#don't sell yourself short kate!
booasaur · 2 years
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NCIS: Hawai’i - 2x02
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olsenmyolsen · 6 days
lifting the shorter one up so they can be seen in photos
But the opposite, with short but strong!R (or beefy!Kate/Yelena) lifting up the tall bombshell GF Wanda/Nat/Lizzie out of her way for a photo
The Widow Bites Concert
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maroon master list . dark master list . request marvel master list . short n’ sweet master list
No Powers AU / Rockstar Band AU (Bishova)
Summary: Kate ends up going to her favorite band's show by herself. Que, a blonde named Lena.
Word Count: 3.5K
Content: Natasha, Wanda, and Carol are in a band, Fluff, Flirting, Awkward Flirting, Feelings, Soft Yelena
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"Kate, I'm sorry!" It was the day of the concert, and Kate's friend America Chavez apologized over the phone for having to back out of their plans.
"I wish I could make it, but if I'm going to be anywhere near getting my doctorate soon, I have to go on this trip to Karma Taj with Dr. Strange." Kate rolled her eyes. A little playfully. A little annoyed. She bought tickets months ago to see one of her favorite bands, The Widow Bites, play at a local arena.
And she had confirmed beforehand with America so many times that she would still be going.
But leave to Chaevaz and her studies to make her bail.
"It's fine." Kate sighed into the phone. "Maybe I can sell the ticket or give it away or something." Money wasn't a problem for Kate, so it's not like she needed to sell the ticket.
"Promise me you'll still go!?" America pleaded over the phone. "I would hate for you to mope at your place all alone." Kate leans against the doorway to her kitchen.
She walks and talks whenever she gets on the phone.
"I don't mope," Kate said back defensively. "Kate," America replied. "You locked yourself in your room for two days when you found out the local ice cream place was closing."
"Well, it was unfair!"
"Kate, they found mice in the freezer!" Kate shrugged. "So! I know of a restaurant where the head chef is a rat!"
"Kate, for the last time, that's a movie, not a real place!" America sighed into the phone. "Look just please go to the concert! Have fun! They're your favorite band." Kate nodded into the phone. "Okay. I'll go. I'll go." She bounced off the doorframe. "By the way, I know the movie Ratatouille isn't real. It's animated. It's just based off a real story."
America didn't know whether Kate was joking, and she needed to get back to her studies, so she did what any friend would do and hung up.
"Hello? America?" Kate pulled the phone away from her ear and hummed as Kate's dog Lucky walked up with its leash in its mouth. "If only you could come with me," Kate said to the dog who tilted its head. "Ugh, what am I saying? You'd be the main star at the point, and the band wouldn't even come on stage!" Kate shakes her head at the golden retriever. "That's it, you're too cute. You can't come!"
Lucky dropped the leash from its mouth. Kate's eyes moved with it to the floor. "Alright. Alright. Damn. I'll take you out."
If the dog could roll its eyes, it would.
Regardless, a few hours later, Kate had arrived at the venue for the concert and was being directed by a security guard to her section.
Onto the floor.
Front row.
Well, she was supposed to be, but thanks to some last-minute outfit changes and the ability to yap on the phone with an old deaf man who had better things to do on his farm. She was late. Kate missed her early access sound check and the opportunity to be in the very front.
So, instead, she was a few rows behind.
Which didn't bum her out too much as the person standing beside her was a very attractive short blonde. The blonde wore an older cut-off band t-shirt, black jeans with holes cut into them, and black boots.
If Kate wasn't fruity before this should definitely would've bought an apple orchard.
"Hi," Kate said as she stood next to the woman who might be a few years older than her. The woman glances up and to her right before smiling. "Hi." The blonde said back with an accent.
Kate was drooling.
"I'm Kate," Kate said, sticking her hand out. Something she internally hated herself for. The blonde looked at the extended hand and Kate's face (and body) again before smiling as well and taking her hand to shake. "Hello, Kate. I'm Lena."
"Strong grip." Kate awkwardly chuckled before she and Lena let go. "I was- I was joking it was... It was fine! No good! The handshake was-" Kate stopped talking and turned away from the blonde. Hoping a sinkhole would open up and only take her as more people began to fill the room.
Kate was thankful that America and Lucky weren't here to see this.
However, Lena was fascinated with Kate.
"First time?" The blonde asked Kate, who wiped her ponytail and head around. "No, I've done it- I mean, shook hands before. Yes. I- I was just trying to make a joke earlier-" "Seeing the band?!" Lena clarified for everyone's benefit.
Kate shut her mouth before shaking her head. "I saw them two years ago in New Jersey." Lena's eyebrows shot up at that. "I was there too!" The blonde said, making Kate gasp. "Really!?" She questioned. "The show where Carol drummed so hard she broke the stick in half!?" Lena nodded and smiled. "It flew right over my head."
Kate remembers watching the stick fly into the audience from across the club. "Wow, that's insane!"
Lena nodded. "That place was smaller than here. I wonder how we didn't bump into each other." Lena said, eyeing up Kate once again.
Not that the younger woman noticed.
In fact, Kate shrugged. "I'm not sure, but we're here now." She said with a giant smile that Lena couldn't help but smile wide back at. "So, do you have a favorite song?" Kate asked as the place was about packed, making Lena scoot closer to Kate. Lena nodded as her eyes found Kate's. "Personally, I love Dinner & Vodka."
Kate gave a little bit of a surprised look at that. Not expecting Lena to pick a slow and acoustic song. "Wow, that's a good song! It deals with heavy themes." Lena nods. "Yeah, I cried the first time I heard it." She admits to Kate, making the taller woman give Lena an "awww."
Lena blushes and shakes her head. Kate smiles and leans closer. "So, do you believe the rumors that Natasha wrote that one for her sister as an apology for leaving her the second she turned 18?" Kate asks, not knowing that, yes, the rumor is true and she's talking to said sister.
