#don’t think too much about the homeboy g thing I just thought I’d I only said god people would think I believed in a god
when homeboy G was making me he just hit copy and paste on my dad and slapped some tits on
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feralmunson · 5 years
Soooo, I just watched It Chapter 2 and I decided to come back to my It blog 🎈🎈
I liked how, after they put on the shower caps, Richie starts talking shit bout them and Eddie quickly takes off his lmao
I loved the hammock scene, how Eddie demands Richie to move the fuck out of it and Richie, being the gay little shit he is, doesn’t move forcing Eddie to climb on pushing him and shoving his glasses with his foot while ranting lmao I loved it, and that hammock was a perfectly good excuse for them to be close to each other so yeah, if I were Richie I would’ve done the same to be close to my crush
Richie’s pep talk to Eddie after he said he was too scared,,,, I need a Richie in my life :(
“next time we’re picking “scary””
“next time!!!?!!?”
And, thanks to @buckley-robln, I realized the meaning of the “very scary” door, it being a closet and simbolizing our boys’ fear of coming out, wow I’m sad 
And then how Eddie stabs Pennywise and proudly goes to tell Richie, and then suddenly Pennybitch stabs Eddie,,,, I knew he was gonna die and still I was surprised and cried like a baby :((
Then when Eddie says he has to tell him something, and Richie looks at him hoping he would say something important... then Eddie making a “your mom” joke and Richie just laugh, his laugh being one of the last sounds Eddie hears...
But what made it worse was Richie’s denial and the other loser’s trying to console him oh my god it really had me crying
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It was just too real, I mean, like that small touch of hands that causes you lots of emotions that somehow scare you because you don’t know what the hell is going on with you, that fear that comes with the uncertainty of what will happen if anyone knew, bitch I felt that
When they show him carving the “R” a small part of me hoped it was an “E” next to the “+” but I didn’t wanna get my hopes up cause you know how we gays rarely get any representation on the big screen, so at the end when they show him re-carving the E I completely lost it and cried, plus Stan’s letter, it was just to much for me :((
Richie’s character has me speechless, like I feel I kind of empathize a lot with him and I just want to hold him tight and tell him everything’s gonna be alright :(
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That scene when Bowers stabs my homeboy Eddie I wasn’t sure if it was real or what the f u c k was going on, and then how Eddie, like the badass he is, takes out the knife and stabs him back lol and how he slowly walks out of the bathroom 😂
How he was paralyzed by fear when the Stan/spider thing was attacking Richie and how Bill yells at him and how he tells him to don’t be mad, that he got really scared, my poor baby
Also, the scene at the basement of the pharmacy was v important I mean, my poor Eds was desperately trying to save his mom while being surrounded by thing that scared him, and then how he manages to weaken the leper, finding the answer to how to end Pennywise, yes Eddie! 👏🏼👏🏼
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I loved their relationship I mean I didn’t ship them before but now w o w they’re so cute with each other I’m,,,
I liked how, even after everyone had gone, Bill stayed there with Mike and listened to him and everything
And when they pressed their foreheads together after ending that 🤡 bitch !! c u t e
And at the end omg when they’re talking on the phone and Mike makes a pause and says “I love you”, and then Bill says “I love you too”... I know it was like in a platonic way but I just- 💖❤️💞😘👏🏼
(I couldn’t find a gif of them both, sorry 😔)
The guilt he feels for Georgie’s death 😭
That moment where adult Bill sees his younger self telling him everything was his fault, and that his little brother’s death was his fault just because he pretended to be sick just cause didn’t want to go out and play with him... I can only imagine the amount of guilt he was experiencing
But then when he faces him and finally realizes it wasn’t his fault and “kills” his young version, putting an end to that feeling of guilt... Good for him 👏🏼
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It must’ve been really difficult to get the courage to call everyone and ask them to go to Derry, knowing that it meant danger
And all the research he did, all the effort he put on the investigation to end Pennywise, all for the greater good, wow, he deserves everything good in the world 💖
Even though I didn’t like how he kept some information from the others >:(
But it’s ok, I love him, it was for the greater good
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I really liked how Ben recognized her immediately, so sweet
When they’re talking at the hotel and Bev says she thinks it was Bill who wrote the poem and everything and I was just like “Girl, no!! Open you’re eyes, boo!!! He’s literally sitting there next to you!!!!”
