#don’t be offended if i don’t use yours tho 💋💋
straight4joekeery · 2 years
Teach Me How To Love In Your Own Lyrics
(Part two)
With the finals happening, his classes were actually quiet for once. Except for the constant “Mr. Harrington may I use the restroom?” At least they used correct grammar. His fourth period was by far his favorite of the classes (although he would never admit it). They were the smartest group and they actually listened. They got done impressively quick leaving them with 20 minuets of class. He collected their papers and leaned back on the front of his desk. “So,” he begins, “anyone have any fun summer plans?” Which he knows is like the most teachery question to ever be asked but oh well.
They all had the basic answers : going to the beach, spending time with family (he loved the kids that said this), and the classic going to spend every day at the arcade. However, there was one answer that stuck out to him.
“What about you James?”
“I get to go to my favorite bands’ concert!” He sounded so excited
“Oh really? Who?”
“Corroded Coffin! They’re coming to Indy!”
Sometimes Steve forgets how big they actually are so the answer kind of took him by surprise. “That’s awesome! Okay random question. Show of hands, who listens to Corroded Coffin?” Almost every single kid raised their hand. Wow. They are in for a treat.
“Now I’m sorry kids but I think I have you all beat, I am 100% their biggest fan.” All the kids protested. James especially about how “I don’t see your tickets!” Steve grinned “okay okay maybe not but…” he reached behind him to his desk in search for something. He pulled out 2 Polaroids. One was from about 5 years ago of him and Eddie on the swings at the local park. They may or may not have been as high as a kite, but that wasn’t important. The other was more recent. It’s the two of them in the Wheeler’s basement. Eddie is playing the most ‘metal’ song ever his guitar while Steve plays a kazoo. He smiles at the memories to himself before turning the pictures around to the kids and saying, “Is your best friend the lead guitarist?”
The kids were in awe. James stood up and pushed his way towards Steve. “You?”
“Friends with THE Eddie Munson?”
“The one and only, yes.” He looked so shocked? Excited? Angry? He could not read any of his students emotions no matter how hard he tried. James turned around and sat back down with the same expression plastered on his face.
All of the class wanted to know how they knew each other. Oh. Steve had to make up a story on the spot. He really couldn’t say “oh yeah when the inter-dimensional portal opened up I went looking for him, because y’a know he had murder charges and had to hide, but anyways long story short he died and I gave him cpr, and we have been BFFS since!” So he goes with:
“Well we went to high school togeth-“
“What now James?” he sighed
“You went to school here right?
“That means Eddie went to school here?!?!”
“Yeah? The whole band did, now if I can cont-“
Steve took a deep breath, “now can I continue?” James mumbled some sort of yes. Steve laughed, “Okay. So yes we went to high school together but we didn’t really now each other then. We were on opposite sides of the field I guess? He started his own d&d club. And I..” he sighed, “was on the swim team.” All the kids booed. He laughed and continued, “I know I know. Anyways, we met through mutual friends, and after all said friends left town he became my best friend, not to mention I have saved his life.” The kids were all silent except for (you guessed it) James.
“What is he like?”
“What do you mean?” He asked while looking back at the pictures.
“Like is he one of those celebrities who’s really mean in person?”
Steve snorted, “not at all, he may look like he’s really mean but I swear he’s the sweetest person I’ve ever met,” he paused and smiled, “This one time his car broke down so I drove him home and,” he giggled, “he saw a cat on the side of the road. He yelled at me to stop the car, and we had just went to get fast food, so he jumped out of the car, gabbed the cat, and started giving the cat fries. I had to force him back into the car. He cried actual tears for HOURS because he didn’t get to keep the cat. He already named it too. Get this, Jameson the third. He doesn’t even know a James let alone a Jameson.” He set the pictures down and glanced at his watch. “Oh guys we have 2 minutes before the bell rings. So yes James he’s super nice.”
When the bell rang and they all told him goodbye. They seemed more cheery then normal. He was glad for that.
It was his lunch period next. He wanted to look over some papers so he stayed in the classroom. He got done but didn’t want to leave, so he just stared at the ceiling and got lost in thought. He thought about Eddie leaving. He really got sad just at the thought. 3 months was going to be a long time. He realizes that he hasn’t even left and he misses him. The only person he’d have left in Hawkins would be the English teacher Julie Smith and to be honest she’s starting to annoy him. He doesn’t know how Eddie did it for a year. He thought that maybe Steve didn’t mean as much to Eddie as Eddie did to Steve. He quickly discarded that thought along with the tears that were now rolling down his cheek. He felt like they all needed a formal goodbye to Eddie. And that’s when he had a great idea. He picked up the phone and dialed Robin.