Lena looks back at Kate. "Yeah, I believe it."
Kate nods. "Me too."
Kate glances around the room at the number of people, while Lena looks at Kate's side profile and inches herself closer. "What about you? What's your favorite song?" Lena asks, but before Kate can answer, the lights flash above the stage, making the crowd cheer and scream around them.
Kate's eyes go wide with excitement as she turns to face Lena. Who makes the same facial expression in return. But Kate doesn't forget the questions as she moves even closer to Lena. So close, in fact, that their arms are pressed against one another. "Honestly, I love all their songs, but for some reason..." She pauses as if scared to admit it. Lena throws up one of her eyebrows, waiting. "I think their cover of Heads Will Roll is my absolute favorite." Kate finally says with a shy smile.
The blonde looks at her with a large smile after hearing this. "That's hilarious." She says, making Kate's mouth drop. "Did you not hear me when I said I love all their songs?!" Lena laughs and nods. "I did! But I'm just saying I love that you love their covers so much!" Kate laughs because Lena's laugh is so damn infectious, and she looks cute when she scrunches her face.
"Oh man, Natasha is going to love that," Lena says as she turns back to face the stage. Kate, hearing that, tilts her head, confused, and looks to Lena to ask for clarification, but the roar from the crowd as the lights go out makes it impossible.
Kate spins her head towards the stage, and as the fog creeps in around the stage and the slow drumming from Carol starts thumping her body, Lena can't help but smile and watch Kate.
Especially when red lights come down and shine on each band member before Carol kicks it up and starts wailing on the drums as the lights go wild around them.
The crowd follows suit, and you'd be surprised to hear yourself think as they scream for The Widow Bites.
As the show rocks on and Kate watches her favorite band kick ass, she feels a hand grab her arm. It's Lena. "Yeah?!" She yells over the music as Lena scoots closer and rises on her tiptoes to yell into Kate's ear. "I'm going to grab a drink. Do you want anything?" Kate is a little taken aback by Lena's niceness and goes to shake her head to be polite, but she is severely thirsty. "A water, if you don't mind."
Lena smile. "I'll be back."
With that, the blonde disappears, and she's gone for the remainder of the current song. And then the next one. And the next one. By the time the fourth song since Lena left begins to start, she is looking around, worried and panicked for her new hot friend.
Wait, who said hot? Did you say hot?
"Here!" Kate snaps back and takes the water bottle from Lena as she holds it out to her and pushes her way back neck to Kate. "Dude, where did you go!?" Kate yells over the music, taking the after bottle from the blonde's green-painted fingernails. Lena hears the tone and smiles. "Were you worried about me?"
Kate pretends not to hear her over the music and turns back to the stage with pink on her cheeks.
Lena laughs and bumps Kate's shoulder, gathering her attention briefly. "Sorry, there was some drunk asshole at the merch line. I was going to surprise you with something, but I had to deal with the guy." Kate's eyes soften as she looks at Lena. "Oh!" She says, a little surprised and a little... she wouldn't know what word to use, but butterflies were definitely happening. "That's okay! And thank you! I was just making sure you were alright!" Lena smiled and laughed. "I'm alright." She says, looking into the taller girl's eyes before Natasha ends the song and starts talking to the crowd.
"You know, looking out into the crowd, I swear I see some familiar faces!" Natasha says as she walks from one end of the stage to the other. Her eyes quickly find her sisters before she looks at the taller person beside her. She hides a smirk and bites down the need to embarrass her sister while Kate's mouth drops at being looked at by THE NATASHA ROMANOV!
"She looked at me!" She squeals, making Lena laugh. "And you!" Kate says, grabbing Lena's arm and cheering for her. Lena's eyes look at the fingers gripping her before looking back up to Kate with a puppy dog look.
She was starting to become very down bad, barking at the gym or whatever that lyric was.
As Natasha starts talking to her bandmates about what song they should do next. (Even though it's all pre-planned.) Lena starts talking as Kate still has yet to let go of her arm. "You know..." Lena was enjoying Kate and her personality. She was cute and charming and had a smile that made Lena feel all the things. "I have an extra backstage pass for after the show... You can come if you want."
Kate looks to her left with a more than shocked expression before nodding furiously. "Yes! Yes! Oh my gosh!" Before Lena knows it Kate is crashing into her and wrapping her arms around her new best friend.
Ahh, the classic friends-to lovers.
Lena smiles and laughs as Kate squeezes her before the hug stops. "I don't know how I'll be able to thank you! I would take you out for ice cream, but my favorite place closed a while ago!" She yells over the music as the concert slowly fades into the background, and Lena and Kate only look at one another. "You don't need to thank me!" Lena tells her but secretly hopes that tonight won't be the last time she sees Kate.
Kate vibrated with happiness before turning back to the stage. Her arm was still wrapped around the blonde.
Lena slowly pulled her eyes from the side profile of Kate before she looked to the stage to see a smirking Natasha.
Lena makes a motion with her head that Natasha nods to, and later in the night, when they come back out for an encore, the band plays Kate's favorite.
"Oh my gosh!" Kate said louder than she meant to as she and Lena walked through a hallway after the show, towards the green room. The concert had made it hard for Kate to tell whether she was speaking normally or yelling.
Not that Lena minded.
As they walked through the hall, crew members and security nodded toward the blonde as she walked in front of Kate.
They all respected Natasha's younger sister and were always happy to have her come to shows.
"I can't believe this! Seriously, thank you!" Kate said as she sped up to stay step in step with the shorter woman. Lena looked up and over with a smile. "It's no problem."
"Still!" Kate said. "Backstage passes are like notoriously hard to get." Lena flicked her eyes up and nodded. "Yeah, but I have connections..."
Also, before you ask, it's not like Yelena Belova was hiding who she was or lying to Kate. She just got tired of people trying to get to her sister and the band and not knowing her.
