#he got home and was like hey quil check out this thing I learned in my class
when homeboy G was making me he just hit copy and paste on my dad and slapped some tits on
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fatiguing-thoughts · 4 years
“How Drunk Are You?” “Yes.” - Day 7 - Embry Call x Reader
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“I won’t be gone too long, babe.” Embry says, rubbing the side of my arm and kissing the top of my head. 
“I know, Em. I’ll be okay stuck with Quil and Jared for the hour. Everything will be fine.” I look up smiling at my handsome boyfriend. 
“Yeah, what’s the worst that could happen?” Jared smirks at Embry from the other side of the table.
“So many things. Way too many things. On second thought, maybe I shouldn’t leave you alone with them.” Embry chuckles nervously. 
“Oh come on, dude. You really think we’re gonna let something bad happen to her? Us? Who do you think we are?” Quil places a hand over his chest, feigning shock. 
Embry looks between the three of us before pinching the bridge of his nose, closing his eyes, and tilting his head down. 
“If it wasn’t so cold out I would bring you with me, babe. But you can’t stand outside that long in this weather. You’ll turn into a popsicle.” He looks at me with a pouty face.
“I understand, Em. You have to help Seth though, he can’t leave his car stranded there. We already played a few games.” I reason with him. 
“I know, especially with his date there.” Embry reasons with himself aloud. 
“Oh my god, he’s on a date?” My eyes widen, fear instilling for the poor boy. 
“Yeah, he is. Embry go help him!” Quil yells. “Em, she’s probably freezing to death. Seth can’t just tell the poor girl that he runs a crisp one-oh-eight nine.” I laugh. 
“Okay, you’re right. I should go now, it shouldn’t be too long if it’s just a jump. An hour, tops.” He kisses my head. 
“Alright. I love you, help him out! Save the date for him.”
“I will try! I love you too.” He says before he jogs out the front door. 
“Okay, now that the sap fest is over, let’s have some fun.” Quil laughs. 
“Hey, you better watch it. You’re gonna be the same way when you imprint. I don’t wanna hear a peep out of you, Jared.” I throw a rolled up napkin at Quil before narrowing my eyes at Jared. 
Quil lets the napkin hit his head as Jared holds up his hands, offering a surrender. 
“Sorry, sorry. But I’m just saying, we gotta have fun.” Quil defends himself.
“Agreed.” Jared nods.
“Okay, well that’s fair. I just don’t know what you guys wanna do.” I shrug. 
“We could play beer pong.” Jared says, pulling the stack of red solo cups off the center of the table. 
“I mean, why not?” I shrug, standing up to get the beer that Embry brought for the game night with the guys as well as the drink I mixed myself, as I hate beer. 
Quil stacks our side of the table, as we decided it would be us vs Jared. 
“Okay let’s get this show on the road, dorks. I hope you’re ready to lose, Jared. I’ll have you know I am basically the best.” I laugh, filling the cups with water and handing everyone their own drink. 
We all came to the agreement that it would only be fair if both Quil and I drank for every shot Jared made as he was playing solo. 
Much to my dismay, I quickly learned I was on the wrong team. I talked a big game about my skills, but I barely got to use them as Jared kept sinking shot after shot, game after game. Balls back almost every turn. By the time we got to the third game I was feeling myself grow hot and beginning to sweat, losing a bit of my balance. Words slurring despite my best efforts to stop them. 
“Oh god, we’re losing her!” Quil laughs, balancing me out by reaching for my arm. 
“Okay after this game, I am done. This ju-just isn’t fair, you guys don’t get drunk.” I pout. 
Jared finished off the table, sinking his shots and ending the game, leaving me to only keep drinking. 
“Jesus, when did we start spinning?” I ask, clutching Quil's arm with one hand, placing the other on my head to stop said spinning. 
“Okay, we might have actually lost her.” Jared looks at Quil with wide eyes. 
“I’m liter-literally right here, idi-idiots.” I slur. 
“Oh no.” Quil stifles a laugh.
“No, Embry is not gonna be happy with us, Quil.” Jared walks over to me, grabbing my other arm.
“Oh, I miss Em. Where is heeeeeee?” I whine.
“Hopefully not coming back until you’re sober!” Quil smiles. 
“In our dreams.” Jared mumbles. 
“I-I’m gonna call him.” I start to look for my phone. “Or, or, or you could have a cup of coffee? Some food?” Jared offers.
“I could eat, I hate coffeeeeee though.” I raise my eyebrows in excitement. 
“Great.” Quil runs into the kitchen for a moment, before returning with some goldfish. 
“Here, eat these.” Jared takes them from Quil, handing me the bag and sitting me back down in my seat. 
“Wait, they-they’re not rainbow.” I pout.
“What? That doesn’t matter. You love goldfish!” Quil encourages.
“Yeah, butttt I want rainbow goldfishhhh.” I pout once more. 
“Jesus Christ, why are you doing this to us?” Jared asks me with a worried look. 
“Can I have water?” I ask Quil. 
He nods before running into the kitchen. 
“So like, out of curiosity. How like, drunk are you? 1-10? Where are we placing you, you gonna remember this in the morning?” Jared asks, looking into my eyes. 
“Yesssssss. I just want Embry to come back. I miss him.” I pout. 
“He will, and he’s gonna be peeved.” Quil hands me the glass of water. 
“Oh hush, I wanted to playyyy. It’llll be okayyyyy.” I promise the boys.
“Easy for you to say. He’s gonna kick our asses, not yours.” Jared smirks. 
“No, I’ll tel-tell him you helped meeee.” I smile, closing my eyes, feeling myself grow a little tired. 
“I just don’t think Embry’s gonna be thrilled.” Quil tries to reason with me.
“What won’t I be thrilled about?” Embry walks through the front door. 
His eyes look around the room, surveying his surroundings. 
The cups on the table, the empty drinks of mine, and some beer bottles the guys drank. 
“Embry?!” I shout in excitement. 
“Listen, it was an accident.” Quil tries to reason. 
“Embry, just hear us out.” Jared says. 
“How drunk are you?” He asks, concern lacing his voice.
“Yes.” I turn around and smile at him.
He walks over, the smell of alcohol invading his nostrils. Moving a piece of my hair out of my face. “Hey, babe. How’re you feeling?” He asks in a soft voice. 
“I feel good. A litt-little tired but happy becau-because you’re here.” I smile at him, grabbing his hand. 
“I’m glad you’re okay.” He smiles at me with soft eyes, before leaning his head back up and shooting daggers at Quil and Jared. “Well, she said she’s fine.” Jared says. 
“It’s Jared’s fault. He kept winning.” Quil blurts out. 
“Oh screw you. This was a group game, we are all responsible. She wanted to play.” 
“Em, don’t be mad. I wanted to play.” I smile up at him, eyes closing slowly. 
He looks down at me, letting out a tired sigh. 
“I’ll kick your asses tomorrow for this.” He looks between the two guys. 
“Actually, we’ll be busy all day tomorrow. All week, even. Rain check?” Jared jokes. 
Emrby shoots him a dagger as Quil laughs. 
Embry punches Jared in the arm, causing him to yelp out in pain. 
Quil laughs again, before Embry punches him in the arm as well, reacting the same way.
“Ouch! We took care of her. Stop being a bully.” Quil teases. 
Embry rolls his eyes at his best friends, before focusing back on me. 
“Em, I wanna sleep. Can we go home?” I look up at him.
“Of course, babe.” He picks me up from the chair, carrying me to the front door and out to the truck. 
“Thanks guys, I’ll see you soonnnnnn.” I smile back at Jared and Quil. 
“Bye, (Y/N)!” They call out in unison.
“Feel better! Don’t forget to leave yourself aspirin for the morning!” Quil chimes in. 
“I love you, Em.” I say, as he buckles my seatbelt in his truck.
“I love you, too.” He kisses my forehead. 
The drive home was a blur, as I was drifting in and out of consciousness. 
I felt strong arms lift me out of the truck and carry me into the house, bringing me into our shared bed. 
“Em?” I say as he lays me down, tucking me in. 
“Yeah?” He whispers?
“Can you cuddle with me, please?” 
“Of course, babe. I was just gonna get the aspirin and water bottle for the morning. I’ll be right back.” He leaves a sweet kiss on my forehead. 
I smile at him, waiting for him to come back, fighting my eyes from closing. 
A moment or two later, I felt the mattress dip with weight, smiling I reach my arms over to hug Embry. 
“Good night.” I whisper as he holds me in his arms. 
“Good night, (Y/N).” He pulls me in closer to his chest. 
Word Count: 1543
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Love, Hate, F*****g Heartbreak
Tumblr: Pretty-restless-insomniac
AO3: The_Pretty_Restless
Pairing: Paul Lahote/ Reader
Rating: Teens and Up
Warnings: Cussing
Summary: When you found out about the wolves and having a soulmate, it seemed that for once in your life things were finally looking up. But not everyone is grateful for the imprint, and eventually all the resentment and anger comes out leaving you devastated and wishing that you never even met the asshole Known as Paul Lahote.