“Helllooooo?” She answered
“Steve! What’s up?”
“I have an Idea but I kinda need your help.”
“I’m listening. ”
Here is part 2! To be honest this wasn’t planned at all. It was meant to be a paragraph or two of part three but oh well. More stuff for you guys 😉. I think I might love making Steve cry. Idk why I do it constantly tho. This part is also kinda short :(. Anyways hope you enjoyed! I think this one is pretty good. You can probably tell how low my self esteem is by this 🤷‍♀️. Ngl i kinda hate it. Oops. So far I have parts 3 and 4 written. I think I will post one part a day. Also part count update: it’s now going to be 7-9 parts! Comment or reblog if you want to be tagged!! Thank you for reading!! <3
Tag list: @asbealthgn @queerbeansworld @bird-with-pencils @vecnuthy !!
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primaviva · 1 year
Your writing is terrible. Seriously embarrassingly awful to the Marvel community. You’re overrated and overhyped. We ALL know you use AI. Stop hiding it.
don’t be shy babe just take the anon off and speak with ya full chest cus this is EMBARRASSINGGGG💀💀💀
if my writing is terrible? guess what babygirl, YOU READING ITTT and you all up in my inbox so thanks for the boost here’s sum kisses 💋💋💋 if you don’t like my writing style then it ain’t for you…simple as that just click off but ig i got you immersed
also am i writing bad or secretly using ai bro make up ur mind cus you even confused about ur own mess
i don’t know who you tryna be and who named you the president of marvel writers but you sound mad goofy bro like reread this for me. im not overrated nor am i overhyped but imma take that as a compliment since you view me so highly. i write for gwen and she’s not a popular character and i don’t try to write for other “popular” characters because i like gwen and write for her FOR FUN and because i love my lil gwen defender community. i only have 10k followed because i made multiple spider gwen comic posts talking about m.o.d.a.a.k. and other stuff related to her comics which blew up crazy and got me attention and boosted my account to other gwen stans. don’t know who ya group of sidekicks are acting like you forming a secret takedown cus i hate to be the first to tell you that you are not tony stark and you definitely not starting the avengers initiative 🥲 if you think my writing is bad fine i literally never crowned myself no literary god but to say im using ai is so funny and something tells me you the same one from before and saw everyone clowning you for coming at me crazy so you tryna get a lick back…. and imma always be respectful but if you start coming at me crazy that’s how we gonna be.
not only do i post multiple teasers for my writing but i literally posted me undoing my writing history just to giggle at y’all who think this. if you think ai is producing over 5k fics with multiple grammar errors and random uppercases then i dead don’t know what to tell you. im sorry but atp you a joke and im waiting for the punchline cus you fr acting like im a nefarious villain or sum and i got some deep dark occult secrets likee😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
don’t know if you jealous, don’t know who you are, don’t know who you think i am, but i do know you dumb as hell
im soo sowwy for offending the marvel community tho 🥹🥺😖 gwuys pweese forgive meeuh :( lookin ahh i can’t
i already spoke on this in a more tame way and not only did i already show proof that i did not even need to prove to no one because literally nobody believed this (esp my ogs who was there for my fics before i downloaded doc extensions that lowercased everything after you pressed select all….let’s not discuss) but ai got y’all brains warped cus you can’t even tell the difference between shi if it was right in front of you.
ANYWAYS miles fic i finally started working on it took me a while cus i still don’t have his personality fleshed out in my mind it’s gonna be a short one tho
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straight4joekeery · 2 years
Teach Me How To Love In Your Own Lyrics
(Part three)
Prev. Part one
“Come on pick up,” Steve whispered into the phone.
“Wow. Hello to you too.”
“Stevie! Sorry I’m just stressed. Are you coming over later? I need a hug.
“About that, I know you have a 11 o’clock flight so I’ll go to yours if afterwards if you want, but do you think you can come over to mine?”
“Uhhh, yeah. Why?”
“No reason.”
“Uh huh sure. What time can I come over?”
He glances down at his watch it read 3:30. “Um maybe in about two and a half hours. I have some errands to run.”
“Oh okay,” he sounded almost upset, “I’ll be there.”