But with Kate, she feels- she hopes it will be different.
However, the moment of truth is just around the corner.
"Fuck you!" Kate and Lena move flat against the wall as You and Wanda Maximoff come around the corner after another one of your fights.
Wanda swears she saw you flirting with someone while she was on stage, but after the millionth time of telling her it was an old friend of yours you were talking to, you got tired of it and wanted to leave. "When you want to apologize and make up, call me!" You shout as you groan and turn away from the brunette in a red corset.
Your eyes flash to Kate and then Yelena's as you go to walk away.
Wanda watches you, her girlfriend, leave and storm out the double doors at the end of the hallway before she turns to her friend and guest.
Kate swallows from watching what should have been a private interaction.
Wanda wipes her eyes before putting on a smile. "Hey." She says through a breath as she turns and puts an arm around Lena to hug her. "Sorry, you had to see that." Lena shrugs.
It wasn't the first time, and it wouldn't be the last.
"Umm, Wanda, this is my friend Kate." Kate looks between a member of her favorite band and her new friend. She thinks she's dreaming and has no idea how the blonde knows the band.
And yet she steps forward and extends her hand to Wanda. "Hi Kate, I'm Wanda." Kate closes her eyes, embarrassed. "Sorry, you're Wanda. I'm Kate." She chuckles and opens her eyes to see Wanda laughing and Lena smiling. "I'm sorry, but how do you know each other?! Am I missing something? Also, I always thought you..." She points at Wanda. "Were with Natasha."
Lena makes a disgusted face while Wanda covers her mouth as she laughs. "Oh god, no!" She then crashes into Lena's side. "Looks like you got a WandaNat truther." Lena rolls her eyes and pushes Wanda away. She chuckles and moves back to Kate's side.
Lena bites her lip as Kate keeps her eyes on her, waiting for her other questions to be answered. "You don't really think my sister and Wanda got together, do you?"
Kate's mouth drops, shocked as the bomb drops. She puts a hand to her head and breathes, looking at a nervous Lena and a smiling Wanda.
After a few moments, she lightly laughs. "Well, NOW I don't think Wanda and Natasha slept together."
Once again, Lena makes a face of disgust.
Wanda laughs and senses a conversation needing to be had between the two younger women. "I'll go let your sister know you're here." She says, retreating back to the green room. Kate watches Wanda walk until she disappears around the corner before looking at the blonde beside her.
"You're Natasha's sister?!" She questions, making Lena nod. "Lena... Yelena..." Kate sighs. "That makes sense." Yelena nods, and Kate looks over her face.
She wants to question why Yelena didn't tell her, but she can figure it out. Celebrities and fame make people lie and hurt other people.
Kate scoots closer to Yelena as they stand against the hallway wall. Her shoulder bumping the blondes. "I get it. I get you not telling me." Yelena looks over to Kate and smiles a little bit. "I just..." Yelena starts. "Since Natasha and I have become close again, people don't want me..." Kate looks over with a sad smile forming on her face. "They either figure out who I am or know it before I know them, and then they try and use me."
"I didn't, and I wouldn't." Kate quietly says as she turns her body to Yelena's—the blonde nods. "I know. I knew from the moment I met you in the crowd." Yelena smiles, making Kate smile.
"You're different," Yelena whispers, forcing pink to rise on Kate's cheeks. "Sorry." She then says into the space between them, but Kate shakes her head. "No, don't be." She bites her lip. "I enjoyed tonight. With you. And I like hearing what you say..." She smiles, which turns slightly into a smirk.
Yelena feels like she can tell where this is going, but Natasha, Carol, and Wanda show up around the corner before anything can happen.
Kate and Yelena straighten themselves out and turn towards the trio.
Natasha ignores the sexual tension between Kate and Yelena and runs towards her sister to hug her tightly. "I thought you weren't going to make it tonight!" Yelena hugs her sister back and laughs. "Natasha, I always say that whenever you're in town, and I'm always joking."
Kate's ear pick that up. "You live in the city?" Kate questions Yelena, making everyone look in between her and Kate as Natasha exits the hug.
Yelena awkwardly nods. "I live and work in the city," Natasha smirks. "Looks like you two will have some fun talking later." She winks to her sister before moving forward to Kate. She clears her throat. "Thank you for coming to our show." Kate lifts her hand up as her eyes look over Natasha in steel-toe boots, fishnets, and black leather shorts that go well with her white crop top. Kate swallows before glancing towards Yelena and back. "It's to meet Yelena's sister." She smiles at Natasha as Carol nudges Wanda behind her. "Oh, she's good." 
Wanda agrees. "Look at Yelena's smile... Oh, now she's looking at us."
Yelena shakes her head. "Yes, we can all hear you." Natasha nods and smiles at Kate, then Yelena, and back to the dark-haired woman. "Break her heart. I'll break your neck."
"Natalia!" Yelena exclaims, but that does nothing as Kate nods out of fear. She and Yelena aren't even dating as of this moment, but she still understands the message. "Go-got it."
Natasha smiles. "So, do you want a picture or anything before we head back to the green room? It's kind of an NDA space so no photos and video in the room."
Kate nods and pulls out her phone. Shaking it a little before Carol snatches it and looks Kate over. "Hmm. Ever been with a drummer?" She flirts, causing Wanda to push Carol. "You're married." Carol turns back. "Yes, but unlike you, Maria wouldn't mind."
"Both of you stop." Natasha takes the phone as the three of them surround Kate. Natasha holds up her arm, getting ready to take some selfies, but Kate looks to her left and right and doesn't see Yelena.
She then turns full all the way around to see Yelena looking extra small behind her. "Come on. I want a picture with you, too!" Kate laughs as she pulls Yelena forward in front of her.