Author Note: Hi Everyone! This is just a little angsty drabble that came to me in the middle of the night. Please do not repost, This is also one my Archive of our own profile. The  username is The_Pretty_restless and I would love to have you come check out my other works! Let me know what you think!
     You sigh as you retrieve yet another beer for Paul, and Emily glances at you from her place at the sink.
    "Has anything got better with..." She trails off into a hushed tone and her eyes motioned to Paul sulking at the dinner table. No doubt they all could hear you, hushed tone or not, so for now it's easier to avoid conflict and lie.
    "Yeah. Somewhat." You struggle with the bottle opener, becoming anxious as Emily's stare burns into your back. You wish you could just break down and tell her everything, about the endless tears and harsh attitudes. Your hands start to shake as you will yourself not to cry but a soft hand on your shoulder nearly breaks you.
    "I got this honey."
    Emily finally opens the beer and you hurry to get it to your infuriating boyfriend. Paul glares at you and snatches the bottle when you get closer.
    "Took you fucking long enough." You bite your tongue, not having enough energy to snap back. You can see the pack glance at each other, some nervous and some annoyed. Kim smiles at you from her place on the couch and waves you over.
    "Hey (Y/n), would you mind braiding my hair. I love when you do that." You smile gratefully at Kim for giving you a task to distract your self from the frustrated tears welling up in your eyes.
    Playing with Kim's hair is just as soothing as someone doing it to you and you finally release your tense muscles. Kim babbles on about different classes she's thinking about taking at college, but you can't help but to turn your attention to the boys at the sound of Embry's voice,
    "All you assholes are really lucky to have imprinted," he gestures to Paul Same and Jared. "Aside from this poor bastard," he smirks at Quil who returns his comment with a middle finger.
    "I don't know, I mean, it's odd to think that our soulmates are out there and we have to just change our lives for them. Like what if they're married or have kids, what the hell do we do then?" Jake quipped.
"Well, I know I can't wait to meet my imprint," Seth grins down at his plate.
    Paul scoffs and sets his beer down, nearly knocking it over in the process.
    "Imprinting is nothing to look forward to. It's a sudden shitload of feelings for a stranger that you wouldn't even fucking notice before you went all teen-wolf type of shit. As if life wasn't already fucking hard enough."
    He drunkenly grimaces and downs the rest of his beer. Everyone goes still and turns to where you're braiding Kim's hair on the couch. You don't dare to cry, but that doesn't mean you're going to take the shit he's saying either. Drunk or not. You gently push Kim forward to stand and move around to behind Seth, setting a gentle hand on his shoulder. The boys glare at Paul, but you meet each of their eyes silently assuring them that you could hold your own. Paul glares back at them, daring them to say something. Seth shifts to look up at you, grabbing your hand.
    "I'm so sorry (y/n) for bringing it up."
    You give Seth a soft smile and run your hand through his newly cut hair. You set your jaw and pull on your best poker face when you lift your eyes once again to your asshole soulmate.
    "Don't be sorry Seth, he's right. How silly to think a girl of my low status could ever deserve someone as righteous as the fucking king sitting right there," Emily grimaces at your cuss word and you smile apologetically at her for a second.
    "I am so sorry that you didn't get a choice on who you're supposed to be with for the rest of your life, Paul." You muster as much venom as you can into that simple statement.
    Paul leans back in his chair and decides to interrupt you, clearly losing control of his anger.
    "What? So now I can't even speak my fucking mind. See, Seth, this is what I'm talking about. Once you imprint its like you lose your fucking balls right then and there. You go from a proud wolf to a fucking lap dog on a shitty leash!"
    "Paul, shut the fuck up." Leah apparently reaches her limit and gestures for you to continue.
    "A lap dog, must you always be so dramatic? Oh, shame on me! Who would ever want a relationship that they literally knew was fate? One that was truly meant to be. But no, the spirits have cursed you with a girl who already loves you endlessly. I fucking worshiped the ground you strut on Paul, I've been there for you, being the Imprint I thought I was meant to be. And it's not a fucking leash Paul, it's respect for the person you're in a relationship with," you take a breather and blink away the tears in your eyes.
    "You sure don't mind the imprint when you're profiting from it. You're selfish and a bully and I wish I could leave your ass stranded somewhere or run you over with my car, but even the thought of hurting you is killing ME right now. I don't know why I'm not enough for you, but from this point on I'm done apologizing for it. When you regret this later, I hope the guilt eats you up and spits you out because I've been walking on egg-shells up to now trying to be the perfect girl for you. At least now I know for sure that you will never love and value me as much as I do you. I'm finished being the only one fighting for our relationship. I know it would kill you to stay away from me physically, but emotionally and mentally, we've never been so far apart."
    You're proud to have finished speaking without a single tear shed, but you hold your breath waiting for Paul's reaction. Quil breaks the suffocating silence by standing from the table applauding, at least before the death looks you all give him has him retreating back into his seat. Paul's eyes go nearly black and you try not to flinch as he suddenly pushes away from the table. All the dishes would have hit the floor from the force if not for the fast acting werewolves sitting around. And when Paul takes a step towards you, Embry Jake and Leah jump up to put themselves between you and him. It infuriates Paul, how dare they step in between him and his MATE! He's ready to tear them to pieces, shaking violently when Sam cuts in.
    "ENOUGH. Paul go get your ass outside, when I come out there you're going to learn some respect."
    Even in his most primal state, Paul knows better than to disobey an Alpha's order. You watch as he stomps through the door to outside. You listen to him roar as he changes but all you feel right now is numb. Sam and Emily offer you their spare room, as does Kim, but you gently reject their offers. You do the same as each of the boys offer to drive you home, but no you tell them you simply would like to be alone to think. You go through the motions of everyone giving you hugs, each time it gets harder to hold back your tears. Emily's  motherly kiss on your head and Sam's bear hug is the hardest to resist, but soon you're in the confines of your car and driving away from the quaint little home.
    You're only 3 minutes down the road when adrenaline stops coursing through your veins. You pull to the side of the road as the tears blur your vision and the sobs rip from your throat. You've never been so angry and hurt, but most of all you felt scared. Scared you were stuck in this shitty relationship for the rest of your life, with somebody who didn't even want you- aside from forced emotions from a spiritual force. You scream and hit your wheel, you scream at Paul, at yourself you scream and sob till your voice is course and your throat is sore.
    You don't see the silver wolf watching you from the dark woods around your car. But he hears every word every gut clenching sob, and it's like a knife to his heart. Paul knows he fucked up, of course he didn't mean any of the nasty things he spewed, but that thought doesn't quell the nauseousness in his stomach at making you cry. He wants to phase back  and rip your car door open to pull you into his arms. He wants to kiss those tears away and chase away all the betrayal you're feeling right now, but he has a lesson to learn. His wolf wants nothing more than for Sam to kick his ass right now, but only after he makes sure you're going to be okay to go home.  
    You're reduced to a hiccuping mess when your vision clears, and you reluctantly begin the drive home ready to crawl into your bed and sleep this mess away. As you drive off into the night, you can't help the stray tear that falls as you hear a pained howl that echos down to your very core.
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kuno-chan · 6 years
Sea of Chains - Ch.34, Walls of Stone
Rating: T
Summary:Years after the events of Anchor, Captain Kai and Jinora Gyatso remain famous names on the seas and their children are literally born pirates. Now, their daughter, Nima, is becoming a little too pirate for comfort. When trouble with Captain Quil of the Blood Moon Pirates turns tragic, Nima is viciously dragged into what can only be be described as every parent’s worst nightmare.
 Please consider reviewing on fanfiction.net
How this crew had never done a music night, Nima didn’t quite understand. Several people played instruments including Janje and the Captain himself. If nothing else, Tehan played a Fire Nation styled fiddle expertly. It was all they needed. Then again, maybe they’d just never quite thought of it being such a small crew. Even smaller than her family’s.
Hyun seemed a spark happier than normal, having someone to share in his dance interests. “You normally do it with a dramyin, but if you don’t know how to do one of those then you can honestly just clap your hands while someone else plays it,” he grinned. “Or if you were like me and were too poor for any of those things then just clap your hands and make do.”
The dance steps themselves weren’t overly complicated, but it did take her a moment to catch up on the actual rhythm of the movement and get in tune of where her feet were supposed to be at one point. Back and force her feet went, her body turning in the same manner as she clapped her hands and Hyun played for her on his old dramyin.
“Like this?”
“That’s it, girlie! You’ve got it,” Hyun let out a laugh. “Gods, you learn fast.”
It was Nima’s turn to grin. “My mom says I kicked a lot as a baby.”
“I bet.”
Her feet sparked some dimmed light in her soul that she hadn’t tended to in a while. For her first time doing this particular step, her moves weren’t perfect, but it… it made her feel something right.