“Bring the rest of the band. Okay byyeeee.” He slammed the phone down before he could get another word in, “He’s on board.”
“I assumed,” Robin said from on top the counter. While he was on the phone she had stolen a jar of peanut butter and had eaten half of it.
“Gross,” he scoffed, “anyways two hours in enough time right?” He said in a very obviously nervous tone.
“If we hurry it should be more than enough,” Vickie reassured.
“Okay then let’s go!” Steve said.
They arrived at the store in less than 5 minutes, Robin deciding to take full control, “okay party people, let’s split up.” She gave everybody their designated roles and they went on their ways. Steve was freaking out thinking they wouldn’t make it back to the house in time. They ended up being back at the car in less than an hour. “Good work team,” Robin exclaimed as they were driving again, “Ohh my god Steeevveee!” She gasped
“For old times sake?” She said while pointing at family video.
“No Robs, we only have like a hour and a half and we still have to make some phone calls and set up. Speaking of we should have made the calls first. Great”
“Steve everything will be fine, your Prince Charming will arrive,” he decided to ignore that comment, “and everything will be straight out of the movies okay? But please Steve. You can pick the movie. We will all watch it tonight as a big, happy, and stable family. Pleeeeaassee,” she begged and nudged Vickie.
“Oh uh yeah, please Steve.” Vickie said. Robin grinned, it was honestly kind of off putting.
“Fine but let’s make it quick.” They pulled in the packing lot and hopped out of the car.
“Family Video my names Keith-,” he glanced up, “Oh god-“
“Keeiiittthhhh!” Robin walked over and gave him a little side hug, “how much I didn’t miss you!”
“Same to you Robin,” he sighed, “now what can I help you with?”
“Oh y’a know. Looking for a movie.” Then she skipped away into the comedy aisle. Steve nodded at Keith and then followed Robin. “Okay so whatcha thinking?”
“I don’t know, you pick.”
“Really? Thank you so so much!! This is a honor. Hmmm,” she walked down the row of movies with a mocking finger on her chin, “Oooh! Rocky horror!”
“We watched that yesterday.”
“Really? How about grease?” She said while raising her eyebrows
“Eddie literally hates that movie,” he said like it was obvious. It makes him kind of sad that he’s now banned from his own favorite movie.
“Fine! You pick.”
“Uh,” he glanced around, “Heathers?”
“Never seen it.”
“Me neither, but wow that girl look exactly like Joyce?”
“Ew she does.”
“Are you insulting my mother?” Ever since he moved out of his parents house, he exclusively refers to Joyce as mom.
“No it’s just weird. Anyways it’s settled! Heathers it is!”
Once they got back to Steve’s house they immediately scrambled to get ready. Vickie decorated, Steve made calls, Robin ‘supervised’. Once he finished making the final call they checked the time. 20 minutes to spare. Oh time to hope and pray everyone hurries. “Steve,” Robin rests a hand on his shoulder, “you’re panicking. It’s going to be fine,” she says as the doorbell rings, “see someone is already here.” He stands up and walks to open the door to see people he definitely didn’t invite.
“Lucas? Max?” He says while letting them in. He gave them both a hug, “what are you guys doing here?”
“we were in town… what is going on?” Lucas said while looking around.
“Well, you know how Eddie’s going on tour?” They both hummed in agreement, “we are going to through him and the band a little going away party. Do you think you guys would be able to stay?”
“Yeah, of course. Plus we haven’t seen Eddie in a while.”
“Great! I’ve really missed you guys.”
“We’ve missed you too.”
“It’s kinda sad without my favorite babysitter,” max nudged Steve’s arm.
“Don’t make his ego bigger then it needs to be!” Robin called out from the door. As they were talking about 10 of the 30 people that they invited walked through the doors. He let out a huge sigh of relief. He walked towards the guests and thanked them all for showing up.
As it hit 6 he told everyone to “get ready but also take your time because Eddie is almost always ‘fashionably’ late”. They decided against the whole turning off the lights and hiding thing. Plus Steve’s sure Eddie knows what’s going on. He hears the doorbell ring and everyone immediately goes silent he has everyone in a position so when he opens the door they won’t get caught too quick. He walks to the door and slowly opens it. “Hey guys!” He exclaims trying to hide his fear. The band all says they’re version of hi’s and steps in.
Everyone perfectly chorus’s a loud “surprise”. And to Steve’s amazement they all actually looked surprised. Eddie turned around to face Steve.