"Oh great, now we can only see Yelena's head." Natasha jokes. "Ha ha ha." Yelena dryly speaks. "You sure missed your calling a comedian."
Kate smiles at the interaction between siblings before she looks up at the phone camera.
Yelena does the same and gets an idea.
"Natasha, now!" Yelena yells as she wraps her arms around Kate's waist and lifts her up to be seen. Everyone quickly moves with this plan, smiling and posing in a thousand different ways.
The picture of Kate laughing in her arms is still Yelena's favorite picture to this day.
And on the flip side, when they switched, the picture of Lena laughing in her arms is still Kate's favorite picture to this day.
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dividers by @/benkeibear
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whosname · 7 months
Here's the playlist for my Joi4 goes karaoke series
Disclaimer: I've never in my life done a playlist for any character on any fandom I've been. I think I've never been into something like I've been with Gintama, and I've been obsessed about a lot of stuff. Bear with me?
In the order I drew 'em:
Zura (includes change of costumes, make up, light and smoke show, inflatable back dancers, fake duets) Total Eclipse of the Heart by Bonnie Tyler Wuthering Heights by Kate Bush You Don't Bring Me Flowers by Barbara Streisand and Neil Diamond Olvídame y pega la vuelta by Pimpinela
Tatsuma Super Rad! by The Aquabats Intergalactic by The Beastie Boys Starman by David Bowie
Gintoki (he has to be drunk enough. also, remember he's very tone deaf) CHA-LA HEAD CHA-LA (Dragon Ball Z opening) Pegasus Fantasy (Saint Seiya opening) Drunken Lullabies by Flogging Molly The State Of Massachusetts by Dropkick Murphys In a parallel world were he's more musical Common People by Pulp Súbete a mi Moto by Menudo
Takasugi (includes shamisen solo + crazy fans in the back) No Children by The Mountain Goats I Can't Decide by Scissor Sisters Girl's Not Grey by AFI (obligatory emo track) Y yo No Bailo by El Pez (Menudo cover. I feel like if Sugi's gonna sing it, he would prefer to sing this more rock n' roll version)
I also added some b-sides for a lot of extra characters
Kagura and Shinpachi Never Ending Story Theme Song by New Found Glory (huge fan of this cover) Growing Up by The Linda Lindas (This has to be the youngest song here)
Diamond Perfume (Tae, Kyuubei kun, Sacchan and Tsukki) No Controles by Flans (BANGER ALERT even if you don't know Spanish)
Zenzo Mamma Mia by Abba (Let's be real. He loves romcoms)
Bansai Police on My Back by The Clash (I bet Zura'll join him)
Matako Soy Rebelde by Attaque 77 (Banger of a cover)
Hasegawa The Science Of Selling Yourself Short by Less than Jake
Tama Still Alive by Jonathan Coulton
Yamazaki Sabotage by The Beastie Boys (Zaki DREAMS to be like the two police men of the video)
Sogo Skullcrusher Mountain by Jonathan Coulton
Oboro I Palindrome I by They Might be Giants
Shoyo and Utsuro (in the weirdest duet) My Evil Twin by They Might be Giants
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boyinafandom · 10 months
OOOKKK SO I wrote this originally on ✨wattpad✨ and it got like 2k reads? But I deleted it (because I’m an ungrateful brat that doesn’t deserve love or whatever) but anyway here’s some story notes before we start
(Also my dumb ass accidentally posted this when it was unfinished and then had to delete it and start all over so…😔😔)
•y/n is a 25 y/o MALE because we need more male y/n content
•ej,jeff and Toby have a a brother like relationship, Jeff’s the oldest and ej and Toby are around the same age so you can decide for yourself who YOU think is older MMMKAYYY (i say as I bat my pretty little eyelashes at you)
•TW hint at y/n having a past sh problem
•this story is one of those biker sand pit show thingys (i don’t know what there called) but anyway short summary, ej and Toby work there part time (and so does Kate but that’s a minor thing) they find y/n they tell them to leave, they don’t so they tell y/n to get in the cage and if they don’t cry they can stay, and Toby ruffs em up or whatever blah blah blah *blows raspberry*
•also ej and y/n are lowkey in a relationship/Situationship and he gets mad jealous when Toby so much as talks to you, so be ready shawty 😈
______GAY PEOPLE<3______
A story by Me…LN :3
“You’re not going,Y/N. It’s not safe.”
-Jeff a total of 5 hours ago when him and the pastas that could conceal there identities said they were going to a “cool motor party” or somthin I don’t know I heard party and saw my change to finally get out of the house. So I took it and snuck away when Jeff wasn’t paying attention and now I’m at this big ass party- more like event. Jesus have you seen this place???
I roll my eyes at the thought, and take a look around, the first thing I see is Kate selling drinks,and I knew it was Kate because Of that jacket she always wears, with a motorcycle cycle helmet on, I guess the employees have to wear them? I don't fuckin no, so I walk over to the stand, the top of the gazebo is blue, probably one of those cheap ones from Walmart or some shit, anyway | greet her, she recognizes me and hands me a red solo cup of [insert what you want to drink here lolz] and I wave bye and walk off.
I stop at the gate, the motorists are practicing before the show, so everyone here has a chance to roam and stuff, and y' know, get robbed or something, anyway I'm completely focused on these men, just wandering about,engines blare, sand is getting thrown from the weals.
And then I feel it, hands,No knuckles, rubbing up and down my back, I whip around, about to slap the bee-Jesus (ya like jazz 🐝??) out of the person who had the nerve to touch me…and then I paused.
“Oh…hey Jack.”
He had a helmet on, to hide his..demonic..appearance but I knew it was him, from his gloves, he wore them so no one would see his claws
“Hello love, I thought you weren’t aloud to be out here?”
“Because Jeff told me it was “dangerous”? He literally uses me as a “get out of ass beating free” card every time we’re on a mission together, I don’t value a single thing he says.”