And by the way Hyun played, by the way he closed his eyes and walked around playing whatever old tune he’d had in his heart for some time, he felt the same thing. He stopped playing and sighed. “It’s been so long,” he said fondly. “Years since I played that. Never had anybody to play it for.”
Nima smiled. “Who taught you how to dance?”
Hyun snorted. “Taught myself. Couldn’t keep still as a kid. Gods bless good ol’ Miss Nii for putting up with me as long as she did. That was the lady who ran our orphanage for the longest time.”
“Did you…”Nima looked for the right word. “Like it? At the orphanage?”
Hyun shrugged. “Yes and no. You’re usually at an orphanage because you’re an orphan so that wasn’t ideal, but… I met Janje and Tehan there. So, it wasn’t that bad. And we were lucky lil bastards. Miss Nii tried to do right by us. Would you believe she remembered every kid’s birthday?”
“She sounds like a sweet person.”
“She was,” Hyun replied.
Tehan cheered when Janje and Koika came up on deck, carrying a keg. He filled a cup with what looked to be wine.
“Not beer?”
“It’s a special night. First night of a new tradition,” Koika grinned. “I’ve been saving this Fire Nation wine for a solid decade. Figure it was time to use it.”
He offered Nima a cup and she took a sip. In the corner, she spotted Dan. He wasn’t exactly involved, but he also wasn’t downstairs all by himself. She considered that a victory.
True to his talent, Tehan began playing a lively song on his fiddle. The first to move their feet to the song was Ranaka, pulling Saika into a dance with a big grin. Despite his two left feet, Saika shared the smile. He was just enjoying the time with his beloved, hands and arms joined with Ranaka in full swing.
Hyun came in behind them hooking arms with a reluctant, but resigned Foba. Foba was a decent dancer. Stiff as he was, Nima could tell that he didn’t do it often. The rest of the crew filed in as the song came up, came down, then up again, filling the deck with joyful feet and full laughter. Koika nudged Nima, encouraging her into the swing of things when he noticed she’d just been watching from the sidelines.
Normally, she wasn’t the type to sit out, but she’d needed to check on Kehra who’d been content with Koika as a babysitter feeding her fish pieces. And… well, they all looked so happy. Happier than she’d seen any of them, really. She hadn’t wanted to actually intrude on the moment.
But then everything felt real again. Her life, if only for the time she was with them like this, felt good. Alright. Nothing was wrong. Even when the song stopped and Tehan played began playing again, things were still good. Fine.
She danced with Foba who turned bright red when she came into his arms. “You need to loosen up your shoulders,” she told him, shaking hers for example. “Like this.”
“I uh,” he cleared his throat. “This isn’t my thing.”
Nima laughed. “That’s okay. We’re just having fun.”
Janje pulled him away and stuck a cup of wine in Foba’s hand, mentioning something about having a remedy for stiff shoulders. Off to the side, Dan was watching, but she swore she’d seen a foot tap or two. “Don’t you want to join us?”
“Not particularly,” he replied, arms crossed.
“Oh, come on. Don’t you do anything for fun? We’re going to have a bunch of difficult days ahead of us. Why not just enjoy the night for once?” He almost seemed to make some kind of face at her, but that stony expression of his still prevailed. She sighed. “Suit yourself.”
“Nima!” Hyun called her back over. “C’mon, girlie, show us what you’re made of!”
Putting Dan aside, she joined the floor again.
Nima went back out, the crew clearing a space for her to show off. She twirled, her dress lifting around her in one smooth motion. He’d never seen her actually dance before. He had heard about it though. Here and there, this bar and that tavern.
The famous Wave Dancer. A Dancing Siren. The Pearl he’d hear about among tavern owners discussing what entertainers could bring them a boatload of business. She was always among them.
And here she was, in the flesh, moving seamlessly to the music, light on her feet and fire under her soles.
Her arms swept through the air and her green eyes lit with the melody.
Her legs padded along as she was living through the music.
Her hips swayed in tandem.
Tehan let out a low whistle. “She’s a natural.”
Dan didn’t even glance at him. He grunted.
“Hard not to look at her, isn’t it?” Dan looked beside himself. It’d been a soft tone for a pushy question and Tehan was smiling. He eventually got the hint, but was still smiling -- grinning even behind that cup of his -- when he left Dan’s side to go find more talkative companions.
Dan didn’t stare too hard after him. Nima had finished twirling herself on one foot and taken Kehra back from Koika, dancing with the baby in a stir of laughter.
“You’re really quiet.”
Momo looked up from his book. Reading wasn’t normally his go to this late at night. Normally, he was chatting up Pabu until they fell asleep in each other’s arms. But he’d told no story nor fallen asleep right away as he was accustomed to do from time to time.
Momo shrugged, half-heartedly going back to his book. Truth be told, he could barely read it. He began rubbing his throat. His scar bothered him at night sometimes when the air was a bit too warm.
“Hey,” Pabu put a hand over his husband’s. “You can tell me, you know. What’s on your mind?”
Momo let Pabu close his book and nestled into the crook of his arm in silence. It was a thoughtful silence. How would he say this?
“I’m worried.”
“Everyone.” Momo sighed. “It just… doesn’t feel right. I’m worried about Cap. You know he hasn’t been acting real right lately. And Jinora can see that, too. I’m scared she’s holding it all together by herself. She hasn’t talked about what happened much and nobody really thinks it’s a good idea to ask. And the twins are aware of all of that, I’m sure. Especially Rama. You know how observant he is. Taani’s been clinging to Imaru more than usual, lately. And, you know, that all means Yung and Lefty have been keeping everyone together, including me and… and everything just feels wrong.”
Pabu didn’t say anything right away. “Yeah… I get what you mean. It’s like someone threw a rock in our shoe. It just feels bad the whole way.”
“And, you know,” Momo’s voice croaked. “I’m worried about Nima, too. She’s scared. I can feel it. And she’s smart and all, really smart, but what if Dan didn’t find her? What if she’s doing it all by herself. Even if we get her back… what’s going to happen? Is she even going to be okay?”
At that, Pabu began running his fingers through Momo’s hair the way he always did when he was trying to be soothing. “Don’t talk like that. Nima’s going to be okay. We’re going to find her and bring her home and then we can help her through whatever it is she needs help with.”
“And what if the witch is lying?”
Pabu had no answer for that. Just a kiss on the forehead and a tight huge. They fell asleep with no answer.
When Jinora noticed the light in Rama’s room, she knew both her twins had decided to hunker down in there for the evening. She knocked on the door. “Rama, Taani? It’s time for bed.”
Taani closed her book, got up without a word and headed to her room. She would be expecting Jinora next door for a last word and kiss goodnight before bed. Rama didn’t even look up from his book. Jinora sighed on the inside. It was going to be one of those nights, huh?
Gods, here they go.
“Rama, I said time for bed.”
“I’m not done.”
“You can finish tomorrow.”
“In about an hour it’ll be tomorrow.”
Jinora was not having this tonight. “Ramashan,” she said sternly and walked over to him, ready to physically take the book out of his hands. “Bed time. Now.”
Rama actually turned over, keeping the book out of her reach. He snapped at her, “I’m not going to bed yet.”
Jinora raised her brows. They quickly narrowed. “What has gotten into you? Rama, you need to get some rest. We have things to do tomorrow and--”
“I can’t go to bed yet, Mom!” He snapped again. His next words were quieter. “I can’t. I won’t.”
Jinora blinked slowly. Once. Twice. Okay, this wasn’t normal.
“Why can’t you go to bed yet?” she asked him.
“Because,” he said simply. “I can’t sleep.”
Jinora sat on the edge of his bed now, putting a gentle hand on his head. She noticed then that Taani was lingering in the door. Whether she had even gone to her room, Jinora didn’t know, but she felt a pit opening somewhere in her belly.
Rama continued. “Taani can’t either. Neither of us can, really. We… we didn’t even get to say goodbye, you know.” Jinora’s mouth was suddenly bone dry. That was right. The twins had been left almost completely in the dark. One moment their sister was here and the next she… she wasn’t. “We didn’t even get to see the body for ourselves. So, I can’t go to sleep yet… because Nima’s not home.”
When he was finished, Rama turned over, his eyes bright against the candlelight now that he’d put his book down. Jinora forgot to breathe the whole time. She opened up her arms for her two children and immediately they both fell into her, Rama physically holding back his tears and Taani clutching her mother tighter than she had in a very long time.
She held them both for as long as they wanted to be.
The twins eventually went to bed, tired both physically and emotionally. They had long days ahead of them and Jinora hated that. She wished she could give them easy days. Just one or two where they wouldn’t have to worry about anything. She was their mother. She was supposed to be doing the worrying for them. It was her job.
But their sadness broke her heart. Broke it into a thousand tiny pieces that she didn’t even have the motivation to pick up right now. Numbly, she walked the halls below deck until she reached the upper level that led to the deck itself.
To feel everything and nothing was a special hell on its own.