Then when they put their totems inside the thingy, Ben’s words broke my heart, my poor baby :(
And how Bev says she should’ve held on to that memory (talking bout the letter) 
Then when they’re both fighting their fears and suddenly Ben starts calling her and then she hears him and they both yell each other’s names and she finally kicks the door open and saves him, wow, powerful 🔥👏🏼
And when she finally realizes it was Ben the whole time ajsnjkadhs it was a short, beautiful moment <3
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He was Just. So. Sweet. I mean, one could’ve thought he would’ve change because of how his life changed and how successful he was now, but he was still the sweet lovely boy with the biggest crush in Beverly Marsh 😭💖
He was just so pure and good
I love his relationship with Beverly
That scene when he was being practically buried alive gave me a n x i e t y, and how Pennywise told him he was gonna die alone and all that shit I was so ANGRY at that bitchass clown
Also when he tricks him into believing that Bev was calling him ugly stuff and being mean to him absolutely broke my heart but he was smart enough to know she would never say anything like that to him, but still, I hate seeing him sad cause he deserves the world 😤
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She was such a badass wow I love her
She could punch me and I’d thank her
That scene when her father blames her for what her mother did and yells at her and all of that was v scary, my poor girl how could she live with him 😖
Also the scene at the bathroom with the blood, it surely was incredibly overwhelming listening to everyone who ever hurt her saying all that shit, but then I loved how when she hears Ben she gets enough strength to get the fuck out of there and save her boy!! we love a queen!!!!!
I’m so glad she finally found someone who loves her and treats her as she d e s e r v e s.
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Oh boy, how I missed him :((((
Even if we just saw him for little bits, I liked how happy he seemed at the beginning, with his puzzle of birds and all
Then the ~scene~ was absolutely heartbreaking I mean how he gets in the tub, and then they showed us a memory and then... :(
Then his speech at his bar mitzvah!!!! so powerful!!! (And Richie clapping lol) 👏🏼👏🏼
And the letter!!!! Patty sending the letter to the losers meant to much! I cried the whole time while they read the letter, it was a beautiful way to end the movie
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Also, all of the scenes where they showed us happy Losers being a bunch of kids with nothing to worry about, bitch I cherished each one of those. Like when they were at the club house, and at the photo booth... good times, man ❤️
It was a good movie, I laughed, I cried, I got scared on several ocassions, and I can’t wait to go and see it again 
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There he was. Tall, bronze, fit and fine as hell. I watched as he made his way through the office shaking hands and sharing laughs with anyone he walked past, except for me. Taking a small sip of my Raspberry tea, I turned my leather chair towards my desktop. Like clockwork, he walked past my desk, tapped it twice and nodded in my direction. It was our game. A game we’d played since we caught a glimpse of each other at the student union during our undergraduate fashion studies. We didn’t speak in public, preferring to keep our interactions up against closed doors, underneath shitty department store bed sheets and the backseats of small vehicles. Even when the interactions were supposed to cease following my placement as a stylist in the men’s division of his clothing company, we kept the code and vowed to keep our ‘relationship’ outwardly platonic. Well, most of the time.
I rolled my eyes hard enough to give myself a headache before picking up the phone that had been ringing on my desk for several moments.
“Roman Men’s Division, this is Elodie.” I cooed while fiddling with the cross hanging from my earring.
“Can I get a number one wi-”
“Get off my phone Paisley!” I said trying to contain my laughter.
“Damn, a bitch can’t call her friend and say good morning?”
“No, but she can tell her boyfriend to stop using the pink towels with her friend’s initials on ‘em.”
“Don’t play with me girl.” She answered smacking her teeth on the other end. “That is not my man.”
Paisley was my unnecessarily loud, fashion-forward, sexually liberated best friend. We met during our time at NYU and ended up following each other to the beautiful city of Los Angeles. I took a second to laugh at my statement before responding to her remark.
“Okay, I’m sorry.” I took a deep breath to calm down and then continued. “What do you want Miss. Prince?”
“Yeah, you better clean it up. I’ll cut you. Look, I’m only calling to ask my bestest friend in the whole wide world if she’ll come out with me tonight?”
“Only if the destination doesn’t include loud music, weed, alcohol and one or more of your sketchy homeboys.”
