#don't mind me. I'm mostly reposting this so i don't loose it
alma-amentet · 2 months
Why do you dislike the DLC main story so much?
Not to argue or something, just wondering after seeing you ranting in the tags.
I just don't like it. It didn't meet my expectations. In the end, yeah, it comes down to preferences... Though I agree on 'bad writing', and it's just good to know I'm not alone in this.
You know, I'd like it. After all, I knew what I was messing into and didn't expect a happy ending, Age of Abundance (though it was in cut content, so...) or something. It could've been a beautiful tragic story of Miquella loosing parts of himself as a last desperate attempt to fix things but failing.
There are good rewrites, this is one of my favorites
But there are major things that I'll never accept as canon.
Promised consort Retcon. Makes no sense. Bad writing, and I will really die on this hill. Bc no evidence of this in the base game and a weird idea in general. Also how drastically they ruined the battle of Aeonia. Like... really? This feels like fanservice/trollery (assuming fandom's past fights). Horseboy's story should have ended with the festival (for me it did).
'Mohg beating allegations' and all that evil charm thing. First of all, no way he did, he's still an evil bloody cultist. Secondly, him being charmed makes it actually more problematic in some ways. I liked him as a well-designed villain acting on his own and Formless Mother's behalf, the new reveals ruin his character for me. Third, there are known plotholes (like others not acting this way under the charm or why would he travel to the Haligtree and back - could've stayed there or something). In the end, I think it's Ansbach who's a real charmer, charming the fandom. Luckily I'm not into handsome old men, so not buying it. He's devoted to his lord, that's all, no matter how wise and reasonable he may seem (still devoted, mind you).
There are other new bits of lore that look more OK... Though they have plotholes and contradictions, too (questioning ideas of godhood and the Shattering itself - that's what I can remember).
Much's been said in general, not gonna repeat (you can find it in my older posts and reposts). I see people analyzing and rationalizing new lore, enjoying the DLC. Good for them. Even envious at some point. As for myself, no matter how I miss my prev happy times in the fandom, now I see not much sense in discussing it, finding deep meanings etc. Loved to watch lore vids, now I mostly can't even if I want to. Maybe rewatching my older fav ones, but not most new ones. Some content is just upsetting. I'll need it anyway for my own AU and headcanons, so hope I'll find strenght, but not now.
Again, It feels like a joke or trollery, and if the authors themselves treat it this way, why should I bother wasting my time/energy?
There are some other details that are still interesting (like Marika's backtory n stuff), yet again, could've been a beautiful tragic story... but oh.
I used to be in kids/tween fandoms, which were silly by default, neither deep meaning nor dark complex philosophy. Yet some of them were making even more sense in writing, while others were not given high expectations right from the start, that's it.
Not leaving the fandom bc it's not done so easily, will even do some fanarts (finally. hopefully). I think I'll dwell solely on AUs / fixes / rewrites and some visuals without much context. Also on things I liked before the DLC and things I still like (like Maliketh/Marika), and filtering unsettling content as much as I can. But yes, you'll see me venting and supporting other people's rants. Untill my passion fades naturally and switches to something else.
I'll pick up the base game back when I can (my current PC won't run it by any chance), but will notbe buying the DLC. At least, for now.
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blueberrymarf · 1 year
🫐🫐🫐((((Hey all!!! This is my first actual post on Tumblr, I’ve mainly used it to see fanart, fanfics and such AND because of my hoe @hazardgrrrrlll. She has great reposts you should check her out😝🫶🏻. ANYWAYYY I thought I’d post some of my fics on here and see how they do since I’ve mainly been using Wattpad!! Here’s a dumb ass Caliborn x Reader fic I made that no one asked for.))))🫐🫐🫐
If y’all end up liking this I’ll post more!!!!
Partners in Crime
((Caliborn x Reader))
How we had met? I don't particularly recall, I just remember quite a bit of bickering and snarky comments in the beginning, which slowly subsided to less of that within time, which I became thankful for.
how I had ended up here- I had no clue at all.
Ever since I had met Caliborn, we've seemed to almost click, and that's surprising- because we're the type of people who don't just "click" with others- more so him so, I guessed I was special.
"Uh? Hello? It's your fucking turn slut."
He mouthed off to me, loosing his temper as he waved his hands frantically in front of my face. He seemed to dislike me always drifting off but, as I don't blame him, sometimes I honestly can't help it- I just space out.