She reached the intersection of the halls and turned toward the way to Kai’s study. She stopped short and waited on herself. Waited for her feet to move so she could go get her husband and convince him with great difficulty to quit obsessing over maps and papers so he could get some rest.
She turned her back on that hallway.
On deck, she found Skoochy near the spot that he and Kai usually took their smoke breaks. It was a bright night despite the lack of a full moon. Jinora wondered if the goddess Canyue was letting the crescent moon shine brightly tonight just so she might not bother to trip over her own feet. Below, the waves lapped lazily.
Jinora settled her back against the wall beside Skoochy. Skoochy let out a puff of smoke, raising his eyebrows a little. “You’re not usually up here this late.”
“I can’t sleep,” she told him, her throat feeling sore for some reason. “And I don’t have the energy to go drag Kai out of his study and into bed. Not tonight.”
Skoochy blinked, quiet for a long moment. He took his cigarette out of his mouth. “Jinora, what’s wrong?”
That was all it took before her breathing hitched and lost to her tears and her sore throat tightened up. She bent over, the palm of her hand finding her mouth as she began to cry. “Everything.”
The crescent moon was pretty on a cloudless night. Sometimes, when her Uncle Momo was on duty for nightwatch, Nima would sneak out of bed and join him because he liked to tell her stories about Canyue. She’d get in trouble in the morning for being out of bed, but only a little bit. Uncle Momo always helped her out there.
“Iluq looks mostly like me, but he has his mother’s passion,” Koika smiled fondly, watching the moon with her. “He has her spirit. I used to tell Takara that and she’d come back at me and say he was a gentle giant like me.”
“So, he’s pretty tall.”
Koika shrugged. “Not really. He does have more of my height, but he’s more lean than I am. Like his mother, but he’s got more of my height. Takara was pretty average height.”
They both went quiet. Then, Nima said, “You know. I’m sure that Iluq still loves you. I know he does. Despite everything that may have happened?”
“And what about your feelings?”
She looked back at the moon. “What do you mean?”
“Well…” Koika said slowly. “I’ll tell you this, lass. When I held my boy for the first time, it was and still is the single greatest moment of my life. I loved him and I would protect him from anything, but I couldn’t protect him from me. As a father, if my son hated me for what happened then I wouldn’t really blame him. It’d be hard and I wouldn’t like it, but I would understand. And even after I’ve said all of that, that’s how I feel right now. When he’s not in front of my face.”
Nima didn’t say anything, working through the words in her head. What did he mean that was how he felt right now?
Would he hate his son if he was in front of him? Would he be angry with him?
Surely, when she met up with her own family everything would be okay.
Their love for you is waning, my dear .
Tianmei’s words rang in her head like a disruptive bell too early in the morning. She shut it out as hard as she could. As fast as she could.
But what if her father didn’t even really care if she came back? Why else would he have sent Dan? Tianmei had given him a chance to reunite with her right away, but he hadn’t taken it.
Not that she would have trusted Tianmei, either.
But then she didn’t know why he hadn’t given Dan any instructions on where to find them? If he really wanted to find her, why wasn’t he right here, right now?
She shut her eyes, knowing that every morsel of those thoughts were irrational and coming from a bubbling place somewhere deep within her. It wasn’t as if he could be here right now. Even their ship didn’t travel that fast and she was the one that had told Dan she didn’t want to go back yet. Most of their situation, at the end of the day, fell on her shoulders and she knew it.
Round and round she went in her head and somehow her focus shifted to that day, a long time ago -- Gods, she’d only been eight years old. Half her lifetime ago --when she’d snuck onto the deck of their ship when a raid was going on. There was fighting and she’d gotten in the way. Then, someone had taken the blow meant for her. Her Uncle Momo’s cry was cut short in the worst, thickening way and he was coughing, holding his throat.
Her heart stopped when she remembered her father’s face after it all went down. She forgot what breathing was and her eyes stung immediately. It was the same way she felt when he was yelling at her that day.
He’d been furious. He’d never been that angry with her before in her whole life and she could remember her mother striding up and putting her arms around her. She’d been saying something to her father, but he wasn’t listening. Finally, it was her Uncle Pabu who got a very loud word in demanding her father to stop.
By that time, Nima had felt incredibly small facing her father in her mother’s arms.
Koika, bless him, could probably see whatever it was she was going through at the moment and put a hand on her shoulder.
Somehow, she still managed to feel worse than ever.
The next morning, they reached their destination. Nima was a bit disappointed that in all this time in the Wujin Sea they hadn’t met up with Tikaani at all. These were her seas, after all, but she wondered if even her Pirate Lord sister had visited this place. It felt… ominous at best. After giving Kehra a quick rinse and wrapping her in a bundle, Nima joined the crew on deck to observe the island.
The stone castle was in ruins, falling apart at all angles. Gaping holes exposed it on every wall and the towers appeared as if they had been torn down from the inside out.
“So…” Ranaka clucked their tongue, looking over the place. “This is the lord’s castle, huh?”
“I’m pretty sure.” Nima checked the comet stone. It was humming like crazy on the desk. “Yeah, this has to be the one.”
Koika stroked his beard. “We’ll port, but… I don’t want to do anything quite yet. Let’s just observe the place. See what’s around. This island isn’t charted on any of the maps we have.”
Janje snorted, sharpening one of his knives. “That’s inviting.”
“Just be on alert. After we rest up a bit, we can go look at the place a bit more, alrigh’?
And so they did, the morning passing by in relative peace. Nothing stirred. The waves didn’t even really betray anything beneath the waters. Gods knew Nima was recalling all those sea monster stories her Uncle Lefty would scare the daylights out of her with.
The grey clouds didn’t help though. The whole crew was abit on edge. Foba especially was antsy. He couldn’t seem to keep still, glancing at the castle a bit too often and sticking too close to the gunwales like he was ready to jump onto land quicker than any of them could think. It didn’t make Nima feel better. Hell, she even noticed Dan keeping an eye on him. She hoped nothing would come of it because some part of her knew that if Foba did anything that would endanger the rest of them, crew or no crew, Dan would take care off it.
But it wasn’t Foba who was causing the problem this time around. Tehan rushed on deck. “We have a problem,” he told Captain Koika. “Icho’s gone.”
“He’s what?” Koika demanded. “What do you mean he’s gone? He was locked up.”
“Well, he’s not anymore. Kid found something to be picking at the locks with and we were the ones who had him fix it, remember? He’s probably been waiting for an opportunity to slip off the ship.”
Koika cursed the air blue. “I won’t even ask how he got off, then. Bastard probably found a window and just jumped out.”
“Could have been the one in the kitchen,” Janje suggested. “Skinny as the snake he is. Probably slipped right through.”
Koika grabbed his scabbard and wrapped it around his hip. He gestured to Ranaka. “Janje, Tehan, you stay here and guard the ship. Everybody else, let’s go. I’m not letting that weasel escape where he’s going to end up hurting anyone else. God only knows who might live on this island.”
Ranaka raised their hand as they followed Koika. “Can I kick his ass when we find him?”
“I expect you to.”
They pumped their fist in the air.
Nima went with them, but not before making sure Kehra was comfortable with Tehan. Thankfully, she was and Tehan even volunteered to cut up a salmon for her to eat while they were away. Dan followed Nima. They searched the island in parties, deciding to meet up in an hour on the beach. Nima and Dan found themselves with Koika. There couldn’t have been another living soul on this island. It was small enough that they should have ran into somebody by now.
Empty-handed, they met the rest of the crew on the beach. The other parties found nobody else either. Least of all, their subject at large.
“I think we might want to leave him, Koika,” Hyun said. “This don’t feel right.”
Koika regarded Hyun. “Is that what your gut is telling you?”
Hyun nodded. “Isn’t that what yours is telling you?”
Before Koika could answer, Foba butt in. “We should check in the castle.”
“In the castle?” Hyun looked at him like he was crazy. “That place is probably the reason why my gut’s trying to tell us to turn tail and run. If that slimy bastard wants to stay on this island then he’ll probably kick the bucket. Nobody’s coming here for a while.”
“Or someone could pass by and pick him up,” Foba argued. “Shouldn’t we at least check?”
Hyun blinked. “Kid--”
“He’s right, you know,” Saika agreed. “That is the risk we take if we just leave. He’s our prisoner. The least we could do is check the place that’d be easiest to hide in. If he’s not there, we can get what we came for and leave him if we still don’t find him.”
Hyun looked up at Koika. “Your call.”
Koika looked at the castle for a long time, weighing the decisions on his plate. Eventually, he said, “One look. A quick one. That old gut of yours isn’t usually wrong, Hyun.”
“It’s old for a reason.”
“That’s why we’re making it a quick look.”
The unadulterated stench that permeated the inside the castle was nothing less than exhausting on the senses. Gods above, Nima looked back at Dan who was keeping an eye on things near the back of their party, but even she could see his nose wrinkled in disgust. If Dan was actually moving his face more than two entire inches in any expression then whatever was causing that rank smell had to be impressive indeed.