“See, first of all, my niggas are not sketchy, they’re urban. There’s a difference. Second, bitch are you trynna go out or go to church?”
“I mean, I haven’t been to church in a wh-“
 “You know this isn’t me asking you right?” She said interrupting statement followed by a knowing sigh from me.
“Glad we’re on the same page. Avalon. 10 o’clock. I’m borrowing your things. Tootles bitch.”
“Wait, Paisley! Don’t go in my-“ My request to leave my things alone fell on the silent end of the receiver before I could even finish my statement. I sighed lightly before placing the phone back on its receiver.
Shit. I took a look at the intercom on my phone before pressing the button designated for response.
“Yes, Mr. Roman?” I answered rolling my eyes and speaking in a pseudo-Fran Drescher voice.
“Cute. Can I see you in my office?”
“I’d rather not. I try to stay away from private meetings with my superiors. Would you be opposed to meeting in the large conference room?”
“Oh really? Is this before or after fuck your superior in Cabo?”
I could feel that stupid smile spreading across his stupid face while he squinted his stupid eyes.
“No response?” He asked chuckling. “That’s a first. See you in 5. Bring coffee on your way here.”
“I hate you.”
“I’m sure.”
I took my time getting to his office in an attempt to gain my composure. Have you ever had to sit across from a man that has given you earth-shattering orgasms for sport? It turns into a competition of who can tease the other into frustration and submission, and I was always on the losing end.
I took the sharp right into his office and sat in one of the chairs positioned in front of his desk. He took a quick look at me and laughed. “My coffee?”
“Still in the pot.”
He laughed again and sat at the edge of his desk.  “You try so hard. You know that?”
“What are you talking about Jermaine? It’s easy for me to hate you.”
“You can hate me, but you still want me. You miss me. You miss this.” He took a quick look down at the lap I had grown to love and despise and then back at me.
I kissed my teeth and opened the manila folder that was resting in my lap. “Fashion Week New York is in a few days, and I need to finalize your travel arrangements.”
He did that stupid laugh again and made his way around is desk and back into his chair.
“Okay, Elodie. What are the arrangements so far?”
I cut my eyes at him while sliding the necessary papers out of the folder.
“Let’s see. You leave LAX at 12 p.m. on Saturday, arrive at JFK at around 5:30 p.m. and check in at the Ritz-Central Park is at 7:00 p.m.” I took a quick look up to see if he was still listening and found him looking directly into my eyes.  My heart skipped a beat, and I quickly cleared my throat. He slightly chuckled and shifted his weight in his chair.
“Seems like everything is good. What’s missing?” He asked with a slight smirk as if he didn’t know. He always takes an assistant on his trips. Last time it was me, and I knew all too well what comes from just a weekend with Mr. Roman.
“Your assistant is missing. Here are a few of your options,” I said sliding profiles of the available assistants for the weekend. “I recommend Tiana. She’s new, but she’s thorough. Chaz is a close second. He can dress you-“
“Excuse me?” He neatly stacked the papers before dropping them in the waste bin adjacent to his desk. “What are you doing? I spent a lot of time on those!”
“You’re coming. We have a rapport, personal business aside. This is an important event. I need your expertise.”
“You want someone you think you can control.” I corrected.
“Don’t do this, El.”
“It is Elodie. The answer is no.”
A small pocket of silence presented itself as we looked at each other, neither of us willing to concede.
I knew I was being difficult. It’s like I can’t control my words when I’m around him. My emotions go into overdrive, and I’m a mess of feelings that moves from lust filled hatred to absolute rage and back to soul-crushing sadness before I can form a sentence.
“Think about it. Give me your decision before the close of business tomorrow. If you truly do not want to accompany me, then make sure that there is a worthy replacement to stand in for you. You can go now.” He took one last look at me and, for a second, I thought I saw sincerity in his eyes.
I silently nodded before gathering all of my things and heading towards the door.
“A decision so soon?” He mused before curling the corners of his mouth into a smirk.
“Uh, no. Your tie looks really bad with that suit. I would consider changing it before anyone sees you. It is…a mess.”  
“Paisley!” I screamed into my apartment.
I gave her a key in case of emergency two months ago, and while there has yet to be an emergency that would require her abrupt entry into my home, she has been here unannounced on several occasions. Now, with Cardi B’s “Bodak Yellow” spilling from the Beats Pill positioned in the center of my glass coffee table, it seems as if she has added to those occasions.