I snapped back into reality.
"Sorry Caliborn-" I looked down to the chess board- avoiding eye contact. I moved one of my knights. "And- yet again- I will forgive you- because- " he stopped for a second, as if he was contemplating something, " because- I feel like it. Besides- you're the only one who'll actually play chess with me anymore- and ugh don't even get me started on my sister- that bit-"
I put a finger just above his lips. " I get it. You don't have to explain. You've told me."
Caliborn nodded calmly, looking me in the eyes as he slowly shifted his glance back to the board. He moved one of his pawns which knocked yet another of of my bishops down. He had most of my pieces. He was awful well at the game, even though sometimes he would cheat, as far as I've seen, he hasn't cheated at a game with me in awhile. That was odd. But, I didn't complain. A sound arouse from his laptop. "Probably that whore Dirk." He smirked, "I'm going to have to pause our game for a little-"
I rolled my eyes smiling, he was such a dork when it came to Dirk and drawing each other sexual pictures. As Caliborn read what was on the screen his smirk slowly turned to a scowl, he turned his head to face me quickly. "We need to find a way of getting me out of here. I need to get this fucking chain off." He dangled his leg infront of me, exposing the metal cuff on his ankle. "I honestly might just have to fucking bite it off." He responded, straight faced. I backed away slowly- not wanting him to lash out at me, he seemed to be in an angered state of mind. I didn't want any trouble.
" Caliborn...are you entirely sure? Can't you bleed to death?? I could always try to get it off-"
"No- no- we've tried. nothing gets this damned thing off and you know it (y/n)
." He turned to the corner of the room, "now, if you'll excuse me, I'd highly recommend you don't watch this. We know what a sensitive bitch you are. " I went to the outside of the house, waiting for him, my heart beating out of my chest. Caliborn was my only friend here, he was the only person I really knew here, the thought of him dying or getting hurt overwhelmed me, but, as always, I was probably over reacting. At least that's what Caliborn tells me. I mostly just go along with whatever he says.
I felt as if things were nearly peaking to the bridge of insanity as I saw Caliborn emerge from the house, walking towards me, AK 47 in hand. I was stunned. His leg appeared to be torn off and replaced with a metal artifical one. It was impressive, yet frightening. "y- you look- hot." I croaked out- nearly making any sense.
Caliborn perked up from his usual scowl which slowly turned into a smirk. " well," he arched his back, " of course your lord is what you would refer to as... h o t." I looked him up and down, making sure he was alright, my mind wouldn't rest until I've over analyzed mostly everything. I came to realize one of his fangs were missing.
I raised an eyebrow, but, I kept my mouth shut, I didn't say a word. I assumed he must of lost his tooth from the tremendous bite he'd just taken. Although I didn't agree much at all with the decision he had just made, I had to admit, I wanted to get out of here just as bad if not more than he wanted to. Of course you might ask, if that was the case, why didn't I just leave? Simple. I had nowhere else to go. Let alone did I know where to go.
Caliborn was all I had in all definite honesty. He's all I knew, I mean, aside from his sister Calliope, but she disappeared quite a while ago. I had no idea where she went, neither did Caliborn, obviously, he didn't care. He just wanted her dead. That was that, and nothing in this world could change that. I've tried multiple times trying to change his views, they're not changing anytime soon.
Caliborn slid his gun sideways behind my back, he pushed me along forward with it. "come on bitch, we're getting the fuck out of here." He chuckled, instructing me to follow him. I nodded in agreement, as I tagged along with him. his hands gripped his gun tightly, keeping it near his chest, as if something were out to harm us. His breathing became heavy, he suddenly tensed up.
I was rather confused being that there was no one there. As we began to move further and further away from the home step by step I saw a clown like person with horns. Caliborn immediately aimed his gun at the clown like person, rage roared inside him. Or was that fear? I could barely tell.
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unboundwanderers · 1 year
Negativity under the cut. Will try to be clear about my tone as possible in places I feel I have too to try and make sure I make my tone easier to interpret through text. Kept under the read more to keep negativity off of the dash.
I have not been feeling good about my writing recently. It is hard for me to want to keep coming back to Tumblr, because the anxieties that manifest during my long period of time here is creeping back in, and my natural instinct is to just abandon my blog and never look back, keeping myself contained on Discord for as long as I can until I decide that, maybe. Just maybe, things will work out.