Inside, the castle was in collapse. Rooms had been decimated, stairs were crumbling, light seeping in from the grey outside, but even light itself seemed to just… shy away from the inside of the castle. That was the most peculiar part. It was a real thing to see how light just wouldn’t -- couldn’t enter this place.
More peculiar was how much looking around Foba was doing. So much so that Koika had to bark at him not to stray.
“You think there’s that monster around here?” Ranaka asked.
“We’re fine,” Saika replied. “There’s no such thing as monsters.”
“How do you know?” Foba bristled.
Saika pursed his lip at him. “Because. Look, at least, there’s not monster in here. Don’t you think we would have met one by now? What would it even eat?”
“You don’t know--”
“Stop talking.” Nima twisted around at Dan’s clear voice cutting through the conversation like a knife. They listened. His voice got lower. “It smells like death in here.”
She glanced at Koika and Hyun, who were also both looking both serious and apprehensive. “He’s right.”
Dan glanced at Nima, slowly closing the gap between them. “We need to leave.”
Koika stopped the crew. “I’m with Dan on this one. If Icho’s out there then he’s out there, but we’ve gone far enough. We don’t know what else is in there. That smell shouldn’t be here if nothing lives here.”
“It ain’t right,” Hyun said. “Something ain’t right in here. We should to get the hell out.”
Foba shook his head and backed away from the group. “We need to keep looking. I’m going in farther. You go, but I need to look around.”
Nima frowned and reached out for him. “Foba, that’s crazy. Don’t you think that’s dang--”
He lurched out of her reach, eyes wide and… something desperate?
“Not yet,” he told her. “Give me time. Give me a little more time.”
He paced down the hall faster than she could follow. She went after him. Behind her, Dan and Hyun both called their names. If she could just grab Foba and bring him back then they could leave this place. They could go with or without Icho because Hyun was definitely on to something.
Something wasn’t right in this place. She latched onto Foba’s arm, digging her nails into him if she had to. She could apologize later. Chills were wreaking havoc on her spine.
Then, the ceiling slithered.
Exciting things happening! I’ve been waiting to write this next part we’re going into for a while here! I won’t say much else or risk spoilery things, but stay tuned.
As always, guys you know I love those reviews. They really keep me motivated and keep me writing. Thank you for reading! Tune in for next chapter!
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desperatepenguin722 · 8 years
Rewind (Part One)
Pairing: Actual A.Ham x Reader (Non-Romantic) Lin Manuel Miranda x Reader (Possibly romantic ;) )
Request: “I keep seeing all the imagines where the reader is living in modern au but she travels back to hamiltime so I thought it would be cool if you did an Alex x reader where the reader plays Angelica in Hamilton and Alex somehow travels from hamiltime to the Richard rogers theatre in modern au. I don't really know what would happen from there, I'll kind of just leave it up to you. Anyway, thanks💕💕” - @hamiltrashy1776
Warnings: Slight Swearing
A/N: So I absolutely love this idea and for some reason the first image that popped into my head while reading this was Lin fangirling over Alexander while the reader is trying to figure out why the hell he’s in the theatre. Anyways, hope y’all enjoy!
To say you were nervous to play as Angelica was a complete understatement.
You’d been part of the cast at Hamilton for a little over five months as part of the ensemble, and you couldn’t have been happier. Getting to dance around some of Broadway’s biggest stars was an unforgettable experience you’d always treasure, even in your days away from the stage. But for now, you planned on sticking to the show for as long as you could.
A month into the show, Lin had asked if you could be Renee’s understudy. It took all you had in you not to jump for joy right the and there and instead answer with a simple, “Sure.”
Renee had gotten sick just two days before the next show, which meant you were getting your chance as the eldest Schuyler sister.
As soon as you got word of the news, you packed up your laptop, went home, and studied your lines for ten hours straight. You were only in a couple of songs sure, but if you were being honest, you’d never actually expected to play Angelica...and you hadn’t really been memorizing lines. Luck was not in your favor as you failed to correctly memorize more than “The Schuyler Sisters”and most of “Satisfied” despite you reading, re-reading and listening to Renee’s versions for hours straight. Alas, none of your attempts seemed to do you any good. 
The next day, full of stress and nerves, you headed over to Richard Rodher’s theatre, hoping the stage and set up would possibly inspire your brain into memorizing some of the damn lines. You glanced up at the dark clouds looming above. Looks like it’s gonna storm. You thought, a small smile creeping onto your lips. The rained calmed you, maybe this was a good sign.
What you didn’t expect when you walked in, hazlenut latte in hand, was seeing Lin sat onstage, cross-legged, hair pulled up in a bun and furiously typing away at something on his laptop, a single spotlight cast down on him. Heat flooded your cheeks, okay, you might’ve formed a small crush since you had started dancing in Hamilton. But nothing too severe, it wasn’t like seeing him, brows furrowed in concentration,  black tank-top and black jeans clinging perfectly in all the right places, biting his lip slightly did anyhting to you. It defintely wasn’t causing the blush on your cheeks. It had to be warm in here, that was it. Besides, you were wearing your favorite thick, knit sweater and some leggings, of course you were going to be warm. Right?
“If I would’ve known you were here, I would’ve picked you up a coffee along the way.” You said, making your way to the stage. He looked up and smiled.
“(Y/N), why’re you here so late?” He inquired as you climbed the small set of stairs and plopped down next to him. 
You cocked a brow. “Lin, it’s two in the afternoon.”
He furrowed his brows, checking his watch. He gave a sheepish grin, yawning and shutting his laptop. You shook your head and smiled. “Correct me if I’m wrong, but something tells me you stayed here all night.”
He cracked his knuckles and chuckled, a sound that caused the butteflies in your stomach to awaken. “You got me there-” he paused, sniffing the air, “Is that a hazelnut latte?” He pointed to the steaming drink between you.
You laughed, handing it to him. “Yeah, take it. Something tells me you need this more than I do.” You half-joked. A grateful smile graced his lips as he took the drink, blowing on it lightly before taking a sip. You couldn’t help but stare at the way his lips wrapped around the edge of the cup, the way his eyes shut as he hummed in pleasure. “So,” you tore your eyes away, taking your script from your messenger bag, “What kept you up?”
He paused. “Oh, uh, just writing. No big deal. lost track of the time I guess.” He gave you a smile, one that told you he was hiding something. “What’d you do to earn that luggage?” He motioned to the bags under your eyes.
You sighed, holding up the script that was flipped to Angelica’s part in “Take A Break”. “I stayed up trying to nail these lines. It’s not hitting the notes that I have a problem with, it’s learning them in the first place.” You admitted, groaning and putting your head in your hands. “I’m never going to get this. You’ll have to find another Angelica by tomorrow night.” You mumbled through your fingers.
You heard him chuckle. Go ahead, laugh at my pain. You thought bitterly. Okay, maybe you were overreacting just a little. But still, butchering the lines you heard night after night was incredibly frustrating.
“Hey, don’t get worked up. Do you want me to go through your songs with you?” He offered.
You sat up, tension leaving as you saw his smile. “Would you? That’d be great.”
He nodded, pulling his own script from his laptop bag. Not that he needed it.
“Okay, I take it you’ve gotten “The Schuyler Sisters” memorized?” He inquired, thumbing through the thick book. 
You opened up your own script, trying not to focus on the way Lin’s hair was starting to fall in front of his eyes. “What makes you say that?” You teased.
“You sing it before shows all the time. I almost asked you to be Leslie’s understudy with how well you play Burr.” He grinned.
Your blush darkened. He had noticed you singing? You mumbled a ‘thanks’ before finding the part in “Satisfied” where Angelica’s going over her truths. 
“Okay, so I keep switching up the words and order in which she’s discussing the fundemental truths.” You turned your body completely towards him, mirroring his crossed legs.
He nodded. “I’ll start from when she’s leading Hamilton to Eliza.” He took another drink and ckeared his throat. “Where are you taking me?”
You closed your eyes, not peaking at the script and racking your brain for the next line. “I’m about to change your life.”
“Then by all means, lead the way.”
You took a breath, here’s where it would start. “Number one; I’m a girl in a world in which my only job is to marry rich, my father has no sons so I’m the one who has to social climb for one, so I’m the oldest and prettiest-” Your eyes popped open to find Lin smiling at you.
“You’re the what?”
“Shut up.” You grumbled. “They sound exactly alike. Okay,” you took a breath and shut your eyes, “The oldest ad the wittiest, and the gossip in New York City is insidious and Alexander is penniless,” you faked a scoff, “That doesn’t make me want him any less.” You breathed a sigh of relief. Well, it was more progress than last night.
You opened your eyes and saw Lin beaming proudly. “Nice job. Alright,” Just as he opened his mouth to speak, a loud clap of thunder erupted and the only source of light cut out. 
You didn’t squeal in surprise. You were sure you didn’t. Well, maybe just a little.
“Damn, power’s out.” He muttered, scrambling around in the dark for his phone.