“Paisley, why do you never call? You don’t live here!”
“It was an emergency!” she whined while examining her feet in the full sized mirror across the room. Without permission, Paisley had removed two separate pairs of Jimmy Choo heeled sandals from my closet along with a pair of jeans. “So what do you think? Left foot or right foot?”
“I think you should take my shoes off and dress for the weather.”
“El, a hoe never gets cold. Left or right?”
“Then left.” I rolled my eyes before flopping across my bed face first.
The Jermaine decision invaded my thoughts from the moment I stepped out of his office until now. What was keeping me from going? Did I still have feelings for him? Did he still have feelings for me? Why did I-?
“EL!” Paisley screamed, yanking me from my thoughts. “Damn, bitch. What’s got your g-string up your ass? I’m asking you about the club and you staring in space like you having a vision. What you thinking about Raven Symone?”
“Jermaine asked me to go to New York with him? I don’t kn-“
“Jermaine? Fine Jermaine? Jermaine Roman?”
“Yes, that Jer-“
“GIRL! I heard Jermaine got that stroke,” she exclaimed while body rolling against the air. “Either you go or put me on the plane. All I need is five minutes and a grapefruit.”
“Would you let me finish?” She quickly made a zipping motion across her lips before joining me on the bed. “Damn. Thank you. First, yes that Jermaine. We’ve known each other since undergrad and – “
“You knew him at NYU? And didn’t tell me? Did you smash? I hope you smashed.”
“I didn’t tell you because he was dating someone at the time. It was a fling that lasted way too long.” I shuddered while simultaneously feeling my core heat up at the flashbacks of our meetings in his Acura, and in the kitchen of my apartment, and my fellowship at a local bridal shop, and the Magic Johnson theatre, and the one time in the bathroom of a house party in Flatbush. “And yes. There was sex. So much sex.”
Paisley let out a high-pitched squeal in anticipation for the rest of the details. “So why not go! Be on your white woman, Sex in the City shit. Elodie Bradshaw out this bitch!”
“I honestly don’t know. What if he tries to rekindle the fling?”
“Then let him! You are 29, girl. Live a little! Being stuck up in your office all day has done nothing but make you boring. Let his fine ass knock the cob webs off that thang!”
“It hasn’t been that long!” I  lied. It had been a while. Long enough for the memories of another human occupying the space on the neatly made-up side of your bed. “So, should I go?”
“You already know my answer,” Paisley responded with her back turned to me. She was in my closet against, lightly running her fingers over the dresses that she had planned to ask my permission to wear. “Try it out. If it’s boof, then so be it. But, it could be amazing. You won’t know until you get your ass on that plane.”
Her words swirled around my head as I tried to search for a reason to protest. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find one. I wouldn’t know until I tried. Thoughts of protest transitioned into fantasies of a week in New York. Maybe I could be El Bradshaw. I’m not even sure what that means. I’ve never seen that show. Still, how lit would it be to sit next to Jermaine as models waltzed up and down the runway in the most elegant designs.
“Paisley, every time I start to think about some good shit, here you come interrupting. What do you want?”
“You need to get out your feelings and get dressed! Trev has his set tonight and said he can get us in but we need to be there in an hour.”
“Trev?” I said scrunching my face.
“My guy Trevor. We met that time I spent two weeks in film school. Anyway, he DJ’s on the side. None of that matters. Get your ass up and get dressed!”
“I am an adult, P! You don’t tell me what to do!” I yelled while running into the bathroom. “And take my damn shoes off!”
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nickireadstfc · 7 years
The Foxhole Court, Chapter 13 – The Rise Of Sassmaster McSavage
In which Riko gets FUCKING REKT.
Sounds good? Then it’s time for Nicki to read The Foxhole Court.
Did I say this was gonna go horribly, horribly wrong last time? Scratch that. This went awesome.
I mean, it also went horribly wrong and will probably have life-threatening consequences for all parties. But still.
I’m getting ahead of myself. Let’s start at the beginning.
           Riko took the last few steps to Kevin’s couch alone and stood over him. He was smiling, but neither Kevin nor Neil was stupid enough to think he was happy. The only look in his eyes was murder.
