#don't at me about the true nature of mayonnaise
paradoxcase · 1 year
Chapter 15 of Gideon the Ninth
Harrow's plan for destroying the bone construct sounds fun, and sounds fun to read about, I'm interested to see how it goes. It's interesting that necromancy has "theorems", I just saw a post recently about how it's mathematical in nature, but Harrow also talks about it like weaving, and previously it's been described like programming. Although, if you go back to the roots of it, programming, math and weaving are all pretty closely related
Is Harrow actually frightened of not being the first person to become a Lyctor? Or maybe social anxiety, but I feel like Gideon is actually right that she should have some solid MO for formal social events at this point. I wonder if there's some particular person in Canaan House right now that she's afraid of, there's a couple different options that might make sense, I think at the top of the list we have Ianthe, knife-face/mayonnaise uncle who is still without a name, and maybe Palamedes, but these also strike me as the people who were least likely to attend Magnus's anniversary party. I'm not sure if she thinks/suspects that Dulcinea is evil yet
Teacher thinks Gideon could tell Harrow some interesting things about the relationship between the 4th and 5th Houses, but I'm not sure that's actually true? I think Teacher might be overestimating Gideon's attention to detail and general political acumen
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I've looked up a bunch of lock diagrams, and I don't know what he could be referring to here unless he's talking about the pins/tumblers, which don't seem like words that are apropos to this discussion. Unless locks work differently here?
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Goddammit Gideon, that was an interesting conversation, I almost thought I was going to learn something about about this universe for a minute there
Also, that was a Dune reference
So, ok:
There was a Resurrection (of the Emperor?), and then later "sovereignty" and the Cohort, and it sounds like the time period she's talking about after the Resurrection but before the other stuff was when the original Lyctors were around/ascended
It sounds like Abigail is not going to inherit even though she is the heir? Or traded some future that she was promised to her brother in order to come to Canaan House to attempt to become a Lyctor
I see this is like Star Wars and we're deathly terrified of things like C-sections. Also, I guess Ianthe really was born second, but was sent to Lyctor Camp anyway. I have no idea what knife-face means by "a wasted opportunity". Naberius's only role among the three of them so far seems to be to stick up for Corona to Ianthe, and neither of them are having it
I appreciate the use of itty-bitty text for most of what Jeannemary and Isaac say, even when it's actually directed at Gideon specifically
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I mean, I think Harrow wants to become a Lyctor before anyone else can become a Lyctor, but I have a feeling there might be some other answer here
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Ok, someone help me out here. I cannot social interaction. I cannot with Meaningful facial expressions. I cannot with whatever this is. What is this? There is something Being Communicated here, and I do not know what it is. Is this supposed to be sexual attraction? Is this a way that people describe sexual attraction? I mean, Gideon seems to think it is, but like, she's not a reliable narrator. This seems very antagonistic to be sexual attraction, and while yes, I understand that antagonistic sexual attraction is apparently a thing in this book, these two specific characters are just Not It for the antagonistic sexual attraction so that does not make sense to me
I think Harrow is overestimating Abigail's ability to make headway on the bone construct puzzle. The puzzle requires having a cavalier that can actually fight, which is something I do not think Abigail actually has, although Harrow may not actually know this herself
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copperbadge · 2 years
Me: I’m thinking of making myself a burrito with some rice and beef on a tortilla slathered in hummus.
@knottahooker: Hummus on a burrito?
@scifigrl47: Hm, interesting. Garlicky. 
Me: Yeah, you know, it adds a fat. 
Knotta: It’s just another bean, really.
Me: Well, it’s oil emulsified into fiber, it could be considered a kind of mayonnaise.
Knotta: In that case...guacamole is hummus?
Me: *internally speedrunning all five stages of grief* Well no, because -- wait, avocado is a fat and tomato is fibrous...which is the definition I just used for mayonnaise. Oh, fuck, she’s correct. 
Me: *externally* I GUESS.
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dollxbones · 5 years
Personal Routine, Part 4
These are a few things that I happened to stumble across in recent years that made a MAJOR difference for me and I make sure I never forget to do them!
Everyone's skin and hair are different so be careful when applying concoctions to your beautiful self!
1. Face Mask/Scrub for Acne/Oily Skin:
Combine toothpaste and salt in a small bowl, mix together well. Sometimes I add baking soda as well. Use a tiny amount of water if needed. It should remain a thick paste in consistency. Apply to face and leave on long enough to at least dry most of the way (sometimes I use a thick layer so it doesn't completely dry by the time I wash it off). On my skin it does sting a bit on acne spots, and it will feel cool and refreshing. When ready to wash off, use your hands to apply a decent amount of water and scrub your face clean. Your skin may be a bit red immediately after rinsing.
This scrub has literally cleared up my bad acne breakouts within days, and my skin tone is much more even. It was great on cystic acne that I would sometimes get. Just please don't use it every day! Your skin will not be happy.
2. Hair Products:
I have naturally fine, straight hair that is bleached white-blonde, so I'm a nut about taking care of my hair. These are tried and true favorites of mine:
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I get them from Wal-Mart and Dollar Tree😚
3. Hair Mask:
A few times a week I mix together mayonnaise, egg, olive oil/coconut oil, deep conditioner, and sometimes mashed banana.
Heat for a few seconds in the microwave to warm it up, and apply generously to hair so hair is coated.
I leave it on for as long as possible before rinsing my hair and shampooing with a favorite shampoo. Doing this helped my hair improve and grow in the last year (my hair was in great health despite my bleaching it once every 3 months up until I started taking certain medications and my hair quality was just destroyed, so I am still coming back from that).
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