“It looked like it wanted to storm when I first came in.” You cleared your throat, praying he didn’t hear your squeal over the sound of the thunder. “It must’ve started.”
A burst of lightning sparking through the small windows in the back confirmed this. 
“Of course my phone’s dead.” He said. You couldn’t see his expression, but from what you knew of him he was scowling, still staring at the black screen.
“Don’t we have candles in the prop room?” You asked. If you did, there had to be matches in there with them. Hopefully.
“You’re a damn genius (Y/N). Is your phone charged?”
You pressed the power button, briefly illuminating the floor in front of you. “I’ll go check it out. If I don’t come back after ten minutes, just assume I’m a ghost.” You stood, cracking your knuckles.
He chuckled. “Rodger that.”
You unlocked your phone, switching on your flashlight and carefully making your way to the prop room. You let your mind wander to what Lin had said he’d been working on, but he hadn’t said much. Huh. It was a little peculiar that he wouldn’t disclose this to you considering how close you two had become over the past few months. You quickly dismissed it though as you reached the prop room. 
The door was already open, which was odd. You shrugged it off. Daveed or someone had probably left it open after the last show.
Boxes of blank paper, quils, ink and other Hamilton-like things were strewn about, overflowing from the boxes stacked against the wall. You chuckled as the light from your phone caught on Daveed’s, well, Jefferson’s cane. 
After searching through a couple of boxes, you had managed to locate a few long candles, and at the bottom of one box was a pack of matches. You tcuked them under your arm and began making your way back to the stage,, hopefully you hadn’t been gone too long.
Your finger slipped, clicking off the light and basking you in complete darkness. You took a step, bumping into something-well, rather someone.
“Lin, I told you not to worry until after-” You clicked the light on, shining it on his face.
You looked up into the strikingly blue eyes only inches away from yours.
That definitely wasn’t Lin.
“....Alexander Hamilton?”
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fatiguing-thoughts · 4 years
“Natural” - Chapter 15 - Embry Call x Reader
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I was stirred from my sleep at the sound of something in my room. 
My initial panic subsides when I hear Embry’s soothing voice in my ear. 
“It’s just me. Don’t worry.” He says, climbing into bed next to me. 
I feel his warm arms wrap around me and I press my face into the crook of his neck.
“What time is it?” I mumble.
“It’s a little past midnight.” He kisses my temple, stroking my hair. 
“Oh wow, I’ve been asleep for a while.” I chuckle. 
“Yeah, you never answered my texts. I figured you’d fallen asleep. You had a long day.” He chuckles, pressing soft kisses to my neck. 
“That I did. We all did.” I sigh.
“We’ll find him, don’t worry.” Embry whispers.
“I don’t know, Em. I’m really worried. I don’t recognize my best friend anymore.” I say, tears falling from my eyes.
“I know, I know. He’s still there, he’s just going through the ringer.” He soothes me, rubbing comforting circles in my back. 
“I know, I just want to help him. He’s been there for me through so much. Jacob’s like my brother.” I sniffle. 
“I know you do, bean. But you can’t fix what’s going on with him. He’s heartbroken and he’s gonna take some time for himself to heal.” 
Embry’s voice and touch always soothed me, but the thought of how much pain one of our best friends was going through was still plaguing my mind. I had no idea where he was or what he was doing. 
“Did you look for him today?” I look at Embry.
“Quil, Sam, Paul, and I all went out earlier. We’re going to be taking shifts looking for him.” 
“Nothing?” I ask with defeat.
“No, we lost his scent. We can’t hear his thoughts. We went all the way to the Candadian border. We’ll find him, he just doesn’t want to be found yet.” He chuckles softly, trying to lighten the mood.
“The Canadian border? How much further could he be?” I ask surprised.
“Who knows, he’s fast. We’ll find him eventually. We will.” He promises.
“I hope so.” I murmur, pressing my face deeper into his neck.
The smell of pine needles and teakwood throwing my senses into a frenzy. 
“In other news, we picked up the scent of another leech seemingly on its way to Forks. Quil and I got him, though. Gotta make sure nothing else comes here.” 
“It’s crazy how casual this is for all of you. I still can’t completely grasp it, yet. It’s just so common, Vampires in Forks. Months ago I never knew they existed, and here we are. They’re just everywhere.” I giggle.
“Isn’t it? But it makes sense why they like it here. They’re just surprised to see us, most vampires don’t even know we exist. Makes our job a little easier.” 
“How many do you think will be at the wedding next month?” I ask.
“I’m not sure. We’re gonna have to figure out who we do and don’t have to worry about, though.” His raspy voice laughs softly into my ear. 
“That’s a really good point, I didn’t consider that.” I giggle. 
“I know, I’m just here to remind you of it all. But you definitely wanna go?” He asks me, looking into my eyes. 
“Well, yeah. I’m intrigued, I wanna see what it’ll be like. I wanna see the wedding, I’m sure it’s going to be beautiful. Seth was really excited, too. So I wanna go for his sake, he’ll need some backup. Plus, Billy is going because of Charlie. I can’t leave Billy all alone. I’m going, but if you don’t want to, I won’t force you. I know you aren’t exactly fond of them.” I give him a soft smile. 
He leans up against my headboard and pulls me with him. He looks into my eyes with a soft smile.
“Babe, if you think I’m gonna let you go to a wedding without a date, you are mistaken. I would love to go with you. Anywhere, really. Besides, I can’t leave you with that many vampires. It’s rule number one of vampire weddings.” He chuckles. 
“Awe, Em. Thank you. How silly of me to forget rule number one.” I smirk as I place a kiss on his lips. 
“I don’t know how you could.” He pulls me in for another kiss.
His large hands find my hips, pulling me further into him. The kiss grows deeper, feeling his hungry lips on my own. 
“What time do you have to go home?” I exhale, pulling away from the kiss.
“Pretty soon, unfortunately. My mom’s gonna be looking to see if I’m in my bed soon.” He sighs.
“I understand.” I nod before placing my forehead on his. 
“I’m sorry, bean. We can have another sleepover soon.” He smiles, kissing the tip of my nose.
“I can’t wait. You’re still coming over for dinner tomorrow, right?” I ask.
“Of course.” He smiles. 
I laid against his chest until he had to leave. His heartbeat thumping against my ear put me to sleep faster than anything else really can. 
I start to stir as I feel movement in the bed.
“I love you. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He kisses my forehead before walking to my window.
I felt my eyes drooping shut before he reaches it. 
“I love you, too.” I mumble into the pillow.
I pull my blankets closer to me as my main source of heat has since left my bed. 
I woke up to see the sun peaking through my curtains. 
I check my phone and see a missed call from Leah. It was only nine in the morning, weird that she called so early. 
I then saw a text from her, asking me if she can come over when I’m awake. I text her back telling her she can come over now. 
I get myself dressed and ready for the day and make my way downstairs. 
I pop some waffles in the toaster and await for Leah’s arrival.
Though it wasn’t long as a few moments later there was a knock on my front door.
“Hey Leah. Come in.” I swing the door open further and she quickly enters. 
“Hi.” She smiles softly. 
“Are you hungry? Do you want anything to eat or drink?” I ask her.
“I’m good with water.” 
“Sit down, Leah.” I smile.
I bring her a glass of water and she gives me a small thank you.
“So, what’s going on?” I smile at her.
“Just the Alyssa thing. I explained it all to her. I just feel so bad about how she learned about all of it. She was so… afraid. It hurt to see her so afraid of us. She looked like she saw a monster.” She sighs.
“I understand. I think it’s natural to be afraid in a situation like that. But what matters is how she handles it from here. Jake made it a difficult introduction, but it seems like a fixable situation.” I place my hand on her shoulder comfortingly. 
“For sure. I get it. She said she needed a day or so to herself, and I get it, I do. But this is painful for me. I showed her me, and she seemed alright but… just really shaken up.” Leah confesses. 
“I get it. I talked to her, she said she didn’t wanna lose the connection she has with all of us, with you. She just needs to take some time to absorb it all. The girl watched a giant boy turn into a giant wolf. Then, she watched another one turn into another giant wolf. Then, she almost saw them fight. And then, she learned about vampires and how they’re running crazy through her hometown. She got a very harsh and rushed introduction, the girl feels like she’s nuts.” I chuckle, placing my hand on Leah’s.
“Yeah. But she said she doesn’t want to lose the connection she has with me?” She smiles.
“Of course that’s all you heard.” I roll my eyes.
“Oh shut up.” She laughs.
I walk over to go get the waffles I toasted and hand one to Leah.
She thanks me and eats it.
“I thought you weren’t hungry?” I tease.
“That was before I heard good news.” She smiles, taking a bite out of the eggo waffle. 
“Okay, fair.” I chuckle.
“By the way, I just want to let you know that I’m relieved you’ll be going to the wedding with Seth. I couldn’t bring myself to go, but you and Embry can keep an eye on him.” 
“Of course. Ya know, despite all the drama this girl brings, he’s still really excited for that wedding.” I laugh.
