes out. Only two members, woodwinds/percussion player Mitchell and drummer Don Moye, are still alive. They are aged 82 and 76 respectively at press time and living on different continents. One supposes that if they were looking for a tidy wrap-up, it’s hard to beat playing their final concert in the same town 50 years after their first one. And the Art Ensemble’s latest chapter, represented by this double album and the 2019 release, We Are on the Edge, is like no other in its history, even as it sums up much that has gone before. 
Typically a four or five piece, it had grown to a 19-member orchestra by the time it made it to the Festival Sons d’Hiver in February 2020. Its complement included a four-member African drumming group, brass and string sections, and three vocalists. Roco Córdova and Erina Newkirk brought operatic chops to realize Mitchell’s art songs, while Moor Mother’s booming declarations invoked the great span of history referenced by that motto. The assemblage mixed generations, genders and ethnicities in ways that previous ones never had. Its repertoire spanned old themes and new compositions spanning spoken word ceremonials, contemporary classical, funky grooves and rolling percussion. For sheer enormity and inclusion, it’s hard to top. 
But it would be fair for a skeptic to ask, how does this record sit on a shelf that includes classics like People in Sorrow, A Jackson in the House, Nice Guys, and Bap-Tizum? To swipe a line uttered by Lester Bowie in “Jazz Death?” back in 1967, it depends on what you know. It’s certainly a more ambitious effort than the working holiday souvenir, Coming Home Jamaica. The execution of the various styles, and the transitions between them, are more fluid than on We Are On The Edge, reflecting the fact that the group had been playing this music across the globe for over a year. Moor Mother’s increased presence makes one wish for an ongoing project involving her, Mitchell, Moye, and a few more dedicated keepers of the ceremonial groove. But some of Mitchell’s classical material feels shoehorned like it’s there more to argue the point that they can play it all than because it enhances their grand sonic tapestry. 
Bill Meyer
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garudabluffs · 2 years
Art Ensemble Of Chicago - Magg Zelma 1979
Lester Bowie-trumpet,percussion/
Roscoe Mitchell-saxophone, percussion/
Joseph Jarman-saxophone,
percussion/Malachi Favors
Don Moye-drums, percussion.
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lboogie1906 · 2 years
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Lester Bowie (October 11, 1941 – November 8, 1999) was a jazz trumpet player and composer. He was a member of the Association for the Advancement of Creative Musicians and co-founded the Art Ensemble of Chicago. At the age of five, he started studying the trumpet with his father, a professional musician. He played with blues musicians such as Little Milton and Albert King, and rhythm and blues stars such as Solomon Burke, Joe Tex, and Rufus Thomas. He became Fontella Bass's musical director and husband. He was a co-founder of the Black Artists Group in St Louis. He moved to Chicago, where he worked as a studio musician, met Muhal Richard Abrams and Roscoe Mitchell, and became a member of the AACM. In 1968, he founded the Art Ensemble of Chicago with Mitchell, Joseph Jarman, and Malachi Favors. He remained a member of this group for the rest of his life and was also a member of Jack DeJohnette's New Directions quartet. He lived and worked in Jamaica and Africa, and played and recorded with Fela Kuti. onstage appearance, in a white lab coat, with his goatee waxed into two points, was an important part of the Art Ensemble's stage show. He formed Lester Bowie's Brass Fantasy, a brass nonet in which he demonstrated jazz's links to other forms of popular music, a decidedly more populist approach than that of the Art Ensemble. With this group, he recorded songs previously associated with Whitney Houston, Michael Jackson, and Marilyn Manson, along with other material. His New York Organ Ensemble featured James Carter and Amina Claudine Myers. He was part of the jazz supergroup The Leaders. Featuring tenor saxophonist Chico Freeman, alto saxophonist Arthur Blythe, drummer Famoudou Don Moye, pianist Kirk Lightsey, and bassist Cecil McBee. At this time, he was playing the opening theme music for The Cosby Show. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence https://www.instagram.com/p/CjkkCxjLeNb/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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chez-mimich · 2 years