“Stevie, you did all this… for me? For us?” He says while gesturing in the vague direction of the band.
“Of course I did. You guys deserve it.” He says but was cut off by Eddie giving him the tightest hug he’s ever gotten. He smiles to himself and hugs him back.
“Thank you Steve.”
“You’re welcome.” They break the hug and Eddie goes to see and thank everyone who came he watched his face light up when he notices Lucas and Max. He doesn’t even notice Gareth is right next to him. “Hey.”
“Thank you. It honestly means a lot. This is awesome. I’m sorry if I ever acted like I hated you. I mean… I kinda did but that’s not the point. You’re a really good dude Steve.”
“Thank you,” you could tell he genuinely meant it, “and I mean you guys are going on tour for 3 whole months. You deserve a crappy party at least.”
“Trust me this party is not crappy,” he smiled (which trust him is weird for Gareth) while walking back to the rest of the party. And he was actually right.
“Well,” Robin smiled, “the party was a hit.”
“It really was,” Eddie chimed in, “thank you again guys.”
“Yes yes we’re so cool and nice, now let’s start the movie,” Robin said while grabbing their arms and skipping to the couch. They all sat down Eddie, Steve, Robin, and Vickie on the couch and the band on the floor in-front of them. Steve had never noticed how small his couch was. Throughout the whole movie all he could think about was how Eddie was practically on top of him. And Eddie could tell something was up.
“You okay? You’re very,” he waves his hand at him, “tense.”
Steve laughs to play it off, “yeah I’m fine.” After this comment he tries to relax a bit. So much so that he allows him self to slowly slide his arm off of the back of the couch and onto Eddie’s shoulder. He swears he sees Eddie blush but it’s a little dark and he doesn’t want to jump to conclusions. He thinks to himself how weird this is. Why is he so nervous it’s not like he likes Eddie. That’s his best friend. Right?
The movie ended soon and it was surprisingly good. Eddie loved it saying that’s it was his new favorite (go Steve!). Every one agreed on two things from the movie.
1. Christian Slater is a capital H Hot man. (even Robin agreed.)
2. And again wow Veronica really looks like Joyce.
The band left thanking them over and over again. The 4 of them remaining cleaned a little and then all decided it’s really late and they should get going. They said their goodbyes. Once Steve arrived at Eddie’s he hugged him again this time impossibly tighter and for a lot longer. “Thank you again Stevie.”
“You are so so very welcome,” Steve sighed, “3 months. Wow.”
“I know,” they pulled away both of them were about to cry but neither of them brought it up, “try not to miss me too much.
“Impossible,” they hugged one last time and went to bed before either of them actually cried.
Wow. Part 3. I actually am starting to really like how this is turning out. I really think you guys will LOVE the next two parts. End of part 4-beginning of part 5 is kinda sad ngl. You’re in for a treat 😉. As always, comment or reblog if you want to be added to the tag list. I love all of the support I am getting. It truly means a lot you guys are the best 💚. I hope you enjoyed and thank you so so much for reading!
ALSO the current part count is 9! But I’ll probably push it to be 10 because it’s prettier. Sorry if 5 is a little short btw. I have a bad habit of trying to write a piece of one part and then it kind of just spills. Idk why but I don’t really like to make them super long.
Tag list!: @asbealthgn @queerbeansworld @bird-with-pencils @vecnuthy @artiststarme @swagaliciousmarie @piningapple @steve-themom-harrington @lfaewrites @azreadytodie @thequeenrainacorn @pastel-dreamscape @jehneeg (sorry it wouldn’t let me tag you in part 1!) @mightbeasleep (also sorry to the people it wouldn’t let me tag :( )
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straight4joekeery · 2 years
Teach Me How To Love In Your Own Lyrics
(Part five)
(TWS ⚠️: mentions homophobia and domestic violence; If you want to skip I’ll put blue dots before and after the scene. I’m sorry if there’s any other areas I missed that talk about this!)
Prev. Part one
“So he dumped me! Get this! He said ‘is it that time of the month?’ Like he’s so wrong for that! I mean… he wasn’t literally wrong. But still. As a woman I feel attacked. Steve? Are you even listening?” See? Steve doesn’t lie. Very. Annoying.
“Yeah. That’s crazy.”
“What’s your problem today?”