He places his hands on my hips, lightly pulling me in
“Well, it’s good to see you.”
He smiles. God why do I fall for the dorks..?
“It’s good to see you to.”
Then Toby comes up behind him, rolling his deep, dark umber eyes (yes I did google “different types of brown” for this,SHUT-)
“Jesus could you be any more gay???? Like seri-seriously. This is just sad.”
He says with a stutter
“Kind of hard to be a dick when you have a chronic stutter problem gay boy”
He rolles his eyes, his face mask slipping lightly off his nose,so he moves it back up, then his phone rings,he huffs and pulls it out of his pocket and picks it up.
Me and Jack look at each-other
“Jesus fuck Ben are you serious??? You had one job. One fucking job.”
He looks pissed, he wasn’t usually this easy to aggravate.Maybe his bipolar is acting up?I think he might’ve been out of those meds.
Toby points at me.
“You’re getting in the cage.”
“No the actual fuck he is not.”
Jack says, I can feel his grip on my waist tightening
“Fuck off Toby.”
“No. There not even supposed to be here. You heard Jeff.”
Jack let’s go of my waist, getting in Toby’s face
“Oh yea? And you’re gonna do what. Make them??”
“No. But how about this? They get in the cage, and if they make it out without pissing there pants they can stay. Ok!?”
Jack turns to look at me
“Sure I guess”
I say with a shrug
As I get into the cage I feel Toby eyeing me from afar
“Ok so all you have to do is keep your arms up or close to your body, and if me or Toby hands you anything keep it close to your body ok?”
I nod
“Ok great, the show will start soon, so just be ready.”
Then he walks out of the cage and after a few minutes I hear engines blaring, people cheering, so I throw my arms up and wait, the black tank top I was wearing lightly rising up, and in a moment there was a man in the cage with me,the visor on the helmet lifted so I could tell who it was,it was Jack, I’m surprised he could operate a motorcycle with such lack of vision.
He did rings around the cage, as he went his hands layed on my chest, shoulders, waist and back, he loved to touch me, that was evident, his favorite activity when we were alone together was to trace my scars, getting visibly upset when I told him there was more then the ones on my arms, he hated the idea that I wanted to hurt myself, and that I used to.
After about 5 minutes of spinning he exits the cage, it goes silent for a minute, and it stays silent..and it stays silent.. I want to turn around, to see why it was so silent, and then the noise started back up again, thankfully, and Toby entered the cage.
He however was not as fun to be around as Jack, he was going insanely fast around the cage. Batting at me with his nails, leaving red marks and lashes all over my upper body, one on my face to, this went on for what felt like hours.
Yet another unsatisfying ending from me :3
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Imagine being the Avengers weapon expert and bonding with Kate
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"These are pretty damage but I can fix them" You told her inspecting her trick arrows. After getting pleasantries out of the way Kate finally revealed the real reason. She had stopped by your lab so late, it was more of an excuse to see you. But she didn't need you to know that yet especially considering you wouldn't tell her. What else Yelena had said about her to you.
"Seriously that's awesome thank you. I would literally be dead without those arrows" Kate exclaimed running her hands through her hair.
"It's no problem I've been playing around with the idea of trick arrows for a while now."
"You can make more" she nearly shouted slamming her hands down on the table.
Her reaction caught you off guard making you jump, but still you chuckled at her excitement. "Of course I can what kind of weapons expert would I be if I couldn't make trick arrows."
Kate thought back to when she first met Clint and how adamant he was about keeping up with the ones. He already had because he said it was impossible to make more. Did he lie to her? "Don't you need some special type of arrowheads?"
"Yeah that's why its only been an idea up until now. I figured I'd wait until you came me since you're the only one who really uses arrows, and would truly appreciate them. Honestly I didn't think today would come considering how badass you are with regular arrows."
Kate was happy that you were focused on her broken arrows, and didn't see her blushing profusely at your compliment. "How do I'm so badass with regular arrows?" she asked curiously. After all you barely left the lab, and she had never seen you in the field.
"Yelena tells me stories all the time about her missions. She mentions you every now and then whenever you do something super cool. That it's too amazing to not brag about in her words." You told her removing the arrowhead as slow as possible.
A small smile formed on Kate's face as she made a mental note to get her friend a new vest as a thank you. She didn't even think Yelena knew what the term wing woman meant, but here she was being the best one anyone could ask for. The lab grew quiet as Kate watched you work in silence not wanting to distract you from your work. She watched as you tinkered with the arrowhead with some tools hoping that. Her brain would memorize your skills and hopefully in the future she would be able to fix her own arrows. Just in case she was on a mission and was in dire need of one.
"So while these arrows are quick fixes I wouldn't mind holding onto them for a little while longer. It would make designing new arrowheads easier, and I have some major upgrades for them." You spoke up leaning forward with a small pout on your face.
Oh you were definitely going to be the death of her. Kate found herself looking away trying to hide how flustered she was right now. "I don't mind but I do have a upcoming mission in a few days. I know you think I'm pretty good without trick arrows, but I don't want to go into a dangerous situation unprepared."
"I don't think you're pretty good I know you are. Don't sell yourself so short Kate I've seen you train before, and don't worry I got the perfect replacement." You gestured for her to follow you over to the weapon wall.
Kate had to run to keep up since her mind was still stuck on. you admitting to watching her train. Why hadn't she noticed you before? Did that mean you were harboring feelings for her too?
You pushed a button and a panel on the wall opened revealing a quiver filled with arrows. Kate eyes widened in awe as you brought them out for her.
"They're not your standard flashy trick arrows, but they're just as deadly just more subtle. These are toxic arrows each one is filled with a deadly toxin that has a different effect. There's enough poison in each one for three shots. The toxin automatically refills itself after the first injection. So they're perfectly reusable." You explained with a huge smile. "I started working on them a few weeks ago, and have been wanting to give them to you for a while."