All’Art Ensemble of Chicago mi legano alcune circostanze che potrebbero annoiare il lettore, ma non il sottoscritto e allora mi permetto di ricordarle lo stesso. La prima è che lo straordinario ensemble registrò a Parigi (la mia città dell’anima), il primo disco: “A Jackson in Your House”. La seconda circostanza è ancora legata a Parigi, poiché il mio primo disco jazz fu proprio “A Jackson in Your House” e lo acquistai a Parigi nella neonata FNAC, circa dieci anni dopo. E' quindi sempre con grande gioia che accolgo una nuova uscita dell'AEOC, anche se, naturalmente, l'ensemble è molto cambiato, non solo nella sua composizione, ma anche nella sua musica. A dire il vero è cambiato in molto, ma non certo nello spirito di ricerca, sempre costante ed indomito. Che lo spirito non sia affatto cambiato lo dice anche il titolo di quest'ultimo lavoro: "The Sisth Decade: From Paris to Paris". Due i "sopravvissuti" del vecchio AEOC ovvero i co-fondatori Roscoe Mitchell (sax e flauto) e Famoudou Don Moye (batteria e percussioni e attrezzi vari). Il disco in uscita il prossimo 20 gennaio presso Bandcamp (e anche su vinile in edizione limitata), è il risultato di una registrazione effettuata nel febbraio del 2020 presso la “Maison des Arts” di Créteil, periferia di Parigi, nell’ambito del prestigioso “Festival Sons d’Hiver”. Si tratta di un disco doppio per un totale di diciassette brani, dei quali il primo “Leola” insieme a “Odwalla” e “Funky AECO”, appartengono alla produzione originaria dell’AEOC. E allora “…Make your choice, trust your voice…” e immergiamoci nell’ascolto in questo ventre di balena che è “The Sisth Decade: From Paris to Paris”. Un lavoro che, come allude il titolo contiene il punto di partenza e quello di arrivo, la scaturigine e la foce, o forse sarebbe meglio dire il delta, in considerazione delle tante mutevoli e variegate sonorità che ha prodotto lo straordinario ensemble. Molto di ricerca i primi brani del primo “disco”, anche se nel caso dell’AECO” tutti i termini, i generi, le influenze, le contaminazioni, vanno usati o con estrema parsimonia oppure, all’opposto, nella maniera più spregiudicata, poiché l’universo musicale dell’AECO è letteralmente incontenibile, forse incommensurabile. Piluccando nel possente lavoro, ecco la track n. 2, “Introduction to cards”, con la tromba torturata con grande maestria da Hugh Ragin e, a tale proposito, ricordo che nel gruppo originario la tromba la suonava un certo Lester Bowie. “Great Black Music” è un certificato di nascita sonoro, una rivendicazione orgogliosa delle origini della musica dell’ensemble, tutta sussurrata da percussioni colte e minimali, con un recitativo esplicito e diretto che, come la voce di un predicatore, assegna all’AEOC il posto che gli spetta nelle origini del jazz. Il pezzo che segue, “Kumpa” sembra voler andare ancora più in profondità e l’Africa qui non è solo una allusione lontana, ma è profondamente presente nel ritmo nella melodia e nella lingua cantata, pezzo di strabiliante bellezza e solo leggermente sfiorato e cullato dal pianoforte. Il brano trascolora e prosegue nel seguente “Stormy Weather” che pian piano sembra voler dissolvere le sonorità etniche, per inglobare la musica colta e di ricerca. Un doppio brano insomma che assomiglia ad una voce enciclopedica dei generi musicali. (continua)
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sergj7 · 3 months
Lester Bowie & Don Moye - 1977-01-23, Tin Palace, New York, NY
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pagebypagereviews · 3 months
# Heartwarming Romance Book Reviews Romance novels have the unique ability to transport readers into worlds filled with love, hope, and the promise of a happily ever after. In a time when the world around us can seem uncertain, these stories offer a sanctuary of comfort and joy. This article delves into some of the most heartwarming romance novels that have captured the hearts of readers around the globe. Through detailed reviews, we explore what makes these books stand out and why they are a must-read for fans of the genre. ## The Power of Love in Literature Love is a universal language, and romance novels speak it fluently. These books not only provide escapism but also reflect the complexities and beauty of human relationships. They celebrate the journey of finding love, overcoming obstacles, and the growth that comes from vulnerability and connection. The best romance novels leave readers with a sense of warmth and optimism, a reminder that love is one of life's greatest treasures. ## Top Heartwarming Romance Novels ### "The Rosie Project" by Graeme Simsion At the heart of "The Rosie Project" is Don Tillman, a genetics professor with undiagnosed Asperger's Syndrome, who embarks on a quest to find a wife through a scientifically valid survey. However, when he meets Rosie, who doesn't meet any of his criteria, his perfectly structured life is turned upside down. This novel is a delightful exploration of love, acceptance, and the beauty of unexpected connections. It's a testament to the idea that the best relationships often come from the most surprising circumstances. ### "Me Before You" by Jojo Moyes "Me Before You" tells the story of Louisa Clark and Will Traynor, two individuals from vastly different worlds who are brought together by fate. Louisa becomes Will's caregiver after an accident leaves him paralyzed and