“He’s just happy to be anywhere. He loves love and he loves the Cullens. Don’t really get why, though.” She rolls her eyes.
“Well, I think Seth sees things in a different light than everyone else. He’s kinda his own sun. I love it, I wish I could be more like him, sometimes.” I admit with a small smile.
“I agree, Seth is really warm. He’s kind. He tries to only see the best in people. Which is why I worry for him, especially at a party full of leeches. So I find comfort in knowing you guys will be there.” She takes a sip of her water with a smirk. 
I shake my head, laughing at her. But in reality, it made sense to feel that way. It made so much sense.
“So, what’re your plans with Embry for the day?” 
“Well, my dad wanted to have dinner with us. So what I have to do is either feed him before or feed him after, because he’s expressed his concern with eating too much in front of my dad. He doesn’t want to raise any suspicions.” I giggle.
“That’s a good point. I guess that’s something to consider.” She picks at the skin on her thumb. 
“Are you actually okay?” 
“I mean, I will be fine soon. It just kinda physically hurts.” She purses her lips.
“Well, let’s go have some fun, then. I don’t have anything to do until my dad gets home from work.” 
“I mean, I don’t have to go on patrol and search for Jacob until 3. We could do something.” She smiles.
“Alright, let’s go.” I grab my car keys and we are on our merry way.
“What’s the plan?” She asks as I turn the car on.
“Uh, not sure. You got anything in mind?” I turn to her before driving off. 
“Not a clue.” She smirks.
“Okay, well we can go play in the woods. I know you’re doing that later, so I don’t know. We can mess with the guys, maybe? Drive around until we find something? We could go get lunch later, maybe?” I start throwing ideas around. 
“Okay, uh. Those are all great options.” She laughs.
“But, I don’t know what to do.” 
“We can hang out on the beach. Maybe look for some seals? I need a dress to wear to Bella’s wedding, but I don’t think you’d be very interested in dress shopping.” I chuckle. 
“Not usually, but we could do that if you’d like. I’d like to go see some seals, though. That could be fun.” She smiles.
“Alright, seals it is.” I smile. 
We drove over to the beach, blasting some fun music. 
Seeing Leah in a good mood was something that I enjoyed, it was something I didn’t get to see often anymore. She really deserved the happiness the world has to offer; and I’m glad she’s finding it. 
After our jam session, we pulled up to the beach and got out. We began our walk, which wouldn’t be too long, hopefully. 
“Do you think we’ll see any baby seals?” I ask.
“Maybe, I think this is like the time when they’re born.” She looks around. 
“Great. I love fluffy seal pups, it’s all I need to see and then I’ll be content with my life.” I giggle.
“Wow, that’s all it takes?” Leah teases. 
“Well yeah, have you ever seen a seal pup?” 
“You got me there, they are very cute.” Leah laughs at me. 
We continue our walk down the rocky shore for what feels like an hour or so before she tells me there are some coming up soon.
“How do you know? Those are just rocks.” I ask her.
“I have really good vision now, one of the perks. Plus, I can smell them. They don’t smell that great.” She laughs. 
“Jeez, all the things I forget to consider.” I laugh.
The sudden realization dawned upon me, what if I smelled bad and didn’t know it? They could all smell so well. 
“Leah, you would tell me if I smelled bad right? I’m gonna need you to do that for me.” I lift up the corner of my shirt, smelling it.
“(Y/N), you do not smell bad. But yes, I will tell you.” She laughs.
We continue walking, rounding the corner. 
“Wow, there they are.” I whisper in amazement. 
We sit and stare at them from afar for a bit. Talking about life for what feels like hours.
And suddenly our sunlight was blocked by two figures. 
“Can I help you?” Leah’s annoyed tone rings through the air.
“Yeah, we were wondering if we could sit with you two lovely ladies. We figured you might want our company.” One tries to shmooze. 
I look up and see two young guys. One a bit taller than average, lanky build. He had blonde hair and a smile plastered on his face. I look at the other one standing next to him, a little stockier than his friend. He was a few inches shorter and his hair was a light brown, he too was smiling at us. 
“Well, you did not figure correctly.” Leah scoffs. 
“Wow, someone’s feisty.” The blonde teases. 
“You’re a little quiet, though.” The brown haired boy smiles at me.
“It is with the advice of my lawyer that I remain quiet.” I smirk up at him.
Leah looks over at me, realizing what I’m doing. I can tell that she’s holding back her laughter. 
“What?” The blonde one asks.
“My lawyer? Just ever since my case, he said that I shouldn’t talk to men like you guys anymore. It was what provoked me the first time.” I shrug. 
“He was right. It was like something snapped that time. She just missed a sentence by *that*.” She pinches her thumb and her index finger close together. 
“Yeah, my boyfriend’s crazy, too. He just got out of prison. He should be here any minute, though. If you guys wanna meet him?” I smile at them.
“Uh, no thanks.” The blonde one quickly says, grabbing his friend’s arm and walking away.
“Bye! It was nice to meet you!” I call after them, causing them to walk faster. 
After they were out of earshot, Leah and I burst out into laughter. 
“That was impressive.” She laughs.
“Thank you. You did great, yourself.” I laugh.
“I see how you managed to keep up with Quil for all these years.” 
“Oh please, I made Quil the snarky boy he is.” I smirk. 
A few minutes later we decided it was time to go. 
Our walk back consisted of throwing around random things to do.
“I mean, I could go for ice cream.” I chime as we near my car.
“Who am I to say no to ice cream?” She laughs.
So we made our way to the local ice cream spot.
“Can I have sprinkles on the bottom? And extra sprinkles on top?” I ask the woman making my ice cream with an awkward smile.
“Of course!” The kind girl smiles as she packs on the sprinkles.
“Jeez, (Y/N). You want any ice cream with those sprinkles?” Leah laughs as she licks her ice cream.
“Not really, I’m in it for the sprinkles.” I laugh as I pay and thank the woman. 
Sitting on the bench outside of the ice cream shop I look at the time.
“Can’t believe it’s already noon.” I laugh.
“Wow, time flew. But what do we do now?” Leah asks, throwing out her napkin. 
“Well… I still need that dress. And there’s a dress store like fifteen minutes away…” I say, voice trailing off. 
“Alright, let’s go get you a dress. I just have to go on Jacob and leech patrol at 3.” She reminds me. 
“You got it, boss.” I smile as I stand up and throw out my empty cup. 
The dress shop was small but offered a substantial amount of options.
“Thank you for helping me, I need an honest opinion. This isn’t really my thing but I have to get it done.” I smile at her, shuffling through dresses.
“Of course, what else are friends for?” She chuckles.
“You got me there. Do you think long or short?” I ask.
“Uhhh, either works. What color are you thinking?” She asks. 
“I like emerald or purple.” I shrug. 
“Okay, those would work.” 
After about a half an hour of shuffling, we grabbed a few good options and I made my way to the dressing room. 
“No.” Leah says as I walk out in a deep purple dress that came to my knees. There was only one shoulder on the dress.
“Yeah I don’t like the top of it.” I shrug.
I make my way back in, and after we hated all of them I lost hope.
“I found this one, try it on.” She says handing me an emerald green dress. 
“Thank you.” I smile and make my way back into the dressing room. 
I put it on and look into the mirror. The gown flowed beautifully, complimenting my complexion and figure well. The straps and neckline held my chest together well. A modest, yet beautiful dress. It was perfect for this wedding. There was a hidden slit in the dress, I didn’t notice it until I brought my leg forward. I think this would be the dress, as long as Leah gave me the thumbs up.
“What do you think?” I ask as I exit the dressing room.
“That one looks great.” She smiles at me.
“I agree. I think this is the one I’m gonna buy.” I smile before going back into the dressing room. 
I get dressed back into my normal clothes and bring the dress over to the register. 
By the time we got into the car, it was a little after 2:00. 
“I’ll drive you home. Thank you for the fun day.” I smile at her.
“No, thank you. I had fun. Scaring men is a great way to pass time.” She chuckles. 
“It is, we should absolutely do that again. The guy was lucky Quil wasn’t here to add to it.” I laugh. 
“Oh yeah, it would’ve escalated to some kind of mafia story.” Her laughter echoes in the car. 
We got to her house and I said hello to Seth. 
“Hey Seth.” I wave.
“Hey! How’re you doing?” His cheerful voice fills my ears.
“I’m good. I’m gonna go pick up Embry to get him food before we eat dinner with my dad.” I giggle.
“Yeah that makes sense. He eats almost as much as Quil, which is a lot.” His smile beamed like sunshine. 
“I know, it’s crazy isn’t it.” I laugh. 
I say my goodbyes and make my way over to Embry’s house, calling him to let him know I was on my way.
I park my car and see him waiting for me outside with a smile, a few flowers in his hand. 
“Hey, Em.” I smile, giving him a soft kiss on his lips when he gets in my car. 
“Hey, bean.” He beams as I pull away and begin the drive back to my house. 