I’ve not had a chance to say it much lately, and I’m glad Riko is providing me with opportunity: WHAT LEVEL OF E X T R A.
“The only look in his eyes was murder”, I’m sorry, did your buy your attitude at Hot Topic or did it come with your MCR badge set?
           Any animosity Neil felt toward Kevin for forcing him onto this show evaporated. He couldn’t be angry when Riko was here, not when Riko was to Kevin what Neil’s father was to him.
This line got to me, it really did. There’s something about how Neil is instantly ready to put any differences aside as soon as he notices someone else, especially someone he both dislikes and worships as much as Kevin, going through the same abuse and pain he went through. I just… *clenches fist*
Also, honestly, when will they stop being mirror images of each other. The parallels are killing me.
Kathy starts the interview and who would have fucking guessed it, I hate Riko right off the bat. Sly and sleek, he eases his way through her questions while managing to make every answer a silver knife that carves a big painful Fuck You in Kevin’s back.
Especially painful statements include, but are not limited to:
“We knew what was coming, that it was just a matter of time, that a lifetime’s worth of effort and sacrifice was about to pay off. Then Kevin broke his hand” (THEN YOU BROKE HIS HAND YOU SICK TWISTED ASSFACE)
“Isn’t it amazing how far he’s come this year?” “I’m not sure it is.” (IT DAMN WELL IS, GET FUCKED)
“I’m worried his wishful thinking and obsession will lead him to injure himself again. Can he recover a second time, emotionally or mentally?” (I’LL STICK YOUR WISHFUL THINKING AND OBSESSION RIGHT UP YOUR BLACK-FEATHERED UGLY ASS)
Thankfully, someone seems to be able to read my thoughts…
It’s the moment we’ve all been waiting for, it’s finally time for the rise of our golden boy, the myth, the legend, the man himself:
Sassmaster McSavage Neil Josten.
(Huge thanks to apprenticedmagician for the expression. <3)
           “I thought friends were supposed to cheer each other on,” he said before Kathy could answer Riko. “Believing in him now is the least you could do after completely abandoning him last winter.”
Excuse me while I holler at literally everything Neil says in the next four pages.
           Riko finally looked at Neil. “Mine and Kevin’s relationship is unique, and I do not expect you to understand it. Do not impress on us your petty ideas of friendship.”
‘Unique’ my fucking ass, sure it’s unique when by ‘unique’ you mean abuse to the point of objectification and domestic violence, you absolute fuckturd.
           “Was unique,” Neil said and emphasized again, “Was. I’m pretty sure your relationship died when he couldn’t keep up with your team anymore.”
           “You don’t think Kevin should be on the court again, so you’ll cut him off at the pass. You’ll destroy his chance of making a comeback and make him watch as your team succeeds yet again. You’re rubbing his face in everything he’s lost, and from where I’m sitting, it looks like you’re enjoying it.”
           “I will ask you only once to tone down that animosity.”
           “I can’t,” Neil said. “I have a bit of an attitude problem.”
I am CRYING. A bit of an attitude problem, he says. A BIT OF AN ATTITUDE PROBLEM.
(Also, I know like ten of you who have that quote as your blog title, you cheeky lil trash cans. <3)
           “I don’t think Neil is far off in thinking you transferred because of Kevin.”
           “Kevin plays only a small role in our decision,” Riko said, “and not for the reasons this child claims.”
Tomodachi, you’re like three years older than him, maximum. Stop being so goddamn extra.
Riko continues to ooze some crap about how they can’t have Kevin play for the ravens again, but they’d love to have him back as a coach, and before I can even think up a witty reply my boy Neil pipes up again to call Sir Assface out on his bullshit.
           “You wouldn’t honestly have him go back, would you? (…) Stop being so selfish,” Neil said, and Kathy gaped at him.
Same, Kathy.
           “If Kevin’s dream has always been to be the best on the court, what right do you have to take it away from him? Why would you ask him to settle for less? The Foxes are giving him a chance to play whereas you would relegate him to the sidelines. He has no reason to transfer back. (…)
          Maintaining a top position is far easier than starting over from the gutters. Kevin is doing that right now. He’s facing entirely new schools and learing to play with his less dominant hand. When he masters it, and he will, he’ll be better than you could have ever made him.”