despondent. What starts as a professional relationship evolves into something much deeper. This novel is a poignant exploration of love, loss, and the hard choices that come with it. It's a heart-wrenching yet uplifting tale that reminds readers of the power of love to transform lives. ### "The Notebook" by Nicholas Sparks Nicholas Sparks is synonymous with romance, and "The Notebook" is perhaps his most iconic work. This timeless love story between Noah Calhoun and Allie Nelson, set against the backdrop of post-World War II North Carolina, explores themes of memory, hope, and the enduring power of a deep and abiding love. It's a beautifully written testament to the idea that true love never fades, making it a must-read for anyone who believes in the power of love to overcome all obstacles. ## Why These Books Resonate Relatable Characters: The protagonists in these stories are flawed, complex, and incredibly human. Readers can see parts of themselves in these characters, making their journeys to find love all the more compelling. Emotional Depth: These novels go beyond surface-level romance to explore the depths of human emotion. They address themes like grief, identity, and personal growth, adding layers of meaning to the love stories. Uplifting Endings: Despite the obstacles the characters face, these stories tend to end on a hopeful note. This sense of optimism is a key factor in their appeal, providing a comforting escape for readers. ## The Impact of Heartwarming Romance Romance novels have a significant impact on their readers. They offer more than just entertainment; they provide solace, inspire hope, and sometimes even offer valuable lessons about love and relationships. A study published in the "Journal of Popular Culture" suggests that reading romance novels can lead to increased empathy and emotional intelligence, as readers are often immersed in the emotional lives of the characters. Moreover, in a world where the news cycle can be overwhelmingly negative, these novels offer a much-needed respite. They remind us of the goodness in the world and the possibility of finding happiness despite the odds.
For many, they serve as a beacon of hope, a reminder that love is worth fighting for. ## Conclusion Heartwarming romance novels are a balm for the soul, offering stories that uplift, inspire, and entertain. The books reviewed here—"The Rosie Project," "Me Before You," and "The Notebook"—are just a few examples of novels that have touched the hearts of readers worldwide. They remind us of the power of love to change lives, to heal, and to bring people together. In a world that can often feel cold and indifferent, these stories shine a light on the beauty of human connection and the enduring power of love. Whether you're a long-time fan of romance novels or new to the genre, these books are sure to leave you with a warm heart and a renewed belief in the magic of love.
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lamilanomagazine · 7 months
Torna Crossroads, un giro dell'Emilia-Romagna al ritmo del grande jazz con 60 concerti per oltre 400 musicisti
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Torna Crossroads, un giro dell'Emilia-Romagna al ritmo del grande jazz con 60 concerti per oltre 400 musicisti. Il festival Crossroads festeggia la sua 25^ edizione con un nuovo giro attorno al mondo delle musiche improvvisate (jazz e affini), con divagazioni etniche, cantautorali, sperimentali. E oltre a viaggiare simbolicamente da un continente all'altro grazie agli artisti ospiti, percorrerà invece assai concretamente tutta l'Emilia-Romagna: col suo dna di festival itinerante, dal 3 marzo al 13 luglio farà tappa in oltre venti comuni sull'intero territorio regionale con più di 60 concerti (per oltre 400 musicisti). Un programma talmente vasto da lasciare spazio alle grandi star italiane e internazionali (Enrico Rava, Paolo Fresu, Abdullah Ibrahim, Richard Galliano...), alle giovani promesse già in aria di celebrità (Matteo Mancuso, Frida Bollani Magoni), alle figure storiche (Don Moye, Uri Caine), ai nomi di più raro ascolto nel circuito festivaliero, ai talenti del territorio locale. "Uno straordinario calendario di appuntamenti distribuiti in tanti luoghi della regione, con nomi di primissimo piano e numerosi progetti e residenze- commenta l'assessore regionale alla Cultura e Paesaggio, Mauro Felicori-. Al giro di boa del quarto di secolo, Crossroads si conferma una realtà solida nel panorama musicale dell'Emilia-Romagna, un appuntamento irrinunciabile che porta a vivere intensamente la magia dei concerti dal vivo, un'eccellenza della produzione culturale in regione. Il cartellone come al solito rispecchia la ricchezza e la varietà del jazz, proponendo un programma realmente di grande qualità e rappresentativo della musica creativa e improvvisata. Insomma, una vera festa per i tanti appassionati della nostra regione: complimenti e auguri". "Nel nome il destino. Crossroads non smette di indagare in ogni direzione gli incroci, i crocevia, i bivi delle musiche creative come del territorio regionale. Ne esce ogni volta una mappa intricata di viali, strade, vicoli che si intrecciano l'un l'altro in mille rivoli, conducendo in luoghi, reali e ideali, disparati, molteplici, vari e variegati...