Kate took one of the arrows out and carefully examined it. Not wanting to accidentally trigger any poison in the room. The arrows was black and sleek made out of some metal material. Definitely not the standard arrows she used but it was perfectly balanced, and at first glance it didn't look like anything special. But after studying it closely she did see the liquid inside of the arrowhead. She couldn't wait to try them out. Before she could stop herself Kate threw her arms around your neck pulling you into a hug. Somehow you managed to hold the quiver of arrows out the way, while wrapping a single arm around her waist.
"Thanks y/n this is literally the best thing anyone has ever done for me" she whispered into your ear.
"You're welcome Kate and I'm happy to be of service to my favorite Avenger. You replied burying your face into her shoulder. The two of you held onto each other for a few more seconds. Then Kate finally decided to pull away pausing when her eyes made contact with yours. Eventually you broke eye contact with a nervous smile "its getting pretty late. We should probably settle down for the night I got a lot to do tomorrow, and I know Yelena is early riser and is going to be expecting you to train with her in the morning."
"Yeah yeah you're totally right I should totally get some rest. She'll drag me out of bed if I try to skip out on training" Kate chuckled taking a few steps back.
"Don't forget your arrows Bishop" you said as she turned around to head for the exit.
Kate turned back around and reached out to gently take the arrows from you. Her fingers brushing up against yours for a quick second making her look at you again. In her mind you were staring at her lips waiting practically begging for her to make a move. But when she blinked you were just grinning at her bidding her one more goodnight. Before you walked away to get your lab in order, so you could lock up and head off to bed.
"Goodnight y/n I'll see you around" Kate called out as she reached the exit door.
"Night Kate I hope you mean it this time" you joked winking at her. Knowing that you would indeed see her again.
After all she had to come back for her arrows.
Tag list: @wandanatvoid @yelenabelovasgf @romanoffomixam @xxromanoffxx @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @mellowladyangel @shayzulia @musicinourlips @cyberbonesworld @natashasilverfox @jokertgkk @be-missed @catswag22 @lizlil @kacka84
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fratboykate · 3 years
We know you're proud of your pain brand but don't sell yourself short on the fluff brand Papi. You have a squishy heart we know it. CFAU has some of my favorite heart-warming, saccharine sweet stuff I've ever read in my years of consuming any type of fiction. Chapter 32 proved that you're untouchable on the angst and pain but you're also //amazing// at fluff so to balance out all the recent pain youve dished out, give us domestic Kalena. How do they find out they're pregnant with baby Natasha?
When Kate discovers she's pregnant Yelena isn't in New York. She was supposed to be gone for another ten days because they'd unearthed a fresh cluster of Widows spread out through South America. Tracking these Widows down had been a massive undertaking in both effort and time so when Yelena said she had to be gone for almost three weeks, Kate wasn't thrilled about it but she understood.
When Yelena lands back in Manhattan she's exhausted, bruised, and sore in all the wrong places. Frankly, all she wants to do is reach into the fridge, grab the first thing her hands land on, then plop in bed with her wife, and sleep for days. Nothing else. If it involves moving, she doesn't want anything to do with it. That's the headspace she's in when she opens the door.
Instead of relaxing quiet, Yelena is greeted with music being blasted from the kitchen. That definitely means Kate is in a good mood and Good Mood Kate is extra chatty Kate. Yelena inhales and exhales dramatically, preparing herself for what she already knows is about to happen.
Yelena walks past the dining room on the way to the kitchen but backtracks when she notices there's half a spread already waiting. It's only 4pm which makes the table being set distinctly odd but, Yelena did land hours earlier than she should've so, logic would lead to believe that Kate merely moved dinner up as a result.
Yelena shrugs and keeps walking.
"Kate, I..."
Yelena barely gets words out before she hears Kate barreling to meet her.
"Not allowed! You're not allowed in here!"
Kate intercepts her in the hallway.
"Hi." Kate places a quick kiss on Yelena's lips, clearly leaving Yelena wanting more when she pulls away. "That bruise looks bad, Yel. Did you ice it?"
"Yeeeeees." Yelena retorts mildly annoyed.
"If you had, it wouldn't have gotten like that. You should've iced it and then..."
Yelena kisses Kate to stop her from going any further. She doesn't feel like being chastised at the moment.
"I iced it. It still looks like this. Nothing I could do about it, okay?"
"Okay...Go to the living room and chill for a bit. I'll call you when I'm ready."
"Ready for what, Kate? All I want is you and me, upstairs, naked in bed, sleeping."
"Plenty of time for that later. Promise. My stuff's gonna burn. Wait over there."
Yelena doesn't have the energy to argue and does as she's told.
Yelena enters the living room, starts dumping the gear she still had on her on the couch and coffee table, and then sits. She huffs, crosses her arms over her chest, and falls back onto the plush cushions dramatically. Seems like she doesn't really have much of a choice but to pout in silence.
Twenty minutes and a lot of ruckus later, Kate walks into the living room looking like a five year old who got sugar injected straight into their veins.
"Okay! All done! Let's go!"
Yelena exhales and shakes her head.
"Kate, I am tired and a bit angry hungry. Can we please just have quiet night?"
Kate lifts Yelena to her feet and delivers a firm but quick kiss to her lips.
"Shh. Shh. Shh. Just go with it."
"You always want me to 'go with it'. 'Go with it'. I want to 'go with' to my bed."
Kate drags Yelena to the dining room despite her grumbling. She guides Yelena to one of the two chairs that have plates across from them, pulls the chair back, and signals her to sit. Yelena rolls her eyes but follows directions promptly. She knows better than to not. Once she's on the chair, Kate pushes it in so Yelena's body is flush against the table. Yelena goes to remove the silver cloche dome that rested atop her plate.
"No! No. Not yet."
"Kate, come on!"