Can we talk about how Neil is literally DEFENDING Kevin, live on national television, RIGHT TO HIS ABUSER’S FACE, even though he’ll probably actually murder Neil for it, because THE FUCKER DARED TO INSULT KEVIN.
If anyone’s looking for me, I’ll be at the back of the room, breathing into a bag, softly whispering "holy shit” under my breath.
Are we done yet? Have we served enough Sass™ today?
           “I don’t think you’re telling Kevin to sit out because of his health. I think you know this season is going to be a disaster for your reputation. You and Kevin have always played in each other’s shadows. You’ve always been a pair. Now you have to face each other on the court as rivals for the first time, and people are finally going to know which one of you is better. They’re going to know how premature this was.” Neil gestured at his face, meaning Riko and Kevin’s tattoos. “I think you’re scared.”
FFFFUUUCKKKKK. Yes, hello 911, I’D like to report a fucking MURDER.
Not even Kathy can handle this level of savage, so she ends the interview here.
This is the point where I get up and jump around my room for a bit in order to calm down after this absolute trip.
Neil, I love you. That was the fucking dumbest thing you’ve done so far but it was also iconic on so many levels and you deserve all the awards.
Sadly, the party time is now over and it is time for shit to get real again:
           Riko caught Neil by his shoulders and threw him up against a wall. Neil went rigid as they stared each other down, trapped more by the death in Riko’s eyes than the fingers leaving bruises on his shoulders. Riko had the same stare his father did: He looked at Neil and saw only flesh that knew how to bleed.
Holy hell. That’s a line. And we quickly get what is meant by that, too:
           “He has potential.”
           “Potential.” Riko slammed Neil against the wall again and whirled on Kevin. Kevin stared back at him, white-faced and tense. “You said that goalkeeper had potential and then wrote him off as useless when I offered him to you. You’ll get bored of this one just as quickly. Believe me.”
Riko talks about Neil as if he’s not there, more so, as if he’s a thing, something to own and to offer to people, something you can play with and the discard like a broken toy. Just these few lines of dialogue speak volumes of how Kevin was treated at Edgar Allan – and was also expected to treat other people.
No wonder homeboy is a tiny, tiny bit fucked up now.
Thankfully, Neil realizes this as well and continues his noble quest to fuck up anyone who dares trigger abuse memories in Kevin:
           Neil watched Kevin wilt beneath the weight of his brother’s – no, owner’s – fury and kissed his survival instincts goodbye. He grabbed Riko’s shirt and hauled him back.
           “Leave him alone.”
Forreal, are you done picking fights with a murderous Japanese mafia gang member who wants your head yet??
Did someone say picking fights?
           “Riko,” Andrew said, spreading his arms as if he intended to hug Riko hello. “It’s been a while.”
Andrew has come to save the day!! It’s all my boys against Sir Bitchass Shitstick now, I approve. FUCK. HIM. UP.
           “We were just talking about you,” Riko said.
           “With your fists, it seems,” Andrew said. “Don’t touch my things, Riko. I don’t share.”
See, this is what I find interesting. I don’t really mind it when Andrew talks like that about Kevin and Neil, yet when Riko does it I want to rip his ugly ass head off. Maybe it’s because I know that in Andrew’s case, it’s possessiveness with good intentions, and in Riko’s case, it’s actual domestic abuse. Still. Don’t quite know what to make of it.
In other – and better – news: Wymack!
           “When I said Abby and I would look out for you, I didn’t mean you should pick a fight on national television,” Wymack said. “Should I have spelled out that beforehand?”
           “Probably” Neil said.
           “I am going to drop you off at the dorm and spend the rest of the day drinking.”
What a sass queen, also #relatable, also I love Wymack so so so much kbye. #dicksoutforwymack #alchoholoutforwymack
They get back to campus and before this glorious chapter can end, it’s time for some quality Andreil time. Neil finds Andrew in his room where he apparently punched a hole in a window, no biggie.
           “You could have destroyed your hand with a stunt like that,” Neil said.
           “Andrew laughed. “Oh my, where would I be then?”
           “Off the team,” Neil said. “Where would Kevin be then?”
Ohh, snap. This has got to be after-effects from the talk show sass explosion still.
Andrew, however, is not in the mood for anything funny. His gears are set less to Fun Banter Time With The Boyfriend and much more to Dramatic And Sinister, This Is No Joke, Seriously I Punched A Fucking Window Out Of Anger For You Just Now:
           “[Riko]’ll look for a way to get back at you, and it won’t take him long to see how cold your trail is. (…) What will you do when he finds out? Run?”