“… nothing”
“Oh. My. God. Steve get over it. It’s been a month! Why would you even want to be friends with him? He killed Chrissy,” (OH NO SHE DIDN’T), “I think he should be behind bars,” (SHE DID), “he disappears for like a week and comes back with a brand new apartment. I don’t know Steve I think it’s kinda messed up-”
“JULIE,” The entire diner went silent. He waved and apologized to the workers before continuing a little quieter, “genuine question. Do you ever shut up?”
“Let me finish,” she actually closed her mouth for once what a shock! “It’s not against the law for me to have a friend that I actually care for. You act like I can’t know people besides you. Plus to be honest, I’ve never even liked you. For one, you over share EVERYTHING. Yeah, sorry, news flash I could not care less about your dear dear Bradley boy and wether or not he loves you. And also I’m allowed to have opinions that differ from yours. You don’t have to argue about EVERYTHING. If I said ‘oh hey Julie look at the pretty blue sky’ you’d come up with a six page essay on how the sky isn’t BLUE.”
“You done?”
“Oh I could say more if you’d like,” he grinned. When she said nothing he went to continue his beautifully presented speech.
“Pass,” she interrupted, “I’m sorry Steve. I really am. But it’s not my fault you cannot form a sentence where the subject isn’t Eddie. You’d think you’re in love with him,” (OH REALLY??) the last words rang in his ears. He scoffed as he took the last sip of his shake. He aggressively stood up and thanked the waiter.
“Oh and thank you for paying Julie!” He smiled as he ran out the door. He jumped in the car and laughed. Laughed until he couldn’t breathe. He wondered where all this rage came from. Then he remembered that he promised himself to never yell at anyone…
• Suddenly he’s ten again. His dad had told him something stupid that Steve quite frankly didn’t agree with. He didn’t even yell at him he just said softly that he has a different opinion. But oh no. Richard wasn’t too happy about it. He yelled at Steve until he lost his voice. When he did he had to use the only other form of punishment he knew. He hit Steve. Once. Twice. Seven times. But no. That wasn’t enough. He grabbed Steve by the hair and slammed him into the wall. That’s how he got concussion number 1 (and 2,4, and 5). If you ask anyone else he knew at the time he fell of his bike (Which was believable considering that’s how he got the third one). He remembered going to school the next day and Tommy laughing at him because oh Steve, you’re so stupid. Oh. Tommy.
Now he’s back to age 14. There were two kids in his grade named Cory and Danny. They were both super nice kids. Got good grades, never did anything wrong. But one day Tommy wasn’t to fond of how close they were sitting at lunch. So as usual, he said something. Called them… the word. Now I mean sure, Steve wasn’t the nicest and called Johnathan a queer once. But that? He’d never do that. That’s way too far. He told Tommy to stop. He just pushed him away and said, “or what? Are you a little fairy too?” •
Thinking back on it so what? So what if he was gay? There’s nothing wrong with that. And yeah Julie, so what if he is in love with Eddie…Wait. Pause. What? He had to think for a hot second about that one. He thinks about Nancy and what it felt like to be in love with her. And yeah it’s a lot different actually, but not in the way he thinks. He thought about how he actually felt about Nance he loved her but no… the longer he thought about it the more he realized. He thought about Robin, and how yeah he obviously loves her too. In the same way he loved Nance.
But that’s like saying their whole relationship was a lie so no. He loved her. But… He was hyperventilating at this point. Okay well he’s obviously not gay because he hooked up with like 10 girls a month a while back. He did it in hopes for just the right girl. He hoped it ‘feel different’ with her. Different. Oh.
But he guessed that it doesn’t matter anyways, because Eddie doesn’t like Steve back. Right?
He had to stop thinking about it because he’s been sitting in the car for a while now and he can see Julie inside standing up finally. He pulls out of the parking lot and cranks down the window. Just breathing in the summer air. He makes it about half way home before he realizes that he drove Julie to the diner. Oops.
He turns on the radio. He still hasn’t changed the tape since the airport. He has to admit. This kind of music is growing on him. It’s loud he’ll give it that, but the more he listens the more he actually hears the lyrics. And they’re actually good. Like really good. He pulls up to his house and sits in the car for a bit longer. Just listening.
Once the tape is over he gets out. He unlocks the door and jumps onto the couch. He sees the copy of The Lord of the Rings that Dustin had gotten him after forcing him to watch the movies. He almost cried (but then he thought about his dads stupid words) when he got it. Mostly because it’s probably the best gift he’s ever gotten. But partly because he couldn’t read. After concussion number 13 (12? 14? He didn’t know. I wonder why he couldn’t remember!) he was never able to. The words blend together and make no sense anymore. Every time he picks up a book he gets an instant migraine. (Oh yeah because he gets those too now.) He picks it up anyway. He opens it and… yeah. “Pointless,” He sighed.