Five seconds later, when she feels she's situated herself in her chair properly, Kate nods.
"Okay, you can take it off now."
Yelena mumbles what Kate is certain is some less than pleasant thing in Russian.
"So...on the right you have some Baby Cow covered in Baby Bella Mushroom sauce. On the left you have some dry rubbed Baby Back Ribs. For the sides we have Baby Corn, Baby Carrots, Baby Spinach, and Baby Potatoes. Oh...we should definitely start with the Baby Pancakes and the..."
"Wait, please..." The exasperation in Yelena's voice is becoming clear. "That is a blini, Kate. No one calls it 'baby pancake'. That's like saying scone is baby cake. It makes no sense. It's a blini."
"It's a baby pancake with baby fish eggs."
"Baby fish eggs?! Kate, please. PLEASE. That is caviar." Yelena thinks for a beat then a thought hits her. "Did you get into your mother's wine collection again? This is wine drunk Kate Bishop things."
Kate laughs.
"No wine. I'm completely sober."
"Then out of all crazy things my wife has done, this might be craziest. And what is with all the baby things? Americans are so weird. Just buy normal size and cut into small piece when you eat. How hard can that be?! Can I eat now, Kate? Please."
"You can eat."
Kate is incapable of holding back her smile, or laughter for that matter, so she sits back and watches Yelena tear into the plate like a starved animal.
"Hmmm...it is very good. Very good. Thank you for making it, милая. I was really hungry." Yelena realizes Kate hasn't touched her plate. "What? You are not eating."
Kate snickers.
"I'm good."
"Why you are not eating?"
"I'm fine. Just eat."
Yelena scans Kate's smiling face and squints.
"No. Tsk tsk. Something is wrong and you say you are 'fine' now and then you will be mad at me for a week later if I do not figure it out. What is it?"
It's impossible for Kate to be smiling any harder at this point.
"Nothing's wrong. I promise."
"Kate Bishop..."
"I have nothing to be mad about. Finish your food."
"Only if you tell me what is happening."
"Look at the table. What's the common denominator?"
Yelena's eyes carefully examine everything around her as she takes a few more bites.
"Did...you get everything at farmer's market?"
Kate laughs.
"Nope. Definitely not it."
"Baby...you're too smart for this, c'mon. What's the one thing everything I just mentioned has in common? You just pointed it out two minutes ago."
"I do not want to play games. You tell me what you want me to know that way you do not get mad at me later. Everyone is happier."
Yelena responds while shoving a forkful of food into her mouth. Kate laughs in earnest and shakes her head. How much clearer can she make it at this point?
"You're being so thick right now."
"YOU are thick. Just tell me, Kate."
"Okay. Look at me. Focus. Think about the one really important thing we've been holding for an answer on and then look at your plate."
Yelena huffs. She examines her plate for a beat then stares at Kate.
"Kate, I don't k..." Something clicks. Yelena knits her brow. She glances down at her plate, up at a beaming Kate, and back at her plate. "...блять...” Yelena’s heart starts beating so fast she can hear it ringing in her ears. "And you are sure, yes? Very extra sure?"
"Lift your placemat."
Yelena unceremoniously pushes the plate aside and moves the placemat. She doesn't need to see the entire ultrasound picture before she's on her feet and rushing over to Kate.
Yelena forces Kate's chair away from the table and attempts to kiss her wife but they fail miserably. They're both smiling too unbelievably wide. Yelena kneels before Kate's seat. Her hands naturally find her way to Kate's lap and from there slowly make her way to Kate's still flat stomach.
"How long have you known?"
"A little while."
"Why did you not tell me?!"
"Doesn't exactly feel like a Facetime conversation."
Yelena knows there's a hint of reproach behind that one.
"It's okay. You're here now."
"I am."
Yelena leans in for a real kiss this time. The first real one they've shared in twenty days. Kate starts to melt into it when, suddenly, Yelena yanks her head and puts distance between them. She stares at Kate wide-eyed and stressed.
"We need to buy baby a fork."
Kate bursts out laughing.
"What is it with you and cutlery?"
"Because it is kind of important! You use it every day!"
Kate pecks Yelena's lips repeatedly as she chuckles.
"I think we have some time before we worry about that one."
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ms-rampage · 3 years
Nice to Meet You
Charles Smith x [OC] Kate Winchester (or female reader)
This is my first RDR2 writing. I've had this swimming around in my head for awhile now, and this is one my favorite ships 😁😁💕💕. This is pretty much one of the ways I would have Kate and Charles meet. My writing requests are closed for now, but I'll save your request in my queue.
Warnings: None, maybe some slight language but thats normal for my writings. Awkward Kate/Y/n? 😅😂
A/N: Feel free to insert yourself as my OC as you read on. 😁😊
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Photo of Charles isn't mine
Camping out near the Hanging Dog Ranch in Big Valley, West Elizabeth. The lavender field is such a beautiful place to set up camp, its even more beautiful with the snowy mountains from the West Grizzlies of Ambarino.
Kate always had this connection with nature. This spot is great for star gazing, and sometimes hunting. She normally didn't like hunting unless it was really necessary, such as for food, or to make a few dollars to sell some pelts for food. Being a naturalist can be difficult sometimes. You study animals, but sometimes cravings kick in, and you sometimes gotta hunt animals for food. Saloon food doesn't do it sometimes, so you gotta cook your own food.
Camping can be dangerous, even by yourself and especially if you're a woman, but for Kate she's a natural and somewhat of a veteran at camping alone, especially for her size. Being 5'4 and very easy to miss, especially when sitting or laying down, but that's why she has her guard dog Haley watching over the campsite while she's away. She's a good dog, German Shepard.
She's just relaxing, drinking some coffee as the cold West Elizabeth breeze blows past her, and that's when something startles her Missouri Fox Trotter, Lily. She somehow manages to unhitch herself, and takes off running into the wooded area nearby.