           “You know I will.”
           “I know,” Andrew agreed. “I can see it. You’ve got that look in your eyes that says you know exactly where every exit to this dormitory is.”
Speaking from experience, my dude?
I know I like to talk about how much I like parallels between Kevin and Neil, but honestly, when flashes of similarities like this between Andrew and Neil pop up I’m just as happy.
However, Andrew seems to be the only one who’s clearly aware of the fact that we’ve just reached the first crucial point of no return in this series.
           “Don’t you understand? Running was only an option when no one was looking. (…) You should have left before you insulted Riko in front of all his adoring fans. Now you can’t go. Riko wants to know who defied him, and he’ll get his answers. You can’t outrun your past anymore.”
Bless this boy and his awareness of The Plot™. <33
And then, this happens:
            “Kevin wants to make you a star, so let him. Take what he is giving you and make it your shield. It’s hard to kill a man when everyone’s eyes are on him. Make them love you, make them hate you, I don’t care. Just make them look at you. You have one year to figure it out,” Andrew said, putting a finger in Neil’s face. “For one year, I’ll stand between you and the Moriyamas if you stand at Kevin’s side.”
This is it. I can tell, this is it, you guys. The fun exposition party’s over, now it’s time for the real plot. This is what’s happening now, this is the premise for the books to come, we’re doing this, and there is no going back.
Fucking fuck yes.
           “You gave your game to Kevin. Give your back to me.”
It’s getting LIT, fam, things are HAPPENING and shit is getting the eff REAL.
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Bring on the last chapter.
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lipstickxczar · 7 years
1. Are looks important in a relationship? No 2. Are relationships ever worth it? Yes 3. Are you a virgin? No 4. Are you in a relationship? No 5. Are you in love? Kinda 6. Are you single this year? Mostly 7. Can you commit to one person? Yes 8. Describe your crush. He’s funny, great story teller, he’s compassionate, he has these beautiful eyes where you can easily get lost in. 9. Describe your perfect mate. Someone with a sense of humor, likes to travel and have fun, super affectionate, a respectful, loyal human being who does believe is monogamy and is obsessed with me. Lol. 10. Do you believe in love at first sight? Ummm… I suppose it’s possible. 11. Do you ever want to get married? Of course. Sooner than later. 12. Do you forgive betrayal? Depends on how deep it is… 13. Do you get jealous easily? Yes. 14. Do you have a crush on anyone? Yes. 15. Do you have any piercings? Yes. I used to wear my tongue and belly button and nose. At this point I’m only utilizing my three holes in each ear and my anti-tragus 16. Do you have any tattoos? No 17. Do you like kissing in public? Yes but keep it minimal. 20. Do you shower every day? Yes. It’s summer time you have too. You get all sticky and sweaty and gross. 21. Do you think someone has feelings for you? Like what kind? Like sexual feelings? Yes. Romantic feelings like I love you and wanna spend the rest of my life with you feelings. No. 22. Do you think someone is thinking about you right now? Umm… probably not. 23. Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months and not cheat? Most definitely. 24. Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years? By the good grace of god I hope so. 25. Do you want to be in a relationship this year? Hell yes! 26. Has anyone told you they don’t want to ever lose you? Yes. What’s words when you demonstrate those words to someone else by marrying and starting a family with them? So obviously losing me ain’t all that deep for you. 27. Has someone ever written a song or poem for you? Ummm… a theme song when I thought I wanted to start a YouTube channel. 28. Have you ever been cheated on? A plethora of times. 29. Have you ever cheated on someone? No. 30. Have you ever considered plastic surgery? If so, what would you change about your body? Yes I’ve considered plastic surgery, it’s 2017 who hasn’t in world of a Instagram user lol. I would just get Lipo everywhere and enhance my ass, lift my breast. 31. Have you ever cried over a guy/girl? Yes over a guy(S) 32. Have you ever experienced unrequited love? Too many times to count. 