It’s the weekend for gods sake, and he just discovered the that his life was a lie (he honestly wasn’t even mad about it. He was happy. It felt like a 50 pound brick just got taken off his shoulder). He should be doing something fun. So he gets up and looks around. He could put on a movie. But then again he’s seen them all about 20 times since Eddie left. Yep he’s got nothing. He could… yeah nope absolutely nothing. He glanced towards the phone and shrugs. He dials the only number he has memorized.
“Hey Vick!”
“Steve! How are you?”
“I’m good! Really good actually. Uh random question.”
“Are you and Robin working today? Or just over the weekend in general?”
“I mean we are supposed to be but we can always just close up the shop. Why what’s up.”
“You guys want to go out for a drink? I’ll drive up there.”
Steve could practically here her smiling over the phone. She sighed, “I’ll go inform the wife,” she giggled.
“Thanks Vick, you’re the best.”
“Tell me something I don’t know. When will you head up here?”
She laughed, “yeah okay. See you in a bit!”
“Bye,” he put the phone back on the wall. He walked to his room to find a good outfit.
He put on his skinny jeans because in Eddie’s exact words, “they are very…Flattering?” He searched for a good shirt. Thankfully he expanded from his polo collection. He accidentally pushed a shirt off of its hanger and he couldn’t just leave it on the ground like a normal person because that would ruin “the image”. He picks it up and looks at it. It was a Nirvana shirt Eddie had bought him saying that, “this band will slowly ease you into metal. Grungey but surprisingly good.” He didn’t think they were to bad. He threw on the shirt for fun. It looked alright so he decided to stick with it. Plus it was actually very comfy. He went to walk out of his room when he saw it. Why did he still have it? It’s been seven years. But there it is in the corner of his room. The stupid battle vest. He thought he gave it back to Eddie. He picked it up and went to hang it up when he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror. I mean. He might as well. He threw on the jacket and… he looked good. Really good. He wondered why he never wore it before. He definitely pulled it off. He ran to the bathroom and grabbed the makeup bag he kept for when Robin came over (he swears it’s for Robin and Robin only). Go big or go home right? He pulled out three things: lipgloss (WHICH HE HAS NEVER USED AND IS ROBINS AND NOT HIS), mascara (WHICH HE HAS ALSO NEVER USED), and eyeliner. (Which he actually hadn’t ever used) He started with the lipgloss. Yep looks good like normal Wow Steve! He should have done this sooner. He put on the eyeliner. He had done this so many times on Robin it was practically muscle memory and… woah. It was… different to say the least. Then he put on the slightest bit of mascara on and checked himself out… for 5 minutes. He actually liked what he saw. He decided it was definitely time to go so he jumped in the car and drove up to his second home. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
EEEEEE. YOU GO STEVE. Baddie era fr (I’ll never say that again I swear. Dw it pained me too). I feel kinda bad just giving him piles of trauma. This one’s gooooodddd tho. Sorry if it’s short, it was originally supposed to be combined with the next one but I’m hoping that one will be kinda long. Am I projecting Nirvana onto him? Yes. Ofc. Nirvana is great and deserves more attention in fics. I am stressing a lot over this. I have a post up on my page that like gives updates and spoilers and stuff. So I was saying how I stopped reading my English book for this. Oops. I also don’t even have another chapter written after this so it’s gonna be a fun little weekend project! Also crazy to think I’m most likely half way done. Anyways now the stuff no one cares about. Comment or reblog if you want to be tagged. (I am not being aggressive when I capitalize this I just need people to see it.) MAKE SURE YOU HAVE YOUR TAGS ON GUYS!! Here’s the tag list!: @asbealthgn , @queerbeansworld , @bird-with-pencils , @vecnuthy , @artiststarme , @captain-winter-wolf-aehs , @piningapple @rowendyss @steve-themom-harrington @lfaewrites @azreadytodie @thequeenrainacorn @pastel-dreamscape @importanttimemachinenerd @jehneeg @swagaliciousmarie @mightbeasleep @krazyperson @milkshakeflower @fando-random @bumblebeecuttlefishes @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369
I am going to cry I just found a much easier way to tag people. ⬇️⬇️
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