"Lily!" she exclaims dropping her cup of hot coffee to chase her horse. "Lily come back!". She sprints after her.
[Charles POV]. Normally he doesn't go this far from the gangs camp, but sometimes a good ride is good to clear your head. The areas around Strawberry is good for hunting. Getting away from the gang even for couple hours or a couple days can be a good thing.
Charles sets up his camp near the Black Bone Forest, not far from where Kate is set up, but of course he doesn't know this. Fixing up the fire as the evening sun is less than an hour away from setting. Warming up his hands as the cold weather starts to pick up, and night time will be arriving soon.
As he warms up his hands, he hears the voice of a woman calling out for someone, sounding distant but very close. He continues to warm up by the fire then a black, white tovero horse with saddle, and everything on, trots by looking a bit agitated. Putting two and two together, he figures it belongs to the woman calling out for it.
He gets up from his spot near the fire, and slowly approaches it, not wanting to startle or scare it away.
[Kate's POV]. "Lily!" she shouts, the tracks her horse had left now fading. Feeling like hours since she's been tracking her down. Normally she's really good at tracking animals, but it's close to night time and she left her lantern at her campsite. As well as her dog, hoping she doesn't get attacked by wolves, bears or cougars.
"Fuck" she sighs, "Lily!". She whistles for her, waiting for the whinny and heavy hooves of her horse, but to no avail. No sign of her. Not realizing she had chased her down a little too far. Kate is now nowhere near her campsite and is now in an area where there are dangerous predators lurking in the dark somewhat terrifying forests.
[Charles POV].
"Hey there girl" he says softly to the horse. She whinnys softly at him, digging her hoove into the dirty, not sure who he is. He continues to slowly approach her, when he gets to arms reach of her, he calms her down. "You're okay girl".
[No POV]. Patting her, Lily then calms down. He guides her towards his campsite, hitching her near Taima. 10 minutes had passed, "Lily!" the voice of the horse's owner echoes through the trees, followed by footsteps not far from Charles campsite. After another few minutes, a woman comes into view.
Charles sees her walk into view of his camp, "Ma'am is this your horse?" he asks. Relieved to see her horse is alive and well. Kate lets out a sigh of relief, "Oh fuck. Oh my God. Yes, thank you so much sir. I don't know what she saw, she just took off from her hitching spot". She unhitches her horse from the spot.
"I can escort you back to your camp" he tells her, knowing that this is O'Driscolls and Skinner brothers country. "Oh no its fine but thank you for the offer. I don't want to be a burden" she tells him.
"I insist" he tells her, "Its dark, and I don't want you to get attacked. This is a O'Driscolls and Skinner brothers area".
"Are you sure? My campsite isn't set up far" she asks, "I hope it isn't trouble?". This little lady can easily get attacked by any bandits and robbers. He wouldn't be able to live with himself if he didn't escort her, and made sure she was safe.
"I'm sure. I don't want you to get hurt" he tells her.
"Well if you insist then thank you sir". she tells him. She mounts Lily, and Charles mounts Taima. "I'm set up at the lavender field. Near the Hanging Dog Ranch" she informs him.
"Near the O'Driscolls hideout?" he asks, looking at her with a look of concern.
"There's no one at the hideout. I checked it out earlier, its empty". she replies. He escorts her to her campsite which is less than a 10 minute ride.
As they're riding, Charles gets a better glimpse at Kate's face. He knows he's seen her before but he's not sure when and where though, she's very beautiful, and also very small, short but height and size isn't really important to him. He knows she can probably hold herself in fight, but he wants to be a gentleman, and guide her to her camp.
When they reach her campsite, her dog greets with a bark of excitement and tail wagging. Kate hitches Lily. Charles gets off his horse. "Have I seen you before?" he asks her, "I feel like I've seen you before".
Kate did recognize him, but like him, she wasn't 100% sure. Getting a better look at his face and other features from the fire and a bit of light from the moonlight. He's most likely half African American and Native, he's also very handsome. "Outside the Smithfield Saloon in Valentine" she tells him, "I believe one of your friends got into a fight with Big Tommy".
He lets out a soft chuckle, and a slight smirk "I thought so. That was Arthur".
"And also in the Heartlands" she tells him, "Well you didn't see me, but I saw you with that same man... Arthur, who fought Tommy. I was studying bison, and you two were riding by. I recognized you".
"Studying bison?" he asks, intrigued by her response.
"I'm a naturalist. I study animals, and wildlife. I'm also a herbalist". she tells him, "I usual camp by myself to clear my head... I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name".
"I'm Charles" he introduces himself.
"I'm Kate. It's finally nice to meet you" she was always terrible at introducing herself because she's very awkward, "But yeah, I study animals. Bison, Buffalo, cattle in general, I find very interesting... Sorry I'm just rambling on about my interests". She chuckles nervously.
"No worries. It's fine" he tells her, giving her a soft smile. Finding this woman very interesting and very attractive, also getting this strange feeling in his stomach that he has never ever gotten before, "I should be getting back to my camp now. Have I nice night, Kate".
"You too Charles, and thank you for the escort" thanking him with a smile. He hitches his horse and rides back to his camp. The whole time Kate was on his mind, even when he would try to sleep. Just something about her, her interests, and her demeanor. How sweet and down to Earth she is.
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the-romantic-lady · 5 years
I could say the same about Kate, when she wore that see-through dress at the fashion show, or those short yellow shorts, and I don't think it's inappropriate because I know it's not how she dresses on a day to day basis, it's for a specific moment and scenario. I obviously don't like the Kardashians, or influencers because they all have a similar type of fashion that I don't find appealing and that most of the time looks vulgar, but it's very different to criticize entertainers
Why are you so up in arms about the clothes? The way Catherine conducted herself in both those situations was VERY different to selling yourself in a sexual way.
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