I hate venting on the blog. It makes me feel like I am trying to seek out attention, when mostly I'm just screaming into a void. The ramblings of an insane man who is simply barking at a wall. This more really circles back to how hard it is to write OC's on Tumblr. It sometimes and very often times feels like I'm competing for attention. Nobody here has made me feel like that, of course. It's just the way things are, sometimes.
But recently, I feel like I've been really... Pushy? Over excited? I don't think it's right for me to feel put down for being passionate about plots- especially when it's my anxiety causing me to think this way, but I'm worried that I'm being too much. I'm not doing this literally, but I feel like I've been scratching at myself because I'm worrying over things that nobody's talking about. I feel like there are things people aren't telling me about my muses and the way I write them that could benefit my writing and my interpretation if I was just... told.
To reiterate, nobody here has made me feel like this- but to explain the origin of my recent anxiety, I recently tried to get back into finding partners for pairings through Discord. Loose ideas that I wanted to explore but didn't want to bother any established partners with, or at the very least, add more to their queues and drafts. I hit it off with a few partners right off the bat and posted some starters. Things were going pretty well for about a week before each of my partners either began to ghost me or drop me because they "weren't feeling like taking on new plots or ships, and we're planning on taking a break from writing", which is understandable!! However, my anxiety stemmed when I went to repost my own ad, only to see those partners drop more ads for plot heavy stuff and for new ships.
It created anxiety in me. Was it something I did? Was it something with my muses? Was it something I wrote? Was it a bad joke? Did I not use enough tone indicators? Stupid things, really. Nothing worth talking about, so I kept it all to myself. People just don't mesh, and that kind of stuff happens. Then the silence begins to get really loud, and I look at my writing and think to myself, "Is this really as good as I've been hyping myself up about?" And those thoughts mesh into, "are my partners really interested? Or are they faking it..?"
It's... creating stress. It's me building a mountain out of an anthill, but I've never been good at knowing when my excitement is off the rails or when I'm just... overthinking. I'd say this was just scars from previous years in the rpc reopening themselves, but something in the back of my mind won't silence itself because I just can't feel confident in my writing. I'm not writing this post to try and garner sympathy, I'm just examining myself, and trying to explain my own inactivity and selectiveness through openly writing and talking about it. I come home, have a hard time focusing on my drafts, and the anxiety proceeds to worsen that stigma in my mind.
In reality, it's: People are busy, their musings are scattered, their prioritizing their own motivation and responding to who they want to write with, which is nothing different from what I'm doing. However, the anxiety is speaking in a different language, showing different perspectives - false ones: It's you. It's always you, and it won't ever NOT be you.
I don't know why I'm writing this. Perhaps this is just a really long winded way of saying that I'm going to keep my activity focused to the people I really want to interact with, people who I consider close friends and people who I've been eager to write with since I first started talking to them. I'll be slower with new activity and reaching out to new mutuals. If this post made you want to unfollow, I genuinely do not blame you. Despite what I've said- this is not a cry for attention. It is just me unleashing bottled feelings that have been festering since early april.
If you made it this far. Thanks for entertaining my ramble. I hope you're having an amazing day and please don't think that this has anything to do with anyone else but myself. The anxiety is simply hitting hard.
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havethetouch · 2 years
Art Boundaries / FAQ
Figured I write something up quickly as reminder & for anyone previously unaware:
Fanart: ask me first please
Might seem odd, but I have some reservations on surprises out of the blue so I generally like to be asked first, I also have some characters that are more private. Mutuals as in, we follow each other, talk and therefore are familiar with one another do not need to ask cause you folks won't stress me out with that. (or you know, if you have access to the site were I keep all my characters and info stored that's a real good indicator too were you fall on that scale) Characters I submit during Artfight are obviously fair game for all during the duration of Artfight.
Nsfw art: only friends, conversation needed
I have specific boundaries and reservations here so I rather keep nsfw related stuff to people I know well and only after talking about it. And i really mean nsfw art; artistic nudity without bits does not count here, or pinups or something equally tame like nah I'm talking about really sexual stuff. (see and this is why convos are needed to clarify this more)
My sona Tangeris is off limits in general I might draw them like that but I do not want others to do so. Ever. My sona Phoenix has currenty one person that can draw her nsfw, that's it.
Art Trades: yes
If I'm open feel free to hit me up, I don't care about were you are in your artistic journey as long as I see you put effort in your part, that's all I'm asking.