33. Have you ever had sex with a man? Yes. 34. Have you ever had sex with a woman? No. 35. Have you ever kissed someone older than you? Yes. 36. Have you ever liked one of your best friends? Yes 37. Have you ever liked someone who your friends hated? Ummm… yes 38. Have you ever liked someone you didn’t expect to? Omg yes. 39. Have you ever wanted someone you couldn’t have? Always. Probably why I keep getting shit on. 40. Have you ever written a song or poem for someone? Yes, a poem. 41. Have you had sex so far this year? Yes 42. How long can you just kiss until your hands start to wander? Maybe 2 minutes 43. How long was your longest relationship? Ummm… I’m gonna go ahead and say I’ve never been in a relationship there were more so involvements that went left. 44. How many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had? I wouldn’t consider those niggas boyfriends. They were all full of shit. 45. How many people did you kiss in 2012/2013? 😬 2ppl 46. How many times did you have sex last year? 5-6 times 47. How old are you? N/a 48. If the person you like says they like someone else, what would you say? “You should explore that and see where it goes” 49. If you have a boyfriend/girlfriend, what is your favorite thing about him/her? I have a crush and I love his eyes. 50. If your first true love knocked on your door with apology and presents, would you accept? Umm the way that nigga hurt me one of those presents needs to be a G Wagon, an engagement ring and an apology sang by new edition. 51. Is there a boy/girl who you would do absolutely everything for? Ummm… my bff 52. Is there anyone you’ve given up on? Why? A few of my homeboys, they’ve become fuck niggas an I ain’t got time to handle that type of behaviour from them along with the fuck niggas that seem to like me. It’s a vicious cycle. 53. Is there someone mad because you’re dating/talking to the person you are? Everyone in my life hates this guy but I’m stubborn and I never learn the easy way. 54. Is there someone you will never forget? Yea. Sebastian. 55. Share a relationship story. Not enough room, there’s nothing much to say anyways. It ended in heartbreak. 56. State 8 facts about your body. I’m short, curvy, lack of ass for a black girl, big tits that gravity has taken over, hater back roll, small child like hands, small pinky toe nail, thick thighs. 57. Things you want to say to an ex. You broke me, why? 58. What are five ways to win your heart? Be loving, be respectful, be considerate of my feelings, appreciate me, provide me with security. 59. What do you look like? (Post a picture!) meh. 60. What is the biggest age difference between you and any of your partners? 4yrs 61. What is the first thing you notice in someone? Attire. 62. What is the sexiest thing someone could ever do for/to you? Hmmm🤔…. caress the parts of my body I’m most insecure about. 63. What is your definition of “having sex”? Coming together with another person and making each other forget the day to day fuckery and living in a moment of passion. 64. What is your definition of cheating? You doing anything considered sexual,romantic, quality time-ish with someone else. 65. What is your favourite foreplay routine? Kissing everywhere, teasing, oral, a little dirty talk. 66. What is your favourite roleplay? I haven’t done it yet, I want to. 67. What is your idea of the perfect date? Dinner, walk along the beach barefoot, make out, go home use my toy, shower, sleep. If he’s my man already we’re getting it on the beach. 68. What is your sexual orientation? heterosexual 69. What turns you off? Plaque on gums and teeth 70. What turns you on? Smell goods 71. What was your kinkiest wet dream? I can’t remember 72. What words do you like to hear during sex? Fuck. 73. What’s something sweet you’d like someone to do for you? Flowers delivered at a random place I’d be. Example: flowers being delivered at the place I said I’d be doing brunch with a girlfriend. 74. What’s the most superficial characteristic you look for? I guess I’ve never looked for one. 75. What’s the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for you? … nothing. 76. What’s the sweetest thing you’ve ever done for someone? Sent my bff roses cause she was feeling down over a fuck nigga. 77. What’s your opinion on age differences in relationships? I don’t see anything wrong with it as long as it’s legal. 78. What’s your dirtiest secret? Don’t have one, I’m a open book. 79. When was the last time you felt jealous? Why? Yesterday. I saw a life I could’ve been living if I simply looked different. 80. When was the last time you told someone you loved them? Ummm… it’s been awhile. 81. Who are five people you find attractive? kofi siriboe, Mario Lopez, baby cham, idris, gravy. 82. Who is the last person you hugged? My crush RRJ 83. Who was your first kiss with? Some guy in Jamaica 84. Why did your last relationship fail?iunno he kinda just stopped speaking to me. 85. Would you ever date someone off of the Internet? Yeah, why not.
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