- dichiara Sandra Costantini, direttrice artistica di Crossroads-. Man mano vedo crescere il calendario sotto gli occhi e quando questo festival nomade prende finalmente forma, ecco ripetersi la magia: percorsi zigzaganti tra le meraviglie di un vasto territorio, musica da ogni dove, interpreti da ogni latitudine, echi di mille influenze, una vera comunità artistica multipolare e democratica in un mondo che non lo è. Una boccata di ossigeno". Crossroads 2024 è organizzato da Jazz Network in collaborazione con l'Assessorato alla Cultura e Paesaggio della Regione Emilia-Romagna e con il sostegno del Ministero della Cultura e di numerose altre istituzioni. Crossroads fa parte di Jazzer powered by Gruppo Hera.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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pastdaily · 8 months
Lester Bowie's New York Organ Ensemble - In Concert - 1994 - Past Daily Downbeat
Coffee would be very nice for a Sunday: https://pastdaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Lester-Bowies-New-York-Organ-Ensemble-1994-03-24-Burghausen-Germany.mp3 Lester Bowie this weekend. In concert from Berghausen Germany, recorded on March 24, 1994 and featuring James Carter on Tenor sax, Luis Bonilla on Trombone, Amina-Claudine Myers on Organ, Keyvin Bell on guitar and Don Moye on Drums – it…
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jt1674 · 5 months
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devianbooks · 2 years
eBook (Download) Flashpoint Beyond BY : Geoff Johns
[Read] PDF/Book Flashpoint Beyond By Geoff Johns
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Ebook PDF Flashpoint Beyond | EBOOK ONLINE DOWNLOAD If you want to download free Ebook, you are in the right place to download Ebook. Ebook/PDF Flashpoint Beyond DOWNLOAD in English is available for free here, Click on the download LINK below to download Ebook After You 2020 PDF Download in English by Jojo Moyes (Author).
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The world of Flashpoint returns! After sacrificing everything to help the Flash put the universe back together and save Bruce Wayne's life, Thomas Wayne wakes up in a world he thought was no more. Forced to don the cowl once again, Batman prowls the streets of Gotham searching for answers to how this world still exists, but what he starts to uncover will send him hurtling around the globe. But the answers Thomas is seeking will have drastic effects on the DC Universe and its past, present, and future!Collects Flashpoint Beyond #0-6.
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worldcolection · 2 years
Download Now Financial Accounting BY : J. David Spiceland
(PDF Download) Financial Accounting By J. David Spiceland
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Ebook PDF Financial Accounting | EBOOK ONLINE DOWNLOAD If you want to download free Ebook, you are in the right place to download Ebook. Ebook/PDF Financial Accounting DOWNLOAD in English is available for free here, Click on the download LINK below to download Ebook After You 2020 PDF Download in English by Jojo Moyes (Author).
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Don't you love those moments in your course when students are fully engaged? When the "Aha!" revelations are bursting like fireworks? David Spiceland, Wayne Thomas, and Don Herrmann have developed a unique set of materials based directly on their collective years in the classroom. They've brought together best practices like highlighting Common Mistakes, offering frequent Let's Review exercises, integrating the course with a running Continuing Problem, demonstrating the relevance of the course with real-world companies and decision analysis, and conveying it all in a student-friendly conversational writing style. The authors have developed a concise and well-organized learning framework to show students that accounting consists of three major processes: measuring, analyzing, and communicating. By consistently tying each lesson into this framework, instructors can continue to improve student outcomes. After the proven success of the first four editions of Financial Accounting, the
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ebookpost · 2 years
(PDF) [Download] Shatter Me (Shatter Me, #1) BY : Tahereh Mafi
E-Book Download Shatter Me (Shatter Me, #1) by Tahereh Mafi
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Ebook PDF Shatter Me (Shatter Me, #1) | EBOOK ONLINE DOWNLOAD If you want to download free Ebook, you are in the right place to download Ebook. Ebook/PDF Shatter Me (Shatter Me, #1) DOWNLOAD in English is available for free here, Click on the download LINK below to download Ebook After You 2020 PDF Download in English by Jojo Moyes (Author).