Art Fight: yeah
Feel free to hit me up I always try to revenge and so far made it (almost) always on time. If I don't I will hit you up next year or do runner ups. As with the art trades I don't care which level just about visible effort put in.
Commissions: yes
I do them and buy them. I make announcements when I'm open (though I can always be asked about them) and hunt you down if you are and I have the cash.
Collabs: mutuals
Hit me up if you wanna do one xd
Gifts: u don't ask about those
I just throw them.
Raffles: when announced
Might do those once or twice a year if I have the time and space for it. Free for all to play along who can read rules and adhere to them. Base minimum is that these are for supporters not quick follow unfollow type of people or raffle accounts and yes, I do check these things.
Requests: when announced
I frequently offer opportunities for some free art - mostly if I need to warm up for bigger pieces or if i feel like drawing someone else or I am really into a new type/way of drawing (like my dual tones, or mono metallics) - don't be shy about asking, but only ask me when I offer, not out of the blue I am rather allergic about that.
If I made art for you:
I only upload fully watermarked files and if you wish to repost I expect you to use this web version.
You can have one with only my handprint logo on it though (without the additional wm's like the second name/date watermark & others) for private use, just ask.
I have two upload sizes, twitter and artfol get a smaller res, Tumblr and Furaffinity get the bigger versions - keep that in mind if you wanna save them from there.
Oh and if you loose the files due to hardware problems or whatever you can always ask me again for them I keep my files triple saved so bar higher intervention I should always have a copy at hand and if I still have the original I could always rescan the piece.
I am totally down for sending over orignals, as my art really comes across better irl and many details don't scann well, especially if I use metallics. If you want insured mail (which costs more than regular) I just kindly ask you to take over the costs.
That is all on the top of my head for now I pin this and might add revisions as needed if specific questions or whatever comes up.
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mish-tique · 2 years
Rose 🥺🌹's Day 13 live-ask! Oh my god i'm catching up!!
okay, fess up, who's the anon that requested this? You're after my own heart!! lestappen + dry humping + gangsters/mafia (yh im reading this as mafia instead of gangster, i hopz u don't mind miss missha because i love that mafia aesthetic more) ?! I love this promt combination so much thank you anon, and thank you miss missha for writing this
Sooo i hope y'all know now what my rose lines means (spoilers below and that they are for miss missha)
• first off, the tags!! sub!top!charlie and dom!bottom!maxy <- i'm blushing already, and the sadism of it all and the power imbalance, i'm setting the scene and now as i'm about to read it, voila, a movie
• tbh, in mafia/gangster aus, why is it that the grid is divided into two groups? why can't we have the whole grid as one big happy mafia family
• then again, with ferrari's italian roots, rbr family, and toto as merc's boos, you can't not put that three in different mafias , so same with the drivers, they'd be too powerful (i went off a tangent sorry)
• i can't even read this straight because i'm imaging different outfits ranging from leather to tailored suits (because really, what are these aus for but to put them in new clothes and give them new props) plus hands holding knives/guns <- i may have a screw loose somewhere, this shouldn't be hot but i grew up watching too many action films
• "Charles Leclerc walks in, unease obvious. While the reposts have been saying that the newbie works hard and does his job properly, it’s obvious that he’s not yet relaxed about the idea of being under the boss’ eyes." <- describing charlie as a newbie, all i'm seeing is sauber!charles with his big wide eyes curious of everything and as max is a boss here, its present!max. those sauber!charles x present!max are so real for this (and now, i'm excited for those)
• <b> AHHHHH my mind is all over the place right now and i've been going off tangents </b>
• "He could have used this time to seek out Lando too" <- hihihi carlando
• “Be grateful that I take my time teaching your personally,” he continues, “I don’t give this kind of opportunity to most of the rookies that haven’t risen the ranks yet.” “Oh,” Charles says, not quite as clear as Max would like, “What made you give me the special treatment? Was it —” <- yes, it's because you're pretty. i remember just the other day that i was all for dom!charles and now i'm all for boytoy!charles. we love versatile men
• “Or I’ll get rid of that pretty face of yours. I was thinking about sitting on it, and that wouldn’t be so fun if I have to cut it up now, would it?” <- you can [redacted] (miss missha, i am once again sorry for the horny, must be something with the cycles or the moon. i am now redacting my thoughts)
• "this man might rise the ranks fast, but not in the way he possibly expects." <- this is why we love mafia aus, it's all about the different power dynamics that can be explored