“How was patrol?” I ask, tearing my eyes from the road for a second. 
“It was alright. Good news is that we didn’t find any vampires. Bad news is that we didn’t find Jacob. But, I saw some pretty flowers and I thought of you. So I picked them.” He smiled, holding up the flowers for me to see.
“Embry, they’re beautiful. You’re too sweet, thank you.” I blush. 
“Anything for you, babe.” He smiles, pressing a kiss to the top of my hand. 
His head looks into my back seat, noticing the dress bag. 
“Oh you got a dress for the wedding?” He smiles at me.
“I did, Leah helped me pick it out today. It’s a little long for me right now, but I think heels will fix that.” 
“I can’t wait to see you in it.” Embry says, causing me to blush. 
“I can’t wait to see you all dressed up, I’m excited.” I smirk.
“I guess that’s the silver lining of this wedding.” He chuckles. 
We drove back to my house, jamming out to our playlist. 
I pull into the driveway and lead Embry into the house.
“What’re we cooking for dinner?” He asks.
“Well, I figured you could find something in the fridge to eat before he gets home and then I’ll make spaghetti and accessories to spaghetti for actual dinner.” I suggest.
“Spaghetti accessories?” Embry laughs, raising an eyebrow.
“Ya know, sauce, garlic bread, that kinda stuff.” I giggle. 
“Wow. Accessories.” He teases, pulling me in for a kiss. 
“Alright, eat some food so that we can start cooking.” I kiss the tip of his nose. 
I place the flowers in a vase and admire them for a few moments as Embry ate some leftovers from dinner last night. I brought the dress upstairs to my room before returning to the kitchen.
We began cooking and before I knew it, it was after 4:00. My dad should be home at any moment so our timing worked pretty well. 
“You know how they say you can tell if spaghetti is done?” Embry asks me.
“How?” I ask with a smirk, knowing damn well what he was going to do.
He grabs a piece of spaghetti out of the strainer and throws it at the wall behind me.
“Oh, no you’re supposed to throw it at someone, not a wall.” I joke with a grin.
I take a piece of spaghetti and throw it at Embry, and it got stuck to his arm.
“See, it’s done. It sticks.” I giggle, walking over to him and the wall to throw out those pieces. 
“Wow, babe. Harsh.” He giggles, wrapping his arms around my waist. 
“It’s what I am, coldblooded.” I joke. 
“Oh yeah, totally.” He rolls his eyes. 
Suddenly, his eyes are ripping themselves from my waist.
“What’s wrong?” I ask, slightly worried.
“Your dad’s pulling up into the driveway. I hear his car from up the block.” He laughs.
“Wow, super hearing. I forget about that.” I laugh. 
My dad opens the door and greets us.
“I’m just gonna change and then I’ll be right back down for dinner.” He says before jogging up the steps. 
I finish setting everything else up and Embry and I take a seat at the table, waiting for my dad.
“Hey, Embry. I’m glad to see you again.” My dad says to him with a smile.
“It’s good to see you again, too.” Embry smiles. 
“How was work?” I ask my dad.
“It was alright. John messed up one of our clients’ accounts, so that was a fun thing to fix for the rest of the day.” He says, voice filled with sarcasm. 
“Oh, sounds like a great time.” I joke.
“Of course, always is. But how was your day? What did you guys do today? Where did these flowers come from?” He asks before taking a bite of his garlic bread.
“Oh, I brought them for (Y/N). I saw them on a hike with Quil and I thought she’d like them.” He smiles.
“That’s really nice of you, Embry.” My dad smiles.
“Leah and I hung out. We went seal watching, scared some men, got ice cream and went dress shopping.” I took a bite of spaghetti.
“Sounds fun, but how and why did you scare men?” My dad raises an eyebrow. 
Embry too was interested to know the story, judging by his face. 
“Well when we were sitting at the beach, two guys came up to us. Flirting with us and thinking they were sooooo smooth. They didn’t get the message that we weren’t interested and didn’t want them around. So I told them my lawyer advised me to stay away from situations like that after what happened the last time. I said I barely made it out without a prison sentence. I wanted them to fear me. Then, I told them my crazy boyfriend who just got out of prison would be there any minute if they wanted to stick around and meet him.” I smile, taking a sip of my water.
Embry laughs way too hard at the absurd words coming from my mouth and my father looks proud yet concerned, he too began to laugh.
“I mean, it worked right?” My dad asks.
“Of course it worked, they looked so scared.” I smile. 
“I’m proud of you. Glad to know you’re still my snarky daughter.” My dad smiles at me.
“I’m proud of your quick thinking, it’s great. But you should call me next time.” Embry says with a concerned face. 
“Yeah, you never know who you’re talking to. Thankfully they weren’t crazy.” My dad agrees.
“I know, but Leah was there.” I defend to Embry.
“You’re right, I forgot she was there for a second.” Embry nods. 
“What does Leah being there do?” My dad asks, confused as to why that meant everything is peachy and safe.
“Uh, she’s just intimidating. Plus I wasn’t alone.” I try to save myself. 
“I mean, that’s true. It’s better to be with someone than by yourself.” My dad agrees. 
Can’t exactly tell my dad that Leah is stronger than any other human that could be threatening me. That she won’t face any physical damage from them, that she could snap them like a twig. That she can shift into a giant wolf. 
“How was dress shopping?” My dad asks, breaking the silence. 
“It was good, I bought a dress.” I smiled. 
“That’s great, I wanna see it after dinner.” He smiled.
“Of course, I have to show Embry, too. The wedding is just a few weeks away.” I say.
“Very fast, very rushed. The invitation just got here the other day.” My dad says.
“The whole thing is a rush.” Embry agrees.
“I mean, yeah. But they’re in love. And it’s what she wants.” I say to Embry.
I knew he was referring to Bella becoming a vampire more than the wedding. It was a lot on Jacob, making it a lot on everyone else. Nobody understood her desire to become one. 
“That’s important, I would hope she wants it.” My dad laughs. 
“She definitely does.” Embry agrees.
“I heard Jacob ran away. Billy’s made missing flyers. You guys haven’t heard from him at all?” My dad asks.
“Nope, not at all.” Embry says with a devastated face.
“No, I wish he would come back. He disappeared after he got the invitation in the mail.” I say, pursing my lips. 
“That’s a shame. Hopefully he comes back soon. Billy’s so upset. Jake doesn’t need her, he’ll find someone.” My dad says in a disappointed tone.
“I know, he’s just inconsolable about it.” I say as I take another sip of my water. 
We finish eating dinner, talking about everything and nothing. We clean it up and sit in the living room.
“Alright, hon. Let’s see the dress.” My dad smiles.
“Okay, I’ll go put it on.” I smile before walking upstairs, leaving Embry and my dad on the couch. 
I put the dress on and walk back down the stairs, lifting it up so I don’t trip.
“Right now, it’s a little too long but when I put heels on I think it’ll be okay.” I smile awkwardly.
“You look beautiful.” Embry says with a smile plastered across his face, eyes almost glazed over with admiration. 
“You do.” My dad smiles proudly. 
“Thank you.” I blush. 
I walk back upstairs and throw some pajamas on, ready to watch some tv with Embry and my dad.
My phone rings and I see Quil’s name flash on my screen.
“Hey Quil, what’s up?” I ask into the phone.
“Yeah, I have him with me. I don’t know why he’s not checking his phone. Yeah, yeah I’ll tell him. Okay, relax there, bud. I’ll bring him over, calm down.” I say into the phone.
“What’s wrong?” Embry asks.
“Sam needs you to come over, there’s an issue with his truck and he’s afraid the engine is gonna be destroyed if you don’t look at it. Jacob’s not there to help anymore, so it’s gotta be you.” I smile. 
“Oh, okay.” Embry says, trying to stay calm.
“It was good to hang out with you guys. Hopefully you can help him.” My dad smiles and says goodbye before we walk out my front door.
“What’s actually wrong?” Embry asks.
“Quil’s words were ‘there’s a few leeches and they need you immediately’ so I couldn’t exactly say that.” I look at him.
“Of course there is. I don’t want you outside, you’re gonna stay inside Sam’s house with Emily and Kim. I’ll meet you there and then Brady and Collin will wait with you guys there. I’ll come get you after we get them. Okay?” Embry says as he makes sure I get into my car. 
He shuts my door and runs into the woods, phasing to catch up with everyone. 
I sped the whole way to Sam’s house, going far too fast. But it was necessary. I would see Embry soon. 
I call Emily to let her know I was on the way and she told me that Brady and Collin would be outside waiting for me. I kept on driving.
“Hey guys.” I say, getting out of my car. 
The two wolves nod at me, coming closer to let me run my fingers through their fur.
Emily swings the door open for me to come in. 
I sit on the couch with her and Kim.
We talk for a little while before deciding it was time to watch cheesy movies. 
A few hours in, I felt my eyelids grow heavy. It became harder to keep my head up, bobbing in and out of sleep. 
___________________________________ Word Count: 5106
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