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Juliette hasn?t touched anyone in exactly 264 days.The last time she did, it was an accident, but The Reestablishment locked her up for murder. No one knows why Juliette?s touch is fatal. As long as she doesn?t hurt anyone else, no one really cares. The world is too busy crumbling to pieces to pay attention to a 17-year-old girl. Diseases are destroying the population, food is hard to find, birds don?t fly anymore, and the clouds are the wrong color.The Reestablishment said their way was the only way to fix things, so they threw Juliette in a cell. Now so many people are dead that the survivors are whispering war ? and The Reestablishment has changed its mind. Maybe Juliette is more than a tortured soul stuffed into a poisonous body. Maybe she?s exactly what they need right now.Juliette has to make a choice: Be a weapon. Or be a warrior.
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zerowbook · 2 years
PDF/Ebook The Whole Body Reset: Your Weight-Loss Plan for a Flat Belly, Optimum Health a Body You'll Love at Midlife and Beyond BY : Stephen Perrine
(PDF Download) The Whole Body Reset: Your Weight-Loss Plan for a Flat Belly, Optimum Health a Body You'll Love at Midlife and Beyond By Stephen Perrine
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Ebook PDF The Whole Body Reset: Your Weight-Loss Plan for a Flat Belly, Optimum Health a Body You'll Love at Midlife and Beyond | EBOOK ONLINE DOWNLOAD If you want to download free Ebook, you are in the right place to download Ebook. Ebook/PDF The Whole Body Reset: Your Weight-Loss Plan for a Flat Belly, Optimum Health a Body You'll Love at Midlife and Beyond DOWNLOAD in English is available for free here, Click on the download LINK below to download Ebook After You 2020 PDF Download in English by Jojo Moyes (Author).
Download Link : [Downlload Now] The Whole Body Reset: Your Weight-Loss Plan for a Flat Belly, Optimum Health a Body You'll Love at Midlife and Beyond
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New York Times Bestseller Stop?and even reverse!?age-related weight gain and muscle loss with the first-ever weight-loss plan specifically designed to shrink your belly, extend your life, and create your healthiest self at mid-life and beyond.You don?t have to gain weight as you age. That?s the simple yet revolutionary promise of The Whole Body Reset, which uncovers why standard diet and exercise advice stops working for us as we approach midlife?and reveals how simple changes to the way we eat can halt, and even reverse, age-related weight gain and muscle loss. The Whole Body Reset presents stunning new evidence about the power of ?protein timing? for people at midlife?research that blows away current government guidelines, refutes the myth of slowing metabolisms and ?inevitable? weight gain, and changes the way people in their mid-forties and older should think about food. The Whole Body Reset explains in simple, inspiring terms exactly how our bodies change with age, and how
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bestreadingbooks · 2 years
[Read Online] Far from Neverland BY : Rylee Hale
E-Book Download Far from Neverland by Rylee Hale
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Ebook PDF Far from Neverland | EBOOK ONLINE DOWNLOAD If you want to download free Ebook, you are in the right place to download Ebook. Ebook/PDF Far from Neverland DOWNLOAD in English is available for free here, Click on the download LINK below to download Ebook After You 2020 PDF Download in English by Jojo Moyes (Author).
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Peter Pan left Neverland and grew up. Now I want him back.It?s been fourteen years since he left, since Neverland?s star died out, since a blanket of frost fell over the island. Despite the Jolly Roger being anchored in a layer of ice, I?m not yet willing to give up this perfect, Peter Panless Neverland.Well, it?s not completely perfect. A threat looms here, a shadow devouring the island. I don?t want Pan back, but he?s the only one who can stop it. However, when I find him, there are two problems.One, Peter Pan has no memory of who he really is.Two, I can?t seem to resist him.Making him remember isn?t going to be easy, and not just because I hate him like sin, just like all the sinful thoughts he inspires. I can?t allow him to distract me. The fate of Neverland hangs in the balance.The old Peter Pan has died, and a new one?s risen from his ashes. He?s a star?Neverland?s sun?and I don?t care if I get burned.Captain Hook is very much the villain we all love in this adult standalone MM
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