• “Of what?" “Sir,” Max corrects him." <- this took me back to harry potter's, "there's no need to call me sir, professor". if charles did that, oh he'd be in for a long night
• “I mostly focussed on you,” Charles admits without any shame, “Sir.” <- my boys unapologetically horny, good for you, i salute you
• predestined. PREDESTINED. must you? i'm losing my shit here
• "For a second, Max wonders if Carlos is still outside their door and can hear everything, or if Carlos is off with Lando making the younger create the same noises. That idea makes Max imagine how it would be for them to have both their boys on their knees in front of them, and that image goes straight to his dick. He will have to discuss that with the three of them one day." <- you can't just throw this in! it was too much already then zfvkuxqlueiw
• Max is just so composed and cool the whole time but is also dripping <- oh the complexity of the roles you gave them and you wrote it just right
• "He hadn’t even known Charles was aware of his first name. Sexy. Sexy, but suspicious." <- ohh the possibilities these lines open up. i mean,
• He can't be a rat from hamilton because then how'd they have that information? max doubts that charles is an agent sent by whatever police department is investigating him right now because he's got a catalogue of all the officers in the country, and even got a hand in international ones. no, this is someone that has a past with him, because no one, not even carlos, has heard his name since he took up the mantle from his bastard father. charles could be someone from his past that he doesn't remember. and this is dangerous because he doesn't know if the man is there for a threat or a promise that may have been made before.
AHHHHHH. what are you drinking and eating? what have you sacrificed to the muses for them to give you this power with words and stories?? i'm - this is just 2k of words (of smut) but it's like a whole movie already !!! there's all these subtle hints of plot and world building and i could just see the movie!!
you say that you hope that we enjoy it as much as you enjoyed writing it, and guess what? I think my enjoyment exceeded yours. why is it that everytime you publish an entry for kinktober, it just goes up another level. i was gonna tell you my top 3 or top 5 by the end of october but now, i don't even know (i mean for sure all the lestappens will be a bit above the others but you also wrote all the others so beautifully and wonderfully)
i'm giving you the hundred roses bouquet for this one because the standard 25 ain't doing it for this one
-Rose 🥺🌹
hiii!! omg im so excited to read this one because I loved writing this one. And it's totally fine that you like the mafia vibes more! i just didn't tag it as such because i can wing gangster au but for mafia i'd need to do more research because of all the titles etc.
yes we do love this anon
those tags are my babies
if the grid was one happy family i'd need to think of oc's for the enemies and i simply do not have the brain capacity
sdgsdk ROSE the outfit ideas. i love.
omg yes. it is actually giving sauber Charles x 2022 max. aaa i wanted to make those long too, i need to get started on them too but tomorrow's (day 15) fic is going to be long as fuck too so. oops.
i wanted to add carlando SO badly omg
tbh dom!charles still owns my heart
are we truly going to blame the moon when this has been going on for 14 days already
"predestined. PREDESTINED. must you? i'm losing my shit here" <- yes i must
"you can't just throw this in! it was too much already then zfvkuxqlueiw" <- lestappen x carlando foursomes are so hot we need more of it
bread. lots of bread and crackers with cheese and tomatoes. my beloveds. also bread with liver paté.
Babe, rose, sweety, i'm going to need a ranked list at the end of kinktober.
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fivelakesinwriting · 3 years
barry buying the reader a promise ring and its so sweet but he gives it to her when theyre like cuddling or something and its totally random
Author's Notes: I based the ring in this on a ring my uncle made and gave my cousin yeeears ago. I thought it was fitting (and I always wanted one) I also just did a quick Google search to see if I could find the right piece, so this information could be incorrect..i didn't graduate college, y'all. Please let me know what you think if you have a moment, I'm sorry it's short and kinda sucky. Thank you! xoxo
Warnings: Sexual references - Sexual innuendos, Fluff mostly.
Requested? Yes! Requests for OBX are open!
*My work is not to be transferred, copied, translated or reposted to any other sites without my permission. Please see my masterlist for all other works and warnings. Thank you! xoxo
As his girl laid with her back against his chest, between his legs, his mind raced. He ran his rough, calloused fingertips over her thighs as they rested between his own as he pressed distracted kisses to her neck and shoulders.
"You smell good." He mumbled against the warm skin of her shoulder, the scruff of his face leaving little scratches. He wrapped his arms around her midsection and brought her even closer against him, the hair on his chest tickling her back.
"I don't believe that's true." She laughed softly as she reached a hand back to run her fingers through his hair, loose around his face.
"You do. Smell sweet." Barry grumbled, his nose buried in her hair for a generous whiff. They had showered together that morning and he was certain he didn't smell nearly as good as she did.
"I smell like sweat, and sex. And you." She replied as she rolled her head to the side, resting on his bicep as she looked up at him.
"Not even close." He shook his head as the tips of his fingers brushed a strand of hair off her face, down to her chin. He furrowed his brows when he noticed the little purple mark at the base of her neck, a spattering of hickeys from him.
"How could I not smell like you? Had you on top of me all day long." She smiled as her lips chased after the heel of his hand as he trailed his fingers over her cheekbone, towards the base of her throat.
"Complaining?" Barry smirked as his fingertips trailed over her shoulder, his eyes fixed on his hands as he touched his love.
"Never." She shook her head as she watched him with intensity. The way he touched her, the way he watched his fingers over her skin. It was all so intimate. He hadn't been himself lately, he had been much clingier. Not that she minded in the slightest.
"I..uh. I got something for you." Barry grunted with a clear of his throat as he pulled his hands off of his girlfriend, and reached his right hand over to his bedside table.
"Oh, baby. I'm not ready to go again, I'm still sore." She replied as she pulled her back off of his chest, turning around between his legs to face him.
"No." Barry mumbled, breathing a laugh through his nostrils as he rummaged around in the messy drawer of his nightstand and pulled out a small velvet bag. He held the bag out to her, prompting her to take it with a small nod.
"For me?" She smiled as took the bag in her palm then sat back between his legs, pulling the strings open. She wiggled her fingers into the bag, her eyes wide as she felt what was inside.
"It's nothing expensive. Nothing like that. Made it, actually." He replied as he rubbed the back of his neck, feeling his heart start to race a little in his chest as she held the small metal bolt in her hand.
"You made this, baby?" She whispered as she turned it over in her hand then brought it up to her face.
"Yeah. It's called a hex nut. I had it around the shop and I didn't really need it for anything. Figured it would fit your finger. So I just kinda smoothed it in here, and then engraved your name here and mine there." He muttered, the back of his neck incredibly hot as he explained his gift to her. He was afraid she wouldn't like it. He wasn't an overly sentimental guy but this gift was a big step for him, and he wanted to give his girl something meaningful.
"I love it." She spoke softly as she slipped the ring onto her middle finger, a perfect fit, then admired the shiny metal in the sunlight that streamed through the makeshift curtains.
"Yeah? I know it ain't a diamond or whatever. Can get you one, if that's what you want. But I just thought - "
Barry grunted as she tossed her arms around his neck and pressed her lips to his firmly, his back leaning against the wall behind the bed. He wrapped his arms around her waist and held her close as she kissed all over his face.
"It's perfect. I love it. Thank you." She whispered between kisses to his warm face, her fingers in his hair as she shifted her body to straddle his lap.
"Welcome." Barry smiled as he reached a hand up and smoothed down her unruly hair, his fingertips twisting the ends.
"You're actually a softie. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone." She teased while her lips moved across his cheek with each word spoken.
"Kick your ass out, and take back that ring if you tell anyone." Barry mumbled with stern, but playful eyes as he looked over the woman in his arms.
"No! You can't. It's mine. I'm going to keep it forever." She pouted with a pull of his hair.
That sounded alright with him.
@barrysjumpsuit @barrysmanbun @pogueprincessa @sodasback @fashion-fasting @rottenstyx @beauvibaby @soph0864 @whcclxr @mackenzielovee @lilacsandwhiskey @glodessa @rafecameronspolo @plutooryectors @babeyglo @drewstarkeysbitchh @siriusstwelveyears @multifandom-obsessed @vintageobx @my-baexht-ls @pogueslandia
*tag list is open, please let me know if I forgot you or you would like to be added/removed from particular posts. I've removed the people that don't pre-populate :(
Please let me know what you think if you have a moment! Thank you so much xoxo
Requests for OBX ARE OPEN!
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zhexiannv · 3 years
《谪仙》 - Fallen Fairy (The Untamed / MDZS meta)
(click on image for better quality, do NOT repost)
Tumblr media
I suggest listening to the full song here
Translations (there is no official translation of the song, so I have to translate it myself, slightly modified it so it flows better in English. Please tell me if there are any errors!) + song meta under the cut
Red circle:
~The song of the immortal, the spirit of the jade flute, a cup of wine as pure as autumn dew~
(in smaller characters, ```Chenqing```Emperor's Smile```)
Blue Circle:
~Jade robes and a long sword, bearing distinguished and graceful, the mountains and rivers don't remember the past~
(in smaller characters, ```Wangji```Bichen```)
Bottom left & right:
~The disgraced immortal struggles to stay in the jade palace, goes to the red house in the mortal world to steal some wine~
Bottom center:
~Such soulful eyes, the ink falls on a poem scroll scattered with a few whorls of fingerprints~
This song is called 《谪仙》 by 叶里 and 伊格赛听, translated loosely into "Fallen Fairy" or simply left as Zhe Xian, the direct pinyin pronunciation. The song is about a famous Tang dynasty poet called Li Bai, who is a heavy drinker and referred to as "zhe xian" for his beautiful poetry, so powerful he is at writing them that he seems like a fairy who has fallen from heaven. The lyrics speaks to his unrestrained and carefree personality, but also highlights his exceptional talent and refined impression.
Let's start by breaking down the word first, and then get to how it applies to Wangxian:
谪仙 (zhé xiān):
谪 = disgraced, shunned, a term used for banished officials
仙 = commonly translated into "fairy" (usually with the term 仙女, which refers to a female immortal, and fairy has female connotations in Western folklore). However, a better translation imo will be "immortal," as cultivators/martial heroes will strive to cultivate to become a 仙 before ascending to godhood (神). The order goes like this: 凡人 (mortal) -> 道长 (Daoist priest)/和尚 (Buddhist monk) -> 仙 (immortal) -> 神 (God). I'm not going to go into much detail here about the exact cycle, since we're not going to focus mainly on this (also cuz there's a whole other path to demonhood that can interfere with the righteous path and stuff)
anyways, altogether this word can be best translated "disgraced immortal," perhaps a heavenly official who has been banished and sent to live in the mortal world (I guess..you can say...Xie Lian is a 谪仙? Hehe, moving on...)
Now, a banished immortal will probably be different from just regular mortals, right? Most likely more refined, exceptionally talented, or stands out in some way or other. After all, an immortal suddenly kicked down is a laughingstock for the heavens, but will certainly be above average compared to mortals. Here, 谪仙 means "genius," and is mostly used to described the poet 李白, a poetic genius. It was also used to described other famous poets like Li Bai's friend, Du Fu, Han dynasty's Dong Fang Shuo, Song Dynasty's Su Shi, etc. But Li Bai is mainly the one being referenced to whenever this term is utilized.
In some poetry/ancient writing, 谪仙 is also used in the human world to described an official who has been demoted/banished to a remote place.
Connection to Wangxian:
When I first heard this song, I immediately thought of Wei Wuxian, someone who has fallen from grace in the cultivation world. Yet he continues drinking wine, is still a child at heart, doesn't care about what the world thinks about him as long as he follows his own morals and values. In my moodboard, I highlighted key points of the song I think fits him the most ("the sound of the jade flute" "steal some wine"). In a way, he is like Li Bai, a heavy drinker who is carefree and unrestrained, with an exceptional mind. Even after his name was cleared, Wei Wuxian would rather turn away from society than involve himself into some other trouble. This song — and Wei Wuxian's name — reminds me of the phrase “只羡鸳鸯不羡仙“ (only envying the mandarin ducks and not immortals), meaning that the person chooses love over being immortal. And in Wei Wuxian's case, he doesn't care about his social status or reputation, as long as he's with Lan Zhan.
Now, after some thought, this song can also apply to Lan Zhan, as well. The simple melody and instrumental reminds me his aesthetic, in a way, and while the lyrics are describing a person who is lighthearted and laidback, the music simultaneously paints an image of someone who is graceful and elegant. The one lyric I chose ("jade sword and white robes" "such soulful eyes") represents Lan Zhan perfectly. Though his reputation isn't tarnished and he is regarded highly by the cultivation world, he also had rebelled against his sect to protect Wei Wuxian, and got punished for it. After WWX's transmigration, we can see Lan Zhan expressing his love more freely, and despite his clan rules, he's willing to go against the entire world just to protect his beloved. So while he doesn't fit the exact definition of 谪仙, I think we can make the argument that the song speaks to him as well.
Baike Baidu - 谪仙
Baike Baidu - 只羡鸳鸯不羡仙
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